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The research paper assignment is a semester-long case study
research project. Your research project is to discover, compare,
and contrast records management policies. You will achieve this
by examining online company policies.
You will choose at least three online organizations in the same
industry. For example, you may examine the online records
management policies of three hospitals. Alternatively, you may
choose to examine the online records management policies of
three universities.
Review this week's learning activities on case studies. Do a
preliminary data search to be sure there is data for your research
before finalizing your question.
Research Question: How do (select the industry) companies
address records management in its policies?
Select the industry of your choice such as healthcare, education,
finance, etc. You will study their online policies to see how the
company manages record retention.
By Richard H. Thaler
Oct. 31, 2015
Nudges, small design changes that can markedly
affect individual behavior, have been catching on.
These techniques rely on insights from
behavioral science, and when used ethically, they
can be very helpful. But we need to be sure
that they aren’t being employed to sway
people to make bad decisions that they will later
Whenever I’m asked to autograph a copy of
“Nudge,” the book I wrote with Cass Sunstein,
the Harvard law professor, I sign it, “Nudge
good.” Unfortunately, that is meant as a plea,
not an expectation.
Three principles should guide the use of nudges:
■ All nudging should be transparent and never
■ It should be as easy as possible to opt
out of the nudge, preferablywith as little as
one mouse click.
■ There should be good reason to believe
that the behavior being encouraged will
improve the welfare of those being nudged.
As far as I know, the government teams in
Britain and the United States that have focused
on nudging have followed theseguidelines
scrupulously. But the private sector is another
matter. In this domain, I see much more
troubling behavior.
For example, last spring I received an email
telling me that the first prominent review of a
new book of mine had appeared: It was in The
Times of London. Eager to read the review, I
clicked on a hyperlink,only to run into a
pay wall. Still, I was tempted by an offer to
take out a
one-month trial subscription for the priceof just
As both a consumer and producer of newspaper
articles, I have no beef with pay walls. But
before signing up, I read the fine print. As
expected, I would have to provide credit card
information and would be automatically
enrolled as a subscriberwhen the trial period
expired. The subscription rate would then be £26
(about $40) a month. That wasn’t a concern
because I did not intend to become a
subscriber. I just wanted to read that one article.
But the details turned me off. To cancel, I
had to give 15 days’ notice, so the one-
month trial offer actually was good for just two weeks.
What’s more, I would have to call London,
during British business hours, and not on a
toll-free number. That was both annoying and
worrying. As an absent-minded American professor, I
figured therewas a good chance I would
end up subscribing for several months, and
that reading the article would end up costing
me at least £100.
I spoke to Chris Duncan, a spokesman
for The Times of London. He said his
company wanted readers to call before
canceling to make sure
that they appreciated the scope of the paper’s
coverage, but when I pointed out the
inconvenience this posed to readers outside
Britain, he
said that the company might rethink that aspect of
the policy.
In the meantime,that deal qualifies as a nudge
that violates all threeof my guiding principles:
The offer was misleading, not transparent;
opting out was cumbersome; and the entire
package did not seemto be in the best interest
of a potential subscriber, as opposed to
I ran into another type of bad nudging when I
tried to book a ticket on United Airlines to
travel from Chicago to New York. Before
airline would allow me to buy online, it
required that I indicate whether I wanted
trip insurance.This sort of required choice is
when thereis a genuine concern that the
consumer might make a big blunder. I
would endorse posing such a question to
anyone opting out
of all of an employer’s sponsored health
insurance options, for example. We wouldn’t want
someone to go without health insurance just
because of a careless oversight.
United went a step further, though. It asked
me to select “yes” or “no” before buying
a ticket and highlighted the “yes” option
“recommended.” Required choice plus a
recommendation qualifies as a strong nudge.
But is it a nudge for good?
Consider the details: The trip insurance would cost
$20.13 for a flight that itselfwould cost
only $300. Keepin mind that the insurance
covers just the nonrefundable portion of the ticket.
(Normallythe charge for changing a flight on
United is $200, and the insurance would
cover this.) I also learned, deep in the fine-
print weeds, that to collect on the policy, unless
the flight were canceled or delayed, I would
need a doctor’s note saying that I was too sick to
fly safely, and would have to file such
documentation within 72 hours of canceling
the trip.
The Power of Nudges, for
Good and Bad
If my flight connected up with a cruise, the
insurance might make sense, because with
the insurance I could receive compensation
when a
delayed or canceled flight made me miss my
rendezvous with a cruise ship. But I wasn’t
going on a cruise.
As an alternative, I examined a fully refundable
ticket, which would cost $856. United
still recommended trip insurance and charged more
for it ($49.23) even though this ticket was
refundable. Rahsaan Johnson, a United
spokesman, said the company recommended
to protect against unintended expenses that may
result from circumstances beyond the travelers’
and the airline’s control,” but said the
pricing is set by Allianz, which provides the
insurance.Daniel Durazo, an Allianz spokesman,
said it priced the insurance as a percentage
of the ticket cost, but would not say whether
that formula made sense.
On the positive side, opting out of theseoffers
was easy,but the nudges flunked my othertests:
They were neither transparent nor in the
best interest of most customers.
These examples are not unusual. Many companies
are nudging purely for their own profit and
not in customers’ best interests. In a recent
column in The New York Times, Robert Shiller
called such behavior “phishing.” Mr. Shiller
and George Akerlof, both Nobel-winning
economists, have written a book on the subject,
“Phishing for Phools.”
Some argue that phishing — or evil nudging —
is more dangerous in government than in the
private sector. The argument is that
government is a monopoly with coercive power,
while we have more choice in the private
sector over which newspapers we read and
which airlines we fly.
I thinkthis distinction is overstated. In a
democracy, if a government creates bad
policies, it can be voted out of office.
Competition in the
private sector, however, can easily work to
encourage phishing rather than stifleit.
One example is the mortgage industry in the early
2000s. Borrowers were encouraged to take
out loans that they could not repay when
real estate prices fell. Competition did not
eliminate this practice, because it was hard for
anyone to make money selling the advice
take that loan.”
As customers, we can help one another by
resisting thesecome-ons.The more we turn down
questionable offers like trip insurance and
scrutinize “one month” trials, the less incentive
companies will have to use such schemes.
Conversely, if customers reward firms that
act in
our best interests, more such outfits will survive and
flourish, and the options available to us will
Richard H. Thaler is a professor of economics
and behavioral science at the Booth School
of Business at the University of Chicago.
Follow him on Twitter at @R_Thaler.
The Upshot provides news, analysis and graphics
about politics, policy and everyday life. Follow
us on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up for our
A version of this article appears in print on
Oct. 31, 2015, Section BU, Page 6 of the
New York edition with the headline: The Power of
Nudges, for Good and Bad
Consumer Behavior
What is the key contribution of this research?
In the journal article (Murphy & Dweck, 2016)the research on
consumer behavior is conducted to show how mindset affects
the behavior of the consumer. The journal article is a primary
source and cited 104 times in other researches. The research has
its great contribution to recognizing the mindset which
contributes to consumer behavior. In this research, the mindset
or implicit theories are implemented to evaluate the human
nature and characteristics that are influential on the human
mind. In this article, the mindset theory applied, which suggests
how the growth or fixed mindset can shape the consumer brand
extensions, consumer product preferences, and consumer trust
The research contributed to the identification of consumer
behavior in two different mindsets. Research suggested that
mindset can influence consumer behavior. People who adopt a
fixed mindset like to have the brands or products according to
their goals and images. People with a fixed mindset like to have
a product/brand which contributes to their positive habits and
qualities. This research can help companies to understand what
are the reasons behind the ever-increasing consumer complains
due to their mindset and what steps are necessary to take for the
betterment of consumer industries. Research contributed
positively to understand what kind of mindset people have in
their choices and how a consumer choice varies according to
their growth and images. Those who have a growth mindset are
love to choose brands and products which focused on their
constant growth. People love to adopt new things to contribute
to their lifestyles and personalities. Usually, consumer choices
depend upon how people want to look — this mindset based on
the ever-increasing growth attitude of the consumer.
The complex and the multiply determined behavior of the
consumer exposed through this research. In the era of consumer
research, this research opened the new doors for the researchers
to evaluate how and in which ways the consumer mindsets
work. It also contributed to the success of brands and product
providers because they can now generate useful campaigns.
Brands can also understand how the consumer can be a target
with his/her mindset. Different kinds of products can be
manufactured according to the personal requirement of the
Many companies lost their consumers, and multiple product
failures occurred in their innovations. Many brands lost their
sustainability because of the failed brand campaigns. It was the
motivation for the research and contributed to the development
of companies that are striving for sustainability. Mindset
research is the best approach by which brands, companies can
understand the reasons behind failures. This research is
triggering the interesting questions in the consumer's mind
about how they are shaping their mindset towards their choice.
Consumer behavior is always an interesting and hot topic for
the researcher, and this research explored new extending
consumer psychologists' motivations. Now, products and brands
can serve in the self-enhancement functions to reinforce their
identity core aspects.
Are there any confounds? Can you explain the results in a
different way?
There is no confound at all. Research is very clear and focused
on a single objective, which is consumer behavior, and his
mindset effect on it. Results are well-explained in research.
Results can explain differently that consumer behavior research
divided into categories. The results explained can be explained
as there are two reasons behind consumer choices, either they
are following similar patterns of buying because of their
restricted lifestyle. Or they can have different buying patterns
with the change in routines.
Would the effect likely replicate? Use the criteria mentioned in
class to evaluate the quality of the research?
According to these research results, consumers can be
categorized into their mind patterns and how they react to
different routines. Consumer behavior is the influential matter
which is impactful on multiple brands, and any product or brand
manufacturer must have to consider the aspects of mindset
before initiating any campaign. Even ads and commercials are
highly attractive concerning the consumer mindset. Human
traits are highly influential on everything, and consumer
behavior is also depending upon the human traits that how
people perceive things and how they respond to the buying
In this research article, the research approach is unique; the
research idea is unique. It based on the theoretical
implementation of the human mindset to evaluate the
consumer's behavior and human mindset relationship — the
research work published in the well-recognized journal. The
research topic is broad, which can further be implemented in so
many ways to facilitate multiple brands, companies, and
consumers. This research has a vast concept to understand the
behavior of human and natural traits to consider any product.
The research can contribute to further understanding of
consumer behavior.
What would you have done differently to test the hypotheses?
To test the hypothesis, I decided to analyze it on the people that
how they choose their stuff. It was a good way to analyze
anything with core concepts and implementation. After reading
the hypothesis, I wasn’t sure that, in actual the consumer
behavior is based on the mindset. In my surroundings, I’ve
selected ten people of different age levels with a different types
of jobs and work routines. My motive was to evaluate the
hypothesis on all possible ways to analyze that it works or not. I
started asking a random question about their choices.
The person who was working at the managerial post was choosy
to his stuff. His buying behavior was so restricted and selective
with the same dressing style without any innovation. The reason
behind this restricted style was his job specification. That
person's image of the managerial post connected with his
consumer behavior. Then, the person who was so young and
loved to dress up has different consumer behavior.
According to him, the change in his routine matters a lot. He
wants to move with the market-style and new innovative stuff
rather than sticking on the very boring things. This was the
point where I came to know that consumer behavior all depends
upon the mindset that how people are in their patterns; either
they are image-love or they love to change because they want
their growth. External working environments and class issues
bound some, and some are highly open due to their nature
aspects. This research designed on a very true hypothesis, and
everyone can feel it. People with different mindsets can’t
choose the same, and they always remained complaining to the
manufacturer and companies because companies can’t target
their needs effectively.
What is the single most interesting future research direction?
In the domain of product or service failure, the research has an
open direction to follow. It is the most interesting direction
because there are many cases recorded where the companies
faced failures in their services and products due to consumer
behaviors. Even companies’ potential customers lost brand
loyalty due to new initiative and noon-satisfactory productions.
The research is designed to address such kind of issue.
Describe a real world marketing-relevant situation where the
findings could be applied in order to generate a novel solution?
This research can optimally be used in the development of new
services or product frameworks where the companies will be
focus on their consumer behavior. Before launching or
designing any product, there is a need to consider what buyers
need from the brand and what kind of stuff they are producing
from previous years. Every brand has its own unique identity
and unique style by which it has a large range of buyers. If the
brand lost its uniqueness for the sake of innovation without
judging its potential buyers’ behaviors, it would ultimately
bring huge loss to the brand. It is the major cause of every
Mindsets and consumer complaints are inter-connected. The
research uncovered the mindset and its influence on consumer
behavior. In case of any product failure, the customer complains
the usual part for every brand manager. In the future, by
working on this research, brand managers can reassure
consumers about successful product delivery. Before launching
any product, the customer review or customer analysis through
surveys is necessary. In the future, this research can
individually apply in a different dimension to explore how and
what kind of behavior consumers have with their fixed or
growth mindset and in which ways these mindsets can be
addressed. Consumer behavior-related research has a very
broader scope. In the market, there are many issues regarding
consumer behavior. In every industry, from retail to
manufacturing industry or every service provider, there is an
issue of unpredictable consumer behavior. There are a lot of
issues recorded every single day about their choices. It is hard
to understand what kind of stuff is necessary to manufacture
and how to target the real needs of consumers.
In the market, understanding consumer behavior is the biggest
challenge and always remained a major obstacle in the
successful deployment of the product/service. In the retail
industry, consumer claims for the products are increasing; in the
food industry, many food manufacturers lost their sustainability
because of negative consumer behavior assessments. In the
clothing industry, many brands are striving to get a stable
market position and potential buyers by investing more in
campaigns. But the major point is to understand the behavior of
the consumer.
There are natural choices relevant to every buyer, but these
choices categorized through this research in two means. One is
the growth mindset, and the other is a fixed mindset. People
will growth mindset will take those products which will be
innovative and according to the need of the era. The fixed
mindset consumers can’t tolerate the change in their choices and
buying behaviors. Even they can’t tolerate any negligence by
service or product provider. These two mindsets of assessment
is highly applicable to market-relevant issues because they
provide with appropriate approaches. Companies can assess the
needs of consumers and can provide according to their demands.
Companies are wasting a high amount of money on promotional
activities such as social media campaigns, television campaigns
without considering that the product must design on consumer
Mostly the branding advertisements cost higher, and without
understanding the major concept behind the innovation or any
launch, there are many chances that campaigns can fail. If
companies want to avoid the ultimate loss, this research has the
core concept which can apply in every kind of product/service
provider industry. If companies can access the human mindset
and traits by which he/she can choose the product. Few love to
build the image, so there is a need to produce something catchy
for that buyers, and this can only be possible if the companies
will follow these dimensions.
So, this research has a great contribution in manufacturing
industries who are struggling to generate their profits and
reputation through strong consumers. Companies can avoid their
failures and can build successful working places with satisfied
clients. It is also a new opportunity for companies who are
targeting the market for any consumer industry. The reputable
industry is only possible if it satisfies its buyers from all
possible means, and this research is the best way to understand
it. The research has opportunity to merge it in future for the
best outcomes in consumer industry, and brands can rely on this
approach to get success and margins.
Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape
consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136.
Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape
consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136.
Consumer Behavior
What is the key contribution of this research?
In the journal article (Murphy & Dweck, 2016)the research on
consumer behavior is conducted to show how mindset affects
the behavior of the consumer. The journal article is a primary
source and cited 104 times in other researches. The research has
its great contribution to recognizing the mindset which
contributes to consumer behavior. In this research, the mindset
or implicit theories are implemented to evaluate the human
nature and characteristics that are influential on the human
mind. In this article, the mindset theory applied, which suggests
how the growth or fixed mindset can shape the consumer brand
extensions, consumer product preferences, and consumer trust
The research contributed to the identification of consumer
behavior in two different mindsets. Research suggested that
mindset can influence consumer behavior. People who adopt a
fixed mindset like to have the brands or products according to
their goals and images. People with a fixed mindset like to have
a product/brand which contributes to their positive habits and
qualities. This research can help companies to understand what
are the reasons behind the ever-increasing consumer complains
due to their mindset and what steps are necessary to take for the
betterment of consumer industries. Research contributed
positively to understand what kind of mindset people have in
their choices and how a consumer choice varies according to
their growth and images. Those who have a growth mindset are
love to choose brands and products which focused on their
constant growth. People love to adopt new things to contribute
to their lifestyles and personalities. Usually, consumer choices
depend upon how people want to look — this mindset based on
the ever-increasing growth attitude of the consumer.
The complex and the multiply determined behavior of the
consumer exposed through this research. In the era of consumer
research, this research opened the new doors for the researchers
to evaluate how and in which ways the consumer mindsets
work. It also contributed to the success of brands and product
providers because they can now generate useful campaigns.
Brands can also understand how the consumer can be a target
with his/her mindset. Different kinds of products can be
manufactured according to the personal requirement of the
Many companies lost their consumers, and multiple product
failures occurred in their innovations. Many brands lost their
sustainability because of the failed brand campaigns. It was the
motivation for the research and contributed to the development
of companies that are striving for sustainability. Mindset
research is the best approach by which brands, companies can
understand the reasons behind failures. This research is
triggering the interesting questions in the consumer's mind
about how they are shaping their mindset towards their choice.
Consumer behavior is always an interesting and hot topic for
the researcher, and this research explored new extending
consumer psychologists' motivations. Now, products and brands
can serve in the self-enhancement functions to reinforce their
identity core aspects.
Are there any confounds? Can you explain the results in a
different way?
There is no confound at all. Research is very clear and focused
on a single objective, which is consumer behavior, and his
mindset effect on it. Results are well-explained in research.
Results can explain differently that consumer behavior research
divided into categories. The results explained can be explained
as there are two reasons behind consumer choices, either they
are following similar patterns of buying because of their
restricted lifestyle. Or they can have different buying patterns
with the change in routines.
Would the effect likely replicate? Use the criteria mentioned in
class to evaluate the quality of the research?
According to these research results, consumers can be
categorized into their mind patterns and how they react to
different routines. Consumer behavior is the influential matter
which is impactful on multiple brands, and any product or brand
manufacturer must have to consider the aspects of mindset
before initiating any campaign. Even ads and commercials are
highly attractive concerning the consumer mindset. Human
traits are highly influential on everything, and consumer
behavior is also depending upon the human traits that how
people perceive things and how they respond to the buying
In this research article, the research approach is unique; the
research idea is unique. It based on the theoretical
implementation of the human mindset to evaluate the
consumer's behavior and human mindset relationship — the
research work published in the well-recognized journal. The
research topic is broad, which can further be implemented in so
many ways to facilitate multiple brands, companies, and
consumers. This research has a vast concept to understand the
behavior of human and natural traits to consider any product.
The research can contribute to further understanding of
consumer behavior.
What would you have done differently to test the hypotheses?
To test the hypothesis, I decided to analyze it on the people that
how they choose their stuff. It was a good way to analyze
anything with core concepts and implementation. After reading
the hypothesis, I wasn’t sure that, in actual the consumer
behavior is based on the mindset. In my surroundings, I’ve
selected ten people of different age levels with a different types
of jobs and work routines. My motive was to evaluate the
hypothesis on all possible ways to analyze that it works or not. I
started asking a random question about their choices.
The person who was working at the managerial post was choosy
to his stuff. His buying behavior was so restricted and selective
with the same dressing style without any innovation. The reason
behind this restricted style was his job specification. That
person's image of the managerial post connected with his
consumer behavior. Then, the person who was so young and
loved to dress up has different consumer behavior.
According to him, the change in his routine matters a lot. He
wants to move with the market-style and new innovative stuff
rather than sticking on the very boring things. This was the
point where I came to know that consumer behavior all depends
upon the mindset that how people are in their patterns; either
they are image-love or they love to change because they want
their growth. External working environments and class issues
bound some, and some are highly open due to their nature
aspects. This research designed on a very true hypothesis, and
everyone can feel it. People with different mindsets can’t
choose the same, and they always remained complaining to the
manufacturer and companies because companies can’t target
their needs effectively.
What is the single most interesting future research direction?
In the domain of product or service failure, the research has an
open direction to follow. It is the most interesting direction
because there are many cases recorded where the companies
faced failures in their services and products due to consumer
behaviors. Even companies’ potential customers lost brand
loyalty due to new initiative and noon-satisfactory productions.
The research is designed to address such kind of issue.
Describe a real world marketing-relevant situation where the
findings could be applied in order to generate a novel solution?
This research can optimally be used in the development of new
services or product frameworks where the companies will be
focus on their consumer behavior. Before launching or
designing any product, there is a need to consider what buyers
need from the brand and what kind of stuff they are producing
from previous years. Every brand has its own unique identity
and unique style by which it has a large range of buyers. If the
brand lost its uniqueness for the sake of innovation without
judging its potential buyers’ behaviors, it would ultimately
bring huge loss to the brand. It is the major cause of every
Mindsets and consumer complaints are inter-connected. The
research uncovered the mindset and its influence on consumer
behavior. In case of any product failure, the customer complains
the usual part for every brand manager. In the future, by
working on this research, brand managers can reassure
consumers about successful product delivery. Before launching
any product, the customer review or customer analysis through
surveys is necessary. In the future, this research can
individually apply in a different dimension to explore how and
what kind of behavior consumers have with their fixed or
growth mindset and in which ways these mindsets can be
addressed. Consumer behavior-related research has a very
broader scope. In the market, there are many issues regarding
consumer behavior. In every industry, from retail to
manufacturing industry or every service provider, there is an
issue of unpredictable consumer behavior. There are a lot of
issues recorded every single day about their choices. It is hard
to understand what kind of stuff is necessary to manufacture
and how to target the real needs of consumers.
In the market, understanding consumer behavior is the biggest
challenge and always remained a major obstacle in the
successful deployment of the product/service. In the retail
industry, consumer claims for the products are increasing; in the
food industry, many food manufacturers lost their sustainability
because of negative consumer behavior assessments. In the
clothing industry, many brands are striving to get a stable
market position and potential buyers by investing more in
campaigns. But the major point is to understand the behavior of
the consumer.
There are natural choices relevant to every buyer, but these
choices categorized through this research in two means. One is
the growth mindset, and the other is a fixed mindset. People
will growth mindset will take those products which will be
innovative and according to the need of the era. The fixed
mindset consumers can’t tolerate the change in their choices and
buying behaviors. Even they can’t tolerate any negligence by
service or product provider. These two mindsets of assessment
is highly applicable to market-relevant issues because they
provide with appropriate approaches. Companies can assess the
needs of consumers and can provide according to their demands.
Companies are wasting a high amount of money on promotional
activities such as social media campaigns, television campaigns
without considering that the product must design on consumer
Mostly the branding advertisements cost higher, and without
understanding the major concept behind the innovation or any
launch, there are many chances that campaigns can fail. If
companies want to avoid the ultimate loss, this research has the
core concept which can apply in every kind of product/service
provider industry. If companies can access the human mindset
and traits by which he/she can choose the product. Few love to
build the image, so there is a need to produce something catchy
for that buyers, and this can only be possible if the companies
will follow these dimensions.
So, this research has a great contribution in manufacturing
industries who are struggling to generate their profits and
reputation through strong consumers. Companies can avoid their
failures and can build successful working places with satisfied
clients. It is also a new opportunity for companies who are
targeting the market for any consumer industry. The reputable
industry is only possible if it satisfies its buyers from all
possible means, and this research is the best way to understand
it. The research has opportunity to merge it in future for the
best outcomes in consumer industry, and brands can rely on this
approach to get success and margins.
Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape
consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136.
Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape
consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136.
Research Report
In this assignment, you will engage with a primary source— a
research article about consumer behavior from the academic
literature. The goal of this assignment is 1) learn how to digest
a research article 2) apply the insights to a business-relevant
Choosing an article:
The article you choose needs to have the following
characteristics. First, it needs to present original data. It cannot
be a summary of previous work or pure theory— make sure the
authors collected new data that is being presented for the first
time. Second, the paper you choose needs to be well cited.
Specifically, needs to be cited by at least 20 times on average
for each year it has been published. Citation count can by
searching on Google Scholar (Links to an external site.). For
example, if a paper was published in 2015, it needs to have a
citation count of at least 100. If a paper was published in 1990,
it needs to have a citation count of at least 600. The citation
count should be listed on the first page of your report. The
results in the paper you choose should be plausibly replicable—
do not chose a paper that would clearly not hold up to
additional testing. The article does not need to explicitly
mention consumer behavior.
[5 pts for meeting these criteria]
Written assignment:
Your research report must address the following issues:
· What is the key contribution of this research? [5 pts]
· Are there any confounds? Can you explain the results in a
different way? [5 pts]
· Would the effect likely replicate? Use the criteria mentioned
in class to evaluate the quality of the research [10 pts]
· What would you have done differently to test the
hypotheses? [5 pts]
· What is the single most interesting future research direction?
Just pick one. [5 pts]
· Describe a real world marketing-relevant situation where the
findings could be applied in order to generate a novel solution
[20 pts]
Length: Most successful papers will be between 6`7 pages. Use
whatever amount of space is needed to efficiently communicate
your ideas.
DescriptionThe research paper assignment is a semester-long case.docx

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DescriptionThe research paper assignment is a semester-long case.docx

  • 1. Description The research paper assignment is a semester-long case study research project. Your research project is to discover, compare, and contrast records management policies. You will achieve this by examining online company policies. You will choose at least three online organizations in the same industry. For example, you may examine the online records management policies of three hospitals. Alternatively, you may choose to examine the online records management policies of three universities. Review this week's learning activities on case studies. Do a preliminary data search to be sure there is data for your research before finalizing your question. Research Question: How do (select the industry) companies address records management in its policies? Select the industry of your choice such as healthcare, education, finance, etc. You will study their online policies to see how the company manages record retention. ECONOMIC VIEW By Richard H. Thaler Oct. 31, 2015 Nudges, small design changes that can markedly affect individual behavior, have been catching on. These techniques rely on insights from behavioral science, and when used ethically, they can be very helpful. But we need to be sure that they aren’t being employed to sway
  • 2. people to make bad decisions that they will later regret. Whenever I’m asked to autograph a copy of “Nudge,” the book I wrote with Cass Sunstein, the Harvard law professor, I sign it, “Nudge for good.” Unfortunately, that is meant as a plea, not an expectation. Three principles should guide the use of nudges: ■ All nudging should be transparent and never misleading. ■ It should be as easy as possible to opt out of the nudge, preferablywith as little as one mouse click. ■ There should be good reason to believe that the behavior being encouraged will improve the welfare of those being nudged. As far as I know, the government teams in Britain and the United States that have focused on nudging have followed theseguidelines scrupulously. But the private sector is another matter. In this domain, I see much more troubling behavior. For example, last spring I received an email telling me that the first prominent review of a new book of mine had appeared: It was in The Times of London. Eager to read the review, I clicked on a hyperlink,only to run into a pay wall. Still, I was tempted by an offer to
  • 3. take out a one-month trial subscription for the priceof just £1. As both a consumer and producer of newspaper articles, I have no beef with pay walls. But before signing up, I read the fine print. As expected, I would have to provide credit card information and would be automatically enrolled as a subscriberwhen the trial period expired. The subscription rate would then be £26 (about $40) a month. That wasn’t a concern because I did not intend to become a paying subscriber. I just wanted to read that one article. But the details turned me off. To cancel, I had to give 15 days’ notice, so the one- month trial offer actually was good for just two weeks. What’s more, I would have to call London, during British business hours, and not on a toll-free number. That was both annoying and worrying. As an absent-minded American professor, I figured therewas a good chance I would end up subscribing for several months, and that reading the article would end up costing me at least £100. I spoke to Chris Duncan, a spokesman for The Times of London. He said his company wanted readers to call before canceling to make sure that they appreciated the scope of the paper’s coverage, but when I pointed out the inconvenience this posed to readers outside Britain, he
  • 4. said that the company might rethink that aspect of the policy. In the meantime,that deal qualifies as a nudge that violates all threeof my guiding principles: The offer was misleading, not transparent; opting out was cumbersome; and the entire package did not seemto be in the best interest of a potential subscriber, as opposed to the publisher. I ran into another type of bad nudging when I tried to book a ticket on United Airlines to travel from Chicago to New York. Before the airline would allow me to buy online, it required that I indicate whether I wanted trip insurance.This sort of required choice is justifiable when thereis a genuine concern that the consumer might make a big blunder. I would endorse posing such a question to anyone opting out of all of an employer’s sponsored health insurance options, for example. We wouldn’t want someone to go without health insurance just because of a careless oversight. United went a step further, though. It asked me to select “yes” or “no” before buying a ticket and highlighted the “yes” option as “recommended.” Required choice plus a recommendation qualifies as a strong nudge. But is it a nudge for good?
  • 5. Consider the details: The trip insurance would cost $20.13 for a flight that itselfwould cost only $300. Keepin mind that the insurance covers just the nonrefundable portion of the ticket. (Normallythe charge for changing a flight on United is $200, and the insurance would cover this.) I also learned, deep in the fine- print weeds, that to collect on the policy, unless the flight were canceled or delayed, I would need a doctor’s note saying that I was too sick to fly safely, and would have to file such documentation within 72 hours of canceling the trip. The Power of Nudges, for Good and Bad If my flight connected up with a cruise, the insurance might make sense, because with the insurance I could receive compensation when a delayed or canceled flight made me miss my rendezvous with a cruise ship. But I wasn’t going on a cruise. As an alternative, I examined a fully refundable ticket, which would cost $856. United still recommended trip insurance and charged more for it ($49.23) even though this ticket was refundable. Rahsaan Johnson, a United spokesman, said the company recommended “insurance to protect against unintended expenses that may
  • 6. result from circumstances beyond the travelers’ and the airline’s control,” but said the pricing is set by Allianz, which provides the insurance.Daniel Durazo, an Allianz spokesman, said it priced the insurance as a percentage of the ticket cost, but would not say whether that formula made sense. On the positive side, opting out of theseoffers was easy,but the nudges flunked my othertests: They were neither transparent nor in the best interest of most customers. These examples are not unusual. Many companies are nudging purely for their own profit and not in customers’ best interests. In a recent column in The New York Times, Robert Shiller called such behavior “phishing.” Mr. Shiller and George Akerlof, both Nobel-winning economists, have written a book on the subject, “Phishing for Phools.” Some argue that phishing — or evil nudging — is more dangerous in government than in the private sector. The argument is that government is a monopoly with coercive power, while we have more choice in the private sector over which newspapers we read and which airlines we fly. I thinkthis distinction is overstated. In a democracy, if a government creates bad policies, it can be voted out of office. Competition in the private sector, however, can easily work to encourage phishing rather than stifleit.
  • 7. One example is the mortgage industry in the early 2000s. Borrowers were encouraged to take out loans that they could not repay when real estate prices fell. Competition did not eliminate this practice, because it was hard for anyone to make money selling the advice “Don’t take that loan.” As customers, we can help one another by resisting thesecome-ons.The more we turn down questionable offers like trip insurance and scrutinize “one month” trials, the less incentive companies will have to use such schemes. Conversely, if customers reward firms that act in our best interests, more such outfits will survive and flourish, and the options available to us will improve. Richard H. Thaler is a professor of economics and behavioral science at the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. Follow him on Twitter at @R_Thaler. The Upshot provides news, analysis and graphics about politics, policy and everyday life. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Sign up for our newsletter. A version of this article appears in print on Oct. 31, 2015, Section BU, Page 6 of the New York edition with the headline: The Power of Nudges, for Good and Bad
  • 8. READ 46 COMMENTS 7 Consumer Behavior What is the key contribution of this research? In the journal article (Murphy & Dweck, 2016)the research on consumer behavior is conducted to show how mindset affects the behavior of the consumer. The journal article is a primary source and cited 104 times in other researches. The research has its great contribution to recognizing the mindset which contributes to consumer behavior. In this research, the mindset or implicit theories are implemented to evaluate the human nature and characteristics that are influential on the human mind. In this article, the mindset theory applied, which suggests how the growth or fixed mindset can shape the consumer brand extensions, consumer product preferences, and consumer trust recovery. The research contributed to the identification of consumer behavior in two different mindsets. Research suggested that mindset can influence consumer behavior. People who adopt a fixed mindset like to have the brands or products according to their goals and images. People with a fixed mindset like to have a product/brand which contributes to their positive habits and qualities. This research can help companies to understand what are the reasons behind the ever-increasing consumer complains due to their mindset and what steps are necessary to take for the betterment of consumer industries. Research contributed positively to understand what kind of mindset people have in their choices and how a consumer choice varies according to their growth and images. Those who have a growth mindset are love to choose brands and products which focused on their constant growth. People love to adopt new things to contribute
  • 9. to their lifestyles and personalities. Usually, consumer choices depend upon how people want to look — this mindset based on the ever-increasing growth attitude of the consumer. The complex and the multiply determined behavior of the consumer exposed through this research. In the era of consumer research, this research opened the new doors for the researchers to evaluate how and in which ways the consumer mindsets work. It also contributed to the success of brands and product providers because they can now generate useful campaigns. Brands can also understand how the consumer can be a target with his/her mindset. Different kinds of products can be manufactured according to the personal requirement of the consumer. Many companies lost their consumers, and multiple product failures occurred in their innovations. Many brands lost their sustainability because of the failed brand campaigns. It was the motivation for the research and contributed to the development of companies that are striving for sustainability. Mindset research is the best approach by which brands, companies can understand the reasons behind failures. This research is triggering the interesting questions in the consumer's mind about how they are shaping their mindset towards their choice. Consumer behavior is always an interesting and hot topic for the researcher, and this research explored new extending consumer psychologists' motivations. Now, products and brands can serve in the self-enhancement functions to reinforce their identity core aspects. Are there any confounds? Can you explain the results in a different way? There is no confound at all. Research is very clear and focused on a single objective, which is consumer behavior, and his mindset effect on it. Results are well-explained in research. Results can explain differently that consumer behavior research divided into categories. The results explained can be explained as there are two reasons behind consumer choices, either they are following similar patterns of buying because of their
  • 10. restricted lifestyle. Or they can have different buying patterns with the change in routines. Would the effect likely replicate? Use the criteria mentioned in class to evaluate the quality of the research? According to these research results, consumers can be categorized into their mind patterns and how they react to different routines. Consumer behavior is the influential matter which is impactful on multiple brands, and any product or brand manufacturer must have to consider the aspects of mindset before initiating any campaign. Even ads and commercials are highly attractive concerning the consumer mindset. Human traits are highly influential on everything, and consumer behavior is also depending upon the human traits that how people perceive things and how they respond to the buying patterns. In this research article, the research approach is unique; the research idea is unique. It based on the theoretical implementation of the human mindset to evaluate the consumer's behavior and human mindset relationship — the research work published in the well-recognized journal. The research topic is broad, which can further be implemented in so many ways to facilitate multiple brands, companies, and consumers. This research has a vast concept to understand the behavior of human and natural traits to consider any product. The research can contribute to further understanding of consumer behavior. What would you have done differently to test the hypotheses? To test the hypothesis, I decided to analyze it on the people that how they choose their stuff. It was a good way to analyze anything with core concepts and implementation. After reading the hypothesis, I wasn’t sure that, in actual the consumer behavior is based on the mindset. In my surroundings, I’ve selected ten people of different age levels with a different types of jobs and work routines. My motive was to evaluate the hypothesis on all possible ways to analyze that it works or not. I started asking a random question about their choices.
  • 11. The person who was working at the managerial post was choosy to his stuff. His buying behavior was so restricted and selective with the same dressing style without any innovation. The reason behind this restricted style was his job specification. That person's image of the managerial post connected with his consumer behavior. Then, the person who was so young and loved to dress up has different consumer behavior. According to him, the change in his routine matters a lot. He wants to move with the market-style and new innovative stuff rather than sticking on the very boring things. This was the point where I came to know that consumer behavior all depends upon the mindset that how people are in their patterns; either they are image-love or they love to change because they want their growth. External working environments and class issues bound some, and some are highly open due to their nature aspects. This research designed on a very true hypothesis, and everyone can feel it. People with different mindsets can’t choose the same, and they always remained complaining to the manufacturer and companies because companies can’t target their needs effectively. What is the single most interesting future research direction? In the domain of product or service failure, the research has an open direction to follow. It is the most interesting direction because there are many cases recorded where the companies faced failures in their services and products due to consumer behaviors. Even companies’ potential customers lost brand loyalty due to new initiative and noon-satisfactory productions. The research is designed to address such kind of issue. Describe a real world marketing-relevant situation where the findings could be applied in order to generate a novel solution? This research can optimally be used in the development of new services or product frameworks where the companies will be focus on their consumer behavior. Before launching or designing any product, there is a need to consider what buyers need from the brand and what kind of stuff they are producing from previous years. Every brand has its own unique identity
  • 12. and unique style by which it has a large range of buyers. If the brand lost its uniqueness for the sake of innovation without judging its potential buyers’ behaviors, it would ultimately bring huge loss to the brand. It is the major cause of every failure. Mindsets and consumer complaints are inter-connected. The research uncovered the mindset and its influence on consumer behavior. In case of any product failure, the customer complains the usual part for every brand manager. In the future, by working on this research, brand managers can reassure consumers about successful product delivery. Before launching any product, the customer review or customer analysis through surveys is necessary. In the future, this research can individually apply in a different dimension to explore how and what kind of behavior consumers have with their fixed or growth mindset and in which ways these mindsets can be addressed. Consumer behavior-related research has a very broader scope. In the market, there are many issues regarding consumer behavior. In every industry, from retail to manufacturing industry or every service provider, there is an issue of unpredictable consumer behavior. There are a lot of issues recorded every single day about their choices. It is hard to understand what kind of stuff is necessary to manufacture and how to target the real needs of consumers. In the market, understanding consumer behavior is the biggest challenge and always remained a major obstacle in the successful deployment of the product/service. In the retail industry, consumer claims for the products are increasing; in the food industry, many food manufacturers lost their sustainability because of negative consumer behavior assessments. In the clothing industry, many brands are striving to get a stable market position and potential buyers by investing more in campaigns. But the major point is to understand the behavior of the consumer. There are natural choices relevant to every buyer, but these choices categorized through this research in two means. One is
  • 13. the growth mindset, and the other is a fixed mindset. People will growth mindset will take those products which will be innovative and according to the need of the era. The fixed mindset consumers can’t tolerate the change in their choices and buying behaviors. Even they can’t tolerate any negligence by service or product provider. These two mindsets of assessment is highly applicable to market-relevant issues because they provide with appropriate approaches. Companies can assess the needs of consumers and can provide according to their demands. Companies are wasting a high amount of money on promotional activities such as social media campaigns, television campaigns without considering that the product must design on consumer behavior. Mostly the branding advertisements cost higher, and without understanding the major concept behind the innovation or any launch, there are many chances that campaigns can fail. If companies want to avoid the ultimate loss, this research has the core concept which can apply in every kind of product/service provider industry. If companies can access the human mindset and traits by which he/she can choose the product. Few love to build the image, so there is a need to produce something catchy for that buyers, and this can only be possible if the companies will follow these dimensions. So, this research has a great contribution in manufacturing industries who are struggling to generate their profits and reputation through strong consumers. Companies can avoid their failures and can build successful working places with satisfied clients. It is also a new opportunity for companies who are targeting the market for any consumer industry. The reputable industry is only possible if it satisfies its buyers from all possible means, and this research is the best way to understand it. The research has opportunity to merge it in future for the best outcomes in consumer industry, and brands can rely on this approach to get success and margins.
  • 14. Bibliography Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136. Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136. 7 Consumer Behavior What is the key contribution of this research? In the journal article (Murphy & Dweck, 2016)the research on consumer behavior is conducted to show how mindset affects the behavior of the consumer. The journal article is a primary source and cited 104 times in other researches. The research has its great contribution to recognizing the mindset which contributes to consumer behavior. In this research, the mindset or implicit theories are implemented to evaluate the human nature and characteristics that are influential on the human mind. In this article, the mindset theory applied, which suggests how the growth or fixed mindset can shape the consumer brand extensions, consumer product preferences, and consumer trust recovery. The research contributed to the identification of consumer behavior in two different mindsets. Research suggested that mindset can influence consumer behavior. People who adopt a fixed mindset like to have the brands or products according to their goals and images. People with a fixed mindset like to have a product/brand which contributes to their positive habits and qualities. This research can help companies to understand what
  • 15. are the reasons behind the ever-increasing consumer complains due to their mindset and what steps are necessary to take for the betterment of consumer industries. Research contributed positively to understand what kind of mindset people have in their choices and how a consumer choice varies according to their growth and images. Those who have a growth mindset are love to choose brands and products which focused on their constant growth. People love to adopt new things to contribute to their lifestyles and personalities. Usually, consumer choices depend upon how people want to look — this mindset based on the ever-increasing growth attitude of the consumer. The complex and the multiply determined behavior of the consumer exposed through this research. In the era of consumer research, this research opened the new doors for the researchers to evaluate how and in which ways the consumer mindsets work. It also contributed to the success of brands and product providers because they can now generate useful campaigns. Brands can also understand how the consumer can be a target with his/her mindset. Different kinds of products can be manufactured according to the personal requirement of the consumer. Many companies lost their consumers, and multiple product failures occurred in their innovations. Many brands lost their sustainability because of the failed brand campaigns. It was the motivation for the research and contributed to the development of companies that are striving for sustainability. Mindset research is the best approach by which brands, companies can understand the reasons behind failures. This research is triggering the interesting questions in the consumer's mind about how they are shaping their mindset towards their choice. Consumer behavior is always an interesting and hot topic for the researcher, and this research explored new extending consumer psychologists' motivations. Now, products and brands can serve in the self-enhancement functions to reinforce their identity core aspects. Are there any confounds? Can you explain the results in a
  • 16. different way? There is no confound at all. Research is very clear and focused on a single objective, which is consumer behavior, and his mindset effect on it. Results are well-explained in research. Results can explain differently that consumer behavior research divided into categories. The results explained can be explained as there are two reasons behind consumer choices, either they are following similar patterns of buying because of their restricted lifestyle. Or they can have different buying patterns with the change in routines. Would the effect likely replicate? Use the criteria mentioned in class to evaluate the quality of the research? According to these research results, consumers can be categorized into their mind patterns and how they react to different routines. Consumer behavior is the influential matter which is impactful on multiple brands, and any product or brand manufacturer must have to consider the aspects of mindset before initiating any campaign. Even ads and commercials are highly attractive concerning the consumer mindset. Human traits are highly influential on everything, and consumer behavior is also depending upon the human traits that how people perceive things and how they respond to the buying patterns. In this research article, the research approach is unique; the research idea is unique. It based on the theoretical implementation of the human mindset to evaluate the consumer's behavior and human mindset relationship — the research work published in the well-recognized journal. The research topic is broad, which can further be implemented in so many ways to facilitate multiple brands, companies, and consumers. This research has a vast concept to understand the behavior of human and natural traits to consider any product. The research can contribute to further understanding of consumer behavior. What would you have done differently to test the hypotheses? To test the hypothesis, I decided to analyze it on the people that
  • 17. how they choose their stuff. It was a good way to analyze anything with core concepts and implementation. After reading the hypothesis, I wasn’t sure that, in actual the consumer behavior is based on the mindset. In my surroundings, I’ve selected ten people of different age levels with a different types of jobs and work routines. My motive was to evaluate the hypothesis on all possible ways to analyze that it works or not. I started asking a random question about their choices. The person who was working at the managerial post was choosy to his stuff. His buying behavior was so restricted and selective with the same dressing style without any innovation. The reason behind this restricted style was his job specification. That person's image of the managerial post connected with his consumer behavior. Then, the person who was so young and loved to dress up has different consumer behavior. According to him, the change in his routine matters a lot. He wants to move with the market-style and new innovative stuff rather than sticking on the very boring things. This was the point where I came to know that consumer behavior all depends upon the mindset that how people are in their patterns; either they are image-love or they love to change because they want their growth. External working environments and class issues bound some, and some are highly open due to their nature aspects. This research designed on a very true hypothesis, and everyone can feel it. People with different mindsets can’t choose the same, and they always remained complaining to the manufacturer and companies because companies can’t target their needs effectively. What is the single most interesting future research direction? In the domain of product or service failure, the research has an open direction to follow. It is the most interesting direction because there are many cases recorded where the companies faced failures in their services and products due to consumer behaviors. Even companies’ potential customers lost brand loyalty due to new initiative and noon-satisfactory productions. The research is designed to address such kind of issue.
  • 18. Describe a real world marketing-relevant situation where the findings could be applied in order to generate a novel solution? This research can optimally be used in the development of new services or product frameworks where the companies will be focus on their consumer behavior. Before launching or designing any product, there is a need to consider what buyers need from the brand and what kind of stuff they are producing from previous years. Every brand has its own unique identity and unique style by which it has a large range of buyers. If the brand lost its uniqueness for the sake of innovation without judging its potential buyers’ behaviors, it would ultimately bring huge loss to the brand. It is the major cause of every failure. Mindsets and consumer complaints are inter-connected. The research uncovered the mindset and its influence on consumer behavior. In case of any product failure, the customer complains the usual part for every brand manager. In the future, by working on this research, brand managers can reassure consumers about successful product delivery. Before launching any product, the customer review or customer analysis through surveys is necessary. In the future, this research can individually apply in a different dimension to explore how and what kind of behavior consumers have with their fixed or growth mindset and in which ways these mindsets can be addressed. Consumer behavior-related research has a very broader scope. In the market, there are many issues regarding consumer behavior. In every industry, from retail to manufacturing industry or every service provider, there is an issue of unpredictable consumer behavior. There are a lot of issues recorded every single day about their choices. It is hard to understand what kind of stuff is necessary to manufacture and how to target the real needs of consumers. In the market, understanding consumer behavior is the biggest challenge and always remained a major obstacle in the successful deployment of the product/service. In the retail industry, consumer claims for the products are increasing; in the
  • 19. food industry, many food manufacturers lost their sustainability because of negative consumer behavior assessments. In the clothing industry, many brands are striving to get a stable market position and potential buyers by investing more in campaigns. But the major point is to understand the behavior of the consumer. There are natural choices relevant to every buyer, but these choices categorized through this research in two means. One is the growth mindset, and the other is a fixed mindset. People will growth mindset will take those products which will be innovative and according to the need of the era. The fixed mindset consumers can’t tolerate the change in their choices and buying behaviors. Even they can’t tolerate any negligence by service or product provider. These two mindsets of assessment is highly applicable to market-relevant issues because they provide with appropriate approaches. Companies can assess the needs of consumers and can provide according to their demands. Companies are wasting a high amount of money on promotional activities such as social media campaigns, television campaigns without considering that the product must design on consumer behavior. Mostly the branding advertisements cost higher, and without understanding the major concept behind the innovation or any launch, there are many chances that campaigns can fail. If companies want to avoid the ultimate loss, this research has the core concept which can apply in every kind of product/service provider industry. If companies can access the human mindset and traits by which he/she can choose the product. Few love to build the image, so there is a need to produce something catchy for that buyers, and this can only be possible if the companies will follow these dimensions. So, this research has a great contribution in manufacturing industries who are struggling to generate their profits and reputation through strong consumers. Companies can avoid their failures and can build successful working places with satisfied clients. It is also a new opportunity for companies who are
  • 20. targeting the market for any consumer industry. The reputable industry is only possible if it satisfies its buyers from all possible means, and this research is the best way to understand it. The research has opportunity to merge it in future for the best outcomes in consumer industry, and brands can rely on this approach to get success and margins. Bibliography Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136. Murphy, M. C., & Dweck, C. S. (2016). Mindsets shape consumer behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27-136. Research Report In this assignment, you will engage with a primary source— a research article about consumer behavior from the academic literature. The goal of this assignment is 1) learn how to digest a research article 2) apply the insights to a business-relevant situation. Choosing an article: The article you choose needs to have the following characteristics. First, it needs to present original data. It cannot be a summary of previous work or pure theory— make sure the authors collected new data that is being presented for the first time. Second, the paper you choose needs to be well cited. Specifically, needs to be cited by at least 20 times on average for each year it has been published. Citation count can by
  • 21. searching on Google Scholar (Links to an external site.). For example, if a paper was published in 2015, it needs to have a citation count of at least 100. If a paper was published in 1990, it needs to have a citation count of at least 600. The citation count should be listed on the first page of your report. The results in the paper you choose should be plausibly replicable— do not chose a paper that would clearly not hold up to additional testing. The article does not need to explicitly mention consumer behavior. [5 pts for meeting these criteria] Written assignment: Your research report must address the following issues: · What is the key contribution of this research? [5 pts] · Are there any confounds? Can you explain the results in a different way? [5 pts] · Would the effect likely replicate? Use the criteria mentioned in class to evaluate the quality of the research [10 pts] · What would you have done differently to test the hypotheses? [5 pts] · What is the single most interesting future research direction? Just pick one. [5 pts] · Describe a real world marketing-relevant situation where the findings could be applied in order to generate a novel solution [20 pts] Length: Most successful papers will be between 6`7 pages. Use whatever amount of space is needed to efficiently communicate your ideas.