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De CRUD à DDD pas à pas
Charles Desneuf
Développeur indépendant
4 Architecture
4 Modélisation
4 Tests
4 Agilité
Application de santé qui propose des jeux à des centres
de soins ou des entreprises
pour favoriser une activité physique.
Une entreprise qui grandit et recrute.
4 Automatiser les tâches d'administration
4 Faciliter la compréhension de son métier par ses
nouveaux arrivants
4 Pouvoir adapter son système rapidement
Le backend est développé au dessus d'EasyAdmin 2
class: AppDomainEntityPlayer
controller: AppAdminControllerPlayerController
disabled_actions: [delete,new,show]
edit: 'admin/player/edit.html.twig'
title: 'player.list.title'
sort: createdAt
- { name: contact, title: ''}
- { property: id, label: UID }
- { property: lastname, label: 'player.label.lastname' }
- { property: firstname, label: 'player.label.firstname' }
// ...
class Player {
* @ORMColumn(type="string")
private $firstname;
public function getFirstname(): string {
return $this->firstname;
public function setFirstname(string $firstname): void {
$this->firstname = $firstname;
Préparer le terrain
Event storming
De nouveaux concepts
4 Registration
4 Assessment
4 Intervention
Lire le code
* @AssertNotNull()
private $startDate;
* @AssertExpression(expression="value > this.getStartDate()")
private $endDate;
Event handlers doctrine
public function postUpdate(LifecycleEventArgs $event): void
if (!self::supportsLifecycleEvent($event)) {
/** @var Game $game */
$game = $event->getEntity();
$changeSet = $event->getEntityManager()->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityChangeSet($game);
$changedAttributes = array_keys($changeSet);
$listenedAttributeChanges = ['interventionDuration', 'endDate'];
if (!empty(array_intersect($listenedAttributeChanges, $changedAttributes))) {
// Do something
4 Registration
4 Assessment
4 Intervention
class: AppAdminDomainPlayer2Game
controller: AppAdminControllerPlayer2GameController
disabled_actions: [new,edit,delete,show]
sort: createdAt
- { name: restartIntervention, title: 'p2g.action.restart-intervention'}
- { name: stats, title: 'p2g.action.stats' }
- { property:, label: 'p2g.label.program' }
- { property: player.firstname, label: 'p2g.label.firstname' }
- { property: player.lastname, label: 'p2g.label.lastname' }
- { property: isValidated, label: '', type: boolean }
- { property: hasRunningAssessment, label: 'p2g.label.has-running-assessment', type: boolean }
- { property: startDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-start-date', type: date }
- { property: endDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-end-date', type: date }
Poser des tests
qui vont survivre au refactoring
Tests fonctionnels Symfony
4 De l'UI
4 Jusqu'à la DB
Tests fonctionnels Symfony
4 Charger une page
4 Effectuer une action
4 Aller vérifier que le résultat de l'action a eu lieu via
Approval testing
4 Passer des paramètres au système
4 Stocker le résultat
4 S'assurer que le résultat reste toujours le même
class Player2GameManager
public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game
$now = new DateTimeImmutable();
$startDate = $now;
$game = $player2Game->getGame();
if($game->getStartDate() > $now) {
$startDate = $game->getStartDate();
$endDate = $game->getEndDate();
if($game->duration() !== null) {
$endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $game->duration()));
return $player2Game;
class StartInterventionTest extends TestCase {
private function print(Player2Game $player2Game): string
return "Start date: {$player2Game->getStartDate()->format(DATE_ISO8601)}"
. "End date: {$player2Game->getEndDate()->format(DATE_ISO8601)}";
public function test_startIntervention(): void
$manager = new Player2GameManager();
$game = new Game(
new DateTimeImmutable(),
new DateTimeImmutable()
$player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player());
$player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game);
public function test_startIntervention(): void
$manager = new Player2GameManager();
$game = new Game(
new DateTimeImmutable(),
new DateTimeImmutable()
$player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player());
$player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game);
public function test_startIntervention(): void
$manager = new Player2GameManager();
$game = new Game(
new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'),
new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16')
$player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player());
$player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game);
class Player2GameManager
public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game
$now = new DateTimeImmutable();
$startDate = $now;
$game = $player2Game->getGame();
if($game->getStartDate() > $now) {
$startDate = $game->getStartDate();
$endDate = $game->getEndDate();
if($game->duration() !== null) {
$endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $game->duration()));
return $player2Game;
class Player2GameManager
public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game
$now = $this->getNow();
// ...
protected function getNow(): DateTimeImmutable
return new DateTimeImmutable();
Extract method
class TestablePlayer2GameManager extends Player2GameManager {
public ?DateTimeImmutable $now = null;
protected function getNow(): DateTimeImmutable
if($this->now !== null) {
return $this->now;
return parent::getNow();
Override factory method
public function test_startIntervention(): void
$manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager();
$manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-22 02:34:18');
$game = new Game(
new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'),
new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16')
$player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player());
$player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game);
public function test_startIntervention_start_date_after_now(): void
$manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager();
$manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-15 02:34:18');
$game = new Game(
new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'),
new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16')
$player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player());
$player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game);
public function test_startIntervention_start_date_after_now(): void
$manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager();
$manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-15 02:34:18');
$duration = 2;
$game = new Game(
new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'),
new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16'),
$player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player());
$player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game);
$exec = function($startDate, $endDate, $now, $duration) {
$manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager();
$manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable($now);
$game = new Game(
new DateTimeImmutable($startDate),
new DateTimeImmutable($endDate),
$player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player());
$player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game);
return $this->print($player2GameResult);
public function test_startIntervention_combinations(): void {
$exec = //...
$startDates = ['2017-12-18 22:14:17', ...];
$endDates = ['2019-10-09 06:06:16', ...];
$nows = ['2017-12-15 02:34:18', ...];
$durations = [null, 0, 2, 10];
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, ] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2019-10-09T06:06:16+00:00
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 0] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 2] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2018-01-01T22:14:17+00:00
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 10] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2018-02-26T22:14:17+00:00
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, ] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2022-08-16T08:56:18+00:00
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 0] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 2] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2018-01-01T22:14:17+00:00
[2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 10] =>
Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00
End date: 2018-02-26T22:14:17+00:00
[2017-12-10 13:30:15, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, ] =>
Start date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00
End date: 2019-10-09T06:06:16+00:00
[2017-12-10 13:30:15, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 0] =>
Start date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00
End date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00
[2017-12-10 13:30:15, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 2] =>
Start date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00
End date: 2017-12-29T02:34:18+00:00
class Player2GameManager {
public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game
$now = $this->getNow();
$startDate = $now;
$game = $player2Game->getGame();
if($game->getStartDate() > $now) {
$startDate = $game->getStartDate();
$endDate = $game->getEndDate();
if($game->duration() !== null) {
$endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $game->duration()));
return $player2Game;
class Player2Game {
public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game
$startDate = $now;
if($this->game->getStartDate() > $now) {
$startDate = $this->game->getStartDate();
$endDate = $this->game->getEndDate();
if($this->game->duration() !== null) {
$endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $this->game->duration()));
$this->startDate = $startDate;
$this->endDate = $endDate;
return $this;
class Player2GameManager {
public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game
return $player2Game->startIntervention($this->getNow());
class Player2Game {
public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game
$startDate = $now;
if($this->game->getStartDate() > $now) {
$startDate = $this->game->getStartDate();
$endDate = $this->game->getEndDate();
if($this->game->duration() !== null) {
$endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $this->game->duration()));
$this->startDate = $startDate;
$this->endDate = $endDate;
return $this;
final class InterventionDates
public readonly DateTimeImmutable $startDate;
public readonly DateTimeImmutable $endDate;
public function __construct(
DateTimeImmutable $startDate,
DateTimeImmutable $endDate)
if($startDate > $endDate) {
throw new Exception('Start date must be before end date');
$this->startDate = $startDate;
$this->endDate = $endDate;
class Game {
public function computeInterventionDates(DateTimeImmutable $now): InterventionDates
$startDate = $this->startDate > $now ?
$this->startDate : $now;
$endDate = $this->duration === null ?
$this->endDate : $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $this->duration));
return new InterventionDates($startDate, $endDate);
class Player2Game {
public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game
$interventionDates = $this->game->computeInterventionDates($now);
$this->startDate = $interventionDates->startDate;
$this->endDate = $interventionDates->endDate;
return $this;
After a while...
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
class Player2Game {
public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game {}
public function startInitialAssessment(): Player2Game {}
public function restartOn(DateTimeImmutable $restartDate): void {}
public function validate(): void {}
public function accept(): self {}
Utilisation des interfaces
interface Registration {
public function accept(): self;
public function startIntervention(): Intervention;
public function startInitialAssessment(): Assessment;
interface Intervention {
public function restartOn(DateTimeImmutable $restartDate): void;
interface Assessment {
public function validate(): void;
class Player2Game implements Registration, Assessment, Intervention {}
class Player2GameManager {
public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game
return $player2Game->startIntervention($this->getNow());
class Player2GameManager {
public function startIntervention(Registration $registration): Intervention
return $registration->startIntervention($this->getClock());
Modification de la base de données
Pouvoir afficher des informations sur la relation entre
un joueur et un jeu venant de plusieurs entitées.
class: AppAdminDomainPlayer2Game
controller: AppAdminControllerPlayer2GameController
disabled_actions: [new,edit,delete,show]
sort: createdAt
- { name: restartIntervention, title: 'p2g.action.restart-intervention'}
- { name: stats, title: 'p2g.action.stats' }
- { property:, label: 'p2g.label.program' }
- { property: player.firstname, label: 'p2g.label.firstname' }
- { property: player.lastname, label: 'p2g.label.lastname' }
- { property: isValidated, label: '', type: boolean }
- { property: hasRunningAssessment, label: 'p2g.label.has-running-assessment', type: boolean }
- { property: startDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-start-date', type: date }
- { property: endDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-end-date', type: date }
Fonctionnement actuel
Tentative 1 : 3 entitées d'écriture, une table, 1 entitée de
Tentative 2 : 3 tables, 3 entités d'écriture, 1 entitée de
Tentative 3 : 3 tables, 3 entités d'écriture, 1 entitée de
lecture et 1 vue
Création d'une vue MySQL
CREATE VIEW view_player_2_game AS
ELSE 1 END AS has_running_assessment,
FROM registration r
LEFT JOIN assessement a ON a.player_id = r.player_id AND a.game_id = r.game_id AND a.validation_date IS NULL
LEFT JOIN intervention i ON i.player_id = r.player_id AND i.game_id = r.game_id
Création d'un entité Doctrine
* @ORMEntity(readOnly=true)
* @ORMTable (name="view_player_2_game")
class Player2Game {
* @ORMId
* @ORMColumn(type="guid")
public $id;
* @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="AppDomainEntityPlayer")
public $player;
* @ORMColumn(type="datetime_immutable")
public $validationDate;
Utilisation d'entités uniquement pour
la vue
* @ORMEntity(readOnly=true)
* @ORMTable (name="view_player_2_game")
class Player2Game {
* @ORMId
* @ORMColumn(type="guid")
public $id;
* @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="AppUIViewModelPlayer")
public $player;
* @ORMColumn(type="datetime_immutable")
public $validationDate;
Faites le à plusieurs !
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash
Merci !
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Matthias Noback
4 Why & How to use Doctrine Migrations Rollup? -
Olivier Dolbeau
4 Rolling up database migrations with Doctrine -
Andreas Möller
Doctrine et vues
4 Aggregate your data by using SQL views and
Doctrine. - Robbert Stevens
4 Separating Concerns using Embeddables - Doctrine
Approval testing
4 approvals/approval-tests
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du Golden Master - Philippe Bourgau

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De CRUD à DDD pas à pas

  • 1. De CRUD à DDD pas à pas @SelrahcD
  • 2. Charles Desneuf Développeur indépendant @SelrahcD 4 Architecture 4 Modélisation 4 Tests 4 Agilité
  • 3. Context Application de santé qui propose des jeux à des centres de soins ou des entreprises pour favoriser une activité physique. @SelrahcD
  • 4. Context Une entreprise qui grandit et recrute. 4 Automatiser les tâches d'administration chronophages 4 Faciliter la compréhension de son métier par ses nouveaux arrivants 4 Pouvoir adapter son système rapidement @SelrahcD
  • 5. Le backend est développé au dessus d'EasyAdmin 2 @SelrahcD
  • 6. Player: class: AppDomainEntityPlayer controller: AppAdminControllerPlayerController disabled_actions: [delete,new,show] templates: edit: 'admin/player/edit.html.twig' list: title: 'player.list.title' sort: createdAt actions: - { name: contact, title: ''} fields: - { property: id, label: UID } - { property: lastname, label: 'player.label.lastname' } - { property: firstname, label: 'player.label.firstname' } edit: // ... @SelrahcD
  • 7. class Player { /** * @ORMColumn(type="string") */ private $firstname; public function getFirstname(): string { return $this->firstname; } public function setFirstname(string $firstname): void { $this->firstname = $firstname; } } @SelrahcD
  • 10. De nouveaux concepts 4 Registration 4 Assessment 4 Intervention @SelrahcD
  • 13. Annotations /** * @AssertNotNull() */ private $startDate; /** * @AssertExpression(expression="value > this.getStartDate()") */ private $endDate; @SelrahcD
  • 14. Event handlers doctrine public function postUpdate(LifecycleEventArgs $event): void { if (!self::supportsLifecycleEvent($event)) { return; } /** @var Game $game */ $game = $event->getEntity(); $changeSet = $event->getEntityManager()->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityChangeSet($game); $changedAttributes = array_keys($changeSet); $listenedAttributeChanges = ['interventionDuration', 'endDate']; if (!empty(array_intersect($listenedAttributeChanges, $changedAttributes))) { // Do something } } @SelrahcD
  • 17. Player2Game: class: AppAdminDomainPlayer2Game controller: AppAdminControllerPlayer2GameController disabled_actions: [new,edit,delete,show] list: sort: createdAt actions: - { name: restartIntervention, title: 'p2g.action.restart-intervention'} - { name: stats, title: 'p2g.action.stats' } fields: - { property:, label: 'p2g.label.program' } - { property: player.firstname, label: 'p2g.label.firstname' } - { property: player.lastname, label: 'p2g.label.lastname' } - { property: isValidated, label: '', type: boolean } - { property: hasRunningAssessment, label: 'p2g.label.has-running-assessment', type: boolean } - { property: startDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-start-date', type: date } - { property: endDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-end-date', type: date } @SelrahcD
  • 19. Poser des tests qui vont survivre au refactoring @SelrahcD
  • 20. Tests fonctionnels Symfony 4 De l'UI 4 Jusqu'à la DB @SelrahcD
  • 21. Tests fonctionnels Symfony 4 Charger une page 4 Effectuer une action 4 Aller vérifier que le résultat de l'action a eu lieu via l'UI @SelrahcD
  • 22. Approval testing 4 Passer des paramètres au système 4 Stocker le résultat 4 S'assurer que le résultat reste toujours le même @SelrahcD
  • 23. class Player2GameManager { public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(); $startDate = $now; $game = $player2Game->getGame(); if($game->getStartDate() > $now) { $startDate = $game->getStartDate(); } $endDate = $game->getEndDate(); if($game->duration() !== null) { $endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $game->duration())); } $player2Game->setStartDate($startDate); $player2Game->setEndDate($endDate); return $player2Game; } } @SelrahcD
  • 24. class StartInterventionTest extends TestCase { private function print(Player2Game $player2Game): string { return "Start date: {$player2Game->getStartDate()->format(DATE_ISO8601)}" . PHP_EOL . "End date: {$player2Game->getEndDate()->format(DATE_ISO8601)}"; } } @SelrahcD
  • 25. public function test_startIntervention(): void { $manager = new Player2GameManager(); $game = new Game( new DateTimeImmutable(), new DateTimeImmutable() ); $player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player()); $player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game); Approvals::verifyString($this->print($player2GameResult)); } @SelrahcD
  • 28. public function test_startIntervention(): void { $manager = new Player2GameManager(); $game = new Game( new DateTimeImmutable(), new DateTimeImmutable() ); $player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player()); $player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game); Approvals::verifyString($this->print($player2GameResult)); } @SelrahcD
  • 29. public function test_startIntervention(): void { $manager = new Player2GameManager(); $game = new Game( new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'), new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16') ); $player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player()); $player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game); Approvals::verifyString($this->print($player2GameResult)); } @SelrahcD
  • 32. class Player2GameManager { public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game { $now = new DateTimeImmutable(); $startDate = $now; $game = $player2Game->getGame(); if($game->getStartDate() > $now) { $startDate = $game->getStartDate(); } $endDate = $game->getEndDate(); if($game->duration() !== null) { $endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $game->duration())); } $player2Game->setStartDate($startDate); $player2Game->setEndDate($endDate); return $player2Game; } } @SelrahcD
  • 33. class Player2GameManager { public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game { $now = $this->getNow(); // ... } protected function getNow(): DateTimeImmutable { return new DateTimeImmutable(); } } Extract method @SelrahcD
  • 34. class TestablePlayer2GameManager extends Player2GameManager { public ?DateTimeImmutable $now = null; protected function getNow(): DateTimeImmutable { if($this->now !== null) { return $this->now; } return parent::getNow(); } } Override factory method @SelrahcD
  • 35. public function test_startIntervention(): void { $manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager(); $manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-22 02:34:18'); $game = new Game( new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'), new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16') ); $player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player()); $player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game); Approvals::verifyString($this->print($player2GameResult)); } @SelrahcD
  • 38. public function test_startIntervention_start_date_after_now(): void { $manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager(); $manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-15 02:34:18'); $game = new Game( new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'), new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16') ); $player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player()); $player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game); Approvals::verifyString($this->print($player2GameResult)); } @SelrahcD
  • 41. public function test_startIntervention_start_date_after_now(): void { $manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager(); $manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-15 02:34:18'); $duration = 2; $game = new Game( new DateTimeImmutable('2017-12-18 22:14:17'), new DateTimeImmutable('2019-10-09 06:06:16'), $duration ); $player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player()); $player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game); Approvals::verifyString($this->print($player2GameResult)); } @SelrahcD
  • 44. $exec = function($startDate, $endDate, $now, $duration) { $manager = new TestablePlayer2GameManager(); $manager->now = new DateTimeImmutable($now); $game = new Game( new DateTimeImmutable($startDate), new DateTimeImmutable($endDate), $duration); $player2Game = new Player2Game($game, new Player()); $player2GameResult = $manager->startIntervention($player2Game); return $this->print($player2GameResult); }; @SelrahcD
  • 45. public function test_startIntervention_combinations(): void { $exec = //... $startDates = ['2017-12-18 22:14:17', ...]; $endDates = ['2019-10-09 06:06:16', ...]; $nows = ['2017-12-15 02:34:18', ...]; $durations = [null, 0, 2, 10]; CombinationApprovals::verifyAllCombinations4( $exec, $startDates, $endDates, $nows, $durations ); } @SelrahcD
  • 46. [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, ] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2019-10-09T06:06:16+00:00 [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 0] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 2] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2018-01-01T22:14:17+00:00 [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 10] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2018-02-26T22:14:17+00:00 [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, ] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2022-08-16T08:56:18+00:00 [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 0] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 2] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2018-01-01T22:14:17+00:00 [2017-12-18 22:14:17, 2022-08-16 08:56:18, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 10] => Start date: 2017-12-18T22:14:17+00:00 End date: 2018-02-26T22:14:17+00:00 [2017-12-10 13:30:15, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, ] => Start date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00 End date: 2019-10-09T06:06:16+00:00 [2017-12-10 13:30:15, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 0] => Start date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00 End date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00 [2017-12-10 13:30:15, 2019-10-09 06:06:16, 2017-12-15 02:34:18, 2] => Start date: 2017-12-15T02:34:18+00:00 End date: 2017-12-29T02:34:18+00:00 ... @SelrahcD
  • 47. class Player2GameManager { public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game { $now = $this->getNow(); $startDate = $now; $game = $player2Game->getGame(); if($game->getStartDate() > $now) { $startDate = $game->getStartDate(); } $endDate = $game->getEndDate(); if($game->duration() !== null) { $endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $game->duration())); } $player2Game->setStartDate($startDate); $player2Game->setEndDate($endDate); return $player2Game; } } @SelrahcD
  • 48. class Player2Game { public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game { $startDate = $now; if($this->game->getStartDate() > $now) { $startDate = $this->game->getStartDate(); } $endDate = $this->game->getEndDate(); if($this->game->duration() !== null) { $endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $this->game->duration())); } $this->startDate = $startDate; $this->endDate = $endDate; return $this; } } @SelrahcD
  • 49. class Player2GameManager { public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game { return $player2Game->startIntervention($this->getNow()); } } @SelrahcD
  • 50. class Player2Game { public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game { $startDate = $now; if($this->game->getStartDate() > $now) { $startDate = $this->game->getStartDate(); } $endDate = $this->game->getEndDate(); if($this->game->duration() !== null) { $endDate = $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $this->game->duration())); } $this->startDate = $startDate; $this->endDate = $endDate; return $this; } } @SelrahcD
  • 51. final class InterventionDates { public readonly DateTimeImmutable $startDate; public readonly DateTimeImmutable $endDate; public function __construct( DateTimeImmutable $startDate, DateTimeImmutable $endDate) { if($startDate > $endDate) { throw new Exception('Start date must be before end date'); } $this->startDate = $startDate; $this->endDate = $endDate; } } @SelrahcD
  • 52. class Game { public function computeInterventionDates(DateTimeImmutable $now): InterventionDates { $startDate = $this->startDate > $now ? $this->startDate : $now; $endDate = $this->duration === null ? $this->endDate : $startDate->modify(sprintf('+ %d weeks', $this->duration)); return new InterventionDates($startDate, $endDate); } } @SelrahcD
  • 53. class Player2Game { public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game { $interventionDates = $this->game->computeInterventionDates($now); $this->startDate = $interventionDates->startDate; $this->endDate = $interventionDates->endDate; return $this; } } @SelrahcD
  • 54. After a while... Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash @SelrahcD
  • 55. class Player2Game { public function startIntervention(DateTimeImmutable $now): Player2Game {} public function startInitialAssessment(): Player2Game {} public function restartOn(DateTimeImmutable $restartDate): void {} public function validate(): void {} public function accept(): self {} } @SelrahcD
  • 56. Utilisation des interfaces interface Registration { public function accept(): self; public function startIntervention(): Intervention; public function startInitialAssessment(): Assessment; } interface Intervention { public function restartOn(DateTimeImmutable $restartDate): void; } interface Assessment { public function validate(): void; } class Player2Game implements Registration, Assessment, Intervention {} @SelrahcD
  • 57. class Player2GameManager { public function startIntervention(Player2Game $player2Game): Player2Game { return $player2Game->startIntervention($this->getNow()); } } @SelrahcD
  • 58. class Player2GameManager { public function startIntervention(Registration $registration): Intervention { return $registration->startIntervention($this->getClock()); } } @SelrahcD
  • 59. Modification de la base de données @SelrahcD
  • 60. Player2Game Pouvoir afficher des informations sur la relation entre un joueur et un jeu venant de plusieurs entitées. @SelrahcD
  • 61. Player2Game: class: AppAdminDomainPlayer2Game controller: AppAdminControllerPlayer2GameController disabled_actions: [new,edit,delete,show] list: sort: createdAt actions: - { name: restartIntervention, title: 'p2g.action.restart-intervention'} - { name: stats, title: 'p2g.action.stats' } fields: - { property:, label: 'p2g.label.program' } - { property: player.firstname, label: 'p2g.label.firstname' } - { property: player.lastname, label: 'p2g.label.lastname' } - { property: isValidated, label: '', type: boolean } - { property: hasRunningAssessment, label: 'p2g.label.has-running-assessment', type: boolean } - { property: startDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-start-date', type: date } - { property: endDate, label: 'p2g.label.intervention-end-date', type: date } @SelrahcD
  • 64. Tentative 1 : 3 entitées d'écriture, une table, 1 entitée de lecture @SelrahcD
  • 65. Tentative 2 : 3 tables, 3 entités d'écriture, 1 entitée de lecture @SelrahcD
  • 66. Tentative 3 : 3 tables, 3 entités d'écriture, 1 entitée de lecture et 1 vue @SelrahcD
  • 67. Création d'une vue MySQL CREATE VIEW view_player_2_game AS SELECT, r.player_id, r.game_id, r.is_validated, CASE WHEN IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS has_running_assessment, i.start_date, i.end_date FROM registration r LEFT JOIN assessement a ON a.player_id = r.player_id AND a.game_id = r.game_id AND a.validation_date IS NULL LEFT JOIN intervention i ON i.player_id = r.player_id AND i.game_id = r.game_id @SelrahcD
  • 68. Création d'un entité Doctrine /** * @ORMEntity(readOnly=true) * @ORMTable (name="view_player_2_game") */ class Player2Game { /** * @ORMId * @ORMColumn(type="guid") */ public $id; /** * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="AppDomainEntityPlayer") */ public $player; /** * @ORMColumn(type="datetime_immutable") */ public $validationDate; } @SelrahcD
  • 69. Utilisation d'entités uniquement pour la vue /** * @ORMEntity(readOnly=true) * @ORMTable (name="view_player_2_game") */ class Player2Game { /** * @ORMId * @ORMColumn(type="guid") */ public $id; /** * @ORMManyToOne(targetEntity="AppUIViewModelPlayer") */ public $player; /** * @ORMColumn(type="datetime_immutable") */ public $validationDate; } @SelrahcD
  • 70. Faites le à plusieurs ! Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash @SelrahcD
  • 73. Générale 4 Design patterns for modernizing legacy code bases - Matthias Noback @SelrahcD
  • 74. Rollup 4 Why & How to use Doctrine Migrations Rollup? - Olivier Dolbeau 4 Rolling up database migrations with Doctrine - Andreas Möller @SelrahcD
  • 75. Doctrine et vues 4 Aggregate your data by using SQL views and Doctrine. - Robbert Stevens 4 Separating Concerns using Embeddables - Doctrine documentation @SelrahcD
  • 76. Approval testing 4 approvals/approval-tests 4 Approval testing - Emily Bach 4 Live-Refactoring de Legacy Code avec la technique du Golden Master - Philippe Bourgau @SelrahcD