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A Developer’s Approach
Code Management
Michael Rosenblum
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Who Am I? – “Misha”
Oracle ACE
Co-author of 3 books
 PL/SQL for Dummies
 Expert PL/SQL Practices
 Oracle PL/SQL Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques
Known for:
 SQL and PL/SQL tuning
 Complex functionality
 Code generators
 Repository-based development
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Code Management???
The biggest problem:
No agreement about what MANAGEMENT is
Even less agreement about what CODE is
Instead of comparing concepts we usually compare
implementations  therefore we are comparing apples to
 … because each implementation = a very specific set of requirements.
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Definitions (1)
Code = Anything that defines and implements business
Structural rules (constraints!)
Metadata + Generators (programs that write programs that …)
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Definitions (2)
Management = Understanding how your code base
transforms over a period of time and being able to explain:
 What changes happen?
 How do the changes happen?
 Why did the changes happen?
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Who benefits?
Management-oriented approach
 Key question: “Who done it?”
 Solution: Try to preserve every line change and associate it with a
specific person  foremost forensic tool [blaming game?!]
 Problem: Large systems are quickly overwhelmed by the total volume
of micro-changes.
Development-oriented approach
 Key question: “How do we create the next release?”
 Solution: Managing macro-changes instead of micro-changes
 Problem: Requires a different level of organization
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I. Area:
II. Language:
III. Level:
Development-oriented approach
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Please, remember:
There is no such thing as an “all-or-nothing” approach!
Complexity/cost of the solution should match the scope of a
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Synonym Manipulation
Synonyms for external references + unique object names for all
 … i.e. synonym A_PKG + package A_PKG_V1, A_PKG_V2 etc.
Recompilation of referenced objects
Useful in:
Environments with clear separation of engine code vs. customer
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Synonyms - Illustration
* Engine Package A
* Engine Package B
User code 1
User code 3
User code 2
Engine Package A - V1
Engine Package A – V2
Engine Package A – V3
Engine Package B - V1
Engine Package B – V2
Engine Package B – V3
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Setting up BEFORE/AFTER DDL triggers in relevant schemas
 Database-level triggers must be disabled before any Oracle patches 
high cost of error  strongly NOT recommended
 Invalid triggers would block ANY DDL from being fired
 BEFORE-triggers also work as security features
 Example: blocking TRUNCATE command
 Exceptions raised in AFTER-trigger would not impact
execution itself
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Triggers – Example (1)
CREATE TABLE ddl_audit_tab (
ddl_type_tx VARCHAR2(30),
object_type_tx VARCHAR2(30),
object_name_tx VARCHAR2(30),
ddl_date_dt TIMESTAMP,
code_cl CLOB);
v_lines_nr PLS_INTEGER;
v_sql_tt ora_name_list_t;
v_cl CLOB;
dbms_lob.writeappend(v_cl,length(v_buffer_tx), v_buffer_tx);
Oracle’s own type
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Triggers – Example (2)
-- security section
IF ora_dict_obj_name = 'DDL_AUDIT_TAB' THEN
raise_Application_error(-20001,'Cannot touch DDL_AUDIT_TAB!');
-- put DDL together
v_lines_nr := ora_sql_txt(v_sql_tt);
FOR i IN 1..v_lines_nr LOOP
-- store
INSERT INTO ddl_audit_tab
This is also
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DDL Event Vars/Functions/Types
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Triggers – Example (3)
SQL> CREATE TABLE tst1(a number);
Table created.
SQL> SELECT * FROM ddl_audit_tab;
----------- --------------- -------------- ----------- ---------------------------
CREATE TABLE TEST01 29-JAN-14 create table tst1(a number)
SQL> TRUNCATE TABLE ddl_audit_tab;
TRUNCATE TABLE ddl_audit_tab
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-20001: Cannot touch DDL_AUDIT_TAB!
ORA-06512: at line 24
SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_audit_tab;
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Homegrown Versioning (1)
Classic 3-tier IT system  significant downtime cost/efforts
Small part of a system has constant flow of change requests
Structure of requests is very clear
 Take N parameters / Do something / Show results
The most efficient method is to introduce a localized
repository-based purpose-built solution.
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Homegrown Versioning (2)
1. The system must store a list of registered modules in the
2. Each module must satisfy the following conditions:
 Take up to 5 input parameters (some optional, some mandatory).
 Return formatted CLOB as an output
3. The system has a notion of editions that can be associated with the
4. The system uses the default edition.
5. Each user may have access to different editions instead of the
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CREATE FUNCTION f_getEmp_CL (i_job_tx VARCHAR2, i_hiredate_dt DATE:=NULL)
v_out_cl CLOB;
FOR c IN (SELECT '<tr>'||'<td>'||empno||'</td>'||
'<td>'||ename||'</td>'||'</tr>' row_tx
FROM emp
WHERE job = i_job_tx
AND hiredate >= NVL(i_hiredate_dt,add_months(sysdate,-36))
RETURN v_out_cl;
Optional parameter
only for one user
Returns CLOB
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Data Model
module_id NUMBER [PK]
displayName_tx VARCHAR2(256)
module_tx VARCHAR2(50)
v1_label_tx VARCHAR2(100)
v1_type_tx VARCHAR2(50)
v1_required_yn VARCHAR2(1)
v1_lov_tx VARCHAR2(50)
v1_convert_tx VARCHAR2(50)
v2_label_tx VARCHAR2(100)
v2_type_tx VARCHAR2(50)
v2_required_yn VARCHAR2(1)
v2_lov_tx VARCHAR2(50)
v2_convert_tx VARCHAR2(50)
edition_id NUMBER [PK]
name_tx VARCHAR2(50)
edition_rfk NUMBER
module_edition_id NUMBER [PK]
module_id NUMBER
edition_id NUMBER
0..* 0..*
user_edition_id NUMBER [PK]
user_tx NUMBER,
edition_id NUMBER
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Data Repository (1)
-- register modules
INSERT INTO module_tab (module_id,displayName_tx,module_tx,
v1_label_tx, v1_type_tx, v1_required_yn,
v2_label_tx, v2_type_tx, v2_required_yn, v2_convert_tx)
(100, 'Filter Employees by Job/Hire Date','f_getEmp_cl',
'Hire Date','DATE','N','TO_DATE(v2_tx,''YYYYMMDD'')'
INSERT INTO module_tab (module_id,displayName_tx,module_tx,
v1_label_tx, v1_type_tx, v1_required_yn)
(101, 'Filter Employees by Job','f_getEmp_cl',
22 of 44
Data Repository (2)
-- create two editions
INSERT INTO edition_tab (edition_id, name_tx, edition_rfk)
VALUES (10, 'Default', null);
INSERT INTO edition_tab (edition_id, name_tx, edition_rfk)
VALUES (11, 'New Edition',10);
-- associate modules with editions
INSERT INTO module_edition (module_edition_id,module_id,edition_id)
values (20,100,10); -- two registered parameters  Default
INSERT INTO module_edition (module_edition_id,module_id,edition_id)
values (21,101,11); -- one registered parameter  New
-- associate users with editions
INSERT INTO user_edition (user_edition_id, user_tx, edition_id)
values (30,'HR',10); -- HR has access to Default
INSERT INTO user_edition (user_edition_id, user_tx, edition_id)
values (31,'OE',11); -- OE has access to New
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Query Repository
SQL> SELECT m.module_id, m.displayname_tx
2 FROM module_tab m,
3 module_edition me
4 WHERE m.module_id = me.module_id
5 AND me.edition_id IN (SELECT edition_id
6 FROM user_edition
7 WHERE user_tx = 'HR');
---------- ----------------------------------------
100 Filter Employees by Job/Hire Date
SQL> SELECT m.module_id, m.displayname_tx
2 FROM module_tab m,
3 module_edition me
4 WHERE m.module_id = me.module_id
5 AND me.edition_id in (SELECT edition_id
6 FROM user_edition
7 WHERE user_tx = 'OE');
---------- ----------------------------------------
101 Filter Employees by Job
24 of 44
Wrapper (1)
(i_module_id NUMBER,
i_v1_tx VARCHAR2:=null,
i_v2_tx VARCHAR2:=null)
v_out_cl CLOB;
v_param_tx VARCHAR2(32767);
v_rec module_tab%ROWTYPE;
SELECT * INTO v_rec FROM module_tab WHERE module_id=i_module_id;
-- build list of parameters
IF v_rec.v1_label_tx IS NOT NULL THEN
IF v_rec.v2_label_tx IS NOT NULL THEN
Use transformation
function if specified
25 of 44
Wrapper (2)
-- build real call
v_sql_tx:='DECLARE '||chr(10)||
' v1_tx VARCHAR2(32767):=:1;'||CHR(10)||
' v2_tx VARCHAR2(32767):=:2;'||CHR(10)||
'BEGIN '||CHR(10)||
' :out:='||v_rec.module_tx||'('||v_param_tx||');'||CHR(10)||
--- fire!
USING i_v1_tx,
OUT v_out_cl;
RETURN v_out_cl;
User’s data -
only via bind variables!
Structural elements –
from the repository
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Safe solution:
All user-enterable data is passed via bind variables.
All structural elements are selected from the repository.
SQL> SELECT f_wrapper_cl (100,'PRESIDENT','19001010') call_cl
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Edition-Based Redefinition
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Real Life
Major challenge:
Incremental roll-over, i.e. co-existence of old and new
code base
Manual solutions = nightmare!
Alternative (starting with Oracle 11gR2) –
Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR)
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What is EBR(1)?
Enabling editions:
Done for a specified user (when user created or via ALTER
Editionable objects are uniquely identified by name and edition
 Multiple versions of the same object may exist at the same time
 Different data dictionary views
Editions are shared across the database.
 You need to have at least one edition (default =ORA$BASE)
 Editions are linked in a chain (ORA$BASE – Edition 1 – Edition 2)
 11g/12.1 - All other editions are children/[grand]children of ORA$BASE.
 12.2 - You can drop all earlier editions (not just intermittent) and have a new
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What is EBR(2)?
One current edition in the session
 … but you can change it with ALTER SESSION.
For the new session – the current edition is
 … either the default [ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT EDITION…]
 … or explicitly specified in the connection string.
Special editioning views and cross-edition triggers
 Fire different code in Parent/Child edition
 Synch data during transition period
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What objects are editionable?
As of Oracle 12c:
 SQL translation profile
 All PL/SQL object types:
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Key restriction:
Non-editioned objects cannot depend upon editioned ones
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Key Improvements in Oracle 12.1 (1)
Changed granularity of what can/cannot be editioned
11gR2: Editioned-enabled schema means that ALL
types/objects become editioned.
12c: You can edition-enable only some objects/types of objects:
ALTER USER user ENABLE EDITIONS [ FOR type [, type ]...
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Key Improvements in Oracle 12.1 (2)
 You can explicitly make potentially editionable objects NON-
 … for example, to build function-based indexes
User created.
2 (i_tx VARCHAR2, i_format_tx VARCHAR2:='YYYYMMDD')
15 /
Function created.
SQL> CREATE INDEX ebr1.test_idx ON ebr1.test_tab(f_toDate_udf(ddl_tx));
Index created.
New clause
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Other Improvements in Oracle 12c
New clauses for materialized views and virtual columns
=> more functionality
-- [ evaluation_edition_clause ]
-- [ unusable_before_clause ]
-- [ unusable_beginning_clause ]
edition| NULL EDITION}
36 of 44
Impact for Code Management (1)?
YES, you can
Create logical packaging of server-side code base
 … i.e. clearly separate different code groups
Have multiple versions of the code in the database at the same
 … i.e. you can compare behavior/performance precisely under the
same conditions (data/hardware).
Quickly switch between versions without any installation
 … i.e. shorten response time in an emergency.
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Impact for Code Management (2)?
NO, you cannot
Easily edition structural elements (i.e. tables/indexes etc.)
 … although you can play synonym games which ARE editionable.
Easily edition data
 … although you can introduce temporary data visibility rules.
Have lots and lots of editions for every micro-change
 … sorry, EBR has not been designed to handle that scenario
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Production Environments
Performance-Related Code Management
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Deployment Architectural Flaw
Code is constantly moving between DEV/TEST/PROD
How can you be sure that functionally correct changes don’t
negatively impact performance???
 ... Well, you can’t 
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Areas of Interest
… because even the smallest firewall setting can be disastrous.
Data volume
… because PROD is ALWAYS larger than TEST.
User volume
… because Oracle has lots of shared resources, you can
encounter unexpected bottlenecks.
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Most Important Deployment Question
You MUST have a clear answer BEFOREHAND:
If anything goes wrong, how do you fall back?
More time to figure this out – more losses/more bugs
 … and more stress on everybody
Management should understand costs/risks associated with
code versioning.
 … otherwise you get into continuous deployment nightmare (aka
Agile Development  )
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1. Entire system versioning
Recovery is based on complete backup of the system
 … preferably on separate hardware
2. Limited-scope code modification
Recovery is based on knowing exactly what changed
… preferably via metadata-based form (EBR, repositories)
3. Everything else
… sorry, no idea what to do 
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 Fixing problems in existing systems is one of the main development
tasks in any organization.
 … so, you have to think about code management from the very beginning.
 Logical notion of “editions” helps thinking about code deployments
 … whether you use EBR or not.
 Some concepts are common:
 Micro-managing your changes <> good code versioning
 Performance problems are resolved only when they are deployed to PROD
and there are no side effects.
 Successful code versioning leads to better overall system performance.
 The best way to validate performance is to have old/new code coexist at the
same time [hint: EBR!]
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Contact Information
 Michael Rosenblum –
 Dulcian, Inc. website -
 Blog:
Available NOW:
Oracle PL/SQL Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques

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Developer's Approach to Code Management

  • 1. 1 of 44 #415 A Developer’s Approach to Code Management Michael Rosenblum
  • 2. 2 of 44 Who Am I? – “Misha” Oracle ACE Co-author of 3 books  PL/SQL for Dummies  Expert PL/SQL Practices  Oracle PL/SQL Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques Known for:  SQL and PL/SQL tuning  Complex functionality  Code generators  Repository-based development
  • 3. 3 of 44 Code Management??? The biggest problem: No agreement about what MANAGEMENT is Even less agreement about what CODE is Results: Instead of comparing concepts we usually compare implementations  therefore we are comparing apples to oranges!!!  … because each implementation = a very specific set of requirements.
  • 4. 4 of 44 Definitions (1) Code = Anything that defines and implements business rules Programs Structural rules (constraints!) Metadata + Generators (programs that write programs that …)
  • 5. 5 of 44 Definitions (2) Management = Understanding how your code base transforms over a period of time and being able to explain:  What changes happen?  How do the changes happen?  Why did the changes happen?
  • 6. 6 of 44 Who benefits? Implementations: Management-oriented approach  Key question: “Who done it?”  Solution: Try to preserve every line change and associate it with a specific person  foremost forensic tool [blaming game?!]  Problem: Large systems are quickly overwhelmed by the total volume of micro-changes. Development-oriented approach  Key question: “How do we create the next release?”  Solution: Managing macro-changes instead of micro-changes  Problem: Requires a different level of organization
  • 7. 7 of 44 Agenda I. Area: Database II. Language: PL/SQL III. Level: Development-oriented approach
  • 9. 9 of 44 K.I.S.S. Please, remember: There is no such thing as an “all-or-nothing” approach! Complexity/cost of the solution should match the scope of a problem
  • 10. 10 of 44 Synonym Manipulation Solution: Synonyms for external references + unique object names for all versions:  … i.e. synonym A_PKG + package A_PKG_V1, A_PKG_V2 etc. Downside: Recompilation of referenced objects Useful in: Environments with clear separation of engine code vs. customer code
  • 11. 11 of 44 Synonyms - Illustration Synonyms: * Engine Package A * Engine Package B User code 1 User code 3 User code 2 Engine Package A - V1 Engine Package A – V2 Engine Package A – V3 Engine Package B - V1 Engine Package B – V2 Engine Package B – V3
  • 12. 12 of 44 Triggers Solution: Setting up BEFORE/AFTER DDL triggers in relevant schemas  Database-level triggers must be disabled before any Oracle patches  high cost of error  strongly NOT recommended  Invalid triggers would block ANY DDL from being fired  BEFORE-triggers also work as security features  Example: blocking TRUNCATE command  Exceptions raised in AFTER-trigger would not impact execution itself
  • 13. 13 of 44 Triggers – Example (1) CREATE TABLE ddl_audit_tab ( ddl_type_tx VARCHAR2(30), object_type_tx VARCHAR2(30), object_name_tx VARCHAR2(30), ddl_date_dt TIMESTAMP, code_cl CLOB); CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ddl_audit_trg BEFORE DDL ON SCHEMA DECLARE v_lines_nr PLS_INTEGER; v_sql_tt ora_name_list_t; v_cl CLOB; PROCEDURE p_add (i_tx VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN dbms_lob.writeappend(v_cl,length(v_buffer_tx), v_buffer_tx); END; ... Oracle’s own type TABLE OF VARCHAR2(64)
  • 14. 14 of 44 Triggers – Example (2) BEGIN -- security section IF ora_dict_obj_name = 'DDL_AUDIT_TAB' THEN raise_Application_error(-20001,'Cannot touch DDL_AUDIT_TAB!'); END IF; -- put DDL together v_lines_nr := ora_sql_txt(v_sql_tt); dbms_lob.createTemporary(v_cl,true,; FOR i IN 1..v_lines_nr LOOP p_add(v_sql_tt(i)); END LOOP; -- store INSERT INTO ddl_audit_tab (ddl_type_tx,object_type_tx,object_name_tx,ddl_date_dt,code_cl) VALUES (ora_sysevent,ora_dict_obj_type,ora_dict_obj_name,SYSTIMESTAMP,v_cl); END; This is also OUT-parameter!
  • 15. 15 of 44 DDL Event Vars/Functions/Types Variables ora_sysevent ora_login_user ora_instance_num ora_database_name ora_dict_obj_name ora_dict_obj_type ora_dict_obj_owner Function ora_sql_txt Type ora_name_list_t
  • 16. 16 of 44 Triggers – Example (3) SQL> CREATE TABLE tst1(a number); Table created. SQL> SELECT * FROM ddl_audit_tab; DDL_TYPE_TX OBJECT_TYPE_TX OBJECT_NAME_TX DDL_DATE_DT CODE_CL ----------- --------------- -------------- ----------- --------------------------- CREATE TABLE TEST01 29-JAN-14 create table tst1(a number) SQL> TRUNCATE TABLE ddl_audit_tab; TRUNCATE TABLE ddl_audit_tab * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1 ORA-20001: Cannot touch DDL_AUDIT_TAB! ORA-06512: at line 24 SQL> SELECT count(*) FROM ddl_audit_tab; COUNT(*) ---------- 1
  • 17. 17 of 44 Homegrown Versioning (1) Problem: Classic 3-tier IT system  significant downtime cost/efforts Small part of a system has constant flow of change requests Structure of requests is very clear  Take N parameters / Do something / Show results Conclusion: The most efficient method is to introduce a localized repository-based purpose-built solution.
  • 18. 18 of 44 Homegrown Versioning (2) Solution: 1. The system must store a list of registered modules in the repository. 2. Each module must satisfy the following conditions:  Take up to 5 input parameters (some optional, some mandatory).  Return formatted CLOB as an output 3. The system has a notion of editions that can be associated with the module. 4. The system uses the default edition. 5. Each user may have access to different editions instead of the default.
  • 19. 19 of 44 Sample CREATE FUNCTION f_getEmp_CL (i_job_tx VARCHAR2, i_hiredate_dt DATE:=NULL) RETURN CLOB IS v_out_cl CLOB; PROCEDURE p_add(pi_tx VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN dbms_lob.writeappend(v_out_cl,length(pi_tx),pi_tx); END; BEGIN dbms_lob.createtemporary(v_out_cl,true,; p_add('<html><table>'); FOR c IN (SELECT '<tr>'||'<td>'||empno||'</td>'|| '<td>'||ename||'</td>'||'</tr>' row_tx FROM emp WHERE job = i_job_tx AND hiredate >= NVL(i_hiredate_dt,add_months(sysdate,-36)) ) LOOP p_add(c.row_tx); END LOOP; p_add('</table></html>'); RETURN v_out_cl; END; Optional parameter only for one user Returns CLOB
  • 20. 20 of 44 Data Model MODULE_TAB module_id NUMBER [PK] displayName_tx VARCHAR2(256) module_tx VARCHAR2(50) v1_label_tx VARCHAR2(100) v1_type_tx VARCHAR2(50) v1_required_yn VARCHAR2(1) v1_lov_tx VARCHAR2(50) v1_convert_tx VARCHAR2(50) v2_label_tx VARCHAR2(100) v2_type_tx VARCHAR2(50) v2_required_yn VARCHAR2(1) v2_lov_tx VARCHAR2(50) v2_convert_tx VARCHAR2(50) EDITION_TAB edition_id NUMBER [PK] name_tx VARCHAR2(50) edition_rfk NUMBER MODULE_EDITION module_edition_id NUMBER [PK] module_id NUMBER edition_id NUMBER 0..* 0..* 0..1 0..* USER_EDITION user_edition_id NUMBER [PK] user_tx NUMBER, edition_id NUMBER 1 0..*
  • 21. 21 of 44 Data Repository (1) -- register modules INSERT INTO module_tab (module_id,displayName_tx,module_tx, v1_label_tx, v1_type_tx, v1_required_yn, v2_label_tx, v2_type_tx, v2_required_yn, v2_convert_tx) VALUES (100, 'Filter Employees by Job/Hire Date','f_getEmp_cl', 'Job','TEXT','Y', 'Hire Date','DATE','N','TO_DATE(v2_tx,''YYYYMMDD'')' ); INSERT INTO module_tab (module_id,displayName_tx,module_tx, v1_label_tx, v1_type_tx, v1_required_yn) VALUES (101, 'Filter Employees by Job','f_getEmp_cl', 'Job','TEXT','Y' ); Same function!
  • 22. 22 of 44 Data Repository (2) -- create two editions INSERT INTO edition_tab (edition_id, name_tx, edition_rfk) VALUES (10, 'Default', null); INSERT INTO edition_tab (edition_id, name_tx, edition_rfk) VALUES (11, 'New Edition',10); -- associate modules with editions INSERT INTO module_edition (module_edition_id,module_id,edition_id) values (20,100,10); -- two registered parameters  Default INSERT INTO module_edition (module_edition_id,module_id,edition_id) values (21,101,11); -- one registered parameter  New -- associate users with editions INSERT INTO user_edition (user_edition_id, user_tx, edition_id) values (30,'HR',10); -- HR has access to Default INSERT INTO user_edition (user_edition_id, user_tx, edition_id) values (31,'OE',11); -- OE has access to New
  • 23. 23 of 44 Query Repository SQL> SELECT m.module_id, m.displayname_tx 2 FROM module_tab m, 3 module_edition me 4 WHERE m.module_id = me.module_id 5 AND me.edition_id IN (SELECT edition_id 6 FROM user_edition 7 WHERE user_tx = 'HR'); MODULE_ID DISPLAYNAME_TX ---------- ---------------------------------------- 100 Filter Employees by Job/Hire Date SQL> SELECT m.module_id, m.displayname_tx 2 FROM module_tab m, 3 module_edition me 4 WHERE m.module_id = me.module_id 5 AND me.edition_id in (SELECT edition_id 6 FROM user_edition 7 WHERE user_tx = 'OE'); MODULE_ID DISPLAYNAME_TX ---------- ---------------------------------------- 101 Filter Employees by Job Different users Different modules
  • 24. 24 of 44 Wrapper (1) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_wrapper_cl (i_module_id NUMBER, i_v1_tx VARCHAR2:=null, i_v2_tx VARCHAR2:=null) RETURN CLOB IS v_out_cl CLOB; v_param_tx VARCHAR2(32767); v_rec module_tab%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO v_rec FROM module_tab WHERE module_id=i_module_id; -- build list of parameters IF v_rec.v1_label_tx IS NOT NULL THEN v_param_tx:=nvl(v_rec.v1_convert_tx,'v1_tx'); END IF; IF v_rec.v2_label_tx IS NOT NULL THEN v_param_tx:=v_param_tx||','||nvl(v_rec.v2_convert_tx,'v2_tx'); END IF; Use transformation function if specified
  • 25. 25 of 44 Wrapper (2) -- build real call v_sql_tx:='DECLARE '||chr(10)|| ' v1_tx VARCHAR2(32767):=:1;'||CHR(10)|| ' v2_tx VARCHAR2(32767):=:2;'||CHR(10)|| 'BEGIN '||CHR(10)|| ' :out:='||v_rec.module_tx||'('||v_param_tx||');'||CHR(10)|| 'END;'; --- fire! EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql_tx USING i_v1_tx, i_v2_tx, OUT v_out_cl; RETURN v_out_cl; END; User’s data - only via bind variables! Structural elements – from the repository
  • 26. 26 of 44 Usage Safe solution: All user-enterable data is passed via bind variables. All structural elements are selected from the repository. SQL> SELECT f_wrapper_cl (100,'PRESIDENT','19001010') call_cl 2> FROM DUAL; CALL_CL ---------------------------------------------------------------- <html><table><tr><td>7839</td><td>KING</td></tr></table></html>
  • 27. 27 of 44 Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR)
  • 28. 28 of 44 Real Life Major challenge: Incremental roll-over, i.e. co-existence of old and new code base Manual solutions = nightmare! Alternative (starting with Oracle 11gR2) – Edition-Based Redefinition (EBR)
  • 29. 29 of 44 What is EBR(1)? Enabling editions: Done for a specified user (when user created or via ALTER USER) Editionable objects are uniquely identified by name and edition  Multiple versions of the same object may exist at the same time  Different data dictionary views Editions are shared across the database.  You need to have at least one edition (default =ORA$BASE)  Editions are linked in a chain (ORA$BASE – Edition 1 – Edition 2)  11g/12.1 - All other editions are children/[grand]children of ORA$BASE.  12.2 - You can drop all earlier editions (not just intermittent) and have a new root.
  • 30. 30 of 44 What is EBR(2)? One current edition in the session  … but you can change it with ALTER SESSION. For the new session – the current edition is  … either the default [ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT EDITION…]  … or explicitly specified in the connection string. Special editioning views and cross-edition triggers  Fire different code in Parent/Child edition  Synch data during transition period
  • 31. 31 of 44 What objects are editionable? As of Oracle 12c:  SYNONYM  VIEW  SQL translation profile  All PL/SQL object types:  FUNCTION  LIBRARY  PACKAGE and PACKAGE BODY  PROCEDURE  TRIGGER  TYPE and TYPE BODY
  • 32. 32 of 44 But… Key restriction: Non-editioned objects cannot depend upon editioned ones
  • 33. 33 of 44 Key Improvements in Oracle 12.1 (1) Changed granularity of what can/cannot be editioned 11gR2: Editioned-enabled schema means that ALL types/objects become editioned. 12c: You can edition-enable only some objects/types of objects: ALTER USER user ENABLE EDITIONS [ FOR type [, type ]... ]
  • 34. 34 of 44 Key Improvements in Oracle 12.1 (2)  You can explicitly make potentially editionable objects NON- editionable:  … for example, to build function-based indexes SQL> CREATE USER ebr1 IDENTIFIED BY ebr1 2 DEFAULT TABLESPACE USERS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP 3 ENABLE EDITIONS; User created. SQL> CREATE NONEDITIONABLE FUNCTION ebr1.f_toDate_udf 2 (i_tx VARCHAR2, i_format_tx VARCHAR2:='YYYYMMDD') ... 15 / Function created. SQL> CREATE INDEX ebr1.test_idx ON ebr1.test_tab(f_toDate_udf(ddl_tx)); Index created. New clause
  • 35. 35 of 44 Other Improvements in Oracle 12c New clauses for materialized views and virtual columns => more functionality -- [ evaluation_edition_clause ] EVALUATE USING { CURRENT EDITION | EDITION edition | NULL EDITION } -- [ unusable_before_clause ] UNUSABLE BEFORE { CURRENT EDITION | EDITION edition } -- [ unusable_beginning_clause ] UNUSABLE BEGINNING WITH {CURRENT EDITION | EDITION edition| NULL EDITION}
  • 36. 36 of 44 Impact for Code Management (1)? YES, you can Create logical packaging of server-side code base  … i.e. clearly separate different code groups Have multiple versions of the code in the database at the same time  … i.e. you can compare behavior/performance precisely under the same conditions (data/hardware). Quickly switch between versions without any installation required  … i.e. shorten response time in an emergency.
  • 37. 37 of 44 Impact for Code Management (2)? NO, you cannot Easily edition structural elements (i.e. tables/indexes etc.)  … although you can play synonym games which ARE editionable. Easily edition data  … although you can introduce temporary data visibility rules. Have lots and lots of editions for every micro-change  … sorry, EBR has not been designed to handle that scenario
  • 38. 38 of 44 Production Environments and Performance-Related Code Management
  • 39. 39 of 44 Deployment Architectural Flaw Condition: Code is constantly moving between DEV/TEST/PROD DEV <> TEST <> PROD! Problem: How can you be sure that functionally correct changes don’t negatively impact performance???  ... Well, you can’t 
  • 40. 40 of 44 Areas of Interest Hardware/Networking … because even the smallest firewall setting can be disastrous. Data volume … because PROD is ALWAYS larger than TEST. User volume … because Oracle has lots of shared resources, you can encounter unexpected bottlenecks.
  • 41. 41 of 44 Most Important Deployment Question You MUST have a clear answer BEFOREHAND: If anything goes wrong, how do you fall back? Why? More time to figure this out – more losses/more bugs  … and more stress on everybody Management should understand costs/risks associated with code versioning.  … otherwise you get into continuous deployment nightmare (aka Agile Development  )
  • 42. 42 of 44 Approaches 1. Entire system versioning Recovery is based on complete backup of the system  … preferably on separate hardware 2. Limited-scope code modification Recovery is based on knowing exactly what changed … preferably via metadata-based form (EBR, repositories) 3. Everything else … sorry, no idea what to do 
  • 43. 43 of 44 Summary  Fixing problems in existing systems is one of the main development tasks in any organization.  … so, you have to think about code management from the very beginning.  Logical notion of “editions” helps thinking about code deployments  … whether you use EBR or not.  Some concepts are common:  Micro-managing your changes <> good code versioning  Performance problems are resolved only when they are deployed to PROD and there are no side effects.  Successful code versioning leads to better overall system performance.  The best way to validate performance is to have old/new code coexist at the same time [hint: EBR!]
  • 44. 44 of 44 Contact Information  Michael Rosenblum –  Dulcian, Inc. website -  Blog: Available NOW: Oracle PL/SQL Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques

Editor's Notes

  1. 44