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Part 1: Essay Draw upon different types of evidence to support the claim that social class is connected to the places where people live. For the
purpose of this essay I will explore the view that social class is connected to the places where people live. This essay will show what sort of
evidence social scientists draw upon to support the claim that class and place are connected by selecting examples from the variety of study materials
from the 'Connecting lives' strand. I will begin by outlining what the term 'class' means with some reference to the links between class and inequality
and the definitions provided by social scientists such as Karl Marx I will then focus on offering examples of the evidence social scientists draw upon to more content...
It has also been found that the majority of Team GB medals won at the 2012 London Olympic Games were achieved by privately educated athletes,
therefore supporting the claims that people living in the more socially desirable areas have better life chances than those from the more deprived
areas. Birthplace is important. Research produced by Channel 4 News (cited in Smith et al., 2013, p. 3) showed that the richest areas of the UK –
notably the south–east and parts of London – contributed 30.3 per cent of Team GB's athletes while few were born in the most deprived areas of the
UK. Birthplace relates to another source of class–related inequality highlighted by Smith et al. (2013), namely, childhood socialisation. The authors
claim that a predisposition to succeed in sport is shaped by families during childhood and youth. Middle–class families have more time and resources to
devote to their children's development in extra–curricular activities than do working–class families. Thus, they conclude that 'the class–related patterns
evident in the social profile of medal winners are expressive of broader class relations in Britain associated with prevailing economic inequalities'
(Smith et al., 2013, p. 3). Many lifestyles are not possible for people in poverty. Belonging to a sports club is not possible if you cannot afford the
membership fees, equipment etc. People living in
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The Different Types of Media Essay
The Different Types of Media
I think that all different types of media have lots of different influences on society, especially individuals. There is an enormous variety of media
including; television, newspapers, radio, magazines, advertisements etc. It seems that the more developed that society gets, the harder it becomes to
escape media. One of the most common forms of media is advertisements.
Advertisements are not only one of the most common forms of media but also one of the most over–exposed types of media there is. This is because
advertisements appear in every single type of other media there is, therefore making advertisements are an essential way for people to 'advertise', or more content...
From soaps, like Coronation Street, to documentaries, like a day to remember, there's something for all ages and makes it hard for people not to get
infected by this contagious disease. Some people might argue that television is a waste of time that could be better spent or that it displaces the brain of
useful information, when in fact these people are mistaken. With televisions powerful documentaries it encourages everyone to take an interest in
something and to learn about a passion or maybe teach them how to carry out a dream. Television actually develops and nurtures the mind. Even soaps
have a secret hidden agenda of teaching the viewer about topics some people are too scared to talk about or confront. For example a recent storyline in
Coronation Street about an emotional violent relationship shows that just because someone doesn't show bruises doesn't mean they aren't in a abusive
relationship. Soaps also feature stories of transvestites, child abductions, murders, child neglect etc. putting these on a television screen educates people
about everyday things that other people believe shouldn't be discussed.
Radio is another form of media, however it's less extreme. Radio generally reaches out to the younger generation with popular radio stations, like
Galaxy 102 and Key 103, they feature what is known as popular music, dance and R'n'B. it encourages
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Freewriting Examples
Thank you Jennifer for the response and the example. I am also very scared to have a B. Last week i must confess i honestly thought i would have a
B. This is a fear factor motivation for me. Your example makes me think that anytime i have too much information i can use freewriting technique. I
said freewriting because i would have the free will to write everything and anything i want to write using the writing process guidelines. I would then
read and choose which points i would like to factor into my essay considering the word count. This would help me get arrange the essay according to
the rubric. Thank yu for your wonderful post, it really has a lot one can learn
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Research Methods Essay
Quantitative and Qualitative are said to be systematic in different design. Both design have to follow a process system that involved defining a
principle of research.
General speaking, quantitative research is thought to be objective, however qualitative research often involves a subjective element. There are
differences designs in qualitative research in comparison to quantitative research. Qualitative research involves words, pictures, or objects; Quantitative
involves data in the form of numbers and statistics.
However, the researcher uses in–depth interviews in qualitative research to find out how the subjects view their world. In quantitative research the
researcher uses precise measurement to predict hypotheses. Whereas, more content...
Qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting and attempts to understand a human problem by developing a holistic narrative and reporting
detailed views of informants about the culture of a problem. It forms a report with pictures and words. One of the most important distinctions that sets
qualitative research apart from more traditional types of research is that qualitative research is holistic in that researchers study phenomena in their
entirety rather than narrowing the focus to specific defined variables" (p. 93). Similarly, Cresswell (1984) indicated that qualitative research "is
defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed
views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting" (p. 2). Cresswell's definition clearly delineates the major characteristics of qualitative research.
Pg. 50 (Smith & Davis, 2010). Pg. 51 (Smith & Davis, 2010). "How do researchers evaluate trustworthiness?" Guba and Lincoln (1994) proposed that
trustworthiness could be judged by the following criteria: conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability.
For Example, Qualitative researchers use conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability to evaluate the trustworthiness of a qualitative
research report. In order to prevent researcher bias they can have other researchers point out
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Different Learning Styles Essay
Different Learning Styles
Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their
students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using
new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people.
Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th
to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content...
Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and
course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory
of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and
comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory
recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom
behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast
information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.?
(Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied
the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would
like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores?
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Different Types of Lies Essay
"To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for
the truth". ( In other words, lying is a purposeful misleading statement. This statement can be made verbally, through
body language, or even implied through silence. Based on lying being well defined, some might say that lying is always wrong unless there is a good
reason for it. In that case, I would argue that lying is not always wrong.
There are two different types of lies. The first types of lies are called true falsehoods. These types of lies are always wrong. The only purpose for telling
this type of lie is for one's self interest more content...
For example: A young girl is driving to the beach with her new boyfriend, they are alone, when suddenly she feels very uncomfortable and unsafe
being alone with this boy. She decides she wants to go back home, yet she knows that her boyfriend is going to be upset if she tells him the truth. So
instead she decides to tell him that she remembered something she had promised her mom she would do for her before she got home from work. She
knows later on, when she is in a more controlled environment, that she will tell this boy the truth because she knows he needs to know.
Another simpler yet common example would be misrepresentations of the truth in responding to the question "How are you doing?" A person's
answer would depend on the relationship that they have with that person. A relationship that is not close at all would most likely bring a response
that would be short and on a positive note like, "everything is fine," even if it was not true. This response would be given to that person because it
may not be appropriate or a good idea to let them know otherwise.
Another example would be a police officer during a sting operation. Is it correct for her to pose as a prostitute in order to catch actual prostitutes?
This would be considered a lie based on the fact that the officer is intentionally trying to come across as something other than she really is. It would be
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Assessment Task TDA– 2.1 Child and young person development. Task 2 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.1 and 2.2. Describe with
examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people's development, including: – background – heath – environment While children
are influenced by many things, there are no stronger influences than that of their parents. Parents are usually their children's first playmates, and while
there world expands with each passing year, parental influence is still one of the greatest factors in determining the ways in which the child will grow
and develop. Background: Naturally parents want to see their children do well. Sometimes though in an effort to keep kids safe, more content...
As children all develop at different speeds, a child that struggles at school and has not been identified as having any specific special needs, could
suffer from depression thus affecting the child's development. Other factors that can affect a child's development can include genetic problems passed
on by a parent, mental or physical disabilities, poor living conditions causing illness such as asthma, learning difficulties, autism, dyspraxia, aspergers,
poor communication skills due to sensory impairment such as deafness, blindness, partially sighted. Disability brings problems to schools too causing
the child to be disadvantaged. These could include lack of specialist staff or poor staff knowledge which can lead to lack of socialisation and
integration into the school. Environment: Socialisation is important for children. Parents who offer their children varied opportunities in which to meet
new people and experience new things give their children an invaluable gift. When they are babies, children need no more than the attentive, loving
care given by their parents, but as they grow, it is beneficial for children to expand their worlds by making friends with other people and learning about
different cultures. Children who gain a sense of confidence in their ability to interact with people will take them into adulthood making both their
personal and professional lives
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Essay on Writing Experience
My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences,
forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the
future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no
errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in
kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers
taught more content...
I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form
as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My
goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my
whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs,
essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will
have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and
sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and
collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so
that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift
changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not
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Essay on Phobias
Fear is a normal and an important human reaction to something dangerous, it keeps one out of danger, because fear is disliked and one tries ones best
to avoid the object or situation of fear. It causes physical changes known as fight–or–flight reaction, which causes blood pressure to increase and the
heart rate to speed up to pump blood to the large muscles used to run away, to balance this the human body has sweat glands which produce
perspiration to cool the body.
Usually young people experience more fear than adults do (Metcalf).
When one has a fear of something, one normally does not spend much time thinking about it, and it only affects one when one is forced to confront it.
Just about everyone is afraid of something, more content...
However, phobia can even cause people to risk their health. For example, the fear of dentists can leave people suffering from it willing to risk the
health of their teeth in order to avoid having to go through an exam or procedure ( MacKay). When one knows about an upcoming confrontation, it
can be the reason why one can not sleep or finds it hard to focus on important tasks. Due the change in daily routine, this unrealistic fear can interfere
with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, brought on by and object, event or situation. But even animals have anxieties and phobias
just as every human being (www.phobia– A phobia is an irrational fear, one knows that the object or situation, one is scared off, can not hurt
one, but one is still afraid. A reason for this is that the human mind can not distinguish what is real and imaginary. When one has uncontrollableanxiety
attacks, he loses rational judgement, leading to complicated problems. However, anyone can develop a phobia, men and women, teens and young
adults, and elderly lady or a one–year–old boy (MacKay). Thereby it is not completely clear, what the causes for phobia are. Phobia is often caused
by something scary that happened earlier in somebody's life, but not every one develop phobias after special experiences. An explanation for this
could be that for some people certain parts of the brain and specific neural pathways are associated with phobias. It is
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Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people's development. Background; There are many factors that can
influence a child and young person's development, particularly in relation to their background. The formative years can be termed as crucial in
regards to development and any major setback can create many problems for the future. Parents that are going through a marriage breakdown, divorce
and separation can be stressful for all involved particularly the children/young person. They can become emotionally withdrawn and suffer a lack of
confidence which can create low self esteem. Due to family upheaval, they may lose focus in their own abilities and suffer mentally. Similarly, children more content...
A child that has a hearing impairment may suffer physically through loss of balance or socially through having to communicate in alternative ways
such as sign language/makaton. A physical disability such as Cerebral Palsy can be physically challenging due to being restricted in taking part in
certain activities. This can affect social situations due to these restrictions and can affect a child/young person emotionally questioning why they are
different causing low self–esteem. Being diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer as a child/young person can also prove to lead to
developmental issues. All areas of development can be compromised, intellectually, through missing school and being too ill to complete set work.
They may suffer physically depending on the specific illness causing them to be weak and/or in too much pain and discomfort to complete physical
activities. Socially they may be too ill to interact with others and/or maintain friendships. They may also become emotionally withdrawn and find it
difficult to cope with their emotions. Child and Young Person Development /TDA 2.1/2.1 Health continued....; Allergies affect many children,
particularly food allergies; this in turn can lead to social problems as they may become excluded from certain situations where their allergies are not
known. In contrast they may feel a certain social stigma as their allergies are
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Types of Friends Essay
There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people to survive in this world is friendship. Without
friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of
friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy
and faithful whom I usually get along with are the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend to
be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of seeing double sides of something, like, a character
can more content...
They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform better. Being an overconfident person is also
beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust
and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in the future. I have a friend that is really confident that
when he performed for a speech competition at school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition. We
can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into
something good. We have to be able to measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed. Being a
competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will
work and study harder than any other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks on test or get an
extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a
friend that is competitive. She is so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get the best scores
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Ambition Essay
Before I could really start to write about ambition, I had to ask myself what ambition really was. What causes people to be ambitious, and what are
the advantages and disadvantages of being an ambitious person? At first, I must admit it was fairly difficult to comprehend. But I found it to all come
together when I related it to another kind of person or group of people – dreamers.
When I think of ambitious people I think of dreamers. These are the people with hopes of one day conquering and ruling the world single handedly, and
having everything work out just the way they want it to. I also feel that an ambitious person is a confident one. And because of this, they feel there is
nothing they cannot more content...
And in order to dream as large, one would have to be ambitious. I then asked my mother a similar question, but found a great difference not only in
the period of time it took for a response, but in the answer as well. Her answer was more realistic, almost as if she knew her limitations and her
options, and her dreams had both narrowed. This helped me to understand that high ambitions lie in the youth of the world. And although adults may be
ambitious at heart, their minds help them decide what is and is not realistic.
Through my experiences in dealing with ambitious people (and being one myself) I found that ambition may cause certain amounts of unnecessary
stress. It may even cause you to forget about the things that hold great importance in your life. An ambitious person tends to only see his or her
objective, and anything that gets in the way of progress is either ignores or looked at as an advantage. This in return may cause people to dislike
you, not because they want to see you fail, but instead want you to realize that they have to have ambitions and dreams. And from time to time, they
desire some kind of acknowledgement for their goals that they hope to one day accomplish. Some people may see this as a form of jealousy, but I see
it as being human. We all want things that we do not have, so why should ambitions be any different?
Therefore, ambition can be perceived in many different
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Shneidman's 4 Types Of Suicide Seekers
Compare and contrast Shneidman's four types of suicide seekers. Use examples from media or celebrities for each.
Shneidman defined suicide as an intentioned death where one intentionally and directly end their life. Shneidman's four types of suicide seekers
include: death seekers, death initiators, death ignorers, and death darers. The difference between the four types will be difference in the meaning of
death for each type. Both death seekers and death initiators has a clear intention to end their lives, but the difference between the two is that death
seekers can have the thought of suicide out of the blue, whereas death initiators believe that death is already under way that they are simply hurrying
the process. For death ignorers, more content...
Certain medicine can't be effective on everyone that uses it. After reading the arguments from both side. I do agree that on some degree antidepressants
does have effects on suicidal thoughts, but in contrast to the absence of antidepressants usage increase the suicidal rate way higher. Medicine are just a
factor that help soothe the person's condition, the main reason is how the person view the world, themselves, and their future. Therefore, I think that
the individuals shouldn't stop their medication on antidepressants because it does help treat their depression which can also cause suicide if it isn't
treated carefully. Authorities should also keep an eye on them to make sure the medications are going well and doesn't cause any side effect for the
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The Different Types of Sports Essay
"Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life". This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the
message that sport is the game which has some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of playing
sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind
skills and much more. There are so many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players, the three main
categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports is individual sports, in which a person can more
You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives him new energy through which the person performs
well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling, car
racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but especially good for those people who are afraid of
facing group of people during game and cannot perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two
person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and can build his confidence as well as personality. In
addition, it also provides physical and mental strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at home
and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind.
The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the team wins. It is played between two teams who
against each other and give their possible efforts to achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse,
croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with
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Figurative Language Essays
Figurative Language and Imagery
ENG 340 Creative Writing
Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language. Figurative language is the use of language
to describe something by comparing it to something else. It serves many linguistic purposes. It allows people to express abstract thoughts. It creates
tone and communicates emotional content. The ability to use figurative language in writing can make a poem or story more enjoyable for the reader.
Figurative language is taking words beyond their literal meaning and can come in many different forms, all to create a vivid picture of the written
word. There are many ways to incorporate figurative language into writing, some of more content...
In the line "Loose girdle of soft rain", from "My Grandmother's Love Letters", the rain is compared to a loose belt, which is a clear example of
Personification and much easier to understand. Creating imagery for the reader helps to entertain, provoke thought or help the reader escape to
another reality. Sometimes it can even be silly such as the repetition of the same initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words. This
usage of figurative language is called Alliteration and includes tongue twisters such as "She sells seashells by the seashore". Many writers will use
words that describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound made by an object to create imagery within the writing. This is called Onomatopoeia,
and although it is a big word that is hard to pronounce, it is the use of small words such as snap, crackle, pop, buzz and creaked that help bring a
story or poem to life. Another form of imagery that is used quite often is Hyperbole. This is the use of statements that are so dramatic and
exaggerated that a person would not believe the statement is true. "I was so hungry that not only did I eat my dinner, I ate the plate and silverware
too." A synecdoche is a form of imagery that substitutes a whole object with one aspect of that object. It may also be used to
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A child development is influenced in many ways such as their background, health and environment. These factors will have an impact on the child's
different areas of development. Background Children come from all different family environments, cultures and circumstances. Children go through
significant family changes such as a family break–up or a new step–family. These can affect a child's emotional and intellectual development. A child
may also change their behaviour, which means there ability to learn is decreased. This can affect their emotional development because they may feel
like it is their fault for the break up. Having a new step–family is a big change for some children, this may affect their emotional development, as they more content...
They my also feel excluded because they are brought up different, this can affect their emotional development. Not interacting with other peers can
have a large impact on different types of development, such as emotional as they can feel isolated and excluded. Children 's with different cultural
beliefs or practice may cause emotional conflict. Such as if they want to participate in an activity which goes against their families wishes or
religious beliefs, they would feel excluded. Other issues would be if the child has moved countries their intellectual development may be affected due
to the fact that they have to 'catch up' with new languages and cultures. Health If a child suffers from poor health or impairment, this may have an
effect on their development. If a child suffers from a medical condition this may lessen their ability to participate in activities than other children. This
will affect their physical development, as well as their emotional development. Depending how aware the child is about their needs, they may feel
excluded and isolated from other children. Other health factors maybe that the child was born premature, as they are more likely to develop slower
than a healthy born child. There may be an effect on their physical development, as they are a smaller and behind on developing. This may also have an
in pact on their intellectual development, as it has been shown that premature babies struggle with maths. Burdo–Hartman says.
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Examples Of Genre Analysis
Literature review
Genre analysis, literally is to analyze a piece of genre which is "a staged,goal–oriented,purposeful activity"in which speakers/writers engaged to express
a certain meaning (Martin,1984,p.25). In other words, people use language in various occasions, for some certain purposes, perceived to be a
meaningful and coherent whole which focus on communicative function: "language"in action or "language in use" , can be called as a type of text or
discourse. While genre analysis is treated as discourse analysis more like a text analysis. Text is a record of communicative event while discourse refers
to the interpretation of the communicative event in context (Nunan,1993),which shows discourse connects text with context. more
writer use hedges like"would,can,could etc." to tone down the manner of language: this would...kindergarten education(Line11),especially in terms of
giving the solution: It can consider...premises(Line23).In order to facilitate constructing writer–reader relationship,rhetorical question was used:
Yet,should...will pay?(Line13). Also typical is the high frequency of using some directives: Firstly,there should...kindergartens(Line17), which
implicates the authority of this article.
Different coherence types represented in this text : At the beginning of this article there is a clear reminder In response to...(Line 1) contributing to the
logical coherence. Using of phrasal connectives,e.g., "at the same time" and single–word connective"but" "yet" "and" all help the text with logical
coherence. But adversative coherence is not used much in this text, for the genre of this text is to giving support to argue for the subsydise. However
,semantic coherence stands out in this
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Types of Intelligence Essay examples
Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the
capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to the
different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential,
intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with
this type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death, and other realities. more
Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an
instrument. People with this type of intelligence think in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the
ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner
H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of
intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical/mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is
necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to
understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of
solutions, problems can be created. I define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical intelligence is an
innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations,
the military, and other structured environments. Practical
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  • 1. DD102 Part 1: Essay Draw upon different types of evidence to support the claim that social class is connected to the places where people live. For the purpose of this essay I will explore the view that social class is connected to the places where people live. This essay will show what sort of evidence social scientists draw upon to support the claim that class and place are connected by selecting examples from the variety of study materials from the 'Connecting lives' strand. I will begin by outlining what the term 'class' means with some reference to the links between class and inequality and the definitions provided by social scientists such as Karl Marx I will then focus on offering examples of the evidence social scientists draw upon to more content... It has also been found that the majority of Team GB medals won at the 2012 London Olympic Games were achieved by privately educated athletes, therefore supporting the claims that people living in the more socially desirable areas have better life chances than those from the more deprived areas. Birthplace is important. Research produced by Channel 4 News (cited in Smith et al., 2013, p. 3) showed that the richest areas of the UK – notably the south–east and parts of London – contributed 30.3 per cent of Team GB's athletes while few were born in the most deprived areas of the UK. Birthplace relates to another source of class–related inequality highlighted by Smith et al. (2013), namely, childhood socialisation. The authors claim that a predisposition to succeed in sport is shaped by families during childhood and youth. Middle–class families have more time and resources to devote to their children's development in extra–curricular activities than do working–class families. Thus, they conclude that 'the class–related patterns evident in the social profile of medal winners are expressive of broader class relations in Britain associated with prevailing economic inequalities' (Smith et al., 2013, p. 3). Many lifestyles are not possible for people in poverty. Belonging to a sports club is not possible if you cannot afford the membership fees, equipment etc. People living in Get more content on
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  • 3. Freewriting Examples Thank you Jennifer for the response and the example. I am also very scared to have a B. Last week i must confess i honestly thought i would have a B. This is a fear factor motivation for me. Your example makes me think that anytime i have too much information i can use freewriting technique. I said freewriting because i would have the free will to write everything and anything i want to write using the writing process guidelines. I would then read and choose which points i would like to factor into my essay considering the word count. This would help me get arrange the essay according to the rubric. Thank yu for your wonderful post, it really has a lot one can learn Get more content on
  • 4. Research Methods Essay Quantitative and Qualitative are said to be systematic in different design. Both design have to follow a process system that involved defining a principle of research. General speaking, quantitative research is thought to be objective, however qualitative research often involves a subjective element. There are differences designs in qualitative research in comparison to quantitative research. Qualitative research involves words, pictures, or objects; Quantitative involves data in the form of numbers and statistics. However, the researcher uses in–depth interviews in qualitative research to find out how the subjects view their world. In quantitative research the researcher uses precise measurement to predict hypotheses. Whereas, more content... Qualitative research is conducted in a natural setting and attempts to understand a human problem by developing a holistic narrative and reporting detailed views of informants about the culture of a problem. It forms a report with pictures and words. One of the most important distinctions that sets qualitative research apart from more traditional types of research is that qualitative research is holistic in that researchers study phenomena in their entirety rather than narrowing the focus to specific defined variables" (p. 93). Similarly, Cresswell (1984) indicated that qualitative research "is defined as an inquiry process of understanding a social or human problem, based on building a holistic picture, formed with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting" (p. 2). Cresswell's definition clearly delineates the major characteristics of qualitative research. Pg. 50 (Smith & Davis, 2010). Pg. 51 (Smith & Davis, 2010). "How do researchers evaluate trustworthiness?" Guba and Lincoln (1994) proposed that trustworthiness could be judged by the following criteria: conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability. For Example, Qualitative researchers use conformability, dependability, credibility, and transferability to evaluate the trustworthiness of a qualitative research report. In order to prevent researcher bias they can have other researchers point out Get more content on
  • 5. Different Learning Styles Essay Different Learning Styles Students have different ways to learn. Some people are hands on learners or visual learners. Teachers try to adapt the way they teach; to the way their students learn the best. The information that is being taught should be made fun so that the students remember the information. Schools are also using new technology to help students learn. Different learning styles have different effects on people. Different learning styles are the talk of many school districts from near and far. The study of different learning styles has gone back since the late 19th to the early 20th centuries. We all know that people have different ways of learning, so teachers try to teach the way more content... Prediction of educational psychology course grades by age and learning style scores did a study to show how different learning styles effect test and course grades. They use 105 college students who took four tests. ?The best predictions of the course grade were the students? ages and two Inventory of Learning Processing and Fact Retention. The Deep Processing scale measures high–order type of items which include analyses, evaluations, and comparisons of information; whereas, the Fact Retention scale measures low–order type of items which include factual information and memory recall.? (Gadzella,2002) The ILP (Inventory of Learning Processing) is assessed by behavioral–process orientation and used to study actual classroom behaviors. Deep processing scale assesses to what extent to which ?subjects critically evaluate, analyze, organize, and compare and contrast information.? (Gadzella, 2002) Fact Retention scale assesses ?how effectively specific factual information is retrieved from one?s memory.? (Gadzella, 2002) After doing these studies for many years it has been said that ILP is very reliable and valid. ?In 1983, Lockhart and Schmeck studied the validity of the four ILP scales with the different components of a course and demonstrated how these scales can be useful to instructors who would like to ?conceptualize and account for students' individual scores? Get more content on
  • 6. Different Types of Lies Essay "To lie is to state something that one knows to be false or that one does not honestly believe to be true with the intention that a person will take it for the truth". ( In other words, lying is a purposeful misleading statement. This statement can be made verbally, through body language, or even implied through silence. Based on lying being well defined, some might say that lying is always wrong unless there is a good reason for it. In that case, I would argue that lying is not always wrong. There are two different types of lies. The first types of lies are called true falsehoods. These types of lies are always wrong. The only purpose for telling this type of lie is for one's self interest more content... For example: A young girl is driving to the beach with her new boyfriend, they are alone, when suddenly she feels very uncomfortable and unsafe being alone with this boy. She decides she wants to go back home, yet she knows that her boyfriend is going to be upset if she tells him the truth. So instead she decides to tell him that she remembered something she had promised her mom she would do for her before she got home from work. She knows later on, when she is in a more controlled environment, that she will tell this boy the truth because she knows he needs to know. Another simpler yet common example would be misrepresentations of the truth in responding to the question "How are you doing?" A person's answer would depend on the relationship that they have with that person. A relationship that is not close at all would most likely bring a response that would be short and on a positive note like, "everything is fine," even if it was not true. This response would be given to that person because it may not be appropriate or a good idea to let them know otherwise. Another example would be a police officer during a sting operation. Is it correct for her to pose as a prostitute in order to catch actual prostitutes? This would be considered a lie based on the fact that the officer is intentionally trying to come across as something other than she really is. It would be Get more content on
  • 7. Assessment Task TDA– 2.1 Child and young person development. Task 2 links to learning outcome 2, assessment criteria 2.1 and 2.2. Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people's development, including: – background – heath – environment While children are influenced by many things, there are no stronger influences than that of their parents. Parents are usually their children's first playmates, and while there world expands with each passing year, parental influence is still one of the greatest factors in determining the ways in which the child will grow and develop. Background: Naturally parents want to see their children do well. Sometimes though in an effort to keep kids safe, more content... As children all develop at different speeds, a child that struggles at school and has not been identified as having any specific special needs, could suffer from depression thus affecting the child's development. Other factors that can affect a child's development can include genetic problems passed on by a parent, mental or physical disabilities, poor living conditions causing illness such as asthma, learning difficulties, autism, dyspraxia, aspergers, poor communication skills due to sensory impairment such as deafness, blindness, partially sighted. Disability brings problems to schools too causing the child to be disadvantaged. These could include lack of specialist staff or poor staff knowledge which can lead to lack of socialisation and integration into the school. Environment: Socialisation is important for children. Parents who offer their children varied opportunities in which to meet new people and experience new things give their children an invaluable gift. When they are babies, children need no more than the attentive, loving care given by their parents, but as they grow, it is beneficial for children to expand their worlds by making friends with other people and learning about different cultures. Children who gain a sense of confidence in their ability to interact with people will take them into adulthood making both their personal and professional lives Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Writing Experience My Writing Experiences My experiences in writing have been minimal. I have only learned the basics of writing, like putting together sentences, forming paragraphs with sentences, and things like that. Since I have been taking college English, I can tell my writing has improved a lot. In the future, I hope to be able to improve tremendously at writing essays, paragraphs, research papers, documents, and stories so that I have very little to no errors with drafting and final products. I predict I will be a well rounded writer when I graduate from college. Writing in the past started in kindergarten. My teacher taught me how to write my name over and over until I could write it with no errors. All through elementary my teachers taught more content... I need to learn to quit thinking as much on what I want to write about and how to write about a topic and just starting jotting stuff down in outline form as it comes to mind. Run–ons and fragments I need to be able to spot and fix right away or I really need to not have any in my papers at all. My goals are to write papers and not have to reassure myself that maybe I need to do more research or have more data or even have to rethink my whole topic over. I would love to have the knowledge to be a tutor someday and teach other people how to properly write papers, paragraphs, essays, and maybe even books. To have excellent skills in writing will definitely be a great advantage in my nursing profession. In nursing, I will have to do lots of charting on my patients. I will have to do health presentations on various subjects such as exercising, how our society eats, and sex education if I want to be a course instructor. Researching information on all of those topics I will have to make sure I do an excellent job on and collect accurate information and statistics so that I can compare to other sources. Dictating to the doctor means that I will need to write properly so that he understands what I am saying. Other nurses will have to be able to understand what I am talking about by my writing skills when doing shift changes. I will have to be very precise so that other nurses will not Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Phobias Phobias Fear is a normal and an important human reaction to something dangerous, it keeps one out of danger, because fear is disliked and one tries ones best to avoid the object or situation of fear. It causes physical changes known as fight–or–flight reaction, which causes blood pressure to increase and the heart rate to speed up to pump blood to the large muscles used to run away, to balance this the human body has sweat glands which produce perspiration to cool the body. Usually young people experience more fear than adults do (Metcalf). When one has a fear of something, one normally does not spend much time thinking about it, and it only affects one when one is forced to confront it. Just about everyone is afraid of something, more content... However, phobia can even cause people to risk their health. For example, the fear of dentists can leave people suffering from it willing to risk the health of their teeth in order to avoid having to go through an exam or procedure ( MacKay). When one knows about an upcoming confrontation, it can be the reason why one can not sleep or finds it hard to focus on important tasks. Due the change in daily routine, this unrealistic fear can interfere with the ability to socialize, work, or go about everyday life, brought on by and object, event or situation. But even animals have anxieties and phobias just as every human being (www.phobia– A phobia is an irrational fear, one knows that the object or situation, one is scared off, can not hurt one, but one is still afraid. A reason for this is that the human mind can not distinguish what is real and imaginary. When one has uncontrollableanxiety attacks, he loses rational judgement, leading to complicated problems. However, anyone can develop a phobia, men and women, teens and young adults, and elderly lady or a one–year–old boy (MacKay). Thereby it is not completely clear, what the causes for phobia are. Phobia is often caused by something scary that happened earlier in somebody's life, but not every one develop phobias after special experiences. An explanation for this could be that for some people certain parts of the brain and specific neural pathways are associated with phobias. It is Get more content on
  • 10. Describe with examples the kinds of influences that affect children and young people's development. Background; There are many factors that can influence a child and young person's development, particularly in relation to their background. The formative years can be termed as crucial in regards to development and any major setback can create many problems for the future. Parents that are going through a marriage breakdown, divorce and separation can be stressful for all involved particularly the children/young person. They can become emotionally withdrawn and suffer a lack of confidence which can create low self esteem. Due to family upheaval, they may lose focus in their own abilities and suffer mentally. Similarly, children more content... A child that has a hearing impairment may suffer physically through loss of balance or socially through having to communicate in alternative ways such as sign language/makaton. A physical disability such as Cerebral Palsy can be physically challenging due to being restricted in taking part in certain activities. This can affect social situations due to these restrictions and can affect a child/young person emotionally questioning why they are different causing low self–esteem. Being diagnosed with a serious illness such as cancer as a child/young person can also prove to lead to developmental issues. All areas of development can be compromised, intellectually, through missing school and being too ill to complete set work. They may suffer physically depending on the specific illness causing them to be weak and/or in too much pain and discomfort to complete physical activities. Socially they may be too ill to interact with others and/or maintain friendships. They may also become emotionally withdrawn and find it difficult to cope with their emotions. Child and Young Person Development /TDA 2.1/2.1 Health continued....; Allergies affect many children, particularly food allergies; this in turn can lead to social problems as they may become excluded from certain situations where their allergies are not known. In contrast they may feel a certain social stigma as their allergies are Get more content on
  • 11. Types of Friends Essay There are a lot of important things in life. However, one of the most important things for people to survive in this world is friendship. Without friendship, people can die of loneliness. What do you think about your friends? Do you like your friends? There are a lot of different types of friends. There are friends that I like and some friends with whom I do not get along. Friends with positive characteristics such as reliable, trustworthy and faithful whom I usually get along with are the one that tend to have more friends and the negative one whom I usually not get along with tend to be alone. However, friends with negative characteristic can also give us some good examples of seeing double sides of something, like, a character can more content... They can learn to get some confidence because confidence is really important in order to perform better. Being an overconfident person is also beneficial, as we won't get nervous easily and our performances will be better. This kind of person isn't scared to take some risks as they have trust and confidence in themselves. This kind of person has potential to be a really successful person in the future. I have a friend that is really confident that when he performed for a speech competition at school, he can speak fluently without any hesitation that made him the winner of the competition. We can learn a lot from this kind of person. I learn that correct proportion of something, even the thing we take as something bad, before, can turn into something good. We have to be able to measure how confident we can be while with friends and when the confidence is really needed. Being a competitive person can be advantageous, as this kind of person wants to be the best in everything. As they want to be the best in everything, they will work and study harder than any other people. They will try as hard as they can to be the best. As a result, they will get good marks on test or get an extremely good job in the future. It is beneficial for them. For Example: I know that being a competitive person can be advantageous as I have a friend that is competitive. She is so competitive that in every test, she will study as hard as she can. In every test, she managed to get the best scores Get more content on
  • 12. Ambition Essay Ambition Before I could really start to write about ambition, I had to ask myself what ambition really was. What causes people to be ambitious, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of being an ambitious person? At first, I must admit it was fairly difficult to comprehend. But I found it to all come together when I related it to another kind of person or group of people – dreamers. When I think of ambitious people I think of dreamers. These are the people with hopes of one day conquering and ruling the world single handedly, and having everything work out just the way they want it to. I also feel that an ambitious person is a confident one. And because of this, they feel there is nothing they cannot more content... And in order to dream as large, one would have to be ambitious. I then asked my mother a similar question, but found a great difference not only in the period of time it took for a response, but in the answer as well. Her answer was more realistic, almost as if she knew her limitations and her options, and her dreams had both narrowed. This helped me to understand that high ambitions lie in the youth of the world. And although adults may be ambitious at heart, their minds help them decide what is and is not realistic. Through my experiences in dealing with ambitious people (and being one myself) I found that ambition may cause certain amounts of unnecessary stress. It may even cause you to forget about the things that hold great importance in your life. An ambitious person tends to only see his or her objective, and anything that gets in the way of progress is either ignores or looked at as an advantage. This in return may cause people to dislike you, not because they want to see you fail, but instead want you to realize that they have to have ambitions and dreams. And from time to time, they desire some kind of acknowledgement for their goals that they hope to one day accomplish. Some people may see this as a form of jealousy, but I see it as being human. We all want things that we do not have, so why should ambitions be any different? Therefore, ambition can be perceived in many different Get more content on
  • 13. Shneidman's 4 Types Of Suicide Seekers Compare and contrast Shneidman's four types of suicide seekers. Use examples from media or celebrities for each. Shneidman defined suicide as an intentioned death where one intentionally and directly end their life. Shneidman's four types of suicide seekers include: death seekers, death initiators, death ignorers, and death darers. The difference between the four types will be difference in the meaning of death for each type. Both death seekers and death initiators has a clear intention to end their lives, but the difference between the two is that death seekers can have the thought of suicide out of the blue, whereas death initiators believe that death is already under way that they are simply hurrying the process. For death ignorers, more content... Certain medicine can't be effective on everyone that uses it. After reading the arguments from both side. I do agree that on some degree antidepressants does have effects on suicidal thoughts, but in contrast to the absence of antidepressants usage increase the suicidal rate way higher. Medicine are just a factor that help soothe the person's condition, the main reason is how the person view the world, themselves, and their future. Therefore, I think that the individuals shouldn't stop their medication on antidepressants because it does help treat their depression which can also cause suicide if it isn't treated carefully. Authorities should also keep an eye on them to make sure the medications are going well and doesn't cause any side effect for the Get more content on
  • 14. The Different Types of Sports Essay "Sports are for fun, but they also offer benefits and lessons that carry over into all aspects of life". This well–known anonymous quotation conveys the message that sport is the game which has some rules and custom. It is not only for fun and entertainment, but there are also some benefits of playing sports and which gives some important lessons for life. Every kind of physical sports is healthy because it involves running, jumping, stretching, mind skills and much more. There are so many sports available in the world nowadays, but we can categorize them by the numbers of players, the three main categories are individual sport, dual sport and team sport. The first category of sports is individual sports, in which a person can more content... You can play these sports whenever you are free, or in school, it refreshes the person and gives him new energy through which the person performs well in his/her life. Other kind of sports is dual sports. It is played by two people at one time. For example: tennis, squash, ping pong, wrestling, car racing, board games, motorcycling, and many more. These games are good for all the people, but especially good for those people who are afraid of facing group of people during game and cannot perform well in sports with teams those kinds of person can choose dual sports in which only two person can play the game and through this that person can gain the potential playing with team and can build his confidence as well as personality. In addition, it also provides physical and mental strength to cope with team players. You can play these games with your friends in school or at home and in your leisure time. It keeps a person fresh and gives him/her peace of mind. The last category of sport is team sport. In which a group of people works together to help the team wins. It is played between two teams who against each other and give their possible efforts to achieve the target or goal. Basketball, water polo, softball, baseball, football, soccer, lacrosse, croquet, swimming teams, volleyball, cricket, etc. are some good examples of team sports. A person will get the skills to learn how to cooperate with Get more content on
  • 15. Figurative Language Essays Figurative Language and Imagery ENG 340 Creative Writing Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language. Figurative language is the use of language to describe something by comparing it to something else. It serves many linguistic purposes. It allows people to express abstract thoughts. It creates tone and communicates emotional content. The ability to use figurative language in writing can make a poem or story more enjoyable for the reader. Figurative language is taking words beyond their literal meaning and can come in many different forms, all to create a vivid picture of the written word. There are many ways to incorporate figurative language into writing, some of more content... In the line "Loose girdle of soft rain", from "My Grandmother's Love Letters", the rain is compared to a loose belt, which is a clear example of Personification and much easier to understand. Creating imagery for the reader helps to entertain, provoke thought or help the reader escape to another reality. Sometimes it can even be silly such as the repetition of the same initial letter, sound, or group of sounds in a series of words. This usage of figurative language is called Alliteration and includes tongue twisters such as "She sells seashells by the seashore". Many writers will use words that describe or imitate a natural sound or the sound made by an object to create imagery within the writing. This is called Onomatopoeia, and although it is a big word that is hard to pronounce, it is the use of small words such as snap, crackle, pop, buzz and creaked that help bring a story or poem to life. Another form of imagery that is used quite often is Hyperbole. This is the use of statements that are so dramatic and exaggerated that a person would not believe the statement is true. "I was so hungry that not only did I eat my dinner, I ate the plate and silverware too." A synecdoche is a form of imagery that substitutes a whole object with one aspect of that object. It may also be used to Get more content on
  • 16. A child development is influenced in many ways such as their background, health and environment. These factors will have an impact on the child's different areas of development. Background Children come from all different family environments, cultures and circumstances. Children go through significant family changes such as a family break–up or a new step–family. These can affect a child's emotional and intellectual development. A child may also change their behaviour, which means there ability to learn is decreased. This can affect their emotional development because they may feel like it is their fault for the break up. Having a new step–family is a big change for some children, this may affect their emotional development, as they more content... They my also feel excluded because they are brought up different, this can affect their emotional development. Not interacting with other peers can have a large impact on different types of development, such as emotional as they can feel isolated and excluded. Children 's with different cultural beliefs or practice may cause emotional conflict. Such as if they want to participate in an activity which goes against their families wishes or religious beliefs, they would feel excluded. Other issues would be if the child has moved countries their intellectual development may be affected due to the fact that they have to 'catch up' with new languages and cultures. Health If a child suffers from poor health or impairment, this may have an effect on their development. If a child suffers from a medical condition this may lessen their ability to participate in activities than other children. This will affect their physical development, as well as their emotional development. Depending how aware the child is about their needs, they may feel excluded and isolated from other children. Other health factors maybe that the child was born premature, as they are more likely to develop slower than a healthy born child. There may be an effect on their physical development, as they are a smaller and behind on developing. This may also have an in pact on their intellectual development, as it has been shown that premature babies struggle with maths. Burdo–Hartman says. Get more content on
  • 17. Examples Of Genre Analysis Literature review Genre analysis, literally is to analyze a piece of genre which is "a staged,goal–oriented,purposeful activity"in which speakers/writers engaged to express a certain meaning (Martin,1984,p.25). In other words, people use language in various occasions, for some certain purposes, perceived to be a meaningful and coherent whole which focus on communicative function: "language"in action or "language in use" , can be called as a type of text or discourse. While genre analysis is treated as discourse analysis more like a text analysis. Text is a record of communicative event while discourse refers to the interpretation of the communicative event in context (Nunan,1993),which shows discourse connects text with context. more content... writer use hedges like"would,can,could etc." to tone down the manner of language: this would...kindergarten education(Line11),especially in terms of giving the solution: It can consider...premises(Line23).In order to facilitate constructing writer–reader relationship,rhetorical question was used: Yet,should...will pay?(Line13). Also typical is the high frequency of using some directives: Firstly,there should...kindergartens(Line17), which implicates the authority of this article. Different coherence types represented in this text : At the beginning of this article there is a clear reminder In response to...(Line 1) contributing to the logical coherence. Using of phrasal connectives,e.g., "at the same time" and single–word connective"but" "yet" "and" all help the text with logical coherence. But adversative coherence is not used much in this text, for the genre of this text is to giving support to argue for the subsydise. However ,semantic coherence stands out in this Get more content on
  • 18. Types of Intelligence Essay examples Types of Intelligence The meaning of intelligence is a concept that varies across cultures and ideologies. According to psychologists "intelligence is the capacity to understand the world, think rationally, and use resources effectively when faced with challenges." (Feldman, R. S. 2010). Due to the different types of human capabilities, there are different types of human intelligence. Some intelligence is expressed mentally as in existential, intrapersonal, and spatial intelligences. Existential intelligence is the capacity and inclination to consider and question philosophically. People with this type of intelligence are very comfortable with concepts like the meaning of life, the purpose of death, and other realities. more content... Musical/Rhythmic intelligence is also physical intelligence. This form of intelligence is more than being able to keep accurate rhythm or play an instrument. People with this type of intelligence think in musical terms, they live musically; music is a part of their being. Naturalist Intelligence: the ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) and sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations) (Gardner H. n.d.). Although, this type of intelligence was necessary for hunting and gathering civilizations; I believe that Jacque Cousteau had this type of intelligence. The more familiar forms of intelligence are linguistic, interpersonal, and logical/mathematical intelligence. Linguistic intelligence is necessary for authors, attorneys, and anyone whose bread and butter is made through language. Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to understand other people. Yet, I find that empathy, and wisdom must be included for the psychological definition of intelligence to exist, or instead of solutions, problems can be created. I define wisdom as not just knowing what to do, but actually doing it. Logical or mathematical intelligence is an innate ability to interact with mathematical and scientific principles. Practical intelligence is needed for success in careers that involve corporations, the military, and other structured environments. Practical Get more content on