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Australian Graphic Design Association

  AG D A

                   ‘35% growth in an orchestra’s
               subscriber base over three years –
                 no increase in marketing activity,
               just profound, communicative and
                   emotive design, year after year.’
                                          AGDA Member


We           live in a consumer
              environment constantly surrounded by graphic design
              in one form or another – corporate identity systems
              applied to stationery and signage, architectural graphics,
              packaging, corporate literature, product brochures,
              posters, internet home pages – in fact, anything that
              visually represents an organisation to its markets
              or stakeholders.

Most businesses use graphic design
        as an integral part of their
     marketing strategy to enhance
the competitive positioning of their
      product, service or company.

              The graphic design process is a problem solving process,
              one that requires substantial creativity, innovation and
              technical expertise. An understanding of the client’s
              product or service and goals, their competitors and the
              target audience is translated into a visual solution created
              from the manipulation, combination and utilisation of
              shape, colour, imagery, typography and space.

              Successful graphic design powerfully aligns consumer
              perception with the marketing message, elicits the desired
              consumer response and confers
= V I S U A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N

                                              T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N

                                              This publication has been produced
                                              by the Australian Graphic Design
                                              Association (AGDA) to support client
                                              understanding of our profession.
                                              What buyers of design services will
                                              gain from this explanation of
                                              the graphic design process is the
                                              knowledge to manage their own
                                              projects better. Just as the client

                      What buyers of design services will
                               gain from this explanation
                      of the graphic design process is the
                                   knowledge to manage
                                 their own projects better.                             GRAPHIC DESIGN &
                                                                                        QUALITY CONTROL

                                                                                        A good graphic design process
                                                                                        is structured around ensuring that
                                                                                        the client gets the highest quality
                                              and designer benefit enormously
                                                                                        solution and service appropriate
                                              from a solid understanding of the
                                                                                        to their business, marketing or
                                              client’s business and marketing
                                                                                        communication problem.
                                              activities, so too can the same
                                                                                        Quite often there is a temptation
                                              team benefit from an understanding
                                                                                        to ‘crunch’ the time allowed for
                                              of the designer’s activities.
                                                                                        graphic design. Clients who face
                                              The graphic design process map            this temptation should remember
                                              provides an overview of the steps         that reproduction processes,
                                              involved in a typical project. The text   such as printing and electronic
                                              provides a short explanation of each      publishing, are ‘garbage-in,
                                              step, including the responsibilities      garbage-out’ processes.
                                              of client and designer.
                                                                                        If clients want to ensure that
                                              This publication is not intended          their investment not only in design,
                                              to be the definitive guide to graphic      but also in reproduction, is
                                              design project planning. No single        maximised, the focus should be
                                              document could possibly                   on making sure that the input,

35% growth in an orchestra’s
subscriber base over three years –
                                              encompass all the permutations and
                                              unique details that each graphic
                                              design project generates during its
                                                                                        the design and artwork, is right.
                                                                                        If clients face irresolvable time
                                                                                        constraints, AGDA recommends
                                              development and implementation.           that the client discuss with the
no increase in marketing activity,
just profound, communicative and
                                ‘             AGDA recommends that the client
                                              and designer take the time to
                                                                                        designer how these constraints
                                                                                        may be dealt with in a manner
                                              establish an actual project plan for      that does not irretrievably
emotive design, year after year.
                                              each project, using this information      compromise the commercial
                                AGDA MEMBER   as a guide.                               value of the entire project.
graphic design
                                                                                                                         process map

                  1                              2                               3                               4                         5


            BRIEFING                        PROPOSAL                          DESIGN                        ARTWORK                 REPRODUCTION

( D E TA I L )

                                                                             re s e a rc h
               initial                   p re p a re p ro j e c t                                         commission                  handover to
                                                                            + concept
            discussion                         outline                                                  other suppliers                 printer

                                            p re p a re
            p re l i m i n a r y                                              design                          artwork                p re p a re f i l m +
                                        design + artwork
              re s e a rc h                                                development                     p re p a r a t i o n        f i l m p ro o f s

                                          o rg a n i s e f o r               concept +
                 briefing                                                                                     artwork                 p ro o f c h e c k
                                         other suppliers                       design
                 meeting                                                                                   p re s e n t a t i o n      + a p p ro v a l
                                              quotes                       p re s e n t a t i o n

             a p p ro v e d                                                     design                         artwork                 commence
                                          w r i t e p ro p o s a l
                 brief                                                       re f i n e m e n t               a p p ro v a l            printing

                                               p re s e n t                    design
                                                                                                                                      p re s s c h e c k
                                              p ro p o s a l                  a p p ro v a l

                                              p ro p o s a l                                                                             delivery
                                              a p p ro v e d                                                                             to client


      stage involves client input

Note: AGDA recommends that designers adapt this generic process map to fit their actual working style and
type of projects before using it to enhance client understanding of design project management issues.

                                              1                                                      PROPOSAL

                                                                                         WRITTEN PROPOSAL

                                                          BRIEFING                       • Design firm prepares a written
                                                                                           proposal detailing:
                                              INITIAL DISCUSSION BETWEEN
                                                                                            - what is required
                                              CLIENT & DESIGN FIRM
                                                                                              ( in communication/design/
                                              •   Client and design firm discuss               production objectives ).
                                                  project objectives timing and
                                                                                            - design and production fees,
                                                  budget in broad outline.
                                                                                              treatment of author’s
                                              PRELIMINARY RESEARCH                            corrections and material
                                              • Client prepares and reviews
                                                background material.                        - timetable from approval of
                                                                                              proposal to delivery to client.
                                              • Client begins to prepare
                                                briefing information (see Briefing            - terms and conditions
                                                Checklist, back page).                        of engagement, including
                                                                                              copyright assignment.
                                              • Design firm reviews their own
                                                background material and/or                  This stage may also include
                                                previous projects, in preparation           procuring subcontractor quotes,
                                                for briefing meeting: this research          e.g. photography, illustration,
                                                helps the design firm to focus               copywriting, etc.
                                                on the key issues in the context
                                                                                         C L I E N T A P P R O VA L O F P R O P O S A L
                                                of the work (competitors, other
                                                products/services within the             • Client checks proposal and
                                                line, etc.).                               compares it to brief to confirm
                                                                                           the design firm’s understanding
                                              BRIEFING MEETING

Telstra had some challenging news for
a key industrial users’ segment – this
                                              • Client and design firm meet to
                                                discuss brief in detail and clarify
                                                                                           of the project’s purpose and
                                                                                           strategic directions, as well
                                                                                           as technical considerations.
                                                any technical issues ( budget,
                                                                                         • If the design firm’s understanding
was addressed through a well-designed           timetable, corporate identity
                                                                                           of the project cannot be
                                                guidelines, etc.).
direct mail piece that achieved a                                                          confirmed, client reviews written
94% recall rate and even had customers
                                              C L I E N T A P P R O VA L O F B R I E F     proposal with the firm and
                                                                                           a new proposal is prepared.
                                              • Client seeks internal approval
ringing for extra copies!
                                                of brief, including budget               • Client accepts proposal and
                                AGDA MEMBER     and timetable.                             prepares order for design firm.
DEVELOPMENT                                                                                     REPRODUCTION

• Designer reviews brief,                                                            ARTWORK HANDOVER &
  background material and identity                                                   PRINT BRIEFING
  standards to ensure that the
                                                                                     • Designer and/or client hands
  project context is understood
                                                                                       over artwork files, proofs and
  and corporate requirements
                                                                                       related materials to prepress
  are met.
                                                                                       house or printer/print broker,
• Designer develops creative                                                           with film specifications, print
  concepts, with designs being                                                         specifications and an order form
  produced from the concepts.

• Preliminary designs are reviewed
                                         4                                             specifying quantity, delivery date
                                                                                       and shipping instructions. It is
                                                                                       also useful to provide samples
  and critiqued to select the most
                                                                                       of work that demonstrate the
  appropriate designs for further
                                                     ARTWORK                           print quality required.
  development or presentation.
                                                                                     A P P R O VA L O F F I L M P R O O F S
CONCEPT AND DESIGN                       F I N I S H E D A R T P R E PA R AT I O N
P R E S E N TAT I O N                    A N D P R E S E N TAT I O N                 • Designer and/or client checks
                                                                                       colour proofs prepared from film
• Designer prepares visuals              • Client provides signed-off text.
                                                                                       to verify the technical accuracy
  and design rationale for client
                                         • Designer commissions remaining              (registration) and colour of the
                                           photography/illustration.                   expected printed result.
• Client and designer evaluate the                                                     Since this quality control step
                                         • Designer prepares artwork files
  presentation against the brief                                                       focuses on technical accuracy,
                                           and final laser proofs for film
  and written proposal. If the initial                                                 it is generally the designer who
                                           production (prepress).
  briefing is adequately prepared,                                                      reviews the chemical proofs first.
  it is rare for a presentation to be    • Designer prepares
                                                                                     SUPERVISION OF PRINTING
  totally off the mark. Personal           comprehensive prepress and
  taste should not be used as the          print specifications to ensure that        • Once the film proofs are
  primary criteria for a design’s          the client’s and designer’s quality         approved, plates are made
  acceptance or rejection.                 expectations are understood                 and printing commences.
                                           and maintained throughout the               The authorised print buyer
• Criticisms should be specified
                                           reproduction process                        ( client /designer/broker ) checks
  as tangibly as possible, using
                                                                                       the printed results at the
  the Briefing Checklist. These           • Designer delivers artwork
                                                                                       commencement of printing –
  criticisms are important for the         files, final colour and/or laser
                                                                                       this is known as ‘press checking’.
  next stage of development.               proofs and related material
                                                                                       The printed colours are
                                           ( transparencies, illustrations,
DESIGN REFINEMENT                                                                      compared to the designer’s
                                           etc.) to client.
                                                                                       original colour specifications, the
• Criticisms of the design
                                         F I N I S H E D A R T A P P R O VA L          transparencies and the chemical
  recommendations are addressed
                                                                                       proof. Print registration is also
  by the designer.                       • Client approves artwork and
                                                                                       checked. Any discrepancies
                                           related material ( with a signature
• A second design presentation                                                         between the desired result and
                                           on every laser proof ). This
  is held, using the same                                                              actual printing are corrected
                                           stage may also include legal
  evaluation process, including                                                        before the entire print run
                                           department approval of any
  the list of criticisms.                                                              is completed.
                                           statutory requirements.
D E S I G N A P P R O VA L                                                           DELIVERY TO CLIENT
                                         • If client-requested changes
• Client accepts design in terms           ( also known as ‘author’s                 • Printer or designer organises
  of the visual appearance and             corrections’ ) are necessary they           delivery of printed items as per
  construction.                            are corrected at this point.                the client’s instructions.
The following checklist
    can be used as a guide in
        preparing a brief for
     a graphic design project.

                                             PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION

                                             s History/present position/ future
                                             s Competitor information

                                             MARKETING BACKGROUND

                                             s Previous marketing activity
                                             s Present marketing activities – research, advertising, direct mail,
                                               graphic design, public relations, distributor promotions
                                             s Future marketing activity

                                             C O M M U N I C AT I O N TA S K – ‘ T H E M E S S A G E ’

                                             s   Context of specific marketing message in relation to business plans
                                             s   Information to be included in the designed item
                                             s   Medium of transmission
                                             s   Target market ( see next section of this checklist )
                                             s   Function or desired response
                                             s   Evaluation procedure

                                             TA R G E T M A R K E T

                                             s Segmentation
                                             s Demographics – age, gender, income, employment,
                                               geography, lifestyle
                                             s Purchase motivations – needs, wants, corporate image,
                                               product /service positioning
                                             s Purchase decisions – decision initiators /influencers /makers, end user


                                             s Similar past projects
                                             s Estimates ( based on past projects and other information )
                                             s Future budgetary allocations (what else needs to be done in the
                                               current budget period)
                                             s Contingencies

                                             T I M E TA B L E

                                             s   Consultation ( research, strategy, brief development )
                                             s   Creative ( concept and design development )
                                             s   Production ( artwork, printing and other production )

Advertising pushes the consumer
towards the product but design brings

the product to the consumer.
                                             All suggested topics are considered relevant, although not all will be
                               AGDA MEMBER   necessary depending on the type of project.


    The Australian Graphic Design
    Association’s mission is to advance
    excellence in graphic design as
    a discipline, profession and cultural
    force. AGDA is a member
    organisation of ICOGRADA, the
    International Council of Graphic
    Design Associations, which holds
    consultative status with the Council
    of Europe, UNIDO and UNECSO.

    By channelling the experience of
    successful designers into a single
    resource, AGDA assists designers
    in improving their design quality
    and professional practice, and also
    enhances clients’ ability to make
    informed decisions when buying
    design services.

    AGDA conducts an extensive range
    of activities at State and National
    level, including biennial National
    Graphic Design Awards, biennial
    Design Conference and 40-50
    state-based seminars annually.
    AGDA produces a web site and
    publications, including a Code
    of Ethics, an Industry Study, a
    Benchmarking Report, Designer
    Selection, template contracts and
    other professional practice topics.


    AGDA National Secretariat
    PO Box 283
    Cammeray NSW 2062
    Tel     02 9955 3955
    Fax     02 9955 0566

    This publication was prepared by Andrew Lam-Po-Tang
    in conjunction with Kate Dilanchian and Andrew Lewis
    (Lewis/Kahn). It is based on original material developed by
    Andrew Lam-Po-Tang and John Frostell (Dialogue Visual
    Communication) for a marketing communications seminar
    commissioned in 1992 by Sheryn Lister of the National
    Marketing Communications Department of National Mutual.
    AGDA gratefully acknowledges the generosity and support
    of National Mutual in allowing this material to be redeveloped
    for AGDA publication. © AGDA, 1996. While every care
    has been taken in the preparation of this material, neither
    AGDA nor the author gives any warranties as to the
    correctness of the information contained in it and no liability
    will be accepted for any error, misdirection or omission.

    Design by Annie Schwebel.
    Cover Photography by Paul Henderson-Kelly.
    Printed on Saxton Brilliant White 140gsm.
    Paper sponsored by Australian Paper.
    Print sponsored by Inprint.

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Design Mgmt

  • 1. Australian Graphic Design Association AG D A ‘35% growth in an orchestra’s subscriber base over three years – no increase in marketing activity, just profound, communicative and emotive design, year after year.’ AGDA Member UNLOCKING THE GRAPHIC DESIGN PROCESS DESIGN management
  • 2. We live in a consumer environment constantly surrounded by graphic design in one form or another – corporate identity systems applied to stationery and signage, architectural graphics, packaging, corporate literature, product brochures, posters, internet home pages – in fact, anything that visually represents an organisation to its markets or stakeholders. Most businesses use graphic design as an integral part of their marketing strategy to enhance the competitive positioning of their product, service or company. The graphic design process is a problem solving process, one that requires substantial creativity, innovation and technical expertise. An understanding of the client’s product or service and goals, their competitors and the target audience is translated into a visual solution created from the manipulation, combination and utilisation of shape, colour, imagery, typography and space. Successful graphic design powerfully aligns consumer perception with the marketing message, elicits the desired consumer response and confers competitive advantage.
  • 3. [ = V I S U A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N This publication has been produced by the Australian Graphic Design Association (AGDA) to support client understanding of our profession. What buyers of design services will gain from this explanation of the graphic design process is the knowledge to manage their own projects better. Just as the client What buyers of design services will gain from this explanation of the graphic design process is the knowledge to manage their own projects better. GRAPHIC DESIGN & QUALITY CONTROL A good graphic design process is structured around ensuring that the client gets the highest quality and designer benefit enormously solution and service appropriate from a solid understanding of the to their business, marketing or client’s business and marketing communication problem. activities, so too can the same Quite often there is a temptation team benefit from an understanding to ‘crunch’ the time allowed for of the designer’s activities. graphic design. Clients who face The graphic design process map this temptation should remember provides an overview of the steps that reproduction processes, involved in a typical project. The text such as printing and electronic provides a short explanation of each publishing, are ‘garbage-in, step, including the responsibilities garbage-out’ processes. of client and designer. If clients want to ensure that This publication is not intended their investment not only in design, to be the definitive guide to graphic but also in reproduction, is design project planning. No single maximised, the focus should be document could possibly on making sure that the input, ‘ 35% growth in an orchestra’s subscriber base over three years – encompass all the permutations and unique details that each graphic design project generates during its the design and artwork, is right. If clients face irresolvable time constraints, AGDA recommends development and implementation. that the client discuss with the no increase in marketing activity, just profound, communicative and ‘ AGDA recommends that the client and designer take the time to designer how these constraints may be dealt with in a manner establish an actual project plan for that does not irretrievably emotive design, year after year. each project, using this information compromise the commercial AGDA MEMBER as a guide. value of the entire project.
  • 4. graphic design process map 1 2 3 4 5 (OVERVIEW) BRIEFING PROPOSAL DESIGN ARTWORK REPRODUCTION ( D E TA I L ) re s e a rc h initial p re p a re p ro j e c t commission handover to + concept discussion outline other suppliers printer development p re p a re p re l i m i n a r y design artwork p re p a re f i l m + design + artwork re s e a rc h development p re p a r a t i o n f i l m p ro o f s quote o rg a n i s e f o r concept + briefing artwork p ro o f c h e c k other suppliers design meeting p re s e n t a t i o n + a p p ro v a l quotes p re s e n t a t i o n a p p ro v e d design artwork commence w r i t e p ro p o s a l brief re f i n e m e n t a p p ro v a l printing p re s e n t design p re s s c h e c k p ro p o s a l a p p ro v a l p ro p o s a l delivery a p p ro v e d to client LEGEND: stage involves client input Note: AGDA recommends that designers adapt this generic process map to fit their actual working style and type of projects before using it to enhance client understanding of design project management issues.
  • 5. IS A PROCESS [ 2 1 PROPOSAL WRITTEN PROPOSAL BRIEFING • Design firm prepares a written proposal detailing: INITIAL DISCUSSION BETWEEN - what is required CLIENT & DESIGN FIRM ( in communication/design/ • Client and design firm discuss production objectives ). project objectives timing and - design and production fees, budget in broad outline. treatment of author’s PRELIMINARY RESEARCH corrections and material expenses. • Client prepares and reviews background material. - timetable from approval of proposal to delivery to client. • Client begins to prepare briefing information (see Briefing - terms and conditions Checklist, back page). of engagement, including copyright assignment. • Design firm reviews their own background material and/or This stage may also include previous projects, in preparation procuring subcontractor quotes, for briefing meeting: this research e.g. photography, illustration, helps the design firm to focus copywriting, etc. on the key issues in the context C L I E N T A P P R O VA L O F P R O P O S A L of the work (competitors, other products/services within the • Client checks proposal and line, etc.). compares it to brief to confirm the design firm’s understanding BRIEFING MEETING ‘ Telstra had some challenging news for a key industrial users’ segment – this • Client and design firm meet to discuss brief in detail and clarify of the project’s purpose and strategic directions, as well as technical considerations. any technical issues ( budget, • If the design firm’s understanding was addressed through a well-designed timetable, corporate identity of the project cannot be guidelines, etc.). direct mail piece that achieved a confirmed, client reviews written ‘ 94% recall rate and even had customers C L I E N T A P P R O VA L O F B R I E F proposal with the firm and a new proposal is prepared. • Client seeks internal approval ringing for extra copies! of brief, including budget • Client accepts proposal and AGDA MEMBER and timetable. prepares order for design firm.
  • 6. 3 DESIGN 5 CONCEPT AND DESIGN DEVELOPMENT REPRODUCTION • Designer reviews brief, ARTWORK HANDOVER & background material and identity PRINT BRIEFING standards to ensure that the • Designer and/or client hands project context is understood over artwork files, proofs and and corporate requirements related materials to prepress are met. house or printer/print broker, • Designer develops creative with film specifications, print concepts, with designs being specifications and an order form produced from the concepts. • Preliminary designs are reviewed 4 specifying quantity, delivery date and shipping instructions. It is also useful to provide samples and critiqued to select the most of work that demonstrate the appropriate designs for further ARTWORK print quality required. development or presentation. A P P R O VA L O F F I L M P R O O F S CONCEPT AND DESIGN F I N I S H E D A R T P R E PA R AT I O N P R E S E N TAT I O N A N D P R E S E N TAT I O N • Designer and/or client checks colour proofs prepared from film • Designer prepares visuals • Client provides signed-off text. to verify the technical accuracy and design rationale for client • Designer commissions remaining (registration) and colour of the presentation. photography/illustration. expected printed result. • Client and designer evaluate the Since this quality control step • Designer prepares artwork files presentation against the brief focuses on technical accuracy, and final laser proofs for film and written proposal. If the initial it is generally the designer who production (prepress). briefing is adequately prepared, reviews the chemical proofs first. it is rare for a presentation to be • Designer prepares SUPERVISION OF PRINTING totally off the mark. Personal comprehensive prepress and taste should not be used as the print specifications to ensure that • Once the film proofs are primary criteria for a design’s the client’s and designer’s quality approved, plates are made acceptance or rejection. expectations are understood and printing commences. and maintained throughout the The authorised print buyer • Criticisms should be specified reproduction process ( client /designer/broker ) checks as tangibly as possible, using the printed results at the the Briefing Checklist. These • Designer delivers artwork commencement of printing – criticisms are important for the files, final colour and/or laser this is known as ‘press checking’. next stage of development. proofs and related material The printed colours are ( transparencies, illustrations, DESIGN REFINEMENT compared to the designer’s etc.) to client. original colour specifications, the • Criticisms of the design F I N I S H E D A R T A P P R O VA L transparencies and the chemical recommendations are addressed proof. Print registration is also by the designer. • Client approves artwork and checked. Any discrepancies related material ( with a signature • A second design presentation between the desired result and on every laser proof ). This is held, using the same actual printing are corrected stage may also include legal evaluation process, including before the entire print run department approval of any the list of criticisms. is completed. statutory requirements. D E S I G N A P P R O VA L DELIVERY TO CLIENT • If client-requested changes • Client accepts design in terms ( also known as ‘author’s • Printer or designer organises of the visual appearance and corrections’ ) are necessary they delivery of printed items as per construction. are corrected at this point. the client’s instructions.
  • 7. The following checklist can be used as a guide in preparing a brief for a graphic design project. PRODUCT / SERVICE DESCRIPTION s History/present position/ future s Competitor information MARKETING BACKGROUND s Previous marketing activity s Present marketing activities – research, advertising, direct mail, graphic design, public relations, distributor promotions s Future marketing activity C O M M U N I C AT I O N TA S K – ‘ T H E M E S S A G E ’ s Context of specific marketing message in relation to business plans s Information to be included in the designed item s Medium of transmission s Target market ( see next section of this checklist ) s Function or desired response s Evaluation procedure TA R G E T M A R K E T s Segmentation s Demographics – age, gender, income, employment, geography, lifestyle s Purchase motivations – needs, wants, corporate image, product /service positioning s Purchase decisions – decision initiators /influencers /makers, end user BUDGET s Similar past projects s Estimates ( based on past projects and other information ) s Future budgetary allocations (what else needs to be done in the current budget period) s Contingencies T I M E TA B L E s Consultation ( research, strategy, brief development ) s Creative ( concept and design development ) s Production ( artwork, printing and other production ) ‘ Advertising pushes the consumer ‘ towards the product but design brings s s Distribution Contingencies the product to the consumer. All suggested topics are considered relevant, although not all will be AGDA MEMBER necessary depending on the type of project.
  • 8. [ GRAPHIC DESIGN... ABOUT AGDA The Australian Graphic Design Association’s mission is to advance excellence in graphic design as a discipline, profession and cultural force. AGDA is a member organisation of ICOGRADA, the International Council of Graphic Design Associations, which holds consultative status with the Council of Europe, UNIDO and UNECSO. By channelling the experience of successful designers into a single resource, AGDA assists designers in improving their design quality and professional practice, and also enhances clients’ ability to make informed decisions when buying design services. AGDA conducts an extensive range of activities at State and National level, including biennial National Graphic Design Awards, biennial Design Conference and 40-50 state-based seminars annually. AGDA produces a web site and publications, including a Code of Ethics, an Industry Study, a Benchmarking Report, Designer Selection, template contracts and other professional practice topics. ENQUIRIES AGDA National Secretariat PO Box 283 Cammeray NSW 2062 Australia Tel 02 9955 3955 Fax 02 9955 0566 Email Web This publication was prepared by Andrew Lam-Po-Tang in conjunction with Kate Dilanchian and Andrew Lewis (Lewis/Kahn). It is based on original material developed by Andrew Lam-Po-Tang and John Frostell (Dialogue Visual Communication) for a marketing communications seminar commissioned in 1992 by Sheryn Lister of the National Marketing Communications Department of National Mutual. AGDA gratefully acknowledges the generosity and support of National Mutual in allowing this material to be redeveloped for AGDA publication. © AGDA, 1996. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this material, neither AGDA nor the author gives any warranties as to the correctness of the information contained in it and no liability will be accepted for any error, misdirection or omission. Design by Annie Schwebel. Cover Photography by Paul Henderson-Kelly. Printed on Saxton Brilliant White 140gsm. Paper sponsored by Australian Paper. Print sponsored by Inprint.