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DevOps for JIRA Service Desk
Automation for Jira vs Service Desk Automation
We get asked quite often why we offer Automation for Jira when Jira Service Desk comes with automation as a bundled
feature. While “Free” features are great, it doesn't help when you have complex business requirements or are trying to
streamline processes in a Business or Software project. Using an App offers significant advantages over Service Desk
that will help ALL teams automate their processes and enable you to capture even more business requirements.
 Smart values - Smart values allow you to substitute in any value from any object that the rule has access to. E.g.
The status of the parent issue, the email address of the person that just edited the issue, or the before and after
values of an issue edit. We allow these in most fields and this allows you to do things like:
Synchronize field values between issues
 Perform math functions - Days per week * Hours per day
 Perform date manipulations - Set due date to 4 business days from now
Only run rule if a field matches a regex
This is only a small taste of what you can do with Smart Values.
 More components - With almost 50 components to choose from you capture many more processes than with the
19 components shipped with Service Desk.
 Jira Software support - You can listen for changes to Sprints and versions and also update Software fields on
issues. This allows you to automate a lot of your release processes.
 Working with related issues - You aren't just restricted to just acting on the current issue, you can also branch
out and act on any related issue. E.g. For all sub-tasks set their priority to the same as the parent issue, comment
on all linked issues, or transition the Epic of this story
Automation for Jira Vs Jira Service Desk Automation
Automation for Jira Jira Automation
Jira Service Desk Automation
Supported ✅ ✅ By Atlassian
Cloud & Server ✅ ✅
Active development 268 issues closed in 2017 39 issues closed in 2017
Project types supported All Service Desk projects
Jira Software support ✅ ❌
Project Admins can create rules ✅ ✅
Permissions for who can create rules ✅ ❌
Service limits to protect Jira ✅ ❌
Global Rules ✅ ❌
Multi-Project Rules ✅ ❌
Customisable Rule Actor ✅ Per rule in Server ✅ Per project
Run rule as user who triggered event ❌ ✅
Triggers 19 10
Conditions 5 2
Actions 23 7
Execute rules on related issues ✅ ❌
Scheduled Rules ✅ ❌
Copy values between issues and fields ✅ ❌
Math functions / calculated fields ✅ ❌
Comprehensive smart value substitutions ✅ ❌ 9 variables in emails
Auto approve ❌ ✅
Audit logs ✅ Rule/Project/Global ✅ Rule
Integrations out of the box Stride, Slack, HipChat, Twilio, Webhooks Webhooks
Integrations in marketplace ✅ In Server ✅
Write your own integrations ✅ In Server ✅
Editions: Lite vs Pro
Automation for Jira is available in a number of different editions to cater for various usage scenarios. This page explains all the
differences and who each edition is for.
Edition Description Who this is for?
Automation for Jira Pro
This is the paid offering for both server
and cloud.
Any team or organisation wanting to reap
the full benefits of automation for their
Automation Lite for Jira (Server)
This is the free lite offering for server
(formerly called the Jira
Automation Atlassian labs add-on). It does
not offer the ability for project admins to
create rules and also excludes many other
features of the paid version.
Small teams in server, that can't afford to
upgrade yet to paid, but wish to automate
some parts of their process.
Automation Lite for Jira (Cloud)
This is the free lite offering for cloud. It has
all the features of the paid version but is
limited to 300 rule executions per calendar
Tiny teams in cloud, or larger
organisations wanting to trial Automation
for Jira for free for an extended duration.
Detailed Feature Comparison
Automation for Jira Pro Automation Lite for Jira (Server) Automation Lite for Jira (Cloud)
Subscription model Paid Free Free
Supported ✅ ✅ (only v3.0.0 or later) ✅
Jira Data Center ✅ ❌ N/A
Number of rule executions Unlimited Unlimited 300 per calendar month
Global rules ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅
Multi-project rules ✅ ❌ ✅
Project admin access ✅ ❌ ✅
Field value changed ✅ ❌ ✅
Incoming webhook ✅ ❌ ✅
Issue commented ✅ ✅ ✅
Issue event ✅ ✅ ✅
Issue moved ✅ ❌ ✅
Issue linked ✅ ❌ ✅
Issue property updated ✅ ✅ ⚠️
Manual trigger ✅ ❌ ✅
Multiple issue events ✅ ✅ ✅
Scheduled ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅
SLA Threshold breached ✅ ❌ ✅
Version created ✅ ❌ ✅
Version updated ✅ ❌ ✅
Version released ✅ ❌ ✅
Work logged ✅ ❌ ✅
Detailed Feature Comparison
Compare condition ✅ ❌ ✅
Issue attachments condition ✅ ❌ ✅
JQL condition ✅ ✅ ✅
Related issues condition ✅ ❌ ✅
User condition ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅
Add comment ✅ ✅ ✅
Add Service Desk customer ✅ ❌ ✅
Add watchers ✅ ❌ ✅
Assign issue ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅
Branch rule / Related issues ✅ ❌ ✅
Clone issue ✅ ❌ ✅
Create Service Desk request ✅ ✅ ✅
Create issue ✅ ❌ ✅
Create sub-tasks ✅ ❌ ✅
Create version ✅ ❌ ✅
Delete attachments ✅ ✅ ✅
Delete issue ✅ ✅ ✅
Edit issue ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅
Link issue ✅ ❌ ✅
Log action ✅ ✅ ✅
Log Work ✅ ❌ ✅
Publish event ✅ ✅ ⚠️
Refresh issue ✅ ✅ ✅
Send e-mail ✅ ❌ ✅
Send HipChat message ✅ ❌ ✅
Send Slack message ✅ ❌ ✅
Send Stride message ✅ ❌ ✅
Send Microsoft Teams message ✅ ❌ ✅
Send Twilio notification ✅ ❌ ✅
Send webhook ✅ ❌ ✅
Set entity property ✅ ✅ ✅
Transition issue ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅
Automation for
Jira Pro
The pro version has it all - it includes
many extra triggers, conditions and
actions compared to the lite version of
Automation for Jira, that really allow your
team to automate almost every aspect of
their process! From creating issues, to
working with related issues, to advanced
webhook integrations, third party
integrations and many more!
Automation for Jira Pro also ships with
the ability for project admins to help
themselves! In the pro version any
project admin can configure automation
rules as they see fit for their team. We've
talked to many large customers and one
of the biggest problems is that the
(usually) small global admin team gets
flooded with requests from the entire
organisation to customise Jira. With
Automation for Jira global admins can
now give project admins the ability to use
the full power of Automation! We also
include fine grained permissions so that
global admins can control exactly which
project admins have this power.
Automation Lite for Jira (Server)
Automation Lite for Jira (Server) has a long history. It was first released by Atlassian Labs over 4 years ago as the 'Jira Automation' add-on and
has grown to over 6000 active installations in the marketplace! Being an Atlassian Labs add-on it was always offered as a free add-on, and as a
result it also received no official support and few updates since its inception 4 years ago. Its user interface has languished and a number of
bugs have snuck in over the years.
We here at Automation for Jira feel passionate about offering automation to as many teams as possible and wanted to bring a free edition of
Automation for Jira to server as well. Our goals were simple:
There's more though - We also significantly improved a number of the actions compared to the old Atlassian Labs add-on. For example, our
new assign issue action allows far greater flexibility when assigning issue to users compared to the old add-on.
Though feature limited, Automation Lite for Jira (Server) is still a powerful offering - see the full list of features available below!
Keep Automation Lite for Jira (Server) free
Provide users with the same functionality the Atlassian
Labs add-on provided
Significantly improve the user experience
Third party extensions
PDF Automation Plugin for Jira by
Excel Automation Plugin for Jira by
nFeed by Valiantys
Simple Tasklists by Top Shelf
Jira Service Desk
on a DevOps
SaaS Platform
Jira Service Desk on
the DevOps SaaS
platform enables teams
to deliver a better
service experience
paired with the
Why Jira Service Desk on iTMethods’ DevOps SaaS Platform
 SaaS Model
DevOps SaaS Platform runs as a flexible enterprise SaaS model, meaning your DevOps Tool requirements are tailored to your
needs on an ongoing basis 24/7.
 No Resources Required
Your tools are up and running and maintained at all times, so you can focus your DevOps and application teams on work that
truly matters to the business.
 Enterprise Features
A Platform that is powered by AWS. A true enterprise offering tailored to your security and hybrid environment needs.
Explore what Jira Service
Desk has to Offer
Jira Service Desk provides
a service desk software for
modern IT teams designed
to simplify service
Fully Featured
Jira Dervice desk is enabled with self-service, automation,
SLAs, and CSAT reporting.
Collaboration with Dev teams
When you link Jira Service Desk with Jira Software, IT and
developer teams can collaborate in one place for a secure
change management and speedy incident fixes.
Improved Service Experience
Users can submit tickets and requests with ease, choose
the right service and find answers to their questions.
Simplified Processes
Jira Service Desk simplifies processes so your teams have
more time for strategic work that results in positive
business outcomes.
Team Productivity Insight
Stay in the know and keep track of your team’s overall
Mobile Version
Keep the workplace productivity high while on the go with
Jira Service Desk for mobile.
DevOps SaaS Platform Unlocks your Key Competitive Advantages
Unleash Digital Transformation
Built on years of transforming how companies deliver software, DevOps SaaS Platform provides automation and scaling abilities and is the
fastest way to accelerate your digital transformation.
Innovate Fast
Inability to respond to business demands and deliver software fast hurts companies' ability to compete. By running your tools on DevOps SaaS
Platform, you leverage the triggers that have already been built by us, so you don't have to start from scratch.
Stay ahead with Best Practices
Get the maximum out of your tool investment. With DevOps SaaS Platform, not only your DevOps tools are always up and running, but is set
up with the right workflows and optimal automation.
Eliminate High Costs
Inefficient use of internal resources, associated infrastructure and SW licenses combined with unclear ROI can slow down company's growth.
With DevOps SaaS Platform, you get the maximum value for your investment as a custom tailored solution to your needs.
DevOps SaaS Platform is truly your one-stop-shop for all your DevOps tools
and Cloud-native application enablement needs. Choose the following
services to support your DevOps initiatives and application teams:
✓ Strategy / Roadmaps
✓ Best Practices
✓ Pipeline Implementation
✓ Work Flow Automation
✓ Additional Tool Selection
✓ Custom Integrations
Discover DevOps with Atlassian
- Deliver Fast. Deliver Reliably.
State of Software Today and its
What is DevOps
The DevOps way and
Recommendations on where to
Tools for DevOps culture
DevOps Infinity loop
Role of DevOps
Plan – Features for Customer
Build –The software the customer needs
Run – Tests
Continuous Integration –Integrate the software
Deploy – Software to production
Run – To operate
Continuous feedback – To software team to plan next
“We believe behind every great human achievement, there is a team. Our mission is to unleash the potential in every team.”
• 8 Offices world wide, 2500+ Atlassians
• More than 68000 customers in every Industry
• Over 80% of Fortune 100 companies
‘The way software teams work has changed’
‘The new normal is the use of AGILE and GIT’.
Overall 78% report using GIT.
Do incident response times exceed SLAs?
Is Infrastructure always on fire?
Is there friction between development and operations team?
Are releases slipping?
DevOps is a culture where Dev and Ops collaborate to build a faster, more reliable release pipeline. Its is underpinned by three principles,
Workflow Amplify Incidents Continuous experimentation
Visibility across groups Swarming on incidents Culture of learning
Rule of Three
Teams practicing DevOps are overachieving!
22% 24x 30x 200x
Less time on unplanned work faster recoveries from failures more frequent more frequent deployments
3x 2,555x 2015 2016
Lower change failure rate. Shorter lead times
Puppet – state of art DevOps report (2016)
Feature Velocity
Experiment more and release with fewer
Invest in future quality
Maximize automation to increase
thoroughput and speed in dev cycles.
Competitive Edge
Bring new features and products to markets
Steps to DevOps
Atlassian is the culture and collaboration layer of DevOps
Culture – A core ingredient to implementation of DevOps
 Shared Responsibility – Everyone shares wins & failures
 Cross pollination of teams – Building empathy and understanding
 Encourage Transparency – Information is readily available
 Effective communication – Teams talk to one another
ATLASSIAN playbook – Team Health monitors and Team Plays
Practises – Methods in place to thrive
 Agile – – supports culture shift and quick reaction to change
 DVCS – Quick iterations in lean DevOps.
 Continuous Integration – Write tests during development.
Tools - Right tools helps speed up menial tasks and defining set processes.
Team In Space – A DevOps story
Ops Engineer Logs Jira service desk ticket it pings the Developer in HipChat room. The ops team monitor together with dev team. The dev adds
the bug fixes in Jira service desk ticket for tracking purposes.
The development starts next sprint, team follows branching a workflow in BitBucket and development begins. Developer collaborates with
others on bug fixes and the update is made in Bamboo. Once the release is done, the fix is live on production.
Best practices -
 More builds – Increase in builds per month whilst keeping engineering teams about the same size.
 Generate velocity – Deploy changes faster with more confidence.
 More Independence –We can move faster, more reliably, with greater sense of ownership.
Atlassian Integrates with key DevOps tools
– Npm, Docker, Buddybuild, Circlecl, Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Office, Gliffy, Puppet, Splunk, Saucelabs, TestFairy, Runnable,
– Splunk or saucelabs integrates the client app using (x)matters which implements amazon,puppet by automated tasks.
– Splunk - Monitoring tools – Real time searches in splunk trigger incidents in JIRA service desk with detailed operational
information and configurable levels of service.
– Alert notifications in HipChat keep right people informed.
 Culture- Collaboration and complete visibility
 Speed- Release faster and work smarter with automation
 Resolution – Fast feedback loops and incident management
 Prioritization – Manage unplanned work
 With clear prioritization
Atlassian provides the tools that your software and ops teams want to use.
Atlassian Stack – A complete DevOps solution for enterprise.
Atlassian stack
 Jira Server – Jira software, confluence, Bitbucket, Jira Service desk
 Jira Cloud – HipChat, JIRA Core, Bamboo, Crucible, Fisheye, Crowd
 Jira servicedesk – Capture for JIRA, Portfolio for JIRA, Team Calendars for confluence, Questions for confluence.
Premier support
 Dedicated support team
 Faster SLA
 24/7 coverage
Deliver fast and
reliably with
DevOps and
Atlassian – JIRA
– High performing
teams deploy more
often with fewer
failures and faster
recovery. Get the
tools to practice
JIRA software – Release
with confidence
- Get full visibility of the
status and progress of
upcoming releases with
JIRA software’s Release
Speed up your workflow
No more waiting on
code review approvals.
Improve code quality
and move faster using
peer reviews via pull
Build fast, test smart,
release often
The automated builds,
tests and deployments
Together. Prevent it
“works on my machine
mentality” and release
faster, thanks to
continuous delivery with
Bamboo and its
codeDeploy and Docker
Fewer failures, faster
recovery –
Fast tracks problems by
having dev and ops
teams on the same jira
platforms linking Jira
software tickets to Jira
service desk incidents.
Share knowledge -
Centralize post-incident
reviews and other
documentation in
confluence, with links to
Jira software and Jira
service desk tickets for
clear traceability.
Keep services always
Hipchat lets you trigger
alerts in your team room
whenever a blocker bug
or service interruption
requires immediate
action. Track incident
escalation from your
desktop, mobile and
wearable devices.
How Atlassian does DevOps
 Why DevOps
 How DevOps product is built
 How DevOps Infrastructure is built
 Handling Incidents
Why DevOps?
“A Culture where building, testing and releasing software, can happen rapidly,
frequently and more reliably.”
From the state of DevOps report (2015) commissioned by
IT Teams practicing DevOps are overachieving!
 30x more frequent deployments
 60x Fewer failures
 60x Higher change success rate
 160x Faster recoveries
Twice more likely to exceed goals in
 Profit
 Marketshare
 Productivity
“63% of Atlassian customers have adopted DevOps practices”

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DevOps for service desk automation

  • 1. DevOps for JIRA Service Desk Automation
  • 2. Introduction Automation for Jira vs Service Desk Automation We get asked quite often why we offer Automation for Jira when Jira Service Desk comes with automation as a bundled feature. While “Free” features are great, it doesn't help when you have complex business requirements or are trying to streamline processes in a Business or Software project. Using an App offers significant advantages over Service Desk that will help ALL teams automate their processes and enable you to capture even more business requirements.
  • 3. Highlights  Smart values - Smart values allow you to substitute in any value from any object that the rule has access to. E.g. The status of the parent issue, the email address of the person that just edited the issue, or the before and after values of an issue edit. We allow these in most fields and this allows you to do things like: Synchronize field values between issues  Perform math functions - Days per week * Hours per day  Perform date manipulations - Set due date to 4 business days from now Only run rule if a field matches a regex This is only a small taste of what you can do with Smart Values.  More components - With almost 50 components to choose from you capture many more processes than with the 19 components shipped with Service Desk.  Jira Software support - You can listen for changes to Sprints and versions and also update Software fields on issues. This allows you to automate a lot of your release processes.  Working with related issues - You aren't just restricted to just acting on the current issue, you can also branch out and act on any related issue. E.g. For all sub-tasks set their priority to the same as the parent issue, comment on all linked issues, or transition the Epic of this story
  • 4. Automation for Jira Vs Jira Service Desk Automation Automation for Jira Jira Automation Jira Service Desk Automation Supported ✅ ✅ By Atlassian Cloud & Server ✅ ✅ Active development 268 issues closed in 2017 39 issues closed in 2017 Project types supported All Service Desk projects Jira Software support ✅ ❌ Project Admins can create rules ✅ ✅ Permissions for who can create rules ✅ ❌ Service limits to protect Jira ✅ ❌ Global Rules ✅ ❌ Multi-Project Rules ✅ ❌ Customisable Rule Actor ✅ Per rule in Server ✅ Per project Run rule as user who triggered event ❌ ✅ Triggers 19 10 Conditions 5 2 Actions 23 7 Execute rules on related issues ✅ ❌ Scheduled Rules ✅ ❌ Copy values between issues and fields ✅ ❌ Math functions / calculated fields ✅ ❌ Comprehensive smart value substitutions ✅ ❌ 9 variables in emails Auto approve ❌ ✅ Audit logs ✅ Rule/Project/Global ✅ Rule Integrations out of the box Stride, Slack, HipChat, Twilio, Webhooks Webhooks Integrations in marketplace ✅ In Server ✅ Write your own integrations ✅ In Server ✅
  • 5. Editions: Lite vs Pro Automation for Jira is available in a number of different editions to cater for various usage scenarios. This page explains all the differences and who each edition is for. Edition Description Who this is for? Automation for Jira Pro This is the paid offering for both server and cloud. Any team or organisation wanting to reap the full benefits of automation for their process! Automation Lite for Jira (Server) This is the free lite offering for server (formerly called the Jira Automation Atlassian labs add-on). It does not offer the ability for project admins to create rules and also excludes many other features of the paid version. Small teams in server, that can't afford to upgrade yet to paid, but wish to automate some parts of their process. Automation Lite for Jira (Cloud) This is the free lite offering for cloud. It has all the features of the paid version but is limited to 300 rule executions per calendar month. Tiny teams in cloud, or larger organisations wanting to trial Automation for Jira for free for an extended duration.
  • 6. Detailed Feature Comparison Automation for Jira Pro Automation Lite for Jira (Server) Automation Lite for Jira (Cloud) Subscription model Paid Free Free Supported ✅ ✅ (only v3.0.0 or later) ✅ Jira Data Center ✅ ❌ N/A Number of rule executions Unlimited Unlimited 300 per calendar month Global rules ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅ Multi-project rules ✅ ❌ ✅ Project admin access ✅ ❌ ✅ Triggers Field value changed ✅ ❌ ✅ Incoming webhook ✅ ❌ ✅ Issue commented ✅ ✅ ✅ Issue event ✅ ✅ ✅ Issue moved ✅ ❌ ✅ Issue linked ✅ ❌ ✅ Issue property updated ✅ ✅ ⚠️ Manual trigger ✅ ❌ ✅ Multiple issue events ✅ ✅ ✅ Scheduled ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅ SLA Threshold breached ✅ ❌ ✅ Version created ✅ ❌ ✅ Version updated ✅ ❌ ✅ Version released ✅ ❌ ✅ Work logged ✅ ❌ ✅
  • 7. Detailed Feature Comparison Conditions Compare condition ✅ ❌ ✅ Issue attachments condition ✅ ❌ ✅ JQL condition ✅ ✅ ✅ Related issues condition ✅ ❌ ✅ User condition ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅ Actions Add comment ✅ ✅ ✅ Add Service Desk customer ✅ ❌ ✅ Add watchers ✅ ❌ ✅ Assign issue ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅ Branch rule / Related issues ✅ ❌ ✅ Clone issue ✅ ❌ ✅ Create Service Desk request ✅ ✅ ✅ Create issue ✅ ❌ ✅ Create sub-tasks ✅ ❌ ✅ Create version ✅ ❌ ✅ Delete attachments ✅ ✅ ✅ Delete issue ✅ ✅ ✅ Edit issue ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅ Link issue ✅ ❌ ✅ Log action ✅ ✅ ✅ Log Work ✅ ❌ ✅ Publish event ✅ ✅ ⚠️ Refresh issue ✅ ✅ ✅ Send e-mail ✅ ❌ ✅ Send HipChat message ✅ ❌ ✅ Send Slack message ✅ ❌ ✅ Send Stride message ✅ ❌ ✅ Send Microsoft Teams message ✅ ❌ ✅ Send Twilio notification ✅ ❌ ✅ Send webhook ✅ ❌ ✅ Set entity property ✅ ✅ ✅ Transition issue ✅ ✅ ✨ ✅
  • 8. Automation for Jira Pro The pro version has it all - it includes many extra triggers, conditions and actions compared to the lite version of Automation for Jira, that really allow your team to automate almost every aspect of their process! From creating issues, to working with related issues, to advanced webhook integrations, third party integrations and many more! Automation for Jira Pro also ships with the ability for project admins to help themselves! In the pro version any project admin can configure automation rules as they see fit for their team. We've talked to many large customers and one of the biggest problems is that the (usually) small global admin team gets flooded with requests from the entire organisation to customise Jira. With Automation for Jira global admins can now give project admins the ability to use the full power of Automation! We also include fine grained permissions so that global admins can control exactly which project admins have this power.
  • 9. Automation Lite for Jira (Server) Automation Lite for Jira (Server) has a long history. It was first released by Atlassian Labs over 4 years ago as the 'Jira Automation' add-on and has grown to over 6000 active installations in the marketplace! Being an Atlassian Labs add-on it was always offered as a free add-on, and as a result it also received no official support and few updates since its inception 4 years ago. Its user interface has languished and a number of bugs have snuck in over the years. We here at Automation for Jira feel passionate about offering automation to as many teams as possible and wanted to bring a free edition of Automation for Jira to server as well. Our goals were simple: There's more though - We also significantly improved a number of the actions compared to the old Atlassian Labs add-on. For example, our new assign issue action allows far greater flexibility when assigning issue to users compared to the old add-on. Though feature limited, Automation Lite for Jira (Server) is still a powerful offering - see the full list of features available below! Keep Automation Lite for Jira (Server) free Provide users with the same functionality the Atlassian Labs add-on provided Significantly improve the user experience
  • 10. Third party extensions PDF Automation Plugin for Jira by Midori Excel Automation Plugin for Jira by Midori nFeed by Valiantys Simple Tasklists by Top Shelf Solutions
  • 11. Jira Service Desk on a DevOps SaaS Platform Jira Service Desk on the DevOps SaaS platform enables teams to deliver a better service experience paired with the Enterprise-grade features
  • 12. Why Jira Service Desk on iTMethods’ DevOps SaaS Platform  SaaS Model DevOps SaaS Platform runs as a flexible enterprise SaaS model, meaning your DevOps Tool requirements are tailored to your needs on an ongoing basis 24/7.  No Resources Required Your tools are up and running and maintained at all times, so you can focus your DevOps and application teams on work that truly matters to the business.  Enterprise Features A Platform that is powered by AWS. A true enterprise offering tailored to your security and hybrid environment needs.
  • 13. Explore what Jira Service Desk has to Offer Jira Service Desk provides a service desk software for modern IT teams designed to simplify service experience Fully Featured Jira Dervice desk is enabled with self-service, automation, SLAs, and CSAT reporting. Collaboration with Dev teams When you link Jira Service Desk with Jira Software, IT and developer teams can collaborate in one place for a secure change management and speedy incident fixes. Improved Service Experience Users can submit tickets and requests with ease, choose the right service and find answers to their questions. Simplified Processes Jira Service Desk simplifies processes so your teams have more time for strategic work that results in positive business outcomes. Team Productivity Insight Stay in the know and keep track of your team’s overall efficiency. Mobile Version Keep the workplace productivity high while on the go with Jira Service Desk for mobile. desk/
  • 14. DevOps SaaS Platform Unlocks your Key Competitive Advantages Unleash Digital Transformation Built on years of transforming how companies deliver software, DevOps SaaS Platform provides automation and scaling abilities and is the fastest way to accelerate your digital transformation. Innovate Fast Inability to respond to business demands and deliver software fast hurts companies' ability to compete. By running your tools on DevOps SaaS Platform, you leverage the triggers that have already been built by us, so you don't have to start from scratch. Stay ahead with Best Practices Get the maximum out of your tool investment. With DevOps SaaS Platform, not only your DevOps tools are always up and running, but is set up with the right workflows and optimal automation. Eliminate High Costs Inefficient use of internal resources, associated infrastructure and SW licenses combined with unclear ROI can slow down company's growth. With DevOps SaaS Platform, you get the maximum value for your investment as a custom tailored solution to your needs.
  • 15. DevOps Tools Adoption DevOps SaaS Platform is truly your one-stop-shop for all your DevOps tools and Cloud-native application enablement needs. Choose the following services to support your DevOps initiatives and application teams: ✓ Strategy / Roadmaps ✓ Best Practices ✓ Pipeline Implementation ✓ Work Flow Automation ✓ Additional Tool Selection ✓ Custom Integrations
  • 16. Discover DevOps with Atlassian - Deliver Fast. Deliver Reliably. State of Software Today and its challenges What is DevOps The DevOps way and Atlassian Recommendations on where to begin Tools for DevOps culture DevOps Infinity loop
  • 17. Role of DevOps Plan – Features for Customer Build –The software the customer needs Run – Tests Continuous Integration –Integrate the software Deploy – Software to production Run – To operate Continuous feedback – To software team to plan next deploy
  • 18. Atlassian Mission “We believe behind every great human achievement, there is a team. Our mission is to unleash the potential in every team.” • 8 Offices world wide, 2500+ Atlassians • More than 68000 customers in every Industry • Over 80% of Fortune 100 companies ‘The way software teams work has changed’ ‘The new normal is the use of AGILE and GIT’. Overall 78% report using GIT.
  • 19. PULSE CHECK: Do incident response times exceed SLAs? Is Infrastructure always on fire? Is there friction between development and operations team? Are releases slipping?
  • 20. DevOps DevOps is a culture where Dev and Ops collaborate to build a faster, more reliable release pipeline. Its is underpinned by three principles, Workflow Amplify Incidents Continuous experimentation Visibility across groups Swarming on incidents Culture of learning Rule of Three Teams practicing DevOps are overachieving! 22% 24x 30x 200x Less time on unplanned work faster recoveries from failures more frequent more frequent deployments deployments 3x 2,555x 2015 2016 Lower change failure rate. Shorter lead times Puppet – state of art DevOps report (2016)
  • 21. Feature Velocity Experiment more and release with fewer bugs Invest in future quality Maximize automation to increase thoroughput and speed in dev cycles. Competitive Edge Bring new features and products to markets faster.
  • 22. Steps to DevOps ATLASSIAN FOR DEVELOPERS Atlassian is the culture and collaboration layer of DevOps Culture – A core ingredient to implementation of DevOps  Shared Responsibility – Everyone shares wins & failures  Cross pollination of teams – Building empathy and understanding  Encourage Transparency – Information is readily available  Effective communication – Teams talk to one another ATLASSIAN playbook – Team Health monitors and Team Plays Practises – Methods in place to thrive  Agile – – supports culture shift and quick reaction to change  DVCS – Quick iterations in lean DevOps.  Continuous Integration – Write tests during development. Tools - Right tools helps speed up menial tasks and defining set processes.
  • 23. Team In Space – A DevOps story Ops Engineer Logs Jira service desk ticket it pings the Developer in HipChat room. The ops team monitor together with dev team. The dev adds the bug fixes in Jira service desk ticket for tracking purposes. The development starts next sprint, team follows branching a workflow in BitBucket and development begins. Developer collaborates with others on bug fixes and the update is made in Bamboo. Once the release is done, the fix is live on production. Best practices -  More builds – Increase in builds per month whilst keeping engineering teams about the same size.  Generate velocity – Deploy changes faster with more confidence.  More Independence –We can move faster, more reliably, with greater sense of ownership.
  • 24. Atlassian Integrates with key DevOps tools – Npm, Docker, Buddybuild, Circlecl, Amazon, Microsoft Azure, Office, Gliffy, Puppet, Splunk, Saucelabs, TestFairy, Runnable, Zendesk,(x)matters – Splunk or saucelabs integrates the client app using (x)matters which implements amazon,puppet by automated tasks. – Splunk - Monitoring tools – Real time searches in splunk trigger incidents in JIRA service desk with detailed operational information and configurable levels of service. – Alert notifications in HipChat keep right people informed.
  • 25. Atlassian  Culture- Collaboration and complete visibility  Speed- Release faster and work smarter with automation  Resolution – Fast feedback loops and incident management  Prioritization – Manage unplanned work  With clear prioritization Atlassian provides the tools that your software and ops teams want to use. Atlassian Stack – A complete DevOps solution for enterprise.
  • 26. Atlassian stack  Jira Server – Jira software, confluence, Bitbucket, Jira Service desk  Jira Cloud – HipChat, JIRA Core, Bamboo, Crucible, Fisheye, Crowd  Jira servicedesk – Capture for JIRA, Portfolio for JIRA, Team Calendars for confluence, Questions for confluence. Premier support  Dedicated support team  Faster SLA  24/7 coverage
  • 27. Deliver fast and reliably with DevOps and Atlassian – JIRA SOFTWARE – High performing teams deploy more often with fewer failures and faster recovery. Get the tools to practice DevOps JIRA software – Release with confidence - Get full visibility of the status and progress of upcoming releases with JIRA software’s Release Hub.
  • 28. BitBucket Speed up your workflow No more waiting on code review approvals. Improve code quality and move faster using peer reviews via pull requests.
  • 29. Bamboo Build fast, test smart, release often The automated builds, tests and deployments Together. Prevent it “works on my machine mentality” and release faster, thanks to continuous delivery with Bamboo and its codeDeploy and Docker capabilities.
  • 30. JIRA SERVICE DESK Fewer failures, faster recovery – Fast tracks problems by having dev and ops teams on the same jira platforms linking Jira software tickets to Jira service desk incidents.
  • 31. Confluence Share knowledge - Centralize post-incident reviews and other documentation in confluence, with links to Jira software and Jira service desk tickets for clear traceability.
  • 32. Hipchat Keep services always “on” Hipchat lets you trigger alerts in your team room whenever a blocker bug or service interruption requires immediate action. Track incident escalation from your desktop, mobile and wearable devices. atlassian/#/home
  • 33. How Atlassian does DevOps  Why DevOps  How DevOps product is built  How DevOps Infrastructure is built  Handling Incidents
  • 34. Why DevOps? “A Culture where building, testing and releasing software, can happen rapidly, frequently and more reliably.”
  • 35. From the state of DevOps report (2015) commissioned by PuppetLABS IT Teams practicing DevOps are overachieving!  30x more frequent deployments  60x Fewer failures  60x Higher change success rate  160x Faster recoveries Twice more likely to exceed goals in  Profit  Marketshare  Productivity
  • 36. “63% of Atlassian customers have adopted DevOps practices”