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The Digital
Marketing Mix
The biggest
advantage of Digital
Marketing is that
NOW marketing allows
brands, first hand,
to OWN and SHARE
the communication
channels hub.
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Key Initiatives to Add to Your Marketing
Strategy for 2019 and forward, in order to be
digitally competitive:
1.Integration towards
digitally driven
omnichannel &
Use of Technology
One strategy, holistic objectives, connected communication across
channels, consistent tone of voice and message and integration of
technology upgrades on all brand online communication assets (machine
learning, automation, chat Bots, content localization & personalization,
website speed, push content, mobile communication)
Key Initiatives to Add to Your Marketing Strategy for 2019 and forward,
in order to be digitally competitive:
2.Consumer Engagement & User Generated
Content (UGC) Empowering
Videos. Live content. User Empowerment. Infotainment. Experiments. Brand ambassadors & Influencer Marketing.
Build marketng initiatives for the people, with the people. Because...people trust other people.
Key Initiatives to Add to Your
Marketing Strategy for 2019 and
forward, in order to be digitally
3.Online Optimization
(User Experience & SEO)
of your owned
channel hub
Search Engine Optimization. a Rich Content strategy, a great
website. Engaging social media presence that generates
interested and word-of-mouth, thus making promotion budgets
more efficient.
Key Initiatives to Add to Your
Marketing Strategy for 2019 and
forward, in order to be digitally
through & Creativity
within your Marketing
Storytelling Approach
Clever mix of Earned & Paid & Owned media under a regular and lasting communication plan sprinkled with marketing & sales gimmicks and
campaigns. Creative content, frequent, consistent and locally relevant content. Ideas that connect with consumer’s lifestyle, habits, needs and
aspirations. Transmedia Storytellinf delivers brand visibility.
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All the industries are at the precipice of change. The swift
evolution of purchasing habits and the rise of cutting-edge
technologies are changing the way we communicate with
customers. Each and every brand has to start adapting to
these modern advancements and be the ones who make
the first move, because time is running out.
Here are THE TOP TEN 2019
TRENDS in digital marketing:
In recent years, an increasing percentage of people have become
more socially conscious about the environment and the types of
products, services and brands they choose taking this into consideration.
They have developed a sense of healthy habits reflected on both their
personal and their social life.
The 2018 report published by Mintel affirms the rising trend of
consumers preferring to consume products labeled as “organic” or
“natural” in both Spain and Germany as they are perceived to be better
for the environment.
Messaging around sustainable improvements will help consumers make
choices that are ethical ones that positively impact animal welfare,
sustainability, and the environment as well as their individual health.
TREND 1: Increase in collective consumer
awareness and concern for the environment
TREND 2: More vegetarian/vegan,
new dieting choices are impacting
the social topics & buying journey
There has been a boom in the number of vegetarians and
vegans over the past two years. The figures released by
GlobalData demonstrates a 600% increase of people declaring
themselves vegan in the United States alone. Similar data has
been published in the United Kingdom revealing the same
In-line with a survey launched in Canada, more than 50% of the
vegetarian and vegan population consists of the millennial
generation. Surprisingly, only a small portion of the entire
consumer group is made up of baby boomers. In this sense,
the companies dedicated to capturing the millennial
mindshare could have a competitive advantage if their
counterparts are too slow to act.
Studies show that there is a 11% growth health & wellbeing
awareness in 2018 compared to 2017, more people turning their
attention toward living a healthier life and getting in shape, in
Europe. Your brand could talk about and endorse some of
these trends, if they fit your company vision.
Finding a way to differentiate a product from the fierce competition is challenging in
this market. Your value proposition does not only have match the expectations of the
target audience but the overall presentation of the product needs to catch their
attention as well. Many companies dedicate extensive amounts of resources
developing intricate product pitches and investing money in the creation of videos to
make their product stand out. Nevertheless, emerging technologies such as Virtual and
Augmented reality have made their way into the market and pose an interesting
alternative for plenty of companies.
Carrying out digital, activation campaigns that engage customers while in-store have
now been made possible with these new technologies—and they can easily be
adapted to fit the realities of many different markets. It’s important to remember that
the market dynamics of each point of sale is different. This means that the tactics used
to boost sales and expand product portfolios should be adjusted to fit the peculiarities
of each market. But identifying those (sometimes very subtle) differences can be
challenging. This is where Location Intelligence takes center stage, providing accurate
and precise data about the unique market contexts surrounding an individual point of
TREND 3: Growth in Virtual and
Augmented Reality,
focus on Localised content
TREND 4: Consumers are
looking for convenience
As consumers and their families live busier lifestyles, they are
demanding more convenience, especially when it comes to
getting socially active. Global consumers want convenience
at every stage of shopping and brand engagement with
products and services. However, convenience means
different things to different consumers, and it is important for
brands to understand their audience.
Today’s consumers expect a smooth, seamless sales process,
so any point where they have to give added effort, such as
contacting customer support or even waiting in a checkout
line, is a point of friction. To attract convenience-oriented
consumers, you have to eliminate friction and make it as
easy as possible to do business with your company. For
example, add multiple payment options including
debit/credit-card processing, PayPal, Apple Pay, so that the
consumer chooses its favorite method of payment.
TREND 5: Health is an important
consumer preference
More subscriptions to the gym, more health apps and platforms,
a growing attention of Google’s algorithms towards medical and
wellbeing content curation, a higher appetite for BIO/ECO
products, a closer look on how eco-friendly or healthy the
brands we are using are. This is a trend that has proven slow but
consistent growth in the last 3 years.
Seemingly healthier low-sodium, reduced fat, and sugar-free
products have been available for decades. However, other
options that used to be found only in specialty health food stores
have made their way into “normal” supermarkets as consumers
want food and beverages that they believe will so less harm or
actively improve their health, day-to-day performance, and
general well-being. Products such as plant-based protein milk
alternatives (like soy or almond drinks), lab-grown “cultured
meat,” and alcohol-free “mocktails” are gaining wider
acceptance and availability.
TREND 6: Consumers want an experience
All brands must be aware of the fact that consumers –
especially Millennials and those from Generation Z – are
interested in experiences more than actual products.
Therefore, industry players are looking to create experiences
around their products and encourage sharing among
consumers by investing in digital capabilities to enable more
personalized communication via social media and
community management.
Furthermore, brands must launch more products that grab
the attention of consumers, such as Coca-Cola cans with
names on them.
These products encourage consumers to share their
experiences online and generate conversations with their
peers to create better return on investments in marketing,
not to mention a treasure trove of data to further accelerate
and inform marketing efforts.
1 2
TREND 7: The millennial
and post-millennial effect
Consumers under 35 differ fundamentally from older generations in
ways that make mass brands and channels ill suited to them. They
tend to prefer new brands.
And while millennials are obsessed with research, they resist
brand-owned marketing and look instead to learn about brands
from each other.
Further, they are much more open to sharing personal information,
allowing born-digital challenger brands to target them with more
tailored propositions and with greater marketing-spend efficiency.
Millennials are generally willing to pay for special things. For
everything else, they seek value. Millennials in the United States are
9 percent poorer than Gen Xers were at the same age, so they
have much less to spend and choose carefully what to buy and
where to buy it.
TREND 8: Rise of the Digital intimacy (data, mobile,
and the Internet of Things [IoT]) and Data Protection
Digital is revolutionizing how consumers learn about and
engage with brands and how companies learn about and
engage with consumers.
Some categories, particularly homecare, will be
revolutionized by the IoT. We will see the IoT convert some
product needs, like laundry, into service needs. And in
many categories, the IoT will reshape the consumer
decision journey, especially by facilitating more automatic
With the installment of new regulations concerning user
data protection, at the core of understanding the principle
of GDPR there is simple matter, in fact: consent. If you have
an honest, transparent and relevant communication to
your target, you should have no problem at all.
Many small companies are
capitalizing on millennial preferences
and digital marketing to grow very
fast. These brands can be hard to spot
because they are often sold online or
in channels not covered by the
syndicated data that the industry has
historically relied on heavily.
Retailers have also taken notice of
these small brands. According to The
Nielsen Company, globally, retailers
are giving small brands up to double
their fair share of new listings. The
reason is twofold: retailers want small
brands to differentiate their
proposition and to drive their margins,
as these small brands tend to be
premium and rarely promote.
TREND 9: Explosion of small brands
Disruption of mass-retailer relationships
Three trends are fueling a fierce business-model battle in retail. The e-commerce giants are already the clear winners, while the
discounter business model is also flourishing. Mass merchants are feeling the squeeze.
E-commerce giants
E-commerce giants Amazon, Alibaba Group, and grew gross merchandise value at an amazing rate of 34 percent a year
from 2012 to 2017. As their offer attracts consumers across categories, they are having a profound impact on consumer decision
journeys. This change requires brands to rewrite their channel strategies and their channel-management approaches, including
how they assort, price, promote, and merchandise their products, not just in these marketplaces but elsewhere.
Discounters & Private labels
ALDI and LIDL have grown at 5.5 percent from 2012 to 2017, and they are looking to the US market for growth. Discounters typically
grow to secure market share of 20 percent or more in each grocery market they enter. This presence proves the consumer appeal
of the format, which enables discounters to price an offering of about 1,000 fast-moving SKUs 20 percent below mass grocers while
still generating healthy returns.
Mass-merchant squeeze
The rise of the e-commerce giants and the discounters is squeezing grocers and other omnichannel mass merchants. Together, the
seven largest mass players saw flat revenue from 2012 to 2017. This pressure is forcing mass merchants to become tougher trading
partners. They are pursuing more aggressive procurement strategies, including participating in buying alliances, getting tighter on
SKU proliferation, and decreasing inventory levels. They are also seeking out small brands and strengthening their private labels in
their quest for differentiation and traffic.
TREND10: Disruption of sales
● Business - to - Business
● Business - to - Consumer
● eCommerce
● Web Design & Mobile
● Corporate Communication
1. Evolving customers AND evolving customer journeys
We’ve discussed many times how customer preferences and brand perceptions are evolving. But 2018 also saw changes to
customers’ pathways to purchase, and the expectations customers have along that buyer journey.
Voice search and purchasing from tools like Alexa is adding a crucial touchpoint many brands still ignore. Meanwhile,
companies like Facebook re-evaluate the data they provide to their vendors and advertisers, changing social media
marketing and advertising strategy around the world.
Customers want convenience, but there’s a fine-line between delivering exactly what they want and personalization to the
point of creepiness. Marketers will need to be experts in their customers in order to tip-toe this line.
2. Ditching traditional personas
Since customer preferences and purchase behavior is constantly changing, what brands consider their “customer bases” are
in continuous flux. This means the profiles brands create of their customers must be flexible by nature.
The way personas influence the strategy of companies will need to change, especially for marketers. Your decade-old
cardboard cut-out of ‘Millennials’ will not help you resonate with the 20- and 30-somethings of today. It is time to put in place
personas that are inherently subject to change.
3. Proactive CSR and brand values
Belief-driven buyers now make up the majority of consumers in every market. This means that, if they haven’t already, brands
will need to solidify their corporate values and decide on which issues they want to take a stand on.
While the risk of alienating some customers will always be there, companies that manage to resonate with consumer’s values
have an opportunity to deepen brand-customer relationships on an emotional level.
4. Crisis management affects everyone
As online media and easily accessible information exploded in recent years, brands and consumers are more connected
than they’ve ever been.
Brands have the opportunity to advertise on nearly every website and platform consumers use online. But on the flip side, the
24-hour news cycle coupled with a more educated customer have given the public a uniquely candid view of brands.
Especially in this age where brands – intentionally or accidentally– get wrapped up in political controversies or polarized
social issues, no company is safe from reputation or brand crises.
5. More tech promises, more problems
Trust, especially trust in marketing tools, was a theme in many conversations we had when researching our guide. The
marketing technology (martech) landscape is huge, fast-moving, and dynamic – trust us!
This dynamic growth of tools has led to an influx of new technical opportunities for marketers, as well as new buzzwords that
have yet to truly prove their worth.
6. Breaking down data silos
One opportunity that marketers predict will grow in 2019 is the need for blended data.
From how you understand your customers to how your report your results to executives, the marketers that show the value of
integrating different data sources will be the ones most successfully proving ROI.
Steve Dodd of Socialgist spoke to us about the importance of integrating data to get a more complete picture of the market:
7. Growth In Content Marketing
Content marketing will always have a strong impact because of the exposure and backlinks you can receive for
your brand. Writing interesting content and marketing it to influencers is a win-win. You are helping people with
solution-oriented content, and the influencers help your exposure and outreach so it’s widely seen by the right
audience and shared with their peers. - Peter Boyd, PaperStreet Web Design
8. A Turn To The Human Side Of Marketing
We are fortunate to live in an age of advancing technology, but we run a risk of oversaturating our market with
off-the-shelf tools that gather faceless data and create ineffective content. Marketing has a remarkable power to
inspire audiences. Instead of an influx of new tech to adopt, I predict we’ll embrace a deeper understanding of
human behavior that will foster more meaningful relationships. - Hamid Ghanadan, LINUS
9. Integrated Online, Social And Mobile Marketing
2019 will be all about the integration of online, social and mobile marketing. Many businesses have dabbled in one
or all of these marketing strategies, but true success in the year ahead will be marked by a fully integrated
marketing program that incorporates all three. This will eliminate redundancies, increase efficiency and fully
leverage content across these three major players. - Laura Cole, Vivial
10. The Growth Of Micro-Influencers
As influencer-tracking technologies continue to improve, brands are becoming better equipped at fielding and
managing large networks of high-engagement, low-following micro influencers for their campaigns. This largely
untapped market will soon allow for more brands to avoid the significant costs of mid- to high-level influencers and
invest in more down-to-earth and relatable influencer marketing. - Jordan Edelson, Appetizer Mobile LLC
11. Audiences Made Part Of Brand Stories
The ability to engage with audiences (that is, making audiences part of the brand story) will have a huge impact. The less
friction there is to engagement, the more connected people feel. Brands that are more willing to interact with customers
publicly will have a strong impact—and brands that can show how this engagement influences their products and services
will make an even bigger impact. - Bernard May, National Positions
12. Transparency As Key To Winning Customers
Technology is giving us so many new tools and platforms that sometimes we forget that communication always happens
between human beings. Brands are groups of people who try to communicate with other persons: their customers. In 2019, I
expect transparency to be the key to winning the hearts of consumers, who will reward those brands that share their values in
an authentic and transparent way. - Daniela Pavan, The Ad Store New York
13. Quality Trumping Quantity In Marketing
Content marketing has been preached to death by most marketers. Content marketing is important, but oftentimes
companies are capitalizing on this strategy with over-optimized and bland content that is largely regurgitated from other
companies doing the same thing. In 2019, I believe we will get more discerning and choose low-volume, high-quality content
instead of high-volume, low-quality. - Brandon Stapper, Nonstop Signs
14. Customers Empowered As Brand Ambassadors
By utilizing tools like YotPo and BazaarVoice, we can now chalk up a percentage of a marketing campaign to leveraging our
customers as brand ambassadors by asking them to share info on a product to their own networks. This helps bypass
“influencer marketing” to an extent and lets us empower our customers to do the talking. - Loren Baker, Foundation Digital
1. End-to-end personalisation
Both B2B and B2C consumers increasingly expect the marketing material they consume to be personalised. Personalisation
means that the content of marketing material is specific to individual users, customised for their unique interests, activity and
interactions with your organisation. From email campaigns and landing pages to content recommendations and even
services, personalisation has the power to make a real and lasting connection with your audience.
2. Maturation of Content Marketing
In 2019, B2B businesses will refine their content marketing approach to focus on quality, rather than quantity. We’ll also see a
strategic shift towards more closely aligning content marketing efforts with the buyer journey to deliver personalised, relevant
content that will make a difference to the bottom line.
3. Emphasis on the Customer Experience
For B2B businesses, having a customer-centric approach is key. Today’s B2B buyers have more choice than ever before,
which means that businesses need to prove their worth. Creating a great customer experience requires breaking down
internal silos to enhance the customer’s end-to-end journey. From sales and marketing to product and support, today’s B2B
buyers need to feel valued throughout their entire customer journey.
4. Account-Based Marketing Approach
Account-based marketing (ABM) has been a popular topic in B2B marketing for the past several years. Small and mid-size
B2B companies will realise the best way to compete is by implementing an account-centric model across marketing, sales
and client success. Recurring business represents a significant portion of revenue stream for B2B companies, so look for ABM
to make a resurgence in 2019.
5. Focus on Relationship
Marketing automation and technology have undoubtedly helped businesses become more efficient, make better decisions
and scale more effectively. Though technology might prove effective in covering administrative tasks, it’s important to
remember that the relationship a client has with the company is a key component to creating a stellar customer experience.
While many companies have focused on “doing” in the past years, we’ll see a shift in 2019 towards “building.” There will be
greater emphasis on teams to visit their clients in person, get to know their clients better, and spend more time investing in the
long-term relationship.
6. Dominance of video marketing
Video has been on marketing trend lists for several years—and with good reason. Video content currently represents a
majority share of internet traffic and is forecasted to grow to 82% of all internet traffic by 2021, according to Cisco’s annual
Visual Network Index (VNI) forecast. Video is a powerful storytelling medium that B2B firms can leverage to get their message
across for a variety of purposes including brand videos, products videos, case stories, culture and day in the life videos, to
name a few.
7. Smarter measurement, reporting and attribution
One of the many benefits of marketing in the digital age is the availability of real-time analytics, allowing marketers to
understand how their marketing is performing and make necessary adjustments. B2B firms will start to identify smarter and
sometimes unconventional ways to measure, which will ultimately drive better business decisions.
1. Increased conversations with customers
„The path to conversion is not about clicks, but about conversations” – Sarah Doody Brands should focus on how to take care
of their clientele. Customer service feedback can make or break brands, so in 2019, it is becoming more important to focus
on the long-term relationship rather than a quick sell, to focus on building the brand rather than making a quick gain.
2. Chatbot AI
“Customers want prompt and accurate answers to their questions,” adds Kelly Vaughn, founder of The Taproom Agency,
“and in busy times, ecommerce merchants are not always able to keep up with the rate of messages coming in. Thankfully,
chatbots are getting smarter, and I expect to see this trend to continue upward.”
3. Explosion of AR
It is becoming extremely easier to integrate AR into ecommerce stores. “For consumers, this means a much richer buying
experience, allowing them to 'test out' homeware products within their homes and 'try on' clothes and accessories. For
merchants, this means higher conversion rates and fewer returns. We're expecting several of our clients to be experimenting
with this over the next 12 months.” - Piers Thorogood, co-founder and lead designer at design-focused ecommerce agency
WeMakeWebsites. „AR is filling the most difficult gap to bridge when comparing the shopping experience between
brick-and-mortar and online. Being able to physically see what you’re planning to purchase from the comfort of your own
home is going to be a gamer changer. ” – Ben Froedge
4. Video will expand boundaries in e-commerce as well
“Video presents the product more personally, while engaging the customer,” explains Jihyeon Kim, UX designer at Space
Squirrel. “Go further than promotional videos on the main page, and prominently show well-produced features on the
product page, along with influencer content and related products, and you will drive more conversions.”
5. Voice search
Just over 20 percent of search queries are made via voice now, and experts are predicting 50 percent of search to be done
via voice by 2020. “Voice search queries are generally longer than typed search. This is a good opportunity to optimize your
product descriptions as well. As voice devices can read out your product’s descriptions, you’ll want your descriptions to shine
in their best light. Be descriptive but succinct.” – Kelly Vaughn
6. Flexible payment options
“In 2019, expect to see a shift toward more flexible payment options coming in to play. By allowing customers to defer
payment or pay in ways that don’t need a credit card, retailers remove a huge friction point in purchasing.” – Ben Froedge
7. Multi: currency, language, and channel
“Multi-currency options are getting better and better,” he explains. “Shopify supports merchants who want to offer people
familiar payment options in the currencies they are used to, instead of being restricted to the retailers’ local currency and
getting hit with conversion rate fees.” 
Multi-language stores, meanwhile, allow retailers to localize their sites and make their message accessible and relevant to
local audiences without clunky options like Google Translate murdering the true meaning.
Multi-channel, finally, lets sellers put their message and their products in front of customers wherever they are. Instead of
forcing customers to come to you, it’s now easier to just come to them.” – Ben Froedge
1. Flat Design
Flat Design is a minimalist design approach that features the use of clean and open space, bright colors, and simple
two-dimensional illustrations. The rise of flat design can be attributed to the need for fast-loading websites that provide
users with an enjoyable browsing experience on both mobile and desktop.
Flat design relies mainly on simple illustrations which are much less data-heavy than sites that use large images or heavy
visuals. This means an overall much quicker loading time.
2. Animated GIFs
Today’s user is in an “instant gratification” mindset when it comes to finding the information they’re looking for. GIFs can
convey complex ideas in a short period of time while being engaging and entertaining. An added bonus is they also work
on most browsers and mobile devices, making them accessible to everyone.
3. White Space
In 2019, web design is moving in more of a “less is more” mindset. That means we’re seeing websites opt for simpler layouts
with greater amounts of white space. White space (also referred to as negative space) is simply the empty space on a
page. Think of it as the breathing room around page elements. Using white space to separate the different sections on
your pages helps improve readability and makes it easier for users to digest important information.
4. Broken Grid & Asymmetrical Layouts
Recently, web design has put a lot of emphasis on designing within a set grid. A grid system helps designers maintain
alignment and consistency throughout a design and frankly, makes it easier for developers to bring it to life. However, we
are beginning to see designers break outside of the standard grid more and more.
This helps designers have more creative freedom with their work and create another level of hierarchy on a page.
Creating this extra level of hierarchy is extremely helpful when it comes to guiding a user’s eyes down a page and pulling
them into the most important actionable parts of your site and frankly, it allows for more intriguing and unique designs.
5. Integrated, But Not Invasive, Video
Autoplay video can be a nuisance in some circumstances, so many websites are starting to scale back on this feature.
Instead of a pop-up that plays sound automatically, many sites are integrating video in their header that auto-plays once
a visitor lands on the page. Instead of blocking other text on the screen, the feature plays in a way that attracts
customers without making the website difficult to navigate.
6. Large, Bold Titles And Headers
People spend less time on websites than ever before. As a result, a web page will need to implement features to get its
message across as quickly as possible. A large, bold title and eye-catching headers help break up the copy and allow for
fast audience engagement. Companies are adding large, catchy text to the top of their web pages to get their message
and purpose across quickly. When they publish posts and pages, they use bold, informative headlines so that customers
can skim a page and retain information without having to read the body copy.
7. Detailed, Artistic Footers
When was the last time you scrolled to the bottom of a web page and checked out their site footer? In the past,
consumers often ignored these elements since they seemed “boring” and did not contain detailed information that the
user could not find elsewhere.
However, more companies are getting creative with their footers, adding illustrations and even more detailed information
for consumers to peruse. Now, footers include additional resources vital to the home page and are integrated into the
site’s overall design. This practice allows for more creativity, attractive graphics and information configuration options,
and a seamless design.
1. AR/VR Are Moving One Step Forward
Since the screens became compact and with time it wasn’t simple enough. It’s time to take the experience a little bit
“beyond the screen”. Already not-so-futuristic Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology take the lead in mobile.
2. Mobile Payments & Beacons Take It All-In
Customers have moved to online and are looking for several safe and secure payment options on their mobile phones that
will enable effortless and complete transactions. The growing popularity of mobile payments and gateways (such as Amazon
Pay, Google Wallet, PayPal, etc.) is becoming increasingly significant.
Hotel bookings, travels, rentals, e-commerce all depends on mobile transactions. That’s why it’s important to keep them safe.
An increase in mobile payments will have an impact on security because brands will have to provide secure encryption when
deploying mobile wallets and payments in their applications. Security will become an essential element of app development
in 2019.
3. Mobility and Acceleration (AMP and EMM)
We have more and more information and less and less time. The speed of loading pages is still a key factor for mobile phone
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are innovative technologies that can speed up the loading time of mobile websites.
What is Google’s AMP? It is an open source project aimed at improving the comfort of mobile web browsing.
Another trend in the IT sector is EMM, which is an abbreviation for Enterprise Mobility Management. It helps to manage overall
mobile solutions and embraces both people and technology. EMM helps developers to integrate with business processes and
improve management. It manages application security as well as finance and application maintenance.
4. Internet Of Things – Smart Revolution
IoT is growing at a huge pace. Companies all around the world have found out about concepts connected to intelligent
device networks. Many of them, especially recently, can be controlled via smartphones and mobile applications.
The concept has been implemented in a wide range of industries (from healthcare, e-commerce to construction and
transport, and the public sector) and is expected to grow enormously in many areas.
5. Boost For Instant APPs
They take up less space than normal applications, they are simple, native, and provide excellent UX. Instant apps will grow
more and more in 2019. Not surprisingly, they are also easy to share with others and do not take up a lot of memory on your
6. Even More Cloud Integration
Storage limitations on devices have always been a problem, but this is applicable to mobile devices more than to any other
devices. It is very easy to see why practically everything is stored in the Cloud today. In case of loss of the device, the
data  would be practically impossible to recover. Another thing is that more and more often we want to have everything at
hand. Photos from the smartphone on the tablet, from the tablet on the computer and so on. It’s also a large storage
capacity available in any place with Internet access.
Another trend is mobile cloud computing (MCC), which aim to offer rich mobile applications and seamless use of different
devices. This is beneficial for companies that want to serve their users on mobile devices, but whose applications require more
computing power.
1. Employer branding is becoming more and more of a digital matter, not just inside the company
set of values and actions. The new generations are considering their job application based on
company culture, benefits and opportunities, not just salary, field and proximity. Thus, an
employer branding content strategy for the website is essential. From HR articles to Job
Application platform and Employee Account, these actions contribute to a positive online
reputation of the brand and have the capacity of delivering medium to long term better
employer retention.
2. Search Engine Optimisation is a must, in a work inflated by content, where millions of web pages
are crawled by search engines every second in search of the most relevant content. The latest
SEO approach, strongly endorsed by the dramatically most important Search Engine out there,
Google, is User Centred Experience on the Web. Thus, all efforts must go towards having a
performant and content relevant website, with original and optimised content and all SEO best
practices met and upgraded continuously. As newspaper advertising was essential in the
mid-19s, SEO is essential nowadays.
3. Having a consequent online PR approach helps the company from two points of view: gaining
positive awareness and growing in search engines, as a result of referrals from media publishers.
Online PR focuses not only on delivering quality content about the brand, in the form of relevant
news for target audiences, but also on leading online authority and backlinks towards the
company websites, thus making them stronger in the „eyes” of Search Engines.
What do top level marketers around Europe
& the US find most important in Marketing for 2019?
What is the spending on growth strategy for
2019 of top level marketers in Europe & the US?
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•Facebook users are 53% female and 47% male.
•Of  all the people on the internet, 83% of Women & 75% of Men use Facebook.
•Average Facebook user has 155 “friends”.
•62% of online Seniors aged 65+ are on Facebook and 72% are between age 50-64.
•88% of online users of age 18-29 are on Facebook, 84% of those 30-49.
•82% of college graduates are on Facebook.
•72% of online users of income more than $75K are on Facebook.
•85% of Facebook’s Daily Active Users Come from Outside the US/Canada.
•The largest population on Facebook is from India with over 270 million users followed by 210 million from the US.
•Brazil and Indonesia both have around 130 million users.
•Monthly Active Users from Asia are 894 million.
•Europe has over 440 million Facebook users.
Global Demographics
•62% of YouTube users are Males.
•80% of YouTube users come from outside the U.S.
•9% of small businesses are on YouTube.
•35+ and 55+ age groups are the fastest growing YouTube demographics.
•75% of adults turn to YouTube for nostalgia rather than tutorials or current events.
•Millennials prefer YouTube two to one over traditional television.
•37% of the coveted 18 – 34 demographic are binge-watching.
•YouTube services 88 countries in 76 languages (or 95% of all internet users).
•Males are primarily watching soccer or strategy games.
•Females are primarily watching beauty videos.
•There 50 million creators on YouTube.
Global Demographics
•68% of Instagram users are Females.
•Six in ten online adults in US & Europe have Instagram
•32% of all Internet users are on Instagram.
•59% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 use
Instagram and 33% of internet users between the ages of 30
and 49 use Instagram
•38% of female internet users use Instagram and 26% of male
internet users use Instagram
•72% of teens use Instagram, in the US and Europe.
Global Demographics
•More than 70% of Linkedin users are from Outside of Us.
•61 million LinkedIn users are senior level influencers and 40 million are in decision-making positions.
•40 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn.
•There are 56% of male users and 44% female users on Linkedin.
•After US, India, Brazil, Great Britain and Canada have the highest number of Linkedin users.
•13% of Millennials (15-34 Years old) use Linkedin.
•There are 87 million Millennials on LinkedIn with 11 million in decision-making positions.
•28% of All Internet male users use Linkedin, whereas 27% of All Internet Female users use Linkedin.
•44% of Linked users earn more than $75,000 in a year.
•There are over 39 million students and recent grads on Linkedin.
Global Demographics
Have a break.
Have some Facebook Fun Facts 😊
1. 5 Billion comments are left on Facebook pages monthly and 55 million status updates are made every day.
2. 42% of customer service responses happen during the first 60 minutes, and that should be a best practice.
3. The Facebook like button has been pressed 1.15 trillion times until this month.
4. The average time spent on Facebook per visit is 35 minutes up from 20 minutes previously.
5. Facebook Gets Over 8 Billion Average Daily Video Views and 20% of videos are Live Broadcasts.
6. 85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound off, 80% of users are annoyed when videos auto-play
sound, and it gives them a negative impression of your brand.
7. Captioned video ads can increase video view time by an average of 12%.
8. 350 Million photos are uploaded every day, with 14.58 million photo uploads per hour, 243,000 photo
uploads per minute, and 4,000 photo uploads per second.
9. Every 20 Minutes, 1 million links are shared, 20 million friend requests are sent, and 3 million messages are
10. Facebook is available in 101 languages with over 300,000 users helping in translation.
Have a break.
Have some Google Fun Facts 😊
1. Google was originally named BackRub, in 1996.
2. Google is a play on the word “googol.”a twist on “googol,” a mathematical term represented by the
numeral one followed by 100 zeros.
3. Gmail was launched on April Fool’s Day, no joke. Google unveiled Gmail on April 1, 2004
4. Google now processes over 7 billion search queries a day worldwide (though some say it could be as
high as 10 billion per day). 15% of those queries have never been searched for on Google before.
5. Google Chrome reigns supreme amongst users with 61.77% dominance. Other popular internet browsers
rank as follows – Safari (15.09%), Firefox (4.92%), Opera (3.15%), and Internet Explorer (2.81%)
6. Search advertisements are the most popular type of digital advertisement right now, with marketers
boosting expenditure in 2018 by 12% to reach $113 billion spent.
7. 63% of all search adswill be mobile based in 2019, reaching $28.25 billion spent.
8. while advertisers are expected to spend 14.8% more with Google ads.
9. Google has 90.46% of the search engine market share worldwide.
10. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day. And takes over 200 factors into
account before delivering you the best results to any query in a fraction of a second.
Have a break.
Have some Digital Fun Facts 😊
1. As of January 1, 2019, there were 4,100,667,287 internet users spanning the globe. The world averages an
internet penetration rate of 55.1% (as compared to 35% in 2013).
2. 69% of people will read their personal email while watching television, while 57% of people will read it in bed.
3. Long form blog posts/articles people read generate 9x more leads than short form posts.
4. 78% of marketers believe that custom content is where the industry is headed. This means that customer
experiences will ideally be as one-to-one as possible.
5. The average business professional is sending and receiving 121 emails a day! That’s an awful lot of
information to ignore!
6. People are now watching 150 million hours of YouTube every day.
7. 1 billion hours of YouTube content are watched per day.
8. By 2025, it’s predicted that 50% of viewers under 32 will not subscribe to the paid TV.
9. 20% of users will leave a video if it hasn’t hooked them in the first 10 seconds.
10. YouTube is technically the second largest search engine in the world, after Google who ranks first and
followed by Bing Search engine.
Remember that DIGITAL MARKETING is,
first of all, as any kind of marketing,
about your market, your consumers
and your competitors.
Where your consumers are, you should be. Where they
talk, your should listen and engage. Where they search
for information, you should be providing it.
Where your competition plays, you should play. But in a
smarter, better or lauder way. Where your competition
is not present yet you should be first to take action,
And, secondly, DIGITAL
MARKETING is about addressing
the right channels.
People have already moved the conversation
online. Brands are marketed by people, for the
Thus, brands need to move their conversation
Do you use Facebook?
How many of your target users are on Facebook?
Do you use Youtube?
How many of your target users are watching videos
on Youtube?
Do you use the internet?
How many internet users are there in your country?
And last, but not least, DIGITAL
MARKETING is about your
products and services. About
pricing, placement, addressability,
added value and availability.
But what makes YOUR product/service better
amongst the million others on the shelf? Good
pricing and production quality are not enough
anymore to sell, they are a must that many of the
market players are doing their best to master.
What comes on top, then, to generate added
value for the consumer? The STORY you tell. The
EXPERIENCE you create. The Customer Service.
Resources used for developing this material are listed below.
For more information, feel free to write us at or

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15 ideas and frameworks on the art of storytelling15 ideas and frameworks on the art of storytelling
15 ideas and frameworks on the art of storytelling

Digital Marketing Trends Report 2019 & "Did You Know?" About Google, Facebook and the Web

  • 3. The biggest advantage of Digital Marketing is that NOW marketing allows brands, first hand, to OWN and SHARE the communication channels hub.
  • 5. Key Initiatives to Add to Your Marketing Strategy for 2019 and forward, in order to be digitally competitive: 1.Integration towards digitally driven omnichannel & Use of Technology One strategy, holistic objectives, connected communication across channels, consistent tone of voice and message and integration of technology upgrades on all brand online communication assets (machine learning, automation, chat Bots, content localization & personalization, website speed, push content, mobile communication)
  • 6. Key Initiatives to Add to Your Marketing Strategy for 2019 and forward, in order to be digitally competitive: 2.Consumer Engagement & User Generated Content (UGC) Empowering Videos. Live content. User Empowerment. Infotainment. Experiments. Brand ambassadors & Influencer Marketing. Build marketng initiatives for the people, with the people. Because...people trust other people.
  • 7. Key Initiatives to Add to Your Marketing Strategy for 2019 and forward, in order to be digitally competitive: 3.Online Optimization (User Experience & SEO) of your owned channel hub Search Engine Optimization. a Rich Content strategy, a great website. Engaging social media presence that generates interested and word-of-mouth, thus making promotion budgets more efficient.
  • 8. Key Initiatives to Add to Your Marketing Strategy for 2019 and forward, in order to be digitally competitive: 4.Memorability through & Creativity within your Marketing Storytelling Approach Clever mix of Earned & Paid & Owned media under a regular and lasting communication plan sprinkled with marketing & sales gimmicks and campaigns. Creative content, frequent, consistent and locally relevant content. Ideas that connect with consumer’s lifestyle, habits, needs and aspirations. Transmedia Storytellinf delivers brand visibility.
  • 10. All the industries are at the precipice of change. The swift evolution of purchasing habits and the rise of cutting-edge technologies are changing the way we communicate with customers. Each and every brand has to start adapting to these modern advancements and be the ones who make the first move, because time is running out. Here are THE TOP TEN 2019 TRENDS in digital marketing:
  • 11. In recent years, an increasing percentage of people have become more socially conscious about the environment and the types of products, services and brands they choose taking this into consideration. They have developed a sense of healthy habits reflected on both their personal and their social life. The 2018 report published by Mintel affirms the rising trend of consumers preferring to consume products labeled as “organic” or “natural” in both Spain and Germany as they are perceived to be better for the environment. Messaging around sustainable improvements will help consumers make choices that are ethical ones that positively impact animal welfare, sustainability, and the environment as well as their individual health. TREND 1: Increase in collective consumer awareness and concern for the environment
  • 12. TREND 2: More vegetarian/vegan, new dieting choices are impacting the social topics & buying journey There has been a boom in the number of vegetarians and vegans over the past two years. The figures released by GlobalData demonstrates a 600% increase of people declaring themselves vegan in the United States alone. Similar data has been published in the United Kingdom revealing the same phenomena. In-line with a survey launched in Canada, more than 50% of the vegetarian and vegan population consists of the millennial generation. Surprisingly, only a small portion of the entire consumer group is made up of baby boomers. In this sense, the companies dedicated to capturing the millennial mindshare could have a competitive advantage if their counterparts are too slow to act. Studies show that there is a 11% growth health & wellbeing awareness in 2018 compared to 2017, more people turning their attention toward living a healthier life and getting in shape, in Europe. Your brand could talk about and endorse some of these trends, if they fit your company vision.
  • 13. Finding a way to differentiate a product from the fierce competition is challenging in this market. Your value proposition does not only have match the expectations of the target audience but the overall presentation of the product needs to catch their attention as well. Many companies dedicate extensive amounts of resources developing intricate product pitches and investing money in the creation of videos to make their product stand out. Nevertheless, emerging technologies such as Virtual and Augmented reality have made their way into the market and pose an interesting alternative for plenty of companies. Carrying out digital, activation campaigns that engage customers while in-store have now been made possible with these new technologies—and they can easily be adapted to fit the realities of many different markets. It’s important to remember that the market dynamics of each point of sale is different. This means that the tactics used to boost sales and expand product portfolios should be adjusted to fit the peculiarities of each market. But identifying those (sometimes very subtle) differences can be challenging. This is where Location Intelligence takes center stage, providing accurate and precise data about the unique market contexts surrounding an individual point of sale. TREND 3: Growth in Virtual and Augmented Reality, focus on Localised content
  • 14. TREND 4: Consumers are looking for convenience As consumers and their families live busier lifestyles, they are demanding more convenience, especially when it comes to getting socially active. Global consumers want convenience at every stage of shopping and brand engagement with products and services. However, convenience means different things to different consumers, and it is important for brands to understand their audience. Today’s consumers expect a smooth, seamless sales process, so any point where they have to give added effort, such as contacting customer support or even waiting in a checkout line, is a point of friction. To attract convenience-oriented consumers, you have to eliminate friction and make it as easy as possible to do business with your company. For example, add multiple payment options including debit/credit-card processing, PayPal, Apple Pay, so that the consumer chooses its favorite method of payment.
  • 15. TREND 5: Health is an important consumer preference More subscriptions to the gym, more health apps and platforms, a growing attention of Google’s algorithms towards medical and wellbeing content curation, a higher appetite for BIO/ECO products, a closer look on how eco-friendly or healthy the brands we are using are. This is a trend that has proven slow but consistent growth in the last 3 years. Seemingly healthier low-sodium, reduced fat, and sugar-free products have been available for decades. However, other options that used to be found only in specialty health food stores have made their way into “normal” supermarkets as consumers want food and beverages that they believe will so less harm or actively improve their health, day-to-day performance, and general well-being. Products such as plant-based protein milk alternatives (like soy or almond drinks), lab-grown “cultured meat,” and alcohol-free “mocktails” are gaining wider acceptance and availability.
  • 16. TREND 6: Consumers want an experience All brands must be aware of the fact that consumers – especially Millennials and those from Generation Z – are interested in experiences more than actual products. Therefore, industry players are looking to create experiences around their products and encourage sharing among consumers by investing in digital capabilities to enable more personalized communication via social media and community management. Furthermore, brands must launch more products that grab the attention of consumers, such as Coca-Cola cans with names on them. These products encourage consumers to share their experiences online and generate conversations with their peers to create better return on investments in marketing, not to mention a treasure trove of data to further accelerate and inform marketing efforts.
  • 17. 1 2 TREND 7: The millennial and post-millennial effect Consumers under 35 differ fundamentally from older generations in ways that make mass brands and channels ill suited to them. They tend to prefer new brands. And while millennials are obsessed with research, they resist brand-owned marketing and look instead to learn about brands from each other. Further, they are much more open to sharing personal information, allowing born-digital challenger brands to target them with more tailored propositions and with greater marketing-spend efficiency. Millennials are generally willing to pay for special things. For everything else, they seek value. Millennials in the United States are 9 percent poorer than Gen Xers were at the same age, so they have much less to spend and choose carefully what to buy and where to buy it.
  • 18. TREND 8: Rise of the Digital intimacy (data, mobile, and the Internet of Things [IoT]) and Data Protection (GDPR) Digital is revolutionizing how consumers learn about and engage with brands and how companies learn about and engage with consumers. Some categories, particularly homecare, will be revolutionized by the IoT. We will see the IoT convert some product needs, like laundry, into service needs. And in many categories, the IoT will reshape the consumer decision journey, especially by facilitating more automatic replenishment. With the installment of new regulations concerning user data protection, at the core of understanding the principle of GDPR there is simple matter, in fact: consent. If you have an honest, transparent and relevant communication to your target, you should have no problem at all.
  • 19. Many small companies are capitalizing on millennial preferences and digital marketing to grow very fast. These brands can be hard to spot because they are often sold online or in channels not covered by the syndicated data that the industry has historically relied on heavily. Retailers have also taken notice of these small brands. According to The Nielsen Company, globally, retailers are giving small brands up to double their fair share of new listings. The reason is twofold: retailers want small brands to differentiate their proposition and to drive their margins, as these small brands tend to be premium and rarely promote. TREND 9: Explosion of small brands
  • 20. Disruption of mass-retailer relationships Three trends are fueling a fierce business-model battle in retail. The e-commerce giants are already the clear winners, while the discounter business model is also flourishing. Mass merchants are feeling the squeeze. E-commerce giants E-commerce giants Amazon, Alibaba Group, and grew gross merchandise value at an amazing rate of 34 percent a year from 2012 to 2017. As their offer attracts consumers across categories, they are having a profound impact on consumer decision journeys. This change requires brands to rewrite their channel strategies and their channel-management approaches, including how they assort, price, promote, and merchandise their products, not just in these marketplaces but elsewhere. Discounters & Private labels ALDI and LIDL have grown at 5.5 percent from 2012 to 2017, and they are looking to the US market for growth. Discounters typically grow to secure market share of 20 percent or more in each grocery market they enter. This presence proves the consumer appeal of the format, which enables discounters to price an offering of about 1,000 fast-moving SKUs 20 percent below mass grocers while still generating healthy returns. Mass-merchant squeeze The rise of the e-commerce giants and the discounters is squeezing grocers and other omnichannel mass merchants. Together, the seven largest mass players saw flat revenue from 2012 to 2017. This pressure is forcing mass merchants to become tougher trading partners. They are pursuing more aggressive procurement strategies, including participating in buying alliances, getting tighter on SKU proliferation, and decreasing inventory levels. They are also seeking out small brands and strengthening their private labels in their quest for differentiation and traffic. TREND10: Disruption of sales
  • 21. MORE TRENDS FOR ● Business - to - Business ● Business - to - Consumer ● eCommerce ● Web Design & Mobile ● Corporate Communication
  • 22. MORE TRENDS IN B2C DIGITAL MARKETING 1. Evolving customers AND evolving customer journeys We’ve discussed many times how customer preferences and brand perceptions are evolving. But 2018 also saw changes to customers’ pathways to purchase, and the expectations customers have along that buyer journey. Voice search and purchasing from tools like Alexa is adding a crucial touchpoint many brands still ignore. Meanwhile, companies like Facebook re-evaluate the data they provide to their vendors and advertisers, changing social media marketing and advertising strategy around the world. Customers want convenience, but there’s a fine-line between delivering exactly what they want and personalization to the point of creepiness. Marketers will need to be experts in their customers in order to tip-toe this line. 2. Ditching traditional personas Since customer preferences and purchase behavior is constantly changing, what brands consider their “customer bases” are in continuous flux. This means the profiles brands create of their customers must be flexible by nature. The way personas influence the strategy of companies will need to change, especially for marketers. Your decade-old cardboard cut-out of ‘Millennials’ will not help you resonate with the 20- and 30-somethings of today. It is time to put in place personas that are inherently subject to change. 3. Proactive CSR and brand values Belief-driven buyers now make up the majority of consumers in every market. This means that, if they haven’t already, brands will need to solidify their corporate values and decide on which issues they want to take a stand on. While the risk of alienating some customers will always be there, companies that manage to resonate with consumer’s values have an opportunity to deepen brand-customer relationships on an emotional level.
  • 23. MORE TRENDS IN B2C DIGITAL MARKETING 4. Crisis management affects everyone As online media and easily accessible information exploded in recent years, brands and consumers are more connected than they’ve ever been. Brands have the opportunity to advertise on nearly every website and platform consumers use online. But on the flip side, the 24-hour news cycle coupled with a more educated customer have given the public a uniquely candid view of brands. Especially in this age where brands – intentionally or accidentally– get wrapped up in political controversies or polarized social issues, no company is safe from reputation or brand crises. 5. More tech promises, more problems Trust, especially trust in marketing tools, was a theme in many conversations we had when researching our guide. The marketing technology (martech) landscape is huge, fast-moving, and dynamic – trust us! This dynamic growth of tools has led to an influx of new technical opportunities for marketers, as well as new buzzwords that have yet to truly prove their worth. 6. Breaking down data silos One opportunity that marketers predict will grow in 2019 is the need for blended data. From how you understand your customers to how your report your results to executives, the marketers that show the value of integrating different data sources will be the ones most successfully proving ROI. Steve Dodd of Socialgist spoke to us about the importance of integrating data to get a more complete picture of the market:
  • 24. MORE TRENDS IN B2C DIGITAL MARKETING 7. Growth In Content Marketing Content marketing will always have a strong impact because of the exposure and backlinks you can receive for your brand. Writing interesting content and marketing it to influencers is a win-win. You are helping people with solution-oriented content, and the influencers help your exposure and outreach so it’s widely seen by the right audience and shared with their peers. - Peter Boyd, PaperStreet Web Design 8. A Turn To The Human Side Of Marketing We are fortunate to live in an age of advancing technology, but we run a risk of oversaturating our market with off-the-shelf tools that gather faceless data and create ineffective content. Marketing has a remarkable power to inspire audiences. Instead of an influx of new tech to adopt, I predict we’ll embrace a deeper understanding of human behavior that will foster more meaningful relationships. - Hamid Ghanadan, LINUS 9. Integrated Online, Social And Mobile Marketing 2019 will be all about the integration of online, social and mobile marketing. Many businesses have dabbled in one or all of these marketing strategies, but true success in the year ahead will be marked by a fully integrated marketing program that incorporates all three. This will eliminate redundancies, increase efficiency and fully leverage content across these three major players. - Laura Cole, Vivial 10. The Growth Of Micro-Influencers As influencer-tracking technologies continue to improve, brands are becoming better equipped at fielding and managing large networks of high-engagement, low-following micro influencers for their campaigns. This largely untapped market will soon allow for more brands to avoid the significant costs of mid- to high-level influencers and invest in more down-to-earth and relatable influencer marketing. - Jordan Edelson, Appetizer Mobile LLC
  • 25. MORE TRENDS IN B2C DIGITAL MARKETING 11. Audiences Made Part Of Brand Stories The ability to engage with audiences (that is, making audiences part of the brand story) will have a huge impact. The less friction there is to engagement, the more connected people feel. Brands that are more willing to interact with customers publicly will have a strong impact—and brands that can show how this engagement influences their products and services will make an even bigger impact. - Bernard May, National Positions 12. Transparency As Key To Winning Customers Technology is giving us so many new tools and platforms that sometimes we forget that communication always happens between human beings. Brands are groups of people who try to communicate with other persons: their customers. In 2019, I expect transparency to be the key to winning the hearts of consumers, who will reward those brands that share their values in an authentic and transparent way. - Daniela Pavan, The Ad Store New York 13. Quality Trumping Quantity In Marketing Content marketing has been preached to death by most marketers. Content marketing is important, but oftentimes companies are capitalizing on this strategy with over-optimized and bland content that is largely regurgitated from other companies doing the same thing. In 2019, I believe we will get more discerning and choose low-volume, high-quality content instead of high-volume, low-quality. - Brandon Stapper, Nonstop Signs 14. Customers Empowered As Brand Ambassadors By utilizing tools like YotPo and BazaarVoice, we can now chalk up a percentage of a marketing campaign to leveraging our customers as brand ambassadors by asking them to share info on a product to their own networks. This helps bypass “influencer marketing” to an extent and lets us empower our customers to do the talking. - Loren Baker, Foundation Digital
  • 26. MORE TRENDS IN B2B DIGITAL MARKETING 1. End-to-end personalisation Both B2B and B2C consumers increasingly expect the marketing material they consume to be personalised. Personalisation means that the content of marketing material is specific to individual users, customised for their unique interests, activity and interactions with your organisation. From email campaigns and landing pages to content recommendations and even services, personalisation has the power to make a real and lasting connection with your audience. 2. Maturation of Content Marketing In 2019, B2B businesses will refine their content marketing approach to focus on quality, rather than quantity. We’ll also see a strategic shift towards more closely aligning content marketing efforts with the buyer journey to deliver personalised, relevant content that will make a difference to the bottom line. 3. Emphasis on the Customer Experience For B2B businesses, having a customer-centric approach is key. Today’s B2B buyers have more choice than ever before, which means that businesses need to prove their worth. Creating a great customer experience requires breaking down internal silos to enhance the customer’s end-to-end journey. From sales and marketing to product and support, today’s B2B buyers need to feel valued throughout their entire customer journey. 4. Account-Based Marketing Approach Account-based marketing (ABM) has been a popular topic in B2B marketing for the past several years. Small and mid-size B2B companies will realise the best way to compete is by implementing an account-centric model across marketing, sales and client success. Recurring business represents a significant portion of revenue stream for B2B companies, so look for ABM to make a resurgence in 2019.
  • 27. MORE TRENDS IN B2B DIGITAL MARKETING 5. Focus on Relationship Marketing automation and technology have undoubtedly helped businesses become more efficient, make better decisions and scale more effectively. Though technology might prove effective in covering administrative tasks, it’s important to remember that the relationship a client has with the company is a key component to creating a stellar customer experience. While many companies have focused on “doing” in the past years, we’ll see a shift in 2019 towards “building.” There will be greater emphasis on teams to visit their clients in person, get to know their clients better, and spend more time investing in the long-term relationship. 6. Dominance of video marketing Video has been on marketing trend lists for several years—and with good reason. Video content currently represents a majority share of internet traffic and is forecasted to grow to 82% of all internet traffic by 2021, according to Cisco’s annual Visual Network Index (VNI) forecast. Video is a powerful storytelling medium that B2B firms can leverage to get their message across for a variety of purposes including brand videos, products videos, case stories, culture and day in the life videos, to name a few. 7. Smarter measurement, reporting and attribution One of the many benefits of marketing in the digital age is the availability of real-time analytics, allowing marketers to understand how their marketing is performing and make necessary adjustments. B2B firms will start to identify smarter and sometimes unconventional ways to measure, which will ultimately drive better business decisions.
  • 28. MORE TRENDS IN E-COMMERCE 1. Increased conversations with customers „The path to conversion is not about clicks, but about conversations” – Sarah Doody Brands should focus on how to take care of their clientele. Customer service feedback can make or break brands, so in 2019, it is becoming more important to focus on the long-term relationship rather than a quick sell, to focus on building the brand rather than making a quick gain. 2. Chatbot AI “Customers want prompt and accurate answers to their questions,” adds Kelly Vaughn, founder of The Taproom Agency, “and in busy times, ecommerce merchants are not always able to keep up with the rate of messages coming in. Thankfully, chatbots are getting smarter, and I expect to see this trend to continue upward.” 3. Explosion of AR It is becoming extremely easier to integrate AR into ecommerce stores. “For consumers, this means a much richer buying experience, allowing them to 'test out' homeware products within their homes and 'try on' clothes and accessories. For merchants, this means higher conversion rates and fewer returns. We're expecting several of our clients to be experimenting with this over the next 12 months.” - Piers Thorogood, co-founder and lead designer at design-focused ecommerce agency WeMakeWebsites. „AR is filling the most difficult gap to bridge when comparing the shopping experience between brick-and-mortar and online. Being able to physically see what you’re planning to purchase from the comfort of your own home is going to be a gamer changer. ” – Ben Froedge 4. Video will expand boundaries in e-commerce as well “Video presents the product more personally, while engaging the customer,” explains Jihyeon Kim, UX designer at Space Squirrel. “Go further than promotional videos on the main page, and prominently show well-produced features on the product page, along with influencer content and related products, and you will drive more conversions.”
  • 29. MORE TRENDS IN E-COMMERCE 5. Voice search Just over 20 percent of search queries are made via voice now, and experts are predicting 50 percent of search to be done via voice by 2020. “Voice search queries are generally longer than typed search. This is a good opportunity to optimize your product descriptions as well. As voice devices can read out your product’s descriptions, you’ll want your descriptions to shine in their best light. Be descriptive but succinct.” – Kelly Vaughn 6. Flexible payment options “In 2019, expect to see a shift toward more flexible payment options coming in to play. By allowing customers to defer payment or pay in ways that don’t need a credit card, retailers remove a huge friction point in purchasing.” – Ben Froedge 7. Multi: currency, language, and channel “Multi-currency options are getting better and better,” he explains. “Shopify supports merchants who want to offer people familiar payment options in the currencies they are used to, instead of being restricted to the retailers’ local currency and getting hit with conversion rate fees.”  Multi-language stores, meanwhile, allow retailers to localize their sites and make their message accessible and relevant to local audiences without clunky options like Google Translate murdering the true meaning. Multi-channel, finally, lets sellers put their message and their products in front of customers wherever they are. Instead of forcing customers to come to you, it’s now easier to just come to them.” – Ben Froedge
  • 30. MORE TRENDS IN WEB DESIGN 1. Flat Design Flat Design is a minimalist design approach that features the use of clean and open space, bright colors, and simple two-dimensional illustrations. The rise of flat design can be attributed to the need for fast-loading websites that provide users with an enjoyable browsing experience on both mobile and desktop. Flat design relies mainly on simple illustrations which are much less data-heavy than sites that use large images or heavy visuals. This means an overall much quicker loading time. 2. Animated GIFs Today’s user is in an “instant gratification” mindset when it comes to finding the information they’re looking for. GIFs can convey complex ideas in a short period of time while being engaging and entertaining. An added bonus is they also work on most browsers and mobile devices, making them accessible to everyone. 3. White Space In 2019, web design is moving in more of a “less is more” mindset. That means we’re seeing websites opt for simpler layouts with greater amounts of white space. White space (also referred to as negative space) is simply the empty space on a page. Think of it as the breathing room around page elements. Using white space to separate the different sections on your pages helps improve readability and makes it easier for users to digest important information. 4. Broken Grid & Asymmetrical Layouts Recently, web design has put a lot of emphasis on designing within a set grid. A grid system helps designers maintain alignment and consistency throughout a design and frankly, makes it easier for developers to bring it to life. However, we are beginning to see designers break outside of the standard grid more and more. This helps designers have more creative freedom with their work and create another level of hierarchy on a page. Creating this extra level of hierarchy is extremely helpful when it comes to guiding a user’s eyes down a page and pulling them into the most important actionable parts of your site and frankly, it allows for more intriguing and unique designs.
  • 31. MORE TRENDS IN WEB DESIGN 5. Integrated, But Not Invasive, Video Autoplay video can be a nuisance in some circumstances, so many websites are starting to scale back on this feature. Instead of a pop-up that plays sound automatically, many sites are integrating video in their header that auto-plays once a visitor lands on the page. Instead of blocking other text on the screen, the feature plays in a way that attracts customers without making the website difficult to navigate. 6. Large, Bold Titles And Headers People spend less time on websites than ever before. As a result, a web page will need to implement features to get its message across as quickly as possible. A large, bold title and eye-catching headers help break up the copy and allow for fast audience engagement. Companies are adding large, catchy text to the top of their web pages to get their message and purpose across quickly. When they publish posts and pages, they use bold, informative headlines so that customers can skim a page and retain information without having to read the body copy. 7. Detailed, Artistic Footers When was the last time you scrolled to the bottom of a web page and checked out their site footer? In the past, consumers often ignored these elements since they seemed “boring” and did not contain detailed information that the user could not find elsewhere. However, more companies are getting creative with their footers, adding illustrations and even more detailed information for consumers to peruse. Now, footers include additional resources vital to the home page and are integrated into the site’s overall design. This practice allows for more creativity, attractive graphics and information configuration options, and a seamless design.
  • 32. MORE TRENDS IN MOBILE APPS 1. AR/VR Are Moving One Step Forward Since the screens became compact and with time it wasn’t simple enough. It’s time to take the experience a little bit “beyond the screen”. Already not-so-futuristic Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technology take the lead in mobile. 2. Mobile Payments & Beacons Take It All-In Customers have moved to online and are looking for several safe and secure payment options on their mobile phones that will enable effortless and complete transactions. The growing popularity of mobile payments and gateways (such as Amazon Pay, Google Wallet, PayPal, etc.) is becoming increasingly significant. Hotel bookings, travels, rentals, e-commerce all depends on mobile transactions. That’s why it’s important to keep them safe. An increase in mobile payments will have an impact on security because brands will have to provide secure encryption when deploying mobile wallets and payments in their applications. Security will become an essential element of app development in 2019. 3. Mobility and Acceleration (AMP and EMM) We have more and more information and less and less time. The speed of loading pages is still a key factor for mobile phone users. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are innovative technologies that can speed up the loading time of mobile websites. What is Google’s AMP? It is an open source project aimed at improving the comfort of mobile web browsing. Another trend in the IT sector is EMM, which is an abbreviation for Enterprise Mobility Management. It helps to manage overall mobile solutions and embraces both people and technology. EMM helps developers to integrate with business processes and improve management. It manages application security as well as finance and application maintenance.
  • 33. MORE TRENDS IN MOBILE APPS 4. Internet Of Things – Smart Revolution IoT is growing at a huge pace. Companies all around the world have found out about concepts connected to intelligent device networks. Many of them, especially recently, can be controlled via smartphones and mobile applications. The concept has been implemented in a wide range of industries (from healthcare, e-commerce to construction and transport, and the public sector) and is expected to grow enormously in many areas. 5. Boost For Instant APPs They take up less space than normal applications, they are simple, native, and provide excellent UX. Instant apps will grow more and more in 2019. Not surprisingly, they are also easy to share with others and do not take up a lot of memory on your smartphone. 6. Even More Cloud Integration Storage limitations on devices have always been a problem, but this is applicable to mobile devices more than to any other devices. It is very easy to see why practically everything is stored in the Cloud today. In case of loss of the device, the data  would be practically impossible to recover. Another thing is that more and more often we want to have everything at hand. Photos from the smartphone on the tablet, from the tablet on the computer and so on. It’s also a large storage capacity available in any place with Internet access. Another trend is mobile cloud computing (MCC), which aim to offer rich mobile applications and seamless use of different devices. This is beneficial for companies that want to serve their users on mobile devices, but whose applications require more computing power.
  • 34. TRENDS IN CORPORATE ONLINE COMMUNICATION 1. Employer branding is becoming more and more of a digital matter, not just inside the company set of values and actions. The new generations are considering their job application based on company culture, benefits and opportunities, not just salary, field and proximity. Thus, an employer branding content strategy for the website is essential. From HR articles to Job Application platform and Employee Account, these actions contribute to a positive online reputation of the brand and have the capacity of delivering medium to long term better employer retention. 2. Search Engine Optimisation is a must, in a work inflated by content, where millions of web pages are crawled by search engines every second in search of the most relevant content. The latest SEO approach, strongly endorsed by the dramatically most important Search Engine out there, Google, is User Centred Experience on the Web. Thus, all efforts must go towards having a performant and content relevant website, with original and optimised content and all SEO best practices met and upgraded continuously. As newspaper advertising was essential in the mid-19s, SEO is essential nowadays. 3. Having a consequent online PR approach helps the company from two points of view: gaining positive awareness and growing in search engines, as a result of referrals from media publishers. Online PR focuses not only on delivering quality content about the brand, in the form of relevant news for target audiences, but also on leading online authority and backlinks towards the company websites, thus making them stronger in the „eyes” of Search Engines.
  • 35. What do top level marketers around Europe & the US find most important in Marketing for 2019?
  • 36. What is the spending on growth strategy for 2019 of top level marketers in Europe & the US?
  • 38. •Facebook users are 53% female and 47% male. •Of  all the people on the internet, 83% of Women & 75% of Men use Facebook. •Average Facebook user has 155 “friends”. •62% of online Seniors aged 65+ are on Facebook and 72% are between age 50-64. •88% of online users of age 18-29 are on Facebook, 84% of those 30-49. •82% of college graduates are on Facebook. •72% of online users of income more than $75K are on Facebook. •85% of Facebook’s Daily Active Users Come from Outside the US/Canada. •The largest population on Facebook is from India with over 270 million users followed by 210 million from the US. •Brazil and Indonesia both have around 130 million users. •Monthly Active Users from Asia are 894 million. •Europe has over 440 million Facebook users. Global Demographics
  • 39. •62% of YouTube users are Males. •80% of YouTube users come from outside the U.S. •9% of small businesses are on YouTube. •35+ and 55+ age groups are the fastest growing YouTube demographics. •75% of adults turn to YouTube for nostalgia rather than tutorials or current events. •Millennials prefer YouTube two to one over traditional television. •37% of the coveted 18 – 34 demographic are binge-watching. •YouTube services 88 countries in 76 languages (or 95% of all internet users). •Males are primarily watching soccer or strategy games. •Females are primarily watching beauty videos. •There 50 million creators on YouTube. Global Demographics
  • 40. •68% of Instagram users are Females. •Six in ten online adults in US & Europe have Instagram accounts. •32% of all Internet users are on Instagram. •59% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 use Instagram and 33% of internet users between the ages of 30 and 49 use Instagram •38% of female internet users use Instagram and 26% of male internet users use Instagram •72% of teens use Instagram, in the US and Europe. Global Demographics
  • 41. •More than 70% of Linkedin users are from Outside of Us. •61 million LinkedIn users are senior level influencers and 40 million are in decision-making positions. •40 million students and recent college graduates on LinkedIn. •There are 56% of male users and 44% female users on Linkedin. •After US, India, Brazil, Great Britain and Canada have the highest number of Linkedin users. •13% of Millennials (15-34 Years old) use Linkedin. •There are 87 million Millennials on LinkedIn with 11 million in decision-making positions. •28% of All Internet male users use Linkedin, whereas 27% of All Internet Female users use Linkedin. •44% of Linked users earn more than $75,000 in a year. •There are over 39 million students and recent grads on Linkedin. Global Demographics
  • 42. Have a break. Have some Facebook Fun Facts 😊 1. 5 Billion comments are left on Facebook pages monthly and 55 million status updates are made every day. 2. 42% of customer service responses happen during the first 60 minutes, and that should be a best practice. 3. The Facebook like button has been pressed 1.15 trillion times until this month. 4. The average time spent on Facebook per visit is 35 minutes up from 20 minutes previously. 5. Facebook Gets Over 8 Billion Average Daily Video Views and 20% of videos are Live Broadcasts. 6. 85% of Facebook users watch videos with the sound off, 80% of users are annoyed when videos auto-play sound, and it gives them a negative impression of your brand. 7. Captioned video ads can increase video view time by an average of 12%. 8. 350 Million photos are uploaded every day, with 14.58 million photo uploads per hour, 243,000 photo uploads per minute, and 4,000 photo uploads per second. 9. Every 20 Minutes, 1 million links are shared, 20 million friend requests are sent, and 3 million messages are sent. 10. Facebook is available in 101 languages with over 300,000 users helping in translation.
  • 43. Have a break. Have some Google Fun Facts 😊 1. Google was originally named BackRub, in 1996. 2. Google is a play on the word “googol.”a twist on “googol,” a mathematical term represented by the numeral one followed by 100 zeros. 3. Gmail was launched on April Fool’s Day, no joke. Google unveiled Gmail on April 1, 2004 4. Google now processes over 7 billion search queries a day worldwide (though some say it could be as high as 10 billion per day). 15% of those queries have never been searched for on Google before. 5. Google Chrome reigns supreme amongst users with 61.77% dominance. Other popular internet browsers rank as follows – Safari (15.09%), Firefox (4.92%), Opera (3.15%), and Internet Explorer (2.81%) 6. Search advertisements are the most popular type of digital advertisement right now, with marketers boosting expenditure in 2018 by 12% to reach $113 billion spent. 7. 63% of all search adswill be mobile based in 2019, reaching $28.25 billion spent. 8. while advertisers are expected to spend 14.8% more with Google ads. 9. Google has 90.46% of the search engine market share worldwide. 10. Google receives over 63,000 searches per second on any given day. And takes over 200 factors into account before delivering you the best results to any query in a fraction of a second.
  • 44. Have a break. Have some Digital Fun Facts 😊 1. As of January 1, 2019, there were 4,100,667,287 internet users spanning the globe. The world averages an internet penetration rate of 55.1% (as compared to 35% in 2013). 2. 69% of people will read their personal email while watching television, while 57% of people will read it in bed. 3. Long form blog posts/articles people read generate 9x more leads than short form posts. 4. 78% of marketers believe that custom content is where the industry is headed. This means that customer experiences will ideally be as one-to-one as possible. 5. The average business professional is sending and receiving 121 emails a day! That’s an awful lot of information to ignore! 6. People are now watching 150 million hours of YouTube every day. 7. 1 billion hours of YouTube content are watched per day. 8. By 2025, it’s predicted that 50% of viewers under 32 will not subscribe to the paid TV. 9. 20% of users will leave a video if it hasn’t hooked them in the first 10 seconds. 10. YouTube is technically the second largest search engine in the world, after Google who ranks first and followed by Bing Search engine.
  • 45. Remember that DIGITAL MARKETING is, first of all, as any kind of marketing, about your market, your consumers and your competitors. Where your consumers are, you should be. Where they talk, your should listen and engage. Where they search for information, you should be providing it. Where your competition plays, you should play. But in a smarter, better or lauder way. Where your competition is not present yet you should be first to take action, today.
  • 46. And, secondly, DIGITAL MARKETING is about addressing the right channels. People have already moved the conversation online. Brands are marketed by people, for the people. Thus, brands need to move their conversation online. Do you use Facebook? How many of your target users are on Facebook? Do you use Youtube? How many of your target users are watching videos on Youtube? Do you use the internet? How many internet users are there in your country?
  • 47. And last, but not least, DIGITAL MARKETING is about your products and services. About pricing, placement, addressability, added value and availability. But what makes YOUR product/service better amongst the million others on the shelf? Good pricing and production quality are not enough anymore to sell, they are a must that many of the market players are doing their best to master. What comes on top, then, to generate added value for the consumer? The STORY you tell. The EXPERIENCE you create. The Customer Service.
  • 49. Resources used for developing this material are listed below. For more information, feel free to write us at or