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Language Discrimination In Language
Language Discrimination Language discrimination is treating an individual unfairly due to the
features of their speech for instance, accent, vocabulary size and syntax. The growing Latino
population has been a cause or rising concern among most of the white Americans. This rapid growth
is viewed by the whites as a potential cause of the extinction of English and the way of life in
America. As a result, the whites have strived to discourage the use of Latinos' heritage language
which has been discriminative (Barret 180). Despite the fact that language discrimination is being
fought against, it still exists in America. The linguistic profiling is as dangerous as racial profiling
since it denies one the opportunity to have equal chances of getting a degree, employment, a place of
residence and even healthcare because people use false general assumptions concerning a language
in order to justify the judgements concerning race, origin, religion, ethnicity and regional affiliation
than with communication and language. The two leading English dialects in Latino America that is,
Puerto Rican and Chicano English are viewed as substandard. Besides, they assumed to have been
highly influenced by African American English. This paper aims to discuss language discrimination
with emphasis on the Latino community, and how it affects the members of the Latino community
both in workplaces and institutions. In the USA, strong bonds exist which tend to connect language
and racism (Barret
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Disparity and Discrimination Essay example
Disparity and Discrimination
According to Webster's Dictionary, the proper definition for discrimination is:
1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are
responded to differently
2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing
3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b :
prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment (Webster's dictionary).
Discrimination has been around for centuries and even though there have been improvements in the
way society deals with discrimination, we still have a long way to go. One of the biggest problems in
America today is racial discrimination. We see it happening all over more content...
Another example would be is the bail might be set higher compared to a non minority, just because
the person is a minority and the judge may assume as though this person is a threat just by the way
he or she looks.
In the prison population, you see how discrimination can affect everyday life in the facility. You
have different groups within the prison and each one of them discriminating against the other. You
may have the skinheads in one corner, the Mexicans in another, the hardcore African Americans, and
then the Asians, all in their group and each one of them hating on each other. You can also see this
outside of the prison walls, but the majority of Americans do not share those kinds of views.
The United States has made progress in the legal system to try and stop discrimination. For
instance, we have laws protecting people against discrimination. For example, you cannot be fired
from a job just because of you skin color or your disability, and they have set up hate crime laws
especially for crimes dealing with elements of discrimination. Although, the fight we are having now
is the discrimination against homosexuals and lesbians. Our society has yet to conform or accept this
kind of lifestyle, therefore; discrimination is still very prevalent when it comes to dealing with the
homosexual and lesbian community.
According to Webster's Dictionary, the proper definition
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The Pros And Cons Of Discrimination
Discrimination occurs everywhere. Unfair and unequal treatment of a person or group based on
certain characteristics, or membership in a protected class, such as race, sex, religion, national origin
and immigrant status is called discrimination. For instance, individual or groups are discriminated
through offensive jokes, insults, name calling or a landlord refuses to rent apartments to immigrants
in Ney York City.Discrimination is often defined based on recognition and understanding of the
difference between two grounds or categories. It is a prejudicial and riotous treatment through either
verbally or physically. New York CityCommission on Human Rights has been working against any
kinds of discrimination since the long history. New York City Commission on Human Rights has
recognized some grounds of discrimination based on protected class in New York City.
Among them, discriminatory harassment, or violence is conducted and motivated by the victim's
race, color, creed, national origin, gender (including gender–identity), sexual orientation, age, marital
or partnership status, family status, disability, alienage, or citizenship status and against the City
Human Rights Law. Discriminatory harassment or violence includes, but is not limited to, the given
actions; pattern of threatening verbal harassment, use of force, intimidation or coercion, defacing or
damaging real or personal property and cyberbullying. However, all New Yorkers are Protected
Under New York City
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Discrimination And Discrimination Essay
Many people every day in the United States suffer from discrimination and prejudice. With the
purpose of healing our racially divided country, every person as to be proactive against any form or
representation of racism. According to the book On Being Different, racism can be defined as the
discrimination against an ethnic group (Kottak and Kozaitis,70). The United States society is
composed of different ethnic groups, each one of those with different cultures and skin color. Most
of the times many ethnic groups in the United States are suffering the effects of ethnocentrism,
which is "the tendency to view one's own culture as best and to judge the behavior and beliefs of
culturally different people by one's own standards" (Kottak and Kozaitis, G–3). Most people assume
that the differences between ethnic groups are just skin color and culture, but it goes beyond that;
White, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics are also differentiated and
judge by the place that they chose to live and by how much their annual income is. Racism is not
only a persistent problem between ethnic groups, it also represents their constant clash with
government institutions that choose to generalize and judge the ethnic groups by their ascribed
status. The struggle of races is represented by the constant fight between minority and majority
groups. The book On Being Different states "Minority groups are subordinate. They have inferior
power and less secure access to resources
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An Argument Essay About Discrimination
Argument Essay
Some may say discrimination in America is a thing in the past, but is this a true statement? Are men
and women always seen and treated as equals in our new and reformed nation? I am sure there are
many debates out there proving or disproving this potential issue, but one in particular has caught
my eye. Our military is made up of many different sections, and the men and women who were
brave enough to raise their right hand and enlist in the service were given a skill to master
resulting in a job to perform up to the highest standard. The military has many job offerings, ranging
from supply specialist, which would be someone doing paper work and giving the other soldiers
what they need to get their job done, all the way to infantry, those who are trained to engage, fight,
and defeat the enemy in combat. Both men and women are authorized to enlist in the service, but
both are not allowed to train in all job positions.
It is no secret that when high controversy topics arise in the media, people have their personal
opinions, each one believing they are "right." Is there always a "right" or "wrong" answer, or can
the morally correct answer be a combination of both sides of the argument? Should women be
allowed to earn an infantry job in the military? When questioning those concerned with this topic the
answers will be mixed with yes and no, each having their own opinions to back up their argument. If
a woman wants and is able to perform to the training
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Discrimination in the United States Today Essay
In the United States today discrimination is still an issue in society. As a society progress has
definitely been made, but it has never fully gone away. Some of the most discriminatory action takes
place in the American justice system. Young minority males between the ages of 25
–29 are subject
to being treated the most unfairly while whites of the same age are still being treated better than any
race in this country. African American and Hispanic males are being incarcerated at higher rates than
white males in America. Not only are minorities being incarcerated more, but also they are subject to
harsher sentencing terms, fall victim to police racial profiling, and have disparities in the war on
drugs. Also whites are still the more content...
It may seem that incarceration rates are high for minorities at the federal level, but the rates are
even higher at the state levels. African Americans are 5.6 times, and Hispanics are 1.8 times more
likely to be incarcerated than whites. Young African American and Hispanic males are leading
incarceration rates for robbery, drug offenses, followed by murder and nonnegligent manslaughter.
Whites show a significant lower number than of the Hispanics and blacks for the violent crimes,
but lead incarceration rates for rape and sexual abuse. Whites also exceeded minorities in property
crime (108,560), compared to blacks (78,197) and Hispanics (38,264) (E. Ann Carson and Daniela
Golinelli, 2013). The demographics show that young minority males are being incarcerated at higher
rates for majority of the main crimes
Minorities are being sentence to jail for harsher punishment more than whites in the United States. In
this disparity of the justice system, young white males between the ages of 18–29 were 38% less
likely to be sentences to prison than black men of the same age group (Kansal, 2005). According to
Kansal (2005) " Young uneducated or unemployed African American and Hispanic males are more
likely to serve longer sentences and, have a
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Discrimination And Discrimination
Ultimately, health inequity will persist as long as structural oppression of racial minorities persist in
healthcare. Therefore, tackling the prevalence of structural racism in health settings could incite
change. The most practical and impactful avenue for reducing the racial health disparity lies in the
employment and training of healthcare professionals. It can be beneficial to explore and target larger
institutional issues, such as government law and policy, but, it is important to realize that
institutions are made from individuals; therefore, when individual behavior is corrected, institutions
should follow suit. At the onset of their careers, most healthcare professionals take an oath,
pledging to treat all patients, no matter, race, color or creed, to the best of their ability. However, it
is evident that this is not always upheld, mainly through forces of oppression outside their conscious
control. In Five Faces of Oppression, Young stated that marginalization may be the most dangerous
form of oppression (Young, 1990). A social group is marginalized when their people are excluded in
society, meaning that their skills and attributes are deemed useless and insignificant in the greater
community. To an extent, this is seen in the healthcare system with the underrepresentation of racial
minorities in the medical field. Highly qualified people of color are denied positions at far greater
rates than their White peers and this occurs in almost every profession (Merchant
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Sociology Discrimination Essay
Discrimination can be found in a variety of aspects of life; it is assumed that discrimination is a
negative word, and whilst it is one of many predominate issues in the 21st century, it can be used in
various ways. According to ****, discrimination is to privilege, distinguish or deny a group of
people based on a set of characteristics. Examples include: sexism, racism, and ageism etc.
Discrimination has a powerful impact upon life and educational pathways. For example, it has been
shown that discrimination influences retention rates between non–Indigenous and Indigenous
children (**). The impact of discrimination was illustrated by the speech from Dr. Elizabeth Tailby.
She said that because she came from a mixed parental background some children
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Reflection On Discrimination
Discrimination happens every day. It is a real problem that is distressing, and it happens more often
than it should. Discrimination means to distinguish or signal out individuals, groups, or things with
favor or unfair treatment. In the eyes of the civil law, unlawful discrimination refers to unequal or
unfair treatment of a group or individual based on certain characteristics. These characteristics can
include, but not limited to, age, disability and religion. My first incident experiencing discrimination
was in grade school where I was currently singled out for having an Indian background. Not only
was I not accepted into the student body, the teachers refused to teach me because I was not
Hispanic like the others. Just like many other people, I waited this out until I graduated and was able
to leave the area.
I joined the United States Navy in 2010. Not only did I meet people from all over the United States,
I met people from all over the world. I met countless number of religions, ethnicities and cultural
backgrounds. I made friends who were interested in my beliefs and admired by unique physical
features that classified me as ugly in school. I thought that being in the adult world, discrimination
did not exist, however it just occurred differently. Serving in a hospital setting, I worked under a
Caucasian United States Army Sergeant and beside three male soldiers. I worked as a Wounded
Warrior Corpsman, which allowed me to treat patients who had serious injuries,
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Discrimination Essay On Discrimination
Discrimination Today in 2017, people are being discriminated against because they are gay or
transgender. These people are being killed just because they want to be themselves and people are
discriminating against them simply because of their appearance and gender. Also, people say that
women can't do certain things that men can do and people of color are more likely to be shot at by
police because of the color of their skin. The idea that many times, certain groups in society are
discriminated against due to their race, gender, and appearance is a theme that is expressed in the
early American texts, "On Being Brought From Africa to America" by Phillis Wheatley, "The Story
of An Hour" by Kate Chopin, and "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. First, in the poem "On Being
Brought From Africa to America" by Phillis Wheatley, a little girl is taken from her family in
Africa and brought to America. She was taken because of the color of her skin so Americans
were discriminating against her due to her race. In the poem on line 5 and 6, Wheatley writes
that many Americans viewed "her sable race with a scornful eye." This quotation shows how
openly racist and prejudiced many whites were towards black slaves. Not only did whites viewed
slaves as inferior, but they even believed that the black race was "diabolical." The term "diabolical"
suggests a sense of evil. Secondly, the story "The Story of An Hour" by Kate Chopin focuses on
secret, repressed desires of women for individuality
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Although I had always thought that I could never be discriminated for any reason, two years ago I
felt discriminated.
One Friday, while working in a large corporation in the administrative department, the president of
the corporation organized a meeting for the administrative and accounting departments. The
president of the company mentioned that the accounting department was opening a new position as
Junior Controller Management. Moreover, he said that there were only two candidates who were
postulated for it. I knew I was one of them. In fact, most of my co–workers started talking about it
and all were claiming me as the winner. I was extremely happy. But, I wanted to wait for the real
nomination that was going to take place more content...
For instance, women only care to get married and have children. I explained to them that it was not
my case. Yet, the decision was already taken and all of the executive members agreed that giving the
position to a male gender was the right choice.
At that moment, I was almost paralyzed. I could not believe what I was living. I kept asking
myself that the United States was a free country and all its citizens have the same rights of
freedom and equality. Not only I felt totally frustrated and disillusioned because I did not get the
promotion, but also because I understood that it was not fair what this people were doing with me.
In fact, I realized that I was a vivid example of one or maybe two types of discrimination factors
such as gender and age.
I could not accept the fact that I was discriminated for being a young woman, and not because of my
competency for the position. My reaction to this episode was not smart. Although once I thought
about the idea of suing the company for discrimination, later I though it was ridiculous because I
knew that I was going to waste time, money and I was not ready for something like that. Today, I
think differently. I regret for not suing them. From that moment and on, I decided to start looking for
another job because I acknowledged that it was impossible to think about getting promoted to a high
level position in that company.
It has been almost one year, and I still remember the conversation that I had with those men, who
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Discrimination Effects On Society
To treat another person unfairly by judging them due to their appearance, how they act, who they
are or even how they smell is how it becomes a part of everyday life, and that's what we call
discrimination. Discrimination is an issue that almost everyone is a part of; whether it be age, race,
religion, gender or any person different than another, everyone has an opinion and everyone
discriminates. Many in the United States do not like to bring up the topic or words concerning it
because of how the past has been affected and how it could now affect the outcome of the future.
Although it is illegal to discriminate, it is still very much going on and there is an overwhelming
amount of it in the US, my goal in this paper is to prove that discrimination is still very prevalent and
explain how it effects the US society and tie it into the video ("Invisible" 2015).
As stated before discrimination has become a part of everyday life in today's society and whether
it's intentional or not, people have always discriminated against each other. There has been a fight
against discrimination that's been going on for many years now and even now when laws state
that it is illegal to discriminate for age, disability, origin, being pregnant, race, color, religion, sex,
etc. (US Gov. "Discrimination by Type"). It is still a very prevalent issue and we must know the
different types of discrimination that exists, and what causes it, so we can further prove it exists in
today's society.
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The Different Types of Discrimination Essays
Religion, national origin, race, and social status are the suspect classifications of discrimination, but
are these the only categories that should not be discriminated against? People today are searching
for equal rights and opportunities. No one should be suffering from any type of discrimination, but
they are. Discrimination is an unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice, therefore
sex, disability, and age should be included in the suspect classifications of discrimination
("Discrimination"). Sex discrimination is the differential treatment based on sex ("Answer").
Traditionally in American culture higher value has been given to males, this is why sex
discrimination is commonly found in the work more content...
Today women are becoming nurses instead of doctors, dental assistances instead dentists, and
secretaries instead of managers. Sex discrimination is not only in the employment world, but is
found also in educational institutions. In educational institutions, people have to abide by the
Educational Amendment of 1972, which prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational
programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance ("Sexual..."). Sex discrimination is
not limited to women. For example, education is one field that women have taken over. They have
become principals, superintendents, and teachers. Men are sometimes not given the opportunity
because they are seen as incapable of nurturing the children they are teaching. Even though there are
several acts to stop sex discrimination in the work place, education environment, and more, it still
exists. By adding sex discrimination to the suspect classification for discrimination, we can finally
get sex equality. Everyone would like a fair chance to succeed in life, but with disability
discrimination, people are denied opportunities and treated unfair. When the 1990 American with
Disability Act (ADA) was passed, 43 million disable citizens have been purposefully treated unequal
("Answer"). People with disabilities are constantly being stereotyped overlooking their individual
abilities ("Answer"). Although they have a disability, we as citizens should look
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Direct and Indirect Discrimination Essay
Presentation for Direct and Indirect
Direct discrimination can be less favourable treatment, which includes harassment or bullying.
Comparably similar legal definitions of indirect discrimination and harassment apply in respect of
sexual orientation, religion, age, gender and disability.
Most people understand direct discrimination. Indirect discrimination occurs where the effect of
certain requirements, conditions or practices imposed by an employer or education provider has an
adverse impact disproportionately on one group or other. Indirect discrimination generally occurs
when a rule or condition, which is applied equally to everyone, can be met by a considerably smaller
proportion of people from a more content...
During Ramadan he asks to have his evening meal after sunset. He is told that this is not possible
during summer because it would mean having supper too late for the other residents.
This is indirect discrimination if the care home cannot show a good reason (or justification) for
their refusal. If the kitchen is closed it may be justifiable to offer him a cold meal which could be
served after sunset so that there would be no indirect discrimination
Inclusion. . .is about involving people as much as possible in all decision making activities, as well
as promoting independence by encouraging active participation, giving the individual choice, sharing
information, trust and acceptance. . .
Recently I cared for a female resident from Germany and although she had lived here for many
years, her English was very broken. To help me overcome the language barrier I used; Picture Flash
Cards, Flash Cards with German and English phrases on them, non–verbal gestures and an English
/German dictionary. By using these different methods of communication I was able to; Encourage
and support her to participate in social activities, share information about her well–being and her
likes and dislikes with my co–workers and encourage and support her to keep her independence. By
doing these simple things and using the right communication methods enabled her to keep her
independence and allowed her
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Discrimination In Psychology
Abuse is a topic that should be discussed without discrimination. Due to the fact that, if the sexual
abuse victims or survivals are not able to open up and discuss the situation to anyone, without
discrimination the victims are more likely to develop long lasting psychological disorder quickly.
This psychological disorder may include: Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), Panic attack,
Personality disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or
anxiety disorder. Here is research to back on the above statement; "M is a 5 year old girl presenting
with symptoms of fear, frequent nightmares, irritability, and decreased sleep following penetrative
sexual abuse by a relative. The perpetrator was arrested and more content...
It is a vital novel because this study will examine the notion that domestic or international students
hold either the same view or different opinions about the stigma on sexual abuse victims and sexual
survivors. Further, the research design for this study will be an experimental design. In addition,
participants will consist of both male and female from different undergraduate schools. In addition,
adults, both domestic and international, between the ages of twenty to forty will be collected either
educated or non–educated. Therefore, the measurement for this study includes: Marlowe–Crowne
social desirability scale and Paulhus Balanced inventory of desirable. This design best answer
specific questions about the stigma of sexual abuse using the social desirability scale. In conclusion,
the research will contribute to the psychological discussion by creating awareness of the stigma
among different culture and various ways to reduce discrimination around the
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Discrimination Speech
Discrimination, it is as old as human kind. Some people would say that discrimination is a type of
abuse, falling into both the physiological and physical molds. The Homosapians committed this
abuse against the Neanderthals, and I think we can all agree that it is one of the sources of most
societal ills. Prejudice, bullying, racism are all types of discrimination. Machismo, Homophobia &
stereotypes are also products of this abuse. Maybe there is a physiological explanation to all of this,
maybe you were raised to discriminate against Jews or Asians, or maybe you had a bad experience
with a black man and so you associate black people with that experience.
Let's start of with Machismo. It has been around more content...
Depression, Social Anxiety, Anorexia, Bullmenia, Suicidal Tendencies,
PTSD(Post–Traumatic–Stress–Disorder), and MANY others. All of these mental sicknesses can be
caused by years of discrimination. Most of these when in severe levels or if they have been
happening for a long time can and will put the persons LIFE in danger! My father, Robert Peters
volunteered for 6 months at a Suicide Prevention Hotline, and said that of all of the calls he
received in that time, roughly 85% of the calls were from gay people who, had been thrown out of
the lives of their parents, families, friends and out of their homes, for no other reason except the fact
that they were born gay and were trying to be themselves.
If you are as shocked as I am by the amount of discrimination different people in our planet suffer, I
will just tell you one thing, I am sure that every person in this hall has been discriminated against, in
one way or
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Discrimination is typically defined as the practice of treating a person differently from other
people or groups of people. In terms of economics, discrimination occurs when people with similar
economic characteristics, experience different economic outcomes due to their race, sex or other
noneconomic attributes. For instance, a black worker whose skills and experience is identical to
those of a white worker but receives a much lower wage is a victim of discrimination. A country will
not be operating efficiently if discrimination still exists in the society. If enough people have
prejudices against certain racial groups or against anyone with any particular characteristic, the
market will definitely respond to those preferences. Discrimination is a major issue that we have
to deal with whether we like it or not. The articles and excerpts explained the topic in a quite
detailed manner, which I find it very disturbing. It seems like we are trying so hard to look for the
best solution for a problem that nobody can really understand why it exists in the first place.
Exclusions and rejection are key ingredients in discrimination. They occur when people do not
appreciate diversity or differences. But, we can't just let this matter slipped away and give up on
change. Discrimination should not happen in our society. We are one people and no one is more
human than the other. Therefore, I believe that government intervention in the marketplace is
important to stop discrimination
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Discrimination has played a role in humanity from the beginnings of human existence to the modern
societies of today. Every individual has experienced an act of discrimination at some point; yet, most
questions surrounding this fundamental human flaw remain unanswered. One belief that has
overwhelming support is the fact that discrimination can lead to significant negative effects. These
effects mediate how an individual is able or unable to deal with discrimination. Thus, the discussion
of discrimination is important because many individuals either engage in or face discrimination,
whether they realize it or not. However, this behavior often results in damaging consequences for all
involved that can significantly affect an individual's entire life.
Discrimination arises from an individual's belief in a stereotype. Stereotypes are most accurately
defined as "an association between group(s) and the characteristic(s) attributed to those group(s)"
(Kurylo 337). Though experts disagree on the exact definition, they do agree that stereotypes are
controversial and often contain an element of inaccuracy or bias. This causes groups targeted by
stereotypes, or even those who hold stereotypes, to experience negative consequences, regardless of
the stereotype's intentions (338). As a result, people are encouraged to avoid the use of stereotypes
in order to prevent unnecessary discriminatory practices (339). To avoid the use of stereotypes,
however, people must first fully
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Discrimination Essay
"Discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process." Discuss this statement in
relation to the human resource practices and the issues relating to personality, perceptions and values
of managers.
This essay argues that discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process. It will
focus upon the various forms of discrimination faced and the issues relating to personality and
perceptions resulting from the mainstream perspectives, stereotypes and ideologies held by
Anglo–Saxon Australians. It will then examine the human resource practices and the selection
process, highlighting the discrimination that occurs due to the unrealistic and unnecessarily high
standards of recruitment criteria more content...
As Wooden notes, 'differences in pay, occupational status and probability of employment' between
migrants and people of ethnic background, in comparison to Anglo–Saxon Australians 'reflects
differences in the average productive capabilities of the two groups' (1994, p.220; cited in Ho and
Alcorso, 2004, p.239). This emphasises the pre–conceived perception that they are less productive in
the workforce and are in turn inferior. Hence, it suggests that they are less likely to achieve
employment in the recruitment process.
An action that consistently generates discrimination as a result of perceptions about personality
and culture is when human resource managers do not consider or provide an applicant with a fair
chance based upon their name (Booth et al. 2010). The differences in callback rates suggest that
immigrants and candidates of ethnic background would 'need to apply for more jobs in order to
receive the same number of interviews' (Booth et al. 2010, p.1). Hence, studies have shown that 'in
order to get as many interviews as an Anglo applicant, an indigenous person must submit 35% more
applications, a Chinese person must submit 68% more applications, an Italian person must submit
12% more applications, and Middle Eastern person 64% more applications' (Booth et al. 2010, p.9).
These findings and figures display first–hand the discrimination that takes place during the
recruitment process and suggest that it is as a
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Discrimination Essay
Existence of Discrimination Discrimination happens to be exhibited in many ways and different
settings. Some of the reasons people discriminate are race, belief, sexual preference, employment,
religion, gender, size, and even a person health status. Usually the person that discriminates has a
narcissistic behavior and preoccupied with issues of power, vanity, and personal adequacy. Their
disorder and ignorance of what the discriminator doesn't understand, fuels their negative feelings.
Many times the basic root of discrimination is heredity, passed down from generation to generation,
which also makes it easier to keep discrimination alive. People experience discrimination in a variety
of settings like work, school, church, stores, more content...
Discrimination is not visible to everyone, but mostly visible to the discriminator and the victim. I
have been discriminated in many areas of my life. For instance, at work I was discriminated
against because of the color, title, and personal appearance. One time, I had a patient tried to
scratch me, and called me a nigger because I'm black. Not once did I disrespect her or mistreat
her, but she thought she had the right to say negative words to me, and physically harm me
because of the color of my skin. She knew nothing about me except that I was a black woman. The
opponents would say that the patient might have behaved like this because she might have had a
bad experience before. I would say that a bad experience might not lead a patient call me a nigger,
nor would she try to hurt me.
Discrimination also exists in a racial sense. A study was created in 2002 to study discrimination in
the job market. "Researchers sent out 5,000 resumes in response to help wanted ads in the Boston
and Chicago Sunday papers. The resumes were identical, except for the names of the job
applicants...Although the qualifications of the supposed job applicants were identical, the
white–sounding names elicited 50 percent more callbacks than the black–sounding names" (Henslin
359). The employers did not look at the resumes properly, and only focused on the names of the
applicants. This demonstrate that blacks are prejudged and
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Discrimination Essays

  • 1. Language Discrimination In Language Language Discrimination Language discrimination is treating an individual unfairly due to the features of their speech for instance, accent, vocabulary size and syntax. The growing Latino population has been a cause or rising concern among most of the white Americans. This rapid growth is viewed by the whites as a potential cause of the extinction of English and the way of life in America. As a result, the whites have strived to discourage the use of Latinos' heritage language which has been discriminative (Barret 180). Despite the fact that language discrimination is being fought against, it still exists in America. The linguistic profiling is as dangerous as racial profiling since it denies one the opportunity to have equal chances of getting a degree, employment, a place of residence and even healthcare because people use false general assumptions concerning a language in order to justify the judgements concerning race, origin, religion, ethnicity and regional affiliation than with communication and language. The two leading English dialects in Latino America that is, Puerto Rican and Chicano English are viewed as substandard. Besides, they assumed to have been highly influenced by African American English. This paper aims to discuss language discrimination with emphasis on the Latino community, and how it affects the members of the Latino community both in workplaces and institutions. In the USA, strong bonds exist which tend to connect language and racism (Barret Get more content on
  • 2. Disparity and Discrimination Essay example Disparity and Discrimination According to Webster's Dictionary, the proper definition for discrimination is: 1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently 2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing 3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment (Webster's dictionary). Discrimination has been around for centuries and even though there have been improvements in the way society deals with discrimination, we still have a long way to go. One of the biggest problems in America today is racial discrimination. We see it happening all over more content... Another example would be is the bail might be set higher compared to a non minority, just because the person is a minority and the judge may assume as though this person is a threat just by the way he or she looks. In the prison population, you see how discrimination can affect everyday life in the facility. You have different groups within the prison and each one of them discriminating against the other. You may have the skinheads in one corner, the Mexicans in another, the hardcore African Americans, and then the Asians, all in their group and each one of them hating on each other. You can also see this outside of the prison walls, but the majority of Americans do not share those kinds of views. The United States has made progress in the legal system to try and stop discrimination. For instance, we have laws protecting people against discrimination. For example, you cannot be fired from a job just because of you skin color or your disability, and they have set up hate crime laws especially for crimes dealing with elements of discrimination. Although, the fight we are having now is the discrimination against homosexuals and lesbians. Our society has yet to conform or accept this kind of lifestyle, therefore; discrimination is still very prevalent when it comes to dealing with the homosexual and lesbian community. According to Webster's Dictionary, the proper definition Get more content on
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Discrimination Discrimination occurs everywhere. Unfair and unequal treatment of a person or group based on certain characteristics, or membership in a protected class, such as race, sex, religion, national origin and immigrant status is called discrimination. For instance, individual or groups are discriminated through offensive jokes, insults, name calling or a landlord refuses to rent apartments to immigrants in Ney York City.Discrimination is often defined based on recognition and understanding of the difference between two grounds or categories. It is a prejudicial and riotous treatment through either verbally or physically. New York CityCommission on Human Rights has been working against any kinds of discrimination since the long history. New York City Commission on Human Rights has recognized some grounds of discrimination based on protected class in New York City. Among them, discriminatory harassment, or violence is conducted and motivated by the victim's race, color, creed, national origin, gender (including gender–identity), sexual orientation, age, marital or partnership status, family status, disability, alienage, or citizenship status and against the City Human Rights Law. Discriminatory harassment or violence includes, but is not limited to, the given actions; pattern of threatening verbal harassment, use of force, intimidation or coercion, defacing or damaging real or personal property and cyberbullying. However, all New Yorkers are Protected Under New York City Get more content on
  • 4. Discrimination And Discrimination Essay Many people every day in the United States suffer from discrimination and prejudice. With the purpose of healing our racially divided country, every person as to be proactive against any form or representation of racism. According to the book On Being Different, racism can be defined as the discrimination against an ethnic group (Kottak and Kozaitis,70). The United States society is composed of different ethnic groups, each one of those with different cultures and skin color. Most of the times many ethnic groups in the United States are suffering the effects of ethnocentrism, which is "the tendency to view one's own culture as best and to judge the behavior and beliefs of culturally different people by one's own standards" (Kottak and Kozaitis, G–3). Most people assume that the differences between ethnic groups are just skin color and culture, but it goes beyond that; White, African Americans, Asians, Native Americans and Hispanics are also differentiated and judge by the place that they chose to live and by how much their annual income is. Racism is not only a persistent problem between ethnic groups, it also represents their constant clash with government institutions that choose to generalize and judge the ethnic groups by their ascribed status. The struggle of races is represented by the constant fight between minority and majority groups. The book On Being Different states "Minority groups are subordinate. They have inferior power and less secure access to resources Get more content on
  • 5. An Argument Essay About Discrimination Argument Essay Some may say discrimination in America is a thing in the past, but is this a true statement? Are men and women always seen and treated as equals in our new and reformed nation? I am sure there are many debates out there proving or disproving this potential issue, but one in particular has caught my eye. Our military is made up of many different sections, and the men and women who were brave enough to raise their right hand and enlist in the service were given a skill to master resulting in a job to perform up to the highest standard. The military has many job offerings, ranging from supply specialist, which would be someone doing paper work and giving the other soldiers what they need to get their job done, all the way to infantry, those who are trained to engage, fight, and defeat the enemy in combat. Both men and women are authorized to enlist in the service, but both are not allowed to train in all job positions. It is no secret that when high controversy topics arise in the media, people have their personal opinions, each one believing they are "right." Is there always a "right" or "wrong" answer, or can the morally correct answer be a combination of both sides of the argument? Should women be allowed to earn an infantry job in the military? When questioning those concerned with this topic the answers will be mixed with yes and no, each having their own opinions to back up their argument. If a woman wants and is able to perform to the training Get more content on
  • 6. Discrimination in the United States Today Essay In the United States today discrimination is still an issue in society. As a society progress has definitely been made, but it has never fully gone away. Some of the most discriminatory action takes place in the American justice system. Young minority males between the ages of 25 –29 are subject to being treated the most unfairly while whites of the same age are still being treated better than any race in this country. African American and Hispanic males are being incarcerated at higher rates than white males in America. Not only are minorities being incarcerated more, but also they are subject to harsher sentencing terms, fall victim to police racial profiling, and have disparities in the war on drugs. Also whites are still the more content... It may seem that incarceration rates are high for minorities at the federal level, but the rates are even higher at the state levels. African Americans are 5.6 times, and Hispanics are 1.8 times more likely to be incarcerated than whites. Young African American and Hispanic males are leading incarceration rates for robbery, drug offenses, followed by murder and nonnegligent manslaughter. Whites show a significant lower number than of the Hispanics and blacks for the violent crimes, but lead incarceration rates for rape and sexual abuse. Whites also exceeded minorities in property crime (108,560), compared to blacks (78,197) and Hispanics (38,264) (E. Ann Carson and Daniela Golinelli, 2013). The demographics show that young minority males are being incarcerated at higher rates for majority of the main crimes Minorities are being sentence to jail for harsher punishment more than whites in the United States. In this disparity of the justice system, young white males between the ages of 18–29 were 38% less likely to be sentences to prison than black men of the same age group (Kansal, 2005). According to Kansal (2005) " Young uneducated or unemployed African American and Hispanic males are more likely to serve longer sentences and, have a Get more content on
  • 7. Discrimination And Discrimination Ultimately, health inequity will persist as long as structural oppression of racial minorities persist in healthcare. Therefore, tackling the prevalence of structural racism in health settings could incite change. The most practical and impactful avenue for reducing the racial health disparity lies in the employment and training of healthcare professionals. It can be beneficial to explore and target larger institutional issues, such as government law and policy, but, it is important to realize that institutions are made from individuals; therefore, when individual behavior is corrected, institutions should follow suit. At the onset of their careers, most healthcare professionals take an oath, pledging to treat all patients, no matter, race, color or creed, to the best of their ability. However, it is evident that this is not always upheld, mainly through forces of oppression outside their conscious control. In Five Faces of Oppression, Young stated that marginalization may be the most dangerous form of oppression (Young, 1990). A social group is marginalized when their people are excluded in society, meaning that their skills and attributes are deemed useless and insignificant in the greater community. To an extent, this is seen in the healthcare system with the underrepresentation of racial minorities in the medical field. Highly qualified people of color are denied positions at far greater rates than their White peers and this occurs in almost every profession (Merchant Get more content on
  • 8. Sociology Discrimination Essay Discrimination can be found in a variety of aspects of life; it is assumed that discrimination is a negative word, and whilst it is one of many predominate issues in the 21st century, it can be used in various ways. According to ****, discrimination is to privilege, distinguish or deny a group of people based on a set of characteristics. Examples include: sexism, racism, and ageism etc. Discrimination has a powerful impact upon life and educational pathways. For example, it has been shown that discrimination influences retention rates between non–Indigenous and Indigenous children (**). The impact of discrimination was illustrated by the speech from Dr. Elizabeth Tailby. She said that because she came from a mixed parental background some children Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection On Discrimination Discrimination happens every day. It is a real problem that is distressing, and it happens more often than it should. Discrimination means to distinguish or signal out individuals, groups, or things with favor or unfair treatment. In the eyes of the civil law, unlawful discrimination refers to unequal or unfair treatment of a group or individual based on certain characteristics. These characteristics can include, but not limited to, age, disability and religion. My first incident experiencing discrimination was in grade school where I was currently singled out for having an Indian background. Not only was I not accepted into the student body, the teachers refused to teach me because I was not Hispanic like the others. Just like many other people, I waited this out until I graduated and was able to leave the area. I joined the United States Navy in 2010. Not only did I meet people from all over the United States, I met people from all over the world. I met countless number of religions, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds. I made friends who were interested in my beliefs and admired by unique physical features that classified me as ugly in school. I thought that being in the adult world, discrimination did not exist, however it just occurred differently. Serving in a hospital setting, I worked under a Caucasian United States Army Sergeant and beside three male soldiers. I worked as a Wounded Warrior Corpsman, which allowed me to treat patients who had serious injuries, Get more content on
  • 10. Discrimination Essay On Discrimination Discrimination Today in 2017, people are being discriminated against because they are gay or transgender. These people are being killed just because they want to be themselves and people are discriminating against them simply because of their appearance and gender. Also, people say that women can't do certain things that men can do and people of color are more likely to be shot at by police because of the color of their skin. The idea that many times, certain groups in society are discriminated against due to their race, gender, and appearance is a theme that is expressed in the early American texts, "On Being Brought From Africa to America" by Phillis Wheatley, "The Story of An Hour" by Kate Chopin, and "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller. First, in the poem "On Being Brought From Africa to America" by Phillis Wheatley, a little girl is taken from her family in Africa and brought to America. She was taken because of the color of her skin so Americans were discriminating against her due to her race. In the poem on line 5 and 6, Wheatley writes that many Americans viewed "her sable race with a scornful eye." This quotation shows how openly racist and prejudiced many whites were towards black slaves. Not only did whites viewed slaves as inferior, but they even believed that the black race was "diabolical." The term "diabolical" suggests a sense of evil. Secondly, the story "The Story of An Hour" by Kate Chopin focuses on secret, repressed desires of women for individuality Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on DISCRIMINATION Although I had always thought that I could never be discriminated for any reason, two years ago I felt discriminated. One Friday, while working in a large corporation in the administrative department, the president of the corporation organized a meeting for the administrative and accounting departments. The president of the company mentioned that the accounting department was opening a new position as Junior Controller Management. Moreover, he said that there were only two candidates who were postulated for it. I knew I was one of them. In fact, most of my co–workers started talking about it and all were claiming me as the winner. I was extremely happy. But, I wanted to wait for the real nomination that was going to take place more content... For instance, women only care to get married and have children. I explained to them that it was not my case. Yet, the decision was already taken and all of the executive members agreed that giving the position to a male gender was the right choice. At that moment, I was almost paralyzed. I could not believe what I was living. I kept asking myself that the United States was a free country and all its citizens have the same rights of freedom and equality. Not only I felt totally frustrated and disillusioned because I did not get the promotion, but also because I understood that it was not fair what this people were doing with me. In fact, I realized that I was a vivid example of one or maybe two types of discrimination factors such as gender and age. I could not accept the fact that I was discriminated for being a young woman, and not because of my competency for the position. My reaction to this episode was not smart. Although once I thought about the idea of suing the company for discrimination, later I though it was ridiculous because I knew that I was going to waste time, money and I was not ready for something like that. Today, I think differently. I regret for not suing them. From that moment and on, I decided to start looking for another job because I acknowledged that it was impossible to think about getting promoted to a high level position in that company. It has been almost one year, and I still remember the conversation that I had with those men, who were Get more content on
  • 12. Discrimination Effects On Society To treat another person unfairly by judging them due to their appearance, how they act, who they are or even how they smell is how it becomes a part of everyday life, and that's what we call discrimination. Discrimination is an issue that almost everyone is a part of; whether it be age, race, religion, gender or any person different than another, everyone has an opinion and everyone discriminates. Many in the United States do not like to bring up the topic or words concerning it because of how the past has been affected and how it could now affect the outcome of the future. Although it is illegal to discriminate, it is still very much going on and there is an overwhelming amount of it in the US, my goal in this paper is to prove that discrimination is still very prevalent and explain how it effects the US society and tie it into the video ("Invisible" 2015). As stated before discrimination has become a part of everyday life in today's society and whether it's intentional or not, people have always discriminated against each other. There has been a fight against discrimination that's been going on for many years now and even now when laws state that it is illegal to discriminate for age, disability, origin, being pregnant, race, color, religion, sex, etc. (US Gov. "Discrimination by Type"). It is still a very prevalent issue and we must know the different types of discrimination that exists, and what causes it, so we can further prove it exists in today's society. Get more content on
  • 13. The Different Types of Discrimination Essays Discrimination Religion, national origin, race, and social status are the suspect classifications of discrimination, but are these the only categories that should not be discriminated against? People today are searching for equal rights and opportunities. No one should be suffering from any type of discrimination, but they are. Discrimination is an unfair treatment of a person or group based on prejudice, therefore sex, disability, and age should be included in the suspect classifications of discrimination ("Discrimination"). Sex discrimination is the differential treatment based on sex ("Answer"). Traditionally in American culture higher value has been given to males, this is why sex discrimination is commonly found in the work more content... Today women are becoming nurses instead of doctors, dental assistances instead dentists, and secretaries instead of managers. Sex discrimination is not only in the employment world, but is found also in educational institutions. In educational institutions, people have to abide by the Educational Amendment of 1972, which prohibits discrimination based on sex in educational programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance ("Sexual..."). Sex discrimination is not limited to women. For example, education is one field that women have taken over. They have become principals, superintendents, and teachers. Men are sometimes not given the opportunity because they are seen as incapable of nurturing the children they are teaching. Even though there are several acts to stop sex discrimination in the work place, education environment, and more, it still exists. By adding sex discrimination to the suspect classification for discrimination, we can finally get sex equality. Everyone would like a fair chance to succeed in life, but with disability discrimination, people are denied opportunities and treated unfair. When the 1990 American with Disability Act (ADA) was passed, 43 million disable citizens have been purposefully treated unequal ("Answer"). People with disabilities are constantly being stereotyped overlooking their individual abilities ("Answer"). Although they have a disability, we as citizens should look Get more content on
  • 14. Direct and Indirect Discrimination Essay Presentation for Direct and Indirect Discrimination Direct discrimination can be less favourable treatment, which includes harassment or bullying. Comparably similar legal definitions of indirect discrimination and harassment apply in respect of sexual orientation, religion, age, gender and disability. Most people understand direct discrimination. Indirect discrimination occurs where the effect of certain requirements, conditions or practices imposed by an employer or education provider has an adverse impact disproportionately on one group or other. Indirect discrimination generally occurs when a rule or condition, which is applied equally to everyone, can be met by a considerably smaller proportion of people from a more content... During Ramadan he asks to have his evening meal after sunset. He is told that this is not possible during summer because it would mean having supper too late for the other residents. This is indirect discrimination if the care home cannot show a good reason (or justification) for their refusal. If the kitchen is closed it may be justifiable to offer him a cold meal which could be served after sunset so that there would be no indirect discrimination Inclusion. . .is about involving people as much as possible in all decision making activities, as well as promoting independence by encouraging active participation, giving the individual choice, sharing information, trust and acceptance. . . Example Recently I cared for a female resident from Germany and although she had lived here for many years, her English was very broken. To help me overcome the language barrier I used; Picture Flash Cards, Flash Cards with German and English phrases on them, non–verbal gestures and an English /German dictionary. By using these different methods of communication I was able to; Encourage and support her to participate in social activities, share information about her well–being and her likes and dislikes with my co–workers and encourage and support her to keep her independence. By doing these simple things and using the right communication methods enabled her to keep her independence and allowed her Get more content on
  • 15. Discrimination In Psychology Abuse is a topic that should be discussed without discrimination. Due to the fact that, if the sexual abuse victims or survivals are not able to open up and discuss the situation to anyone, without discrimination the victims are more likely to develop long lasting psychological disorder quickly. This psychological disorder may include: Post–Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD), Panic attack, Personality disorder, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or anxiety disorder. Here is research to back on the above statement; "M is a 5 year old girl presenting with symptoms of fear, frequent nightmares, irritability, and decreased sleep following penetrative sexual abuse by a relative. The perpetrator was arrested and more content... It is a vital novel because this study will examine the notion that domestic or international students hold either the same view or different opinions about the stigma on sexual abuse victims and sexual survivors. Further, the research design for this study will be an experimental design. In addition, participants will consist of both male and female from different undergraduate schools. In addition, adults, both domestic and international, between the ages of twenty to forty will be collected either educated or non–educated. Therefore, the measurement for this study includes: Marlowe–Crowne social desirability scale and Paulhus Balanced inventory of desirable. This design best answer specific questions about the stigma of sexual abuse using the social desirability scale. In conclusion, the research will contribute to the psychological discussion by creating awareness of the stigma among different culture and various ways to reduce discrimination around the Get more content on
  • 16. Discrimination Speech DISCRIMINATION SPEECH Discrimination, it is as old as human kind. Some people would say that discrimination is a type of abuse, falling into both the physiological and physical molds. The Homosapians committed this abuse against the Neanderthals, and I think we can all agree that it is one of the sources of most societal ills. Prejudice, bullying, racism are all types of discrimination. Machismo, Homophobia & stereotypes are also products of this abuse. Maybe there is a physiological explanation to all of this, maybe you were raised to discriminate against Jews or Asians, or maybe you had a bad experience with a black man and so you associate black people with that experience. Let's start of with Machismo. It has been around more content... Depression, Social Anxiety, Anorexia, Bullmenia, Suicidal Tendencies, PTSD(Post–Traumatic–Stress–Disorder), and MANY others. All of these mental sicknesses can be caused by years of discrimination. Most of these when in severe levels or if they have been happening for a long time can and will put the persons LIFE in danger! My father, Robert Peters volunteered for 6 months at a Suicide Prevention Hotline, and said that of all of the calls he received in that time, roughly 85% of the calls were from gay people who, had been thrown out of the lives of their parents, families, friends and out of their homes, for no other reason except the fact that they were born gay and were trying to be themselves. If you are as shocked as I am by the amount of discrimination different people in our planet suffer, I will just tell you one thing, I am sure that every person in this hall has been discriminated against, in one way or Get more content on
  • 17. Discrimination is typically defined as the practice of treating a person differently from other people or groups of people. In terms of economics, discrimination occurs when people with similar economic characteristics, experience different economic outcomes due to their race, sex or other noneconomic attributes. For instance, a black worker whose skills and experience is identical to those of a white worker but receives a much lower wage is a victim of discrimination. A country will not be operating efficiently if discrimination still exists in the society. If enough people have prejudices against certain racial groups or against anyone with any particular characteristic, the market will definitely respond to those preferences. Discrimination is a major issue that we have to deal with whether we like it or not. The articles and excerpts explained the topic in a quite detailed manner, which I find it very disturbing. It seems like we are trying so hard to look for the best solution for a problem that nobody can really understand why it exists in the first place. Exclusions and rejection are key ingredients in discrimination. They occur when people do not appreciate diversity or differences. But, we can't just let this matter slipped away and give up on change. Discrimination should not happen in our society. We are one people and no one is more human than the other. Therefore, I believe that government intervention in the marketplace is important to stop discrimination Get more content on
  • 18. Discrimination has played a role in humanity from the beginnings of human existence to the modern societies of today. Every individual has experienced an act of discrimination at some point; yet, most questions surrounding this fundamental human flaw remain unanswered. One belief that has overwhelming support is the fact that discrimination can lead to significant negative effects. These effects mediate how an individual is able or unable to deal with discrimination. Thus, the discussion of discrimination is important because many individuals either engage in or face discrimination, whether they realize it or not. However, this behavior often results in damaging consequences for all involved that can significantly affect an individual's entire life. Discrimination arises from an individual's belief in a stereotype. Stereotypes are most accurately defined as "an association between group(s) and the characteristic(s) attributed to those group(s)" (Kurylo 337). Though experts disagree on the exact definition, they do agree that stereotypes are controversial and often contain an element of inaccuracy or bias. This causes groups targeted by stereotypes, or even those who hold stereotypes, to experience negative consequences, regardless of the stereotype's intentions (338). As a result, people are encouraged to avoid the use of stereotypes in order to prevent unnecessary discriminatory practices (339). To avoid the use of stereotypes, however, people must first fully Get more content on
  • 19. Discrimination Essay "Discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process." Discuss this statement in relation to the human resource practices and the issues relating to personality, perceptions and values of managers. This essay argues that discrimination is a likely occurrence during the recruitment process. It will focus upon the various forms of discrimination faced and the issues relating to personality and perceptions resulting from the mainstream perspectives, stereotypes and ideologies held by Anglo–Saxon Australians. It will then examine the human resource practices and the selection process, highlighting the discrimination that occurs due to the unrealistic and unnecessarily high standards of recruitment criteria more content... As Wooden notes, 'differences in pay, occupational status and probability of employment' between migrants and people of ethnic background, in comparison to Anglo–Saxon Australians 'reflects differences in the average productive capabilities of the two groups' (1994, p.220; cited in Ho and Alcorso, 2004, p.239). This emphasises the pre–conceived perception that they are less productive in the workforce and are in turn inferior. Hence, it suggests that they are less likely to achieve employment in the recruitment process. An action that consistently generates discrimination as a result of perceptions about personality and culture is when human resource managers do not consider or provide an applicant with a fair chance based upon their name (Booth et al. 2010). The differences in callback rates suggest that immigrants and candidates of ethnic background would 'need to apply for more jobs in order to receive the same number of interviews' (Booth et al. 2010, p.1). Hence, studies have shown that 'in order to get as many interviews as an Anglo applicant, an indigenous person must submit 35% more applications, a Chinese person must submit 68% more applications, an Italian person must submit 12% more applications, and Middle Eastern person 64% more applications' (Booth et al. 2010, p.9). These findings and figures display first–hand the discrimination that takes place during the recruitment process and suggest that it is as a Get more content on
  • 20. Discrimination Essay Existence of Discrimination Discrimination happens to be exhibited in many ways and different settings. Some of the reasons people discriminate are race, belief, sexual preference, employment, religion, gender, size, and even a person health status. Usually the person that discriminates has a narcissistic behavior and preoccupied with issues of power, vanity, and personal adequacy. Their disorder and ignorance of what the discriminator doesn't understand, fuels their negative feelings. Many times the basic root of discrimination is heredity, passed down from generation to generation, which also makes it easier to keep discrimination alive. People experience discrimination in a variety of settings like work, school, church, stores, more content... Discrimination is not visible to everyone, but mostly visible to the discriminator and the victim. I have been discriminated in many areas of my life. For instance, at work I was discriminated against because of the color, title, and personal appearance. One time, I had a patient tried to scratch me, and called me a nigger because I'm black. Not once did I disrespect her or mistreat her, but she thought she had the right to say negative words to me, and physically harm me because of the color of my skin. She knew nothing about me except that I was a black woman. The opponents would say that the patient might have behaved like this because she might have had a bad experience before. I would say that a bad experience might not lead a patient call me a nigger, nor would she try to hurt me. Discrimination also exists in a racial sense. A study was created in 2002 to study discrimination in the job market. "Researchers sent out 5,000 resumes in response to help wanted ads in the Boston and Chicago Sunday papers. The resumes were identical, except for the names of the job applicants...Although the qualifications of the supposed job applicants were identical, the white–sounding names elicited 50 percent more callbacks than the black–sounding names" (Henslin 359). The employers did not look at the resumes properly, and only focused on the names of the applicants. This demonstrate that blacks are prejudged and Get more content on