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Biomes and their Organisms
XIyu Shen
Argosy University
A biome is a geographically defined area with distinct plants
and animals groupBiomes are defined by geography and
climateUnderstanding biomes requires good understanding of
the location and adaptation of the climatic conditions of a
particular regionThe survival and well being of a biome and its
organisms depends on ecological relationships throughout the
TundraTaigaGrasslandsDeciduousDesertDesert Scrub
Cold temperatures and precipitation is more of snow It spreads
across the northern hemisphere regions of the worldThe regions
have brief
Summers with Tempe
ratures slightly above
Freezing point
Polar bearCaribouMusk OxArictic FoxSnow owl
LichenCottonArctic WillowMoss
Caribou herds feed on the lichensThere is predators in this
biome for example polar bears, arctic foxes, and wolves. The
smaller animals the smaller mammals are lemmings and
snowshoe rabbits. at predators eat include The plants also
relate with the soil in the sense that the heights and root depth
depend on the soil
The polar bears and owls have developed thick fur that enables
them to survive in the cold climateThe caribous have developed
hoofs that enable them to walk on the snowIn rocky areas,
plants have roots that are modified to support the plant without
going too deepAnimals like reindeers have antlers for defense
If the temperatures rose by 10 degree, the possible effects will
Animals will die because their bodies can not adopt
The snow will melt and the habitats will be destroyed
Organisms will have to migrate to other places to find suitable
The changes may also prompt new organisms to move in or
some of the others may adopt to the new conditionsThose
organisms that remain will have to modify their characteristics
over timeThe migratory species will face the challenges of food
and survivalThe biome may be completely destroyed for a new
one to develop
When the biome adapts to the changes in the temperature, the
following will happen;
The animals that will live in this biome will remain the same
because of adaptation
The animals may need a little time top adjust than if only the
temperatures change
The organisms will have different chacteristics as compared to
the earlier ones
Proper environmental management would ensure the
conservation of the biome.Conservation would help in
sustaining the biome, hence the organisms will continue with
propagationPoor management will lead to poor polices that can
lead to the destruction of biomes
Where there is poor management ,effects can be felt like global
warming Global warming would lead to the melting of ice and
the biome will be destroyedProper management of environment
is an important factor when it biomes to preserving biomes
Environmental management ensures that proper policies have
been made.
Drastic changes in the biome will affect the society because the
members have learnt to rely on some organismsIf the snow
melts, the transportation may be affected because some people
use sleightFood will also be a concern for the peoples because
the society depends on organisms for such.
I will still live in the same biome incase of drastic changes in
climate because human being can find a way of dealing with the
changesThe changes will prompt the community to think of
ways of dealing with those changes and find new ways of doing
thingsHumans are rational hence and the world is changing all
the time ,so it is better to be dynamic
Biomes are majorly determined by climatic conditions and
geographical locationThe organisms can be able to adapt new
conditions within a biome, though it may take longHuman
activities can also affect the conditions of a biomeThere is a
direct relationship between organisms and the type of biome
Malik,M.(2003).Biomes.Oxfor:Oxford University Press
Mary, J.(2007). Introduction to biology. Nairobi: Longman
Kubasu, K.(2003). Human geography. Nairobi: Longman
Asha, M.(2004).The world major climatic regions. London:
Tony, L.(2009). Relationships within a biome. Chicago:
Chicago Press
Environmental issues and Industrial Revolution
Environmental issues and Industrial Revolution
Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution
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Environmental Issues and the
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution Era was a period, in which
fundamental changes occurred in,
textile, agriculture and transportation, metal manufacture,
economic policies and the social
structure in England. This period is appropriately known as
revolution, because it destroyed
the old manner of doing things; During this period (1760-1850)
changes occurred gradually.
So the year 1760 is generally accepted as the eve of the
Industrial Revolution. Actually this
eve starts more than two centuries ago this date.
During the period of Industrial Revolution there were
many inventions that effected the
environment and society. For example automobiles, the
telegraph, electricity the steamboat,
and the mechanical reaper etc. These inventions not only helped
the Industrial Revolution to
grow up, as well as it had also affected the future society. These
inventions create
dependence and people started to depend on them. For example
automobiles and electricity,
these inventions helped the developing world. Because with the
help of these jobs done
easily, tasks can be completed effortlessly, and it provided
peoples more time for
concentrating other things instead work. Although these
inventions revolutionized the world
and affected society for the better, but they were bad for the
Most of these inventions of The Industrial
Revolution Environmentally, were very
bad because they used natural resources and caused pollution.
At that time, people have no
idea that they were negatively affecting the environment by
using these. So air pollution,
overpopulation, waste disposal and water pollution were also
negative effects on
industrial revolution. The air pollution has been produce
because of use of coal in factories,
at that time coal was the best energy source to power all
development. Waste disposal was
also a major environmental issue that closely related to water
pollution as well. It also was
related to overpopulation. The Industrial Revolution boomed,
After the Civil War, and along
with it the population boomed as well. When the population
increased severally, then there
was no place left for the waste to go. So, most of the waste was
thrown into nearby rivers or
just in empty places. So that water became cause of Water
pollution. Which affect the
environment and society so when the people use that water for
bathing or drinking it have bad
effect on them.
During the Industrial Revolution U.S.A and Great
Britain started a race of
development, and indulge themselves in development and they
did not pay any attention on
what was happening on earth and its resources. First of all,
earth its inhabitants was being
polluted. Secondly, because of the pace of development, its
natural resources were being
drained of,. At the same time production capacity was
increasing and the economy was sky-
rocketing, and the natural resources were being worn out faster
and faster. This came in
realization when the Industrial Revolution was at its peak, and
it started slowed down the
Revolution until we came to a stage where a lot of the world
was much developed and ready
to settle down.
On us Economy e industrialization have a most
significant effect that was mass
movement of population to the large cities and away from rural
areas. Second effect was
significant shift in wealth. Before Industrialization, wealthy
Americans were people who
owned large farms but after industrialization wealth moved to
industrialists. Third effect is
that Industrialization made the United States a player on the
World Scene. Because of the
industrialization US became a World Power.
Due to industrialization need and number of power
plants and factories increased
so a number of problems including air pollution and damaging
run-off is started to increase.
Marine life also affected by factory pollution. Another main
effect is an increase in urban to
rural migration. In United States there are poor urban problem
resulted in sprawl and poor
long-distance public transportation. This increased dependence
on fuel for personal
One final major environmental problem that effect
industrlization in the late 1960s
and early 1970s was the use of fertilizers and pesticides. As
agriculture was becoming more
centralized and commercialized and, high yield crops need also
increased. Use of pesticides,
especially DDT, resulted in severe consequences to humans and
animals alike.
Following laws has been passed to handle environmental issues
in 1970
The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
Environmental Quality Improvement Act,
the National Environmental Education Act,
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
The main purpose of these federal laws was to assure
that the environment must be
protected against both private and public actions that failed to
take account of costs or harms
inflicted on the eco-system.The EPA is supposed to analyze and
monitor the environment,
conduct research, and work closely with local governments and
state to devise pollution
control policies.
It has five main objectives, called "core functions." These
· Pollution Prevention
· Risk Assessment & Reduction,
· Science, Research, and Technology,
· Regulatory Development
· Environmental Education
NEPA (really enacted in 1969) has been described as
one of Congress's most
far reaching environmental legislation ever passed. The main
objective of NEPA is to
force governmental agencies to consider the effects of their
decisions on the
Clean Air Act (CAA): Main purpose of clean air act was
protect air quality by
regulating mobile , and stationary sources of pollution.
Clean Water Act (CWA): This Act protects water by preventing
discharge of
pollutants into navigable waters from point sources.
Environmental laws protect the safety and health of
environment and humans. For
example, the Clean Air Act limits emissions of pollutants;
Clean Water Act prohibits
dumping of waste water into U.S. ocean waters without a
permit. Without such laws,
individuals and business might do whatever was most easy or
cost-effective for them, rather
than acting for the good of environment and society. These laws
tend to increase innovative
environmentally friendly technology.
On the other hand Businesses may consider these
environmental laws in a negative
light if they must adapt their practices and increase spending
money to comply with them.
Individuals may also feel uncomfortable by practicing laws as
well, such as a new law against
fishing in a favourite spot. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis
of environmental laws often
proves challenging, as negative effects of not implementing
these laws -- such as illness ,
death, and ecosystem destruction -- cannot always be measured
in monetary terms. However,
becoming more environmentally friendly and following laws we
may actually save
businesses and individuals money in the long term, particularly
by reducing energy and waste
usage, despite the cost of the initial investment.
Ashton, T. S. The Industrial Revolution. London: Oxford
University Press, 1969.
Chambers, J. D. The Workshop of the World. London: Oxford
University Press, 1968.
Toynbee, A. The Industrial Revolution. Boston: Beacon Press,
Ashton, T. S. The Industrial Revolution. London: Oxford
University Press, 1969.
Bukro, Casey. "EPA Chief Ties Ecology to Economy." Chicago
Tribune. 13 February 1993.
Cole, Carol. "Bush Backs Budget Cuts at EPA; Democrats Vow
to Fight." World Fuels
Today. 8 February 2006.
Collin, Robert W. The Environmental Protection Agency:
Cleaning up America's
act. Greenwood Press. 2006.
Payne, P.L. British Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth Century.
New York: Macmillan, 1974.
Pike, E. R. Hard Times: Human Documents of the Industrial
Revolution. New York: Praeger, 1966.
Thompson, E. P. The Making of the English Working Class.
New York: Pantheon, 1964.
Toynbee, A. The Industrial Revolution. Boston: Beacon Press,
Demographic Transitions
Demographic and Environmental Timeline
Xiyu Shen
Argosy University
Demographic and Environmental Timeline
Demographic transition is considered to be a process whereby a
country transitions from being a less industrialized society, with
high birth and death rates, to an industrialized one, having
lower birth and death rates (Ewert, 2006). Majority of nations
have already been through this transition including England,
Canada and the US. The demographic transition to an
industrialized society is rather detrimental for the environment
since industrialized societies tend to consume non-renewable
resources, giving off pollution. Industrialized countries also
have the largest ecological and carbon footprint relative to
developing or non-industrialized nations (Allen, 2003). It is
however fortunate that some advantages can be witnessed
regarding the process of demographic transition, including
lower birth and death rates. Essentially, individuals in
industrialized nations tend to have fewer children and this helps
in controlling the overall population size (Lucas, 2002). The
following is the demographic and environmental timeline of
Germany between 1800 to date.
Stage 1
Major Historical Changes: The country is using the Continental
System and is resisting Napoleon. Educational and military
reforms are undertaken by Prussian Reform Movement. The
country is under Metternich and Catholicism together with
Liberalism is becoming more prominent.
Changing Population Size: General population decreases as a
result of the constant wars going on during this period.
Germany is resisting Napoleon who wants to become the ruler
of the world.
Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates are low while the death
rates are high. This is also attributed to the wars going on at
this time and the fact that couples are not giving birth as it is
would have been expected.
Environmental Impact: Environmental impact is high due to the
Wars. Wars tend to release a lot of toxic gases into the
atmosphere thus affecting the population in the process.
Stage 2
Major Historical Changes: There is a call for peace resolution
and the Treaty of Versailles is signed to end the First World
War. Germany’s economy faces Depression and the demise of
Parliamentary Democracy. Women are recognized where small
entrepreneurs are encouraged to venture into various businesses.
The country also embraces national Socialism and Modernity
which pave way to the initial steps in Foreign Policy.
Changing Population Size: The population size is on the
increase due to the nation recovery from the First and Second
World Wars. The nation is also becoming more and more
industrialized and people are confident in residing within
Birth and Death Rates: There are high birth rates and decreasing
death rates following the end of the Wars. Peace is slowly
residing in the country and women’s rights are being fought for,
thus encouraging women to bear children once more.
Environmental Impact: Environmental impact is on the increase
due to Industrialization. The nation has recovered from the war
and is now trying to recover and heal itself.
Stage 3
Major Historical Changes: Germany’s Federal Republic forges
the Great Coalition of 1966 to 1969. The country confronts with
the past and forms the Extra-Parliamentary Opposition. The
Chancellorship of Willy Brandt is formalized; this is followed
by subsequent terrorist act in the country, forcing the federal
government to address this issue. During this time, Germany
also debates on the forging and usage of Atomic Weapons. The
West German Society undergoes a major transformation during
this time.
Changing Population Size: The population size is still
relevantly low and constant as Germans are trying to adjust
themselves into the New Germany. People particularly
foreigners are still reluctant to have permanent residence in the
Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates are still high and death
rates rapidly decreasing.
Environmental Impact: Industrialization has been embraced
fully and this is causing numerous instances of pollution to the
atmosphere and the general society.
Stage 4
Major Historical Changes: The country welcomes technological
advancements. The Berlin Wall is torn down and both East and
West Germany reunified after their division in the course of the
Cold War. The reunification of Germany brings about debates
over the nation’s past.
Changing Population Size: The population size is on the
increase as people have now become comfortable enough to
settle in the country. Foreigners are also investing in businesses
though not as many as expected.
Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates have decreased and so
has the death rates. Women have become more empowered and
are now capable of earning their individual income through
employment. They are opting to work first then have children
when they are financially stable.
Environmental Impact: The country is experiencing increased
urbanization as well as industrialization. Pollution and toxic
chemicals from industries and factories are causing challenges
to the environment as well as the German community as
majority of individual opt to burn fossil fuels for their daily
Stage 5
Present Day
Major Historical Changes: The status of women has finally been
established where an estimated 90% of German women are
employed outside the home. Following the reunification of the
country, the government has adapted Angela Merkel’s two
Coalition governments. Germany is currently economically
stable thanks to globalization and industrialization that has seen
it opening its markets and businesses to foreign nations.
Changing Population Size: Germany’s population size has
recently been on the increase as more and more individuals are
migrating to the country for business or permanent residency.
The current population size is predicted to increase in the
coming years as people settle in the country.
Birth and Death Rates: There are currently low birth rates as
well as low death rates. The low birth rates can be attributed to
the freedom women have in this day and age, one where they
can choose not to bear children but instead focus more on their
husbands and careers. The average family now has one to two
Environmental Impact: The current high standard of living that
has been witnessed in Germany in the recent past has resulted in
a large carbon footprint as well as high levels of pollution. This
case is similar to those of other developed and developing
nations such as the United States and Europe. Environmentalists
are making efforts of raising awareness though more still needs
to be done. The automobile industry for instance Mercedes Benz
have started manufacturing environmentally-friendly vehicles
commonly known as hybrid cars, to minimize the impact of
pollution in the air caused by conventional cars.
Allen, R.C. (2003). Progress and Poverty in Early Modern
Europe. Economic History Review, 56. Pp. 403 – 443.
Ewert, U.C. (2006). The Biological Standard of Living on the
Decline: Episodes from Germany During Early
Industrialization. European Review of Economic History, 10.
Pp. 51- 88.
Kitchen, M. (2011). A History of Modern Germany: 1800 to the
Present. 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Lucas, R.E., Jr. (2002). Lectures on Economic Growth.
Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
Biomes and their OrganismsXIyu ShenArgosy University.docx

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  • 1. Biomes and their Organisms XIyu Shen Argosy University A biome is a geographically defined area with distinct plants and animals groupBiomes are defined by geography and climateUnderstanding biomes requires good understanding of the location and adaptation of the climatic conditions of a particular regionThe survival and well being of a biome and its organisms depends on ecological relationships throughout the world TundraTaigaGrasslandsDeciduousDesertDesert Scrub Cold temperatures and precipitation is more of snow It spreads across the northern hemisphere regions of the worldThe regions have brief Summers with Tempe ratures slightly above Freezing point
  • 2. Polar bearCaribouMusk OxArictic FoxSnow owl LichenCottonArctic WillowMoss Caribou herds feed on the lichensThere is predators in this biome for example polar bears, arctic foxes, and wolves. The smaller animals the smaller mammals are lemmings and snowshoe rabbits. at predators eat include The plants also relate with the soil in the sense that the heights and root depth depend on the soil The polar bears and owls have developed thick fur that enables them to survive in the cold climateThe caribous have developed hoofs that enable them to walk on the snowIn rocky areas, plants have roots that are modified to support the plant without going too deepAnimals like reindeers have antlers for defense If the temperatures rose by 10 degree, the possible effects will be; Animals will die because their bodies can not adopt immediately The snow will melt and the habitats will be destroyed Organisms will have to migrate to other places to find suitable climate
  • 3. The changes may also prompt new organisms to move in or some of the others may adopt to the new conditionsThose organisms that remain will have to modify their characteristics over timeThe migratory species will face the challenges of food and survivalThe biome may be completely destroyed for a new one to develop When the biome adapts to the changes in the temperature, the following will happen; The animals that will live in this biome will remain the same because of adaptation The animals may need a little time top adjust than if only the temperatures change The organisms will have different chacteristics as compared to the earlier ones Proper environmental management would ensure the conservation of the biome.Conservation would help in sustaining the biome, hence the organisms will continue with propagationPoor management will lead to poor polices that can lead to the destruction of biomes Where there is poor management ,effects can be felt like global warming Global warming would lead to the melting of ice and the biome will be destroyedProper management of environment is an important factor when it biomes to preserving biomes Environmental management ensures that proper policies have been made.
  • 4. Drastic changes in the biome will affect the society because the members have learnt to rely on some organismsIf the snow melts, the transportation may be affected because some people use sleightFood will also be a concern for the peoples because the society depends on organisms for such. I will still live in the same biome incase of drastic changes in climate because human being can find a way of dealing with the changesThe changes will prompt the community to think of ways of dealing with those changes and find new ways of doing thingsHumans are rational hence and the world is changing all the time ,so it is better to be dynamic Biomes are majorly determined by climatic conditions and geographical locationThe organisms can be able to adapt new conditions within a biome, though it may take longHuman activities can also affect the conditions of a biomeThere is a direct relationship between organisms and the type of biome Malik,M.(2003).Biomes.Oxfor:Oxford University Press Mary, J.(2007). Introduction to biology. Nairobi: Longman Kubasu, K.(2003). Human geography. Nairobi: Longman Asha, M.(2004).The world major climatic regions. London: Macmillan Tony, L.(2009). Relationships within a biome. Chicago: Chicago Press
  • 5. Environmental issues and Industrial Revolution 1 Environmental issues and Industrial Revolution 2 Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution Student Name Course Name Course No Instructor’s Name Date Environmental Issues and the Industrial Revolution Industrial Revolution Era was a period, in which
  • 6. fundamental changes occurred in, textile, agriculture and transportation, metal manufacture, economic policies and the social structure in England. This period is appropriately known as revolution, because it destroyed the old manner of doing things; During this period (1760-1850) changes occurred gradually. So the year 1760 is generally accepted as the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Actually this eve starts more than two centuries ago this date. During the period of Industrial Revolution there were many inventions that effected the environment and society. For example automobiles, the telegraph, electricity the steamboat, and the mechanical reaper etc. These inventions not only helped the Industrial Revolution to grow up, as well as it had also affected the future society. These inventions create dependence and people started to depend on them. For example automobiles and electricity, these inventions helped the developing world. Because with the help of these jobs done easily, tasks can be completed effortlessly, and it provided peoples more time for concentrating other things instead work. Although these inventions revolutionized the world and affected society for the better, but they were bad for the
  • 7. environment. Most of these inventions of The Industrial Revolution Environmentally, were very bad because they used natural resources and caused pollution. At that time, people have no idea that they were negatively affecting the environment by using these. So air pollution, overpopulation, waste disposal and water pollution were also negative effects on industrial revolution. The air pollution has been produce because of use of coal in factories, at that time coal was the best energy source to power all development. Waste disposal was also a major environmental issue that closely related to water pollution as well. It also was related to overpopulation. The Industrial Revolution boomed, After the Civil War, and along with it the population boomed as well. When the population increased severally, then there was no place left for the waste to go. So, most of the waste was thrown into nearby rivers or just in empty places. So that water became cause of Water
  • 8. pollution. Which affect the environment and society so when the people use that water for bathing or drinking it have bad effect on them. During the Industrial Revolution U.S.A and Great Britain started a race of development, and indulge themselves in development and they did not pay any attention on what was happening on earth and its resources. First of all, earth its inhabitants was being polluted. Secondly, because of the pace of development, its natural resources were being drained of,. At the same time production capacity was increasing and the economy was sky- rocketing, and the natural resources were being worn out faster and faster. This came in realization when the Industrial Revolution was at its peak, and it started slowed down the Revolution until we came to a stage where a lot of the world was much developed and ready to settle down. On us Economy e industrialization have a most significant effect that was mass movement of population to the large cities and away from rural
  • 9. areas. Second effect was significant shift in wealth. Before Industrialization, wealthy Americans were people who owned large farms but after industrialization wealth moved to industrialists. Third effect is that Industrialization made the United States a player on the World Scene. Because of the industrialization US became a World Power. Due to industrialization need and number of power plants and factories increased so a number of problems including air pollution and damaging run-off is started to increase. Marine life also affected by factory pollution. Another main effect is an increase in urban to rural migration. In United States there are poor urban problem resulted in sprawl and poor long-distance public transportation. This increased dependence on fuel for personal transportation. One final major environmental problem that effect industrlization in the late 1960s and early 1970s was the use of fertilizers and pesticides. As agriculture was becoming more centralized and commercialized and, high yield crops need also increased. Use of pesticides, especially DDT, resulted in severe consequences to humans and animals alike. Following laws has been passed to handle environmental issues in 1970 The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Quality Improvement Act, the National Environmental Education Act, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The main purpose of these federal laws was to assure
  • 10. that the environment must be protected against both private and public actions that failed to take account of costs or harms inflicted on the eco-system.The EPA is supposed to analyze and monitor the environment, conduct research, and work closely with local governments and state to devise pollution control policies. It has five main objectives, called "core functions." These include: · Pollution Prevention · Risk Assessment & Reduction, · Science, Research, and Technology, · Regulatory Development · Environmental Education NEPA (really enacted in 1969) has been described as one of Congress's most far reaching environmental legislation ever passed. The main objective of NEPA is to force governmental agencies to consider the effects of their decisions on the Environment. Clean Air Act (CAA): Main purpose of clean air act was protect air quality by regulating mobile , and stationary sources of pollution. Clean Water Act (CWA): This Act protects water by preventing discharge of pollutants into navigable waters from point sources. Environmental laws protect the safety and health of environment and humans. For example, the Clean Air Act limits emissions of pollutants; Clean Water Act prohibits dumping of waste water into U.S. ocean waters without a
  • 11. permit. Without such laws, individuals and business might do whatever was most easy or cost-effective for them, rather than acting for the good of environment and society. These laws tend to increase innovative environmentally friendly technology. On the other hand Businesses may consider these environmental laws in a negative light if they must adapt their practices and increase spending money to comply with them. Individuals may also feel uncomfortable by practicing laws as well, such as a new law against fishing in a favourite spot. Conducting a cost-benefit analysis of environmental laws often proves challenging, as negative effects of not implementing these laws -- such as illness , death, and ecosystem destruction -- cannot always be measured in monetary terms. However, becoming more environmentally friendly and following laws we may actually save businesses and individuals money in the long term, particularly by reducing energy and waste usage, despite the cost of the initial investment.
  • 12. References Ashton, T. S. The Industrial Revolution. London: Oxford University Press, 1969. Chambers, J. D. The Workshop of the World. London: Oxford University Press, 1968. Toynbee, A. The Industrial Revolution. Boston: Beacon Press, 1957. Ashton, T. S. The Industrial Revolution. London: Oxford University Press, 1969. Bukro, Casey. "EPA Chief Ties Ecology to Economy." Chicago Tribune. 13 February 1993. Cole, Carol. "Bush Backs Budget Cuts at EPA; Democrats Vow to Fight." World Fuels Today. 8 February 2006. Collin, Robert W. The Environmental Protection Agency: Cleaning up America's act. Greenwood Press. 2006. Payne, P.L. British Entrepreneurship in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Macmillan, 1974. Pike, E. R. Hard Times: Human Documents of the Industrial Revolution. New York: Praeger, 1966. Thompson, E. P. The Making of the English Working Class. New York: Pantheon, 1964. Toynbee, A. The Industrial Revolution. Boston: Beacon Press, 1957.
  • 13. Demographic Transitions 1 Demographic and Environmental Timeline Xiyu Shen Argosy University Demographic and Environmental Timeline Demographic transition is considered to be a process whereby a country transitions from being a less industrialized society, with high birth and death rates, to an industrialized one, having lower birth and death rates (Ewert, 2006). Majority of nations have already been through this transition including England, Canada and the US. The demographic transition to an industrialized society is rather detrimental for the environment since industrialized societies tend to consume non-renewable resources, giving off pollution. Industrialized countries also have the largest ecological and carbon footprint relative to developing or non-industrialized nations (Allen, 2003). It is however fortunate that some advantages can be witnessed regarding the process of demographic transition, including lower birth and death rates. Essentially, individuals in industrialized nations tend to have fewer children and this helps in controlling the overall population size (Lucas, 2002). The following is the demographic and environmental timeline of Germany between 1800 to date. STAGE YEAR SITUATION IN THE COUNTRY
  • 14. Stage 1 1800 Major Historical Changes: The country is using the Continental System and is resisting Napoleon. Educational and military reforms are undertaken by Prussian Reform Movement. The country is under Metternich and Catholicism together with Liberalism is becoming more prominent. Changing Population Size: General population decreases as a result of the constant wars going on during this period. Germany is resisting Napoleon who wants to become the ruler of the world. Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates are low while the death rates are high. This is also attributed to the wars going on at this time and the fact that couples are not giving birth as it is would have been expected. Environmental Impact: Environmental impact is high due to the Wars. Wars tend to release a lot of toxic gases into the atmosphere thus affecting the population in the process. Stage 2 1900 Major Historical Changes: There is a call for peace resolution and the Treaty of Versailles is signed to end the First World War. Germany’s economy faces Depression and the demise of Parliamentary Democracy. Women are recognized where small entrepreneurs are encouraged to venture into various businesses. The country also embraces national Socialism and Modernity which pave way to the initial steps in Foreign Policy. Changing Population Size: The population size is on the increase due to the nation recovery from the First and Second World Wars. The nation is also becoming more and more industrialized and people are confident in residing within Germany.
  • 15. Birth and Death Rates: There are high birth rates and decreasing death rates following the end of the Wars. Peace is slowly residing in the country and women’s rights are being fought for, thus encouraging women to bear children once more. Environmental Impact: Environmental impact is on the increase due to Industrialization. The nation has recovered from the war and is now trying to recover and heal itself. Stage 3 1960 Major Historical Changes: Germany’s Federal Republic forges the Great Coalition of 1966 to 1969. The country confronts with the past and forms the Extra-Parliamentary Opposition. The Chancellorship of Willy Brandt is formalized; this is followed by subsequent terrorist act in the country, forcing the federal government to address this issue. During this time, Germany also debates on the forging and usage of Atomic Weapons. The West German Society undergoes a major transformation during this time. Changing Population Size: The population size is still relevantly low and constant as Germans are trying to adjust themselves into the New Germany. People particularly foreigners are still reluctant to have permanent residence in the country. Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates are still high and death rates rapidly decreasing. Environmental Impact: Industrialization has been embraced fully and this is causing numerous instances of pollution to the atmosphere and the general society. Stage 4 1990 Major Historical Changes: The country welcomes technological
  • 16. advancements. The Berlin Wall is torn down and both East and West Germany reunified after their division in the course of the Cold War. The reunification of Germany brings about debates over the nation’s past. Changing Population Size: The population size is on the increase as people have now become comfortable enough to settle in the country. Foreigners are also investing in businesses though not as many as expected. Birth and Death Rates: The birth rates have decreased and so has the death rates. Women have become more empowered and are now capable of earning their individual income through employment. They are opting to work first then have children when they are financially stable. Environmental Impact: The country is experiencing increased urbanization as well as industrialization. Pollution and toxic chemicals from industries and factories are causing challenges to the environment as well as the German community as majority of individual opt to burn fossil fuels for their daily use. Stage 5 Present Day Major Historical Changes: The status of women has finally been established where an estimated 90% of German women are employed outside the home. Following the reunification of the country, the government has adapted Angela Merkel’s two Coalition governments. Germany is currently economically stable thanks to globalization and industrialization that has seen it opening its markets and businesses to foreign nations. Changing Population Size: Germany’s population size has recently been on the increase as more and more individuals are migrating to the country for business or permanent residency. The current population size is predicted to increase in the
  • 17. coming years as people settle in the country. Birth and Death Rates: There are currently low birth rates as well as low death rates. The low birth rates can be attributed to the freedom women have in this day and age, one where they can choose not to bear children but instead focus more on their husbands and careers. The average family now has one to two children. Environmental Impact: The current high standard of living that has been witnessed in Germany in the recent past has resulted in a large carbon footprint as well as high levels of pollution. This case is similar to those of other developed and developing nations such as the United States and Europe. Environmentalists are making efforts of raising awareness though more still needs to be done. The automobile industry for instance Mercedes Benz have started manufacturing environmentally-friendly vehicles commonly known as hybrid cars, to minimize the impact of pollution in the air caused by conventional cars. References Allen, R.C. (2003). Progress and Poverty in Early Modern Europe. Economic History Review, 56. Pp. 403 – 443. Ewert, U.C. (2006). The Biological Standard of Living on the Decline: Episodes from Germany During Early Industrialization. European Review of Economic History, 10. Pp. 51- 88. Kitchen, M. (2011). A History of Modern Germany: 1800 to the Present. 2nd Edition. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. Lucas, R.E., Jr. (2002). Lectures on Economic Growth. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.