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Social Value Benchmark 
Unlocking engagement opportunities 
across the customer journey
Executive Summary 
This research aims to answer a simple question. 
Do visible Social programmes undertake the 
fundamental Customer Engagement activities 
that drive sales, loyalty and advocacy? 
OgilvyOne’s clients often come to us for 
support on Social strategy, because Social is 
underdelivering in terms of driving sustainable 
Customer Engagement. Our Social Value 
Navigator process helps our clients to embed 
their Social programmes deeply in their 
businesses. But to assess the Total Customer 
Value of a Social programme requires a wide 
range of internal data from sales and loyalty to 
website analytics. But there is also a need for a 
faster benchmark against competitors. 
We have created the Social Value Benchmark 
to assess companies against their direct 
competitors and companies in other categories, 
based on public information. Benchmark 
assesses 27 companies across five categories. Our 
objective scoring system has created a database 
of 4,087 answers, categorised by journey stage, 
channel used and company. At any stage of 
the customer journey a score of 100% would 
indicate that the basics of a category-appropriate 
Social programme are in place. 
Total Customer Value incorporates all forms of value that a customer brings to a business: Transactional, Loyalty, Advocacy and Collaboration.
Analysed to find opportunities for better Customer Engagement through Social, we found: 
1. Social is most actively used in the 
early stages of customer journeys with 
a score of 51% at awareness falling to 
21% at the point of purchase. 
2. Companies have significant 
room for improvement, with an 
average score of 31% across the 
customer journey. 
4. Many companies are reluctant 
to leave the Social ‘safe zone’ and 
engage with customers outside their 
owned Social channels. 
6. Social loyalty and advocacy 
are particularly neglected with 
average scores of 20% and 17% 
3. Some Social tactics are neglected, 
despite their value. For instance URL 
shorteners are a simple way to collect 
data on which Social tactics are working, 
but only get a benchmark score of 31%. 
5. Channel disconnect is a common 
phenomenon, with a colder, more 
broadcast, tone by companies on 
their websites than in Social.
integrated, measured - and most of all, not 
strategic. Only 10% of CMOs believe that Social 
is well integrated with their broader strategy. 
While we cannot see business objectives, we can 
understand them at a category level, and thus 
the potential roles that Social has in driving 
business value. The Social Value Benchmark 
scores these activities. A score of 100% at any 
stage of a customer journey indicates that good 
basics are in place. 
To create the Social Value Benchmark we 
chose five categories to give us a cross section 
of different challenges for Social programmes. 
For each category we worked with our clients, 
industry experts and our client teams to 
define a category customer journey for a target 
customer. For each stage in this customer 
journey we defined a role for Social - ranging 
from very broad roles in raising awareness and 
influencing favourability to closing sales and 
nurturing loyalty and advocacy. For each of 
these roles we worked to define benchmarks for 
basic Social activities that would deliver that 
part of the customer journey, and developed 
a marking system for this. While assessing 
whether a programme is cutting edge is beyond 
the scope of this research, and indeed is what 
our Social Value Navigator process does, this 
research aimed to assess whether companies are 
undertaking basic Social activities that fit their 
business models. Finally we used this marking 
system to mark five or six companies in each 
category on their Social activities. We collected 
over 4,087 data points, giving us an unrivalled 
database of how these categories are delivering 
Social programmes. 
Why do Social programmes seem to be 
disconnected from broader strategies for 
customer engagement? 
The promise of Social is, after all, simple. Social 
relationships are central to our lives, and by 
extension to how we engage customers. It’s the 
oldest market research finding around - that the 
biggest influences on us are our peers, friends 
and family. And Social often shows good 
returns. For instance Target’s research with 
Facebook showed that Social advertising drove 
27% higher sales than advertising without Social 
But when marketers are asked what they are 
doing, a dilemma becomes apparent. 
On the one hand they recognise the importance 
of Social and plan to increase spending on 
Social by 144% over the next five years. 
But on the other hand they struggle to 
quantify whether Social gives them a return. 
Surveys consistently show that only one in six 
marketers feel they have a good quantitative 
understanding of their returns, and only two in 
six even have a good qualitative view. 
Why is this? After all, the internet and modern 
technology have given marketers more 
knowledge than ever before about what makes 
people tick. 
Firstly, meaningful social media measurement 
is complicated. Marketers are addressing this 
through increased investment in analytics and 
data management. 
Secondly, and this is the focus of our research, 
Social programmes are badly aligned with 
overall business strategy. CMOs understand 
that Social is not delivering because it is badly 
Comscore: The Power of Like 2 
Duke University’s CMO Survey 2014 
For instance ‘Getting Digital Right’ Milward Brown 2014.
Our research in more detail 
There are six areas that stood out across categories. 
Social is most actively used in the early stages of customer journeys with a score of 51% 
at awareness falling to 21% at the point of purchase. 
Social is barely used at many parts of the 
customer journey. While almost all companies 
examined use Social to drive awareness, with 
a Benchmark score of 51% at the Awareness 
stage, very few use it in loyalty or advocacy 
programmes, or around the point of purchase, 
despite the high value that customers put on 
peer endorsement. 
The average Benchmark score of 21% at the 
point of purchase indicates that companies are 
largely not trying to sell in Social, or to create 
bonds immediately post purchase. Both of 
these are reasonably simple to implement with 
tactics as simple as asking buyers to follow 
Social channels specifically for customers 
immediately post purchase. 
For many companies Social appears to 
be synonymous with ‘What is done on my 
Facebook page’ rather than ‘How do I use the 
power of relationships to drive my marketing?’. 
Activity rates are dramatically higher in 
broadcast Social channels (e.g. posting 
content on a Twitter feed) than when engaging 
customers, even at the most basic level of 
responding to customers who ask a question. 
In some high ticket price categories such 
as travel and automotive, brands often don’t 
respond to customers’ questions even though 
these questions are often when customers are 
actively shopping.
Awareness Consideration Purchase Loyalty Advocacy & 
Companies have significant room for improvement, with an average score of 31% across 
the customer journey. 
On average companies scored a Benchmark 
score only 31% across the full customer 
journey. There are some quick wins that even 
relatively sophisticated companies could adopt 
tomorrow. For instance, despite the role of 
thought leadership in lead generation for B2B 
companies, very few use Slideshare’s Lead 
Capture option or even put links to register for 
events in their Social feeds. 
Average score by journey stage as a potential of total points available at that stage of the customer journey. 
Some Social tactics are neglected, despite their value. For instance URL shorteners are a 
simple way to collect data on which Social tactics are working, but only get a benchmark 
score of 31%. 
Marketers appear largely unaware of many 
Social tactics and channels. For instance, the 
potential of Social activity to impact unbranded 
discussions (e.g. through a hashtag) or 
unbranded search results is very often 
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 
Website - Social integration 
Shortned URLs 
UGC Forums 
neglected. Equally, forums are crucial for the 
B2B customer journey, but often ignored by 
B2B marketers. 
Average scores for common Social tactics.
Many companies are reluctant to leave the Social ‘safe zone’ and engage with customers 
outside their owned channels. 
There is often a reluctance from brands to 
engage outside their owned channels. So if a 
potential customer asks a question about a 
brand without explicitly mentioning its Twitter 
handle, then it is rare for brands to take 
advantage of that opportunity. 
B2B firms in particular are often good at 
creating meaningful content. But after 
There is often a stark divide in tone by 
channels. Corporate websites are generally 
rather cold, out of date and broadcast. On 
balance even the weaker Social channels have 
more warmth of tone and authenticity. 
publishing it in Social they often fail to respond 
to questions from potential clients. This is 
something that would be unthinkable offline, 
for instance at a conference. While this is 
justifiable in some circumstances, we see no 
evidence that this is thought through. 
Channel disconnect is a common phenomenon, with a colder, more broadcast, tone by 
companies on their websites than in Social. 
Social loyalty and advocacy are particularly neglected with average scores of 21% and 17% 
Over 20% of the companies in our study use 
Net Promoter Score as a metric of business 
success, and thus at a leadership level 
understand the importance of customer 
satisfaction in driving growth. Yet these same 
companies also often fail to undertake simple 
Social activities that would boost customer 
satisfaction and loyalty, such as rapid response 
to questions in Social, or connecting customers 
to materials (such as a YouTube video or blog) 
that make it easy to understand a complex B2B 
piece of accounting software. Therefore the 
average scores of 21% and 17% across Loyalty 
and Advocacy are particularly low. This is 
doubtless one of the reasons that our previous 
research on Passion Brands has found that only 
2% of positive brand experiences result in public 
advocacy in Social channels. 
Post purchase ‘bonding’ is a particularly 
fruitful area for many companies, particularly 
in high engagement categories. Most 
companies have a cooling off period, so the 
point of purchase isn’t final. More importantly, 
post-purchase bonding with the vendor has 
a substantial impact on long-term loyalty 
and advocacy. There are many opportunities 
for companies to improve this bonding, for 
instance by soliciting feedback post purchase 
(and responding to that feedback) or by 
persuading customers to opt-in to Social 
channels so they are kept informed on new 
products, and develop a deeper relationship 
with the business. 
See Bain’s work with Intuit as an example of post purchase product demystification 
B2B software 
• Most companies are present, and active, in 
a wide range of the relevant channels. The 
most common failings in early stages of 
the journey are failing to use more visual 
Social channels. B2B marketers often seem 
to implicitly assume that attractive content 
which is easy to consume, while containing 
meaningful business insights, is not as 
relevant to B2B as it is to B2C. 
• Active companies are, throughout the 
journey, reaching out to places where 
they might find new customers such as 
independent forums (which B2B buyers 
value highly), and by using unbranded 
hashtags and other tactics that will increase 
visibility for people researching the category. 
• Testimonials, ratings, reviews and other 
forms of customer endorsement are most 
commonly used on company websites. But, 
they rarely appear in Social channels such as 
Twitter, despite their acknowledged value in 
driving purchases. 
• Lead generation tools such as invitations 
to webinars are occasionally used but they 
are rarely used to generate attendance at the 
higher value offline events. What starts in 
Social usually stays in Social. 
B2B software is one of the more advanced 
categories in our research, doubtless reflecting 
its heritage as relatively early to using the 
internet as a core part of their business model. 
As with the other categories the use of Social 
declines as customers go through the journey, 
leading to missed opportunities that close sales 
or cement loyalty with the brand. However, 
performance in the earlier parts of the journey 
are significantly better: 
• Blogs are also underused as a way 
of delivering technical and practical 
information to buyers – on average scoring 
only 62%. 
• While Google+ is now routinely used, it is 
often not integrated well with the broader 
Google ecosystem by brands. So for 
instance, if a brand does a public Google 
Hangout it often doesn’t effectively link to it 
from its other Social properties, so limiting 
its discovery in search. 
When looked at through the lense of channels, 
the major category themes are: 
• The average score for use of LinkedIn 
is 75%, it’s substantially higher than the 
Forum score of 33%. Whilst LinkedIn has an 
impressive reach, B2B surveys typically show 
that forums are used more. 
• Facebook is inconsistently used for 
marketing, despite its extremely high 
audience penetration, with just 61% of 
Benchmark tactics used. The stereotype 
that B2B buyers don’t use Facebook isn’t 
helpful to marketers, not least because of 
the amount of personal time they spend on 
the platform. 
Lead Back Identify Problem Investigate Shortlist Evaluation Purchase 
Average benchmark score 
and restaurants. While this level of Social 
integration is not necessarily complex, no 
travel brand that we examined uses it. 
• All brands examined respond to questions 
in Social, though more consistently through 
Twitter than other channels. While many 
brands also consistently re-tweet positive 
customer feedback, they often do not re-share 
positive endorsements that occur in 
other Social channels. 
The travel industry’s business model of fixed 
perishable inventory, often sold through 
intermediaries with significant levels of 
commission. This means that there is a premium 
on driving direct bookings and fostering loyalty 
within regular travellers. However, Social’s use 
often fails to reflect this. 
The average Social Value Benchmark score 
declines from over 70% at the inspirational 
stage of the customer journey; it then drops 
to less than 40% at the point of purchase, 
dropping further to less than 20% once people 
are experiencing the products. Therefore there 
are many missed opportunities to close sales or 
cement loyalty. 
• Brand content early on in the customer 
journey provides many opportunities to 
engage potential customers. But once 
somebody expresses an interest in a brand’s 
content it is relatively rare for a company 
to encourage them to subscribe to an 
appropriate Social channel so that they are 
engaged with follow up messaging. 
• Social logins allow brands to provide 
personalised travel information, as other 
companies outside the Benchmark evaluation 
do. For instance, Tripadvisor allows users 
to see which cities their Facebook friends 
have been to, what they did there and to 
see how highly they rated sights, hotels
Dreaming Planning Purchase Experiencing Sharing 
are typically poorly integrated, despite 
the high value that hotels and airlines can 
drive through channel shift. For instance, 
many YouTube channels don’t link to the 
parent website, to other Social channels or 
even encourage the user to subscribe to the 
YouTube channel. Equally websites often 
miss opportunities to deepen relationships 
through driving customers to Social 
• Social is rarely integrated into loyalty 
programmes, so missing an opportunity to 
personalise and contextualise information. 
• There appear to be very few post purchase 
attempts to drive advocacy through Social, 
again surprising given the role of friends and 
family in choosing destinations, hotels and 
Average benchmark score 
• Travel brands are also rarely using the 
informal reviews such as testimonials on 
their non-Twitter Social channels, despite 
the role that reviews play in planning trips. 
Ratings and reviews are inconsistently used, 
even though half of travellers use them on 
the route to travel purchases. 
• Websites that pull feeds of reviews from 
Tripadvisor, for example always draw the 
text of reviews only, rather than pictures that 
would bring these reviews to life. 
• The typical customer experience in travel 
is to search on, and use, multiple devices 
throughout the journey, for instance 
dreaming about destinations when looking 
at Social content on mobile, researching in 
more depth, and buying, on desktop and 
tablets, and then travelling with mobile 
devices. However, despite this channel 
and device hopping, websites and Social 
FMCG - Beverages 
Social holds out the opportunity for FMCG 
to build stronger, and direct, relationships 
with its consumers that weren’t possible in 
the past. However, while there is some limited 
evidence of programmes to promote loyalty, this 
opportunity is largely unexploited. 
FMCG scores substantially better on average at 
the Awareness (49%) and Consideration (24%) 
stages of the customer journey than elsewhere, 
reflecting the category’s traditional emphasis 
on brand advertising. This is mainly driven by 
the brand’s creating and deploying interesting 
pieces of content for a mass consumer 
audience, and then having a two-way dialogue 
with their consumers. 
The major missed opportunities in the early part 
of the journey are to engage consumers more 
deeply. While this was difficult in traditional 
brand advertising, brands in FMCG are often, 
implicitly, refusing to engage consumers more 
deeply, even when consumers are eager for this 
engagement. For instance, ratings and reviews 
are rarely seen anywhere in Social channels, 
despite their role in providing Social proof that 
a brand is high quality. Equally while brands 
have a legitimate role in wider public discussion, 
for instance a cold drink could enter discussions 
on hot weather, most of them are restricted to 
broadcasting their views, rather than seeking out 
relevant conversations to join, such as by using 
unbranded hashtags that would surface their 
content in appropriate locations.
a more respectable (though still low) 20%. 
However, there are still very large missed 
opportunities at this stage: for instance, 
through better integration of packaging 
with Social channels. 
Advocacy programmes are weak though, with 
an average score of 11%. Given the value of 
repeat purchases and habit forming in FMCG, 
this is a substantial missed opportunity. Simple 
tactics such as re-posting positive customer 
experiences and asking customers to be 
advocates are largely neglected. 
At the point of purchase this challenge becomes 
most evident. While online shopping for FMCG 
brands is still only relatively small at 5-6% of 
UK groceries, we would expect to see most 
brands experimenting with it, not least because 
of the ability to drive sampling and repeat 
purchases. However, when we examined FMCG 
brands, there was virtually no experimentation 
going on. 
The post purchase picture is brighter. Most 
brands have some additional level of resources 
for existing customers on sourcing information 
for example, so the average loyalty score is 
Awareness Consideration Purchase Loyalty Advocacy 
Average benchmark score 
B2B logistics 
Five major themes are apparent across the 
• In the early stages of the journey, activity is 
largely broadcast brand advertising. Even 
on this, narrow role, most companies fail to 
undertake simple actions that would better 
surface their content to potential customers. 
For instance, unbranded hashtags that make 
them more visible in search to people who 
are searching for information in the category. 
• As customers start to investigate potential 
suppliers, logistics providers are failing to 
provide them with the information that they 
need. Tactics that involve providing practical 
information for potential customers, such as a 
regularly updated blog or use of forums, are 
largely neglected. Brands often fail to take 
advantage of the most basic opportunities 
such as answering customer questions on 
their Social channels. Very few reach out on 
forums or Twitter where potential customers 
are asking unbranded questions. 
B2B clients often tell us that their biggest 
business challenge is getting visibility for their 
experts before a potential client draws up the 
shortlist for a project, both online and offline. 
Hence we would expect prioritisation of a) 
participation where customers are, and b) 
conversion of these conversations through lead 
generation tools such as invitations to webinars 
or events. 
However, B2B logistics companies perform 
poorly in Social, across the whole of the 
customer journey. As in other categories the use 
of Social declines as customers go through the 
journey, leading to missed opportunities to close 
sales or cement loyalty: 
• Even in the early stages of the journey, 
companies are executing less than 30% of 
the available Social tactics on average. 
• Over the journey stages, from the point of 
Purchase to Cross-selling and deepening 
Loyalty, less than 15% of opportunities 
are used.
• Customer care through Social is increasingly 
common, and appropriately fast. This 
responds to an important customer need 
for reassurance and problem resolution. 
However, its execution is inconsistent. For 
instance, one company’s Twitter feed has a 
prominent picture visible to customers of 
a badly delivered parcel. While the service 
problem is real, the visibility has been driven 
by the corporate brand itself re-posting 
the picture. The customer care feed is thus 
inadvertently damaging its own brand. 
• Reviews and customer testimonials are 
only used inconsistently to close the deal 
around the point of purchase and cement 
loyalty. When testimonials are used they are 
overwhelmingly on corporate websites and 
rarely extend to Social, despite the simple 
opportunities available, such as re-tweeting 
positive customer feedback. 
• From purchase onwards there are many 
missed opportunities to cross sell products 
and deepen customer loyalty: for instance, 
logistics companies do relatively little to 
encourage Social sharing. Social sharing 
by customers isn’t just valuable as a source 
of advocacy. It is also valuable in driving 
loyalty by encouraging customers to make 
a visible public commitment to brands, 
making them less likely to churn later. 
Consideration Preference Conversion Cross-Sell Loyalty 
Average benchmark score 
• Sharing functionality is restricted to 
Social channels - despite the key role of 
peer discussions in purchasing. Most car 
manufacturers have a configuration tool 
on their website to find out the cost of a 
car with personalised extras, but few of 
them make it easy to share this. Given the 
role of friends and family in influencing 
car decisions this is a significant, and 
easy to fix, opportunity. 
• Lead generation, at the basic level of 
booking test drives, is largely unused, 
despite its high value. 
• There is almost no attempt by brands 
to engage in external discussions and 
communities, despite their role informing 
customers who are looking for practical 
• Manufacturers fail to respond to many 
questions in Social, even though many 
of these are either existing or potential 
customers. Manufacturers also often make it 
Automotive companies miss opportunities to 
drive Total Customer Value through loyalty, 
advocacy and collaboration with customers. 
Whilst brands use Social creatively to convey 
the value of their cars, this tactic is much 
stronger at early stages of the customer 
journey with an average score of 70% at the 
Consideration stage, followed by a steep decline 
through purchase to loyalty and advocacy. 
However, despite the high value of engaging 
customers up to and beyond purchase, there are 
many missed opportunities in automotive: 
• Brand websites are usually somewhat 
clinical. This means that many of the key 
research objectives of customers, such as 
reviews, can only be found on external sites, 
beyond brand influence. 
• Dealers are often poorly integrated, even 
though the vast majority of car purchases 
happen at a dealer. For instance, simply 
finding a dealer can be quite a complex 
Consider Explore Select Purchase Maintain Renew 
Average benchmark score 
• Post purchase, manufacturers generally 
provide significant amounts of information 
to their customers. But very little attempt 
is made to instil owner pride or provide 
tailored experiences. Manufacturer CRM 
data, and Social graph data, are hardly ever 
used to provide any sort of contextualised 
experience, even as simple as offering family 
cars to people who have already purchased a 
family car. 
hard to contact them through their website, 
so discouraging questions from potential 
and actual customers. 
• Customer Service information videos, FAQs, 
Blogs and other ways of getting product 
updates and useful information out to 
owners are neglected, making it hard for 
many owners to self serve. Given the value 
of loyalty and advocacy in this market, this 
is a major missed opportunity. 
The Social Value Benchmark 
research methodology 
loyalty and advocacy. Customer journeys are 
used to ensure that the entire approach is 
rooted in the Total Customer Value components 
of Transaction, Loyalty, Advocacy and 
Collaboration. For each customer journey stage, 
one or more roles of Social are defined. And for 
each role of Social a number of questions are 
the company, so there is a relationship across 
the full customer journey. B2C journeys are 
significantly more diverse. 
For instance, in B2B software the first stage of 
the customer journey was a ‘lean back’ stage 
where customers are not actively looking for 
information, but instead relatively passively 
consuming information from peers and 
industry experts. 
With the exception of B2B accounting 
software, all customer journeys went past the 
point of Transaction to judge Social’s role in 
driving Loyalty, Advocacy and Collaboration. 
The relatively small number of collaboration 
programmes led us to report them under 
Advocacy and Loyalty, as appropriate. 
Our research used expert insight from Ogilvy’s 
Social community, client and category 
understanding from Ogilvy client teams, Ogilvy 
clients and external partners. We undertook a 
five-stage process, fully documented and shared 
with our clients. 
This research methodology aims to measure 
whether visible Social programmes drive sales, 
1. Defining the customer journey 
All Ogilvy clients already have a well defined 
customer journey, used as the basis for planning 
Customer Engagement programmes for our 
clients. Choices at this stage were to define 
the ambition of the customer journey (e.g. 
the full journey or just the focus for Ogilvy’s 
current work?), markets (global, local or a 
combination) and target customer personas. 
For instance in the B2B accounting category 
we focused on a persona of younger business 
owners, typically relatively recent startups. This 
choice of customer personas then influenced the 
competitor set chosen. 
Customer journey stages are relatively similar 
within the B2B categories, in that the target 
customers are typically buying directly from
2. Defining the role of Social for each stage in the customer journey 
For instance, in B2B software’s ‘lean-back’ stage, 
one role of Social was defined as increasing 
awareness and a familiarity of the brand through 
increasing its prominence through social 
sharing. Other common Social roles included 
customer dialogue such as customer services, 
social proof, reviews and testimonials. 
Social’s role can be dramatically different 
by both category and stage in the customer 
journey. To focus in on the role of Social we 
examined both successful client and competitor 
Social programmes in the category – and other 
successful Social programmes that address 
similar challenges in other categories. 
3. Defining questions to assess whether Social is being used well for each stage of the customer journey 
To successfully answer a question such as 
‘Is Social being successfully used to raise 
awareness’ we need data points that: 
a) Are meaningful indicators of whether a brand 
has a coherent Social strategy. For instance, it is 
very unlikely that a brand with a strong Social 
strategy will be failing to use URL shorteners 
in Social, because they would be losing a 
significant source of data on their impact. 
b) Are possible to judge from public data. We 
created scoring criteria for each data point, so 
that there was consistency within and between 
categories for the same data point. 
However, to enable robust comparisons we 
excluded data points that: 
a) Needed internal client data, such as sales or 
profits, to judge them, because we would not be 
able to compare across companies. 
b) Were qualitative. While we believe that 
qualitative judgement is extremely important, 
it is not quantifiable and therefore we excluded 
qualitative judgements as much as possible. 
To source these data points we examined 
companies both in the category, and in 
categories that faced similar challenges, as well 
as industry research on customer journeys.
and Social experts to ensure consistency. 
We also made amendments to research 
methodologies at this stage. 
Each of the 4,087 data points contains: 
• Category 
• Company 
• Cross-category customer journey stage (e.g. 
• Category customer journey stage (e.g. 
• Property (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) 
• Question (e.g. ‘Is the company using 
Social graph to provide contextual 
• Score 
• Measurement scale 
• Notes. 
4. The data gathered 
At the end of this stage in the research we 
typically had, for each category: 
• Five journey stages 
• One role of Social per stage, justified and 
explained in more depth for researchers and 
• 5-10 questions per journey stage, to assess 
whether Social was being used consistently 
to achieve business objectives 
• 5-10 Social properties we would use to assess 
each of these questions 
• 5-6 companies assessed per category. 
On average we assessed each company on 151 
questions, for a total of 4,087 questions assessed. 
4. Judging the questions 
Each researcher was either an Ogilvy Social 
expert or planner on the relevant account. After 
being fully briefed on the research process, their 
research outputs were cross-checked by category 
5. Analysis 
Category and client findings were cross-checked 
with experts and clients to ensure robustness – 
though given their close involvement through 
the process no major changes resulted at this 
The data is now available for analysis for Ogilvy 
clients as a database to interrogate.
How OgilvyOne can help you 
• Map to the key engagement opportunities 
in their customer journey 
• Provide visibility of what competitors 
are doing 
• And companies with similar challenges 
in other categories 
• We then help clients scope these out 
in depth to create a Social strategy 
and programme for the future that’s 
rooted in their business, and credible 
to C-suite stakeholders. 
Category Companies Normalised journey stages 
B2B financial software Sage, Xero, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Awareness, Consideration, Purchase 
Premium automotive Landrover, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, 
The full list examined is: Twitter, Facebook, 
blogs, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, 
Slideshare, forums, YouTube, shortened URLs, 
Social logins, website, social lead generation, 
OgilvyOne’s Social Value Navigator™ can 
help you make sense of whether your Social is 
delivering, and what Social you should, and 
should not, be doing. 
We start by rooting our analysis in clients 
business objectives, target audiences and the 
customer journey that goes alongside them, 
as part of our broader Customer Engagement 
planning process. 
We then undertake a Social Value mapping 
process scoping potential Social activities that - 
Categories, companies and journey stages assessed 
Properties examined 
We do not believe that companies should 
have a channel based approach. However, for 
the purpose of analysis every question was 
categorised either with a channel or under 
another grouping such as Shortened URLs, to 
enable clearer cross-category analysis. 
Loyalty, Advocacy 
B2B logistics UPS, DHL, Parcelforce, TNT, Fedex, DPD Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, 
Loyalty, Advocacy 
Travel - hotels, airlines, aggregators British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Expedia, 
Hilton, Holiday Inn, Marriott 
Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, 
Loyalty, Advocacy 
FMCG - beverages Nescafe Gold Blend, Coca Cola, Tetley, 
Douwe Egberts, PG Tips 
Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, 
Loyalty, Advocacy
Is the quality of content in Social 
assessed here? 
A comprehensive assessment of content quality 
in Social requires a full Social Analytics and 
Social Content Strategy, so is beyond the remit 
of this research. 
However, a number of questions in the research 
assess proxies for quality, such as growth 
of audiences in Social channels, clicks on 
links (where data is public) and other forms 
of audience engagement. While these are 
approximate, in many cases very low levels of 
interaction occur, indicating that the content is 
not engaging its audience. 
Does this assess internal organisation or 
resourcing of Social? 
No, but this is something we benchmark with 
clients when we undertake the Social Value 
Navigator process. 
Where are the full questions? 
A number of the questions have been published, 
or referenced, in this research report. The full set 
of questions is available to Ogilvy clients. 
Does this assess overall effectiveness of Social 
Yes and no. 
Yes - because it assesses whether companies 
reach the Social Value Benchmark. This allows 
us to understand if the company is appropriately 
using Social across the customer journey. 
No - because a full Social strategy needs to 
integrate with the individual company’s broader 
business and marketing strategies. We do this 
for clients through Social Value Navigator - an 
in-depth process for creating Social strategies 
that drive business results. 
Does this assess qualitative delivery of Social? 
Qualitative assessments are important, but 
are hard to do without both in-depth analysis 
of the company and its business strategy. The 
Social Value Benchmark though, by judging the 
essential tactics that are needed for each stage of 
the customer journey, allows us to understand 
whether a company has the infrastructure in 
place to drive results.
Is this global research? 
Each category has been examined from the 
point of view of a UK customer. However, 
in many cases companies either direct UK 
customers to global Social channels or do 
not have UK channels. In these cases, where 
appropriate, global channels have been scored. 
Authors: Rob Blackie & Emily Allen 
Editor: Ann Higgins 
This research required a vast amount of wisdom from Ogilvy colleagues and clients, including: 
Alexandra von Puttkamer, Anders Kinberg, Andrew Lopez, Ann Higgins, Annette King, Anya King, 
Brian Jensen, Caolan Hunter, Clare Lawson, Donald Pirie, Emily Allen, Gareth Richards, Gosha 
Khuchua, Irfan Kamal, James Myers, James Whatley, Jo Coombs, Joana Chau, Jonathan Gapper, 
Jonathan Nguyen, Joseph Grigg, Keshan Bolaky, Leo Ryan, Marcus de Pfeiffer Key, Margherita 
Tuvo, Marshall Manson,Matt Holt, Mel Stanley, Neil Hawke, Patou Nuytemans, Rachel Armstrong- 
Jones, Rob Bartlett, Sam Williams-Thomas, Shailen Joshi, Simon Luff, Steve Jenkins, Tara Davanzati, 
Thomas Crampton. 
If you would like more information on how OgilvyOne can help you, please contact Tracey Barber, 
New Business & Marketing Director OgilvyOne on +44 (0)20 7566 7407, or tweet us @ogilvyone or 

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Social value benchmark

  • 1. 1 Social Value Benchmark Unlocking engagement opportunities across the customer journey
  • 2. 2 Executive Summary This research aims to answer a simple question. Do visible Social programmes undertake the fundamental Customer Engagement activities that drive sales, loyalty and advocacy? OgilvyOne’s clients often come to us for support on Social strategy, because Social is underdelivering in terms of driving sustainable Customer Engagement. Our Social Value Navigator process helps our clients to embed their Social programmes deeply in their businesses. But to assess the Total Customer Value of a Social programme requires a wide range of internal data from sales and loyalty to website analytics. But there is also a need for a faster benchmark against competitors. We have created the Social Value Benchmark to assess companies against their direct competitors and companies in other categories, based on public information. Benchmark assesses 27 companies across five categories. Our objective scoring system has created a database of 4,087 answers, categorised by journey stage, channel used and company. At any stage of the customer journey a score of 100% would indicate that the basics of a category-appropriate Social programme are in place. Total Customer Value incorporates all forms of value that a customer brings to a business: Transactional, Loyalty, Advocacy and Collaboration.
  • 3. 3 Analysed to find opportunities for better Customer Engagement through Social, we found: 1. Social is most actively used in the early stages of customer journeys with a score of 51% at awareness falling to 21% at the point of purchase. 2. Companies have significant room for improvement, with an average score of 31% across the customer journey. 4. Many companies are reluctant to leave the Social ‘safe zone’ and engage with customers outside their owned Social channels. 6. Social loyalty and advocacy are particularly neglected with average scores of 20% and 17% respectively. 3. Some Social tactics are neglected, despite their value. For instance URL shorteners are a simple way to collect data on which Social tactics are working, but only get a benchmark score of 31%. 5. Channel disconnect is a common phenomenon, with a colder, more broadcast, tone by companies on their websites than in Social.
  • 4. 4 integrated, measured - and most of all, not strategic. Only 10% of CMOs believe that Social is well integrated with their broader strategy. While we cannot see business objectives, we can understand them at a category level, and thus the potential roles that Social has in driving business value. The Social Value Benchmark scores these activities. A score of 100% at any stage of a customer journey indicates that good basics are in place. To create the Social Value Benchmark we chose five categories to give us a cross section of different challenges for Social programmes. For each category we worked with our clients, industry experts and our client teams to define a category customer journey for a target customer. For each stage in this customer journey we defined a role for Social - ranging from very broad roles in raising awareness and influencing favourability to closing sales and nurturing loyalty and advocacy. For each of these roles we worked to define benchmarks for basic Social activities that would deliver that part of the customer journey, and developed a marking system for this. While assessing whether a programme is cutting edge is beyond the scope of this research, and indeed is what our Social Value Navigator process does, this research aimed to assess whether companies are undertaking basic Social activities that fit their business models. Finally we used this marking system to mark five or six companies in each category on their Social activities. We collected over 4,087 data points, giving us an unrivalled database of how these categories are delivering Social programmes. Why do Social programmes seem to be disconnected from broader strategies for customer engagement? The promise of Social is, after all, simple. Social relationships are central to our lives, and by extension to how we engage customers. It’s the oldest market research finding around - that the biggest influences on us are our peers, friends and family. And Social often shows good returns. For instance Target’s research with Facebook showed that Social advertising drove 27% higher sales than advertising without Social endorsement. But when marketers are asked what they are doing, a dilemma becomes apparent. On the one hand they recognise the importance of Social and plan to increase spending on Social by 144% over the next five years. But on the other hand they struggle to quantify whether Social gives them a return. Surveys consistently show that only one in six marketers feel they have a good quantitative understanding of their returns, and only two in six even have a good qualitative view. Why is this? After all, the internet and modern technology have given marketers more knowledge than ever before about what makes people tick. Firstly, meaningful social media measurement is complicated. Marketers are addressing this through increased investment in analytics and data management. Secondly, and this is the focus of our research, Social programmes are badly aligned with overall business strategy. CMOs understand that Social is not delivering because it is badly Comscore: The Power of Like 2 Release_The_Power_of_Like_2_How_Social_Marketing_Works Duke University’s CMO Survey 2014 For instance ‘Getting Digital Right’ Milward Brown 2014.
  • 5. 5 Our research in more detail There are six areas that stood out across categories. 1 Social is most actively used in the early stages of customer journeys with a score of 51% at awareness falling to 21% at the point of purchase. Social is barely used at many parts of the customer journey. While almost all companies examined use Social to drive awareness, with a Benchmark score of 51% at the Awareness stage, very few use it in loyalty or advocacy programmes, or around the point of purchase, despite the high value that customers put on peer endorsement. The average Benchmark score of 21% at the point of purchase indicates that companies are largely not trying to sell in Social, or to create bonds immediately post purchase. Both of these are reasonably simple to implement with tactics as simple as asking buyers to follow Social channels specifically for customers immediately post purchase. For many companies Social appears to be synonymous with ‘What is done on my Facebook page’ rather than ‘How do I use the power of relationships to drive my marketing?’. Activity rates are dramatically higher in broadcast Social channels (e.g. posting content on a Twitter feed) than when engaging customers, even at the most basic level of responding to customers who ask a question. In some high ticket price categories such as travel and automotive, brands often don’t respond to customers’ questions even though these questions are often when customers are actively shopping.
  • 6. 6 60 50 40 30 20 10 Awareness Consideration Purchase Loyalty Advocacy & Collaboration Companies have significant room for improvement, with an average score of 31% across the customer journey. On average companies scored a Benchmark score only 31% across the full customer journey. There are some quick wins that even relatively sophisticated companies could adopt tomorrow. For instance, despite the role of thought leadership in lead generation for B2B companies, very few use Slideshare’s Lead Capture option or even put links to register for events in their Social feeds. 2 Average score by journey stage as a potential of total points available at that stage of the customer journey. %
  • 7. 7 Some Social tactics are neglected, despite their value. For instance URL shorteners are a simple way to collect data on which Social tactics are working, but only get a benchmark score of 31%. Marketers appear largely unaware of many Social tactics and channels. For instance, the potential of Social activity to impact unbranded discussions (e.g. through a hashtag) or unbranded search results is very often 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Twitter Facebook Instagram Website - Social integration YouTube Google+ Shortned URLs LinkedIn Blog Pinterest Slideshare UGC Forums neglected. Equally, forums are crucial for the B2B customer journey, but often ignored by B2B marketers. 3 Average scores for common Social tactics.
  • 8. 8 Many companies are reluctant to leave the Social ‘safe zone’ and engage with customers outside their owned channels. There is often a reluctance from brands to engage outside their owned channels. So if a potential customer asks a question about a brand without explicitly mentioning its Twitter handle, then it is rare for brands to take advantage of that opportunity. B2B firms in particular are often good at creating meaningful content. But after There is often a stark divide in tone by channels. Corporate websites are generally rather cold, out of date and broadcast. On balance even the weaker Social channels have more warmth of tone and authenticity. publishing it in Social they often fail to respond to questions from potential clients. This is something that would be unthinkable offline, for instance at a conference. While this is justifiable in some circumstances, we see no evidence that this is thought through. Channel disconnect is a common phenomenon, with a colder, more broadcast, tone by companies on their websites than in Social. 4 5
  • 9. 9 Social loyalty and advocacy are particularly neglected with average scores of 21% and 17% respectively. Over 20% of the companies in our study use Net Promoter Score as a metric of business success, and thus at a leadership level understand the importance of customer satisfaction in driving growth. Yet these same companies also often fail to undertake simple Social activities that would boost customer satisfaction and loyalty, such as rapid response to questions in Social, or connecting customers to materials (such as a YouTube video or blog) that make it easy to understand a complex B2B piece of accounting software. Therefore the average scores of 21% and 17% across Loyalty and Advocacy are particularly low. This is doubtless one of the reasons that our previous research on Passion Brands has found that only 2% of positive brand experiences result in public advocacy in Social channels. Post purchase ‘bonding’ is a particularly fruitful area for many companies, particularly in high engagement categories. Most companies have a cooling off period, so the point of purchase isn’t final. More importantly, post-purchase bonding with the vendor has a substantial impact on long-term loyalty and advocacy. There are many opportunities for companies to improve this bonding, for instance by soliciting feedback post purchase (and responding to that feedback) or by persuading customers to opt-in to Social channels so they are kept informed on new products, and develop a deeper relationship with the business. 6 See Bain’s work with Intuit as an example of post purchase product demystification articles/do-your-b2b-customers-promote-your-business.aspx
  • 10. B2B software • Most companies are present, and active, in a wide range of the relevant channels. The most common failings in early stages of the journey are failing to use more visual Social channels. B2B marketers often seem to implicitly assume that attractive content which is easy to consume, while containing meaningful business insights, is not as relevant to B2B as it is to B2C. • Active companies are, throughout the journey, reaching out to places where they might find new customers such as independent forums (which B2B buyers value highly), and by using unbranded hashtags and other tactics that will increase visibility for people researching the category. • Testimonials, ratings, reviews and other forms of customer endorsement are most commonly used on company websites. But, they rarely appear in Social channels such as Twitter, despite their acknowledged value in driving purchases. • Lead generation tools such as invitations to webinars are occasionally used but they are rarely used to generate attendance at the higher value offline events. What starts in Social usually stays in Social. B2B software is one of the more advanced categories in our research, doubtless reflecting its heritage as relatively early to using the internet as a core part of their business model. As with the other categories the use of Social declines as customers go through the journey, leading to missed opportunities that close sales or cement loyalty with the brand. However, performance in the earlier parts of the journey are significantly better: 10
  • 11. • Blogs are also underused as a way of delivering technical and practical information to buyers – on average scoring only 62%. • While Google+ is now routinely used, it is often not integrated well with the broader Google ecosystem by brands. So for instance, if a brand does a public Google Hangout it often doesn’t effectively link to it from its other Social properties, so limiting its discovery in search. When looked at through the lense of channels, the major category themes are: • The average score for use of LinkedIn is 75%, it’s substantially higher than the Forum score of 33%. Whilst LinkedIn has an impressive reach, B2B surveys typically show that forums are used more. • Facebook is inconsistently used for marketing, despite its extremely high audience penetration, with just 61% of Benchmark tactics used. The stereotype that B2B buyers don’t use Facebook isn’t helpful to marketers, not least because of the amount of personal time they spend on the platform. 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Lead Back Identify Problem Investigate Shortlist Evaluation Purchase Average benchmark score % 11
  • 12. 12 Travel and restaurants. While this level of Social integration is not necessarily complex, no travel brand that we examined uses it. • All brands examined respond to questions in Social, though more consistently through Twitter than other channels. While many brands also consistently re-tweet positive customer feedback, they often do not re-share positive endorsements that occur in other Social channels. The travel industry’s business model of fixed perishable inventory, often sold through intermediaries with significant levels of commission. This means that there is a premium on driving direct bookings and fostering loyalty within regular travellers. However, Social’s use often fails to reflect this. The average Social Value Benchmark score declines from over 70% at the inspirational stage of the customer journey; it then drops to less than 40% at the point of purchase, dropping further to less than 20% once people are experiencing the products. Therefore there are many missed opportunities to close sales or cement loyalty. • Brand content early on in the customer journey provides many opportunities to engage potential customers. But once somebody expresses an interest in a brand’s content it is relatively rare for a company to encourage them to subscribe to an appropriate Social channel so that they are engaged with follow up messaging. • Social logins allow brands to provide personalised travel information, as other companies outside the Benchmark evaluation do. For instance, Tripadvisor allows users to see which cities their Facebook friends have been to, what they did there and to see how highly they rated sights, hotels
  • 13. Dreaming Planning Purchase Experiencing Sharing are typically poorly integrated, despite the high value that hotels and airlines can drive through channel shift. For instance, many YouTube channels don’t link to the parent website, to other Social channels or even encourage the user to subscribe to the YouTube channel. Equally websites often miss opportunities to deepen relationships through driving customers to Social channels. • Social is rarely integrated into loyalty programmes, so missing an opportunity to personalise and contextualise information. • There appear to be very few post purchase attempts to drive advocacy through Social, again surprising given the role of friends and family in choosing destinations, hotels and airlines. 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Average benchmark score • Travel brands are also rarely using the informal reviews such as testimonials on their non-Twitter Social channels, despite the role that reviews play in planning trips. Ratings and reviews are inconsistently used, even though half of travellers use them on the route to travel purchases. • Websites that pull feeds of reviews from Tripadvisor, for example always draw the text of reviews only, rather than pictures that would bring these reviews to life. • The typical customer experience in travel is to search on, and use, multiple devices throughout the journey, for instance dreaming about destinations when looking at Social content on mobile, researching in more depth, and buying, on desktop and tablets, and then travelling with mobile devices. However, despite this channel and device hopping, websites and Social % 13
  • 14. 14 FMCG - Beverages Social holds out the opportunity for FMCG to build stronger, and direct, relationships with its consumers that weren’t possible in the past. However, while there is some limited evidence of programmes to promote loyalty, this opportunity is largely unexploited. FMCG scores substantially better on average at the Awareness (49%) and Consideration (24%) stages of the customer journey than elsewhere, reflecting the category’s traditional emphasis on brand advertising. This is mainly driven by the brand’s creating and deploying interesting pieces of content for a mass consumer audience, and then having a two-way dialogue with their consumers. The major missed opportunities in the early part of the journey are to engage consumers more deeply. While this was difficult in traditional brand advertising, brands in FMCG are often, implicitly, refusing to engage consumers more deeply, even when consumers are eager for this engagement. For instance, ratings and reviews are rarely seen anywhere in Social channels, despite their role in providing Social proof that a brand is high quality. Equally while brands have a legitimate role in wider public discussion, for instance a cold drink could enter discussions on hot weather, most of them are restricted to broadcasting their views, rather than seeking out relevant conversations to join, such as by using unbranded hashtags that would surface their content in appropriate locations.
  • 15. 15 a more respectable (though still low) 20%. However, there are still very large missed opportunities at this stage: for instance, through better integration of packaging with Social channels. Advocacy programmes are weak though, with an average score of 11%. Given the value of repeat purchases and habit forming in FMCG, this is a substantial missed opportunity. Simple tactics such as re-posting positive customer experiences and asking customers to be advocates are largely neglected. At the point of purchase this challenge becomes most evident. While online shopping for FMCG brands is still only relatively small at 5-6% of UK groceries, we would expect to see most brands experimenting with it, not least because of the ability to drive sampling and repeat purchases. However, when we examined FMCG brands, there was virtually no experimentation going on. The post purchase picture is brighter. Most brands have some additional level of resources for existing customers on sourcing information for example, so the average loyalty score is 50 40 30 20 10 0 Awareness Consideration Purchase Loyalty Advocacy Average benchmark score 6 %
  • 16. 16 B2B logistics Five major themes are apparent across the category • In the early stages of the journey, activity is largely broadcast brand advertising. Even on this, narrow role, most companies fail to undertake simple actions that would better surface their content to potential customers. For instance, unbranded hashtags that make them more visible in search to people who are searching for information in the category. • As customers start to investigate potential suppliers, logistics providers are failing to provide them with the information that they need. Tactics that involve providing practical information for potential customers, such as a regularly updated blog or use of forums, are largely neglected. Brands often fail to take advantage of the most basic opportunities such as answering customer questions on their Social channels. Very few reach out on forums or Twitter where potential customers are asking unbranded questions. B2B clients often tell us that their biggest business challenge is getting visibility for their experts before a potential client draws up the shortlist for a project, both online and offline. Hence we would expect prioritisation of a) participation where customers are, and b) conversion of these conversations through lead generation tools such as invitations to webinars or events. However, B2B logistics companies perform poorly in Social, across the whole of the customer journey. As in other categories the use of Social declines as customers go through the journey, leading to missed opportunities to close sales or cement loyalty: • Even in the early stages of the journey, companies are executing less than 30% of the available Social tactics on average. • Over the journey stages, from the point of Purchase to Cross-selling and deepening Loyalty, less than 15% of opportunities are used.
  • 17. • Customer care through Social is increasingly common, and appropriately fast. This responds to an important customer need for reassurance and problem resolution. However, its execution is inconsistent. For instance, one company’s Twitter feed has a prominent picture visible to customers of a badly delivered parcel. While the service problem is real, the visibility has been driven by the corporate brand itself re-posting the picture. The customer care feed is thus inadvertently damaging its own brand. • Reviews and customer testimonials are only used inconsistently to close the deal around the point of purchase and cement loyalty. When testimonials are used they are overwhelmingly on corporate websites and rarely extend to Social, despite the simple opportunities available, such as re-tweeting positive customer feedback. • From purchase onwards there are many missed opportunities to cross sell products and deepen customer loyalty: for instance, logistics companies do relatively little to encourage Social sharing. Social sharing by customers isn’t just valuable as a source of advocacy. It is also valuable in driving loyalty by encouraging customers to make a visible public commitment to brands, making them less likely to churn later. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Consideration Preference Conversion Cross-Sell Loyalty Average benchmark score % 17
  • 18. 18 Automotive • Sharing functionality is restricted to Social channels - despite the key role of peer discussions in purchasing. Most car manufacturers have a configuration tool on their website to find out the cost of a car with personalised extras, but few of them make it easy to share this. Given the role of friends and family in influencing car decisions this is a significant, and easy to fix, opportunity. • Lead generation, at the basic level of booking test drives, is largely unused, despite its high value. • There is almost no attempt by brands to engage in external discussions and communities, despite their role informing customers who are looking for practical information. • Manufacturers fail to respond to many questions in Social, even though many of these are either existing or potential customers. Manufacturers also often make it Automotive companies miss opportunities to drive Total Customer Value through loyalty, advocacy and collaboration with customers. Whilst brands use Social creatively to convey the value of their cars, this tactic is much stronger at early stages of the customer journey with an average score of 70% at the Consideration stage, followed by a steep decline through purchase to loyalty and advocacy. However, despite the high value of engaging customers up to and beyond purchase, there are many missed opportunities in automotive: • Brand websites are usually somewhat clinical. This means that many of the key research objectives of customers, such as reviews, can only be found on external sites, beyond brand influence. • Dealers are often poorly integrated, even though the vast majority of car purchases happen at a dealer. For instance, simply finding a dealer can be quite a complex experience.
  • 19. 19 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Consider Explore Select Purchase Maintain Renew Average benchmark score • Post purchase, manufacturers generally provide significant amounts of information to their customers. But very little attempt is made to instil owner pride or provide tailored experiences. Manufacturer CRM data, and Social graph data, are hardly ever used to provide any sort of contextualised experience, even as simple as offering family cars to people who have already purchased a family car. hard to contact them through their website, so discouraging questions from potential and actual customers. • Customer Service information videos, FAQs, Blogs and other ways of getting product updates and useful information out to owners are neglected, making it hard for many owners to self serve. Given the value of loyalty and advocacy in this market, this is a major missed opportunity. 7 %
  • 20. 20 The Social Value Benchmark research methodology loyalty and advocacy. Customer journeys are used to ensure that the entire approach is rooted in the Total Customer Value components of Transaction, Loyalty, Advocacy and Collaboration. For each customer journey stage, one or more roles of Social are defined. And for each role of Social a number of questions are defined. the company, so there is a relationship across the full customer journey. B2C journeys are significantly more diverse. For instance, in B2B software the first stage of the customer journey was a ‘lean back’ stage where customers are not actively looking for information, but instead relatively passively consuming information from peers and industry experts. With the exception of B2B accounting software, all customer journeys went past the point of Transaction to judge Social’s role in driving Loyalty, Advocacy and Collaboration. The relatively small number of collaboration programmes led us to report them under Advocacy and Loyalty, as appropriate. Our research used expert insight from Ogilvy’s Social community, client and category understanding from Ogilvy client teams, Ogilvy clients and external partners. We undertook a five-stage process, fully documented and shared with our clients. This research methodology aims to measure whether visible Social programmes drive sales, 1. Defining the customer journey All Ogilvy clients already have a well defined customer journey, used as the basis for planning Customer Engagement programmes for our clients. Choices at this stage were to define the ambition of the customer journey (e.g. the full journey or just the focus for Ogilvy’s current work?), markets (global, local or a combination) and target customer personas. For instance in the B2B accounting category we focused on a persona of younger business owners, typically relatively recent startups. This choice of customer personas then influenced the competitor set chosen. Customer journey stages are relatively similar within the B2B categories, in that the target customers are typically buying directly from
  • 21. 21 2. Defining the role of Social for each stage in the customer journey For instance, in B2B software’s ‘lean-back’ stage, one role of Social was defined as increasing awareness and a familiarity of the brand through increasing its prominence through social sharing. Other common Social roles included customer dialogue such as customer services, social proof, reviews and testimonials. Social’s role can be dramatically different by both category and stage in the customer journey. To focus in on the role of Social we examined both successful client and competitor Social programmes in the category – and other successful Social programmes that address similar challenges in other categories. 3. Defining questions to assess whether Social is being used well for each stage of the customer journey To successfully answer a question such as ‘Is Social being successfully used to raise awareness’ we need data points that: a) Are meaningful indicators of whether a brand has a coherent Social strategy. For instance, it is very unlikely that a brand with a strong Social strategy will be failing to use URL shorteners in Social, because they would be losing a significant source of data on their impact. b) Are possible to judge from public data. We created scoring criteria for each data point, so that there was consistency within and between categories for the same data point. However, to enable robust comparisons we excluded data points that: a) Needed internal client data, such as sales or profits, to judge them, because we would not be able to compare across companies. b) Were qualitative. While we believe that qualitative judgement is extremely important, it is not quantifiable and therefore we excluded qualitative judgements as much as possible. To source these data points we examined companies both in the category, and in categories that faced similar challenges, as well as industry research on customer journeys.
  • 22. 22 and Social experts to ensure consistency. We also made amendments to research methodologies at this stage. Each of the 4,087 data points contains: • Category • Company • Cross-category customer journey stage (e.g. ‘Awareness’) • Category customer journey stage (e.g. ‘lean-back’) • Property (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) • Question (e.g. ‘Is the company using Social graph to provide contextual recommendations?’) • Score • Measurement scale • Notes. 4. The data gathered At the end of this stage in the research we typically had, for each category: • Five journey stages • One role of Social per stage, justified and explained in more depth for researchers and clients • 5-10 questions per journey stage, to assess whether Social was being used consistently to achieve business objectives • 5-10 Social properties we would use to assess each of these questions • 5-6 companies assessed per category. On average we assessed each company on 151 questions, for a total of 4,087 questions assessed. 4. Judging the questions Each researcher was either an Ogilvy Social expert or planner on the relevant account. After being fully briefed on the research process, their research outputs were cross-checked by category 5. Analysis Category and client findings were cross-checked with experts and clients to ensure robustness – though given their close involvement through the process no major changes resulted at this stage. The data is now available for analysis for Ogilvy clients as a database to interrogate.
  • 23. 23 How OgilvyOne can help you • Map to the key engagement opportunities in their customer journey • Provide visibility of what competitors are doing • And companies with similar challenges in other categories • We then help clients scope these out in depth to create a Social strategy and programme for the future that’s rooted in their business, and credible to C-suite stakeholders. Category Companies Normalised journey stages B2B financial software Sage, Xero, SAP, Microsoft Dynamics, Awareness, Consideration, Purchase Premium automotive Landrover, BMW, Audi, Jaguar, Mercedes Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, The full list examined is: Twitter, Facebook, blogs, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Slideshare, forums, YouTube, shortened URLs, Social logins, website, social lead generation, search. OgilvyOne’s Social Value Navigator™ can help you make sense of whether your Social is delivering, and what Social you should, and should not, be doing. We start by rooting our analysis in clients business objectives, target audiences and the customer journey that goes alongside them, as part of our broader Customer Engagement planning process. We then undertake a Social Value mapping process scoping potential Social activities that - Categories, companies and journey stages assessed Properties examined We do not believe that companies should have a channel based approach. However, for the purpose of analysis every question was categorised either with a channel or under another grouping such as Shortened URLs, to enable clearer cross-category analysis. Loyalty, Advocacy B2B logistics UPS, DHL, Parcelforce, TNT, Fedex, DPD Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Loyalty, Advocacy Travel - hotels, airlines, aggregators British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, Expedia, Hilton, Holiday Inn, Marriott Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Loyalty, Advocacy FMCG - beverages Nescafe Gold Blend, Coca Cola, Tetley, Douwe Egberts, PG Tips Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Loyalty, Advocacy
  • 24. 24 FAQs Is the quality of content in Social assessed here? A comprehensive assessment of content quality in Social requires a full Social Analytics and Social Content Strategy, so is beyond the remit of this research. However, a number of questions in the research assess proxies for quality, such as growth of audiences in Social channels, clicks on links (where data is public) and other forms of audience engagement. While these are approximate, in many cases very low levels of interaction occur, indicating that the content is not engaging its audience. Does this assess internal organisation or resourcing of Social? No, but this is something we benchmark with clients when we undertake the Social Value Navigator process. Where are the full questions? A number of the questions have been published, or referenced, in this research report. The full set of questions is available to Ogilvy clients. Does this assess overall effectiveness of Social strategies? Yes and no. Yes - because it assesses whether companies reach the Social Value Benchmark. This allows us to understand if the company is appropriately using Social across the customer journey. No - because a full Social strategy needs to integrate with the individual company’s broader business and marketing strategies. We do this for clients through Social Value Navigator - an in-depth process for creating Social strategies that drive business results. Does this assess qualitative delivery of Social? No. Qualitative assessments are important, but are hard to do without both in-depth analysis of the company and its business strategy. The Social Value Benchmark though, by judging the essential tactics that are needed for each stage of the customer journey, allows us to understand whether a company has the infrastructure in place to drive results.
  • 25. 25 Is this global research? Each category has been examined from the point of view of a UK customer. However, in many cases companies either direct UK customers to global Social channels or do not have UK channels. In these cases, where appropriate, global channels have been scored. Acknowledgements Authors: Rob Blackie & Emily Allen Editor: Ann Higgins This research required a vast amount of wisdom from Ogilvy colleagues and clients, including: Alexandra von Puttkamer, Anders Kinberg, Andrew Lopez, Ann Higgins, Annette King, Anya King, Brian Jensen, Caolan Hunter, Clare Lawson, Donald Pirie, Emily Allen, Gareth Richards, Gosha Khuchua, Irfan Kamal, James Myers, James Whatley, Jo Coombs, Joana Chau, Jonathan Gapper, Jonathan Nguyen, Joseph Grigg, Keshan Bolaky, Leo Ryan, Marcus de Pfeiffer Key, Margherita Tuvo, Marshall Manson,Matt Holt, Mel Stanley, Neil Hawke, Patou Nuytemans, Rachel Armstrong- Jones, Rob Bartlett, Sam Williams-Thomas, Shailen Joshi, Simon Luff, Steve Jenkins, Tara Davanzati, Thomas Crampton. If you would like more information on how OgilvyOne can help you, please contact Tracey Barber, New Business & Marketing Director OgilvyOne on +44 (0)20 7566 7407, or tweet us @ogilvyone or @robblackie_oo