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public class Group {
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Objective { get; set; }
public GroupType Type { get; set; }
var @group = new Group {
Id = message.GroupId,
Name = message.Name,
Objective = message.Objective,
Type = GroupType.Private
public class Group {
public Group(
Guid id,
string name,
string objective,
GroupType type)
var @group = new Group(
public class PrivateGroup {
private PrivateGroup(/* ... */)
/* ... */
public static PrivateGroup Start(
GroupId id,
GroupName name,
GroupObjective objective)
var @group = PrivateGroup.Start(
new GroupId(message.GroupId),
new GroupName(message.Name),
public class Group {
public Group(
Guid id,
string name,
string objective,
GroupType type)
if(id == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "id");
throw new ArgumentException("...", "name");
if(name.Length > 255)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "name");
if(objective != null && objective.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "objective");
if(objective != null && objective.Length > 500)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "objective");
if(type != GroupType.Private && type != GroupType.Public)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "type");
public class PrivateGroup {
public static PrivateGroup Start(
GroupId id,
GroupName name,
GroupObjective objective)
public class GroupId {
private readonly Guid value;
public GroupId(Guid value)
if(value == Guid.Empty)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
this.value = value;
public override bool Equals(object other)
if(other == null || other.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false;
return ((GroupId)other).value.Equals(this.value);
public override int GetHashCode()
return this.value.GetHashCode();
public class GroupName {
private readonly string value;
public GroupName(string value)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
if(value.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupNameLength)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
this.value = value;
@group.Rename(new GroupName(message.Name));
public class GroupObjective {
private static readonly GroupObjective NotSpecified = new GroupObjective(null);
private readonly string value;
private GroupObjective(string value)
this.value = value;
public static GroupObjective InferFrom(string value)
if(value == null) return NotSpecified;
if(value.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
if(value.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
return new GroupObjective(value);
public class GroupObjective {
public static GroupObjective InferFromMarkdown(string value)
if(value == null) return NotSpecified;
MarkDownDocument parsedDocument;
if(!MarkDownParser.TryParse(value, out parsedDocument))
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
var document = parsedDocument.Sanitize();
if(document.Text.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
if(document.Text.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
return new GroupObjective(document.ToString());
public class GroupObjective {
private static readonly GroupObjective NotSpecified =
new GroupObjective(MimeType.PlainText, null);
private readonly MimeType mimeType;
private readonly string value;
private GroupObjective(MimeType mimeType, string value)
this.mimeType = mimeType;
this.value = value;
public static GroupObjective InferFromMarkdown(MarkDownDocument value)
if(value == null) return NotSpecified;
var document = value.Sanitize();
if(document.Text.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
if(document.Text.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
return new GroupObjective(MimeType.Markdown, document.ToString());
public class GroupObjective {
public static GroupObjective InferFromMarkdown(SanitizedMarkDownDocument document)
if(value == null) return NotSpecified;
if(document.Text.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
if(document.Text.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength)
throw new ArgumentException("...", "value");
return new GroupObjective(MimeType.Markdown, document.ToString());
public class FillPercentage {
private readonly double value;
public FillPercentage(double value)
if(value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value,
"The fill percentage must be greater than or equal to 0.");
this.value = value;
public static FillPercentage FromPercentNotation(double value)
return new FillPercentage(value / 100d);
public static implicit operator double(FillPercentage instance)
return instance.value;
public class MaximumFillPercentage {
private readonly double value;
public MaximumFillPercentage(double value)
if(value < 1)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value,
"The maximum fill percentage must be greater than or equal to 1.");
this.value = value;
public static MaximumFillPercentage FromPercentNotation(double value)
return new MaximumFillPercentage(value / 100d);
public static implicit operator double(MaximumFillPercentage instance)
return instance.value;
public class MaximumFillPercentage : IComparable<FillPercentage> {
public int CompareTo(FillPercentage other)
return this.value.Compare(other);
public class MaximumFillPercentage : IComparable<FillPercentage> {
public static bool operator <
(MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) {
return left.CompareTo(right) == -1;
public static bool operator <=
(MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) {
return left.CompareTo(right) <= 0;
public static bool operator >
(MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) {
return left.CompareTo(right) == 1;
public static bool operator >=
(MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) {
return left.CompareTo(right) >= 0;
public class FillPercentage {
public bool Exceeds(MaximumFillPercentage maximum) {
return maximum < this;
public class Session
// ...
public Session Add(Timeslot timeslot)
return new Session(this.StartTime, this.EndTime,
this.MaximumFillPercentage, this.Timeslots.Add(timeslot));
public MaximumFillPercentage MaximumFillPercentage { get; }
public FillPercentage CurrentFillPercentage
var sessionDuration = this.EndTime.Subtract(this.StartTime);
var totalTimeslotDuration = this.Timeslots.Aggregate(Duration.Zero,
(current, timeslot) =>
current.Add(timeslot.DurationBetween(this.StartTime, this.EndTime)))
return new FillPercentage(
totalTimeslotDuration / sessionDuration);
public class ScheduleDay
public void Book(AppointmentTimeslot timeslot)
var beforeBooking = FindSessionToBookOn(timeslot);
var afterBooking = beforeBooking.Add(timeslot);
if (afterBooking
throw new MaximumFillPercentageExceededException(/* ... */);
// ...
public class PrivateGroupBehavior : BehaviorModule {
public PrivateGroupBehavior(
ITenantRepository tenantRepository,
IPrivateGroupRepository groupRepository)
Receive<StartPrivateGroup>(async message =>
var tenant = await tenantRepository.Get(new TenantId(message.TenantId));
var @group = tenant.StartPrivateGroup(
new GroupId(message.GroupId),
new GroupName(message.GroupName);
public class PrivateGroupScenarios {
[Fact] public async Task when_starting_a_private_group() {
using(var context = new GroupContext()) {
context.Tenants.Add(new TenantData { TenantId = 123, Subdomain = "nespresso" });
var module = new PrivateGroupBehavior(
new TenantRepository(context),
new PrivateGroupRepository(context)
await module.Send(new StartPrivateGroup {
TenantId = 123,
GroupId = new Guid("a9a620ca-c8c2-41b7-b7c0-fc03881ed00d"),
Name = "Prototype Retail Machines"
Assert.Equal(1, context.PrivateGroups.Count());
GroupData actual = context.PrivateGroups.Single();
Assert.Equal(123, actual.TenantId);
Assert.Equal(new Guid("a9a620ca-c8c2-41b7-b7c0-fc03881ed00d"), actual.GroupId);
Assert.Equal("Prototype Retail Machines", actual.Name);
public class PrivateGroupScenarios {
[Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() {
var tenantId = new Random().Next(1, 100);
var groupId = Guid.NewGuid();
return new Scenario()
.Given(tenantId, new TenantSnapshot {
TenantId = tenantId,
Subdomain = "nespresso"
.When(new StartPrivateGroup {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = "Prototype Retail Machines"
.Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupSnapshot {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = "Prototype Retail Machines"
.Assert(); // <- the boring stuff happens here
} //example of testing a state-based model
public class PrivateGroupScenarios {
[Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() {
var tenantId = new Random().Next(1, 100);
var groupId = Guid.NewGuid();
return new Scenario()
.Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant {
TenantId = tenantId,
Subdomain = "nespresso"
.When(new StartPrivateGroup {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = "Prototype Retail Machines"
.Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = "Prototype Retail Machines"
.Assert(); // <- the boring stuff happens here
} //example of testing a event-driven model
public class PrivateGroupScenarios {
[Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() {
var tenantId = new TenantId(new Random().Next(1, 100));
var subdomain = new Subdomain("nespresso");
var groupId = new GroupId(Guid.NewGuid());
var groupName = new GroupName("Prototype Retail Machines");
return new Scenario()
.Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant {
TenantId = tenantId,
Subdomain = subdomain
.When(new StartPrivateGroup {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = groupName
.Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = groupName
} //introducing value objects in your tests
public class PrivateGroupScenarios {
[Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() {
var tenantId = new TenantId(new Random().Next(1, 100));
var subdomain = new Subdomain("nespresso");
var groupId = new GroupId(Guid.NewGuid());
var groupName = new GroupName("Prototype Retail Machines");
return new Scenario()
.Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant {
TenantId = tenantId,
Subdomain = subdomain
.When(new StartPrivateGroup {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = groupName
.Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = groupName
} //introducing value objects in your tests
public class PrivateGroupScenarios {
[Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() {
var fixture = new ScenarioFixture();
var tenantId = fixture.Create<TenantId>();
var groupId = fixture.Create<GroupId>();
var groupName = fixture.Create<GroupName>();
return new Scenario()
.Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant {
TenantId = tenantId, Subdomain = fixture.Create<Subdomain>()
.When(new StartPrivateGroup {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = groupName
.Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted {
TenantId = tenantId,
GroupId = groupId,
Name = groupName
} //generate anonymous, random test values
public class MembershipRequest {
public void Approve(PersonId approver) {
if (this.Archived)
throw new MembershipRequestWasArchived(this.GroupId, this.RequestId);
if (this.Declined)
throw new MembershipRequestWasDeclined(this.GroupId, this.RequestId);
if (this.Cancelled)
throw new MembershipRequestWasCancelled(this.GroupId, this.RequestId);
if (this.Approved) return;
// ... happy path ...
public class MembershipRequest {
private enum State {
Requested, Approved, Declined, Cancelled, Archived
public void Approve(PersonId approver) {
if (this.CurrentState == State.Archived)
throw new MembershipRequestWasArchived(this.GroupId, this.RequestId);
if (this.CurrentState == State.Declined)
throw new MembershipRequestWasDeclined(this.GroupId, this.RequestId);
if (this.CurrentState == State.Cancelled)
throw new MembershipRequestWasCancelled(this.GroupId, this.RequestId);
if (this.CurrentState == State.Approved) return;
// ... happy path ...
this.CurrentState = State.Approved;
public class MembershipRequest {
private enum State {
Initial, Requested, Approved, Declined, Cancelled, Archived
private enum Trigger {
Request, Approve, Decline, Cancel, Archive
public void Approve(PersonId approver) {
this.Machine.Fire(Trigger.Approve); // <- Magic
// ... happy path ...
public class MembershipRequest {
public MembershipRequest() { this.Machine = ConfigureStatemachine(); }
private StateMachine<State, Trigger> ConfigureStatemachine() {
return new StateMachine<State, Trigger>(State.Initial)
.Configure(State.Initial).Permit(Trigger.Request, State.Requested)
.Permit(Trigger.Approve, State.Approved)
.Permit(Trigger.Decline, State.Declined)
.Permit(Trigger.Cancel, State.Cancelled)
.Permit(Trigger.Archive, State.Archived)
.GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Cancel, Trigger.Decline, Trigger.Archive,
new MembershipRequestWasApproved(this.GroupId, this.RequestId))
.GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Approve, Trigger.Decline, Trigger.Archive,
new MembershipRequestWasCancelled(this.GroupId, this.RequestId))
.GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Approve, Trigger.Cancel, Trigger.Archive,
new MembershipRequestWasDeclined(this.GroupId, this.RequestId))
.GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Approve, Trigger.Cancel, Trigger.Decline,
new MembershipRequestWasArchived(this.GroupId, this.RequestId));
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Design in the small

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  • 4. public class Group { public Guid Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public string Objective { get; set; } public GroupType Type { get; set; } //... } //Usage var @group = new Group { Id = message.GroupId, Name = message.Name, Objective = message.Objective, Type = GroupType.Private };
  • 5. public class Group { public Group( Guid id, string name, string objective, GroupType type) { //... } } //Usage var @group = new Group( message.GroupId, message.Name, message.Objective, GroupType.Private );
  • 6. public class PrivateGroup { private PrivateGroup(/* ... */) { /* ... */ } public static PrivateGroup Start( GroupId id, GroupName name, GroupObjective objective) { //... } } //Usage var @group = PrivateGroup.Start( new GroupId(message.GroupId), new GroupName(message.Name), GroupObjective.InferFrom(message.Objective) );
  • 7. public class Group { public Group( Guid id, string name, string objective, GroupType type) { if(id == Guid.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("...", "id"); if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) throw new ArgumentException("...", "name"); if(name.Length > 255) throw new ArgumentException("...", "name"); if(objective != null && objective.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("...", "objective"); if(objective != null && objective.Length > 500) throw new ArgumentException("...", "objective"); if(type != GroupType.Private && type != GroupType.Public) throw new ArgumentException("...", "type"); //... } }
  • 8. public class PrivateGroup { public static PrivateGroup Start( GroupId id, GroupName name, GroupObjective objective) { //... } }
  • 9. public class GroupId { private readonly Guid value; public GroupId(Guid value) { if(value == Guid.Empty) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); this.value = value; } public override bool Equals(object other) { if(other == null || other.GetType() != this.GetType()) return false; return ((GroupId)other).value.Equals(this.value); } public override int GetHashCode() { return this.value.GetHashCode(); } //... }
  • 10. public class GroupName { private readonly string value; public GroupName(string value) { if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); if(value.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupNameLength) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); this.value = value; } //... } //Usage @group.Rename(new GroupName(message.Name));
  • 11. public class GroupObjective { private static readonly GroupObjective NotSpecified = new GroupObjective(null); private readonly string value; private GroupObjective(string value) { this.value = value; } public static GroupObjective InferFrom(string value) { if(value == null) return NotSpecified; if(value.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); if(value.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); return new GroupObjective(value); } }
  • 12. public class GroupObjective { //... public static GroupObjective InferFromMarkdown(string value) { if(value == null) return NotSpecified; MarkDownDocument parsedDocument; if(!MarkDownParser.TryParse(value, out parsedDocument)) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); var document = parsedDocument.Sanitize(); if(document.Text.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); if(document.Text.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); return new GroupObjective(document.ToString()); } }
  • 13. public class GroupObjective { private static readonly GroupObjective NotSpecified = new GroupObjective(MimeType.PlainText, null); private readonly MimeType mimeType; private readonly string value; private GroupObjective(MimeType mimeType, string value) { this.mimeType = mimeType; this.value = value; } public static GroupObjective InferFromMarkdown(MarkDownDocument value) { if(value == null) return NotSpecified; var document = value.Sanitize(); if(document.Text.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); if(document.Text.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); return new GroupObjective(MimeType.Markdown, document.ToString()); } }
  • 14. public class GroupObjective { public static GroupObjective InferFromMarkdown(SanitizedMarkDownDocument document) { if(value == null) return NotSpecified; if(document.Text.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); if(document.Text.Length > Metadata.MaximumGroupObjectiveLength) throw new ArgumentException("...", "value"); return new GroupObjective(MimeType.Markdown, document.ToString()); } }
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. public class FillPercentage { private readonly double value; public FillPercentage(double value) { if(value < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, "The fill percentage must be greater than or equal to 0."); this.value = value; } public static FillPercentage FromPercentNotation(double value) { return new FillPercentage(value / 100d); } public static implicit operator double(FillPercentage instance) { return instance.value; } }
  • 18. public class MaximumFillPercentage { private readonly double value; public MaximumFillPercentage(double value) { if(value < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("value", value, "The maximum fill percentage must be greater than or equal to 1."); this.value = value; } public static MaximumFillPercentage FromPercentNotation(double value) { return new MaximumFillPercentage(value / 100d); } public static implicit operator double(MaximumFillPercentage instance) { return instance.value; } }
  • 19. public class MaximumFillPercentage : IComparable<FillPercentage> { //... public int CompareTo(FillPercentage other) { return this.value.Compare(other); } }
  • 20. public class MaximumFillPercentage : IComparable<FillPercentage> { //... public static bool operator < (MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) { return left.CompareTo(right) == -1; } public static bool operator <= (MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) { return left.CompareTo(right) <= 0; } public static bool operator > (MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) { return left.CompareTo(right) == 1; } public static bool operator >= (MaximumFillPercentage left, FillPercentage right) { return left.CompareTo(right) >= 0; } }
  • 21. public class FillPercentage { //... public bool Exceeds(MaximumFillPercentage maximum) { return maximum < this; } }
  • 22. public class Session { // ... public Session Add(Timeslot timeslot) { return new Session(this.StartTime, this.EndTime, this.MaximumFillPercentage, this.Timeslots.Add(timeslot)); } public MaximumFillPercentage MaximumFillPercentage { get; } public FillPercentage CurrentFillPercentage { get { var sessionDuration = this.EndTime.Subtract(this.StartTime); var totalTimeslotDuration = this.Timeslots.Aggregate(Duration.Zero, (current, timeslot) => current.Add(timeslot.DurationBetween(this.StartTime, this.EndTime))) return new FillPercentage( totalTimeslotDuration / sessionDuration); } } }
  • 23. public class ScheduleDay { public void Book(AppointmentTimeslot timeslot) { var beforeBooking = FindSessionToBookOn(timeslot); var afterBooking = beforeBooking.Add(timeslot); if (afterBooking .CurrentFillPercentage .Exceeds(beforeBooking.MaximumFillPercentage)) { throw new MaximumFillPercentageExceededException(/* ... */); } // ... } }
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  • 28. public class PrivateGroupBehavior : BehaviorModule { public PrivateGroupBehavior( ITenantRepository tenantRepository, IPrivateGroupRepository groupRepository) { Receive<StartPrivateGroup>(async message => { var tenant = await tenantRepository.Get(new TenantId(message.TenantId)); var @group = tenant.StartPrivateGroup( new GroupId(message.GroupId), new GroupName(message.GroupName); GroupObjective.InferFromMarkdown(message.GroupObjective)); groupRepository.Add(@group); }); } }
  • 29. public class PrivateGroupScenarios { [Fact] public async Task when_starting_a_private_group() { using(var context = new GroupContext()) { //Arrange context.Tenants.Add(new TenantData { TenantId = 123, Subdomain = "nespresso" }); var module = new PrivateGroupBehavior( new TenantRepository(context), new PrivateGroupRepository(context) ); //Act await module.Send(new StartPrivateGroup { TenantId = 123, GroupId = new Guid("a9a620ca-c8c2-41b7-b7c0-fc03881ed00d"), Name = "Prototype Retail Machines" }); //Assert Assert.Equal(1, context.PrivateGroups.Count()); GroupData actual = context.PrivateGroups.Single(); Assert.Equal(123, actual.TenantId); Assert.Equal(new Guid("a9a620ca-c8c2-41b7-b7c0-fc03881ed00d"), actual.GroupId); Assert.Equal("Prototype Retail Machines", actual.Name); } } }
  • 30. public class PrivateGroupScenarios { [Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() { var tenantId = new Random().Next(1, 100); var groupId = Guid.NewGuid(); return new Scenario() .Given(tenantId, new TenantSnapshot { TenantId = tenantId, Subdomain = "nespresso" }) .When(new StartPrivateGroup { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = "Prototype Retail Machines" }) .Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupSnapshot { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = "Prototype Retail Machines" }) .Assert(); // <- the boring stuff happens here } //example of testing a state-based model }
  • 31. public class PrivateGroupScenarios { [Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() { var tenantId = new Random().Next(1, 100); var groupId = Guid.NewGuid(); return new Scenario() .Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant { TenantId = tenantId, Subdomain = "nespresso" }) .When(new StartPrivateGroup { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = "Prototype Retail Machines" }) .Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = "Prototype Retail Machines" }) .Assert(); // <- the boring stuff happens here } //example of testing a event-driven model }
  • 32. public class PrivateGroupScenarios { [Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() { var tenantId = new TenantId(new Random().Next(1, 100)); var subdomain = new Subdomain("nespresso"); var groupId = new GroupId(Guid.NewGuid()); var groupName = new GroupName("Prototype Retail Machines"); return new Scenario() .Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant { TenantId = tenantId, Subdomain = subdomain }) .When(new StartPrivateGroup { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = groupName }) .Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = groupName }) .Assert(); } //introducing value objects in your tests }
  • 33. public class PrivateGroupScenarios { [Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() { var tenantId = new TenantId(new Random().Next(1, 100)); var subdomain = new Subdomain("nespresso"); var groupId = new GroupId(Guid.NewGuid()); var groupName = new GroupName("Prototype Retail Machines"); return new Scenario() .Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant { TenantId = tenantId, Subdomain = subdomain }) .When(new StartPrivateGroup { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = groupName }) .Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = groupName }) .Assert(); } //introducing value objects in your tests }
  • 34. public class PrivateGroupScenarios { [Fact] public Task when_starting_a_private_group() { var fixture = new ScenarioFixture(); var tenantId = fixture.Create<TenantId>(); var groupId = fixture.Create<GroupId>(); var groupName = fixture.Create<GroupName>(); return new Scenario() .Given(tenantId, new RegisteredAsTenant { TenantId = tenantId, Subdomain = fixture.Create<Subdomain>() }) .When(new StartPrivateGroup { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = groupName }) .Then(groupId, new PrivateGroupStarted { TenantId = tenantId, GroupId = groupId, Name = groupName }) .Assert(); } //generate anonymous, random test values }
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  • 51. public class MembershipRequest { public void Approve(PersonId approver) { if (this.Archived) throw new MembershipRequestWasArchived(this.GroupId, this.RequestId); if (this.Declined) throw new MembershipRequestWasDeclined(this.GroupId, this.RequestId); if (this.Cancelled) throw new MembershipRequestWasCancelled(this.GroupId, this.RequestId); if (this.Approved) return; // ... happy path ... } }
  • 52. public class MembershipRequest { private enum State { Requested, Approved, Declined, Cancelled, Archived } public void Approve(PersonId approver) { if (this.CurrentState == State.Archived) throw new MembershipRequestWasArchived(this.GroupId, this.RequestId); if (this.CurrentState == State.Declined) throw new MembershipRequestWasDeclined(this.GroupId, this.RequestId); if (this.CurrentState == State.Cancelled) throw new MembershipRequestWasCancelled(this.GroupId, this.RequestId); if (this.CurrentState == State.Approved) return; // ... happy path ... this.CurrentState = State.Approved; } }
  • 53. public class MembershipRequest { private enum State { Initial, Requested, Approved, Declined, Cancelled, Archived } private enum Trigger { Request, Approve, Decline, Cancel, Archive } public void Approve(PersonId approver) { this.Machine.Fire(Trigger.Approve); // <- Magic // ... happy path ... } }
  • 54. public class MembershipRequest { public MembershipRequest() { this.Machine = ConfigureStatemachine(); } private StateMachine<State, Trigger> ConfigureStatemachine() { return new StateMachine<State, Trigger>(State.Initial) .Configure(State.Initial).Permit(Trigger.Request, State.Requested) .Configure(State.Requested) .Permit(Trigger.Approve, State.Approved) .Permit(Trigger.Decline, State.Declined) .Permit(Trigger.Cancel, State.Cancelled) .Permit(Trigger.Archive, State.Archived) .Configure(State.Approved).Ignore(Trigger.Approve) .GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Cancel, Trigger.Decline, Trigger.Archive, new MembershipRequestWasApproved(this.GroupId, this.RequestId)) .Configure(State.Cancelled).Ignore(Trigger.Cancel) .GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Approve, Trigger.Decline, Trigger.Archive, new MembershipRequestWasCancelled(this.GroupId, this.RequestId)) .Configure(State.Declined).Ignore(Trigger.Decline) .GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Approve, Trigger.Cancel, Trigger.Archive, new MembershipRequestWasDeclined(this.GroupId, this.RequestId)) .Configure(State.Archived).Ignore(Trigger.Archive) .GuardAnyOf(Trigger.Approve, Trigger.Cancel, Trigger.Decline, new MembershipRequestWasArchived(this.GroupId, this.RequestId)); } }