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                                 Culture and Ethnography in

                                             the town of Radomir

     Editorial Team:

ď‚·   Editors:
    Mihaela Betova             E - B O O K
    Kristina Zhivkova
    Radostina Dimitrova

                                       Land of Ancient Civilization
    Stela Slavcheva

ď‚·   Press Photographers:
    Simona Karadachka
    Tsvetelina Fidanova

ď‚·   Computer Design:       The territory of Radomir is       domir, suggesting that it         lennium BC); DREN village
    Georgi Nenkov          abundant in archaeological        keeps in its bowels historical    early Chalcolithic
                           sites. Through the artifacts      artifacts of this earliest
ď‚·   Head Consultant:
                           surviving to this day , made      era. Several prehistoric set-     NEGOVANTSI village:
    Mariana Kolarska
                           of long-lasting materials ,       tlements of the early and late    Klenovska mound-early Neo-
                           mostly stone , ceramics and       Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the   lithic;
                           bone , it is easy to trace the
                           diver-city of artistic skills ,                                     RADOMIR town – late Neo-
                                                                                               lithic – early Bronze age;
                           aesthetic flair and views of
                           the people who settled in the
                                                                                               GERENA locality-late Chal-
                           upper reaches of the Struma
                                                                                               colithic and Early Bronze
                           River at the dawn of human
                           civilization. This is evident
                           from the common everyday
                           utensils, as well as the works          Prehistoric finds
                           of plastic arts, cult and idol
    INSIDE THIS            making, with their impressive
    ISSUE:                 forms, both exquisite and
    Bulgarian       2      As early as the late 19th cen-
    Middle Ages            tury and early 20th century       early Bronze Age have been
                           scientists were informed of       found.
    Saint Dimitar 2
                           particular cases of prehistoric   PRIBOI village – early-
                           finds from the region of Ra-      Neolithic settlement (5th mil-
    Ancient Hub     3
    in Arbanas

    Excavations     3
    in Arbanas

    Excavations     4
    in Arbanas

    Boza-making 5

    Stoyo’s         5,
    House           6
PAGE   2

                                          Bulgarian Middle Ages
                           The land of the municipality    localities with some of them      letters of the 13th c., Ra-
                           of Radomir is abundant in       being named after medie-          domir, who wrote the Ra-
                           vestiges of the Bulgarian       val Bulgarian tsars and           domir’s Psalter, etc.
                           Middle Ages, the physical       boyars. The name of Ra-           In the Middle Ages, the
                           evidence of which is the        domir city falls into the         valley of Radomir has often
                           large number of ruins of        same category of Bulgarian        happened to be the scene
                           settlements, ancient            names. A legend has it that       of fierce battles waged by
                           churches and monasteries.       the city was called after a       Bulgarians against Byzan-
                           Byzantine chronicles are        Bulgarian voivode of the          tium, as it is crossed by a
                           emphatic that the popula-       same name. Bulgarian              strategic road to the Ae-
                           tion from the upper reaches     history gives a number of         gean Sea, trailing along the
                           of the Struma River has         examples of the same              Struma riverbed, well-know
                           always been ethnically          name: King Gavril Radomir         even to Romans, which
                           pure Bulgarian communi-         of Bulgaria, the fifth son,       road had never lost its im-
                           ties in the Middle Ages.        Radomir of King Ivan              portance all along, includ-
                           The fact is reflected in the    Vladislav of Bulgaria, re-        ing the Middle Ages.
                           names of the villages and       nowned Bulgarian man of

                           In many of the legends told     Golo Bardo, the ruins
                           by the locals about the         above the village of Dren,
                           ancient ruins on the high       where a locality, called The
                           hilltops, where arrowheads      Tsar’s Tree, is situated, the
                           and medieval coins have         ruins on the hillside be-
                           been unearthed, the names       tween the villages of Vladi-
                           of Bulgarian Kings Samuil       mir and Dolna Dikanya, as
                           and Ivan Shishman, as well      well as those rising above
                           as of other medieval sover-     the villages of Drugan, Ra-
                           eigns and voivodes are          dobosh, etc., bear tacit
                           involved.                       witness to the dramatic
                           The ruins of Malo and           events.
                           Goliamo Gradishte atop

                                   Saint Dimitar Patron of Radomir
                                  With the consecra-       Day of St. Demetrius of           sents the saint as St.
   Caption                        tion of the St. Dimi-    Thessalonica. The popular         George’s twin brother,
describing                        tar Church, the          beliefs hold the Day of St.       while in iconography he is
 picture or                       citizens of Radomir      Demetrius to be a celebra-        painted mostly riding a red
  graphic.                        chose the church         tion related to a turn in the     horse. The Day of St. De-
                                  patron saint for         seasons and a bottom line         metrius is an immutable
                                  their city’s patron      of the work done in the           holiday of the municipality
                                  as well. The Bul-        summer half-year, which is        of Radomir with celebra-
                                  garian Orthodox          the season of the most            tions and cultural events
                                  Church celebrates        strenuous agricultural ac-        held in the city on a yearly
                                  on October 26, the       tivities. Folk tradition repre-   basis.

        CULTURE      AND   ETHNOGRAPHY            IN      THE   TOWN        OF     RADOMIR
E-BOOK                                                                                                                   PAGE        3

Ancient Industrial Hub and Fortress in Arbanas
Archaeological excavations in        cal tools, lead mirrors, bronze      well as two fragments of votive tablets, featuring Zeus.
1983-84 testify to the existence     button-bells, jewellery and
of a significant industrial and      coins.                               n 1987, during the exploration of the late antique fortress
commercial centre until the mid                      rd                   at Arbanas, two churches were discovered, construc-
                                     After the mid-3 c., a fortress
-3rd c. The southern wall and                                             tively connected with the east wall of the enclosure. It
                                     had been erected over the well-
the gate of the fortress have                                             suggests the existence of a big early Christian centre,
                                     functioning industrial and trade
                                                                          most probably a fortified monastery. In the early Byzan-
been explored, as well as a          hub.
                                                                          tine period the east church was reconstructed into a
massive building in its centre.                                           dwelling. For the purpose, its western side was made
The building is constructed of       For the time being, just a few       with a hearth of bricks.
stone and white mortar. In its       hand-made ceramics testify to
east and, in an almost square        the pre-Roman period of this
                                                                          Such a rebuilding of an early Christian church into a
                                     curious archaeological site.
room of stone, an apse is set. A                                          dwelling has a sole logical explanation: the inhabitants of
                                     Individual finds have been ex-
number of interesting finds                                               the fortress were replaced, most probably, by the tribes
                                     cavated, typical of metal-
have been unearthed in a late                                             invading the empire from the north.
                                     working: a hammer, pair of
antique layer southwest of the       compasses, items of bronze
buildings: bone needles, medi-       and lead, remains of kilns and
                                     pits for keeping raw stuff, as

Excavations in Arbanas, Radomir
Until the moment of excava-          work. While on the beat around       on different aspects of the an-
tions at Arbanas quarter of Ra-      the vicinity, they could gather      cient culture in the western
domir town, nothing was known        some data for ancient settle-        Thracian lands and especially
                                                                          in the region of the uppermost
about the antiquity of this place    ment remains and a tumulus
                                                                          stream of Struma.
in the scientific literature. The    nearby, towards the lowland
surrounding population has,          flowing river of Struma.
                                                                          Of special interest is one rarely
indeed, in the course of their       The finds discovered during the      met adornment. The adornment
work, brought out some ,,pins,       excavations and especially the       is mode of silver and repre-
clasps, etc.’’ ,treasure-hunters     adornments, represent a rich
                                                                          sents a precisely shaped hoop
have also dug around, but ar-        source of information of typo-
                                     logical, stylistic and technologi-   with six pendants stringed up
chaeologists came to know
                                     cal character. They throw light      on stitches.
only in the process of the field

Closest parallels to this adorn-     erably smaller than the main         consider that they
ment are the silver bracelets ,      constructions and this suggests      are products of one
which date from the 80’s of the      that it was a part of a bigger       and the same epoch
1st century. Especially similar is
                                     bracelet or some other kind of       and are dating from
a detail of the bracelet repre-
sents a massive open tetrahe-        adornment. In spite of the simi-     as early as the sec-
dral ring, the ends of which are     larities between some details it     ond half of the 1st
made thinner and pass one            is evident that the adornment        century.
another forming volutes.             was made by a different crafts-
                                     man under different circum-
                                                                                                  Bone Needles
Comparing the adornment from         stances. However, taking into
Arbanas to the bracelets from        consideration the decoration,
Serbia we see that it is consid-     even the choice of material, we
PAGE     4

                       From the excavations             the relatively simplified       Subtypes of golden brace-
                       come also two iron pruning       decoration scheme. Con-         lets are represented by the
                       -knives, which are most          sidering its decorative and     twisted silver bracelet with-
                       likely cult or votive ones.      technical peculiarities we
                                                                                        out volutes and by a
                                                        can enlarge the circle of
                                                        different kinds of objects,     bronze bracelet, consisting
                       At the site of archaeologi-                                      of double, parallel, twisted
                       cal excavations in Arbanas       mainly adornments, from
                                                        our archaeological site as      rings. A silver bracelet from
                       was found an iron axe,
                       whose shape is amazingly         well as from many others,       Bazaurt is a more exact
                       similar to that of the corre-    isolating a stylistic group.    parallel to the first one,
                       sponding pendant, which                                          while the second one must
                       perhaps explains the             The varieties of the decora-    be of type D-4 .
                       choice of the model. The         tive spiral were used also
                       spiral constructions in          on bracelets and rings. It
                       adornment from Arbanas
                                                        strengthens the impression
                       make an impression at first
Iron Spear             sight. These elements suc-       of a serial mastered pro-
                       cessfully play the part of       duction in the region of the
                       decoration ornaments in          sanctuary.

                       From Dacia is known a ring       consider, that the rings are    greater part was made of
                       compared with the similarly      dated from the mind 1st to      other materials can clam
                       decorated bracelet from the      the mind 3rd century.           with certainty, that at or
                       Late La Tene. The two
                                                        Due to the regularly organ-     round that sanctuary there
                       massive silver rings deco-
                       rated with two volutes from      ized fairs, market, etc., the   was a centre of arts and
                       Arbanas, also have a direct      sanctuary at Arbanas was        crafts unfamiliar till now.
                       analogy in the golden            turned into a cross-road        The local works of arts,
                       bracelet from Ratiaria, ect.     point, providing opportuni-     crafts and adornments in
                                                        ties for connections in dif-    particular are included in
                       Proceeding from the speci-       ferent directions. Having in    the process of formation of
                       fied analogies and from the      mind the finds, including       provincial Roman styles
                       stylistic-typological peculi-    other sorts and types of        with its local peculiarity,
                       arities, the archaeologists      adornments, whose               synthesizing various pre-
                                                                                        liminary currents.

                       This is actually the great       the present preliminary         We, the students of
                       importance of the discovery      research is a starting point    Nikola Vaptsarov
                       at Arbanas and contribution      in the complete interpreta-     School and our
                       to studying the problem          tion of the site.               teacher, would like to
                       which foundation has been                                        express our gratitude
                       laid. Thus the archaeologi-                                      to Mr Pavlov, the mu-
                       cal results of the excava-                                       seum director, for his
                       tions and rapprochement of                                       contribution and help
                       the Balkan cultures, which                                       during the implemen-
                       has begun since earlier                                          tation of our project.
                       times, and for archeologists

  CULTURE        AND   ETHNOGRAPHY              IN     THE   TOWN       OF    RADOMIR
E-BOOK                                                                                                                      PAGE       5

Most common in the region of          ent types of khalva – from sun-      Here follow the instructions for making boza at home.
Radomir in the second half of         flower seed, sesame seed,            The recipe is meant for 5 liters.
the 19th and the early 20th cen-      black khalva, fruit khalva, etc.     Ingredients: 5 l water,2 teacupfuls flour,2 teacupfuls
tury were the making of boza          From the mid 20th century on,        sugar,1 teacupful boza or home-made ferment.
(millet-ale) and the tailoring or     the pastry-shops replaced the
saya-making (saya, a type of          manual production of boza. In        Directions: Slightly roast the flour (to become rosy in
long, female dress). These            the village of Dolni Rakovets a      colour). Take care not to get it burnt. Mix it with only a bit
crafts involved travelling.           modern installation was built by     of lukewarm water. Pour the mixture into the pot filled
                                      ET “Elektra” Radomir for the         with the rest of the water and put it on the plate. Add the
The boza-makers used to prac-         production of Radomir boza           sugar and leave the liquid to boil stirring it once in a
tice their trade all over Bulgaria.   following the traditional technol-   while. Keep boiling for 5-6 minutes still stirring. Remove
In the autumn, right after the        ogy.                                 the pot from the fire and let it cool. Add 1 teacupful boza
end of the field work they used                                            or home-made ferment. Leave the mixture in a warm
to travel with their inventory to     BOZA is a popular fermented          place for 2-3 days to cause fermentation. When the boza
the different towns in the coun-      beverage in Bulgaria. It is a        is ready, pour it in bottles and store in a cool place
try and work there and returned       malt drink, made from wheat or       (refrigerator).
to their native towns and vil-        millet . It has a thick consis-
lages not earlier than for the        tency and a low alcohol content
next spring sowing. Along with        (usually around 1%), and has a
the boza they produced differ-        slightly acidic sweet flavor.

How to make the boza fer-             As we are very proud with boza
ment:                                 -making in our town, we have a
                                      monument devoted to boza-
Mix the slightly roasted flour        makers. We call them Bozadz-
(take care to keep it from burn-      hii.
ing) with the water and stir well.
Add the sugar. Leave the mess
in a warm place for 2-3 days to
ferment, stirring it from time to

Note: The teacupful of boza or
home-made ferment can be
replaced by 6-7 moistened and
crumbled slices of wholemeal
bread /or toast/, or by 6-7
spoonfuls leaven. In this case
before storage the boza has to
be filtered (without pressing).

Stoyo’s House Ethnographic Museum
The exposition ,arranged in           costumes in Radomir, products        shirt, the girdle and especially
Stoyo’s House Ethnographic            of the local craftsmen, every-       the knitted stockings which
Museum, is a remarkable archi-        day life objects.                    complemented the costume
tecture monument from the
                                      The Radomir festive costume is       with their coloured motifs.
second half of the 19th century.
It reveals the ethnographic rich-     completed by a variety of orna-
ness of the Radomir region            ments – belt buckles, bead-
population from the end of the        belts, bracelets, rings and ear-
19th and the 20th centuries.          rings, breast ornaments, hair-
                                      pins, etc. The ornaments and                                   National traditional costume
What can you see in Stoyo’s           the details of the costumes are                                 for women from the past
House? Showcased are valu-            very original – the apron, the
able examples of the traditional
Stoyo’s House Ethnographic Museum

The colours of the decorative and      sess high artistic value – the
artistic fabrics are remarkably        mortars, vessels, spoons, combs,
colored rugs, bags, cradles, pil-      etc. as well as the ceramic ves-
lows, tablecloths and cloths. In       sels – jugs, bowls with handles,
the past they were made in the         etc.
natural color of the wool and the
hemp with variegated linear-strip
decoration. A beautiful addition to
the textile and the dress is the
typical laces knitted or sewn. The
artistic sense and the creative
imagination of the Radomir
women are expressed in the
weaving and the combination of
colors of the pillows and the ritual
The most typical element of the
ancient male dress till the end of
the 19th century is so-called
dolakatnik – a braided white
short-sleeved jacket.
                                                                          National traditional costume
The showcased wooden objects                Cradle from the past             for men from the past
from the everyday life also pos-

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Culture and Ethnography in Radomir

  • 1. NIKOLA VAPTSAROV Culture and Ethnography in SCHOOL the town of Radomir RADOMIR Editorial Team: ď‚· Editors: Mihaela Betova E - B O O K Kristina Zhivkova Radostina Dimitrova Land of Ancient Civilization Stela Slavcheva ď‚· Press Photographers: Simona Karadachka Tsvetelina Fidanova ď‚· Computer Design: The territory of Radomir is domir, suggesting that it lennium BC); DREN village Georgi Nenkov abundant in archaeological keeps in its bowels historical early Chalcolithic sites. Through the artifacts artifacts of this earliest ď‚· Head Consultant: surviving to this day , made era. Several prehistoric set- NEGOVANTSI village: Mariana Kolarska of long-lasting materials , tlements of the early and late Klenovska mound-early Neo- mostly stone , ceramics and Neolithic, Chalcolithic and the lithic; bone , it is easy to trace the diver-city of artistic skills , RADOMIR town – late Neo- lithic – early Bronze age; aesthetic flair and views of the people who settled in the GERENA locality-late Chal- upper reaches of the Struma colithic and Early Bronze River at the dawn of human Age. civilization. This is evident from the common everyday utensils, as well as the works Prehistoric finds of plastic arts, cult and idol INSIDE THIS making, with their impressive ISSUE: forms, both exquisite and expedient. Bulgarian 2 As early as the late 19th cen- Middle Ages tury and early 20th century early Bronze Age have been scientists were informed of found. Saint Dimitar 2 particular cases of prehistoric PRIBOI village – early- finds from the region of Ra- Neolithic settlement (5th mil- Ancient Hub 3 in Arbanas Excavations 3 in Arbanas Excavations 4 in Arbanas Boza-making 5 Stoyo’s 5, House 6
  • 2. PAGE 2 Bulgarian Middle Ages The land of the municipality localities with some of them letters of the 13th c., Ra- of Radomir is abundant in being named after medie- domir, who wrote the Ra- vestiges of the Bulgarian val Bulgarian tsars and domir’s Psalter, etc. Middle Ages, the physical boyars. The name of Ra- In the Middle Ages, the evidence of which is the domir city falls into the valley of Radomir has often large number of ruins of same category of Bulgarian happened to be the scene settlements, ancient names. A legend has it that of fierce battles waged by churches and monasteries. the city was called after a Bulgarians against Byzan- Byzantine chronicles are Bulgarian voivode of the tium, as it is crossed by a emphatic that the popula- same name. Bulgarian strategic road to the Ae- tion from the upper reaches history gives a number of gean Sea, trailing along the of the Struma River has examples of the same Struma riverbed, well-know always been ethnically name: King Gavril Radomir even to Romans, which pure Bulgarian communi- of Bulgaria, the fifth son, road had never lost its im- ties in the Middle Ages. Radomir of King Ivan portance all along, includ- The fact is reflected in the Vladislav of Bulgaria, re- ing the Middle Ages. names of the villages and nowned Bulgarian man of In many of the legends told Golo Bardo, the ruins by the locals about the above the village of Dren, ancient ruins on the high where a locality, called The hilltops, where arrowheads Tsar’s Tree, is situated, the and medieval coins have ruins on the hillside be- been unearthed, the names tween the villages of Vladi- of Bulgarian Kings Samuil mir and Dolna Dikanya, as and Ivan Shishman, as well well as those rising above as of other medieval sover- the villages of Drugan, Ra- eigns and voivodes are dobosh, etc., bear tacit involved. witness to the dramatic The ruins of Malo and events. Goliamo Gradishte atop Saint Dimitar Patron of Radomir With the consecra- Day of St. Demetrius of sents the saint as St. Caption tion of the St. Dimi- Thessalonica. The popular George’s twin brother, describing tar Church, the beliefs hold the Day of St. while in iconography he is picture or citizens of Radomir Demetrius to be a celebra- painted mostly riding a red graphic. chose the church tion related to a turn in the horse. The Day of St. De- patron saint for seasons and a bottom line metrius is an immutable their city’s patron of the work done in the holiday of the municipality as well. The Bul- summer half-year, which is of Radomir with celebra- garian Orthodox the season of the most tions and cultural events Church celebrates strenuous agricultural ac- held in the city on a yearly on October 26, the tivities. Folk tradition repre- basis. CULTURE AND ETHNOGRAPHY IN THE TOWN OF RADOMIR
  • 3. E-BOOK PAGE 3 Ancient Industrial Hub and Fortress in Arbanas Archaeological excavations in cal tools, lead mirrors, bronze well as two fragments of votive tablets, featuring Zeus. 1983-84 testify to the existence button-bells, jewellery and of a significant industrial and coins. n 1987, during the exploration of the late antique fortress commercial centre until the mid rd at Arbanas, two churches were discovered, construc- After the mid-3 c., a fortress -3rd c. The southern wall and tively connected with the east wall of the enclosure. It had been erected over the well- the gate of the fortress have suggests the existence of a big early Christian centre, functioning industrial and trade most probably a fortified monastery. In the early Byzan- been explored, as well as a hub. tine period the east church was reconstructed into a massive building in its centre. dwelling. For the purpose, its western side was made The building is constructed of For the time being, just a few with a hearth of bricks. stone and white mortar. In its hand-made ceramics testify to east and, in an almost square the pre-Roman period of this Such a rebuilding of an early Christian church into a curious archaeological site. room of stone, an apse is set. A dwelling has a sole logical explanation: the inhabitants of Individual finds have been ex- number of interesting finds the fortress were replaced, most probably, by the tribes cavated, typical of metal- have been unearthed in a late invading the empire from the north. working: a hammer, pair of antique layer southwest of the compasses, items of bronze buildings: bone needles, medi- and lead, remains of kilns and pits for keeping raw stuff, as Excavations in Arbanas, Radomir Until the moment of excava- work. While on the beat around on different aspects of the an- tions at Arbanas quarter of Ra- the vicinity, they could gather cient culture in the western domir town, nothing was known some data for ancient settle- Thracian lands and especially in the region of the uppermost about the antiquity of this place ment remains and a tumulus stream of Struma. in the scientific literature. The nearby, towards the lowland surrounding population has, flowing river of Struma. Of special interest is one rarely indeed, in the course of their The finds discovered during the met adornment. The adornment work, brought out some ,,pins, excavations and especially the is mode of silver and repre- clasps, etc.’’ ,treasure-hunters adornments, represent a rich sents a precisely shaped hoop have also dug around, but ar- source of information of typo- logical, stylistic and technologi- with six pendants stringed up chaeologists came to know cal character. They throw light on stitches. only in the process of the field Closest parallels to this adorn- erably smaller than the main consider that they ment are the silver bracelets , constructions and this suggests are products of one which date from the 80’s of the that it was a part of a bigger and the same epoch 1st century. Especially similar is bracelet or some other kind of and are dating from a detail of the bracelet repre- sents a massive open tetrahe- adornment. In spite of the simi- as early as the sec- dral ring, the ends of which are larities between some details it ond half of the 1st made thinner and pass one is evident that the adornment century. another forming volutes. was made by a different crafts- man under different circum- Bone Needles Comparing the adornment from stances. However, taking into Arbanas to the bracelets from consideration the decoration, Serbia we see that it is consid- even the choice of material, we
  • 4. PAGE 4 From the excavations the relatively simplified Subtypes of golden brace- come also two iron pruning decoration scheme. Con- lets are represented by the -knives, which are most sidering its decorative and twisted silver bracelet with- likely cult or votive ones. technical peculiarities we out volutes and by a can enlarge the circle of different kinds of objects, bronze bracelet, consisting At the site of archaeologi- of double, parallel, twisted cal excavations in Arbanas mainly adornments, from our archaeological site as rings. A silver bracelet from was found an iron axe, whose shape is amazingly well as from many others, Bazaurt is a more exact similar to that of the corre- isolating a stylistic group. parallel to the first one, sponding pendant, which while the second one must perhaps explains the The varieties of the decora- be of type D-4 . choice of the model. The tive spiral were used also spiral constructions in on bracelets and rings. It adornment from Arbanas strengthens the impression make an impression at first Iron Spear sight. These elements suc- of a serial mastered pro- cessfully play the part of duction in the region of the decoration ornaments in sanctuary. From Dacia is known a ring consider, that the rings are greater part was made of compared with the similarly dated from the mind 1st to other materials can clam decorated bracelet from the the mind 3rd century. with certainty, that at or Late La Tene. The two Due to the regularly organ- round that sanctuary there massive silver rings deco- rated with two volutes from ized fairs, market, etc., the was a centre of arts and Arbanas, also have a direct sanctuary at Arbanas was crafts unfamiliar till now. analogy in the golden turned into a cross-road The local works of arts, bracelet from Ratiaria, ect. point, providing opportuni- crafts and adornments in ties for connections in dif- particular are included in Proceeding from the speci- ferent directions. Having in the process of formation of fied analogies and from the mind the finds, including provincial Roman styles stylistic-typological peculi- other sorts and types of with its local peculiarity, arities, the archaeologists adornments, whose synthesizing various pre- liminary currents. This is actually the great the present preliminary We, the students of importance of the discovery research is a starting point Nikola Vaptsarov at Arbanas and contribution in the complete interpreta- School and our to studying the problem tion of the site. teacher, would like to which foundation has been express our gratitude laid. Thus the archaeologi- to Mr Pavlov, the mu- cal results of the excava- seum director, for his tions and rapprochement of contribution and help the Balkan cultures, which during the implemen- has begun since earlier tation of our project. times, and for archeologists CULTURE AND ETHNOGRAPHY IN THE TOWN OF RADOMIR
  • 5. E-BOOK PAGE 5 Boza-making Most common in the region of ent types of khalva – from sun- Here follow the instructions for making boza at home. Radomir in the second half of flower seed, sesame seed, The recipe is meant for 5 liters. the 19th and the early 20th cen- black khalva, fruit khalva, etc. Ingredients: 5 l water,2 teacupfuls flour,2 teacupfuls tury were the making of boza From the mid 20th century on, sugar,1 teacupful boza or home-made ferment. (millet-ale) and the tailoring or the pastry-shops replaced the saya-making (saya, a type of manual production of boza. In Directions: Slightly roast the flour (to become rosy in long, female dress). These the village of Dolni Rakovets a colour). Take care not to get it burnt. Mix it with only a bit crafts involved travelling. modern installation was built by of lukewarm water. Pour the mixture into the pot filled ET “Elektra” Radomir for the with the rest of the water and put it on the plate. Add the The boza-makers used to prac- production of Radomir boza sugar and leave the liquid to boil stirring it once in a tice their trade all over Bulgaria. following the traditional technol- while. Keep boiling for 5-6 minutes still stirring. Remove In the autumn, right after the ogy. the pot from the fire and let it cool. Add 1 teacupful boza end of the field work they used or home-made ferment. Leave the mixture in a warm to travel with their inventory to BOZA is a popular fermented place for 2-3 days to cause fermentation. When the boza the different towns in the coun- beverage in Bulgaria. It is a is ready, pour it in bottles and store in a cool place try and work there and returned malt drink, made from wheat or (refrigerator). to their native towns and vil- millet . It has a thick consis- lages not earlier than for the tency and a low alcohol content next spring sowing. Along with (usually around 1%), and has a the boza they produced differ- slightly acidic sweet flavor. How to make the boza fer- As we are very proud with boza ment: -making in our town, we have a monument devoted to boza- Mix the slightly roasted flour makers. We call them Bozadz- (take care to keep it from burn- hii. ing) with the water and stir well. Add the sugar. Leave the mess in a warm place for 2-3 days to ferment, stirring it from time to time. Note: The teacupful of boza or home-made ferment can be replaced by 6-7 moistened and crumbled slices of wholemeal bread /or toast/, or by 6-7 spoonfuls leaven. In this case before storage the boza has to be filtered (without pressing). Stoyo’s House Ethnographic Museum The exposition ,arranged in costumes in Radomir, products shirt, the girdle and especially Stoyo’s House Ethnographic of the local craftsmen, every- the knitted stockings which Museum, is a remarkable archi- day life objects. complemented the costume tecture monument from the The Radomir festive costume is with their coloured motifs. second half of the 19th century. It reveals the ethnographic rich- completed by a variety of orna- ness of the Radomir region ments – belt buckles, bead- population from the end of the belts, bracelets, rings and ear- 19th and the 20th centuries. rings, breast ornaments, hair- pins, etc. The ornaments and National traditional costume What can you see in Stoyo’s the details of the costumes are for women from the past House? Showcased are valu- very original – the apron, the able examples of the traditional
  • 6. Stoyo’s House Ethnographic Museum The colours of the decorative and sess high artistic value – the artistic fabrics are remarkably mortars, vessels, spoons, combs, colored rugs, bags, cradles, pil- etc. as well as the ceramic ves- lows, tablecloths and cloths. In sels – jugs, bowls with handles, the past they were made in the etc. natural color of the wool and the hemp with variegated linear-strip decoration. A beautiful addition to the textile and the dress is the typical laces knitted or sewn. The artistic sense and the creative imagination of the Radomir women are expressed in the weaving and the combination of colors of the pillows and the ritual cloths. The most typical element of the ancient male dress till the end of the 19th century is so-called dolakatnik – a braided white short-sleeved jacket. National traditional costume The showcased wooden objects Cradle from the past for men from the past from the everyday life also pos-