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Presenting your evidence

Dr Will Stahl-Timmins
Associate Research Fellow – Visualisation of data and information
Presenting Your Evidence

• Data visualisation at the European Centre
• Visual Representation
• Design and production methods
Presenting Your Evidence

• Data visualisation at the European Centre
• Visual Representation
• Design and production methods
Distance of dwelling from sea                                               0–1km
     > 50 km                           20–50 km                                         5–20km                 1–5km

    Health          1.5                           1.5
  % Change in                                     1.0
population with      1.0                          0.5
  ‘good health’
     + 95% CI        0.5                           0.0
                     0.0                                   Q1             Q2              Q3              Q4              Q5
                                                          most                                                           least
                    -0.5                                 deprived                                                      deprived
                           All urban areas                          All urban areas by income deprivation quintile
outcome measures used
                    no. of              design, size                     baseline                                study       cog func be glo
 author location   centres              & follow-up                       MMSE             sex        ages      quality










                                        0yr         1          2     0    10   20 30                 55 75 95

                                              Donepezil 1mg N = 42                     M         F
 Rogers &                                                                                                           Rand
                                              Donepezil 3mg N = 40                     M         F
                     ?       N = 161          Donepezil 5mg N = 39                     M         F
    1996                                                                                         F
                                              Placebo N = 40                           M                                                            5mg

                                         Donepezil 5mg N = 154
                                                                                       M         F                                                  5mg
Rogers et al.                                                                                                       Rand
                                                                                       M         F                  Char                            10
                                         Donepezil 10mg N = 157                                                     Blind                           mg
 1998 (A)                    N = 473                                                                                Analy
                                                                                       M         F
                                         Placebo N = 162
                                         Donepezil 5mg N = 157
                                                                                       M         F                                                  5mg
Rogers et al.                                                                                                       Rand
                                                                                       M         F                  Char                            10
                                         Donepezil 10mg N = 158                                                                                     mg
  1998 (B)                   N = 468                                                                                Analy
                                                                                       M         F
                                         Placebo N = 153
                                         Donepezil 5mg N = 271
                                                                                       M         F                                                  5mg
 Burns et al.                                                                                                       Rand
                                                                                       M         F                  Char                            10mg
                                         Donepezil 10mg N = 273                                                     Blind
    1999                                                                                                            Analy
                             N = 818                                                   M         F
                                         Placebo N = 274

 Greenberg                               Donepezil 5mg (D)
   et al.                                      group 1 (p-D-p-p) N=30                  M         F                  Char
                                               group 2 (p-p-D-p) N=30                  M         F                  Blind
                               N = 60                                                                               Analy
    2000                                 Placebo (p)

                                         Donepezil 5mg N = 134
Homma et al.                                                                           M         F                  Rand
    2000                     N = 268                                                   M         F                  Analy
                                         Placebo N = 129

                                         Donepezil 10mg N = 214
 Mohs et al.                                                                           M         F                  Rand


    2001                     N = 431                                                   M         F                  Analy


                                         Placebo N = 217





                                        0yr         1          2     0    10   20 30                 55 75 95               cog   func be   glo

Graphical Overview for Evidence Reviews
Investigating the use of
                                                                                                                                     FLOODS AND STORMS                                                                                                                                       AIR QUALITY AND DISEASE
information graphics                                                                                                           Floods are low-probability, high-impact events that can overwhelm
                                                                                                                                physical infrastructure, human resilience and social organisation.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Weather at all time scales determines the development, transport, dispersion and deposition
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of air pollutants, with the passage of fronts, cyclonic and anticyclonic systems and their
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       associated air masses being of particular importance. This information graphic shows
                                                                                                                             Floods are the most frequent natural weather disaster. This information

to explain the effects
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      some of the causes and health impacts of air pollution, and shows how both the amount
                                                                                                                              graphic shows some of the causes and health impacts of floods, and                                                                                   of air pollution, and our exposure to it, may increase in the future.
                                                                                                                             shows how the number and severity of floods may increase in the future.

of climate change                                                                                              CLIMATE CHANGE                                                                             URBANISATION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         CLIMATE CHANGE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           The majority of climate scientists agree that human activity is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           causing temperatures to rise around the world. These higher
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                These changes may affect air pollution in two main ways. First,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                it may mean that the atmospheric conditions are right for more

                                                                                              GLOBAL TRENDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           temperatures can affect weather systems, causing extremely                           air pollution to form. Secondly, it may change the patterns of air
                                                                                                                The majority of climate scientists agree that human activity is causing                   The number of people living in

on health, compared
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           high or extremely low winds. Rising temperatures also affect                         flow, meaning that more people are exposed to this pollution.
                                                                                                                temperatures to rise around the world. As these higher temperatures free                  cities is growing, particularly in               the amount of water in the atmosphere.
                                                                                                                water that is usually frozen at the poles, sea levels are rising. Increased               low income countries.
                                                                                                                temeratures also lead to more evaporation of water from seas and lakes.
                                                                                                                This can lead to increased rainfall and greater numbers of storms,                        1900

to textual presentation.                                                                                        cyclones and extreme weather events.                                                      1950

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        POLLUTION SOURCES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ENERGY                                    URBAN                                   FOREST
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PRODUCTION                                TRANSPORT                               FIRES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    As well as producing                     In urban areas, transport               Naturally-occuring forest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  = 100m people                                                     greenhouse gasses                        vehicles are the key sources            fires mean that toxic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               in towns or cities                                                   such as carbon dioxide, that             of nitrogen oxides and volatile         gaseous and particulate air
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lead to global warming,                  organic compounds (VOCs)                pollutants are released
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the burning of fossil fuels              that lead to ground-level               into the atmosphere.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for energy releases small                ozone. Burning fossil fuels
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    particles into the air, called           for transport also releases

                                                                                              FLOOD CAUSES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    particulate matter (PM).                 other gasses and particles.
                                                                                                               SEA LEVEL            RAINFALL                 STORMS             EVAPORATION            SURFACE               LOCAL
                                                                                                               Coastal regions       Extreme rainfall        Drowning by        Global warming         RUN-OFF               TOPOGRAPHY
                                                                                                               are more              can overwhelm           storm surge is     and changes in         Urbanisation can       Sometimes,                                                     Ozone generation                              PM generation                                The number
                                                                                                               vulnerable to         rivers and lakes,       the major killer   land use (like                                                                                               is affected by:                               is affected by:                              of forest fires
                                                                                                                                                                                                       affect how much        the shape of the                                               — Bright sunlight                             — Raised                                     is affected by:
                                                                                                               flooding as sea       causing them to         in coastal         urbanisation)          excess water           land can make
                                                                                                               levels rise.          flood.                  storms.            affect how much                                                                                              — Raised temperatures                           temperatures                               — Raised
                                                                                                                                                                                                       can be absorbed        areas vulnerable                                                                                              — Atmospheric                                 temperatures
                                                                                                                                                                                water is carried       into the ground.       to flooding.                                                   — Low winds
                                                                                                                                                                                in the air.                                                                                                                                                      moisture                               — Atmospheric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             — Atmospheric                                                                                   moisture

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OZONE                                     PARTICULATE                             OTHER TOXIC

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        AIR POLLUTION (AP)
                 FLOODS AND STORMS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Ozone is a secondary pollutant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    formed through photochemical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    reactions involving nitrogen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MATTER (PM)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Many different kinds of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As well as ozone, other
      Floods are low-probability, high-impact events that can overwhelm physical                               VULNERABLE PLACES                                                                                   One-quarter of the

                                                                                                                                                       FLOODS                       VULNERABLE                     world’s population                                                               oxides and volatile organic              combustion, both artificial             toxic gasses such as
      infrastructure, human resilience and social organisation. Floods are the most                            THE NORTH                  THE NILE                                                                 resides within 100 km                                                            compounds (VOCs) in the                  and natural, can cause                  carbon monoxide can have
      frequent natural weather disaster. Floods result from the interaction of rainfall,                       SEA COAST                  DELTA
                                                                                                                                                                                    PEOPLE                                                                                                          presence of bright sunshine              particles of solid matter can           effects on human health.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   distance and 100 m
      surface runoff, evaporation, wind, sea level and local topography. In inland areas,                                                                                       Those living in                    elevation of the                                                                 with high temperatures.                  become suspended in the air.
      flood regimes vary substantially depending on catchment size, topography and                                                                                              Low lying places                   coastline.                                                                                                                PM is known to affect
      climate. Water management practices, urbanisation, intensified land use and                                                                     SOUTH ASIA                (especially those                                                                                                                                            morbidity and mortality.
                                                                                                                                                                                with high density)                 In the USA, lower-income
      forestry can substantially alter the risks of floods. Windstorms are often                               THE GULF                                      MICRONESIA                                            groups were most
      associated with floods.                                                                                  COAST                                                                                               affected by Hurricane                     The amount of air
                                                                                                                                                                                Poorer communities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Katrina in 2005.                          pollution breathed
      Major storm and flood disasters have occurred in the last two decades. In 2003,                                                                                                                                                                        in by people
                                                                                                                                             BAY OF BENGAL                      Those with limited                                                           depends on:
      130 million people were affected by floods in China. In 1999, 30,000 died from                                                                                            ability to escape                  Such as children, the
                                                                                                                                             (particularly at
      storms followed by floods and landslides in Venezuela. In 2000/2001, 1,813 died                          LATIN       GULF OF           risk from storm                                                       infirm, or those living                   — Wind / circula-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   in sub-standard housing.                    tion of air
      in floods in Mozambique. Improved structural and non-structural measures,                                AMERICA     GUINEA SEYCHELLES surges)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             — Topography
      particularly improved warnings, have decreased mortality from floods and storm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             — Housing
      surges in the last 30 years; however, the impact of weather disasters in terms of                                                                                                                                                                        characteristics
      social and health effects is still considerable and is unequally distributed,                                                                                                                                                                          — Activity patterns
      particularly affecting women. Flood health impacts range from deaths, injuries,                                                                                                                                                                                                             ALLERGIC              PNEUMONIA          COPD                ASTHMA              OTHER               BURNS
      infectious diseases and toxic contamination, to mental health problems.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     RHINITIS              Particularly       Chronic             Can affect          DISEASE             & SMOKE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Severe                affects            obstructive         quality of life,    Other Cardio-       INHALATION
      In terms of deaths and populations affected, floods and tropical cyclones have the                                                                                                                                                                                                          allergies can         children.          pulmonary           and is              vascular and        forest fires
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  limit quality                            disease.            increasingly        respiratory         can have
      greatest impact in South Asia and Latin America. Deaths recorded in disaster                             DEATH & INJURY                                                    INFECTIOUS             TOXIC CON-            MENTAL                                                                                                                           common,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of life.                                                                         diseases are        direct effects
      databases are from drowning and severe injuries. Deaths from unsafe or unhealthy                                                                                           DISEASES               TAMINATION            HEALTH                                                                                                                           particularly in     also caused by      on health.
                                                                                                               Deaths recorded in disaster databases
                                                                                              HEALTH IMPACTS

      conditions following the extreme event are also a health consequence, but such                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           children.           air pollution.
                                                                                                               are from drowning and severe injuries.                            Particularly in        From storage or       Insufficiently
      information is rarely included in disaster statistics. Drowning by storm surge is the
                                                                                                               VENEZUELA           1999          30,000 DEAD                     places with            from chemicals        investigated,
      major killer in coastal storms where there are large numbers of deaths. An
                                                                                                                                                                                 poor sanitation:       already in the        but may include:
      assessment of surges in the past 100 years found that major events were confined                                                                                                                  environment:
      to a limited number of regions, with many events occurring in the Bay of Bengal,                         MOZAMBIQUE          2000/2001         1,813 DEAD                  Diarrhoeal                                   Post-traumatic
      particularly Bangladesh.                                                                                                                                                   diseases               Oil                   stress
                                                                                                               CHINA               2003              130m AFFECTED                                      Pesticides
                                                                                                                                                                                 Cholera                                      Behavioural
      Populations with poor sanitation infrastructure and high burdens of infectious                                                                                                                                          disorders in
                                                                                                               Improved warnings have decreased mortality from floods            Cryptosporidiosis      Heavy metals
      disease often experience increased rates of diarrhoeal diseases after flood events.
      Increases in cholera, cryptosporidiosis and typhoid fever have been reported in
                                                                                                               and storm surges in the last 30 years; however, the impact
                                                                                                               of weather disasters in terms of social and health effects        Typhoid fever          Hazardous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY
      low- and middle-income countries. Flood related increases in diarrhoeal disease                          is still considerable and is unequally distributed,                                      waste
      have also been reported in India, Brazil and Bangladesh. The floods in Mozambique                        particularly affecting women.                                                                                  Depression?
      in 2001 were estimated to have caused over 8,000 additional cases and 447
      deaths from diarrhoeal disease in the following months.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       OZONE MODELS                                                                      PM MODELS
      The risk of infectious disease following flooding in high income countries is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Future emissions are, of course, uncertain, and depend on                         Evidence for the health impacts of particulate matter
      generally low, although increases in respiratory and diarrhoeal diseases have been                                                                                                                                                                               assumptions of population growth, economic development,                           is stronger than that for ozone. However, there are
      reported after floods. An important exception was the impact of Hurricanes Katrina                                                                                                                                                                               regulatory actions and energy use. Changes in                                     few models of the impact of climate change on pollutants
      and Rita in the USA in 2005, where contamination of water supplies with faecal                                                                                                                                                                                   concentrations of ground-level ozone driven by scenarios                          other than ozone. These tend to emphasise the role of
      bacteria led to many cases of diarrhoeal illness and some deaths.
                                                                                                               CASE STUDY 1: BANGLADESH                                          CASE STUDY 2: USA                                                                     of future emissions and/or weather patterns have been                             local abatement strategies in determining the future
                                                                                                               If human activity continues to warm global temperatures,          Studies in industrialised countries indicate that densely                             projected for Europe and North America:                                           levels of, primarily, particulate matter, and tend to project
      Flooding may lead to contamination of waters with dangerous chemicals, heavy                             countries like Bangladesh are likely to see more flooding.        populated urban areas are at risk from sea-level rise.                                                                                                                  the probability of air-quality standards being exceeded

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    FUTURE CHANGES
                                                                                              FUTURE CHANGES

      metals or other hazardous substances, from storage or from chemicals already in                                                                                                                                                                                                                           assumed changes                          instead of absolute concentrations; the results vary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    by 2050s
      the environment (e.g., pesticides). Chemical contamination following Hurricane                           ASSUMPTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                               by region.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     NEW ORLEANS (USA)                                                                                          TEMP.
      Katrina in the USA included oil spills from refineries and storage tanks, pesticides,                                                                                                                                                                           REFERENCE AREA                          INCREASE EMISSIONS        EFFECTS
                                                                                                                  Global temperature rise              2°c             4°c                                                                                                                                                                               Because transboundary transport of pollutants plays
      metals and hazardous waste. Concentrations of most contaminants were within                                                                                                                                 Mid-range estimate                                  Knowlton     New York                     1.6 –    medium        4.5% more         a significant role in determining local to regional air
      acceptable short-term levels, except for lead and volatile organic compounds                                Global Sea level rise              30cm          100cm             1.5–3m below                 of 48 cm sea level                                  et al., 2004 area, USA                    3.2°C    increase         deaths         quality, changing patterns of atmospheric circulation
      (VOCs) in some areas. There are also health risks associated with long-term                                                                                                                                 rise by 2100 plus
                                                                                                                                                                                     sea level now                subsidence                                          Bell et al.,               50 cities,     1.6 –    medium        0.6% more         at the hemispheric to global level are likely to be just
      contamination of soil and sediment; however, there is little published evidence                             Increase in monsoon rains           18%             33%                                                                                             2007                       East USA       3.2°C    increase         deaths         as important as regional patterns for future local air
      demonstrating a causal effect of chemical contamination on the pattern of                                   Increase in monsoon                  5%             10%                                                                                             Anderson     England                      0.9 –       no            ozone +        quality.
      morbidity and mortality following flooding events. Increases in population density                          discharge into rivers                                            This would mean that            2.5–4m below                                       et al., 2001 & Wales                      2.4°C    increase      other AP -
      and accelerating industrial development in areas subject to natural disasters                                                                                                a storm surge from a            sea level by 2100                                                                 (all models assume population
      increase the probability of future disasters and the potential for mass human                            LIKELY EFFECTS                                                      Category 3 hurricane                                                                                                constant at year 2000 level)
      exposure to hazardous materials released during disasters.                                                                                                                   (estimated at 3 to 4 m
                                                                                                                  People affected                    4.8%             57%          without waves) could be 6 to 7 m above                                              There are no projections for cities in low- or middle-
      There is increasing evidence of the importance of mental disorders as an impact of                                                                                           areas that were heavily populated in 2004.                                          income countries, despite the heavier pollution burdens
      disasters. Prolonged impairment resulting from common mental disorders (anxiety                             Flooding depth               30–90cm         90–180cm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       in these populations.
      and depression) may be considerable. Studies in both low- and high-income
      countries indicate that the mental-health aspect of flood-related impacts has
      been insufficiently investigated. A systematic review of post-traumatic stress
      disorder in high income countries found a small but significant effect following
      disasters. There is also evidence of medium- to long-term impacts on behavioural
      disorders in young children.
      Vulnerability to weather disasters depends on the attributes of the person at risk
      (including where they live, age, income, education and disability) and on broader
      social and environmental factors (level of disaster preparedness, health sector
      responses and environmental degradation). Poorer communities, particularly slum
      dwellers, are more likely to live in flood-prone areas. In the USA, lower-income
      groups were most affected by Hurricane Katrina, and low-income schools had
      twice the risk of being flooded compared with the reference group.
      High-density populations in low-lying coastal regions experience a high health
      burden from weather disasters, such as settlements along the North Sea coast in
      north-west Europe, the Seychelles, parts of Micronesia, the Gulf Coast of the USA
      and Mexico, the Nile Delta, the Gulf of Guinea, and the Bay of Bengal.
      Environmentally degraded areas are particularly vulnerable to tropical cyclones
      and coastal flooding under current climate conditions.

      Future vulnerability to climate change
Presenting Your Evidence

• Data visualisation at the European Centre
• Visual Representation
• Design and production methods
1) increased resources
2) reduced search
3) enhanced pattern recognition
4) perceptual inference
5) perceptual monitoring
6) manipulable medium
Thomas, J. J. and K. A. Cook (2005). Illuminating the Path: The
Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics. Available
Online at:, IEEE Computer Society.
1) increased resources
  - high bandwidth of sensory information
1) increased resources
    - high bandwidth of sensory information

    vision - 12 MB/s
    touch - 1 MB/s
    hearing, smell & taste - 1 MB/s

Nørretranders, T. (1999). The user illusion: cutting consciousness
down to size. Penguin, London, UK.
1) increased resources
    - high bandwidth of sensory information

Nørretranders, T. (1999). The user illusion: cutting consciousness
down to size. Penguin, London, UK.
1   3   7   2
1   3   7   2




       1           3           7   2




       1           3           7   2
           the 1D size element
1   3   7   2
area =
                        17500px 2
                                        area =
          area =                        5000px 2

area =

           1        3          7    2
area =
                        17500px 2
                                        area =
          area =                        5000px 2

area =

           1        3          7    2
                the area element
1       3      7        2
    the count element
1   3   7   2

     1   3   7   2
red = 255
            green = 0
             blue = 0
       red = 255
     green = 231      red = 255
      blue = 0      green = 177     red = 255
                     blue = 0     green = 68          red = 255
                                   blue = 0         green = 205
                                                     blue = 0

        1             3           7             2
        red = 255
      green = 255
       blue = 0
red = 255
            green = 0
             blue = 0
       red = 255
     green = 231      red = 255
      blue = 0      green = 177     red = 255
                     blue = 0     green = 68          red = 255
                                   blue = 0         green = 205
                                                     blue = 0

        1             3           7             2
             the colour element
1   3   7   2
4   6   1   2


     1   3   7   2
     4   6   1   2


     1   3   7   2
     4   6   1   2
     2   4   2   1





     1   3   7   2
     4   6   1   2
     2   4   2   1
size1d one dimensional sizing of objects (think bar graphs).
size2d two dimensional sizing of objects. (including bubble charts and pie charts,
which rely on area)
size3d three dimensional sizing of objects.
position1d 1 meaningful axis. Data represented by position on a line, circle or
   other shape, from one point (often representing 0) to another. Can be nominal
   (no particularly significant order numerically, but could be alpabetical); ordinal
   (list from highest to lowest for example); interval (position represents numerical
   value) or ratio (like interval, but with a 0 value meaning nothing, eg. not
   temperature in celcius)
position2d information represented using 2 axes, like a scatter plot, line
   graph or points on a map
position3d unusual, and clumsy to represent on paper/screen.
textposition1d where the position of text has significance.
fontweight use of text that appears bolder or italicised.
scale when objects are represented to scale
shape (including pictograms and logotypes)
symbol assumed convention, such as an arrow for direction
grouping grouping elements, for example using an outline or enclosure.
highlighting use of border etc to highlight element/elements. (static highlighting)
linking physical joining of elements using a line, etc.
Presenting Your Evidence

PhD thesis

Chapter 4.1 - Design Elements
Presenting Your Evidence

• Data visualisation at the European Centre
• Visual Representation
• Design and production methods
1. Use standard graph tools
Open Office / Microsoft Excel / Apple Numbers
2. Use specialist data
  visualisation tools
Title                      Gender       Ages   Sites   Features   Outcomes           Design

                           M        F                                                         500mg N=22
Able Baker et al.   2010                                                     N=50
                           M        F                                                         Control N=28

Dogg's Hamlet       2009   M        F                                        N=150

Echo Bazaar         2006   M        F             ?                          N=25
3. Do it by hand

(or consult a professional
  information designer)
Presenting Your Evidence

In Summary:
Simple graph tools are suitable for simple data.
Online tools (like Gapminder) and specialist software
(like GOfER, Tableau, Many Eyes) are available for more
complex data.
Bespoke presentations (possibly made by information
design professionals) will be needed for the most
challenging data. Contact through Information Design
Association / International Institute for Information
Presenting Your Evidence

A word of warning
You may need to present raw data alongside visuals
Thank you
Dr Will Stahl-Timmins
Twitter: @will_s_t


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Data to evidence

  • 1. Presenting your evidence Dr Will Stahl-Timmins Associate Research Fellow – Visualisation of data and information
  • 2. Presenting Your Evidence • Data visualisation at the European Centre • Visual Representation • Design and production methods
  • 3. Presenting Your Evidence • Data visualisation at the European Centre • Visual Representation • Design and production methods
  • 4.
  • 5. Distance of dwelling from sea 0–1km > 50 km 20–50 km 5–20km 1–5km (baseline) Coast Health 1.5 1.5 % Change in 1.0 population with 1.0 0.5 ‘good health’ + 95% CI 0.5 0.0 -0.5 0.0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 most least -0.5 deprived deprived All urban areas All urban areas by income deprivation quintile
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
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  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14. outcome measures used no. of design, size baseline study cog func be glo author location centres & follow-up MMSE sex ages quality ADCS-ADL ADCS-CGIC ADAS-cog other other other CIBIC MMSE DAD PDS CDR QoL SIB NPI GDS 0yr 1 2 0 10 20 30 55 75 95 Donepezil 1mg N = 42 M F Rogers & Rand Donepezil 3mg N = 40 M F ? N = 161 Donepezil 5mg N = 39 M F Char Blind Analy 1mg 3mg 1996 F Placebo N = 40 M 5mg Donepezil 5mg N = 154 M F 5mg Rogers et al. Rand M F Char 10 Donepezil 10mg N = 157 Blind mg 1998 (A) N = 473 Analy M F Placebo N = 162 Donepezil 5mg N = 157 M F 5mg Rogers et al. Rand M F Char 10 Donepezil 10mg N = 158 mg Blind 1998 (B) N = 468 Analy M F Placebo N = 153 Donepezil 5mg N = 271 M F 5mg Burns et al. Rand M F Char 10mg Donepezil 10mg N = 273 Blind 1999 Analy N = 818 M F Placebo N = 274 Greenberg Donepezil 5mg (D) Rand et al. group 1 (p-D-p-p) N=30 M F Char group 2 (p-p-D-p) N=30 M F Blind N = 60 Analy 2000 Placebo (p) Donepezil 5mg N = 134 Homma et al. M F Rand Char Blind 2000 N = 268 M F Analy Placebo N = 129 Donepezil 10mg N = 214 Mohs et al. M F Rand Char ADCS-CGIC ADCS-ADL Blind ADAS-cog 2001 N = 431 M F Analy MMSE CIBIC Placebo N = 217 DAD other other other CDR GDS PDS QoL NPI SIB 0yr 1 2 0 10 20 30 55 75 95 cog func be glo
  • 15. © GOfER Graphical Overview for Evidence Reviews
  • 16. Investigating the use of FLOODS AND STORMS AIR QUALITY AND DISEASE information graphics Floods are low-probability, high-impact events that can overwhelm physical infrastructure, human resilience and social organisation. Weather at all time scales determines the development, transport, dispersion and deposition of air pollutants, with the passage of fronts, cyclonic and anticyclonic systems and their associated air masses being of particular importance. This information graphic shows Floods are the most frequent natural weather disaster. This information to explain the effects some of the causes and health impacts of air pollution, and shows how both the amount graphic shows some of the causes and health impacts of floods, and of air pollution, and our exposure to it, may increase in the future. shows how the number and severity of floods may increase in the future. of climate change CLIMATE CHANGE URBANISATION CLIMATE CHANGE The majority of climate scientists agree that human activity is causing temperatures to rise around the world. These higher These changes may affect air pollution in two main ways. First, it may mean that the atmospheric conditions are right for more GLOBAL TRENDS temperatures can affect weather systems, causing extremely air pollution to form. Secondly, it may change the patterns of air The majority of climate scientists agree that human activity is causing The number of people living in on health, compared high or extremely low winds. Rising temperatures also affect flow, meaning that more people are exposed to this pollution. temperatures to rise around the world. As these higher temperatures free cities is growing, particularly in the amount of water in the atmosphere. water that is usually frozen at the poles, sea levels are rising. Increased low income countries. temeratures also lead to more evaporation of water from seas and lakes. This can lead to increased rainfall and greater numbers of storms, 1900 to textual presentation. cyclones and extreme weather events. 1950 POLLUTION SOURCES 2005 ENERGY URBAN FOREST PRODUCTION TRANSPORT FIRES As well as producing In urban areas, transport Naturally-occuring forest = 100m people greenhouse gasses vehicles are the key sources fires mean that toxic in towns or cities such as carbon dioxide, that of nitrogen oxides and volatile gaseous and particulate air lead to global warming, organic compounds (VOCs) pollutants are released the burning of fossil fuels that lead to ground-level into the atmosphere. for energy releases small ozone. Burning fossil fuels particles into the air, called for transport also releases FLOOD CAUSES particulate matter (PM). other gasses and particles. SEA LEVEL RAINFALL STORMS EVAPORATION SURFACE LOCAL Coastal regions Extreme rainfall Drowning by Global warming RUN-OFF TOPOGRAPHY are more can overwhelm storm surge is and changes in Urbanisation can Sometimes, Ozone generation PM generation The number vulnerable to rivers and lakes, the major killer land use (like is affected by: is affected by: of forest fires affect how much the shape of the — Bright sunlight — Raised is affected by: flooding as sea causing them to in coastal urbanisation) excess water land can make levels rise. flood. storms. affect how much — Raised temperatures temperatures — Raised can be absorbed areas vulnerable — Atmospheric temperatures water is carried into the ground. to flooding. — Low winds in the air. moisture — Atmospheric — Atmospheric moisture moisture OZONE PARTICULATE OTHER TOXIC AIR POLLUTION (AP) FLOODS AND STORMS Ozone is a secondary pollutant formed through photochemical reactions involving nitrogen MATTER (PM) Many different kinds of GASSES As well as ozone, other Floods are low-probability, high-impact events that can overwhelm physical VULNERABLE PLACES One-quarter of the FLOODS VULNERABLE world’s population oxides and volatile organic combustion, both artificial toxic gasses such as infrastructure, human resilience and social organisation. Floods are the most THE NORTH THE NILE resides within 100 km compounds (VOCs) in the and natural, can cause carbon monoxide can have frequent natural weather disaster. Floods result from the interaction of rainfall, SEA COAST DELTA PEOPLE presence of bright sunshine particles of solid matter can effects on human health. distance and 100 m surface runoff, evaporation, wind, sea level and local topography. In inland areas, Those living in elevation of the with high temperatures. become suspended in the air. flood regimes vary substantially depending on catchment size, topography and Low lying places coastline. PM is known to affect climate. Water management practices, urbanisation, intensified land use and SOUTH ASIA (especially those morbidity and mortality. with high density) In the USA, lower-income forestry can substantially alter the risks of floods. Windstorms are often THE GULF MICRONESIA groups were most associated with floods. COAST affected by Hurricane The amount of air Poorer communities Katrina in 2005. pollution breathed Major storm and flood disasters have occurred in the last two decades. In 2003, in by people BAY OF BENGAL Those with limited depends on: 130 million people were affected by floods in China. In 1999, 30,000 died from ability to escape Such as children, the (particularly at storms followed by floods and landslides in Venezuela. In 2000/2001, 1,813 died LATIN GULF OF risk from storm infirm, or those living — Wind / circula- in sub-standard housing. tion of air in floods in Mozambique. Improved structural and non-structural measures, AMERICA GUINEA SEYCHELLES surges) — Topography particularly improved warnings, have decreased mortality from floods and storm — Housing surges in the last 30 years; however, the impact of weather disasters in terms of characteristics social and health effects is still considerable and is unequally distributed, — Activity patterns particularly affecting women. Flood health impacts range from deaths, injuries, ALLERGIC PNEUMONIA COPD ASTHMA OTHER BURNS infectious diseases and toxic contamination, to mental health problems. RHINITIS Particularly Chronic Can affect DISEASE & SMOKE Severe affects obstructive quality of life, Other Cardio- INHALATION In terms of deaths and populations affected, floods and tropical cyclones have the allergies can children. pulmonary and is vascular and forest fires limit quality disease. increasingly respiratory can have greatest impact in South Asia and Latin America. Deaths recorded in disaster DEATH & INJURY INFECTIOUS TOXIC CON- MENTAL common, of life. diseases are direct effects databases are from drowning and severe injuries. Deaths from unsafe or unhealthy DISEASES TAMINATION HEALTH particularly in also caused by on health. Deaths recorded in disaster databases HEALTH IMPACTS conditions following the extreme event are also a health consequence, but such children. air pollution. are from drowning and severe injuries. Particularly in From storage or Insufficiently information is rarely included in disaster statistics. Drowning by storm surge is the VENEZUELA 1999 30,000 DEAD places with from chemicals investigated, major killer in coastal storms where there are large numbers of deaths. An poor sanitation: already in the but may include: assessment of surges in the past 100 years found that major events were confined environment: to a limited number of regions, with many events occurring in the Bay of Bengal, MOZAMBIQUE 2000/2001 1,813 DEAD Diarrhoeal Post-traumatic particularly Bangladesh. diseases Oil stress CHINA 2003 130m AFFECTED Pesticides Cholera Behavioural Populations with poor sanitation infrastructure and high burdens of infectious disorders in Improved warnings have decreased mortality from floods Cryptosporidiosis Heavy metals disease often experience increased rates of diarrhoeal diseases after flood events. Increases in cholera, cryptosporidiosis and typhoid fever have been reported in and storm surges in the last 30 years; however, the impact of weather disasters in terms of social and health effects Typhoid fever Hazardous children Anxiety? MORTALITY AND MORBIDITY low- and middle-income countries. Flood related increases in diarrhoeal disease is still considerable and is unequally distributed, waste have also been reported in India, Brazil and Bangladesh. The floods in Mozambique particularly affecting women. Depression? in 2001 were estimated to have caused over 8,000 additional cases and 447 deaths from diarrhoeal disease in the following months. OZONE MODELS PM MODELS The risk of infectious disease following flooding in high income countries is Future emissions are, of course, uncertain, and depend on Evidence for the health impacts of particulate matter generally low, although increases in respiratory and diarrhoeal diseases have been assumptions of population growth, economic development, is stronger than that for ozone. However, there are reported after floods. An important exception was the impact of Hurricanes Katrina regulatory actions and energy use. Changes in few models of the impact of climate change on pollutants and Rita in the USA in 2005, where contamination of water supplies with faecal concentrations of ground-level ozone driven by scenarios other than ozone. These tend to emphasise the role of bacteria led to many cases of diarrhoeal illness and some deaths. CASE STUDY 1: BANGLADESH CASE STUDY 2: USA of future emissions and/or weather patterns have been local abatement strategies in determining the future If human activity continues to warm global temperatures, Studies in industrialised countries indicate that densely projected for Europe and North America: levels of, primarily, particulate matter, and tend to project Flooding may lead to contamination of waters with dangerous chemicals, heavy countries like Bangladesh are likely to see more flooding. populated urban areas are at risk from sea-level rise. the probability of air-quality standards being exceeded FUTURE CHANGES FUTURE CHANGES metals or other hazardous substances, from storage or from chemicals already in assumed changes instead of absolute concentrations; the results vary by 2050s the environment (e.g., pesticides). Chemical contamination following Hurricane ASSUMPTIONS by region. NEW ORLEANS (USA) TEMP. Katrina in the USA included oil spills from refineries and storage tanks, pesticides, REFERENCE AREA INCREASE EMISSIONS EFFECTS Global temperature rise 2°c 4°c Because transboundary transport of pollutants plays metals and hazardous waste. Concentrations of most contaminants were within Mid-range estimate Knowlton New York 1.6 – medium 4.5% more a significant role in determining local to regional air acceptable short-term levels, except for lead and volatile organic compounds Global Sea level rise 30cm 100cm 1.5–3m below of 48 cm sea level et al., 2004 area, USA 3.2°C increase deaths quality, changing patterns of atmospheric circulation (VOCs) in some areas. There are also health risks associated with long-term rise by 2100 plus sea level now subsidence Bell et al., 50 cities, 1.6 – medium 0.6% more at the hemispheric to global level are likely to be just contamination of soil and sediment; however, there is little published evidence Increase in monsoon rains 18% 33% 2007 East USA 3.2°C increase deaths as important as regional patterns for future local air demonstrating a causal effect of chemical contamination on the pattern of Increase in monsoon 5% 10% Anderson England 0.9 – no ozone + quality. morbidity and mortality following flooding events. Increases in population density discharge into rivers This would mean that 2.5–4m below et al., 2001 & Wales 2.4°C increase other AP - and accelerating industrial development in areas subject to natural disasters a storm surge from a sea level by 2100 (all models assume population increase the probability of future disasters and the potential for mass human LIKELY EFFECTS Category 3 hurricane constant at year 2000 level) exposure to hazardous materials released during disasters. (estimated at 3 to 4 m People affected 4.8% 57% without waves) could be 6 to 7 m above There are no projections for cities in low- or middle- There is increasing evidence of the importance of mental disorders as an impact of areas that were heavily populated in 2004. income countries, despite the heavier pollution burdens disasters. Prolonged impairment resulting from common mental disorders (anxiety Flooding depth 30–90cm 90–180cm in these populations. and depression) may be considerable. Studies in both low- and high-income countries indicate that the mental-health aspect of flood-related impacts has been insufficiently investigated. A systematic review of post-traumatic stress disorder in high income countries found a small but significant effect following disasters. There is also evidence of medium- to long-term impacts on behavioural disorders in young children. Vulnerability to weather disasters depends on the attributes of the person at risk (including where they live, age, income, education and disability) and on broader social and environmental factors (level of disaster preparedness, health sector responses and environmental degradation). Poorer communities, particularly slum dwellers, are more likely to live in flood-prone areas. In the USA, lower-income groups were most affected by Hurricane Katrina, and low-income schools had twice the risk of being flooded compared with the reference group. High-density populations in low-lying coastal regions experience a high health burden from weather disasters, such as settlements along the North Sea coast in north-west Europe, the Seychelles, parts of Micronesia, the Gulf Coast of the USA and Mexico, the Nile Delta, the Gulf of Guinea, and the Bay of Bengal. Environmentally degraded areas are particularly vulnerable to tropical cyclones and coastal flooding under current climate conditions. Future vulnerability to climate change
  • 17. Presenting Your Evidence • Data visualisation at the European Centre • Visual Representation • Design and production methods
  • 18. 1) increased resources 2) reduced search 3) enhanced pattern recognition 4) perceptual inference 5) perceptual monitoring 6) manipulable medium Thomas, J. J. and K. A. Cook (2005). Illuminating the Path: The Research and Development Agenda for Visual Analytics. Available Online at:, IEEE Computer Society. !
  • 19. 1) increased resources - high bandwidth of sensory information
  • 20. 1) increased resources - high bandwidth of sensory information vision - 12 MB/s touch - 1 MB/s hearing, smell & taste - 1 MB/s Nørretranders, T. (1999). The user illusion: cutting consciousness down to size. Penguin, London, UK.
  • 21. 1) increased resources - high bandwidth of sensory information Nørretranders, T. (1999). The user illusion: cutting consciousness down to size. Penguin, London, UK.
  • 22. 1 3 7 2
  • 23. 1 3 7 2
  • 24. 350px 150px 100px 50px 1 3 7 2
  • 25. 350px 150px 100px 50px 1 3 7 2 the 1D size element
  • 26.
  • 27. 1 3 7 2
  • 28. area = 17500px 2 area = area = 5000px 2 7500px2 area = 2500px2 1 3 7 2
  • 29. area = 17500px 2 area = area = 5000px 2 7500px2 area = 2500px2 1 3 7 2 the area element
  • 30.
  • 31. 1 3 7 2 the count element
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34. 1 3 7 2
  • 35. 10 0 1 3 7 2
  • 36. red = 255 green = 0 blue = 0 10 red = 255 green = 231 red = 255 blue = 0 green = 177 red = 255 blue = 0 green = 68 red = 255 blue = 0 green = 205 blue = 0 0 1 3 7 2 red = 255 green = 255 blue = 0
  • 37. red = 255 green = 0 blue = 0 10 red = 255 green = 231 red = 255 blue = 0 green = 177 red = 255 blue = 0 green = 68 red = 255 blue = 0 green = 205 blue = 0 0 1 3 7 2 the colour element
  • 38.
  • 39. 1 3 7 2 4 6 1 2
  • 40. 10 0 1 3 7 2 4 6 1 2
  • 41. 10 0 1 3 7 2 4 6 1 2 2 4 2 1
  • 42. 10 4 3 2 1 0 1 3 7 2 4 6 1 2 2 4 2 1
  • 44. size1d one dimensional sizing of objects (think bar graphs). size2d two dimensional sizing of objects. (including bubble charts and pie charts, which rely on area) size3d three dimensional sizing of objects. position1d 1 meaningful axis. Data represented by position on a line, circle or other shape, from one point (often representing 0) to another. Can be nominal (no particularly significant order numerically, but could be alpabetical); ordinal (list from highest to lowest for example); interval (position represents numerical value) or ratio (like interval, but with a 0 value meaning nothing, eg. not temperature in celcius) position2d information represented using 2 axes, like a scatter plot, line graph or points on a map position3d unusual, and clumsy to represent on paper/screen. textposition1d where the position of text has significance. textposition2d textposition3d typesize fontweight use of text that appears bolder or italicised. scale when objects are represented to scale orientation count shape (including pictograms and logotypes) symbol assumed convention, such as an arrow for direction grouping grouping elements, for example using an outline or enclosure. highlighting use of border etc to highlight element/elements. (static highlighting) linking physical joining of elements using a line, etc.
  • 45. Presenting Your Evidence PhD thesis Chapter 4.1 - Design Elements
  • 46. Presenting Your Evidence • Data visualisation at the European Centre • Visual Representation • Design and production methods
  • 47. 1. Use standard graph tools
  • 48. Open Office / Microsoft Excel / Apple Numbers
  • 49. 2. Use specialist data visualisation tools
  • 50. Title Gender Ages Sites Features Outcomes Design M F 500mg N=22 Able Baker et al. 2010 N=50 M F Control N=28 Dogg's Hamlet 2009 M F N=150 Echo Bazaar 2006 M F ? N=25
  • 53. 3. Do it by hand (or consult a professional information designer)
  • 56. Presenting Your Evidence In Summary: Simple graph tools are suitable for simple data. Online tools (like Gapminder) and specialist software (like GOfER, Tableau, Many Eyes) are available for more complex data. Bespoke presentations (possibly made by information design professionals) will be needed for the most challenging data. Contact through Information Design Association / International Institute for Information Design.
  • 57. Presenting Your Evidence A word of warning You may need to present raw data alongside visuals
  • 58. Thank you Dr Will Stahl-Timmins Twitter: @will_s_t