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Discourse Communities
A discourse community is a group of communicators with common goals or purposes that use communication to achieve these goals. A disclosure
community goals influence specific genres it uses, and the expectations for communication. Some students here in college have yet to know what they
want to major in. Being in the disclosure community has many different options to chose from. The varieties go from radio broadcasting to audio
mixing. There is also sports analysis and Video production. The specific major that I chose was video production. As I said before manycollege
students are undecided in what they want to major in, and for me I believe that majoring in a communications class like this is highly recommended.
Radio broadcasting is a part of the disclosure community and a major you can study specifically. Radio broadcasting is a wireless transmission over
radio waves intended to reach an audience, and communicate to people around the world. Broadcasting around the world gives students the chance to
explore in things they have never explored in such as; learning how to work the computer on–air systems, broadcast consoles, and digital recorders.
Majoring in radio broadcasting you also have to learn how to speak through the microphone and use varieties of tones while communicating to the
outside world. Learning how to more content...
For example; American Broadcasting Company a.k.a. ABC is a Nation Wide commercial broadcast television networks. The American Broadcasting
Company is an American commercial broadcast television network that is owned by the Disney–ABC Television Group, a subsidiary of the Disney
Media Networks division of The Walt Disney Company. Categories like drama, comedies, reality shows, game shows and more are all examples of
networks on ABC. There are thousands of other great programs that i so happen to come across based on the agendas and goals of my
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Examples Of Discourse Communities
Discourse communities often have their own languages within one another, that help them communicate with the members. When trying to reach a
certain type of a discourse community you use the same type of communication that they are using at the time or it will cause confusion. If you are not
apart of the community, you must be careful because you might confuse the audience you are trying to reach. You might even forget the purpose of
your message to that community. I will be talking about my soccer team's community because it shows how we communicate with one another within
our community and also with other teams in our district. My topic on the last discussion post was about my soccer team's community, I will be using
that as an example
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The Concept Of Discourse Community
Life is like a massive highway that have infinite routes anyone can choose take to reach some type of designated goal. Those various routes lead to
distinct exits, where one can discover a group or groups that share similarities dealing with viewpoints, beliefs, or understanding towards a particular
goal. These groups can be identified as discourse communities. According to, "The Concept of Discourse Community," in the textbook, Writing About
Writing, John Swales stressed that in order to be classified as a discourse community the group has to have all six defining characteristics. Swales
emphasized, "A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals, mechanisms of intercommunication among its members, uses
its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback, utilities and hence processes one or more genres in the communicative
furtherance of its aims, acquires specific lexis, and has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discourse expertise"
(Swales, 221–222). Keeping this key detail in mind, there is numerous type of discourse out there.
An example of a discourse community I choose to talk about in this paper is the JPS Nail Salon located near Elvis Presley Boulevard. I recently
became a part of this particular discourse community group by volunteering to help out on the weekends. I thought it would be interesting to dig a little
deeper as to how discourse community works out as a whole.
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Discourse Community Essay
A discourse community is a group of people who share a common goal, as well as communicate about a certain topic. John Swales, a linguist known
for his genre analysis work, defines it as groups that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals. Not only are these
communities common across the world, but they are common in every area. These communities are so common that many are a part of one or many
and aren't aware of it.
According to Swales, there are six characteristics of a discourse community: A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals,
has mechanisms of intercommunication among their members, uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback, utilizes more content...
The church community welcomes anyone who has intentions and set goals of attending church to attain happiness, and values the ethic and morals of
the group.
The church discourse community shares similar purposes which is to develop a better relationship with God, Community outreach – being involved in
the community and speaking to individuals to know what a school or organization stand in need of, educating and encouraging believers to grow
spiritually and reach out to others, attending Bible study, Sunday school, services, and speaking personally to leaders. Church members at, Greater
Works Christian Ministries, have to be welcoming to others, and to join the community, one must first reach out to the service and then is required to
attend a new member's class. In the class, you are taught about what they believe, how they worship, the background and history of the church, and
what you can get involved in within the church. After this process is over, you are welcomed into the church with open arms. A waycommunication is
involved is by the preacher preaching to the members during service. Not only is the preacher preaching, but singing, prayer, and dancing is involved.
Several of people communicate verbally or nonverbally; examples of verbally is shouting and speaking loudly with words such as "Amen!", and
nonverbally by throwing their hands in the air out of joyfulness and the love for God that they have. With the lack of communication, Greater Works
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Characteristics Of A Discourse Community
Many people often affiliate themselves with groups that share similar goals, language, and communication methods. What people do not know is that
some of these groups they are a part of, are what scholars classify as a discourse community. It is important to understand that every group you are a
part of is not necessarily considered a discourse community. In an article by Ann Johns, she mentions Swales six characteristics that can be helpful in
understanding what makes a discourse community. Some of these characteristics include having a common goal among the members, a balance
between new and experienced members, and people provide feedback within the community. Although some aspects of a discourse community may
seem easy to understand other characteristics like the role that genre, language, and intercommunication play within discourse communities can be
more difficult to comprehend (321). As you become familiar with different aspects of discourse communities, you will see what they are and how they
function. When we have a deeper understanding of discourse communities we can start to see the role they play in our lives. Discourse communities
determine how we communicate with others in certain situations. One of the characteristics that could arguably be one of the most important is that
intercommunication is used among members of the discourse community (321). A group of people can have a common set of goals, but if there is no
intercommunication among the group then it can not be considered a discourse community. When you hear the word communication, speaking or
writing are the two forms of communication that usually come to mind, but these are not the only ways in which we can effectively communicate.
Body language is one of the types of communication that people often overlook and do not realize how effective it can be when communicating with
others. Ahmet Benzer brings to our attention that, " body language is a comprehension and communication tool via physical movements and changes
that show a person's feelings, thoughts, and attitudes about other persons and thing" (467). When we realize that people use body language to
communicate and express feelings, a whole new level of communication
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Discourse Community Analysis Examples
Promptly from the very beginning, feeling of formal writing strikes in mind while reading the paper and it is maintained throughout the whole writing.
Coherence, clarity and attention grabber particularly at the onset of first paragraph through definition of discourse community, in the fifth paragraph
via counterargument and many examples of real life experiences makes the paper interesting and always engaging to read. These are the strengths of
this paper.
I have found few surface errors and would suggest ratifying them. This includes second line of first paragraph – "In order to become a part of a
discourse community one to should appeal to logic, credibility, and emotions", correction of repeated word in last line of second paragraph –
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Example Of A Discourse Community Essay
Communities may be a home away from home for some members with their own terminology and varying degrees of formality. These groups are
usually joined by people for different reasons, some ranging from socializing to the acquisition of a single dream the group shares. Some groups even
have members who are either expert in their communities focus or are members who are eager and ready to learn. For some of these communities, this
form of communication and other factors is what defines them as a discourse community. However, there are communities that share some trait of
discourse communities yet they themselves are not. Due to these strict rules about what can and cannot be a discourse community can be hard to discern.
Like, for instance, more content...
It may seem that each and every member within the subreddit is working towards a greater whole, however, that impression is wrong, with the
exception of the moderators. Most of the participants within the community are people who come to the subreddit to post their grievances with life
and or find people who are in a similar position to them in no way are they experts on the subject of clinical depression nor are they licensed to deal
with those who do maybe with the exception f the moderators. There is no greater goal, no grand plan for the community there just exists a kinship
for those who need it. Most if not all members are helpful of those who post, for example, the quote below
"I recommend finding a depression test. Mine is in a book, but you can find one somewhere online. Taking the test helps me a lot when I feel that way.
I know that the questions were written by people who are familiar with depression – when I get a score that lines up with depression, I know I can trust
that my depression is real. When that score changes, I can trust that my depression is better or
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Discourse Community Examples
What is a discourse community? A discourse community is an interactive group that shares common discourses. Meaning that they share a common set
of values that similar towards others. Most of society belongs to a discourse community that share values or even similar personalities. The discourse
communities I joined needed to reflect my personality. For example, I like culture and I like to involve myself in some culture–based activities such as
Art or even Culinary Arts. Ideally experiencing diverse cultures other than my own would directly geared towards my personality traits. Here are a
few. My personality is more of an introverted style; it mostly consists of my shyness near groups. I love taking care of children and teaching, but I do more content...
Learning music was not a challenge for me, especially since I grew up in musically gifted families. Honestly math came easy for me, mostly
because I was taught to keep up with the tempo of the music. Thankfully playing in the band came naturally for me and I liked the challenge in
trying to learn an instrument. My school performed at a couple of competitions and a few concerts as well. I continued playing until my
sophomore year in high school, I lost interest in high school; it seemed like it was more of a chore rather something to enjoy and the students
made it difficult for me to perform so, I forced myself to leave. Before I quit the band in my sophomore year I joined the culinary arts club and the art
society. I always loved making food, I started cooking around 6 to 7 years old under supervision of course. Slowly my parents had me help–out in the
kitchen, then they let me practice making baked goods and later, they started to let cook by myself. I watched cooking shows too, and I would just
read the cooking books for hours just to know if we had the ingredients
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Discourse Community Essay
Effective writing allows for both the participation and addition of knowledge in discourse communities. A discourse community is a group of people
that develop and share a sense of identity primarily through the sharing and exchanging of information on a specific subject or field. The two main
form of communication in discourse communities are through reading and writing. Through reading one becomes familiar and starts to understand a
community, and writing is when one participates in it. Each discourse community develops its own unique technical language, often referred to as lexis.
The lexis allows communication between the community to be precise and to the point [6].
In the field of architecture, it is important to understand that the profession spans two different discourse communities with their own distinct standards
and needs: and internal and external discourse [5]. The internal discourse is the one in which architect communicate with their fellow peers, educators,
critics, in effort to more content...
The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is an independent, nonprofit, student–run organization. The AIAS strives to provide the future
generation of architects with progressive programs, information, and resources on issues critical to architecture and the experience of education [9].
"The mission of the AIAS is to promote excellence in architectural education, training, and practice; to foster and appreciation of architecture and
related disciplines; to enrich communities in a spirit of collaboration; and to organize students and combine their efforts to advance the art and science
of architecture" [9]. The AIAS official website provides as an ample to tool to communicate with peers through in many ways. One of them is by
becoming an official member and by doing so you are able to attend meeting on you university
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Discourse Community Papers
A discourse community is a group of people who share common interest, values and aim to reach the same goals. For example, this English 1301
course where we've been assigned to write a paper with the same goal and ideas in mind. A class where we all discuss our views and passions and
relate them to English and composition. I am excited to share with you what I have learned so far and the skills that I have acquired in this stimulating
English course that has managed to spark my interest in writing after many years of cranking out meaningless papers with no personality or style. In
this paper, I explain to you, my classmates, the process I went through in joining my discourse community, showing you just how intense and difficult it
is to more content...
I would consider myself to have been a very committed athlete in high school because I worked my behind off training for every season. Leaving my
blood, sweat and tears on the track, not walking off of it until I felt I had accomplished what I set out to do. We don't just run, we work. We work on
speed, endurance, strength and technique. We work on teaching ourselves howrunning is mostly about mindset rather than a physical thing. We do
this exercise where you run a 400 meters telling yourself you're a brick, sounds kind of dumb, I know. But after you run another 400 meter telling
yourself you are feather, telling yourself you're like Mayweather "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Without even realizing it, even after
running the first 400 and being dead tired, we realize our times for the second lap were faster than the first! You have to tell your body what to do
and be mentally in control so when you're on your final 200 meters you can push yourself to limits you didn't know you had. You will find very
few track athletes who actually enjoy running themselves to death on a daily basis, but we do it because when you cross the finish and look up
and see you name on the score board in a top place, you will want to relive the moment over and over again because it is absolutely priceless. Then
when I received the letter telling me I had been offered a scholarship to run and jump at a D1 school, all the hard work I had been putting into this
sport over the past four years felt completely worth
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Essay about Discourse Community
Men May Have Invented Softball, but Women Perfected it In ENGL 1301, these past two weeks have given me a better understanding of ethos, logos
and pathos appeals. Being in a discourse community has made me put these appeals into perspective. Understanding that being in that community made
me a stronger woman. This will give me a chance to show you, my professor and classmates that softball is indeed a sport. I will prove why I attended
this discourse community in softball at a young age to now by explaining the mental state of understanding the rules, the physical mechanisms, and the
emotional connection it has on my authority, team and myself. Having good comprehension skills helps understanding the rules very easy. I was first more content...
Although the rules are printed in black and white, learning the physical aspects of softball was very challenging. Being an athletic person allowed
me to catch on quickly. Everyone else on the team had already experienced softball two or three years before me. First I learned to catch, which was
probably the hardest thing for me. It seemed like the ball was moving a 100 miles per hour aiming straight towards my face even though it was coming
20–25 miles per hour. When catching the ball, the thrower has to aim straight for my chest; which is where I should want to target my glove.
Learning to bat might seem challenging but it's not. Hitting from a tee is effortless because there is more concentration on the ball. That's probably
the best way to be trained. Than a coach may soft toss it. Focusing more on the coach's hand where the ball was, helped me focus on what I was
looking for when a pitcher pitched against me. Soon after, the coach started the pitching machine. Nine times out of ten, when it's a player first time
hitting off a pitching machine, she is afraid to get hit by the ball. A lot of the batters jump out the way of the batter's box. I know I did. Hitting off the
pitching machine and having someone toss is very accommodating. Utilizing the tee is probably the best thing to use overall. It allows the batter to
focus on using proper mechanics. The last entity I learned was to throw. Throwing is not as problematic
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My Discourse Community Essay
A discourse community comprises of a group of people sharing a common and distinct mode of communication or discourse, especially within a
particular domain of intellectual or social activity (Oxforddictionaries, 2017). Some of the discourse communities I consider to be a part of, include an
Indian joint family, my peer group, high school education in India, the Apple community and education at Pace university.
I hail from a Hindu joint family in the South of India. My parents have inculcated the values of culture, religion, respect, love, humility and care for
others ever since I was a child while my grandparents have coddled me with gifts and stories from their childhood in pre–independent India. I grew up
in a more content...
My parents were kind to provide me with the opportunity to have first–hand knowledge about the latest technology in Apple and provided me with
some Apple products as they deemed fit. I feel a part of the Apple community also because of the sophisticated vocabulary provided by Apple to its
users to provide a sense of community. For example, iPhotos is used to describe a gallery of photos, iBooks is used to for a book app, iMessages,
iTunes for music and many others.
My desire as a child to travel the world led me to my education at Pace University, first of my many destinations. The teaching methodology, the process
of assigning homework, the serene atmosphere in the campus and the ever–helping faculty and staff have already instilled confidence in me. This has
helped me ease out of my comfort zone to explore and innovate. Gaining my higher education in America has exposed me to a whole new set of
scholastic vocabularies such as credit hours, GPA, courses, Greek life involving sororities and fraternities and
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Discourse Community Essay
A discourse community is a social group of people that share a set of discourses, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of
communicating through written texts and share common goals, such as academia. There is usually some type of discussion, which is called discursive
practices. Usually, these discursive practices involve genres, which are types of texts that are recognizable to the readers and writers. In the essay, The
Concept of Discourse Community, John Swales give you some things to look for and consider when trying to figure out what is happening in any
situation where language and texts play a part: What are people doing here? Do they share goals? How do they communicate with one another? How
do newcomers learn what to do here? (Swales 215) more content...
Nurses are at the center of the health care industry, and are in a sole position of power. The academic area of my life involves being a pre–nursing
student. In this discourse community we share collective goals such as studying, earning excellent grades, achievement into nursing school, and
eventually becoming a nurse. Nurses are very important to society; their remarkable discourse community stands out in the health community. Their
work provides trustworthiness to the provided of drugs and information given from doctors. Healthcare will always be needed, and with healthcare
we need people who are well train in their field to be on top of their game and be knowledgeable about the healthcare. We might not always trust that
our doctor knows what they are prescribing us but we can trust that our nurses have the knowledge of what they distribute. There are general fallacies
among the field of nursing and several things to think about before following the path of a
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Essay On Discourse Community
In the first few weeks that I have attended my first year college English class, we have discussed what discourse communities are and how they are
integrated into everyday life. Each one of these communities consist of people who share similar goals, have specialized vocabulary, and have a
priority to implement a language that mutually enables members to function together towards those goals. A discoursecommunity that I had decided to
become a part of a couple of years ago would be the tennis team. The tennis team is in fact a discourse community because it is full of people who
share knowledge of a particular topic, similar experiences, values and common ways of communicating. Personally being a part of tennis has its perks
and exemplifies the characteristics that make it fit the nature of a discourse community. There are more content...
Examples of such are dealing with difficult stressful situations. Various situations in tennis can be difficult and demanding because if you are
playing in very hot weather, and the match you are playing is very long: more than likely you will feel tired and start having discouraging thoughts
cross your mind. The key to dealing with such instances would be to experience losses and wins through time. Nothing builds more character and
confidence than having your first lost and first win in the game of tennis. Personally I have lost many time over and each one teaches me something
new. It is also good to have a kind hearted approach to all players within the community. After all, nothing feels better than being treated by others the
way you want to be treated right, or at least that is the general idea. Being kind to people even in tennis makes me feel happy and improves the overall
quality of the community. The mastery of these emotions lead to the advantages of releasing stress and a greatfeeling of
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John Swales Discourse Community Examples
A discourse community is defined as groups that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals. John Swales is a professor in
linguistics and received his Ph. D. from Cambridge University. John Swales's Six Criteria is a perfect setup for a discourse community, and some of
the steps are setting a common goal, mechanisms of intercommunication; provide information and feedback, genres, lexis, and threshold level of
members. James Lee is a professor who taught linguistics at Stanford and Northwestern University. Gee's idea of a discourse community is a secondary
dominant or non–dominant which applies to their life outside of work. I thought police officers would make a great example of a discourse community
because of more content...
I asked Hilgenbrink, What types of feedback and information do you have to give to the community or police headquarters? He said "First off we
have to write citations to enforce the law and then we have to talk to our supervisor about any laws that could be removed. Citations involve a lot of
paperwork and this is one my least favorite things to do." They have to give parking, speeding, and all other type of fines to bring revenue into the
city and to enforce the law. These citations consist of two pages of content pertaining to the law that an individual has broken. If the community has a
problem with a law they can discuss it with the city council or it can be discussed at town hall meetings.
"Genres are types of texts that are recognizable to the reader and writers, and meet the needs of the rhetorical situation in which they
function."(Swales 467) I asked Hilgenbrink, What texts or books do police officers use every day? He said "I think the text or book that we use
every day is the laws that we enforce." This is pretty simple because the laws are stated in the state's constitution which the police officers inforce.
Genre is crucial to the development of a discourse
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Discourse Community Analysis Essay example
The Journey of A Successful Soccer Player
In order to be accepted into a discourse community, a person must learn typical ways people in that community communicate and argue. In this paper I
will prove that I entered the discourse community of my high school soccer team by acquiring knowledge, establishing my credibility, and learning the
game I love. In other words, I will be using the ethos, logos, and pathos appeals. I love to play soccer and watch the professionals who play on TV. I
have played since I was ten years old and always played in a city league team. The requirements of being part of the team were simple but at the same
time very hard. I was recently part of my high school soccer team, the Crowley Eagles. People more content...
In soccer you must be able to communicate with not only one, but with all of your team mates. This is something we worked on from the start. We
communicated in many different ways such as training on a daily basis, to enduring a punishment together as a team. Even calling each other out
became a common way of communicating. Everyone in the team had to learn to collaborate with each other even if they didn't like it. It seemed
kind of pointless at first but it was all part of building chemistry with each other. It was difficult year after year loosing and gaining people to be
able to accept new players in to our family. Coach King was one of the greatest coaches I have ever had. He came off as this mean and grumpy old
man at first but we ended up changing how we viewed him. He made it clear to us that we just had understand his meaning of the word GAS. GAS
meant grades, attitude, and then skill. Grades of course were the most important thing because no pass no play was the rule. Most of the guys had no
problems with this but there was quite a few that had some trouble. When one was struggling we all had to step up and help if we wanted to have a
full squad for our next few games. We did many things to help them including getting help from tutors or teachers when in danger of failing. As the year
went on, many obstacles were thrown at us and we counted on each other to get through them.
A positive attitude is always better than a negative one. Coach made it
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Example Of Discourse Community
INTRODUCTION: Finding people who share common interests and enjoy the same activities as yourself can often be difficult to find, but is
necessary to have. Especially during college, a time where you are receiving your independence, but unsure of what that truly means, feeling lonely is
valid and expected. However, college can offer many resources to aid you in these emotions, by having plenty of discourse communities you can join,
or even offering you the opportunity to create your own. As quoted by Herzberg in The Concept ofDiscourse Community, "the idea of a "discourse
community" is not well defined yet" (469). Despite the vague concept John Swales offers, he further goes on to elaborate on what six characteristics
discourse communities can be identified through. A discourse community which one of my roommates participates in is the Vietnamese Student
Association (VSA). The VSA is a cultural club for students at University of California, Davis, who identify as Vietnamese, and want to come together
with others a part of the same background. The VSA is a perfect model of a discourse community, as it passes the checkpoints Swales provides to
identify one.
METHODS: To fully understand how the Vietnamese Student Association operates and functions as a discourse community, I interviewed a member
of the club, Alyssa. Alyssa is a first–year biology major who just joined VSA a mere month and a half ago. Despite her short time participating in the
club, she was still very
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Example Of A Discourse Community
According to Swales he describes a discourse community as a group of people that have goals, specific vocabulary, values, genres, a specific
language, and criteria to get in the group. While this is how Swales describes a discourse community, Erik Borg describes a discourse community as
an actively shares goals and communicate with other members to purse those goals. For this paper, I will be describing how my discourse community, a
football teams, falls into the description of what Swales describes a discourse community as.
The first criteria that Swales uses to become a discourse community is to have a common set of goals that all the members are constantly pursing.
For my example of a discourse community our set goals are to win football games, go to a bowl game, and become the best players we can be.
These goals have brought together the set people that are in my discourse community. Every day as a group of people we come together to work for
these goals. For instance, the ways that my discourse community strives to achieve these goals are working out, and practicing football.
Swales describes a discourse community of having a mechanism of intercommunication among its society. The types of mechanism that my discourse
community uses as a football team are meetings, and conversation within the team. Every week my discourse community has meetings with the whole
society to create change if needed and proceed with the group focus. The head of the discourse community, head
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Discourse Community
The conversation of assimilation into a discourse community has been a long standing presence in academic conversation. Especially if a religious
community is given the title of a discourse community. Typical methods of assimilating new members into a desired religion usually standout. For
example, representatives of a religious organization go door to door to give out information about the religion is common practice, it a simply direct.
Daniel Olson states in his research that smaller religious groups find more committed members through leaving and joining the group, compared to
larger religious groups (359). Although Rahsaan Maxwell and Erik Bleich uses Muslims as his topic, presents relatable assimilation reasoning that
Muslims who more content...
Therefore this dilemma arises questions that need to be answered: How does the surrounding area affect the way THD assimilates people into the
church through genres? Does the surrounding population complicate THD's impact on larger social issues? From what I researched, I have found that
the assimilation into Christianity can be related to the social aspects that surround them, as well as in them. This paper is established for people who
are interested in affects/effects of joining/assimilating into a discourse community, as well as how it is influenced by larger social
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Discourse Communities

  • 1. Discourse Communities A discourse community is a group of communicators with common goals or purposes that use communication to achieve these goals. A disclosure community goals influence specific genres it uses, and the expectations for communication. Some students here in college have yet to know what they want to major in. Being in the disclosure community has many different options to chose from. The varieties go from radio broadcasting to audio mixing. There is also sports analysis and Video production. The specific major that I chose was video production. As I said before manycollege students are undecided in what they want to major in, and for me I believe that majoring in a communications class like this is highly recommended. Radio broadcasting is a part of the disclosure community and a major you can study specifically. Radio broadcasting is a wireless transmission over radio waves intended to reach an audience, and communicate to people around the world. Broadcasting around the world gives students the chance to explore in things they have never explored in such as; learning how to work the computer on–air systems, broadcast consoles, and digital recorders. Majoring in radio broadcasting you also have to learn how to speak through the microphone and use varieties of tones while communicating to the outside world. Learning how to more content... For example; American Broadcasting Company a.k.a. ABC is a Nation Wide commercial broadcast television networks. The American Broadcasting Company is an American commercial broadcast television network that is owned by the Disney–ABC Television Group, a subsidiary of the Disney Media Networks division of The Walt Disney Company. Categories like drama, comedies, reality shows, game shows and more are all examples of networks on ABC. There are thousands of other great programs that i so happen to come across based on the agendas and goals of my Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of Discourse Communities Discourse communities often have their own languages within one another, that help them communicate with the members. When trying to reach a certain type of a discourse community you use the same type of communication that they are using at the time or it will cause confusion. If you are not apart of the community, you must be careful because you might confuse the audience you are trying to reach. You might even forget the purpose of your message to that community. I will be talking about my soccer team's community because it shows how we communicate with one another within our community and also with other teams in our district. My topic on the last discussion post was about my soccer team's community, I will be using that as an example Get more content on
  • 3. The Concept Of Discourse Community Life is like a massive highway that have infinite routes anyone can choose take to reach some type of designated goal. Those various routes lead to distinct exits, where one can discover a group or groups that share similarities dealing with viewpoints, beliefs, or understanding towards a particular goal. These groups can be identified as discourse communities. According to, "The Concept of Discourse Community," in the textbook, Writing About Writing, John Swales stressed that in order to be classified as a discourse community the group has to have all six defining characteristics. Swales emphasized, "A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals, mechanisms of intercommunication among its members, uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback, utilities and hence processes one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims, acquires specific lexis, and has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discourse expertise" (Swales, 221–222). Keeping this key detail in mind, there is numerous type of discourse out there. An example of a discourse community I choose to talk about in this paper is the JPS Nail Salon located near Elvis Presley Boulevard. I recently became a part of this particular discourse community group by volunteering to help out on the weekends. I thought it would be interesting to dig a little deeper as to how discourse community works out as a whole. Get more content on
  • 4. Discourse Community Essay A discourse community is a group of people who share a common goal, as well as communicate about a certain topic. John Swales, a linguist known for his genre analysis work, defines it as groups that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals. Not only are these communities common across the world, but they are common in every area. These communities are so common that many are a part of one or many and aren't aware of it. According to Swales, there are six characteristics of a discourse community: A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals, has mechanisms of intercommunication among their members, uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback, utilizes more content... The church community welcomes anyone who has intentions and set goals of attending church to attain happiness, and values the ethic and morals of the group. The church discourse community shares similar purposes which is to develop a better relationship with God, Community outreach – being involved in the community and speaking to individuals to know what a school or organization stand in need of, educating and encouraging believers to grow spiritually and reach out to others, attending Bible study, Sunday school, services, and speaking personally to leaders. Church members at, Greater Works Christian Ministries, have to be welcoming to others, and to join the community, one must first reach out to the service and then is required to attend a new member's class. In the class, you are taught about what they believe, how they worship, the background and history of the church, and what you can get involved in within the church. After this process is over, you are welcomed into the church with open arms. A waycommunication is involved is by the preacher preaching to the members during service. Not only is the preacher preaching, but singing, prayer, and dancing is involved. Several of people communicate verbally or nonverbally; examples of verbally is shouting and speaking loudly with words such as "Amen!", and nonverbally by throwing their hands in the air out of joyfulness and the love for God that they have. With the lack of communication, Greater Works Get more content on
  • 5. Characteristics Of A Discourse Community Many people often affiliate themselves with groups that share similar goals, language, and communication methods. What people do not know is that some of these groups they are a part of, are what scholars classify as a discourse community. It is important to understand that every group you are a part of is not necessarily considered a discourse community. In an article by Ann Johns, she mentions Swales six characteristics that can be helpful in understanding what makes a discourse community. Some of these characteristics include having a common goal among the members, a balance between new and experienced members, and people provide feedback within the community. Although some aspects of a discourse community may seem easy to understand other characteristics like the role that genre, language, and intercommunication play within discourse communities can be more difficult to comprehend (321). As you become familiar with different aspects of discourse communities, you will see what they are and how they function. When we have a deeper understanding of discourse communities we can start to see the role they play in our lives. Discourse communities determine how we communicate with others in certain situations. One of the characteristics that could arguably be one of the most important is that intercommunication is used among members of the discourse community (321). A group of people can have a common set of goals, but if there is no intercommunication among the group then it can not be considered a discourse community. When you hear the word communication, speaking or writing are the two forms of communication that usually come to mind, but these are not the only ways in which we can effectively communicate. Body language is one of the types of communication that people often overlook and do not realize how effective it can be when communicating with others. Ahmet Benzer brings to our attention that, " body language is a comprehension and communication tool via physical movements and changes that show a person's feelings, thoughts, and attitudes about other persons and thing" (467). When we realize that people use body language to communicate and express feelings, a whole new level of communication Get more content on
  • 6. Discourse Community Analysis Examples Promptly from the very beginning, feeling of formal writing strikes in mind while reading the paper and it is maintained throughout the whole writing. Coherence, clarity and attention grabber particularly at the onset of first paragraph through definition of discourse community, in the fifth paragraph via counterargument and many examples of real life experiences makes the paper interesting and always engaging to read. These are the strengths of this paper. I have found few surface errors and would suggest ratifying them. This includes second line of first paragraph – "In order to become a part of a discourse community one to should appeal to logic, credibility, and emotions", correction of repeated word in last line of second paragraph – Get more content on
  • 7. Example Of A Discourse Community Essay Communities may be a home away from home for some members with their own terminology and varying degrees of formality. These groups are usually joined by people for different reasons, some ranging from socializing to the acquisition of a single dream the group shares. Some groups even have members who are either expert in their communities focus or are members who are eager and ready to learn. For some of these communities, this form of communication and other factors is what defines them as a discourse community. However, there are communities that share some trait of discourse communities yet they themselves are not. Due to these strict rules about what can and cannot be a discourse community can be hard to discern. Like, for instance, more content... It may seem that each and every member within the subreddit is working towards a greater whole, however, that impression is wrong, with the exception of the moderators. Most of the participants within the community are people who come to the subreddit to post their grievances with life and or find people who are in a similar position to them in no way are they experts on the subject of clinical depression nor are they licensed to deal with those who do maybe with the exception f the moderators. There is no greater goal, no grand plan for the community there just exists a kinship for those who need it. Most if not all members are helpful of those who post, for example, the quote below "I recommend finding a depression test. Mine is in a book, but you can find one somewhere online. Taking the test helps me a lot when I feel that way. I know that the questions were written by people who are familiar with depression – when I get a score that lines up with depression, I know I can trust that my depression is real. When that score changes, I can trust that my depression is better or Get more content on
  • 8. Discourse Community Examples What is a discourse community? A discourse community is an interactive group that shares common discourses. Meaning that they share a common set of values that similar towards others. Most of society belongs to a discourse community that share values or even similar personalities. The discourse communities I joined needed to reflect my personality. For example, I like culture and I like to involve myself in some culture–based activities such as Art or even Culinary Arts. Ideally experiencing diverse cultures other than my own would directly geared towards my personality traits. Here are a few. My personality is more of an introverted style; it mostly consists of my shyness near groups. I love taking care of children and teaching, but I do more content... Learning music was not a challenge for me, especially since I grew up in musically gifted families. Honestly math came easy for me, mostly because I was taught to keep up with the tempo of the music. Thankfully playing in the band came naturally for me and I liked the challenge in trying to learn an instrument. My school performed at a couple of competitions and a few concerts as well. I continued playing until my sophomore year in high school, I lost interest in high school; it seemed like it was more of a chore rather something to enjoy and the students made it difficult for me to perform so, I forced myself to leave. Before I quit the band in my sophomore year I joined the culinary arts club and the art society. I always loved making food, I started cooking around 6 to 7 years old under supervision of course. Slowly my parents had me help–out in the kitchen, then they let me practice making baked goods and later, they started to let cook by myself. I watched cooking shows too, and I would just read the cooking books for hours just to know if we had the ingredients Get more content on
  • 9. Discourse Community Essay Effective writing allows for both the participation and addition of knowledge in discourse communities. A discourse community is a group of people that develop and share a sense of identity primarily through the sharing and exchanging of information on a specific subject or field. The two main form of communication in discourse communities are through reading and writing. Through reading one becomes familiar and starts to understand a community, and writing is when one participates in it. Each discourse community develops its own unique technical language, often referred to as lexis. The lexis allows communication between the community to be precise and to the point [6]. In the field of architecture, it is important to understand that the profession spans two different discourse communities with their own distinct standards and needs: and internal and external discourse [5]. The internal discourse is the one in which architect communicate with their fellow peers, educators, critics, in effort to more content... The American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) is an independent, nonprofit, student–run organization. The AIAS strives to provide the future generation of architects with progressive programs, information, and resources on issues critical to architecture and the experience of education [9]. "The mission of the AIAS is to promote excellence in architectural education, training, and practice; to foster and appreciation of architecture and related disciplines; to enrich communities in a spirit of collaboration; and to organize students and combine their efforts to advance the art and science of architecture" [9]. The AIAS official website provides as an ample to tool to communicate with peers through in many ways. One of them is by becoming an official member and by doing so you are able to attend meeting on you university Get more content on
  • 10. Discourse Community Papers A discourse community is a group of people who share common interest, values and aim to reach the same goals. For example, this English 1301 course where we've been assigned to write a paper with the same goal and ideas in mind. A class where we all discuss our views and passions and relate them to English and composition. I am excited to share with you what I have learned so far and the skills that I have acquired in this stimulating English course that has managed to spark my interest in writing after many years of cranking out meaningless papers with no personality or style. In this paper, I explain to you, my classmates, the process I went through in joining my discourse community, showing you just how intense and difficult it is to more content... I would consider myself to have been a very committed athlete in high school because I worked my behind off training for every season. Leaving my blood, sweat and tears on the track, not walking off of it until I felt I had accomplished what I set out to do. We don't just run, we work. We work on speed, endurance, strength and technique. We work on teaching ourselves howrunning is mostly about mindset rather than a physical thing. We do this exercise where you run a 400 meters telling yourself you're a brick, sounds kind of dumb, I know. But after you run another 400 meter telling yourself you are feather, telling yourself you're like Mayweather "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." Without even realizing it, even after running the first 400 and being dead tired, we realize our times for the second lap were faster than the first! You have to tell your body what to do and be mentally in control so when you're on your final 200 meters you can push yourself to limits you didn't know you had. You will find very few track athletes who actually enjoy running themselves to death on a daily basis, but we do it because when you cross the finish and look up and see you name on the score board in a top place, you will want to relive the moment over and over again because it is absolutely priceless. Then when I received the letter telling me I had been offered a scholarship to run and jump at a D1 school, all the hard work I had been putting into this sport over the past four years felt completely worth Get more content on
  • 11. Essay about Discourse Community Men May Have Invented Softball, but Women Perfected it In ENGL 1301, these past two weeks have given me a better understanding of ethos, logos and pathos appeals. Being in a discourse community has made me put these appeals into perspective. Understanding that being in that community made me a stronger woman. This will give me a chance to show you, my professor and classmates that softball is indeed a sport. I will prove why I attended this discourse community in softball at a young age to now by explaining the mental state of understanding the rules, the physical mechanisms, and the emotional connection it has on my authority, team and myself. Having good comprehension skills helps understanding the rules very easy. I was first more content... Although the rules are printed in black and white, learning the physical aspects of softball was very challenging. Being an athletic person allowed me to catch on quickly. Everyone else on the team had already experienced softball two or three years before me. First I learned to catch, which was probably the hardest thing for me. It seemed like the ball was moving a 100 miles per hour aiming straight towards my face even though it was coming 20–25 miles per hour. When catching the ball, the thrower has to aim straight for my chest; which is where I should want to target my glove. Learning to bat might seem challenging but it's not. Hitting from a tee is effortless because there is more concentration on the ball. That's probably the best way to be trained. Than a coach may soft toss it. Focusing more on the coach's hand where the ball was, helped me focus on what I was looking for when a pitcher pitched against me. Soon after, the coach started the pitching machine. Nine times out of ten, when it's a player first time hitting off a pitching machine, she is afraid to get hit by the ball. A lot of the batters jump out the way of the batter's box. I know I did. Hitting off the pitching machine and having someone toss is very accommodating. Utilizing the tee is probably the best thing to use overall. It allows the batter to focus on using proper mechanics. The last entity I learned was to throw. Throwing is not as problematic Get more content on
  • 12. My Discourse Community Essay Brainstorming A discourse community comprises of a group of people sharing a common and distinct mode of communication or discourse, especially within a particular domain of intellectual or social activity (Oxforddictionaries, 2017). Some of the discourse communities I consider to be a part of, include an Indian joint family, my peer group, high school education in India, the Apple community and education at Pace university. I hail from a Hindu joint family in the South of India. My parents have inculcated the values of culture, religion, respect, love, humility and care for others ever since I was a child while my grandparents have coddled me with gifts and stories from their childhood in pre–independent India. I grew up in a more content... My parents were kind to provide me with the opportunity to have first–hand knowledge about the latest technology in Apple and provided me with some Apple products as they deemed fit. I feel a part of the Apple community also because of the sophisticated vocabulary provided by Apple to its users to provide a sense of community. For example, iPhotos is used to describe a gallery of photos, iBooks is used to for a book app, iMessages, iTunes for music and many others. My desire as a child to travel the world led me to my education at Pace University, first of my many destinations. The teaching methodology, the process of assigning homework, the serene atmosphere in the campus and the ever–helping faculty and staff have already instilled confidence in me. This has helped me ease out of my comfort zone to explore and innovate. Gaining my higher education in America has exposed me to a whole new set of scholastic vocabularies such as credit hours, GPA, courses, Greek life involving sororities and fraternities and Get more content on
  • 13. Discourse Community Essay A discourse community is a social group of people that share a set of discourses, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating through written texts and share common goals, such as academia. There is usually some type of discussion, which is called discursive practices. Usually, these discursive practices involve genres, which are types of texts that are recognizable to the readers and writers. In the essay, The Concept of Discourse Community, John Swales give you some things to look for and consider when trying to figure out what is happening in any situation where language and texts play a part: What are people doing here? Do they share goals? How do they communicate with one another? How do newcomers learn what to do here? (Swales 215) more content... Nurses are at the center of the health care industry, and are in a sole position of power. The academic area of my life involves being a pre–nursing student. In this discourse community we share collective goals such as studying, earning excellent grades, achievement into nursing school, and eventually becoming a nurse. Nurses are very important to society; their remarkable discourse community stands out in the health community. Their work provides trustworthiness to the provided of drugs and information given from doctors. Healthcare will always be needed, and with healthcare we need people who are well train in their field to be on top of their game and be knowledgeable about the healthcare. We might not always trust that our doctor knows what they are prescribing us but we can trust that our nurses have the knowledge of what they distribute. There are general fallacies among the field of nursing and several things to think about before following the path of a Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On Discourse Community In the first few weeks that I have attended my first year college English class, we have discussed what discourse communities are and how they are integrated into everyday life. Each one of these communities consist of people who share similar goals, have specialized vocabulary, and have a priority to implement a language that mutually enables members to function together towards those goals. A discoursecommunity that I had decided to become a part of a couple of years ago would be the tennis team. The tennis team is in fact a discourse community because it is full of people who share knowledge of a particular topic, similar experiences, values and common ways of communicating. Personally being a part of tennis has its perks and exemplifies the characteristics that make it fit the nature of a discourse community. There are more content... Examples of such are dealing with difficult stressful situations. Various situations in tennis can be difficult and demanding because if you are playing in very hot weather, and the match you are playing is very long: more than likely you will feel tired and start having discouraging thoughts cross your mind. The key to dealing with such instances would be to experience losses and wins through time. Nothing builds more character and confidence than having your first lost and first win in the game of tennis. Personally I have lost many time over and each one teaches me something new. It is also good to have a kind hearted approach to all players within the community. After all, nothing feels better than being treated by others the way you want to be treated right, or at least that is the general idea. Being kind to people even in tennis makes me feel happy and improves the overall quality of the community. The mastery of these emotions lead to the advantages of releasing stress and a greatfeeling of Get more content on
  • 15. John Swales Discourse Community Examples A discourse community is defined as groups that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals. John Swales is a professor in linguistics and received his Ph. D. from Cambridge University. John Swales's Six Criteria is a perfect setup for a discourse community, and some of the steps are setting a common goal, mechanisms of intercommunication; provide information and feedback, genres, lexis, and threshold level of members. James Lee is a professor who taught linguistics at Stanford and Northwestern University. Gee's idea of a discourse community is a secondary dominant or non–dominant which applies to their life outside of work. I thought police officers would make a great example of a discourse community because of more content... I asked Hilgenbrink, What types of feedback and information do you have to give to the community or police headquarters? He said "First off we have to write citations to enforce the law and then we have to talk to our supervisor about any laws that could be removed. Citations involve a lot of paperwork and this is one my least favorite things to do." They have to give parking, speeding, and all other type of fines to bring revenue into the city and to enforce the law. These citations consist of two pages of content pertaining to the law that an individual has broken. If the community has a problem with a law they can discuss it with the city council or it can be discussed at town hall meetings. "Genres are types of texts that are recognizable to the reader and writers, and meet the needs of the rhetorical situation in which they function."(Swales 467) I asked Hilgenbrink, What texts or books do police officers use every day? He said "I think the text or book that we use every day is the laws that we enforce." This is pretty simple because the laws are stated in the state's constitution which the police officers inforce. Genre is crucial to the development of a discourse Get more content on
  • 16. Discourse Community Analysis Essay example The Journey of A Successful Soccer Player In order to be accepted into a discourse community, a person must learn typical ways people in that community communicate and argue. In this paper I will prove that I entered the discourse community of my high school soccer team by acquiring knowledge, establishing my credibility, and learning the game I love. In other words, I will be using the ethos, logos, and pathos appeals. I love to play soccer and watch the professionals who play on TV. I have played since I was ten years old and always played in a city league team. The requirements of being part of the team were simple but at the same time very hard. I was recently part of my high school soccer team, the Crowley Eagles. People more content... In soccer you must be able to communicate with not only one, but with all of your team mates. This is something we worked on from the start. We communicated in many different ways such as training on a daily basis, to enduring a punishment together as a team. Even calling each other out became a common way of communicating. Everyone in the team had to learn to collaborate with each other even if they didn't like it. It seemed kind of pointless at first but it was all part of building chemistry with each other. It was difficult year after year loosing and gaining people to be able to accept new players in to our family. Coach King was one of the greatest coaches I have ever had. He came off as this mean and grumpy old man at first but we ended up changing how we viewed him. He made it clear to us that we just had understand his meaning of the word GAS. GAS meant grades, attitude, and then skill. Grades of course were the most important thing because no pass no play was the rule. Most of the guys had no problems with this but there was quite a few that had some trouble. When one was struggling we all had to step up and help if we wanted to have a full squad for our next few games. We did many things to help them including getting help from tutors or teachers when in danger of failing. As the year went on, many obstacles were thrown at us and we counted on each other to get through them. A positive attitude is always better than a negative one. Coach made it Get more content on
  • 17. Example Of Discourse Community INTRODUCTION: Finding people who share common interests and enjoy the same activities as yourself can often be difficult to find, but is necessary to have. Especially during college, a time where you are receiving your independence, but unsure of what that truly means, feeling lonely is valid and expected. However, college can offer many resources to aid you in these emotions, by having plenty of discourse communities you can join, or even offering you the opportunity to create your own. As quoted by Herzberg in The Concept ofDiscourse Community, "the idea of a "discourse community" is not well defined yet" (469). Despite the vague concept John Swales offers, he further goes on to elaborate on what six characteristics discourse communities can be identified through. A discourse community which one of my roommates participates in is the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA). The VSA is a cultural club for students at University of California, Davis, who identify as Vietnamese, and want to come together with others a part of the same background. The VSA is a perfect model of a discourse community, as it passes the checkpoints Swales provides to identify one. METHODS: To fully understand how the Vietnamese Student Association operates and functions as a discourse community, I interviewed a member of the club, Alyssa. Alyssa is a first–year biology major who just joined VSA a mere month and a half ago. Despite her short time participating in the club, she was still very Get more content on
  • 18. Example Of A Discourse Community According to Swales he describes a discourse community as a group of people that have goals, specific vocabulary, values, genres, a specific language, and criteria to get in the group. While this is how Swales describes a discourse community, Erik Borg describes a discourse community as an actively shares goals and communicate with other members to purse those goals. For this paper, I will be describing how my discourse community, a football teams, falls into the description of what Swales describes a discourse community as. The first criteria that Swales uses to become a discourse community is to have a common set of goals that all the members are constantly pursing. For my example of a discourse community our set goals are to win football games, go to a bowl game, and become the best players we can be. These goals have brought together the set people that are in my discourse community. Every day as a group of people we come together to work for these goals. For instance, the ways that my discourse community strives to achieve these goals are working out, and practicing football. Swales describes a discourse community of having a mechanism of intercommunication among its society. The types of mechanism that my discourse community uses as a football team are meetings, and conversation within the team. Every week my discourse community has meetings with the whole society to create change if needed and proceed with the group focus. The head of the discourse community, head Get more content on
  • 19. Discourse Community The conversation of assimilation into a discourse community has been a long standing presence in academic conversation. Especially if a religious community is given the title of a discourse community. Typical methods of assimilating new members into a desired religion usually standout. For example, representatives of a religious organization go door to door to give out information about the religion is common practice, it a simply direct. Daniel Olson states in his research that smaller religious groups find more committed members through leaving and joining the group, compared to larger religious groups (359). Although Rahsaan Maxwell and Erik Bleich uses Muslims as his topic, presents relatable assimilation reasoning that Muslims who more content... Therefore this dilemma arises questions that need to be answered: How does the surrounding area affect the way THD assimilates people into the church through genres? Does the surrounding population complicate THD's impact on larger social issues? From what I researched, I have found that the assimilation into Christianity can be related to the social aspects that surround them, as well as in them. This paper is established for people who are interested in affects/effects of joining/assimilating into a discourse community, as well as how it is influenced by larger social Get more content on