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Getting Started
      Day 2
Where we’re headed
‣ Warmup and Review
‣ NSString, NSNumber, NSDate
‣ Collection Classes
‣ Classes & Objects Part 2
‣ Protocols and Categories
‣ CoreFoundation - NSUserDefaults
‣ Modifications to Fraction Calculator
‣ Simple Contact List
Simple Contact List
‣ Work with NSArrays
  and Dictionaries

‣ Inheritance and

‣ Delegate design patterns
‣ Storage with
Warmup and Review
Person Class
‣ Create a new project with a new class called
‣   Properties
    ‣   firstName
    ‣   lastName
    ‣   address
    ‣   city
    ‣   state
    ‣   emailAddress
    ‣   phoneNumber
‣ Override the -(NSString *)description method
‣ Create an initializer taking first and last name
‣ Create some of each type and print to console
Strings, Numbers, &
‣   Represents an array of characters
‣   All strings are UTF-8
‣   No need to worry about null terminator
‣   Strings are immutable
‣   The @”” syntax creates a new string literal.
‣   Use NSMutableString for strings that will be
‣   Facilities for searching and comparing
‣ Storage class for numeric values
  ‣ chars, ints, floats, doubles, BOOL
  ‣ NSNumber will remember the type that was
       put into it.
‣   Use this class for storing numerics in collections
    (as we’ll see later)
‣   You can use NSDecimalNumber for a convenient
    wrapper for dealing with base 10 decimal numbers
‣ Houses a single point in time.
‣ Has facilities for comparisons and date arithmetic
‣ Use NSDateFormatter to customize the printing
  of a given date
 NSDate *date = [[NSDate alloc] init];
 NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
 [formatter setDateFormat:@"HH:mm 'on' EEEE MMMM d"];
 NSLog("%@", [formatter stringFromDate:date]);

‣ Format strings are based on the unicode standard.
‣ Open the fraction calculator application from
    ‣ Modify the fraction class, adding an “asNumber”
      method to return the value of the fraction as an
‣   Modify the person class, adding a Date of Birth
    ‣ Add the appropriate property declaration
    ‣ BONUS: Create a method that returns the
      person’s age in years as an Integer.
    ‣ (Hint you will need use NSCalendar)
Collections Overview
‣   Provide common data structures
‣   Mutable and immutable flavors
‣   Collections work on objects only (ids).
‣   Primitives must stored converted to NSNumber
    or NSValue.
‣   Common types
    ‣ NSArray - contiguous, indexed memory
    ‣ NSDictionary - objects are accessed by a string
      key (aka Hashtable)
    ‣ NSSet - a bag of objects, unindexed. No
‣ Ordered collection of objects
‣ Access is constant time
‣ A valid index of an array cannot be nil. You can
    insert NSNull instead.
‣   Facilities for traversal, sorting, and querying.
‣   Arrays retain their members (more on this later)
Filtering / NSPredicate
‣ Filtering an array is simple using an NSPredicate:
 NSPredicate *predicate =
 [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"lastName like %@", @"zearfoss"];

‣ Operation modifiers : [cd]
  ‣ “Case and diacritic insensitive”
  ‣ Diacritics means OHare == O’Hare
‣ Many operators available:
  ‣ Predicate Programming Guide
 NSArray *filtered = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
Sorting an Array
‣ Using NSSortDescriptor
  ‣ A sort descriptor contains a key and an ordering
      (ASC / DESC) :
 NSSortDescriptor *d
 = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"lastName" ascending:YES];
 NSArray *sds = [NSArray arrayWithObject:d];
 NSArray *sorted = [array sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sds];
‣   Associations of keys and values
‣   Only one value per key
‣   Keys are determined by calling isEqual on the key
‣   Key can be any object
‣   Cannot insert nil for a key, use NSNull
‣   Includes facilities for traversing
‣   Dictionaries retain their members
‣ A completely unordered collection of objects
‣ Operations are fast (constant time) but no control
    over which object you get.
‣   Multiple objects can be added using an
‣ Use modifiable collections by using the mutable
  ‣ NSMutableArray
  ‣ NSMutableDictionary
  ‣ NSMutableSet
  ‣ NSMutableCountedSet
Fast Enumeration
‣ Objects support traversal in a for . . . in construct
  for (id obj in array)
 /* statements */

‣ If you know what type of objects are in the array,
   you can specify that type in the loop:
  for (NSString *str in array)
 /* statements */
Quick Exercise
‣ Modify the person class to contain a dictionary of
    phone numbers with the following keys:
    ‣ “Office”
    ‣ “Home”
    ‣ “Cell”
    ‣ Use extern variables for the keys
‣   Create a method, phoneNumberForKey:
    (NSString *)key to get phone numbers
‣   Create another method, setPhoneNumberForKey:
    (NSString *)key
‣   Remove the property for phone numbers
Classes and Objects
       Part 2
Inheritance in Obj-c
‣ We have already see inheritance:
    @interface Calculator : NSObject

‣ Methods can be overridden, such as (NSString
‣   While you don’t have to, all your classes should
    inherit NSObject
‣   Benefits of NSObject
    ‣ Reflection & Introspection
    ‣ Dynamic method invocation
    ‣ Basic equality checking
    ‣ Memory management benefits
Overriding initializers
‣ From the fraction class:
 -   (id)initWithNumerator:(int)num denominator:(int)denom
   if (self = [super init])
     numerator = num;
     denominator = denom != 0 ? denom : 1;
   return self;
Managing Memory
‣ Reference count system
  ‣ alloc . . . init gives a reference count of 1
  ‣ copy gives a reference count of 1
  ‣ retain raises the reference count
  ‣ release drops the reference count
‣ When an object reference count reaches 0 and is
    no longer in scope, it’s dealloc method is called and
    the object is destroyed.
‣   The Rule: If you alloc, copy, or retain an object,
    you must release.
‣ This must be released (alloc . . . init)
  NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] init];

‣ This must be released (copied)
  NSArray *array2 = [array copy];

‣ This should not be released (no alloc, copy, retain)
  NSArray *array = [NSArray array];

‣ This must be released (reatined)
  NSArray *array = [[NSArray array] retain];
The Autorelease Pool
‣ Messages from convenience constructors should
  send objects an autorelease message.
  ‣ Objects sent an autorelease message are added
    to the autorelease pool.
  ‣ The pool is drained at the end of the event loop
    cycle, at which point all objects are sent a
    release message.
  ‣ You have no control over when autorelease
    pools are drained.
  ‣ Attempting to release an autoreleased object
    will raise an exception.
Fraction Calculator
‣ In main.m
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
    int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil);
    [pool release];
    return retVal;

‣ In fraction.m
 - (Fraction *)add:(Fraction *)fraction
 Fraction *result = [[Fraction alloc] initWithNumerator:resultNum

   [result reduce];
   return [result autorelease];
‣ Fraction : : add: does not contain the words copy
  or init

‣ The sender of the add message has no indication
  that it should assume memory management
  responsibility over the returned object.
Polymorphism and
Dynamic Binding
‣ Objects are dynamically typed at run-time
‣ Overridden methods are resolved by receiver
    type, not to pointer type.
‣   Analogous to virtual in C++
‣   Referred to as late binding
‣   (You always get what you expect)
     @interface Base : NSObject

- (void)printMe;


@interface Derived : Base

- (void)printMe;


/* ... */

Base *obj = [[Derived alloc] init];
[obj printMe];
The Class Object
‣ Classes themselves are objects
‣ Calling a class (static) method calls a method on
  the class object.

‣ Aids in introspection
‣ Get the class object by calling [anObject class]
Object Introspection
‣ Objects know what kind of class they are.
‣ These methods are built into the NSObject class
  (another reason to always subclass NSObject).
                              True if the receiver is or
                               inherits from the class
                              True if the receiver is an
                                instance of the class
                              True if the receiver is or
                               inherits from the class
                            True if the supplied selector
                                      is defined
All things are types
‣ Virtually all Objective-c constructs are types, and
    may be used as such:
    ‣   Classes (as we’ve seen)
    ‣   Methods (compile time methods)
    ‣   Selectors (run time methods)
    ‣   IVars
    ‣   Properties
    ‣   Categories (coming later)
    ‣   Protocols (coming later)
‣ Details about these are found in the Runtime
‣   Classes and Selectors are commonly used.
Object Equality
 NSString *str = @"foo";
 NSArray *a1 = [NSArray arrayWithObject:str];
 NSArray *a2 = [NSArray arrayWithObject:str];

 NSLog(@"%d", (a1 == a2));
 // FALSE!!!

‣ Objects are pointers, therefore == compares

‣ Objects should override isEqual: where we want to
  be able to check for object equality.
‣ Fraction class
  ‣ Create a convenience constructor for the
      fraction class:
      +(Fraction *)fractionWith . . . .
  ‣   Override isEqual:(id)
  ‣   Override -(id)copy
More Exercises
‣ Create 2 subclasses of Person
 ‣ Client with properties:
    companyName, companyPhone
 ‣ Employee with properties:
    departmentName, managerName, title
‣ Override initializers and create convenience
 ‣ personWithFirstName:LastName:
 ‣ clientWithFirstName:LastName:Company
 ‣ employeeWithFirstName:LastName:Department:
‣ Provide -(id)copy and isEqual for Person and
  derived classes.
Protocols & Categories
‣ Analogous to Interfaces in Java, pure virtual in C++
‣ Defines a set of methods that an object may
‣   Allows for anonymous objects
‣   Often used for delegate definitions, offloading
    some custom functionality to another class.
‣   Objects are said to “conform to a protocol”
‣   Formal protocols are named, informal protocols
    exist in the frameworks.
‣   Formal protocols can contain @required and
    @optional members
Example Protocols
                                  Defines methods for copying
                                             of objects
                                  Defines methods for archival
                                             of objects
                                  Provides additional base level
                                         object methods
                                    Defines some application
                                        lifecycle methods

‣ Adopting a protocol:
@interface MyClass : NSObject <NSCoding, NSCopying>
Defining a Protocol
 @protocol myProtocol

 - (void)optionalMethod:(int)arg;

 - (void)requiredMethod:(int)arg;

 @property (nonatomic, assign) int someProperty;


‣ Protocols may do anything but define iVars
‣ Protocols may also conform to other protocols
‣ Type for an object conforming to a protocol:
  ‣ id<Protocol> obj;
‣ No analog in any other language (that I know of)
‣ Allow for composite classes
‣ Allows the developer to add functionality to class
    without subclassing
‣   Categories can:
    ‣ Override existing methods
    ‣ Add methods to an existing class
    ‣ Adopt a protocol
‣   Categories cannot:
    ‣ Add iVars to a class
Using a Category
‣ Interface File:
  @interface NSString

  + (NSString*)stringWithUUID;


‣ Implementation
  @implementation NSValue(Selector)
  + (NSString*)stringWithUUID
    // Create a new UUID
    CFUUIDRef uuidObj = CFUUIDCreate(nil);

      // Get the string representation of the UUID
      NSString *newUUID = (NSString*)CFUUIDCreateString(nil, uuidObj);
      return [newUUID autorelease];
‣ Modify the person and fraction classes to handle
  the following:
  ‣ NSCopying Protocol
  ‣ NSCoding Protocol
‣ Create a category on NSNumber to allow to for
  initialization with a fraction:
  ‣ +(NSNumber *)numberWithFraction:
‣ Designed for holding small bits of user preference

‣ BUT, can be used for saving application state
  between sessions

 [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:anObject

‣ (There are better ways of doing this, which we’ll
  cover tomorrow)
Simple Contact List
Simple Contact List
‣ Use project shell provided
‣ Use person, employee, and client classes
‣ Use introspection to show clients and employees
‣   Use filtering to allow the user to screen objects by
‣   Use sorting to always sort the list by last name

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Day 2

  • 2. Where we’re headed ‣ Warmup and Review ‣ NSString, NSNumber, NSDate ‣ Collection Classes ‣ Classes & Objects Part 2 ‣ Protocols and Categories ‣ CoreFoundation - NSUserDefaults ‣ Modifications to Fraction Calculator ‣ Simple Contact List
  • 3. Simple Contact List ‣ Work with NSArrays and Dictionaries ‣ Inheritance and Introspection ‣ Delegate design patterns ‣ Storage with NSUserDefaults
  • 5. Person Class ‣ Create a new project with a new class called “Person” ‣ Properties ‣ firstName ‣ lastName ‣ address ‣ city ‣ state ‣ emailAddress ‣ phoneNumber ‣ Override the -(NSString *)description method ‣ Create an initializer taking first and last name ‣ Create some of each type and print to console
  • 7. NSString ‣ Represents an array of characters ‣ All strings are UTF-8 ‣ No need to worry about null terminator ‣ Strings are immutable ‣ The @”” syntax creates a new string literal. ‣ Use NSMutableString for strings that will be modified ‣ Facilities for searching and comparing
  • 8. NSNumber ‣ Storage class for numeric values ‣ chars, ints, floats, doubles, BOOL ‣ NSNumber will remember the type that was put into it. ‣ Use this class for storing numerics in collections (as we’ll see later) ‣ You can use NSDecimalNumber for a convenient wrapper for dealing with base 10 decimal numbers
  • 9. NSDate ‣ Houses a single point in time. ‣ Has facilities for comparisons and date arithmetic ‣ Use NSDateFormatter to customize the printing of a given date NSDate *date = [[NSDate alloc] init]; NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [formatter setDateFormat:@"HH:mm 'on' EEEE MMMM d"]; NSLog("%@", [formatter stringFromDate:date]); ‣ Format strings are based on the unicode standard.
  • 10. Exercises ‣ Open the fraction calculator application from yesterday ‣ Modify the fraction class, adding an “asNumber” method to return the value of the fraction as an NSNumber. ‣ Modify the person class, adding a Date of Birth field. ‣ Add the appropriate property declaration ‣ BONUS: Create a method that returns the person’s age in years as an Integer. ‣ (Hint you will need use NSCalendar)
  • 12. Collections Overview ‣ Provide common data structures ‣ Mutable and immutable flavors ‣ Collections work on objects only (ids). ‣ Primitives must stored converted to NSNumber or NSValue. ‣ Common types ‣ NSArray - contiguous, indexed memory ‣ NSDictionary - objects are accessed by a string key (aka Hashtable) ‣ NSSet - a bag of objects, unindexed. No duplicates.
  • 13. NSArray ‣ Ordered collection of objects ‣ Access is constant time ‣ A valid index of an array cannot be nil. You can insert NSNull instead. ‣ Facilities for traversal, sorting, and querying. ‣ Arrays retain their members (more on this later)
  • 14. Filtering / NSPredicate ‣ Filtering an array is simple using an NSPredicate: NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"lastName like %@", @"zearfoss"]; ‣ Operation modifiers : [cd] ‣ “Case and diacritic insensitive” ‣ Diacritics means OHare == O’Hare ‣ Many operators available: ‣ Predicate Programming Guide NSArray *filtered = [array filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];
  • 15. Sorting an Array ‣ Using NSSortDescriptor ‣ A sort descriptor contains a key and an ordering (ASC / DESC) : NSSortDescriptor *d = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"lastName" ascending:YES]; NSArray *sds = [NSArray arrayWithObject:d]; NSArray *sorted = [array sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sds];
  • 16. NSDictionary ‣ Associations of keys and values ‣ Only one value per key ‣ Keys are determined by calling isEqual on the key ‣ Key can be any object ‣ Cannot insert nil for a key, use NSNull ‣ Includes facilities for traversing ‣ Dictionaries retain their members
  • 17. NSSet ‣ A completely unordered collection of objects ‣ Operations are fast (constant time) but no control over which object you get. ‣ Multiple objects can be added using an NSCountedSet
  • 18. Mutability ‣ Use modifiable collections by using the mutable variant: ‣ NSMutableArray ‣ NSMutableDictionary ‣ NSMutableSet ‣ NSMutableCountedSet
  • 19. Fast Enumeration ‣ Objects support traversal in a for . . . in construct for (id obj in array) { /* statements */ } ‣ If you know what type of objects are in the array, you can specify that type in the loop: for (NSString *str in array) { /* statements */ }
  • 20. Quick Exercise ‣ Modify the person class to contain a dictionary of phone numbers with the following keys: ‣ “Office” ‣ “Home” ‣ “Cell” ‣ Use extern variables for the keys ‣ Create a method, phoneNumberForKey: (NSString *)key to get phone numbers ‣ Create another method, setPhoneNumberForKey: (NSString *)key ‣ Remove the property for phone numbers
  • 22. Inheritance in Obj-c ‣ We have already see inheritance: @interface Calculator : NSObject ‣ Methods can be overridden, such as (NSString *)description ‣ While you don’t have to, all your classes should inherit NSObject ‣ Benefits of NSObject ‣ Reflection & Introspection ‣ Dynamic method invocation ‣ Basic equality checking ‣ Memory management benefits
  • 23. Overriding initializers ‣ From the fraction class: - (id)initWithNumerator:(int)num denominator:(int)denom { if (self = [super init]) { numerator = num; denominator = denom != 0 ? denom : 1; } return self; }
  • 24. Managing Memory ‣ Reference count system ‣ alloc . . . init gives a reference count of 1 ‣ copy gives a reference count of 1 ‣ retain raises the reference count ‣ release drops the reference count ‣ When an object reference count reaches 0 and is no longer in scope, it’s dealloc method is called and the object is destroyed. ‣ The Rule: If you alloc, copy, or retain an object, you must release.
  • 25. Examples ‣ This must be released (alloc . . . init) NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] init]; ‣ This must be released (copied) NSArray *array2 = [array copy]; ‣ This should not be released (no alloc, copy, retain) NSArray *array = [NSArray array]; ‣ This must be released (reatined) NSArray *array = [[NSArray array] retain];
  • 26. The Autorelease Pool ‣ Messages from convenience constructors should send objects an autorelease message. ‣ Objects sent an autorelease message are added to the autorelease pool. ‣ The pool is drained at the end of the event loop cycle, at which point all objects are sent a release message. ‣ You have no control over when autorelease pools are drained. ‣ Attempting to release an autoreleased object will raise an exception.
  • 27. Fraction Calculator ‣ In main.m int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; int retVal = UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, nil); [pool release]; return retVal; } ‣ In fraction.m - (Fraction *)add:(Fraction *)fraction { ... Fraction *result = [[Fraction alloc] initWithNumerator:resultNum denominator:resultDenom]; [result reduce]; return [result autorelease]; }
  • 28. Why? ‣ Fraction : : add: does not contain the words copy or init ‣ The sender of the add message has no indication that it should assume memory management responsibility over the returned object.
  • 29. Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding ‣ Objects are dynamically typed at run-time ‣ Overridden methods are resolved by receiver type, not to pointer type. ‣ Analogous to virtual in C++ ‣ Referred to as late binding ‣ (You always get what you expect)
  • 30. Example @interface Base : NSObject { } - (void)printMe; @end @interface Derived : Base { } - (void)printMe; @end /* ... */ Base *obj = [[Derived alloc] init]; [obj printMe];
  • 31. The Class Object ‣ Classes themselves are objects ‣ Calling a class (static) method calls a method on the class object. ‣ Aids in introspection ‣ Get the class object by calling [anObject class]
  • 32. Object Introspection ‣ Objects know what kind of class they are. ‣ These methods are built into the NSObject class (another reason to always subclass NSObject). True if the receiver is or isKindOfClass:(Class) inherits from the class True if the receiver is an isMemberOfClass:(Class) instance of the class True if the receiver is or isSubclassOfClass:(Class) inherits from the class True if the supplied selector respondsToSelector:(SEL) is defined
  • 33. All things are types ‣ Virtually all Objective-c constructs are types, and may be used as such: ‣ Classes (as we’ve seen) ‣ Methods (compile time methods) ‣ Selectors (run time methods) ‣ IVars ‣ Properties ‣ Categories (coming later) ‣ Protocols (coming later) ‣ Details about these are found in the Runtime Reference ‣ Classes and Selectors are commonly used.
  • 34. Object Equality NSString *str = @"foo"; NSArray *a1 = [NSArray arrayWithObject:str]; NSArray *a2 = [NSArray arrayWithObject:str]; NSLog(@"%d", (a1 == a2)); // FALSE!!! ‣ Objects are pointers, therefore == compares addresses. ‣ Objects should override isEqual: where we want to be able to check for object equality.
  • 35. Exercises ‣ Fraction class ‣ Create a convenience constructor for the fraction class: +(Fraction *)fractionWith . . . . ‣ Override isEqual:(id) ‣ Override -(id)copy
  • 36. More Exercises ‣ Create 2 subclasses of Person ‣ Client with properties: companyName, companyPhone ‣ Employee with properties: departmentName, managerName, title ‣ Override initializers and create convenience constructors: ‣ personWithFirstName:LastName: ‣ clientWithFirstName:LastName:Company ‣ employeeWithFirstName:LastName:Department: ‣ Provide -(id)copy and isEqual for Person and derived classes.
  • 38. Protocols ‣ Analogous to Interfaces in Java, pure virtual in C++ ‣ Defines a set of methods that an object may implement. ‣ Allows for anonymous objects ‣ Often used for delegate definitions, offloading some custom functionality to another class. ‣ Objects are said to “conform to a protocol” ‣ Formal protocols are named, informal protocols exist in the frameworks. ‣ Formal protocols can contain @required and @optional members
  • 39. Example Protocols Defines methods for copying NSCopying of objects Defines methods for archival NSCoding of objects Provides additional base level NSObject object methods Defines some application UIApplicationDelegate lifecycle methods ‣ Adopting a protocol: @interface MyClass : NSObject <NSCoding, NSCopying> { } @end
  • 40. Defining a Protocol @protocol myProtocol @optional - (void)optionalMethod:(int)arg; @required - (void)requiredMethod:(int)arg; @property (nonatomic, assign) int someProperty; @end ‣ Protocols may do anything but define iVars ‣ Protocols may also conform to other protocols ‣ Type for an object conforming to a protocol: ‣ id<Protocol> obj;
  • 41. Categories ‣ No analog in any other language (that I know of) ‣ Allow for composite classes ‣ Allows the developer to add functionality to class without subclassing ‣ Categories can: ‣ Override existing methods ‣ Add methods to an existing class ‣ Adopt a protocol ‣ Categories cannot: ‣ Add iVars to a class
  • 42. Using a Category ‣ Interface File: @interface NSString (VP) + (NSString*)stringWithUUID; @end ‣ Implementation @implementation NSValue(Selector) + (NSString*)stringWithUUID { // Create a new UUID CFUUIDRef uuidObj = CFUUIDCreate(nil); // Get the string representation of the UUID NSString *newUUID = (NSString*)CFUUIDCreateString(nil, uuidObj); CFRelease(uuidObj); return [newUUID autorelease]; }
  • 43. Exercises ‣ Modify the person and fraction classes to handle the following: ‣ NSCopying Protocol ‣ NSCoding Protocol ‣ Create a category on NSNumber to allow to for initialization with a fraction: ‣ +(NSNumber *)numberWithFraction: (Fraction*)
  • 45. NSUserDefaults ‣ Designed for holding small bits of user preference data ‣ BUT, can be used for saving application state between sessions [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:anObject forKey:@"myObject"]; ‣ (There are better ways of doing this, which we’ll cover tomorrow)
  • 47. Simple Contact List ‣ Use project shell provided ‣ Use person, employee, and client classes ‣ Use introspection to show clients and employees differently ‣ Use filtering to allow the user to screen objects by name ‣ Use sorting to always sort the list by last name

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