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I like how the health lottery P.O.S is mainly blue
                         which gives a relation to the NHS and health.
                         The Jeff Banks P.O.S is more functional by
                         providing every product ready to get from there
                         but it has too many products for sale.

                         The Lacoste P.O.S is very nice because it has a
                         clear clinical look with simplicity, it gives you one
                         product available in many colours so it makes
                         buying that item more fun because you can pick
                         any colour you desire.

                         The Coca-Cola P.O.S is good because it offers all
                         chilled drinks, the best drinks will be at eye level
                         like Coca-Cola and the others will be distributed
                         around, the only problem of this is that there is too
                         much choice.

The newspaper P.O.S is good because it offers all
                         newspapers, its basic and can always be used for
                         different papers because you simple slip out the title
                         banner in which the title of the paper is placed.
                         The Dove men care P.O.S is not that good because it has
                         too much selection from the customer and they will end
                         up not buying their products, also their P.O.S is very
                         basic cardboard cut out and so its not very professional
                         but rather easy to put-up.
                         Rolex is a good P.O.S because it clearly displays its
                         products, the only negative is that it cannot be handled
                         because it is a valuable product it would be a target for
                          Superdrys P.O.S is good because like the Lacoste point
                         of sale it is simple clinical and clear. The products are
                         there to look at touch try on and so it offers a good range
                         of products.

                  I think Hackett's user is a male of his 20s, the
                  male would go to watch rugby, horse racing
                  like the grand national and/or Ascot. This
                  product would be excellent for the male
                  because it shows and gives a sense of British
                  class, from tradition from the 1960s suit
                  wearer even to now in which it gives the sense
                  of a business style but in the best possible
                  way, almost like a style of swarve for the
                  upper-class gentleman.

FISH SOHO                                                                   Hackett fragrances and clothing are aimed at the late 20s to early 30s
Fish Soho is aimed at the 20-25 year olds, its packaging is simple yet      males, it is based more on class then informal styles, the late 20s male
effective and the young man wears this to get the London look and to        would wear the fragrances because of the slightly classier style and to
look different round the streets of London. This gives the sense of         achieve a classic British look, Hackett would be seen at places like horse
difference to the male ego and to stand out from the crowd. Fish is all     racing and the grand national and so its achieves its upper class nature.
about looking swerve in its own category the ability to be different and    Hackett gives the sense of pure smartness while wearing
have a smart look with long hair, it gives the sense of smartness without   business attire, it gives the person a status quo when looking
looking like a university type in which they look professional at the       smart, it helps the male achieve the look in which he would
same time of being untidy thus giving the right look when seen by           be able to do anything while looking like this even to the
people and while at work because it is a product of looking good.           casual events he would look dashing.

Lynx products are aimed at the younger
man/teenager, this is because the products smell nice and
that its advertising campaign is aimed at men being
irresistible to women just by spraying the deodorant. The
male is enticed to buy these products so that he has better
luck with the opposite sex. The usual male would be
slightly athletic and his clothing would be informal. Lynx
gives the effect of what the younger people want to aspire
to, to be able to get the girl with this fragrance and show
off his alpha male ego in which he is a real player in his
competition of age for the girls.

                                                              OLD SPICE
                                                              Old spice use the concept of a classic brand revitalised to suit the young
                                                              man of the century, the classic smell draws the young man with advertising
                                                              campaigns to boost his confidence. Older males will know that old spice
                                                              was somewhat of a gimmick and that it was not expensive and most of the
                                                              males 40 years ago wore the scent. They would choose this brand to move
                                                              onto a more fun and athletic lifestyle. It has been rebranded to be able to
                                                              attract another generation to use it in which they would be the best male
                                                              around, being bold and smelling bold would be the idea in which he would
                                                              definitely ne noticed.

 L'Oreal men's products are aimed at the older man
 from the late 40s to early 50s. This is because the
 products are aimed at making the man look and feel
 younger, they supply men's revitaliser eye roller for
 more energetic looking eyes. So the men who use
 these products would be wanting to look younger like
 men's hair colouring serum's and shampoo. L'Oreal
 men expert is all about improving the look of the
 older male in which he has marks to show his age,
 these products are aimed at reducing these look and
 revitalise his look and morale making him look
 younger, this will help him as he would feel better
 about himself, he would have a more positive attitude
 and he will feel he can do things that used to be
 limited by age.

Mr natty products are aimed at males early to mid 40s because
the style of language used on the website suggests that the brand
is for older gentleman. They would purchase these products
because they are looking for fine quality male grooming
products in the London area. They want a more prestige look to
go with their lifestyle, the way in which the language is used on
the website suggests that its for men who work on boats. Mr
natty is all about being as swish as possible for the older male,
he would use these products to embrace his oldness in which he
would gracefully be his age rather then try to be younger he will
embrace his stage in which his age doesn’t matter anymore and
that he is now comfortable with his age.

It must stand out and ad advertise the brand
Use ergonomic considerations in the design
Reflect the brand theme and style
It must draw the customers in                                                          KEEP
Bright colours, noise, video, lighting, size                                           A clinical clean look
The product must be visible                                                            What really draws the potential customer in? Keep brand colours
They must be able to test the product                                                  Do not stray from original branding
It must be user friendly                                                               Keep interactive to a certain extent
USP- unique selling point                                                              Bold colours
Positioning in relation to footfall (at the check out)                                 Unique font and large text for simplicity
It must be interactive in some way                                                     SCRAP
ILLOGICAL                                                                              Can the P.O.S be used for different purposes in the brand?
Too much information                                                                   Is it purely for one purpose?
Too little information                                                                 It cannot simply be a cardboard box
No brand/brand identity                                                                Can parts be thrown to use again?
Visual noise, too many bright colours                                                  How much of the P.O.S can be recycled?
Too interactive without any thought of purchase (apple store)                          FORM VS FUNCTION
Removing product from the point of sale display unit                                   What it looks like to how it works
Too many options                                                                       What it looks like to function
Below eye level                                                                        Is it purely something that holds as many products as possible?
Sustainability                                                                         Both, the look but it does hold a certain amount of the product to make it look
NEED                                                                                   exclusive
What does the product need to be successful?                                           Think of security
Must display clearly the product and allow the customer to interact with the product   It cannot be simple or bland it must stand out from the rest
Must display the brand                                                                 X-FACTOR
Must attract customer attention                                                        Certain style what can it do that’s different and unique?
Needs to consider ergonomic safety and theft                                           Colours that are different
Must hold the potential customers attention                                            Totally unique to the brand
Display clearly any important information                                              Nothing which is used now in any sense
Give the customer direct access to purchase the product                                A P.O.S unit never seen before
                                                                                       It cannot resemble any other p.o.s on the shop floor in which it would be totally
                                                                                       new and people would want to see it.

FUNCTIONALITY ANF FEATURES                                    Self standing
To sell the scent                                             Must blend in with environment
Display the background of the brand                           But must be coloured to stand out from the rest     SITUATION BRIEF
                                                              It must be placed well                              There is a problem with advertising for Hackett because
To stock at least 5 units on the P.O.S
                                                              POSITION                                            they do not have any advertising for any of its products.
Attract the buyer with colours and eye catching               It must be in a logical spot                        This means Hackett could be losing out on potential sales
VISIBILITY AND POSITION                                       It could be near checkout                           of their products because their product has not been
Must be at eye level                                          It could be near front of fragrance section         voiced to the public. A solution to this is that Hackett
Must be placed on its own                                     Eye level                                           needs advertising for their products.
                                                              INTERACTIVE                                         BRIEF
Near the products of similar type
                                                              Hold the product                                    Design a new point of sale display unit for Hackett. The
Entrance to the fragrance section                             Smell the product                                   unit must display at least 1 product from Hackett's
TARGET MARKET                                                 Look at booklets about the brand                    fragrance range and the P.O.S must entice the potential
Use brand colours                                             Tick sheet of how you find the smell                customer to the product. The display unit must also be
A mature touch to point of sale unit                          SOCIAL NETWORKING                                   able to let the user handle the product and use it.
                                                              Facebook group
Use photos to entice customer
                                                              #scan a barcode for bbm
In places the target market would go                          E-mail alerts for where product is being sold
MATERIALS                                                     Qrc code for where website of brand
It must be made of suitable durable materials                 CONSTRUCTION
Materials must be robust                                      The point of sale unit will not require a tremendous amount of effort to assemble
                                                              It will require minimum assembly
It must be suitable for areas its in
                                                              It must be free standing
It must have a high quality finish                            ERGENOMICS
AESTHETICS                                                    It should be user friendly
It must display brand colours and features                    It should help with the curving of edges and it should never cause strain to the user
It must be culturally neutral to most countries               PRICE
                                                              The amount of units on the point of sale should equal how much it is to build
The point of sale must be ease of use
                                                              The prototype will be considerably more to produce
It must be comfortable with its colours and materials         The standard P.O.S should be no more then 100 pounds sterling
SAFETY                                                        FUTURE
It will have ergonomics in mind, It will have rounded edges   The point of sale should be able to be used for the brand but in different products
If glass is used it will be reinforced, It must be fully      The brand name should be inscribed into the P.O.S

It would have the brand colours, shapes related to the brand. The
point of sale unit would also have company logos and would           SIZE
include patterns. There would be movements related to the            It must be eye level for their customer. It must stabilised for its height. The size goes
brand as well as images and social networking information. Also      into the floor space and that subtle can be good. Size in relation to product means it
it would contain a background of Hackett's history in which          cannot be too big for the product. It must be able to tell the story background quickly
what it started out and what it is today with all sponsors and       nut enough to keep the customer there for a long time in which they will consider
everything it is involved in. I would include all the basics of my   buying the product.
brand in which the customer would know everything there is to        FUNCTION
know about that brand before they buy that product just by           The function is to be able to experience the smell of the product , it can get involved
looking at my point of sale unit.                                    with the history of the brand and that the accessibility of the product must be able to
COST                                                                 reach the product with ease. It must tell the story of Hackett whilst keeping the
The cost of the point of sale would be low if the point of sale      customer there. It must show the real meaning of Hackett and then offer the ability to
was made in bulk however, it would be higher priced if the point     try the product. Also it must not interfere with the point of sale to reach the product
of sale unit goes into selected shops in certain areas. The          the male must not strain his arm to reach it and so it all has to be in arms length. Of
materials can be of high cost and floor space in selected shops      course there has to be some sort of security but it could be very subtle in which they
can be very expensive but if it is in shelves it can be much         wouldn’t even realise they aren't allowed to get the bottle out of the point of sale unit
cheaper.                                                             perhaps.
CUSTOMER                                                             MATERIALS
The right customer has to be targeted by use of mature materials     The product will be made of good quality durable materials, the materials can be
and the shops its placed in and the area of the shop it placed       coloured and that I will use glass machined metal and wood.
in.size and height for the customer makes the difference too, it     The materials must be able to be coloured bold and also have fabric for the upmost
also would contain warm colours in which they would                  professional look because it would really give the sense of Hackett and it would be
subconsciously be drawn into the point of sale display unit and      able to be not worn away because it would be protected and certain materials of the
they would have to see what it is all about.                         point of sale unit would not be able to be worn away.
ENVIRONMENT                                                          It must be robust to take knocks, a motion tester could be dangerous for the asthmatic
where the point of sale is positioned. Where could be right place    Persons assembling the product need to make sure they are not straining themselves
for my product. How sustainable is my point of sale display unit     during assembly.
for the environment. Is part of the p.o.s disposable products .
The P.O.S would have its on shop floor space to get the biggest
impact on the customer in which he would have to look at it for

Person and product interaction is about how the client handles the
  Environmental snapshot Is about the point of sales display              product point of sale display unit what they look at for how long and how
  unit location, I will look in luxury shops where my point of            they methodically work their way through, ill look at what they look at
  sale display unit will be based and I will look at how and              first and how long they are at the point of sale unit. Why they would walk
  whereabouts in the shops are they positioned, what they are             straight past and not even glance at the unit itself and why, ill also look at
  surrounded by and what could draw them into customers,                  what can draw the customer in whether it be the fragrance itself or the
  maybe they have to walk past it to get to the checkout or               colour scheme or the background image of the display unit., ill be looking
  maybe it could be at the entrance to the fragrances section,            at the type of person who looks at the unit and note down what they are
  this is what ill be looking for.                                        wearing and if a staff member walks over and discusses the products on
                                                                          sale and perhaps give their own opinion.

                                                                                                                              Competitive products is about
                                                                                                                              looking at Hackett's rivals again
                                                                                                                              similar to market research, it will look
                                                                                                                              at what rivals Hackett and what
                                                                                                                              Hackett could do to regain the top
                                                                                                                              mark and come out on top as they used
                                                                                                                              to until most companies went
                                                                                                                              worldwide and they became a very
                                                                                                                              famous brand. Ill look at advertising
                                                                                                                              campaigns and where ads could be
                                                                                                                              placed and where certain products are
                                                                                                                              in certain shops.

10 minute observation is similar to person and product
interaction but it is purely seeing how many people will look at the
                                                                       Market research will be about looking at other products on the market that could compete
unit and the type of person they are. What they will look for other
                                                                       with Hackett's fragrances and how do they compete to take customers from each other. I will
then the fragrance itself and perhaps what they are wearing, how
                                                                       look at famous brands such as Hugo Boss and diesel which I think are competitors to Hackett
many people will just walk past and not even glance at the
                                                                       and I will also look at new arrivals to the male fragrance market which could take the market by
unit, maybe they just do not want that fragrance or they don’t like
                                                                       storm so I will look at expensive products and new products, see what they take away from
it which could not be a problem of mine because I don’t make the
                                                                       Hackett and where Hackett has the upper hand.
fragrances. Perhaps the people already have the fragrance or are
just passing by, ill look at how many approach the unit how long
they will be there for what they might discuss and if they actually
purchase the products or not.

The Hugo boss unit at Harrods was not
special in anyway to the others, it was
difficult to find and that the only difference is
the background photograph[h and the bottles
itself, they have a bright light to display and
so that can draw the customers in. the point
of sale unit displayed all bottles that Hugo
Boss has to offer but there was too much
selection for one customer I think it would
have had to have been limited.
The Hugo boss p.o.s is good because it gives
you something to hold such as the bag, it keeps
the customer there and so its successful, also it
covers the testing bottles so that is a downside.
It simplistic and so its easy to look at and
interact with and so it is a good P.O.S.                                                                            The newly released 007 fragrance is the
                                                                                                                    highlight of Harrods at the moment and
                                                    When testing men's fragrances the potential customers           so it heavily influences the fragrances
                                                    approach the point of sale unit.                                department together with adverts point of
                                                    Firstly they look at all the products on sale for the P.O.S     sale units and promotions in the
                                                    brand, once they have found a product they are familiar         windows, its good because 007 is well
                                                    with they pick up the bottle, spend a few seconds at it and     known through the world and so anyone
                                                    then they proceed to test the fragrance on left and right       who glances at the unit knows instantly
                                                    hands, then they shake their hands for the scent to settle in   what its related to.
                                                    and then show their family and friends their wrist, the
                                                    bottle, then they show the products at the point of sale
                                                    unit. Then and only then did they request the price of the
                                                    bottle because the point of sale did not contain any
                                                    information about the pricing of the product.
                                                    There was staff always around giving information on all
                                                    products and so I conducted my research at Harrods
                                                    luxury outlet store, Harvey Nichols and many upper class
                                                    stores in London's Canary Wharf.

While doing my research I stayed around in Harrods
      and Hackett, Hugo Boss and other shops looking at
      how many people approached the point of sale units,
      what they did and their age and style.

      Firstly while in Harrods I watched a male in his late 20s
      in business attire approach the Hugo Boss stand, he had
      a talk with the assistant who explained all of the
      fragrances and discussed his favourite and why.

       The male then asked to try the scent in which the staff
      behind the counter readied a testing strip and then          Most of the people who walked past the point of sale just gave a glance
      sprayed the point of sale bottle onto the strip, they then   and nothi9ngg more, occasionally they would stand for as few seconds
      proceeded to wave the strip around and then handed it        almost analysing what the products are for sale but the bright light
      to the customer, the male them viewed his opinion and        showing all the products really draw them in. to me the bright light and
      then done the same with another bottle.                      the background photograph drew me in and so I enjoyed looking at the
                                                                   environment the scent could be used in. the staff behind the counter knew
      Out of the ten minutes I was viewing only around 3           all about the fragrances and so they could give me all the vital
      people approached the male fragrances I would                information.
      associate to be near Hackett's target market and age
      range, all whom looked to be returning from work.            0-3 minutes- 3 persons walked past the unit glancing and one male did
      Out of all the males who approached the product most         stop and test the fragrance and showed interest to his friends, didn’t buy
      put their hands on the product and went through the          the products then left the stand to have a look at the 007 fragrance..
      same process.                                                4-7 minutes- up to ten people walked past this unit only merely glancing
                                                                   while talking to friends, one male on his own did look test and though
                                                                   about purchasing one of the products and then looked around at diesel
                                                                   products and then also went to the 007 stand.
                                                                   8-10 minutes- no none stood at the unit and some glances were drawn but
                                                                   it seems the promote devices of the 007 fragrance had taken away
                                                                   potential customers, so I found out that if other products are promoted
                                                                   well enough they will gain a reputation and v ads as well as ones in the
                                                                   street. That they will draw the market to them thus cornering the market
                                                                   from all other products.

While looking at male fragrances I looked at the environment surrounding them. In
Hackett's Canary Wharf store the environment was their clothing and the style of the
store was of traditional British feel, old chairs and polished wood was used for most of
the store, it gave the feel of real class as well as wealth.

Looking in boots shops the environment of the men's fragrances was that they were all
placed together. There was nothing special about them behind glass cabinets other then
a few selected lines which took up floor space in which the potential customer would
have to walk past them in order to see the rest so it has the angle of being first. So the
Hugo Boss stall was one of these which displayed a bag which claimed that if you
bought a big enough bottle of the fragrance you would receive the bag for free. This
angle bought many males to the bag rather then the bottle as it was more interesting at
first glance. They would play around looking at the bag for a couple of minutes before
then looking at the bottle which to me is a successful way in keeping the potential
customer there.

When I went to Harrods there was nothing special about any of the sale points for male
fragrances, they were all light up brightly and that they contained one background
picture of where their best fragrance could be used which to me I found was a little bit
too repetitive in the store. I had to ask a member of staff to help me find certain
fragrances and that you could never easily distinguish the fragrances while walking
around at a glance.
What Harrods did have however was a large promotion of the new 007 fragrance
which was placed in the window area with a vehicle and many devices used and
associated with the 007 feel, this to me was outlandish and was very large promotion
just for a bottle of male fragrance.

Diesel is also another competitive product because it is targeted at the
                                                                    same age range and style as well as pricing as its cheaper then Hugo
For competitive products I chose Hugo Boss and Diesel as they       Boss. It focuses heavily on being casual but its different again from
both have a similar age range and that they combine business and    Hackett as Hackett is all about being totally British and of style, brands
pleasure. Hugo Boss Is good because their male fragrance is         like diesel can be for most occasions because its not held down by one
quite popular, they are a well known brand and their primary sale   style, the style of a traditional British gentleman and so that’s why
is of business wear such as suits attire.                           Hackett has competition, because it is not expanding its horizons.
Hugo Boss’ pricing however is not similar as the bottles are more   I found that diesel had the market of younger males who have a busy
expensive by 20 pounds sterling. They offer a wider range of        lifestyle which also brings in the need to look good even as the bottle
situations to Hackett's fragrance of what to do and where to go     shows, while looking I saw young males in their 20s looking at the unit
because it has daytime bottles, night-time bottles and also sport   and even purchasing the product not even caring of Hugo boss or even
bottles. This is why Hugo Boss could be taking away Hackett's       Hackett, this shows me that the lifestyle portrayed from diesels
sales. Boss is a TNC a trans national company operating all         advertising campaign has proven successful in the long run.
around the world they are well known through out and their          As I stated in all competitive products it is the advertising that lets
advertising is on the television, posters and units in shops        Hackett down, if they are to reach out more they will need to prove
everywhere, they get their word out to the public and they do it    themselves with more advertising.
well, advertising could be one of the major factors Hackett is
missing out on as they do not have any advertising campaigns in
public for example around the underground in London or on the
high-street. Their brand also is well known and they really do
have a say in the market because they are so well known.                          Alfred Dunhill is also another competitive product against Hackett, other
                                                                                  then Dunhill actually buying into Hackett their fragrances also crave their
                                                                                  way into the market against Hackett when they are also a business and
                                                                                  casual wear brand also about British clothing so this is a very close match
                                                                                  to Hackett. They have more then one fragrance and have women's
                                                                                  fragrances as well. This means they are already one up on Hackett but they
                                                                                  lack what Hackett lacks, standard public advertising, Alfred Dunhill has no
                                                                                  advertising so like Hackett they may be a quiet brand which not many
                                                                                  people know about only jus the people who are really in the loop. They
                                                                                  also aim themselves at middle aged people to slightly younger depending
                                                                                  on the persons taste but they are also male and female and do not have a
                                                                                  children's line for attire so they could be just beneath Hackett London.

When I went to London and done my research I found that big brands such as Hugo Boss, Diesel
 Alfred Dunhill etc. are the main players in the fragrance market and so they show off their business
 side being professional and also they have their casual side which means they really do appeal to the
 young mans market in which he will have casual times and also times to be smart so why not go for
 that type of fragrance which appeals to both side. Another strong point Hugo boss is that they are      Hackett has many different styles about it, in which it is of traditional British
 known worldwide as Hackett is not known as much so people will generally go for the brands that         gentleman but also casual. Its style is hard to make wider available because it is
 they will know so Hackett needs to be able to sell their fragrance and tell their history at the same   only aimed at a small situation of business of very different casual wear. On the
 time in order to successfully sell their product, that’s what I think.                                  other hand the fragrance is different because the fragrance can be used as widely a
                                                                                                         wanted no matter what you are wearing, where you are going or who you are with
                                                                                                         It gives the sense of a traditional British smell and gives the essence of a nice scen
                                                                                                         no matter what you look like in terms of attire.

                                                                                                         However there is other parts of the brand you have to think of though because it is
                                                                                                         all about the traditional gentleman, its not for young males but it can go all the wa
                                                                                                         up to the older gentleman. You need to be in the older style of clothing in order to
                                                           popularity                                    shop there because otherwise it will just not be your style if you do not want to be
                                                                                                         almost an elite smart.

                                                                                                         To me Hackett needs to be smart and casual at the same time so their point of sale
                                                                                                         unit needs to be friendly but also dead smart too, this will be a good task of its ow
                                                                                                         as it can be the fun of the fragrance but also the precision and the materials of the
                                                                                                         point of sale unit.


HACKETT started out from being a small stall selling traditional used Men's clothes on Portobello road. This was the
year of 1979.
By 1983 they had a thriving business and so they opened their first store under the name HACKETT at the ‘wrong end’
of new kings road, they only sold the finest quality second hand British clothing and accessories. From this they grew
considerable interest from ‘young fogeydom’.
By 1985 they were selling new men's clothing on their own line with their vast knowledge of male clothing and so it gave
a new traditional style of men’s clothing to the market.
1986 they were opening more stores based on specialities for each, tailoring , shirts and ties and a gentleman's accessory
shop. They were on the way up!
In 1989 HACKETT received lots of interest from Europeans and so they branched out to Spain in which they were very
In 1992 Alfred Dunhill buys shares in Hackett in which they opened their flagship store on Sloane street in the October.
Through the years Hackett is involved in many sports such as motor racing and horse racing as well as Polo, this gives
them a big status among the land.
By 2006 Hackett have a children's department and is involved in Aston Martin and the British Rugby union. They have
269 across Europe including Dubai and Hong Kong
By 2012 Hackett is a globally known brand about traditional British clothing and accessories and so they have a thriving
and bustling business across the globe.
Hackett are the leaders in tailored suits and the traditional British dress of males and children as well as ladies.
So Hackett now being established for well over 30 years have gained a very good voice in todays market for upmarket
clothing accessories and attire for all.

The customer would live in London central in a studio flat, he
                     would holiday in perhaps Switzerland or maybe new York. He
                     would dine in only the best of restaurants and when he is on
                     his travels he would stay at the Ritz or the four seasons hotel
                     around the globe.
                     His job would be in Canary Wharf and would work for a stock
                     trading company making a healthy income for his family. He
                     would be between 25 up to 50 years of age assuming on the
                     Hackett clothing and attire. He would attend evening events
                     such as company dinners and on weekends he would spend his
                     time at his country manor residence perhaps having a pheasant
                     shoot when in season. In the city he would drive his pride and
                     glory Aston Martin high speed vehicle and in the countryside
                     he would drive his Land Rover Defender for his off roading
                     antics. The client wears Hackett attire because he knows it is
                     real quality clothing and that it shows off pure British class
                     and that he wants and knows he must show himself as the best
                     at all times to keep his professional profile. The draw to
                     Hackett is that his wife will buy him the attire and the
                     fragrance as gifts because she knows that Hackett is really
                     what he wants because he knows that he wants to look his
                     best. The client would also wear other high priced attire
                     including Jaeger London and Austin reed tailoring but he
                     would always appreciate Hackett products.

RELEVANT                                                                    NON RELEVANT
 Price to build p.o.s                                                                                    What the client wears
 What store it will be in                                                                                Building out of cheap materials
 Where it will be positioned                                                                             The price of clothing
 To tell the background history                                                                          Where the client lives
 Be made out of quality materials                                                                        What the client drives or owns
 Be eye catching                                                                                         Whether it is male or female purchasing
 Have bold colours and partly visual noise                                                               Having to have the p.o.s at various points at
 It must look traditional                                                                                checkout
 To perhaps use a bright light in the process                                                            Where the client works
 The price of similar products to how good their p.o.s is.                                               Staff discussing the products
 It must look sophisticated, classic, suave                                                              What the client does casually
 It must appeal to 25 to 45 year olds                                                                    What the client owns
 It must be placed in a luxury store such as Harrods                                                     Where the client goes on holiday
 The point of sale display unit can be one that hasn’t been done                                         Where he lives
 before using lighting and background history rather then
 where the fragrance has been used.
 What position it is in the store
 How tall it is                                                                               Top 5 relevant in non formation
 Eye level                                                                                    1. Building of cheap materials
 Attracts target market male and female                                                       2. What the client wears
 bold to see from a distance
 The money to be spent on the point of sale unit has to be in
                                                                                              3. Where the client works
 relation to how much a bottle of fragrance costs.                                            4. What the client owns
                                                                                              5. Staff discussing products

 Top 5 relevant information
 1. What store it will be in
 2. Appeal from 25 to 40 year olds                                 What I have learnt
 3. How tall the P.O.S is                                          The purpose of this research summary is to help me determine what I can do to
 4. It must look classic and traditional                           make a point of sale display unit for Hackett which will draw in customers
 5. Made out of quality materials                                  who don’t even need to know the brand, this will help me make my further
                                                                   specification ready to design my display unit and what I could use. Also this
                                                                   page will give me relevant information and non relevant information so I know
                                                                   how to make my display unit as appealing as possible.

  AESTHETICS- my P.O.S would have the brand colours of blue
  and green, it will have the company logo and lettering. There will
  be images in relation to Hackett and its history and background.
  This will mean the customer will know all about Hackett's history
  when buying the product. It will also have lighting too light up the
  history wall and the product itself. It will also have a mechanism in
  which the sensitive touch sensor will give the fragrance a burst
  onto the wrist using a system I will develop.
  COST- my point of sale display unit will cost no more then the
  amount of products held on it at rrp. This will mean once it has
  been restocked it will have paid for itself and can then start to help
  make money straight off.
  CUSTOMER- the target market will be for males aged 25 years
  through to 40. it will be appealing in look and style and so will
  have to be drawn in to its uniqueness.
  ERGENOMICS- it will be easy to interact with and there will be no
  way you could strain yourself reaching for the Hackett bottle.
  FUNCTION- its function will be to allow for the handling of the
  bottled product and also to view the history and background of
  Hackett London while testing the product on your own skin but
  there will be fabric alternatives if you wish.
  SIZE- it ill be big enough or on a plinth to be at average eye level
  of 1 and a half metres so that if you wish to handle the product you
  don’t‘ strain your arms reaching for it and so its just below or chest
  MATERIALS- the P.O.S will be made of aluminium, mahogany
  because it is a high quality material and they will be proven to be

My concept designs I have done I have found
           my inspiration from lots of different things,
           from vintage and original designs of products in
           the 50s to modern designs ranging from vehicles
           to things associated with Hackett. These designs
           I have put forward are my ideas on what I could
           do in order to display the Hackett aftershave
           splash. The designs I done again from the notes
           on the left are the best ones I have chosen and
           that they would be the most feasible to do in
           order to have it displayed in a store and that it
           would cost the minimal amount of money, time
           and labour costs, so these concepts are realistic
           to be made and used for branding.

This concept is about a luggage trunk, a vintage piece of luggage only the
                  upper class can afford. This type of trunk would be a steamer trunk or
                  trunks that are used when people go on holiday, I chose this because it
                  adds to the classic traditional British dress and that it will add to the sense
                  of tradition and quality having a well built quality trunk for the brand. The
                  trunk is going to fit into any Hackett shop and in a store such as boots it
                  will stand out and be noticed so customers will be drawn in. its main
                  functions are that it can be used as luggage as well as when open it will
                  show off the aftershave and it will be able to be tested and also extra
                  bottles can be collected from there and paid at the checkout.

I made this design based on the
                  actually H of the Hackett name, its
                  going to have 2 testers at the front and
                  its also going to have the banner
                  showing that it is Hackett, and that the
                  way I designed this it is accessible
                  from both sides for the unit so it’s a
                  good sign if there are a few people at a
                  time, also I'm going to have scenario
                  pictures around the base and also I'm
                  going to have reinforced glass at the
                  bottom to look better with materials.
                  And so it would stand out a lot
                  compared to the other stands so it will
                  definitely attract the customers.

This design is based o
           horseracing's tote board and
           that its because of Hackett's
           sponsorship to do with
           horses, I have a picket style
           fence for the testers in which
           they can have and use, the
           tote board looks very original
           and the clocks may even be
           battery powered to work and
           that it has to look as
           authentic as possible
           complete with door, board
           and window.

Step 1: to design the inner frame of the luggage trunk using
                                                               Styrofoam, this gives me an idea at how the skeleton of the
                                                               trunk will look before being covered by an inner layer and an
                                                               outer layer
                                                               I've done this so I get an idea of what I would be doing first in
                                                               order to make a luggage trunk.
                                                               This will be made of an mdf and screwed together using
                                                               screws, it will then be able to have a leather décor wrapped on
                                                               the outside with wood panels placed on the inside for more
                                                               support and to be robust.

 This is my original concept, I'm changing it slightly so
 that inside there are no drawers and that it will be
 hollow with the product held where it is by leather
 straps to give a more vintage feel to this luggage trunk,
 it will be scaled down to fit on a shelf so it will be a
 mini style trunk design primarily to hold a fragrance
 and on the left the 2nd part will still stay as a scrapbook                   Step 2: in order for the frame to be
 dedicated to the Hackett Brand.                                               steadied it needs to have the right
 There will be a shelf inside so that the main tester will                     panelling, Louis Viton used beech as
 be on top and the boxes for sale will be underneath                           inside panelling for their steamer trunks
 ready to be taken to the checkout.                                            and so that’s what should be used to
 Also the point of sale I'm producing will be on a stand                       replicate the most upmarket luggage
 in the store it ill be 50 cm in height, it will be 25                         there is. Or I could go with another way
 centimetres in depth and each half section will be 30                         and simply have the frame and then
 centimetres in length.                                                        canvas or leather around like other
                                                                               products of LV as you can see in the
                                                                               picture. This would make construction
                                                                               easier but would require more
                                                                               craftsmanship with the leather or canvas.
                                                                               Also looking at how the leather is put on
                                                                               is by glue or small rivets so that could
                                                                               make wrapping it on easier.

The other woods I looked at was mdf-medium density
                                                                                                                                       fibreboard which I would use on inside panelling because of
                                                                                                                                       how cheap it is and how easy it is to work with, I may use this
                                                                                                                                       but if I did I would need to have a
Looking at leathers, they can be purchased from
leather stores and come in lots of colours, ill use
a brown for my luggage trunk meaning that it
will look like a vintage trunk, they aren't very
expensive but It has to be able to look good.
A leather that could be used for the trunk could                                                                                        Block board is a good alternative because even though it is
be Heavy Chap Leather Sides, a heavy leather in                                                                                         a man made board it has softwood inside but hardwood on
brown which is hard wearing a sounds to be                                                                                              the outside giving it an expensive look for what it really is,
suitable for the product.                                                                                                               this could go on the inside of the trunk because it would still
Also another leather that I can use is zora Whole                                                                                       look aesthetically pleasing.
Hide Brown which is used for handbags and
other luggage. It is soft and has a distinct grain in
Veg Tanned Kangaroo Skin Whiskey is a good
leather which is lightwieght but has a good
tensole strenth, it is able to take knocks and                                                                                          Looking at mahogany it is a good hardwood
scrapes and is very dureable.                                                                                                           because it is nice to look at, has good durability
With all of these though, to be connected to the                                                                                        and can take knocks and scrapes, the only limiting
frmae of the trunk they will need to be glued on                                                                                        factor of mahogany is that it is expensive but this
using a can of water based cement specially                                                                                             wood would be good to have for my luggage
designed for leather in mind, this means the                                                                                            trunk.
leather will not become unstcuk and no way will
the edges start to curve up.

                                                                                             I used the internet on how to find out about upholstering a luggage trunk using leather and so these are
                                                                                             the instructions I found, to do this I will need, Fabric, Measuring tape, Fabric chalk, Screwdriver,
                                                                                             Leather scissors, upholstery tacks, Corner caps
                                                                                             Remove the handle using a screwdriver if necessary. Keep all the pieces since the handle will be
                                                                                             reattached to the trunk later.
                                                                                              Mark the material according to your measurements, then cut the material. Use fabric chalk to avoid a
                                        Looking at woods I can use for my trunk I had a      permanent mark. Also, mark the inside of the material that will be next to the trunk instead of the side
                                        look at a few, beech is a good hardwood with a       facing the outside. Use a ruler to ensure you have straight edges, which will make the trunk look neater
                                        nice grain, it is durable and is not too expensive   once you put the upholstery on it.
                                        in comparison to other hardwoods, I would use         Fold a hem on one side of the material, making sure it's about 1-inch thick and facing down. Tack that
                                        beech on the inside panelling of my trunk to give    edge onto the corresponding side of the trunk. You may have to place upholstery tacks at both corners of
                                        it a high class look.                                the side you're tacking down. Don't put the tacks in the very corner, however; leave about an inch on the
                                        Also I looked at a softwood like pine which          ends because you will be folding hems all the way around the material.
                                        doesn’t look as pleasing but I is cheaper and it      Hem each side and tack the corners down. Make sure the material is pulled taught and the hems face the
                                        also has a nice grain, I could also use this in my   trunk rather than being upward and exposed.
                                        project as all the woods I am looking at are good     Add upholstery tacks to secure the sides of this piece of material down. These should resemble rivets in
                                        to work with and play basic roles in the             the way that they cover the length of the material on each side and spaced about 2 inches apart.
                                        construction of my trunk mostly being out of          Repeat the process until all the sides of the trunk are covered.
                                        sight and are used mainly as a frame for the          Add corner caps to each corner of the trunk to provide extra reinforcement to the upholstery.
                                        canvas and or leather.                                Replace the handle and any other hardware you took off to upholster the trunk

Looking at locks for my trunk I
                                                                                                                                considered a key lock as well as a classic
                                                                                                                                brass latch lock pictured left below. All
                                                                                                                                the locks would have to be screwed and
  Next I looked at luggage corners for my trunk. The                                                                            so I would again use screws that would
  corners I will need are fan shaped corners preferably                                                                         be able to not cause to much disruption
  from brass or aluminium, this will add great feature                                                                          to the leather or the wood framing.
  to the trunk as well as be durable to the floor for                                                                           On the right you can see a rivet, I would
  when being carried around like a normal luggage case                                                                          use this for pinning the leather in the
  but even when being a point of sale unit it needs to                                                                          wood of the trunk, this is how it was
  have the same function of a trunk because otherwise                                                                           done originally and so I should follow
  it will not look like on as well as it not being a trunk                                                                      the steps of how to make a vintage style
  in the end. I understand that some trunks have leather                                                                        trunk. The lock below me is a classic
  but as well as being traditional it does need to have a                                                                       lock used on sheds but I think it could be
  modern twist to it. It would be fitted to the trunk                                                                           used for the front lock of the trunk for a
  using screws that would go through the leather or                                                                             vintage look as well as a lock.
  canvas and into the wood framing inside.
                                                                                                                                   Through out the last few pages I have decided that I'm going to have a frame
                                                                                                                                   made of MDF as it will not be seen internally or externally, it will be joined
                                                                                                                                   together using the angle brace joint to add extra stability to the frame as well
                                                                                                                                   as the design being able to wrap leather around it easier. Also I am going to
                                                                                                                                   use brass coloured metal corner caps for durability and appearance as using
                                                                                                                                   leather corners could mean that the trunk be damaged easier then if metal was
                                                                                                                                   Thinking about lock I thought about a lock with a key but I think it could be
                                                                                                                                   too complicated and expensive to get a lock mechanism that was suited to the
Joins                                                                                                                              trunk so instead I’m deciding on is a lock usually used on sheds, this will
Looking at joins I thought about using the angle braces for the                                                                    mean that it can have a lock of its own then put on so that if it cannot be
inside of the frame, this way construction will be easier and the                                                                  accessed and the key is lost it isn't very hard to then use bolt cutters on the
                                                                        Mitre joint                                                lock to open its contents. Also I know the leather will be put on using rivets
frame will not be seen on the inside anyway so it will be the easiest
                                                                        I've also thought about using the mitre join for the       made for leather and that the corner caps will be nailed in and that the brace
for construction. Angle braces are always glued and screwed or
                                                                        frame using glue to hold it together but I think this      joint will be screwed together. Externally I will use mahogany for the best
                                                                        is the weakest join of the 3                               effect for the classic look.

Dowel joint
I could use a dowel joint, its strong and could be used for the
‘This joint is quite easy to make, it consists of drilling accurate
holes in both sections of wood and joining them with dowel pegs.
Within in industry this is often used to construct flat pack

For the scrapbook style on the 2nd
                                                                                                                                       part of the luggage trunk I will use a
                                                                                                                                       piece of mdf to board up the inside , I
                                                                                                                                       will use a mahogany veneer to give it
                                                                                                                                       the look of being a hardwood, I will
                                                                                                                                       make sure its in the rectangular shape
                                                                                                                                       of the trunk and I will glue it into
                                                                                                                                       place using an epoxy resin so it will
                                                                                                                                       stay in place.
                                                                                                           For when my frame is to be made ill use a jig to make
                                                                                                           sure that the pilot holes for the wood frame will be the
On the inside on the trunk for the shelf I am going to use mdf for the shelf itself                        same through out so that the frame will be consistent
but its going to be layered with a green tweed for the point of sale to be sat on                          through out so that it will be as precise as possible.
and the bottom shelf which holds the stock will also have the stock but the                                Therefore I will use a jig, it will be good form my frame
bottom will have a plinth of 16mm plywood for increased effect of a ‘step’ and                             because if the frame is not perfect then the whole project
so it will give a real effect of luxury as well as tweed which is what lots of                             will become slanted and it will not look professional at
British attire is made of so it shows of ‘essentially British’.                                            all.
But underneath the shelf I am going to put a mahogany veneer so that if
someone looks underneath it looks professional and made from quality

Next I decided to look at hinges for the trunk, the part
which will keep both parts together this means that they
will have to be durable and cannot be cheap buy twice, it
needs to be buy right buy once, I thought about using
parliament hinges as they look nice and would go well
with the brass corner caps. They are simple and would go
well on my trunk, I also looked at solid drawn hinge as                               Looking at handles which must go onto my trunk for safe handling I
well because they are both similar but it is then down to                             thought about perhaps a leather handle as seen pictured right, I also
which one will match the corner caps as well s the handle                             thought about perhaps having a metal one but I think it would
on the trunk which I am yet to look at. Also looking at                               definitely suit the trunk with a leather handle, one of which will be
the piano hinge, the piano hinge could be used but may                                durable and match the same colour of the leather on the case because
be too thin for the size of the luggage trunk as it will                              it cannot be the same colour but slightly lighter or darker because it
need to open up wide.                                                                 will not look like a quality product.

I looked at glues for the leather onto wood as well as the corner
                                                                                             caps onto leather too and this is what I found. The leather glue is a
                                                                                             polyurethane based, heat activated glue that remains flexible even
                                                                                             once set. This means that you can repair damage on high use areas
                                                                                             and not be worried about the damage splitting open.
                                                                                             Polyurethane based glue available in five different sizes.
                                                                                             Remains flexible once set. Dries in about 15 minutes but
                     I am going to put a wood coating onto                                   continually sets over a 24 hour period.
                     the mahogany to keep it from the                                        Suitable for use on all leather types in all industries, this glue can
                     elements, this is going to keep it from                                 be used for leather and so it can also be used for wood as well as
                     woodworm moisture damage and                                            metals. There is also fabric glue which is said to be good for use
                     warping, this will protect the wood for                                 on leathers.
                     years to come.

                                                                                                                      I could put a latch onto the scrapbook area
                                                                                                                      of the trunk to make it look like it opens
These are the tools I am going to need for everything I've looked at so far I                                         when it doesn’t so that it gives that
have leather scissors for the leather, the drill and bits for the wood frame                                          effect, this would have to be screwed in by
and the screws to go with it, I'm using chalk to outline the leather with                                             screws and the drill.
chalk and use the rivets to put the leather in place. The hammer is for
banging the rivets in.

                                                                                                                                                            For my trunk to be secure when it is standing it
                                                                                                                                                            needs to have feet preferable rubber or metal.
                                                                                                                                                            This will make it secure and it will not fall over
                                                                                                                                                            unless pushed so it will be as safe as possible.
                                                                                                                                                            They will either be screwed in or glued using
                                                                                                                                                            fabric glue which works on metals as well as

                                                                                I thought about putting wood into the external area of
                                                                                the trunk, it will reinforce the trunk and also help to
                                                                                give it a vintage look,. I will use rivets to put it into
                                                                                the leather through to the wood, this is the classic way
                                                                                of how luggage trunks are done so rivets need to be
                                                                                used. The wood I would use would be mahogany to
                                                                                match the other woods of the trunk. To give it the look
                                                                                of being old I can use a

Green-I have done this
                                                                                       Red I am not going to do this
    FUNCTIONALITY ANF FEATURES                                                         Amber I am going to consider this
    To sell the scent
                                                                                    Hold the product
    Display the background of the brand
                                                                                    Smell the product
    To stock at least 5 units on the P.O.S
                                                                                    Look at booklets about the brand
    Attract the buyer with colours and eye catching
                                                                                    Tick sheet of how you find the smell
    Must be at eye level
                                                                                    Facebook group
    Must be placed on its own
                                                                                    #scan a barcode for bbm
    Near the products of similar type
                                                                                    E-mail alerts for where product is being sold
    Entrance to the fragrance section                                               Qrc code for where website of brand
    Use brand colours                                                               The point of sale unit will not require a tremendous amount of effort to assemble
    A mature touch to point of sale unit
                                                                                    It will require minimum assembly
    Use photos to entice customer
                                                                                    It must be free standing
    In places the target market would go
                                                                                    It should be user friendly
    It must be made of suitable durable materials
                                                                                    It should help with the curving of edges and it should never cause strain to the user
    Materials must be robust
                                                                                    The amount of units on the point of sale should equal how much it is to build
    It must be suitable for areas its in
                                                                                    The prototype will be considerably more to produce
    It must have a high quality finish
                                                                                    The standard P.O.S should be no more then 100 pounds sterling
    It must display brand colours and features
                                                                                    The point of sale should be able to be used for the brand but in different products
    It must be culturally neutral to most countries
                                                                                    The brand name should be inscribed into the P.O.S
    The point of sale must be ease of use
    It must be comfortable with its colours and materials
    It will have ergonomics in mind, It will have rounded edges
    If glass is used it will be reinforced, It must be fully constructed

   The leather for the trunk is brown and the wood is also coloured brown, to make it brand colours I'm going to put the Hackett name onto the trunk which I
   haven't showed yet so I'm going to show that soon, it will also have a skirting of green around the trunk which I will put on. I have said that it will contain
   at least 5 units of stock on it which I have shown underneath the shelf of the unit so that’s complete, the trunk is nothing seen in a clinical store so it will
   stand out and attract the buyer due to its dark brown look of the leather included with the lettering of the name. with the sizes shown it will be at eye level
   and that it will not be able to be placed on its own, it will need to be on a stand because it is no longer going to be a full sized trunk.
   The lettering as I said will show brand colours of the Hackett name and the green lining around the trunk, it adds a mature touch with the use of leather and
   the actual product itself, it’s a vintage style luggage trunk and that it is going to look old and styled, it is going to use photos to entice the customer as I'm
   doing a scrapbook of Hackett's history on the right side of the trunk. The materials I have chosen at the moment are the right choice for what im using
   them for like the wood for the frame and the exterior hardwood as well as the leather im going to be using, also things such as the corner caps and the lock
   are also good material products, I haven't yet looked at the 2 leather straps I'm going to use to keep the trunk closed but I will be looking at them next. It is
   going to be culturally neutral with its use of colours but it needs to have the identity of the brand so I have used the least amount of colours at the moment
   to stay as neutral as possible. The wood is going to have a high quality finish and I'm going to discuss the leather soon as well as the upkeep of the trunk.
   The unit at the moment is still easy to use it is easily accessible and so ill come back to this very soon. The colours I'm going to use must go together
   nicely, they cannot look out of place at anytime.
   At the moment I haven't looked at ergonomics for the product but I will soon, perhaps having rounded edges or making it easy for the bottle to be handled
   by the customer. I haven't thought about using glass yet and so I may not use it yet. I wont be having booklets for the brand as its going to be visually
   learning instead about the brand, I wont be having as tick sheet for how you find the smell as it will be down to personal choice and it could affect the
   brands reputation. I haven't talked about having social networking on the unit but I will be talking about it. It will require minimum because it will be
   made in the factory and then delivered how the product will be shown in the shop. At the moment the trunk will not be able to be used for another brand
   because it is going to be labelled.

On my scrapbook side I'm going to have
                                                                                             networking facilities to Hackett and for the
                                                                                             brand itself and also people will be able to
                                                                                             talk about it. There is also going to be a
 For my trunk to be safe the edges are going to have caps so                                 Facebook link to Hackett as well as their
 that the edges are round to a certain degree, also the corners                              twitter. This gets the advertising for
 are going to be curved to take away the sharp edging so the                                 Hackett for free and the word will spread.
 wood frame is going to be rounded so the leather will wrap
 round it nicely. And take away sharp edges.

 I looked at Louis Vuitton and how they make their trunks I found this video and it shows
 parts of how they build their trunks, how they apply the leather, they sand down the wood
 they use and many more points I can use to help build my own trunk.


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Design tehnology fragrances best

  • 2. I like how the health lottery P.O.S is mainly blue which gives a relation to the NHS and health. The Jeff Banks P.O.S is more functional by providing every product ready to get from there but it has too many products for sale. The Lacoste P.O.S is very nice because it has a clear clinical look with simplicity, it gives you one product available in many colours so it makes buying that item more fun because you can pick any colour you desire. The Coca-Cola P.O.S is good because it offers all chilled drinks, the best drinks will be at eye level like Coca-Cola and the others will be distributed around, the only problem of this is that there is too much choice. POINT OF SALE RESEARCH
  • 3. The newspaper P.O.S is good because it offers all newspapers, its basic and can always be used for different papers because you simple slip out the title banner in which the title of the paper is placed. The Dove men care P.O.S is not that good because it has too much selection from the customer and they will end up not buying their products, also their P.O.S is very basic cardboard cut out and so its not very professional but rather easy to put-up. Rolex is a good P.O.S because it clearly displays its products, the only negative is that it cannot be handled because it is a valuable product it would be a target for thieves. Superdrys P.O.S is good because like the Lacoste point of sale it is simple clinical and clear. The products are there to look at touch try on and so it offers a good range of products. POINT OF SALE RESEARCH
  • 4. HACKETT I think Hackett's user is a male of his 20s, the male would go to watch rugby, horse racing like the grand national and/or Ascot. This product would be excellent for the male because it shows and gives a sense of British class, from tradition from the 1960s suit wearer even to now in which it gives the sense of a business style but in the best possible way, almost like a style of swarve for the upper-class gentleman. MY CHOSEN BRAND
  • 5. HACKETT FISH SOHO Hackett fragrances and clothing are aimed at the late 20s to early 30s Fish Soho is aimed at the 20-25 year olds, its packaging is simple yet males, it is based more on class then informal styles, the late 20s male effective and the young man wears this to get the London look and to would wear the fragrances because of the slightly classier style and to look different round the streets of London. This gives the sense of achieve a classic British look, Hackett would be seen at places like horse difference to the male ego and to stand out from the crowd. Fish is all racing and the grand national and so its achieves its upper class nature. about looking swerve in its own category the ability to be different and Hackett gives the sense of pure smartness while wearing have a smart look with long hair, it gives the sense of smartness without business attire, it gives the person a status quo when looking looking like a university type in which they look professional at the smart, it helps the male achieve the look in which he would same time of being untidy thus giving the right look when seen by be able to do anything while looking like this even to the people and while at work because it is a product of looking good. casual events he would look dashing. LOOKING AT ALL BRANDS
  • 6. LYNX Lynx products are aimed at the younger man/teenager, this is because the products smell nice and that its advertising campaign is aimed at men being irresistible to women just by spraying the deodorant. The male is enticed to buy these products so that he has better luck with the opposite sex. The usual male would be slightly athletic and his clothing would be informal. Lynx gives the effect of what the younger people want to aspire to, to be able to get the girl with this fragrance and show off his alpha male ego in which he is a real player in his competition of age for the girls. OLD SPICE Old spice use the concept of a classic brand revitalised to suit the young man of the century, the classic smell draws the young man with advertising campaigns to boost his confidence. Older males will know that old spice was somewhat of a gimmick and that it was not expensive and most of the males 40 years ago wore the scent. They would choose this brand to move onto a more fun and athletic lifestyle. It has been rebranded to be able to attract another generation to use it in which they would be the best male around, being bold and smelling bold would be the idea in which he would definitely ne noticed. LOOKING AT ALL BRANDS
  • 7. L’OREAL MEN EXPERT L'Oreal men's products are aimed at the older man from the late 40s to early 50s. This is because the products are aimed at making the man look and feel younger, they supply men's revitaliser eye roller for more energetic looking eyes. So the men who use these products would be wanting to look younger like men's hair colouring serum's and shampoo. L'Oreal men expert is all about improving the look of the older male in which he has marks to show his age, these products are aimed at reducing these look and revitalise his look and morale making him look younger, this will help him as he would feel better about himself, he would have a more positive attitude and he will feel he can do things that used to be limited by age. MR.NATTY Mr natty products are aimed at males early to mid 40s because the style of language used on the website suggests that the brand is for older gentleman. They would purchase these products because they are looking for fine quality male grooming products in the London area. They want a more prestige look to go with their lifestyle, the way in which the language is used on the website suggests that its for men who work on boats. Mr natty is all about being as swish as possible for the older male, he would use these products to embrace his oldness in which he would gracefully be his age rather then try to be younger he will embrace his stage in which his age doesn’t matter anymore and that he is now comfortable with his age. LOOKING AT ALL BRANDS
  • 8. LOGICAL It must stand out and ad advertise the brand Use ergonomic considerations in the design Reflect the brand theme and style It must draw the customers in KEEP Bright colours, noise, video, lighting, size A clinical clean look The product must be visible What really draws the potential customer in? Keep brand colours They must be able to test the product Do not stray from original branding It must be user friendly Keep interactive to a certain extent USP- unique selling point Bold colours Positioning in relation to footfall (at the check out) Unique font and large text for simplicity It must be interactive in some way SCRAP ILLOGICAL Can the P.O.S be used for different purposes in the brand? Too much information Is it purely for one purpose? Too little information It cannot simply be a cardboard box No brand/brand identity Can parts be thrown to use again? Visual noise, too many bright colours How much of the P.O.S can be recycled? Too interactive without any thought of purchase (apple store) FORM VS FUNCTION Removing product from the point of sale display unit What it looks like to how it works Too many options What it looks like to function Below eye level Is it purely something that holds as many products as possible? Sustainability Both, the look but it does hold a certain amount of the product to make it look NEED exclusive What does the product need to be successful? Think of security Must display clearly the product and allow the customer to interact with the product It cannot be simple or bland it must stand out from the rest Must display the brand X-FACTOR Must attract customer attention Certain style what can it do that’s different and unique? Needs to consider ergonomic safety and theft Colours that are different Must hold the potential customers attention Totally unique to the brand Display clearly any important information Nothing which is used now in any sense Give the customer direct access to purchase the product A P.O.S unit never seen before It cannot resemble any other p.o.s on the shop floor in which it would be totally new and people would want to see it. LINKS FX
  • 9. ENVIRONMENT FUNCTIONALITY ANF FEATURES Self standing To sell the scent Must blend in with environment Display the background of the brand But must be coloured to stand out from the rest SITUATION BRIEF It must be placed well There is a problem with advertising for Hackett because To stock at least 5 units on the P.O.S POSITION they do not have any advertising for any of its products. Attract the buyer with colours and eye catching It must be in a logical spot This means Hackett could be losing out on potential sales VISIBILITY AND POSITION It could be near checkout of their products because their product has not been Must be at eye level It could be near front of fragrance section voiced to the public. A solution to this is that Hackett Must be placed on its own Eye level needs advertising for their products. INTERACTIVE BRIEF Near the products of similar type Hold the product Design a new point of sale display unit for Hackett. The Entrance to the fragrance section Smell the product unit must display at least 1 product from Hackett's TARGET MARKET Look at booklets about the brand fragrance range and the P.O.S must entice the potential Use brand colours Tick sheet of how you find the smell customer to the product. The display unit must also be A mature touch to point of sale unit SOCIAL NETWORKING able to let the user handle the product and use it. Facebook group Use photos to entice customer #scan a barcode for bbm In places the target market would go E-mail alerts for where product is being sold MATERIALS Qrc code for where website of brand It must be made of suitable durable materials CONSTRUCTION Materials must be robust The point of sale unit will not require a tremendous amount of effort to assemble It will require minimum assembly It must be suitable for areas its in It must be free standing It must have a high quality finish ERGENOMICS AESTHETICS It should be user friendly It must display brand colours and features It should help with the curving of edges and it should never cause strain to the user It must be culturally neutral to most countries PRICE The amount of units on the point of sale should equal how much it is to build The point of sale must be ease of use The prototype will be considerably more to produce It must be comfortable with its colours and materials The standard P.O.S should be no more then 100 pounds sterling SAFETY FUTURE It will have ergonomics in mind, It will have rounded edges The point of sale should be able to be used for the brand but in different products If glass is used it will be reinforced, It must be fully The brand name should be inscribed into the P.O.S constructed INITIAL SPECIFICATION
  • 10. ACCESS FM AESTHETICS It would have the brand colours, shapes related to the brand. The point of sale unit would also have company logos and would SIZE include patterns. There would be movements related to the It must be eye level for their customer. It must stabilised for its height. The size goes brand as well as images and social networking information. Also into the floor space and that subtle can be good. Size in relation to product means it it would contain a background of Hackett's history in which cannot be too big for the product. It must be able to tell the story background quickly what it started out and what it is today with all sponsors and nut enough to keep the customer there for a long time in which they will consider everything it is involved in. I would include all the basics of my buying the product. brand in which the customer would know everything there is to FUNCTION know about that brand before they buy that product just by The function is to be able to experience the smell of the product , it can get involved looking at my point of sale unit. with the history of the brand and that the accessibility of the product must be able to COST reach the product with ease. It must tell the story of Hackett whilst keeping the The cost of the point of sale would be low if the point of sale customer there. It must show the real meaning of Hackett and then offer the ability to was made in bulk however, it would be higher priced if the point try the product. Also it must not interfere with the point of sale to reach the product of sale unit goes into selected shops in certain areas. The the male must not strain his arm to reach it and so it all has to be in arms length. Of materials can be of high cost and floor space in selected shops course there has to be some sort of security but it could be very subtle in which they can be very expensive but if it is in shelves it can be much wouldn’t even realise they aren't allowed to get the bottle out of the point of sale unit cheaper. perhaps. CUSTOMER MATERIALS The right customer has to be targeted by use of mature materials The product will be made of good quality durable materials, the materials can be and the shops its placed in and the area of the shop it placed coloured and that I will use glass machined metal and wood. in.size and height for the customer makes the difference too, it The materials must be able to be coloured bold and also have fabric for the upmost also would contain warm colours in which they would professional look because it would really give the sense of Hackett and it would be subconsciously be drawn into the point of sale display unit and able to be not worn away because it would be protected and certain materials of the they would have to see what it is all about. point of sale unit would not be able to be worn away. ENVIRONMENT It must be robust to take knocks, a motion tester could be dangerous for the asthmatic where the point of sale is positioned. Where could be right place Persons assembling the product need to make sure they are not straining themselves for my product. How sustainable is my point of sale display unit during assembly. for the environment. Is part of the p.o.s disposable products . The P.O.S would have its on shop floor space to get the biggest impact on the customer in which he would have to look at it for his ACCESS FM
  • 11. Person and product interaction is about how the client handles the Environmental snapshot Is about the point of sales display product point of sale display unit what they look at for how long and how unit location, I will look in luxury shops where my point of they methodically work their way through, ill look at what they look at sale display unit will be based and I will look at how and first and how long they are at the point of sale unit. Why they would walk whereabouts in the shops are they positioned, what they are straight past and not even glance at the unit itself and why, ill also look at surrounded by and what could draw them into customers, what can draw the customer in whether it be the fragrance itself or the maybe they have to walk past it to get to the checkout or colour scheme or the background image of the display unit., ill be looking maybe it could be at the entrance to the fragrances section, at the type of person who looks at the unit and note down what they are this is what ill be looking for. wearing and if a staff member walks over and discusses the products on sale and perhaps give their own opinion. Competitive products is about looking at Hackett's rivals again similar to market research, it will look at what rivals Hackett and what Hackett could do to regain the top mark and come out on top as they used to until most companies went worldwide and they became a very famous brand. Ill look at advertising campaigns and where ads could be placed and where certain products are in certain shops. 10 minute observation is similar to person and product interaction but it is purely seeing how many people will look at the Market research will be about looking at other products on the market that could compete unit and the type of person they are. What they will look for other with Hackett's fragrances and how do they compete to take customers from each other. I will then the fragrance itself and perhaps what they are wearing, how look at famous brands such as Hugo Boss and diesel which I think are competitors to Hackett many people will just walk past and not even glance at the and I will also look at new arrivals to the male fragrance market which could take the market by unit, maybe they just do not want that fragrance or they don’t like storm so I will look at expensive products and new products, see what they take away from it which could not be a problem of mine because I don’t make the Hackett and where Hackett has the upper hand. fragrances. Perhaps the people already have the fragrance or are just passing by, ill look at how many approach the unit how long they will be there for what they might discuss and if they actually purchase the products or not. GANT CHART
  • 12. The Hugo boss unit at Harrods was not special in anyway to the others, it was difficult to find and that the only difference is the background photograph[h and the bottles itself, they have a bright light to display and so that can draw the customers in. the point of sale unit displayed all bottles that Hugo Boss has to offer but there was too much selection for one customer I think it would have had to have been limited. The Hugo boss p.o.s is good because it gives you something to hold such as the bag, it keeps the customer there and so its successful, also it covers the testing bottles so that is a downside. It simplistic and so its easy to look at and interact with and so it is a good P.O.S. The newly released 007 fragrance is the highlight of Harrods at the moment and When testing men's fragrances the potential customers so it heavily influences the fragrances approach the point of sale unit. department together with adverts point of Firstly they look at all the products on sale for the P.O.S sale units and promotions in the brand, once they have found a product they are familiar windows, its good because 007 is well with they pick up the bottle, spend a few seconds at it and known through the world and so anyone then they proceed to test the fragrance on left and right who glances at the unit knows instantly hands, then they shake their hands for the scent to settle in what its related to. and then show their family and friends their wrist, the bottle, then they show the products at the point of sale unit. Then and only then did they request the price of the bottle because the point of sale did not contain any information about the pricing of the product. There was staff always around giving information on all products and so I conducted my research at Harrods luxury outlet store, Harvey Nichols and many upper class stores in London's Canary Wharf. PERSON AND PRODUCT INTERACTION
  • 13. While doing my research I stayed around in Harrods and Hackett, Hugo Boss and other shops looking at how many people approached the point of sale units, what they did and their age and style. Firstly while in Harrods I watched a male in his late 20s in business attire approach the Hugo Boss stand, he had a talk with the assistant who explained all of the fragrances and discussed his favourite and why. The male then asked to try the scent in which the staff behind the counter readied a testing strip and then Most of the people who walked past the point of sale just gave a glance sprayed the point of sale bottle onto the strip, they then and nothi9ngg more, occasionally they would stand for as few seconds proceeded to wave the strip around and then handed it almost analysing what the products are for sale but the bright light to the customer, the male them viewed his opinion and showing all the products really draw them in. to me the bright light and then done the same with another bottle. the background photograph drew me in and so I enjoyed looking at the environment the scent could be used in. the staff behind the counter knew Out of the ten minutes I was viewing only around 3 all about the fragrances and so they could give me all the vital people approached the male fragrances I would information. associate to be near Hackett's target market and age range, all whom looked to be returning from work. 0-3 minutes- 3 persons walked past the unit glancing and one male did Out of all the males who approached the product most stop and test the fragrance and showed interest to his friends, didn’t buy put their hands on the product and went through the the products then left the stand to have a look at the 007 fragrance.. same process. 4-7 minutes- up to ten people walked past this unit only merely glancing while talking to friends, one male on his own did look test and though about purchasing one of the products and then looked around at diesel products and then also went to the 007 stand. 8-10 minutes- no none stood at the unit and some glances were drawn but it seems the promote devices of the 007 fragrance had taken away potential customers, so I found out that if other products are promoted well enough they will gain a reputation and v ads as well as ones in the street. That they will draw the market to them thus cornering the market from all other products. 10 MINUITE OBSERVATION
  • 14. While looking at male fragrances I looked at the environment surrounding them. In Hackett's Canary Wharf store the environment was their clothing and the style of the store was of traditional British feel, old chairs and polished wood was used for most of the store, it gave the feel of real class as well as wealth. Looking in boots shops the environment of the men's fragrances was that they were all placed together. There was nothing special about them behind glass cabinets other then a few selected lines which took up floor space in which the potential customer would have to walk past them in order to see the rest so it has the angle of being first. So the Hugo Boss stall was one of these which displayed a bag which claimed that if you bought a big enough bottle of the fragrance you would receive the bag for free. This angle bought many males to the bag rather then the bottle as it was more interesting at first glance. They would play around looking at the bag for a couple of minutes before then looking at the bottle which to me is a successful way in keeping the potential customer there. When I went to Harrods there was nothing special about any of the sale points for male fragrances, they were all light up brightly and that they contained one background picture of where their best fragrance could be used which to me I found was a little bit too repetitive in the store. I had to ask a member of staff to help me find certain fragrances and that you could never easily distinguish the fragrances while walking around at a glance. What Harrods did have however was a large promotion of the new 007 fragrance which was placed in the window area with a vehicle and many devices used and associated with the 007 feel, this to me was outlandish and was very large promotion just for a bottle of male fragrance. ENVIRONMENTAL SNAPSHOT
  • 15. Diesel is also another competitive product because it is targeted at the same age range and style as well as pricing as its cheaper then Hugo For competitive products I chose Hugo Boss and Diesel as they Boss. It focuses heavily on being casual but its different again from both have a similar age range and that they combine business and Hackett as Hackett is all about being totally British and of style, brands pleasure. Hugo Boss Is good because their male fragrance is like diesel can be for most occasions because its not held down by one quite popular, they are a well known brand and their primary sale style, the style of a traditional British gentleman and so that’s why is of business wear such as suits attire. Hackett has competition, because it is not expanding its horizons. Hugo Boss’ pricing however is not similar as the bottles are more I found that diesel had the market of younger males who have a busy expensive by 20 pounds sterling. They offer a wider range of lifestyle which also brings in the need to look good even as the bottle situations to Hackett's fragrance of what to do and where to go shows, while looking I saw young males in their 20s looking at the unit because it has daytime bottles, night-time bottles and also sport and even purchasing the product not even caring of Hugo boss or even bottles. This is why Hugo Boss could be taking away Hackett's Hackett, this shows me that the lifestyle portrayed from diesels sales. Boss is a TNC a trans national company operating all advertising campaign has proven successful in the long run. around the world they are well known through out and their As I stated in all competitive products it is the advertising that lets advertising is on the television, posters and units in shops Hackett down, if they are to reach out more they will need to prove everywhere, they get their word out to the public and they do it themselves with more advertising. well, advertising could be one of the major factors Hackett is missing out on as they do not have any advertising campaigns in public for example around the underground in London or on the high-street. Their brand also is well known and they really do have a say in the market because they are so well known. Alfred Dunhill is also another competitive product against Hackett, other then Dunhill actually buying into Hackett their fragrances also crave their way into the market against Hackett when they are also a business and casual wear brand also about British clothing so this is a very close match to Hackett. They have more then one fragrance and have women's fragrances as well. This means they are already one up on Hackett but they lack what Hackett lacks, standard public advertising, Alfred Dunhill has no advertising so like Hackett they may be a quiet brand which not many people know about only jus the people who are really in the loop. They also aim themselves at middle aged people to slightly younger depending on the persons taste but they are also male and female and do not have a children's line for attire so they could be just beneath Hackett London. COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS
  • 16. When I went to London and done my research I found that big brands such as Hugo Boss, Diesel Alfred Dunhill etc. are the main players in the fragrance market and so they show off their business side being professional and also they have their casual side which means they really do appeal to the young mans market in which he will have casual times and also times to be smart so why not go for that type of fragrance which appeals to both side. Another strong point Hugo boss is that they are Hackett has many different styles about it, in which it is of traditional British known worldwide as Hackett is not known as much so people will generally go for the brands that gentleman but also casual. Its style is hard to make wider available because it is they will know so Hackett needs to be able to sell their fragrance and tell their history at the same only aimed at a small situation of business of very different casual wear. On the time in order to successfully sell their product, that’s what I think. other hand the fragrance is different because the fragrance can be used as widely a wanted no matter what you are wearing, where you are going or who you are with It gives the sense of a traditional British smell and gives the essence of a nice scen no matter what you look like in terms of attire. However there is other parts of the brand you have to think of though because it is all about the traditional gentleman, its not for young males but it can go all the wa up to the older gentleman. You need to be in the older style of clothing in order to popularity shop there because otherwise it will just not be your style if you do not want to be almost an elite smart. To me Hackett needs to be smart and casual at the same time so their point of sale unit needs to be friendly but also dead smart too, this will be a good task of its ow as it can be the fun of the fragrance but also the precision and the materials of the point of sale unit. cost MARKET RESEARCH
  • 18. HACKETT started out from being a small stall selling traditional used Men's clothes on Portobello road. This was the year of 1979. By 1983 they had a thriving business and so they opened their first store under the name HACKETT at the ‘wrong end’ of new kings road, they only sold the finest quality second hand British clothing and accessories. From this they grew considerable interest from ‘young fogeydom’. By 1985 they were selling new men's clothing on their own line with their vast knowledge of male clothing and so it gave a new traditional style of men’s clothing to the market. 1986 they were opening more stores based on specialities for each, tailoring , shirts and ties and a gentleman's accessory shop. They were on the way up! In 1989 HACKETT received lots of interest from Europeans and so they branched out to Spain in which they were very successful. In 1992 Alfred Dunhill buys shares in Hackett in which they opened their flagship store on Sloane street in the October. Through the years Hackett is involved in many sports such as motor racing and horse racing as well as Polo, this gives them a big status among the land. By 2006 Hackett have a children's department and is involved in Aston Martin and the British Rugby union. They have 269 across Europe including Dubai and Hong Kong By 2012 Hackett is a globally known brand about traditional British clothing and accessories and so they have a thriving and bustling business across the globe. Hackett are the leaders in tailored suits and the traditional British dress of males and children as well as ladies. So Hackett now being established for well over 30 years have gained a very good voice in todays market for upmarket clothing accessories and attire for all. BRAND PROFILING
  • 19. The customer would live in London central in a studio flat, he would holiday in perhaps Switzerland or maybe new York. He would dine in only the best of restaurants and when he is on his travels he would stay at the Ritz or the four seasons hotel around the globe. His job would be in Canary Wharf and would work for a stock trading company making a healthy income for his family. He would be between 25 up to 50 years of age assuming on the Hackett clothing and attire. He would attend evening events such as company dinners and on weekends he would spend his time at his country manor residence perhaps having a pheasant shoot when in season. In the city he would drive his pride and glory Aston Martin high speed vehicle and in the countryside he would drive his Land Rover Defender for his off roading antics. The client wears Hackett attire because he knows it is real quality clothing and that it shows off pure British class and that he wants and knows he must show himself as the best at all times to keep his professional profile. The draw to Hackett is that his wife will buy him the attire and the fragrance as gifts because she knows that Hackett is really what he wants because he knows that he wants to look his best. The client would also wear other high priced attire including Jaeger London and Austin reed tailoring but he would always appreciate Hackett products. CUSTOMER PROFILING
  • 20. RELEVANT NON RELEVANT Price to build p.o.s What the client wears What store it will be in Building out of cheap materials Where it will be positioned The price of clothing To tell the background history Where the client lives Be made out of quality materials What the client drives or owns Be eye catching Whether it is male or female purchasing Have bold colours and partly visual noise Having to have the p.o.s at various points at It must look traditional checkout To perhaps use a bright light in the process Where the client works The price of similar products to how good their p.o.s is. Staff discussing the products It must look sophisticated, classic, suave What the client does casually It must appeal to 25 to 45 year olds What the client owns It must be placed in a luxury store such as Harrods Where the client goes on holiday The point of sale display unit can be one that hasn’t been done Where he lives before using lighting and background history rather then where the fragrance has been used. What position it is in the store How tall it is Top 5 relevant in non formation Eye level 1. Building of cheap materials Attracts target market male and female 2. What the client wears bold to see from a distance The money to be spent on the point of sale unit has to be in 3. Where the client works relation to how much a bottle of fragrance costs. 4. What the client owns 5. Staff discussing products Top 5 relevant information 1. What store it will be in 2. Appeal from 25 to 40 year olds What I have learnt 3. How tall the P.O.S is The purpose of this research summary is to help me determine what I can do to 4. It must look classic and traditional make a point of sale display unit for Hackett which will draw in customers 5. Made out of quality materials who don’t even need to know the brand, this will help me make my further specification ready to design my display unit and what I could use. Also this page will give me relevant information and non relevant information so I know how to make my display unit as appealing as possible. RESEARCH SUMMARY
  • 21. FURTHER SPECIFICATION AESTHETICS- my P.O.S would have the brand colours of blue and green, it will have the company logo and lettering. There will be images in relation to Hackett and its history and background. This will mean the customer will know all about Hackett's history when buying the product. It will also have lighting too light up the history wall and the product itself. It will also have a mechanism in which the sensitive touch sensor will give the fragrance a burst onto the wrist using a system I will develop. COST- my point of sale display unit will cost no more then the amount of products held on it at rrp. This will mean once it has been restocked it will have paid for itself and can then start to help make money straight off. CUSTOMER- the target market will be for males aged 25 years through to 40. it will be appealing in look and style and so will have to be drawn in to its uniqueness. ERGENOMICS- it will be easy to interact with and there will be no way you could strain yourself reaching for the Hackett bottle. FUNCTION- its function will be to allow for the handling of the bottled product and also to view the history and background of Hackett London while testing the product on your own skin but there will be fabric alternatives if you wish. SIZE- it ill be big enough or on a plinth to be at average eye level of 1 and a half metres so that if you wish to handle the product you don’t‘ strain your arms reaching for it and so its just below or chest height. MATERIALS- the P.O.S will be made of aluminium, mahogany because it is a high quality material and they will be proven to be durable. FURTHER SPECIFICATION
  • 22. My concept designs I have done I have found my inspiration from lots of different things, from vintage and original designs of products in the 50s to modern designs ranging from vehicles to things associated with Hackett. These designs I have put forward are my ideas on what I could do in order to display the Hackett aftershave splash. The designs I done again from the notes on the left are the best ones I have chosen and that they would be the most feasible to do in order to have it displayed in a store and that it would cost the minimal amount of money, time and labour costs, so these concepts are realistic to be made and used for branding. CONCEPTS
  • 23. This concept is about a luggage trunk, a vintage piece of luggage only the upper class can afford. This type of trunk would be a steamer trunk or trunks that are used when people go on holiday, I chose this because it adds to the classic traditional British dress and that it will add to the sense of tradition and quality having a well built quality trunk for the brand. The trunk is going to fit into any Hackett shop and in a store such as boots it will stand out and be noticed so customers will be drawn in. its main functions are that it can be used as luggage as well as when open it will show off the aftershave and it will be able to be tested and also extra bottles can be collected from there and paid at the checkout. CONCEPT DESIGNS
  • 24. I made this design based on the actually H of the Hackett name, its going to have 2 testers at the front and its also going to have the banner showing that it is Hackett, and that the way I designed this it is accessible from both sides for the unit so it’s a good sign if there are a few people at a time, also I'm going to have scenario pictures around the base and also I'm going to have reinforced glass at the bottom to look better with materials. And so it would stand out a lot compared to the other stands so it will definitely attract the customers. CONCEPT DESIGNS
  • 25. This design is based o horseracing's tote board and that its because of Hackett's sponsorship to do with horses, I have a picket style fence for the testers in which they can have and use, the tote board looks very original and the clocks may even be battery powered to work and that it has to look as authentic as possible complete with door, board and window. CONCEPTS
  • 26. Step 1: to design the inner frame of the luggage trunk using Styrofoam, this gives me an idea at how the skeleton of the trunk will look before being covered by an inner layer and an outer layer I've done this so I get an idea of what I would be doing first in order to make a luggage trunk. This will be made of an mdf and screwed together using screws, it will then be able to have a leather décor wrapped on the outside with wood panels placed on the inside for more support and to be robust. This is my original concept, I'm changing it slightly so that inside there are no drawers and that it will be hollow with the product held where it is by leather straps to give a more vintage feel to this luggage trunk, it will be scaled down to fit on a shelf so it will be a mini style trunk design primarily to hold a fragrance and on the left the 2nd part will still stay as a scrapbook Step 2: in order for the frame to be dedicated to the Hackett Brand. steadied it needs to have the right There will be a shelf inside so that the main tester will panelling, Louis Viton used beech as be on top and the boxes for sale will be underneath inside panelling for their steamer trunks ready to be taken to the checkout. and so that’s what should be used to Also the point of sale I'm producing will be on a stand replicate the most upmarket luggage in the store it ill be 50 cm in height, it will be 25 there is. Or I could go with another way centimetres in depth and each half section will be 30 and simply have the frame and then centimetres in length. canvas or leather around like other products of LV as you can see in the picture. This would make construction easier but would require more craftsmanship with the leather or canvas. Also looking at how the leather is put on is by glue or small rivets so that could make wrapping it on easier. DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1
  • 27. The other woods I looked at was mdf-medium density fibreboard which I would use on inside panelling because of how cheap it is and how easy it is to work with, I may use this but if I did I would need to have a Looking at leathers, they can be purchased from leather stores and come in lots of colours, ill use a brown for my luggage trunk meaning that it will look like a vintage trunk, they aren't very expensive but It has to be able to look good. A leather that could be used for the trunk could Block board is a good alternative because even though it is be Heavy Chap Leather Sides, a heavy leather in a man made board it has softwood inside but hardwood on brown which is hard wearing a sounds to be the outside giving it an expensive look for what it really is, suitable for the product. this could go on the inside of the trunk because it would still Also another leather that I can use is zora Whole look aesthetically pleasing. Hide Brown which is used for handbags and other luggage. It is soft and has a distinct grain in appearance. Veg Tanned Kangaroo Skin Whiskey is a good leather which is lightwieght but has a good tensole strenth, it is able to take knocks and Looking at mahogany it is a good hardwood scrapes and is very dureable. because it is nice to look at, has good durability With all of these though, to be connected to the and can take knocks and scrapes, the only limiting frmae of the trunk they will need to be glued on factor of mahogany is that it is expensive but this using a can of water based cement specially wood would be good to have for my luggage designed for leather in mind, this means the trunk. leather will not become unstcuk and no way will the edges start to curve up. I used the internet on how to find out about upholstering a luggage trunk using leather and so these are the instructions I found, to do this I will need, Fabric, Measuring tape, Fabric chalk, Screwdriver, Leather scissors, upholstery tacks, Corner caps Remove the handle using a screwdriver if necessary. Keep all the pieces since the handle will be reattached to the trunk later. Mark the material according to your measurements, then cut the material. Use fabric chalk to avoid a Looking at woods I can use for my trunk I had a permanent mark. Also, mark the inside of the material that will be next to the trunk instead of the side look at a few, beech is a good hardwood with a facing the outside. Use a ruler to ensure you have straight edges, which will make the trunk look neater nice grain, it is durable and is not too expensive once you put the upholstery on it. in comparison to other hardwoods, I would use Fold a hem on one side of the material, making sure it's about 1-inch thick and facing down. Tack that beech on the inside panelling of my trunk to give edge onto the corresponding side of the trunk. You may have to place upholstery tacks at both corners of it a high class look. the side you're tacking down. Don't put the tacks in the very corner, however; leave about an inch on the Also I looked at a softwood like pine which ends because you will be folding hems all the way around the material. doesn’t look as pleasing but I is cheaper and it Hem each side and tack the corners down. Make sure the material is pulled taught and the hems face the also has a nice grain, I could also use this in my trunk rather than being upward and exposed. project as all the woods I am looking at are good Add upholstery tacks to secure the sides of this piece of material down. These should resemble rivets in to work with and play basic roles in the the way that they cover the length of the material on each side and spaced about 2 inches apart. construction of my trunk mostly being out of Repeat the process until all the sides of the trunk are covered. sight and are used mainly as a frame for the Add corner caps to each corner of the trunk to provide extra reinforcement to the upholstery. canvas and or leather. Replace the handle and any other hardware you took off to upholster the trunk DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1
  • 28. Looking at locks for my trunk I considered a key lock as well as a classic brass latch lock pictured left below. All the locks would have to be screwed and Next I looked at luggage corners for my trunk. The so I would again use screws that would corners I will need are fan shaped corners preferably be able to not cause to much disruption from brass or aluminium, this will add great feature to the leather or the wood framing. to the trunk as well as be durable to the floor for On the right you can see a rivet, I would when being carried around like a normal luggage case use this for pinning the leather in the but even when being a point of sale unit it needs to wood of the trunk, this is how it was have the same function of a trunk because otherwise done originally and so I should follow it will not look like on as well as it not being a trunk the steps of how to make a vintage style in the end. I understand that some trunks have leather trunk. The lock below me is a classic but as well as being traditional it does need to have a lock used on sheds but I think it could be modern twist to it. It would be fitted to the trunk used for the front lock of the trunk for a using screws that would go through the leather or vintage look as well as a lock. canvas and into the wood framing inside. Through out the last few pages I have decided that I'm going to have a frame made of MDF as it will not be seen internally or externally, it will be joined together using the angle brace joint to add extra stability to the frame as well as the design being able to wrap leather around it easier. Also I am going to use brass coloured metal corner caps for durability and appearance as using leather corners could mean that the trunk be damaged easier then if metal was used. Thinking about lock I thought about a lock with a key but I think it could be too complicated and expensive to get a lock mechanism that was suited to the Joins trunk so instead I’m deciding on is a lock usually used on sheds, this will Looking at joins I thought about using the angle braces for the mean that it can have a lock of its own then put on so that if it cannot be inside of the frame, this way construction will be easier and the accessed and the key is lost it isn't very hard to then use bolt cutters on the Mitre joint lock to open its contents. Also I know the leather will be put on using rivets frame will not be seen on the inside anyway so it will be the easiest I've also thought about using the mitre join for the made for leather and that the corner caps will be nailed in and that the brace for construction. Angle braces are always glued and screwed or frame using glue to hold it together but I think this joint will be screwed together. Externally I will use mahogany for the best nailed is the weakest join of the 3 effect for the classic look. Dowel joint I could use a dowel joint, its strong and could be used for the frame ‘This joint is quite easy to make, it consists of drilling accurate holes in both sections of wood and joining them with dowel pegs. Within in industry this is often used to construct flat pack furniture’. DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1
  • 29. For the scrapbook style on the 2nd part of the luggage trunk I will use a piece of mdf to board up the inside , I will use a mahogany veneer to give it the look of being a hardwood, I will make sure its in the rectangular shape of the trunk and I will glue it into place using an epoxy resin so it will stay in place. For when my frame is to be made ill use a jig to make sure that the pilot holes for the wood frame will be the On the inside on the trunk for the shelf I am going to use mdf for the shelf itself same through out so that the frame will be consistent but its going to be layered with a green tweed for the point of sale to be sat on through out so that it will be as precise as possible. and the bottom shelf which holds the stock will also have the stock but the Therefore I will use a jig, it will be good form my frame bottom will have a plinth of 16mm plywood for increased effect of a ‘step’ and because if the frame is not perfect then the whole project so it will give a real effect of luxury as well as tweed which is what lots of will become slanted and it will not look professional at British attire is made of so it shows of ‘essentially British’. all. But underneath the shelf I am going to put a mahogany veneer so that if someone looks underneath it looks professional and made from quality materials. Next I decided to look at hinges for the trunk, the part which will keep both parts together this means that they will have to be durable and cannot be cheap buy twice, it needs to be buy right buy once, I thought about using parliament hinges as they look nice and would go well with the brass corner caps. They are simple and would go well on my trunk, I also looked at solid drawn hinge as Looking at handles which must go onto my trunk for safe handling I well because they are both similar but it is then down to thought about perhaps a leather handle as seen pictured right, I also which one will match the corner caps as well s the handle thought about perhaps having a metal one but I think it would on the trunk which I am yet to look at. Also looking at definitely suit the trunk with a leather handle, one of which will be the piano hinge, the piano hinge could be used but may durable and match the same colour of the leather on the case because be too thin for the size of the luggage trunk as it will it cannot be the same colour but slightly lighter or darker because it need to open up wide. will not look like a quality product. DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1
  • 30. I looked at glues for the leather onto wood as well as the corner caps onto leather too and this is what I found. The leather glue is a polyurethane based, heat activated glue that remains flexible even once set. This means that you can repair damage on high use areas and not be worried about the damage splitting open. Polyurethane based glue available in five different sizes. Remains flexible once set. Dries in about 15 minutes but I am going to put a wood coating onto continually sets over a 24 hour period. the mahogany to keep it from the Suitable for use on all leather types in all industries, this glue can elements, this is going to keep it from be used for leather and so it can also be used for wood as well as woodworm moisture damage and metals. There is also fabric glue which is said to be good for use warping, this will protect the wood for on leathers. years to come. I could put a latch onto the scrapbook area of the trunk to make it look like it opens These are the tools I am going to need for everything I've looked at so far I when it doesn’t so that it gives that have leather scissors for the leather, the drill and bits for the wood frame effect, this would have to be screwed in by and the screws to go with it, I'm using chalk to outline the leather with screws and the drill. chalk and use the rivets to put the leather in place. The hammer is for banging the rivets in. For my trunk to be secure when it is standing it needs to have feet preferable rubber or metal. This will make it secure and it will not fall over unless pushed so it will be as safe as possible. They will either be screwed in or glued using fabric glue which works on metals as well as rubbers. I thought about putting wood into the external area of the trunk, it will reinforce the trunk and also help to give it a vintage look,. I will use rivets to put it into the leather through to the wood, this is the classic way of how luggage trunks are done so rivets need to be used. The wood I would use would be mahogany to match the other woods of the trunk. To give it the look of being old I can use a DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1
  • 31. Green-I have done this Red I am not going to do this FUNCTIONALITY ANF FEATURES Amber I am going to consider this To sell the scent Hold the product Display the background of the brand Smell the product To stock at least 5 units on the P.O.S Look at booklets about the brand Attract the buyer with colours and eye catching Tick sheet of how you find the smell Must be at eye level Facebook group Must be placed on its own #scan a barcode for bbm Near the products of similar type E-mail alerts for where product is being sold Entrance to the fragrance section Qrc code for where website of brand Use brand colours The point of sale unit will not require a tremendous amount of effort to assemble A mature touch to point of sale unit It will require minimum assembly Use photos to entice customer It must be free standing In places the target market would go It should be user friendly It must be made of suitable durable materials It should help with the curving of edges and it should never cause strain to the user Materials must be robust The amount of units on the point of sale should equal how much it is to build It must be suitable for areas its in The prototype will be considerably more to produce It must have a high quality finish The standard P.O.S should be no more then 100 pounds sterling It must display brand colours and features The point of sale should be able to be used for the brand but in different products It must be culturally neutral to most countries The brand name should be inscribed into the P.O.S The point of sale must be ease of use It must be comfortable with its colours and materials It will have ergonomics in mind, It will have rounded edges If glass is used it will be reinforced, It must be fully constructed The leather for the trunk is brown and the wood is also coloured brown, to make it brand colours I'm going to put the Hackett name onto the trunk which I haven't showed yet so I'm going to show that soon, it will also have a skirting of green around the trunk which I will put on. I have said that it will contain at least 5 units of stock on it which I have shown underneath the shelf of the unit so that’s complete, the trunk is nothing seen in a clinical store so it will stand out and attract the buyer due to its dark brown look of the leather included with the lettering of the name. with the sizes shown it will be at eye level and that it will not be able to be placed on its own, it will need to be on a stand because it is no longer going to be a full sized trunk. The lettering as I said will show brand colours of the Hackett name and the green lining around the trunk, it adds a mature touch with the use of leather and the actual product itself, it’s a vintage style luggage trunk and that it is going to look old and styled, it is going to use photos to entice the customer as I'm doing a scrapbook of Hackett's history on the right side of the trunk. The materials I have chosen at the moment are the right choice for what im using them for like the wood for the frame and the exterior hardwood as well as the leather im going to be using, also things such as the corner caps and the lock are also good material products, I haven't yet looked at the 2 leather straps I'm going to use to keep the trunk closed but I will be looking at them next. It is going to be culturally neutral with its use of colours but it needs to have the identity of the brand so I have used the least amount of colours at the moment to stay as neutral as possible. The wood is going to have a high quality finish and I'm going to discuss the leather soon as well as the upkeep of the trunk. The unit at the moment is still easy to use it is easily accessible and so ill come back to this very soon. The colours I'm going to use must go together nicely, they cannot look out of place at anytime. At the moment I haven't looked at ergonomics for the product but I will soon, perhaps having rounded edges or making it easy for the bottle to be handled by the customer. I haven't thought about using glass yet and so I may not use it yet. I wont be having booklets for the brand as its going to be visually learning instead about the brand, I wont be having as tick sheet for how you find the smell as it will be down to personal choice and it could affect the brands reputation. I haven't talked about having social networking on the unit but I will be talking about it. It will require minimum because it will be made in the factory and then delivered how the product will be shown in the shop. At the moment the trunk will not be able to be used for another brand because it is going to be labelled. SPECIFICATION CHECK-POINT
  • 32. On my scrapbook side I'm going to have networking facilities to Hackett and for the brand itself and also people will be able to talk about it. There is also going to be a For my trunk to be safe the edges are going to have caps so Facebook link to Hackett as well as their that the edges are round to a certain degree, also the corners twitter. This gets the advertising for are going to be curved to take away the sharp edging so the Hackett for free and the word will spread. wood frame is going to be rounded so the leather will wrap round it nicely. And take away sharp edges. I looked at Louis Vuitton and how they make their trunks I found this video and it shows parts of how they build their trunks, how they apply the leather, they sand down the wood they use and many more points I can use to help build my own trunk. DEVELOPMENT STAGE 2