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Age and contact information
Age: 32
Address: Paul Brown for Congress, ,
Campaign or Work Phone Number: Answer not available
Email address: None
Web site: Answer not available
Age: 62
Address: P.O. Box 823047, Dallas , TX
Campaign or Work Phone Number: (214) 373-8585
Email address:
 
United States Representative -
District 32
Select candidates from the list below to compare their answers to our questionnaire:
 Note: Based on your address of McKinney Springs or party selection, you’re not eligible to
vote in this race.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Web site:
Social media
Twitter: Answer not available
Facebook: Answer not available
Twitter: @SessionsforTX32
Occupation/main source of income:
No answer provided.
U.S. Congressman, Representative of the 32nd Congressional District of Texas
Education (include all degrees):
No answer provided.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
BSS in Political Science, Southwestern University '78
Highlights of current civic involvement/accomplishment:
No answer provided.
I am an honorary member of the Rotary, the National Eagle Scout Association’s national committee,
the Executive Board of the Circle Ten Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and proudly hold a seat
on the Southwestern University Board of Trustees. I am also an adviser to the President of Special
Olympics Texas, an Adopt-A-Shoreline Team Leader in the effort to maintain White Rock Lake Park,
and a member of Highland Park United Methodist Church.
Highlights of past civic involvement/accomplishment:
No answer provided.
As an Eagle Scout, the importance of civic involvement and community service was instilled in me
at a young age. Early in my career, I volunteered for Junior Achievement USA, also known as
Jaycees, where I mentored young students in businesses development, management skills, and
community service. I was also a Scout Master for the Boy Scouts of America and served as the
Chairman of the Northeast Dallas Chamber of Commerce.
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Previous public offices sought or held:
No answer provided.
I rst ran for Congress in a 1991 special election after Steve Bartlett vacated his congressional seat
to become the Mayor of Dallas. Motivated by the Contract for America in 1994, I ran against John
Bryant, who was then the Democratic incumbent for Texas’ Fifth Congressional District. After I lost
that election by a total of 3,356 votes, I ran for that seat again in 1996 and was elected to Congress.
How much funding have you raised for your campaign?
No answer provided.
As of my September 30, 2017 ling, my campaign has raised $1,138,072 and has $1,183,439 cash
on hand.
Who are your top three contributors?
No answer provided.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Individuals may contribute up to $2,700 per election to a candidate for federal of ce. My campaign
has hundreds of active individual supporters in the 32nd Congressional District.
Have you ever been arrested or involved in any criminal
proceedings? If so, please explain:
No answer provided.
No, I have never been arrested or involved in any criminal proceedings.
Have you ever been involved in any civil lawsuits or
declared personal or professional bankruptcy? If so, please
No answer provided.
No, I have never been involved in any civil lawsuits or declared bankruptcy.
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
What is an example of how you led a team or group
toward achieving an important goal?
No answer provided.
When President Obama came into of ce in 2008, the Democratic Party controlled both the House
of Representatives and the Senate. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid used this power
during the 111th Congress to further their liberal agenda, passing ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and a
stimulus bill that cost American taxpayers over $800 billion. The Republican Party needed a leader
to ght against their destructive policies and put the House back into Republican hands. That’s why
in 2009 I was elected by the House Republican conference to be the Chairman of the National
Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), a political organization dedicated to helping
Republicans win elections to the House of Representatives. During that time morale in the
Republican Party was low and participation by House Republicans at the NRCC was minimal.
However, when I was elected I set the bar high and went in with one mission – take the gavel away
from Nancy Pelosi and win the House majority in 2010. In my mind there was nothing more
important than gaining control so that we had the power necessary to ght back against the liberal
policies that were hurting our economy and our country.
Under my leadership, we reorganized the NRCC and transformed it from a top-down committee to
a member-driven organization. As a team we put forth a goal-oriented agenda for candidates and
members that gave them guidelines and goals to be more successful. While pundits and operatives
swore that it was impossible for Republicans to win the House, we remained focused and continued
to effectively sell the message of the need for new conservative leadership in the House of
Representatives. In 2010, we accomplished my mission. Thanks to the hard work by our team,
Republicans won a net-gain of 63 seats and brought in a class of 89 freshman members -- marking
the greatest Republican expansion in the House of Representatives since the Eisenhower
Why are you running for this office?
No answer provided.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
am running for Congress because I want to continue to make life better for all North Texans by
working with them to take power away from the federal government and return it to hard working
families and individuals.
Why should voters choose you over your opponent?
No answer provided.
Throughout my time in Congress I have always worked with Texans to peel back power from
Washington and return it to where it belongs – local communities.
While we have made progress in getting our country back on track, we still have a long way to go.
We need to rein in spending, rebuild our military, crack down on border security, and more. I believe
I am the best candidate to do this because I have a proven record of success. I am a principled
leader who will always ght for the people of North Texas and work with them to ensure a stronger
future for our children and families.
Length of residency in Texas and, if applicable, your
No answer provided.
I have lived in the North Texas area since 1988 and in the City of Dallas since 1993. I currently
represent the 32nd Congressional District and have been a resident since the district was created
in 2003.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
What political leader do you most admire and why?
No answer provided.
One of the most inspirational and transformational gures of our great nation is Ronald Reagan.
When my dad served under him as FBI Director I had the honor of meeting him and watching him
make an indelible mark on our country. He was able to inspire the nation to view itself in positive
terms and rally a nation to see that our best years were not behind us but ahead.
For eight years we lived under the Obama Administration whose policies and social justice agenda
held back our economy and sti ed opportunities for success. I am proud to say that in the spirit of
Reagan and the spirit of freedom, we have made great strides in this past year to restore the values
of our country and unleash our potential for greatness.
What do you make of President Donald Trump's style and
agenda? Do you view him as an ally, a breath of fresh air in
a capital that needs to be shaken up? Or as volatile,
dangerous and out of his depth? Or something in
between? What would your role be in working with or
against him?
No answer provided.
Under our uni ed Republican government the American people have a renewed sense of
con dence. The stock market is soaring, businesses are creating more jobs for hard working
Americans, our men and women in uniform received the largest pay increase in eight years, and not
one American will be forced onto Obamacare next year. We have made great strides in rolling back
eight years of red tape that has strangled the free enterprise system and hindered economic
growth. Since November 2016, ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory. That means under President
Trump’s leadership 5,570 square miles have been reclaimed and 5.3 million people have been
liberated from ISIS control. As a result of consumer con dence, our stock market continues to soar
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
giving individuals with IRAs - especially seniors – the ability to make more money so they can have
the exibility and comfort of being able to care for their needs.
American job creators have a new sense of comfort in knowing this Administration won’t strain
their operations with unnecessary and onerous regulations. Our historic tax reform was signed into
law – that will create more than 81,000 new jobs in Texas and allow Texans to take keep an
estimated $2,558 more of their hard earned income. This reform has resulted in immediate action
from businesses across the United States, from increases in hiring and bonuses for workers.
Businesses are starting to invest in new plants, upgrades, and resources which will result in job
creation, economic growth, and eventually wage increases.
We have charted a new course and started down a path of prosperity. While we have regained a lot
of ground, we still have a lot more work to do - reining in spending, restoring scal sanity, rebuilding
our military, restoring law and order on our borders. Although the list is long, these are critical
issues that must not only be addressed but resolved. Now is not the time to ght and bicker, now is
the time to work together to do what we were elected to do – make our great nation stronger and
better than ever. Working with Members in Congress and the President is key to continuing down
this new path of success and greatness.
The gap between the rich and the poor in America is
widening. Is this a problem for the country, and if so what
should Congress do about it? What action should
Congress take, if any?
No answer provided.
One thing is certain - the Obama administration’s policies took us backward and exacerbated
income inequality in this nation. For eight years, the Obama Administration implemented policies
that it intended to limit income inequality, but in fact made the problem worse. Instead of hoping
that good intentions lead to good policy, the real solution to limiting income inequality is to create a
pro-business economic environment that encourages new startup businesses and existing rms to
invest, expand their operations, and create more good paying jobs in the process.
This past year we have eliminated more than $8.1 billion in regulations that were sti ing job
creation and killing any opportunity for businesses to expand. With the passage of our historic, pro-
growth tax reform businesses have already started to increase wages, expand hiring, and provide
new opportunities for hard working Americans.
Now, I know many ask whether higher job growth can actually reduce income and wealth
inequality. I say it will, and here’s the proof - according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal,
workers in metro areas with the lowest unemployment are experiencing the strongest wage
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
growth in the country. In cities such as Minneapolis, Denver, and Fort Myers unemployment rates
hover near 3% as businesses are raising wages to attract employees. In October, Minneapolis had
the lowest unemployment rate in the country and weekly wages increased more than 4% from
during the second quarter a year earlier, marking the largest annual wage growth that the area has
seen in six years.
It is clear that rapid job growth will produce higher wages, which will in turn reduce any inequality
in income by raising incomes among the middle class. To achieve that goal, we need to continue to
implement policies that will unleash the free enterprise system and encourage privately-held
businesses to grow and thrive.
What is the greatest threat to American security, and how
should America respond? What specifically should
Congress do to help?
No answer provided.
America is faced with many challenges, and in a highly globalized world, we cannot afford to ignore
them. Our armed forces must be able to respond to threats from countries like Russia and China,
deter rogue states like North Korea, and crush violent extremists who adhere to no xed borders.
We must not forget the consequences of allowing terrorism to fester unchallenged. We learned
this lesson on September 11th when Al Qaeda was allowed to operate freely in the mountains of
Afghanistan, unchallenged by the United States. Despite advances against groups like ISIS, the
threats of Islamic extremism remain and it is vital to bring the ght to them so that they cannot
bring it home to us. Even greater coordination between our intelligence services, the FBI, and the
Department of Homeland Security is also necessary to keep those who seek to harm Americans
from entering our nation.
At this critical time, we have also seen the rise of other foreign nations that are attempting to
challenge American power on all fronts. For instance, China continues to illegally build islands and
military bases in the South China Sea in an effort to expand their military, deter free trade, and
harm American economic growth. Only a strong and agile U.S. Navy and renewed commitment to
our economic partners can deter such threats. Likewise, Russia continues to demonstrate
belligerent behavior, all while increasing their investments in military technology and cyber
warfare capabilities. A strong United States is the only viable check on Russian aggression against
our European and NATO allies.
We must do all we can to support the global presence of American armed forces and military
personnel that has maintained the world order since 1945, prevented major global war, and
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
allowed international trade to prosper. As the United States works to promote security and
democracy in an increasingly complex world, Congress must work to support Secretary Mattis and
our military through regular funding that not only provides what is necessary for overseas
operations and logistics but also the defense health and military family programs that help our
service men and women succeed.
What changes should be made to U.S. trade policy?
No answer provided.
I have been closely monitoring the current NAFTA renegotiation process, and am actively engaged
with Administration of cials with regards to potential action on NAFTA and the various other free
trade agreements that bene t Texas and our nation. Trade is one of the cornerstones of America’s
relationship with other nations. It promotes economic opportunities, helps American businesses
grow, and builds more prosperous neighbors and better relationships between countries.
I believe in free trade for the same reasons Ronald Reagan believed in free trade - good trade
agreements help grow the economy, create good-paying American jobs, and lower prices for
American consumers. America's workers are the best workers in the world, American businesses
are the best businesses in the world, and American products are the best products in the world, so I
support trade agreements that allow Americans to compete all across the globe.
In my role as Chairman of the House Rules Committee, I have met with and sent numerous letters
to cabinet level of cials, including the US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, on how NAFTA
has helped Texas expand our energy market, promoted a globally competitive U.S. motor vehicle
industry, and given Texan farmers the opportunity to grow their businesses and sell their goods to
our neighbors.
While it is too early to tell regarding the NAFTA renegotiation, my vote on any legislation on that
issue depends upon the quality of the renegotiated agreement and its effect on Texas. Ultimately,
any update or change to U.S. trade policy should be for the bene t of these trade agreements as a
whole and not simply focus on one or two speci c areas, or, even worse, close foreign markets to
American goods, raise tariffs and prices on American families, and hinder our relationships with our
economic partners.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
How should the next Congress address illegal
immigration? Please be specific about the millions of
people in this country illegally.
No answer provided.
As Texans, both our input and leadership on these issues are of great importance to ultimately
solving this crisis. Illegal immigration and border security are among the greatest challenges facing
our country today, and while our country is a nation of immigrants, our current immigration system
is broken and in dire need of reform and repair. We must secure our borders and halt the ow of
illegal immigrants into our country. We must address these issues in a lawful and orderly process
that includes receiving input from the federal agencies in charge of immigration enforcement, the
congressional committees in charge of immigration policy, and the American people.
I favor a common-sense approach to border security and immigration reform that does not go
about immigration reform backwards by seeking to legalize those here illegally. Simply put, we
must establish operational control of our border before we seek to reform and modernize our
interior enforcement operations and our policies concerning those who have legally immigrated to
the United States.
Every day in Texas, we deal with crime, drugs, gangs, and other undesirable elements streaming into
our state from Mexico; and over the last two years alone, U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations agents arrested over 8,000 gang related
criminals. In fact, most of these violent transnational gangs were largely comprised of foreign-born
nationals. To combat these ever-growing issues, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Bob
Goodlatte (R-VA) introduced two bills during the 115th Congress: H.R. 3003, No Sanctuary for
Criminals Act, and H.R. 3004, Kate’s Law; and Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA)
introduced H.R. 3697, the Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act. I supported these bills and
and was pleased to see them pass in the House of Representatives.
I supported H.R. 3003 and H.R. 3004, both of which include policies that have been under review by
the House Judiciary Committee since the 114th Congress, because I believe they take the
necessary steps to effectively penalize those who break the law by entering our country illegally,
and ensure local of cials can cooperate and coordinate with federal of cials to enforce federal
immigration laws. Speci cally, H.R. 3003, No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, would overhaul federal
statutes governing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) immigration detainers, ban
jurisdictions from upholding immigration enforcement policies that restrict law enforcement
of cers from inquiring about an individual's citizenship status, and modify state provisions in
relation to Federal immigration law enforcement.
Likewise, H.R. 3004, Kate’s Law, enhances current criminal penalties for illegal aliens who attempt
to reenter the United States following deportation, de nes an individual convicted of more than
three misdemeanors or a felony as a criminal offender, and expands maximum sentences of
immigration violators in federal prison to between 10 and 25 years, depending on an illegal
immigrant’s criminal history.
Simply put, it is time that we stop putting politics above the safety and security of American
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
families and start upholding our nation’s rule of law. According to the Department of Justice, MS-
13, a transnational gang that is notoriously violent and comprised of members mostly from Central
America, has 10,000 members inside the United States who engage in gang activities that harm
communities in at least forty states. We must ensure our nation’s immigration laws are not
exploited by dangerous gangs, like MS-13, seeking to bring crime, violence, and illicit activity to our
Ultimately, an effective immigration plan must be straightforward, concise, thorough, enforcement-
rst, in the best interest of American citizens, and must emphasize the Rule of Law. Additionally,
key provisions of any immigration reform plan must rst and foremost secure our borders,
strengthen interior enforcement, prosecute and deport criminal aliens in the United States,
establish a true guest worker program, and safeguard social programs.
Would you support or oppose the full repeal of all
provisions of the Affordable Care Act?
No answer provided.
Since Obamacare was signed into law, it has been a discriminatory system that picks winners,
creates losers, and makes it harder for American families to afford and obtain health care. I have
relentlessly tried to dismantle this law by voting more than 60 times to reform it. However, it is not
realistic for us to completely repeal all of the provisions of this disastrous law without having a plan
to replace it with.
We need to address the failures of the current health care law with a deliberate, thoughtful, and
responsible approach that produces a sustainable solution to x our broken system. That is why I
put forward a common sense solution with my friend in the Senate, Dr. Bill Cassidy from Louisiana.
For the past two Congress’ we have introduced The World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan, a
sustainable, non-discriminatory alternative to President Obama’s onerous law. It empowers all
Americans to make their own healthcare decisions, save their hard-earned money in an account
that is not use-it-or-lose-it, and ensures that not only single person will ever be coerced onto
ObamaCare. The basis of our bill creates a $2,500 tax credit for every American citizen as well as a
$1,500 tax credit per dependent minor. This tax credit provides individuals and families with the
freedom to use their own pretax dollars to plan and save for their health care futures by assigning
their credit to an employer, transferring it to a Roth Health Savings Account, or advancing it for
annual distribution. Our plan takes a unique, free-market based approach to healthcare that
unleashes doctors, patients, and all individuals form the burdens of ObamaCare, and puts
Americans back in charge of their own healthcare.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Congress writes the budget for the United States. What is
one area that Congress should invest much more heavily
in, and why? What should we be spending much less on?
No answer provided.
One of the most important ways the Federal Government sets annual spending priorities is through
the Budget process. While President Trump is required to submit a detailed budget request for the
federal scal year, which begins on October 1, his budget is simply a recommendation to Congress.
It is up to Congress to write, consider, and pass a nal budget.
Federal spending policies are implemented in two ways, through mandatory spending and
discretionary spending. Mandatory spending, also known as entitlement spending, is spending
outside of the 12 general appropriations bills. Examples include Medicare, Social Security,
Medicaid, ObamaCare, and some student loans and farm subsidy programs.
Policies involving non-mandatory spending are implemented in the 12 annual appropriations
funding bills. By precedent, appropriations funding bills originate in the House of Representatives.
Non-mandatory appropriations funding is made annually and must be signed into law by the
President. Ultimately, the budget provides Congress with targets for later consideration of
appropriations funding bills, authorizing bills, and tax measures. Congress must pass a budget to
reform mandatory spending or set limits on non-mandatory appropriations funding.
Every tax dollar should be spent ef ciently and in the best interest of the United States. That said,
given the scale of the threats we currently face, a strong Defense budget is critical to providing for
the common defense and our nation’s military readiness and capability. In that same vein, ef cient
funding for important priorities such as our nation’s global chain of diplomatic and security
missions or the vital research and development initiatives conducted at federal agencies like the
NIH can help the United States maintain our global leadership position.
In the past year, I also supported legislation that would cut spending and provide for much needed
scal reforms in federal government operations. While not perfect, I supported the ‘Building a
Better America’ budget that included policies that would balance the budget in ten years, reduce
the de cit, and return some scal authority to the level of government that is most closely
connected to the American people, the state and local governments.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
What action, if any, should Congress take in response to
mass killings involving firearms?
No answer provided.
Although our right to bear arms is clearly spelled out in the Second Amendment, the role of
rearms in our society continues to be a contentious point of debate in the media, our courtrooms,
and the halls of government. In the wake of recent tragedies and criminal actions involving guns,
including horri c attacks on law enforcement professionals, the debate over Second Amendment
rights has become even more controversial.
I am – and always have been – a strong advocate for Second Amendment rights and will continue to
defend our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment to the United
States Constitution states very plainly, "A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
While we have all felt the pain of the recent tragedies across the country, especially the attack on
the Dallas Police Department in 2016, we must address the foundations of the issue with respect
to these acts of violence. Simply put, in virtually every instance the underlying cause of these
attacks has been mental illness and criminal misuse of rearms.
In the 115th Congress, I have supported many pieces of legislation that work to address these
issues. H.R. 4434, a bipartisan bill that would strengthen reporting requirements to the FBI’s
National Instant Criminal Background Check System and x loopholes that may have prevented
the criminal who perpetrated the Sutherland Springs mass murder from ever owning a weapon,
was included in House passed legislation in December 2017. In September 2017, the House passed
with my support a federal funding bill for the Department of Justice that provided across the board
funding increases for the FBI, DEA, ATF, US Marshall Service, and other federal money grants that
local law enforcement uses to protect our communities.
Infringing upon the rights of law abiding citizens and restricting our Second Amendment rights will
not solve this issue. Gun control will not stop mass killings. Enforcing our nation’s laws at the local
and federal level, coupled with improved mental health treatment resources, are the real solutions
to reducing mass killings.
The Social Security fund that pays most retiree benefits
will be insolvent within a generation. What steps should
Congress take to keep it in the black? Please be specific
about who would be affected and how soon.
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
No answer provided.
To ensure the success and solvency of Social Security, we need to allow any person to opt out of
Social Security to begin developing their own private accounts. Speci cally, we need to allow any
worker to save their own money on a pretax basis and their employer to provide a retirement
program. This will allow people to fund their own future.
It is critical for Congress to examine ways to provide a long-term solution for the problems that
currently plague the system. I believe that any long-term solution for Social Security proposed by
Congress must be voluntary and equal to or greater than the current bene t that workers receive,
not change the current system for Americans 62 and older, and provide workers with individual
choice and opportunities to allow these workers to diversify their assets.
One of the scare tactics used by opponents of Social Security reform is the claim that personal
retirement accounts are too “risky.” These plans become important as workers get closer to
retirement age and more vulnerable to potential swings in investment rates of return. This option
would allow workers to move their assets into an investment vehicle that protects their principle
from potential market swings. There is nothing new about giving Americans the ability to put their
money into an account with guaranteed rates of return. In providing the security of a xed rate, the
accounts would not carry the same risk as uctuations of the stock market. Banks would also take
on the management of these accounts, removing this hassle from being the responsibility of
bene ciaries. Moreover, banks will have to compete for accounts, thus resulting in better rates of
return for those who hold the accounts.
I believe that individual choice and opportunities are crucial for any Social Security reform plan and
that by allowing workers to diversify their assets will make for a stronger and safer retirement
security plan for American workers. Inaction on this issue is not a solution – either massive tax
increases or bene t cuts will result if this is not addressed today.
More broadly, we must reduce spending as a nation and get our economy back on track by
achieving the following: (1) stop spending money we do not have by cutting wasteful spending; (2)
balance the budget to signi cantly increase economic growth and create middle-class American
jobs; (3) expand opportunity by growing our economy. More jobs mean more money is paid into
both Social Security and Medicare. Additionally, an overall better economy creates a more stable
scal environment for both programs.
The Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in 2015. Has
that had a positive or negative impact on America since
then, and is there anything that Congress should do either
in response or to further support gay rights?
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
No answer provided.
Although I understand people may view the issue of marriage differently, like many of my
constituents, I support the preservation of traditional marriage as it had been de ned in the United
States for more than 200 years before the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision: a
union between one man and one woman.
I do not support the courts setting such a far-reaching policy without any true input from the
American people or continued debate on the issue in Congress or on the state level. Additionally, I
remain concerned that the 2015 decision may have unintended consequences on other freedoms
explicitly guaranteed by the Constitution, including the freedom of religious expression and the
powers afforded to states under the Tenth Amendment.
What is your view on the science of man-made climate
change? Do you support action to reduce the output of
greenhouse gases? If so, what steps do you favor?
No answer provided.
Amid all of the climate projections and calls for action, one of the few facts we know with absolute
certainty is that the overall level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been going up worldwide
over the last few decades. While carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through
human activities, it is important to remember that emissions of this naturally-occurring gas only
increased by about 6% in the United States between 1990 and 2015. Furthermore, in 2015, the
latest year for which the EPA has available data, carbon dioxide emission levels had decreased in
the United States from the previous years and were continuing to trend downward.
The private sector and all levels of government must work together to successfully develop our
country’s energy sources in an ef cient manner. While I recognize the importance of the federal
government’s numerous conservation activities and programs, government alone is not the answer
to resolve any of our problems. As we have seen in the past, bigger government has not resulted in
better government, and increased spending for these programs, and imposing more and more
regulations on American families, communities, and job creators only invited mismanagement,
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions
unnecessary duplication, higher energy prices, and job loss.
To that end, no one has done more to correct the situation than the more than 4,000
entrepreneurial companies, most of which were headquartered in and around the Dallas - Fort
Worth area, which gured out how to produce natural gas from shale. The signi cant increase in
natural gas production, and the resulting lower prices from that production, has caused cleaner-
burning natural gas to replace higher carbon dioxide emitting coal in electrical generation. Thanks
to private enterprise - not increased government regulation - the United States became a more
ef cient energy producer and consumer.
Ultimately, we need to embrace technology and its ability to make our planet a better place to live,
not rely upon draconian government regulations that reduce our standard of living and harm
economic growth. A clean environment and strong conservation programs are important and can
go hand in hand with our efforts to grow and expand our country’s economy. No state or its
inhabitants can even come close to matching Texas’ commitment to innovation, technology,
economic growth and job creation, and belief in the personal responsibility necessary to achieve
these goals.
When the Supreme Court struck down key provisions of
the Voting Rights Act, many lawmakers on both sides
vowed to update the law. That hasn't happened. Should
Congress strengthen the existing Voting Rights Act, and if
so how?
No answer provided.
I agree that every American, no matter who they are or where they live, deserves an equal voice.
Democracy must work or else our republic will fail. However, our nation was also built upon the
important principle of federalism which guarantees that all States enjoy equal sovereignty and that
certain States cannot be treated differently than others except for under exceptional conditions.
This means that individual states have the right to craft their own election laws as long as they are
within the bounds of the 15th Amendment. If Congress is to differentiate between the states
regarding federal oversight into state election law, it must identify the jurisdictions that require
preclearance on a basis that makes sense in light of current conditions.
With that in mind, one of the problems with the formula used to decide which jurisdictions are
subjected to preclearance in the now unconstitutional Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act is that it
has not been updated since the initial Voting Rights Act passed nearly fty years ago. If Congress is
to act to create a new preclearance formula, it should re ect current trends instead of those of the
Paul Brown
Pete Sessions

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Dallas morning news voter guide united states representative district 32 republican

  • 1. Age and contact information Age: 32 Address: Paul Brown for Congress, , Campaign or Work Phone Number: Answer not available Email address: None Web site: Answer not available Age: 62 Address: P.O. Box 823047, Dallas , TX Campaign or Work Phone Number: (214) 373-8585 Email address:   United States Representative - District 32 Select candidates from the list below to compare their answers to our questionnaire:  Note: Based on your address of McKinney Springs or party selection, you’re not eligible to vote in this race. Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions D
  • 2. Web site: Social media Twitter: Answer not available Facebook: Answer not available Twitter: @SessionsforTX32 Facebook: Occupation/main source of income: No answer provided. U.S. Congressman, Representative of the 32nd Congressional District of Texas Education (include all degrees): No answer provided. Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown
  • 3. BSS in Political Science, Southwestern University '78 Highlights of current civic involvement/accomplishment: No answer provided. I am an honorary member of the Rotary, the National Eagle Scout Association’s national committee, the Executive Board of the Circle Ten Council of the Boy Scouts of America, and proudly hold a seat on the Southwestern University Board of Trustees. I am also an adviser to the President of Special Olympics Texas, an Adopt-A-Shoreline Team Leader in the effort to maintain White Rock Lake Park, and a member of Highland Park United Methodist Church. Highlights of past civic involvement/accomplishment: No answer provided. As an Eagle Scout, the importance of civic involvement and community service was instilled in me at a young age. Early in my career, I volunteered for Junior Achievement USA, also known as Jaycees, where I mentored young students in businesses development, management skills, and community service. I was also a Scout Master for the Boy Scouts of America and served as the Chairman of the Northeast Dallas Chamber of Commerce. Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 4. Previous public offices sought or held: No answer provided. I rst ran for Congress in a 1991 special election after Steve Bartlett vacated his congressional seat to become the Mayor of Dallas. Motivated by the Contract for America in 1994, I ran against John Bryant, who was then the Democratic incumbent for Texas’ Fifth Congressional District. After I lost that election by a total of 3,356 votes, I ran for that seat again in 1996 and was elected to Congress. How much funding have you raised for your campaign? No answer provided. As of my September 30, 2017 ling, my campaign has raised $1,138,072 and has $1,183,439 cash on hand. Who are your top three contributors? No answer provided. Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown
  • 5. Individuals may contribute up to $2,700 per election to a candidate for federal of ce. My campaign has hundreds of active individual supporters in the 32nd Congressional District. Have you ever been arrested or involved in any criminal proceedings? If so, please explain: No answer provided. No, I have never been arrested or involved in any criminal proceedings. Have you ever been involved in any civil lawsuits or declared personal or professional bankruptcy? If so, please explain: No answer provided. No, I have never been involved in any civil lawsuits or declared bankruptcy. Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 6. What is an example of how you led a team or group toward achieving an important goal? No answer provided. When President Obama came into of ce in 2008, the Democratic Party controlled both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid used this power during the 111th Congress to further their liberal agenda, passing ObamaCare, Dodd-Frank, and a stimulus bill that cost American taxpayers over $800 billion. The Republican Party needed a leader to ght against their destructive policies and put the House back into Republican hands. That’s why in 2009 I was elected by the House Republican conference to be the Chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), a political organization dedicated to helping Republicans win elections to the House of Representatives. During that time morale in the Republican Party was low and participation by House Republicans at the NRCC was minimal. However, when I was elected I set the bar high and went in with one mission – take the gavel away from Nancy Pelosi and win the House majority in 2010. In my mind there was nothing more important than gaining control so that we had the power necessary to ght back against the liberal policies that were hurting our economy and our country. Under my leadership, we reorganized the NRCC and transformed it from a top-down committee to a member-driven organization. As a team we put forth a goal-oriented agenda for candidates and members that gave them guidelines and goals to be more successful. While pundits and operatives swore that it was impossible for Republicans to win the House, we remained focused and continued to effectively sell the message of the need for new conservative leadership in the House of Representatives. In 2010, we accomplished my mission. Thanks to the hard work by our team, Republicans won a net-gain of 63 seats and brought in a class of 89 freshman members -- marking the greatest Republican expansion in the House of Representatives since the Eisenhower administration. Why are you running for this office? No answer provided. Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 7. am running for Congress because I want to continue to make life better for all North Texans by working with them to take power away from the federal government and return it to hard working families and individuals. Why should voters choose you over your opponent? No answer provided. Throughout my time in Congress I have always worked with Texans to peel back power from Washington and return it to where it belongs – local communities. While we have made progress in getting our country back on track, we still have a long way to go. We need to rein in spending, rebuild our military, crack down on border security, and more. I believe I am the best candidate to do this because I have a proven record of success. I am a principled leader who will always ght for the people of North Texas and work with them to ensure a stronger future for our children and families. Length of residency in Texas and, if applicable, your district: No answer provided. I have lived in the North Texas area since 1988 and in the City of Dallas since 1993. I currently represent the 32nd Congressional District and have been a resident since the district was created in 2003. Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 8. What political leader do you most admire and why? No answer provided. One of the most inspirational and transformational gures of our great nation is Ronald Reagan. When my dad served under him as FBI Director I had the honor of meeting him and watching him make an indelible mark on our country. He was able to inspire the nation to view itself in positive terms and rally a nation to see that our best years were not behind us but ahead. For eight years we lived under the Obama Administration whose policies and social justice agenda held back our economy and sti ed opportunities for success. I am proud to say that in the spirit of Reagan and the spirit of freedom, we have made great strides in this past year to restore the values of our country and unleash our potential for greatness. What do you make of President Donald Trump's style and agenda? Do you view him as an ally, a breath of fresh air in a capital that needs to be shaken up? Or as volatile, dangerous and out of his depth? Or something in between? What would your role be in working with or against him? No answer provided. Under our uni ed Republican government the American people have a renewed sense of con dence. The stock market is soaring, businesses are creating more jobs for hard working Americans, our men and women in uniform received the largest pay increase in eight years, and not one American will be forced onto Obamacare next year. We have made great strides in rolling back eight years of red tape that has strangled the free enterprise system and hindered economic growth. Since November 2016, ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory. That means under President Trump’s leadership 5,570 square miles have been reclaimed and 5.3 million people have been liberated from ISIS control. As a result of consumer con dence, our stock market continues to soar Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 9. giving individuals with IRAs - especially seniors – the ability to make more money so they can have the exibility and comfort of being able to care for their needs. American job creators have a new sense of comfort in knowing this Administration won’t strain their operations with unnecessary and onerous regulations. Our historic tax reform was signed into law – that will create more than 81,000 new jobs in Texas and allow Texans to take keep an estimated $2,558 more of their hard earned income. This reform has resulted in immediate action from businesses across the United States, from increases in hiring and bonuses for workers. Businesses are starting to invest in new plants, upgrades, and resources which will result in job creation, economic growth, and eventually wage increases. We have charted a new course and started down a path of prosperity. While we have regained a lot of ground, we still have a lot more work to do - reining in spending, restoring scal sanity, rebuilding our military, restoring law and order on our borders. Although the list is long, these are critical issues that must not only be addressed but resolved. Now is not the time to ght and bicker, now is the time to work together to do what we were elected to do – make our great nation stronger and better than ever. Working with Members in Congress and the President is key to continuing down this new path of success and greatness. The gap between the rich and the poor in America is widening. Is this a problem for the country, and if so what should Congress do about it? What action should Congress take, if any? No answer provided. One thing is certain - the Obama administration’s policies took us backward and exacerbated income inequality in this nation. For eight years, the Obama Administration implemented policies that it intended to limit income inequality, but in fact made the problem worse. Instead of hoping that good intentions lead to good policy, the real solution to limiting income inequality is to create a pro-business economic environment that encourages new startup businesses and existing rms to invest, expand their operations, and create more good paying jobs in the process. This past year we have eliminated more than $8.1 billion in regulations that were sti ing job creation and killing any opportunity for businesses to expand. With the passage of our historic, pro- growth tax reform businesses have already started to increase wages, expand hiring, and provide new opportunities for hard working Americans. Now, I know many ask whether higher job growth can actually reduce income and wealth inequality. I say it will, and here’s the proof - according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, workers in metro areas with the lowest unemployment are experiencing the strongest wage Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 10. growth in the country. In cities such as Minneapolis, Denver, and Fort Myers unemployment rates hover near 3% as businesses are raising wages to attract employees. In October, Minneapolis had the lowest unemployment rate in the country and weekly wages increased more than 4% from during the second quarter a year earlier, marking the largest annual wage growth that the area has seen in six years. It is clear that rapid job growth will produce higher wages, which will in turn reduce any inequality in income by raising incomes among the middle class. To achieve that goal, we need to continue to implement policies that will unleash the free enterprise system and encourage privately-held businesses to grow and thrive. What is the greatest threat to American security, and how should America respond? What specifically should Congress do to help? No answer provided. America is faced with many challenges, and in a highly globalized world, we cannot afford to ignore them. Our armed forces must be able to respond to threats from countries like Russia and China, deter rogue states like North Korea, and crush violent extremists who adhere to no xed borders. We must not forget the consequences of allowing terrorism to fester unchallenged. We learned this lesson on September 11th when Al Qaeda was allowed to operate freely in the mountains of Afghanistan, unchallenged by the United States. Despite advances against groups like ISIS, the threats of Islamic extremism remain and it is vital to bring the ght to them so that they cannot bring it home to us. Even greater coordination between our intelligence services, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security is also necessary to keep those who seek to harm Americans from entering our nation. At this critical time, we have also seen the rise of other foreign nations that are attempting to challenge American power on all fronts. For instance, China continues to illegally build islands and military bases in the South China Sea in an effort to expand their military, deter free trade, and harm American economic growth. Only a strong and agile U.S. Navy and renewed commitment to our economic partners can deter such threats. Likewise, Russia continues to demonstrate belligerent behavior, all while increasing their investments in military technology and cyber warfare capabilities. A strong United States is the only viable check on Russian aggression against our European and NATO allies. We must do all we can to support the global presence of American armed forces and military personnel that has maintained the world order since 1945, prevented major global war, and Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 11. allowed international trade to prosper. As the United States works to promote security and democracy in an increasingly complex world, Congress must work to support Secretary Mattis and our military through regular funding that not only provides what is necessary for overseas operations and logistics but also the defense health and military family programs that help our service men and women succeed. What changes should be made to U.S. trade policy? No answer provided. I have been closely monitoring the current NAFTA renegotiation process, and am actively engaged with Administration of cials with regards to potential action on NAFTA and the various other free trade agreements that bene t Texas and our nation. Trade is one of the cornerstones of America’s relationship with other nations. It promotes economic opportunities, helps American businesses grow, and builds more prosperous neighbors and better relationships between countries. I believe in free trade for the same reasons Ronald Reagan believed in free trade - good trade agreements help grow the economy, create good-paying American jobs, and lower prices for American consumers. America's workers are the best workers in the world, American businesses are the best businesses in the world, and American products are the best products in the world, so I support trade agreements that allow Americans to compete all across the globe. In my role as Chairman of the House Rules Committee, I have met with and sent numerous letters to cabinet level of cials, including the US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, on how NAFTA has helped Texas expand our energy market, promoted a globally competitive U.S. motor vehicle industry, and given Texan farmers the opportunity to grow their businesses and sell their goods to our neighbors. While it is too early to tell regarding the NAFTA renegotiation, my vote on any legislation on that issue depends upon the quality of the renegotiated agreement and its effect on Texas. Ultimately, any update or change to U.S. trade policy should be for the bene t of these trade agreements as a whole and not simply focus on one or two speci c areas, or, even worse, close foreign markets to American goods, raise tariffs and prices on American families, and hinder our relationships with our economic partners. Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 12. How should the next Congress address illegal immigration? Please be specific about the millions of people in this country illegally. No answer provided. As Texans, both our input and leadership on these issues are of great importance to ultimately solving this crisis. Illegal immigration and border security are among the greatest challenges facing our country today, and while our country is a nation of immigrants, our current immigration system is broken and in dire need of reform and repair. We must secure our borders and halt the ow of illegal immigrants into our country. We must address these issues in a lawful and orderly process that includes receiving input from the federal agencies in charge of immigration enforcement, the congressional committees in charge of immigration policy, and the American people. I favor a common-sense approach to border security and immigration reform that does not go about immigration reform backwards by seeking to legalize those here illegally. Simply put, we must establish operational control of our border before we seek to reform and modernize our interior enforcement operations and our policies concerning those who have legally immigrated to the United States. Every day in Texas, we deal with crime, drugs, gangs, and other undesirable elements streaming into our state from Mexico; and over the last two years alone, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations agents arrested over 8,000 gang related criminals. In fact, most of these violent transnational gangs were largely comprised of foreign-born nationals. To combat these ever-growing issues, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) introduced two bills during the 115th Congress: H.R. 3003, No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, and H.R. 3004, Kate’s Law; and Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (R-VA) introduced H.R. 3697, the Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act. I supported these bills and and was pleased to see them pass in the House of Representatives. I supported H.R. 3003 and H.R. 3004, both of which include policies that have been under review by the House Judiciary Committee since the 114th Congress, because I believe they take the necessary steps to effectively penalize those who break the law by entering our country illegally, and ensure local of cials can cooperate and coordinate with federal of cials to enforce federal immigration laws. Speci cally, H.R. 3003, No Sanctuary for Criminals Act, would overhaul federal statutes governing U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) immigration detainers, ban jurisdictions from upholding immigration enforcement policies that restrict law enforcement of cers from inquiring about an individual's citizenship status, and modify state provisions in relation to Federal immigration law enforcement. Likewise, H.R. 3004, Kate’s Law, enhances current criminal penalties for illegal aliens who attempt to reenter the United States following deportation, de nes an individual convicted of more than three misdemeanors or a felony as a criminal offender, and expands maximum sentences of immigration violators in federal prison to between 10 and 25 years, depending on an illegal immigrant’s criminal history. Simply put, it is time that we stop putting politics above the safety and security of American Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 13. families and start upholding our nation’s rule of law. According to the Department of Justice, MS- 13, a transnational gang that is notoriously violent and comprised of members mostly from Central America, has 10,000 members inside the United States who engage in gang activities that harm communities in at least forty states. We must ensure our nation’s immigration laws are not exploited by dangerous gangs, like MS-13, seeking to bring crime, violence, and illicit activity to our communities. Ultimately, an effective immigration plan must be straightforward, concise, thorough, enforcement- rst, in the best interest of American citizens, and must emphasize the Rule of Law. Additionally, key provisions of any immigration reform plan must rst and foremost secure our borders, strengthen interior enforcement, prosecute and deport criminal aliens in the United States, establish a true guest worker program, and safeguard social programs. Would you support or oppose the full repeal of all provisions of the Affordable Care Act? No answer provided. Since Obamacare was signed into law, it has been a discriminatory system that picks winners, creates losers, and makes it harder for American families to afford and obtain health care. I have relentlessly tried to dismantle this law by voting more than 60 times to reform it. However, it is not realistic for us to completely repeal all of the provisions of this disastrous law without having a plan to replace it with. We need to address the failures of the current health care law with a deliberate, thoughtful, and responsible approach that produces a sustainable solution to x our broken system. That is why I put forward a common sense solution with my friend in the Senate, Dr. Bill Cassidy from Louisiana. For the past two Congress’ we have introduced The World’s Greatest Healthcare Plan, a sustainable, non-discriminatory alternative to President Obama’s onerous law. It empowers all Americans to make their own healthcare decisions, save their hard-earned money in an account that is not use-it-or-lose-it, and ensures that not only single person will ever be coerced onto ObamaCare. The basis of our bill creates a $2,500 tax credit for every American citizen as well as a $1,500 tax credit per dependent minor. This tax credit provides individuals and families with the freedom to use their own pretax dollars to plan and save for their health care futures by assigning their credit to an employer, transferring it to a Roth Health Savings Account, or advancing it for annual distribution. Our plan takes a unique, free-market based approach to healthcare that unleashes doctors, patients, and all individuals form the burdens of ObamaCare, and puts Americans back in charge of their own healthcare. Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 14. Congress writes the budget for the United States. What is one area that Congress should invest much more heavily in, and why? What should we be spending much less on? No answer provided. One of the most important ways the Federal Government sets annual spending priorities is through the Budget process. While President Trump is required to submit a detailed budget request for the federal scal year, which begins on October 1, his budget is simply a recommendation to Congress. It is up to Congress to write, consider, and pass a nal budget. Federal spending policies are implemented in two ways, through mandatory spending and discretionary spending. Mandatory spending, also known as entitlement spending, is spending outside of the 12 general appropriations bills. Examples include Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, ObamaCare, and some student loans and farm subsidy programs. Policies involving non-mandatory spending are implemented in the 12 annual appropriations funding bills. By precedent, appropriations funding bills originate in the House of Representatives. Non-mandatory appropriations funding is made annually and must be signed into law by the President. Ultimately, the budget provides Congress with targets for later consideration of appropriations funding bills, authorizing bills, and tax measures. Congress must pass a budget to reform mandatory spending or set limits on non-mandatory appropriations funding. Every tax dollar should be spent ef ciently and in the best interest of the United States. That said, given the scale of the threats we currently face, a strong Defense budget is critical to providing for the common defense and our nation’s military readiness and capability. In that same vein, ef cient funding for important priorities such as our nation’s global chain of diplomatic and security missions or the vital research and development initiatives conducted at federal agencies like the NIH can help the United States maintain our global leadership position. In the past year, I also supported legislation that would cut spending and provide for much needed scal reforms in federal government operations. While not perfect, I supported the ‘Building a Better America’ budget that included policies that would balance the budget in ten years, reduce the de cit, and return some scal authority to the level of government that is most closely connected to the American people, the state and local governments. Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 15. What action, if any, should Congress take in response to mass killings involving firearms? No answer provided. Although our right to bear arms is clearly spelled out in the Second Amendment, the role of rearms in our society continues to be a contentious point of debate in the media, our courtrooms, and the halls of government. In the wake of recent tragedies and criminal actions involving guns, including horri c attacks on law enforcement professionals, the debate over Second Amendment rights has become even more controversial. I am – and always have been – a strong advocate for Second Amendment rights and will continue to defend our constitutional right to keep and bear arms. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states very plainly, "A well-regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." While we have all felt the pain of the recent tragedies across the country, especially the attack on the Dallas Police Department in 2016, we must address the foundations of the issue with respect to these acts of violence. Simply put, in virtually every instance the underlying cause of these attacks has been mental illness and criminal misuse of rearms. In the 115th Congress, I have supported many pieces of legislation that work to address these issues. H.R. 4434, a bipartisan bill that would strengthen reporting requirements to the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System and x loopholes that may have prevented the criminal who perpetrated the Sutherland Springs mass murder from ever owning a weapon, was included in House passed legislation in December 2017. In September 2017, the House passed with my support a federal funding bill for the Department of Justice that provided across the board funding increases for the FBI, DEA, ATF, US Marshall Service, and other federal money grants that local law enforcement uses to protect our communities. Infringing upon the rights of law abiding citizens and restricting our Second Amendment rights will not solve this issue. Gun control will not stop mass killings. Enforcing our nation’s laws at the local and federal level, coupled with improved mental health treatment resources, are the real solutions to reducing mass killings. The Social Security fund that pays most retiree benefits will be insolvent within a generation. What steps should Congress take to keep it in the black? Please be specific about who would be affected and how soon. Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 16. No answer provided. To ensure the success and solvency of Social Security, we need to allow any person to opt out of Social Security to begin developing their own private accounts. Speci cally, we need to allow any worker to save their own money on a pretax basis and their employer to provide a retirement program. This will allow people to fund their own future. It is critical for Congress to examine ways to provide a long-term solution for the problems that currently plague the system. I believe that any long-term solution for Social Security proposed by Congress must be voluntary and equal to or greater than the current bene t that workers receive, not change the current system for Americans 62 and older, and provide workers with individual choice and opportunities to allow these workers to diversify their assets. One of the scare tactics used by opponents of Social Security reform is the claim that personal retirement accounts are too “risky.” These plans become important as workers get closer to retirement age and more vulnerable to potential swings in investment rates of return. This option would allow workers to move their assets into an investment vehicle that protects their principle from potential market swings. There is nothing new about giving Americans the ability to put their money into an account with guaranteed rates of return. In providing the security of a xed rate, the accounts would not carry the same risk as uctuations of the stock market. Banks would also take on the management of these accounts, removing this hassle from being the responsibility of bene ciaries. Moreover, banks will have to compete for accounts, thus resulting in better rates of return for those who hold the accounts. I believe that individual choice and opportunities are crucial for any Social Security reform plan and that by allowing workers to diversify their assets will make for a stronger and safer retirement security plan for American workers. Inaction on this issue is not a solution – either massive tax increases or bene t cuts will result if this is not addressed today. More broadly, we must reduce spending as a nation and get our economy back on track by achieving the following: (1) stop spending money we do not have by cutting wasteful spending; (2) balance the budget to signi cantly increase economic growth and create middle-class American jobs; (3) expand opportunity by growing our economy. More jobs mean more money is paid into both Social Security and Medicare. Additionally, an overall better economy creates a more stable scal environment for both programs. The Supreme Court legalized gay marriage in 2015. Has that had a positive or negative impact on America since then, and is there anything that Congress should do either in response or to further support gay rights? Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 17. No answer provided. Although I understand people may view the issue of marriage differently, like many of my constituents, I support the preservation of traditional marriage as it had been de ned in the United States for more than 200 years before the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges Supreme Court decision: a union between one man and one woman. I do not support the courts setting such a far-reaching policy without any true input from the American people or continued debate on the issue in Congress or on the state level. Additionally, I remain concerned that the 2015 decision may have unintended consequences on other freedoms explicitly guaranteed by the Constitution, including the freedom of religious expression and the powers afforded to states under the Tenth Amendment. What is your view on the science of man-made climate change? Do you support action to reduce the output of greenhouse gases? If so, what steps do you favor? No answer provided. Amid all of the climate projections and calls for action, one of the few facts we know with absolute certainty is that the overall level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been going up worldwide over the last few decades. While carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities, it is important to remember that emissions of this naturally-occurring gas only increased by about 6% in the United States between 1990 and 2015. Furthermore, in 2015, the latest year for which the EPA has available data, carbon dioxide emission levels had decreased in the United States from the previous years and were continuing to trend downward. The private sector and all levels of government must work together to successfully develop our country’s energy sources in an ef cient manner. While I recognize the importance of the federal government’s numerous conservation activities and programs, government alone is not the answer to resolve any of our problems. As we have seen in the past, bigger government has not resulted in better government, and increased spending for these programs, and imposing more and more regulations on American families, communities, and job creators only invited mismanagement, Paul Brown Pete Sessions Paul Brown Pete Sessions
  • 18. unnecessary duplication, higher energy prices, and job loss. To that end, no one has done more to correct the situation than the more than 4,000 entrepreneurial companies, most of which were headquartered in and around the Dallas - Fort Worth area, which gured out how to produce natural gas from shale. The signi cant increase in natural gas production, and the resulting lower prices from that production, has caused cleaner- burning natural gas to replace higher carbon dioxide emitting coal in electrical generation. Thanks to private enterprise - not increased government regulation - the United States became a more ef cient energy producer and consumer. Ultimately, we need to embrace technology and its ability to make our planet a better place to live, not rely upon draconian government regulations that reduce our standard of living and harm economic growth. A clean environment and strong conservation programs are important and can go hand in hand with our efforts to grow and expand our country’s economy. No state or its inhabitants can even come close to matching Texas’ commitment to innovation, technology, economic growth and job creation, and belief in the personal responsibility necessary to achieve these goals. When the Supreme Court struck down key provisions of the Voting Rights Act, many lawmakers on both sides vowed to update the law. That hasn't happened. Should Congress strengthen the existing Voting Rights Act, and if so how? No answer provided. I agree that every American, no matter who they are or where they live, deserves an equal voice. Democracy must work or else our republic will fail. However, our nation was also built upon the important principle of federalism which guarantees that all States enjoy equal sovereignty and that certain States cannot be treated differently than others except for under exceptional conditions. This means that individual states have the right to craft their own election laws as long as they are within the bounds of the 15th Amendment. If Congress is to differentiate between the states regarding federal oversight into state election law, it must identify the jurisdictions that require preclearance on a basis that makes sense in light of current conditions. With that in mind, one of the problems with the formula used to decide which jurisdictions are subjected to preclearance in the now unconstitutional Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act is that it has not been updated since the initial Voting Rights Act passed nearly fty years ago. If Congress is to act to create a new preclearance formula, it should re ect current trends instead of those of the 1960s. Paul Brown Pete Sessions