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Philosophy of Student Discipline
My Philosophy of Student Discipline
I believe that each child is unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere
in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. It is my desire as
an educator to help students meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment
that is safe, supports risk–taking, and invite a sharing of ideas. There are three elements that I
believe are conducive to establishing such an environment namely, the teacher acting guide, allowing
the child's natural curiosity to direct his/her learning, promoting respect for all the things and all the
people. My passion in teaching and desire to make a difference to an individual more
When they are doing the unnecessary behaviour during on task activity, I normally go to the child
desk and reprimand him/her, or giving them an authoritative look to remind them that their action is
inappropriate. Sometimes I call the child to stay 15 minutes late before sending her home while
informing the parents the reason of him being late in going home. However, in day to day bases,
extreme naughtiness of student can't really be avoided either in educational mainstream or in an
inclusive classroom. I apply punishment to students who have done extreme misbehaviour and
reward for those who have done appropriate behaviour. However, handling and disciplining a
special child have no difference in setting up rules and discipline. Considering their culture, and
understanding student's individuality, they are also individual who needs respect and more
guidance to make their behaviour acceptable in society. Though they also learn in different ways
and in different rate, still it is important to employ various strategies for helping a special child
learn how to appropriately behave in the classroom. Such as positioning myself near my student,
catching her eye, or gently touching her shoulder is my way of bringing her back to focus and I
found out that those are effective strategy, a subtle reminder that I'm aware of her actions. Verbally
reminding the student how to act appropriately or inviting him/her to make an appropriate choice is
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School Discipline Essay
Discipline plays an important role towards the formation of students' character. It is one of the
important components in a system where closely related to the discipline, nature, morality and
decency. The word discipline is one thing that is synonymous in daily life. The word discipline is so
broad meaning either meaning negative or positive sense. However, the negative meaning that often
become the focus and is becoming an issue that is popular if it involves individual or group meetings
with the community.
The discipline problems in schools nowadays are a major problem among secondary students in
Malaysia. Disruptive behavior must be concern by schools administration because this problems more content...
Datuk Dr. Abdul Hamid Othman in the local newspaper (The Straits Times: 15hb.Februari 1994)
pointed out that teenagers who are always hang out usually come from people who live in
settlements around the city. Experiencing the families and societies who are not criticize others
because they have the attitude which is do not want to interfere others' matter.
Discipline problems in schools often becomes a hot topic discussed nowadays. This issue has
widely spread throughout mass media. Each day we will be served with news of a discipline
problems among students.
According to Harre and Lamp (1983), adolescents begin to adapt themselves more complex with
family, peers and teachers, through activities daily and social life according to his mood. Disciplines
related to nature, decency and morality. Discipline is not only appreciate the behavior that the
community expected, but also willing to be obedient and loyal to the school, state and country.
Classroom environment that is conducive classrooms with no discipline problems. Pupils who are
disciplined will ensure comfort, neatness and atmosphere that promotes feelings of teaching and
learning. (Ee Ah Meng,
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Student behavior and school discipline are heavily discussed topics in modern society. With every
new policy, there is a new behavior management plan that promises answers to the problems schools
are seeing. What begs to be seen is if these behavior plans truly meet the needs of the most at–risk
students, while working to create effective, long–lasting change within the school. Literature on
school discipline and various behavior management plans are vastly available. Each article offers a
differing perspective on how to improve the status of today's school environment.
Understanding the importance of improving student behavior and overall school discipline is vital
for educators and administrators alike. It has been more content...
Their behaviors make learning more difficult, but make the need for a behavior management plan
and a proactive approach more essential (Oudens, 2002; Stoiber–Callahan & Gettinger,
2011). According to Green 2009) , the most at–risk students need a plan that moves "from control
and punishment to prevention, and a focus on modeling appropriate behaviors" (p. 461).
Understanding the importance of student behavior on school and society as a whole, school leaders
must work to implement the most effective school–wide behavior interventions available. Chapter
two will look at Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and its overall effects on
student behavior, especially students who are considered at–risk. School leaders must utilize the
most effective practices available in order to reach at–risk students.
School Discipline
School discipline, for many years, has conveyed the message "that the student is in need of
punishment rather than in need of help" (Moriarty, 2002, p. 19). Through the adaption of zero–
tolerance policies many students end up suspended or expelled and there are no changes to overall
school safety or long–lasting effect in the student's behavior (Muscott et al., 2002).
PBIS for At–Risk Students
Education utilizes the approach that if a student acts out then they should be put out. As Muscott
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Discipline Referrals and their effectiveness on Academic Achievement
Introduction Do using discipline referrals as a frequent classroom management philosophy increase
student achievement scores? In today's schools there are many theories about how to effectively
handle a classroom. Teachers are given options across the educational discipline spectrum, but
ultimately are given the choice about how to effectively handle their own classroom management.
One potential step in handling classroom discipline is to write a referral that sends the student to the
office. This allows other students in the class to learn effectively. Students witness these incidents
and are meant to be afraid. The theory is that this enhances student engagement through fear, which
in turn increases students' academic achievement. In this study, research will be done to identify
whether an increase in classroom discipline referrals will also increase academic achievement
scores. Various studies in the past have used discipline as a means of studying academic
achievement. In the study, Middle School Predictors of High School Performance: A Case study of
Dropout Risk Indicators (2016), by McKee and Caldarella, a study was done to identify the
indicators of students dropping out. One such indicator they studied was absenteeism in a school.
While referrals are the principal variable in this study, there is a correlation between time spent in the
classroom and student achievement. McKee and
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Essay On Classroom Discipline
Classroom Discipline Preschool aged children can be headstrong and persistent to do what they want
to do. It will be important for me as a teacher to have a plan in place for classroom discipline and
management before I begin teaching. That does not mean that my plan of action might not change,
however, feeling confident about my approach will help in the implementation. Different approaches
will have to be taken with different students for both discipline and classroom management
techniques, however, working with administrators, other teachers, and the parents will strengthen the
support for positive behavior in the classroom. The first and most important thing that must happen
within the classroom and with parents is to build more content...
While classroom management can be enough for some students to promote positive behaviors and
minimize misbehaving, I must still have high expectations of behavior from students. I must have in
place and implement other procedures to ensure that students continue to develop the good behaviors
for learning. I will not only been seen looking, I will be verbal about looking for positive
behaviors and students making good choices. I will be sure to reward students to good choices
and good behavior in a very public way as well, either through a stamp or another reward that can
be traded in for treasures. In most instances I will plan to use the least dramatic and invasive
redirection as possible. Either by walking to students who are being loud, using a single word that
is predetermined, or even to give quiet positive praise to students, I will be sure to use the correct
tone to match the task at hand. Consequences of negative and disruptive behavior, along with poor
choices, must be enforceable and consistent for students if they are to be successful in aiding with
classroom discipline. Using a behavior system where students have a chance to correct the
behavior, such as moving your color, will give them a chance to reflect and make better choices. I
will have to be quick with the consequences and not take them personally, as this will only make
things worse. I will have to be
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Essay On School Discipline
The morning routine of the high school boy in the 60s was to wake up, prepare for the day, eat
breakfast, and then leave for school. His morning may sound familiar to many high school students
today and his school–day along with student life has its similarities and differences to high school
students now. After about 57 years, many changes have taken place in school having to do with
disciplinary actions, daily life, and the trends. Students throughout the year have altered the school
disciplinary measures. Disciplinary actions are handled differently throughout the years. During my
grandfather, Bob Bateman's, high school career, different, more memorable discipline was used.
For example, in Bob's shop class, "...a student repeatedly would throw erasers into one of the
furnaces...", and the teacher's action was to heat up a metal rod and poke the student with the rod.
This is an austere form of discipline, and is incredibly different from today. During Jan, my
grandfather's wife's time as a student, she dealt with a teacher who threw a desk with a student
sitting in it onto the floor. Thankfully, teachers today are not violent, as opposed to my grandfather
and Jan's teachers.
As a result of the constantly changing world, generational mindsets have been affected by major
events. For example, Bob was a senior when he was chosen in the draft lottery. Since his stress of
being drafted was so large at the time, he still remembers his number, 270. Due to his
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Discipline Within the School and the Classroom I interviewed the principal and a teacher at the
school I am currently co–teaching within to get their views on discipline, as a community of
students and as a teacher of the students as well. I asked a handful of questions that targeted each of
their philosophies of discipline and how this promotes the development and support of positive
behaviors. I also asked how their views might clash with those around them, what they would change
if they could, what is most important for discipline to be successful, and how the school
administration and teachers work as a team. Each professional interviewed had something a bit
different for answers to these questions. Interview Of a Principal: Discipline Upon reviewing all of
the questions, the principal stated that explaining her philosophy would answer all of my questions.
This was a very true statement. The basis of her philosophy is that building relationships with all
involved is the key to creating positive behaviors in students and in supporting the development of
such behaviors throughout their time in school. Relationships must be formed with all stakeholders,
but with students first and foremost. Other important people are teachers, other administrators, and
parents. However, she does state that parents are not the key to developing positive behaviors with
students, but they are a plus. Often times, students act out due to unstable and negative
circumstances at home, thus parents might not be a key player in supporting positive behaviors
changes. Even if there is no support from the parents, the school environment can be one that is
strong enough to push students to want to change, want to make good decisions. This school is
currently implementing PBIS, and so far they have seen many changes for the good. Along with
building relationships with each of the students, she works to set high expectations, enforce those
expectations, reward good choices, recognize good behaviors, and provide a safe place for students,
which might be a much different environment than they are used to at home. In working with
teachers and other administrators, she hopes to become a more cohesive team, and change the way
some teachers
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Discipline Is a Must at Home and in School
Discipline is a must at home and in school.
Discipline is the training of the mind and character; the exercise, development and control of the
character, intended to produce obedience and orderly behavior. The definition above is apt enough
for the type of discipline intended for the young people at school.
The need for disciplining young people cannot be over–emphasized. A wise saying goes "Spare the
rod and spoilt the child". An undisciplined child becomes a spoil child. The disciplining does not
necessarily involve the use of cane. It should normally take the form of corrections by the educators
through the setting of good examples and verbal corrections. It is the repeated and deliberate
tendencies to incorrigibility that more content...
Even when a good spade work had been done on the children with regard to discipline before the
children start schooling this good spade work can be spoilt as a result of contact with other children
who have not had the advantage from home. It is the duty of the school to ensure that those with
pre–school good discipline are still better moulded while those still lacking in many essentials of
good discipline are made to be good.
But at home where the children spend most of their time with the parents and relatives, friends
and acquaintances, the good work the school is doing can either be helped or hindered. If the
children are shown and made to follow the good ideas taught in the school it is necessary that
what they and made to act at home be similar to the good ideas taught in the school. If what they
do at home are at variance with what goes on in school the children become people of 'two worlds'
and confusion and frustration result from these conflicting ideas. It is for this reason that the home
and the school should mutually seek advice and inquire on what is not properly understood or
clear as to the proper upbringing of these children. The children should be made to understand that
the home is in the school and vice versa. Neither of the two should be made a refuge from the
rigours of the training of the other. When this happens well behaved, responsible and good citizens
are bred.
Written by Adewumi
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The Importance Of Discipline In Schools
Discipline in schools is not a fun topic for conversation between teachers, administration, students
and parents. Schools should take a positive, personal approach to discipline and establish a
behavior support system. The school's role is to help mold a child into a productive member of
society. In this day and time, it falls on the school and its professionals to teach children how they
are expected to behave. Schools and professionals need to have a plan in place and implement a
universal approach to teaching students such behaviors. PBIS or Positive Behavior Interventions and
Supports is a way to implement teaching students how they are expected to behave. PBIS is a
proactive approach to establish behavior more content...
For PBIS to work and work well there needs to be a framework that has multiple components and
that has a continuum of supports. All students are supposed to receive behavior support, but those
who show that they , need extra help are supposed to be quickly referred to interventions that meet
their specific needs. PBIS is divided into three tiers. All students under the PBIS model receive
Universal supports. Universal supports are rules, routines, and physical arrangements such as in
classrooms. They are meant to prevent initial occurrence of inappropriate behaviors. Targeted
supports are intended for students who are not responding to the universal supports. These students
may need more focused support, such as a behavior plan or a social–skills club. Teaching social
skills is a must for PBIS to work. When the Universal supports and targeted supports are just not
enough, Individual supports can be put in place. Individual supports area personalized approach
that may be necessary for some students who have dangerous or highly disruptive behaviors.
Students at this level are provided with programs tailored to meeting their individual needs and may
have a Behavior Intervention Plan in place. In order for PBIS to work well, effective instructional
practices need to be in place. Extensive research has documented the role that rigorous teaching,
critical thinking, and effective pedagogy
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This essay will provide a discussion on the advantages and the disadvantages of disciplining children.
The first part of the essay begins by elaborating on the disadvantages of disciplining children. These
disadvantages include establishment of anxiety and fear, emotional fallout and rebellious behavior.
The second part of the essay provides arguments on the advantages of disciplining children.
Justification includes the advantages of, development of a child's character, learning from the
consequences and better decision making. This essay concludes by supporting the second side of the
discussion through saying that, disciplining children is indeed beneficial and important.
(Approx: 96 words)
Advantages and Disadvantages more content...
Children often glance over parents for support and comfort, but the nervousness and fear derived
may create an obstacle for children to present themselves. These thoughts of refuge and sanctuary
that enables a child to form a firm identity in the society is negatively influenced as fear remains and
traits follow into adulthood of the child. Therefore, it is vital that parents reliably choose the approach
when it comes to disciplining children.
Furthermore, emotional fallout is another disadvantages of disciplining children. Emotional fallout
occurs due to stern parenting and unrecognized emotions of children. This barrier arising from
uneasiness leads to loss self esteem and the ability to mix around. For instance, Phillips (2011)
argues that, children require love, attention and affection from parents regularly. However, over
disciplining causes genuine emotional turmoil for children. A child easily develops on this
emotional chaos and this harms the child's capacity to understand the real life. All of these, can lead
to poor academic performance and anti–socialism. Thus, this indicates that the result of extreme
disciplining can bring about terrible results in terms of emotional fallout.
Additionally, rebellious behavior is another issue which is considered as a disadvantage of
disciplining children. Mutinous behavior can arise from using aggressive disciplinary strategies, if
so, over time children begin to rebel parents. For instance, begin
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Career Prep Level 1
If a teacher sent in a referral it was not addressed by administration if they had not contacted the
parent first (there were issues that were classified as automatic office referrals). Teachers were also
told that between class changes they were to be out and in the hallways. Duties had always been
assigned; however the new administration walked around making sure that teachers were where they
were supposed to be during their assigned times. This new expectation set the tone across the school
very quickly. Each teacher has a 10 minute duty typically attached to the lunch period or the
beginning/ending of the day. The school discipline policy has 3 levels of offenses. Level 1 is
primarily classroom and hallway discipline issues. Level 2 includes offenses such as tobacco use
violation, cussing a teacher, refusing to do as they are told, etc. these are automatic office
referrals. Level 3 involves offenses that could have a student arrested or suspended. Data from last
year does not show a decrease in discipline issues it actually shows a slight increase. The main
reason for that is teachers were supported in handling discipline and they stopped turning a blind eye.
SCHS developed a new schedule this year to accommodate several objectives. Career Prep is a
thirty minute block of time at the very end of the day. It is like "homebase" in a sense, except
students will have the same teacher for 3 years (sophomore–senior) so in a sense it is an Advisor
/Advisee program. Freshmen
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Students Disrespectful In Schools
Why are students disrespectful in schools? There is no specific factor for disrespectful students in
schools. Students are mocking teachers. You're a terrible teacher! No one cares about school.
Teachers are humiliating students in front of their peers. Consistently criticizing students for their
lack of enthusiasm, laziness, insubordination, and ungratefulness. Students fight amongst
themselves, compete against one another in an effort to achieve high marks even if it means
cheating on assignments and assessments. Unfortunately, this epidemic of disrespect needs to be
acknowledged. Why? Because the rapid changes we have witnessed in our schools in the 21st
Century has become a troubling phenomenon. As teachers, we are to provide a safe and positive
learning environment conducive to learning. We have a simple job and that is to teach students
material and to make sure they understand it. Unfortunately, we have those students who make our
lives difficult. They have complete disrespect for their teachers as well as their peers because they
are disrupting the classroom affecting the learning abilities of those students who want to be there.
Most students lean toward this type of behavior when teachers are trying to discipline them. We
enforce discipline because it is our job to make sure the learning environment stays focused. Other
students don't want to hear their classmates disrupting the lesson by talking back to teachers or
arguing with their peers.
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The Importance Of School Discipline Policy
Despite the many advances in education today, school discipline continues to be a challenge. Public
schools throughout the United States are required to institute a school discipline policy outlining the
disciplinary measures teachers and school officials can take to maintain order in the classroom.
Without proper discipline, it is near impossible for schools to provide an environment that's
conducive to learning. Every school has to develop a disciplinary policy that is suitable for their
specific school environment. A middleschool discipline plan will vary from a high school discipline
plan due to the age range of students and the type of disciplinary problems encountered.
By taking time to create a good school discipline plan for their students, schools benefit from
having a safer, more productive learning environment. A good school discipline policy should give a
clear account of student expectations, incorporates strategies for promoting good student behavior,
and allows for multiple methods for managing unsuitable behavior. Additionally, disciplinary
policies need protocols and preventative procedure that prohibit bullying and persistent
disobedience. Schools need rules and routines to function properly, like any other aspect of society.
Teachers need to have an order in their classrooms to be able to teach. Students need a safe and
secure environment in which to learn. School rules help to establish all of these aspects so
classrooms can run smoothly and
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Discipline In Schools
Discipline in schools is not a new concept but has been talked about by many and awareness of
reasons and various forms of discipline has been studied by many. Reasons why schools use
discipline is because of increase violence, gang–like behavior, fighting, skipping classes among
others (Nelson, 2002). School discipline and management is a problem in our society today because
there have been a lot of ineffective discipline practices over the years.
Discipline in schools in Cameroon over the years influences the reasons for parents to send their
children to different schools especially if the children are very disobedient. Schools are
characterized in private, mission and government schools and discipline in these different schools
vary. Due to the social unrest happening in schools, the institution and recruitment of more
councilors in schools is alarming ad are nowadays assigned not just to guide children in doing
what is right but also going into classrooms to teach them what is right and wrong. This is
because, before, only children who face problems in school or at home go to the councilors. This is
very common especially in Government schools. For instance, I spent (five) 5 years in a
government not once did more content...
All schools whether private, mission or government use suspension in serious cases like fighting,
smoking in school, sexual intercourse and when a student is caught jumping over a school fence.
It usually ranges from eight (8) days to fourteen (14) days and is to be respected in all cases.
Suspension is also used by teachers to pupils or students who fail to follow ordered in class. They
are sometimes suspended for a whole day or two periods and when the child fails to carry out this
out, he is then handed over to the Administrative
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As a teacher managing problem behavior in your classroom can be one of the most challenging
tasks. Behavior problems can range from disruption of lessons to acts of violence against fellow
students and teachers. Children's emotional setbacks and life challenges can also contribute to
behavior issues at school. A study done by the Justice Center and the Public Policy Research Institute
found that six out of ten students suffered from an "emotional disturbance" and were expelled or
suspended between seventh and twelfth grade (Firke, 2011). This same study showed that discipline
varied greatly between schools. This report also revealed the urgent need for a more thoughtful
technique in school discipline policies. In many cases more content...
Punishment and negative reinforcement can be effective, to stop the problem behavior up front.
Yet in the long run positive reinforcement of good behaviors is a more effective way to teach
children alternative and more functional behaviors. Behavior theory is based on the belief that
all human behavior is learned. Behavior theory states that behavior followed by pleasant
consequences tends to be repeated, and thereby learned (Bently). Instead of focusing on
punishment of negative behavior, teachers could take this approach and focus on positive
behavior. For example, if a teacher is having problems with a kid tipping in his chair, she could
take one of two approaches. She could give the child a bad mark every time the legs of his chair
leave the ground or she could give the child a good mark every time his chair legs stay on the
ground. Either approach could work, yet focusing on positive reinforcement like that described by
the Behavior Modification Theory, will increase the chances of future positive behavior. Behavior
modification techniques aim to manipulate the antecedents and consequences of behavior so that the
likelihood of appropriate behavior is increased and inappropriate behavior is decreased (Smith).
Examples of behavior modification which can be used to increase behavior are: praise and approval,
modeling, positive programming,
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Persuasive Essay On School Discipline
School discipline is to ensure that students and the campus staff are safe and peaceful. According to
the U.S. Department of Education on Rethinking Discipline (2017), "Teachers and students deserve
school environments that are safe, supportive, and conducive to teaching and learning." The idea is
to decrease bad behavior and school violence which will lead to fewer suspensions and expulsions.
There are rules and limitations when it comes to student discipline; there are acts in which students
can and must be disciplined. For examples, if a student quality's for special needs some different
guidelines protect them under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act's (IDEA).
Furthermore, the Education Code, Section 48900 was implied to discipline students who committed
any wrongful doing such as attempting or threatening to physical harm another person. In the case f
any wrongfulness, the student is forced to be disciplined by being suspended or expulsed from
Early 1970s students in Columbus, Ohio were causing destructions in schools; Central High School
in Columbus, Ohio was one of the schools where students were disrupting class lectures and
demonstration school property. This wrongdoing in Ohio allowed the school principal to suspend
students with valid reasons for ten days as long as they notified the parents within 24–hours of
suspension. If they were expelled students were given the opportunity to appeal, but it was not
guaranteed that everyone would have that privilege.
About the Case: Goss v. Lopez: Plaintiffs
In the case of Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975), the plaintiffs Dwright Lopez, Carl Smith and Betty
Crome from Columbus, Ohio were suspended from Central High School and McGuffey Junior High
School for ten days without a hearing. There were nine students including Lopez, Smith and Crome
came together and claimed they were innocent, they denied any misconduct and went to Southern
Ohio District Court. They argued that that the school violated their Fourteenth Amendment rights to
due process (hearing). The due process law is related to the Fourteenth Amendment meaning that
each person has ledge rights to have a fair notice and opportunity to be heard before any processing.
At the time
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The Meaning Of Discipline In School
Discipline means follow rules to be worked hard by someone in the interest of teaching something to
the student. Discipline is taught in many places in many ways. I was taught discipline at a school
that studied the art of taekwondo. This school helped me with my shyness and confidence problem.
Without Euns Martial Arts Center I would not be the person I am today. My first year of taekwondo
taught me the meaning of discipline. Joining this school was one the best decisions I ever made.
I can never forget the day I decided this was the thing I wanted to do. It was a sunny day and my
dad and I were wondering around Knoxville when we came upon EMAC. My dad had decided
that I needed something to help me with my lack of confidence so we walked through that door. I
was amazed as we sat there and watched the class. There were colorful belts and at the end they
fought each other with pads on their legs and arms. After they bowed and shook hands with the
teacher and his assistants. He walked over to where we were sitting.
"Welcome!" he said with a Korean accent. My dad introduced himself and I did the same. Then
we followed him to a room in the back of what looked like a padded room where the class had just
practiced. I didn't know it then it said OFFICE. I was amazed by the Korean artifacts. He and my
dad talked like what seemed like an hour. Then I tried on uniforms they were white and felt like
itchy paper on my skin ,but it fit. We then said good bye to the teacher and went on
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Speech On Discipline In School
'Discipline is a practice of knowledge and preparation that extend self control, regulation and
character's efficiency. In other words, discipline means the process of educating people to follow
rules using punishment to accurate disobedience.' Self discipline means the capability to control
someone's feelings and to overcome weaknesses. It is allegation of determination over desires and
more specifically it is frequently understood to be the synonym of self control so self discipline to
some degree, we can say a replacement for mental maturation.
Strict discipline involves the safeguarding of discipline in that way when in schools the set of laws
and regulations are strictly maintained. As in schools, students are not permitted to more
Many times there is a serious conflict between the school authorities and parents on these issues.
As Parents wants the environment where the child' performance will improve putting less burden
on child. So in most cases, child suffers because of these conflicts. So the purpose of the study is
to seek out a workable approach for the solution of such conflicts. Discipline should be enforced in
such a way that it should be likeable for
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Discipline In Private Schools Essay
I am choosing to focus on a problem from within my work setting. The problem that I am focusing
on is the lack of discipline in private schools. My study was completed in the private school St.
Peter's. I visited here for four hours. St. Peter's was founded by Mother Katharine Drexel in 1913
and the school provides quality education to students of all faiths in a culturally, diverse Christian
environment. I had a conversation with the employees there and they shared with me things about
both the school and church. The educational program encourages the growth and development of
Catholic faith and values, academic excellence and civic responsibility. The staff and students also
ensured to express to me that they commit themselves to assist families in fostering the spiritual,
academic, emotional, social, and physical growth of the students. Teachers informed me that through
a curriculum rooted in gospel values, they strive to educate the students to take their places in the
church and the society of the 21st century. The school service grades Pre–K though Eighth and has
18 teachers that service 212 co–ed students. The question to be researched is: How is disciplined
handled with students that are enrolled in private schools.
Literature Review Private schools are not like public schools in this very important regard: students
have rights in a public school; but they do not have rights in a private school. They are governed by
what is known as contract law. That contract which you signed with the school spells out all the
obligations of the parties to that contract. Somewhere buried in the fine print will be a statement to
the effect that one of your child's obligations is to abide by the rules and regulations of the school
and its community as set forth in the school's handbook and elsewhere. According to the staff; the
school discipline policy reflects the ideals of the gospel, and helps the individual student be
responsible and accountable for his/her actions. Approved methods of correction include reminders,
conferences with parents, withholding privileges, reparation for damages, detention, suspension, or
expulsion. They made sure to mention that corporal punishment is never permitted. Discipline
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Exclusionary Discipline Cases
In order for school–based mental health professionals to reduce disproportionate discipline, it is
necessary to determine if unfavorable patterns in exclusionary discipline exist within the target
school. A thorough investigation of discipline data is necessary (Darensbourg, Perez, & Blake, 2010).
Examples of patterns to examine include the disciplinary infractions for which African American
males are referred and how they differ from those of their European American peers, and the rates at
which particular teachers refer students for discipline infractions. Once data is collected and patterns
examined, school–based mental health professionals can use the data to implement appropriate
intervention strategies tailored to the discrepancies revealed
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Discipline In School Essay

  • 1. Philosophy of Student Discipline My Philosophy of Student Discipline I believe that each child is unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. It is my desire as an educator to help students meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk–taking, and invite a sharing of ideas. There are three elements that I believe are conducive to establishing such an environment namely, the teacher acting guide, allowing the child's natural curiosity to direct his/her learning, promoting respect for all the things and all the people. My passion in teaching and desire to make a difference to an individual more content... When they are doing the unnecessary behaviour during on task activity, I normally go to the child desk and reprimand him/her, or giving them an authoritative look to remind them that their action is inappropriate. Sometimes I call the child to stay 15 minutes late before sending her home while informing the parents the reason of him being late in going home. However, in day to day bases, extreme naughtiness of student can't really be avoided either in educational mainstream or in an inclusive classroom. I apply punishment to students who have done extreme misbehaviour and reward for those who have done appropriate behaviour. However, handling and disciplining a special child have no difference in setting up rules and discipline. Considering their culture, and understanding student's individuality, they are also individual who needs respect and more guidance to make their behaviour acceptable in society. Though they also learn in different ways and in different rate, still it is important to employ various strategies for helping a special child learn how to appropriately behave in the classroom. Such as positioning myself near my student, catching her eye, or gently touching her shoulder is my way of bringing her back to focus and I found out that those are effective strategy, a subtle reminder that I'm aware of her actions. Verbally reminding the student how to act appropriately or inviting him/her to make an appropriate choice is Get more content on
  • 2. School Discipline Essay CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION A. BACKROUND OF THE RESEARCH Discipline plays an important role towards the formation of students' character. It is one of the important components in a system where closely related to the discipline, nature, morality and decency. The word discipline is one thing that is synonymous in daily life. The word discipline is so broad meaning either meaning negative or positive sense. However, the negative meaning that often become the focus and is becoming an issue that is popular if it involves individual or group meetings with the community. The discipline problems in schools nowadays are a major problem among secondary students in Malaysia. Disruptive behavior must be concern by schools administration because this problems more content... Datuk Dr. Abdul Hamid Othman in the local newspaper (The Straits Times: 15hb.Februari 1994) pointed out that teenagers who are always hang out usually come from people who live in settlements around the city. Experiencing the families and societies who are not criticize others because they have the attitude which is do not want to interfere others' matter. Discipline problems in schools often becomes a hot topic discussed nowadays. This issue has widely spread throughout mass media. Each day we will be served with news of a discipline problems among students. According to Harre and Lamp (1983), adolescents begin to adapt themselves more complex with family, peers and teachers, through activities daily and social life according to his mood. Disciplines related to nature, decency and morality. Discipline is not only appreciate the behavior that the community expected, but also willing to be obedient and loyal to the school, state and country. Classroom environment that is conducive classrooms with no discipline problems. Pupils who are disciplined will ensure comfort, neatness and atmosphere that promotes feelings of teaching and learning. (Ee Ah Meng, Get more content on
  • 3. Introduction Student behavior and school discipline are heavily discussed topics in modern society. With every new policy, there is a new behavior management plan that promises answers to the problems schools are seeing. What begs to be seen is if these behavior plans truly meet the needs of the most at–risk students, while working to create effective, long–lasting change within the school. Literature on school discipline and various behavior management plans are vastly available. Each article offers a differing perspective on how to improve the status of today's school environment. Understanding the importance of improving student behavior and overall school discipline is vital for educators and administrators alike. It has been more content... Their behaviors make learning more difficult, but make the need for a behavior management plan and a proactive approach more essential (Oudens, 2002; Stoiber–Callahan & Gettinger, 2011). According to Green 2009) , the most at–risk students need a plan that moves "from control and punishment to prevention, and a focus on modeling appropriate behaviors" (p. 461). Understanding the importance of student behavior on school and society as a whole, school leaders must work to implement the most effective school–wide behavior interventions available. Chapter two will look at Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and its overall effects on student behavior, especially students who are considered at–risk. School leaders must utilize the most effective practices available in order to reach at–risk students. School Discipline School discipline, for many years, has conveyed the message "that the student is in need of punishment rather than in need of help" (Moriarty, 2002, p. 19). Through the adaption of zero– tolerance policies many students end up suspended or expelled and there are no changes to overall school safety or long–lasting effect in the student's behavior (Muscott et al., 2002). DRISCOLL PBIS for At–Risk Students 4 Education utilizes the approach that if a student acts out then they should be put out. As Muscott Get more content on
  • 4. Discipline Referrals and their effectiveness on Academic Achievement Introduction Do using discipline referrals as a frequent classroom management philosophy increase student achievement scores? In today's schools there are many theories about how to effectively handle a classroom. Teachers are given options across the educational discipline spectrum, but ultimately are given the choice about how to effectively handle their own classroom management. One potential step in handling classroom discipline is to write a referral that sends the student to the office. This allows other students in the class to learn effectively. Students witness these incidents and are meant to be afraid. The theory is that this enhances student engagement through fear, which in turn increases students' academic achievement. In this study, research will be done to identify whether an increase in classroom discipline referrals will also increase academic achievement scores. Various studies in the past have used discipline as a means of studying academic achievement. In the study, Middle School Predictors of High School Performance: A Case study of Dropout Risk Indicators (2016), by McKee and Caldarella, a study was done to identify the indicators of students dropping out. One such indicator they studied was absenteeism in a school. While referrals are the principal variable in this study, there is a correlation between time spent in the classroom and student achievement. McKee and Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Classroom Discipline Classroom Discipline Preschool aged children can be headstrong and persistent to do what they want to do. It will be important for me as a teacher to have a plan in place for classroom discipline and management before I begin teaching. That does not mean that my plan of action might not change, however, feeling confident about my approach will help in the implementation. Different approaches will have to be taken with different students for both discipline and classroom management techniques, however, working with administrators, other teachers, and the parents will strengthen the support for positive behavior in the classroom. The first and most important thing that must happen within the classroom and with parents is to build more content... While classroom management can be enough for some students to promote positive behaviors and minimize misbehaving, I must still have high expectations of behavior from students. I must have in place and implement other procedures to ensure that students continue to develop the good behaviors for learning. I will not only been seen looking, I will be verbal about looking for positive behaviors and students making good choices. I will be sure to reward students to good choices and good behavior in a very public way as well, either through a stamp or another reward that can be traded in for treasures. In most instances I will plan to use the least dramatic and invasive redirection as possible. Either by walking to students who are being loud, using a single word that is predetermined, or even to give quiet positive praise to students, I will be sure to use the correct tone to match the task at hand. Consequences of negative and disruptive behavior, along with poor choices, must be enforceable and consistent for students if they are to be successful in aiding with classroom discipline. Using a behavior system where students have a chance to correct the behavior, such as moving your color, will give them a chance to reflect and make better choices. I will have to be quick with the consequences and not take them personally, as this will only make things worse. I will have to be Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On School Discipline The morning routine of the high school boy in the 60s was to wake up, prepare for the day, eat breakfast, and then leave for school. His morning may sound familiar to many high school students today and his school–day along with student life has its similarities and differences to high school students now. After about 57 years, many changes have taken place in school having to do with disciplinary actions, daily life, and the trends. Students throughout the year have altered the school disciplinary measures. Disciplinary actions are handled differently throughout the years. During my grandfather, Bob Bateman's, high school career, different, more memorable discipline was used. For example, in Bob's shop class, "...a student repeatedly would throw erasers into one of the furnaces...", and the teacher's action was to heat up a metal rod and poke the student with the rod. This is an austere form of discipline, and is incredibly different from today. During Jan, my grandfather's wife's time as a student, she dealt with a teacher who threw a desk with a student sitting in it onto the floor. Thankfully, teachers today are not violent, as opposed to my grandfather and Jan's teachers. As a result of the constantly changing world, generational mindsets have been affected by major events. For example, Bob was a senior when he was chosen in the draft lottery. Since his stress of being drafted was so large at the time, he still remembers his number, 270. Due to his Get more content on
  • 7. Discipline Within the School and the Classroom I interviewed the principal and a teacher at the school I am currently co–teaching within to get their views on discipline, as a community of students and as a teacher of the students as well. I asked a handful of questions that targeted each of their philosophies of discipline and how this promotes the development and support of positive behaviors. I also asked how their views might clash with those around them, what they would change if they could, what is most important for discipline to be successful, and how the school administration and teachers work as a team. Each professional interviewed had something a bit different for answers to these questions. Interview Of a Principal: Discipline Upon reviewing all of the questions, the principal stated that explaining her philosophy would answer all of my questions. This was a very true statement. The basis of her philosophy is that building relationships with all involved is the key to creating positive behaviors in students and in supporting the development of such behaviors throughout their time in school. Relationships must be formed with all stakeholders, but with students first and foremost. Other important people are teachers, other administrators, and parents. However, she does state that parents are not the key to developing positive behaviors with students, but they are a plus. Often times, students act out due to unstable and negative circumstances at home, thus parents might not be a key player in supporting positive behaviors changes. Even if there is no support from the parents, the school environment can be one that is strong enough to push students to want to change, want to make good decisions. This school is currently implementing PBIS, and so far they have seen many changes for the good. Along with building relationships with each of the students, she works to set high expectations, enforce those expectations, reward good choices, recognize good behaviors, and provide a safe place for students, which might be a much different environment than they are used to at home. In working with teachers and other administrators, she hopes to become a more cohesive team, and change the way some teachers Get more content on
  • 8. Discipline Is a Must at Home and in School Discipline is a must at home and in school. Discipline is the training of the mind and character; the exercise, development and control of the character, intended to produce obedience and orderly behavior. The definition above is apt enough for the type of discipline intended for the young people at school. The need for disciplining young people cannot be over–emphasized. A wise saying goes "Spare the rod and spoilt the child". An undisciplined child becomes a spoil child. The disciplining does not necessarily involve the use of cane. It should normally take the form of corrections by the educators through the setting of good examples and verbal corrections. It is the repeated and deliberate tendencies to incorrigibility that more content... Even when a good spade work had been done on the children with regard to discipline before the children start schooling this good spade work can be spoilt as a result of contact with other children who have not had the advantage from home. It is the duty of the school to ensure that those with pre–school good discipline are still better moulded while those still lacking in many essentials of good discipline are made to be good. But at home where the children spend most of their time with the parents and relatives, friends and acquaintances, the good work the school is doing can either be helped or hindered. If the children are shown and made to follow the good ideas taught in the school it is necessary that what they and made to act at home be similar to the good ideas taught in the school. If what they do at home are at variance with what goes on in school the children become people of 'two worlds' and confusion and frustration result from these conflicting ideas. It is for this reason that the home and the school should mutually seek advice and inquire on what is not properly understood or clear as to the proper upbringing of these children. The children should be made to understand that the home is in the school and vice versa. Neither of the two should be made a refuge from the rigours of the training of the other. When this happens well behaved, responsible and good citizens are bred. Written by Adewumi Get more content on
  • 9. The Importance Of Discipline In Schools Discipline in schools is not a fun topic for conversation between teachers, administration, students and parents. Schools should take a positive, personal approach to discipline and establish a behavior support system. The school's role is to help mold a child into a productive member of society. In this day and time, it falls on the school and its professionals to teach children how they are expected to behave. Schools and professionals need to have a plan in place and implement a universal approach to teaching students such behaviors. PBIS or Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports is a way to implement teaching students how they are expected to behave. PBIS is a proactive approach to establish behavior more content... For PBIS to work and work well there needs to be a framework that has multiple components and that has a continuum of supports. All students are supposed to receive behavior support, but those who show that they , need extra help are supposed to be quickly referred to interventions that meet their specific needs. PBIS is divided into three tiers. All students under the PBIS model receive Universal supports. Universal supports are rules, routines, and physical arrangements such as in classrooms. They are meant to prevent initial occurrence of inappropriate behaviors. Targeted supports are intended for students who are not responding to the universal supports. These students may need more focused support, such as a behavior plan or a social–skills club. Teaching social skills is a must for PBIS to work. When the Universal supports and targeted supports are just not enough, Individual supports can be put in place. Individual supports area personalized approach that may be necessary for some students who have dangerous or highly disruptive behaviors. Students at this level are provided with programs tailored to meeting their individual needs and may have a Behavior Intervention Plan in place. In order for PBIS to work well, effective instructional practices need to be in place. Extensive research has documented the role that rigorous teaching, critical thinking, and effective pedagogy Get more content on
  • 10. Abstract This essay will provide a discussion on the advantages and the disadvantages of disciplining children. The first part of the essay begins by elaborating on the disadvantages of disciplining children. These disadvantages include establishment of anxiety and fear, emotional fallout and rebellious behavior. The second part of the essay provides arguments on the advantages of disciplining children. Justification includes the advantages of, development of a child's character, learning from the consequences and better decision making. This essay concludes by supporting the second side of the discussion through saying that, disciplining children is indeed beneficial and important. (Approx: 96 words) Advantages and Disadvantages more content... Children often glance over parents for support and comfort, but the nervousness and fear derived may create an obstacle for children to present themselves. These thoughts of refuge and sanctuary that enables a child to form a firm identity in the society is negatively influenced as fear remains and traits follow into adulthood of the child. Therefore, it is vital that parents reliably choose the approach when it comes to disciplining children. Furthermore, emotional fallout is another disadvantages of disciplining children. Emotional fallout occurs due to stern parenting and unrecognized emotions of children. This barrier arising from uneasiness leads to loss self esteem and the ability to mix around. For instance, Phillips (2011) argues that, children require love, attention and affection from parents regularly. However, over disciplining causes genuine emotional turmoil for children. A child easily develops on this emotional chaos and this harms the child's capacity to understand the real life. All of these, can lead to poor academic performance and anti–socialism. Thus, this indicates that the result of extreme disciplining can bring about terrible results in terms of emotional fallout. Additionally, rebellious behavior is another issue which is considered as a disadvantage of disciplining children. Mutinous behavior can arise from using aggressive disciplinary strategies, if so, over time children begin to rebel parents. For instance, begin Get more content on
  • 11. Career Prep Level 1 If a teacher sent in a referral it was not addressed by administration if they had not contacted the parent first (there were issues that were classified as automatic office referrals). Teachers were also told that between class changes they were to be out and in the hallways. Duties had always been assigned; however the new administration walked around making sure that teachers were where they were supposed to be during their assigned times. This new expectation set the tone across the school very quickly. Each teacher has a 10 minute duty typically attached to the lunch period or the beginning/ending of the day. The school discipline policy has 3 levels of offenses. Level 1 is primarily classroom and hallway discipline issues. Level 2 includes offenses such as tobacco use violation, cussing a teacher, refusing to do as they are told, etc. these are automatic office referrals. Level 3 involves offenses that could have a student arrested or suspended. Data from last year does not show a decrease in discipline issues it actually shows a slight increase. The main reason for that is teachers were supported in handling discipline and they stopped turning a blind eye. SCHS developed a new schedule this year to accommodate several objectives. Career Prep is a thirty minute block of time at the very end of the day. It is like "homebase" in a sense, except students will have the same teacher for 3 years (sophomore–senior) so in a sense it is an Advisor /Advisee program. Freshmen Get more content on
  • 12. Students Disrespectful In Schools Why are students disrespectful in schools? There is no specific factor for disrespectful students in schools. Students are mocking teachers. You're a terrible teacher! No one cares about school. Teachers are humiliating students in front of their peers. Consistently criticizing students for their lack of enthusiasm, laziness, insubordination, and ungratefulness. Students fight amongst themselves, compete against one another in an effort to achieve high marks even if it means cheating on assignments and assessments. Unfortunately, this epidemic of disrespect needs to be acknowledged. Why? Because the rapid changes we have witnessed in our schools in the 21st Century has become a troubling phenomenon. As teachers, we are to provide a safe and positive learning environment conducive to learning. We have a simple job and that is to teach students material and to make sure they understand it. Unfortunately, we have those students who make our lives difficult. They have complete disrespect for their teachers as well as their peers because they are disrupting the classroom affecting the learning abilities of those students who want to be there. Most students lean toward this type of behavior when teachers are trying to discipline them. We enforce discipline because it is our job to make sure the learning environment stays focused. Other students don't want to hear their classmates disrupting the lesson by talking back to teachers or arguing with their peers. Get more content on
  • 13. The Importance Of School Discipline Policy Despite the many advances in education today, school discipline continues to be a challenge. Public schools throughout the United States are required to institute a school discipline policy outlining the disciplinary measures teachers and school officials can take to maintain order in the classroom. Without proper discipline, it is near impossible for schools to provide an environment that's conducive to learning. Every school has to develop a disciplinary policy that is suitable for their specific school environment. A middleschool discipline plan will vary from a high school discipline plan due to the age range of students and the type of disciplinary problems encountered. By taking time to create a good school discipline plan for their students, schools benefit from having a safer, more productive learning environment. A good school discipline policy should give a clear account of student expectations, incorporates strategies for promoting good student behavior, and allows for multiple methods for managing unsuitable behavior. Additionally, disciplinary policies need protocols and preventative procedure that prohibit bullying and persistent disobedience. Schools need rules and routines to function properly, like any other aspect of society. Teachers need to have an order in their classrooms to be able to teach. Students need a safe and secure environment in which to learn. School rules help to establish all of these aspects so classrooms can run smoothly and Get more content on
  • 14. Discipline In Schools Discipline in schools is not a new concept but has been talked about by many and awareness of reasons and various forms of discipline has been studied by many. Reasons why schools use discipline is because of increase violence, gang–like behavior, fighting, skipping classes among others (Nelson, 2002). School discipline and management is a problem in our society today because there have been a lot of ineffective discipline practices over the years. Discipline in schools in Cameroon over the years influences the reasons for parents to send their children to different schools especially if the children are very disobedient. Schools are characterized in private, mission and government schools and discipline in these different schools vary. Due to the social unrest happening in schools, the institution and recruitment of more councilors in schools is alarming ad are nowadays assigned not just to guide children in doing what is right but also going into classrooms to teach them what is right and wrong. This is because, before, only children who face problems in school or at home go to the councilors. This is very common especially in Government schools. For instance, I spent (five) 5 years in a government not once did more content... All schools whether private, mission or government use suspension in serious cases like fighting, smoking in school, sexual intercourse and when a student is caught jumping over a school fence. It usually ranges from eight (8) days to fourteen (14) days and is to be respected in all cases. Suspension is also used by teachers to pupils or students who fail to follow ordered in class. They are sometimes suspended for a whole day or two periods and when the child fails to carry out this out, he is then handed over to the Administrative Get more content on
  • 15. As a teacher managing problem behavior in your classroom can be one of the most challenging tasks. Behavior problems can range from disruption of lessons to acts of violence against fellow students and teachers. Children's emotional setbacks and life challenges can also contribute to behavior issues at school. A study done by the Justice Center and the Public Policy Research Institute found that six out of ten students suffered from an "emotional disturbance" and were expelled or suspended between seventh and twelfth grade (Firke, 2011). This same study showed that discipline varied greatly between schools. This report also revealed the urgent need for a more thoughtful technique in school discipline policies. In many cases more content... Punishment and negative reinforcement can be effective, to stop the problem behavior up front. Yet in the long run positive reinforcement of good behaviors is a more effective way to teach children alternative and more functional behaviors. Behavior theory is based on the belief that all human behavior is learned. Behavior theory states that behavior followed by pleasant consequences tends to be repeated, and thereby learned (Bently). Instead of focusing on punishment of negative behavior, teachers could take this approach and focus on positive behavior. For example, if a teacher is having problems with a kid tipping in his chair, she could take one of two approaches. She could give the child a bad mark every time the legs of his chair leave the ground or she could give the child a good mark every time his chair legs stay on the ground. Either approach could work, yet focusing on positive reinforcement like that described by the Behavior Modification Theory, will increase the chances of future positive behavior. Behavior modification techniques aim to manipulate the antecedents and consequences of behavior so that the likelihood of appropriate behavior is increased and inappropriate behavior is decreased (Smith). Examples of behavior modification which can be used to increase behavior are: praise and approval, modeling, positive programming, Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On School Discipline School discipline is to ensure that students and the campus staff are safe and peaceful. According to the U.S. Department of Education on Rethinking Discipline (2017), "Teachers and students deserve school environments that are safe, supportive, and conducive to teaching and learning." The idea is to decrease bad behavior and school violence which will lead to fewer suspensions and expulsions. There are rules and limitations when it comes to student discipline; there are acts in which students can and must be disciplined. For examples, if a student quality's for special needs some different guidelines protect them under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act's (IDEA). Furthermore, the Education Code, Section 48900 was implied to discipline students who committed any wrongful doing such as attempting or threatening to physical harm another person. In the case f any wrongfulness, the student is forced to be disciplined by being suspended or expulsed from school. Early 1970s students in Columbus, Ohio were causing destructions in schools; Central High School in Columbus, Ohio was one of the schools where students were disrupting class lectures and demonstration school property. This wrongdoing in Ohio allowed the school principal to suspend students with valid reasons for ten days as long as they notified the parents within 24–hours of suspension. If they were expelled students were given the opportunity to appeal, but it was not guaranteed that everyone would have that privilege. About the Case: Goss v. Lopez: Plaintiffs In the case of Goss v. Lopez, 419 U.S. 565 (1975), the plaintiffs Dwright Lopez, Carl Smith and Betty Crome from Columbus, Ohio were suspended from Central High School and McGuffey Junior High School for ten days without a hearing. There were nine students including Lopez, Smith and Crome came together and claimed they were innocent, they denied any misconduct and went to Southern Ohio District Court. They argued that that the school violated their Fourteenth Amendment rights to due process (hearing). The due process law is related to the Fourteenth Amendment meaning that each person has ledge rights to have a fair notice and opportunity to be heard before any processing. At the time Get more content on
  • 17. The Meaning Of Discipline In School Discipline means follow rules to be worked hard by someone in the interest of teaching something to the student. Discipline is taught in many places in many ways. I was taught discipline at a school that studied the art of taekwondo. This school helped me with my shyness and confidence problem. Without Euns Martial Arts Center I would not be the person I am today. My first year of taekwondo taught me the meaning of discipline. Joining this school was one the best decisions I ever made. I can never forget the day I decided this was the thing I wanted to do. It was a sunny day and my dad and I were wondering around Knoxville when we came upon EMAC. My dad had decided that I needed something to help me with my lack of confidence so we walked through that door. I was amazed as we sat there and watched the class. There were colorful belts and at the end they fought each other with pads on their legs and arms. After they bowed and shook hands with the teacher and his assistants. He walked over to where we were sitting. "Welcome!" he said with a Korean accent. My dad introduced himself and I did the same. Then we followed him to a room in the back of what looked like a padded room where the class had just practiced. I didn't know it then it said OFFICE. I was amazed by the Korean artifacts. He and my dad talked like what seemed like an hour. Then I tried on uniforms they were white and felt like itchy paper on my skin ,but it fit. We then said good bye to the teacher and went on Get more content on
  • 18. Speech On Discipline In School 'Discipline is a practice of knowledge and preparation that extend self control, regulation and character's efficiency. In other words, discipline means the process of educating people to follow rules using punishment to accurate disobedience.' Self discipline means the capability to control someone's feelings and to overcome weaknesses. It is allegation of determination over desires and more specifically it is frequently understood to be the synonym of self control so self discipline to some degree, we can say a replacement for mental maturation. Strict discipline involves the safeguarding of discipline in that way when in schools the set of laws and regulations are strictly maintained. As in schools, students are not permitted to more content... Many times there is a serious conflict between the school authorities and parents on these issues. As Parents wants the environment where the child' performance will improve putting less burden on child. So in most cases, child suffers because of these conflicts. So the purpose of the study is to seek out a workable approach for the solution of such conflicts. Discipline should be enforced in such a way that it should be likeable for Get more content on
  • 19. Discipline In Private Schools Essay I am choosing to focus on a problem from within my work setting. The problem that I am focusing on is the lack of discipline in private schools. My study was completed in the private school St. Peter's. I visited here for four hours. St. Peter's was founded by Mother Katharine Drexel in 1913 and the school provides quality education to students of all faiths in a culturally, diverse Christian environment. I had a conversation with the employees there and they shared with me things about both the school and church. The educational program encourages the growth and development of Catholic faith and values, academic excellence and civic responsibility. The staff and students also ensured to express to me that they commit themselves to assist families in fostering the spiritual, academic, emotional, social, and physical growth of the students. Teachers informed me that through a curriculum rooted in gospel values, they strive to educate the students to take their places in the church and the society of the 21st century. The school service grades Pre–K though Eighth and has 18 teachers that service 212 co–ed students. The question to be researched is: How is disciplined handled with students that are enrolled in private schools. Literature Review Private schools are not like public schools in this very important regard: students have rights in a public school; but they do not have rights in a private school. They are governed by what is known as contract law. That contract which you signed with the school spells out all the obligations of the parties to that contract. Somewhere buried in the fine print will be a statement to the effect that one of your child's obligations is to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and its community as set forth in the school's handbook and elsewhere. According to the staff; the school discipline policy reflects the ideals of the gospel, and helps the individual student be responsible and accountable for his/her actions. Approved methods of correction include reminders, conferences with parents, withholding privileges, reparation for damages, detention, suspension, or expulsion. They made sure to mention that corporal punishment is never permitted. Discipline Get more content on
  • 20. Exclusionary Discipline Cases In order for school–based mental health professionals to reduce disproportionate discipline, it is necessary to determine if unfavorable patterns in exclusionary discipline exist within the target school. A thorough investigation of discipline data is necessary (Darensbourg, Perez, & Blake, 2010). Examples of patterns to examine include the disciplinary infractions for which African American males are referred and how they differ from those of their European American peers, and the rates at which particular teachers refer students for discipline infractions. Once data is collected and patterns examined, school–based mental health professionals can use the data to implement appropriate intervention strategies tailored to the discrepancies revealed Get more content on