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Nicole Kada
Philip Broster
Business Communications 27 April 2012
Research Proposal
What is the Impact of Stress on University Students Academic Performance?
1.1 Purposes of Research Topic
Newth (2011) claims that modern day stress seems to be more widespread than ever causing
interference with human intellect, emotional and interpersonal functioning. Therefore; I suggest that
students will encounter stress and it will impact their academic performance. In this fast pace and
performance driven society each organization needs well performing people. The only way we will
know what people require to become productive and less stressed is to explore topics as my
research question. The more content...
Which collects the health statistics of students from universities all around the world every second
year, reported that 40.2 percent of Santa Clara University students identified that stress affected their
individual academic performance during the last 12 months of their studies (Temple,2011). Temple
(2011) reported a survey conducted in 2004 that assessed the overall well–being of 47,202
undergraduates nationwide. The findings were that 32.4 percent of students recognized stress as
the main obstacle to their academic performance. This was said to be above the common cold,
depression, death of a relative, sexual assault and eating disorders. Stress is "once considered as the
nation's number one health epidemic; prolonged stress can lead to ulcers, heart disease, stroke,
major depression and to a shorter life span" (Temple, 2011).
Based on these findings from research done previously I feel that this study is important. Firstly, we
need to understand what causes the stressors and how it affects the individual. For example, if you
have an entire university with stressed students, not being productive, not performing well
academically perhaps thinking of dropping out of university because of the overwhelming anxiety; it
can be detrimental to the institution in terms of status and students in terms of individual realisation.
Secondly, we soon have to formulate effective and efficient stress management guidelines as we
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Academic Discourse Essay
The definition of a discourse community is as yet undefined; it does however require a set of
specific characteristics, which allow the term to be narrowed until the point when many competing
notions are eliminated. It is more a set of ideas, relating to the world of research and academic
writing. There are many uncertainties surrounding the qualities and characteristics of a discourse
community, many of which rise from a lack of definition. The following research is aimed at
reducing confusion by identifying complex ideas and breaking them down. The information
provided has been obtained through various sources of conflicting views, further illustrating the
complexity of the topic. Many school settings are considered more content...
It resembles many other degree programs at university, having regular classes and tests of acquired
knowledge. Once penetrated, however, one can find that some of the traits grouping them together
are in fact the same traits distinguishing them from each other. It depends on the level of penetration.
Within the community I have chosen, there seems to be a great deal of essay writing. This is the
most common genre found in use. The student is assigned a detailed topic and is expected to
complete the necessary research in order to compile a coherent and thought provoking argument.
There is a required structure for the essay, as well as criteria that must be included. Students, also
known as `novices', then present their arguments to the professor or teaching assistant, also known
as the experts, for evaluation. This is a suitable way for students to express the knowledge they have
acquired throughout lessons, as it allows them to be creative. This also provides a chance for
students to demonstrate the effectiveness with which they are able to follow instructions.
I order to be accepted into this community, a student must complete academic courses aimed at
preparing them. These may be known as prerequisites. In order to gain entrance into higher level
academic courses, a student must successfully complete lower level courses. This also gives the
student a solid foundation on which they can
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Perfect World Research Paper
Would a perfect world actually be perfect? It can be hard to define exactly what perfection is and
even harder to find a way to achieve perfection. Throughout history, people have dreamt of perfect
societies; often in response to famine, perpetual warfare and other injustices; the term for one of
these paradises being "utopia." The word was coined in 1515 by Sir Thomas More who famously
wrote about an idealistic island–– this island was originally a joke that illustrated the unlikelihood of
such a place even existing. It still doesn't hurt to touch on what I think an ideal world would look like.
To start off, in my utopia,economics wouldn't even be as big of an issue as it is today; there just
wouldn't be such an emphasis on money like there
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Essay about English Academic Writing
Over the last few decade, the number of international student has risen not specially in the UK but
all over the world. It is known that every nation has its own language, customs, cultures and
traditions. This may effect the way of thinking or an academic style of reading, writing and another
types of an academic style. This essay will evaluate linn,2009 claim that international student must
learn a new way of thinking and writing when they come to study in the UK–type academic
environment and outline the controversial point that should be considered.
Firstly, according to( linn,2009,p.3) English writers use explicit discourse marker which helps the
writers to organize ideas and also helps reader follow along from one sentence more
However, in an English academic writing, writers tend to restrict the amount of metaphor ,whereas
Arabic writers do no seem to make this distinction for academic writing. This seems to be true
because there are an disadvantages of metaphorical usage. Perhaps most importantly it can be said
that metaphorical usage may lead to stereotyping, which not based on fact but it based on other
opinion. For example, linn thinks that all Asian student are circular or all Americans are good at
math. Of course it just an opinions not fact some Americans are not good at math. In addition,
metaphors could use to obscure reality, confuse and influence the readers. For instance, metaphors
are one of the ways that doctors might avoid telling the truth to the patients. In contrast, it is difficult
to ignore the features of metaphorical usage to described psychological theories. It can be said that
teachers and student should sensitized to the power of metaphors.
According to (linn,2009,p.2,p.3) it is possible that academic writing in some countries are
influenced by its cultures and traditions, which also effect students choice of evidence in supporting
their main ideas and how they express their main ideas. It can be said that the structure of academic
writing. This seems to be true because there are three point that should be considered. Firstly,
traditional culture not only influences the views of the world, ways of thinking, people's behaviors
but also the
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Gac Compare and Contrast Essay
GAC008 Assessment Event 4: Academic Research Essay
Compare and Contrast:
Places Where
People Live and Work
Student's Name: Teresa Ding
Student ID#: SHSA23052
Teacher: La Roi Williams
Due Date: 15th April 2013
Word Count: 1041
Question: Compare and Contrast attitudes toward students taking a gap year in your country and in
Use specific examples and provide appropriate evidence to explain your answer.
To take a gap year or not to take a gap year? Now, this question has gained more attention than it
used to be. A gap year is a period of time in which students disengage from curricular education and more content...
Basically Chinese parents regard sending their children abroad as a risk–free investment. Usually
Chinese families spend all their money supporting their children. So they want their children go
back to China with a degree which can help them get a job as soon as possible. Therefore Chinese
parents think their children won't benefit from taking a gap year. At the same time, most Chinese
students study abroad in order to increase self–worth and foster personal competitiveness in
employment, so taking a gap year is not something they would consider.
Most colleges in the U.K encourage students to take a gap year, simply because students then arrive
a little more mature, a little more ready to study and a little more worldly. University like Oxford are
very supportive about
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What I Have Learned About Research
What I have learned about research is that it is a process, a scientific process that psychologist
and scientist develop that includes many different approaches and that is carefully peer reviewed
and evaluated. There is what is called the Scientific Approach where scientist have an idea or
theory and based on their observation will either support the theory or the theory can be falsified
by their peers. Data also goes through a review period before it is published in a scientific journal
by scientist who have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate it.
I also learned the difference between basic and applied research where basic research focuses mostly
on things such as emotion, cognition, social behavior, personality development, learning, and
neuropsychology. Basic research will be more helpful for answering fundamental questions about the
nature of behavior. Applied research however, addresses more of a specific problem with a possible
solution. Program evaluation covers a large area of applied research. Program evaluation assesses the
social reforms and innovations that occur in government, education, the criminal justice system,
industry, health care, and mental health institutions. When discussing behavioral research it is
imperative to note the precedents that it has in many fields and the significance of the applications
to public policy.
A variable is referred to as any event, situation, behavior, or individual characteristic that changes or
varies. Any variable
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Academic Ethics And Academic Integrity Essay
Academic ethics are the moral codes or the shared standards of an academic enterprise and the core
of its success (Occidental College, 2016). Basically, academic ethics require each student, to be
honest, responsible, fair, respectful, give credit where it is due, turn in their original work, and etc.
(Michigan State University, n.d.). Academic integrity requires students to do their own work without
unauthorized help from others, cheating, lying, plagiarizing, and stealing (Valdosta State University,
2016). Academic integrity is important because it shows that the student is trustworthy and honest
enough to do his or her own work, whether someone is looking or not. "Learning how to express
original ideas, cite sources, work independently, and report results accurately and honestly are skills
that carry students beyond their academic careers" (Michigan State University, n.d., para. 2).
Professional ethics are guidelines set by professional organizations that guide its members in
performing the functions of their job appropriately, while behaving in a professional and ethical
manner (Web Finance Inc., 2016). Some of the characteristics of professional ethics include
"knowledge, honesty, accountability, integrity, loyalty, compliance with the law and more"
(Reference An IAC Publishing Labs Company, 2016, para. 3). Professional ethics are important
because it builds credibility and shows that the person is capable of doing their job appropriately,
regardless of the situation,
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Throughout this semester in the Introduction to Academic Research course, I learned a great deal
about research. We covered a wide variety of topics that encompassed topics such as methods of
field research, the unknowns when conducting research (the Black Box activity), the differences that
exist among fields when using the word "research", and many others.
I'll begin with what I learned about myself. Throughout this course, I learned a great deal about my
future interests and the characteristics I exhibit when participating in a group project. When working
with Rob Geis and Martin Castro, I searched constantly and relentlessly through the CIA database to
find any information relevant to our project and the argument we wished to more
I believe my research interests lie within the American South. I am fascinated by the historic and
economic elements of the region that I call home. I personally believe that learning about your
interests is important but the strengths, values, and limitations that you bring to the table are
more important. Learning this about yourself helps to address your own weaknesses and to find
individuals that balance the research group out. Throughout this course, I also learned a bit about
research. My concept of research changed very little. Throughout high school and the IB
program, I learned how to evaluate sources, the importance of primary sources, and other
elements of research. In my senior year, I completed an original work entitled "How has the
internet changed the market structure of local news with reference to the Augusta Chronicle in
Augusta, Georgia?". The research paper was over 24 pages and nearly 4,000 words long. I
received an A (a grade received by 10.59% of all students involved in most difficult international
high school program in the world) for my Extended Essay grade from the IB Economics
examiners in India. I was also asked to complete research reports in other individual courses. One
of these reports included my IB History of the Americas class. In this report, I examined how
accurate the media portrayal of Jefferson Davis following the Civil War reflected his personality
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Reflection On Academic Reading
Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I am a tuned–in Reader, and I appreciate well written
biographies. Enjoyable reading takes my mind off school work and relaxes me. I enjoy academic
reading as well, but sometimes it is intense and requires much concentration. Moreover, I am a
tuned in reader when it comes to academic subject's such as; psychology, nutrition, health and
history. Every spare moment I have; I pick up a book or magazine, and get carried away, by the
text. I visualize the story and its' characters as if, the story is taking place right next to me.
Furthermore, I predict the outcomes of the stories and pose questions in my mind about the
characters. I enjoy reading biographies about famous people like Charles Dickens and Anne
Frank. Additionally, I enjoy reading short stories and magazines such as; Binah, Ami, and
Mishpachah. I am fascinated by the astounding articles in the Ami. For example, the article about
a "Journey to North Korea", makes me feel as if I had experienced it myself. Academic reading
gives me a sense of accomplishment and joy. Generally, I am a tuned in reader, when it comes to
reading information. When I am reading, I analyze and visualize the ideas of the passage. When I
stop and think of what I am reading, it enhances my level of comprehension. My appreciation is also
increased, to understand and learn new information. Furthermore, I enjoy taking my academic
reading to a different level, by discussing and asking questions to my
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Importance And Purpose Of Research Essay
Importance and purpose of research
Research is important to understand, increase knowledge, and get information for social life.
Social research is conducted to extend knowledge about some aspects of society like humanities,
business or any social science [asi]. Research is used to form or develop new theories in order to
understand the process behind particular event or behavior, or review the correctness of existing
theories. In addition, research is also conducted to inform decisions or action to solve everyday
issues such as evaluating the effectiveness of policy. [abr] and [brm] of the business research
emphasis on the importance of research as getting problem–solving information. Research is the
process of studying and analyzing the aspects of the issue as to explore the solution to the business.
The summaries of the core objectives of research are testing existing knowledge, developing new
system or generating new knowledge, seeking solution for issues, and analyzing new problems or
investigating existing problems [br].
Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigm
[br] a research paradigm is a philosophical perspective that guides how scientific research should be
conducted. Philosophy is 'a set or system of beliefs [stemming from] the study of the fundamental
nature of knowledge, reality, and existence' (Waite and Hawker, 2009, p.685).
[w1] The most influential or the dominant ones of philosophical framework are positivism and
interpretivism. During the twentieth
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Essay On Academic Reflection
Education is ingrained in our lives; we are as a society born to learn. The ability to reflect on this
habitual learning is what separates an honors mindset from the average. Reflection occurs
continuously and effortlessly, as though peering into a looking glass. I reflect in order to increase
my potential as a learner and become an honors student. Evaluating my past, present, and future
education ultimately will unlock my fullest potential for true academic reflection.
My past education experience, defined as, elementary through high school, was filled with
opportunities of growth and promises of success. From elementary to middle school, I was led by
a spark to learn. I wanted to accomplish many tasks, wanted to learn as much and as deeply as I
could, I wanted to succeed with hard work. At this age level, I was displaying a growth mindset, and
many key characteristics of Angela Maiers' habitudes. The most prominent example of this display
was my eighth–grade year as it was the first time I ever truly struggled academically in my life. I was
in my eight–grade math class with Mr. Pfitzner, at the time the bane of my existence, and I did not
understand a thing. It seemed like all my hard work was for nothing, that I would never be able
to overcome this obstacle. For a moment, I was able to see how easily a slip from a growth
mindset to a fixed mindset could be. As I slowly slipped into the fixed mindset, I remember asking
myself if this is how I want to learn. This challenge
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Perfect World Research Paper
A perfect world is defined as a state of being, place, or utopia in which all problems have been
overcome. This theory has become a topic of conversation quite frequently due to lack of ideal
knowledge of what the future holds. My perception of a perfect world includes an equal
government system, diverse human rights or behavior, and immaculate health. Major aspects such
as these will develop a sublime society to therefore be used as an authentic representation of the
"good life". Having an equal government system is a key concept to having a perfect world. This
type of movement prevents uprises between countries. It even settles economic disputes among the
nations and laws become indistinguishable. Topics such as global money affairs and military
tactics are being discussed accordingly. In order to sustain these goals, we must ideally come
together as a whole to elaborate the significance of peace between countries, allowing this
revolution to become a reality. Meanwhile, one must truly believe in the value of acceptance in
which this movement was created. Having human rights or specific types of human behavior is a
right within itself. All people are given the freedom of speech, press, more content...
There are no exceptions. Being an educated individual is bettering one's mind, and it allows them to
be capable of more than one can comprehend. This education process shows how much someone is
contributing to today's problem. Brilliant minds are becoming less rare due to more excelling
studies. These brilliant minds, someday, are going to become the world's best doctors, inventors,
scientists, authors, philosophers, etc. Starting with education as the root of this development plan,
allows an endless possibility of succeeding in the perfect life. Occupations that spiral off from the
basic fundamentals of learning, are creating economic success just from job openings and a
declining rate of global
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My Academic Goals And Research Interests
My academic goals and research interests have developed significantly over the course of my
undergraduate studies at Susquehanna University. When I first arrived at Susquehanna I was a
biology major and had dreams of medical school. However, by the end of freshman year, I began to
develop an interest in neuroscience. Declaring a major in neuroscience allowed me to explore the
components of biology I loved, while incorporating psychology and chemistry.
My research interests developed from my exposure to the various areas of neuroscience through my
internships, research experiences and courses. I am currently working on a research project, with the
goal of gaining a more thorough understanding of the genes involved in lateral glial cell
differentiation in the central nervous system of Drosophila. I conduct genetic crosses to obtain the
desired genomes and collect embryos for immunostaining. I examine the expression of a conceptual
gene, cg31235, which is solely expressed in longitudinal glial cells, in the presence of the genes
Pointed P1 (PntP1) and Reversed Polarity (Repo). Subsequently, I will then use immunostaining to
examine the expression of PntP1 and Repo in order to determine whether they regulate the genes
involved in the in the development and function of longitudinal glia. Last fall, I presented my
research proposal, which was followed by a presentation at the Society of Developmental Biology
this spring. These experiences have strengthened my desire to explore
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My Professional And Academic Experience
From both my professional and academic experiences I have acquired invaluable knowledge and
experience that I am confident have more than prepared me for an Information Officer I position
with the California Department of Insurance. With a bachelor's degree in communication from a top
California university and practice in both the private and public sector, I have developed a plethora
of skills in the realm of communications, including engaging with clients through various channels,
leading key presentations to large groups of audiences, and collaborating successfully with other
departments and team members.
My professional and academic experiences have also allowed me to hone my writing skills to
convey key messages not only to the public, but also to legislators, media, clients and internal
audiences. While working at Dewey Square Group I have worked on behalf of various clients
including a large manufacturing company, a trade association and multiple universities who have
required public information campaigns and public relations materials to be developed including press
releases, statements, reports, Q&As, talking points, speeches, scripts and other pieces of collateral.
One client, a large manufacturer in California, has continued to be publicly scrutinized over the past
few years. As part of the public relations team hired by the manufacturer, it has been my assignment
to use my writing skills to create press releases, statements, fact sheets, opinion–editorials
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Educational Research
"Educational research is a structured scientific inquiry into an educational question that provides an
answer contributing toward increasing the body of generalizable knowledge about educational
concerns" (Hopkins C. A., 1990, pp. 23–24) So when asked, why us educational research the answer
is clear. We need and do educational research to provide answers and to contribute more knowledge
about our educational concerns. Our text book for this class suggests six reasons for the importance
of educational research: Educators are constantly trying to understand educational processes and
must make professional decisions. Noneducational policy groups, such as state and federal
legislatures and courts, have increasingly more content...
Also because it is public the types of questions and research done are limited. One must be careful,
depending on the community not to be offensive or invasive. Program Variability: We have a huge
variety of programs in education which makes it difficult to compare apples to oranges so to speak.
Diversity: The diversity in our population puts yet another constraint on educational research. We
have a diverse population in language, culture, religion, academic preparation and ties to the
homeland. Complexity of research problems: When we are doing educational research we have a
wide variety of variables. We have students, teachers, administrators, parents and other members of
the community. Methodological difficulties: Lastly, because educational research deals mainly with
human beings and we are very complex in our thinking as well as our problem solving skills it is
difficult to find a way to measure validly. Quantitative Research Designs: *Experimental research
*design: In an experimental design the researcher manipulates what the subjects will experience.
This means that the researcher has some control over what the subjects' experience. A true
experimental design is when there are random assignments of subjects to different groups. This
differs from quasi–experimental because in
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Developing Strong Academic Study Skills
Developing strong academic study skills in Higher Education is arguably the most important area of
learning and development a student can cultivate, in order to achieve academic success. The skills
that are acquired, the learning techniques that a student refines and life learning experiences are all
going to develop into long–term career prospects and future career enhancement. Some of the key
areas for development and discussion in this essay will include note taking/essay writing, critical
thinking and analysing questions and reflective thinking skills. A major area for development and
improvement revolves around effective note taking and essay planning/writing. As a Higher
Education student you will be required to plan and produce countless essays in relation to the
course you are studying, and a key point of reference to help with this would come from "The
Guide to Learning and Study Skills for Higher Education and at Work" who give the following
advice and tips: 'Identify the purpose of the essay and who the audience (reader) is and what is
required for both – structure your work and develop your arguments/main points – proof read your
work and improve language, spelling, punctuation, grammar and style – review what you did and use
feedback to improve your essay writing for the future' (Bingham, R. and Drew, S. 2012 The guide to
learning and study skills: For higher Education and at work). With regards to effective note taking in
Higher Education, a key starting point
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A Research Study On An Academic Research Essay
1.0 Introduction
An academic research involves a comprehensive investigation of theories, principles and decisions
criteria among other study materials with an aim of identifying facts and drawing conclusions.
Ultimately, there are lots of benefits associated with research in learning as well as in solving real
life problems. For instance, it allows for knowledge building through evaluation of existing theories
(Webb, 2007). In this case, the researcher is exposed to research work conducted earlier and the
methodologies that were applied in various cases. As such, research improves knowledge of the
participants. Additionally, research is important in sieving the lies and identifying the facts in a
certain frontier of knowledge. Consequently, this is important in improving theories and making
them more applicable to routine and strategic tasks at both personal and organisational levels.
Furthermore, research is a lifetime opportunity to young scholars that are interested in pursuing
research work as full time careers. In particular, it provides knowledge and background principles
that will be used in future analysis. It is important to note that there are research objectives; as such,
it ensures that certain goals are met at the end of the activity.
Therefore, this paper will entail research on the Perfect Competition Theory to determine its validity
and reliability in market analysis. Firstly, the paper will outline the objectives of the research and
provide methodologies
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Popular Press Vs Academic Research Essay
Academic Research vs. Popular Press The general public tends to believe most of the information
that they come across on the internet to be factual evidence, but lack to understand that the media
has a tendency to neglect certain findings. In the article, "Who You Hate Depends on How Smart
You Are, Study Finds", the author Diana Tourjee gives an impression of misinterpreting the
verdicts made in the research she based her article on. Leaving her audience to believe that people
with lower cognitive ability are prejudice against groups that people didn't choose to be part of
(Tourjee). In prior research, it was believed that people with lower cognitive ability had greater
prejudice. Mark Brandt and Jarret Crawford took upon themselves to more content...
It states the bias and the scientific method was used accordingly, variables with both the studies
that took place were all appropriate. The sampling done in this academic article appears to of
been done in a random fashion due to the sentence that emphasizes "each measure was completed
in a random order and the groups were presented in a random order for each measure" (Brandt and
Crawford). There seems to be no sign of how this Correlational designed study stated in this
academic article had any flaws. Based on the criteria this research has shown, this research
performed seems to be a very credible source. Scientific research needs to be represented as it is
in academic writing because it helps the author not to sound so biased toward a specific topic.
For example, Diana Tourjee made a statement in her article saying "Donald Trump's stupid plan to
build a wall along the southern border of the United States" (Tourjee), showing a side of her bias
and maybe the reason of her article not following the actual findings of the research she cited.
Scientific research causes it to be straight factual evidence that can be credible and no opinion is
stated, unlike popular press
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Academic Background And Career Interest Essay
Academic background and career interest
Ever since my later adolescence years, I have always been intrigued by the diverse complexity of
the human brain. Numerous days I have sat down obtrusively observing my surroundings just to
satisfy my curiosity on how individuals think, reason and problem solve everyday life happenings.
As such, when it was time to attend university, I decided to study psychology as a means of gaining
knowledge and understanding about individuals' cognitive processes and their behavior. During my
undergraduate studies, for a particular reason, I was struck by Abnormal Psychology and spent hours
thinking about the various disorders captured by the then Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM
IV). I spent an awful lot of time trying to understand the differing disorders and how their impact on
the behavior and thinking processes of individuals that are diagnosed with them.
I recently completed a Master's degree in Counseling psychology through a mentored low
residency program at the American International College in Springfield, MA. As such, I was able
to improve my academic skills and obtained practical experience from my clinical internship. My
inherent enthusiasm to help others and be a positive difference maker in their lives predisposes me
to seek doctoral pursuit as I aim is to develop a more robust understanding of the nuances and
complexities surrounding behavior and cognition of human beings. More specifically, I aspire to
develop a more
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Essay about The Importance of Academic Integrity
Introduction On a research paper, how much information can you "borrow" with or without citing
the original author? How do you cite the resources you "borrowed" or quoted from the original
author? Will anyone know if you submit a friend's research paper? No one can see you taking an
online test from your living room – should that change how you take a test? Who is hurt by
academic dishonesty? Who cares if you steal test answers, falsify experimental data, cheat on an
exam, or download information from a web site and turn it in as your own work? To take an easy
example, would you want to be operated on by a doctor who cheated his way through medical
school? Or would you feel comfortable on a bridge designed by an engineer more
The principle of academic integrity stretches beyond the limits of a classroom. Good students are
honest with themselves, their professors, their roommates, and their community. "Academic
integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. All students
should act with personal integrity, respect other students' dignity, rights and property, and help create
and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts." –––00.html#49–20 As part of student learning experience student will
have a number of assignments to complete. Assignments are designed to help student learning and
understanding of their subject by requiring student to demonstrate, through the completion of an
assessment task, how well you have engaged with and understood the material you have studied.
Assessment tasks will vary from subject to subject and can range from problem–solving to reporting
on experimental data to the development and presentation of coherent and cogent arguments. It is
expected that in producing an assignment, student may need to read and gather information from a
range of sources including books, journals, official reports, newspapers or material from the Internet
as well as ideas generated in discussion with colleagues and other students. When presenting the
assignment on a topic it is really important to do: Must take full
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Academic Research Essay

  • 1. Nicole Kada Philip Broster Business Communications 27 April 2012 Research Proposal What is the Impact of Stress on University Students Academic Performance? 1. EXPLANATION OF RESEARCH TOPIC 1.1 Purposes of Research Topic Newth (2011) claims that modern day stress seems to be more widespread than ever causing interference with human intellect, emotional and interpersonal functioning. Therefore; I suggest that students will encounter stress and it will impact their academic performance. In this fast pace and performance driven society each organization needs well performing people. The only way we will know what people require to become productive and less stressed is to explore topics as my research question. The more content... Which collects the health statistics of students from universities all around the world every second year, reported that 40.2 percent of Santa Clara University students identified that stress affected their individual academic performance during the last 12 months of their studies (Temple,2011). Temple (2011) reported a survey conducted in 2004 that assessed the overall well–being of 47,202 undergraduates nationwide. The findings were that 32.4 percent of students recognized stress as the main obstacle to their academic performance. This was said to be above the common cold, depression, death of a relative, sexual assault and eating disorders. Stress is "once considered as the nation's number one health epidemic; prolonged stress can lead to ulcers, heart disease, stroke, major depression and to a shorter life span" (Temple, 2011). Based on these findings from research done previously I feel that this study is important. Firstly, we need to understand what causes the stressors and how it affects the individual. For example, if you have an entire university with stressed students, not being productive, not performing well academically perhaps thinking of dropping out of university because of the overwhelming anxiety; it can be detrimental to the institution in terms of status and students in terms of individual realisation. Secondly, we soon have to formulate effective and efficient stress management guidelines as we Get more content on
  • 2. Academic Discourse Essay The definition of a discourse community is as yet undefined; it does however require a set of specific characteristics, which allow the term to be narrowed until the point when many competing notions are eliminated. It is more a set of ideas, relating to the world of research and academic writing. There are many uncertainties surrounding the qualities and characteristics of a discourse community, many of which rise from a lack of definition. The following research is aimed at reducing confusion by identifying complex ideas and breaking them down. The information provided has been obtained through various sources of conflicting views, further illustrating the complexity of the topic. Many school settings are considered more content... It resembles many other degree programs at university, having regular classes and tests of acquired knowledge. Once penetrated, however, one can find that some of the traits grouping them together are in fact the same traits distinguishing them from each other. It depends on the level of penetration. Within the community I have chosen, there seems to be a great deal of essay writing. This is the most common genre found in use. The student is assigned a detailed topic and is expected to complete the necessary research in order to compile a coherent and thought provoking argument. There is a required structure for the essay, as well as criteria that must be included. Students, also known as `novices', then present their arguments to the professor or teaching assistant, also known as the experts, for evaluation. This is a suitable way for students to express the knowledge they have acquired throughout lessons, as it allows them to be creative. This also provides a chance for students to demonstrate the effectiveness with which they are able to follow instructions. I order to be accepted into this community, a student must complete academic courses aimed at preparing them. These may be known as prerequisites. In order to gain entrance into higher level academic courses, a student must successfully complete lower level courses. This also gives the student a solid foundation on which they can Get more content on
  • 3. Perfect World Research Paper Would a perfect world actually be perfect? It can be hard to define exactly what perfection is and even harder to find a way to achieve perfection. Throughout history, people have dreamt of perfect societies; often in response to famine, perpetual warfare and other injustices; the term for one of these paradises being "utopia." The word was coined in 1515 by Sir Thomas More who famously wrote about an idealistic island–– this island was originally a joke that illustrated the unlikelihood of such a place even existing. It still doesn't hurt to touch on what I think an ideal world would look like. To start off, in my utopia,economics wouldn't even be as big of an issue as it is today; there just wouldn't be such an emphasis on money like there Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about English Academic Writing Over the last few decade, the number of international student has risen not specially in the UK but all over the world. It is known that every nation has its own language, customs, cultures and traditions. This may effect the way of thinking or an academic style of reading, writing and another types of an academic style. This essay will evaluate linn,2009 claim that international student must learn a new way of thinking and writing when they come to study in the UK–type academic environment and outline the controversial point that should be considered. Firstly, according to( linn,2009,p.3) English writers use explicit discourse marker which helps the writers to organize ideas and also helps reader follow along from one sentence more content... However, in an English academic writing, writers tend to restrict the amount of metaphor ,whereas Arabic writers do no seem to make this distinction for academic writing. This seems to be true because there are an disadvantages of metaphorical usage. Perhaps most importantly it can be said that metaphorical usage may lead to stereotyping, which not based on fact but it based on other opinion. For example, linn thinks that all Asian student are circular or all Americans are good at math. Of course it just an opinions not fact some Americans are not good at math. In addition, metaphors could use to obscure reality, confuse and influence the readers. For instance, metaphors are one of the ways that doctors might avoid telling the truth to the patients. In contrast, it is difficult to ignore the features of metaphorical usage to described psychological theories. It can be said that teachers and student should sensitized to the power of metaphors. According to (linn,2009,p.2,p.3) it is possible that academic writing in some countries are influenced by its cultures and traditions, which also effect students choice of evidence in supporting their main ideas and how they express their main ideas. It can be said that the structure of academic writing. This seems to be true because there are three point that should be considered. Firstly, traditional culture not only influences the views of the world, ways of thinking, people's behaviors but also the Get more content on
  • 5. Gac Compare and Contrast Essay ––––––––––––––––––––––– GAC008 Assessment Event 4: Academic Research Essay Compare and Contrast: Places Where People Live and Work Student's Name: Teresa Ding Student ID#: SHSA23052 Teacher: La Roi Williams Due Date: 15th April 2013 Word Count: 1041 Question: Compare and Contrast attitudes toward students taking a gap year in your country and in U.K. Use specific examples and provide appropriate evidence to explain your answer. To take a gap year or not to take a gap year? Now, this question has gained more attention than it used to be. A gap year is a period of time in which students disengage from curricular education and more content... Basically Chinese parents regard sending their children abroad as a risk–free investment. Usually Chinese families spend all their money supporting their children. So they want their children go back to China with a degree which can help them get a job as soon as possible. Therefore Chinese parents think their children won't benefit from taking a gap year. At the same time, most Chinese students study abroad in order to increase self–worth and foster personal competitiveness in employment, so taking a gap year is not something they would consider. Most colleges in the U.K encourage students to take a gap year, simply because students then arrive a little more mature, a little more ready to study and a little more worldly. University like Oxford are very supportive about Get more content on
  • 6. What I Have Learned About Research What I have learned about research is that it is a process, a scientific process that psychologist and scientist develop that includes many different approaches and that is carefully peer reviewed and evaluated. There is what is called the Scientific Approach where scientist have an idea or theory and based on their observation will either support the theory or the theory can be falsified by their peers. Data also goes through a review period before it is published in a scientific journal by scientist who have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate it. I also learned the difference between basic and applied research where basic research focuses mostly on things such as emotion, cognition, social behavior, personality development, learning, and neuropsychology. Basic research will be more helpful for answering fundamental questions about the nature of behavior. Applied research however, addresses more of a specific problem with a possible solution. Program evaluation covers a large area of applied research. Program evaluation assesses the social reforms and innovations that occur in government, education, the criminal justice system, industry, health care, and mental health institutions. When discussing behavioral research it is imperative to note the precedents that it has in many fields and the significance of the applications to public policy. A variable is referred to as any event, situation, behavior, or individual characteristic that changes or varies. Any variable Get more content on
  • 7. Academic Ethics And Academic Integrity Essay Academic ethics are the moral codes or the shared standards of an academic enterprise and the core of its success (Occidental College, 2016). Basically, academic ethics require each student, to be honest, responsible, fair, respectful, give credit where it is due, turn in their original work, and etc. (Michigan State University, n.d.). Academic integrity requires students to do their own work without unauthorized help from others, cheating, lying, plagiarizing, and stealing (Valdosta State University, 2016). Academic integrity is important because it shows that the student is trustworthy and honest enough to do his or her own work, whether someone is looking or not. "Learning how to express original ideas, cite sources, work independently, and report results accurately and honestly are skills that carry students beyond their academic careers" (Michigan State University, n.d., para. 2). Professional ethics are guidelines set by professional organizations that guide its members in performing the functions of their job appropriately, while behaving in a professional and ethical manner (Web Finance Inc., 2016). Some of the characteristics of professional ethics include "knowledge, honesty, accountability, integrity, loyalty, compliance with the law and more" (Reference An IAC Publishing Labs Company, 2016, para. 3). Professional ethics are important because it builds credibility and shows that the person is capable of doing their job appropriately, regardless of the situation, Get more content on
  • 8. Throughout this semester in the Introduction to Academic Research course, I learned a great deal about research. We covered a wide variety of topics that encompassed topics such as methods of field research, the unknowns when conducting research (the Black Box activity), the differences that exist among fields when using the word "research", and many others. I'll begin with what I learned about myself. Throughout this course, I learned a great deal about my future interests and the characteristics I exhibit when participating in a group project. When working with Rob Geis and Martin Castro, I searched constantly and relentlessly through the CIA database to find any information relevant to our project and the argument we wished to more content... I believe my research interests lie within the American South. I am fascinated by the historic and economic elements of the region that I call home. I personally believe that learning about your interests is important but the strengths, values, and limitations that you bring to the table are more important. Learning this about yourself helps to address your own weaknesses and to find individuals that balance the research group out. Throughout this course, I also learned a bit about research. My concept of research changed very little. Throughout high school and the IB program, I learned how to evaluate sources, the importance of primary sources, and other elements of research. In my senior year, I completed an original work entitled "How has the internet changed the market structure of local news with reference to the Augusta Chronicle in Augusta, Georgia?". The research paper was over 24 pages and nearly 4,000 words long. I received an A (a grade received by 10.59% of all students involved in most difficult international high school program in the world) for my Extended Essay grade from the IB Economics examiners in India. I was also asked to complete research reports in other individual courses. One of these reports included my IB History of the Americas class. In this report, I examined how accurate the media portrayal of Jefferson Davis following the Civil War reflected his personality Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection On Academic Reading Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I am a tuned–in Reader, and I appreciate well written biographies. Enjoyable reading takes my mind off school work and relaxes me. I enjoy academic reading as well, but sometimes it is intense and requires much concentration. Moreover, I am a tuned in reader when it comes to academic subject's such as; psychology, nutrition, health and history. Every spare moment I have; I pick up a book or magazine, and get carried away, by the text. I visualize the story and its' characters as if, the story is taking place right next to me. Furthermore, I predict the outcomes of the stories and pose questions in my mind about the characters. I enjoy reading biographies about famous people like Charles Dickens and Anne Frank. Additionally, I enjoy reading short stories and magazines such as; Binah, Ami, and Mishpachah. I am fascinated by the astounding articles in the Ami. For example, the article about a "Journey to North Korea", makes me feel as if I had experienced it myself. Academic reading gives me a sense of accomplishment and joy. Generally, I am a tuned in reader, when it comes to reading information. When I am reading, I analyze and visualize the ideas of the passage. When I stop and think of what I am reading, it enhances my level of comprehension. My appreciation is also increased, to understand and learn new information. Furthermore, I enjoy taking my academic reading to a different level, by discussing and asking questions to my Get more content on
  • 10. Importance And Purpose Of Research Essay Importance and purpose of research Research is important to understand, increase knowledge, and get information for social life. Social research is conducted to extend knowledge about some aspects of society like humanities, business or any social science [asi]. Research is used to form or develop new theories in order to understand the process behind particular event or behavior, or review the correctness of existing theories. In addition, research is also conducted to inform decisions or action to solve everyday issues such as evaluating the effectiveness of policy. [abr] and [brm] of the business research emphasis on the importance of research as getting problem–solving information. Research is the process of studying and analyzing the aspects of the issue as to explore the solution to the business. The summaries of the core objectives of research are testing existing knowledge, developing new system or generating new knowledge, seeking solution for issues, and analyzing new problems or investigating existing problems [br]. Quantitative and Qualitative Paradigm [br] a research paradigm is a philosophical perspective that guides how scientific research should be conducted. Philosophy is 'a set or system of beliefs [stemming from] the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence' (Waite and Hawker, 2009, p.685). [w1] The most influential or the dominant ones of philosophical framework are positivism and interpretivism. During the twentieth Get more content on
  • 11. Essay On Academic Reflection Education is ingrained in our lives; we are as a society born to learn. The ability to reflect on this habitual learning is what separates an honors mindset from the average. Reflection occurs continuously and effortlessly, as though peering into a looking glass. I reflect in order to increase my potential as a learner and become an honors student. Evaluating my past, present, and future education ultimately will unlock my fullest potential for true academic reflection. My past education experience, defined as, elementary through high school, was filled with opportunities of growth and promises of success. From elementary to middle school, I was led by a spark to learn. I wanted to accomplish many tasks, wanted to learn as much and as deeply as I could, I wanted to succeed with hard work. At this age level, I was displaying a growth mindset, and many key characteristics of Angela Maiers' habitudes. The most prominent example of this display was my eighth–grade year as it was the first time I ever truly struggled academically in my life. I was in my eight–grade math class with Mr. Pfitzner, at the time the bane of my existence, and I did not understand a thing. It seemed like all my hard work was for nothing, that I would never be able to overcome this obstacle. For a moment, I was able to see how easily a slip from a growth mindset to a fixed mindset could be. As I slowly slipped into the fixed mindset, I remember asking myself if this is how I want to learn. This challenge Get more content on
  • 12. Perfect World Research Paper A perfect world is defined as a state of being, place, or utopia in which all problems have been overcome. This theory has become a topic of conversation quite frequently due to lack of ideal knowledge of what the future holds. My perception of a perfect world includes an equal government system, diverse human rights or behavior, and immaculate health. Major aspects such as these will develop a sublime society to therefore be used as an authentic representation of the "good life". Having an equal government system is a key concept to having a perfect world. This type of movement prevents uprises between countries. It even settles economic disputes among the nations and laws become indistinguishable. Topics such as global money affairs and military tactics are being discussed accordingly. In order to sustain these goals, we must ideally come together as a whole to elaborate the significance of peace between countries, allowing this revolution to become a reality. Meanwhile, one must truly believe in the value of acceptance in which this movement was created. Having human rights or specific types of human behavior is a right within itself. All people are given the freedom of speech, press, more content... There are no exceptions. Being an educated individual is bettering one's mind, and it allows them to be capable of more than one can comprehend. This education process shows how much someone is contributing to today's problem. Brilliant minds are becoming less rare due to more excelling studies. These brilliant minds, someday, are going to become the world's best doctors, inventors, scientists, authors, philosophers, etc. Starting with education as the root of this development plan, allows an endless possibility of succeeding in the perfect life. Occupations that spiral off from the basic fundamentals of learning, are creating economic success just from job openings and a declining rate of global Get more content on
  • 13. My Academic Goals And Research Interests My academic goals and research interests have developed significantly over the course of my undergraduate studies at Susquehanna University. When I first arrived at Susquehanna I was a biology major and had dreams of medical school. However, by the end of freshman year, I began to develop an interest in neuroscience. Declaring a major in neuroscience allowed me to explore the components of biology I loved, while incorporating psychology and chemistry. My research interests developed from my exposure to the various areas of neuroscience through my internships, research experiences and courses. I am currently working on a research project, with the goal of gaining a more thorough understanding of the genes involved in lateral glial cell differentiation in the central nervous system of Drosophila. I conduct genetic crosses to obtain the desired genomes and collect embryos for immunostaining. I examine the expression of a conceptual gene, cg31235, which is solely expressed in longitudinal glial cells, in the presence of the genes Pointed P1 (PntP1) and Reversed Polarity (Repo). Subsequently, I will then use immunostaining to examine the expression of PntP1 and Repo in order to determine whether they regulate the genes involved in the in the development and function of longitudinal glia. Last fall, I presented my research proposal, which was followed by a presentation at the Society of Developmental Biology this spring. These experiences have strengthened my desire to explore Get more content on
  • 14. My Professional And Academic Experience From both my professional and academic experiences I have acquired invaluable knowledge and experience that I am confident have more than prepared me for an Information Officer I position with the California Department of Insurance. With a bachelor's degree in communication from a top California university and practice in both the private and public sector, I have developed a plethora of skills in the realm of communications, including engaging with clients through various channels, leading key presentations to large groups of audiences, and collaborating successfully with other departments and team members. My professional and academic experiences have also allowed me to hone my writing skills to convey key messages not only to the public, but also to legislators, media, clients and internal audiences. While working at Dewey Square Group I have worked on behalf of various clients including a large manufacturing company, a trade association and multiple universities who have required public information campaigns and public relations materials to be developed including press releases, statements, reports, Q&As, talking points, speeches, scripts and other pieces of collateral. One client, a large manufacturer in California, has continued to be publicly scrutinized over the past few years. As part of the public relations team hired by the manufacturer, it has been my assignment to use my writing skills to create press releases, statements, fact sheets, opinion–editorials Get more content on
  • 15. Educational Research "Educational research is a structured scientific inquiry into an educational question that provides an answer contributing toward increasing the body of generalizable knowledge about educational concerns" (Hopkins C. A., 1990, pp. 23–24) So when asked, why us educational research the answer is clear. We need and do educational research to provide answers and to contribute more knowledge about our educational concerns. Our text book for this class suggests six reasons for the importance of educational research: Educators are constantly trying to understand educational processes and must make professional decisions. Noneducational policy groups, such as state and federal legislatures and courts, have increasingly more content... Also because it is public the types of questions and research done are limited. One must be careful, depending on the community not to be offensive or invasive. Program Variability: We have a huge variety of programs in education which makes it difficult to compare apples to oranges so to speak. Diversity: The diversity in our population puts yet another constraint on educational research. We have a diverse population in language, culture, religion, academic preparation and ties to the homeland. Complexity of research problems: When we are doing educational research we have a wide variety of variables. We have students, teachers, administrators, parents and other members of the community. Methodological difficulties: Lastly, because educational research deals mainly with human beings and we are very complex in our thinking as well as our problem solving skills it is difficult to find a way to measure validly. Quantitative Research Designs: *Experimental research *design: In an experimental design the researcher manipulates what the subjects will experience. This means that the researcher has some control over what the subjects' experience. A true experimental design is when there are random assignments of subjects to different groups. This differs from quasi–experimental because in Get more content on
  • 16. Developing Strong Academic Study Skills Developing strong academic study skills in Higher Education is arguably the most important area of learning and development a student can cultivate, in order to achieve academic success. The skills that are acquired, the learning techniques that a student refines and life learning experiences are all going to develop into long–term career prospects and future career enhancement. Some of the key areas for development and discussion in this essay will include note taking/essay writing, critical thinking and analysing questions and reflective thinking skills. A major area for development and improvement revolves around effective note taking and essay planning/writing. As a Higher Education student you will be required to plan and produce countless essays in relation to the course you are studying, and a key point of reference to help with this would come from "The Guide to Learning and Study Skills for Higher Education and at Work" who give the following advice and tips: 'Identify the purpose of the essay and who the audience (reader) is and what is required for both – structure your work and develop your arguments/main points – proof read your work and improve language, spelling, punctuation, grammar and style – review what you did and use feedback to improve your essay writing for the future' (Bingham, R. and Drew, S. 2012 The guide to learning and study skills: For higher Education and at work). With regards to effective note taking in Higher Education, a key starting point Get more content on
  • 17. A Research Study On An Academic Research Essay 1.0 Introduction An academic research involves a comprehensive investigation of theories, principles and decisions criteria among other study materials with an aim of identifying facts and drawing conclusions. Ultimately, there are lots of benefits associated with research in learning as well as in solving real life problems. For instance, it allows for knowledge building through evaluation of existing theories (Webb, 2007). In this case, the researcher is exposed to research work conducted earlier and the methodologies that were applied in various cases. As such, research improves knowledge of the participants. Additionally, research is important in sieving the lies and identifying the facts in a certain frontier of knowledge. Consequently, this is important in improving theories and making them more applicable to routine and strategic tasks at both personal and organisational levels. Furthermore, research is a lifetime opportunity to young scholars that are interested in pursuing research work as full time careers. In particular, it provides knowledge and background principles that will be used in future analysis. It is important to note that there are research objectives; as such, it ensures that certain goals are met at the end of the activity. Therefore, this paper will entail research on the Perfect Competition Theory to determine its validity and reliability in market analysis. Firstly, the paper will outline the objectives of the research and provide methodologies Get more content on
  • 18. Popular Press Vs Academic Research Essay Academic Research vs. Popular Press The general public tends to believe most of the information that they come across on the internet to be factual evidence, but lack to understand that the media has a tendency to neglect certain findings. In the article, "Who You Hate Depends on How Smart You Are, Study Finds", the author Diana Tourjee gives an impression of misinterpreting the verdicts made in the research she based her article on. Leaving her audience to believe that people with lower cognitive ability are prejudice against groups that people didn't choose to be part of (Tourjee). In prior research, it was believed that people with lower cognitive ability had greater prejudice. Mark Brandt and Jarret Crawford took upon themselves to more content... It states the bias and the scientific method was used accordingly, variables with both the studies that took place were all appropriate. The sampling done in this academic article appears to of been done in a random fashion due to the sentence that emphasizes "each measure was completed in a random order and the groups were presented in a random order for each measure" (Brandt and Crawford). There seems to be no sign of how this Correlational designed study stated in this academic article had any flaws. Based on the criteria this research has shown, this research performed seems to be a very credible source. Scientific research needs to be represented as it is in academic writing because it helps the author not to sound so biased toward a specific topic. For example, Diana Tourjee made a statement in her article saying "Donald Trump's stupid plan to build a wall along the southern border of the United States" (Tourjee), showing a side of her bias and maybe the reason of her article not following the actual findings of the research she cited. Scientific research causes it to be straight factual evidence that can be credible and no opinion is stated, unlike popular press Get more content on
  • 19. Academic Background And Career Interest Essay Academic background and career interest Ever since my later adolescence years, I have always been intrigued by the diverse complexity of the human brain. Numerous days I have sat down obtrusively observing my surroundings just to satisfy my curiosity on how individuals think, reason and problem solve everyday life happenings. As such, when it was time to attend university, I decided to study psychology as a means of gaining knowledge and understanding about individuals' cognitive processes and their behavior. During my undergraduate studies, for a particular reason, I was struck by Abnormal Psychology and spent hours thinking about the various disorders captured by the then Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM IV). I spent an awful lot of time trying to understand the differing disorders and how their impact on the behavior and thinking processes of individuals that are diagnosed with them. I recently completed a Master's degree in Counseling psychology through a mentored low residency program at the American International College in Springfield, MA. As such, I was able to improve my academic skills and obtained practical experience from my clinical internship. My inherent enthusiasm to help others and be a positive difference maker in their lives predisposes me to seek doctoral pursuit as I aim is to develop a more robust understanding of the nuances and complexities surrounding behavior and cognition of human beings. More specifically, I aspire to develop a more Get more content on
  • 20. Essay about The Importance of Academic Integrity Introduction On a research paper, how much information can you "borrow" with or without citing the original author? How do you cite the resources you "borrowed" or quoted from the original author? Will anyone know if you submit a friend's research paper? No one can see you taking an online test from your living room – should that change how you take a test? Who is hurt by academic dishonesty? Who cares if you steal test answers, falsify experimental data, cheat on an exam, or download information from a web site and turn it in as your own work? To take an easy example, would you want to be operated on by a doctor who cheated his way through medical school? Or would you feel comfortable on a bridge designed by an engineer more content... The principle of academic integrity stretches beyond the limits of a classroom. Good students are honest with themselves, their professors, their roommates, and their community. "Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible manner. All students should act with personal integrity, respect other students' dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts." –––00.html#49–20 As part of student learning experience student will have a number of assignments to complete. Assignments are designed to help student learning and understanding of their subject by requiring student to demonstrate, through the completion of an assessment task, how well you have engaged with and understood the material you have studied. Assessment tasks will vary from subject to subject and can range from problem–solving to reporting on experimental data to the development and presentation of coherent and cogent arguments. It is expected that in producing an assignment, student may need to read and gather information from a range of sources including books, journals, official reports, newspapers or material from the Internet as well as ideas generated in discussion with colleagues and other students. When presenting the assignment on a topic it is really important to do: Must take full Get more content on