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B o sto n Ar chitectural Co lleg e   B achelo rs o f Ar chitecture
B o sto n Ar chitectural Co lleg e B achelo rs o f Ar chitecture
                 Segm ent II P o rtf o lio R ev iew JANUARY 2 , 2 012
      Creative design thrives in a collaborative environment, where projects push the boundaries of social, economical, and environmental perceptions. Limitations and constraints
      can be seen as unique opportunities for innovation and development in design. By examining the needs of the site, as well as the environmental, physical, and social needs
      of the community, the structure can serve a function greater than it’s intended purpose.

      Emphasizing the concept of framing view points, architecture can be structured as a stage for the surrounding environment. Using shape and negative space to orchestrate
      the experience of the perceiver, a building is capable of merging the built and natural environments. By utilizing materials and construction methods that consider the human
      scale, as well as the proportions and geometry of nature, a sense of comfort and enjoyment can be conveyed to a building’s occupants. Architecture that interacts and is
      relevant to the environment of a site creates a greater sense of human relationship with the building.

iii                                                                                                                                                                         ii
41   A Hostel for Boston

              Curriculum v itae
                                                          37   Chinatown Cultural Center

               STUDIO WO R K                              33   Arnold Arboretum Pavilion

                P ERSO N AL                               29   Apparatus

        P R OFESSIO N AL                                  23   Charles Rive Boathouse

                                                          19   Building Analysis

                                                          13   Cheever Hall

                                                          07   Montana State Pavilion                                67   1.26 Tsunami

                                  73   On Tiwanaku        05   Point, Line, Plane          49   46 Wood Duck         59   Every Beating Second

                                  01   Curriculum Vitae   03   Cube Metamorphosis          43   41 West River Road
                                                                                                  1                  55   Dilworth Plaza

i   CO NTENTS                                                                                                                               00
Grassi Design Group | Project Designer ......................................................................................................... June 2012 - Current
     + Guide luxury residential construction projects through the design development, & schematic design & construction phases.
     + Create construction documents for luxury residential projects across the country.
     + Projects involve extensive use of design software to create photo-quality renderings & presentations.
     + Organizing and scheduling daily meetings/conferences to meet project deadlines.
     + Work in a collaborative environment to develop projects at the conceptual level.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   P R OFESSIO N AL E X P ER IEN CE
     Studio Echelman | Project Manager ......................................................................................................... June 2010 - March 2012
     + Guide large-scale public art installations through conceptual design, design development, & construction phases.
     + Projects involve extensive use of design software to create photo-quality renderings & presentations.                                                                                  EDUCATIO N
     + Scheduling and budgeting to meet project goals.
     + Organizing and scheduling daily meetings/conferences to meet project deadlines.
     + Work in a collaborative environment to develop projects at the conceptual level.

     Word of Mouth Media | Founder & CEO ........................................................................................................... July 201 - Current
     + Create graphics for web and print media
     + Design branding and advertising material for small and large businesses
     + Web design, coding, and maintenance
     + Organizing and scheduling daily meetings/conferences to meet project deadlines.
     + Work in a collaborative environment to develop projects at the conceptual level.

     Boston Architectural College .......................................................................................................................................... 2010- Present
     + Candidate for Bachelors of Architecture Environmental Design.
     + Focus on sustainable design in Architecture

     Montana State University ................................................................................................................................................... 2006-2009
     + Candidate for Bachelors of Architecture Environmental Design.

01                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CUR R ICULUM V ITA E 0 2
                                                                                                                       I began my study by sketching various ways
                                                                                                                       of dividing a square into sections using the
                                                                                                                       methods of:
                                                                                                                       1. Addition
                                                                                                                       2. Subtraction
                                                                                                                       3. Sculpting
                                                                                                                       From these sketches, I chose the three that
                                                                                                                       I found to be most aesthetically pleasing
                                                                                                                       to develope further into three dimensional
                                                                                                                       models out of museum board (shown at the
                                                                                                                       top of page 03). The first starts with a much

                         1                         2                                                     3             smaller cube and uses the method of addition
                                                                                                                       to imply the form of a much larger cube. The
                                                       PROJECT GOALS                                                   second cube starts with a large cube and uses
                                                                                                                       the method of subtraction to deconstruct the
                                                                                                                       form and generate interest. The third model
                                                       The cube metamorphosis project was a semester long
                                                                                                                       uses the method of sculpting to create the form
                                                       project focused around deconstructing the cube. Our
                                                                                                                       of a cube by “bending” a tube-like shape into
                                                       goal was to discover ways of taking the form of a cube
                                                                                                                       a cube form.
                                                       and creating using it to create space that generates
                                                       visual and aesthetic interest. We started by creating
                                                                                                                       The next task for this project was to integrate
                                                       three dimensional models of cubes out of museum
                                                                                                                       these cubes into a landscape model (shown
                                                       board. We were then asked to integrate these cubes

                                                                                                                       in image in center of page 03). My goal here
                                                       into a landscape model. The last task was to translate
                                                                                                                       was to continue the addition, subtraction, or
                                                       these ideas into an occupiable space.
                                                                                                                       sculptural element from each side of each cube
                                                                                                                       onto the surface of the landscape. This would
                                                                                                                       seamlessly integrate the cubes into the model.

                                                                                                                       After integrating the cubes, it was time to take
                                                                                                                       what I had learned and use it to translate
                                                                                                                       my idea into an occupiable space. I began
                                                                                                                       by painting a parti (shown at left). This parti
                                                                                                                       evokes the geometric forms that I wanted

                                                                                                                       to achieve in the creation of my final model.
                                                                                                                       Using the methods of addition, subtraction,
                                                                                                                       and sculpting, in combination with the parti, I
                                                                                                                       was able to create my final model (shown in
                                                                                                                       the three images at left). Here I used the idea
                                                                                                                       of projecting the surface features of the cubes
                                                                                                                       onto the landscape to integrate the cubes.
                                                                                                                       I wanted the cubes to become part of the
                                                                                                                       landscape and for both the cubes and the
                                                                                                                       landscape to reflect the aesthetic qualities of
                                                                                                                       my parti.

             M ETA MO
                                     EAR STUDIO | FAL
                                                                                                                              I began my study with simple black and white sketches that created compositions using only the area of the
                                                                                                                              planes given to us, and the shape of the three sticks provided (shown at the top of page 05). The next step was to
                                                                                                                              experiment with various ways of creating space between planes. The diagrams at the left show three of explorations
                                                          PROJECT GOALS                                                       that I chose to employ in my design. I wanted to create two spaces, one that was intimate and enclosing, and one
                                                          This project was a four week first year studio project aimed at     that was public and exposed. I also wanted to draw interest to the structure by utilizing height as a beacon. By
                                                          learning how to utilize three important design tools To create      creating a wall containing apertures, I was able to create an intimate space that still allowed the occupant to see
                                                          occupiable space. These three tools are the point, the line, and    out. The placement of the sculpture is at the intersection of two “worn paths”. These paths reveal unintended routes
                                                          the plane. The assignment called for use to create a structure      that pedestrians utilize. My sculpture attempts to connect the surrounding locations by providing both a path where
                                                          for a site just outside our classroom that students could sit and   there is desire for one, as well as a place of interest along that path. The diagram below shows the intersection of
                                                          relax on their way to or from class. To create this structure we    these paths and the locations they connect to.
                                                          were to use only two 6”X2” planes of paper and three 6” sticks.
                                                          The goals of this project were to:

                                                          1. Discover how to create various forms of occupiable space. ie:
                                                          private, public, intimate, awe inspiring, relaxing, etc.

                                                          2. Integrate the design ideas to the site.

                                                          3. Keep the focus on what we create from the limited materials
                                                          we were given.

    P O INT , INE
                                     FIRST Y EAR
                                                   CONSTRUCTIVIST JOINT
                                                                                                                                               While this project had few constraints, the site provided a unique opportunity
                                                   At left are the three models I created                                                      for the building to utilize the roof as a rainwater collection system. The structure
                                                   using constructivist joint techniques. The                                                  could not block the sidewalk, and it had to be located on the MSU Campus at
                                                   models are constructed of plexiglass,                                                       the convergence of three main sidewalks. This called for a very light and open
                                                   cork and stainless steel. The first model                                                   structure that was created by utilizing a skeletal system constructed of finished
                                                   demonstrates the constructivist joint                                                       wood.
                                                   method of clamping. The plexiglass is
                                                   clamped between layers of cork. The                                                         The roof was designed with glass panels allowing visitors to see the sky above
                                                   second model demonstrates embracing.                                                        and watch rainwater collection during a storm. The taller section of the pavilion
                                                   The plexiglass is held up because it                                                        employs a photocatalysis system for filtering rainwater. This system is meant to be
                                                   is embraced on both sides by the                                                            a model for similar systems that could potentially provide potable drinking water
                                                   cork. The last model demonstrates                                                           for communities in Africa and South America where people have to travel over
                                                   the constructivist joint technique of                                                       a mile each way to have access to potable water. The system uses a titanium-
                                                   penetration. The cork planes penetrate                                                      dioxide slurry, a translucent plastic container, and the ultraviolet radiation from
                                                   each other to create a structure.                                 2                         the sun to sanitize the water.
                                                                                                                                               Shown at left is the structure of the building and the translucent rainwater
                                                                                                                                               collection rooftop. Water is filtered through each of nine bays and poured down
                                                                                                                                               into a water storage tank below. My final model is shown in the image below.

                                                   PROJECT GOALS

                                                   The Montana State Pavilion design was              3
                                                   a six week design challenge to create
                                                   a contemplative space for students and
                                                   faculty of Montana State University. The
                                                   structure had to be an inviting place
                                                   for students to relax and enjoy their
                                                   surroundings and was to be sited at
                                                   the entrance to Cheever Hall on the
                                                   Montana State University campus. The
                                                   main goals for this project were:                      4

                                                   1. Study the various forms of constructivist
                                                   joints.                                                    1 Entry
                                                                                                              2 Rainwater Collection
                                                   2. Build three models that represent                       3 Water Storage / Distribution
                                                   different constructivist joints.                           4 Water Sanitizing System
                                                   3. Translate these models into a design
                                                   for pavilion.

                                          PAV IL N
                                                FAL L
The program for the pavilion is split into two parts, one for water collection and one for water storage (seen in the diagram above). The two compentents are designed to
be embracing each other. The columns use a clamping technique to join with the beams supporting the glass roof panels. The water storage and filtration tower also employs
embracing techniques. The most obvious example is the translucent solar filtration channel that weaves between penetrating stainless steel elements.

09                                                                                                                                                                           10
Water is pumped through a                                          The rainwater is funneled through                     PROGRAM & DESIGN
photocatalysis water purification                                  the collection bays and into storage
system, which uses a translucent wall                              containers located below the ground                   The diagram at the left shows the process of photocatalysis water purification. Water enters the system and large particulate is filtered out by the bag filter. Then the water passes
of titanium-dioxide coated plastic                                 level. During rain collection the system              through a cartridge filter that takes out the small particulate. The water is then added to a titanium-dioxide slurry that is the catalyst for the chemistry that filters the water. The water
to purify the water using ultraviolet                              creates nine columns of water.
                                                                                                                         is then transported through a large transparent plastic container that exposes it to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This causes a reaction that degrades volatile organic compounds
radiation from the sun.
                                                                                                                         and endocrine disrupters such as bisphenol.

                                                                                                                         The program of the pavilion is shown at left. At the entrance, large glass panels redirect rainwater over the sidewalk creating a waterfall. Under the roof is a seating area where you
                                                                                                                         can watch rainwater being collected, or relax and enjoy the sky on a clear day. The taller portion of the building is the rainwater filtration and distribution section. Water is filtered
                                                                                                                         via the system described above and there is an access point that allows anyone to collect free potable water.

                                                                                                                                                                2                          3

Rainwater is collected via a system
of nine translucent collection bays
built into the roof of the structure. The   Two collection bays funnel          An access point is located here to
translucency of the roof allows you to                                                                                   6
                                            water onto glass panes that         provide fresh naturally purified water
see the rainwater being collected and       extend over the sidewalk            to students and faculty passing by.
provides a meditative escape from           creating a waterfall effect that
the elements.                               pedestrians can walk under.


                                                                                                                                        P HOTOCATALYSIS WATER P UR IFICATIO N SYSTEM
                                                                                                                                       1 Raw water feed - rainwater is moved from the below-grade collection system towards the bag filter.
                                                                                                                                       2 Bag Filter - provides large particle filtration before being transferred to the cartridge filter.
                                                                                                                                       3 Cartridge Filter - provides small particle filtration before being transferred to the TiO2 filter.
                                                                                                                                       4 TiO2 slurry addition - addition of TiO2 slurry.
                                                                                                                                       5 UV reactor - exposes water to Ultraviolet radiation from the sun to break down volatile organic 	
                                                                                                                                       	       compounds, toxins, & bacteria.
                                                                                                                                       6 Clean water exit - filtered and sanitized water exits the system to a storage container made of 	
                                                                                                                                       	       antimicrobial plastic.

11                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           12
                                                                Shown at left are the key elements            The site for this project was the display
                                                                of my design for the exhibit space in         gallery in the second floor of Cheever
                                                                Cheever Hall. The first image (far left) is   Hall, a building dedicated to architectural
                                                                the proposed bench system. The second         studies on the Montana State University
                                                                image is the proposed wall construction       Campus. Cheever Hall is located between
                                                                for the space. The third image is the         the dorms and College street, the main
                                                                proposed louvre/passive light control         throughway from one side of campus to
                                                                system. The last image is the LED lighting    the other. The building is also located at
                                                                fixtures that would be used to illuminate     the head of the “mall” sidewalk, the major
                                                                the space during evening hours and            form of pedestrian traffic through campus
                                                                times of low natural light.                   leading to the Student Union Building.
                                                                                                              Across College street is the Montana
                                                                                                              State duck pond. The Front of Cheever
                                                                                                              Hall faces south towards College Street
                                                                                                              allowing the facade to be exposed to
                                                                                                              natural daylight throughout the day. Large
                                                                                                              windows allow this light to penetrate into
                                                                PROJECT GOALS
                                                                                                              the hall, however it is then confronted by
                                                                                                              a cinder block wall that defines the exhibit
                                                                The Cheever Hall remodel was a six
                                                                                                              space. To the west side of the exhibit space
                                                                week studio project that asked to
                                                                                                              is the first and second year studio spaces.
                                                                recreate the critique & exhibit space in
                                                                                                              The students that occupy these spaces are
                                                                Montana State University’s Cheever
                                                                                                              the primary users of the exhibit space that
                                                                Hall. Cheever Hall is the main building for
                                                                                                              is to be remodeled. On the east side of
                                                                Montana State’s architecture program
                                                                                                              the exhibit space is a long hall that adjoins
                                                                and is used by hundreds of students
                                                                                                              the north and south sides of the building.
                                                                each year. The current space is a simple
                                                                                                              At the north side there are faculty offices.
                                                                cinder block box with a drop ceiling, vinyl
                                                                                                              The exhibit space is a cube shaped room
                                                                flooring, and doors at either end that
                                                                                                              that is in the center of a much larger space
                                                                open up to the hallway. The four walls of
                                                                                                              as seen in the diagram at left (top).
                                                                the space abut the first and second year
                                                                studio spaces, as well as a highly used
                                                                                                              The goal that I set as my primary objective
                                                                hallway. Established goals where:
                                                                                                              when redesigning this space was to
                                                                                                              connect the space to the studios and
                                                                1. Bring natural daylight into space
                                                                                                              hallway allowing passing pedestrians to
                                                                                                              see what is inside the gallery and decide
                                                                2. Connect the space to the studio and
                                                                                                              to stop and explore what is on display.
                                                                                                              Shown in the diagram at left (bottom) I
                                                                                                              proposed to create three glass openings
                                                                3. Create display space for architecture
                                                                                                              in the cinder block walls to open the space
                                                                                                              up to the adjoining areas and provide a
                                                                                                              “teaser” as to what is inside. This was aimed
                                                                4. Allow the space to adapt to multiple
                                                                                                              at generating interest and attracting
                                                                uses as needed.
                                                                                                              students and faculty to the space.

   MO NTAN A STATE UNIV ERSIT Y                                                                                                                  14

 The box-like shape of the exhibit space created a very boring and regular space for displaying work by architecture students. I wanted to achieve some amount of interest in the
 space without drawing attention from the work that would be displayed in the space. My concept for achieving this was to create hanging benches that are curved at the top.
 These are meant to sculpt the space and break away from the traditional cube shape. The LED light fixtures are suspended through the ceiling and pass through large cut-outs
 in the wooden benches. This prevents the seating from blocking artificial light from reaching the display areas. The benches are also designed to have stainless steel channels
 for hanging student work. The bench can serve as seating when needed, or as a display space for student models.

                                                                                                                                                                                    ELECTROCHROMATIC GLASS
                                                                                                                                                                                    Because there are no windows in the space, a major part of my concept was to bring natural day lighting in. This was achieved by removing the drop ceiling and
                                                                                                                                                                                    replacing the roof with exterior glazing. An added benefit of doing this was that the ceiling height was raised by four feet. To diffuse the light coming in from the ceiling,
                                                                                                                                                                                    large wood panels are hung. These also function as a way of hiding any mechanical & electrical equipment that is necessary above. None of the walls were structural

                                                                                                                                                                                    walls so I chose to recreate the walls with a system of alternating concrete and electrochromatic glass stripes. This glass could be darkened to provide privacy, or
                                                                                                                                                                                    lightened to allow passing students to see into the space. The translucent wall would allow natural light from the southern windows to penetrate the space.                      16
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 At left are interior perspectives
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 showing the finishes and design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 for each of the four walls of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 space. Here you can see design
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 influences from my previous studio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 projects. Particularly my study
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 on the constructivist joints. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 light fixtures penetrate the bench
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 system creating a sense of unity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The benches on either side of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 glass opening that faces the studio
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 spaces are embracing and framing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the view of the space beyond.


                                                                                                                                        The benches are curved at the top to help control                                        PRACTICAL COMPONENTS
MATERIALS                                                                                                                               the acoustics of the room and to deviate from the
                                                                                                                                        square shape of the space.                                                               An over arching theme for this
Magnetic Glass - 1/4” thick magnetic tempered glass with matte cut edges is suspended                                                                                                                                            project was functionality, because
1/4” from the wall by hidden stainless steel mounting brackets. This glass accepts magnets                                                                                                                                       the space of course had to also
                                                                                                                                        Lighting passes through the upper portion of the
for displaying student work, cleans with standard cleaning products and extremely scratch                                                                                                                                        be used by the students and
                                                                                                                                        wooden benches and illuminates projects that are
and mar resistent.                                                                                                                                                                                                               faculty. Magnetic glass surfaces
                                                                                                                                        displayed on the wall. The shape of the bench
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 create additional space for
                                                                                                                                        helps to reflect the light downward.
Travertine Marble - white travertine marble creates a clean surface for the floor while                                                                                                                                          hanging student work that is easily
creating minimal distraction from the student work on display. The marble cleans with                                                                                                                                            cleanable. Designing the benches
standard cleaning products, is extremely scratch and mar resistent and does not change                                                  Metal hanging bars allow artwork and                                                     to be suspended allows the floor
color over time like common laminates.                                                                                                  presentation boards to be easily suspended. This                                         to be cleaned an polished with
                                                                                                                                        means no Homasote walls with pinholes in them.                                           ease. Stainless steel tracks for
Recycled Hard Wood- recycled wood is used to construct the benches. Finished with a low                                                                                                                                          hanging student work mean no
VOC natural wood finish created from sustainable materials and highly scratch resistant.                                                                                                                                         painted homesote panels with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 pinholes in them. The shape of the
Stainless Steel- recycled brushed stainless steel is used for the light fixtures. Stainless steel                                       The benches can be used for seating or                                                   benches help control acoustics in
is durable over time and easily cleanable.                                                                                              displaying models during architectural critiques                                         the space and reflect lighting onto
                                                                                                                                        and exhibitions. They are connected to the wall                                          the display areas. Wooden boxes
                                                                                                                                        and suspended sixteen inches above the floor to                                          provide adaptable seating and
                                                                                                                                        allow easy cleaning of the floors.                                                       surfaces for displaying models.

17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        18
                                                6                      ORIGINAL FLOOR PLAN
                                                                                                                                       The building analysis project was a four week project focused
                                                                       The original floor plan is shown at left. The most noticeable   around analyzing a particular building through diagraming and then
                                                                       aspects of Mies’ design are that he has created a               translating the findings into a building remodel that would improve
                                     7                  7
                                                                       central core that contains the only private spaces in the       upon the design. The building I chose to study was the Farnsworth
                     2       3
                                                                       home. These are the bathrooms. The rest of the plan             House by Mies Van Der Rohe. I chose this building for my analysis
                                                                       is very open does not provide any privacy for any of            because I knew that it would be a challenge for me. The purity and
                                                                       the occupants. All rooms except the bathrooms have              simplicity of the design would be hard to improve upon, however
                                                        4              views out the windows. The flooring continues beyond            I knew that I could adapt this 1947 vacation home to meet the
                                                                       the envelope of the house to create the covered porch           needs of today’s families. The first step in this process was to create
                                                                       and is also used on the uncovered porch. This was meant         a set of base drawings to gain a greater understanding of the
                                                                       to create a seamless connection between exterior and            site and the structure itself. The goal of the first half of this project
                                                                       interior spaces. The house only contains one set of doors       was to discover latent qualities of the selected building to better
                                         1 Porch
                                                                       at the entrance, and only one set of operable windows in        understand the conceptual, material, and structural elements of
                                         2 Covered Porch
                                                                       the rear. This is not an ideal configuration for ventilation.   the chosen building. Upon completion of these first drawings, quick
                                         3 Entry / Guest Bedroom
                 1                                                     The kitchen faces outward and is blocked from the living        study-model diagrams were made to explore and refine abstract
                                         4 Living Room
                                                                       room. This particular setup was more conducive of families      ideas and concepts that were discovered during creation of the
                                         5 Bedroom
                                                                       in the 1940’s that considered the kitchen a functional          initial drawings. In producing these diagrams observations and
                                         6 Kitchen
                                                                       space that was not meant to be public.                          questions arose that helped to generate a better understanding of
                                         7 Bathroom
                                                                                                                                       the differenced between documentation and analysis. Once the
                                                                                                                                       concepts were exposed, a thesis was drawn about the existing
                                                                                                                                       structure. Through the development of this thesis a “transformation”
                                                                                                                                       of the existing structure was to allow the articulation of analysis as a
                                                                       CHANGED FLOOR PLAN
                                                                                                                                       tool for design. By making changes and alterations to the Farnsworth
                                           6                           While diagraming and analyzing the house, I chose to            House the thesis could then be tested and expounded upon. The
                                                            7      5   focus on privacy, program, and circulation. I discovered        result of these mutations were not meant to be an understanding of
                                                                       that if I rotated the core of the house I could open the        the structure as it is, but instead a realization of what the structure
                         2       3                                     kitchen up to the living room to create a more social           could be. The exercise produced an enhanced understanding of
                                                            7                                                                          analysis, exploration, and understanding, allowing for the information
                                                                       space. This would make the space more suited for a
                                                    4                  family in the 21st century. At the front of the home the        gathered about the Farnsworth House to aid and inspire new ideas
                                                                       windows are replaced with a Nana Wall door system.              for the home that naturally evolved from the existing concepts in its
                                                                       This is to better connect the interior and exterior spaces      original construction.
                                                                       by allowing you to open the entire wall and make the
                                                                       covered porch part of the living room. On the opposite
                                                                       side of the core from the kitchen is a two-sided fireplace
                                         1 Porch                       the opens to the bedroom and living room. This setup
                                         2 Covered Porch               creates a sitting area in the bedroom that has access to
                                         3 Entry / Guest Bedroom       the fireplace. The bathrooms open to either side of the
                                         4 Living Room                 core allowing the bedroom to have a private bath and
                                         5 Bedroom                     the living room to have a public bathroom. The closet is
                                         6 Kitchen                     rotated to screen the bedroom from the living room and
                                         7 Bathroom                    to create a sense of privacy.

                         AN ALYSIS |
                                           SP R
                                                  2 010 JAR R A MSDEL
     Shown at left are the before and after diagrams of the
     circulation, program, and privacy. The top two diagrams
                                                                         6                                     4
     show the circulation of the house before and after the
     transformation. The changes to the building allow access
     to the kitchen from the living room. The middle set of                                                                                                             1
     diagrams show the program of the house. Here again
     you can see how the living room and kitchen now have
     access to each other. The bottom three diagrams show
     which spaces in the home are public and which are
     private. The first of the three shows a three dimensional
     diagram of the space. Blue spaces are private or semi-
     private while yellow spaces are public. The original floor
     plan created an axis that separated public and private        1 Porch
     spaces that followed a diagonal across the house. The         2 Covered Porch
     new floor plan squeezes all of the private spaces to one      3 Entry / Guest Bedroom
     end of the building. The diagram on page 22 highlights        4 Living Room
     the changes made to the floor plan.                           5 Bedroom                                                                                                                               4   6
                                                                   6 Kitchen                                                                                                                                           7            5
                                                                   7 Bathroom                                                   2                                  3

                                                                  NEW SECTIONS
                                                                  During the transformation, I tried to focus on preserving the purity and simplicity of the design and its proportions. The sections above show how the spaces would appear after the
                                                                  transformation. As you can see the living room and kitchen become one large space that would be better suited for social interaction. The wood paneling on the walls would be preserved
                                                                  and the proportions of the panels would be translated to the addition of the new set of kitchen cabinets and altered fireplace.

21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             22
FRAMING VIEWS                                                                                                                                                       SITE ANALYSIS
                                                                  During my building analysis project                                                                                                                                 The form of the building was dictated by the discoveries made during site
                                                                  study of the Farnsworth House, I                                                                                                                                    analysis. My primary concern with my design was to engage the occupants
                                                                  discovered that an over arching                                                                                                                                     with the water and the activities taking place offshore. This was achieved
                                                                  theme of the building’s design was its                                                                                                                              by mapping site lines from one end of the esplanade to the other. These
                                                                  connection to nature. This was greatly                                                                                                                              site lines represent a path of vision by pedestrians from various points along
                                                                  achieve by utilizing the building’s form                                                                                                                            the esplanade. These site paths revealed a potential building footprint that
                                                                  as a frame for the view of nature                                                                                                                                   was then merged with the idea of creating a building that functions like a
                                                                  beyond. I wanted to emulate this same                                                                                                                               set of binoculars. This led to a series of paintings that I created to explore the
                                                                  characteristic in my design for the                                                                                                                                 aesthetic qualities of the proposed form. These are shown below.
                                                                  boathouse. Shown at left are diagrams
                                                                  that display the process in which I
                                                                  used to create the form of my design. I
                                                                                                             LINE OF SITE DIAGRAM - The above diagram shows site paths across the esplanade. These each one represents a straight
                                                                  began by using my discoveries during       line of site from one side of the esplanade to the river.
                                                                  site analysis (described on page 24)
                                                                  to dictate which parts of the building
                                                                  would need to be translucent and
                                                                  which parts could be opaque. I divided
                                                                  the program of the building into two
                                                                  sections, the boat storage and the
                                                                  public space. These two sections of the
                                                                  building became apertures to the river

                                                                  PROJECT GOALS                                                                                                                                                         PAINTING 1 - This painting explored the   PAINTING 2 - This painting was a more
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        idea of the aperture and the concept      literal representation of the proposed
                                                                  The Boathouse project was meant to be                                                                                                                                 of having infinite apertures within one   form and was meant to evoke the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        another.                                  feeling that something special is hidden
                                                                  a continuation of my building analysis                                                                                                                                                                          just beyond the surface.
                                                                  project. The goal was to take what
                                                                                                             POSSIBLE BUILDING LOCATIONS - This diagram shades in green the possible locations were opaque building structure
                                                                  we learned about analysis through          would not block one of the previously mapped site lines.
                                                                  diagraming     to    comprehensively
                                                                  analyze the Charles river esplanade
                                                                  and create a design for a boathouse.
                                                                  The main goals of the project were to:

                                                                  1. Do a comprehensive site analysis.

                                                                  2. Design a boathouse in response to
                                                                  the discoveries made during the site
                                                                  analysis.                                                                                                                                                             PAINTING 3 - The last painting was        BUILDING FOOTPRINT - Here is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        created to further explore the idea of    a diagram showing the proposed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        making something more special by only     footprint of the building. The vertical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        revealing part of it.                     dashed lines represent the site lines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  that will be preserved.

               LES R            OATHOUS E                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        24
                                                                                                             BUILDING SHAPE DIAGRAM - This diagram contains a sketch idea for the shape of the footprint of the building. The shape
                                                                                                             is inspired by a set of binoculars that, in theory, would be focused on the river beyond.

   B OSTO N AR       CO L LEG |
                                                                                            5                                                                               1 Entry
     The structure of the building                                                                                                                                          2 Cafe / Exhibit Space
     emulates the materiality of the                                                                                                                                        3 Dock
     surrounding trees and reflects                                                                                                                                         4 Men’s Locker room
                                                                                                                1                            2
     their vertical presence. Each                                                                                                                                          5 Women’s Locker room
     structural element is spaced                        6                                                                                                                  6 Boat Storage & Rigging
     according to the golden ratio,
     creating perfectly proportional
     openings that frame both
     inward and outward views. The                                                      4
     wood members are meant to
     harmonize the building with the
     surrounding trees. The concrete                                                3
     shell would be whitewashed to                                                                                                                                      3
     create a very distinct frame for
     the vibrant water view beyond.
     The structure is designed to have
     a sculptural presence that draws
     attention to the waterfront and     FIRST FLOOR PLAN
     then transferring that attention
     to the activity on the Charles      On the first level is a public space that contains a cafe and a large dining / lounging dock. The opposite section of the
     River. The angled roof directs      building contains storage for boats that is created using a glass wall system. This allows pedestrians to see the boats from
     the occupant’s view outward         the outside of the building. Handicap accessible locker rooms are located on the first floor as well as a reception area
     focusing their attention on the     located near the entry.
     water and it’s activities.

                                                                                                                                                                            7 Office
                                                                                1               8                                                        1
                                                                                                                                                                            8 Lounge
                                                                                                                                                                            9 Bridge
                                                                                                                                                                            10 Observation Deck
                                                                                                                                                                            1 Open to Below


                                         SECOND FLOOR PLAN

25                                       A second level terrace provides public viewing and lounging space. The higher location provides
                                         uninterrupted views of the water and it’s activities. The office is located upstairs along with a lounge area
                                         for athletes and faculty.

                                                                           The second story is for lounging and
                                                                           viewing the river’s activities from
                                                                           a higher advantage. The office is
                                                                           located upstairs to allow faculty to
                                                                           keep watch over the boat storage
                                                                           and rigging area. Adjoining the office
                                                                           is a lounge for athletes and faculty
                                                                           to relax after a strenuous day of
                                                                           water sports. Views on the second
                                                                           level are directed out towards the
                                                                           water and are concentrated in the
                                                                           opposite direction attempting to
                                                                           limit the views of the city skyline and
                                                                           maximize views of the surrounding

                                                                                                                     FIRST FLOOR PROGRAM
                                                                                                                     The interior public space of the boathouse is versatile
                                                                                                                     and, while serving on a daily basis as a cafe and
                                                                                                                     lounge area, can also be used to host large events
                                                                                                                     and parties. The dock extends outward into the river
                                                                                                                     allowing visitors to relax along the waters edge, or take
                                                                                                                     in the excitement of the races. A athletes are greeted
                                                                                                                     at a reception desk before the enter the locker rooms
                                                                                                                     and boat storage.

                                                                                                                     The purpose of this project was to learn how to do
                                                                                                                     a comprehensive site analysis and apply translate
                                                                                                                     the discoveries to conceptual ideas for a building. I
                                                                                                                     learned that when doing a site analysis it is not always
                                                                                                                     simply about finding the environmental factors. There
Each of the two sections of the building are divided into three sectors.                                             are many different ways of looking at a site that can
The primary space, secondary space, and tertiary space. The primary                                                  shape the design of a project. This include but are not
space is the boat storage and cafe, the secondary space is the office,                                               limited to social aspects of the site, circulation of the
lounge, and the observation deck. The tertiary spaces are the entry and                                              site, uses of various locations on the site, etc. This was a
reception areas.                                                                                                     valuable concept to learn because it provides me with
                                                                                                                     multiple tools for generating design ideas that will lead
                                                                                                                     to a more meaningful and integration of the
27                                                                                                                   building to its site.
                                                    The apparatus project was an introductory project that asked us to
                                                    analyze three building details and create study models that evoked
                                                    the idea of these building details. We were then suppose to translate
                                                    one of these ideas into an apparatus. This apparatus would then be
                                                    examined at different scales in comparison to the human size. This
                                                    project would lead into the Arnold Arboretum Pavilion project.


                                                                                                                            The concept of my apparatus was derived from a building detail that
                                                                                                                            depicted how shingles would be attached to a roof. The essence of this
                                                                                                                            detail was that a penetrating element was used to pin together repetitions
                                                                                                                            of a single form. With my apparatus, I chose to represent this concept by
                                                                                                                            using a single bolt to pin together planes that are each cut at an increasing
                                                                                                                            angle. This created a an undulating space that could be occupied.

BUILDING DETAIL 1                                                                                                                       BUILDING DETAIL 2

This building detail depicts shingles being fixed to a building. With my study model I explored how I could use penetrating elements    The second building detail depicts how glass glazing elements would be attached to structural columns. Here I wanted to experiment with the idea of attaching planes to a surface
to take multiple planes together. I began with the sketch below of which I scaled to various sizes to begin to think of how sketch      while leaving space in between the elements. I came up with the sketch shown below which emphasized the idea of attaching elements. I explored this sketch at various scales in
                                                                                                                                        comparison to the human scale to see how it may become occupiable space. The sketch lead to a study model that
would interact with a human in three dimensional space. Then I built the study model in the image on the right. This model uses bent
                                                                                                                                        explores this concept of attaching planes. Here the planes are attached to each other with spacing in between.
planes of museum board that are tacked to a cardboard surface using bass wood sticks. Clamped between the layers of museum
board are curved elements created from corrugated cardboard. When creating this model I tried to take a very sculptural
approach that utilized only the techniques depicted in the given building detail. I learned from this study model that I wanted my
apparatus to have a sculptural feel. I wanted it to create a defined shape out of repetition of elements.



                                                                                                                                       BUILDING DETAIL 3         3

                                                                                                                                       The last building detail shows two L-shaped components being clamped together by a C-shaped component.
                                                                                                                                       With my sketch I wanted to explore this idea of one element embracing another. I then explored this
                                                                                                                                       concept in my model shown at right. This model uses the same strategy of utilizing embracing elements to

31                                                                                                                                     create form.
CONCEPT                                                                                                                                                      DESIGN DEVELOPMENT
                                                             My concept starts with dividing the                                                                                                                          The sketches to the left show how the wood panels would appear from the side
                                                             space into two spaces. The exhibit                                                                                                                           of the building. In this image it is easy to see the two spaces that have been
                                                             space, and the utility space. The exhibit                                                                                                                    created. Separate from the exhibit space is a utility building. The two buildings
                                                             space is a large glass box that is filled                                                                                                                    are connected by a cascade of stairs that lead to the entry of the building.
                                                             with repeating wood panels that                                                                                                                              These stairs can be used amphitheater seating for concerts and events. The
                                                             define the shape of the interior. The                                                                                                                        wood panels imply a box-like shape for the structure.
                                                             exhibit space was then divided into
                                                             to uses the entry and the space for
                                                             displaying work. This dictated how the
                                                             wood panels would be cut. I wanted to
                                                                                                         REPETITION OF FORM - From the side you can see the repetition of panels that create the form of the structure.
                                                             carve out space from the front for the
                                                             entry and carve out a larger space in
                                                             the back for exhibit. The panels come all
                                                             the way down to the ground to divide
                                                             the two spaces. There is a cutout in the
                                                             panels that creates an opening that
                                                             connects the two spaces. The idea was
                                                             to immediately block the occupants
                                                             view from the exhibit space offering
                                                             only a teaser of what is beyond the
                                                             wooden panels.

                                                             PROJECT GOALS                               BUILDING PROPORTIONS - the initial building proportions had to be scaled up to create enough usable space.

                                                             The Arnold Arboretum Pavilion was
                                                             a continuation from the apparatus
                                                             project. Here we were asked to
                                                             translate the ideas that we had
                                                             formulated during the apparatus
                                                             project into an occupiable space that
                                                             would function as an educational
                                                             pavilion for the Arnold Arboretum
                                                             Pavilion. The Pavilion needed to create
                                                             a space for exhibits to be displayed
                                                             in order to generate interest in
                                                             horticultural education.

            O L D AR B O ETUM
                                                    R IN G 010 | J O N ATH
                                                                                                         WOODEN PANEL AXON - Here is an axonometric sketch of the wooden panels and how they would be arranged inside
                                                                                                         the glass envelope.                                                                                                                                                                  34
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Daniel Lear | Portfolio January 2013

  • 1. DANIEL LEAR B o sto n Ar chitectural Co lleg e B achelo rs o f Ar chitecture
  • 2. DANIEL LEAR B o sto n Ar chitectural Co lleg e B achelo rs o f Ar chitecture Segm ent II P o rtf o lio R ev iew JANUARY 2 , 2 012
  • 3. STATEM ENT Creative design thrives in a collaborative environment, where projects push the boundaries of social, economical, and environmental perceptions. Limitations and constraints can be seen as unique opportunities for innovation and development in design. By examining the needs of the site, as well as the environmental, physical, and social needs of the community, the structure can serve a function greater than it’s intended purpose. Emphasizing the concept of framing view points, architecture can be structured as a stage for the surrounding environment. Using shape and negative space to orchestrate the experience of the perceiver, a building is capable of merging the built and natural environments. By utilizing materials and construction methods that consider the human scale, as well as the proportions and geometry of nature, a sense of comfort and enjoyment can be conveyed to a building’s occupants. Architecture that interacts and is relevant to the environment of a site creates a greater sense of human relationship with the building. iii ii
  • 4. 41 A Hostel for Boston Curriculum v itae 37 Chinatown Cultural Center STUDIO WO R K 33 Arnold Arboretum Pavilion P ERSO N AL 29 Apparatus P R OFESSIO N AL 23 Charles Rive Boathouse 19 Building Analysis 13 Cheever Hall 07 Montana State Pavilion 67 1.26 Tsunami 73 On Tiwanaku 05 Point, Line, Plane 49 46 Wood Duck 59 Every Beating Second 01 Curriculum Vitae 03 Cube Metamorphosis 43 41 West River Road 1 55 Dilworth Plaza i CO NTENTS 00
  • 5. Grassi Design Group | Project Designer ......................................................................................................... June 2012 - Current + Guide luxury residential construction projects through the design development, & schematic design & construction phases. + Create construction documents for luxury residential projects across the country. + Projects involve extensive use of design software to create photo-quality renderings & presentations. + Organizing and scheduling daily meetings/conferences to meet project deadlines. + Work in a collaborative environment to develop projects at the conceptual level. P R OFESSIO N AL E X P ER IEN CE Studio Echelman | Project Manager ......................................................................................................... June 2010 - March 2012 + Guide large-scale public art installations through conceptual design, design development, & construction phases. + Projects involve extensive use of design software to create photo-quality renderings & presentations. EDUCATIO N + Scheduling and budgeting to meet project goals. + Organizing and scheduling daily meetings/conferences to meet project deadlines. + Work in a collaborative environment to develop projects at the conceptual level. Word of Mouth Media | Founder & CEO ........................................................................................................... July 201 - Current 1 + Create graphics for web and print media + Design branding and advertising material for small and large businesses + Web design, coding, and maintenance + Organizing and scheduling daily meetings/conferences to meet project deadlines. + Work in a collaborative environment to develop projects at the conceptual level. Boston Architectural College .......................................................................................................................................... 2010- Present + Candidate for Bachelors of Architecture Environmental Design. + Focus on sustainable design in Architecture Montana State University ................................................................................................................................................... 2006-2009 + Candidate for Bachelors of Architecture Environmental Design. 01 CUR R ICULUM V ITA E 0 2
  • 6. CONCEPT I began my study by sketching various ways of dividing a square into sections using the methods of: 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Sculpting From these sketches, I chose the three that I found to be most aesthetically pleasing to develope further into three dimensional models out of museum board (shown at the top of page 03). The first starts with a much   1 2 3 smaller cube and uses the method of addition to imply the form of a much larger cube. The PROJECT GOALS second cube starts with a large cube and uses the method of subtraction to deconstruct the form and generate interest. The third model The cube metamorphosis project was a semester long uses the method of sculpting to create the form project focused around deconstructing the cube. Our of a cube by “bending” a tube-like shape into goal was to discover ways of taking the form of a cube a cube form. and creating using it to create space that generates visual and aesthetic interest. We started by creating The next task for this project was to integrate three dimensional models of cubes out of museum these cubes into a landscape model (shown board. We were then asked to integrate these cubes   in image in center of page 03). My goal here into a landscape model. The last task was to translate was to continue the addition, subtraction, or these ideas into an occupiable space. sculptural element from each side of each cube onto the surface of the landscape. This would seamlessly integrate the cubes into the model. After integrating the cubes, it was time to take what I had learned and use it to translate my idea into an occupiable space. I began by painting a parti (shown at left). This parti evokes the geometric forms that I wanted   to achieve in the creation of my final model. Using the methods of addition, subtraction, and sculpting, in combination with the parti, I was able to create my final model (shown in the three images at left). Here I used the idea of projecting the surface features of the cubes onto the landscape to integrate the cubes. I wanted the cubes to become part of the landscape and for both the cubes and the landscape to reflect the aesthetic qualities of my parti. 03 CUB E STATE UNIV ERSIT Y | FIRSTRYP HOSIS L 2 0 0 6 | JACK SM ITH MO NTAN A M ETA MO EAR STUDIO | FAL 04
  • 7. CONNECTING THE CAMPUS I began my study with simple black and white sketches that created compositions using only the area of the planes given to us, and the shape of the three sticks provided (shown at the top of page 05). The next step was to experiment with various ways of creating space between planes. The diagrams at the left show three of explorations PROJECT GOALS that I chose to employ in my design. I wanted to create two spaces, one that was intimate and enclosing, and one This project was a four week first year studio project aimed at that was public and exposed. I also wanted to draw interest to the structure by utilizing height as a beacon. By learning how to utilize three important design tools To create creating a wall containing apertures, I was able to create an intimate space that still allowed the occupant to see occupiable space. These three tools are the point, the line, and out. The placement of the sculpture is at the intersection of two “worn paths”. These paths reveal unintended routes the plane. The assignment called for use to create a structure that pedestrians utilize. My sculpture attempts to connect the surrounding locations by providing both a path where for a site just outside our classroom that students could sit and there is desire for one, as well as a place of interest along that path. The diagram below shows the intersection of relax on their way to or from class. To create this structure we these paths and the locations they connect to. were to use only two 6”X2” planes of paper and three 6” sticks. The goals of this project were to: 1. Discover how to create various forms of occupiable space. ie: private, public, intimate, awe inspiring, relaxing, etc. 2. Integrate the design ideas to the site. 3. Keep the focus on what we create from the limited materials we were given. 0 5 MO NTAN A STATE LUNIV ERSIT, Y |P LANESTUDIO | FAL L 2 0 0 6 | JACK SM ITH P O INT , INE FIRST Y EAR 06
  • 8. CONCEPT CONSTRUCTIVIST JOINT While this project had few constraints, the site provided a unique opportunity At left are the three models I created for the building to utilize the roof as a rainwater collection system. The structure using constructivist joint techniques. The could not block the sidewalk, and it had to be located on the MSU Campus at models are constructed of plexiglass, the convergence of three main sidewalks. This called for a very light and open cork and stainless steel. The first model structure that was created by utilizing a skeletal system constructed of finished demonstrates the constructivist joint wood. method of clamping. The plexiglass is clamped between layers of cork. The The roof was designed with glass panels allowing visitors to see the sky above second model demonstrates embracing. and watch rainwater collection during a storm. The taller section of the pavilion The plexiglass is held up because it employs a photocatalysis system for filtering rainwater. This system is meant to be is embraced on both sides by the a model for similar systems that could potentially provide potable drinking water cork. The last model demonstrates for communities in Africa and South America where people have to travel over the constructivist joint technique of a mile each way to have access to potable water. The system uses a titanium- penetration. The cork planes penetrate dioxide slurry, a translucent plastic container, and the ultraviolet radiation from each other to create a structure. 2 the sun to sanitize the water. 1 Shown at left is the structure of the building and the translucent rainwater collection rooftop. Water is filtered through each of nine bays and poured down into a water storage tank below. My final model is shown in the image below. PROJECT GOALS The Montana State Pavilion design was 3 a six week design challenge to create a contemplative space for students and faculty of Montana State University. The structure had to be an inviting place for students to relax and enjoy their surroundings and was to be sited at the entrance to Cheever Hall on the Montana State University campus. The main goals for this project were: 4 1. Study the various forms of constructivist joints. 1 Entry 2 Rainwater Collection 2. Build three models that represent 3 Water Storage / Distribution different constructivist joints. 4 Water Sanitizing System 3. Translate these models into a design for pavilion. 07 MO NTAN A STATEEAR STUDIO | IO 2 0 0 6 | JACK SM ITH MO NTAN A STATE UNIV ERSIT Y | FIRST Y PAV IL N FAL L 08
  • 9. INTEGRATION OF THE CONSTRUCTIVIST JOINT The program for the pavilion is split into two parts, one for water collection and one for water storage (seen in the diagram above). The two compentents are designed to be embracing each other. The columns use a clamping technique to join with the beams supporting the glass roof panels. The water storage and filtration tower also employs embracing techniques. The most obvious example is the translucent solar filtration channel that weaves between penetrating stainless steel elements. 09 10
  • 10. Water is pumped through a The rainwater is funneled through PROGRAM & DESIGN photocatalysis water purification the collection bays and into storage system, which uses a translucent wall containers located below the ground The diagram at the left shows the process of photocatalysis water purification. Water enters the system and large particulate is filtered out by the bag filter. Then the water passes of titanium-dioxide coated plastic level. During rain collection the system through a cartridge filter that takes out the small particulate. The water is then added to a titanium-dioxide slurry that is the catalyst for the chemistry that filters the water. The water to purify the water using ultraviolet creates nine columns of water. is then transported through a large transparent plastic container that exposes it to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This causes a reaction that degrades volatile organic compounds radiation from the sun. and endocrine disrupters such as bisphenol. The program of the pavilion is shown at left. At the entrance, large glass panels redirect rainwater over the sidewalk creating a waterfall. Under the roof is a seating area where you can watch rainwater being collected, or relax and enjoy the sky on a clear day. The taller portion of the building is the rainwater filtration and distribution section. Water is filtered via the system described above and there is an access point that allows anyone to collect free potable water. 1 2 3 Rainwater is collected via a system 4 of nine translucent collection bays built into the roof of the structure. The Two collection bays funnel An access point is located here to translucency of the roof allows you to 6 water onto glass panes that provide fresh naturally purified water see the rainwater being collected and extend over the sidewalk to students and faculty passing by. provides a meditative escape from creating a waterfall effect that the elements. pedestrians can walk under. 5 P HOTOCATALYSIS WATER P UR IFICATIO N SYSTEM 1 Raw water feed - rainwater is moved from the below-grade collection system towards the bag filter. 2 Bag Filter - provides large particle filtration before being transferred to the cartridge filter. 3 Cartridge Filter - provides small particle filtration before being transferred to the TiO2 filter. 4 TiO2 slurry addition - addition of TiO2 slurry. 5 UV reactor - exposes water to Ultraviolet radiation from the sun to break down volatile organic compounds, toxins, & bacteria. 6 Clean water exit - filtered and sanitized water exits the system to a storage container made of antimicrobial plastic. 11 12
  • 11. ELEMENTS OF THE CONCEPT SITE ANALYSIS Shown at left are the key elements The site for this project was the display of my design for the exhibit space in gallery in the second floor of Cheever Cheever Hall. The first image (far left) is Hall, a building dedicated to architectural the proposed bench system. The second studies on the Montana State University image is the proposed wall construction Campus. Cheever Hall is located between for the space. The third image is the the dorms and College street, the main proposed louvre/passive light control throughway from one side of campus to system. The last image is the LED lighting the other. The building is also located at fixtures that would be used to illuminate the head of the “mall” sidewalk, the major the space during evening hours and form of pedestrian traffic through campus times of low natural light. leading to the Student Union Building. Across College street is the Montana State duck pond. The Front of Cheever Hall faces south towards College Street allowing the facade to be exposed to natural daylight throughout the day. Large windows allow this light to penetrate into PROJECT GOALS the hall, however it is then confronted by a cinder block wall that defines the exhibit The Cheever Hall remodel was a six space. To the west side of the exhibit space week studio project that asked to is the first and second year studio spaces. recreate the critique & exhibit space in The students that occupy these spaces are Montana State University’s Cheever the primary users of the exhibit space that Hall. Cheever Hall is the main building for is to be remodeled. On the east side of Montana State’s architecture program the exhibit space is a long hall that adjoins and is used by hundreds of students the north and south sides of the building. each year. The current space is a simple At the north side there are faculty offices. cinder block box with a drop ceiling, vinyl The exhibit space is a cube shaped room flooring, and doors at either end that that is in the center of a much larger space open up to the hallway. The four walls of as seen in the diagram at left (top). the space abut the first and second year studio spaces, as well as a highly used The goal that I set as my primary objective hallway. Established goals where: when redesigning this space was to connect the space to the studios and 1. Bring natural daylight into space hallway allowing passing pedestrians to see what is inside the gallery and decide 2. Connect the space to the studio and to stop and explore what is on display. hallway Shown in the diagram at left (bottom) I proposed to create three glass openings 3. Create display space for architecture in the cinder block walls to open the space students up to the adjoining areas and provide a “teaser” as to what is inside. This was aimed 4. Allow the space to adapt to multiple at generating interest and attracting uses as needed. students and faculty to the space. 13 CHEEV ER H AL|LS ECO ND Y EAR STUDIO | FAL L 2 0 07 | B IL L R A E MO NTAN A STATE UNIV ERSIT Y 14
  • 12. CONCEPT The box-like shape of the exhibit space created a very boring and regular space for displaying work by architecture students. I wanted to achieve some amount of interest in the space without drawing attention from the work that would be displayed in the space. My concept for achieving this was to create hanging benches that are curved at the top. These are meant to sculpt the space and break away from the traditional cube shape. The LED light fixtures are suspended through the ceiling and pass through large cut-outs in the wooden benches. This prevents the seating from blocking artificial light from reaching the display areas. The benches are also designed to have stainless steel channels for hanging student work. The bench can serve as seating when needed, or as a display space for student models. ELECTROCHROMATIC GLASS Because there are no windows in the space, a major part of my concept was to bring natural day lighting in. This was achieved by removing the drop ceiling and replacing the roof with exterior glazing. An added benefit of doing this was that the ceiling height was raised by four feet. To diffuse the light coming in from the ceiling, large wood panels are hung. These also function as a way of hiding any mechanical & electrical equipment that is necessary above. None of the walls were structural 15 walls so I chose to recreate the walls with a system of alternating concrete and electrochromatic glass stripes. This glass could be darkened to provide privacy, or lightened to allow passing students to see into the space. The translucent wall would allow natural light from the southern windows to penetrate the space. 16
  • 13. INTERIOR PERSPECTIVES At left are interior perspectives showing the finishes and design for each of the four walls of the space. Here you can see design influences from my previous studio projects. Particularly my study on the constructivist joints. The light fixtures penetrate the bench system creating a sense of unity. The benches on either side of the glass opening that faces the studio spaces are embracing and framing the view of the space beyond. INTERIOR PERSPECTIVE LOOKING EAST INTERIOR PERSPECTIVE LOOKING WEST INTERIOR PERSPECTIVE LOOKING SOUTH INTERIOR PERSPECTIVE LOOKING NORTH The benches are curved at the top to help control PRACTICAL COMPONENTS MATERIALS the acoustics of the room and to deviate from the square shape of the space. An over arching theme for this Magnetic Glass - 1/4” thick magnetic tempered glass with matte cut edges is suspended project was functionality, because 1/4” from the wall by hidden stainless steel mounting brackets. This glass accepts magnets the space of course had to also Lighting passes through the upper portion of the for displaying student work, cleans with standard cleaning products and extremely scratch be used by the students and wooden benches and illuminates projects that are and mar resistent. faculty. Magnetic glass surfaces displayed on the wall. The shape of the bench create additional space for helps to reflect the light downward. Travertine Marble - white travertine marble creates a clean surface for the floor while hanging student work that is easily creating minimal distraction from the student work on display. The marble cleans with cleanable. Designing the benches standard cleaning products, is extremely scratch and mar resistent and does not change Metal hanging bars allow artwork and to be suspended allows the floor color over time like common laminates. presentation boards to be easily suspended. This to be cleaned an polished with means no Homasote walls with pinholes in them. ease. Stainless steel tracks for Recycled Hard Wood- recycled wood is used to construct the benches. Finished with a low hanging student work mean no VOC natural wood finish created from sustainable materials and highly scratch resistant. painted homesote panels with pinholes in them. The shape of the Stainless Steel- recycled brushed stainless steel is used for the light fixtures. Stainless steel The benches can be used for seating or benches help control acoustics in is durable over time and easily cleanable. displaying models during architectural critiques the space and reflect lighting onto and exhibitions. They are connected to the wall the display areas. Wooden boxes and suspended sixteen inches above the floor to provide adaptable seating and allow easy cleaning of the floors. surfaces for displaying models. 17 18
  • 14. PROJECT GOALS 6 ORIGINAL FLOOR PLAN The building analysis project was a four week project focused The original floor plan is shown at left. The most noticeable around analyzing a particular building through diagraming and then aspects of Mies’ design are that he has created a translating the findings into a building remodel that would improve 7 7 5 central core that contains the only private spaces in the upon the design. The building I chose to study was the Farnsworth 2 3 home. These are the bathrooms. The rest of the plan House by Mies Van Der Rohe. I chose this building for my analysis is very open does not provide any privacy for any of because I knew that it would be a challenge for me. The purity and the occupants. All rooms except the bathrooms have simplicity of the design would be hard to improve upon, however 4 views out the windows. The flooring continues beyond I knew that I could adapt this 1947 vacation home to meet the the envelope of the house to create the covered porch needs of today’s families. The first step in this process was to create and is also used on the uncovered porch. This was meant a set of base drawings to gain a greater understanding of the to create a seamless connection between exterior and site and the structure itself. The goal of the first half of this project interior spaces. The house only contains one set of doors was to discover latent qualities of the selected building to better 1 Porch at the entrance, and only one set of operable windows in understand the conceptual, material, and structural elements of 2 Covered Porch the rear. This is not an ideal configuration for ventilation. the chosen building. Upon completion of these first drawings, quick 3 Entry / Guest Bedroom 1 The kitchen faces outward and is blocked from the living study-model diagrams were made to explore and refine abstract 4 Living Room room. This particular setup was more conducive of families ideas and concepts that were discovered during creation of the 5 Bedroom in the 1940’s that considered the kitchen a functional initial drawings. In producing these diagrams observations and 6 Kitchen space that was not meant to be public. questions arose that helped to generate a better understanding of 7 Bathroom the differenced between documentation and analysis. Once the concepts were exposed, a thesis was drawn about the existing structure. Through the development of this thesis a “transformation” of the existing structure was to allow the articulation of analysis as a CHANGED FLOOR PLAN tool for design. By making changes and alterations to the Farnsworth 6 While diagraming and analyzing the house, I chose to House the thesis could then be tested and expounded upon. The 7 5 focus on privacy, program, and circulation. I discovered result of these mutations were not meant to be an understanding of that if I rotated the core of the house I could open the the structure as it is, but instead a realization of what the structure 2 3 kitchen up to the living room to create a more social could be. The exercise produced an enhanced understanding of 7 analysis, exploration, and understanding, allowing for the information space. This would make the space more suited for a 4 family in the 21st century. At the front of the home the gathered about the Farnsworth House to aid and inspire new ideas windows are replaced with a Nana Wall door system. for the home that naturally evolved from the existing concepts in its This is to better connect the interior and exterior spaces original construction. by allowing you to open the entire wall and make the covered porch part of the living room. On the opposite side of the core from the kitchen is a two-sided fireplace 1 Porch the opens to the bedroom and living room. This setup 2 Covered Porch creates a sitting area in the bedroom that has access to 1 3 Entry / Guest Bedroom the fireplace. The bathrooms open to either side of the 4 Living Room core allowing the bedroom to have a private bath and 5 Bedroom the living room to have a public bathroom. The closet is 6 Kitchen rotated to screen the bedroom from the living room and 7 Bathroom to create a sense of privacy. 19 B UIL DIN G AL CO L LEG E | B1 STUDIO |FARIN GSWO |RTHEDHOUS E L B OSTO N AR CHITECTUR AN ALYSIS | SP R N 2 010 JAR R A MSDEL 20
  • 15. CONCEPT Shown at left are the before and after diagrams of the circulation, program, and privacy. The top two diagrams 6 4 show the circulation of the house before and after the 5 transformation. The changes to the building allow access to the kitchen from the living room. The middle set of 1 diagrams show the program of the house. Here again you can see how the living room and kitchen now have access to each other. The bottom three diagrams show which spaces in the home are public and which are private. The first of the three shows a three dimensional diagram of the space. Blue spaces are private or semi- private while yellow spaces are public. The original floor plan created an axis that separated public and private 1 Porch spaces that followed a diagonal across the house. The 2 Covered Porch new floor plan squeezes all of the private spaces to one 3 Entry / Guest Bedroom end of the building. The diagram on page 22 highlights 4 Living Room the changes made to the floor plan. 5 Bedroom 4 6 6 Kitchen 7 5 7 Bathroom 2 3 1 NEW SECTIONS During the transformation, I tried to focus on preserving the purity and simplicity of the design and its proportions. The sections above show how the spaces would appear after the transformation. As you can see the living room and kitchen become one large space that would be better suited for social interaction. The wood paneling on the walls would be preserved and the proportions of the panels would be translated to the addition of the new set of kitchen cabinets and altered fireplace. 21 22
  • 16. FRAMING VIEWS SITE ANALYSIS During my building analysis project The form of the building was dictated by the discoveries made during site study of the Farnsworth House, I analysis. My primary concern with my design was to engage the occupants discovered that an over arching with the water and the activities taking place offshore. This was achieved theme of the building’s design was its by mapping site lines from one end of the esplanade to the other. These connection to nature. This was greatly site lines represent a path of vision by pedestrians from various points along achieve by utilizing the building’s form the esplanade. These site paths revealed a potential building footprint that as a frame for the view of nature was then merged with the idea of creating a building that functions like a beyond. I wanted to emulate this same set of binoculars. This led to a series of paintings that I created to explore the characteristic in my design for the aesthetic qualities of the proposed form. These are shown below. boathouse. Shown at left are diagrams that display the process in which I used to create the form of my design. I LINE OF SITE DIAGRAM - The above diagram shows site paths across the esplanade. These each one represents a straight began by using my discoveries during line of site from one side of the esplanade to the river. site analysis (described on page 24) to dictate which parts of the building would need to be translucent and which parts could be opaque. I divided the program of the building into two sections, the boat storage and the public space. These two sections of the building became apertures to the river beyond. PROJECT GOALS PAINTING 1 - This painting explored the PAINTING 2 - This painting was a more idea of the aperture and the concept literal representation of the proposed The Boathouse project was meant to be of having infinite apertures within one form and was meant to evoke the another. feeling that something special is hidden a continuation of my building analysis just beyond the surface. project. The goal was to take what POSSIBLE BUILDING LOCATIONS - This diagram shades in green the possible locations were opaque building structure we learned about analysis through would not block one of the previously mapped site lines. diagraming to comprehensively analyze the Charles river esplanade and create a design for a boathouse. The main goals of the project were to: 1. Do a comprehensive site analysis. 2. Design a boathouse in response to the discoveries made during the site analysis. PAINTING 3 - The last painting was BUILDING FOOTPRINT - Here is created to further explore the idea of a diagram showing the proposed making something more special by only footprint of the building. The vertical revealing part of it. dashed lines represent the site lines that will be preserved. 23 CH ARCHITECTUR ALIV ER E BB1 STUDIO | SP R IN G 2 010 | JAR ED R A MSDEL L LES R OATHOUS E 24 BUILDING SHAPE DIAGRAM - This diagram contains a sketch idea for the shape of the footprint of the building. The shape is inspired by a set of binoculars that, in theory, would be focused on the river beyond. B OSTO N AR CO L LEG |
  • 17. STRUCTURE 5 1 Entry The structure of the building 2 Cafe / Exhibit Space emulates the materiality of the 3 Dock surrounding trees and reflects 4 Men’s Locker room 1 2 their vertical presence. Each 5 Women’s Locker room structural element is spaced 6 6 Boat Storage & Rigging according to the golden ratio, creating perfectly proportional openings that frame both inward and outward views. The 4 wood members are meant to harmonize the building with the surrounding trees. The concrete 3 shell would be whitewashed to 3 create a very distinct frame for the vibrant water view beyond. The structure is designed to have a sculptural presence that draws attention to the waterfront and FIRST FLOOR PLAN then transferring that attention to the activity on the Charles On the first level is a public space that contains a cafe and a large dining / lounging dock. The opposite section of the River. The angled roof directs building contains storage for boats that is created using a glass wall system. This allows pedestrians to see the boats from the occupant’s view outward the outside of the building. Handicap accessible locker rooms are located on the first floor as well as a reception area focusing their attention on the located near the entry. water and it’s activities. 7 Office 1 1 8 1 1 8 Lounge 9 9 Bridge 10 Observation Deck 1 Open to Below 1 10 1 1 7 1 1 SECOND FLOOR PLAN 25 A second level terrace provides public viewing and lounging space. The higher location provides uninterrupted views of the water and it’s activities. The office is located upstairs along with a lounge area for athletes and faculty. 26
  • 18. SECOND FLOOR PROGRAM The second story is for lounging and viewing the river’s activities from a higher advantage. The office is located upstairs to allow faculty to keep watch over the boat storage and rigging area. Adjoining the office is a lounge for athletes and faculty to relax after a strenuous day of water sports. Views on the second level are directed out towards the water and are concentrated in the opposite direction attempting to limit the views of the city skyline and maximize views of the surrounding nature. FIRST FLOOR PROGRAM The interior public space of the boathouse is versatile and, while serving on a daily basis as a cafe and lounge area, can also be used to host large events and parties. The dock extends outward into the river allowing visitors to relax along the waters edge, or take in the excitement of the races. A athletes are greeted at a reception desk before the enter the locker rooms and boat storage. OUTCOME The purpose of this project was to learn how to do a comprehensive site analysis and apply translate the discoveries to conceptual ideas for a building. I SPACE HIERARCHY learned that when doing a site analysis it is not always simply about finding the environmental factors. There Each of the two sections of the building are divided into three sectors. are many different ways of looking at a site that can The primary space, secondary space, and tertiary space. The primary shape the design of a project. This include but are not space is the boat storage and cafe, the secondary space is the office, limited to social aspects of the site, circulation of the lounge, and the observation deck. The tertiary spaces are the entry and site, uses of various locations on the site, etc. This was a reception areas. valuable concept to learn because it provides me with multiple tools for generating design ideas that will lead to a more meaningful and integration of the 27 building to its site. 28
  • 19. PROJECT GOALS The apparatus project was an introductory project that asked us to analyze three building details and create study models that evoked the idea of these building details. We were then suppose to translate one of these ideas into an apparatus. This apparatus would then be examined at different scales in comparison to the human size. This project would lead into the Arnold Arboretum Pavilion project. CONCEPT The concept of my apparatus was derived from a building detail that depicted how shingles would be attached to a roof. The essence of this detail was that a penetrating element was used to pin together repetitions of a single form. With my apparatus, I chose to represent this concept by using a single bolt to pin together planes that are each cut at an increasing angle. This created a an undulating space that could be occupied. 2 9 AP PAR ATUS CO L LEG E | B2 STUDIO | SP R IN G 2 010 | J O N ATH AN H AN AH AN B OSTO N AR CHITECTUR AL 30
  • 20. BUILDING DETAIL 1 BUILDING DETAIL 2 This building detail depicts shingles being fixed to a building. With my study model I explored how I could use penetrating elements The second building detail depicts how glass glazing elements would be attached to structural columns. Here I wanted to experiment with the idea of attaching planes to a surface to take multiple planes together. I began with the sketch below of which I scaled to various sizes to begin to think of how sketch while leaving space in between the elements. I came up with the sketch shown below which emphasized the idea of attaching elements. I explored this sketch at various scales in comparison to the human scale to see how it may become occupiable space. The sketch lead to a study model that would interact with a human in three dimensional space. Then I built the study model in the image on the right. This model uses bent explores this concept of attaching planes. Here the planes are attached to each other with spacing in between. planes of museum board that are tacked to a cardboard surface using bass wood sticks. Clamped between the layers of museum board are curved elements created from corrugated cardboard. When creating this model I tried to take a very sculptural approach that utilized only the techniques depicted in the given building detail. I learned from this study model that I wanted my apparatus to have a sculptural feel. I wanted it to create a defined shape out of repetition of elements. 2 1 BUILDING DETAIL 3 3 The last building detail shows two L-shaped components being clamped together by a C-shaped component. With my sketch I wanted to explore this idea of one element embracing another. I then explored this concept in my model shown at right. This model uses the same strategy of utilizing embracing elements to 31 create form. 32
  • 21. CONCEPT DESIGN DEVELOPMENT My concept starts with dividing the The sketches to the left show how the wood panels would appear from the side space into two spaces. The exhibit of the building. In this image it is easy to see the two spaces that have been space, and the utility space. The exhibit created. Separate from the exhibit space is a utility building. The two buildings space is a large glass box that is filled are connected by a cascade of stairs that lead to the entry of the building. with repeating wood panels that These stairs can be used amphitheater seating for concerts and events. The define the shape of the interior. The wood panels imply a box-like shape for the structure. exhibit space was then divided into to uses the entry and the space for displaying work. This dictated how the wood panels would be cut. I wanted to REPETITION OF FORM - From the side you can see the repetition of panels that create the form of the structure. carve out space from the front for the entry and carve out a larger space in the back for exhibit. The panels come all the way down to the ground to divide the two spaces. There is a cutout in the panels that creates an opening that connects the two spaces. The idea was to immediately block the occupants view from the exhibit space offering only a teaser of what is beyond the wooden panels. PROJECT GOALS BUILDING PROPORTIONS - the initial building proportions had to be scaled up to create enough usable space. The Arnold Arboretum Pavilion was a continuation from the apparatus project. Here we were asked to translate the ideas that we had formulated during the apparatus project into an occupiable space that would function as an educational pavilion for the Arnold Arboretum Pavilion. The Pavilion needed to create a space for exhibits to be displayed in order to generate interest in horticultural education. 33 AR N AR CHITECTUR AL CO L LEG ER| B2 STUDIO | SPPAV2IL IO N AN H AN AH AN B OSTO N O L D AR B O ETUM R IN G 010 | J O N ATH WOODEN PANEL AXON - Here is an axonometric sketch of the wooden panels and how they would be arranged inside the glass envelope. 34