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Me for President and Pope
MeMeMeforforfor PresidentPresidentPresident
This book is dedicated to my mother and father who, like
America, endowed me with life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness and provided me with that most essential of Divine
gifts – love.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011908765
ISBN 9780615493213
Copyright 2011 Jeff Siggins
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book
may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever without written permission
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews or critiques. For infor-
mation address: Profundador Press LLC, 700 N. Tatnall St., Apt. C, Wilmington,
DE 19801
Cover design by Peter Longauer
Interior design by Glen M. Edelstein
Cover photography by family and friends
“Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s, render to God that
which is God’s.
—jesus christ
chapter one
TWO MAJOR INSTITUTIONS of the contemporary world are in
great need of reform – the government of United States of America
and the Roman Catholic Church. They are certainly not the only
ones. Many other governments, religions, business corporations,
organizations, and social groups could also benefit from a healthy
regimen of change. However, if the world’s sole superpower and the
Roman Catholic Church were to set an example by adopting much
needed reforms many other institutions would probably follow suit
and we would all enjoy a better, safer, more harmonious world.
If we can agree that changes are necessary, we must ask, who is going
to bring about these needed reforms? Do we look to established politi-
cians to straighten out the problems of the United States? Do we turn to
noted theologians to design necessary changes for Catholic Christians?
Should committees be set up to study the situations in America and the
Christian world, then issue reports that can be acted on by the proper
authorities of both the political and religious realms?
Q. Who will bring about the necessary reforms?
A. The American people.
Q. How will they do this?
A. By the ballot box.
Q. When will they do this?
A. On Election Day, 2012.
Let us begin with the reform of the American Federal Govern-
ment. The reform of the Roman Catholic Church will be addressed
in Part II of this book.
chapter two
The Situation
IN ORDER TO REFORM the U.S. government, we must first
understand ‘the nature of the beast’. Fresh from a bloody, hard-
fought and historic revolutionary war, George Washington and the
other Founding Fathers struggled and compromised to bequeath
to us a governing system of checks and balances that has proven
to be a wonderful dynamic by which to govern a nation. These
learned and idealistic patriots set up a government with two com-
peting branches, the Executive and the Legislative, with a third
branch, the Judicial, acting as a referee. With few exceptions, the
genius document known as the Constitution of the United States of
America has served the citizens of our great nation well. By allow-
ing the citizenry to rule by the ballot box, our Constitution gives us
a perfect way to change our government when we disagree with the
direction our current leaders are taking us.
There is another major dynamic that affects the governing of the
USA; the two-party system. Actually, at any one time, there may be
more than two political parties, but historically, only two of them
have been large enough to be effective. Currently those two pre-
vailing parties are called the Democratic Party and the Republican
When one political party controls the Presidency and both hous-
es of Congress, the governing dynamic is different than when one
party holds the Presidency and the other party controls one or both
houses of Congress. In either case, both parties ‘play politics’, that
is, they consistently try to diminish the other party by opposing
legislation and ideas proposed by the other party. When this hap-
pens, America suffers.
Me for President and Pope 3
It is no secret that America is currently suffering. Millions of our
citizens are far worse off than they were ten years ago. Due to cir-
cumstances far beyond their control, many ‘Baby Boomers’ have
gone bust. To state it bluntly, the established system has not served
our people well. And how could it? It is rife with entrenched cor-
ruption, cronyism and nepotism which can be laid at the feet of
both political parties. I repeat - both political parties
It doesn’t matter which party is in control, bad things happen:
unwanted wars that sap the public treasury; a gridlocked legislative
process that can’t get anything of value accomplished; and govern-
ment spending that is so far out of control that it will take either a
miracle or a very able and independent captain at the helm of the
ship of state to straighten out the situation.
How do we get such a captain as head of state? How do we get
honorable and intelligent men and women who will enact new and
necessary legislation into the elected offices? We elect them. If we
are to regain control of our government and our lives, we must
simply stop voting for those candidates which the political parties
are offering us. We must simply stop giving power to the politi-
cal parties. The two American political parties are at the heart of
the mess we are in. We must find a way to diminish their hold on
power. In truth, we must take that power away from them. They
are not going to give it up willingly. Those of us who wish for a new
and better America must come together and finally say ‘No’ to the
current two party system. We must say ‘No’ to both Republicans
and Democrats.
How do we say ‘No’ to the Democrats and Republicans? Find
independent candidates who are known and respected in your area
and get them to run. Or run yourself. Independent men and wom-
en should run for every elected office, whether at the local, state
or federal level. Every independent candidate who wins will show
others it is possible and every independent candidate who loses will
gain experience and friends for the next campaign.
Chapter Three
My Campaign
AS I BELIEVE THAT I have the solutions to many of the prob-
lems we face as a nation and because I have the courage of my
convictions to fight for these solutions, I am running for President
of the United States. It will not be a typical campaign. It will not be
a typical Presidency.
I want to be the President; yet, I am not running for President, at
least not in the normal sense. There will be:
No committee-to-elect Jeff Siggins
No campaign organization
No fundraisers or telemarketers
No TV or radio advertisements
No bumper stickers
No political hacks giving me advice
In fact, my name will not appear on the ballot in any state.
Q. How can Jeff Siggins possibly win the Presidency if he doesn’t
run a normal political campaign?
A. By intelligence, imagination, hard work and honesty.
Q. How can Jeff Siggins win the 2012 presidential election if he
is not on the ballot in any state?
A. Write-in votes.
Q. Can a write-in campaign win?
A. Of course. This is America, land of opportunity. Look at the
Me for President and Pope 13
election of Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senator of Alaska in 2010. She
won with only write-in votes.
That’s right, fellow citizens, a write-in campaign. It’s really easy.
In the area on the ballot where you vote for President, check the
box marked ‘other’ and then write in the name, Jeff Siggins.
Ooooh, a write-in campaign! Won’t that be fun? Let’s all get
involved in write-in campaigns, for the local, state and federal elec-
tions of 2012. Run yourself and/or get local independent people
to run with write-in candidacies for state and local elective offices.
And support my campaign for President by mentioning me in your
campaign materials.
It is herein publicly stated to all Boards of Elections of the vari-
ous states and to all Secretaries of States of these United States of
America that all write-in votes cast for Jeff Siggins are votes for the
Jeffrey Patrick Siggins who was born in Warren, Pennsylvania on
September 22, 1943 and are legally and rightfully claimed by him
as the author of this book.
I truly believe that the American people want something other
than politics as usual. I think voters want the opportunity to vote
for someone who is not a puppet of special interest groups. I also
believe voters want leaders who will be honest with them.
Honesty leads to trust. Let’s face it. Do you want either your doc-
tor or your car mechanic to lie to you? I don’t. I want to hear the
truth. I think you do, too. So don’t you also want the truth from
your President? Of course you do.
Political campaigns have objectives, things they want to accom-
plish. For most campaigns, the objective is simple - win!
My campaign has five basic objectives. They are:
1. To take back control of our lives from those who have wrested
it away from us; the ever more powerful insurance companies,
the highly-paid and corrupting lobbyists, the fear-mongering
media, the lawyer/lawmaker coalition and the two entrenched
political parties.
Jeff Siggins14
2. To defeat the pervasive political influence of special interest
groups, especially those who have coalesced into that most
ominous of institutions that President Eisenhower warned
us about more than fifty years ago, the military-industrial
3. To guide us back to the path of nobility from which we have
strayed. Righteousness will restore our national honor and
help us regain the respect of the international community.
4. To lead our citizens on a quest for continual self-improvement
and advanced learning, thus guaranteeing that our great na-
tion will continue to thrive and prosper.
5. To win! Yes, my objective is to win!
There are two major political parties in America, the Demo-
crats and the Republicans. For the 2012 presidential elections,
it is projected that each party’s candidate will spend will spend
more than one billion dollars to get elected. One billion dollars!
Each! Wow!
Each of the two parties has tens of millions registered members
many of whom donate money and/or work on the campaign. Both
parties have fundraisers and ‘fat cat’ contributors who will funnel
millions of dollars to the candidates. It is with these large campaign
donations that special interest groups and wealthy individuals buy
the votes of the politicians they help to elect.
The Democrats and Republicans also have the benefit of tradi-
tion. Most people simply vote for the same party they have always
voted for. These are the people who have endangered America.
These are the people who vote the party line and keep these scala-
wags in office. If you believe that America is headed in the right
direction, then vote for the candidates of the party of your choice.
Yet if you believe that America is headed in the wrong direction,
please consider my proposition and vote for me, the candidate who
is not beholden to anyone but the voters.
Because of their advantages, defeating the candidates of the ma-
jor parties will be extremely difficult, yet not impossible. I have
Me for President and Pope 15
three sources of power that can, if managed properly, bring success
to this unique presidential campaign. They are:
1. The power of an idea whose Time has come
I sense people want change. I have looked at our nation’s
strengths and weaknesses and I have formulated a plan for leading
with our strengths and strengthening our weaknesses. Taking the
power of the Presidency away from both political parties is the first
of the necessary changes that will strengthen our nation.
2. The power of people working for Their own self-inTeresTs
All people have to do is realize that what I am presenting in this
book is for their benefit and I will have the necessary people power
to win the election.
3. The power of mulTiplicaTion
The success of my campaign relies in large part on the power of
multiplication as it relates to this book, Me for President and Pope.
If 1000 people who buy and read my book will each buy 5 more
copies to give to friends, asking the friends to continue the chain by
buying 5 copies for their friends, and so on down the line, it only
takes 7 generations to have almost 98 million people who own a
copy of the book and who hopefully will vote for me. It can happen
and will happen if enough people want it to happen.
This is definitely a ‘people power’ campaign. I am presenting a
true alternative to politics as usual. My job is to get the message out
and if my message resonates with enough people, these people will
be the ones to cause this campaign to succeed. I hope you are one of
these people. If you are, get the word out. Talk about my campaign,
my candidacy. There is no greater method of spreading the word
about something than by word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth is like
a prairie fire racing across the land. So I ask you, please, buy the
book, read the book, and talk with people about the book. If you do
this, the politics of America can be forever changed.
Jeff Siggins16
Q. How different is my campaign for President?
A. I’m offering to put both America and the Catholic Church
back on the right paths. Do any of the other candidates make
that offer?
The Jeff Siggins for President Campaign begins with the publica-
tion and release of Me for President and Pope. As with most book
releases, a publicity campaign will begin, hopefully with national
media exposure and a promotional tour of bookstores for auto-
graph sessions and conversations with the readers.
I would like to take an extended tour to bookstores all over
America. I need to meet and talk with the American people. I need
to learn from them. I need to see how they feel about my ideas. I
need to hear their ideas, your ideas.
After the initial media blitz, I am hoping to cause enough of a
stir so that I will be invited to appear on TV and radio shows in the
cities where I am appearing at bookstore autograph sessions. I also
hope to do interviews with local newspaper reporters and magazine
My campaign needs publicity. I want to get the word out. I have
lots to say that isn’t in the book and I will need to explain and
clarify things that are in the book. Thus I hope that the media folks
will contact me at my publisher’s e-mail to set up interviews. (pro-
After the initial book tour, I will do a lecture tour that will allow
people to tell me their needs and beliefs and question me about my
beliefs and policies. Anyone who wishes to book my lecture, please
contact me through the publisher’s e-mail. (profundador@comcast.
My dear readers, I need your help. Nobody knows everything.
No one is always right. Everybody makes mistakes. I need to listen
to the American people if I am to be a great President. I need to hear
what people want and need so that I can shape my policies to fit
those wants and needs. After all, I am not doing this for me; I am
doing this for us.
Imagine an independent President who belongs to no political
Me for President and Pope 17
party and whose cabinet is made up of members of both parties
as well as other political independents. An independent President
with such a cabinet could suggest legislation that isn’t based on par-
ty philosophies or party strategies, but rather is based on common
sense and the need for remedial change. An independent President
could reduce the need by members of both parties to ‘play politics’.
Now hear this! Now hear this! If I am elected President, I cat-
egorically state right now, I will not seek re-election. In fact, I will
not even serve a full four year term. I will serve one year and then
I will resign, turn over the Presidency to the Vice President and
with the help of the U.S. military, I will become the Pope of the
Roman Catholic Church. It is as Pope that I will be able to solve
the institutional problems that currently and historically plague the
Catholic Church. These matters will be covered in the second part
of this book.
This brings us to the single most important aspect of my cam-
paign for the Presidency – the selection of the Vice President. As I
have stated in the previous paragraph, if I am elected President, I
will serve for only one year. This means that the person who is Vice
President will serve for three years. Therefore, the choice of Vice
President will be as important as the choice for President; indeed,
even more so. And this is why I will ask the voters of the United
States to make this choice. Here is how this will work.
I will nominate five candidates for Vice President. They will ex-
tend to both sides of the political spectrum. They will all be well-
known, successful people, capable of fulfilling the duties and re-
sponsibilities of the U.S. Presidency. The voters who wish to vote
for one of these candidates will first write in Jeff Siggins for Presi-
dent and then write in the name of their choice for Vice President. If
I am elected to be the President, the Vice Presidential nominee with
the most votes will become the Vice President.
For me, and I hope for you, the most important aspect of having
an opportunity to vote for people who are not formally running for
the offices of President and Vice President is that if those people are
elected, they have not sold themselves out to special interest groups
or to those individuals who make very large campaign contribu-
Jeff Siggins18
tions. They are thus free from the quid pro quo influence of those
groups or individuals. And as they have been elected without the
assistance of a political party, they are able to act independently,
without the influence of party leaders or fat cat contributors.
Let me clearly state at this time, I have yet made no contact with
any people that I will nominate for Vice President. I don’t even
know who they will be. I have some good ideas, but I need to ask
the American people who they want for their President. I will do
that as I travel around America promoting my book and my candi-
dacy. Then on Columbus Day, October 12, 2012, I will announce
the names of the five candidates for Vice President via Facebook,
my website and the press.
I am announcing the names of the five nominees for Vice Presi-
dent at such a late time in the campaign for several reasons. A. The
names I present will be so familiar that voters won’t need a large
amount of time to become knowledgeable about them. B. I hope
the limited time between announcement and election will persuade
the five candidates I nominate for Vice President to refrain from
campaigning. C. Because there are only about three weeks between
the announcement of the nominees for Vice President and the elec-
tion, the Democrats and Republicans won’t have very much time
to rev up their attack machines against the independent nominees.
D. It brings more mystery and drama to my campaign; to me that
means more fun.
Chapter Four
THE PRESIDENT OF the United States is not a king. A king
rules, a President merely governs. A king has great power, a Presi-
dent has limited power. For this we can thank George Washing-
ton. As the first American President, he resisted amassing too much
power in the Presidency.
Because I will resign the Presidency after one year, I want the
Me for President and Pope 19
Vice President to get used to the reins of power. Therefore, from the
very first days of my Presidency, including the transition period,
the Vice President will carry out many duties usually performed by
the President.
One such duty will be to chair cabinet meetings. I, as President,
will be a participant, but the Vice President will chair the meetings,
present the agenda and call on the various cabinet members during
discussions and for reports. As President I will always make the final
decision, but always with the input and advice of the Vice President.
The Vice President will be present for intelligence briefings and
policy discussions. As my Vice President will definitely be taking
over the Office of the President, he or she should know what is
going on at all times. Having a full year as Vice President has an-
other benefit; it provides a much longer period of time for the Vice
President to develop policies and personnel for his or her own ad-
ministration. The usual situation is that the President has only the
Transition Period (from early November until January 20) to form
an administration and its governing policies. If I am elected, my
Vice President will have a much better chance of developing his or
her own policies because they will be formed by a more intimate
knowledge of current events and on classified information that is
not available to candidates before the election is held.
For many Presidents, the main attribute they want in a cabinet
member is loyalty. To me, loyalty is far down the list of virtues. I
want competence. I want ability. I want ‘the best and the brightest’.
I want the members of my cabinet to debate each proposal vigor-
ously. I want to see all sides of a situation or problem, not just get
a re-affirmation of my point of view. I despise yes-men, sycophants
and brownnosers. I want to hear all sides first, and then I will make
the final decision; yet always with the counsel of the Vice President.
I will suggest much legislation to Congress. I will do whatever I
can to get that legislation passed. My proposals will come from the
pages of this book. I believe the American people and their elected
officials should know in advance what a Presidential candidate will
do once that person is in office. I so very dearly wish to work in har-
mony with the members of Congress. I feel it is very important to
Jeff Siggins20 Jeff Siggins
have cooperation between the Legislative and Executive branches
so that the remedial changes can be made that will benefit America
and Americans.
When working with the Congress, I will go the extra mile. I will
hold out my hand in friendship and partnership. I will consult with
the appropriate committees when making appointments. I will, to
pave the way for smooth and rapid passage, ask for advice while
drafting legislation. I will be available for consultation and for
emergency needs of constituents.
However, if I do not get the cooperation of the Senators and
Representatives, woe be unto them. As one can see from this book,
I have been given the gift of imagination. I will use my imagination
to apply pressure on those legislators who do not do their duty as
representatives of their constituents and who instead work for spe-
cial interest groups or for their political party.
And I must give another word of warning to my compatriots
in the Congress. Because my goal is to reduce the Federal budget by
at least ten per cent, I simply will not tolerate the abuses known as
earmarks and pork barrel projects. Bills that are sent to the White
House that contain pork and earmarks will be vetoed and sent
back. I do not need a line-item veto. The Supreme Court has right-
fully called line item vetoes illegal as they infringe on Congressional
authority as stated in the U.S. Constitution. Therefore I will veto
the entire bill and I will publicly state why. I will name the culprits
who try to pad the budget by name. I will do this in the cause for
responsible government.
In order to show the voters what they will do when their candi-
dates are elected, political parties provide the electorate with lists of
ideas and programs that they promise to carry out if they are elect-
ed. These lists are called ‘party platforms’. One troubling aspect of
current political life in America is that these party platforms are
almost always forgotten by those who ran on them. If I am elected
to be the President of the United States, I will do everything in my
power to achieve the platform on which I am running. Chapters
Five through Twenty-three of this book present the changes and
reforms that I want to achieve during my short tenure in office.
Me for President and Pope 21
These aforementioned chapters form the platform on which I am
running. The ideas contained in these chapters will be the basis of
my legislative agenda.
Chapter Five
Foreign Policy
MY FELLOW AMERICANS, I must speak candidly. We have lost
the respect of the citizens of others nations. In fact, it goes beyond
mere loss of respect. Many people in the world have great contempt
for us. This is not good. It bodes ill for our future as a nation.
Of course, some of this contempt comes from the fact that the
USA is the sole remaining superpower. It’s easy to despise the rich
and powerful. Yet I believe much of the contempt for America comes
from the perception that we Americans have become arrogant, self-
serving bullies. The invasion of Iraq by the George W. Bush Admin-
istration, regrettably, cemented this opinion in the minds of many
people around the world, even some here in America.
So what do we do about it? To be honest, fixing this problem
won’t be easy. While it is rather easy to lose respect, it is difficult to
regain once it is lost. It will take hard work, dedication and well-
designed policies to get America back to a position where people in
the world respect us again.
If I am elected President, much of my time and effort will be
spent restoring this lost respect. One of my first acts will be a speech
at the United Nations that will be entitled “We Are Not an Empire.”
The rhetoric of the speech will quickly be followed by the swift
removal of American troops from overseas bases.
Included in my United Nations’ speech will be two slogans that
hopefully will explain the changes in American foreign policy – “A
new day, a new way” and “We just want to be friends.”
The first slogan declares forcefully that from this point on, things
are going to be different, while the second slogan presents the heart
of the new American foreign policy. I am one who believes that
because America is a multi-racial, multi-cultural democracy, as well
as an economic and military superpower, we can be the most influ-
ential force for world peace.
The actions that follow this rhetoric may shock conservatives
worldwide, yet I believe it will change the world for the better. By
presidential decree, all existing trade sanctions and political sanc-
tions will be dropped and face-to-face bilateral talks will be offered
to every government in the world. These include Cuba, Iran, Syria,
North Korea, Venezuela, everyone.
In the world of carrot and stick diplomacy, this will be an era of
carrots. This, however, does not mean that the United States will be
giving away large sums of money to other governments or groups
within foreign nations like we did during the Cold War. No, no, no!
What it does mean is that the interests of all nations will be put on
the table for discussion and negotiation.
The message that the Siggins Administration will send forth is
that the world has become too small and too interconnected to con-
tinue on as before. All nations have their own national interests
and goals and these must be respected and, if possible, achieved.
My administration will sincerely and energetically strive to make all
negotiations win-win outcomes for those involved.
To accomplish this, many new policies will be initiated at the tra-
ditional international forum, the United Nations. New ideas from
all quarters will be looked at and voted on, especially those related
to tension-relieving, global trade, women’s issues, the environment,
international crime, minority rights, national security, the internet,
and human rights.
Permit me to explain more about my “We-just-want-to-be-
friends” policy. It is not complicated. It simply declares that every
nation in the world can now look to have friendly relations with
the planet’s only superpower if that is what they desire. I will open-
ly invite the heads of all governments to meet with me to discuss
matters of interest. My administration will be open to any and all
suggestions that will hopefully improve our relationships and the
lives of our citizens. Friends talk to each other candidly. Friends say
Jeff Siggins22
Me for President and Pope 23
what they feel. This is currently missing in most government-to-
government relationships. My administration will promote candor
and openness between governments.
However, there will be problems for those who do not wish to be
our friends if they attempt to do harm to either the United States or to
any declared friend of the United States. We will not sit idly by and al-
low bad things to happen to us. This is when we unleash our unrivaled
military might with what I refer to as “The Terrible Swift Sword.” No,
do not make the mistake in thinking that our proffer of friendship is a
sign of weakness. It isn’t. It simply changes us from a bully who always
wants its own way to a friend who is there in a time of need.
And if those who are our friends behave badly, they cannot ex-
pect our support. They will be asked about their actions and, if
necessary, be taken to task.
.And lastly, if any country has ambitions to become another su-
perpower, to you I say “Forget about it.” We are the superpower.
We don’t need another one. A return to a Cold War is not going to
happen. Put away those thoughts right now.
Chapter Six
Defense Policy
THE ARMED FORCES of the United States of America comprise
the greatest, most powerful military might ever assembled on this
Earth. They are the backbone of our body politic. Without this
amazing amalgamation of men, women, transport and weaponry,
the USA would not be the world’s only superpower. We Americans
owe our military personnel a great debt of gratitude.
This being said, our military must be prepared for big changes.
These changes will be based on the fact that our defense policy im-
plements our foreign policy and it is changes in our foreign policy
that will dictate the changes in our military strategy.
As stated in the previous chapter, soon after assuming the presi-
Jeff Siggins24
dency, I will travel to the United Nations in New York City to speak
to the assembled members. I will present our new foreign policy in
a speech whose theme is drawn from the speech’s title – “We Are
Not an Empire.”
It is my belief that many of the problems that we currently face
are caused by the perception that the United States wants to rule the
world. I do not believe that Americans desire this, but I do know that
many people in other countries hold this belief. One of the contribut-
ing factors to this perception is the large numbers of American troops
stationed on bases in various countries, i.e., Germany, Japan, South
Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, etc. Many
of these bases have been staffed by American forces since World War
II. Others were set up during the Cold War, while a few are fairly
recent, especially those in Muslim nations.
Now I know that there are many people who think that having
foreign bases makes us stronger. I disagree. I believe that stationing
American troops overseas actually weakens us. My reasons for this
belief are:
1. Overseas bases provide targets for those who wish to chal-
lenge us.
2. They are a drain on our treasury. Maintaining overseas bases is
a very costly proposition.
3. Misbehaving military personnel create enmity with the local
4. Ask yourself the question –“How would I feel if a foreign pow-
er stationed troops in the United States?”
In a strange way, our overseas troops are almost hostages that
cause us to bend to the wishes of the host nations. When consider-
ing a military action, we have to factor the host country’s wishes
into the equation.
Therefore, as Commander-in-Chief, I will order the timely return
of all American military personnel and equipment to the United
States with the exception of a few undisclosed strategic locations
and as guards for all overseas embassies and consulates. Once back
Me for President and Pope 25
on American soil, our armed forces will prepare for a new type
of military operation, rapid deployment. This new type of military
strategy which I have entitled, “The Terrible Swift Sword”, will be
structured to allow us to inflict enormous damage in a very short
response time on anyone, be they nation or group, if they attack us
or our friends.
And to the terrorists of the world, I give a special word of warn-
ing. I will fight terrorism much differently than previous adminis-
trations. If you attack Americans or American property, either in
America or overseas, be prepared to lose your entire family, your
entire clan or tribe and your entire support system.
I remember a conversation with a member of the American in-
telligence community during the wave of kidnappings in Lebanon
during the 1970’s. Several Americans had been taken hostage and
the American government seemed absolutely powerless to do any-
thing about it. Then a Russian was kidnapped, yet in a few days was
released, unharmed. My spy friend told me that the Russians had
delivered a shoebox to the kidnappers. In the shoebox were body
parts of some of the kidnappers’ family members. Yes, this is harsh,
but also effective. It is Realpolitik, of which I am a believer. So, ter-
rorists, be warned and beware; especially suicide bombers.
One further policy that will involve our military personnel will
be the use of retiring generals and admirals as ambassadors to for-
eign countries and Executive branch troubleshooters and envoys.
Chapter Seven
Economic Policy
IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT “The business of America is busi-
ness.” Need proof? America has less than 5% of the planet’s human
population, yet has about 22% of the economic activity. Yes, we’re
doing very well, yet I want us to do better, especially in the area of
international commerce. We need to be selling more things to the
people of other countries.
Jeff Siggins26
To achieve this, we must cease inflicting damage on ourselves by
imposing trade sanctions on other countries for political reasons.
This allows other nations to move in and take our potential markets
away from us.
Oh, oh! I can just hear the howl from South Florida now. “Trade
with Fidel and Raul Castro? Are you out of your mind? We will
stop you!”
Sorry, ex-pat Cubans. We should trade with Cuba, Castros or
no Castros. It is time. Our trade sanctions have done nothing but
cause pain, not to Fidel and Raul, but to the Cuban people and to
American business. So, bye-bye, sanctions!
What about Iran? What about Syria? North Korea? Yes, them,
too. It’s time to send our sales personnel and trade representatives
to these countries to begin negotiating trade contracts. Simply be-
cause some people label these nations “the evil empire” doesn’t
make it true. Besides, we do much better with others when we en-
gage them, instead of calling them names and ostracizing them. So,
corporate sales managers, start getting your sales forces learning
Arabic, Farsi, Korean and Spanish, because if I’m elected, things are
going to change, big time.
Of course, this also means that we must return to an era where
much of what we manufacture is made right here in the United
States. One reason for our economic woes is the fact that there are
few manufacturing jobs in the USA. American jobs are necessary
for a healthy American economy. Therefore I wish to see the re-
industrialization of America. We need jobs for people willing to
work. We need to have certain products made here at home, for
both security and bottom line financial purposes. These products
should be identified and then American industrialists can set up
these businesses with generous incentives from the Federal, State
and Local Governments.
One of my first pieces of legislation that I send to the Congress
will be a bill that gives benefits to American companies that invest
in job-producing manufacturing facilities in America and converse-
ly, will tax American companies that send jobs abroad.
Another major change for Americans will be in the area of govern-
Me for President and Pope 27
ment spending. Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives take note. I
wish to usher in a new age. I call it “the Age of Frugality.” Working
with the Congress and a team of axe-wielding accountants, I want
to trim the spending of the United States government by a double
digit percentage. It can be done and I have the will to do it. I hope
the American people will put pressure on the Senators and Repre-
sentative to help carry out this budget trimming program.
One way that I will reduce the budget of our government is to
get rid of several departments and cabinet positions. Number One
on my hit list is the Department of Homeland Security. I sincerely
want to know whose idea it was to develop that travesty of govern-
mental responsibility. What I can’t get over is why the Department
of Defense didn’t scream and stomp about that one. If our admirals
and generals can’t provide security for our homeland, we have to
get some new admirals and generals. Personally speaking, I have
complete faith that our military can defend our country, therefore
we will say farewell to the Department of Homeland Security.
There are other departments that will either be dismantled or
incorporated into other departments. I will speak about which ones
as my campaign progresses.
I will not touch Social Security, but I do wish to offer up a few
ideas that I believe should be incorporated into the Social Security
System. I will send legislation to the Congress accordingly.
On the revenue side, I want major changes, so major that this
proposal is the most radical and pragmatic of all my reform propos-
als. It concerns our income tax code. I want to simplify it, simplify
it beyond belief. And to make it simple, I want to dispose of the
major bugaboo that creates most of the problems and most of the
scalawags – deductions. Oh, yes, folks, the mischief-makers love
deductions. It is with deductions that the rich and powerful skate
off without paying anywhere near their fair share of taxes.
I would like to say a few words directly to the rich people of
America. You are fortunate. Through your skills, intelligence, hard
work or family you grabbed the golden ring called wealth. How
wonderful! I am very happy for you.
Wealth is a very good thing. It helps stabilize society. It acts as an
Jeff Siggins28
insurance policy against future travails. It provides status. Wealth allows
us to lead lives on a comfort level never even imagined by ancient kings.
However, when a wealthy American spends a great deal of re-
sources (i.e. time, money, effort) to escape paying taxes to our gov-
ernment via the IRS, I thinks that’s a bit unpatriotic, don’t you?
Without this great engine of finance called the American Econ-
omy, none of us could reap financial rewards. We must keep it go-
ing. We can’t just take from it. We have to give some back so that it
works even better. That’s what taxes do. Taxes help create resources
(i.e. roads, water systems, bridges, airports, electricity) from which
we all benefit. If you don’t pay your fair share, you hurt the machin-
ery. So, please, pay your fair share of taxes, and for Heaven’s sake,
stop squealing about it. Instead, consider yourself a hero. By paying
lots of money in taxes, you strengthen America. I love America, so
to me you’re a hero.
Please understand; the numbers I present below are not the num-
bers that will be the final rates. I need the Government Accounting
Office to crunch all the data to see what the numbers should be.
These are just to show what they might be. The important things
about these rates are fourfold.
1.They must raise the necessary revenue to pay the bills of our
2. Everyone must pay some taxes.
3. Taxes should not be a burden to anyone.
4. There are absolutely no deductions. None. Once we start de-
ducting for anything, we go down the slippery slope to our
Here is a sample tax rate chart based on a person’s annual in-
come. As I said before, it is not the final one. The final rates must be
set by Congress and the Government Accounting Office specialists.
For the first $1 to $10,000 pay 1%
For the next $10,001 to $25,000 pay 3%
“ “ “ $25,001 to $50,000 pay 5%
Me for President and Pope 29
“ “ “ $50,001 to $100,000 pay 10%
“ “ “ $100,001 to $250,000 pay 15%
“ “ “ $250,001 to $500,000 pay 20%
Over $500,000 pay 25%
And remember, no deductions! Not for mortgage interest, not for
children, not for charitable deductions. No deductions.
I know this is a radical proposal, so let the debate begin.
Chapter Eight
Intelligence Reform
NO MATTER HOW effective intelligence gathering technology
becomes, it cannot reduce the importance of on-the-ground human
assets – in other words – spies. For anyone who does not understand
this fact of life, I urge you to read the 2400 year old Chinese classic,
The Art of War. Its author, Sun Tzu, presents a very succinct de-
scription of the various types of spies and their responsibilities. The
intelligence gathering necessities and methods presented in The Art
of War are as applicable today as they were over two millennia ago.
A Jeff Siggins Administration will immediately begin a program
to improve the American intelligence community’s recruitment and
training of human assets. We will especially focus on recruiting
people who speak, are learning or are willing to learn the Farsi,
Urdu, Arabic, Chinese, Russian or Korean languages. Especially
necessary will be polymaths who are willing to put themselves in
foreign countries. So, attention! Anyone who wants to be a James
Bond or Mata Hari, America needs you!
In several of our intelligence agencies I also wish to establish
working groups made up of veteran spies, analysts and behavioral
psychologists whose job will be to sit in a room together and play a
game called “What Are They Up To?” They will have access to trans-
lated real time data as well as the authority to debrief field agents
and agency analysts. Mid-week these groups will meet together to
Jeff Siggins30
play a grand version of the game, each group in turn presenting
their findings so that connections can be exposed and analyzed.
And in the game “What Are They Up To?” who are ‘They’? Our en-
emies, of course, both real and potential.
Chapter Nine
Energy Policy
IT IS CLEAR THAT WE are sending too much of our treasure to
foreign and often unfriendly nations to provide us with oil. We must
cease doing this. We must learn to become more energy self-sufficient.
My administration will immediately begin construction of wind
farms, geothermal power generation and solar plants in all appro-
priate locations and the electricity from these plants will be used
by government facilities, thus reducing the government’s reliance
on public power and freeing up more electricity for private sector
consumers, whether they be businesses or individuals.
Tax incentives and low cost government loans will also be used
to promote hybrid vehicles and the production of fuels made from
renewable agricultural products such as sugarcane and switch grass.
Research and development of new technologies such as tidal power,
heat transfer and small-scale power producing projects will be fund-
ed. In the latter category, imagine health clubs and gyms with station-
ary bicycles that generate power when pedaled by people who wish
to exercise. Their exercise will not only help their bodies and their
minds, but will also supply electricity for the gym or health club.
As many have said before, “We don’t have an energy crisis, we
have an intelligence crisis.” Let us make policies that will inspire
our citizens to create new energy sources that will reduce our need
for foreign oil. Let us promote the invention and production of
technologies that will allow our citizens to own and control their
own sources of energy for their homes. Let us work together to
achieve energy independence.
Me for President and Pope
Chapter Ten
Environmental Policy
BECAUSE I DO NOT or will not take money from corporations
and special interest groups, I can have an environmental policy that
will actually protect the environment. I can also take on Congress,
holding their feet to the fire of public opinion, because I will have
the moral high ground and the support of people who rightfully de-
sire clean air and water. When enacting environmental legislation,
not taking campaign donations means freedom from corrupting in-
fluences and in a Siggins Administration, the only folks who will
not benefit are the polluters. Well, actually they will also benefit as
they too breathe air and drink water.
I also believe that businesses who pollute, in the long run, will
save money, because their workers will be healthier, thus saving
health care expenditures and increasing production.
There are five areas of environmental policy in which I will take a
special interest: air quality, water quality, toxic waste disposal, forest
management, and global warming.
My air quality policies will focus on three basic areas – industrial
emissions, auto emissions and urban vegetation.
In my administration, industrial polluters will face stiff penalties
as well as public exposure and ridicule. I believe that if more in-
formation about who is doing the polluting gets out to people, the
polluters will want to “clean up their act.”
Electric cars and hybrid vehicles are the future and the sooner we
get to have access to them, the better off everyone will be. It is my
hope that urban centers will be providing parking meters that will
give electric vehicles a recharge while parked in spaces exclusively
reserved for them.
Jeff Siggins32
Humans and other animals breathe oxygen and emit carbon di-
oxide. The same is true of internal combustion engines. Plants, on
the other hand, breathe carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. It seems
logical to me that if there are more plants in an area, there will be
more oxygen. It is my hope that city governments will promote
urban vegetation. This includes street level trees, roof top gardens,
and ivy-covered buildings. These may help in the fight against glob-
al warming because plants also absorb the heat that would normally
reflect off of buildings. This might even reduce the need for air-
conditioning and thus save electricity as well.
We all know the importance of water. Without it, we die. My
administration will therefore make improving water quality a top
priority. Included in our water policies will be conservation of wet-
lands and estuaries, research and development of more efficient fil-
tration and desalinization technologies, multi-usage of water and
legal action against polluters.
A part of improving water supplies will be the handling and dis-
posal of toxic waste. Personally, I see toxic waste as a resource, not
just something to throw away. Research into taking toxic chemi-
cal by-products and changing then into useful chemical products
should be funded. The same is true of garbage. I believe garbage can
be a resource. We simply need to find new ways to make it useful.
I was raised in the forests of northwestern Pennsylvania. I am a
lover of trees. However, I know that trees, like all living organisms,
die. As wood and wood products are essential to our lives, I believe
that forest management should include culling out older trees while
they are still useful, then replanting new tree seedlings to take their
place. I am also a proponent of clear cutting swaths through for-
ests, especially in the Western part of America, as a deterrent to the
spread of forest fires. The time to cut the trees down is before the
fires begin burning. In this way we can save thousands of acres of
trees at the sacrifice of a few acres.
Global warming is a reality. We must begin dealing with it. The
Kyoto Accord is a good beginning. I will adopt it as a template for
dealing with the warming of our planet. The effects of global warm-
ing were in evidence in the summer of 2005. Katrina and other
Me for President and Pope 33
hurricanes are the results of global warming. The year 2010 was the
hottest year in the history of recorded temperatures on our planet.
As mankind has contributed to the warming of our planet, we can
also contribute to the reversal of the trend towards higher tempera-
tures. Scientists and engineers must make solving this problem a
top priority. The destruction of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast
should not be repeated elsewhere.
Chapter Eleven
Healthcare Policy
I WISH TO CHALLENGE the premise that employers should
be financially responsible for the health care costs of their employ-
ees. In a former era, when the United States was the only country
with large scale industries, this may have made sense. Now there
are many countries that are challenging our automobile, appliance,
electronics, furniture, textile and other industries. Most of these
countries have national health plans that relieve their industries of
the costly responsibility of insuring workers and American indus-
tries that pay for workers health care costs have found themselves
at a competitive disadvantage.
I also wish to challenge the premise that insurance companies
should be part of the American health care system. Health care
should be about doctors, nurses and patients. Do you realize that
when insurance companies are part of the health care system, the
health care system must pay for the salaries and benefits packages
of all the employees of insurance companies as well as the divi-
dends and profits the company pays to the shareholders? And you
wonder why health care in America is so expensive.
Thirdly, I wish to challenge the premise that lawyers should, in
any way, be part of the American health care system. It is a known
fact that there are doctors who practice ‘defensive medicine’, which
Jeff Siggins34
means that they do extra and often unnecessary tests, simply to
protect themselves in case of a malpractice lawsuit brought by a pa-
tient and a lawyer. Naturally, extra tests cost money and the patient,
employer or insurer must pay for them. The health care system that
I present will remove the lawyers from the doctors’ offices.
Lastly, I wish to challenge the premise that health care should be
a profit-making business. I believe that doctors, nurses and medi-
cal technicians should be well paid for their services, but where is
it cast in stone that people should become rich on the misery and
suffering of others? In fact, just the opposite is true. In the words of
our most cherished and beloved document, the Constitution of the
United States of America, the government shall “promote the gener-
al welfare.” Right there it is, folks, written by the Founding Fathers
themselves. The government shall promote the general welfare. The
question is, “How should it do that?” Here is my plan.
I will, as President, propose legislation that will set up a nation-
wide federally-funded institution I call the National Health Service.
It will be up to the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass
this proposed legislation. If they pass it in both Houses and it comes
to me in the form that I proposed it, I will sign the bill and it will
become the law of the land. If they send it to me in an adulterated
form, which includes things I do not wish included, (i.e. participa-
tion of insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and
lawyers) I will veto it, send it back to them and the battle will begin.
Of course, many Senators and Representatives take large cam-
paign donations from insurance companies and other health care
special interests and they will fight like hell to defeat my plan. I be-
lieve the American people are so fed up with the current system that
I will have both right and might on my side. Let the battle begin!
The legislation that I submit to the Congress will call for a two-
tier health plan. One tier will be for those people who are satisfied
with their current health care situation. The second tier will be for
those who wish something new and different, by name, the Na-
tional Health Service, or N.H.S.
Although the National Health Service will be established imme-
diately after the legislation and initial funding bills are passed and
Me for President and Pope 35
signed, it will take several years to get the system into place and
fully operational. Like most good things, it will need to evolve.
As doctors, nurses and other medical personnel are the backbone
of the N.H.S., the first step will be to recruit them. Setting them up
with clinics will be the next step. Studies will be conducted to find
the best locations to begin the N.H.S., ‘best’ meaning most needed.
Once clinics are set up and staffed, the doors will be open to all who
wish low cost medical treatment.
Doctors, nurses and other medical workers will be paid yearly
salaries. They will be good salaries. One major benefit of working
for the N.H.S. will be that doctors will not have to pay for medi-
cal malpractice insurance. The government will insure the doctor.
After all, if the license comes from the government, the insurance
should also.
Actually, I am seeking as part of the legislative package that sets
up the N.H.S., a proviso that states that if you use the services of
the government’s health care system, the N.H.S., you cannot take
the doctor or the government to court and sue for medical malprac-
tice. You will be allowed to submit a claim to a panel of judges and
doctors for binding arbitration and if the doctor who treated you is
found guilty of medical malfeasance, a settlement will be paid. Law-
yers will not be allowed to represent claimants, although a friend or
family member can.
If a doctor is found to have acted carelessly or wrongfully, the
panel can recommend one of four decisions for the doctor.
•Retraining in the procedure that caused the problem.
•Suspension of license and re-education.
•A monetary fine.
•Loss of license to practice medicine.
Part of the legislation submitted to the Congress to establish
the N.H.S. will deal with the current responsibilities of employ-
ers to their employees. Employers cannot merely drop all health
care costs for their employees immediately after the N.H.S. is es-
tablished. They will have to live up to their contractual agreements,
Jeff Siggins36
especially if the benefits’ packages were negotiated through the pro-
cess of collective bargaining.
This being said, it is the wish of this candidate that businesses
will soon be relieved of their responsibilities of paying for work-
ers’ health care, so methods of changing from employer paid care
to government care must be an important part of any legislative
package that is passed and signed into law. I ask for the help of all
CEO’s and small business owners in this country to help me in this
quest to level the playing fields for their companies by removing
the enormous health care costs with which I feel they have been
unfairly burdened.
One of the primary goals of the N.H.S. will be to reduce the
amount of paperwork that a doctor must deal with. Doctors should
be treating patients, not filling out myriads of forms. Naturally,
doctors should be required to maintain medical records of all the
people they have treated, but that is all.
Treatment of patients should be the concern of the doctor and
the patient. If the doctor feels that a certain treatment or test is nec-
essary, it should be done. It shouldn’t require the okay of someone
in an office far away from the health clinic.
Please notice that throughout this chapter I refer to health care
and not medicine or medical care. A primary purpose of the N.H.S.
is to promote good health (Remember the U.S. Constitution’s ad-
monition “promote the general welfare.”) The goals of the doctors
and nurses and other personnel should be to get the citizens of
American back to good health and keep them in that condition.
Medicine can and should play a role in that, but natural health
should be the ideal sought by both patients and doctors.
In accordance with this philosophy, doctors will be able to pre-
scribe treatment in one of the four special types of treatment cen-
ters, which I like to refer to as ‘agricultural health farms’. Patients
will live and work in the health-restoring gardens of these health
farms, each one of which will focus on treating one of four ‘self-
inflicted’ health problems – obesity (food abuse), tobacco abuse,
alcohol abuse and drug abuse.
The National Health Service will be established to provide low
Me for President and Pope 37
cost health care to all Americans who wish to use it. There is one
service, however, that the N.H.S. will not provide; the use of so-
called life-sustaining machines. If people wish to be put on these
machines or have their loved ones placed on them, they will have
to go to the first tier health care system.
To me, affordable health care is a right. We are a rich nation. We
already spend a large amount of money on the health care needs of
our citizens, but we spend this money badly and instead of going to
doctors, nurses and health care workers, much of the money goes
to insurance companies, their employees and their shareholders.
Please look closely at the health care plans of all the candidates
in this election, and if you do, I believe that you will give me your
vote because my health care plan makes the most sense and saves
you more of your hard-earned dollars. I believe this is particularly
true for employers, especially small businesses. I find it most unfair
that the burden of health care for those who work for you should
fall on your shoulders. Help me get elected and I will remove that
burden. Buy copies of this book. Give them to your workers, your
family and your friends. Spread the word. There is a righteous and
fair health care plan being offered. Let’s elect the person who has
designed it. Vote for Jeff Siggins.
Chapter Twelve
Education Policy
WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, it is my belief that the federal
government of the United States should have little to do with the
education of its citizens, young or old. To me, education policies
belong to the individual states and to the parents of children. Espe-
cially loathsome to me are the unfunded mandates that lawmakers
at the federal level impose on schools at the state and local levels.
My exceptions to federal involvement in education are the pro-
tection of rights of special needs students, Pell Grants and Title
Jeff Siggins38
Nine. For those who are unfamiliar with these; Pell Grants give
money to needy foreign and American students to help them pay
for college and Title Nine declares that schools must provide equal
opportunities for men’s and women’s sports programs.
I am especially opposed to federal academic standards and na-
tional exams to measure the students and schools to see if they
achieve those standards. This leads to teachers teaching for the
exam instead of teaching the subject. It also leads to cheating by
both teachers and administrators who do not wish to be penalized
for not achieving federally set goals. Besides, we already have a na-
tional exam. It’s called the SAT.
To get the federal government off the backs of state and local
school authorities, I will by legislative action attempt to remove the
Secretary of Education from the cabinet and merge the Department
of Education into another governmental department, thus creating
the Department of Labor and Education. This is where it rightfully
belongs. Education should prepare us for life and work is an essen-
tial part of life. If the Labor Department and the Education Depart-
ment work more closely together, schools can better prepare their
students for the workplace.
Please do not think that I demean teachers by making this move.
The opposite is true. I wish to give teachers more autonomy in their
classrooms. By reducing federal oversight and the paperwork that
accompanies it, teachers will have more time to teach. I know this
because I have been a licensed teacher.
As President, I will set high standards for American students and I
will personally fight to help teachers achieve these high standards for
their students. How will I do this? I will show by example that learn-
ing is best accomplished when it is fun. That’s right! I want schools
and classes to be fun. I not only want students to discover the fun
of learning, I want all Americans to discover the joys of learning. We
should all continue to learn, right up until we take our last breath. If
we do, our nation will continue to lead the world in innovation and
progress. And if we don’t, we are destined to be overtaken by nations
who understand the principle of lifelong learning.
Me for President and Pope
Chapter Thirteen
Science and Technology
FOR MUCH OF the 20th Century, the United States was on the
leading edge of scientific progress. Shamefully, this is changing.
Some of this loss in position is, of course, other nation’s scientists
simply catching up with American scientists. Some of our loss of
prestige, however, is self-inflicted. I attribute our diminishing status
in the realm of science to three causes.
1. Insufficient and badly prioritized investment.
2. The decline of the quantity and quality of math and science
teachers in our public schools.
3. The intrusion of religionists.
Scientific research is expensive. We have gone far beyond the cost
of beakers and Bunsen burners to equip laboratories. As we now even
conduct research on other planets, the cost of accumulating knowledge
has skyrocketed. But accumulating knowledge is extremely valuable if
we are to progress as a nation and as a species. Extremely valuable.
Yet let’s be realistic. The pockets of American taxpayers are not so
deep that we can fund every research project that is proposed. We
must and do prioritize. However, we all know that much too often
our money is spent on research projects that are either spurious or
laughably silly, even to other scientists. When news of these proj-
ects reaches the taxpaying public, there is more than grumbling,
there is hostility towards the scientific community.
Therefore, as President, I will install a triage-type process in the
federal funding of science projects. Those who wish to have their
research funded must show that there is some intrinsic value to
Jeff Siggins40
either science or society. Pork barrel projects are as insidious in the
realm of science as they are in the realm of politics.
One place where we do need to spend more money is in public
schools that are specifically dedicated to the teaching of math and
science. Math and science classrooms must become the front line in
our battle to re-establish America’s exalted position in science, the
position that is being challenged by China, India, Japan and the E.U.
Another way we can improve our math and science teaching is to
get real pros into the classrooms, people who are either retired or cur-
rently working in math or science. Working with the Congress, I will
hope to enact legislation that will allow any retired mathematician
or scientist to teach their specialty without jeopardizing their hard-
earned pensions. Do you have math or science skills? Do you know
someone who does? Do you have time to contribute to the education
of our youth? Will you? Please.
What we don’t need in our math and science classrooms is reli-
gion. Intelligent Design and Creationism have no place there. I ask
Christian evangelicals to remember the words of Jesus, the words
that are the theme of this book, “Render to Caesar that which is
Caesar’s, render to God that which is God’s.”
Public schools are in the realm of government. America’s Con-
stitution stresses the separation of church and state as did Jesus.
Please obey both Jesus and the U.S. Constitution. Keep religion
out of public schools. Religions belong in churches, temples and
mosques. Stop trying to intrude in public school classrooms. You
are hurting our nation.
The same is true of religious interference into medical research
such as embryonic stem cells. Please understand. God provides us
with minds. Those minds are to be used to help people. We help
people by curing diseases. It is possible that some of man’s most
debilitating diseases can be helped by the use of embryonic stem
cells, just as God designed it.
Chapter Fourteen
Veterans Affairs
THE GALLANT MEN and women who serve in our armed forc-
es often have problems stemming from their time in the military.
These can include battle wounds, training injuries, diseases, stress
and other psychological problems.
I wish to commend the work of the fine doctors, nurses, medical
technicians, therapists and other hospital staff members who provide
care for our recuperating veterans. They are skilled and dedicated
I would, however, like to add a new dimension to the care that
will not only be of benefit to American veterans, but to the medical
community and foreign policy of the USA as well. My plan involves
the island nation of the Philippines. With the permission and bless-
ing of the Philippines’ government, the United States could con-
struct and maintain a full-service hospital and veterans’ residence
on a remote island beach. This state-of-the-art medical facility will
serve two basic functions:
A. The pleasant seaside environment will aid the recuperation of
our veterans.
B. This hospital will serve as a training and licensing facility for
Philippine nurses who will be destined to work in American
hospitals, senior citizens homes and other medical facilities
to help with the long term shortage of nurses here in our
This is a win-win situation for all involved. The Philippine gov-
ernment will receive annual revenue from the leased property. The
Jeff Siggins42
Philippine nurses will be trained and licensed for American hospi-
tal procedures and employment. The veterans will have access to
excellent care, the beach, the ocean and a pleasant tropical environ-
ment. The American military will have a first-class medical facility
in Asia and the American taxpayers will save money without sacri-
ficing the quality of care for their loved ones.
I would also like to suggest that veterans in veterans’ hospitals
are an underutilized resource. Let us use our imaginations and cre-
ate job opportunities for the men and women who need daily medi-
cal care, yet are also capable and desirous of contributing to both
society and the American economy.
So put on your thinking caps, fellow citizens. Let’s find ways to
employ the veterans who would like to be employed, yet because of
medical care, need to remain at a veteran facility. Just to get the ball
rolling, let me offer a few jobs the veterans might do.
• Tutors to school students who need extra help. (Students could
be bused in.)
• Telemarketers for non-profit organizations.
• Telephone pollsters for political parties.
• Appliance repairmen for governmental offices. (Remember,
many veterans are highly trained technicians.)
If I am elected President, my Veterans’ Administration will set up
a website for suggestions for utilizing veterans and for employers to
offer jobs to veterans who wish to work.
Chapter Fifteen
The Arts
I AM CALLING ON the artists of America, the painters, sculp-
tors, potters, writers, poets, singers, dancers, actors, filmmakers,
Me for President and Pope 43
musicians, weavers, designers, photographers, and other creative
people to inaugurate a Neo-Renaissance. We have been living in
a time of darkness and it is time to return to the light. I challenge
the artists of America to help lead the way. Let us say good-bye to
Me Generation art and bring forth a We Generation art. Let each of
us seek higher values and then manifest these values in our artistic
endeavors. Let us put aside the cynicism that has grown rampant
because of the hypocrisy and fear-mongering of our leaders and
shine forth with a new optimism, a radiance from which our citi-
zens can learn and grow. Let the artists of America show us the way.
And let’s make America the fun place to be. Let’s have people com-
ing to America from all over the world just for the simple reason
that it’s the fun place to be. American artists can make that happen,
so let’s go for it.
Early in my presidency I will send legislation to the Congress
that will propose the establishment of three federal arts colonies.
They will be funded through the National Endowment for the Arts
and will be located on decommissioned military bases that have
been closed down by way of the BRAC (Base Realignment and Clo-
sures) procedures.
The purpose of these federal arts colonies will be to supply art-
ists with inexpensive living quarters and studio space as well as the
inspiration and camaraderie of other creative people. There will be
onsite galleries and performance centers for the exhibition of arts
to the public. Each art colony will partially fund itself through the
gallery’s commission fees from art sales and admission tickets of the
performances. Private donations, supplemental federal funding and
rent revenues will make up the balance.
Besides studios, galleries, performance halls and living spaces,
there will be dining areas, recreational facilities, supply stores,
parks and gardens where vegetables and fruits can be grown.
Artists will apply formally for residency at an arts colony and the
length of stay for each artist will be limited to a five year period. The
purpose of the arts colony is to give struggling artists an inexpen-
sive place to develop and grow. It is not to be a place of long term
Jeff Siggins
Chapter Sixteen
Laws, Rules and Regulations
WE ARE DROWNING in a sea of laws, rules and regulations.
Something must be done about it and soon. In my time as Presi-
dent, I will attack this problem with both vigor and tenacity. And I
will call on the American people to help.
During the so-called transition period, that time between being
elected and taking the oath of office, I will order three websites to
be set up. One will be for laws, one for rules and one for regula-
tions. As soon as they are operational, I will broadcast their web
addresses to the American people. From that moment on, people
can identify and submit those laws, rules and regulations that nega-
tively affect their businesses and their lives.
My administration will monitor these websites and begin the
job of removing those laws, rules and regulations that are inflicting
damage or hardship on people and/or their businesses.
Now let’s face it, many of these laws, rules and regulations are
necessary. Otherwise I would make a blanket proclamation and get
rid of all of those that would be in my power to get rid of. That is
why I will need the help of American citizens. We must work to-
gether to identify the truly bad ones, those that actually need to be
changed or taken off the books.
There are, of course, Constitutional jurisdictions to be con-
sidered. Those rules and regulations that are made by Executive
Branch agencies, I can and will do something about.
Laws are a different matter, however. They are enacted by the
Legislative Branch. The President cannot by fiat get rid of either
state or federal laws enacted by legislatures. The President can,
however, with the help of the American people, put pressure on
Me for President and Pope 45
the Senators and Representatives to change or get rid of bad laws.
Simplifying laws would also be a good thing. Imagine if the laws
on the books read:
It is illegal to kill.
It is illegal to steal.
It is illegal to rape.
Betrayal of the public trust is a capital offense.
Of course, the main reason the laws are written in such compli-
cated forms is that they are written by lawyers. If they were simple,
people wouldn’t need as many lawyers, because the people would
understand them. I will do my best to reduce both the numbers of
and influence of lawyers.
Chapter Seventeen
Vices, Crimes
and Punishments
JUST TO MAKE IT perfectly clear, I am now and always will be
a firm believer in the Second Amendment of our Bill of Rights – the
right for a citizen to bear arms.
This being said, I also believe that anyone who commits a crime
using a firearm should be charged with a federal crime as it is a
federal law that allows citizens to possess firearms. I will send legis-
lation to the Congress to that effect.
Attached to that legislation will be a proposal to build a new
federal prison for those who are convicted of a crime committed
with a firearm. That prison should be constructed in the wilds of
Alaska, in the harshest of environments. There should be no TVs,
no radios, no gyms, no amenities whatsoever; it should be a place
of punishment, harsh, cold and uncomfortable. When word gets
Jeff Siggins46
out, I believe this will act as a deterrent to crimes committed with
firearms. Members of gangs that commit federal crimes should also
be incarcerated in this prison.
I will also send a piece of legislation to Congress that proposes
that betrayal of the public trust by government employees should
be a federal crime. Violators should receive a lengthy prison sen-
tence. As Senators and Representatives are government employees,
this will be very difficult to get passed, but I will have fun trying.
Now hear this! Now hear this! Early in my administration I will
issue a blanket pardon to all those American men and women who
are in prison for possession or sale of marijuana. Shortly after the
announcement of this general pardon, I will send legislation to Con-
gress asking for the legalization of this ubiquitous and harmless plant.
I am old enough to remember when hemp (the English word for
marijuana) was a valuable agricultural commodity. Hemp was used
to make rope, sailcloth and other textiles and for birdseed. I also
know the legal history of the prohibition of hemp and it is shame-
ful. It was made illegal to give a powerful J. Edgar Hoover-type
named Harry Anslinger a job.
As for the legalization of all drugs, sorry, I am against that. Mari-
juana is not a drug, it is a plant. Yet I do believe that drug problems
are health problems, not criminal ones. Therefore I will inaugu-
rate drug colonies, places where people who take drugs can go to
get help with their drug problem. However, if drug takers commit
crimes of theft or deception or violent crimes, then they are crimi-
nals and should enter the criminal justice system.
Chapter Eighteen
Tort Reform
THE WONDERFUL AMERICAN movie “Forrest Gump” pres-
ents the simple, yet profound philosophical tenet, “Stupid is as stu-
pid does.” If this is true and it is also true that most Americans have
a low regard for lawyers, I have to ask these questions. “Why do
Me for President and Pope 47
you keep electing lawyers to Congress? What are you? Stupid?”
I believe that many Americans agree with me when I say that
there are too many lawyers in America and that many of the prob-
lems we face in this country stem from this overabundance of at-
Lawsuits are one of the main problems we face from lawyers. We
have become the most litigious society in the world. Suing someone
has become the answer to many problems. Q. - Why do people sue
other people? A.- Because lawyers advise them to.
Just the threat of a suit can be enough to get money from a per-
son or business. It is often referred to as ‘settling out of court’. It
should be labeled for what it is - extortion.
There is an excellent way to stop this travesty; simply enact a law
that states that if a plaintiff in a tort suit loses, he or she must pay
the legal expenses of the defendant.
Yet perhaps the main problem is that far too many Senators and
Representatives are lawyers. Let’s use some common sense. Let’s
look at our own Senators and Representatives and if they are law-
yers, let’s vote them out of office. That’s the smart thing to do. So
let’s do it. Then and only then will we be able to get laws passed that
will remove lawyers from the legislative process and get sensible,
understandable laws enacted.
Chapter Nineteen
Unfunded Mandates
THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT as personified by the Executive
and Legislative Branches and yes, even the Judicial Branch, must
simply stop dictating to the individual states when it comes to laws
that forcibly cause these states to spend state revenues to carry out
the federally enacted laws. These are known as ‘unfunded man-
dates’ and to me they are a form of taxation without representation.
They should be forbidden.
If the Senators and Representatives at the federal level want the
Jeff Siggins48
states to carry out their legislative wishes, they should provide the
monies to do so. I will therefore ask the Congress to pass a law for-
bidding unfunded mandates.
Chapter Twenty
Courthouse Displays
I PERSONALLY WOULD like to see the Ten Commandments
put on display in every courthouse in America. After all, they repre-
sent one of the earliest codifications of laws. However, because they
have been deemed religious, not historical, the federal courts have
seen fit to deny their presence in American courthouses.
I would like to suggest a solution. Let the Congress pass a law
that allows courthouses to display, as a group, four examples of
historical legal codes; the Ten Commandments, Hammurabi’s Laws,
the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution.
Chapter Twenty-one
Federal Shield Laws
IN A DEMOCRACY, the people rule. America is a democracy. Yet
for the people to rule wisely and well, we need information. The
gathering and dissemination of information is the responsibility of
reporters and editors of newspapers, TV, radio, magazines, and the
internet. These people are the eyes and ears of our society and they
must be free to do their jobs.
To do their jobs well, they must dig for information and often
this requires talking to people who do not wish their identities to
be known. This requires the source of the information to trust the
reporter before he or she will provide that information.
Protecting the sources of information is one of the responsibili-
Me for President and Pope 49
ties of all journalists. It is as sacred a relationship as doctor/patient
and lawyer/client.
Yet in recent years, reporters have had to go to jail to protect their
sources. Prosecutors and judges have seen fit to use jail time as both
a threat and a punishment to reporters for not revealing the source
of certain information.
A federal shield law is the antidote to this abuse of judicial power. I
will ask the Congress of the United States to pass a comprehensive federal
shield law that will forever protect reporters from having to make the ugly
choice of revealing a source or going to jail. It is not just the reporter and
the source that benefit from such a law, all will Americans benefit as well.
Chapter Twenty-two
Immigration Policy
EVERY COUNTRY in the world deserves the right to maintain an
immigration policy that forbids citizens from other countries to en-
ter that nation illegally. In the past, America has been very lax about
this. This must cease. It is time to get tough on illegal immigrants.
On the other hand, there are many jobs in America that Ameri-
cans don’t seem to want to do. Thus it is imperative for us to allow
foreign workers into our country. The solution to these conflicting
needs is to inaugurate a guest worker program that fulfills the needs
of the American businesses for foreign workers, while at the same
time maintaining the integrity of the immigration system.
At the current time people from most foreign nations need visas
to enter America. There are many types of visas. This is good. What
is not good is that when a person from a foreign country overstays
his or her visa, there are no immediate actions taken by the United
States Government agencies responsible for maintaining our im-
migration laws. This must change and one of the first bills that I
will send to the Congress will address these matters of illegal im-
migration. Some of the bill will focus on overstaying visas, some
on companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens and some on the
Jeff Siggins50
punishments and fines that will be levied against those who break
our immigration laws. Businesses who need to hire new employees
will have two very good pieces of identification they can use when
hiring a worker; an ID that proves American citizenship or a visa
from the US Government.
As for those who are already here illegally and have set up homes
and businesses, there will be no amnesty for you. You broke our
laws and must suffer the consequences of that fact. If you wish to
become an American citizen, there are ways to do this, but you do
not get to go to the head of the line to achieve citizenship
Most importantly, the Congress of the United States must ful-
fill their duties and obligations to the rightful citizens of our great
nation and pass immigration legislation that will be both compre-
hensive and far-reaching. Also, the Executive Branch must enforce
those laws with more efficiency and effectiveness.
Chapter Twenty-three
Employment Policy
HAVING A JOB is a very important aspect of life. A job not only
provides money to live on, it provides self-esteem, self-worth and so-
cial approval. When the national unemployment rate climbs past seven
per cent, America is in a crisis state. This being said, if I am elected
President, a Siggins Administration will reinstitute the Civilian Conser-
vation Corps and put Americans back to work. Unlike the mostly rural
CCC camps of the Great Depression, the modern CCC will primar-
ily focus on clearing urban decay and on the construction of housing
for the urban poor and the homeless. The funds to pay for this pro-
gram will come from the Federal stimulus coffers and will repaid from
the rentals charged for living in the newly-constructed or remodeled
dwellings. Other projects of the modern CCC will be urban public
parks and suburban and rural infrastructure such as drainage systems,
bridges and underground power grids.
Me for President and Pope 51
We must put Americans back to work. The American economy
depends on it. We must also try to get manufacturing jobs back in the
USA and legislation should be passed to stimulate American business
to invest in America-based companies that will provide employment
for our citizens. We must stop shipping our manufacturing jobs over-
seas. It hurts our economy and diminishes the lives of Americans.
Chapter Twenty-four
My Political Philosophy
WHEN I WAS TWELVE years I visited my aunt and uncle at the
Virginia Military Institute where he, Lt. Col. Henry C. Kerlin, was
the Commandant of Cadets, the Professor of Military Science and
Tactics and the highest ranking U.S. military officer on the post.
I loved being at V.M.I. so much that I asked my aunt and uncle
if I could stay there with them. Having no children of their own
and since we loved each other very much, they thought it would
be a great idea. I was enrolled in sixth grade at the William Henry
Ruffner Elementary School and began my new life in Lexington,
One of the first people I came to know at V.M. I. was Col. Robert
P. Carroll, the Head of the Biology Department. He introduced me
to one of my life-long passions, archeology, as well as many other
scholarly pursuits. His office was one of the most interesting envi-
ronments I had ever known as it was filled with biological speci-
mens in bottles, jars and display cases, Amerindian artifacts, stuffed
birds and animals, and a wonderful collection of fossils. It also had
a cut-out from a New Yorker magazine on the wall to which Col.
Carroll would point whenever I came to his office after being emo-
tionally or physically hurt by someone. It was a comic drawing of
a man scrunched up in a box. He had a scowl on his face and the
caption in quotes underneath had him saying, “People are no damn
good.” I would nod my head in agreement with the sentiment of
Jeff Siggins52
the cartoon and feel much better instantly. The thing is I never re-
ally believed it. I did and do think people are good, at least most
people. Yes, there are bad people in the world, yet for the most part,
I believe most people are innately good. In fact, I can truthfully say
without hesitation; I love people.
Because I love people, I wish to serve their best interests. I
believe that what I have incorporated into the text of this book
proves my willingness to engage in this public service. I believe that
if you carefully read this book that you can see that I have put much
thought into the ideas expressed herein. I also believe that you can
understand that I am not looking for personal power, but only for
the power to make the changes that need to be made to improve the
world. Then I will go back to being a ‘regular citizen.’
This is my philosophy. Help people. Serve people. Love people.
These are the reasons I am stepping into the arena of politics; to help
and serve people. The Greek word for people is polloi. It is from
this word that we get the English word ‘politics.’ We also get the
words ‘polite’, ‘policy’, ‘police’ and ‘polity.’ All these words are about
people: we the people; government of the people, for the people, by
the people. This is what I am fighting for. This is why I am running
for President. I wish to help all the people, not just the people of one
political party, all people. Yet I need your help to do this. So I ask you
in all sincerity; help me help you. Vote for me by writing in my name,
Jeff Siggins, for President of the United States in the election of 2012.
And what kind of President will the American people get if I am
elected? To be candid, I’m an actor. In the1970’s, I basically quit
acting in plays, TV and movies and began to take jobs ‘in the real
world’, yet I always looked at the job as an actor does and I would
create a character that I thought would best suit the needs of that
particular job. In other words, I would ‘play the part’ of a Wall
Street clerk, a hotel night auditor, an archeologist, a tour guide, a
university professor, whatever. Thus, if I am elected President of
the United States, I will create a President that is: a serious, hard-
working, yet fun administrator; an honest, energetic, imaginative and
inspiring leader for all Americans; a congenial, dedicated and willing
co-worker to the Senators and Representatives in Congress; an open
Me for President and Pope 53
and understanding partner to our friends in other countries; and one
tough son-of-a-bitch to those who choose to be our enemies.
Chapter Twenty-fIve
Biographical Information
AS IT IS IMPORTANT for people to know who their elective of-
ficials are, especially those who seek the office of President of the
United States, I include some biographical material.
I’m a really bright guy. My last measured IQ was 164. In my
youth, “Seek and ye shall find” was to me a very important piece
of wisdom. I have spent most of my life seeking and I can say with
assurance that I have definitely found what I was looking for – the
purpose of our existence. In fact, I can honestly say that I know
how the cosmos works. I know the purpose of life.
I am a country boy from a northwestern Pennsylvania farm who
is very much at home in cities. I have an unbelievably vast range
of experience. I have had over 600 different jobs that include:
actor(Broadway, Off-Broadway, summer theatre, movies, commer-
cials and TV, including a recurring role on The Patty Duke Show),
director, producer, writer, photographer, carpenter, furniture mak-
er, mason, detective, tour guide, designer and builder of pleasure
gardens, disc jockey, lecturer, hotel desk clerk, stock boy at Mont-
gomery Wards, clerk in a Wall Street brokerage, market researcher,
data collector for the RAND Corporation, medical investigator for
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, U.S. Census enu-
merator, teacher in six different countries, and Visiting Professor of
English at two different Chinese universities. I am the creator of the
Tranquility Calendar, a calendar system based on the Moon Land-
ing which will be very useful once space travel becomes common.
Folks, I’ve done a lot of stuff.
I have had incredible mentors in my life: General George C.
Jeff Siggins54
Marshall, Col. Robert P. Carroll, Buster Keaton, George C. Scott,
Aaron Rolland-Jones, Jim Moran, and Herb Kohl (the educator, not
the politician). I also served as an apprentice for two summers in a
summer theatre outside of Buffalo, New York.
I have been in fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados
and dust storms. I have been shot at, stabbed, and viciously beaten.
I have known pain and suffering.
I am widely traveled. I have been in 49 of the 50 U.S. states,
all of the states of Mexico and more than thirty other countries. I
have lived and worked in several foreign countries including Canada,
Mexico, Guatemala, Turkey, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, and China.
I communicate well. My training as an actor and my super-large
vocabulary are the contributing factors, I’m sure.
I have always been extremely interested in politics, but always
as an independent, never as a member of a political party. I am not
beholden to any special interest group. I am a fighter. I love a good
debate. I love to jump into the fray, especially when I see the two
things that really set me off – a woman being physically abused by
a man and any injustice, anywhere, anytime.
Chapter Twenty-six
I WILL NOT SEEK and will not accept any monetary contribu-
tions for my campaign. As I am not a publicly declared candidate,
it would be illegal for me to do so. It would be fraud.
Likewise, if anyone solicits money for my campaign, that person
is committing fraud. If anyone asks for money in the name of my
campaign or me personally, have that person arrested and charged
with fraud. That person is not part of my campaign.
I am running for President as a write-in candidate. My name
will appear on no ballot. If some individual or group tries to get
my name on a state or local ballot, they are doing so against my
Me for President and Pope 55
wishes and without my permission. You should have these people
arrested on charges of fraud, because they are acting contrary to my
campaign strategy.
If you wish to be a supporter of the Jeff Siggins for President
Campaign, please, please, please, I beg you; follow the directions I
have laid out in the book. Do not think you are doing my campaign
a favor by acting otherwise. You are not. Anyone who takes out TV,
radio, newspaper, magazine or internet ads in the name of my cam-
paign is a mischief maker and I will seek legal recourse against the
person or group who does so. Again, they are doing so without my
permission and against my wishes.
My fellow Americans, I am running a campaign that is far differ-
ent from the campaigns of all other politicians. I am anxious to see
if the American people want a different kind of political candidate.
I believe that a large percentage of the electorate is fed up with poli-
tics as usual and will appreciate someone who uses imagination and
sincerity to run for the highest office in the land.
That being said, I need your help. How do you help? By talking
to everyone you know. By talking to everyone you meet. Get them
interested in my campaign. In place of a campaign contribution of
money, buy copies of this book and give them to your friends and
acquaintances. Ask them to read the book and if they are sympathetic
to our cause, ask them to buy copies of this book and give them to
their friends and acquaintances. This is the way we will win.
There are other things you can do. Use your imagination. Create
posters and banners that support my candidacy and show them at
Democratic and Republican political rallies. Get on television. Get
your picture in the papers. But, please, do not protest the other
candidates. Do not even mention the other candidates by name.
Have fun. Create excitement. Have a big party in the streets. Play
musical instruments. Sing and dance. But do not destroy property.
We are a constructive movement, not a destructive movement. We
want to help people, not hurt their property. Respect people who
have different opinions. Try to change those opinions, but if you
can’t, honor other people’s right to their opinions. It is especially
important to convince people that voting for candidates of the two
Jeff Siggins56
political parties is doing damage to our country. Convince them
that America needs a break from either a Democrat or a Republican
in the Oval Office.
Display an American flag. Cherish that flag. Your ancestors may
have died for that flag, so cherish it. Give honor to our flag and to
the people who have fought for it.
Speak kindly to police officers, firemen and soldiers. Tell them
if Jeff Siggins is elected President that police officers, firemen, and
soldiers will be honored as heroes. This goes for teachers and librar-
ians as well.
I want a Presidency that is positive in all ways. Therefore, if you
wish to help, please be positive. Don’t try to help my campaign by
trying to destroy the other candidates. That is not the way I want to
win. Respect all people. Respect all life. Respect the rights of others.
Think of it this way – we are the good guys. Thus, we must act like
good guys. This is the way we will win.
And remember, by voting for Jeff Siggins as a write-in candi-
date for President, you get to vote for one of the five people I have
nominated to be Vice-President for a year and then President for
three years. To me, this ability to choose someone of great merit
that the two political parties will not have as their nominees is the
most valuable aspect of the plan I have put forth in these pages.
Instead of it merely being a matter of voting for the lesser of two
evils, Americans can vote for someone they really want to be their
Me for President and Pope
part two
Jeff Siggins
Chapter Twenty-seven
WHAT IF JESUS CHRIST comes to Earth tomorrow? He said
he would return, right? What if he comes tomorrow? How do you
think he’ll feel about the religion that bears his name? How will he
feel about people who call themselves Christians?
Personally, I imagine that he is probably sad about the state of
Christianity, because let’s be honest, folks, it’s a mess. Christianity
has been a chaotic mess for centuries, and although the wars and
killings between Protestants and Catholics have for the most part
ceased, the Christian churches still face tremendous problems. Hot
button issues such as gay marriage, abortion, embryonic stem re-
search, Creationism, hypocritical clergy, and church involvement
in partisan politics are turning church members against each other,
forcing congregational splits at local, national and even internation-
al levels. And, of course, we must not forget the sexual abuses of
young children by Catholic priests that have recently been exposed;
not just America, but in Ireland, Brazil and Belgium as well.
Even defining Christianity has problems. When I ask people
to define Christianity, I get almost no answers that are the same.
Many people use the word religion in their definition and yet no
one thinks of Christianity itself as a religion.
One friend thinks that Christianity stopped being a religion a long
time ago and instead has become “a competitive conglomeration of
revenue-generating organizations, all claiming some attachment to
Jesus Christ.” That is a rather harsh criticism, yet perhaps accurate.
I remember a young girl on television saying, “Christianity is
when you go to church instead of temple.” I like that. It’s fun. Yet it
is a long way from a comprehensive definition.
As stated at the beginning of this book, I believe the original
institution of Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, is in serious
Jeff Siggins60
trouble. It needs and deserves a serious plan of action to repair it.
I have designed such a plan. It is a relatively simple plan, easy to
understand and not difficult to implement. And hopefully, if my
plan works, every Catholic and each and every Christian of every
Protestant sect will realize that the inauguration of a New Christian-
ity will enhance his or her spiritual life.
Yet before I present my plan, I feel for clarity’s sake that it’s im-
portant to have a bit of background about the two leading charac-
ters in this drama – Jesus and his Father, God.
Let’s begin with God. God is a spirit being who lives in a material
body that encompasses everything there is, everything there was and
everything there will be. God is big. You can’t get bigger than God.
Yet God gets even bigger. He constantly continues to grow. How
does He do this? By creating new universes. Universes are the build-
ing blocks of the magnificent living edifice that is the material body
of God, Our Father, and universes are where God creates His most
precious of created entities – mortal beings on inhabitable planets.
Actually, God does not personally create universes. He creates
someone to do that for Him. Each universe is the product of a Cre-
ator Son or, by name, Michael. Each Michael, too, is a glorious
spirit being. Creator Sons are those of whom it is said, “If you have
seen the Son, you have seen the Father.”
A very long time ago, our universe’s Creator Son was given a
large tract of empty space and a third stage spiral nebulae to supply
material for suns, planets, moons, etc. With the aid of a large staff of
celestial beings, our Michael filled the void with solar systems and
supervised the implanting of life on planets which were deemed
promising. Over time, millions of planets thrived and pulsated
with life forms of an almost infinite variety.
Now God the Father is very wise. He gives His Creator Sons full
control over their universes, yet He holds back supreme authority.
That must be earned by a most interesting method. God requires
each Creator Son to live the lives of seven different types of beings of
the universe the Creator Son designed and brought into existence.
And so, a little over a billion years ago, our Michael handed over
his duties and authority and went out into his vast universe to live
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope
Me For President And Pope

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Me For President And Pope

  • 1. Me for President and Pope
  • 2.
  • 4. This book is dedicated to my mother and father who, like America, endowed me with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and provided me with that most essential of Divine gifts – love. Library of Congress Control Number: 2011908765 ISBN 9780615493213 Copyright 2011 Jeff Siggins All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any matter whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews or critiques. For infor- mation address: Profundador Press LLC, 700 N. Tatnall St., Apt. C, Wilmington, DE 19801 Cover design by Peter Longauer Interior design by Glen M. Edelstein Cover photography by family and friends
  • 5. “Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s, render to God that which is God’s. —jesus christ
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8.
  • 9. chapter one Introduction TWO MAJOR INSTITUTIONS of the contemporary world are in great need of reform – the government of United States of America and the Roman Catholic Church. They are certainly not the only ones. Many other governments, religions, business corporations, organizations, and social groups could also benefit from a healthy regimen of change. However, if the world’s sole superpower and the Roman Catholic Church were to set an example by adopting much needed reforms many other institutions would probably follow suit and we would all enjoy a better, safer, more harmonious world. If we can agree that changes are necessary, we must ask, who is going to bring about these needed reforms? Do we look to established politi- cians to straighten out the problems of the United States? Do we turn to noted theologians to design necessary changes for Catholic Christians? Should committees be set up to study the situations in America and the Christian world, then issue reports that can be acted on by the proper authorities of both the political and religious realms? Q. Who will bring about the necessary reforms? A. The American people. Q. How will they do this? A. By the ballot box. Q. When will they do this? A. On Election Day, 2012. Let us begin with the reform of the American Federal Govern- ment. The reform of the Roman Catholic Church will be addressed in Part II of this book.
  • 10. chapter two The Situation IN ORDER TO REFORM the U.S. government, we must first understand ‘the nature of the beast’. Fresh from a bloody, hard- fought and historic revolutionary war, George Washington and the other Founding Fathers struggled and compromised to bequeath to us a governing system of checks and balances that has proven to be a wonderful dynamic by which to govern a nation. These learned and idealistic patriots set up a government with two com- peting branches, the Executive and the Legislative, with a third branch, the Judicial, acting as a referee. With few exceptions, the genius document known as the Constitution of the United States of America has served the citizens of our great nation well. By allow- ing the citizenry to rule by the ballot box, our Constitution gives us a perfect way to change our government when we disagree with the direction our current leaders are taking us. There is another major dynamic that affects the governing of the USA; the two-party system. Actually, at any one time, there may be more than two political parties, but historically, only two of them have been large enough to be effective. Currently those two pre- vailing parties are called the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. When one political party controls the Presidency and both hous- es of Congress, the governing dynamic is different than when one party holds the Presidency and the other party controls one or both houses of Congress. In either case, both parties ‘play politics’, that is, they consistently try to diminish the other party by opposing legislation and ideas proposed by the other party. When this hap- pens, America suffers.
  • 11. Me for President and Pope 3 It is no secret that America is currently suffering. Millions of our citizens are far worse off than they were ten years ago. Due to cir- cumstances far beyond their control, many ‘Baby Boomers’ have gone bust. To state it bluntly, the established system has not served our people well. And how could it? It is rife with entrenched cor- ruption, cronyism and nepotism which can be laid at the feet of both political parties. I repeat - both political parties It doesn’t matter which party is in control, bad things happen: unwanted wars that sap the public treasury; a gridlocked legislative process that can’t get anything of value accomplished; and govern- ment spending that is so far out of control that it will take either a miracle or a very able and independent captain at the helm of the ship of state to straighten out the situation. How do we get such a captain as head of state? How do we get honorable and intelligent men and women who will enact new and necessary legislation into the elected offices? We elect them. If we are to regain control of our government and our lives, we must simply stop voting for those candidates which the political parties are offering us. We must simply stop giving power to the politi- cal parties. The two American political parties are at the heart of the mess we are in. We must find a way to diminish their hold on power. In truth, we must take that power away from them. They are not going to give it up willingly. Those of us who wish for a new and better America must come together and finally say ‘No’ to the current two party system. We must say ‘No’ to both Republicans and Democrats. How do we say ‘No’ to the Democrats and Republicans? Find independent candidates who are known and respected in your area and get them to run. Or run yourself. Independent men and wom- en should run for every elected office, whether at the local, state or federal level. Every independent candidate who wins will show others it is possible and every independent candidate who loses will gain experience and friends for the next campaign.
  • 12. Chapter Three My Campaign AS I BELIEVE THAT I have the solutions to many of the prob- lems we face as a nation and because I have the courage of my convictions to fight for these solutions, I am running for President of the United States. It will not be a typical campaign. It will not be a typical Presidency. I want to be the President; yet, I am not running for President, at least not in the normal sense. There will be: No committee-to-elect Jeff Siggins No campaign organization No fundraisers or telemarketers No TV or radio advertisements No bumper stickers No political hacks giving me advice In fact, my name will not appear on the ballot in any state. Q. How can Jeff Siggins possibly win the Presidency if he doesn’t run a normal political campaign? A. By intelligence, imagination, hard work and honesty. Q. How can Jeff Siggins win the 2012 presidential election if he is not on the ballot in any state? A. Write-in votes. Q. Can a write-in campaign win? A. Of course. This is America, land of opportunity. Look at the
  • 13. Me for President and Pope 13 election of Lisa Murkowski for U.S. Senator of Alaska in 2010. She won with only write-in votes. That’s right, fellow citizens, a write-in campaign. It’s really easy. In the area on the ballot where you vote for President, check the box marked ‘other’ and then write in the name, Jeff Siggins. Ooooh, a write-in campaign! Won’t that be fun? Let’s all get involved in write-in campaigns, for the local, state and federal elec- tions of 2012. Run yourself and/or get local independent people to run with write-in candidacies for state and local elective offices. And support my campaign for President by mentioning me in your campaign materials. It is herein publicly stated to all Boards of Elections of the vari- ous states and to all Secretaries of States of these United States of America that all write-in votes cast for Jeff Siggins are votes for the Jeffrey Patrick Siggins who was born in Warren, Pennsylvania on September 22, 1943 and are legally and rightfully claimed by him as the author of this book. I truly believe that the American people want something other than politics as usual. I think voters want the opportunity to vote for someone who is not a puppet of special interest groups. I also believe voters want leaders who will be honest with them. Honesty leads to trust. Let’s face it. Do you want either your doc- tor or your car mechanic to lie to you? I don’t. I want to hear the truth. I think you do, too. So don’t you also want the truth from your President? Of course you do. Political campaigns have objectives, things they want to accom- plish. For most campaigns, the objective is simple - win! My campaign has five basic objectives. They are: 1. To take back control of our lives from those who have wrested it away from us; the ever more powerful insurance companies, the highly-paid and corrupting lobbyists, the fear-mongering media, the lawyer/lawmaker coalition and the two entrenched political parties.
  • 14. Jeff Siggins14 2. To defeat the pervasive political influence of special interest groups, especially those who have coalesced into that most ominous of institutions that President Eisenhower warned us about more than fifty years ago, the military-industrial complex. 3. To guide us back to the path of nobility from which we have strayed. Righteousness will restore our national honor and help us regain the respect of the international community. 4. To lead our citizens on a quest for continual self-improvement and advanced learning, thus guaranteeing that our great na- tion will continue to thrive and prosper. 5. To win! Yes, my objective is to win! There are two major political parties in America, the Demo- crats and the Republicans. For the 2012 presidential elections, it is projected that each party’s candidate will spend will spend more than one billion dollars to get elected. One billion dollars! Each! Wow! Each of the two parties has tens of millions registered members many of whom donate money and/or work on the campaign. Both parties have fundraisers and ‘fat cat’ contributors who will funnel millions of dollars to the candidates. It is with these large campaign donations that special interest groups and wealthy individuals buy the votes of the politicians they help to elect. The Democrats and Republicans also have the benefit of tradi- tion. Most people simply vote for the same party they have always voted for. These are the people who have endangered America. These are the people who vote the party line and keep these scala- wags in office. If you believe that America is headed in the right direction, then vote for the candidates of the party of your choice. Yet if you believe that America is headed in the wrong direction, please consider my proposition and vote for me, the candidate who is not beholden to anyone but the voters. Because of their advantages, defeating the candidates of the ma- jor parties will be extremely difficult, yet not impossible. I have
  • 15. Me for President and Pope 15 three sources of power that can, if managed properly, bring success to this unique presidential campaign. They are: 1. The power of an idea whose Time has come I sense people want change. I have looked at our nation’s strengths and weaknesses and I have formulated a plan for leading with our strengths and strengthening our weaknesses. Taking the power of the Presidency away from both political parties is the first of the necessary changes that will strengthen our nation. 2. The power of people working for Their own self-inTeresTs All people have to do is realize that what I am presenting in this book is for their benefit and I will have the necessary people power to win the election. 3. The power of mulTiplicaTion The success of my campaign relies in large part on the power of multiplication as it relates to this book, Me for President and Pope. If 1000 people who buy and read my book will each buy 5 more copies to give to friends, asking the friends to continue the chain by buying 5 copies for their friends, and so on down the line, it only takes 7 generations to have almost 98 million people who own a copy of the book and who hopefully will vote for me. It can happen and will happen if enough people want it to happen. This is definitely a ‘people power’ campaign. I am presenting a true alternative to politics as usual. My job is to get the message out and if my message resonates with enough people, these people will be the ones to cause this campaign to succeed. I hope you are one of these people. If you are, get the word out. Talk about my campaign, my candidacy. There is no greater method of spreading the word about something than by word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth is like a prairie fire racing across the land. So I ask you, please, buy the book, read the book, and talk with people about the book. If you do this, the politics of America can be forever changed.
  • 16. Jeff Siggins16 Q. How different is my campaign for President? A. I’m offering to put both America and the Catholic Church back on the right paths. Do any of the other candidates make that offer? The Jeff Siggins for President Campaign begins with the publica- tion and release of Me for President and Pope. As with most book releases, a publicity campaign will begin, hopefully with national media exposure and a promotional tour of bookstores for auto- graph sessions and conversations with the readers. I would like to take an extended tour to bookstores all over America. I need to meet and talk with the American people. I need to learn from them. I need to see how they feel about my ideas. I need to hear their ideas, your ideas. After the initial media blitz, I am hoping to cause enough of a stir so that I will be invited to appear on TV and radio shows in the cities where I am appearing at bookstore autograph sessions. I also hope to do interviews with local newspaper reporters and magazine writers. My campaign needs publicity. I want to get the word out. I have lots to say that isn’t in the book and I will need to explain and clarify things that are in the book. Thus I hope that the media folks will contact me at my publisher’s e-mail to set up interviews. (pro- After the initial book tour, I will do a lecture tour that will allow people to tell me their needs and beliefs and question me about my beliefs and policies. Anyone who wishes to book my lecture, please contact me through the publisher’s e-mail. (profundador@comcast. net) My dear readers, I need your help. Nobody knows everything. No one is always right. Everybody makes mistakes. I need to listen to the American people if I am to be a great President. I need to hear what people want and need so that I can shape my policies to fit those wants and needs. After all, I am not doing this for me; I am doing this for us. Imagine an independent President who belongs to no political
  • 17. Me for President and Pope 17 party and whose cabinet is made up of members of both parties as well as other political independents. An independent President with such a cabinet could suggest legislation that isn’t based on par- ty philosophies or party strategies, but rather is based on common sense and the need for remedial change. An independent President could reduce the need by members of both parties to ‘play politics’. Now hear this! Now hear this! If I am elected President, I cat- egorically state right now, I will not seek re-election. In fact, I will not even serve a full four year term. I will serve one year and then I will resign, turn over the Presidency to the Vice President and with the help of the U.S. military, I will become the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. It is as Pope that I will be able to solve the institutional problems that currently and historically plague the Catholic Church. These matters will be covered in the second part of this book. This brings us to the single most important aspect of my cam- paign for the Presidency – the selection of the Vice President. As I have stated in the previous paragraph, if I am elected President, I will serve for only one year. This means that the person who is Vice President will serve for three years. Therefore, the choice of Vice President will be as important as the choice for President; indeed, even more so. And this is why I will ask the voters of the United States to make this choice. Here is how this will work. I will nominate five candidates for Vice President. They will ex- tend to both sides of the political spectrum. They will all be well- known, successful people, capable of fulfilling the duties and re- sponsibilities of the U.S. Presidency. The voters who wish to vote for one of these candidates will first write in Jeff Siggins for Presi- dent and then write in the name of their choice for Vice President. If I am elected to be the President, the Vice Presidential nominee with the most votes will become the Vice President. For me, and I hope for you, the most important aspect of having an opportunity to vote for people who are not formally running for the offices of President and Vice President is that if those people are elected, they have not sold themselves out to special interest groups or to those individuals who make very large campaign contribu-
  • 18. Jeff Siggins18 tions. They are thus free from the quid pro quo influence of those groups or individuals. And as they have been elected without the assistance of a political party, they are able to act independently, without the influence of party leaders or fat cat contributors. Let me clearly state at this time, I have yet made no contact with any people that I will nominate for Vice President. I don’t even know who they will be. I have some good ideas, but I need to ask the American people who they want for their President. I will do that as I travel around America promoting my book and my candi- dacy. Then on Columbus Day, October 12, 2012, I will announce the names of the five candidates for Vice President via Facebook, my website and the press. I am announcing the names of the five nominees for Vice Presi- dent at such a late time in the campaign for several reasons. A. The names I present will be so familiar that voters won’t need a large amount of time to become knowledgeable about them. B. I hope the limited time between announcement and election will persuade the five candidates I nominate for Vice President to refrain from campaigning. C. Because there are only about three weeks between the announcement of the nominees for Vice President and the elec- tion, the Democrats and Republicans won’t have very much time to rev up their attack machines against the independent nominees. D. It brings more mystery and drama to my campaign; to me that means more fun. Chapter Four Governing THE PRESIDENT OF the United States is not a king. A king rules, a President merely governs. A king has great power, a Presi- dent has limited power. For this we can thank George Washing- ton. As the first American President, he resisted amassing too much power in the Presidency. Because I will resign the Presidency after one year, I want the
  • 19. Me for President and Pope 19 Vice President to get used to the reins of power. Therefore, from the very first days of my Presidency, including the transition period, the Vice President will carry out many duties usually performed by the President. One such duty will be to chair cabinet meetings. I, as President, will be a participant, but the Vice President will chair the meetings, present the agenda and call on the various cabinet members during discussions and for reports. As President I will always make the final decision, but always with the input and advice of the Vice President. The Vice President will be present for intelligence briefings and policy discussions. As my Vice President will definitely be taking over the Office of the President, he or she should know what is going on at all times. Having a full year as Vice President has an- other benefit; it provides a much longer period of time for the Vice President to develop policies and personnel for his or her own ad- ministration. The usual situation is that the President has only the Transition Period (from early November until January 20) to form an administration and its governing policies. If I am elected, my Vice President will have a much better chance of developing his or her own policies because they will be formed by a more intimate knowledge of current events and on classified information that is not available to candidates before the election is held. For many Presidents, the main attribute they want in a cabinet member is loyalty. To me, loyalty is far down the list of virtues. I want competence. I want ability. I want ‘the best and the brightest’. I want the members of my cabinet to debate each proposal vigor- ously. I want to see all sides of a situation or problem, not just get a re-affirmation of my point of view. I despise yes-men, sycophants and brownnosers. I want to hear all sides first, and then I will make the final decision; yet always with the counsel of the Vice President. I will suggest much legislation to Congress. I will do whatever I can to get that legislation passed. My proposals will come from the pages of this book. I believe the American people and their elected officials should know in advance what a Presidential candidate will do once that person is in office. I so very dearly wish to work in har- mony with the members of Congress. I feel it is very important to
  • 20. Jeff Siggins20 Jeff Siggins have cooperation between the Legislative and Executive branches so that the remedial changes can be made that will benefit America and Americans. When working with the Congress, I will go the extra mile. I will hold out my hand in friendship and partnership. I will consult with the appropriate committees when making appointments. I will, to pave the way for smooth and rapid passage, ask for advice while drafting legislation. I will be available for consultation and for emergency needs of constituents. However, if I do not get the cooperation of the Senators and Representatives, woe be unto them. As one can see from this book, I have been given the gift of imagination. I will use my imagination to apply pressure on those legislators who do not do their duty as representatives of their constituents and who instead work for spe- cial interest groups or for their political party. And I must give another word of warning to my compatriots in the Congress. Because my goal is to reduce the Federal budget by at least ten per cent, I simply will not tolerate the abuses known as earmarks and pork barrel projects. Bills that are sent to the White House that contain pork and earmarks will be vetoed and sent back. I do not need a line-item veto. The Supreme Court has right- fully called line item vetoes illegal as they infringe on Congressional authority as stated in the U.S. Constitution. Therefore I will veto the entire bill and I will publicly state why. I will name the culprits who try to pad the budget by name. I will do this in the cause for responsible government. In order to show the voters what they will do when their candi- dates are elected, political parties provide the electorate with lists of ideas and programs that they promise to carry out if they are elect- ed. These lists are called ‘party platforms’. One troubling aspect of current political life in America is that these party platforms are almost always forgotten by those who ran on them. If I am elected to be the President of the United States, I will do everything in my power to achieve the platform on which I am running. Chapters Five through Twenty-three of this book present the changes and reforms that I want to achieve during my short tenure in office.
  • 21. Me for President and Pope 21 These aforementioned chapters form the platform on which I am running. The ideas contained in these chapters will be the basis of my legislative agenda. Chapter Five Foreign Policy MY FELLOW AMERICANS, I must speak candidly. We have lost the respect of the citizens of others nations. In fact, it goes beyond mere loss of respect. Many people in the world have great contempt for us. This is not good. It bodes ill for our future as a nation. Of course, some of this contempt comes from the fact that the USA is the sole remaining superpower. It’s easy to despise the rich and powerful. Yet I believe much of the contempt for America comes from the perception that we Americans have become arrogant, self- serving bullies. The invasion of Iraq by the George W. Bush Admin- istration, regrettably, cemented this opinion in the minds of many people around the world, even some here in America. So what do we do about it? To be honest, fixing this problem won’t be easy. While it is rather easy to lose respect, it is difficult to regain once it is lost. It will take hard work, dedication and well- designed policies to get America back to a position where people in the world respect us again. If I am elected President, much of my time and effort will be spent restoring this lost respect. One of my first acts will be a speech at the United Nations that will be entitled “We Are Not an Empire.” The rhetoric of the speech will quickly be followed by the swift removal of American troops from overseas bases. Included in my United Nations’ speech will be two slogans that hopefully will explain the changes in American foreign policy – “A new day, a new way” and “We just want to be friends.” The first slogan declares forcefully that from this point on, things are going to be different, while the second slogan presents the heart
  • 22. of the new American foreign policy. I am one who believes that because America is a multi-racial, multi-cultural democracy, as well as an economic and military superpower, we can be the most influ- ential force for world peace. The actions that follow this rhetoric may shock conservatives worldwide, yet I believe it will change the world for the better. By presidential decree, all existing trade sanctions and political sanc- tions will be dropped and face-to-face bilateral talks will be offered to every government in the world. These include Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea, Venezuela, everyone. In the world of carrot and stick diplomacy, this will be an era of carrots. This, however, does not mean that the United States will be giving away large sums of money to other governments or groups within foreign nations like we did during the Cold War. No, no, no! What it does mean is that the interests of all nations will be put on the table for discussion and negotiation. The message that the Siggins Administration will send forth is that the world has become too small and too interconnected to con- tinue on as before. All nations have their own national interests and goals and these must be respected and, if possible, achieved. My administration will sincerely and energetically strive to make all negotiations win-win outcomes for those involved. To accomplish this, many new policies will be initiated at the tra- ditional international forum, the United Nations. New ideas from all quarters will be looked at and voted on, especially those related to tension-relieving, global trade, women’s issues, the environment, international crime, minority rights, national security, the internet, and human rights. Permit me to explain more about my “We-just-want-to-be- friends” policy. It is not complicated. It simply declares that every nation in the world can now look to have friendly relations with the planet’s only superpower if that is what they desire. I will open- ly invite the heads of all governments to meet with me to discuss matters of interest. My administration will be open to any and all suggestions that will hopefully improve our relationships and the lives of our citizens. Friends talk to each other candidly. Friends say Jeff Siggins22
  • 23. Me for President and Pope 23 what they feel. This is currently missing in most government-to- government relationships. My administration will promote candor and openness between governments. However, there will be problems for those who do not wish to be our friends if they attempt to do harm to either the United States or to any declared friend of the United States. We will not sit idly by and al- low bad things to happen to us. This is when we unleash our unrivaled military might with what I refer to as “The Terrible Swift Sword.” No, do not make the mistake in thinking that our proffer of friendship is a sign of weakness. It isn’t. It simply changes us from a bully who always wants its own way to a friend who is there in a time of need. And if those who are our friends behave badly, they cannot ex- pect our support. They will be asked about their actions and, if necessary, be taken to task. .And lastly, if any country has ambitions to become another su- perpower, to you I say “Forget about it.” We are the superpower. We don’t need another one. A return to a Cold War is not going to happen. Put away those thoughts right now. Chapter Six Defense Policy THE ARMED FORCES of the United States of America comprise the greatest, most powerful military might ever assembled on this Earth. They are the backbone of our body politic. Without this amazing amalgamation of men, women, transport and weaponry, the USA would not be the world’s only superpower. We Americans owe our military personnel a great debt of gratitude. This being said, our military must be prepared for big changes. These changes will be based on the fact that our defense policy im- plements our foreign policy and it is changes in our foreign policy that will dictate the changes in our military strategy. As stated in the previous chapter, soon after assuming the presi-
  • 24. Jeff Siggins24 dency, I will travel to the United Nations in New York City to speak to the assembled members. I will present our new foreign policy in a speech whose theme is drawn from the speech’s title – “We Are Not an Empire.” It is my belief that many of the problems that we currently face are caused by the perception that the United States wants to rule the world. I do not believe that Americans desire this, but I do know that many people in other countries hold this belief. One of the contribut- ing factors to this perception is the large numbers of American troops stationed on bases in various countries, i.e., Germany, Japan, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, etc. Many of these bases have been staffed by American forces since World War II. Others were set up during the Cold War, while a few are fairly recent, especially those in Muslim nations. Now I know that there are many people who think that having foreign bases makes us stronger. I disagree. I believe that stationing American troops overseas actually weakens us. My reasons for this belief are: 1. Overseas bases provide targets for those who wish to chal- lenge us. 2. They are a drain on our treasury. Maintaining overseas bases is a very costly proposition. 3. Misbehaving military personnel create enmity with the local citizenry. 4. Ask yourself the question –“How would I feel if a foreign pow- er stationed troops in the United States?” In a strange way, our overseas troops are almost hostages that cause us to bend to the wishes of the host nations. When consider- ing a military action, we have to factor the host country’s wishes into the equation. Therefore, as Commander-in-Chief, I will order the timely return of all American military personnel and equipment to the United States with the exception of a few undisclosed strategic locations and as guards for all overseas embassies and consulates. Once back
  • 25. Me for President and Pope 25 on American soil, our armed forces will prepare for a new type of military operation, rapid deployment. This new type of military strategy which I have entitled, “The Terrible Swift Sword”, will be structured to allow us to inflict enormous damage in a very short response time on anyone, be they nation or group, if they attack us or our friends. And to the terrorists of the world, I give a special word of warn- ing. I will fight terrorism much differently than previous adminis- trations. If you attack Americans or American property, either in America or overseas, be prepared to lose your entire family, your entire clan or tribe and your entire support system. I remember a conversation with a member of the American in- telligence community during the wave of kidnappings in Lebanon during the 1970’s. Several Americans had been taken hostage and the American government seemed absolutely powerless to do any- thing about it. Then a Russian was kidnapped, yet in a few days was released, unharmed. My spy friend told me that the Russians had delivered a shoebox to the kidnappers. In the shoebox were body parts of some of the kidnappers’ family members. Yes, this is harsh, but also effective. It is Realpolitik, of which I am a believer. So, ter- rorists, be warned and beware; especially suicide bombers. One further policy that will involve our military personnel will be the use of retiring generals and admirals as ambassadors to for- eign countries and Executive branch troubleshooters and envoys. Chapter Seven Economic Policy IT HAS BEEN SAID THAT “The business of America is busi- ness.” Need proof? America has less than 5% of the planet’s human population, yet has about 22% of the economic activity. Yes, we’re doing very well, yet I want us to do better, especially in the area of international commerce. We need to be selling more things to the people of other countries.
  • 26. Jeff Siggins26 To achieve this, we must cease inflicting damage on ourselves by imposing trade sanctions on other countries for political reasons. This allows other nations to move in and take our potential markets away from us. Oh, oh! I can just hear the howl from South Florida now. “Trade with Fidel and Raul Castro? Are you out of your mind? We will stop you!” Sorry, ex-pat Cubans. We should trade with Cuba, Castros or no Castros. It is time. Our trade sanctions have done nothing but cause pain, not to Fidel and Raul, but to the Cuban people and to American business. So, bye-bye, sanctions! What about Iran? What about Syria? North Korea? Yes, them, too. It’s time to send our sales personnel and trade representatives to these countries to begin negotiating trade contracts. Simply be- cause some people label these nations “the evil empire” doesn’t make it true. Besides, we do much better with others when we en- gage them, instead of calling them names and ostracizing them. So, corporate sales managers, start getting your sales forces learning Arabic, Farsi, Korean and Spanish, because if I’m elected, things are going to change, big time. Of course, this also means that we must return to an era where much of what we manufacture is made right here in the United States. One reason for our economic woes is the fact that there are few manufacturing jobs in the USA. American jobs are necessary for a healthy American economy. Therefore I wish to see the re- industrialization of America. We need jobs for people willing to work. We need to have certain products made here at home, for both security and bottom line financial purposes. These products should be identified and then American industrialists can set up these businesses with generous incentives from the Federal, State and Local Governments. One of my first pieces of legislation that I send to the Congress will be a bill that gives benefits to American companies that invest in job-producing manufacturing facilities in America and converse- ly, will tax American companies that send jobs abroad. Another major change for Americans will be in the area of govern-
  • 27. Me for President and Pope 27 ment spending. Liberals, Moderates and Conservatives take note. I wish to usher in a new age. I call it “the Age of Frugality.” Working with the Congress and a team of axe-wielding accountants, I want to trim the spending of the United States government by a double digit percentage. It can be done and I have the will to do it. I hope the American people will put pressure on the Senators and Repre- sentative to help carry out this budget trimming program. One way that I will reduce the budget of our government is to get rid of several departments and cabinet positions. Number One on my hit list is the Department of Homeland Security. I sincerely want to know whose idea it was to develop that travesty of govern- mental responsibility. What I can’t get over is why the Department of Defense didn’t scream and stomp about that one. If our admirals and generals can’t provide security for our homeland, we have to get some new admirals and generals. Personally speaking, I have complete faith that our military can defend our country, therefore we will say farewell to the Department of Homeland Security. There are other departments that will either be dismantled or incorporated into other departments. I will speak about which ones as my campaign progresses. I will not touch Social Security, but I do wish to offer up a few ideas that I believe should be incorporated into the Social Security System. I will send legislation to the Congress accordingly. On the revenue side, I want major changes, so major that this proposal is the most radical and pragmatic of all my reform propos- als. It concerns our income tax code. I want to simplify it, simplify it beyond belief. And to make it simple, I want to dispose of the major bugaboo that creates most of the problems and most of the scalawags – deductions. Oh, yes, folks, the mischief-makers love deductions. It is with deductions that the rich and powerful skate off without paying anywhere near their fair share of taxes. I would like to say a few words directly to the rich people of America. You are fortunate. Through your skills, intelligence, hard work or family you grabbed the golden ring called wealth. How wonderful! I am very happy for you. Wealth is a very good thing. It helps stabilize society. It acts as an
  • 28. Jeff Siggins28 insurance policy against future travails. It provides status. Wealth allows us to lead lives on a comfort level never even imagined by ancient kings. However, when a wealthy American spends a great deal of re- sources (i.e. time, money, effort) to escape paying taxes to our gov- ernment via the IRS, I thinks that’s a bit unpatriotic, don’t you? Without this great engine of finance called the American Econ- omy, none of us could reap financial rewards. We must keep it go- ing. We can’t just take from it. We have to give some back so that it works even better. That’s what taxes do. Taxes help create resources (i.e. roads, water systems, bridges, airports, electricity) from which we all benefit. If you don’t pay your fair share, you hurt the machin- ery. So, please, pay your fair share of taxes, and for Heaven’s sake, stop squealing about it. Instead, consider yourself a hero. By paying lots of money in taxes, you strengthen America. I love America, so to me you’re a hero. Please understand; the numbers I present below are not the num- bers that will be the final rates. I need the Government Accounting Office to crunch all the data to see what the numbers should be. These are just to show what they might be. The important things about these rates are fourfold. 1.They must raise the necessary revenue to pay the bills of our government. 2. Everyone must pay some taxes. 3. Taxes should not be a burden to anyone. 4. There are absolutely no deductions. None. Once we start de- ducting for anything, we go down the slippery slope to our downfall. Here is a sample tax rate chart based on a person’s annual in- come. As I said before, it is not the final one. The final rates must be set by Congress and the Government Accounting Office specialists. For the first $1 to $10,000 pay 1% For the next $10,001 to $25,000 pay 3% “ “ “ $25,001 to $50,000 pay 5%
  • 29. Me for President and Pope 29 “ “ “ $50,001 to $100,000 pay 10% “ “ “ $100,001 to $250,000 pay 15% “ “ “ $250,001 to $500,000 pay 20% Over $500,000 pay 25% And remember, no deductions! Not for mortgage interest, not for children, not for charitable deductions. No deductions. I know this is a radical proposal, so let the debate begin. Chapter Eight Intelligence Reform NO MATTER HOW effective intelligence gathering technology becomes, it cannot reduce the importance of on-the-ground human assets – in other words – spies. For anyone who does not understand this fact of life, I urge you to read the 2400 year old Chinese classic, The Art of War. Its author, Sun Tzu, presents a very succinct de- scription of the various types of spies and their responsibilities. The intelligence gathering necessities and methods presented in The Art of War are as applicable today as they were over two millennia ago. A Jeff Siggins Administration will immediately begin a program to improve the American intelligence community’s recruitment and training of human assets. We will especially focus on recruiting people who speak, are learning or are willing to learn the Farsi, Urdu, Arabic, Chinese, Russian or Korean languages. Especially necessary will be polymaths who are willing to put themselves in foreign countries. So, attention! Anyone who wants to be a James Bond or Mata Hari, America needs you! In several of our intelligence agencies I also wish to establish working groups made up of veteran spies, analysts and behavioral psychologists whose job will be to sit in a room together and play a game called “What Are They Up To?” They will have access to trans- lated real time data as well as the authority to debrief field agents and agency analysts. Mid-week these groups will meet together to
  • 30. Jeff Siggins30 play a grand version of the game, each group in turn presenting their findings so that connections can be exposed and analyzed. And in the game “What Are They Up To?” who are ‘They’? Our en- emies, of course, both real and potential. Chapter Nine Energy Policy IT IS CLEAR THAT WE are sending too much of our treasure to foreign and often unfriendly nations to provide us with oil. We must cease doing this. We must learn to become more energy self-sufficient. My administration will immediately begin construction of wind farms, geothermal power generation and solar plants in all appro- priate locations and the electricity from these plants will be used by government facilities, thus reducing the government’s reliance on public power and freeing up more electricity for private sector consumers, whether they be businesses or individuals. Tax incentives and low cost government loans will also be used to promote hybrid vehicles and the production of fuels made from renewable agricultural products such as sugarcane and switch grass. Research and development of new technologies such as tidal power, heat transfer and small-scale power producing projects will be fund- ed. In the latter category, imagine health clubs and gyms with station- ary bicycles that generate power when pedaled by people who wish to exercise. Their exercise will not only help their bodies and their minds, but will also supply electricity for the gym or health club. As many have said before, “We don’t have an energy crisis, we have an intelligence crisis.” Let us make policies that will inspire our citizens to create new energy sources that will reduce our need for foreign oil. Let us promote the invention and production of technologies that will allow our citizens to own and control their own sources of energy for their homes. Let us work together to achieve energy independence.
  • 31. Me for President and Pope Chapter Ten Environmental Policy BECAUSE I DO NOT or will not take money from corporations and special interest groups, I can have an environmental policy that will actually protect the environment. I can also take on Congress, holding their feet to the fire of public opinion, because I will have the moral high ground and the support of people who rightfully de- sire clean air and water. When enacting environmental legislation, not taking campaign donations means freedom from corrupting in- fluences and in a Siggins Administration, the only folks who will not benefit are the polluters. Well, actually they will also benefit as they too breathe air and drink water. I also believe that businesses who pollute, in the long run, will save money, because their workers will be healthier, thus saving health care expenditures and increasing production. There are five areas of environmental policy in which I will take a special interest: air quality, water quality, toxic waste disposal, forest management, and global warming. My air quality policies will focus on three basic areas – industrial emissions, auto emissions and urban vegetation. In my administration, industrial polluters will face stiff penalties as well as public exposure and ridicule. I believe that if more in- formation about who is doing the polluting gets out to people, the polluters will want to “clean up their act.” Electric cars and hybrid vehicles are the future and the sooner we get to have access to them, the better off everyone will be. It is my hope that urban centers will be providing parking meters that will give electric vehicles a recharge while parked in spaces exclusively reserved for them.
  • 32. Jeff Siggins32 Humans and other animals breathe oxygen and emit carbon di- oxide. The same is true of internal combustion engines. Plants, on the other hand, breathe carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. It seems logical to me that if there are more plants in an area, there will be more oxygen. It is my hope that city governments will promote urban vegetation. This includes street level trees, roof top gardens, and ivy-covered buildings. These may help in the fight against glob- al warming because plants also absorb the heat that would normally reflect off of buildings. This might even reduce the need for air- conditioning and thus save electricity as well. We all know the importance of water. Without it, we die. My administration will therefore make improving water quality a top priority. Included in our water policies will be conservation of wet- lands and estuaries, research and development of more efficient fil- tration and desalinization technologies, multi-usage of water and legal action against polluters. A part of improving water supplies will be the handling and dis- posal of toxic waste. Personally, I see toxic waste as a resource, not just something to throw away. Research into taking toxic chemi- cal by-products and changing then into useful chemical products should be funded. The same is true of garbage. I believe garbage can be a resource. We simply need to find new ways to make it useful. I was raised in the forests of northwestern Pennsylvania. I am a lover of trees. However, I know that trees, like all living organisms, die. As wood and wood products are essential to our lives, I believe that forest management should include culling out older trees while they are still useful, then replanting new tree seedlings to take their place. I am also a proponent of clear cutting swaths through for- ests, especially in the Western part of America, as a deterrent to the spread of forest fires. The time to cut the trees down is before the fires begin burning. In this way we can save thousands of acres of trees at the sacrifice of a few acres. Global warming is a reality. We must begin dealing with it. The Kyoto Accord is a good beginning. I will adopt it as a template for dealing with the warming of our planet. The effects of global warm- ing were in evidence in the summer of 2005. Katrina and other
  • 33. Me for President and Pope 33 hurricanes are the results of global warming. The year 2010 was the hottest year in the history of recorded temperatures on our planet. As mankind has contributed to the warming of our planet, we can also contribute to the reversal of the trend towards higher tempera- tures. Scientists and engineers must make solving this problem a top priority. The destruction of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast should not be repeated elsewhere. Chapter Eleven Healthcare Policy I WISH TO CHALLENGE the premise that employers should be financially responsible for the health care costs of their employ- ees. In a former era, when the United States was the only country with large scale industries, this may have made sense. Now there are many countries that are challenging our automobile, appliance, electronics, furniture, textile and other industries. Most of these countries have national health plans that relieve their industries of the costly responsibility of insuring workers and American indus- tries that pay for workers health care costs have found themselves at a competitive disadvantage. I also wish to challenge the premise that insurance companies should be part of the American health care system. Health care should be about doctors, nurses and patients. Do you realize that when insurance companies are part of the health care system, the health care system must pay for the salaries and benefits packages of all the employees of insurance companies as well as the divi- dends and profits the company pays to the shareholders? And you wonder why health care in America is so expensive. Thirdly, I wish to challenge the premise that lawyers should, in any way, be part of the American health care system. It is a known fact that there are doctors who practice ‘defensive medicine’, which
  • 34. Jeff Siggins34 means that they do extra and often unnecessary tests, simply to protect themselves in case of a malpractice lawsuit brought by a pa- tient and a lawyer. Naturally, extra tests cost money and the patient, employer or insurer must pay for them. The health care system that I present will remove the lawyers from the doctors’ offices. Lastly, I wish to challenge the premise that health care should be a profit-making business. I believe that doctors, nurses and medi- cal technicians should be well paid for their services, but where is it cast in stone that people should become rich on the misery and suffering of others? In fact, just the opposite is true. In the words of our most cherished and beloved document, the Constitution of the United States of America, the government shall “promote the gener- al welfare.” Right there it is, folks, written by the Founding Fathers themselves. The government shall promote the general welfare. The question is, “How should it do that?” Here is my plan. I will, as President, propose legislation that will set up a nation- wide federally-funded institution I call the National Health Service. It will be up to the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass this proposed legislation. If they pass it in both Houses and it comes to me in the form that I proposed it, I will sign the bill and it will become the law of the land. If they send it to me in an adulterated form, which includes things I do not wish included, (i.e. participa- tion of insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and lawyers) I will veto it, send it back to them and the battle will begin. Of course, many Senators and Representatives take large cam- paign donations from insurance companies and other health care special interests and they will fight like hell to defeat my plan. I be- lieve the American people are so fed up with the current system that I will have both right and might on my side. Let the battle begin! The legislation that I submit to the Congress will call for a two- tier health plan. One tier will be for those people who are satisfied with their current health care situation. The second tier will be for those who wish something new and different, by name, the Na- tional Health Service, or N.H.S. Although the National Health Service will be established imme- diately after the legislation and initial funding bills are passed and
  • 35. Me for President and Pope 35 signed, it will take several years to get the system into place and fully operational. Like most good things, it will need to evolve. As doctors, nurses and other medical personnel are the backbone of the N.H.S., the first step will be to recruit them. Setting them up with clinics will be the next step. Studies will be conducted to find the best locations to begin the N.H.S., ‘best’ meaning most needed. Once clinics are set up and staffed, the doors will be open to all who wish low cost medical treatment. Doctors, nurses and other medical workers will be paid yearly salaries. They will be good salaries. One major benefit of working for the N.H.S. will be that doctors will not have to pay for medi- cal malpractice insurance. The government will insure the doctor. After all, if the license comes from the government, the insurance should also. Actually, I am seeking as part of the legislative package that sets up the N.H.S., a proviso that states that if you use the services of the government’s health care system, the N.H.S., you cannot take the doctor or the government to court and sue for medical malprac- tice. You will be allowed to submit a claim to a panel of judges and doctors for binding arbitration and if the doctor who treated you is found guilty of medical malfeasance, a settlement will be paid. Law- yers will not be allowed to represent claimants, although a friend or family member can. If a doctor is found to have acted carelessly or wrongfully, the panel can recommend one of four decisions for the doctor. •Retraining in the procedure that caused the problem. •Suspension of license and re-education. •A monetary fine. •Loss of license to practice medicine. Part of the legislation submitted to the Congress to establish the N.H.S. will deal with the current responsibilities of employ- ers to their employees. Employers cannot merely drop all health care costs for their employees immediately after the N.H.S. is es- tablished. They will have to live up to their contractual agreements,
  • 36. Jeff Siggins36 especially if the benefits’ packages were negotiated through the pro- cess of collective bargaining. This being said, it is the wish of this candidate that businesses will soon be relieved of their responsibilities of paying for work- ers’ health care, so methods of changing from employer paid care to government care must be an important part of any legislative package that is passed and signed into law. I ask for the help of all CEO’s and small business owners in this country to help me in this quest to level the playing fields for their companies by removing the enormous health care costs with which I feel they have been unfairly burdened. One of the primary goals of the N.H.S. will be to reduce the amount of paperwork that a doctor must deal with. Doctors should be treating patients, not filling out myriads of forms. Naturally, doctors should be required to maintain medical records of all the people they have treated, but that is all. Treatment of patients should be the concern of the doctor and the patient. If the doctor feels that a certain treatment or test is nec- essary, it should be done. It shouldn’t require the okay of someone in an office far away from the health clinic. Please notice that throughout this chapter I refer to health care and not medicine or medical care. A primary purpose of the N.H.S. is to promote good health (Remember the U.S. Constitution’s ad- monition “promote the general welfare.”) The goals of the doctors and nurses and other personnel should be to get the citizens of American back to good health and keep them in that condition. Medicine can and should play a role in that, but natural health should be the ideal sought by both patients and doctors. In accordance with this philosophy, doctors will be able to pre- scribe treatment in one of the four special types of treatment cen- ters, which I like to refer to as ‘agricultural health farms’. Patients will live and work in the health-restoring gardens of these health farms, each one of which will focus on treating one of four ‘self- inflicted’ health problems – obesity (food abuse), tobacco abuse, alcohol abuse and drug abuse. The National Health Service will be established to provide low
  • 37. Me for President and Pope 37 cost health care to all Americans who wish to use it. There is one service, however, that the N.H.S. will not provide; the use of so- called life-sustaining machines. If people wish to be put on these machines or have their loved ones placed on them, they will have to go to the first tier health care system. To me, affordable health care is a right. We are a rich nation. We already spend a large amount of money on the health care needs of our citizens, but we spend this money badly and instead of going to doctors, nurses and health care workers, much of the money goes to insurance companies, their employees and their shareholders. Please look closely at the health care plans of all the candidates in this election, and if you do, I believe that you will give me your vote because my health care plan makes the most sense and saves you more of your hard-earned dollars. I believe this is particularly true for employers, especially small businesses. I find it most unfair that the burden of health care for those who work for you should fall on your shoulders. Help me get elected and I will remove that burden. Buy copies of this book. Give them to your workers, your family and your friends. Spread the word. There is a righteous and fair health care plan being offered. Let’s elect the person who has designed it. Vote for Jeff Siggins. Chapter Twelve Education Policy WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS, it is my belief that the federal government of the United States should have little to do with the education of its citizens, young or old. To me, education policies belong to the individual states and to the parents of children. Espe- cially loathsome to me are the unfunded mandates that lawmakers at the federal level impose on schools at the state and local levels. My exceptions to federal involvement in education are the pro- tection of rights of special needs students, Pell Grants and Title
  • 38. Jeff Siggins38 Nine. For those who are unfamiliar with these; Pell Grants give money to needy foreign and American students to help them pay for college and Title Nine declares that schools must provide equal opportunities for men’s and women’s sports programs. I am especially opposed to federal academic standards and na- tional exams to measure the students and schools to see if they achieve those standards. This leads to teachers teaching for the exam instead of teaching the subject. It also leads to cheating by both teachers and administrators who do not wish to be penalized for not achieving federally set goals. Besides, we already have a na- tional exam. It’s called the SAT. To get the federal government off the backs of state and local school authorities, I will by legislative action attempt to remove the Secretary of Education from the cabinet and merge the Department of Education into another governmental department, thus creating the Department of Labor and Education. This is where it rightfully belongs. Education should prepare us for life and work is an essen- tial part of life. If the Labor Department and the Education Depart- ment work more closely together, schools can better prepare their students for the workplace. Please do not think that I demean teachers by making this move. The opposite is true. I wish to give teachers more autonomy in their classrooms. By reducing federal oversight and the paperwork that accompanies it, teachers will have more time to teach. I know this because I have been a licensed teacher. As President, I will set high standards for American students and I will personally fight to help teachers achieve these high standards for their students. How will I do this? I will show by example that learn- ing is best accomplished when it is fun. That’s right! I want schools and classes to be fun. I not only want students to discover the fun of learning, I want all Americans to discover the joys of learning. We should all continue to learn, right up until we take our last breath. If we do, our nation will continue to lead the world in innovation and progress. And if we don’t, we are destined to be overtaken by nations who understand the principle of lifelong learning.
  • 39. Me for President and Pope Chapter Thirteen Science and Technology Policy FOR MUCH OF the 20th Century, the United States was on the leading edge of scientific progress. Shamefully, this is changing. Some of this loss in position is, of course, other nation’s scientists simply catching up with American scientists. Some of our loss of prestige, however, is self-inflicted. I attribute our diminishing status in the realm of science to three causes. 1. Insufficient and badly prioritized investment. 2. The decline of the quantity and quality of math and science teachers in our public schools. 3. The intrusion of religionists. Scientific research is expensive. We have gone far beyond the cost of beakers and Bunsen burners to equip laboratories. As we now even conduct research on other planets, the cost of accumulating knowledge has skyrocketed. But accumulating knowledge is extremely valuable if we are to progress as a nation and as a species. Extremely valuable. Yet let’s be realistic. The pockets of American taxpayers are not so deep that we can fund every research project that is proposed. We must and do prioritize. However, we all know that much too often our money is spent on research projects that are either spurious or laughably silly, even to other scientists. When news of these proj- ects reaches the taxpaying public, there is more than grumbling, there is hostility towards the scientific community. Therefore, as President, I will install a triage-type process in the federal funding of science projects. Those who wish to have their research funded must show that there is some intrinsic value to
  • 40. Jeff Siggins40 either science or society. Pork barrel projects are as insidious in the realm of science as they are in the realm of politics. One place where we do need to spend more money is in public schools that are specifically dedicated to the teaching of math and science. Math and science classrooms must become the front line in our battle to re-establish America’s exalted position in science, the position that is being challenged by China, India, Japan and the E.U. Another way we can improve our math and science teaching is to get real pros into the classrooms, people who are either retired or cur- rently working in math or science. Working with the Congress, I will hope to enact legislation that will allow any retired mathematician or scientist to teach their specialty without jeopardizing their hard- earned pensions. Do you have math or science skills? Do you know someone who does? Do you have time to contribute to the education of our youth? Will you? Please. What we don’t need in our math and science classrooms is reli- gion. Intelligent Design and Creationism have no place there. I ask Christian evangelicals to remember the words of Jesus, the words that are the theme of this book, “Render to Caesar that which is Caesar’s, render to God that which is God’s.” Public schools are in the realm of government. America’s Con- stitution stresses the separation of church and state as did Jesus. Please obey both Jesus and the U.S. Constitution. Keep religion out of public schools. Religions belong in churches, temples and mosques. Stop trying to intrude in public school classrooms. You are hurting our nation. The same is true of religious interference into medical research such as embryonic stem cells. Please understand. God provides us with minds. Those minds are to be used to help people. We help people by curing diseases. It is possible that some of man’s most debilitating diseases can be helped by the use of embryonic stem cells, just as God designed it.
  • 41. Chapter Fourteen Veterans Affairs THE GALLANT MEN and women who serve in our armed forc- es often have problems stemming from their time in the military. These can include battle wounds, training injuries, diseases, stress and other psychological problems. I wish to commend the work of the fine doctors, nurses, medical technicians, therapists and other hospital staff members who provide care for our recuperating veterans. They are skilled and dedicated caregivers. I would, however, like to add a new dimension to the care that will not only be of benefit to American veterans, but to the medical community and foreign policy of the USA as well. My plan involves the island nation of the Philippines. With the permission and bless- ing of the Philippines’ government, the United States could con- struct and maintain a full-service hospital and veterans’ residence on a remote island beach. This state-of-the-art medical facility will serve two basic functions: A. The pleasant seaside environment will aid the recuperation of our veterans. B. This hospital will serve as a training and licensing facility for Philippine nurses who will be destined to work in American hospitals, senior citizens homes and other medical facilities to help with the long term shortage of nurses here in our country. This is a win-win situation for all involved. The Philippine gov- ernment will receive annual revenue from the leased property. The
  • 42. Jeff Siggins42 Philippine nurses will be trained and licensed for American hospi- tal procedures and employment. The veterans will have access to excellent care, the beach, the ocean and a pleasant tropical environ- ment. The American military will have a first-class medical facility in Asia and the American taxpayers will save money without sacri- ficing the quality of care for their loved ones. I would also like to suggest that veterans in veterans’ hospitals are an underutilized resource. Let us use our imaginations and cre- ate job opportunities for the men and women who need daily medi- cal care, yet are also capable and desirous of contributing to both society and the American economy. So put on your thinking caps, fellow citizens. Let’s find ways to employ the veterans who would like to be employed, yet because of medical care, need to remain at a veteran facility. Just to get the ball rolling, let me offer a few jobs the veterans might do. • Tutors to school students who need extra help. (Students could be bused in.) • Telemarketers for non-profit organizations. • Telephone pollsters for political parties. • Appliance repairmen for governmental offices. (Remember, many veterans are highly trained technicians.) If I am elected President, my Veterans’ Administration will set up a website for suggestions for utilizing veterans and for employers to offer jobs to veterans who wish to work. Chapter Fifteen The Arts I AM CALLING ON the artists of America, the painters, sculp- tors, potters, writers, poets, singers, dancers, actors, filmmakers,
  • 43. Me for President and Pope 43 musicians, weavers, designers, photographers, and other creative people to inaugurate a Neo-Renaissance. We have been living in a time of darkness and it is time to return to the light. I challenge the artists of America to help lead the way. Let us say good-bye to Me Generation art and bring forth a We Generation art. Let each of us seek higher values and then manifest these values in our artistic endeavors. Let us put aside the cynicism that has grown rampant because of the hypocrisy and fear-mongering of our leaders and shine forth with a new optimism, a radiance from which our citi- zens can learn and grow. Let the artists of America show us the way. And let’s make America the fun place to be. Let’s have people com- ing to America from all over the world just for the simple reason that it’s the fun place to be. American artists can make that happen, so let’s go for it. Early in my presidency I will send legislation to the Congress that will propose the establishment of three federal arts colonies. They will be funded through the National Endowment for the Arts and will be located on decommissioned military bases that have been closed down by way of the BRAC (Base Realignment and Clo- sures) procedures. The purpose of these federal arts colonies will be to supply art- ists with inexpensive living quarters and studio space as well as the inspiration and camaraderie of other creative people. There will be onsite galleries and performance centers for the exhibition of arts to the public. Each art colony will partially fund itself through the gallery’s commission fees from art sales and admission tickets of the performances. Private donations, supplemental federal funding and rent revenues will make up the balance. Besides studios, galleries, performance halls and living spaces, there will be dining areas, recreational facilities, supply stores, parks and gardens where vegetables and fruits can be grown. Artists will apply formally for residency at an arts colony and the length of stay for each artist will be limited to a five year period. The purpose of the arts colony is to give struggling artists an inexpen- sive place to develop and grow. It is not to be a place of long term residency.
  • 44. Jeff Siggins Chapter Sixteen Laws, Rules and Regulations WE ARE DROWNING in a sea of laws, rules and regulations. Something must be done about it and soon. In my time as Presi- dent, I will attack this problem with both vigor and tenacity. And I will call on the American people to help. During the so-called transition period, that time between being elected and taking the oath of office, I will order three websites to be set up. One will be for laws, one for rules and one for regula- tions. As soon as they are operational, I will broadcast their web addresses to the American people. From that moment on, people can identify and submit those laws, rules and regulations that nega- tively affect their businesses and their lives. My administration will monitor these websites and begin the job of removing those laws, rules and regulations that are inflicting damage or hardship on people and/or their businesses. Now let’s face it, many of these laws, rules and regulations are necessary. Otherwise I would make a blanket proclamation and get rid of all of those that would be in my power to get rid of. That is why I will need the help of American citizens. We must work to- gether to identify the truly bad ones, those that actually need to be changed or taken off the books. There are, of course, Constitutional jurisdictions to be con- sidered. Those rules and regulations that are made by Executive Branch agencies, I can and will do something about. Laws are a different matter, however. They are enacted by the Legislative Branch. The President cannot by fiat get rid of either state or federal laws enacted by legislatures. The President can, however, with the help of the American people, put pressure on
  • 45. Me for President and Pope 45 the Senators and Representatives to change or get rid of bad laws. Simplifying laws would also be a good thing. Imagine if the laws on the books read: It is illegal to kill. It is illegal to steal. It is illegal to rape. Betrayal of the public trust is a capital offense. Of course, the main reason the laws are written in such compli- cated forms is that they are written by lawyers. If they were simple, people wouldn’t need as many lawyers, because the people would understand them. I will do my best to reduce both the numbers of and influence of lawyers. Chapter Seventeen Vices, Crimes and Punishments JUST TO MAKE IT perfectly clear, I am now and always will be a firm believer in the Second Amendment of our Bill of Rights – the right for a citizen to bear arms. This being said, I also believe that anyone who commits a crime using a firearm should be charged with a federal crime as it is a federal law that allows citizens to possess firearms. I will send legis- lation to the Congress to that effect. Attached to that legislation will be a proposal to build a new federal prison for those who are convicted of a crime committed with a firearm. That prison should be constructed in the wilds of Alaska, in the harshest of environments. There should be no TVs, no radios, no gyms, no amenities whatsoever; it should be a place of punishment, harsh, cold and uncomfortable. When word gets
  • 46. Jeff Siggins46 out, I believe this will act as a deterrent to crimes committed with firearms. Members of gangs that commit federal crimes should also be incarcerated in this prison. I will also send a piece of legislation to Congress that proposes that betrayal of the public trust by government employees should be a federal crime. Violators should receive a lengthy prison sen- tence. As Senators and Representatives are government employees, this will be very difficult to get passed, but I will have fun trying. Now hear this! Now hear this! Early in my administration I will issue a blanket pardon to all those American men and women who are in prison for possession or sale of marijuana. Shortly after the announcement of this general pardon, I will send legislation to Con- gress asking for the legalization of this ubiquitous and harmless plant. I am old enough to remember when hemp (the English word for marijuana) was a valuable agricultural commodity. Hemp was used to make rope, sailcloth and other textiles and for birdseed. I also know the legal history of the prohibition of hemp and it is shame- ful. It was made illegal to give a powerful J. Edgar Hoover-type named Harry Anslinger a job. As for the legalization of all drugs, sorry, I am against that. Mari- juana is not a drug, it is a plant. Yet I do believe that drug problems are health problems, not criminal ones. Therefore I will inaugu- rate drug colonies, places where people who take drugs can go to get help with their drug problem. However, if drug takers commit crimes of theft or deception or violent crimes, then they are crimi- nals and should enter the criminal justice system. Chapter Eighteen Tort Reform THE WONDERFUL AMERICAN movie “Forrest Gump” pres- ents the simple, yet profound philosophical tenet, “Stupid is as stu- pid does.” If this is true and it is also true that most Americans have a low regard for lawyers, I have to ask these questions. “Why do
  • 47. Me for President and Pope 47 you keep electing lawyers to Congress? What are you? Stupid?” I believe that many Americans agree with me when I say that there are too many lawyers in America and that many of the prob- lems we face in this country stem from this overabundance of at- torneys-at-law. Lawsuits are one of the main problems we face from lawyers. We have become the most litigious society in the world. Suing someone has become the answer to many problems. Q. - Why do people sue other people? A.- Because lawyers advise them to. Just the threat of a suit can be enough to get money from a per- son or business. It is often referred to as ‘settling out of court’. It should be labeled for what it is - extortion. There is an excellent way to stop this travesty; simply enact a law that states that if a plaintiff in a tort suit loses, he or she must pay the legal expenses of the defendant. Yet perhaps the main problem is that far too many Senators and Representatives are lawyers. Let’s use some common sense. Let’s look at our own Senators and Representatives and if they are law- yers, let’s vote them out of office. That’s the smart thing to do. So let’s do it. Then and only then will we be able to get laws passed that will remove lawyers from the legislative process and get sensible, understandable laws enacted. Chapter Nineteen Unfunded Mandates THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT as personified by the Executive and Legislative Branches and yes, even the Judicial Branch, must simply stop dictating to the individual states when it comes to laws that forcibly cause these states to spend state revenues to carry out the federally enacted laws. These are known as ‘unfunded man- dates’ and to me they are a form of taxation without representation. They should be forbidden. If the Senators and Representatives at the federal level want the
  • 48. Jeff Siggins48 states to carry out their legislative wishes, they should provide the monies to do so. I will therefore ask the Congress to pass a law for- bidding unfunded mandates. Chapter Twenty Courthouse Displays I PERSONALLY WOULD like to see the Ten Commandments put on display in every courthouse in America. After all, they repre- sent one of the earliest codifications of laws. However, because they have been deemed religious, not historical, the federal courts have seen fit to deny their presence in American courthouses. I would like to suggest a solution. Let the Congress pass a law that allows courthouses to display, as a group, four examples of historical legal codes; the Ten Commandments, Hammurabi’s Laws, the Magna Carta and the U.S. Constitution. Chapter Twenty-one Federal Shield Laws IN A DEMOCRACY, the people rule. America is a democracy. Yet for the people to rule wisely and well, we need information. The gathering and dissemination of information is the responsibility of reporters and editors of newspapers, TV, radio, magazines, and the internet. These people are the eyes and ears of our society and they must be free to do their jobs. To do their jobs well, they must dig for information and often this requires talking to people who do not wish their identities to be known. This requires the source of the information to trust the reporter before he or she will provide that information. Protecting the sources of information is one of the responsibili-
  • 49. Me for President and Pope 49 ties of all journalists. It is as sacred a relationship as doctor/patient and lawyer/client. Yet in recent years, reporters have had to go to jail to protect their sources. Prosecutors and judges have seen fit to use jail time as both a threat and a punishment to reporters for not revealing the source of certain information. A federal shield law is the antidote to this abuse of judicial power. I will ask the Congress of the United States to pass a comprehensive federal shield law that will forever protect reporters from having to make the ugly choice of revealing a source or going to jail. It is not just the reporter and the source that benefit from such a law, all will Americans benefit as well. Chapter Twenty-two Immigration Policy EVERY COUNTRY in the world deserves the right to maintain an immigration policy that forbids citizens from other countries to en- ter that nation illegally. In the past, America has been very lax about this. This must cease. It is time to get tough on illegal immigrants. On the other hand, there are many jobs in America that Ameri- cans don’t seem to want to do. Thus it is imperative for us to allow foreign workers into our country. The solution to these conflicting needs is to inaugurate a guest worker program that fulfills the needs of the American businesses for foreign workers, while at the same time maintaining the integrity of the immigration system. At the current time people from most foreign nations need visas to enter America. There are many types of visas. This is good. What is not good is that when a person from a foreign country overstays his or her visa, there are no immediate actions taken by the United States Government agencies responsible for maintaining our im- migration laws. This must change and one of the first bills that I will send to the Congress will address these matters of illegal im- migration. Some of the bill will focus on overstaying visas, some on companies who knowingly hire illegal aliens and some on the
  • 50. Jeff Siggins50 punishments and fines that will be levied against those who break our immigration laws. Businesses who need to hire new employees will have two very good pieces of identification they can use when hiring a worker; an ID that proves American citizenship or a visa from the US Government. As for those who are already here illegally and have set up homes and businesses, there will be no amnesty for you. You broke our laws and must suffer the consequences of that fact. If you wish to become an American citizen, there are ways to do this, but you do not get to go to the head of the line to achieve citizenship Most importantly, the Congress of the United States must ful- fill their duties and obligations to the rightful citizens of our great nation and pass immigration legislation that will be both compre- hensive and far-reaching. Also, the Executive Branch must enforce those laws with more efficiency and effectiveness. Chapter Twenty-three Employment Policy HAVING A JOB is a very important aspect of life. A job not only provides money to live on, it provides self-esteem, self-worth and so- cial approval. When the national unemployment rate climbs past seven per cent, America is in a crisis state. This being said, if I am elected President, a Siggins Administration will reinstitute the Civilian Conser- vation Corps and put Americans back to work. Unlike the mostly rural CCC camps of the Great Depression, the modern CCC will primar- ily focus on clearing urban decay and on the construction of housing for the urban poor and the homeless. The funds to pay for this pro- gram will come from the Federal stimulus coffers and will repaid from the rentals charged for living in the newly-constructed or remodeled dwellings. Other projects of the modern CCC will be urban public parks and suburban and rural infrastructure such as drainage systems, bridges and underground power grids.
  • 51. Me for President and Pope 51 We must put Americans back to work. The American economy depends on it. We must also try to get manufacturing jobs back in the USA and legislation should be passed to stimulate American business to invest in America-based companies that will provide employment for our citizens. We must stop shipping our manufacturing jobs over- seas. It hurts our economy and diminishes the lives of Americans. Chapter Twenty-four My Political Philosophy WHEN I WAS TWELVE years I visited my aunt and uncle at the Virginia Military Institute where he, Lt. Col. Henry C. Kerlin, was the Commandant of Cadets, the Professor of Military Science and Tactics and the highest ranking U.S. military officer on the post. I loved being at V.M.I. so much that I asked my aunt and uncle if I could stay there with them. Having no children of their own and since we loved each other very much, they thought it would be a great idea. I was enrolled in sixth grade at the William Henry Ruffner Elementary School and began my new life in Lexington, Virginia. One of the first people I came to know at V.M. I. was Col. Robert P. Carroll, the Head of the Biology Department. He introduced me to one of my life-long passions, archeology, as well as many other scholarly pursuits. His office was one of the most interesting envi- ronments I had ever known as it was filled with biological speci- mens in bottles, jars and display cases, Amerindian artifacts, stuffed birds and animals, and a wonderful collection of fossils. It also had a cut-out from a New Yorker magazine on the wall to which Col. Carroll would point whenever I came to his office after being emo- tionally or physically hurt by someone. It was a comic drawing of a man scrunched up in a box. He had a scowl on his face and the caption in quotes underneath had him saying, “People are no damn good.” I would nod my head in agreement with the sentiment of
  • 52. Jeff Siggins52 the cartoon and feel much better instantly. The thing is I never re- ally believed it. I did and do think people are good, at least most people. Yes, there are bad people in the world, yet for the most part, I believe most people are innately good. In fact, I can truthfully say without hesitation; I love people. Because I love people, I wish to serve their best interests. I believe that what I have incorporated into the text of this book proves my willingness to engage in this public service. I believe that if you carefully read this book that you can see that I have put much thought into the ideas expressed herein. I also believe that you can understand that I am not looking for personal power, but only for the power to make the changes that need to be made to improve the world. Then I will go back to being a ‘regular citizen.’ This is my philosophy. Help people. Serve people. Love people. These are the reasons I am stepping into the arena of politics; to help and serve people. The Greek word for people is polloi. It is from this word that we get the English word ‘politics.’ We also get the words ‘polite’, ‘policy’, ‘police’ and ‘polity.’ All these words are about people: we the people; government of the people, for the people, by the people. This is what I am fighting for. This is why I am running for President. I wish to help all the people, not just the people of one political party, all people. Yet I need your help to do this. So I ask you in all sincerity; help me help you. Vote for me by writing in my name, Jeff Siggins, for President of the United States in the election of 2012. And what kind of President will the American people get if I am elected? To be candid, I’m an actor. In the1970’s, I basically quit acting in plays, TV and movies and began to take jobs ‘in the real world’, yet I always looked at the job as an actor does and I would create a character that I thought would best suit the needs of that particular job. In other words, I would ‘play the part’ of a Wall Street clerk, a hotel night auditor, an archeologist, a tour guide, a university professor, whatever. Thus, if I am elected President of the United States, I will create a President that is: a serious, hard- working, yet fun administrator; an honest, energetic, imaginative and inspiring leader for all Americans; a congenial, dedicated and willing co-worker to the Senators and Representatives in Congress; an open
  • 53. Me for President and Pope 53 and understanding partner to our friends in other countries; and one tough son-of-a-bitch to those who choose to be our enemies. Chapter Twenty-fIve Biographical Information AS IT IS IMPORTANT for people to know who their elective of- ficials are, especially those who seek the office of President of the United States, I include some biographical material. I’m a really bright guy. My last measured IQ was 164. In my youth, “Seek and ye shall find” was to me a very important piece of wisdom. I have spent most of my life seeking and I can say with assurance that I have definitely found what I was looking for – the purpose of our existence. In fact, I can honestly say that I know how the cosmos works. I know the purpose of life. I am a country boy from a northwestern Pennsylvania farm who is very much at home in cities. I have an unbelievably vast range of experience. I have had over 600 different jobs that include: actor(Broadway, Off-Broadway, summer theatre, movies, commer- cials and TV, including a recurring role on The Patty Duke Show), director, producer, writer, photographer, carpenter, furniture mak- er, mason, detective, tour guide, designer and builder of pleasure gardens, disc jockey, lecturer, hotel desk clerk, stock boy at Mont- gomery Wards, clerk in a Wall Street brokerage, market researcher, data collector for the RAND Corporation, medical investigator for Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, U.S. Census enu- merator, teacher in six different countries, and Visiting Professor of English at two different Chinese universities. I am the creator of the Tranquility Calendar, a calendar system based on the Moon Land- ing which will be very useful once space travel becomes common. Folks, I’ve done a lot of stuff. I have had incredible mentors in my life: General George C.
  • 54. Jeff Siggins54 Marshall, Col. Robert P. Carroll, Buster Keaton, George C. Scott, Aaron Rolland-Jones, Jim Moran, and Herb Kohl (the educator, not the politician). I also served as an apprentice for two summers in a summer theatre outside of Buffalo, New York. I have been in fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados and dust storms. I have been shot at, stabbed, and viciously beaten. I have known pain and suffering. I am widely traveled. I have been in 49 of the 50 U.S. states, all of the states of Mexico and more than thirty other countries. I have lived and worked in several foreign countries including Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Turkey, Kazakhstan, the Philippines, and China. I communicate well. My training as an actor and my super-large vocabulary are the contributing factors, I’m sure. I have always been extremely interested in politics, but always as an independent, never as a member of a political party. I am not beholden to any special interest group. I am a fighter. I love a good debate. I love to jump into the fray, especially when I see the two things that really set me off – a woman being physically abused by a man and any injustice, anywhere, anytime. Chapter Twenty-six Admonition I WILL NOT SEEK and will not accept any monetary contribu- tions for my campaign. As I am not a publicly declared candidate, it would be illegal for me to do so. It would be fraud. Likewise, if anyone solicits money for my campaign, that person is committing fraud. If anyone asks for money in the name of my campaign or me personally, have that person arrested and charged with fraud. That person is not part of my campaign. I am running for President as a write-in candidate. My name will appear on no ballot. If some individual or group tries to get my name on a state or local ballot, they are doing so against my
  • 55. Me for President and Pope 55 wishes and without my permission. You should have these people arrested on charges of fraud, because they are acting contrary to my campaign strategy. If you wish to be a supporter of the Jeff Siggins for President Campaign, please, please, please, I beg you; follow the directions I have laid out in the book. Do not think you are doing my campaign a favor by acting otherwise. You are not. Anyone who takes out TV, radio, newspaper, magazine or internet ads in the name of my cam- paign is a mischief maker and I will seek legal recourse against the person or group who does so. Again, they are doing so without my permission and against my wishes. My fellow Americans, I am running a campaign that is far differ- ent from the campaigns of all other politicians. I am anxious to see if the American people want a different kind of political candidate. I believe that a large percentage of the electorate is fed up with poli- tics as usual and will appreciate someone who uses imagination and sincerity to run for the highest office in the land. That being said, I need your help. How do you help? By talking to everyone you know. By talking to everyone you meet. Get them interested in my campaign. In place of a campaign contribution of money, buy copies of this book and give them to your friends and acquaintances. Ask them to read the book and if they are sympathetic to our cause, ask them to buy copies of this book and give them to their friends and acquaintances. This is the way we will win. There are other things you can do. Use your imagination. Create posters and banners that support my candidacy and show them at Democratic and Republican political rallies. Get on television. Get your picture in the papers. But, please, do not protest the other candidates. Do not even mention the other candidates by name. Have fun. Create excitement. Have a big party in the streets. Play musical instruments. Sing and dance. But do not destroy property. We are a constructive movement, not a destructive movement. We want to help people, not hurt their property. Respect people who have different opinions. Try to change those opinions, but if you can’t, honor other people’s right to their opinions. It is especially important to convince people that voting for candidates of the two
  • 56. Jeff Siggins56 political parties is doing damage to our country. Convince them that America needs a break from either a Democrat or a Republican in the Oval Office. Display an American flag. Cherish that flag. Your ancestors may have died for that flag, so cherish it. Give honor to our flag and to the people who have fought for it. Speak kindly to police officers, firemen and soldiers. Tell them if Jeff Siggins is elected President that police officers, firemen, and soldiers will be honored as heroes. This goes for teachers and librar- ians as well. I want a Presidency that is positive in all ways. Therefore, if you wish to help, please be positive. Don’t try to help my campaign by trying to destroy the other candidates. That is not the way I want to win. Respect all people. Respect all life. Respect the rights of others. Think of it this way – we are the good guys. Thus, we must act like good guys. This is the way we will win. And remember, by voting for Jeff Siggins as a write-in candi- date for President, you get to vote for one of the five people I have nominated to be Vice-President for a year and then President for three years. To me, this ability to choose someone of great merit that the two political parties will not have as their nominees is the most valuable aspect of the plan I have put forth in these pages. Instead of it merely being a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils, Americans can vote for someone they really want to be their President.
  • 57. Me for President and Pope part two God
  • 59. Chapter Twenty-seven Background WHAT IF JESUS CHRIST comes to Earth tomorrow? He said he would return, right? What if he comes tomorrow? How do you think he’ll feel about the religion that bears his name? How will he feel about people who call themselves Christians? Personally, I imagine that he is probably sad about the state of Christianity, because let’s be honest, folks, it’s a mess. Christianity has been a chaotic mess for centuries, and although the wars and killings between Protestants and Catholics have for the most part ceased, the Christian churches still face tremendous problems. Hot button issues such as gay marriage, abortion, embryonic stem re- search, Creationism, hypocritical clergy, and church involvement in partisan politics are turning church members against each other, forcing congregational splits at local, national and even internation- al levels. And, of course, we must not forget the sexual abuses of young children by Catholic priests that have recently been exposed; not just America, but in Ireland, Brazil and Belgium as well. Even defining Christianity has problems. When I ask people to define Christianity, I get almost no answers that are the same. Many people use the word religion in their definition and yet no one thinks of Christianity itself as a religion. One friend thinks that Christianity stopped being a religion a long time ago and instead has become “a competitive conglomeration of revenue-generating organizations, all claiming some attachment to Jesus Christ.” That is a rather harsh criticism, yet perhaps accurate. I remember a young girl on television saying, “Christianity is when you go to church instead of temple.” I like that. It’s fun. Yet it is a long way from a comprehensive definition. As stated at the beginning of this book, I believe the original institution of Christianity, the Roman Catholic Church, is in serious
  • 60. Jeff Siggins60 trouble. It needs and deserves a serious plan of action to repair it. I have designed such a plan. It is a relatively simple plan, easy to understand and not difficult to implement. And hopefully, if my plan works, every Catholic and each and every Christian of every Protestant sect will realize that the inauguration of a New Christian- ity will enhance his or her spiritual life. Yet before I present my plan, I feel for clarity’s sake that it’s im- portant to have a bit of background about the two leading charac- ters in this drama – Jesus and his Father, God. Let’s begin with God. God is a spirit being who lives in a material body that encompasses everything there is, everything there was and everything there will be. God is big. You can’t get bigger than God. Yet God gets even bigger. He constantly continues to grow. How does He do this? By creating new universes. Universes are the build- ing blocks of the magnificent living edifice that is the material body of God, Our Father, and universes are where God creates His most precious of created entities – mortal beings on inhabitable planets. Actually, God does not personally create universes. He creates someone to do that for Him. Each universe is the product of a Cre- ator Son or, by name, Michael. Each Michael, too, is a glorious spirit being. Creator Sons are those of whom it is said, “If you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father.” A very long time ago, our universe’s Creator Son was given a large tract of empty space and a third stage spiral nebulae to supply material for suns, planets, moons, etc. With the aid of a large staff of celestial beings, our Michael filled the void with solar systems and supervised the implanting of life on planets which were deemed promising. Over time, millions of planets thrived and pulsated with life forms of an almost infinite variety. Now God the Father is very wise. He gives His Creator Sons full control over their universes, yet He holds back supreme authority. That must be earned by a most interesting method. God requires each Creator Son to live the lives of seven different types of beings of the universe the Creator Son designed and brought into existence. And so, a little over a billion years ago, our Michael handed over his duties and authority and went out into his vast universe to live