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The Digestive System
The Digestive System
 The organs of the digestive system can be separated into two main
groups; those of the alimentary canal and the accessory organs
The Digestive System
 The alimentary canal or gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the
continuous muscular digestive tube that winds through
the body
o Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large
o Food in this canal is technically out of the body
 The accessory digestive organs are
Teeth, tongue, salivary glands, gallbladder, salivary glands, liver
and pancreas
The accessory organs produce saliva, bile and digestive
enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of foodstuffs
Digestive System Organs
Digestive System Organs
 The visceral peritoneum
covers the external surface of
most digestive organs and is
continuous with the parietal
peritoneum that lines the
walls of the abdomino-pelvic
 Between the two layers is the
peritoneal cavity, containing
serous fluid secreted by the
serous membranes
 A mesentery is a double layer of peritoneum - a sheet of two
serous membranes that attach to the digestive organ from
the body wall
 Mesenteries provide routes for blood vessels, lymphatics
and nerves to reach the digestive viscera
 Mesenteries also serves as a site for fat storage
 Not all alimentary canal organs are suspended with the
peritoneal cavity by a mesentery
Digestive System Organs
 Organs that adhere to the dorsal abdominal wall lose
their mesentery and lie posterior to the peritoneum
 These organs, which also include most of the pancreas
and parts of the large intestine are called retro-
peritoneal organs
 Digestive organs like the stomach that keep their
mesentery and remain in the peritoneal cavity are called
Intra peritoneal organs
Abdominal regions
Abdominal regions
Histology of the Alimentary
 From the esophagus to the anal canal, the walls of every
organ of the alimentary canal are made up of the same four
basic layers or tunics:
o Mucosa
o Submucosa
o Muscularis externa
o Serosa
Histology of the Alimentary Canal
Histology: Mucosa
 More complex than most other
mucosae the typical digestive
mucosa consists of three sub
o A surface epithelium
o A lamina propria , loose areolar
o A deep muscularis mucosae
 The epithelium of the mucosa is
a simple columnar epithelium
that is rich in mucus secreting
goblet cells
Histology: Submucosa
 The submucosa is a moderately
dense connective tissue containing
blood and lymphatic vessels,
lymph nodules, and nerve fibers.
 Its rich supply of elastic fibers
enables the stomach to regain its
normal shape after storing a large
Histology: Muscularis Externa
 The muscularis externa is
responsible for segmentation and
 This thick muscular layer has an
inner circular and an outer
longitudinal layer.
 In several places along the GI tract,
the circular layer thickens to form
 Sphincters act as valves to prevent
backflow and control food passage
from one organ to the next
Histology: Serosa
 The serosa is the
protective outermost
layer of Intraperitoneal
 This visceral peritoneum
is formed of areolar
connective tissue
covered with
mesothelium, a single
layer of squamous
epithelial cells
Histology: Serosa
 Retroperitoneal organs have both a serosa (on the
side facing the peritoneal cavity) and an adventitia
(on the side abutting the dorsal body wall)
 The adventitia is an ordinary fibrous connective
tissue that binds the esophagus to surrounding
 The alimentary canal has its own in-
house nerve supply.
 two major intrinsic nerve
o Submucosal nerve plexus
o Myenteric nerve plexus
The enteric nervous system is also
linked to the CNS by afferent
visceral fibers and sympathetic
(inhibit) and parasympathetic
Organs of the digestive System
Mouth, Pharynx, and
 The mouth is the only part of the digestive system
that is involved in the ingestion of food
 Most digestive function of the mouth reflect the
activity of accessory organs, chewing the food and
mixing it with salvia to begin the process of
chemical digestion.
 The mouth also begin the propulsive process by
which food is carried through the pharynx and
esophagus to the stomach.
The Mouth
 The oral cavity is lined with
mucosa, lined with stratified
squamous epithelium
 It is bounded by the lips anteriorly,
and the tongue inferiorly, the
cheeks laterally and the palate
 Its anterior opening is the oral
 Posteriorly the oral cavity is
continuous with the oropharynx
via oropharyngeal isthmus
The Lips and Cheeks
 The labia and the cheeks have
a core of skeletal muscle
covered by skin.
 The orbicularis oris muscle
forms the bulk of the lips
 The cheeks are formed largely
by the buccinators
 The area between the teeth
and gums is the vestibule
 Cavity with in jaw and teeth is
called oral cavity proper
The Palate
 The palate which forms the roof
of the mouth has two distinct
Hard palate
Soft palate
hard palate
 is a rigid surface against which
the tongue forces food during
 There exists a center line ridge
called a raphe
 Made from maxilla anteriorly
and palatine bone posteriorly
The Palate
Soft palate
 mobile fold formed by
skeletal muscle
 Projecting down from its
free edge is the uvula
 The soft palate rises
reflexively to close off the
nasopharynx when
The Pharynx
 From the mouth, the food
passes Posteriorly into the
 The mucosa consists of
stratified squamous
 The epithelium is supplied
with mucus producing
glands for lubrication
The Pharynx
 The external muscle
layer consists of two
skeletal muscle layers
 The muscles of the inner
longitudinal layer
 The outer circular layer,
constrictor muscles
 Sequential contractions
propel food into
The Esophagus
 The esophagus takes a fairly straight course through the
mediastinum of the thorax, pierces the diaphragm at the
esophageal hiatus to enter the abdomen
The Esophagus
 The esophagus joins the
stomach at the cardiac orifice
 mucosa lined by non-
keratinized stratified
squamous epithelium
 The muscularis externa
changes from skeletal muscle
to a mix of skeletal and
smooth to finally all smooth as
it approaches the stomach
The Stomach
 J shaped enlargement of GIT.
 The stomach functions as a temporary storage tank where
the chemical breakdown of protein begins and food is
converted to a creamy paste called chyme.
 chemical break down of proteins and fat (triglyceride)
starts in the stomach.
 Some substances are absorbed in the stomach such as
 Water, Electrolyte, Some drugs (asprin), Alcohol
 The stomach lies in the upper left quadrant of the
abdominal cavity
The Stomach: Gross Anatomy
 The stomach varies from 6 to 10 inches in length, but its
diameter and volume depend on how much food it contains
 When empty it may contain on 50 ml but can expand to hold
about 2 liters of food.
 When empty, the stomach collapses inward, throwing its
mucosa into large, longitudinal folds called rugae
 The major region of the stomach are the cardia region, the
fundus, body, pyloric region (pyloric antrum and pyloric
 Has the greater and lesser curvatures
Small intestine
 Is the longest part of GIT and site of most
enzymatic digestion and 90% of nutrients are
absorbed here
 begins at pyloric sphincter and ends at ileocecal
 Divided in to three segments; duodenum, jejunum
and ileum
 Shortest, widest and most fixed part
 forms C- shaped curve around head of pancreas
 starts at pyloric sphincter, extends about 25 cm and merges
with jejunum
 has no mesentery and covered by peritoneum only anteriorly
 receive digestive enzymes from pancreas and bile from gall
bladder by:
o major duedinal papilla
o Minor duedinal papilla
 Jejunum
 free part of small intestine, covered by peritoneum, greatly
 jejunum begins at duodenojejunal flexure
 Ileum
 final and longest part
 together are about 6m long (2/5 jejunum and 3/5 ileum)
 join to large intestine at ileocecal sphincter
 No sharp junction can be observed grossly between the
jejunum and the ileum.
 Both derived from endoderm of mid gut so supplied
with superior mesenteric artery.
 Then what is good to demarcate ?
Feature Jejunum Ileum
1. location Upper & left part ,
proximal 2/5th
Lower & right part
Distal 3/5th
2. walls Thicker & more
Thinner & less
3. Lumen Wider & often empty Narrower & often
4. Mesentry - fat less abundant
- arterial arcades 1-2
vasa recta longer &
- fat more abundant
- arterial arcades 3-6
vasa recta shorter
& numerous
5.circular mucosal
larger & more
closely set
smaller & sparse
6.villi Large, thick ( leaf like)
& more abundant
Shorter , thinner
( finger like) & less
7. Peyer’s patches absent Present
8. solitary
lymphatic follicles
fewer numerous
Histology small intestine
 wall composed of the same four coats with modifications
o Mucosa
 Epithelium- simple columnar, contains absorptive cells( abundant
mitochondria and ER), goblet cells and paneth cells (destroy certain
types of bacteria)
 Mucosa forms a series of villi, and its apical surface containing
o Submucosa
o Muscularis
o Serosa
Function of small intestine
 The completion of digestion is the result of collective action of
pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice in small intestine
 the last organ of the GIT that extends from ileum to anal orfice
 the material that reaches to it is a largely digested residue that
contains few nutrients
 even though the large intestine absorbs few remaining
nutrients it’s main function is to absorb water and
electrolytes from the digested mass , resulting in semisolid
 wider but shorter than small intestine
Large intestine
 over most of it’s length the large intestine exhibits three
special features teniae coli, haustra and epipolic appendages
 Teniae coli- ribbons of colon
 are three longitudinal strips,of smooth muscle muscle
 Epipolic appendages (omental appendages)- membrane
covered fat filled pouches of visceral peritoneum.
 Large intestine has the following sub divisions
 Cecum
 Vermiform appendix
 Colon
 Rectum and
 Anal canal
 Colon
has ascending colon, transverse, descending and sigmoid
 Ascending colon-on the right side
o begins at upper end of Cecum and ends at inferior surface of liver
where it forms right colic flexure
o right colic flexure (hepatic flexure)- forms the junction b/n ascending
and transverse colon
 Transverse colon-begins at right flexure and ends at left flexure
 Descending colon –on the left side and begins at left flexure
and ends at left iliac fossa
 Sigmoid colon- S shaped begins near the left iliac crest, projects
in ward to the mid line and joins the rectum
 Rectum
o in the pelvis the sigmoid colon joins the rectum which
descends along the inferior half of the sacrum
 Anal canal
o lie entirely external to the abdominopelvic cavity in
o wall of anal canal contains two sphincter muscles
1. Internal anal sphincter- smooth muscle
2. External anal sphincter- skeletal muscle
 Accessory organs of digestion
o Teeth
o Tongue
o Gall bladder
 Accessory digestive glands
o Salivary glands
o Liver
o Pancreas
 Are accessory digestive organs located in the
alveolar process of mandible and maxillae
 Alveolar process are covered by gingivae (gum)
 Humans have two sets of teeth or dentition
 Deciduous teeth(primary dentition)
 Permanente teeth
 Deciduous teeth(primary dentition)- primary (milk teeth)
erupts starting from at about 6 month to 2 years of age
 20 in number,2 incisors, 1 canines and 2 molars
 Lost b/n 6-12 years and replaced by permanent teeth
 Permanent teeth-there are 32 permanent teeth 2 incisors, 1
canines and 2 premolars and 3 molars
 Teeth are classified according to their shape and function as incisors,
canines, premolars and molars
o Typical tooth consists of 3 regions
1. crown- visible portion
2. neck- constricted junction b/n crown and root
3. root- embedded in a socket
Periodontal ligament (membrane)
 Sockets are lined by periodontal ligament or membrane
o anchors the teeth in position and act as a shock absorber during
o attaches to the cementum
Teeths are composed of
 Enamel- the dentin of crown is covered by enamel that consists of
calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate
 Dentin : forms the bulk of the teeth and encloses the pulp cavity
 Pulp cavity: lies with in the crown and filled with pulp and contains
blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels
o narrow extension of the pulp cavity (root canal) runs through the root
of the tooth.
o each root canal has an opening at its base = apical foramen through
which blood vessels , lymphatic vessels and nerves extend
 an accessory digestive organ composed of skeletal muscle covered with
mucus membrane
 together with it’s associated muscles it forms the floor of the mouth
(oral cavity)
 divided in to lateral halves by a median septum
 has both intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
 lingual frenulum a fold of mucosa on the under surface of the tongue,
attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth and limits it’s posterior
 the upper and lateral surface of the tongue has nipple
shaped projections called papillae ,some of them
contain taste buds
1. Fungiform papillae- found near the tip of the tongue
 have taste buds
 less abundant than filiform
2. Circumvallate papillae-line up in a V shaped row
 lies directly anterior to sulcus terminalis, which marks the
border b/n mouth and pharynx
 have taste buds
3. Filiform papillae- distributed in parallel rows
 the smallest and most numerous
 lack taste buds
4. foliate papillae-located in lateral margins of tongue
most of their taste buds degenerate in early child hood
The posterior one third of the tongue , lies in the oropharynx
and covered with lingual tonsil
Salivary glands
Release a secretion called saliva in to oral cavity
functions of saliva
 keep mouth and pharynx moist
 cleans mouth and teeth
 lubricates , dissolves and begins chemical break
down of food
Components of saliva
 99.5% water and 0.5% solutes
 Solutes = ions, mucus and enzymes(lysozyme),
digestive enzymes(salivary amylase)
Salivary glands classified in to 2
 Small intrinsic and
 Large extrinsic salivary glands
Intrinsic salivary glands
- scattered with in the mucosa of the tongue, palate, lips and
- Saliva from this gland keeps the mouth moist at all times
- includes labial, bucal, palatal and lingual glands
Extrinsic salivary glands
 Secrete saliva only during eating
 Includes parotid, Submandibular and
sublingual glands
 Parotid gland
 The largest & located anterior and inferior to ears
 Parotid duct pierces buccinator muscle to open in
to the vestibule
 Submandibular gland
Located beneath the base of the tongue in
posterior part of floor of mouth
Submandibular duct run under mucosa on either
side midline of floor of mouth and enter oral
cavity proper lateral to lingual frenulum
 Sub lingual gland
Located superior to submandibular gland
There are 10-12 Sublingual ducts that open in
to floor of mouth
Gall bladder
 pear shaped muscular sac, resting in a shallow depression on the visceral
surface of liver
 it has three parts
 fundus- projected beyond
 body- central
 neck- tapering
 it’s function is to store and concentrate bile
produced by liver
 bile is a yellowish , brownish or olive – green
liquid produced by hepatocytes
 heaviest and largest gland , weighting about 1.4 K.g in
 second largest organ after skin
 lies inferior to diaphragm and occupies most of Rt part
of the abdominal cavity
 soft reddish brown
 protected by thoracic cage
 looks like wedge, wide base faces to right and narrow
apex lies just inferior to the level of left nipple
Has two surfaces
 diaphragmatic surface - faces anteriorly and superiorly
 visceral surface- faces posteriorly and inferiorly
 the visceral surface contain gall bladder fossa,
inferior vena cava fossa
 liver has 2 lobes (rt and lt) demarcated by
imaginary line from gall bladder fossa to
inferior vena cava fossa
 two other minor lobes , the quadrate and
caudate lobe are visible on the visceral
The function of liver
 Synthesis, storage and release of glycogen
 Synthesis of blood proteins (albumin, prothrombin,
fibrinogen and lipoproteins)
 Phagocytosis of old red blood cells and bacteria
 Removal of toxic substances (detoxification)
 Retroperitoneal gland lies posterior to the greater curvature of
 Lies in the left part of the abdomen, it has head, body and tail
 Both an exocrine and endocrine gland
 The exocrine function is performed by acini cells that secrete
pancreatic enzymes(pancreatic juice)
 99% of the cells are acini cells and 1% are pancreatic
 Secretions from pancreas enter in to duodenum through
2 ducts
 Accessory pancreatic duct
 Main pancreatic duct
 The main pancreatic duct join with common
bile duct from the liver and gall bladder and
enters the duodenum as hepatopancreatic
ampulla or ampulla of vater
digestive system of anatomypowerpoint pres

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digestive system of anatomypowerpoint pres

  • 2. The Digestive System  The organs of the digestive system can be separated into two main groups; those of the alimentary canal and the accessory organs 2
  • 3. The Digestive System  The alimentary canal or gastrointestinal (GI) tract is the continuous muscular digestive tube that winds through the body o Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine o Food in this canal is technically out of the body  The accessory digestive organs are Teeth, tongue, salivary glands, gallbladder, salivary glands, liver and pancreas The accessory organs produce saliva, bile and digestive enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of foodstuffs 3
  • 5. Digestive System Organs  The visceral peritoneum covers the external surface of most digestive organs and is continuous with the parietal peritoneum that lines the walls of the abdomino-pelvic cavity  Between the two layers is the peritoneal cavity, containing serous fluid secreted by the serous membranes 5
  • 6. Mesentery 6  A mesentery is a double layer of peritoneum - a sheet of two serous membranes that attach to the digestive organ from the body wall  Mesenteries provide routes for blood vessels, lymphatics and nerves to reach the digestive viscera  Mesenteries also serves as a site for fat storage  Not all alimentary canal organs are suspended with the peritoneal cavity by a mesentery
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  • 9.  Organs that adhere to the dorsal abdominal wall lose their mesentery and lie posterior to the peritoneum  These organs, which also include most of the pancreas and parts of the large intestine are called retro- peritoneal organs  Digestive organs like the stomach that keep their mesentery and remain in the peritoneal cavity are called Intra peritoneal organs 9
  • 12. Histology of the Alimentary Canal 12  From the esophagus to the anal canal, the walls of every organ of the alimentary canal are made up of the same four basic layers or tunics: o Mucosa o Submucosa o Muscularis externa o Serosa
  • 13. Histology of the Alimentary Canal 13
  • 14. Histology: Mucosa 14  More complex than most other mucosae the typical digestive mucosa consists of three sub layers o A surface epithelium o A lamina propria , loose areolar connective. o A deep muscularis mucosae  The epithelium of the mucosa is a simple columnar epithelium that is rich in mucus secreting goblet cells
  • 15. Histology: Submucosa  The submucosa is a moderately dense connective tissue containing blood and lymphatic vessels, lymph nodules, and nerve fibers.  Its rich supply of elastic fibers enables the stomach to regain its normal shape after storing a large meal. 15
  • 16. Histology: Muscularis Externa  The muscularis externa is responsible for segmentation and peristalsis.  This thick muscular layer has an inner circular and an outer longitudinal layer.  In several places along the GI tract, the circular layer thickens to form sphincters  Sphincters act as valves to prevent backflow and control food passage from one organ to the next 16
  • 17. Histology: Serosa  The serosa is the protective outermost layer of Intraperitoneal organ  This visceral peritoneum is formed of areolar connective tissue covered with mesothelium, a single layer of squamous epithelial cells 17
  • 18. Histology: Serosa 18  Retroperitoneal organs have both a serosa (on the side facing the peritoneal cavity) and an adventitia (on the side abutting the dorsal body wall)  The adventitia is an ordinary fibrous connective tissue that binds the esophagus to surrounding structures
  • 19. Enteric Nervous System  The alimentary canal has its own in- house nerve supply.  two major intrinsic nerve plexuses o Submucosal nerve plexus o Myenteric nerve plexus The enteric nervous system is also linked to the CNS by afferent visceral fibers and sympathetic (inhibit) and parasympathetic (stimulate) 19
  • 20. Organs of the digestive System 20
  • 21. Mouth, Pharynx, and Esophagus 21  The mouth is the only part of the digestive system that is involved in the ingestion of food  Most digestive function of the mouth reflect the activity of accessory organs, chewing the food and mixing it with salvia to begin the process of chemical digestion.  The mouth also begin the propulsive process by which food is carried through the pharynx and esophagus to the stomach.
  • 22. The Mouth  The oral cavity is lined with mucosa, lined with stratified squamous epithelium  It is bounded by the lips anteriorly, and the tongue inferiorly, the cheeks laterally and the palate superiorly.  Its anterior opening is the oral orifice  Posteriorly the oral cavity is continuous with the oropharynx via oropharyngeal isthmus 22
  • 23. The Lips and Cheeks  The labia and the cheeks have a core of skeletal muscle covered by skin.  The orbicularis oris muscle forms the bulk of the lips  The cheeks are formed largely by the buccinators  The area between the teeth and gums is the vestibule  Cavity with in jaw and teeth is called oral cavity proper 23
  • 24. The Palate  The palate which forms the roof of the mouth has two distinct parts Hard palate Soft palate hard palate  is a rigid surface against which the tongue forces food during chewing  There exists a center line ridge called a raphe  Made from maxilla anteriorly and palatine bone posteriorly 24
  • 25. The Palate Soft palate  mobile fold formed by skeletal muscle  Projecting down from its free edge is the uvula  The soft palate rises reflexively to close off the nasopharynx when swallowing 25
  • 26. The Pharynx  From the mouth, the food passes Posteriorly into the oropharynx  The mucosa consists of stratified squamous epithelium  The epithelium is supplied with mucus producing glands for lubrication 26
  • 27. The Pharynx  The external muscle layer consists of two skeletal muscle layers  The muscles of the inner longitudinal layer  The outer circular layer, constrictor muscles  Sequential contractions propel food into esophagus 27
  • 28. The Esophagus  The esophagus takes a fairly straight course through the mediastinum of the thorax, pierces the diaphragm at the esophageal hiatus to enter the abdomen 28
  • 29. The Esophagus  The esophagus joins the stomach at the cardiac orifice  mucosa lined by non- keratinized stratified squamous epithelium  The muscularis externa changes from skeletal muscle to a mix of skeletal and smooth to finally all smooth as it approaches the stomach 29
  • 30. The Stomach 30  J shaped enlargement of GIT.  The stomach functions as a temporary storage tank where the chemical breakdown of protein begins and food is converted to a creamy paste called chyme.  chemical break down of proteins and fat (triglyceride) starts in the stomach.  Some substances are absorbed in the stomach such as  Water, Electrolyte, Some drugs (asprin), Alcohol  The stomach lies in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity
  • 31. The Stomach: Gross Anatomy  The stomach varies from 6 to 10 inches in length, but its diameter and volume depend on how much food it contains  When empty it may contain on 50 ml but can expand to hold about 2 liters of food.  When empty, the stomach collapses inward, throwing its mucosa into large, longitudinal folds called rugae  The major region of the stomach are the cardia region, the fundus, body, pyloric region (pyloric antrum and pyloric canal).  Has the greater and lesser curvatures 31
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  • 33. Small intestine  Is the longest part of GIT and site of most enzymatic digestion and 90% of nutrients are absorbed here  begins at pyloric sphincter and ends at ileocecal sphincter  Divided in to three segments; duodenum, jejunum and ileum
  • 34. Duodenum  Shortest, widest and most fixed part  forms C- shaped curve around head of pancreas  starts at pyloric sphincter, extends about 25 cm and merges with jejunum  has no mesentery and covered by peritoneum only anteriorly  receive digestive enzymes from pancreas and bile from gall bladder by: o major duedinal papilla o Minor duedinal papilla
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  • 37.  Jejunum  free part of small intestine, covered by peritoneum, greatly coiled  jejunum begins at duodenojejunal flexure  Ileum  final and longest part  together are about 6m long (2/5 jejunum and 3/5 ileum)  join to large intestine at ileocecal sphincter
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  • 39.  No sharp junction can be observed grossly between the jejunum and the ileum.  Both derived from endoderm of mid gut so supplied with superior mesenteric artery.  Then what is good to demarcate ?
  • 40. Feature Jejunum Ileum 1. location Upper & left part , proximal 2/5th Lower & right part Distal 3/5th 2. walls Thicker & more vascular Thinner & less Vascular 3. Lumen Wider & often empty Narrower & often loaded 4. Mesentry - fat less abundant - arterial arcades 1-2 vasa recta longer & fewer - fat more abundant - arterial arcades 3-6 vasa recta shorter & numerous
  • 41. 5.circular mucosal folds larger & more closely set smaller & sparse 6.villi Large, thick ( leaf like) & more abundant Shorter , thinner ( finger like) & less abundant 7. Peyer’s patches absent Present 8. solitary lymphatic follicles fewer numerous
  • 43. Histology small intestine 43  wall composed of the same four coats with modifications o Mucosa  Epithelium- simple columnar, contains absorptive cells( abundant mitochondria and ER), goblet cells and paneth cells (destroy certain types of bacteria)  Mucosa forms a series of villi, and its apical surface containing microvilli o Submucosa o Muscularis o Serosa Function of small intestine  The completion of digestion is the result of collective action of pancreatic juice, bile and intestinal juice in small intestine
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  • 45. LARGE INTESTINE  the last organ of the GIT that extends from ileum to anal orfice  the material that reaches to it is a largely digested residue that contains few nutrients  even though the large intestine absorbs few remaining nutrients it’s main function is to absorb water and electrolytes from the digested mass , resulting in semisolid faces  wider but shorter than small intestine
  • 46. Large intestine 46  over most of it’s length the large intestine exhibits three special features teniae coli, haustra and epipolic appendages  Teniae coli- ribbons of colon  are three longitudinal strips,of smooth muscle muscle  Epipolic appendages (omental appendages)- membrane covered fat filled pouches of visceral peritoneum.  Large intestine has the following sub divisions  Cecum  Vermiform appendix  Colon  Rectum and  Anal canal
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  • 49.  Colon has ascending colon, transverse, descending and sigmoid colon  Ascending colon-on the right side o begins at upper end of Cecum and ends at inferior surface of liver where it forms right colic flexure o right colic flexure (hepatic flexure)- forms the junction b/n ascending and transverse colon  Transverse colon-begins at right flexure and ends at left flexure  Descending colon –on the left side and begins at left flexure and ends at left iliac fossa  Sigmoid colon- S shaped begins near the left iliac crest, projects in ward to the mid line and joins the rectum
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  • 51.  Rectum o in the pelvis the sigmoid colon joins the rectum which descends along the inferior half of the sacrum  Anal canal o lie entirely external to the abdominopelvic cavity in perineum o wall of anal canal contains two sphincter muscles 1. Internal anal sphincter- smooth muscle 2. External anal sphincter- skeletal muscle
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  • 53. 53  Accessory organs of digestion o Teeth o Tongue o Gall bladder  Accessory digestive glands o Salivary glands o Liver o Pancreas
  • 54. Teeth  Are accessory digestive organs located in the alveolar process of mandible and maxillae  Alveolar process are covered by gingivae (gum)  Humans have two sets of teeth or dentition  Deciduous teeth(primary dentition)  Permanente teeth
  • 55.  Deciduous teeth(primary dentition)- primary (milk teeth) erupts starting from at about 6 month to 2 years of age  20 in number,2 incisors, 1 canines and 2 molars  Lost b/n 6-12 years and replaced by permanent teeth  Permanent teeth-there are 32 permanent teeth 2 incisors, 1 canines and 2 premolars and 3 molars  Teeth are classified according to their shape and function as incisors, canines, premolars and molars o Typical tooth consists of 3 regions 1. crown- visible portion 2. neck- constricted junction b/n crown and root 3. root- embedded in a socket
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  • 57. Periodontal ligament (membrane)  Sockets are lined by periodontal ligament or membrane o anchors the teeth in position and act as a shock absorber during chewing o attaches to the cementum Teeths are composed of  Enamel- the dentin of crown is covered by enamel that consists of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate  Dentin : forms the bulk of the teeth and encloses the pulp cavity  Pulp cavity: lies with in the crown and filled with pulp and contains blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels o narrow extension of the pulp cavity (root canal) runs through the root of the tooth. o each root canal has an opening at its base = apical foramen through which blood vessels , lymphatic vessels and nerves extend
  • 58. TONGUE  an accessory digestive organ composed of skeletal muscle covered with mucus membrane  together with it’s associated muscles it forms the floor of the mouth (oral cavity)  divided in to lateral halves by a median septum  has both intrinsic and extrinsic muscles  lingual frenulum a fold of mucosa on the under surface of the tongue, attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth and limits it’s posterior mov’t
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  • 60.  the upper and lateral surface of the tongue has nipple shaped projections called papillae ,some of them contain taste buds 1. Fungiform papillae- found near the tip of the tongue  have taste buds  less abundant than filiform 2. Circumvallate papillae-line up in a V shaped row posteriorly  lies directly anterior to sulcus terminalis, which marks the border b/n mouth and pharynx  have taste buds
  • 61. 3. Filiform papillae- distributed in parallel rows  the smallest and most numerous  lack taste buds 4. foliate papillae-located in lateral margins of tongue most of their taste buds degenerate in early child hood The posterior one third of the tongue , lies in the oropharynx and covered with lingual tonsil
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  • 63. Salivary glands Release a secretion called saliva in to oral cavity functions of saliva  keep mouth and pharynx moist  cleans mouth and teeth  lubricates , dissolves and begins chemical break down of food Components of saliva  99.5% water and 0.5% solutes  Solutes = ions, mucus and enzymes(lysozyme), digestive enzymes(salivary amylase)
  • 64. Salivary glands classified in to 2  Small intrinsic and  Large extrinsic salivary glands Intrinsic salivary glands - scattered with in the mucosa of the tongue, palate, lips and cheeks - Saliva from this gland keeps the mouth moist at all times - includes labial, bucal, palatal and lingual glands Extrinsic salivary glands  Secrete saliva only during eating  Includes parotid, Submandibular and sublingual glands
  • 65.  Parotid gland  The largest & located anterior and inferior to ears  Parotid duct pierces buccinator muscle to open in to the vestibule  Submandibular gland Located beneath the base of the tongue in posterior part of floor of mouth Submandibular duct run under mucosa on either side midline of floor of mouth and enter oral cavity proper lateral to lingual frenulum  Sub lingual gland Located superior to submandibular gland There are 10-12 Sublingual ducts that open in to floor of mouth
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  • 67. Gall bladder  pear shaped muscular sac, resting in a shallow depression on the visceral surface of liver  it has three parts  fundus- projected beyond  body- central  neck- tapering  it’s function is to store and concentrate bile produced by liver  bile is a yellowish , brownish or olive – green liquid produced by hepatocytes
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  • 69. LIVER  heaviest and largest gland , weighting about 1.4 K.g in adult  second largest organ after skin  lies inferior to diaphragm and occupies most of Rt part of the abdominal cavity  soft reddish brown  protected by thoracic cage  looks like wedge, wide base faces to right and narrow apex lies just inferior to the level of left nipple
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  • 71. Has two surfaces  diaphragmatic surface - faces anteriorly and superiorly  visceral surface- faces posteriorly and inferiorly  the visceral surface contain gall bladder fossa, inferior vena cava fossa  liver has 2 lobes (rt and lt) demarcated by imaginary line from gall bladder fossa to inferior vena cava fossa  two other minor lobes , the quadrate and caudate lobe are visible on the visceral surface
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  • 73. The function of liver  Synthesis, storage and release of glycogen  Synthesis of blood proteins (albumin, prothrombin, fibrinogen and lipoproteins)  Phagocytosis of old red blood cells and bacteria  Removal of toxic substances (detoxification)
  • 74. PANCREAS  Retroperitoneal gland lies posterior to the greater curvature of stomach  Lies in the left part of the abdomen, it has head, body and tail  Both an exocrine and endocrine gland  The exocrine function is performed by acini cells that secrete pancreatic enzymes(pancreatic juice)
  • 75.  99% of the cells are acini cells and 1% are pancreatic cells  Secretions from pancreas enter in to duodenum through 2 ducts  Accessory pancreatic duct  Main pancreatic duct  The main pancreatic duct join with common bile duct from the liver and gall bladder and enters the duodenum as hepatopancreatic ampulla or ampulla of vater