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Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
by Mary Shea and Matthew Camuso
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
Licensed for individual use only
Key Takeaways
B2B Sellers Fail To Update Their Nautical Charts
Traditional sales tactics have desensitized buyers
to blast emails and cold calls. B2B sellers will
destroy the potential of the channel if they migrate
these legacy behaviors to social networks.
Lack Of Leadership Support Undermines
Sellers’ Best Social Intentions
Not all the blame falls on sellers. Many marketing
and sales leaders don’t give sellers clear and
defined strategies, ongoing training, and best-in-
class tools for sellers to excel.
Right The Ship By Going All In On Social
Buyers demand meaningful interactions in both
virtual and physical settings and expect sellers to
be knowledgeable and empathetic. B2B sellers
must shift their mindsets from transactional
to relational and their actions from selling to
engaging to realize the full potential of this
powerful channel.
Why Read This Report
Sellers are flocking to social networks, but the
authentic connections and measurable impact
we have been optimistic about since we wrote
our first report on social selling in 2016 are at
risk. Many miss the mark by focusing on selling
versus engaging. B2B marketers and sellers must
now right the ship before social becomes another
channel sunk by sellers’ poor behavior.
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Table Of Contents
Many B2B Sellers Still Miss The Mark With
Sellers Need Training And Tools To Navigate
Social Successfully
Buyers Seek Meaningful Social Interactions
And Relevant Content
Stop Selling And Start Engaging
Marketers And Sellers Must Go All In With
Social Engagement
Supplemental Material
Related Research Documents
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The Forrester New Wave™: Sales Social
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For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
by Mary Shea and Matthew Camuso
with Caroline Robertson, Lori Wizdo, Jacob Basseches, and Kara Hartig
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
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For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
Many B2B Sellers Still Miss The Mark With Social
B2B sellers face an onslaught of new and emergent challenges (see Figure 1). Traditional sales tactics
no longer work because desensitized buyers never or take days to respond to emails and refuse to
answer calls from numbers they don’t recognize. But savvy sellers who effectively engage on social
networks are seeing meaningful results. These modern sellers create 45% more opportunities and are
51% more likely to achieve quota than those who do not embrace social.1
Unfortunately, as sellers
flock to the channel, questionable sales practices prevail. Common mistakes B2B sellers make include:
› Treating social networks like promotional channels. Social networks should foster authentic and
meaningful interactions among people with common interests. Many B2B sellers misunderstand
these networks’ purpose and etiquette by only sharing generic marketing and sales messaging.
According to Sally-Anne Schmick, global social media strategy manager at Zebra Technologies,
“Sharing solely promotional brand content won’t stick; it actually drives followers away.”
› Asking for something before establishing trust. Building trust, showing empathy, and delivering
value are the hallmarks of modern B2B sellers. Unfortunately, sellers who are new to interacting
on social networks often take the same misguided approach they utilized for email outreach circa
2009. Cold pitches or meeting requests by direct message before establishing trust or delivering
value are doomed to fail. Jill Rowley, former social selling advisor, likens this approach to “making
a withdrawal before you’ve made the deposit,” while Gabe Villamizar, global sales evangelist at
Lucidchart, describes it as “the fastest way to fail.”
› Underresearching a contact. Business professionals disclose a lot of information, perspectives,
and passions in their social content. But all too often sellers don’t take advantage of this (see
Figure 2). Justin Shriber, LinkedIn’s VP of marketing, shares: “Buyers are too familiar with sellers
reaching out in uninformed self-serving ways. They often aren’t sensitive to what buyers care about
or don’t learn basics about the buyer themselves.”
› Engaging in random acts of sharing. While early-stage buyers want to self-educate and remain
anonymous, they are also keen to engage with sellers who share relevant and timely material.2
sellers who aimlessly post or tweet won’t convince any buyer to engage with them. Rob Danna,
senior VP of sales and marketing at ITA Group, believes, “Indiscriminate behavior on social will
autocorrect as the community polices to the norm.” But if social platform policing — in the form of
reporting, blocking, and unsubscribing — does not curtail this behavior, sellers who share without
deeply understanding their territories, accounts, and contacts will do more harm than good.
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
FIGURE 1 B2B Sellers Face Existing And Emerging Challenges
“What are the top three challenges your field sales reps face with regard to
buyer/customer engagement?”
(Top three responses accepted)
Base: 120 global marketing and sales leaders
Source: Forrester’s Q1 2017 International B2B Marketing Panel Online Survey
Buyers have multiple stakeholders involved in
the decision process with different agendas
Buyers/customers are taking longer to
make their decisions
Buyers/customers won’t take sales phone
calls from sales reps
Buyers/customers want to meet in person less
Buyers/customers just want to talk about
Buyers/customers view interactions with
sales reps as low value
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
FIGURE 2 Indiscriminate Social Practices Risk Buyer Alienation
Source: LinkedIn website
Sellers Need Training And Tools To Navigate Social Successfully
Blame for poor social behavior is not for sellers to shoulder alone. Insufficient training, lack of access
to best-in-class tools, and ad hoc approaches all contribute to the problem. In a recent study, only
25% of B2B companies reported consistency in equipping their sellers with social engagement tools
to effectively interact with buyers, and an even smaller faction — only 8% — said they had optimized
social engagement practices for their sellers.3
B2B companies contribute to sellers’ inappropriate
behavior and disappointing buyer experiences by:
› Failing to invest in comprehensive training. Training typically falls short on multiple fronts. Most
internal trainers run out of material in three or four sessions. And training from the professional
services arms of technology partners typically focuses only on functionality and utilization. SAP
realized training needed to be an extended organizational effort. According to Kirsten Boileau,
SAP’s global head of digital enablement services (marketing automation, digital marketing, and
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
digital selling): “We knew we needed to monitor, incentivize, and provide feedback that limited
training would not provide. So we built an ecosystem of over 250 volunteers who would act as
coaches supporting local training, tutorials, and workshops.”
› Underinvesting in seller-focused tools. Organizations with existing employee advocacy programs
often extend licenses to sellers.4
But vendors that focus on advocacy and communication often
lack the full range of functionality and subject matter expertise to fully support sales users.5
organizations don’t invest in tools at all or allow individual sales users to purchase licenses, which
means they are unlikely to be well trained.
› Taking an ad hoc versus programmatic approach. General perceptions still prevail that a couple
of Navigator licenses and handful of socially visible sellers constitute a program. But unfortunately,
one-off practices don’t deliver material impact. According to Justin Shriber, “An ad hoc approach
will always have limited impact since it fails to capitalize on the team-based selling that Sales
Navigator facilitates.” Companies that take a programmatic approach benefit from “comprehensive
insights that are accessed from the entire buyer community.”
Buyers Seek Meaningful Social Interactions And Relevant Content
Sometime between 2006 and 2010, the phrase “social selling” surfaced to describe digital interactions
between sellers and buyers over social networks.6
Although always a misnomer, the terminology
caught on quickly because it helped B2B marketers and sellers understand the sales use case
for social. But six years later, so much has changed. New social networks emerge almost daily,
buyers are beyond empowered, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator licenses are table stakes at most B2B
Today business buyers expect relevant content to find them and are more likely to
engage with informed and empathetic sellers who share it (see Figure 3).
To better reflect today’s reality, Forrester is replacing the phrase “social selling” with “social
engagement.” Forrester defines social engagement for sellers as:
The purposeful use of social networks by sellers to provide value to customers and prospects as
part of their sales process.
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
FIGURE 3 Empathetic And Informed Sellers Get Through To Buyers
“How important are the following statements related to your engagement with
sales reps during the buying process?”
Base: 141 global B2B technology decision makers at companies with 500+ employees
Source: Forrester Consulting’s Q1 2018 Global Marketing Content Credibility Study
5 = Very important 4 = Important
Sales reps are knowledgeable about my
specific business
Sales reps are knowledgeable about my industry
Sales reps have relevant examples or case
studies to share with me
Sales reps understand my issues and can
explain where they can help
Sales reps are knowledgeable about their
company and products
Stop Selling And Start Engaging
In the classic business book Good To Great, Jim Collins introduces the concept of a “stop doing list” —
activities to stop doing because they don’t directly contribute to the mission and goals at hand. To be
successful on social, B2B sellers must stop selling and:
› Follow the 80/20 rule. The best sellers connect like-minded people, do digital good deeds, and
curate content from relevant thought leaders. Companies must share branded and promotional
material in moderation. Zebra Technologies’ Sally-Anne Schmick says: “It’s important to not just
be bulletin boards for Zebra; we suggest that 80% of content be nonbranded. Even if the content
doesn’t relate perfectly to Zebra, if it’s relevant and helpful to our customers, that’s what matters.”
› Engage with authenticity. Sellers who understand the nuances of social engagement share creative
and engaging content. And they allow their personalities to shine through without diluting their
company’s brand (see Figure 4). According to Eric Steele, Forrester’s director of new business, “The
best sellers have an authentic voice on social, and they represent their company’s brand promise.”
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
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Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
› Curate relevant content. Sellers can leverage tools to help them find the right content to
share. Sales social engagement vendor Grapevine6 embeds AI in its social engagement tool to
help sellers quickly understand what their contact is interested in and then serves up relevant
recommendations of corporate and publicly available content for the seller to share (see Figure 5
and see Figure 6).
› Become relational rather than transactional. Modern B2B sellers don’t close deals over Twitter
just like traditional reps don’t close deals on the golf course — they network. Successful sales
social engagement is a long-term play. Sellers must shift their mindsets from transactional to
relational. Steele says, “The best sellers are constantly engaging and building relationships with
others.” After they have earned the right to do so, they can leverage messaging functionality to ask
for introductions and references.
› Build up a bankroll of goodwill. Not every interaction will advance deals or translate into mutually
beneficial business outcomes. But there’s a goodwill piggy bank that builds up over time, and the
benefits should be roughly mutual. One technology company measured 112 social interactions
between its sales rep and prospect company contacts over the course of a multimonth cycle.8
Deals of all shapes and sizes take many twists and turns, and anyone who has carried a bag knows
it’s essential to have a bankroll of goodwill from which to draw when needed.
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
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Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
FIGURE 4 Allow Your Personality To Shine Through
Source: LinkedIn website
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
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Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
FIGURE 5 Understand What Matters To Your Contacts
Source: Grapevine6 contact dashboard
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
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Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
FIGURE 6 Share Relevant Content With Your Contacts
Source: Grapevine6 contact dashboard
Marketers And Sellers Must Go All In With Social Engagement
Let’s face it; social selling was doomed from the start. The phrase “social selling” promulgated a
mindset of making a sale instead of building relationships. Lack of organizational strategy and support
has also contributed to sellers’ behavior that repels rather than attracts buyers. Fortunately, it’s not
too late. Marketers and sellers can right the ship by working together to develop a holistic social
engagement program that encourages and enables empathetic, informed, and meaningful interactions
between sellers and buyers. This reboot requires an all-in approach to reframe mindsets, retool skills,
and embrace and sustain new behaviors. To create an effective sales social engagement program, B2B
marketing and sales leaders must:
› Determine goals and develop a program. Like any other strategic business or technology
initiative, sales social engagement programs need oversight, coordination, collaboration, and
consistency. All stakeholders, from executives to sellers, need to align on what success looks
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
like and have a path to get there. According to Gabe Villamizar: “When launching a social selling
program, marketing and sales both need to discuss. Agree, and set specific social KPIs that will
dictate whether social is truly impacting the bottom line.”
› Equip sellers with tools. For your sellers to engage efficiently and effectively on social channels,
they need access to the right tools.9
Assemble marketing, sales, and IT counterparts to inventory
existing social tools, applications, and licenses for your sellers, and understand technology
overlaps, gaps, and needs for new tools or increased scale. Focus on solutions that provide the
range of functionality and expertise tailored to sellers.10
› Understand and train sellers. A launch-and-leave approach will lead to a drop-off in user
adoption and perpetuate bad behavior. Commit to continuous training for your sellers. And when
designing the curriculum, understand that not all sellers are created equal. Take the time to
understand your sellers’ experiences and skills and then train and support them accordingly. A
celebrity will need a different type of support than a social novice.11
› Fuel engagement with quality content. One of the biggest stumbling blocks when launching a
sales social engagement program is underestimating the amount and variety of content sellers
will need. Offer videos, infographics, and other short-format assets as well as articles and papers.
Supplement corporate marketing assets — through either your sales social engagement tool or
other sources — with access to external aggregate content.
› Establish a baseline to measure progress. Understanding how sales social engagement
programs contribute to business objectives is essential to sustaining commitment. SAP created a
performance index to measure the impact of its social selling program. Michael Labate, SAP’s head
of operations, program development, and social selling, explains: “We measure performers against
one another to create an index of market performance. This establishes a standard of measurement
and averages with which individuals and managers can compare themselves.” SAP then uses this
index to measure social selling ROI on conversions, velocity, and other metrics.
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
Supplemental Material
Companies Interviewed For This Report
We would like to thank the individuals from the following companies who generously gave their time
during the research for this report.
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ITA Group
Zebra Technologies
For B2B Marketing Professionals
Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential
August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019
© 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378
Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement
	 Source: LinkedIn Sales Solutions (
	 See the Forrester report “Credible, Empathetic Content Wins Over Elusive B2B Buyers.”
	 Source: Forrester’s Q3 2018 Global B2B Marketing Sales Enablement Online Survey.
	 Source: Interview with Cameron Brain, CEO at EveryoneSocial, May 21, 2019.
	 See the Forrester report “The Forrester New Wave™: Sales Social Engagement Tools, Q2 2019.”
	 Social selling as a discipline took shape in the mid-2000s when professionals began to experiment with what they
were starting to call “Sales 2.0.” Source: Koka Sexton, “The Rise of Social Selling,” LinkedIn, December 6, 2013
Nigel Edelshain coined the term “Sales 2.0” in reference to the theory of Web 2.0. Source: Pamela Vaughan, “What
the Heck is Sales 2.0 (& Why Should I Care)?” HubSpot Blog, February 11, 2010 (
Web 2.0 was, at the turn of the 21st century, the term used to describe the type of digital landscape that some saw
emerging — dynamic, collaborative, and above all monetizable. Source: “Sales 2.0: How Businesses are Using Online
Collaboration to Spark Sales,” Social Media Today, April 10, 2009 (
	 There has been 10% annual growth in the number of mobile apps downloaded year over year. Furthermore,
LinkedIn has a potential reach of advertising of 615 million users. Source: “Digital 2019: Q2 Global Digital Statshot,”
DataReportal, April 25, 2019 (
	 Source: April 4, 2017, “Taking Flight With Social Selling” Webinar (
	 Source: Forrester’s Q3 2018 Global B2B Marketing Sales Enablement Online Survey.
	See the Forrester report “The Forrester New Wave™: Sales Social Engagement Tools, Q2 2019.”
	See the Forrester report “Embrace B2B Social And Meet Buyers On Their Terms.”
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Current malpractices handicapping social selling's potential - Forrester - August 2019

  • 1. Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement by Mary Shea and Matthew Camuso August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 Licensed for individual use only Key Takeaways B2B Sellers Fail To Update Their Nautical Charts Traditional sales tactics have desensitized buyers to blast emails and cold calls. B2B sellers will destroy the potential of the channel if they migrate these legacy behaviors to social networks. Lack Of Leadership Support Undermines Sellers’ Best Social Intentions Not all the blame falls on sellers. Many marketing and sales leaders don’t give sellers clear and defined strategies, ongoing training, and best-in- class tools for sellers to excel. Right The Ship By Going All In On Social Engagement Buyers demand meaningful interactions in both virtual and physical settings and expect sellers to be knowledgeable and empathetic. B2B sellers must shift their mindsets from transactional to relational and their actions from selling to engaging to realize the full potential of this powerful channel. Why Read This Report Sellers are flocking to social networks, but the authentic connections and measurable impact we have been optimistic about since we wrote our first report on social selling in 2016 are at risk. Many miss the mark by focusing on selling versus engaging. B2B marketers and sellers must now right the ship before social becomes another channel sunk by sellers’ poor behavior. This PDF is only licensed for individual use when downloaded from or All other distribution prohibited.
  • 2. 2 4 5 10 12 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Opinions reflect judgment at the time and are subject to change. Forrester® , Technographics® , Forrester Wave, TechRadar, and Total Economic Impact are trademarks of Forrester Research, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 Forrester Research, Inc., 60 Acorn Park Drive, Cambridge, MA 02140 USA +1 617-613-6000 | Fax: +1 617-613-5000 | Table Of Contents Many B2B Sellers Still Miss The Mark With Social Sellers Need Training And Tools To Navigate Social Successfully Buyers Seek Meaningful Social Interactions And Relevant Content Stop Selling And Start Engaging Recommendations Marketers And Sellers Must Go All In With Social Engagement Supplemental Material Related Research Documents Embrace B2B Social And Meet Buyers On Their Terms The Forrester New Wave™: Sales Social Engagement Tools, Q2 2019 GDPR And The B2B Seller For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement by Mary Shea and Matthew Camuso with Caroline Robertson, Lori Wizdo, Jacob Basseches, and Kara Hartig August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 Share reports with colleagues. Enhance your membership with Research Share.
  • 3. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 2 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement Many B2B Sellers Still Miss The Mark With Social B2B sellers face an onslaught of new and emergent challenges (see Figure 1). Traditional sales tactics no longer work because desensitized buyers never or take days to respond to emails and refuse to answer calls from numbers they don’t recognize. But savvy sellers who effectively engage on social networks are seeing meaningful results. These modern sellers create 45% more opportunities and are 51% more likely to achieve quota than those who do not embrace social.1 Unfortunately, as sellers flock to the channel, questionable sales practices prevail. Common mistakes B2B sellers make include: › › Treating social networks like promotional channels. Social networks should foster authentic and meaningful interactions among people with common interests. Many B2B sellers misunderstand these networks’ purpose and etiquette by only sharing generic marketing and sales messaging. According to Sally-Anne Schmick, global social media strategy manager at Zebra Technologies, “Sharing solely promotional brand content won’t stick; it actually drives followers away.” › › Asking for something before establishing trust. Building trust, showing empathy, and delivering value are the hallmarks of modern B2B sellers. Unfortunately, sellers who are new to interacting on social networks often take the same misguided approach they utilized for email outreach circa 2009. Cold pitches or meeting requests by direct message before establishing trust or delivering value are doomed to fail. Jill Rowley, former social selling advisor, likens this approach to “making a withdrawal before you’ve made the deposit,” while Gabe Villamizar, global sales evangelist at Lucidchart, describes it as “the fastest way to fail.” › › Underresearching a contact. Business professionals disclose a lot of information, perspectives, and passions in their social content. But all too often sellers don’t take advantage of this (see Figure 2). Justin Shriber, LinkedIn’s VP of marketing, shares: “Buyers are too familiar with sellers reaching out in uninformed self-serving ways. They often aren’t sensitive to what buyers care about or don’t learn basics about the buyer themselves.” › › Engaging in random acts of sharing. While early-stage buyers want to self-educate and remain anonymous, they are also keen to engage with sellers who share relevant and timely material.2 But sellers who aimlessly post or tweet won’t convince any buyer to engage with them. Rob Danna, senior VP of sales and marketing at ITA Group, believes, “Indiscriminate behavior on social will autocorrect as the community polices to the norm.” But if social platform policing — in the form of reporting, blocking, and unsubscribing — does not curtail this behavior, sellers who share without deeply understanding their territories, accounts, and contacts will do more harm than good.
  • 4. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 3 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement FIGURE 1 B2B Sellers Face Existing And Emerging Challenges “What are the top three challenges your field sales reps face with regard to buyer/customer engagement?” (Top three responses accepted) 78% 49% 28% 26% 21% 16% Base: 120 global marketing and sales leaders Source: Forrester’s Q1 2017 International B2B Marketing Panel Online Survey Buyers have multiple stakeholders involved in the decision process with different agendas Buyers/customers are taking longer to make their decisions Buyers/customers won’t take sales phone calls from sales reps Buyers/customers want to meet in person less Buyers/customers just want to talk about pricing/product Buyers/customers view interactions with sales reps as low value
  • 5. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 4 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement FIGURE 2 Indiscriminate Social Practices Risk Buyer Alienation Source: LinkedIn website Sellers Need Training And Tools To Navigate Social Successfully Blame for poor social behavior is not for sellers to shoulder alone. Insufficient training, lack of access to best-in-class tools, and ad hoc approaches all contribute to the problem. In a recent study, only 25% of B2B companies reported consistency in equipping their sellers with social engagement tools to effectively interact with buyers, and an even smaller faction — only 8% — said they had optimized social engagement practices for their sellers.3 B2B companies contribute to sellers’ inappropriate behavior and disappointing buyer experiences by: › › Failing to invest in comprehensive training. Training typically falls short on multiple fronts. Most internal trainers run out of material in three or four sessions. And training from the professional services arms of technology partners typically focuses only on functionality and utilization. SAP realized training needed to be an extended organizational effort. According to Kirsten Boileau, SAP’s global head of digital enablement services (marketing automation, digital marketing, and
  • 6. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 5 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement digital selling): “We knew we needed to monitor, incentivize, and provide feedback that limited training would not provide. So we built an ecosystem of over 250 volunteers who would act as coaches supporting local training, tutorials, and workshops.” › › Underinvesting in seller-focused tools. Organizations with existing employee advocacy programs often extend licenses to sellers.4 But vendors that focus on advocacy and communication often lack the full range of functionality and subject matter expertise to fully support sales users.5 Other organizations don’t invest in tools at all or allow individual sales users to purchase licenses, which means they are unlikely to be well trained. › › Taking an ad hoc versus programmatic approach. General perceptions still prevail that a couple of Navigator licenses and handful of socially visible sellers constitute a program. But unfortunately, one-off practices don’t deliver material impact. According to Justin Shriber, “An ad hoc approach will always have limited impact since it fails to capitalize on the team-based selling that Sales Navigator facilitates.” Companies that take a programmatic approach benefit from “comprehensive insights that are accessed from the entire buyer community.” Buyers Seek Meaningful Social Interactions And Relevant Content Sometime between 2006 and 2010, the phrase “social selling” surfaced to describe digital interactions between sellers and buyers over social networks.6 Although always a misnomer, the terminology caught on quickly because it helped B2B marketers and sellers understand the sales use case for social. But six years later, so much has changed. New social networks emerge almost daily, buyers are beyond empowered, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator licenses are table stakes at most B2B organizations.7 Today business buyers expect relevant content to find them and are more likely to engage with informed and empathetic sellers who share it (see Figure 3). To better reflect today’s reality, Forrester is replacing the phrase “social selling” with “social engagement.” Forrester defines social engagement for sellers as: The purposeful use of social networks by sellers to provide value to customers and prospects as part of their sales process.
  • 7. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 6 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement FIGURE 3 Empathetic And Informed Sellers Get Through To Buyers “How important are the following statements related to your engagement with sales reps during the buying process?” Base: 141 global B2B technology decision makers at companies with 500+ employees Source: Forrester Consulting’s Q1 2018 Global Marketing Content Credibility Study 5 = Very important 4 = Important 21% 33% 20% 21% 38% 42% 30% 45% 48% 36% 63% 63% 65% 69% 74% Sales reps are knowledgeable about my specific business Sales reps are knowledgeable about my industry Sales reps have relevant examples or case studies to share with me Sales reps understand my issues and can explain where they can help Sales reps are knowledgeable about their company and products Stop Selling And Start Engaging In the classic business book Good To Great, Jim Collins introduces the concept of a “stop doing list” — activities to stop doing because they don’t directly contribute to the mission and goals at hand. To be successful on social, B2B sellers must stop selling and: › › Follow the 80/20 rule. The best sellers connect like-minded people, do digital good deeds, and curate content from relevant thought leaders. Companies must share branded and promotional material in moderation. Zebra Technologies’ Sally-Anne Schmick says: “It’s important to not just be bulletin boards for Zebra; we suggest that 80% of content be nonbranded. Even if the content doesn’t relate perfectly to Zebra, if it’s relevant and helpful to our customers, that’s what matters.” › › Engage with authenticity. Sellers who understand the nuances of social engagement share creative and engaging content. And they allow their personalities to shine through without diluting their company’s brand (see Figure 4). According to Eric Steele, Forrester’s director of new business, “The best sellers have an authentic voice on social, and they represent their company’s brand promise.”
  • 8. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 7 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement › › Curate relevant content. Sellers can leverage tools to help them find the right content to share. Sales social engagement vendor Grapevine6 embeds AI in its social engagement tool to help sellers quickly understand what their contact is interested in and then serves up relevant recommendations of corporate and publicly available content for the seller to share (see Figure 5 and see Figure 6). › › Become relational rather than transactional. Modern B2B sellers don’t close deals over Twitter just like traditional reps don’t close deals on the golf course — they network. Successful sales social engagement is a long-term play. Sellers must shift their mindsets from transactional to relational. Steele says, “The best sellers are constantly engaging and building relationships with others.” After they have earned the right to do so, they can leverage messaging functionality to ask for introductions and references. › › Build up a bankroll of goodwill. Not every interaction will advance deals or translate into mutually beneficial business outcomes. But there’s a goodwill piggy bank that builds up over time, and the benefits should be roughly mutual. One technology company measured 112 social interactions between its sales rep and prospect company contacts over the course of a multimonth cycle.8 Deals of all shapes and sizes take many twists and turns, and anyone who has carried a bag knows it’s essential to have a bankroll of goodwill from which to draw when needed.
  • 9. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 8 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement FIGURE 4 Allow Your Personality To Shine Through Source: LinkedIn website
  • 10. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 9 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement FIGURE 5 Understand What Matters To Your Contacts Source: Grapevine6 contact dashboard
  • 11. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 10 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement FIGURE 6 Share Relevant Content With Your Contacts Source: Grapevine6 contact dashboard Recommendations Marketers And Sellers Must Go All In With Social Engagement Let’s face it; social selling was doomed from the start. The phrase “social selling” promulgated a mindset of making a sale instead of building relationships. Lack of organizational strategy and support has also contributed to sellers’ behavior that repels rather than attracts buyers. Fortunately, it’s not too late. Marketers and sellers can right the ship by working together to develop a holistic social engagement program that encourages and enables empathetic, informed, and meaningful interactions between sellers and buyers. This reboot requires an all-in approach to reframe mindsets, retool skills, and embrace and sustain new behaviors. To create an effective sales social engagement program, B2B marketing and sales leaders must: › › Determine goals and develop a program. Like any other strategic business or technology initiative, sales social engagement programs need oversight, coordination, collaboration, and consistency. All stakeholders, from executives to sellers, need to align on what success looks
  • 12. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 11 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement like and have a path to get there. According to Gabe Villamizar: “When launching a social selling program, marketing and sales both need to discuss. Agree, and set specific social KPIs that will dictate whether social is truly impacting the bottom line.” › › Equip sellers with tools. For your sellers to engage efficiently and effectively on social channels, they need access to the right tools.9 Assemble marketing, sales, and IT counterparts to inventory existing social tools, applications, and licenses for your sellers, and understand technology overlaps, gaps, and needs for new tools or increased scale. Focus on solutions that provide the range of functionality and expertise tailored to sellers.10 › › Understand and train sellers. A launch-and-leave approach will lead to a drop-off in user adoption and perpetuate bad behavior. Commit to continuous training for your sellers. And when designing the curriculum, understand that not all sellers are created equal. Take the time to understand your sellers’ experiences and skills and then train and support them accordingly. A celebrity will need a different type of support than a social novice.11 › › Fuel engagement with quality content. One of the biggest stumbling blocks when launching a sales social engagement program is underestimating the amount and variety of content sellers will need. Offer videos, infographics, and other short-format assets as well as articles and papers. Supplement corporate marketing assets — through either your sales social engagement tool or other sources — with access to external aggregate content. › › Establish a baseline to measure progress. Understanding how sales social engagement programs contribute to business objectives is essential to sustaining commitment. SAP created a performance index to measure the impact of its social selling program. Michael Labate, SAP’s head of operations, program development, and social selling, explains: “We measure performers against one another to create an index of market performance. This establishes a standard of measurement and averages with which individuals and managers can compare themselves.” SAP then uses this index to measure social selling ROI on conversions, velocity, and other metrics.
  • 13. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 12 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement Supplemental Material Companies Interviewed For This Report We would like to thank the individuals from the following companies who generously gave their time during the research for this report. Engage With An Analyst Gain greater confidence in your decisions by working with Forrester thought leaders to apply our research to your specific business and technology initiatives. Forrester’s research apps for iOS and Android. Stay ahead of your competition no matter where you are. Analyst Inquiry To help you put research into practice, connect with an analyst to discuss your questions in a 30-minute phone session — or opt for a response via email. Learn more. Analyst Advisory Translate research into action by working with an analyst on a specific engagement in the form of custom strategy sessions, workshops, or speeches. Learn more. Webinar Join our online sessions on the latest research affecting your business. Each call includes analyst Q&A and slides and is available on-demand. Learn more. EveryoneSocial Forrester Research Grapevine6 ITA Group LinkedIn Lucidchart SAP Zebra Technologies
  • 14. For B2B Marketing Professionals Current Malpractice Handicaps Social Selling’s Potential August 5, 2019 | Updated: August 6, 2019 © 2019 Forrester Research, Inc. Unauthorized copying or distributing is a violation of copyright law. or +1 866-367-7378 13 Shift Your Mindset And Programs To Social Engagement Endnotes 1 Source: LinkedIn Sales Solutions ( ssi). 2 See the Forrester report “Credible, Empathetic Content Wins Over Elusive B2B Buyers.” 3 Source: Forrester’s Q3 2018 Global B2B Marketing Sales Enablement Online Survey. 4 Source: Interview with Cameron Brain, CEO at EveryoneSocial, May 21, 2019. 5 See the Forrester report “The Forrester New Wave™: Sales Social Engagement Tools, Q2 2019.” 6 Social selling as a discipline took shape in the mid-2000s when professionals began to experiment with what they were starting to call “Sales 2.0.” Source: Koka Sexton, “The Rise of Social Selling,” LinkedIn, December 6, 2013 ( Nigel Edelshain coined the term “Sales 2.0” in reference to the theory of Web 2.0. Source: Pamela Vaughan, “What the Heck is Sales 2.0 (& Why Should I Care)?” HubSpot Blog, February 11, 2010 ( tabid/6307/bid/5582/what-the-heck-is-sales-2-0-why-should-i-care.aspx). Web 2.0 was, at the turn of the 21st century, the term used to describe the type of digital landscape that some saw emerging — dynamic, collaborative, and above all monetizable. Source: “Sales 2.0: How Businesses are Using Online Collaboration to Spark Sales,” Social Media Today, April 10, 2009 ( 20-how-businesses-are-using-online-collaboration-spark-sales). 7 There has been 10% annual growth in the number of mobile apps downloaded year over year. Furthermore, LinkedIn has a potential reach of advertising of 615 million users. Source: “Digital 2019: Q2 Global Digital Statshot,” DataReportal, April 25, 2019 ( 8 Source: April 4, 2017, “Taking Flight With Social Selling” Webinar ( th+Social+Selling/-/E-WEB23283). 9 Source: Forrester’s Q3 2018 Global B2B Marketing Sales Enablement Online Survey. 10 See the Forrester report “The Forrester New Wave™: Sales Social Engagement Tools, Q2 2019.” 11 See the Forrester report “Embrace B2B Social And Meet Buyers On Their Terms.”
  • 15. We work with business and technology leaders to develop customer-obsessed strategies that drive growth. Products and Services › › Core research and tools › › Data and analytics › › Peer collaboration › › Analyst engagement › › Consulting › › Events Forrester Research (Nasdaq: FORR) is one of the most influential research and advisory firms in the world. We work with business and technology leaders to develop customer-obsessed strategies that drive growth. Through proprietary research, data, custom consulting, exclusive executive peer groups, and events, the Forrester experience is about a singular and powerful purpose: to challenge the thinking of our clients to help them lead change in their organizations. For more information, visit Client support For information on hard-copy or electronic reprints, please contact Client Support at +1 866-367-7378, +1 617-613-5730, or We offer quantity discounts and special pricing for academic and nonprofit institutions. Forrester’s research and insights are tailored to your role and critical business initiatives. Roles We Serve Marketing & Strategy Professionals CMO › › B2B Marketing B2C Marketing Customer Experience Customer Insights eBusiness & Channel Strategy Technology Management Professionals CIO Application Development & Delivery Enterprise Architecture Infrastructure & Operations Security & Risk Sourcing & Vendor Management Technology Industry Professionals Analyst Relations 154735