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Module Title: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials
Level: 4
Accredited Study Centre: University of Buckingham
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Task 1 4,398
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Marketing Essentials
Author: Digital Marketing Assistant
Recipient: Doddle Management Team
Date: April 2016
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
This Report reviews how Doddle currently uses digital
marketing and explores new ideas for the future.
It focuses on Doddle’s parcel sending and receiving
services; these are effectively bundled together as a
‘package’ when a customer creates an account with
Call-to-action ‘buttons’ are used to indicate
recommendations for application of concepts, tools and
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Contents Page
Task 1: Reaching and Attracting New Customers
1:1 An Outline Marketing Plan that could be used to Reach and Attract New 05
Customers, with a focus on Content Marketing
1:2 An Evaluation of the use of New Digital Marketing Channels to market 10
1:3 A Description of a Successful Campaign that has reached its Target Audience 13
through Multiple Social Media Channels
Task 2: Capturing & Nurturing Leads
2:1 A Visual Funnel of a Digital Journey from Attracting Visitors to Conversion, 18
highlighting suggested Areas of Improvement
2:2 An Evaluation of the Use of Re-Marketing and how it could be used to 22
Capture more Leads
2:3 Recommendation of a Marketing Automation Tool for Doddle 24
Task 3: Converting and Optimising Campaigns
3:1 A Description of 3 Ways Analytics Data can be used to assess Campaign 27
Performance from Social Media Channels, including how to Track these
against Defined Goals
3:2 An Analysis of how Google Adwords can be Optimised for Better 30
3:3 An Explanation of the Role that Monitoring Tools have in helping to identify 34
Emerging Trends & Conversions
Concluding Notes 38
Appendix – Brief Background 39
Bibliography 40
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Task 1
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
1:1 Content-Focused Marketing Plan
PR Smith’s SOSTAC® is used below to provide a framework for the plan.
Doddle’s business proposition is based on growing online sales, coupled with the need for a
convenient, fast alternative to home delivery.
MACRO and MICRO environments have been reviewed and PESTLE analysis conducted. The
following is the resultant SWOT analysis:
 Highly regarded customer service (analysis from
independent survey and social media).
 USPs (changing rooms, packaging service).
 Infrastructure in place and potential for use of space
at stations to market brand.
 Convenience (locations, opening hours).
 Competitive pricing (see
 Heavy-weight retail partners.
 Only 45 locations currently.
 Very London-centric.
 Parcel size limit.
 New services offering greater flexibility (Runners,
 Corporate membership.
 Competing with established brands and new
‘concept’ brands such as Nimber.
 Competitor marketing activity around same key
1. Audience engagement + 25% by 31.01.2016.
2. Unique website visitors + 25% by 31.01.2016.
3. ‘Pay as you Doddle’ sign ups + 25% & ‘Doddle Unlimited’ sign ups + 10% by 31.01.2016.
4. One-off sales + 10% by 31.01.2016.
All are aligned to wider business and marketing objectives and derived with consideration to the
previous year’s growth figures.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
 Pull strategy, communicating directly with consumers. Also using retail partner and
influential bloggers’ communications (Push).
 Segmentation of Doddle’s market identifies the following key groups: commuters; students;
frequent online buyers/sellers. Commuters, particularly female, shop online frequently, with
a high value spend, and are searching for convenience. This segment is the target audience
for this campaign due to its size and potential for growth throughout the upcoming shopping
 Position Doddle as the much-needed antidote to stressful (on and offline) shopping
 Communicate with target audience via content marketing, utilising social media and physical
content display opportunities.
 Create sixty day marketing campaign, with a content focus, piggybacking on Black Friday and
the seasonal uplift in online shopping. – Shoppers will be keen to avoid the hectic high street
and hunt for bargains online instead.
 Ensure content compatible with all devices, especially mobile - for station users/passersby
Above: Doddle’s target audience – a visual representation
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
D. Chaffey’s RACE is used below to provide a framework:
 Use space at stations for experiential campaign (based around yoga/mindfulness), linking
with digital content.
 Target and incentivise social influencers/bloggers.
 Target retail partner communications.
 Sponsor Amazon’s Black Friday with paid-for ads.
 Boost SEO rankings and content relevance with effective keyword use.
 Regularly refresh homepage and post new content.
 Create varied content for different channels and repurpose:
 Infographic
 Written, with image
 Interview with CEO
 ‘Black Friday survival guide’
 ‘Shopping trends predicted’
 Share infographic via
social channels.
 Create presentation
and post on Slideshare.
 Video  ‘Beat the crowds’  Embed in blog/social.
 Written, with images  ‘Ways to relax during the busy
festive season’
 Christmas parcel sending
 Share posts via social
 Guest post on partner
 Written, with images  Service reminders
 ‘Advent calendar’ of offers
 Daily advent calendar
post on social.
 Photos
 Videos
 Service reminders
 Documenting experiential
 Competition
 Photos
 Videos
 As above
 Incentivise prospects to sign-up.
 Ensure content and call-to-actions across all touchpoints drive conversions.
 Incentivise customers to repeat purchase through email and social content.
 Encourage advocacy (recommend a friend and receive a retail partner voucher).
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Budget: £85,000 - Includes internal resource, sponsorship and experiential.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
 Review KPIs (account sign-ups; web visits (unique/new); other web metrics; social
participation and sharing; store visits and in-store spend, source referral, weekly.
 Review outcomes against SMART objectives.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
1:2 New Digital Marketing Channels
Search and discover service that allows users to ‘check-in’ at locations.
 Enables promotion of store locations.
 Users can add reviews.
 Facilitates links with local businesses.
 Helps embed brands within communities.
 Frequent customers can be rewarded with offers/incentives.
 Dashboard facility allows monitoring of campaign effectiveness.
 Popularity rising.
 Relatively small number of users, concentrated in the US.
 ‘Check-in’ facility duplicated by Facebook.
Successful Campaign Concepts using Foursquare, that may resonate with Doddle
Above left: give-away when individuals ‘checks in’, right: competition to follow, find and win the Choos, which were
‘checking themselves in’ at locations around London.
 Trial give-away/tweet instant offers (relating to account sign-up) to prospects that check-in
at Doddle.
 Donate a nominal sum to pre-chosen local charity every time someone checks-in and tweets
(helping further embed the brand within communities).
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Photo/video messaging app that lets users send images to controlled lists of recipients, deleting the
‘snap’ after up to 10 seconds.
 Huge number of active users, constantly sharing content.
 High numbers of users (known to be attracted by incentives/discounts) purchase online.
 All users have mobile devices.
 Most are aged 13-24 - relevant to Doddle’s targeting of students/young professionals.
 Content ‘disappears’ so low risk if trialling.
 Creates a sense of urgency, encouraging viewers to convert.
 New features continue to be released.
 Could be open to abuse/on the receiving end of dubious content.
 Would need to build up a following, starting from scratch.
 Limited insights and audience information at this time.
 For time-bound competition/incentive giving prospects the opportunity to collect a discount
code, take photos or watch exclusive footage.
 To highlight changing room USP in a fun, engaging way – treat store staff to a night out, and
budget for new clothes delivered from retail partner ASOS – which they can ‘snap’
themselves trying on in-store.
 Partner with Snapchat artist/influencer, helping capture Doddle’s quirky/humorous side.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Twitter-owned short-form (< 6 seconds) video sharing service.
 Easy to integrate with Doddle’s Twitter account; allowing simple social sharing.
 Shortness and stop animation suit the brand.
 Easy to use and edit.
 Relatively quick and inexpensive to produce.
 Could be used to comment on trending events/current affairs in a more playful way than the
more business-oriented LinkedIn.
 Seen as youthful and trendy; appealing to younger commuters/students.
 Suits today’s consumers who don’t want to read masses of long, drawn out content.
 Need to create original content (rather than rehash YouTube videos).
 Sound/music needs editing.
 Popularity seems to be on the wane.
 Competes with Facebook-owned Instagram .
 Not integrated with other non-Twitter social networks.
 Most ideas have already been done; it is now very difficult to be original on Vine.
Successful Campaign Concepts using Vine, that may resonate with Doddle
Above: Asos’ vine of a parcel being unwrapped reminds the viewer of the excitement of opening an online-bought shop
 To illustrate simplicity of using Doddle once prospect signs up for an account.
 To create a video-based advert to reach and attract new customers.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
1:3 Marketing Campaign: Social Media Channels
Campaign: Royal Mail’s 2012 Olympic Games
Channels: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube
Why Chosen: A competitor often criticised for being behind-the-times, overpriced and inefficient,
proving that it can create, innovate and engage its audience, the British public.
The campaign incorporated two key elements:
1. Painting post boxes gold in towns associated with medal winners;
2. Production of commemorative stamps within record time-scales, pictorially celebrating
It included a new Twitter address, rejuvenated Facebook, and dedicated website, with its own strong social element.
The use of Facebook and Twitter:
 Enabled immediate communication with its audience;
 Supplied means to market the stamps, enabling production processes to be brought to life;
 Supplied a broad demographic; but a younger audience than the average stamp collector;
 Allowed visual campaign coverage;
 Meant posts could be easily shared.
Above: Facebook post with stamp imagery (‘liked’ 983 times, ‘shared’ 293 times)’
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
The campaign was interactive, encouraging people to take pictures of post boxes and upload via
social media or to the website, creating user-generated content. A positive dialogue between
organisation and customers was created, and everyone talked about it, including high-profile sports
personalities, politicians and other celebrities either on camera, or via social media, thereby creating
a huge reach.
Highlights included:
 Wall Street Journal (2m Twitter followers) ‘favouriting’ a tweet.
 BBC News and BBC Breakfast (900,000 followers) retweeting.
 Bradley Wiggins’ followers retweeting his stamp image 45 times.
Above: Images like this posted on Facebook and Twitter, were hugely popular and helped boost campaign reach.
YouTube was home to a number of campaign videos; however inexplicably, these were not linked
into the other social channels or website.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Above: YouTube videos were not linked to other social channels.
Significantly the campaign continued throughout the Paralympics, thereby further extending social
coverage and increasing commercial success.
Throughout the Games’ duration there were:
 23,000 interactions (likes, comments, shares).
 Stamps and Collectibles Facebook page gained 8,875 fans (a 756% increase) according to
Ryan (2014, p273).
 Twitter address grew to boast 200,000 followers.
According to the creative agency involved, Royal Mail gained a 19% share of voice – all the more
remarkable as they were not an official Games sponsor and their marketing spend (a reported
£200,000) was comparatively low.
Sales targets far exceeded expectations: £21million worth of stamps (almost £7million worth
purchased online). A new generation of collectors was born, with a younger profile observed.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Above: Celebrating Miss Murray’s birth – proof that this campaign is still part of national culture in 2016
(Source: BBC website).
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Task 2
Social Media
PPC and Adwords
Outreach Marketing
Social Media
Includes customer
service and reviews,
encouraging prospects to
Enables customers to track
multiple parcel deliveries.
Driving brand
Create 'how-to'
videos to show
ease-of-use. [vii]
Unit Name: 120 - Marketing and Consumer Behaviour CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
= suggested improvement
YouTube or Vine
Strong physical presence
at train stations
2:1 Visual Funnel of a Digital Journey
Create advergame (driving
interest) with real-life
(encouraging conversion) [vi]
Run email campaign to
increase social followers [ii]
Visitors are engaged by optimal
navigation, usability and brand
link email with social
a literal 'shop window' leading people to thewebsite
Email Marketing
Snap Chat
Mobile Marketing
Internet Presence
Social links could be larger
and emphasised with a
call-to-action e.g. 'GET
SOCIAL' [iv]
convert social followers into email subscribers
See 1:2 for
Future technologies may add
more value and mean this could
be used further up the funnel.
Add customer
reviews and details
of 'your local store'
to email footer [iii]
Address confusingly
similar 'sign up' and
'sign in' buttons
Site is mobile responsive.
(see overleaf for
Add social share/email
subscribe buttons to blog.
Generating interest.
Sometimes containing
time-bound incentiveto
Encourage site visitors
to subscribe [i]
marketing (incentivising
conversion) [v] (Account Sign-Up)
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
2:1(b) Theory and Practical Examples in Support of Suggestions
Footer containing clear call-to-action for email subscription, listing benefits, with a box that can be
filled in immediately [i]:
Email Marketing
Campaigns sent to recruit social followers [ii]:
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Customer reviews and store details on footers [iii]:
Better social links, including clear call-to-action [iv]:
Mobile Marketing
-Location-based technology/ads:
[v] Ryan (2014, p219) discusses nurturing leads through the use of beacon/app-based technology:
“The real opportunity with location-aware applications from a marketing perspective is that
it offers businesses with bricks-and-mortar premises the opportunity to deliver real-time
information, offers and incentives to people who are physically in the area.”
[vi] Ryan (2014, p221) discusses offering “real rewards for virtual achievements” such as “finishing a
level, completing a task, levelling up or getting a new high score”.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Social Media
[vii] Carvill and Taylor offer justification for short ‘how-to’ style films (2013, p120):
“a short video clip can often make the user experience that much provides a
compelling and useful platform to convey instructions and insight.”
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
2:2 Re-Marketing
 Supported by statistics: The majority of individuals leave a website before converting. 49%
of individuals visit a website 2-4 times before making a purchase (and may view competitor
websites in the interim). 70% of online shopping carts abandoned.
 Research shows that individuals need repeat exposure to a product/message before they
convert; remarketing is a means of doing this.
 Can increase brand awareness. Keeps brand in the prospect’s mind.
 Provides opportunity to up-sell (showing similar/related items).
 Boosts repeat visits to website.
 Prospects may have moved down the purchase funnel and be closer to conversion when
 Can be ‘sent’ to all, or a specific group/visitor segment.
 Prospects can be segmented and targeted with different ad content depending on where
they are in their Doddle ‘journey’ (this could be based on lead-scoring).
 A/B testing can help identify best ad methods for maximising conversions.
 Can make people uneasy as it appears companies are ‘following’ them around the internet.
Chaffey and Smith (2013, p395) state:
“Some media and privacy campaigners have been critical of this form of targeting
since it involves tracking the users across multiple sites.”
 Can make the organisation look clumsy if used badly e.g. individual later goes back to the
site, buys the item, takes delivery, may actually even return the item, but still sees
remarketing on it. – Ensure ads are stopped if customers have converted and limit initial ad
 If more than one person has access to the computer/device, the organisation may be
remarketing to the wrong individual.
 Arguably more aligned to product rather than service marketing as ads need to be visual to
capture prospect’s attention/jog memory.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Above: Example of previous remarketing ad (aimed at increasing brand knowledge).
Home Brand awareness (as above) “Sign up for exclusive offers,
news and information”
‘Pay as You Doddle’ Sign Up Sign up to Doddle – discount code Sign up form
‘Doddle Unlimited’ Sign Up Sign up to Doddle – discount code Sign up form
Send a Parcel ‘How to send’ video animation Money off voucher-code
Receive a Parcel ‘How to receive’ video animation Money off voucher-code
 Include clear call-to-actions and benefits/incentives to encourage site re-visits and
 Doddle prospects search for solutions in a hurry and need convenience; ensure ad copy
speaks to them on this level and that ads are served up quickly.
 Consider remarketing to prospects around key online shopping periods.
 Ensure clicking on the ad takes the prospect through to relevant landing page.
 Overlay with geo-targeting to ensure (as far as possible) only serving ads to prospects within
areas currently served.
 When analysing results look at view-through as well as click-through data, as only a small
proportion of people actually click on display ads.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
2:3 Marketing Automation
HubSpot is a well-known marketing automation provider, consistently ranked ‘top
supplier’ by users; this report recommends its use.
From research conducted on HubSpot’s website, competitor comparisons and independent reviews,
the main strengths/differences are:
 All-in-one inbound solution; creation through to analytics
 Intuitive; easy to use
 Customisable
 Constant software enhancements
 Lead scoring (numerically-based)
 Reporting tools help analyse performance and improve efforts
 Contract flexibility
Specifically, HubSpot can help Doddle to capture leads by:
 Helping prospects find us online through integrated SEO, email, social media and content
 Providing content tools that help attract new visitors and optimise landing pages to aid
And to nurture leads by:
 Offering enhanced segmenting, targeting and personalisation (with the potential to create
different ‘personas’).
 Creating tailored campaigns containing steps, actions and timings of Doddle’s choosing.
 Sending emails tailored to Doddle’s customer requirements, web, email and social
 Managing emails with scheduling and auto-response.
 A/B testing on emails.
 A/B testing on home/landing pages.
 Enabling website content to be personalised depending on the viewer, to reflect email
communications previously received.
 Sending alerts when key prospects mention specific keywords on Twitter.
Other Information:
 Common technical challenges covered with online tutorials.
 Access to customer service team.
 Access to online training academy and resources as well as three day annual conference.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Though relatively expensive, HubSpot is best suited to Doddle, with its ambitious expansion plans.
Whilst Doddle focuses on growing consumer awareness/knowledge, and potential new customer
types and services are explored, HubSpot’s strong inbound focus, split testing and granular
segmentation capabilities are crucial: As Doddle’s offering becomes more complex, the tool can
adapt to meet its needs.’s 2016 Buyer’s Guide summarises in favour of HubSpot over other providers,
with its ability to split test, analyse and dynamic content-changing capabilities:
“Growth in reach and audience requires more granular segmentation and personalisation tools.
Your audience won’t grow the way you want it to without isolating and emphasising the interests
of each segment”
Lastly, embedding HubSpot’s intuitive software may help Doddle’s wider marketing team to move
from working in silos to a more collaborative, integrated approach.
 Sign up for a free trial.
 Assess which package best suits.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Task 3
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
3:1 Analytics Data: Social Media
Use SHARE data e.g. retweets (Twitter) and shares (Facebook) to analyse Campaign Reach
 To reach 500,000 Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn users by campaign’s end.
 To understand the true (potential) campaign ‘reach’ (rather than merely
using follower numbers).
 As an indicator of brand awareness (a broader marketing objective).
 As part of a calculation for engagement (i.e. out of total audience
‘reached’, determine the number that actively participated in the
campaign (i.e. what percentage of the total ‘engaged’).
This performance data can be used to help develop an understanding of:
 Which content drives the greatest retweet/share quantities.
 Which channels are the most successful, which times of day and what message ‘formula’
(e.g. hashtag types/layout of message/visuals) work best.
 Who is sharing content – if this demographic falls outside the target audience, strategy will
need to be changed.
Hootsuite can track campaign reach automatically. Pro users can select a report template or
customise their own in order to gather the data required, tracking on a daily or weekly basis.
Best Practice:
 Recognise reach indicates potential audience as it is unlikely all recipients will actually read
the post.
 Experiment by sending follow-up posts with tweaked wording/visuals, or adding more value
via a click-through: Identify whether the new post(s) generate further shares.
 Follow up reports to track how many of those ‘reached’ go on to convert.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Use E-TRANSACTION data to Assess Value of a Social-Only Discount Code Campaign
 To achieve 1,000 account sign-ups using exclusive-to-social discount code by campaign’s
 To identify which social channel generates the highest number of
conversions and which customers are the most responsive to discounts. (A
different code could be created for each channel to facilitate this).
Google Analytics can be used to determine where leads originated and which go on to convert: Set
up ‘Goals’ for whatever (URL) we classify as a conversion (e.g. use of code at point-of-purchase).
We can see how many account sign-ups can be attributed to this campaign as a percentage of the
total number of sign-ups throughout the period.
During a month-long campaign, results should be tracked on a daily basis.
Best Practice:
 Create a sense of urgency by including the end date.
 Trial sending reminder posts at optimum days/times.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Use SOCIAL LISTENING data to Assess Sentiment Surrounding a Social Campaign
 To achieve 98% positive sentiment by campaign’s end.
A campaign incorporating a competition/give-away could be used to increase positive sentiment on
social media.
 To identify relevant social influencers with the power (through their large
numbers of relevant followers) to drive positive sentiment.
Radian6 can be used to automate the monitoring of relevant conversations, deliver alerts
whenever certain keywords are mentioned, show the prevailing (positive/negative/neutral)
sentiment, and identify relevant influencers.
 As identified by Ganis and Kohirkar (2016, p56) measurement should be taken over time, as
an overwhelming positive trend (though it might achieve the stated objective) can mask
significant spikes in negative sentiment (that should be addressed).
Key Insight:
 Relevant influencers will be those engaged with Doddle socially, with large follower
numbers, who frequently post on the subject of online shopping and may have a related
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
3:3 Optimising Google Adwords
The following ad (generated by searching for ‘send parcel kings cross’) is an example of best practice
currently implemented:
 The title mentions ‘Send Your Parcel’.
 An indication of price is given.
 Repetition of ‘Send’ or ‘Sending’ maximises impact.
 Doddle just a year old so using the name repeatedly can help increase brand recognition.
 The Kings Cross store address (relevant to my search) is listed.
However, clicking takes us to Doddle’s homepage. To optimise, it could take us directly to the more
relevant ‘Send a Parcel’ page:
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Some further suggestions, given Doddle’s current Adwords status, are:
Doddle’s Adwords Account:
 Ensure structure simple.
 Use keywords with high levels of commercial intent. Refresh periodically.
 Use free tools such as to audit.
 Some business areas (e.g. courier) not promoted - could be next steps.
 Monitor whether competitors bid on ‘Doddle’.
Similarly, key Doddle slogans should not result in a flurry of competitor ads:
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Doddle’s Ads:
 Create compelling adverts for high click-through-rates.
 Mention price; potential customers will only click if generally agreeable (reducing likelihood
of customers clicking (generating cost) and bouncing out).
 Ensure landing pages are highly relevant, clearly designed with to-the-point copy and clear
call-to-action buttons.
The following ad mentions ‘Get A Quote Today’: This could make Doddle sound slow. Consumers
want information quickly and there is an instant quote facility on Doddle’s website, so copy should
be adjusted:
Doddle’s Landing Pages:
Further landing page optimisation could include:
 Call-to-action ‘Get a Price’ could stand-out more and on some devices appears nearly below
the fold.
 Trialling an incentive next to the call-to-action.
 Ensuring landing pages are social-friendly, enabling users to ‘share’ or ‘like’.
 Ensuring landing pages have keyword-rich content and are quick to load.
 Ensuring the website is fully optimised for mobile users; especially as many potential
customers are likely to be searching whilst on-the-move and need information quickly.
Ryan (2014, p214) elaborates:
“design for mobile interactions – focus on touch-driven controls...optimise for
speed...make content ‘findability’ easy”.
 Use Google’s click-to-call feature (again, relevant if prospect is using mobile).
Google and Adword Analytics:
 Bounce rates and time spent on page indicate whether visitors are likely to have found what
they were looking for. Use this information to adapt content.
 Use ‘Smart Goals’ report function within Google Analytics as an optimisation aid.
 Analyse conversion rates and cost-per-conversion.
 Analyse Ad Groups – numbers of clicks and numbers of conversions – amending ads to use
best-performing keywords with greater frequency.
 See for a wealth of information on competitors’ Adwords (plus general PPC
and SEO) activity and ranking, share of voice and keyword research.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Doddle’s Adword Testing:
 Changing ad focus (price/quality/reviews); small changes to wording or word order; longer
vs. shorter headlines.
 Investigate whether running ads during office work days only gives greater ROI. Similarly
around start/end of working day/lunch hour.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
3:3 The Role of Monitoring Tools
Monitoring tools provide information on trending online behaviours, news and competitor
intelligence, helping us to adopt a faster, more responsive approach to real-time trends, and shape
our digital marketing efforts to support increased conversions.
Google Trends: Identifying trends in the macro environment.
Trending topics:
Google Trends enables insight gathering into trending topics. The homepage contains a list of top
trending stories and ‘featured’ story data.
As Oreos did with ‘Daily Twist’, to become news, driving larger numbers to
the site and encouraging conversions by creating original content that
resonates with trending ‘themes’.
Relevant search terms:
Google Trends lets us research how popular certain terms are. It may also be used to research
seasonal peaks and troughs in demand for particular products/services.
To identify peak search periods, facilitating targeted advertising spend –
driving greater visitor numbers to the site should itself increase conversions.
Competitor research:
We can compare ‘Doddle’ to competitor names, focusing on UK-only searches and specific
timeframes. Below, Royal Mail dominates:
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Here, we see a surge in ‘popularity’ for ‘Yodel’ as a disparaging documentary aired:
A quick scan of related searches provides clues to the cause:
As the trigger for a customer service-based campaign: Align call-to-action
buttons; “To get your parcels delivered safely click here.”
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Google Analytics: Identifying trends in the micro environment - Doddle’s website.
With a host of customisable reports, Google Analytics helps us understand if visitor needs have
changed; if traffic source alters – from paid activity in a particular area, from earned activity with a
particular influencer/retail partner, or from somewhere unanticipated.
N.B. Set up ‘goals’ corresponding to any action Doddle considers a ‘conversion’ (in this case a key
goal is account sign-up).
Visitor behaviour trends:
Using data arranged by the hour/day of week can illustrate when visitors are most likely to convert –
indicating when communications/advertising efforts should be concentrated.
If 5pm Fridays see a spike, create copy for email subject-headers/social
posts that are sent at this time/day: “When you get to the weekend and
want to avoid those post office queues – leave your deliveries with Doddle”.
Device use trends:
Paid-for tools like Comscore and Nielsen offer information on device use and consumer behaviour in
the macro environment, which may be relevant to Doddle.
This could be combined with Google Analytics’ device-related reports to determine whether
Doddle’s mobile site is aligned to these wider trends.
We can also view information by device type and screen resolution (as shown below, top and
bottom), identifying any not supported by the mobile website.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Devices and screen resolutions with poorest conversion rates should be
studied (by using the identified problem-device) and fixed by Doddle’s
website’s developer.
Visitor demographic/source trends:
Google Analytics can indicate developments in visitor demographics (age, gender, and even
interests); also whether certain groups spend longer on the site/engage more, by drilling down into
session duration, bounce rates and pages viewed per session.
Having identified that visitors aged 18-24 (with a male bias) access the site,
create specific content targeting/incentivising ‘laddish’ students.
These (and other) monitoring tools can be used to target spend and facilitate the adaption/creation
of content, call-to-actions and campaigns that resonate with trends in the macro or micro
environments; indeed by identifying website conversion trends and concentrating our efforts in the
corresponding areas.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Concluding Notes
Seeking to challenge the ‘journey map’ of online
shopping, Doddle must focus its digital marketing
efforts upon awareness-building, embedding
automation, and effective measurement.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Brief Background
Doddle was formed in October 2014; a joint venture between Network Rail and entrepreneur Lloyd
It is, according to the Network Rail website “the UK’s first fully dedicated, staffed, online shopping
collection and returns service located in railway stations and major hubs” and plans are to open 300
new locations over three years.
Doddle has seized what it sees as a gap in the market, as online shopping continues to grow, but
more and more customers are missing out on deliveries: An estimated 100 million parcels miss first
time delivery currently in the UK. Doddle is the only business of its kind to accept delivery of
shoppers’ online purchases from any retailer or carrier.
At the time of writing, Doddle has 45 outlets throughout the UK, with the majority of stores within
London and most located conveniently close to major train stations.
Other USPs/benefits offered include in-store changing room facilities, the ability to package items
and extended opening hours.
Other services that Doddle has introduced include Runners (couriers) and Neighbours (people
employed to take in packages for a nominal fee to enable you to pick up your items closer to home).
Doddle’s core customer base incorporates online shoppers (predominantly female), frequent posters
(e.g. eBay buyers/sellers) and students.
The business itself embraces digital technology: A Doddle APP enables its users to keep track of
(presumably multiple) parcels, and includes the facility to scan parcel barcodes. Customers can use
in-store iPads to order alternative clothes sizes immediately. Beacon technology is currently being
explored to see whether it can further streamline customer experience.
The brand’s ‘personality’ reflects its ethos of simplicity and ease-of-use, with bold purple colouring,
sans serif font and a friendly down-to-earth Doddle ‘voice’.
Doddle’s digital presence includes a website that allows the visitor to find out about sending,
receiving and returning parcels, as well as track deliveries. You can also ‘sign up’; creating an account
which either enables you to ‘Pay as you Doddle’ or ‘Doddle Unlimited’ (for a monthly fee). Social
media channels currently used include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Blanchard, O. (2011) Social Media ROI. First edition. USA, Que Publishing.
Carvill, M. and Taylor, D. (2013) The Business of Being Social. First edition. Richmond,
Crimson Business Books.
Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012) Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and
Practice. Fifth edition. Essex, Pearson Education Limited.
Chaffey, D. and Smith, P.R. (2013) Emarketing Excellence. Fourth edition. Abingdon,
Charlesworth, A. (2015) An Introduction to Social Media Marketing. First edition. Abingdon,
Charlesworth, A. (2014) Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach. Second edition. Abingdon,
Dann, S. and Dann, S. (2011) E-Marketing: Theory and Application. First edition. USA,
Palgrave Macmillan.
Dann, S. and Dann, S. (2004) Strategic_Internet_Marketing_2.0. Second edition. Australia,
John Wiley & Sons.
Ganis, M and Kohirkar, A. (2016) Social Media Analytics: Techniques and Insights for
Extracting Business Value Out of Social Media. First edition. New Jersey, IBM Press.
Gay, R., Charlesworth, A. and Esen, R. (2007) Online Marketing: A Customer-Led Approach.
First edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Hemann, C. and Burbary, K. (2014) Digital Marketing Analytics. Fourth edition. USA, Que
Ryan, D. (2014) Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the
Digital Generation. Third edition. London, Kogan Page.
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Ratcliff, C. (2014) How brands can be brilliant at Vine
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
Ratcliff, C. (2015) How Vine lost its edge (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Ratcliff, C. (2014) Has Instagram really killed Vine
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
Simpson, J. (2015) 15 reasons your brand should be on Snapchat
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
Ratcliff, C. (2013) Is Snapchat right for your brand
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
Bold, B. (2016) 10 reasons why Snapchat is the platform du jour for brands
du-jour-brands (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Sullivan, M. (2015) Google Adwords now helps business optimize for high-value site visitors
high-value-site-visitors/ (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Clark, N. (2012) Golden games: The story behind Royal Mail’s gold medal stamps and painted
mails-gold-medal-stamps-painted-postboxes (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Davis, B. (2015) How to win back customers online: 101
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
Kessler, D. (2011) When retargeting turns into stalking
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805
Assessment Session: April 2016
Moth, D. (2014) Retargeting: How to ensure it is useful rather than intrusive
intrusive/ (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Hyder-Smith, H. (2007) Remarketing: The most obvious way to increase ROI?
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
Critchley, J. (2014) How to successfully engage customers when remarketing
remarketing/ (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Gray, R. (2015) Don’t put up with those abandoned trolleys
abandoned-trolleys/ (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Mindruta, R. (2015) Marketing: Top 15 Social Media Monitoring Tools
(Accessed 2 February 2016)
O Flynn, R. (2015) The way the social cookie crumbles: the genius of Oreo’s social media
marketing-can-learn/ (Accessed 2 February 2016)
Buyer’s Guide
Technology Advice Buyer’s Guide on Marketing Automation (2016)

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Acquia_Adcetera Webinar_Marketing Automation.pdf
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Social Media Reputation Management by Ralph Paglia to SABSocial Media Reputation Management by Ralph Paglia to SAB
Social Media Reputation Management by Ralph Paglia to SAB
ADP Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) Social Media Reputation Management Present...
ADP Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) Social Media Reputation Management Present...ADP Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) Social Media Reputation Management Present...
ADP Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) Social Media Reputation Management Present...

Digital Marketing Essentials_Doddle

  • 1. ASSIGNMENT/PROJECT FRONT SHEET CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Module Title: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials Level: 4 Accredited Study Centre: University of Buckingham Candidate Declaration: “I confirm that I have applied, to all tasks, the CIM policies relating to (please tick relevant boxes to confirm): • Page count  • Plagiarism  • Collusion  This assignment/project is the result of my own independent work/investigation except where otherwise stated. All other sources are referenced and a bibliography is appended. The work submitted has not been previously accepted in substance for any other award and has been submitted in accordance with the set template requirements. I further confirm that I have not shared my work with other candidates”. Tick to confirm  I hereby give consent for this assignment/project, if accepted, to be used by CIM for the dissemination of best practice and, or, other appropriate purposes, on the understanding that the assignment/project is anonymised. Tick here to opt out 
  • 2. Candidate check list Format and Presentation Have you included the module title, assessment session and your CIM membership number in the header of each page?  Has the page count for each task been adhered to?  Have you spell checked your work and carried out a final proof read?  Have tables/diagrams/images been made context-specific and numbered/labelled accordingly?  Has Harvard Referencing been followed and used as required?  Are all appendices clearly labelled and relevant to the assessment requirement?  Has a bibliography been included (where required)?  Are page numbers correct and tasks clearly identified?  Have you carried out final formatting checks ie page numbering, page breaks, labelling of tasks, numbering/labelling of tables / appendices etc  WORD COUNTS Task 1 4,398
  • 3. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 1 Digital Marketing Essentials Report Author: Digital Marketing Assistant Recipient: Doddle Management Team Date: April 2016
  • 4. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 2 Introduction This Report reviews how Doddle currently uses digital marketing and explores new ideas for the future. It focuses on Doddle’s parcel sending and receiving services; these are effectively bundled together as a ‘package’ when a customer creates an account with Doddle. Call-to-action ‘buttons’ are used to indicate recommendations for application of concepts, tools and channels.
  • 5. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 3 Contents Page Page Task 1: Reaching and Attracting New Customers 1:1 An Outline Marketing Plan that could be used to Reach and Attract New 05 Customers, with a focus on Content Marketing 1:2 An Evaluation of the use of New Digital Marketing Channels to market 10 Doddle 1:3 A Description of a Successful Campaign that has reached its Target Audience 13 through Multiple Social Media Channels Task 2: Capturing & Nurturing Leads 2:1 A Visual Funnel of a Digital Journey from Attracting Visitors to Conversion, 18 highlighting suggested Areas of Improvement 2:2 An Evaluation of the Use of Re-Marketing and how it could be used to 22 Capture more Leads 2:3 Recommendation of a Marketing Automation Tool for Doddle 24 Task 3: Converting and Optimising Campaigns 3:1 A Description of 3 Ways Analytics Data can be used to assess Campaign 27 Performance from Social Media Channels, including how to Track these against Defined Goals 3:2 An Analysis of how Google Adwords can be Optimised for Better 30 Performance 3:3 An Explanation of the Role that Monitoring Tools have in helping to identify 34 Emerging Trends & Conversions Concluding Notes 38 Appendix – Brief Background 39 Bibliography 40
  • 6. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 4 Task 1
  • 7. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 5 1:1 Content-Focused Marketing Plan PR Smith’s SOSTAC® is used below to provide a framework for the plan. SITUATION ANALYSIS Doddle’s business proposition is based on growing online sales, coupled with the need for a convenient, fast alternative to home delivery. MACRO and MICRO environments have been reviewed and PESTLE analysis conducted. The following is the resultant SWOT analysis: Strengths  Highly regarded customer service (analysis from independent survey and social media).  USPs (changing rooms, packaging service).  Infrastructure in place and potential for use of space at stations to market brand.  Convenience (locations, opening hours).  Competitive pricing (see  Heavy-weight retail partners. Weaknesses  Only 45 locations currently.  Very London-centric.  Parcel size limit. Opportunities  New services offering greater flexibility (Runners, Neighbours).  Corporate membership. Threats  Competing with established brands and new ‘concept’ brands such as Nimber.  Competitor marketing activity around same key periods. SMART OBJECTIVES 1. Audience engagement + 25% by 31.01.2016. 2. Unique website visitors + 25% by 31.01.2016. 3. ‘Pay as you Doddle’ sign ups + 25% & ‘Doddle Unlimited’ sign ups + 10% by 31.01.2016. 4. One-off sales + 10% by 31.01.2016. All are aligned to wider business and marketing objectives and derived with consideration to the previous year’s growth figures.
  • 8. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 6 STRATEGY  Pull strategy, communicating directly with consumers. Also using retail partner and influential bloggers’ communications (Push).  Segmentation of Doddle’s market identifies the following key groups: commuters; students; frequent online buyers/sellers. Commuters, particularly female, shop online frequently, with a high value spend, and are searching for convenience. This segment is the target audience for this campaign due to its size and potential for growth throughout the upcoming shopping period.  Position Doddle as the much-needed antidote to stressful (on and offline) shopping experiences.  Communicate with target audience via content marketing, utilising social media and physical content display opportunities.  Create sixty day marketing campaign, with a content focus, piggybacking on Black Friday and the seasonal uplift in online shopping. – Shoppers will be keen to avoid the hectic high street and hunt for bargains online instead.  Ensure content compatible with all devices, especially mobile - for station users/passersby on-the-go. Above: Doddle’s target audience – a visual representation
  • 9. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 7 TACTICS D. Chaffey’s RACE is used below to provide a framework: REACH  Use space at stations for experiential campaign (based around yoga/mindfulness), linking with digital content.  Target and incentivise social influencers/bloggers.  Target retail partner communications.  Sponsor Amazon’s Black Friday with paid-for ads.  Boost SEO rankings and content relevance with effective keyword use. ACT  Regularly refresh homepage and post new content.  Create varied content for different channels and repurpose: CHANNEL POST FORMATS SUBJECTS REPURPOSING  Infographic  Written, with image  Interview with CEO  ‘Black Friday survival guide’  ‘Shopping trends predicted’  Share infographic via social channels.  Create presentation and post on Slideshare.  Video  ‘Beat the crowds’  Embed in blog/social.  Written, with images  ‘Ways to relax during the busy festive season’  Christmas parcel sending deadlines  Share posts via social channels.  Guest post on partner sites.  Written, with images  Service reminders  ‘Advent calendar’ of offers  Daily advent calendar post on social.  Photos  Videos  Service reminders  Documenting experiential campaign  Competition  Photos  Videos  As above CONVERT  Incentivise prospects to sign-up.  Ensure content and call-to-actions across all touchpoints drive conversions. ENGAGE  Incentivise customers to repeat purchase through email and social content.  Encourage advocacy (recommend a friend and receive a retail partner voucher).
  • 10. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 8 ACTIONS Budget: £85,000 - Includes internal resource, sponsorship and experiential.
  • 11. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 9 CONTROLS  Review KPIs (account sign-ups; web visits (unique/new); other web metrics; social participation and sharing; store visits and in-store spend, source referral, weekly.  Review outcomes against SMART objectives.
  • 12. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 10 1:2 New Digital Marketing Channels Foursquare Search and discover service that allows users to ‘check-in’ at locations. Strengths  Enables promotion of store locations.  Users can add reviews.  Facilitates links with local businesses.  Helps embed brands within communities.  Frequent customers can be rewarded with offers/incentives.  Dashboard facility allows monitoring of campaign effectiveness.  Popularity rising. Weaknesses  Relatively small number of users, concentrated in the US.  ‘Check-in’ facility duplicated by Facebook. Successful Campaign Concepts using Foursquare, that may resonate with Doddle Above left: give-away when individuals ‘checks in’, right: competition to follow, find and win the Choos, which were ‘checking themselves in’ at locations around London.  Trial give-away/tweet instant offers (relating to account sign-up) to prospects that check-in at Doddle.  Donate a nominal sum to pre-chosen local charity every time someone checks-in and tweets (helping further embed the brand within communities).
  • 13. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 11 Snapchat Photo/video messaging app that lets users send images to controlled lists of recipients, deleting the ‘snap’ after up to 10 seconds. Strengths  Huge number of active users, constantly sharing content.  High numbers of users (known to be attracted by incentives/discounts) purchase online.  All users have mobile devices.  Most are aged 13-24 - relevant to Doddle’s targeting of students/young professionals.  Content ‘disappears’ so low risk if trialling.  Creates a sense of urgency, encouraging viewers to convert.  New features continue to be released. Weaknesses  Could be open to abuse/on the receiving end of dubious content.  Would need to build up a following, starting from scratch.  Limited insights and audience information at this time.  For time-bound competition/incentive giving prospects the opportunity to collect a discount code, take photos or watch exclusive footage.  To highlight changing room USP in a fun, engaging way – treat store staff to a night out, and budget for new clothes delivered from retail partner ASOS – which they can ‘snap’ themselves trying on in-store.  Partner with Snapchat artist/influencer, helping capture Doddle’s quirky/humorous side.
  • 14. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 12 Vine Twitter-owned short-form (< 6 seconds) video sharing service. Strengths  Easy to integrate with Doddle’s Twitter account; allowing simple social sharing.  Shortness and stop animation suit the brand.  Easy to use and edit.  Relatively quick and inexpensive to produce.  Could be used to comment on trending events/current affairs in a more playful way than the more business-oriented LinkedIn.  Seen as youthful and trendy; appealing to younger commuters/students.  Suits today’s consumers who don’t want to read masses of long, drawn out content. Weaknesses  Need to create original content (rather than rehash YouTube videos).  Sound/music needs editing.  Popularity seems to be on the wane.  Competes with Facebook-owned Instagram .  Not integrated with other non-Twitter social networks.  Most ideas have already been done; it is now very difficult to be original on Vine. Successful Campaign Concepts using Vine, that may resonate with Doddle Above: Asos’ vine of a parcel being unwrapped reminds the viewer of the excitement of opening an online-bought shop  To illustrate simplicity of using Doddle once prospect signs up for an account.  To create a video-based advert to reach and attract new customers.
  • 15. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 13 1:3 Marketing Campaign: Social Media Channels Campaign: Royal Mail’s 2012 Olympic Games Channels: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube Why Chosen: A competitor often criticised for being behind-the-times, overpriced and inefficient, proving that it can create, innovate and engage its audience, the British public. The campaign incorporated two key elements: 1. Painting post boxes gold in towns associated with medal winners; 2. Production of commemorative stamps within record time-scales, pictorially celebrating winners. It included a new Twitter address, rejuvenated Facebook, and dedicated website, with its own strong social element. The use of Facebook and Twitter:  Enabled immediate communication with its audience;  Supplied means to market the stamps, enabling production processes to be brought to life;  Supplied a broad demographic; but a younger audience than the average stamp collector;  Allowed visual campaign coverage;  Meant posts could be easily shared. Above: Facebook post with stamp imagery (‘liked’ 983 times, ‘shared’ 293 times)’
  • 16. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 14 The campaign was interactive, encouraging people to take pictures of post boxes and upload via social media or to the website, creating user-generated content. A positive dialogue between organisation and customers was created, and everyone talked about it, including high-profile sports personalities, politicians and other celebrities either on camera, or via social media, thereby creating a huge reach. Highlights included:  Wall Street Journal (2m Twitter followers) ‘favouriting’ a tweet.  BBC News and BBC Breakfast (900,000 followers) retweeting.  Bradley Wiggins’ followers retweeting his stamp image 45 times. Above: Images like this posted on Facebook and Twitter, were hugely popular and helped boost campaign reach. YouTube was home to a number of campaign videos; however inexplicably, these were not linked into the other social channels or website.
  • 17. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 15 Above: YouTube videos were not linked to other social channels. Significantly the campaign continued throughout the Paralympics, thereby further extending social coverage and increasing commercial success. Throughout the Games’ duration there were:  23,000 interactions (likes, comments, shares).  Stamps and Collectibles Facebook page gained 8,875 fans (a 756% increase) according to Ryan (2014, p273).  Twitter address grew to boast 200,000 followers. According to the creative agency involved, Royal Mail gained a 19% share of voice – all the more remarkable as they were not an official Games sponsor and their marketing spend (a reported £200,000) was comparatively low. Sales targets far exceeded expectations: £21million worth of stamps (almost £7million worth purchased online). A new generation of collectors was born, with a younger profile observed.
  • 18. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 16 Above: Celebrating Miss Murray’s birth – proof that this campaign is still part of national culture in 2016 (Source: BBC website).
  • 19. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 17 Task 2
  • 20. Social Media SEO PPC and Adwords Outreach Marketing Social Media ATTRACTING VISITORS Includes customer service and reviews, encouraging prospects to convert. Website Enables customers to track multiple parcel deliveries. Driving brand awareness Create 'how-to' videos to show ease-of-use. [vii] Unit Name: 120 - Marketing and Consumer Behaviour CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 AWARENESS INTEREST CONSIDERATION CONVERSION KEY: = suggested improvement YouTube or Vine Strong physical presence at train stations 2:1 Visual Funnel of a Digital Journey Create advergame (driving interest) with real-life rewards/redemptions (encouraging conversion) [vi] Run email campaign to increase social followers [ii] Visitors are engaged by optimal navigation, usability and brand image. link email with social a literal 'shop window' leading people to thewebsite Email Marketing Snap Chat Mobile Marketing APP Internet Presence Social links could be larger and emphasised with a call-to-action e.g. 'GET SOCIAL' [iv] convert social followers into email subscribers See 1:2 for suggestions Future technologies may add more value and mean this could be used further up the funnel. Add customer reviews and details of 'your local store' to email footer [iii] Address confusingly similar 'sign up' and 'sign in' buttons Blog Site is mobile responsive. (see overleaf for supporting theory/evidence) Add social share/email subscribe buttons to blog. Generating interest. Sometimes containing time-bound incentiveto encourageconversion. Encourage site visitors to subscribe [i] Location-based/beacon marketing (incentivising conversion) [v] (Account Sign-Up) 18
  • 21. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 19 2:1(b) Theory and Practical Examples in Support of Suggestions Website Footer containing clear call-to-action for email subscription, listing benefits, with a box that can be filled in immediately [i]: Email Marketing Campaigns sent to recruit social followers [ii]:
  • 22. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 20 Customer reviews and store details on footers [iii]: Better social links, including clear call-to-action [iv]: Mobile Marketing -Location-based technology/ads: [v] Ryan (2014, p219) discusses nurturing leads through the use of beacon/app-based technology: “The real opportunity with location-aware applications from a marketing perspective is that it offers businesses with bricks-and-mortar premises the opportunity to deliver real-time information, offers and incentives to people who are physically in the area.” -Gamification: [vi] Ryan (2014, p221) discusses offering “real rewards for virtual achievements” such as “finishing a level, completing a task, levelling up or getting a new high score”.
  • 23. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 21 Social Media [vii] Carvill and Taylor offer justification for short ‘how-to’ style films (2013, p120): “a short video clip can often make the user experience that much provides a compelling and useful platform to convey instructions and insight.”
  • 24. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 22 2:2 Re-Marketing Advantages  Supported by statistics: The majority of individuals leave a website before converting. 49% of individuals visit a website 2-4 times before making a purchase (and may view competitor websites in the interim). 70% of online shopping carts abandoned.  Research shows that individuals need repeat exposure to a product/message before they convert; remarketing is a means of doing this.  Can increase brand awareness. Keeps brand in the prospect’s mind.  Provides opportunity to up-sell (showing similar/related items).  Boosts repeat visits to website.  Prospects may have moved down the purchase funnel and be closer to conversion when targeted.  Can be ‘sent’ to all, or a specific group/visitor segment.  Prospects can be segmented and targeted with different ad content depending on where they are in their Doddle ‘journey’ (this could be based on lead-scoring).  A/B testing can help identify best ad methods for maximising conversions. Disadvantages  Can make people uneasy as it appears companies are ‘following’ them around the internet. Chaffey and Smith (2013, p395) state: “Some media and privacy campaigners have been critical of this form of targeting since it involves tracking the users across multiple sites.”  Can make the organisation look clumsy if used badly e.g. individual later goes back to the site, buys the item, takes delivery, may actually even return the item, but still sees remarketing on it. – Ensure ads are stopped if customers have converted and limit initial ad numbers.  If more than one person has access to the computer/device, the organisation may be remarketing to the wrong individual.  Arguably more aligned to product rather than service marketing as ads need to be visual to capture prospect’s attention/jog memory.
  • 25. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 23 Above: Example of previous remarketing ad (aimed at increasing brand knowledge). WEB PAGE FROM WHICH PROSPECT LEFT SITE AD CONTENT HOW TO CAPTURE MORE LEADS (ON LANDING PAGE) Home Brand awareness (as above) “Sign up for exclusive offers, news and information” ‘Pay as You Doddle’ Sign Up Sign up to Doddle – discount code Sign up form ‘Doddle Unlimited’ Sign Up Sign up to Doddle – discount code Sign up form Send a Parcel ‘How to send’ video animation Money off voucher-code Receive a Parcel ‘How to receive’ video animation Money off voucher-code  Include clear call-to-actions and benefits/incentives to encourage site re-visits and conversions.  Doddle prospects search for solutions in a hurry and need convenience; ensure ad copy speaks to them on this level and that ads are served up quickly.  Consider remarketing to prospects around key online shopping periods.  Ensure clicking on the ad takes the prospect through to relevant landing page.  Overlay with geo-targeting to ensure (as far as possible) only serving ads to prospects within areas currently served.  When analysing results look at view-through as well as click-through data, as only a small proportion of people actually click on display ads.
  • 26. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 24 2:3 Marketing Automation HubSpot is a well-known marketing automation provider, consistently ranked ‘top supplier’ by users; this report recommends its use. From research conducted on HubSpot’s website, competitor comparisons and independent reviews, the main strengths/differences are:  All-in-one inbound solution; creation through to analytics  Intuitive; easy to use  Customisable  Constant software enhancements  Lead scoring (numerically-based)  Reporting tools help analyse performance and improve efforts  Contract flexibility Specifically, HubSpot can help Doddle to capture leads by:  Helping prospects find us online through integrated SEO, email, social media and content management.  Providing content tools that help attract new visitors and optimise landing pages to aid conversion. And to nurture leads by:  Offering enhanced segmenting, targeting and personalisation (with the potential to create different ‘personas’).  Creating tailored campaigns containing steps, actions and timings of Doddle’s choosing.  Sending emails tailored to Doddle’s customer requirements, web, email and social behaviours.  Managing emails with scheduling and auto-response.  A/B testing on emails.  A/B testing on home/landing pages.  Enabling website content to be personalised depending on the viewer, to reflect email communications previously received.  Sending alerts when key prospects mention specific keywords on Twitter. Other Information:  Common technical challenges covered with online tutorials.  Access to customer service team.  Access to online training academy and resources as well as three day annual conference.
  • 27. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 25 Though relatively expensive, HubSpot is best suited to Doddle, with its ambitious expansion plans. Whilst Doddle focuses on growing consumer awareness/knowledge, and potential new customer types and services are explored, HubSpot’s strong inbound focus, split testing and granular segmentation capabilities are crucial: As Doddle’s offering becomes more complex, the tool can adapt to meet its needs.’s 2016 Buyer’s Guide summarises in favour of HubSpot over other providers, with its ability to split test, analyse and dynamic content-changing capabilities: “Growth in reach and audience requires more granular segmentation and personalisation tools. Your audience won’t grow the way you want it to without isolating and emphasising the interests of each segment” Lastly, embedding HubSpot’s intuitive software may help Doddle’s wider marketing team to move from working in silos to a more collaborative, integrated approach.  Sign up for a free trial.  Assess which package best suits.
  • 28. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 26 Task 3
  • 29. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 27 3:1 Analytics Data: Social Media Use SHARE data e.g. retweets (Twitter) and shares (Facebook) to analyse Campaign Reach Objective:  To reach 500,000 Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn users by campaign’s end.  To understand the true (potential) campaign ‘reach’ (rather than merely using follower numbers).  As an indicator of brand awareness (a broader marketing objective).  As part of a calculation for engagement (i.e. out of total audience ‘reached’, determine the number that actively participated in the campaign (i.e. what percentage of the total ‘engaged’). This performance data can be used to help develop an understanding of:  Which content drives the greatest retweet/share quantities.  Which channels are the most successful, which times of day and what message ‘formula’ (e.g. hashtag types/layout of message/visuals) work best.  Who is sharing content – if this demographic falls outside the target audience, strategy will need to be changed. Hootsuite can track campaign reach automatically. Pro users can select a report template or customise their own in order to gather the data required, tracking on a daily or weekly basis. Best Practice:  Recognise reach indicates potential audience as it is unlikely all recipients will actually read the post.  Experiment by sending follow-up posts with tweaked wording/visuals, or adding more value via a click-through: Identify whether the new post(s) generate further shares.  Follow up reports to track how many of those ‘reached’ go on to convert.
  • 30. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 28 Use E-TRANSACTION data to Assess Value of a Social-Only Discount Code Campaign Objective:  To achieve 1,000 account sign-ups using exclusive-to-social discount code by campaign’s end.  To identify which social channel generates the highest number of conversions and which customers are the most responsive to discounts. (A different code could be created for each channel to facilitate this). Google Analytics can be used to determine where leads originated and which go on to convert: Set up ‘Goals’ for whatever (URL) we classify as a conversion (e.g. use of code at point-of-purchase). We can see how many account sign-ups can be attributed to this campaign as a percentage of the total number of sign-ups throughout the period. During a month-long campaign, results should be tracked on a daily basis. Best Practice:  Create a sense of urgency by including the end date.  Trial sending reminder posts at optimum days/times.
  • 31. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 29 Use SOCIAL LISTENING data to Assess Sentiment Surrounding a Social Campaign Objective:  To achieve 98% positive sentiment by campaign’s end. A campaign incorporating a competition/give-away could be used to increase positive sentiment on social media.  To identify relevant social influencers with the power (through their large numbers of relevant followers) to drive positive sentiment. Radian6 can be used to automate the monitoring of relevant conversations, deliver alerts whenever certain keywords are mentioned, show the prevailing (positive/negative/neutral) sentiment, and identify relevant influencers. Theory:  As identified by Ganis and Kohirkar (2016, p56) measurement should be taken over time, as an overwhelming positive trend (though it might achieve the stated objective) can mask significant spikes in negative sentiment (that should be addressed). Key Insight:  Relevant influencers will be those engaged with Doddle socially, with large follower numbers, who frequently post on the subject of online shopping and may have a related blog.
  • 32. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 30 3:3 Optimising Google Adwords The following ad (generated by searching for ‘send parcel kings cross’) is an example of best practice currently implemented:  The title mentions ‘Send Your Parcel’.  An indication of price is given.  Repetition of ‘Send’ or ‘Sending’ maximises impact.  Doddle just a year old so using the name repeatedly can help increase brand recognition.  The Kings Cross store address (relevant to my search) is listed. However, clicking takes us to Doddle’s homepage. To optimise, it could take us directly to the more relevant ‘Send a Parcel’ page:
  • 33. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 31 Some further suggestions, given Doddle’s current Adwords status, are: Doddle’s Adwords Account:  Ensure structure simple.  Use keywords with high levels of commercial intent. Refresh periodically.  Use free tools such as to audit.  Some business areas (e.g. courier) not promoted - could be next steps.  Monitor whether competitors bid on ‘Doddle’. Similarly, key Doddle slogans should not result in a flurry of competitor ads:
  • 34. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 32 Doddle’s Ads:  Create compelling adverts for high click-through-rates.  Mention price; potential customers will only click if generally agreeable (reducing likelihood of customers clicking (generating cost) and bouncing out).  Ensure landing pages are highly relevant, clearly designed with to-the-point copy and clear call-to-action buttons. The following ad mentions ‘Get A Quote Today’: This could make Doddle sound slow. Consumers want information quickly and there is an instant quote facility on Doddle’s website, so copy should be adjusted: Doddle’s Landing Pages: Further landing page optimisation could include:  Call-to-action ‘Get a Price’ could stand-out more and on some devices appears nearly below the fold.  Trialling an incentive next to the call-to-action.  Ensuring landing pages are social-friendly, enabling users to ‘share’ or ‘like’.  Ensuring landing pages have keyword-rich content and are quick to load.  Ensuring the website is fully optimised for mobile users; especially as many potential customers are likely to be searching whilst on-the-move and need information quickly. Ryan (2014, p214) elaborates: “design for mobile interactions – focus on touch-driven controls...optimise for speed...make content ‘findability’ easy”.  Use Google’s click-to-call feature (again, relevant if prospect is using mobile). Google and Adword Analytics:  Bounce rates and time spent on page indicate whether visitors are likely to have found what they were looking for. Use this information to adapt content.  Use ‘Smart Goals’ report function within Google Analytics as an optimisation aid.  Analyse conversion rates and cost-per-conversion.  Analyse Ad Groups – numbers of clicks and numbers of conversions – amending ads to use best-performing keywords with greater frequency.  See for a wealth of information on competitors’ Adwords (plus general PPC and SEO) activity and ranking, share of voice and keyword research.
  • 35. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 33 Doddle’s Adword Testing:  Changing ad focus (price/quality/reviews); small changes to wording or word order; longer vs. shorter headlines.  Investigate whether running ads during office work days only gives greater ROI. Similarly around start/end of working day/lunch hour.
  • 36. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 34 3:3 The Role of Monitoring Tools Monitoring tools provide information on trending online behaviours, news and competitor intelligence, helping us to adopt a faster, more responsive approach to real-time trends, and shape our digital marketing efforts to support increased conversions. Google Trends: Identifying trends in the macro environment. Trending topics: Google Trends enables insight gathering into trending topics. The homepage contains a list of top trending stories and ‘featured’ story data. As Oreos did with ‘Daily Twist’, to become news, driving larger numbers to the site and encouraging conversions by creating original content that resonates with trending ‘themes’. Relevant search terms: Google Trends lets us research how popular certain terms are. It may also be used to research seasonal peaks and troughs in demand for particular products/services. To identify peak search periods, facilitating targeted advertising spend – driving greater visitor numbers to the site should itself increase conversions. Competitor research: We can compare ‘Doddle’ to competitor names, focusing on UK-only searches and specific timeframes. Below, Royal Mail dominates:
  • 37. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 35 Here, we see a surge in ‘popularity’ for ‘Yodel’ as a disparaging documentary aired: A quick scan of related searches provides clues to the cause: As the trigger for a customer service-based campaign: Align call-to-action buttons; “To get your parcels delivered safely click here.”
  • 38. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 36 Google Analytics: Identifying trends in the micro environment - Doddle’s website. With a host of customisable reports, Google Analytics helps us understand if visitor needs have changed; if traffic source alters – from paid activity in a particular area, from earned activity with a particular influencer/retail partner, or from somewhere unanticipated. N.B. Set up ‘goals’ corresponding to any action Doddle considers a ‘conversion’ (in this case a key goal is account sign-up). Visitor behaviour trends: Using data arranged by the hour/day of week can illustrate when visitors are most likely to convert – indicating when communications/advertising efforts should be concentrated. If 5pm Fridays see a spike, create copy for email subject-headers/social posts that are sent at this time/day: “When you get to the weekend and want to avoid those post office queues – leave your deliveries with Doddle”. Device use trends: Paid-for tools like Comscore and Nielsen offer information on device use and consumer behaviour in the macro environment, which may be relevant to Doddle. This could be combined with Google Analytics’ device-related reports to determine whether Doddle’s mobile site is aligned to these wider trends. We can also view information by device type and screen resolution (as shown below, top and bottom), identifying any not supported by the mobile website.
  • 39. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 37 Devices and screen resolutions with poorest conversion rates should be studied (by using the identified problem-device) and fixed by Doddle’s website’s developer. Visitor demographic/source trends: Google Analytics can indicate developments in visitor demographics (age, gender, and even interests); also whether certain groups spend longer on the site/engage more, by drilling down into session duration, bounce rates and pages viewed per session. Having identified that visitors aged 18-24 (with a male bias) access the site, create specific content targeting/incentivising ‘laddish’ students. Summary These (and other) monitoring tools can be used to target spend and facilitate the adaption/creation of content, call-to-actions and campaigns that resonate with trends in the macro or micro environments; indeed by identifying website conversion trends and concentrating our efforts in the corresponding areas.
  • 40. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 38 Concluding Notes Seeking to challenge the ‘journey map’ of online shopping, Doddle must focus its digital marketing efforts upon awareness-building, embedding automation, and effective measurement.
  • 41. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 39 Brief Background Doddle was formed in October 2014; a joint venture between Network Rail and entrepreneur Lloyd Dorfman. It is, according to the Network Rail website “the UK’s first fully dedicated, staffed, online shopping collection and returns service located in railway stations and major hubs” and plans are to open 300 new locations over three years. Doddle has seized what it sees as a gap in the market, as online shopping continues to grow, but more and more customers are missing out on deliveries: An estimated 100 million parcels miss first time delivery currently in the UK. Doddle is the only business of its kind to accept delivery of shoppers’ online purchases from any retailer or carrier. At the time of writing, Doddle has 45 outlets throughout the UK, with the majority of stores within London and most located conveniently close to major train stations. Other USPs/benefits offered include in-store changing room facilities, the ability to package items and extended opening hours. Other services that Doddle has introduced include Runners (couriers) and Neighbours (people employed to take in packages for a nominal fee to enable you to pick up your items closer to home). Doddle’s core customer base incorporates online shoppers (predominantly female), frequent posters (e.g. eBay buyers/sellers) and students. The business itself embraces digital technology: A Doddle APP enables its users to keep track of (presumably multiple) parcels, and includes the facility to scan parcel barcodes. Customers can use in-store iPads to order alternative clothes sizes immediately. Beacon technology is currently being explored to see whether it can further streamline customer experience. The brand’s ‘personality’ reflects its ethos of simplicity and ease-of-use, with bold purple colouring, sans serif font and a friendly down-to-earth Doddle ‘voice’. Doddle’s digital presence includes a website that allows the visitor to find out about sending, receiving and returning parcels, as well as track deliveries. You can also ‘sign up’; creating an account which either enables you to ‘Pay as you Doddle’ or ‘Doddle Unlimited’ (for a monthly fee). Social media channels currently used include Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
  • 42. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 40 Bibliography Blanchard, O. (2011) Social Media ROI. First edition. USA, Que Publishing. Carvill, M. and Taylor, D. (2013) The Business of Being Social. First edition. Richmond, Crimson Business Books. Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012) Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. Fifth edition. Essex, Pearson Education Limited. Chaffey, D. and Smith, P.R. (2013) Emarketing Excellence. Fourth edition. Abingdon, Routledge. Charlesworth, A. (2015) An Introduction to Social Media Marketing. First edition. Abingdon, Routhledge. Charlesworth, A. (2014) Digital Marketing: A Practical Approach. Second edition. Abingdon, Routledge. Dann, S. and Dann, S. (2011) E-Marketing: Theory and Application. First edition. USA, Palgrave Macmillan. Dann, S. and Dann, S. (2004) Strategic_Internet_Marketing_2.0. Second edition. Australia, John Wiley & Sons. Ganis, M and Kohirkar, A. (2016) Social Media Analytics: Techniques and Insights for Extracting Business Value Out of Social Media. First edition. New Jersey, IBM Press. Gay, R., Charlesworth, A. and Esen, R. (2007) Online Marketing: A Customer-Led Approach. First edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press. Hemann, C. and Burbary, K. (2014) Digital Marketing Analytics. Fourth edition. USA, Que Publishing. Ryan, D. (2014) Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation. Third edition. London, Kogan Page.
  • 43. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 41 Websites buying-research-delivering-history-by-um-london legacy-london-2012 media-olympics best-consumer-campaign financial-corporate-utilities-campaign applause-economic-value/
  • 44. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 42 Blogs Ratcliff, C. (2014) How brands can be brilliant at Vine (Accessed 2 February 2016) Ratcliff, C. (2015) How Vine lost its edge (Accessed 2 February 2016) Ratcliff, C. (2014) Has Instagram really killed Vine (Accessed 2 February 2016) Simpson, J. (2015) 15 reasons your brand should be on Snapchat (Accessed 2 February 2016) Ratcliff, C. (2013) Is Snapchat right for your brand (Accessed 2 February 2016) Bold, B. (2016) 10 reasons why Snapchat is the platform du jour for brands du-jour-brands (Accessed 2 February 2016) Sullivan, M. (2015) Google Adwords now helps business optimize for high-value site visitors high-value-site-visitors/ (Accessed 2 February 2016) Clark, N. (2012) Golden games: The story behind Royal Mail’s gold medal stamps and painted postboxes mails-gold-medal-stamps-painted-postboxes (Accessed 2 February 2016) Davis, B. (2015) How to win back customers online: 101 (Accessed 2 February 2016) Kessler, D. (2011) When retargeting turns into stalking (Accessed 2 February 2016)
  • 45. Unit Name: 125 – Digital Marketing Essentials CIM Membership Number: 38457805 Assessment Session: April 2016 43 Moth, D. (2014) Retargeting: How to ensure it is useful rather than intrusive intrusive/ (Accessed 2 February 2016) Hyder-Smith, H. (2007) Remarketing: The most obvious way to increase ROI? (Accessed 2 February 2016) Critchley, J. (2014) How to successfully engage customers when remarketing remarketing/ (Accessed 2 February 2016) Gray, R. (2015) Don’t put up with those abandoned trolleys abandoned-trolleys/ (Accessed 2 February 2016) Mindruta, R. (2015) Marketing: Top 15 Social Media Monitoring Tools (Accessed 2 February 2016) O Flynn, R. (2015) The way the social cookie crumbles: the genius of Oreo’s social media marketing marketing-can-learn/ (Accessed 2 February 2016) Buyer’s Guide Technology Advice Buyer’s Guide on Marketing Automation (2016)