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Dakota Pipeline Essay
The Dakota Pipeline is a 1,712–mile pipeline that goes from the oil–rich Bakken and goes
underground, it would stretch from the tops of Montana and North Dakota that meet Canada and the
southeast into South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. The US Army corps of engineering approved the
construction of the pipeline to take place. Protests are a common sight to see on the Standing Rock
Sioux Reservation to stop the pipeline from being built. The protesters are doing everything in their
power to stop this pipeline construction. Adding on, if the pipeline is built then it would damage the
historical past of the Sioux Tribe, it would damage the environment, and it will disturb sacred lands
and the way of life of Native Americans that live in the upper Midwest. If the pipeline is
constructed, it would damage the historical past of the Sioux Tribe. The Sioux Tribe came from Asia
about 30,000 years ago. They had to go through a lot to keep their land and to stay where they are.
According to CREDO action they stated that "The tribe, other landowners, and farmers have been
fighting to stop the pipeline from being built for more than two years". The Sioux Tribe is one of the
largest Native tribes to exist. On their tribal grounds, they held burials, ... Show more content on ...
Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now, made a comment saying, "100% affected by North Dakota
landowners were part of the tribe life. Tribal Chairman, David Archambault II said told CNN,"On
Saturday, Dakota Access Pipeline and Energy Transfer Partners brazenly used bulldozers to destroy
our burial sites, prayer sites and culturally significant artifacts,"(CNN). The workers already were
bulldozing the land before any more negotiations were due to take place. By using the bulldozers
the workers destroyed burial sites, prayer sites and culturally significant artifacts that are sacred to
their way of
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Cheyenne: Algea-Consuming Indian Tribe In North Dakota
Cheyenne is an algea–consuming Indian tribe who originally lived by hunting and villris sanking on
the western graet Lakes, presumbly near Lake Superior. To Wards the end of the 17th century, they
were driven west by neighbors who had acquired firearms from the white. They settlet dowm at the
Red River, and came a little later in contact white the bofaste mandan, hidatsa and arikara at the
upper missouri River. From them they took up farms and villages (in large farmhouses) Around
1770, the Ojibwaes destroyed one of the largest cheyennelands towns in North Dakota, and soon the
Cheyennes also came into conflict with the Dakota. In addition to all this, a pituitary epidemic was
eradicated in the tribe. At this time the horse was introduced to
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North Dakota Climate Analysis
The climate characteristics of North Dakota vary significantly throughout the state. The state is
divided amid four central physiographic regions: the Great Plains, the Missouri Coteau, the
Glaciated Plains, and the Red River Valley. The average temperature is different throughout the
state, ranging from 37 degrees in in the northeast to 44 degrees along the southern boarder. Though,
annual averages are deceptive because they conceal the substantial seasonal temperature disparities
shared all through the state (North Dakota State University).
A few major rivers are: Missouri, Red River of the North, Sheyenne, and the Mouse River. Major
Lakes are: Devils Lake, Lake Skakawea, Van Hook Arm, Lake Trenton, Powers, and Lake Parling.
Although, there are hundreds of smaller lakes throughout the state (North Dakota ... Show more
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This intensification results from the lessening distance to the Gulf of Mexico which is the water
source for a majority of the state's precipitation (Figure One) (North Dakota State University). The
contribution of Lake Oahe, Devils, etc. is relatively minor in comparison. The crop growing season
is when they get 75% of their water, from April to September, running from 110 to 130 days
depending where you are in the state (Figure Two). While surface water is the major source of water
for North Dakota, ground and surface are equally important sources of water for the state. The water
quality of the states aquifers fluctuate considerably throughout; 60 million acre feet of water is
amassed in the foremost unconsolidated aquifers, the volume deposited in the bedrock is
unidentified. Another issue: waste water spills from unconventional oil manufacturing producing
extensive water and soil pollution. In the last ten years alone, there have been 9,700 well drilled,
resulting in over 3,900 brine spills. (Duke
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Shelterbelts In North Dakota
Over many years there has been controversies among farmers in North Dakota about things that
may or may not harm the soil. Such as Drain Tile, shelterbelts, soil salinity, soil compaction, soil
erosion, and ect.
First discussion is on drain tile. Farmers in the red river valley are in controversy over if it is or isn't
but according to facts it is actually better for the soil and for farmers due to they can get in the fields
faster,get crops and at the same time control the water table. With the ability to control the water
table the farmers can ensure that they wouldn't lose as many crops to water damage.
The next controversy among North Dakota farmers is the demolition of shelterbelts. For many
farmers the shelterbelts are vital to
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North Dakota Pipeline Analysis
In North Dakota, oil is a great source of revenue. Since the oil boom, transporting that oil has been
done through pipelines as well as rail cars. Recently, the Dakota Access pipeline has attracted
attention from celebrities and other civilians that are not even residents of the Dakotas, such as
Shailene Woodley, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jane Fonda, and Mark Ruffalo. Pipelines can be both
efficient and dangerous. The efficiency can be read in the ability to transport the oil to other states,
while the danger can be read in the environmental damage of an oil spill in a river that people
depend on for water––in the case the Dakota Access pipeline could damage the Missouri River. No
matter all the perks of a pipeline such as Dakota Access, it can be ... Show more content on ...
Those for the pipeline say that it will help the economy, and that it will be much safer than
transporting crude oil through rail cars. North Dakota oil producers will also get more revenue as a
result. However, those against the pipeline say that even though it may be swell for the economy, it
will not be swell for the environment. The gases that will be released from burning those gases from
cars and other sources will help advance climate change, and is ultimately bad for the environment.
If the United States just went to completely renewable energy, we could slow down the process.
Also, it was planned that the pipeline be built and crossing under the Missouri River, which is the
main water source for millions of people. Native Americans of the area––Sioux mainly––also have
sacred grounds through where the pipeline was supposed to go through. The land was technically
theirs in the treaty from the 1800s, but through deceit over the years, it has been taken from them. If
the pipeline needs to be built, then it needs to be rerouted in order to protect the rights and
environment of the
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North Dakota Pipeline Reroute
The area known as the Standing Rock Indian Reservation located in North Dakota and along the
Missouri River, has been targeted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other governmental
entities, to construct a 1,172–mile–long pipe, right through the area's clean water and ancient burial
grounds. The United States Government is in favor of the project for its economic benefit, while the
Indian American tribes of Standing Rock are against the project due to the harmful implications that
this pipe brings to their wellbeing and their heritage. With the news that this pipe was originally
headed towards Bismarck North Dakota, (90% white population) and then re–routed towards Native
lands, the question can be brought up: why was the pipe rerouted? ... Show more content on ...
Army Corps of Engineers during its environmental assessment" (1). The claim is made that the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers were never able to assess the new plan and so this can't be called
environmentally racist. However, after the fact that thousands of people are protesting this new plan
and saying that this plan will contaminate drinking water and destroy ancient burial grounds, the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are still going through with the plan. Coming up with an excuse of
"they didn't have permits at the time to assess the environment" is invalid since they are operating
on the land that they said they had no permits too. The Standing Rock area is not to be touched as
per treaties signed with the United States, but once again we see that the United States is not
honoring their treaties just like they didn't honor their treaties hundreds of years
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Relationships With The Mandans By Thomas Jefferson
Relationships with the Mandans
Thomas Jefferson had just expanded the United States territory immensely. This purchase was
known as the Louisiana Purchase, which is arguably the best decision in US history. All the new
land resulted in several unknown questions. Some of them were, "what does this land provide, what
animals are out there, who can be found on this land?" To answer some of these mysterious
questions Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase.
They also were sent to form learn and form relationships with the people all ready on the land they
are about to explore. One of their stops on their journey was at what now is known as Fort Mandan,
in Bismarck, North Dakota. Here is where Lewis and Clark's relationship with the Mandan tribe was
crucial because their next steps have never been explored by whites. Only the Indians knew what
the land looked like from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean. The Mandan tribe was able to show
the explorers areas of the land that was just bought by the United States of America. Between both
the white explorers and the Mandan tribe they both benefited from their relationships they formed
over the winter months of 1804 because Lewis and Clark did not anticipate spending the winter in
North Dakota.
Seasons have changed and the Missouri river was starting to freeze over; this caused Lewis and
Clarks exploration to halt for the winter. The explorers were able to find a camping site on the North
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The Pros And Cons Of The North Dakota Pipeline
The environment is a very important thing to take care of and can be very fragile. In the recent years
humanity hasn't been doing much to take care of the earth, and instead is destroying it in the name
of progress. One of the harmful things that could really impact the environment is the North Dakota
Pipeline. Some facts about the pipeline is that it is owned by Energy Transfer Partners who are the
owners of Sunoco. Sunoco has had multiple onshore pipeline leaks and disasters that have
devastated many environments. The planned pipeline is going to be 1,134 miles long and will cut
through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois, by doing that it crosses fifty counties in
total. Pipelines in general aren't really the most reliable things ... Show more content on ...
To list a few of them is that it may disrupt Native American sacred land and could contaminate their
water, there is always a chance it could have problems and leak, pollution to the environment
around it, and it is owned by a company that has a record of oil spills. The Native American tribe
(The Standing Rock Sioux) have been protesting this pipeline since April 2016 and it has come up
in the news time and again but as one knows the news doesn't tell the whole truth or both sides. The
tribe is protesting because they say the pipeline will disrupt their ancestors ancient burial ground
that used to be a part of their reservation but is no longer. The Natural History Museum
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North Dakota Pipeline
Have you heard about the protest going on about the North Dakota Pipelines? Encase you haven't
here is some information and views on it. First who's fighting? Well, that simple members from the
Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, well that's how it started off anyways, now there is several
hundred Native Americans from all over the country. Since April they have been gathering outside
of Cannon Ball to protest. The Dakota Pipeline is a $3.7 billion project. The pipeline will carry
470,000 barrels of oil from fields of western Dakota to Illinois, where it will then be connected with
other pipelines. Sen. Bernie Sanders says "the Dakota Access fracked oil pipeline will transport
some of the dirtiest fuel on the planet". Sen. Sanders is trying ... Show more content on ...
Tensions boiled over as officers tried to remove protesters from a camp they had set up on private
land that was purchased by the company building the pipeline. The protesters claimed they were
peppered sprayed and bitten by guard dogs. Law enforcement said protesters marched from their
camped onto private land, where the pipeline was being constructed and described it as a riot. In
result 142 people was arrested. The Tribe sees the pipeline as an environment and cultural threat.
The pipeline traverses ancestral lands, where their ancestors hunted, fished and buried. They are also
are concerned that it would break near the Missouri River, their only water source. The tribe filed a
lawsuit saying they was never consulted. Guy Jones member of the tribe said "he had never seen a
greater assembly of Native Americans than the week leading up to the decision. The federal
government has stopped the pipeline company from crossing the river. The reason, the Army Corps
of Engineers is reviewing approvals that was previously given for the project. It's uncleared if the
Crops will allow or block the pipeline. Its anyones guess when the final decision will be
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Dakota Pipeline Case Study
Dakota Pipeline Issue Since July of 2016, there has been an extensive amount of tension between
protesters and law enforcement over an oil pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The
Dakota access pipeline is a 3.7 billion investment project that would carry 470,000 barrels of oil a
day from the oil fields of western North Dakota to Patoka, Illinois. The Dakota access pipeline is a
stirring issue and is causing thousands protesters to camp out in rural North Dakota to protest for
what they believe. The Dakota access pipeline is to be built by Texas energy transfer partners to
move a massive amount of crude oil a day. This pipeline is 1,172 miles long, thirty inches in
diameter. It will connect the expanding Bakken and Three Folks Production areas in North Dakota
to Illinois. The pipeline will allow domestically produced oil from North Dakota to reach larger
markets in a more direct, safer, and cost–effective manner. The issue with the pipeline is it would
have to cross under the ... Show more content on ...
The Treaty of Fort Laramie of April 29, 1868 described the boundaries of the reservation which is
the east bank of the Missouri river to the Nebraska line. The Native Americans that are apart of the
Standing Rock Sioux tribe have been protesting the pipeline being built for nearly two years. The
uproar from the protesters started in July when the engineers asked for a permit to build the pipeline
to cross under the missouri river at Lake Oahe. The native americans have began protesting for a
number of reasons. The first is that the tribe get their water from the Missouri River and any oil
spills could put their drinking water at risk. The start of the construction has begun digging up the
Sioux sacred burial sites. I feel the pipeline should not cross under because it would be going
against the Treaty of Fort Laramie and because that is the native americans sacred
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Pipeline Project: The Dakota Access Pipeline
For the most part, everyone is pretty familiar with the Dakota Access Pipeline and the protests that
surround it. A 1,172 mile pipeline project running from North Dakota to Illinois. The proposed
pipeline will run directly through the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's land, threatening the water source
as well as desecrating sacred lands. Mainstream media has downplayed the concerns of the Sioux
Tribe, calling them merely "anti–energy protesters"– however, the issues at hand are far greater.
The DAPL project was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (that's our military, people)
using the Nationwide 12 permit process. The Nationwide
12 permit process is a part of the fast–track process (that's the TPP if anyone missed it), that breaks
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So while mainstream still claims that the police and military are not causing harm, that is simply not
true. Actually, several officers have turned in their badge, joining the Natives, saying that they
refuse to attack Americans on their own soil in the name of Big Oil and WallStreet.
The DAPL should be a wake up call to everyone, Native or not that this country is not ran in the
best interest of the people anymore but rather in the interests of corporations. The United States is
no longer a country for the people, by the people. It is a corporate oligarchy that is using our
military and police as their own personal protectors. While the issue at hand is to stop the
construction of this pipeline that is threating the Natives and their sacred land, we should worry
about the amount of power Big Oil and Big Banks have. Although everything that is being done by
Energy Transfer Partners, in
North Dakota is entirely illegal, politicans are supporting and protecting these companies regardless
of what constitutinal rights are being trampled on and that, is a threat to the American people. If we
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North Dakota Adventure
Life Adventure in North Dakota
In the 19th century someone quoted that, "Money doesn't grow on trees." Whoever this person was;
He or she was very wise. In 2013, I was going to college for culinary, but decided that it was not for
me. Finishing my second quarter, my dad asks me if I wanted to go work with him in North Dakota.
Without second guessing it, I told him "Yes." I had not lived with my dad in six years. Do not get
me wrong, he came around once in a while whenever he could, but I didn't know my dad very well.
Moving to North Dakota changed the way I looked at life and has helped guide me to learn my true
In the Book The User's Guide to the Human Mind When Luke struggled to find his worth, I realized
that I too at that time was struggling to find my worth (Smith, 2011). I always see people ... Show
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This is when manual labor was worth it when you were getting paid the big bucks, but money does
not last very long in our world. Once we make money most of us like to spend it, because it is
actually nice when one can get what they want. You have to work for this type of life, and I believe
it will be worth it in the end. My life was slowly striving toward the right direction. Until one day, I
realized that money was not everything. I was still missing a part of myself and my mind, and I was
not satisfied. Then I came across our safety manager in our company. He told me that I was young
and have so much potential. He also said that I should not work in this type of work all my life that I
should go get myself an education and a degree. This is what shocked me. Something just clicked in
my head and told me that what he was saying was true. This is when I started to plan out my life to
go back to college and become who I always dreamed to be. My dream is to be a mechanical
engineer and engineer refineries all over the world. This will be my worth. This will be my journey
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Oil Boom in North Dakota
UNITED STATES Oil in the Bakken region is boosting local economies but attracting a gritty scene
Albertans know well The strip clubs in Williston, N.D., are the rowdiest that Tatiana, an exotic
dancer who has performed in Las Vegas and New York, has ever seen. Oil workers coming off the
nearby rigs pack the city 's two clubs, Whispers and Heartbreakers, every night. They smell like
work. They wear dirty T–shirts. They fall asleep face first on the bar. And then there are the
prostitutes. Tatiana, who asked that her real name not be used, noticed them wandering though the
crowd looking for customers on her first night in North Dakota. "They 're not in there to tip the
dancers," she says with a laugh. Williston is the heart of ... Show more content on ...
Some of those drivers are bound for Estevan, where they load their product onto the CP lines in the
middle of town, which, Mayor St. Onge admits, is "a little bit dangerous." F OR many years, North
Dakota has been the least visited state in the Union. There are no real tourist attractions here; Mount
Rushmore is in South Dakota. The late news man Eric Sevareid, who was born in North Dakota,
called his native state "a large, rectangular blank spot in the nation's mind." But reporters from all
over the world have been coming here lately, because North Dakota boasts one of the most
interesting and exciting stories in the country: an honest–to–goodness boom. The state has the
lowest unemployment rate in the country, at 3.1 percent. Some wonder who could be out of work,
given all the "Help Wanted" signs. North Dakota is No. 1 in job growth and No. 1 in income growth.
At the heart of this pros¬perity is the Bakken formation, located in the northwestern part of the
state. It's a vast pot of oil. "Bakken," incidentally, rhymes with "rockin'." They have a bumper
sticker here: "Rockin' the Bakken." Oil was discovered in this area in 1951, but the trick was
extracting it. Then, not long ago, came a marriage of two techniques–one older, one newer. The
older one was "hy – draulic fracturing," or "fracking," for short. This is the method by which oil or
natural gas is forced from rock. The newer technique was horizontal
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The Pipeline Massacre From North Dakota And The Energy...
The Pipeline Massacre
The Sioux Tribe in North Dakota and The Energy Transfer Partners Company have been in a
disagreement over the pipeline that is supposed to go through the Standing Rock Indian reserve last
month. Sadly, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has approved the construction of the pipeline and
now the Sioux tribe has resorted to chaining themselves to backhoes and tractors to get their
attention. This article shows, showing the issue of constructing a pipeline through an Indian reserve,
what processes will take place if the pipeline is allowed to go through Standing Rock, and how it
will affect the Native Americans if they proceed with building the pipeline through the Standing
Rock reservation.
Understanding that America has made a treaty with the Natives, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
and the Energy Transfer Partners Company must also remember the Natives have the right to their
land and resources just as much as Americans have to theirs. There is a fine line between the two,
and what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Energy Transfer Partners did was illegal and
tactless. Our constitution and laws has been violated many times throughout the process of
constructing this pipeline. They went through loopholes to get the permits without consulting with
the Natives first. Many times the Americans have failed to take into account that Natives have a
certain way they want to live. It is wrong how we oppressed them with our way of life, especially
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Case Study: Should The Dakota Access Pipeline
Should the Dakota Access Pipeline be built? Because of so many protesting acts going on, it really
shouldn't be built. Police keep attacking Native Americans and other protesters. If the protesters
keep fighting them they'll have to give up on everything and cancel the pipeline once and for all. I'm
sure that all of you hate people getting hurt for this so, we need more people to come and help us
stop this once and for all. With every single person down the Mississippi River with one burst the
water and everything could get poisoned so, everybody couldn't drink the water until it was cleaned
out. With this pipeline their could be a burst and many people could get sick.
Should the Dakota Access Pipeline be built? The threats for people's safety ... Show more content on ...
If the media get involved in this more journalists would go down there and start writing things that
happen over at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. With innocent people being arrested the
protesters need more people to hold them off. With the media we could get this event online and
fight the pipeline their as well, then people would get interested in the whole idea and start going to
Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and stop the pipeline once and for all. (Roberts)
With this pipeline their has been violent acts from officers or other law enforcement personal.
Protesters were going north up a bridge to get better positioning to hold camp when, the law
enforcement started firing water at them, rubber bullets, and tear gas. Their were two cars on from
when the violent acts happened and protesters had to move the burning cars off the bridge before it
would spread anywhere else and ruin everything in its path. Now I don't know why the officers
made the protesters move the cars of the bridge but that's rude to me because, its going back to
when America was racist to Native Americans making them do things that they didn't cause. One
reporter said, "Every time I went out it felt really unsafe." When a reporter says that then the officers
are really trying their hardest to build this pipeline to Illinois.(Park and
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Essay on When To Start School in North Dakota, August or...
Many adolescents that live in North Dakota know the feeling of having to sit in school in August,
when the weather is perfect for days on the lake or other activities. A majority of them are asking
why they have to be in school during this time, when states such as Minnesota are still on break
until September. To fix this inconvenience along with other frustrations would be to start the school
year after Labor Day in September. To fix the predicament first people should know why starting
school early is a problem, then have a clear solution to this problem, and finally know why other
solutions that have been offered to compensate are not as favorable. First of all, many people don't
find starting school in August a problem. However, there ... Show more content on
Another disadvantage of starting early is because of students trying to get used to the school
schedule. Between the date when school starts and Labor day there is only about one week of school
which means students have to get used to getting up early, but then are given a three day weekend
which tends to make them go back to their summer schedule. This indicates that the first week of
school is not a constructive way to get kids back on schedule. Starting school at the beginning of
September is a great way to fix all of the problems. Beginning school after Labor Day will be
beneficial to businesses because they will be able to keep their young employees during the busy
weekend of Labor Day. More people will be able to go on vacation which means hotels and other
attractions will get a lot of business as well. The school will also be saving money by reducing the
use of air conditioning as well. Although there are some disadvantages to starting school in
September. One of them includes the scheduling of Christmas vacation, semester tests, and the
beginning of fall sports. However, the positives of choosing to start in September outweigh the
negatives since they could easily be fixes by precise scheduling. Other solutions have been provided
to make up for the early start of school. One of these include that the semester ends with a winter
break and the option of being able to have semester tests
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North Dakota Research Paper
Keno in North Dakota : North Dakota has a wide variety of land–based casinos and gambling
options for its local residents to enjoy them to the fullest. The locality is having more than 30
commercial casinos, racinos, and racetracks spread across several cities of the state. Hence
obviously, you will be able to enjoy loads of slots machines and thousands of live table games here.
Isn't it sounding great?
Well, whether you do love playing the compelling table games, or even you prefer playing Keno,
North Dakota definitely has a plenty of options to boost your gambling experience with loads of fun
and an ultimate entertainment. Just take the advantage of North Dakota's famous Vegas–style royal
casinos scattered across the entire state. Also, You will find gaming, live entertainment, and concerts
year–round. Many casinos also offer fine dining, ... Show more content on ...
This casino hotel, facing Lake Sakakawea, needs only 39 minutes drive from the US Highway 2. It
also offers loads of games, for example, Slots, Video keno, Video Poker, Roulette, Craps, Three
Card Poker and Blackjack etc. The rooms in the main hotel include all the modern and latest
features like flat–screen TVs, free WiFi, coffee makers, and much more too. This famous casino is
also having an indoor pool, a sauna, hot tub, and an exercise room. You will also find a casual
restaurant, live entertainment, a steakhouse, loads of gaming tables, and bunches of slot machines
Website :
Keno in North Dakota : Grand Treasure Casino
Grand Treasure Casino can be another popular choice for playing Keno. It is located at North West
Trenton, North Dakota. It is an extremely royal and native American casino. This grand casino, with
having around 5,000 square feet gaming space, features approximately 260 gaming machines.
Website :
Keno in North Dakota : Prairie Knights Casino and
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North Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL)
Environmental welfare has become one of our most important priorities since the widely–spread
awareness of climate change. Recently, there has been a controversial subject arousing from the
midwest that is allegedly threatening our environment – the construction of Dakota Access Pipeline
(DAPL). This $3.8 billion, 1,172–mile pipeline project will be crossing four states from North
Dakota through Illinois to supply crude oil coming from the oil–rich Bakken area (Yan). DAPL will
supposedly create new jobs like construction and maintenance, lower gas prices as we do not have
to rely exporting oil from overseas, and boost energy production in our country as we continue to
consume more energy resources. However, induced with negative feelings from ... Show more
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DAPL was claimed to be infiltrating sacred grounds when it is actually not because the
professionals have already planned it that way. DAPL was also claimed to potentially pollute bodies
of water as it was going to be built underwater when the ones in charge already declared it the safest
oil transportation and will definitely be held responsible. They were already debunked from the start
because the trusted professionals who worked on DAPL considered various complications, thus
resulting to several redesigning. Hundreds of thousands of people are demanding alternative ways
but failed to provide such ideas to the said
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Argumentative Essay: Out On Standing Rock Reservation
As many may know there is a huge news story brewing in North Dakota. Out on Standing Rock
reservation there is a a protest going on about an oil pipeline line that is trying to be placed on the
property. The native people of the land are against and have strong arguments against. They hope
there arguments will open the eyes of the big wigs of the oil company. They plan to prove exactly
what is going to happen to there land by placing this pipe line directly underneath the Missouri
They have one very strong fight and that is the pipe line will poison the water they use for drinking
water and will ruin there land. This is there main fight against the installation of the pipe line. They
have been protesting for weeks on end a law enforcement from the state along with the National
Guard has been on scene trying to keep it under control. Yet the only thing it has done is intensified
the protest being done by the natives of the land. Now during the ... Show more content on ...
They were approved for 10 million dollars at the beginning of this adventure for emergency
purposes. Sense then they only needed a little more help asking for just another 7 million dollars
recently. Morton County alone has spent an additional amount of pocket change around 8 million
dollars. Now they believe they can be reimbursed by the state for there spending because currently
they can afford it easily.
Now as if the issue wasn't bad enough we are now pulling law enforcement from surrounding states
and different agencies. In hopes of cooling the engulfing issue and calming the protesters down. We
brought officers from Minnesota and the boarder patrol agency which was a huge step in pouring
gas on the fire. As arrests broke 530 during the course of this treatment period and hopeful defusing
of the situation. Everything they are doing to solve the conflict at hand was clearly working in the
purpose of pouring water on the
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North Dakota Voter's Laws
States created voter to laws help their citizens to participated easily during the election by casting
their vote. The essay will contrast and compare Pennsylvania and North Dakota voter's law, their
eligibility requirements, their absentee ballot and more.
Anyone in Pennsylvania and North Dakota can vote if they meet the voter's requirements.
Pennsylvania and North Dakota have similar voter requirements; an individual must be at least
eighteen years of age or older, must be resident of their county for at least thirty days before election
day. Pennsylvania residents must be a United States citizen for at least one month whereas, North
Dakota must be United States citizens. The similarities between these states provide coherency,
while ... Show more content on ...
The county chooses several voting locations to have an in–person early voting. Arriving at the poll
site, voters must possess an acceptable form of identification; this includes a driver's license or non–
driver's identification card, tribal government issued identification, long–term certificate or a voter's
affidavit. For voting on election day North Dakota voters must include on their identification their
name, their current street address and their date of birth. North Dakota utilizes photo–identification
at the election, but it is not the only acceptable form of identification; whereas, Pennsylvania only
require an acceptable form of identification for first time voter. Some examples are a Pennsylvania
driver's license, student ID, United States passport, etc. Pennsylvania not having an in–person early
voting is beneficial to the citizens because the state holds numerous amounts of citizens compared
to North Dakota; it would be a hassle to hold multiple days for election instead of just one day.
Pennsylvania may not be tough on photo identification because it is a competitive state, whereas
North Dakota is not a competitive
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North Dakota Pipeline Case Study
At Standing Rock Sioux Reservation multiple Native American tribes are protesting the construction
of the North Dakota Pipeline. The North Dakota Pipeline could be very beneficial for moving oil in
a safer and more cost effective manner, but it could also cause irreparable harm to the environment
and communities surrounding it. Even though there are benefits to the construction of the pipeline, it
would cause more destruction than being a system improvement.
The approximate 1,172 mile, 30–inch diameter, would connect Bakken and Three Forks production
areas in North Dakota to Patoka, Illinois. The pipeline would allow oil to be moved in a "More
profitable and environmentally safer manner." Yet, any leak would cause immediate and
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A Brief Note On North Dakota State University
NDSU vs. ASU The total student population of North Dakota State University as of 2015 is 14,516
students, while the total student population of Arizona State University as of 2015 is 83,301
students. There are many differences between NDSU and ASU, but each of them have their own
special upsides. However, they each have their own special downsides as well. NDSU and ASU are
both very good schools who offer quality education, and hopefully by the time I am a senior I will
have figured out which to go to and how I am going to do it. North Dakota State University is a
public university that focuses on agriculture and applied sciences. Its main campus is located in
Fargo, ND. It was founded in October 15, 1890. (NDSU History) The male ... Show more content
on ...
Approximately 48 architecture majors are selected for the program during their second year
(Architecture). There are obvious financial benefits of choosing to pursue a degree in architecture at
NDSU versus other schools. According to Molly Bausman, NDSU even offers higher quality
learning than more expensive 6 year schools. NDSU's architecture program is #1 in the state, and
#89 in the USA. Freshman at NDSU must stay in the residence halls the first year. There are 12
residence halls: 4 low rise halls, 3 high rise complexes, 2 gender specific halls, and 3 upperclassmen
halls (An Introduction to Residence Halls at NDSU). Each building has one or two different
learning communities based in them. For example, Thompson Hall, which is one of the multi–
gender high rises, is home to the Health Science and Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences groups
(An Introduction to Residence Halls at NDSU). The first year students are required to have a meal
plan as well. The meal plans offered at NDSU are 5–Day meal plans and 7–Day meal plans. The 5–
Day meal plans includes 3 guest passes and the 7–Day meal plan includes 7 guest passes for the
dining halls (NDSU Dining). Scholarships are a big part of paying for college, and NDSU offers a
lot of them for each different major. They also offer scholarships based on ACT scores and SAT
scores. The Provost's Scholarship is given to students who got 25–28 on their ACT and 1200–1340
on their
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The North Dakota Pipeline : Oil
The North Dakota Pipeline Oil has been an important resource of energy in America "since the
discovery of the Spindletop geyser in 1901. It drove huge growth in the oil industry in America.
Within a year, more than 1,500 oil companies had been chartered, and oil became the dominant fuel
of the 20th century and an integral part of the American economy" ( Staff). This had
developed the construction of pipelines to move the oil within the country and offshore in coastal
waters. Recently, the federal government approved the construction of a new pipeline that would be
transporting crude oil from North Dakota to Illinois. The construction of this pipeline has raised a
lot of controversy regarding its necessity, but also in the potential impact on the environment. On
the list of controversies, it is facing the established route for the pipeline because it runs half–mile
near of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, crossing beneath the Missouri River. The concern is
the huge impact this would cause if the pipeline breaks near to the river spilling the crude oil into
the river contaminating the drinking water. The other concern is that as this pipe passes very close to
the Indian reservation, it also disturbs sacred land. In addition to all this, there is the controversy of
the use of eminent domain by the government, to get the land for the construction of the pipeline.
Considering the potential negative effects this pipeline would have on the environment if a leak
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Poverty In North Dakota
Benson County (typology code: 38005), which is located in North Dakota, is a non–metro region
with persistent poverty and persistent child poverty. It is a farming dependent county that mainly
constitutes of Native Americans (USDA ERS, 2015). In 2013, 30.2% of the population were below
the poverty level. The county was barely mentioned in any news, but the fact that people are living
in substandard lives and the causes of their poverty worth our attentions. From ACE 255, I have
learned that there are three explanations for poverty: flawed character, restricted opportunity, and
big brother. As far as I'm concerned, poverty in Benson County is a result of a combination of these
three causes, with more weight on restricted opportunity. In this ... Show more content on ...
Take TANF as an example. The state funding to TANF was only 36.3 million dollar in 2009, which
was the second lowest amount of funding among states. To encourage recipients to work, the work
program expenditure was only 3.2 million dollar. However, with limited funding, the state still
successfully provided as much cash assistance and as many work incentives as possible. In 2009,
0.8% of the state population received cash assistance, with $477 of benefits each month for a family
of three. Furthermore, in 2009, the TANF work participation rate in North Dakota was 61%, far
beyond the national level of
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A Brief Note On The North Dakota Is Sylvan Learning Centers
present market. VI. Competition Mathnasium's most influential competitor in North Dakota is
Sylvan Learning Centers. Sylvan has centers in Bismarck, Minot, Dickinson, and Williston. Sylvan
does not have any significant competitors already located in North Dakota besides a few small scale
learning centers spread throughout the state.  Sylvan Strengths  More services than just math
tutoring  More locations established throughout the state  Established market with loyal
customers  Competitive pricing  Sylvan Weaknesses  Less individualized education plans 
Lacking tutor–consumer relationship  Non subject–specific tutoring Sylvan has many strengths
that need to be addressed properly in order to ensure success as a competitor. ... Show more content
on ...
Consumer Traits: Families with school aged children Middle aged parents, willing to pay extra for
their kids' education Families with average or higher annual income All students striving for better
education High School students needing preparation for standardized tests The marketing techniques
that will be used in order to promote the business in the future are as follows. The most effective
resource to promote Mathnasium is the student. If Mathnasium promotes in schools, students will
bring the information to their parents. Mathnasium can be easily promoted in schools through flyers
and sponsorships. Flyers within the school advertise and promote Mathnasium at a very low cost.
Sponsorships for school teams and in high school courts and fields will promote Mathnasium to all
spectators, boosting Mathnasium 's customer base and, in turn, profits. Mathnasium can also work to
get the recommendation of the school officials and teachers, who can influence parents to look into
Mathnasium as a tutoring option. If regular schooling is not working as effectively as it can for a
certain student, a teacher or administrator can suggest Mathnasium to the student or parent.
Mathnasium will also run advertisements on radio and television. This will attract the attention of
even more parents who are looking for better education opportunities for their children. Billboards
will also be used to advertise
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Dakota Access Pipeline
Tom Carnesciali, T05
Proposal Argument
Standing with Standing Rock
Citizens of the U.S. must petition and call public officials to urge the Obama administration to
declare Standing Rock Indian Reservation a National Monument, thereby halting the development
of the Dakota Access Pipeline, to accomplish the following priorities: prevent the contamination of
a vital U.S. water source and its surrounding ecosystems, stop the human rights violations and abuse
at Standing Rock, and avert the desecration of sacred native burial grounds. Stopping the pipeline
would additionally benefit the planet and all its inhabitants by assisting the transition away from
reliance on fossil fuels, and toward more sustainable energy sources, a vital ... Show more content
on ...
Another possible solution to the harmful consequences I've outlined is organizing a group of
military veterans to camp at the reservation, and stand with the protesters in defiance of the
construction. This act by a group of national heroes would garner both worldwide attention, and
political support. Over 2,000 veterans are already organized and poised to arrive at the several
encampments, and historic and symbolic act of reverence to the Sioux Nation is unprecedented.
Perhaps this act in conjunction with the National Monument Status would have the most impact, and
could give so much press to the issue of the pipeline that the project could be halted
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The Environmental Movement Of North Dakota
In the spring of 2016, an environmental movement began in North Dakota that today, is making
history. In Cannonball, North Dakota, Native Americans have gathered to protest the Dakota Access
Pipeline; resulting in one the largest gatherings of Native Americans from multiple tribes the United
States has witnessed in over a century (Northcott, 2016). One tribe in particular, the North Dakota
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, have been leading and organizing the protest against the construction of
the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Standing Rock reservation is located in the Sioux and Ziebach
counties within the North Dakota and South Dakota border; the Sioux people are the primary tribe
of the area. According to Trymaine Lee of MSNBC, the counties are a part of the top 10 poorest
counties in the country, and that it has a history with water distresses. In the early 1960s, five dams
located at Lake Oahe in Standing Rock gave way and flooded 200,000+ acres, destroying nearly all
natural resources and wildlife at the river bottom, as well as destroying towns within the reservation
and sacred ancestral lands and sites. This was a devastating tragedy for the people of Standing Rock,
and it seems that history is repeating itself with the proposed construction of the Dakota Access
Pipeline. The pipeline poses many hazardous threats, and these threats outweigh any economic
benefit the proponents may promise. It threatens the environment, water supplies, historical land,
and only adds to the
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The State Of The Dakota Access Pipeline Essay
A battle of saving and maintaining clean water and sacred burial lands is what is at stake with the
possible construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (White). The Dakota Access Pipeline, or
commonly known as DAPL on the Internet, is a 1,172–mile pipeline that would carry oil. The
pipeline is being proposed to have a route that would travel through the Standing Rock Native
American reservation (Donnella). The reservation spans across both North and South Dakota. The
reservation is inhabited by Lakota and Dakota nations, or commonly known as the Sioux Native
Americans ("History").
With the urgency of hindering the DAPL efforts in building the pipeline have come with protests
from Native Americans and non–Natives alike. Many of these peaceful protests from the Indigenous
people have turned violent with the police pepper spraying and using forceful actions toward those
that are fighting the pipeline ("Protests Over The Dakota Access Pipeline").
The protests have stopped, due to the battle over the construction of this pipeline is switching from
the reservation to court (Richardson). Most recently, President Barack Obama decided to look for
other routes for the project on Dec. 5, and to halt the constriction of the pipeline for the time being
(Richardson). Overall, the conclusion of the pipeline on whether it will be built or not is unknown.
President–elect Donald Trump declined to comment on the issue, but stated that he will work
through this highly contested situation
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Persuasive Speech On Apprenticeships Pros And Cons
Hello from western North Dakota. I hope this un–seasonably warm fall has found everyone in good
spirits, and that we don't wind up paying for it down the road. I haven't seen any frost teeth out there
yet, so I consider that a good sign!
I hope everyone has been paying attention to the recent boost in emphasis on education in North
Dakota, because in it may exist the ability to help foster interest in our apprenticeships, and
ultimately an increased interest in hiring our employers. Both of those, certainly are big positives.
Fueled by a large, bipartisan Congressional effort, the US Department of Labor awarded a $200,000
apprenticeship grant to North Dakota Job Service in early June. Following that award over the
summer, the North Dakota Department of Commerce hosted a series of "apprenticeship accelerator"
meetings around the state, in an effort to increase the amount of registered apprenticeships. In
cooperation with the Dept. of Labor, representatives of the ND Department of Commerce and ND
Job Service distributed specific instructions and maintain an open link on their websites, in an effort
to help private employers develop their own apprenticeship programs. While it would certainly be a
good thing if the general public became aware, and hopefully accepting, of the benefits that
apprenticeships can provide, this recent fanfare may only serve to obscure the differences between
"registered" and "joint" programs. I believe that we may be able to capitalize on
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North Dakota Pipeline
The North Dakota Access Pipeline will span from the Bakken, North Dakota to southern Illinois.
The Standing Rock Sioux reservation opposes the pipeline because they believe that it goes through
sacred land. The Sioux tribe also opposes the pipeline because it will cross the Missouri River twice,
which is the reservations main water source. They believe that the pipeline may contaminate the
Missouri River, but the pipeline company claims that the pipeline is the safest method to transfer the
oil. I believe that this is a tough topic to form an opinion on, but I will hopefully explain my stance
on this issue throughout this essay. In the article, The Legal Case for Blocking the Dakota Access
Pipeline by Robinson Meyer, the author opposes the
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Toga North Dakota Summary
Strong decision maker Excellent communicator Organized Excellent multi–tasker Strong
communication skills Proficient in MS Office ACCOMPLISHMENTS Achieved perfect attendance
for 1 consecutive year. EXPERIENCE K.S.I INC. Toga, North Dakota 09/2015 to 02/2016 Built and
disassembled scaffolds, bracing and barricades. Extensively trained in carpentry, painting,
plastering, machine servicing and installation. Assisted skilled workers with construction projects in
all phases of rough and finish carpentry. Cleaned all construction areas to avoid hazards. Installed
and repaired roofs, flashing and surfaces. Mixed mortar, plaster and grout according to standard
formulas. Performed heavy labor such as ditch digging, paving and hauling. Installed, repaired
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Informative Essay On North Dakota
Legendary. Drive across the border into North Dakota and you will read a sign that reads "North
Dakota Legendary." This word, legendary, is unique as it specifies the solitary depiction of the state
North Dakota. Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to partake in these legendary experiences
North Dakota has to offer. One legendary experience the great state delivers is world–class goose
hunting. Little did I know this five–day hunting excursion would modify the way I would live my
life forever. North Dakota's one of a kind outdoor experience has allowed me to craft a deep vision
for my future. To commence, I swiftly tossed the last layout blind into the Chevy pickup and yelled,
"Lets hit the road!" My dad hurdled into the truck and I pressed the accelerator, aiming west toward
Hazen, North Dakota. Arriving seven hours later, I darted from truck and inhaled the fumes of a
freshly cut wheat field on the horizon. I began to gawk at the beautiful landscape the "peace ...
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On paper, shelling 150 geese in a short time span is not a life changing experience. In reality,
shelling 150 geese has altered my career selection, desired location, attitude, and goals I desire to
accomplish throughout my life. Starting with career selection, I hope to land a job either as a dentist
or in petroleum engineering. Besides interest in both professions, I aspire to be a dentist or
petroleum engineer because of the demand North Dakota has for these careers. Therefore, I would
live where I want while performing the duties of my profession while making great money. On the
other hand, my attitude and lifestyle have improved drastically. Hunting in North Dakota has
allowed me to discover my passion for the outdoors, resulting in the majority of my time consumed
doing what I love. As explained, spending a couple days in North Dakota allowed me to see where I
want to stand in the
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Dakota Access Pipeline Pros And Cons
American Indians are being treated in atrocious, illegal, and terrifying mater, while peacefully trying
to protect water for all of us. On the Other side of this battle, sits Energy Transfer Partners who fund
the Dakota Access Pipeline, the real outlaws. This is part of a bigger picture, Native American lands
are under threat, and being stolen.. Now is the time that we must fight this if we don't our future is
threatened. This is more than about water, but the bigger threat of climate change. This is a story of
courage, culture, environmental protection, climate change, and the real world danger facing all of
The #noDAPL water protectors who only wish to protect their ancestral land, sacred burial grounds
and perhaps most importantly the ... Show more content on ...
There are several things you can do by taking action, and help the Water Protectors. The easiest way
is to just share their story with family, friends, and neighbors. Take a trip to North Dakota to stand
with them or just donate money to help pay for they're expenses, it is the least that we can do. Join
protests in the area you live in. After all you have to realize they are doing this for all of us. One big
thing is to contact your local government to lobby on their behalf and demand that they stand with
the people, not the corporation. Contact your congressman, members of the senate, and the White
House, remind them they work for you. Tell the politicians you're a constituent and insist they stand
with people like Senator Bernie Sanders in asking that president Obama to do the right thing and
halt the DAPL immediately. The US needs to move away from the use of fossil fuel and towards
green, sustainable
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How Did Duhamel Influence North Dakota
North Dakota to Hollywood
The famous actor, Josh David Duhamel once said, " North Dakota a lot of the times we don't get a
voice when these other states do, I feel like it's a good opportunity to sort of extend help on behalf
of the people of North Dakota." Josh's life has been influenced by the state, and he returned to a
favor back to his home. Duhamel has starred in many movies, and has done wonderful things for
North Dakota.
Josh was born on November 14, 1972. Duhamel was about 9 when his parents got divorced.
However, his family stayed close to one another even though they were separated most of the time.
Throughout college at Minot State University, Josh was a quarterback. Although he couldn't make a
living as a pro player, he decided to go into dentistry.
Josh got a bachelor's degree in biology, but shortly ... Show more content on ...
Duhamel has starred in many movies like Transformers, Life as we know it, the Romantics, Safe
Haven, and many more. He is a great actor who has been nominated for lots of rewards. He has been
nominated for the Teen Choice Awards five times and OFTA Television Awards twice. In 2002, he
was awarded the Daytime Emmy for the movie All My Children.
Josh is good at many things, but he is also good at promoting tourism in his home state. Sometimes
he wonders why he ever left. He loved to see nature's beauty shine through everyday. To this day, he
still does a lot of advertising for our state. Duhamel produced the 2016 Tourist Guide. This would
help promote tourism in the state. It would attract people here, and show them how beautiful North
Dakota is. He spent eight days traveling around the state with his son. They went to places like the
Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the Fargo Theatre. Josh and Axl got to spend time together
while enjoying the wonders of North Dakota. After their trip here, he shared his experience on
NBC's "Today Show". That way he could share his experiences with the
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Dakota Access Pipeline : A Long Battle
Dakota Access Pipeline
The Dakota Access Pipeline has been a long battle. The company that started the project, Energy
Transfer Partners, are one of the key players. They have ensured Standing Rock Sioux Tribe,
another key player, that the pipeline will be safe for the environment. If that is true, why are the
tribe still fighting it today. For the purpose of this analysis, it will prove how aggressively the
company is, how they trampled over Native Americans to get their pipeline built, and how they
came to choose the area to build the pipeline.
Moreover, to get some perspective of the pipeline, Dalrymple, a journalist for the Bismarck Tribune
writes, "The idea was to build a 1,134–mile pipeline from Williston, ND to Patoka, Illinois. A ...
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Dalrymple explains the impact of the pipeline and what it plans to bring to North Dakota by writing,
"The pipeline project is bringing in 8,000 to 10,000 construction jobs and 40,000 operating jobs. It
is estimated when the pipeline is finally built, North Dakota will receive 156 million dollars of sales
and income tax" (2015). Additionally, the pipeline would make a huge impact on the revenue of
North Dakota, as well as the job industry. The reason the ETP says their pipeline is the safest is
because it is underground, so it is more secure than transferring by ships, trains, or trucks. The
pipeline will reduce the cost of roadways for trucks and transport of trains, which has a higher
chance of crashing. ETP are using state of the art technology that will be monitored 24 hours, 7 days
a week to ensure nothing goes askew. The company says their pipeline meets and exceeds federal
regulations and safety requirements.
The major debate on the other side, the controversy is the pipeline plans to run through Cannon
Ball, North Dakota, which is a sacred ground for Native Americans, but also plans to run under the
Missouri River. The damage the pipeline will do to the environment and to the water supply is
detrimental, not only to the Stand Rock tribe, the Missouri river runs through most of America. That
means most of America will see the impact of what a pipeline leak will do. Standing Rock is
fighting the
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Hemp In North Dakota
Kentucky has a well developed pilot program to serve as an example. A 2013 Kentucky statute aims
to bring Kentucky to the forefront of the hemp market. The statute calls for research by state
Universities into subjects such as breeding hemp to suit Kentucky, the benefits for business, and
economic opportunities for hemp products.Aside from University research, commercial production
by farmers is allowed in the state. Kentucky law requires a license to grow hemp (subject to a
background check). The state lists 162 hemp farmers participating in its Research Pilot Program as
of 2016.
North Dakota
North Dakota is notable for allowing industrial hemp farming as early as 1999, making it one of the
first states to do so. The state passed two laws in early 2007 supporting the production of industrial
hemp. The first allows that processors, in addition to farmers, can seek a state license to handle
industrial hemp. The second allows anyone with a state license to import and resell certified
industrial hemp. Like Kentucky, North Dakota allows hemp farming by individuals who have been
licensed by the state's agriculture commissioner. The process of licensing includes a background
check, and licenses can be refused to anyone who does not pass. These licenses do not require DEA
approval. ... Show more content on ...
Canada, which legalized the production of industrial hemp in 1998, might be considered a good
measure of America's potential future in industrial hemp production. As of 2015, 1,135 licenses
were issued in Canada to grow 34,262.6 hectares of hemp (84,664.7 acres). Those numbers are
down from 2011, when Canadian hemp farmers reaped an approximate profit of at least $30.75
million. By way of comparison, Canadian farmers saw at least $990 per acre of hemp while Indiana
farmers can expect approximately $736 per acre of corn, and Californian farmers can expect
approximately $630 per acre of
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North Dakota Pipeline Controversy
North Dakota Pipeline Protests
There has been very many event that have caused protests and controversies over the U.S. in recent
weeks. Some of these controversies have a lot of people involved and some not so many. So
controversies that some people have been protesting about is capornicks kneeling during the
national anthem. More protest and controversies that have been going on in recent weeks is about
the election of President Elect. Donald Trump. One of the most talked about controversies in these
last couple weeks is the pipeline in North Dakota. This controversy is between the Standing Rock
Sioux Indian tribe and Energy Transfer Partners. Energy Transfer Partners has been building a
pipeline that will transfer oil from North Dakota Bakken region through South Dakota and Iowa into
Illinois. This oil pipeline will be part of the 2.5 million oil and gas pipelines the run all over the
United States. This pipeline is 1,134 miles long and costing around 3.8 billion, while traveling
underground through 50 counties in 4 states. The working progress has stopped due to the Sioux
Indian tribe protesting against the the finishing of this pipeline. The pipeline is about 75% done but
has been stop because of the the Standing Rock Sioux Indian tribe. The pipeline is supposed to go
under the cannonball river and ... Show more content on ...
Protests continue to grow as the weeks continue to get long for the decision whether or not the
pipeline with be repositioned. One of the most talked about controversies talked about in the last 3
months sadly is not over yet, but is hoping to be done in future weeks to come. The Standing Rock
Sioux Indian tribe and Energy transfer Partners are hoping the government will see it their way.
Both sides have valid reason for why they want it to continue or not to continue ,but it is up to the
government as they will have the final say in the finishing of the
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North Dakota Pipeline Debate
Hi everyone today I'm talking about the North Dakota pipeline protest. Who am I? Actually I'm just
a regular environmental protester. I'm here today invited by my friend Jacob to talk about what's
happening in North Dakota and why it relates to the government. So what is exactly happening in
North Dakota? Well I'll tell you Native Americans are protesting against the company Dakota access
whose job is to build 1072 mile pipeline from North Dakota down towards the southeast. It's a
simple transport job but is receiving a huge amount of backlash since April due to its environmental
issues What are these environmental issues exactly well it has to do with the water in the area
nearby the site where they want to build their oil pipeline is the Missouri River and lake Oahe. The
rivers and lakes are there main supply of water to the Native American reservation near by The
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. This drive has been protesting since April about the dangers of the
corruption their water supply. If this water becomes corrupt the water will be contaminated ... Show
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Well two Saturdays ago the amount of protesters near the pipeline's construction grew into the
thousands. The governor of North Dakota the state of emergency and barricaded the protest sites.
This is only after a federal judge ruled that they would not hear the tribes requested to stop the
construction. After that request of a state of emergency more and more protesters started arriving
regardless of the barricades. Due to this, last Friday the federal government announced that there
would be a pause in the construction of the pipeline and also considered, Nationwide reform on
these kinds of infrastructure projects. Although this causes temporary and may resume and the
construction may continue forward. But hopefully with my spread of information you can go out
and protest yourself along with the Native American people. Just as long as you have enough money
to go out
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Essay On North Dakota
North Dakota is far from the equator, creating long cold winters. Besides making people cold, the
decreasing temperatures also have a significant effect on mental illness. Seasonal affective disorder,
also known as (SAD) is a psychological condition identified in the 1980s. Seasonal affective
disorder effects 4–6 percent of people in the united states. (SAD) affects women 4 times as much as
(SAD) affects people that live in higher latitudes.Making it more common in people that live in
North Dakota rather than Florida. The cause of this is lack of sunlight,the disease is linked to the
changing patterns of sunlight that fluctuate season to season. Most commonly it can be seen to start
in the fall and continue through the winter. ... Show more content on ...
Opposite effect of the spring when new life begins grow, and fresh color appears this makes her
happier. Every year around the same time the symptoms will begin.
"Living with severe depression not only (SAD) is like living in a world of grey, when everyone else
is living in a world of color, so you have to find your own color," Mork said.
North Dakota is a specifically hard place to cope with seasonal depression because the winter
months severely outweigh the hot ones.
" I definitely think it would be better in the south where they have the nice weather and colors all
year," Mork said.
Another problem she faces is the driving in the winter. This causes her anxiety because the
conditions are unpredictable and can be dangerous.
However, Mork does find happiness through herself, and creates light. "I definitely do things to that
make me happy," Mork said. Mork likes to to bullet journal, do yoga , go outside with the kids she
watches at recess, listen to music, staying inside by windows, and just staying busy.
"I like to doodle it at least adds color," Mork said.
One song that she particularly likes is "Weightless,"by Marconi Union. This sound was made by a
group that collaborated with sound theorists. It was designed to help the person listening de–stress,
lower the heart–rate, and reduce blood pressure.
She also makes a mood tracker to document her bad days and good days. The chart represents
different emotions by
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Dakota Pipeline Essay

  • 1. Dakota Pipeline Essay The Dakota Pipeline is a 1,712–mile pipeline that goes from the oil–rich Bakken and goes underground, it would stretch from the tops of Montana and North Dakota that meet Canada and the southeast into South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. The US Army corps of engineering approved the construction of the pipeline to take place. Protests are a common sight to see on the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to stop the pipeline from being built. The protesters are doing everything in their power to stop this pipeline construction. Adding on, if the pipeline is built then it would damage the historical past of the Sioux Tribe, it would damage the environment, and it will disturb sacred lands and the way of life of Native Americans that live in the upper Midwest. If the pipeline is constructed, it would damage the historical past of the Sioux Tribe. The Sioux Tribe came from Asia about 30,000 years ago. They had to go through a lot to keep their land and to stay where they are. According to CREDO action they stated that "The tribe, other landowners, and farmers have been fighting to stop the pipeline from being built for more than two years". The Sioux Tribe is one of the largest Native tribes to exist. On their tribal grounds, they held burials, ... Show more content on ... Midwest Alliance for Infrastructure Now, made a comment saying, "100% affected by North Dakota landowners were part of the tribe life. Tribal Chairman, David Archambault II said told CNN,"On Saturday, Dakota Access Pipeline and Energy Transfer Partners brazenly used bulldozers to destroy our burial sites, prayer sites and culturally significant artifacts,"(CNN). The workers already were bulldozing the land before any more negotiations were due to take place. By using the bulldozers the workers destroyed burial sites, prayer sites and culturally significant artifacts that are sacred to their way of ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Cheyenne: Algea-Consuming Indian Tribe In North Dakota Cheyenne is an algea–consuming Indian tribe who originally lived by hunting and villris sanking on the western graet Lakes, presumbly near Lake Superior. To Wards the end of the 17th century, they were driven west by neighbors who had acquired firearms from the white. They settlet dowm at the Red River, and came a little later in contact white the bofaste mandan, hidatsa and arikara at the upper missouri River. From them they took up farms and villages (in large farmhouses) Around 1770, the Ojibwaes destroyed one of the largest cheyennelands towns in North Dakota, and soon the Cheyennes also came into conflict with the Dakota. In addition to all this, a pituitary epidemic was eradicated in the tribe. At this time the horse was introduced to ... Get more on ...
  • 3. North Dakota Climate Analysis The climate characteristics of North Dakota vary significantly throughout the state. The state is divided amid four central physiographic regions: the Great Plains, the Missouri Coteau, the Glaciated Plains, and the Red River Valley. The average temperature is different throughout the state, ranging from 37 degrees in in the northeast to 44 degrees along the southern boarder. Though, annual averages are deceptive because they conceal the substantial seasonal temperature disparities shared all through the state (North Dakota State University). A few major rivers are: Missouri, Red River of the North, Sheyenne, and the Mouse River. Major Lakes are: Devils Lake, Lake Skakawea, Van Hook Arm, Lake Trenton, Powers, and Lake Parling. Although, there are hundreds of smaller lakes throughout the state (North Dakota ... Show more content on ... This intensification results from the lessening distance to the Gulf of Mexico which is the water source for a majority of the state's precipitation (Figure One) (North Dakota State University). The contribution of Lake Oahe, Devils, etc. is relatively minor in comparison. The crop growing season is when they get 75% of their water, from April to September, running from 110 to 130 days depending where you are in the state (Figure Two). While surface water is the major source of water for North Dakota, ground and surface are equally important sources of water for the state. The water quality of the states aquifers fluctuate considerably throughout; 60 million acre feet of water is amassed in the foremost unconsolidated aquifers, the volume deposited in the bedrock is unidentified. Another issue: waste water spills from unconventional oil manufacturing producing extensive water and soil pollution. In the last ten years alone, there have been 9,700 well drilled, resulting in over 3,900 brine spills. (Duke ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Shelterbelts In North Dakota Over many years there has been controversies among farmers in North Dakota about things that may or may not harm the soil. Such as Drain Tile, shelterbelts, soil salinity, soil compaction, soil erosion, and ect. First discussion is on drain tile. Farmers in the red river valley are in controversy over if it is or isn't but according to facts it is actually better for the soil and for farmers due to they can get in the fields faster,get crops and at the same time control the water table. With the ability to control the water table the farmers can ensure that they wouldn't lose as many crops to water damage. The next controversy among North Dakota farmers is the demolition of shelterbelts. For many farmers the shelterbelts are vital to ... Get more on ...
  • 5. North Dakota Pipeline Analysis In North Dakota, oil is a great source of revenue. Since the oil boom, transporting that oil has been done through pipelines as well as rail cars. Recently, the Dakota Access pipeline has attracted attention from celebrities and other civilians that are not even residents of the Dakotas, such as Shailene Woodley, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jane Fonda, and Mark Ruffalo. Pipelines can be both efficient and dangerous. The efficiency can be read in the ability to transport the oil to other states, while the danger can be read in the environmental damage of an oil spill in a river that people depend on for water––in the case the Dakota Access pipeline could damage the Missouri River. No matter all the perks of a pipeline such as Dakota Access, it can be ... Show more content on ... Those for the pipeline say that it will help the economy, and that it will be much safer than transporting crude oil through rail cars. North Dakota oil producers will also get more revenue as a result. However, those against the pipeline say that even though it may be swell for the economy, it will not be swell for the environment. The gases that will be released from burning those gases from cars and other sources will help advance climate change, and is ultimately bad for the environment. If the United States just went to completely renewable energy, we could slow down the process. Also, it was planned that the pipeline be built and crossing under the Missouri River, which is the main water source for millions of people. Native Americans of the area––Sioux mainly––also have sacred grounds through where the pipeline was supposed to go through. The land was technically theirs in the treaty from the 1800s, but through deceit over the years, it has been taken from them. If the pipeline needs to be built, then it needs to be rerouted in order to protect the rights and environment of the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. North Dakota Pipeline Reroute The area known as the Standing Rock Indian Reservation located in North Dakota and along the Missouri River, has been targeted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and other governmental entities, to construct a 1,172–mile–long pipe, right through the area's clean water and ancient burial grounds. The United States Government is in favor of the project for its economic benefit, while the Indian American tribes of Standing Rock are against the project due to the harmful implications that this pipe brings to their wellbeing and their heritage. With the news that this pipe was originally headed towards Bismarck North Dakota, (90% white population) and then re–routed towards Native lands, the question can be brought up: why was the pipe rerouted? ... Show more content on ... Army Corps of Engineers during its environmental assessment" (1). The claim is made that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers were never able to assess the new plan and so this can't be called environmentally racist. However, after the fact that thousands of people are protesting this new plan and saying that this plan will contaminate drinking water and destroy ancient burial grounds, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are still going through with the plan. Coming up with an excuse of "they didn't have permits at the time to assess the environment" is invalid since they are operating on the land that they said they had no permits too. The Standing Rock area is not to be touched as per treaties signed with the United States, but once again we see that the United States is not honoring their treaties just like they didn't honor their treaties hundreds of years ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Relationships With The Mandans By Thomas Jefferson Relationships with the Mandans Thomas Jefferson had just expanded the United States territory immensely. This purchase was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which is arguably the best decision in US history. All the new land resulted in several unknown questions. Some of them were, "what does this land provide, what animals are out there, who can be found on this land?" To answer some of these mysterious questions Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase. They also were sent to form learn and form relationships with the people all ready on the land they are about to explore. One of their stops on their journey was at what now is known as Fort Mandan, in Bismarck, North Dakota. Here is where Lewis and Clark's relationship with the Mandan tribe was crucial because their next steps have never been explored by whites. Only the Indians knew what the land looked like from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean. The Mandan tribe was able to show the explorers areas of the land that was just bought by the United States of America. Between both the white explorers and the Mandan tribe they both benefited from their relationships they formed over the winter months of 1804 because Lewis and Clark did not anticipate spending the winter in North Dakota. Seasons have changed and the Missouri river was starting to freeze over; this caused Lewis and Clarks exploration to halt for the winter. The explorers were able to find a camping site on the North ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Pros And Cons Of The North Dakota Pipeline The environment is a very important thing to take care of and can be very fragile. In the recent years humanity hasn't been doing much to take care of the earth, and instead is destroying it in the name of progress. One of the harmful things that could really impact the environment is the North Dakota Pipeline. Some facts about the pipeline is that it is owned by Energy Transfer Partners who are the owners of Sunoco. Sunoco has had multiple onshore pipeline leaks and disasters that have devastated many environments. The planned pipeline is going to be 1,134 miles long and will cut through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois, by doing that it crosses fifty counties in total. Pipelines in general aren't really the most reliable things ... Show more content on ... To list a few of them is that it may disrupt Native American sacred land and could contaminate their water, there is always a chance it could have problems and leak, pollution to the environment around it, and it is owned by a company that has a record of oil spills. The Native American tribe (The Standing Rock Sioux) have been protesting this pipeline since April 2016 and it has come up in the news time and again but as one knows the news doesn't tell the whole truth or both sides. The tribe is protesting because they say the pipeline will disrupt their ancestors ancient burial ground that used to be a part of their reservation but is no longer. The Natural History Museum ... Get more on ...
  • 9. North Dakota Pipeline Have you heard about the protest going on about the North Dakota Pipelines? Encase you haven't here is some information and views on it. First who's fighting? Well, that simple members from the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, well that's how it started off anyways, now there is several hundred Native Americans from all over the country. Since April they have been gathering outside of Cannon Ball to protest. The Dakota Pipeline is a $3.7 billion project. The pipeline will carry 470,000 barrels of oil from fields of western Dakota to Illinois, where it will then be connected with other pipelines. Sen. Bernie Sanders says "the Dakota Access fracked oil pipeline will transport some of the dirtiest fuel on the planet". Sen. Sanders is trying ... Show more content on ... Tensions boiled over as officers tried to remove protesters from a camp they had set up on private land that was purchased by the company building the pipeline. The protesters claimed they were peppered sprayed and bitten by guard dogs. Law enforcement said protesters marched from their camped onto private land, where the pipeline was being constructed and described it as a riot. In result 142 people was arrested. The Tribe sees the pipeline as an environment and cultural threat. The pipeline traverses ancestral lands, where their ancestors hunted, fished and buried. They are also are concerned that it would break near the Missouri River, their only water source. The tribe filed a lawsuit saying they was never consulted. Guy Jones member of the tribe said "he had never seen a greater assembly of Native Americans than the week leading up to the decision. The federal government has stopped the pipeline company from crossing the river. The reason, the Army Corps of Engineers is reviewing approvals that was previously given for the project. It's uncleared if the Crops will allow or block the pipeline. Its anyones guess when the final decision will be ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Dakota Pipeline Case Study Dakota Pipeline Issue Since July of 2016, there has been an extensive amount of tension between protesters and law enforcement over an oil pipeline near the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. The Dakota access pipeline is a 3.7 billion investment project that would carry 470,000 barrels of oil a day from the oil fields of western North Dakota to Patoka, Illinois. The Dakota access pipeline is a stirring issue and is causing thousands protesters to camp out in rural North Dakota to protest for what they believe. The Dakota access pipeline is to be built by Texas energy transfer partners to move a massive amount of crude oil a day. This pipeline is 1,172 miles long, thirty inches in diameter. It will connect the expanding Bakken and Three Folks Production areas in North Dakota to Illinois. The pipeline will allow domestically produced oil from North Dakota to reach larger markets in a more direct, safer, and cost–effective manner. The issue with the pipeline is it would have to cross under the ... Show more content on ... The Treaty of Fort Laramie of April 29, 1868 described the boundaries of the reservation which is the east bank of the Missouri river to the Nebraska line. The Native Americans that are apart of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe have been protesting the pipeline being built for nearly two years. The uproar from the protesters started in July when the engineers asked for a permit to build the pipeline to cross under the missouri river at Lake Oahe. The native americans have began protesting for a number of reasons. The first is that the tribe get their water from the Missouri River and any oil spills could put their drinking water at risk. The start of the construction has begun digging up the Sioux sacred burial sites. I feel the pipeline should not cross under because it would be going against the Treaty of Fort Laramie and because that is the native americans sacred ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Pipeline Project: The Dakota Access Pipeline For the most part, everyone is pretty familiar with the Dakota Access Pipeline and the protests that surround it. A 1,172 mile pipeline project running from North Dakota to Illinois. The proposed pipeline will run directly through the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe's land, threatening the water source as well as desecrating sacred lands. Mainstream media has downplayed the concerns of the Sioux Tribe, calling them merely "anti–energy protesters"– however, the issues at hand are far greater. The DAPL project was approved by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (that's our military, people) using the Nationwide 12 permit process. The Nationwide 12 permit process is a part of the fast–track process (that's the TPP if anyone missed it), that breaks ... Show more content on ... So while mainstream still claims that the police and military are not causing harm, that is simply not true. Actually, several officers have turned in their badge, joining the Natives, saying that they refuse to attack Americans on their own soil in the name of Big Oil and WallStreet. The DAPL should be a wake up call to everyone, Native or not that this country is not ran in the best interest of the people anymore but rather in the interests of corporations. The United States is no longer a country for the people, by the people. It is a corporate oligarchy that is using our military and police as their own personal protectors. While the issue at hand is to stop the construction of this pipeline that is threating the Natives and their sacred land, we should worry about the amount of power Big Oil and Big Banks have. Although everything that is being done by Energy Transfer Partners, in North Dakota is entirely illegal, politicans are supporting and protecting these companies regardless of what constitutinal rights are being trampled on and that, is a threat to the American people. If we do ... Get more on ...
  • 12. North Dakota Adventure Life Adventure in North Dakota In the 19th century someone quoted that, "Money doesn't grow on trees." Whoever this person was; He or she was very wise. In 2013, I was going to college for culinary, but decided that it was not for me. Finishing my second quarter, my dad asks me if I wanted to go work with him in North Dakota. Without second guessing it, I told him "Yes." I had not lived with my dad in six years. Do not get me wrong, he came around once in a while whenever he could, but I didn't know my dad very well. Moving to North Dakota changed the way I looked at life and has helped guide me to learn my true worth. In the Book The User's Guide to the Human Mind When Luke struggled to find his worth, I realized that I too at that time was struggling to find my worth (Smith, 2011). I always see people ... Show more content on ... This is when manual labor was worth it when you were getting paid the big bucks, but money does not last very long in our world. Once we make money most of us like to spend it, because it is actually nice when one can get what they want. You have to work for this type of life, and I believe it will be worth it in the end. My life was slowly striving toward the right direction. Until one day, I realized that money was not everything. I was still missing a part of myself and my mind, and I was not satisfied. Then I came across our safety manager in our company. He told me that I was young and have so much potential. He also said that I should not work in this type of work all my life that I should go get myself an education and a degree. This is what shocked me. Something just clicked in my head and told me that what he was saying was true. This is when I started to plan out my life to go back to college and become who I always dreamed to be. My dream is to be a mechanical engineer and engineer refineries all over the world. This will be my worth. This will be my journey to ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Oil Boom in North Dakota UNITED STATES Oil in the Bakken region is boosting local economies but attracting a gritty scene Albertans know well The strip clubs in Williston, N.D., are the rowdiest that Tatiana, an exotic dancer who has performed in Las Vegas and New York, has ever seen. Oil workers coming off the nearby rigs pack the city 's two clubs, Whispers and Heartbreakers, every night. They smell like work. They wear dirty T–shirts. They fall asleep face first on the bar. And then there are the prostitutes. Tatiana, who asked that her real name not be used, noticed them wandering though the crowd looking for customers on her first night in North Dakota. "They 're not in there to tip the dancers," she says with a laugh. Williston is the heart of ... Show more content on ... Some of those drivers are bound for Estevan, where they load their product onto the CP lines in the middle of town, which, Mayor St. Onge admits, is "a little bit dangerous." F OR many years, North Dakota has been the least visited state in the Union. There are no real tourist attractions here; Mount Rushmore is in South Dakota. The late news man Eric Sevareid, who was born in North Dakota, called his native state "a large, rectangular blank spot in the nation's mind." But reporters from all over the world have been coming here lately, because North Dakota boasts one of the most interesting and exciting stories in the country: an honest–to–goodness boom. The state has the lowest unemployment rate in the country, at 3.1 percent. Some wonder who could be out of work, given all the "Help Wanted" signs. North Dakota is No. 1 in job growth and No. 1 in income growth. At the heart of this pros¬perity is the Bakken formation, located in the northwestern part of the state. It's a vast pot of oil. "Bakken," incidentally, rhymes with "rockin'." They have a bumper sticker here: "Rockin' the Bakken." Oil was discovered in this area in 1951, but the trick was extracting it. Then, not long ago, came a marriage of two techniques–one older, one newer. The older one was "hy – draulic fracturing," or "fracking," for short. This is the method by which oil or natural gas is forced from rock. The newer technique was horizontal ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Pipeline Massacre From North Dakota And The Energy... The Pipeline Massacre The Sioux Tribe in North Dakota and The Energy Transfer Partners Company have been in a disagreement over the pipeline that is supposed to go through the Standing Rock Indian reserve last month. Sadly, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has approved the construction of the pipeline and now the Sioux tribe has resorted to chaining themselves to backhoes and tractors to get their attention. This article shows, showing the issue of constructing a pipeline through an Indian reserve, what processes will take place if the pipeline is allowed to go through Standing Rock, and how it will affect the Native Americans if they proceed with building the pipeline through the Standing Rock reservation. Understanding that America has made a treaty with the Natives, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Energy Transfer Partners Company must also remember the Natives have the right to their land and resources just as much as Americans have to theirs. There is a fine line between the two, and what the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Energy Transfer Partners did was illegal and tactless. Our constitution and laws has been violated many times throughout the process of constructing this pipeline. They went through loopholes to get the permits without consulting with the Natives first. Many times the Americans have failed to take into account that Natives have a certain way they want to live. It is wrong how we oppressed them with our way of life, especially without ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Case Study: Should The Dakota Access Pipeline Should the Dakota Access Pipeline be built? Because of so many protesting acts going on, it really shouldn't be built. Police keep attacking Native Americans and other protesters. If the protesters keep fighting them they'll have to give up on everything and cancel the pipeline once and for all. I'm sure that all of you hate people getting hurt for this so, we need more people to come and help us stop this once and for all. With every single person down the Mississippi River with one burst the water and everything could get poisoned so, everybody couldn't drink the water until it was cleaned out. With this pipeline their could be a burst and many people could get sick. Should the Dakota Access Pipeline be built? The threats for people's safety ... Show more content on ... If the media get involved in this more journalists would go down there and start writing things that happen over at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. With innocent people being arrested the protesters need more people to hold them off. With the media we could get this event online and fight the pipeline their as well, then people would get interested in the whole idea and start going to Standing Rock Sioux Reservation and stop the pipeline once and for all. (Roberts) With this pipeline their has been violent acts from officers or other law enforcement personal. Protesters were going north up a bridge to get better positioning to hold camp when, the law enforcement started firing water at them, rubber bullets, and tear gas. Their were two cars on from when the violent acts happened and protesters had to move the burning cars off the bridge before it would spread anywhere else and ruin everything in its path. Now I don't know why the officers made the protesters move the cars of the bridge but that's rude to me because, its going back to when America was racist to Native Americans making them do things that they didn't cause. One reporter said, "Every time I went out it felt really unsafe." When a reporter says that then the officers are really trying their hardest to build this pipeline to Illinois.(Park and ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay on When To Start School in North Dakota, August or... Many adolescents that live in North Dakota know the feeling of having to sit in school in August, when the weather is perfect for days on the lake or other activities. A majority of them are asking why they have to be in school during this time, when states such as Minnesota are still on break until September. To fix this inconvenience along with other frustrations would be to start the school year after Labor Day in September. To fix the predicament first people should know why starting school early is a problem, then have a clear solution to this problem, and finally know why other solutions that have been offered to compensate are not as favorable. First of all, many people don't find starting school in August a problem. However, there ... Show more content on ... Another disadvantage of starting early is because of students trying to get used to the school schedule. Between the date when school starts and Labor day there is only about one week of school which means students have to get used to getting up early, but then are given a three day weekend which tends to make them go back to their summer schedule. This indicates that the first week of school is not a constructive way to get kids back on schedule. Starting school at the beginning of September is a great way to fix all of the problems. Beginning school after Labor Day will be beneficial to businesses because they will be able to keep their young employees during the busy weekend of Labor Day. More people will be able to go on vacation which means hotels and other attractions will get a lot of business as well. The school will also be saving money by reducing the use of air conditioning as well. Although there are some disadvantages to starting school in September. One of them includes the scheduling of Christmas vacation, semester tests, and the beginning of fall sports. However, the positives of choosing to start in September outweigh the negatives since they could easily be fixes by precise scheduling. Other solutions have been provided to make up for the early start of school. One of these include that the semester ends with a winter break and the option of being able to have semester tests ... Get more on ...
  • 17. North Dakota Research Paper Keno in North Dakota : North Dakota has a wide variety of land–based casinos and gambling options for its local residents to enjoy them to the fullest. The locality is having more than 30 commercial casinos, racinos, and racetracks spread across several cities of the state. Hence obviously, you will be able to enjoy loads of slots machines and thousands of live table games here. Isn't it sounding great? Well, whether you do love playing the compelling table games, or even you prefer playing Keno, North Dakota definitely has a plenty of options to boost your gambling experience with loads of fun and an ultimate entertainment. Just take the advantage of North Dakota's famous Vegas–style royal casinos scattered across the entire state. Also, You will find gaming, live entertainment, and concerts year–round. Many casinos also offer fine dining, ... Show more content on ... This casino hotel, facing Lake Sakakawea, needs only 39 minutes drive from the US Highway 2. It also offers loads of games, for example, Slots, Video keno, Video Poker, Roulette, Craps, Three Card Poker and Blackjack etc. The rooms in the main hotel include all the modern and latest features like flat–screen TVs, free WiFi, coffee makers, and much more too. This famous casino is also having an indoor pool, a sauna, hot tub, and an exercise room. You will also find a casual restaurant, live entertainment, a steakhouse, loads of gaming tables, and bunches of slot machines etc. Website : Keno in North Dakota : Grand Treasure Casino Grand Treasure Casino can be another popular choice for playing Keno. It is located at North West Trenton, North Dakota. It is an extremely royal and native American casino. This grand casino, with having around 5,000 square feet gaming space, features approximately 260 gaming machines. Website : Keno in North Dakota : Prairie Knights Casino and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. North Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Environmental welfare has become one of our most important priorities since the widely–spread awareness of climate change. Recently, there has been a controversial subject arousing from the midwest that is allegedly threatening our environment – the construction of Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). This $3.8 billion, 1,172–mile pipeline project will be crossing four states from North Dakota through Illinois to supply crude oil coming from the oil–rich Bakken area (Yan). DAPL will supposedly create new jobs like construction and maintenance, lower gas prices as we do not have to rely exporting oil from overseas, and boost energy production in our country as we continue to consume more energy resources. However, induced with negative feelings from ... Show more content on ... DAPL was claimed to be infiltrating sacred grounds when it is actually not because the professionals have already planned it that way. DAPL was also claimed to potentially pollute bodies of water as it was going to be built underwater when the ones in charge already declared it the safest oil transportation and will definitely be held responsible. They were already debunked from the start because the trusted professionals who worked on DAPL considered various complications, thus resulting to several redesigning. Hundreds of thousands of people are demanding alternative ways but failed to provide such ideas to the said ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Argumentative Essay: Out On Standing Rock Reservation As many may know there is a huge news story brewing in North Dakota. Out on Standing Rock reservation there is a a protest going on about an oil pipeline line that is trying to be placed on the property. The native people of the land are against and have strong arguments against. They hope there arguments will open the eyes of the big wigs of the oil company. They plan to prove exactly what is going to happen to there land by placing this pipe line directly underneath the Missouri River. They have one very strong fight and that is the pipe line will poison the water they use for drinking water and will ruin there land. This is there main fight against the installation of the pipe line. They have been protesting for weeks on end a law enforcement from the state along with the National Guard has been on scene trying to keep it under control. Yet the only thing it has done is intensified the protest being done by the natives of the land. Now during the ... Show more content on ... They were approved for 10 million dollars at the beginning of this adventure for emergency purposes. Sense then they only needed a little more help asking for just another 7 million dollars recently. Morton County alone has spent an additional amount of pocket change around 8 million dollars. Now they believe they can be reimbursed by the state for there spending because currently they can afford it easily. Now as if the issue wasn't bad enough we are now pulling law enforcement from surrounding states and different agencies. In hopes of cooling the engulfing issue and calming the protesters down. We brought officers from Minnesota and the boarder patrol agency which was a huge step in pouring gas on the fire. As arrests broke 530 during the course of this treatment period and hopeful defusing of the situation. Everything they are doing to solve the conflict at hand was clearly working in the purpose of pouring water on the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. North Dakota Voter's Laws States created voter to laws help their citizens to participated easily during the election by casting their vote. The essay will contrast and compare Pennsylvania and North Dakota voter's law, their eligibility requirements, their absentee ballot and more. Anyone in Pennsylvania and North Dakota can vote if they meet the voter's requirements. Pennsylvania and North Dakota have similar voter requirements; an individual must be at least eighteen years of age or older, must be resident of their county for at least thirty days before election day. Pennsylvania residents must be a United States citizen for at least one month whereas, North Dakota must be United States citizens. The similarities between these states provide coherency, while ... Show more content on ... The county chooses several voting locations to have an in–person early voting. Arriving at the poll site, voters must possess an acceptable form of identification; this includes a driver's license or non– driver's identification card, tribal government issued identification, long–term certificate or a voter's affidavit. For voting on election day North Dakota voters must include on their identification their name, their current street address and their date of birth. North Dakota utilizes photo–identification at the election, but it is not the only acceptable form of identification; whereas, Pennsylvania only require an acceptable form of identification for first time voter. Some examples are a Pennsylvania driver's license, student ID, United States passport, etc. Pennsylvania not having an in–person early voting is beneficial to the citizens because the state holds numerous amounts of citizens compared to North Dakota; it would be a hassle to hold multiple days for election instead of just one day. Pennsylvania may not be tough on photo identification because it is a competitive state, whereas North Dakota is not a competitive ... Get more on ...
  • 21. North Dakota Pipeline Case Study At Standing Rock Sioux Reservation multiple Native American tribes are protesting the construction of the North Dakota Pipeline. The North Dakota Pipeline could be very beneficial for moving oil in a safer and more cost effective manner, but it could also cause irreparable harm to the environment and communities surrounding it. Even though there are benefits to the construction of the pipeline, it would cause more destruction than being a system improvement. The approximate 1,172 mile, 30–inch diameter, would connect Bakken and Three Forks production areas in North Dakota to Patoka, Illinois. The pipeline would allow oil to be moved in a "More profitable and environmentally safer manner." Yet, any leak would cause immediate and irreplaceable ... Get more on ...
  • 22. A Brief Note On North Dakota State University NDSU vs. ASU The total student population of North Dakota State University as of 2015 is 14,516 students, while the total student population of Arizona State University as of 2015 is 83,301 students. There are many differences between NDSU and ASU, but each of them have their own special upsides. However, they each have their own special downsides as well. NDSU and ASU are both very good schools who offer quality education, and hopefully by the time I am a senior I will have figured out which to go to and how I am going to do it. North Dakota State University is a public university that focuses on agriculture and applied sciences. Its main campus is located in Fargo, ND. It was founded in October 15, 1890. (NDSU History) The male ... Show more content on ... Approximately 48 architecture majors are selected for the program during their second year (Architecture). There are obvious financial benefits of choosing to pursue a degree in architecture at NDSU versus other schools. According to Molly Bausman, NDSU even offers higher quality learning than more expensive 6 year schools. NDSU's architecture program is #1 in the state, and #89 in the USA. Freshman at NDSU must stay in the residence halls the first year. There are 12 residence halls: 4 low rise halls, 3 high rise complexes, 2 gender specific halls, and 3 upperclassmen halls (An Introduction to Residence Halls at NDSU). Each building has one or two different learning communities based in them. For example, Thompson Hall, which is one of the multi– gender high rises, is home to the Health Science and Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences groups (An Introduction to Residence Halls at NDSU). The first year students are required to have a meal plan as well. The meal plans offered at NDSU are 5–Day meal plans and 7–Day meal plans. The 5– Day meal plans includes 3 guest passes and the 7–Day meal plan includes 7 guest passes for the dining halls (NDSU Dining). Scholarships are a big part of paying for college, and NDSU offers a lot of them for each different major. They also offer scholarships based on ACT scores and SAT scores. The Provost's Scholarship is given to students who got 25–28 on their ACT and 1200–1340 on their ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The North Dakota Pipeline : Oil The North Dakota Pipeline Oil has been an important resource of energy in America "since the discovery of the Spindletop geyser in 1901. It drove huge growth in the oil industry in America. Within a year, more than 1,500 oil companies had been chartered, and oil became the dominant fuel of the 20th century and an integral part of the American economy" ( Staff). This had developed the construction of pipelines to move the oil within the country and offshore in coastal waters. Recently, the federal government approved the construction of a new pipeline that would be transporting crude oil from North Dakota to Illinois. The construction of this pipeline has raised a lot of controversy regarding its necessity, but also in the potential impact on the environment. On the list of controversies, it is facing the established route for the pipeline because it runs half–mile near of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, crossing beneath the Missouri River. The concern is the huge impact this would cause if the pipeline breaks near to the river spilling the crude oil into the river contaminating the drinking water. The other concern is that as this pipe passes very close to the Indian reservation, it also disturbs sacred land. In addition to all this, there is the controversy of the use of eminent domain by the government, to get the land for the construction of the pipeline. Considering the potential negative effects this pipeline would have on the environment if a leak ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Poverty In North Dakota Benson County (typology code: 38005), which is located in North Dakota, is a non–metro region with persistent poverty and persistent child poverty. It is a farming dependent county that mainly constitutes of Native Americans (USDA ERS, 2015). In 2013, 30.2% of the population were below the poverty level. The county was barely mentioned in any news, but the fact that people are living in substandard lives and the causes of their poverty worth our attentions. From ACE 255, I have learned that there are three explanations for poverty: flawed character, restricted opportunity, and big brother. As far as I'm concerned, poverty in Benson County is a result of a combination of these three causes, with more weight on restricted opportunity. In this ... Show more content on ... Take TANF as an example. The state funding to TANF was only 36.3 million dollar in 2009, which was the second lowest amount of funding among states. To encourage recipients to work, the work program expenditure was only 3.2 million dollar. However, with limited funding, the state still successfully provided as much cash assistance and as many work incentives as possible. In 2009, 0.8% of the state population received cash assistance, with $477 of benefits each month for a family of three. Furthermore, in 2009, the TANF work participation rate in North Dakota was 61%, far beyond the national level of ... Get more on ...
  • 25. A Brief Note On The North Dakota Is Sylvan Learning Centers present market. VI. Competition Mathnasium's most influential competitor in North Dakota is Sylvan Learning Centers. Sylvan has centers in Bismarck, Minot, Dickinson, and Williston. Sylvan does not have any significant competitors already located in North Dakota besides a few small scale learning centers spread throughout the state.  Sylvan Strengths  More services than just math tutoring  More locations established throughout the state  Established market with loyal customers  Competitive pricing  Sylvan Weaknesses  Less individualized education plans  Lacking tutor–consumer relationship  Non subject–specific tutoring Sylvan has many strengths that need to be addressed properly in order to ensure success as a competitor. ... Show more content on ... Consumer Traits: Families with school aged children Middle aged parents, willing to pay extra for their kids' education Families with average or higher annual income All students striving for better education High School students needing preparation for standardized tests The marketing techniques that will be used in order to promote the business in the future are as follows. The most effective resource to promote Mathnasium is the student. If Mathnasium promotes in schools, students will bring the information to their parents. Mathnasium can be easily promoted in schools through flyers and sponsorships. Flyers within the school advertise and promote Mathnasium at a very low cost. Sponsorships for school teams and in high school courts and fields will promote Mathnasium to all spectators, boosting Mathnasium 's customer base and, in turn, profits. Mathnasium can also work to get the recommendation of the school officials and teachers, who can influence parents to look into Mathnasium as a tutoring option. If regular schooling is not working as effectively as it can for a certain student, a teacher or administrator can suggest Mathnasium to the student or parent. Mathnasium will also run advertisements on radio and television. This will attract the attention of even more parents who are looking for better education opportunities for their children. Billboards will also be used to advertise ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Dakota Access Pipeline Tom Carnesciali, T05 314–640–0826 Proposal Argument Standing with Standing Rock Citizens of the U.S. must petition and call public officials to urge the Obama administration to declare Standing Rock Indian Reservation a National Monument, thereby halting the development of the Dakota Access Pipeline, to accomplish the following priorities: prevent the contamination of a vital U.S. water source and its surrounding ecosystems, stop the human rights violations and abuse at Standing Rock, and avert the desecration of sacred native burial grounds. Stopping the pipeline would additionally benefit the planet and all its inhabitants by assisting the transition away from reliance on fossil fuels, and toward more sustainable energy sources, a vital ... Show more content on ... Another possible solution to the harmful consequences I've outlined is organizing a group of military veterans to camp at the reservation, and stand with the protesters in defiance of the construction. This act by a group of national heroes would garner both worldwide attention, and political support. Over 2,000 veterans are already organized and poised to arrive at the several encampments, and historic and symbolic act of reverence to the Sioux Nation is unprecedented. Perhaps this act in conjunction with the National Monument Status would have the most impact, and could give so much press to the issue of the pipeline that the project could be halted ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Environmental Movement Of North Dakota In the spring of 2016, an environmental movement began in North Dakota that today, is making history. In Cannonball, North Dakota, Native Americans have gathered to protest the Dakota Access Pipeline; resulting in one the largest gatherings of Native Americans from multiple tribes the United States has witnessed in over a century (Northcott, 2016). One tribe in particular, the North Dakota Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, have been leading and organizing the protest against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The Standing Rock reservation is located in the Sioux and Ziebach counties within the North Dakota and South Dakota border; the Sioux people are the primary tribe of the area. According to Trymaine Lee of MSNBC, the counties are a part of the top 10 poorest counties in the country, and that it has a history with water distresses. In the early 1960s, five dams located at Lake Oahe in Standing Rock gave way and flooded 200,000+ acres, destroying nearly all natural resources and wildlife at the river bottom, as well as destroying towns within the reservation and sacred ancestral lands and sites. This was a devastating tragedy for the people of Standing Rock, and it seems that history is repeating itself with the proposed construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline poses many hazardous threats, and these threats outweigh any economic benefit the proponents may promise. It threatens the environment, water supplies, historical land, and only adds to the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The State Of The Dakota Access Pipeline Essay A battle of saving and maintaining clean water and sacred burial lands is what is at stake with the possible construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (White). The Dakota Access Pipeline, or commonly known as DAPL on the Internet, is a 1,172–mile pipeline that would carry oil. The pipeline is being proposed to have a route that would travel through the Standing Rock Native American reservation (Donnella). The reservation spans across both North and South Dakota. The reservation is inhabited by Lakota and Dakota nations, or commonly known as the Sioux Native Americans ("History"). With the urgency of hindering the DAPL efforts in building the pipeline have come with protests from Native Americans and non–Natives alike. Many of these peaceful protests from the Indigenous people have turned violent with the police pepper spraying and using forceful actions toward those that are fighting the pipeline ("Protests Over The Dakota Access Pipeline"). The protests have stopped, due to the battle over the construction of this pipeline is switching from the reservation to court (Richardson). Most recently, President Barack Obama decided to look for other routes for the project on Dec. 5, and to halt the constriction of the pipeline for the time being (Richardson). Overall, the conclusion of the pipeline on whether it will be built or not is unknown. President–elect Donald Trump declined to comment on the issue, but stated that he will work through this highly contested situation ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Persuasive Speech On Apprenticeships Pros And Cons Hello from western North Dakota. I hope this un–seasonably warm fall has found everyone in good spirits, and that we don't wind up paying for it down the road. I haven't seen any frost teeth out there yet, so I consider that a good sign! I hope everyone has been paying attention to the recent boost in emphasis on education in North Dakota, because in it may exist the ability to help foster interest in our apprenticeships, and ultimately an increased interest in hiring our employers. Both of those, certainly are big positives. Fueled by a large, bipartisan Congressional effort, the US Department of Labor awarded a $200,000 apprenticeship grant to North Dakota Job Service in early June. Following that award over the summer, the North Dakota Department of Commerce hosted a series of "apprenticeship accelerator" meetings around the state, in an effort to increase the amount of registered apprenticeships. In cooperation with the Dept. of Labor, representatives of the ND Department of Commerce and ND Job Service distributed specific instructions and maintain an open link on their websites, in an effort to help private employers develop their own apprenticeship programs. While it would certainly be a good thing if the general public became aware, and hopefully accepting, of the benefits that apprenticeships can provide, this recent fanfare may only serve to obscure the differences between "registered" and "joint" programs. I believe that we may be able to capitalize on ... Get more on ...
  • 30. North Dakota Pipeline The North Dakota Access Pipeline will span from the Bakken, North Dakota to southern Illinois. The Standing Rock Sioux reservation opposes the pipeline because they believe that it goes through sacred land. The Sioux tribe also opposes the pipeline because it will cross the Missouri River twice, which is the reservations main water source. They believe that the pipeline may contaminate the Missouri River, but the pipeline company claims that the pipeline is the safest method to transfer the oil. I believe that this is a tough topic to form an opinion on, but I will hopefully explain my stance on this issue throughout this essay. In the article, The Legal Case for Blocking the Dakota Access Pipeline by Robinson Meyer, the author opposes the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Toga North Dakota Summary Strong decision maker Excellent communicator Organized Excellent multi–tasker Strong communication skills Proficient in MS Office ACCOMPLISHMENTS Achieved perfect attendance for 1 consecutive year. EXPERIENCE K.S.I INC. Toga, North Dakota 09/2015 to 02/2016 Built and disassembled scaffolds, bracing and barricades. Extensively trained in carpentry, painting, plastering, machine servicing and installation. Assisted skilled workers with construction projects in all phases of rough and finish carpentry. Cleaned all construction areas to avoid hazards. Installed and repaired roofs, flashing and surfaces. Mixed mortar, plaster and grout according to standard formulas. Performed heavy labor such as ditch digging, paving and hauling. Installed, repaired ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Informative Essay On North Dakota Legendary. Drive across the border into North Dakota and you will read a sign that reads "North Dakota Legendary." This word, legendary, is unique as it specifies the solitary depiction of the state North Dakota. Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to partake in these legendary experiences North Dakota has to offer. One legendary experience the great state delivers is world–class goose hunting. Little did I know this five–day hunting excursion would modify the way I would live my life forever. North Dakota's one of a kind outdoor experience has allowed me to craft a deep vision for my future. To commence, I swiftly tossed the last layout blind into the Chevy pickup and yelled, "Lets hit the road!" My dad hurdled into the truck and I pressed the accelerator, aiming west toward Hazen, North Dakota. Arriving seven hours later, I darted from truck and inhaled the fumes of a freshly cut wheat field on the horizon. I began to gawk at the beautiful landscape the "peace ... Show more content on ... On paper, shelling 150 geese in a short time span is not a life changing experience. In reality, shelling 150 geese has altered my career selection, desired location, attitude, and goals I desire to accomplish throughout my life. Starting with career selection, I hope to land a job either as a dentist or in petroleum engineering. Besides interest in both professions, I aspire to be a dentist or petroleum engineer because of the demand North Dakota has for these careers. Therefore, I would live where I want while performing the duties of my profession while making great money. On the other hand, my attitude and lifestyle have improved drastically. Hunting in North Dakota has allowed me to discover my passion for the outdoors, resulting in the majority of my time consumed doing what I love. As explained, spending a couple days in North Dakota allowed me to see where I want to stand in the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Dakota Access Pipeline Pros And Cons American Indians are being treated in atrocious, illegal, and terrifying mater, while peacefully trying to protect water for all of us. On the Other side of this battle, sits Energy Transfer Partners who fund the Dakota Access Pipeline, the real outlaws. This is part of a bigger picture, Native American lands are under threat, and being stolen.. Now is the time that we must fight this if we don't our future is threatened. This is more than about water, but the bigger threat of climate change. This is a story of courage, culture, environmental protection, climate change, and the real world danger facing all of us. The #noDAPL water protectors who only wish to protect their ancestral land, sacred burial grounds and perhaps most importantly the ... Show more content on ... There are several things you can do by taking action, and help the Water Protectors. The easiest way is to just share their story with family, friends, and neighbors. Take a trip to North Dakota to stand with them or just donate money to help pay for they're expenses, it is the least that we can do. Join protests in the area you live in. After all you have to realize they are doing this for all of us. One big thing is to contact your local government to lobby on their behalf and demand that they stand with the people, not the corporation. Contact your congressman, members of the senate, and the White House, remind them they work for you. Tell the politicians you're a constituent and insist they stand with people like Senator Bernie Sanders in asking that president Obama to do the right thing and halt the DAPL immediately. The US needs to move away from the use of fossil fuel and towards green, sustainable ... Get more on ...
  • 34. How Did Duhamel Influence North Dakota North Dakota to Hollywood The famous actor, Josh David Duhamel once said, " North Dakota a lot of the times we don't get a voice when these other states do, I feel like it's a good opportunity to sort of extend help on behalf of the people of North Dakota." Josh's life has been influenced by the state, and he returned to a favor back to his home. Duhamel has starred in many movies, and has done wonderful things for North Dakota. Josh was born on November 14, 1972. Duhamel was about 9 when his parents got divorced. However, his family stayed close to one another even though they were separated most of the time. Throughout college at Minot State University, Josh was a quarterback. Although he couldn't make a living as a pro player, he decided to go into dentistry. Josh got a bachelor's degree in biology, but shortly ... Show more content on ... Duhamel has starred in many movies like Transformers, Life as we know it, the Romantics, Safe Haven, and many more. He is a great actor who has been nominated for lots of rewards. He has been nominated for the Teen Choice Awards five times and OFTA Television Awards twice. In 2002, he was awarded the Daytime Emmy for the movie All My Children. Josh is good at many things, but he is also good at promoting tourism in his home state. Sometimes he wonders why he ever left. He loved to see nature's beauty shine through everyday. To this day, he still does a lot of advertising for our state. Duhamel produced the 2016 Tourist Guide. This would help promote tourism in the state. It would attract people here, and show them how beautiful North Dakota is. He spent eight days traveling around the state with his son. They went to places like the Theodore Roosevelt National Park and the Fargo Theatre. Josh and Axl got to spend time together while enjoying the wonders of North Dakota. After their trip here, he shared his experience on NBC's "Today Show". That way he could share his experiences with the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Dakota Access Pipeline : A Long Battle Dakota Access Pipeline The Dakota Access Pipeline has been a long battle. The company that started the project, Energy Transfer Partners, are one of the key players. They have ensured Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, another key player, that the pipeline will be safe for the environment. If that is true, why are the tribe still fighting it today. For the purpose of this analysis, it will prove how aggressively the company is, how they trampled over Native Americans to get their pipeline built, and how they came to choose the area to build the pipeline. Moreover, to get some perspective of the pipeline, Dalrymple, a journalist for the Bismarck Tribune writes, "The idea was to build a 1,134–mile pipeline from Williston, ND to Patoka, Illinois. A ... Show more content on ... Dalrymple explains the impact of the pipeline and what it plans to bring to North Dakota by writing, "The pipeline project is bringing in 8,000 to 10,000 construction jobs and 40,000 operating jobs. It is estimated when the pipeline is finally built, North Dakota will receive 156 million dollars of sales and income tax" (2015). Additionally, the pipeline would make a huge impact on the revenue of North Dakota, as well as the job industry. The reason the ETP says their pipeline is the safest is because it is underground, so it is more secure than transferring by ships, trains, or trucks. The pipeline will reduce the cost of roadways for trucks and transport of trains, which has a higher chance of crashing. ETP are using state of the art technology that will be monitored 24 hours, 7 days a week to ensure nothing goes askew. The company says their pipeline meets and exceeds federal regulations and safety requirements. The major debate on the other side, the controversy is the pipeline plans to run through Cannon Ball, North Dakota, which is a sacred ground for Native Americans, but also plans to run under the Missouri River. The damage the pipeline will do to the environment and to the water supply is detrimental, not only to the Stand Rock tribe, the Missouri river runs through most of America. That means most of America will see the impact of what a pipeline leak will do. Standing Rock is fighting the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Hemp In North Dakota Kentucky has a well developed pilot program to serve as an example. A 2013 Kentucky statute aims to bring Kentucky to the forefront of the hemp market. The statute calls for research by state Universities into subjects such as breeding hemp to suit Kentucky, the benefits for business, and economic opportunities for hemp products.Aside from University research, commercial production by farmers is allowed in the state. Kentucky law requires a license to grow hemp (subject to a background check). The state lists 162 hemp farmers participating in its Research Pilot Program as of 2016. North Dakota North Dakota is notable for allowing industrial hemp farming as early as 1999, making it one of the first states to do so. The state passed two laws in early 2007 supporting the production of industrial hemp. The first allows that processors, in addition to farmers, can seek a state license to handle industrial hemp. The second allows anyone with a state license to import and resell certified industrial hemp. Like Kentucky, North Dakota allows hemp farming by individuals who have been licensed by the state's agriculture commissioner. The process of licensing includes a background check, and licenses can be refused to anyone who does not pass. These licenses do not require DEA approval. ... Show more content on ... Canada, which legalized the production of industrial hemp in 1998, might be considered a good measure of America's potential future in industrial hemp production. As of 2015, 1,135 licenses were issued in Canada to grow 34,262.6 hectares of hemp (84,664.7 acres). Those numbers are down from 2011, when Canadian hemp farmers reaped an approximate profit of at least $30.75 million. By way of comparison, Canadian farmers saw at least $990 per acre of hemp while Indiana farmers can expect approximately $736 per acre of corn, and Californian farmers can expect approximately $630 per acre of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. North Dakota Pipeline Controversy North Dakota Pipeline Protests There has been very many event that have caused protests and controversies over the U.S. in recent weeks. Some of these controversies have a lot of people involved and some not so many. So controversies that some people have been protesting about is capornicks kneeling during the national anthem. More protest and controversies that have been going on in recent weeks is about the election of President Elect. Donald Trump. One of the most talked about controversies in these last couple weeks is the pipeline in North Dakota. This controversy is between the Standing Rock Sioux Indian tribe and Energy Transfer Partners. Energy Transfer Partners has been building a pipeline that will transfer oil from North Dakota Bakken region through South Dakota and Iowa into Illinois. This oil pipeline will be part of the 2.5 million oil and gas pipelines the run all over the United States. This pipeline is 1,134 miles long and costing around 3.8 billion, while traveling underground through 50 counties in 4 states. The working progress has stopped due to the Sioux Indian tribe protesting against the the finishing of this pipeline. The pipeline is about 75% done but has been stop because of the the Standing Rock Sioux Indian tribe. The pipeline is supposed to go under the cannonball river and ... Show more content on ... Protests continue to grow as the weeks continue to get long for the decision whether or not the pipeline with be repositioned. One of the most talked about controversies talked about in the last 3 months sadly is not over yet, but is hoping to be done in future weeks to come. The Standing Rock Sioux Indian tribe and Energy transfer Partners are hoping the government will see it their way. Both sides have valid reason for why they want it to continue or not to continue ,but it is up to the government as they will have the final say in the finishing of the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. North Dakota Pipeline Debate Hi everyone today I'm talking about the North Dakota pipeline protest. Who am I? Actually I'm just a regular environmental protester. I'm here today invited by my friend Jacob to talk about what's happening in North Dakota and why it relates to the government. So what is exactly happening in North Dakota? Well I'll tell you Native Americans are protesting against the company Dakota access whose job is to build 1072 mile pipeline from North Dakota down towards the southeast. It's a simple transport job but is receiving a huge amount of backlash since April due to its environmental issues What are these environmental issues exactly well it has to do with the water in the area nearby the site where they want to build their oil pipeline is the Missouri River and lake Oahe. The rivers and lakes are there main supply of water to the Native American reservation near by The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. This drive has been protesting since April about the dangers of the corruption their water supply. If this water becomes corrupt the water will be contaminated ... Show more content on ... Well two Saturdays ago the amount of protesters near the pipeline's construction grew into the thousands. The governor of North Dakota the state of emergency and barricaded the protest sites. This is only after a federal judge ruled that they would not hear the tribes requested to stop the construction. After that request of a state of emergency more and more protesters started arriving regardless of the barricades. Due to this, last Friday the federal government announced that there would be a pause in the construction of the pipeline and also considered, Nationwide reform on these kinds of infrastructure projects. Although this causes temporary and may resume and the construction may continue forward. But hopefully with my spread of information you can go out and protest yourself along with the Native American people. Just as long as you have enough money to go out ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On North Dakota North Dakota is far from the equator, creating long cold winters. Besides making people cold, the decreasing temperatures also have a significant effect on mental illness. Seasonal affective disorder, also known as (SAD) is a psychological condition identified in the 1980s. Seasonal affective disorder effects 4–6 percent of people in the united states. (SAD) affects women 4 times as much as men. (SAD) affects people that live in higher latitudes.Making it more common in people that live in North Dakota rather than Florida. The cause of this is lack of sunlight,the disease is linked to the changing patterns of sunlight that fluctuate season to season. Most commonly it can be seen to start in the fall and continue through the winter. ... Show more content on ... Opposite effect of the spring when new life begins grow, and fresh color appears this makes her happier. Every year around the same time the symptoms will begin. "Living with severe depression not only (SAD) is like living in a world of grey, when everyone else is living in a world of color, so you have to find your own color," Mork said. North Dakota is a specifically hard place to cope with seasonal depression because the winter months severely outweigh the hot ones. " I definitely think it would be better in the south where they have the nice weather and colors all year," Mork said. Another problem she faces is the driving in the winter. This causes her anxiety because the conditions are unpredictable and can be dangerous. However, Mork does find happiness through herself, and creates light. "I definitely do things to that make me happy," Mork said. Mork likes to to bullet journal, do yoga , go outside with the kids she watches at recess, listen to music, staying inside by windows, and just staying busy. "I like to doodle it at least adds color," Mork said. One song that she particularly likes is "Weightless,"by Marconi Union. This sound was made by a group that collaborated with sound theorists. It was designed to help the person listening de–stress, lower the heart–rate, and reduce blood pressure. She also makes a mood tracker to document her bad days and good days. The chart represents different emotions by ... Get more on ...