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Curriculum Connections
                                                      N e sh a mi n y   S ch o o l   D i s t r i c t

                                                                                                                                 Volume 2, Issue 2
                                                                                                                                 Winter 2012

                                                                                                                                 Inside this
Cu rr icu lu m, A s s es s m ent & Ins t ru ct io n

F r o m t h e D e s k o f D r. G e e t a H e b l e
                                                                                                                                 Art K-12                2
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 reau-                                           ment and teaching practice. Assess-         Business                2
thorized the Elementary and Secondary Edu-                                           ments have the power to be transforma-      Education 6-12
cation Act enacted in 1965 and instituted the                                        tive when teachers use them as an inte-     Family & Consumer       3
Pennsylvania System of School Assessment                                             gral part of the instructional cycle and    Science 6-12
(PSSA) as an external accountability meas-                                           then examine the test data to adjust
                                                                                                                                 Health, PE & Wellness   3
ure. Its purpose is to ensure that all students,                                     their instruction to meet student needs.
in every district in the state, are being in-                                        Standardized tests, such as the (PSSA)      Language Arts K-5       4
structed in the eligible content identified in                                       for grades 3-8 and grade 11 in reading,
                                                                                                                                 Language Arts 6-12      4
Pennsylvania Academic Core Content Stan-                                             writing, mathematics and science, are
dards. The percentage of students who need                                           not easily embedded in the instructional    ELL K-12                5
to demonstrate proficiency on the PSSA has                                           sequence because they are administered
increased steadily since the tests were first                                        by an external entity, the Pennsylvania     Library Science K-12    5
administered over a decade ago. This year                                            Department of Education. However,
                                                                                                                                 Math K-5                6
the targets for the number of students who                                           since the curricula in grades K-12 in all
must be proficient are 78% for math and 81%                                          subjects, including reading, math and       Math 6-12               6
for reading. Writing and science are not used                                        science, are aligned to the state stan-
                                                                                                                                 Music K-12              7
to calculate Adequate Yearly Progress.                                               dards, preparation for the PSSA is in-
                                                                                     tentionally integrated into lessons         Professional            7
Success in the world beyond school is deter-                                         throughout the year.                        Development
mined not only by proficiency on the PSSA                                                                                        Science K-12
but by many learning experiences that help                                           To perform at advanced and proficient                               8
students to meet future college and career                                           levels, students need to learn test-        Social                  8
challenges. Although it is one data point in                                         taking strategies in addition to master-    Studies K-12
student achievement, public opinion of a                                             ing content and skills. They also need to   Technology              9
school district is based on PSSA results.                                            build stamina for sustained effort to       Education 6-12
Therefore, it is necessary for students to take                                      apply their knowledge. To that end, the     World                   9
the tests seriously and truly demonstrate                                            District has supported classroom in-        Languages 9-12
their knowledge. Proficiency on the grade 11                                         struction with resources for teachers
PSSA is a graduation requirement according                                           and opportunities for every student to      Instructional           10
to the Pennsylvania School Code (Chapter 4).                                         be successful.

Douglas Reeves, a leading educator and re-
searcher, says that the fundamental purpose
of assessment is to improve student achieve-
Page 2
                           Curriculum Connections
                           Art Leaves No Child Behind at Neshaminy

                          “Art is an irreplaceable       cross-curricular themes,       and prior knowledge, as
                          way of understanding           skills and information         well as read and follow
                          and expressing the             which coincides with and       written directions which
                          world,” says Dana Gioia        supports the PSSA math         include sequential reading
                          the National Endowment         and reading anchors.           skills.
                          for the Arts Chairman.         These assessment anchors
                          Gioia continues, “Art de-      have been embedded into Mathematic skills also exist
                          lights, instructs, consoles.   the Neshaminy art cur-  within art. These PSSA
                          It educates our emo-           riculum in areas where  standardized testing strate-
                          tions.” In the face of         they were considered a  gies include but are not
                          state and federal stan-                                limited to several of the
                                                         natural fit and in doing so
                          dards and standardized         have made this knowledgefollowing actions: applying
                          testing, many art advo-                                standard measurement,
                                                         available and accessible to
                          cates like Dana Gioia          teachers at all levels. application and use of an-
                          have been endorsing the                                gles, and the application

   “Art is an             arts. Such advocates ar-   Art may include but is not and use ratios.
                          gue that art contributes   limited to strategies for
irreplaceable             to measurable gains in
                          learning and in No Child
                                                     developing the skills Throughout Neshaminy
                                                     needed for PSSA stan- School District, art teachers
     way of               Left Behind boosting aca-  dardized testing within the in elementary, middle and
                                                     field of Language Arts. A high school are using our
                          demic scores in literacy
                          and mathematics.           number of these activities spiraled curriculum along
                                                     require students to iden- with assorted procedures,
and expressing            Art education continually tify main ideas, to make techniques and strategies to
   the world,”            creates and interacts with connections between new meet the needs of standard-

               ia   the    PSSA Success: It’s Our “Business”
 says Dana Gio
                          The preparation of our          The focus on writing as-      fiction type, we are sup-
                          students to be successful       signments varies. The         porting a major area
                          on the PSSA tests is our        writing may be to cap-        tested on the PSSA.
                          business. Although the          ture an idea, give a cor-     Preparation for achiev-
                          major instruction of skills     rect response, edit what      ing in mathematics fo-
                          to earn a score of profi-       is written or provide a       cuses on the number and
                          cient or above rests with       final document. When          operations standard.
                          the Mathematics and             students are asked to         Practical applications of
                          English Departments, the        read, there is a focus on     math are present in al-
                          learning activities in the      word recognition skills,      most all BCIT class-
                          Business, Computer and          vocabulary development,       rooms. Aside from basic
                          Information Technology          inferences and conclu-        arithmetic, word prob-
                          (BCIT) classes in the dis-      sions, interpretation,        lems dominate our cur-
                          trict provide support to        comprehension and the         riculum. Mental math,
                          the students and to the         ability to read critically.   estimating, applying the
                          PSSA initiative. Reading        Not all reading assign-       order of operations, ap-
                          and writing assignments         ments are in the text-        plying formulas, creating
                          in the BCIT classrooms          book. Other printed ma-       excel spreadsheets, as
                          provide a vast opportunity      terials are used and se-      well as designing and
                          for building PSSA test          lected to encourage           interpreting graphs and
                          skills. Our staff uses the      reading while providing       charts are all math skills
                          John Collins approach for       a source of new learning.     supporting PSSA prepa-
                          writing activities and the      Since reading in our          ration.
                          KWL scaffold for reading.       classes is of the non-
Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2                                                                                                 Page 3

“F.C.S.: We’re not home-ec anymore.”
Family and Consumer Sci-        fiction readings that mir-         interpretive, and criti-
ence (F.C.S.) education is      ror the PSSA.      Writing         cal sciences to help stu-
an interdisciplinary field      prompts follow that re-            dents identify, under-
by nature and is often con-     quire students to read for         stand, and solve the
sidered the heart of cur-       information, identify the          continuing concerns of
riculum. The skills and         main ideas, make connec-           individuals and society.
concepts taught in math,        tions between new and              To address these con-
reading, writing, science,      prior knowledge, and               cerns, students are re-
and social studies are inte-    make predictions and in-           quired to use inquiry
g r a t e d ,        e n -      ferences.                          and discovery, hypothe-
riched, and applied to                                             size, experiment, and
practical real-life experi- Mathematics is a continual             draw conclusions. Top-
ences in the F.C.S. class-  focus in the F.C.S. class-             ics including nutrition
                            room. Basic operations,                                                    Researching vitamin requirements
room.     For this reason,                                         and food science, our                     for brochure project.
F.C.S. plays an active role fractions, proportions,                plant and animal food
in developing the profi-    percentages, measuring,                supply, human anat-
ciencies needed for the     weights, and metric con-               omy and physiology,
P.S.S.A. and complements    version are logically incor-           and green living are
overall instruction at      porated into a variety of              studied in the F.C.S.
Neshaminy at both the       authentic hands-on activi-             classroom.
middle and high school      ties and innovative col-
levels.                     laborative projects in both For more specific infor-
                            the kitchen and classroom. mation about the ways
In order to support Lan-                                 Family and Consumer
guage Arts, F.C.S. students The F.C.S. curriculum in- S c i e n c e supports
are provided with non- tegrates knowledge and Neshaminy’s PSSA ef-
                            processes from empirical, forts go to FCS and the
Health and PE meets the PSSA

In departments across           math      skills/mapping BUT, as schools across
Neshaminy the question          skills/body spelling/flash the country are de-
asked is what do we do to       cards/written class work. creasing PE due to
support our students in                                                 budget concerns and
preparing for their PSSA’s.     We don’t stop there; our pressure to improve
The pressure put on dis-        middle and high schools academic test scores
tricts by the state to meet a   are busy with target heart studies show that
certain level is daunting       rates/distance and direc- physical activity stimu-
and we all knew it was          tion/technology initia- lates the brain, thus
time to make sure we did        tives/metabolic                rate/ increasing test scores.
what we could to help.          elevation and terrain/ The following link tells
The Health and Physical         short       s t o r i e s / e s s a y s the story of a school in
Education Department            graded to the PA writing Illinois where the kids
                                rubric/problem solving.                                            School. PE and Academic Im-
jumped headlong into this                                               who struggle in math       provement
initiative.                     The Health and PE depart- and reading go to PE
                                ment could go on and on as first period, to stimu-                 As the studies continue to come
Stopping by PE in our ele-                                                                         out saying that physically active
mentary schools you may         we see how important it is late                 their    brain.
                                for our students to have                "Exercise, good fitness-   and fit children tend to have
see word walls/new vo-                                                                             better academic achievement,
cabulary/open ended as-         success during standard- based exercise, makes
                                ized tests.                             our brain more ready to    we will continue to support all of
sessments/challenge sce-                                                learn," says John Ratey    our students physically and aca-
narios/pedometers       &                                               of the Harvard Medical     demically.
Page 4
             Curriculum Connections
              Getting a Win on the
         Pennsylvania System of School                   Language Arts
             Assessment (PSSA) in                            6-12
              Elementary Reading

         Research shows that the best prepara-       In response to the challenge of state-
         tion for PSSA Reading is to have a         mandated testing, teachers of Lan-
         high-quality reading program that en-      guage Arts have further refined their
         courages daily independent reading at      curriculum over the past three years
         school and at home. Students who           to ensure that its content and skills
         read from a wide selection of genres       have a solid basis in PA State Stan-
         develop a confidence with reading and      dards. To prepare our students for
         absorb a deep level of vocabulary that     success in the Reading and Writing
         supports their comprehension.              components of the PSSA, we have de-
                                                    veloped an array of materials offering
         Since the start of this school year,       students a balance of support and op-
         teachers and students have been in-        portunity for growth. Curriculum
         volved literacy activities designed to     maps of English courses, grades 6-12,
         explicitly teach students to think like    are available for parents’ perusal as we
         readers. Students are introduced to        work together to strengthen the liter-
         many different types of texts such as      acy skills of the students in our school
         fiction, non-fiction, poetry and authen-   district.
         tic literature. Students are able to use
         seven effective, research-based habits     With this foundation in place, we peri-
         and strategies to move towards inde-       odically assess our students to deter-
         pendence in reading.                       mine both their strengths and areas
                                                    that need further remediation. In ad-
         These seven habits follow:                 dition to common assessments devel-
         ∗   Great readers see themselves as        oped by the District, Language Arts
             readers                                teachers also have access to Class-
                                                    room Diagnostic Tools, an on-line re-
         ∗   Great readers make sense of text       source offered by the Pennsylvania
                                                    Department of Education (PDE). Stu-
         ∗   Great readers use what they know       dents may take up to five assessments
                                                    in Reading and Writing each year,
         ∗   Great readers understand how
                                                    providing them and their teachers
             stories work
                                                    with immediate feedback. This infor-
         ∗   Great readers read to learn            mation can help teachers to tailor
                                                    classroom instruction to best meet the
         ∗   Great readers monitor and organ-       needs of their students.
             ize ideas and information
                                                     In addition to resources provided by
         ∗   Great readers think       critically   PDE on its website, Neshaminy has
             about what they read                   invested in a literature program that
                                                    balances nonfiction with the classics
         PSSA testing provides an opportunity       of fiction, all aligned to PA State Stan-
         for students to take all they have         dards. In classrooms the students
         learned throughout the school year and     share common texts and work with
         apply it this assessment. All students     their teachers to progress as thinkers,
         are encouraged to shine by demon-          writers, and readers, the ultimate goal
         strating their personal best.              of the English Department.
Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2                                                                                          Page 5

    ELL (English Language Learners)
    The Teacher’s Guide:         lack familiarity with the       ∗   Accompany oral direc-
    Getting Ready for the        PSSA test format. Author            tions with written di-
    PSSA: Successful Strate-     Jim Cummings states that            rections
    gies for English Lan-        one way for ELLs to be-
                                                                 ∗   Highlight key words or
    guage Learners states        come familiar with multi-           phrases and use high-
    that one of the most im-     ple choice tests is to cre-         lighters for visual cues
    portant ways to prepare      ate their own multiple
    your ELLs for the PSSAs      choice tests in groups and      ∗   Allow students to
    is to teach the Pennsyl-     then share them.                    mark responses in test
    vania Academic Stan-                                             booklets (Answers
    dards year-round.      Re-    The following are some             must then be trans-
                                 of the accommodations               ferred.)
    search has shown that
    ELLs who have good           that are permitted by the       It is important to re-
    study habits and have        Pennsylvania Department         member that the PSSA
    done some practice tests     of Education:                   is an indicator of what
    are more likely to be suc-   ∗   Use the student’s native    ELLs have been ex-
    cessful on the PSSAs.            language for instructions   posed to, and not nec-
                                                                 essarily an individual
    When helping ELLs pre- ∗         Simplify the language of    measure of their knowl-
    pare for testing, it is most     directions and quietly      edge. Bear in mind that
    helpful to model the             repeat instructions to      the ELL is required to
    strategy being taught.           ELLs
                                                                 participate in the PSSA
    Having a visual image of                                     before gaining mastery
    the strategy, followed by ∗      Have the student dem-
                                                                 of the English Lan-
                                     onstrate understanding
    practice, is beneficial to       of directions               guage.
    the ELL. ELLs may also

    Library Science
                                              ∗    PSSA reading scores linked di-
Do school libraries and Library Media              rectly to school library staffing,               through which the li-
Specialists (LMS) help to improve PSSA
                                                   information technology, and inte-                brary media program
test scores? According to the extensive
                                                   grating information literacy
body of research, a clear link exists be-                                                       ∗       reaches beyond its
tween school library media programs           How School Librarians Help Kids                   own walls to classrooms,
that are staffed by an LMS and student        Achieve Standards. Denver: Library                labs, and offices
academic achievement. Specifically, the       Research Service, 2000. Test scores
school library does have impact on            increase as library media spe-                    These are just two of the
PSSA scores. Keith Curry Lance and            cialists spend more time in key                   many research studies that
others reported so in their findings in                                                         establish the link between
Measuring Up to Standards: The Im-                                                              the presence of adequate
pact of School Library Programs & In-         ∗    planning cooperatively with teach-           school library staffing and
formation Literacy in Pennsylvania                 ers                                          higher academic achieve-
Schools.                                                                                        ment
                                              ∗    identifying materials for teachers
∗     Presence of adequate school li-                                                           Other factors such as pupil
      brary staffing linked to higher ∗            teaching information literacy skills         expenditures, teacher-pupil
      PSSA (Pennsylvania System of                 to students                                  ratio, community condi-
      School Assessment) reading scores                                                         tions, poverty, and low adult
                                              ∗    providing in-service training to
∗     PSSA reading scores increase as              teachers                                     educational attainment do
      school library staffing increases                                                         not account for these find-
                                              ∗    managing a computer network                  ings.
Page 6
             Curriculum Connections
         Math K-5
         Elementary math students in grades 3-5          that common errors are worked on
         have a variety of PSSA practice activities      throughout the year.
         that are used in the months leading up
         to the test.                               ∗    Our “First in Math” program has a
                                                         section called “Know and Show”
         ∗   Our curriculum maps were created            which gives students practice in
             to guide teachers to cover all eligible     multiple choice questions similar to
             content prior to the PSSA’s.                those on the PSSA’s. Its game for-
                                                         mat and the promise of stickers
         ∗   Schools have either Coach or Buckle         entice students to play.
             Down books that give students the
             opportunity to practice the eligible ∗      The state provides recently re-
             content and become familiar with            leased questions, another resource
             the test format.                            that teachers use to help students
                                                         practice both test-taking skills and
         ∗   For the ten weeks prior to the test,        content knowledge.
             students who can most benefit are
             given the option of attending small ∗       Our many creative teachers have
             group tutoring sessions before              used effective homemade re-
             school once a week. The tutors use          sources, such as “Jeopardy” and
             Progress Coach books, which have a          “Are You Smarter Than a 5th
             lower readability level than the            Grader” games to review content
             Coach books used in the classrooms.         prior to the tests.
         ∗   Our students take a diagnostic test We aim for our students to be well pre-
             called 4-Sight in October and Janu- pared and relaxed once test-taking
             ary. Results of those tests help time rolls around.
             teachers plan their instruction so

         M a t h P r e p f o r G r a d e s 6 - 11
         In preparation for the PSSA’s this year,      For grades six, seven, eight and eleven,
         we analyzed data from last year’s test        practice PSSA tests were sent to teach-
         that our eleventh graders took. From          ers so they could review with their stu-
         that, we determined the probability of        dents the questions that have appeared
         students scoring advanced or proficient       on past PSSA tests. Also teachers were
         by course taken. We then targeted the         sent countdown-to-testing documents
         courses that were most in need of inter-      for general math, pre-Algebra, Algebra
         vention and scheduled those classes to        1, Geometry and Algebra 2 that they
         take the CDT’s in high school mathe-          can use to review for standardized
         matics. The CDT is a diagnostic test          tests. This is in addition to the mathe-
         that helps identify areas in which a stu-     matics probes used in grades six to
         dent may need help. Also, at the high         eleven, which can monitor a student’s
         school the fifteen days prior to the test     progress in the five content areas of
         were set aside to focus on the material       mathematics: numbers and operations,
         that would be covered on the PSSA’s in        measurement, geometry, algebraic con-
         mathematics.                                  cepts and data analysis.
Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2                                                                                          Page 7
                             Playing a musical instrument significantly enhances the
Music K-12                   brainstem’s sensitivity to speech sounds. This relates to
                             encoding skills involved with music and language. Ex-
perience with music at a young age can “fine-tune” the brain’s auditory system. – from
a study supported by Northwestern University, which appeared in April 2007 Nature
Neuroscience. The process of language development through “decoding” is paralleled
in music reading. Students are learning an entirely new notational system and are
applying the concepts of directional reading, spatial relationships and aural process-
ing to the reading and performing of music. They are discriminating between the
written notation of music and their aural perception of the performance.
Music synthesizes many math concepts through the use of an alternate system for rep-
resenting values, proportions, and numbers. Students must use their knowledge of
proportions, estimation and values in the performance of music. For instance, when
students read a short notational passage, they need to decipher the length of time a
note is played, the pitch to generate on their voice or instrument and possibly the writ-
ten text to sing for that note. A song is then created through continuing this process at
split second intervals. Students are using spatial, visual and cognitive domains to sing
a “simple” song such as “Frere Jacques”. Music is a room of high level thinking and
association for students to apply the concepts which are evaluated via the PSSA.
“The arts are not just affective and expressive. They are also deeply cognitive. They
develop the tools of thinking itself: careful observation of the world, mental represen-
tation of what is observed or imagined, abstraction from complexity, pattern recogni-
tion and development, symbolic and metaphoric representation, and qualitative judg-
ment. We use these same thinking tools in science, philosophy, math and history. The
advantage of the arts is that they link cognitive growth to social and emotional devel-
opment. Students care more deeply about what they study, they see the links between
subjects and their lives, their thinking capacities grow, they work more diligently, and
they learn from each other.” -- Nick Rabkin, Executive Director of the Center for Arts
Policy, “The Art of Education Success”, Washington Post, January 8, 2005, pg. A19

Professional Development
                                            Researchers Mortimer and Sammons re-
ported in 1987 that that teaching had 6 to 10 times as much impact on achievement as
all other factors combined. With this in mind, professional development in
Neshaminy is focused on improving student achievement by enhancing instruction.
Research has identified many instructional strategies that increase student learning.
This research from a spectrum of authors has been incorporated into our workshops
for new teachers and established staff. Essentially the focus is on designing instruc-
tion that centers on student learning.
The Pennsylvania Department of Education supports classroom teachers with re-
sources to support instruction. This link:
connects to instructional strategies documents and videos that are proven to increase
student achievement. The Bucks County IU provides workshops for county teachers
with nationally recognized speakers. Carol Tomlinson, the guru on differentiated in-
struction, is scheduled to speak this April and Neshaminy teachers will be in atten-
dance. The IU also provides webinars so teachers can participate in professional             Bucks County IU presents
learning from their homes.
                                                                                             Carol Tomlinson speaking on
As teachers utilize research-based strategies focused on improving student achieve-
ment, Neshaminy students benefit. In recent years, a major focus has been placed on          Defensible Differentiation
using Before, During, and After (BDAs) reading strategies to improve comprehension.
These strategies are used in classrooms across all content areas. Neshaminy has              April 26, 2012
joined with Penn Literacy to provide graduate level courses on campus to give teach-
ers greater access to new instructional activities. It is the goal of the C & I Department
to provide access to research-based practices to all teachers to increase student
achievement not only on the PSSA, but on all standardized testing.
Page 8
          Curriculum Connections
         Over the past four years, Neshaminy’s           in the inquiry science program. In addi-
         science program has been re-positioning         tion, this year, teachers will be provided
         itself to improve student achievement in        with PSSA preparation warm-ups to be
         science as measured on the PSSA in Sci-         given at the beginning of class the
         ence.                                           month prior to the administration of the
                                                         exams. These short (5- to 10-minute)
                   At the elementary level four          exercises will allow teachers an opportu-
                   years ago, inquiry-based science      nity to review science process and con-
                   kits were adopted for use in kin-     tent skills accumulated throughout a
         dergarten through fifth grade. These kits       student’s academic career.
         focus on the overall theme of reasoning
         and analysis. Additionally, each kit tar-          With the shift at the high school
         gets one of the three fields of science             level from the PSSA Science
         (physical, biological, and earth space sci-         exams to Keystone Biology
         ence.) Student achievement levels of 88-            exam, the focus has been on
         90% proficiency and/or advanced on the        evaluating our current biology curricu-
         PSSA science exams at the elementary lum and piloting the Biology Compre-
         level over the past four years have veri- hensive Diagnostic Test to measure
         fied the effectiveness of this program.     growth towards student readiness to
                                                     pass these new exams. In addition,
                 At the middle school level, the teachers in eleventh grade will also be
                  same inquiry-based kit program reviewing the accumulated process and
                  was adopted in sixth grade. Stu- content skills acquired by the students
                 dents now in eighth grade will throughout their academic career prior
         have had at least two years of experience to the PSSA test.

         Social Studies
         Social studies is an integral part of pre-      critical reading skills. Historical analy-
         paring for the PSSA writing and PSSA            sis and interpretation abilities are fos-
         reading. Although it is not a targeted          tered during the social studies classes
         test area, social studies classes and           and enables the student to:
         skills better enable our students to suc-
         ceed. Of the four areas in social studies,      ∗   Compare and contrast differing sets of
         history stands in the front when one
         considers preparedness for the reading          ∗   Consider perspectives of others
         and writing PSSA. “After English, his-
         tory is the subject that should involve         ∗   Analyze cause and effect relationships
         the most reading and writing.” (Brodie,
         Laura.     ∗   Draw comparisons between different
         blog/love-in-time-homeschooling/201005/             time periods and different cultures
         standardized-testing-what-happens-history-0 )
                                                         ∗   Evaluate competing historical interpre-
                                                             tations through documentation and
         Neshaminy social studies teachers are               proof.
         well versed in many reading and literacy
         strategies and employ them often in the         Recently, a review of PSSA writing
         classrooms. Whether it is by text, pri-         prompts by members of the Neshaminy
         mary document, data table, chart or             Curriculum Department showed that
         graph, students are challenged to read          many of the prompts were dependant
         and interpret information and present           on a student’s ability to compare and
         the new information in a clear and con-         contrast across times and cultures.
         cise manner.                                    This background information is gained
                                                         through the social studies. Thus, social
         The study of history develops specific          studies not only supports our state test-
Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2                                                                                 Page 9

Te c h n o l o g y E d u c a t i o n
The Technology and Engi-      cation department tries       fiction readings into the
neering Education Depart-     to model a truly inte-        courses. Students do not
ment serves as an oppor-      grated STEM curricu-          frequently get the oppor-
tunity for the real world     lum. In this curricular       tunity to experience tech-
application of much of the    philosophy       science,     nical readings, but the
PSSA assessable content.      technology, engineering,      Technology and Engi-
The most obvious test tie     and math coincide in a        neering Education envi-
in occurs in the Science      seamless fashion just as      ronment is the perfect
PSSA. The State Standards     it does in the real world.    setting for this.
are identified for Science,   In such an environment,
Technology, and Engi-                              The Technology and En-
                              students are expected to
neering. While a majority                          gineering Education De-
                              utilize mathematic prin-
of the test focuses on the    cipals found in theirpartment will continue to
Science strand, assess-       coursework. Teachers focus on providing the
ment anchors for the test     try to align the mathreal world application of
can be found across all                            science and math con-
                              skills needed or used in
three content areas. There                         cepts. As students get the
                              a project with what the
are questions that serve to   students are doing inopportunity to apply their
quantify a student's                               knowledge, their depth of
                              their class as an effort to
knowledge in technology                            knowledge will grow and
                              reinforce the learning.
and the designed world.                            should provide positive
                           Finally, Technology and results on their testing.
Additionally, the Technol- Engineering Education
ogy and Engineering Edu- classes implement non-

Wo r l d L a n g u a g e s
Do we want our stu-           cantly”(Armstrong &           The early levels of lan-
dents to have an ed-          Rogers 1997; Saunders         guage study show sen-
vantage when taking           1998;    Masciantonio         tence structure, talk
standardized test? If         1977; Rafferty 1986;          about word derivation
that is truly our goal, all   Andrade 1989; Kret-           and ask students to relate
students should have the      schmer & Kretschmer           concepts and roots to
opportunity to study an-      1989).                        English.     As students
other language because it                                   continue their studies,
expands their cultural           The study of another       more reading and writing
awareness and improves        language should not be        strategies are employed,
cognitive function.     As    limited to a college re-      such as citing evidence
cited in NEA research         quirement, but should         from text, making infer-
from December, 2007,          be mandated to graduate       ences and comparing and
“Strong evidence shows        all-around, academically      contrasting.    Language
that time spent on foreign    motivated world citi-         students read both fiction
language study strongly       zens.     Students who        and non-fiction stories
reinforces the core subject   study another language,       and are asked to identify
areas of reading, English     especially one with a         main ideas, paraphrase       Spanish class @ NHS
language literacy, social     Latin root, have a posi-      and summarize events.
studies and math. Foreign     tive advantage when           They are also exposed to
language learners consis-     reading and writing           world geography, cul-
tently outperform control     English. Every World          tures and events. Study-
groups in core subject ar-    Language class works          ing a world language is a
eas on standardized tests,    with vocabulary, writing      positive impetus to a suc-
often         signif i-       and reading skills and        cessful academic career.
                              grammatical structures.
The Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction Team
                          Director of C, A & I—Dr. Geeta Heble

               Art—Cheryl Soltis                             Math, Elementary—Shelley Rosen
         Business—Gerry Abramson                            Math, Secondary—Mike Thompson
   EAP/Data Overseer—Mary Beth Tecce                   Music & Summer Fine Arts— Nicole Dinkins
Family & Consumer Science— Kelly Macauley                 Professional Development—Sue Weber
Health & PE, Wellness, Summer Adventure—                            Science—Brian Suter
                   Jan King                                     Social Studies—Dave Heaney
   Instructional Technology—Dan Winter                       Technology Education—Josh Elliot
Language Arts & Reading, Elementary—Dory                      World Languages—Nancy Kerr
   Fitzgerald, Terri Magerr, Mary Beth Tecce
                                                        Administrative Support— Susan Freedman,
  Language Arts, Secondary—Mary O’Pella                   Kathy Giambelluca, Lily Lewandowski
         Library Science—Sue Flanly

                                        Providing extra learning experiences                    Dreambox
                                        at home can help students achieve     
TECHNOLOGY TIPS                         success. In using educational websites
 Practice makes Perfect…or at least                                                A fun math-learning environment
                                        and software, parents can help rein-
              helps!                                                               that individualizes the curriculum
                                        force learning and help prepare a
                                                                                    for each student as the program
                                        child for taking the PSSA’s.
                                                                                   assesses the student’s skills during
                                        Educational websites and apps fall              engaging math activities.
                                        into several categories. There are drill
                                                                                             Khan Academy
                                        and practice, tutorial, simulation,  
                                        problem solving, and utility type pro-
                                        grams and websites. We have gath-            Khan Academy is a non-profit
                                        ered several different websites and        video channel with over 2,500 vid-
                                        apps that can be used to help foster        eos covering topics ranging from
                                        academic achievement. These useful          high school math and science to
                                        websites and apps are only a small         banking and venture capital. Khan
                                        sample of what is available online and      Academy is also available on iOS
                                        in the App store.                                       devices.
                                                                                                 Story Kit
                                         A Games and quizzes website created            storykit/id329374595?mt=8
 Nes ha mi n y
                                        by educators on almost any topic. Stu-      Story Kit allows you to create your
 S c h o o l D i s t r i c t            dent’s can play an educational game of        own stories, complete with pic-
                                          battleship on science terms or quiz       tures. Add text boxes, images and
                                        their knowledge of social studies con-        sound clips. Record sounds for
                                                 cepts in rags to riches.            your stories, and add, reorder or
 Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction
 2001 Old Lincoln Highway                                Quizlet                    delete your pages. Add pictures by
 Langhorne, PA 19047                                  drawing on the screen, taking a pic-
                                                                                       ture of something, or drawing
 Phone: 215-809-6550                       Quizlet is a flash cards and study        something on paper and taking a
 Fax: 215-809-6004                        games website with over 10 million       picture of it! There are lots of great
 E-mail:      free sets of flashcards covering every     creative options here to allow stu-
                                          possible subject. Students can play         dents to create stories right on
                                        educational games, memorize vocabu-                  their iPod Touch.
                                        lary and study online. With the use of
                                         “Flashcards” on an iOS device, flash-
                                         cards can be uploaded from Quizlet.

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Curriculum connections vol

  • 1. Curriculum Connections N e sh a mi n y S ch o o l D i s t r i c t Volume 2, Issue 2 Winter 2012 Inside this Cu rr icu lu m, A s s es s m ent & Ins t ru ct io n issue: F r o m t h e D e s k o f D r. G e e t a H e b l e Art K-12 2 The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 reau- ment and teaching practice. Assess- Business 2 thorized the Elementary and Secondary Edu- ments have the power to be transforma- Education 6-12 cation Act enacted in 1965 and instituted the tive when teachers use them as an inte- Family & Consumer 3 Pennsylvania System of School Assessment gral part of the instructional cycle and Science 6-12 (PSSA) as an external accountability meas- then examine the test data to adjust Health, PE & Wellness 3 ure. Its purpose is to ensure that all students, their instruction to meet student needs. in every district in the state, are being in- Standardized tests, such as the (PSSA) Language Arts K-5 4 structed in the eligible content identified in for grades 3-8 and grade 11 in reading, Language Arts 6-12 4 Pennsylvania Academic Core Content Stan- writing, mathematics and science, are dards. The percentage of students who need not easily embedded in the instructional ELL K-12 5 to demonstrate proficiency on the PSSA has sequence because they are administered increased steadily since the tests were first by an external entity, the Pennsylvania Library Science K-12 5 administered over a decade ago. This year Department of Education. However, Math K-5 6 the targets for the number of students who since the curricula in grades K-12 in all must be proficient are 78% for math and 81% subjects, including reading, math and Math 6-12 6 for reading. Writing and science are not used science, are aligned to the state stan- Music K-12 7 to calculate Adequate Yearly Progress. dards, preparation for the PSSA is in- tentionally integrated into lessons Professional 7 Success in the world beyond school is deter- throughout the year. Development mined not only by proficiency on the PSSA Science K-12 but by many learning experiences that help To perform at advanced and proficient 8 students to meet future college and career levels, students need to learn test- Social 8 challenges. Although it is one data point in taking strategies in addition to master- Studies K-12 student achievement, public opinion of a ing content and skills. They also need to Technology 9 school district is based on PSSA results. build stamina for sustained effort to Education 6-12 Therefore, it is necessary for students to take apply their knowledge. To that end, the World 9 the tests seriously and truly demonstrate District has supported classroom in- Languages 9-12 their knowledge. Proficiency on the grade 11 struction with resources for teachers PSSA is a graduation requirement according and opportunities for every student to Instructional 10 Technology to the Pennsylvania School Code (Chapter 4). be successful. Douglas Reeves, a leading educator and re- searcher, says that the fundamental purpose of assessment is to improve student achieve-
  • 2. Page 2 Curriculum Connections Art Leaves No Child Behind at Neshaminy “Art is an irreplaceable cross-curricular themes, and prior knowledge, as way of understanding skills and information well as read and follow and expressing the which coincides with and written directions which world,” says Dana Gioia supports the PSSA math include sequential reading the National Endowment and reading anchors. skills. for the Arts Chairman. These assessment anchors Gioia continues, “Art de- have been embedded into Mathematic skills also exist lights, instructs, consoles. the Neshaminy art cur- within art. These PSSA It educates our emo- riculum in areas where standardized testing strate- tions.” In the face of they were considered a gies include but are not state and federal stan- limited to several of the natural fit and in doing so dards and standardized have made this knowledgefollowing actions: applying testing, many art advo- standard measurement, available and accessible to cates like Dana Gioia teachers at all levels. application and use of an- have been endorsing the gles, and the application “Art is an arts. Such advocates ar- Art may include but is not and use ratios. gue that art contributes limited to strategies for irreplaceable to measurable gains in learning and in No Child developing the skills Throughout Neshaminy needed for PSSA stan- School District, art teachers way of Left Behind boosting aca- dardized testing within the in elementary, middle and field of Language Arts. A high school are using our understanding demic scores in literacy and mathematics. number of these activities spiraled curriculum along require students to iden- with assorted procedures, and expressing Art education continually tify main ideas, to make techniques and strategies to the world,” creates and interacts with connections between new meet the needs of standard- ia the PSSA Success: It’s Our “Business” says Dana Gio The preparation of our The focus on writing as- fiction type, we are sup- students to be successful signments varies. The porting a major area on the PSSA tests is our writing may be to cap- tested on the PSSA. business. Although the ture an idea, give a cor- Preparation for achiev- major instruction of skills rect response, edit what ing in mathematics fo- to earn a score of profi- is written or provide a cuses on the number and cient or above rests with final document. When operations standard. the Mathematics and students are asked to Practical applications of English Departments, the read, there is a focus on math are present in al- learning activities in the word recognition skills, most all BCIT class- Business, Computer and vocabulary development, rooms. Aside from basic Information Technology inferences and conclu- arithmetic, word prob- (BCIT) classes in the dis- sions, interpretation, lems dominate our cur- trict provide support to comprehension and the riculum. Mental math, the students and to the ability to read critically. estimating, applying the PSSA initiative. Reading Not all reading assign- order of operations, ap- and writing assignments ments are in the text- plying formulas, creating in the BCIT classrooms book. Other printed ma- excel spreadsheets, as provide a vast opportunity terials are used and se- well as designing and for building PSSA test lected to encourage interpreting graphs and skills. Our staff uses the reading while providing charts are all math skills John Collins approach for a source of new learning. supporting PSSA prepa- writing activities and the Since reading in our ration. KWL scaffold for reading. classes is of the non-
  • 3. Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2 Page 3 “F.C.S.: We’re not home-ec anymore.” Family and Consumer Sci- fiction readings that mir- interpretive, and criti- ence (F.C.S.) education is ror the PSSA. Writing cal sciences to help stu- an interdisciplinary field prompts follow that re- dents identify, under- by nature and is often con- quire students to read for stand, and solve the sidered the heart of cur- information, identify the continuing concerns of riculum. The skills and main ideas, make connec- individuals and society. concepts taught in math, tions between new and To address these con- reading, writing, science, prior knowledge, and cerns, students are re- and social studies are inte- make predictions and in- quired to use inquiry g r a t e d , e n - ferences. and discovery, hypothe- riched, and applied to size, experiment, and practical real-life experi- Mathematics is a continual draw conclusions. Top- ences in the F.C.S. class- focus in the F.C.S. class- ics including nutrition room. Basic operations, Researching vitamin requirements room. For this reason, and food science, our for brochure project. F.C.S. plays an active role fractions, proportions, plant and animal food in developing the profi- percentages, measuring, supply, human anat- ciencies needed for the weights, and metric con- omy and physiology, P.S.S.A. and complements version are logically incor- and green living are overall instruction at porated into a variety of studied in the F.C.S. Neshaminy at both the authentic hands-on activi- classroom. middle and high school ties and innovative col- levels. laborative projects in both For more specific infor- the kitchen and classroom. mation about the ways In order to support Lan- Family and Consumer guage Arts, F.C.S. students The F.C.S. curriculum in- S c i e n c e supports are provided with non- tegrates knowledge and Neshaminy’s PSSA ef- processes from empirical, forts go to FCS and the PSSA. Health and PE meets the PSSA In departments across math skills/mapping BUT, as schools across Neshaminy the question skills/body spelling/flash the country are de- asked is what do we do to cards/written class work. creasing PE due to support our students in budget concerns and preparing for their PSSA’s. We don’t stop there; our pressure to improve The pressure put on dis- middle and high schools academic test scores tricts by the state to meet a are busy with target heart studies show that certain level is daunting rates/distance and direc- physical activity stimu- and we all knew it was tion/technology initia- lates the brain, thus time to make sure we did tives/metabolic rate/ increasing test scores. what we could to help. elevation and terrain/ The following link tells The Health and Physical short s t o r i e s / e s s a y s the story of a school in Education Department graded to the PA writing Illinois where the kids rubric/problem solving. School. PE and Academic Im- jumped headlong into this who struggle in math provement initiative. The Health and PE depart- and reading go to PE ment could go on and on as first period, to stimu- As the studies continue to come Stopping by PE in our ele- out saying that physically active mentary schools you may we see how important it is late their brain. for our students to have "Exercise, good fitness- and fit children tend to have see word walls/new vo- better academic achievement, cabulary/open ended as- success during standard- based exercise, makes ized tests. our brain more ready to we will continue to support all of sessments/challenge sce- learn," says John Ratey our students physically and aca- narios/pedometers & of the Harvard Medical demically.
  • 4. Page 4 Curriculum Connections Getting a Win on the Pennsylvania System of School Language Arts Assessment (PSSA) in 6-12 Elementary Reading Research shows that the best prepara- In response to the challenge of state- tion for PSSA Reading is to have a mandated testing, teachers of Lan- high-quality reading program that en- guage Arts have further refined their courages daily independent reading at curriculum over the past three years school and at home. Students who to ensure that its content and skills read from a wide selection of genres have a solid basis in PA State Stan- develop a confidence with reading and dards. To prepare our students for absorb a deep level of vocabulary that success in the Reading and Writing supports their comprehension. components of the PSSA, we have de- veloped an array of materials offering Since the start of this school year, students a balance of support and op- teachers and students have been in- portunity for growth. Curriculum volved literacy activities designed to maps of English courses, grades 6-12, explicitly teach students to think like are available for parents’ perusal as we readers. Students are introduced to work together to strengthen the liter- many different types of texts such as acy skills of the students in our school fiction, non-fiction, poetry and authen- district. tic literature. Students are able to use seven effective, research-based habits With this foundation in place, we peri- and strategies to move towards inde- odically assess our students to deter- pendence in reading. mine both their strengths and areas that need further remediation. In ad- These seven habits follow: dition to common assessments devel- ∗ Great readers see themselves as oped by the District, Language Arts readers teachers also have access to Class- room Diagnostic Tools, an on-line re- ∗ Great readers make sense of text source offered by the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE). Stu- ∗ Great readers use what they know dents may take up to five assessments in Reading and Writing each year, ∗ Great readers understand how providing them and their teachers stories work with immediate feedback. This infor- ∗ Great readers read to learn mation can help teachers to tailor classroom instruction to best meet the ∗ Great readers monitor and organ- needs of their students. ize ideas and information In addition to resources provided by ∗ Great readers think critically PDE on its website, Neshaminy has about what they read invested in a literature program that balances nonfiction with the classics PSSA testing provides an opportunity of fiction, all aligned to PA State Stan- for students to take all they have dards. In classrooms the students learned throughout the school year and share common texts and work with apply it this assessment. All students their teachers to progress as thinkers, are encouraged to shine by demon- writers, and readers, the ultimate goal strating their personal best. of the English Department.
  • 5. Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2 Page 5 ELL (English Language Learners) The Teacher’s Guide: lack familiarity with the ∗ Accompany oral direc- Getting Ready for the PSSA test format. Author tions with written di- PSSA: Successful Strate- Jim Cummings states that rections gies for English Lan- one way for ELLs to be- ∗ Highlight key words or guage Learners states come familiar with multi- phrases and use high- that one of the most im- ple choice tests is to cre- lighters for visual cues portant ways to prepare ate their own multiple your ELLs for the PSSAs choice tests in groups and ∗ Allow students to is to teach the Pennsyl- then share them. mark responses in test vania Academic Stan- booklets (Answers dards year-round. Re- The following are some must then be trans- of the accommodations ferred.) search has shown that ELLs who have good that are permitted by the It is important to re- study habits and have Pennsylvania Department member that the PSSA done some practice tests of Education: is an indicator of what are more likely to be suc- ∗ Use the student’s native ELLs have been ex- cessful on the PSSAs. language for instructions posed to, and not nec- essarily an individual When helping ELLs pre- ∗ Simplify the language of measure of their knowl- pare for testing, it is most directions and quietly edge. Bear in mind that helpful to model the repeat instructions to the ELL is required to strategy being taught. ELLs participate in the PSSA Having a visual image of before gaining mastery the strategy, followed by ∗ Have the student dem- of the English Lan- onstrate understanding practice, is beneficial to of directions guage. the ELL. ELLs may also Library Science ∗ PSSA reading scores linked di- Do school libraries and Library Media rectly to school library staffing, through which the li- Specialists (LMS) help to improve PSSA information technology, and inte- brary media program test scores? According to the extensive grating information literacy body of research, a clear link exists be- ∗ reaches beyond its tween school library media programs How School Librarians Help Kids own walls to classrooms, that are staffed by an LMS and student Achieve Standards. Denver: Library labs, and offices academic achievement. Specifically, the Research Service, 2000. Test scores school library does have impact on increase as library media spe- These are just two of the PSSA scores. Keith Curry Lance and cialists spend more time in key many research studies that others reported so in their findings in establish the link between activities: Measuring Up to Standards: The Im- the presence of adequate pact of School Library Programs & In- ∗ planning cooperatively with teach- school library staffing and formation Literacy in Pennsylvania ers higher academic achieve- Schools. ment ∗ identifying materials for teachers ∗ Presence of adequate school li- Other factors such as pupil brary staffing linked to higher ∗ teaching information literacy skills expenditures, teacher-pupil PSSA (Pennsylvania System of to students ratio, community condi- School Assessment) reading scores tions, poverty, and low adult ∗ providing in-service training to ∗ PSSA reading scores increase as teachers educational attainment do school library staffing increases not account for these find- ∗ managing a computer network ings.
  • 6. Page 6 Curriculum Connections Math K-5 Elementary math students in grades 3-5 that common errors are worked on have a variety of PSSA practice activities throughout the year. that are used in the months leading up to the test. ∗ Our “First in Math” program has a section called “Know and Show” ∗ Our curriculum maps were created which gives students practice in to guide teachers to cover all eligible multiple choice questions similar to content prior to the PSSA’s. those on the PSSA’s. Its game for- mat and the promise of stickers ∗ Schools have either Coach or Buckle entice students to play. Down books that give students the opportunity to practice the eligible ∗ The state provides recently re- content and become familiar with leased questions, another resource the test format. that teachers use to help students practice both test-taking skills and ∗ For the ten weeks prior to the test, content knowledge. students who can most benefit are given the option of attending small ∗ Our many creative teachers have group tutoring sessions before used effective homemade re- school once a week. The tutors use sources, such as “Jeopardy” and Progress Coach books, which have a “Are You Smarter Than a 5th lower readability level than the Grader” games to review content Coach books used in the classrooms. prior to the tests. ∗ Our students take a diagnostic test We aim for our students to be well pre- called 4-Sight in October and Janu- pared and relaxed once test-taking ary. Results of those tests help time rolls around. teachers plan their instruction so M a t h P r e p f o r G r a d e s 6 - 11 In preparation for the PSSA’s this year, For grades six, seven, eight and eleven, we analyzed data from last year’s test practice PSSA tests were sent to teach- that our eleventh graders took. From ers so they could review with their stu- that, we determined the probability of dents the questions that have appeared students scoring advanced or proficient on past PSSA tests. Also teachers were by course taken. We then targeted the sent countdown-to-testing documents courses that were most in need of inter- for general math, pre-Algebra, Algebra vention and scheduled those classes to 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 that they take the CDT’s in high school mathe- can use to review for standardized matics. The CDT is a diagnostic test tests. This is in addition to the mathe- that helps identify areas in which a stu- matics probes used in grades six to dent may need help. Also, at the high eleven, which can monitor a student’s school the fifteen days prior to the test progress in the five content areas of were set aside to focus on the material mathematics: numbers and operations, that would be covered on the PSSA’s in measurement, geometry, algebraic con- mathematics. cepts and data analysis.
  • 7. Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2 Page 7 Playing a musical instrument significantly enhances the Music K-12 brainstem’s sensitivity to speech sounds. This relates to encoding skills involved with music and language. Ex- perience with music at a young age can “fine-tune” the brain’s auditory system. – from a study supported by Northwestern University, which appeared in April 2007 Nature Neuroscience. The process of language development through “decoding” is paralleled in music reading. Students are learning an entirely new notational system and are applying the concepts of directional reading, spatial relationships and aural process- ing to the reading and performing of music. They are discriminating between the written notation of music and their aural perception of the performance. Music synthesizes many math concepts through the use of an alternate system for rep- resenting values, proportions, and numbers. Students must use their knowledge of proportions, estimation and values in the performance of music. For instance, when students read a short notational passage, they need to decipher the length of time a note is played, the pitch to generate on their voice or instrument and possibly the writ- ten text to sing for that note. A song is then created through continuing this process at split second intervals. Students are using spatial, visual and cognitive domains to sing a “simple” song such as “Frere Jacques”. Music is a room of high level thinking and association for students to apply the concepts which are evaluated via the PSSA. “The arts are not just affective and expressive. They are also deeply cognitive. They develop the tools of thinking itself: careful observation of the world, mental represen- tation of what is observed or imagined, abstraction from complexity, pattern recogni- tion and development, symbolic and metaphoric representation, and qualitative judg- ment. We use these same thinking tools in science, philosophy, math and history. The advantage of the arts is that they link cognitive growth to social and emotional devel- opment. Students care more deeply about what they study, they see the links between subjects and their lives, their thinking capacities grow, they work more diligently, and they learn from each other.” -- Nick Rabkin, Executive Director of the Center for Arts Policy, “The Art of Education Success”, Washington Post, January 8, 2005, pg. A19 Professional Development Researchers Mortimer and Sammons re- ported in 1987 that that teaching had 6 to 10 times as much impact on achievement as all other factors combined. With this in mind, professional development in Neshaminy is focused on improving student achievement by enhancing instruction. Research has identified many instructional strategies that increase student learning. This research from a spectrum of authors has been incorporated into our workshops for new teachers and established staff. Essentially the focus is on designing instruc- tion that centers on student learning. The Pennsylvania Department of Education supports classroom teachers with re- sources to support instruction. This link: connects to instructional strategies documents and videos that are proven to increase student achievement. The Bucks County IU provides workshops for county teachers with nationally recognized speakers. Carol Tomlinson, the guru on differentiated in- struction, is scheduled to speak this April and Neshaminy teachers will be in atten- dance. The IU also provides webinars so teachers can participate in professional Bucks County IU presents learning from their homes. Carol Tomlinson speaking on As teachers utilize research-based strategies focused on improving student achieve- ment, Neshaminy students benefit. In recent years, a major focus has been placed on Defensible Differentiation using Before, During, and After (BDAs) reading strategies to improve comprehension. These strategies are used in classrooms across all content areas. Neshaminy has April 26, 2012 joined with Penn Literacy to provide graduate level courses on campus to give teach- ers greater access to new instructional activities. It is the goal of the C & I Department to provide access to research-based practices to all teachers to increase student achievement not only on the PSSA, but on all standardized testing.
  • 8. Page 8 Curriculum Connections Science Over the past four years, Neshaminy’s in the inquiry science program. In addi- science program has been re-positioning tion, this year, teachers will be provided itself to improve student achievement in with PSSA preparation warm-ups to be science as measured on the PSSA in Sci- given at the beginning of class the ence. month prior to the administration of the exams. These short (5- to 10-minute) At the elementary level four exercises will allow teachers an opportu- years ago, inquiry-based science nity to review science process and con- kits were adopted for use in kin- tent skills accumulated throughout a dergarten through fifth grade. These kits student’s academic career. focus on the overall theme of reasoning and analysis. Additionally, each kit tar- With the shift at the high school gets one of the three fields of science level from the PSSA Science (physical, biological, and earth space sci- exams to Keystone Biology ence.) Student achievement levels of 88- exam, the focus has been on 90% proficiency and/or advanced on the evaluating our current biology curricu- PSSA science exams at the elementary lum and piloting the Biology Compre- level over the past four years have veri- hensive Diagnostic Test to measure fied the effectiveness of this program. growth towards student readiness to pass these new exams. In addition, At the middle school level, the teachers in eleventh grade will also be same inquiry-based kit program reviewing the accumulated process and was adopted in sixth grade. Stu- content skills acquired by the students dents now in eighth grade will throughout their academic career prior have had at least two years of experience to the PSSA test. Social Studies Social studies is an integral part of pre- critical reading skills. Historical analy- paring for the PSSA writing and PSSA sis and interpretation abilities are fos- reading. Although it is not a targeted tered during the social studies classes test area, social studies classes and and enables the student to: skills better enable our students to suc- ceed. Of the four areas in social studies, ∗ Compare and contrast differing sets of ideas history stands in the front when one considers preparedness for the reading ∗ Consider perspectives of others and writing PSSA. “After English, his- tory is the subject that should involve ∗ Analyze cause and effect relationships the most reading and writing.” (Brodie, Laura. ∗ Draw comparisons between different blog/love-in-time-homeschooling/201005/ time periods and different cultures standardized-testing-what-happens-history-0 ) ∗ Evaluate competing historical interpre- tations through documentation and Neshaminy social studies teachers are proof. well versed in many reading and literacy strategies and employ them often in the Recently, a review of PSSA writing classrooms. Whether it is by text, pri- prompts by members of the Neshaminy mary document, data table, chart or Curriculum Department showed that graph, students are challenged to read many of the prompts were dependant and interpret information and present on a student’s ability to compare and the new information in a clear and con- contrast across times and cultures. cise manner. This background information is gained through the social studies. Thus, social The study of history develops specific studies not only supports our state test-
  • 9. Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 2 Page 9 Te c h n o l o g y E d u c a t i o n The Technology and Engi- cation department tries fiction readings into the neering Education Depart- to model a truly inte- courses. Students do not ment serves as an oppor- grated STEM curricu- frequently get the oppor- tunity for the real world lum. In this curricular tunity to experience tech- application of much of the philosophy science, nical readings, but the PSSA assessable content. technology, engineering, Technology and Engi- The most obvious test tie and math coincide in a neering Education envi- in occurs in the Science seamless fashion just as ronment is the perfect PSSA. The State Standards it does in the real world. setting for this. are identified for Science, In such an environment, Technology, and Engi- The Technology and En- students are expected to neering. While a majority gineering Education De- utilize mathematic prin- of the test focuses on the cipals found in theirpartment will continue to Science strand, assess- coursework. Teachers focus on providing the ment anchors for the test try to align the mathreal world application of can be found across all science and math con- skills needed or used in three content areas. There cepts. As students get the a project with what the are questions that serve to students are doing inopportunity to apply their quantify a student's knowledge, their depth of their class as an effort to knowledge in technology knowledge will grow and reinforce the learning. and the designed world. should provide positive Finally, Technology and results on their testing. Additionally, the Technol- Engineering Education ogy and Engineering Edu- classes implement non- Wo r l d L a n g u a g e s Do we want our stu- cantly”(Armstrong & The early levels of lan- dents to have an ed- Rogers 1997; Saunders guage study show sen- vantage when taking 1998; Masciantonio tence structure, talk standardized test? If 1977; Rafferty 1986; about word derivation that is truly our goal, all Andrade 1989; Kret- and ask students to relate students should have the schmer & Kretschmer concepts and roots to opportunity to study an- 1989). English. As students other language because it continue their studies, expands their cultural The study of another more reading and writing awareness and improves language should not be strategies are employed, cognitive function. As limited to a college re- such as citing evidence cited in NEA research quirement, but should from text, making infer- from December, 2007, be mandated to graduate ences and comparing and “Strong evidence shows all-around, academically contrasting. Language that time spent on foreign motivated world citi- students read both fiction language study strongly zens. Students who and non-fiction stories reinforces the core subject study another language, and are asked to identify areas of reading, English especially one with a main ideas, paraphrase Spanish class @ NHS language literacy, social Latin root, have a posi- and summarize events. studies and math. Foreign tive advantage when They are also exposed to language learners consis- reading and writing world geography, cul- tently outperform control English. Every World tures and events. Study- groups in core subject ar- Language class works ing a world language is a eas on standardized tests, with vocabulary, writing positive impetus to a suc- often signif i- and reading skills and cessful academic career. grammatical structures.
  • 10. The Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction Team Director of C, A & I—Dr. Geeta Heble Art—Cheryl Soltis Math, Elementary—Shelley Rosen Business—Gerry Abramson Math, Secondary—Mike Thompson EAP/Data Overseer—Mary Beth Tecce Music & Summer Fine Arts— Nicole Dinkins Family & Consumer Science— Kelly Macauley Professional Development—Sue Weber Health & PE, Wellness, Summer Adventure— Science—Brian Suter Jan King Social Studies—Dave Heaney Instructional Technology—Dan Winter Technology Education—Josh Elliot Language Arts & Reading, Elementary—Dory World Languages—Nancy Kerr Fitzgerald, Terri Magerr, Mary Beth Tecce Administrative Support— Susan Freedman, Language Arts, Secondary—Mary O’Pella Kathy Giambelluca, Lily Lewandowski Library Science—Sue Flanly Providing extra learning experiences Dreambox at home can help students achieve TECHNOLOGY TIPS success. In using educational websites Practice makes Perfect…or at least A fun math-learning environment and software, parents can help rein- helps! that individualizes the curriculum force learning and help prepare a for each student as the program child for taking the PSSA’s. assesses the student’s skills during Educational websites and apps fall engaging math activities. into several categories. There are drill Khan Academy and practice, tutorial, simulation, problem solving, and utility type pro- grams and websites. We have gath- Khan Academy is a non-profit ered several different websites and video channel with over 2,500 vid- apps that can be used to help foster eos covering topics ranging from academic achievement. These useful high school math and science to websites and apps are only a small banking and venture capital. Khan sample of what is available online and Academy is also available on iOS in the App store. devices. Quia Story Kit A Games and quizzes website created storykit/id329374595?mt=8 Nes ha mi n y by educators on almost any topic. Stu- Story Kit allows you to create your S c h o o l D i s t r i c t dent’s can play an educational game of own stories, complete with pic- battleship on science terms or quiz tures. Add text boxes, images and their knowledge of social studies con- sound clips. Record sounds for cepts in rags to riches. your stories, and add, reorder or Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction 2001 Old Lincoln Highway Quizlet delete your pages. Add pictures by Langhorne, PA 19047 drawing on the screen, taking a pic- ture of something, or drawing Phone: 215-809-6550 Quizlet is a flash cards and study something on paper and taking a Fax: 215-809-6004 games website with over 10 million picture of it! There are lots of great E-mail: free sets of flashcards covering every creative options here to allow stu- possible subject. Students can play dents to create stories right on educational games, memorize vocabu- their iPod Touch. lary and study online. With the use of “Flashcards” on an iOS device, flash- cards can be uploaded from Quizlet.