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SALAS MARONSKY, Hans............................................................................................................................................1/10
     Areas of Expertise................................................................................................................................................1/10
     Computer Skills....................................................................................................................................................1/10
     Additional Information     ...........................................................................................................................................2/10
     Text Files - A. Work experience information 2008 and 2009...............................................................................3/10
     Text Files - B Epidemiological and clinical study                   ..................................................................................................3/10
     Text Files - C Rotavirus Mortality.........................................................................................................................4/10
     Text Files - D Assesment of the economic impact of the antiretroviral vaccine in Venezuela.............................4/10
     Text Files - E Scielo-Venezuela.Different areas of Knowledge............................................................................5/10
     Text Files - F Estimation of HIV          ............................................................................................................................6/10
     Text Files - G National Observatory of Science and Technology: Meetings and Conferences                                                   ............................6/10
     Text Files - H Posgraduate Degrees Thesis......................................................................................................10/10

Areas of Expertise
Biostatistician 6-10 years                   Enteric Diseases and Cholera over 10 years         HIV/AIDS 6-10 years
Public Health Epidemiology over 10 years     University and Higher Education 3 to 5 years

Highest Educational Degree                                    Master's Degree (or Equivalent)

Educational details
Year Name of Education Institution                 Degree /   Title of degree/diploma and description of studies
2000 Specialist in Computer Statistics, Simón Other           Specialist degree. Description of studies:
2005 Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela;                  Postgraduate Specialist in Engineering, Simón
     Thesis: Bayesian Dynamic Spatial Model                   Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela: Courses
     for Forecasting Infant and Maternal                      completed in Probability, Data Analysis, Statistical
     Mortality in Venezuela.                                  Methods, Decision Theory, Statistical Modeling;
     Caracas, Universidad Simón Bolívar,                      Thesis: Bayesian Dynamic Spatial Model for
     Venezuela                                                Forecasting Infant and Maternal Mortality in
     Venezuela                                                Venezuela.

1995 Masters in Epidemiology, Pontificia           M. Sc      Masters in Epidemiology.
1997 Universidad Católica del Ecuador;
     Thesis: Factors Associated with
     Venezuelan Hemorrhagic Fever in the
     Rural Community of Guanarito.
     Cooperation Project with French
     Regional Cooperation and PAHO/WHO.
     Quito, Ecuador

1994 Bachelor of Science Course in Public          Diploma    University-level courses in Public Health: Public
1994 Health, Central University of Venezuela,                 Health Administration, Statistics, Epidemiology,
     Caracas.                                                 Health Education.
     Caracas, Federal District.

1983 Doctor of Medicine, University of the         M.D.
1991 Andes.
     Mérida, Venezuela

Other educational details
Current Studies (2005-07, not completed): Masters in Philosophy and Scientific Logic, School of the Humanities
and Education, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. VI International Course on Intermediate
Epidemiological Methods, with Emphasis on Natural Disasters, National Institute of Health, Bogotá, Colombia
(October 1999).

Computer Skills
Wordprocessor:                       Microsoft office                        Developer
Database:                            Excel, EpiInfo, GIS, SPSS, R, S-plus, Developer
Spreadsheet:                         Excel, SPSS                             Developer
Operating Systems:                   R, Splus                                Proficient
Internet & e-mail:                                                           Proficient
Presentation:                        Microsoft Office                        Developer
Programming:                         R, Access                               Proficient
Other software:
Spectrum; EMS

Computer hardware/Special equipment:

Additional Information
Relevant experience, living abroad, additional skills
Current Profile:
Medical Doctor with postgraduate degrees in Public Health, Epidemiology and Statistical Computing.
Post-graduate courses in Philosophy and Scientific Logic.
Studies and experience both inside and outside of Venezuela in project formulation for Public Health and
ambulatory care clinics and health service management.
Working in Epidemiology at local, district, regional and national-international levels.Experience labouring in
populations deprived of liberty.
Skill in documentary, clinical and epidemiological research.
Teaching in Higher Education. Relevant Experience: Community training in health, quantitative analysis in
biomedical research and statistics for Public Health.
Dilated record in Venezuelan public administration. Currently working with an emphasis on epidemiological
surveillance, investigation and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases.
In 2006, headed the Inmunization Advisory Committee to introduce rotavirus vaccine in Venezuela, in
cooperation with the Institute of Biomedicine, Ministry of Health and Pan American Health
Organization.Temporary Advisory, Global consultation on Post Marketting Surveillance of Rotavirus Vaccines,
Geneva,12-13 December 2006.
Short Term Consultant at PWR-Perú and PAHO-HQ, WDC ,September (2007)-July (2008). Emphasis on IHR.
Short Term Professional at PWR-ELS (P4.1) like Technical Officer, Advisor on Communicable and Non
Communicable Diseases (HSD).
Member of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA).

Publications, fellowships, etc.:
Various recent publications:
Gonzalez R, Salas-Maronsky H, Babelona E, et al.Epidemiological and clinical study of diarrhea by rotavirus in
children under 5 years of age attended in medical centers of the Miranda state, Venezuela. Invest Clin 2008; 49
(4): 499-510 (PubMed)
Pérez Schael I, Salinas B, González R, Salas H, Ludert J, Escalona M, Alcalá A, Rosas M, Materán M. Rotavirus
mortality confirmed by etiological identification in Venezuelan children with diarrhea. Potential impact of burden
disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2007 May;26(5):393-7. (Pubmed)
Constenla D, Pérez-Schael I, Rheingans RD, Antil L, Salas H, Yarzábal JP. Evaluación del impacto económicode
la vacuna antirrotavírica en Venezuela. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2006;20 (4): 213- 22.(PubMed)
Salas H, Pérez Schael I, Gonzalez R. Invaginación Intestinal en Venezuela y los eventos adversos a la vacuna
antirotavirus en Venezuela. OPS, Mayo 2006
Moya A, Manuel J, Araoz, Francisco and Salas M, Hans. Clinical Epidemiological Study of Superficial Mycoses
in Rabbits from Conventional animal facilities. INHRR, Dec. 2006, vol.37, no.2, p.27-34 (Scielo Venezuela)
Bandes A, Selgrad S, Salas H. Nemátodos de la Familia Anisakidae en el pescado fresco que se expende para el
consumo humano en Caracas, Venezuela. INHRR v 36 n2 Caracas 2005 (Scielo Venezuela)
Salas H y Campos JM. Estimación y proyección del VIHSIDA en Venezuela, en: Cambio Demográfico y
desigualdad social.UNFPA .Caracas, 2006
Pérez-Schael, I., González R., Larrea, F., Barreto, A., Pinto, B., Salas, H., Lebrún, C., Materán, M., Estado Actual
de la Diarrea por Rotavirus en Venezuela. Informe Médico. 2002; 4 (5):323 -331.
Larrea, F., Salas, H., Montiel, Luis., Godoy, O., Bañuelos A. El Dengue en Venezuela en: El Dengue y el
Sarampión en Venezuela .Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Caracas, 1997.
Salas H,Pérez Schael I, Salinas B, Urrestarazu MI, Bastardo J and Nieves B.Severity and age of RV diarrhea, but
not socioeconomic conditions, are associated to seasonality in Venezuela, aceptado en 9th Internacional
Symposium on dsRNA viruses. Cape Town, South Africa 2006
Salas H,Pérez Schael I, Salinas B, Tomat M and Gonzáez R.Rotavirus is a risk factor for dehydration due to
diarrhea in childrens under 5 years of age. 7th International Rotavirus Symposium Lisboa, 2006
Salas, H., Perfiles de Marcel Roche. Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel,2003 ;34(2):35 38
(Scielo Venezuela)
Salas, H.,Fiebre Amarilla en el Foco San Camilo: Perspectiva Actual. XXIV Aniversario de la Sociedad Científica
del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel Caracas, 2000 .
Larrea, F., Salas, H., Montiel, Luis., Godoy, O., Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos, Situación en
Venezuela, 1997. Un desafío a los Epidemiólogos IX Reunión Científica de la Asociación Venezolana de
Epidemiología. Maracay, 1998.
Taller de Análisis Epidemiológico. Parte I Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Instituto Nacional
de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans Salas Maronsky;
Productor y Director, María Elena Laviosa. Caracas: UNA, 2000. 1 casete (56 min., 9 seg.): son., col; ¾ plg.

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RA650.55V4 T3.
Taller de Análisis Epidemiológico. Parte II Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Instituto Nacional
de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans Salas Maronsky;
Productor y Director, María Elena Laviosa. Caracas: UNA, 2000. -1 casete (47 min., 9 seg.): son., col; ¾
plg./RA650.55 V4 T35/.
Taller de Lectura Crítica de Artículos Científicos. Parte I Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti,
Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans
Salas Maronsky; Productor y Director, María Enriqueta Faria.-Caracas: UNA, 2000.-1 casete (48 min., 46 seg.) :
son., col. ; ¾ plg./R850 T3/.
Taller de Lectura Crítica de Artículos Científicos. Parte II Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti,
Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans
Salas Maronsky; Productor y Director, María Enriqueta Faria.-Caracas: UNA, 2000.-1 casete (47 min., 9 seg.):
son., col. ; ¾ plg. R850 T35.
Otras publicaciones
A Ciencia Cierta: Revista de la Sociedad Científica del INH RR. (Editor Fundador)
Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel" (Miembro del Comité Editorial).
Members of the South American HIV Molecular Surveillance Working Group."Prevalences, Genotypes, and Risk
Factors for HIV Transmission in South America". JAIDS: Volume 40(1) 1 September 2005 pp 57-64

Text Files - A. Work experience information 2008 and 2009
PAHO Meetings attended 2008-09:

Semana Científica en Homenaje a los 100 años de descubrimiento de la Enfermedad de Chagas. Belen Do Pará, Brasil,
20 al 24 de abril de 2009. Incluyó II Reunión Conjunta de Inciativas Subregionales de Prevención y Control de la
Enfermedad de Chagas: Cono Sur, Centroamérica, Andina, Amazónica y México. 20 al 22 de abril de 2009.

Reunión de coordinación de "Enfermedades Transmisibles" Bogotá, Colombia 23 al 27 de febrero de 2009.

Reunión de Consulta y Planificación Subregional sobre Extensión de Esfuerzos para vigilancia de resistencia a los
antimaláricos - AMI/RAVREDA -en Centroamérica, San Salvador, El Salvador, febrero de 2009

12a Reunión de Directores de Programas Nacionales de Control de Rabia en América Latina, La Antigua Guatemala del
30 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2008

XXIV PRERESSCAD, San Salvador, El Salvador, 20-21 Noviembre 2008

XI Reunión de la Comisión Intergubernamental de la Iniciativa de los Países de Centroamérica para el Control de la
Transmisión Vectorial, Transfusional y la Atención Médica de la Enfermedad de Chagas (IPCA). San José, Costa Rica,
18 al 20 de noviembre de 2008

Reunión centroamericana en seguimiento al Plan Subregional de Cáncer, Tegucigalpa Honduras, 17-18 septiembre

Taller de implementación del Convenio Marco para el control del Tabaco de la OMS para países de habla Hispana y
Portuguesa .Lima, Perú, 9 al 12 de septiembre de 2008

Reunión Anual de la Red de Vigilancia de la Resistencia a los Antibióticos, San Salvador 20-22 de agosto de 2008

Reunión Regional área HSD, Panamá, 29 al 31 de Julio de 2008

Text Files - B Epidemiological and clinical study
Invest Clin. 2008 Dec;49(4):499-510.Links[Epidemiological and clinical study of diarrhea by rotavirus in children under 5
years of age attended in medical centers of the Miranda State, Venezuela][Article in Spanish]

González R, Salas-Maronsky H, Balebona E, Martinez JR, Serrano N, Pérez-Schael I.
Laboratorio de Enfermedades Entéricas, Cardiológico Infantil Dr. Gilberto Rodríguez Ochoa, Caracas Venezuela.

To have a better knowledge of the epidemiological and clinical aspects of rotavirus (RV) infection treated at out-patient
clinics, we carried out a study in five centers (one hospital type I, and four out-patient clinics) of Miranda state, between

february 2006 and january 2007. We evaluated 194 children under 5 years old with acute diarrhea and analyzed the
following characteristics: gender, age, socioeconomic condition, breastfeeding, nutritional status, clinical characteristics,
rotavirus diagnosis and typing by Enzyme Linked immuno Sorbent Asssay (EISA) and G typing by RT-PCR,
respectively. The population presented the following characteristics: 53% males; mean age, 17.6 +/- 14.05 months; 68%
belonged to worker and marginal class (Graffar 4 and 5); 59% were breast-fed during their first year of life; 13% were
malnourished; 40% were dehydrated and 19% were infected with RV. RV infection was significantly and more frequently
associated with vomiting (94%, P 0.0001) and malnourishment (30%, P=0.0010) than the episodes negative for
rotavirus. In dehydrated cases, significantly greater malnourishment (21%, P=0.0232) and RV (28%, P=0.0407). We
found significant differences between the hospital and out-patient clinics, in terms of Graffar 4 and 5 (90% vs .53%, P
0.0001), malnourished (23% vs. 6%, P=0.006), dehydration (63% vs 24%, P 0.0001) and RV (27% vs. 13%, P=0.027).
Fourteen samples RV positive were genotyped and the G types were 29% G1, 21% G3 and 14% G4 types. This study
suggests that RV cause severe diarrhea associated to malnutrition and poverty and significantly affect the population
older than one year of age in the region studied.

PMID: 19245168 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

Text Files - C Rotavirus Mortality
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2007 May; 26 (5): 393-7
Rotavirus mortality confirmed by etiologic identification in Venezuelan children with diarrhea.Pérez-Schael I, Salinas B,
González R, Salas H, Ludert JE, Escalona M, Alcalá A, Rosas MA, Materán M.
Instituto de Biomedicina, Fuvesin, Ministerio de Salud y Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.

BACKGROUND: Hospital-based studies to determine the etiology of deaths from diarrhea are scarce. In this study, we
specifically analyzed deaths due to rotavirus to assess the rotavirus impact on diarrhea mortality. METHODS: To
determine the rotavirus proportion contributing to mortality due to diarrhea, we analyzed data obtained from a
hospital-based mortality surveillance, conducted over 7 years, in the Ciudad Hospitalaria Dr. Enrique Tejera, Valencia,
Venezuela. Rotavirus was identified in stool samples collected from children who died of diarrhea, by a confirmatory
ELISA and/or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Our results show that rotavirus (21%; 21/100)
is the leading cause of death due to diarrhea among children under 5 years of age; rotavirus also has an important
impact (2%; 21/1336) on deaths from all causes in this age group. Shigella spp. (19%; 13/69) was the second most
important cause of death, followed by calicivirus (6%; 3/53). Furthermore, this study documents a seasonal pattern in the
deaths due to rotavirus (odds ratio 3.28; 95% confidence interval 1.13-9.76). CONCLUSIONS: For Venezuela, it is
estimated that approximately 300 children under 5 years of age die of rotavirus each year, which means that 1 in 1800
children die by the age of 5. Rotavirus was found to be the main cause of death due to diarrhea, which supports previous
estimations. This is the first study to present data of cause-specific mortality due to diarrhea based on hospital
surveillance of diarrhea etiologies.

PMID: 17468648 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Text Files - D Assesment of the economic impact of the antiretroviral vaccine
in Venezuela
Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 20(4), 2006 213
Assessment of the economic impact of the antiretroviral vaccine in Venezuela][Article in Spanish]

Constenla D, Pérez-Schael I, Rheingans RD, Antil L, Salas H, Yarzábal JP.
Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the cost of medical care for rotavirus gastroenteritis and the cost-effectiveness of the
antiretroviral vaccine in Venezuelan children under five. METHODS: We used an economic model that comprises
epidemiologic information, vaccine efficacy, and the cost of medical care in connection with rotavirus gastroenteritis,
viewed from a social perspective. In order to determine the effectiveness of the vaccine, we estimated the number of
hospitalized cases, of medical visits, and of deaths averted after vaccination. The cost-effectiveness of the vaccine was
determined on the basis of the number of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and cases averted. RESULTS: In
Venezuela, health services spend approximately 4.2 million US$ yearly on covering the costs of medical care for
rotavirus-related disease. In a vaccinated cohort, an antiretroviral vaccination program would prevent around 52% (186)
of the deaths, 54% (7,232) of the hospitalizations, and 50% (55,168) of the ambulatory visits that take place during the
first five years of life. For an estimated cost of approximately 24 US$ per individual vaccination schedule, the
cost-effectiveness ratio obtained is 1,352 US$ per DALY. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that
antiretroviral vaccination is a cost-effective strategy for preventing rotavirus gastroenteritis in Venezuela, since it can
prevent deaths and DALYs in the population under five years of age.

PMID: 17316479 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

1 Department of Global Health, Rollins School of
Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia,
Estados Unidos de América.
2 Instituto de Biomedicina-Fuvesin, Universidad
Central de Venezuela, Ministerio de Salud, Caracas,
3 Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel", Universidad
Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
4 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Caracas, Venezuela.

Text Files - E Scielo-Venezuela.Different areas of Knowledge.
Scientific Electronic Library Online-Venezuela
Paper Number One

Anabel Bandes V., Sofía I. Selgrad R., Manuela Ríos de S. , Hans Salas M
Nematodos of the family Anisakidae in the fresh fish.
Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel Caracas 2005 v.36 n.2,p.21-29


The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and mean intensity of parasitation by nematode larval of the
Anisakidae family in fresh fish species of mayor demand in Caracas, to evaluate the risk to public health and suggest
preventive measures.

302 samples were studied of 21 species of fish, the samples were collected at the Mayor Market of Coche (El Valle,
Caracas) in the period 2003-2005, coming from the Venezuelan sea coast (east, center and west). Parasitological
analyses were done by compression, candling, sedimentation, digestion and nematode identification. Prevalence and
mean intensity of parasitation were calculated.

The parasitized samples were lisa (Mugil curema or Mugil incilis) and lebranche (Mujil liza) with a prevalence of 76%
(IC95%: 58% a 89%) and 94% (IC95%: 80% a 99%), and mean intensity of 13.1 ± 5,2 parasites /unit, and 10,7 ± 3,6
parasites/unit respectively. The nematodes identified for lisa samples were: Pseudoterranova sp (56%), Contracaecum
sp. (48%) Anisakis sp. (16 %), and for lebranche samples were: Pseudoterranova sp. (47%), Contracaecum sp. (47%),
Anisakis sp. (16%) and Hysterothylacium sp. (3%). The parasites were localized mainly at the mesentery and visceral

The parasitation prevalence and mean intensity for both species were high in all cases, independent of geographic
origin. It could be hypothesized that the intermediary and definitive host of these parasites are currently present in the
Venezuelan sea coast. Due to the hazard to the public health, it is recommend evisceration, freezing and adequate
cooking of the fish in order to minimize the risk of human infection.

Key words: Anisakidae family, Fish, Mugil liza, Mugil curema/incilis
Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel
ISSN 0798-0477 versión impresa

Paper Number Two

Manuel J. Moya A, Francisco Araoz, Hans Salas M
Clinical Epidemiological Study of Superficial Mycoses in Rabbits from Conventional animal facilities Revista del Instituto
Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel diciembre 2006 v.37 n.2 Caracas,p.27-34

The superficial mycoses are diseases caused by fungi that live on the skin and/or in their annexes. It was carried out a
study in 214 white New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) between 19 days and 5 years of age, reproduced for
more than 16 years, in the animal facilities of the National Institute of Hygiene «Rafael Rangel», to determine the
incidence and prevalence of the superficial mycoses and the associated epidemic factors. The study contemplated the
clinic, laboratory and epidemiology. The size of the sample was estimated by Epi- Info version 5,01 program settling
down 15% of prospective frequency, 5% error and 95% confidence level. Alopecia and descamative lesions, as well as
the general state of the animals, was evaluated. Hair samples and epidermal flakes was taking out by mechanical
traction and rasped. Direct exam with 10% KOH plus Parker ink was carried out and the samples were seeded in
Mycosel and Lactritmel agar tubes. It was determined: accumulated incidence, and prevalence in rates and proportions
to establish the occurrence pattern of the mycoses. The main fungi causing superficial mycoses were: T.
mentagrophytes (dermatophyte) and Scopulariopsis sp. (nondermatophyte). An accumulated incidence of 45% was

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obtained in twelve months of observation and 8% of suspicious cases per animal-month. The prevalence oscillated
between 3,6% and 4,8% in confirmed cases. This result give information for good laboratory practices application and
contributes with the quality control program of the biological models.

Key words: Epidemiology, superficial mycoses, bioterio, dermatophytoses

Text Files - F Estimation of HIV
Salas H y Campos JM. Estimación y Proyección del VIH/SIDA en Venezuela.
Fue publicado en Cambio Demogràfico y Desigualdad social en Venezuela al Inicio del Tercer Milenio. UNFPD,
2005.UNFPD, 2005 (also available in )

Text Files - G National Observatory of Science and Technology: Meetings and
National Observatory of Science and Technology (Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-ONCT, Venezuela):
Researcher Level I en Venezuela, (2008-2010): Hans Antonio, Salas Maronsky
Member of Promotion Program for Researcher (Programa Promoción Investigador, PPI- Nº: 10168)
Meetings and Conferences.
PPI's Format.
Nombre del evento: Global Consultation on Postmarketing surveillance of Rotavirus vaccines
Autor(es): Salas H, Pérez Schael I, González R
Título del trabajo: Post-marketing surveillance (PMS) of the Rotarix vaccine safety, diarrheal disease and rotavirus
strains in Venezuela.
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: CHE (Swizerland)
Ciudad: Ginebra.WHO
Mes/Año: 12 - 2006
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 2
Nombre del evento: Severity and age of RV diarrhea, but not socioeconomic conditions, are associated to seasonality in
Venezuela", aceptado en 9th
Internacional Symposium on dsRNA viruses. Cape Town, South Africa 2006
Autor(es): Pérez Schael I, Salas H, González R, Salinas B, Urrestarazu Mi, Bastardo J And Nieves B
Título del trabajo: Severity and age of RV diarrhea, but not socioeconomic conditions, are associated to seasonality in
Invitado como: No especifica
Pais: ZAF
Ciudad: Cape Town
Mes/Año: 10 - 2006
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 3
Nombre del evento: Epidemiología de la diarrea por rotavirus en hospitales centinelas.
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Invaginación Intestinal en menores 5 años, Estado Carabobo, 1998-2001.
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 7 - 2006
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 4
Nombre del evento: 7th International Rotavirus Symposium Lisboa, 2006
Autor(es): Salas H,pérez Schael I, Salinas B,tomat M Y González R
Título del trabajo: Rotavirus is a risk factor for dehydration due to diarrhea in childrens under 5 years of age.
Pais: PRT
Ciudad: Lisboa
Mes/Año: 6 - 2006

Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 5
Nombre del evento: II Encuentro de Demógrafos.Asociacón Venezolana de Población y Universidad Católica Andrés
Autor(es): Salas Hans Y Campos Jm
Título del trabajo: "Estimación y Proyección del VIH/SIDA en Venezuela"
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 11 - 2004
Dato Formación: 6
Nombre del evento: 50 Asamblea General Ordinaria y Jornadas Científicas de Sociedad Venezolana de Salud Pública.
Autor(es): Salas Hans Y Campos J
Título del trabajo: Estimación y aproximación del VIH/SIDA en Venezuela
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: San Cristobal
Mes/Año: 11 - 2004
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 7
Nombre del evento: II Congreso Científico Laboratorio Metropolitano
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Vih/sida en Venezuela
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 11 - 2004
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 8
Nombre del evento: 53ra Asamblea Genral de IMFMSA y SoCiVem y UCLA
Autor(es): Salas H
Título del trabajo: Medicina Tropical: Cólera
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Barquisimeto
Mes/Año: 2 - 2004
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 9
Nombre del evento: I Jornadas Laboratorios de Salud Pública
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Estudios de Prevalencia en la Red Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud Pública
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 12 - 2003
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 10
Nombre del evento: Jornadas Científicas del ambulatorio Urbano Tipo III #Joaquín Mármol Luzardo#
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Situación Actual del VIH/SIDA
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Mérida
Mes/Año: 11 - 2003
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 11
Nombre del evento: I Jornadas Científicas del Hospital Materno Infantil del Este.
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Epidemiología y prevención en salud

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Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 8 - 2003
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 12
Nombre del evento: III Reunión Nacional de Diagnóstico y Control de la Leptospirosis en Venezuela
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Situación de la Leptospirosis en Venezuela
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 8 - 2003
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 13
Nombre del evento: Taller Presimposio de fármacovigilancia en Simposio Internacional de Medicina Familiar.
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Diseños de estudios de investigación en fármacoepidemiología
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Maracaibo
Mes/Año: 11 - 2002
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 14
Nombre del evento: Jornadas de Medicina Vial
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: La Salud Pública y los accidentes de tránsito
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 3 - 2002
Disciplina: *Salud pública
Dato Formación: 15
Nombre del evento: Xxxiv Curso de Periodismo, Ciencia y Producción
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Prevención en Salud
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 10 - 2001
Disciplina: *Salud pública
Dato Formación: 16
Nombre del evento: 2do encuentro de Epidemiología Hospitalaria del HUC y Sociedad Venezolana de Salud Pública
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Investigación en el hospital:evaluación de la gestión hospitalaria.
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 10 - 2001
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 17
Nombre del evento: XVII Asamblea General Ordinaria y Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad Venezolana de Salud
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Estrudio Epidemiológico del ambiente en Venezuela.
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 11 - 2000

10/10/2010                                                                                                      8/10

Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 18
Nombre del evento: XXIV Aniversario de la Sociedad Científica del Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel".
Caracas, 2000 .
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Fiebre Amarilla en el Foco San Camilo, Prespectiva Actual
Invitado como: No especifica
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Caracas
Mes/Año: 10 - 2000
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 19
Nombre del evento: XVIIICongreso Venezolano de Urología
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Bases metodológicas de la Investigación Clínica
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Valencia
Mes/Año: 10 - 2000
Disciplina: *Ciencias clínicas
Dato Formación: 20
Nombre del evento: Taller de preparación de un perfil de un programa andino de adiestramiento
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Epidemiología Aplicada en Venezuela
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: PER
Ciudad: Lima
Mes/Año: 4 - 2000
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 21
Nombre del evento: Vigilancia en Salud Pública Instituto Pedro Kourí, La Habana, Cuba, 1999
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Fiebre Hemorrágica Venezolana
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: CUB
Ciudad: La Habana
Mes/Año: 11 - 1999
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 22
Nombre del evento: IX Congreso Venezolano de Bioanálisis.XI Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad de Bioanalístas
Autor(es): Salas Hans
Título del trabajo: Modelo de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Puerto La Cruz
Mes/Año: 6 - 1999
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 23
Nombre del evento: IX Reunión Científica de la Asociación Venezolana de Epidemiología. Maracay, 1998.
Autor(es): Larrea F, Salas H, Montiel L, Godoy O
Título del trabajo: Enfermedades Transmitidas por alimentos, situación en Venezuela.
Invitado como: No especifica
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Maracay
Mes/Año: 11 - 1998
Disciplina: *Epidemiología
Dato Formación: 24
Nombre del evento: IX Reunión Científica Anual de Asociación Venezolana de Epidemiología
Autor(es): Salas Hans

10/10/2010                                                                                                         9/10

Título del trabajo: Factores asociados a Fiebre Hemorrágica Venezolana
Invitado como: Conferencista
Pais: VEN
Ciudad: Maracay
Mes/Año: 10 - 1998
Disciplina: *Epidemiología

Text Files - H Posgraduate Degrees Thesis
  Factors Associated to Venezuelan Hemorrhagic Fever in Guanarito Rural Community (Dec 1997).
The purpose of the research was to find out family related or personal factors associated to Venezuelan Hemorrhagic
fever in order to draw strategies to get under control the endemic-epidemic disease reported and whose first outbreak
was documented in 1989 at Guanarito, a town of the Portuguesa state of Venezuela. Human group, characteristics in the
site, labour habits and domestics microwheather agents were analyzed by means of a comparative study of 22 samples,
66 indoor controls and 21 outdoor controls using a transverse and retrospective enquire which included hypothetical risk
factors. A randomly selected multistage sample of subjects older than 8 years old was taken nearby for control inclusion.
Percentage estimates, odds ratio and its confidence intervals (95%) were used for one-level agent as stratified analysis.
Relations were studied using ji squared test, Fisher's exact test, the variances, Kruskall Wallis and Barlett's Test. From
this analysis results suggest that there is more risk for human males, whose labouractivity is farming, they are foreigners,
who cath/keep rodents at their home, they employ farming tools and belong to families that cohabit with pets. Results
therefore have allowed to take new supervising strategies and keep on with the research by increasing the sample.

  Bayesian Dynamic Linear Model for the Prediction of Maternal and Child Mortality in Venezuela (Feb 2005).
The objective was to build a Bayesian dynamic linear model for the study of the rates of infant and maternal mortality
during the period 1940-1999, aiming to predict the time series in the future. For this, we examined the time series of
infant mortality and maternal mortality in Venezuela from 1940 to 1999 and conducted interventions (subjective
information) for the construction of the linear model, adjusting it through dynamic changes in the variance. These
interventions were conducted in 1968 for the infant mortality series and 1983 for maternal deaths series.Rates of infant
and maternal mortality were predicted for 2000, 2001 and 2002. The predictions were compared with the historical
record, obtaining acceptable results. This highlights the usefulness of the Bayesian dynamic linear model in the analysis
and prediction of time series.

10/10/2010                                                                                                             10/10

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Cell Therapy Expansion and Challenges in Autoimmune DiseaseCell Therapy Expansion and Challenges in Autoimmune Disease
Cell Therapy Expansion and Challenges in Autoimmune Disease

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  • 1. 10/10/2010 5:40:04 PM 10/10/2010 5:40:04 PM 10/10/2010 5:40:04 PM CV SALAS MARONSKY, Hans............................................................................................................................................1/10 Areas of Expertise................................................................................................................................................1/10 Education.............................................................................................................................................................1/10 Computer Skills....................................................................................................................................................1/10 Additional Information ...........................................................................................................................................2/10 Text Files - A. Work experience information 2008 and 2009...............................................................................3/10 Text Files - B Epidemiological and clinical study ..................................................................................................3/10 Text Files - C Rotavirus Mortality.........................................................................................................................4/10 Text Files - D Assesment of the economic impact of the antiretroviral vaccine in Venezuela.............................4/10 Text Files - E Scielo-Venezuela.Different areas of Knowledge............................................................................5/10 Text Files - F Estimation of HIV ............................................................................................................................6/10 Text Files - G National Observatory of Science and Technology: Meetings and Conferences ............................6/10 Text Files - H Posgraduate Degrees Thesis......................................................................................................10/10 i
  • 2. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans Areas of Expertise Biostatistician 6-10 years Enteric Diseases and Cholera over 10 years HIV/AIDS 6-10 years Public Health Epidemiology over 10 years University and Higher Education 3 to 5 years Education Highest Educational Degree Master's Degree (or Equivalent) Educational details Year Name of Education Institution Degree / Title of degree/diploma and description of studies Diploma 2000 Specialist in Computer Statistics, Simón Other Specialist degree. Description of studies: 2005 Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela; Postgraduate Specialist in Engineering, Simón Thesis: Bayesian Dynamic Spatial Model Bolívar University, Caracas, Venezuela: Courses for Forecasting Infant and Maternal completed in Probability, Data Analysis, Statistical Mortality in Venezuela. Methods, Decision Theory, Statistical Modeling; Caracas, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Thesis: Bayesian Dynamic Spatial Model for Venezuela Forecasting Infant and Maternal Mortality in Venezuela Venezuela. 1995 Masters in Epidemiology, Pontificia M. Sc Masters in Epidemiology. 1997 Universidad Católica del Ecuador; Thesis: Factors Associated with Venezuelan Hemorrhagic Fever in the Rural Community of Guanarito. Cooperation Project with French Regional Cooperation and PAHO/WHO. Quito, Ecuador Ecuador 1994 Bachelor of Science Course in Public Diploma University-level courses in Public Health: Public 1994 Health, Central University of Venezuela, Health Administration, Statistics, Epidemiology, Caracas. Health Education. Caracas, Federal District. Venezuela 1983 Doctor of Medicine, University of the M.D. 1991 Andes. Mérida, Venezuela Venezuela Other educational details Current Studies (2005-07, not completed): Masters in Philosophy and Scientific Logic, School of the Humanities and Education, Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. VI International Course on Intermediate Epidemiological Methods, with Emphasis on Natural Disasters, National Institute of Health, Bogotá, Colombia (October 1999). Computer Skills Wordprocessor: Microsoft office Developer Database: Excel, EpiInfo, GIS, SPSS, R, S-plus, Developer BATS, Spreadsheet: Excel, SPSS Developer Operating Systems: R, Splus Proficient Internet & e-mail: Proficient Presentation: Microsoft Office Developer Programming: R, Access Proficient Other software: Spectrum; EMS
  • 3. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans Computer hardware/Special equipment: GIS Additional Information Relevant experience, living abroad, additional skills Current Profile: Medical Doctor with postgraduate degrees in Public Health, Epidemiology and Statistical Computing. Post-graduate courses in Philosophy and Scientific Logic. Studies and experience both inside and outside of Venezuela in project formulation for Public Health and ambulatory care clinics and health service management. Working in Epidemiology at local, district, regional and national-international levels.Experience labouring in populations deprived of liberty. Skill in documentary, clinical and epidemiological research. Teaching in Higher Education. Relevant Experience: Community training in health, quantitative analysis in biomedical research and statistics for Public Health. Dilated record in Venezuelan public administration. Currently working with an emphasis on epidemiological surveillance, investigation and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases. In 2006, headed the Inmunization Advisory Committee to introduce rotavirus vaccine in Venezuela, in cooperation with the Institute of Biomedicine, Ministry of Health and Pan American Health Organization.Temporary Advisory, Global consultation on Post Marketting Surveillance of Rotavirus Vaccines, Geneva,12-13 December 2006. Short Term Consultant at PWR-Perú and PAHO-HQ, WDC ,September (2007)-July (2008). Emphasis on IHR. Short Term Professional at PWR-ELS (P4.1) like Technical Officer, Advisor on Communicable and Non Communicable Diseases (HSD). Member of the International Epidemiological Association (IEA). Publications, fellowships, etc.: Various recent publications: Gonzalez R, Salas-Maronsky H, Babelona E, et al.Epidemiological and clinical study of diarrhea by rotavirus in children under 5 years of age attended in medical centers of the Miranda state, Venezuela. Invest Clin 2008; 49 (4): 499-510 (PubMed) Pérez Schael I, Salinas B, González R, Salas H, Ludert J, Escalona M, Alcalá A, Rosas M, Materán M. Rotavirus mortality confirmed by etiological identification in Venezuelan children with diarrhea. Potential impact of burden disease. Pediatr Infect Dis J. 2007 May;26(5):393-7. (Pubmed) Constenla D, Pérez-Schael I, Rheingans RD, Antil L, Salas H, Yarzábal JP. Evaluación del impacto económicode la vacuna antirrotavírica en Venezuela. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2006;20 (4): 213- 22.(PubMed) Salas H, Pérez Schael I, Gonzalez R. Invaginación Intestinal en Venezuela y los eventos adversos a la vacuna antirotavirus en Venezuela. OPS, Mayo 2006 Moya A, Manuel J, Araoz, Francisco and Salas M, Hans. Clinical Epidemiological Study of Superficial Mycoses in Rabbits from Conventional animal facilities. INHRR, Dec. 2006, vol.37, no.2, p.27-34 (Scielo Venezuela) Bandes A, Selgrad S, Salas H. Nemátodos de la Familia Anisakidae en el pescado fresco que se expende para el consumo humano en Caracas, Venezuela. INHRR v 36 n2 Caracas 2005 (Scielo Venezuela) Salas H y Campos JM. Estimación y proyección del VIHSIDA en Venezuela, en: Cambio Demográfico y desigualdad social.UNFPA .Caracas, 2006 Pérez-Schael, I., González R., Larrea, F., Barreto, A., Pinto, B., Salas, H., Lebrún, C., Materán, M., Estado Actual de la Diarrea por Rotavirus en Venezuela. Informe Médico. 2002; 4 (5):323 -331. Larrea, F., Salas, H., Montiel, Luis., Godoy, O., Bañuelos A. El Dengue en Venezuela en: El Dengue y el Sarampión en Venezuela .Organización Panamericana de la Salud, Caracas, 1997. Abstracts: Salas H,Pérez Schael I, Salinas B, Urrestarazu MI, Bastardo J and Nieves B.Severity and age of RV diarrhea, but not socioeconomic conditions, are associated to seasonality in Venezuela, aceptado en 9th Internacional Symposium on dsRNA viruses. Cape Town, South Africa 2006 Salas H,Pérez Schael I, Salinas B, Tomat M and Gonzáez R.Rotavirus is a risk factor for dehydration due to diarrhea in childrens under 5 years of age. 7th International Rotavirus Symposium Lisboa, 2006 Salas, H., Perfiles de Marcel Roche. Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel,2003 ;34(2):35 38 (Scielo Venezuela) Salas, H.,Fiebre Amarilla en el Foco San Camilo: Perspectiva Actual. XXIV Aniversario de la Sociedad Científica del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel Caracas, 2000 . Larrea, F., Salas, H., Montiel, Luis., Godoy, O., Enfermedades Transmitidas por Alimentos, Situación en Venezuela, 1997. Un desafío a los Epidemiólogos IX Reunión Científica de la Asociación Venezolana de Epidemiología. Maracay, 1998. Audiovisuales: Taller de Análisis Epidemiológico. Parte I Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans Salas Maronsky; Productor y Director, María Elena Laviosa. Caracas: UNA, 2000. 1 casete (56 min., 9 seg.): son., col; ¾ plg. 10/10/2010 2/10
  • 4. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans RA650.55V4 T3. Taller de Análisis Epidemiológico. Parte II Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans Salas Maronsky; Productor y Director, María Elena Laviosa. Caracas: UNA, 2000. -1 casete (47 min., 9 seg.): son., col; ¾ plg./RA650.55 V4 T35/. Taller de Lectura Crítica de Artículos Científicos. Parte I Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans Salas Maronsky; Productor y Director, María Enriqueta Faria.-Caracas: UNA, 2000.-1 casete (48 min., 46 seg.) : son., col. ; ¾ plg./R850 T3/. Taller de Lectura Crítica de Artículos Científicos. Parte II Videograbación Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel y Universidad Nacional Abierta; Especialista en contenido, Dr. Hans Salas Maronsky; Productor y Director, María Enriqueta Faria.-Caracas: UNA, 2000.-1 casete (47 min., 9 seg.): son., col. ; ¾ plg. R850 T35. Otras publicaciones A Ciencia Cierta: Revista de la Sociedad Científica del INH RR. (Editor Fundador) Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel" (Miembro del Comité Editorial). Members of the South American HIV Molecular Surveillance Working Group."Prevalences, Genotypes, and Risk Factors for HIV Transmission in South America". JAIDS: Volume 40(1) 1 September 2005 pp 57-64 Text Files - A. Work experience information 2008 and 2009 PAHO Meetings attended 2008-09: Semana Científica en Homenaje a los 100 años de descubrimiento de la Enfermedad de Chagas. Belen Do Pará, Brasil, 20 al 24 de abril de 2009. Incluyó II Reunión Conjunta de Inciativas Subregionales de Prevención y Control de la Enfermedad de Chagas: Cono Sur, Centroamérica, Andina, Amazónica y México. 20 al 22 de abril de 2009. Reunión de coordinación de "Enfermedades Transmisibles" Bogotá, Colombia 23 al 27 de febrero de 2009. Reunión de Consulta y Planificación Subregional sobre Extensión de Esfuerzos para vigilancia de resistencia a los antimaláricos - AMI/RAVREDA -en Centroamérica, San Salvador, El Salvador, febrero de 2009 12a Reunión de Directores de Programas Nacionales de Control de Rabia en América Latina, La Antigua Guatemala del 30 de noviembre al 2 de diciembre de 2008 XXIV PRERESSCAD, San Salvador, El Salvador, 20-21 Noviembre 2008 XI Reunión de la Comisión Intergubernamental de la Iniciativa de los Países de Centroamérica para el Control de la Transmisión Vectorial, Transfusional y la Atención Médica de la Enfermedad de Chagas (IPCA). San José, Costa Rica, 18 al 20 de noviembre de 2008 Reunión centroamericana en seguimiento al Plan Subregional de Cáncer, Tegucigalpa Honduras, 17-18 septiembre 2008 Taller de implementación del Convenio Marco para el control del Tabaco de la OMS para países de habla Hispana y Portuguesa .Lima, Perú, 9 al 12 de septiembre de 2008 Reunión Anual de la Red de Vigilancia de la Resistencia a los Antibióticos, San Salvador 20-22 de agosto de 2008 Reunión Regional área HSD, Panamá, 29 al 31 de Julio de 2008 Text Files - B Epidemiological and clinical study Invest Clin. 2008 Dec;49(4):499-510.Links[Epidemiological and clinical study of diarrhea by rotavirus in children under 5 years of age attended in medical centers of the Miranda State, Venezuela][Article in Spanish] González R, Salas-Maronsky H, Balebona E, Martinez JR, Serrano N, Pérez-Schael I. Laboratorio de Enfermedades Entéricas, Cardiológico Infantil Dr. Gilberto Rodríguez Ochoa, Caracas Venezuela. To have a better knowledge of the epidemiological and clinical aspects of rotavirus (RV) infection treated at out-patient clinics, we carried out a study in five centers (one hospital type I, and four out-patient clinics) of Miranda state, between
  • 5. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans february 2006 and january 2007. We evaluated 194 children under 5 years old with acute diarrhea and analyzed the following characteristics: gender, age, socioeconomic condition, breastfeeding, nutritional status, clinical characteristics, rotavirus diagnosis and typing by Enzyme Linked immuno Sorbent Asssay (EISA) and G typing by RT-PCR, respectively. The population presented the following characteristics: 53% males; mean age, 17.6 +/- 14.05 months; 68% belonged to worker and marginal class (Graffar 4 and 5); 59% were breast-fed during their first year of life; 13% were malnourished; 40% were dehydrated and 19% were infected with RV. RV infection was significantly and more frequently associated with vomiting (94%, P 0.0001) and malnourishment (30%, P=0.0010) than the episodes negative for rotavirus. In dehydrated cases, significantly greater malnourishment (21%, P=0.0232) and RV (28%, P=0.0407). We found significant differences between the hospital and out-patient clinics, in terms of Graffar 4 and 5 (90% vs .53%, P 0.0001), malnourished (23% vs. 6%, P=0.006), dehydration (63% vs 24%, P 0.0001) and RV (27% vs. 13%, P=0.027). Fourteen samples RV positive were genotyped and the G types were 29% G1, 21% G3 and 14% G4 types. This study suggests that RV cause severe diarrhea associated to malnutrition and poverty and significantly affect the population older than one year of age in the region studied. PMID: 19245168 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE Text Files - C Rotavirus Mortality Pediatr Infect Dis J 2007 May; 26 (5): 393-7 Rotavirus mortality confirmed by etiologic identification in Venezuelan children with diarrhea.Pérez-Schael I, Salinas B, González R, Salas H, Ludert JE, Escalona M, Alcalá A, Rosas MA, Materán M. Instituto de Biomedicina, Fuvesin, Ministerio de Salud y Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. BACKGROUND: Hospital-based studies to determine the etiology of deaths from diarrhea are scarce. In this study, we specifically analyzed deaths due to rotavirus to assess the rotavirus impact on diarrhea mortality. METHODS: To determine the rotavirus proportion contributing to mortality due to diarrhea, we analyzed data obtained from a hospital-based mortality surveillance, conducted over 7 years, in the Ciudad Hospitalaria Dr. Enrique Tejera, Valencia, Venezuela. Rotavirus was identified in stool samples collected from children who died of diarrhea, by a confirmatory ELISA and/or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: Our results show that rotavirus (21%; 21/100) is the leading cause of death due to diarrhea among children under 5 years of age; rotavirus also has an important impact (2%; 21/1336) on deaths from all causes in this age group. Shigella spp. (19%; 13/69) was the second most important cause of death, followed by calicivirus (6%; 3/53). Furthermore, this study documents a seasonal pattern in the deaths due to rotavirus (odds ratio 3.28; 95% confidence interval 1.13-9.76). CONCLUSIONS: For Venezuela, it is estimated that approximately 300 children under 5 years of age die of rotavirus each year, which means that 1 in 1800 children die by the age of 5. Rotavirus was found to be the main cause of death due to diarrhea, which supports previous estimations. This is the first study to present data of cause-specific mortality due to diarrhea based on hospital surveillance of diarrhea etiologies. PMID: 17468648 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Text Files - D Assesment of the economic impact of the antiretroviral vaccine in Venezuela Rev Panam Salud Publica/Pan Am J Public Health 20(4), 2006 213 Assessment of the economic impact of the antiretroviral vaccine in Venezuela][Article in Spanish] Constenla D, Pérez-Schael I, Rheingans RD, Antil L, Salas H, Yarzábal JP. Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA. OBJECTIVE: To assess the cost of medical care for rotavirus gastroenteritis and the cost-effectiveness of the antiretroviral vaccine in Venezuelan children under five. METHODS: We used an economic model that comprises epidemiologic information, vaccine efficacy, and the cost of medical care in connection with rotavirus gastroenteritis, viewed from a social perspective. In order to determine the effectiveness of the vaccine, we estimated the number of hospitalized cases, of medical visits, and of deaths averted after vaccination. The cost-effectiveness of the vaccine was determined on the basis of the number of disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and cases averted. RESULTS: In Venezuela, health services spend approximately 4.2 million US$ yearly on covering the costs of medical care for rotavirus-related disease. In a vaccinated cohort, an antiretroviral vaccination program would prevent around 52% (186) of the deaths, 54% (7,232) of the hospitalizations, and 50% (55,168) of the ambulatory visits that take place during the first five years of life. For an estimated cost of approximately 24 US$ per individual vaccination schedule, the cost-effectiveness ratio obtained is 1,352 US$ per DALY. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study suggest that antiretroviral vaccination is a cost-effective strategy for preventing rotavirus gastroenteritis in Venezuela, since it can prevent deaths and DALYs in the population under five years of age. PMID: 17316479 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
  • 6. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans 1 Department of Global Health, Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, Estados Unidos de América. 2 Instituto de Biomedicina-Fuvesin, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Ministerio de Salud, Caracas, Venezuela. 3 Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel", Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela. 4 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, Caracas, Venezuela. Text Files - E Scielo-Venezuela.Different areas of Knowledge. Scientific Electronic Library Online-Venezuela Paper Number One Anabel Bandes V., Sofía I. Selgrad R., Manuela Ríos de S. , Hans Salas M Nematodos of the family Anisakidae in the fresh fish. Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel Caracas 2005 v.36 n.2,p.21-29 Abstract The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and mean intensity of parasitation by nematode larval of the Anisakidae family in fresh fish species of mayor demand in Caracas, to evaluate the risk to public health and suggest preventive measures. 302 samples were studied of 21 species of fish, the samples were collected at the Mayor Market of Coche (El Valle, Caracas) in the period 2003-2005, coming from the Venezuelan sea coast (east, center and west). Parasitological analyses were done by compression, candling, sedimentation, digestion and nematode identification. Prevalence and mean intensity of parasitation were calculated. The parasitized samples were lisa (Mugil curema or Mugil incilis) and lebranche (Mujil liza) with a prevalence of 76% (IC95%: 58% a 89%) and 94% (IC95%: 80% a 99%), and mean intensity of 13.1 ± 5,2 parasites /unit, and 10,7 ± 3,6 parasites/unit respectively. The nematodes identified for lisa samples were: Pseudoterranova sp (56%), Contracaecum sp. (48%) Anisakis sp. (16 %), and for lebranche samples were: Pseudoterranova sp. (47%), Contracaecum sp. (47%), Anisakis sp. (16%) and Hysterothylacium sp. (3%). The parasites were localized mainly at the mesentery and visceral organs. The parasitation prevalence and mean intensity for both species were high in all cases, independent of geographic origin. It could be hypothesized that the intermediary and definitive host of these parasites are currently present in the Venezuelan sea coast. Due to the hazard to the public health, it is recommend evisceration, freezing and adequate cooking of the fish in order to minimize the risk of human infection. Key words: Anisakidae family, Fish, Mugil liza, Mugil curema/incilis Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel ISSN 0798-0477 versión impresa Paper Number Two Manuel J. Moya A, Francisco Araoz, Hans Salas M Clinical Epidemiological Study of Superficial Mycoses in Rabbits from Conventional animal facilities Revista del Instituto Nacional de Higiene Rafael Rangel diciembre 2006 v.37 n.2 Caracas,p.27-34 SUMMARY The superficial mycoses are diseases caused by fungi that live on the skin and/or in their annexes. It was carried out a study in 214 white New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) between 19 days and 5 years of age, reproduced for more than 16 years, in the animal facilities of the National Institute of Hygiene «Rafael Rangel», to determine the incidence and prevalence of the superficial mycoses and the associated epidemic factors. The study contemplated the clinic, laboratory and epidemiology. The size of the sample was estimated by Epi- Info version 5,01 program settling down 15% of prospective frequency, 5% error and 95% confidence level. Alopecia and descamative lesions, as well as the general state of the animals, was evaluated. Hair samples and epidermal flakes was taking out by mechanical traction and rasped. Direct exam with 10% KOH plus Parker ink was carried out and the samples were seeded in Mycosel and Lactritmel agar tubes. It was determined: accumulated incidence, and prevalence in rates and proportions to establish the occurrence pattern of the mycoses. The main fungi causing superficial mycoses were: T. mentagrophytes (dermatophyte) and Scopulariopsis sp. (nondermatophyte). An accumulated incidence of 45% was 10/10/2010 5/10
  • 7. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans obtained in twelve months of observation and 8% of suspicious cases per animal-month. The prevalence oscillated between 3,6% and 4,8% in confirmed cases. This result give information for good laboratory practices application and contributes with the quality control program of the biological models. Key words: Epidemiology, superficial mycoses, bioterio, dermatophytoses Text Files - F Estimation of HIV Salas H y Campos JM. Estimación y Proyección del VIH/SIDA en Venezuela. Fue publicado en Cambio Demogràfico y Desigualdad social en Venezuela al Inicio del Tercer Milenio. UNFPD, 2005.UNFPD, 2005 (also available in ) Text Files - G National Observatory of Science and Technology: Meetings and Conferences National Observatory of Science and Technology (Observatorio Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología-ONCT, Venezuela): Researcher Level I en Venezuela, (2008-2010): Hans Antonio, Salas Maronsky Member of Promotion Program for Researcher (Programa Promoción Investigador, PPI- Nº: 10168) Meetings and Conferences. PPI's Format. Nombre del evento: Global Consultation on Postmarketing surveillance of Rotavirus vaccines Autor(es): Salas H, Pérez Schael I, González R Título del trabajo: Post-marketing surveillance (PMS) of the Rotarix vaccine safety, diarrheal disease and rotavirus strains in Venezuela. Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: CHE (Swizerland) Ciudad: Ginebra.WHO Mes/Año: 12 - 2006 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 2 Nombre del evento: Severity and age of RV diarrhea, but not socioeconomic conditions, are associated to seasonality in Venezuela", aceptado en 9th Internacional Symposium on dsRNA viruses. Cape Town, South Africa 2006 Autor(es): Pérez Schael I, Salas H, González R, Salinas B, Urrestarazu Mi, Bastardo J And Nieves B Título del trabajo: Severity and age of RV diarrhea, but not socioeconomic conditions, are associated to seasonality in Venezuela", Invitado como: No especifica Pais: ZAF Ciudad: Cape Town Mes/Año: 10 - 2006 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 3 Nombre del evento: Epidemiología de la diarrea por rotavirus en hospitales centinelas. Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Invaginación Intestinal en menores 5 años, Estado Carabobo, 1998-2001. Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 7 - 2006 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 4 Nombre del evento: 7th International Rotavirus Symposium Lisboa, 2006 Autor(es): Salas H,pérez Schael I, Salinas B,tomat M Y González R Título del trabajo: Rotavirus is a risk factor for dehydration due to diarrhea in childrens under 5 years of age. Pais: PRT Ciudad: Lisboa Mes/Año: 6 - 2006
  • 8. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 5 Nombre del evento: II Encuentro de Demógrafos.Asociacón Venezolana de Población y Universidad Católica Andrés Bello Autor(es): Salas Hans Y Campos Jm Título del trabajo: "Estimación y Proyección del VIH/SIDA en Venezuela" Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 11 - 2004 Área: DEMOGRAFIA Dato Formación: 6 Nombre del evento: 50 Asamblea General Ordinaria y Jornadas Científicas de Sociedad Venezolana de Salud Pública. Autor(es): Salas Hans Y Campos J Título del trabajo: Estimación y aproximación del VIH/SIDA en Venezuela Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: San Cristobal Mes/Año: 11 - 2004 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 7 Nombre del evento: II Congreso Científico Laboratorio Metropolitano Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Vih/sida en Venezuela Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 11 - 2004 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 8 Nombre del evento: 53ra Asamblea Genral de IMFMSA y SoCiVem y UCLA Autor(es): Salas H Título del trabajo: Medicina Tropical: Cólera Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Barquisimeto Mes/Año: 2 - 2004 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 9 Nombre del evento: I Jornadas Laboratorios de Salud Pública Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Estudios de Prevalencia en la Red Nacional de Laboratorios de Salud Pública Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 12 - 2003 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 10 Nombre del evento: Jornadas Científicas del ambulatorio Urbano Tipo III #Joaquín Mármol Luzardo# Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Situación Actual del VIH/SIDA Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Mérida Mes/Año: 11 - 2003 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 11 Nombre del evento: I Jornadas Científicas del Hospital Materno Infantil del Este. Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Epidemiología y prevención en salud 10/10/2010 7/10
  • 9. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 8 - 2003 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 12 Nombre del evento: III Reunión Nacional de Diagnóstico y Control de la Leptospirosis en Venezuela Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Situación de la Leptospirosis en Venezuela Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 8 - 2003 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 13 Nombre del evento: Taller Presimposio de fármacovigilancia en Simposio Internacional de Medicina Familiar. Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Diseños de estudios de investigación en fármacoepidemiología Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Maracaibo Mes/Año: 11 - 2002 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 14 Nombre del evento: Jornadas de Medicina Vial Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: La Salud Pública y los accidentes de tránsito Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 3 - 2002 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Salud pública Dato Formación: 15 Nombre del evento: Xxxiv Curso de Periodismo, Ciencia y Producción Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Prevención en Salud Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 10 - 2001 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Salud pública Dato Formación: 16 Nombre del evento: 2do encuentro de Epidemiología Hospitalaria del HUC y Sociedad Venezolana de Salud Pública Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Investigación en el hospital:evaluación de la gestión hospitalaria. Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 10 - 2001 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 17 Nombre del evento: XVII Asamblea General Ordinaria y Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad Venezolana de Salud Pública Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Estrudio Epidemiológico del ambiente en Venezuela. Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 11 - 2000 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS 10/10/2010 8/10
  • 10. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 18 Nombre del evento: XXIV Aniversario de la Sociedad Científica del Instituto Nacional de Higiene "Rafael Rangel". Caracas, 2000 . Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Fiebre Amarilla en el Foco San Camilo, Prespectiva Actual Invitado como: No especifica Pais: VEN Ciudad: Caracas Mes/Año: 10 - 2000 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 19 Nombre del evento: XVIIICongreso Venezolano de Urología Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Bases metodológicas de la Investigación Clínica Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Valencia Mes/Año: 10 - 2000 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Ciencias clínicas Dato Formación: 20 Nombre del evento: Taller de preparación de un perfil de un programa andino de adiestramiento Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Epidemiología Aplicada en Venezuela Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: PER Ciudad: Lima Mes/Año: 4 - 2000 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 21 Nombre del evento: Vigilancia en Salud Pública Instituto Pedro Kourí, La Habana, Cuba, 1999 Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Fiebre Hemorrágica Venezolana Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: CUB Ciudad: La Habana Mes/Año: 11 - 1999 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 22 Nombre del evento: IX Congreso Venezolano de Bioanálisis.XI Jornadas Científicas de la Sociedad de Bioanalístas especialistas. Autor(es): Salas Hans Título del trabajo: Modelo de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la enfermedades emergentes y reemergentes Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Puerto La Cruz Mes/Año: 6 - 1999 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 23 Nombre del evento: IX Reunión Científica de la Asociación Venezolana de Epidemiología. Maracay, 1998. Autor(es): Larrea F, Salas H, Montiel L, Godoy O Título del trabajo: Enfermedades Transmitidas por alimentos, situación en Venezuela. Invitado como: No especifica Pais: VEN Ciudad: Maracay Mes/Año: 11 - 1998 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Dato Formación: 24 Nombre del evento: IX Reunión Científica Anual de Asociación Venezolana de Epidemiología Autor(es): Salas Hans 10/10/2010 9/10
  • 11. SALAS MARONSKY, Hans Título del trabajo: Factores asociados a Fiebre Hemorrágica Venezolana Invitado como: Conferencista Pais: VEN Ciudad: Maracay Mes/Año: 10 - 1998 Área: CIENCIAS MEDICAS Disciplina: *Epidemiología Especialidad: OTRAS AREAS DE CONOCIMIENTO Text Files - H Posgraduate Degrees Thesis Factors Associated to Venezuelan Hemorrhagic Fever in Guanarito Rural Community (Dec 1997). Abstract: The purpose of the research was to find out family related or personal factors associated to Venezuelan Hemorrhagic fever in order to draw strategies to get under control the endemic-epidemic disease reported and whose first outbreak was documented in 1989 at Guanarito, a town of the Portuguesa state of Venezuela. Human group, characteristics in the site, labour habits and domestics microwheather agents were analyzed by means of a comparative study of 22 samples, 66 indoor controls and 21 outdoor controls using a transverse and retrospective enquire which included hypothetical risk factors. A randomly selected multistage sample of subjects older than 8 years old was taken nearby for control inclusion. Percentage estimates, odds ratio and its confidence intervals (95%) were used for one-level agent as stratified analysis. Relations were studied using ji squared test, Fisher's exact test, the variances, Kruskall Wallis and Barlett's Test. From this analysis results suggest that there is more risk for human males, whose labouractivity is farming, they are foreigners, who cath/keep rodents at their home, they employ farming tools and belong to families that cohabit with pets. Results therefore have allowed to take new supervising strategies and keep on with the research by increasing the sample. Bayesian Dynamic Linear Model for the Prediction of Maternal and Child Mortality in Venezuela (Feb 2005). Abstract The objective was to build a Bayesian dynamic linear model for the study of the rates of infant and maternal mortality during the period 1940-1999, aiming to predict the time series in the future. For this, we examined the time series of infant mortality and maternal mortality in Venezuela from 1940 to 1999 and conducted interventions (subjective information) for the construction of the linear model, adjusting it through dynamic changes in the variance. These interventions were conducted in 1968 for the infant mortality series and 1983 for maternal deaths series.Rates of infant and maternal mortality were predicted for 2000, 2001 and 2002. The predictions were compared with the historical record, obtaining acceptable results. This highlights the usefulness of the Bayesian dynamic linear model in the analysis and prediction of time series. 10/10/2010 10/10