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Comment(s) from the following article were removed from the article's webpage in November, 2016:
As this has happened numerous times over the past several years in response to public discussion about
the issues at hand, the comments were saved and are copied below.
Note: It appears that this Perkasie News Herald article was taken offline entirely. The following
summary was able to be obtained from Google's cached version of said page:
Sellersville residents take issues with Wyckford Mews executive board to attorney general
Published: Wednesday, September 18, 2013
By: Erin Weaver
Welcome to Wyckford Mews! Please do not:
• Park cars in an open spot
• Ride bicycles on the sidewalk or street
• Leave shoes on your porch overnight
• Have more than one pet; if you have two pets, kindly give one away
If you violate any of these rules — among dozens of others — you will immediately receive a fine,
without warning or notice. If you try to fight that fine instead of paying it, leaving the fine unpaid on
your account, you are no longer in “Good Standing.” And if you are not in “Good Standing,” you
cannot vote out of office the people who are issuing these rules and fines.
This is the reality for Wyckford Mews residents and owners of the 132-unit complex on Mews Drive in
Sellersville. “The five-person executive board of managers at Wyckford Mews has been issuing
erroneous fines to many members of our community,” resident Harold Rosenberger said. “We receive
these erroneous fines that the board won’t take off.”
LastTime • 3 years ago
Let's break this down:
If previous explanations of this issue are too detailed for the average reader/resident (who doesn't seem
to believe this is possible anyway), please note that the legal description within the 1986 deed from
Marvin Katz to the Ridge Group Inc. completely bypasses the tract of land that the "condominiums"
are built on. Additionally, the entire tract was purchased at a 1984 auction by a "Nominee", which
means there is another existing (but undisclosed) owner of the land to begin with.
So what makes this a big deal?
First and foremost, the health effects. Research "vapor intrusion" and "chronic radiation syndrome."
These are SERIOUS carcinogenic issues, the effects of which may not surface until years after your
"ownership" at the Mews. Second, the fact that the USEPA installed monitoring wells on the property
in 1994 to monitor severe underground chemical and radioactive contamination, lied about the results,
and held tight to their claim that "contamination does not spread beyond the AMETEK property line"
knowing that AMETEK was the legal owner of the land that these units are built on. The Mews at
Wyckford Commons is legally a part of AMETEK Plant #2. And YES--for the last friggin time--this is
This is a massive screw-up that originated by developer and municipal greed, covered up by federal,
state, and county agencies because of the undisclosed uranium milling and atomic fuel production
activities on the property in question and corresponding liability for allowing homes to be built in such
close proximity to said areas--not to mention the effects this had on the destruction of the water supply
in this area (which they all also lied about).
This entire situation is criminal, and so are the actions of those residents who continue to turn a blind
eye to this and continue to sell their units without full disclosure to the next unsuspecting victim.
Original homeowners, some of which SERVE ON THE BOD NOW, were aware of the wells installed
on this property in 1994 and continued to allow for these units to be sold without disclosure.
WakeUp LastTime • 3 years ago
Residents should also be advised, again, that the DOE confirmed the production of nuclear fuel at the
American Machine and Metals (AMETEK) Plant #2 facility in Sellersville, PA. And for those of you
who think that a facility manufacturing anything nuclear related looks like a sprawling oil refinery,
please reference the attached picture of the SYLCOR nuclear fuel production plant built in Hicksville,
NY in 1957 (same year as AMETEK Plant #2 began construction):
Look familiar?
And regardless of all that has occurred here in the past, the bottom line is that this ground is not, nor
was it ever, suitable for residential construction. Please remove the "Well they wouldn't have allowed it
if it wasn't safe" mentality from your minds. Wake up. That certainly doesn't apply in Sellersville.
For the last time, residents need to take 20 minutes out of their day and read each and every post on the
below message board:
2011 LastTime • 3 years ago
Gilbert • 3 years ago
Really? This actually made front page? Just another story of a self-entitled individual who failed to put
their reading glasses on when they "read" the rules and regulations of the association. It is called
compliance...look up the definition. If you don't like the rules....then move. You are not judge and jury.
Homeowners need to take responsibility for their own actions and not push the blame to another party.
Pay the fine...move on...if you don't like it...move out...
Garrett Gilbert • 3 years ago
Gilbert is 100% on track...this individual is smoking out his neighbors with an illegal wood-
burning stove and is essentially non-conformist towards every path or situation life presents...
Chrissy Garrett • 3 years ago
I would very concerned if someone was using a wood burning stove in a condominium. That is
no joke and the association is hopefully cracking down on that. Very serious health and safety
Amy Chrissy • 3 years ago
Just to clarify...we have wood burning fireplaces in the condos so its not as tragic as Garrett
makes it sound...and yes I live in Wyckford Mews and yes I have some serious concerns with
our current board. I very carefully read the HOA document I received before buying my home
in order to make sure I was comfortable with the rules. What I didn't anticipate was being told
my HOA document was wrong and receiving bogus violation notices with no proof of
Chrissy Amy • 3 years ago
You do realize wood burning stoves need to be installed professionally with proper inserting?
I'm telling you those units aren't built to withstand the heat. That's really heartbreaking to hear
you say that. It sounds like you have no care for the safety of others.
Rick Chrissy • 3 years ago
I'm a building inspector w/over 20 yrs experience and you couldn't be more wrong. Anyone
with a brain and who can read is capable of installing one. Please tell me what units aren't "built
to withstand the heat"? They're UL tested and approved. Stop posting misinformed rubbish!
I'm the man Rick • 3 years ago
Rick's a spammer. Just ignore what ever he has to say.
rick I'm the man • 3 years ago
I barely post on here please tell me how that makes me a spammer? Must be that I'm right with
what I posted and you don't like it. Do some research then tell me i'm wrong.
Garrett Rick • 3 years ago
Jeanne Chrissy • 3 years ago
There are inadequate fireplaces in most all condos.
Ihatethotlesscomments Gilbert • 3 years ago
That was a stupid comment. The article says the board is not following the rules. Obviously, this is not
a single individual with an issue, and I am glad the owners are standing up for themselves. You're
probably a board member. Boo.
befair Ihatethotlesscomments • 3 years ago
I think the article indicates people don't have a problem paying fines, if they are warranted and
follow the Board's set fining structure.
Jeanne Gilbert • 3 years ago
And if 150 members decide to move out and sell at the same time due to draconian ineptitude by HOA
and its management company how is that beneficial to anybody, most of all the rest of the
homeowners? I am seriously thinking of selling, ASAP because of unfair assessment of fines.
befair Gilbert • 3 years ago
must be a board member or you don't live there. Can't judge others until you've walked in their shoes.
The article indicates no problem paying fines if they are warranted and follow the fining structure.
Wyckford resident Gilbert • 3 years ago
Gilbert and Garrett - Are you are a board members? If so be brave about it and say you are.
I'm Wykford Mews resident, and can honestly say this definitely isn't just a "self-entitled individual".
Many of us are affected by the behavior listed above which makes living in what should be a peaceful
happy neighborhood into an oppressive one.
Gilbert Wyckford resident • 3 years ago
Hi Wyckford resident - Nope. I can honestly say I am not a board member. Just an outsider
looking in...
I know people that live there though...have not heard many complaints.
Megan Gilbert • 3 years ago
Seriously? Maybe they aren't people who are being harassed but that's far from the majority
here who are.
Doug Megan • 3 years ago
Agreed. The bit about turning it into a 50-and-over community is spot on. Young people have
no place here.
Garrett Wyckford resident • 3 years ago
I am not a board member, and you are correct, unnecessary and overzealous surveillance and fines
should be honorably addressed by board members and residents concern is that the residents
are not sucked in to an endorsement of an individual whose lifestyle approach is neither neighbor-
friendly nor beneficial....,
Garrett Wyckford resident • 3 years ago
I am not a board member, and your rightful complaints and concerns need to be honorably addressed
by the residents and board alike....don't let this individual's longtime personal crusade suck you into an
endorsement of a lifestyle that is neither neighbor-friendly nor beneficial...
Rediccc • 3 years ago
This article is stupid. These people area making fools of themselves.
Resident • 3 years ago
Everyone complaining is a trouble maker whether they think it or not. Give it a rest.
Steve Resident • 3 years ago
Yeah. Give it a rest. Accept unreasonable fines, accept getting turned down for loans because
you are fighting an unreasonable fine.
Maybe you should look in the mirror, "Resident." They all may be "trouble makers", but you
seriously need to grow a set.
concernedresident • 3 years ago
What frightens me about this article is that it's going to scare away potential new residents - both
owners and tenants. And I'll be honest that part of me says that for selfish reasons because my husband
and I want to move out of the Mews. But not because we hate it here. It's because we are young and
want to start a family and want a yard. My hope is that the board members read this article and make
changes so that Wyckford Mews residents feel like this is a community they want to live in. Life is too
short and it makes me sad that many people feel they are trapped in this community.
Megan concernedresident • 3 years ago
I agree with you whole heartedly. I'm concerned people won't want to buy as well but because
we hope to only be here a few years but something needs to be done. They worry about the
petty BS instead of things that really need attention. I'm tired of being miserable in my own
home. My husband and I deserve to not feel like we're walking on egg shells as do everyone
else living here does. If we need to follow the rules so does the board and management
company which they are not.
Common Sense • 3 years ago
Some people posting here have no clue about the workings of an Association. It's seems very clear that
power has affected the Board's ability to make common sense decisions. It's also clear that they have
overstepped their authority in not following the documented enforcement procedures of the
Association. If the documents say a warning notice needs to be issued prior to a fine assessment, one
must be sent for the fine to be valid. Also, the gentleman with two cats should have been grandfathered
when the rule was changed to one pet. He would need to comply once one of the cats is gone from the
picture. Owners need to be active in the Association and use their voting power to get Board members
in place that will hopefully help build a sense of community instead of destroying it...
rick Common Sense • 3 years ago
homeowners associations are almost always retired seniors with nothing to do but look for petty
garbage to complain about. The little bit of power goes to their heads and they become little
dictators of their kingdoms. Fight back and post the names of the board members. Shine a light
on their activities and watch how quick they hide. The state regulates the HOA's look up the
regs and fight back.
Megan • 3 years ago
If you don't live here you have no idea what it's like nor do you have any way of making an intelligent
comment. My husband and I moved here in March and it's been a living hell!
Guest • 3 years ago
Every condo association board I have ever experienced in eastern PA was made up of people who
identify as progressives and liberals who were angry at the fact they are losers in life. They spend what
is left of their miserable lives trying to make others feel as impotent. They are bullies. Treat them as
Boner366 Guest • 3 years ago
Oh absolutely. A BOD comprised of conservatives would be much better. Come on.
How one identifies is irrelevant. Every situation is unique. That's the problem here. Everyone
lumps things into generalizations and gives no merit to anything else. Things are not as black
and white as people make them.
rick Guest • 3 years ago
always 1 genius who has to turn something into a lib-conserve issue when its not. this is about fools
letting power go to their heads which crosses all party lines!
Pinalian • 3 years ago
Its sad when folks post messages about particulars and can't see the forest for the trees. State Rep after
State Rep have introduced legislation to reign in these unregulated and unlicensed entities called HOA
Boards and their ugly side-kick Property Management Companies. Many of you posters didn't read the
article - Bylaws were updated without notice and without resident vote. Capiche? What will it be next
time? How about specious violations? Boards not following the Bylaws, in a crystal clear nutshell. So,
without a State HOA Ombudsman, unlike other States, homeowners either pay out of pocket to litigate
or dive into the State bureaucracy for help. That's not very consumerly, now is it? ....and "just move"?
Sounds like you haven't paid your own way in a while, if ever. This is the exact mindset of a non-
resident and you probably got paid by an HOA Board/Property Management Co to post that nonsense.
against communist dictatorship • 3 years ago
the dictating board has issued fines to me for rediculous thing but everything i was issued i have
pictures of said board members doing mostly parking violations tons of pics dated and timed i will
gladly give them to attorny general if need be
Kyro23 • 3 years ago
Harold - do you let your cats outside?
Man up and be honest.
Barneycsp • 3 years ago
I and several owners of a condo association had to hire a lawyer to get the right to over throw the condo
board and replace them with a special vote. We also changed the by-laws requiring a few ownership
vote by quorum to make by-law changes.
Carol • 3 years ago
The board at Wyckford is like the Gestapo. They rule with an iron fist, wandering around dooling out
fines. Basically they invent rules so that families with children won't move in. You can't ride a bicycle,
you can't walk your dog on the sidewalk, so when you drive through there people are walking in the
street with their dogs so the don't get FINED~! The board members walk around with a clipboard and
write people up if their screen door on their slider is missing, or it's open and they can't SEE it, Don't
dare personalize your property by putting a plant outside, that's also not allowed. Rules are applied to
some and not others. I don't live there, but two of my friends do.
Denise Hildenbrand • 3 years ago
I lived there for 13 years & that is one of the reason's I sold my place. All their silly stupid rules &
board members walking around the community like the Gestapo looking for anything to complain &
fine you for. So glad I moved away from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rick • 3 years ago
Here's an idea. video the HOA's going around and post it on you tube.when they see how ridiculous
they look they'll calm down,lol
Stonecoldmd • 3 years ago
Sounds like Gestapo behavior to me. When are they going to limit certain religions, race, sexuality.
Power corrupts!
“Fair use” is supported by Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976..

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Deleted Article Commentary - Item 4

  • 1. Deleted Article Commentary Comment(s) from the following article were removed from the article's webpage in November, 2016: 142824806.txt As this has happened numerous times over the past several years in response to public discussion about the issues at hand, the comments were saved and are copied below. Note: It appears that this Perkasie News Herald article was taken offline entirely. The following summary was able to be obtained from Google's cached version of said page: Sellersville residents take issues with Wyckford Mews executive board to attorney general Published: Wednesday, September 18, 2013 By: Erin Weaver Welcome to Wyckford Mews! Please do not: • Park cars in an open spot • Ride bicycles on the sidewalk or street • Leave shoes on your porch overnight • Have more than one pet; if you have two pets, kindly give one away If you violate any of these rules — among dozens of others — you will immediately receive a fine, without warning or notice. If you try to fight that fine instead of paying it, leaving the fine unpaid on your account, you are no longer in “Good Standing.” And if you are not in “Good Standing,” you cannot vote out of office the people who are issuing these rules and fines. This is the reality for Wyckford Mews residents and owners of the 132-unit complex on Mews Drive in Sellersville. “The five-person executive board of managers at Wyckford Mews has been issuing erroneous fines to many members of our community,” resident Harold Rosenberger said. “We receive these erroneous fines that the board won’t take off.” COMMENTS LastTime • 3 years ago Let's break this down: If previous explanations of this issue are too detailed for the average reader/resident (who doesn't seem to believe this is possible anyway), please note that the legal description within the 1986 deed from Marvin Katz to the Ridge Group Inc. completely bypasses the tract of land that the "condominiums" are built on. Additionally, the entire tract was purchased at a 1984 auction by a "Nominee", which means there is another existing (but undisclosed) owner of the land to begin with. So what makes this a big deal?
  • 2. First and foremost, the health effects. Research "vapor intrusion" and "chronic radiation syndrome." These are SERIOUS carcinogenic issues, the effects of which may not surface until years after your "ownership" at the Mews. Second, the fact that the USEPA installed monitoring wells on the property in 1994 to monitor severe underground chemical and radioactive contamination, lied about the results, and held tight to their claim that "contamination does not spread beyond the AMETEK property line" knowing that AMETEK was the legal owner of the land that these units are built on. The Mews at Wyckford Commons is legally a part of AMETEK Plant #2. And YES--for the last friggin time--this is possible. This is a massive screw-up that originated by developer and municipal greed, covered up by federal, state, and county agencies because of the undisclosed uranium milling and atomic fuel production activities on the property in question and corresponding liability for allowing homes to be built in such close proximity to said areas--not to mention the effects this had on the destruction of the water supply in this area (which they all also lied about). This entire situation is criminal, and so are the actions of those residents who continue to turn a blind eye to this and continue to sell their units without full disclosure to the next unsuspecting victim. Original homeowners, some of which SERVE ON THE BOD NOW, were aware of the wells installed on this property in 1994 and continued to allow for these units to be sold without disclosure. WakeUp LastTime • 3 years ago Residents should also be advised, again, that the DOE confirmed the production of nuclear fuel at the American Machine and Metals (AMETEK) Plant #2 facility in Sellersville, PA. And for those of you who think that a facility manufacturing anything nuclear related looks like a sprawling oil refinery, please reference the attached picture of the SYLCOR nuclear fuel production plant built in Hicksville, NY in 1957 (same year as AMETEK Plant #2 began construction): Look familiar? And regardless of all that has occurred here in the past, the bottom line is that this ground is not, nor was it ever, suitable for residential construction. Please remove the "Well they wouldn't have allowed it if it wasn't safe" mentality from your minds. Wake up. That certainly doesn't apply in Sellersville. For the last time, residents need to take 20 minutes out of their day and read each and every post on the below message board: 2011 LastTime • 3 years ago Gilbert • 3 years ago Really? This actually made front page? Just another story of a self-entitled individual who failed to put their reading glasses on when they "read" the rules and regulations of the association. It is called
  • 3. compliance...look up the definition. If you don't like the rules....then move. You are not judge and jury. Homeowners need to take responsibility for their own actions and not push the blame to another party. Pay the fine...move on...if you don't like it...move out... Garrett Gilbert • 3 years ago Gilbert is 100% on track...this individual is smoking out his neighbors with an illegal wood- burning stove and is essentially non-conformist towards every path or situation life presents... Chrissy Garrett • 3 years ago I would very concerned if someone was using a wood burning stove in a condominium. That is no joke and the association is hopefully cracking down on that. Very serious health and safety concerns... Amy Chrissy • 3 years ago Just to clarify...we have wood burning fireplaces in the condos so its not as tragic as Garrett makes it sound...and yes I live in Wyckford Mews and yes I have some serious concerns with our current board. I very carefully read the HOA document I received before buying my home in order to make sure I was comfortable with the rules. What I didn't anticipate was being told my HOA document was wrong and receiving bogus violation notices with no proof of wrongdoing. Chrissy Amy • 3 years ago You do realize wood burning stoves need to be installed professionally with proper inserting? I'm telling you those units aren't built to withstand the heat. That's really heartbreaking to hear you say that. It sounds like you have no care for the safety of others. Rick Chrissy • 3 years ago I'm a building inspector w/over 20 yrs experience and you couldn't be more wrong. Anyone with a brain and who can read is capable of installing one. Please tell me what units aren't "built to withstand the heat"? They're UL tested and approved. Stop posting misinformed rubbish! I'm the man Rick • 3 years ago Rick's a spammer. Just ignore what ever he has to say. rick I'm the man • 3 years ago I barely post on here please tell me how that makes me a spammer? Must be that I'm right with what I posted and you don't like it. Do some research then tell me i'm wrong. Garrett Rick • 3 years ago THE ONE THAT YOUR BUDDY HAROLD ROSENBERGER LIVES IN!!!
  • 4. Jeanne Chrissy • 3 years ago There are inadequate fireplaces in most all condos. Ihatethotlesscomments Gilbert • 3 years ago That was a stupid comment. The article says the board is not following the rules. Obviously, this is not a single individual with an issue, and I am glad the owners are standing up for themselves. You're probably a board member. Boo. befair Ihatethotlesscomments • 3 years ago I think the article indicates people don't have a problem paying fines, if they are warranted and follow the Board's set fining structure. Jeanne Gilbert • 3 years ago And if 150 members decide to move out and sell at the same time due to draconian ineptitude by HOA and its management company how is that beneficial to anybody, most of all the rest of the homeowners? I am seriously thinking of selling, ASAP because of unfair assessment of fines. befair Gilbert • 3 years ago must be a board member or you don't live there. Can't judge others until you've walked in their shoes. The article indicates no problem paying fines if they are warranted and follow the fining structure. Wyckford resident Gilbert • 3 years ago Gilbert and Garrett - Are you are a board members? If so be brave about it and say you are. I'm Wykford Mews resident, and can honestly say this definitely isn't just a "self-entitled individual". Many of us are affected by the behavior listed above which makes living in what should be a peaceful happy neighborhood into an oppressive one. Gilbert Wyckford resident • 3 years ago Hi Wyckford resident - Nope. I can honestly say I am not a board member. Just an outsider looking in... I know people that live there though...have not heard many complaints. Megan Gilbert • 3 years ago Seriously? Maybe they aren't people who are being harassed but that's far from the majority here who are. Doug Megan • 3 years ago Agreed. The bit about turning it into a 50-and-over community is spot on. Young people have no place here.
  • 5. Garrett Wyckford resident • 3 years ago I am not a board member, and you are correct, unnecessary and overzealous surveillance and fines should be honorably addressed by board members and residents concern is that the residents are not sucked in to an endorsement of an individual whose lifestyle approach is neither neighbor- friendly nor beneficial...., Garrett Wyckford resident • 3 years ago I am not a board member, and your rightful complaints and concerns need to be honorably addressed by the residents and board alike....don't let this individual's longtime personal crusade suck you into an endorsement of a lifestyle that is neither neighbor-friendly nor beneficial... Rediccc • 3 years ago This article is stupid. These people area making fools of themselves. Resident • 3 years ago Everyone complaining is a trouble maker whether they think it or not. Give it a rest. Steve Resident • 3 years ago Yeah. Give it a rest. Accept unreasonable fines, accept getting turned down for loans because you are fighting an unreasonable fine. Maybe you should look in the mirror, "Resident." They all may be "trouble makers", but you seriously need to grow a set. concernedresident • 3 years ago What frightens me about this article is that it's going to scare away potential new residents - both owners and tenants. And I'll be honest that part of me says that for selfish reasons because my husband and I want to move out of the Mews. But not because we hate it here. It's because we are young and want to start a family and want a yard. My hope is that the board members read this article and make changes so that Wyckford Mews residents feel like this is a community they want to live in. Life is too short and it makes me sad that many people feel they are trapped in this community. Megan concernedresident • 3 years ago I agree with you whole heartedly. I'm concerned people won't want to buy as well but because we hope to only be here a few years but something needs to be done. They worry about the petty BS instead of things that really need attention. I'm tired of being miserable in my own home. My husband and I deserve to not feel like we're walking on egg shells as do everyone else living here does. If we need to follow the rules so does the board and management company which they are not. Common Sense • 3 years ago Some people posting here have no clue about the workings of an Association. It's seems very clear that
  • 6. power has affected the Board's ability to make common sense decisions. It's also clear that they have overstepped their authority in not following the documented enforcement procedures of the Association. If the documents say a warning notice needs to be issued prior to a fine assessment, one must be sent for the fine to be valid. Also, the gentleman with two cats should have been grandfathered when the rule was changed to one pet. He would need to comply once one of the cats is gone from the picture. Owners need to be active in the Association and use their voting power to get Board members in place that will hopefully help build a sense of community instead of destroying it... rick Common Sense • 3 years ago homeowners associations are almost always retired seniors with nothing to do but look for petty garbage to complain about. The little bit of power goes to their heads and they become little dictators of their kingdoms. Fight back and post the names of the board members. Shine a light on their activities and watch how quick they hide. The state regulates the HOA's look up the regs and fight back. Megan • 3 years ago If you don't live here you have no idea what it's like nor do you have any way of making an intelligent comment. My husband and I moved here in March and it's been a living hell! Guest • 3 years ago Every condo association board I have ever experienced in eastern PA was made up of people who identify as progressives and liberals who were angry at the fact they are losers in life. They spend what is left of their miserable lives trying to make others feel as impotent. They are bullies. Treat them as such. Boner366 Guest • 3 years ago Oh absolutely. A BOD comprised of conservatives would be much better. Come on. How one identifies is irrelevant. Every situation is unique. That's the problem here. Everyone lumps things into generalizations and gives no merit to anything else. Things are not as black and white as people make them. rick Guest • 3 years ago always 1 genius who has to turn something into a lib-conserve issue when its not. this is about fools letting power go to their heads which crosses all party lines! Pinalian • 3 years ago Its sad when folks post messages about particulars and can't see the forest for the trees. State Rep after State Rep have introduced legislation to reign in these unregulated and unlicensed entities called HOA Boards and their ugly side-kick Property Management Companies. Many of you posters didn't read the article - Bylaws were updated without notice and without resident vote. Capiche? What will it be next time? How about specious violations? Boards not following the Bylaws, in a crystal clear nutshell. So, without a State HOA Ombudsman, unlike other States, homeowners either pay out of pocket to litigate or dive into the State bureaucracy for help. That's not very consumerly, now is it? ....and "just move"?
  • 7. Sounds like you haven't paid your own way in a while, if ever. This is the exact mindset of a non- resident and you probably got paid by an HOA Board/Property Management Co to post that nonsense. against communist dictatorship • 3 years ago the dictating board has issued fines to me for rediculous thing but everything i was issued i have pictures of said board members doing mostly parking violations tons of pics dated and timed i will gladly give them to attorny general if need be Kyro23 • 3 years ago Harold - do you let your cats outside? Man up and be honest. Barneycsp • 3 years ago I and several owners of a condo association had to hire a lawyer to get the right to over throw the condo board and replace them with a special vote. We also changed the by-laws requiring a few ownership vote by quorum to make by-law changes. Carol • 3 years ago The board at Wyckford is like the Gestapo. They rule with an iron fist, wandering around dooling out fines. Basically they invent rules so that families with children won't move in. You can't ride a bicycle, you can't walk your dog on the sidewalk, so when you drive through there people are walking in the street with their dogs so the don't get FINED~! The board members walk around with a clipboard and write people up if their screen door on their slider is missing, or it's open and they can't SEE it, Don't dare personalize your property by putting a plant outside, that's also not allowed. Rules are applied to some and not others. I don't live there, but two of my friends do. Denise Hildenbrand • 3 years ago I lived there for 13 years & that is one of the reason's I sold my place. All their silly stupid rules & board members walking around the community like the Gestapo looking for anything to complain & fine you for. So glad I moved away from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rick • 3 years ago Here's an idea. video the HOA's going around and post it on you tube.when they see how ridiculous they look they'll calm down,lol Stonecoldmd • 3 years ago Sounds like Gestapo behavior to me. When are they going to limit certain religions, race, sexuality. Power corrupts! “Fair use” is supported by Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976..