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Cultural Diversity Reflection Paper
Before taking this course, I thought I had a clear understanding of what it meant to have diversity awareness. Taking Mr. Douglas's Cultural
Diversity class has given new insight to how people fit today. I have seen many diverse cultures through my experiences in life; however I was not
entirely aware of the diversity in America. Since taking this course, I have realized that increasing my awareness in diversity, will help me as a
mother and as a future pathologist having to work with a vastly large cultural diverse team. As a mother, I interact with different cultures, races,
and sexes daily through my children's school, their sports, and other parents. I have deeper knowledge in how other cultures interact. As a future
pathologist, having a better understanding of diversity and the conflicts, would give me an edge in my field. Throughout this course I have had
my eyes open to diversity in a way I never imagined. I'm more cautious before judging about the way I view people and the way people interact. I
feel enlightened on how our liquescent pot became the America my children inherit with hope that their world will continue to evolve. Looking at
people with new light that I work with; I believed coincidence lead to who I work with and how my neighbors react. Grasping that it is a part of
upbringing; being as I am, is due to those that helped raise me resulting in my conniption. 47 years and mindset why aspect life with social class
appeared gained by chance. Mr. Douglas's Cultural Diversity class has shattered 60% of how I believed our country became diverse. Thankful for
maturity (what little I retain) to evolve, which gave way to my fractionally opened mind which I thought was wide open. To elaborate on our skin
color seems as unimportant as knowing what color eyes are verses work ethic and loyalty. Feeling cheated of knowing the world as I understand it. I
intended to teach my children how important not to judge skin color, ethnicity, or religion. Unfortunately, we live in a community where the mind is
moderately shut than open, and I foresee the struggle my children will battle here in this rural community. We must move to prosper and acquire a
deeper understanding, in a dramatically open–minded setting.
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Different Cultures, Different Essay
Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. "A society's
culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members"(Geertz 242). The rituals,
customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a
situation or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own
ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on culture's ideals. Since
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What tripped Cohen up, and with him the whole, ancient pattern of social and economic relationships within which he functioned, was a confusion of
tongues. (Geertz 241)
Geertz explains that the reason for the confusion, and the different interpretations of the event that took place is a simple misunderstanding that when
took place in clashing cultures with different views, both striving to claim the situation in their own contexts became a somewhat humorous event. This
conflict between cultures causes a view of a person to change depending on which point of reference they are being seen from.
In Ernest Hemingway's "Indian Camp," the conflict between cultures again cause a difference of views of the father. The concept of heroism and
violation becomes the issue of conflict. The father or doctor is considered a hero or a violator of the Indian woman depending on the culture
viewing him. From the father's culture, he is viewed as a hero for his actions at the Indian camp. His actions are viewed as heroic under the
circumstances of his procedure. Because of the culture of the Indian people, having a white man, an outsider of the tribe, come in and operate on an
Indian woman is viewed as obscene and a violation of the woman not to
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Cultural Diversity, Gender And Sexuality Essay
Issues of diversity are problematically, inaccurately and unauthentically understood and represented, throughout the education system. This includes
problems related to cultural diversity, gender and sexuality. Culture is the sum of attitudes, customs and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people
from another. The complications related to cultural diversity include: identity confusion; language barriers; social isolation; and a lack of representation
in the curriculum. These issues are demonstrated when exploring the lives of refugee and Indigenous students. Gender is the social and cultural
differences between males and females; and sexuality is a person 's sexual orientation or preference. Issues related to gender and sexuality in the
pedagogical setting include; gender bias, gender norms, gender roles, gender stereotypes, bullying and exclusion. Many of these problems occur
because the curriculum is written by upper class, white males and the teaching body, as a whole, lacks individual diversity. This means that diverse
children are not well represented in the curriculum and their beliefs and customs are not supported in classrooms.
Cultural Diversity
Cultural diversity is problematically understood and represented in Australian classrooms because many ethically diverse students are disadvantaged
and multicultural learning experiences are not implemented in an authentic manner. Culture is a fluid, dynamic and ever–evolving set of activities,
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Cultural Diversity In India
Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over time. Social learning and choosing, acquiring and assimilating and rejecting
information and knowledge is a necessary aspect of the formation of cultural repertoire.
Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behaviour. Expertise in exploiting our environment, values about what matters
in life are, among other things, what constitute culture.
We are very adept at transmitting cultural information to others, sometimes through frank teaching but also through the constant social interaction
characteristic of human life.
Cultural diversity inevitably develops in the course of cultural transmission. This happens when members of the same culture and sub–culture share a
large proportion of their information
The diversity in India is unique. Being a large country with large population. India presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural
patterns. It is the land of many languages it is only in India people professes all the major religions of the world. In short, India is "the epitome of the
world". The vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs and colours.
Some of the important forms of diversity in India are:–
1. Diversity of Physical Features:
The unique feature about India is the extreme largest mountains covered with snow throughout the year. The Himalayas or the adobe of snow is the
source of the mighty
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India Unity In Diversity In India
India is described as a country which is "a Unity is Diversity" because it is comprised of a wide variety of individuals who belong to different
religions, speak different languages, practice different traditions, have different castes, worship different gods, wear different clothing, and eat different
foods. Although India is comprised of all these different individuals and their diverse traits and practices, these individuals live together in peace and
harmony in India.
Furthermore, the people of India are governed by one central authority and have one Prime Minister, President, Supreme Court, and Army Chief.
Hinduism is the main religion practiced in India; however, there are followers of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, and Parsees. The
people of India practice different religions but majority of them believe in the theory of Dharma and Karma. This theory includes salvation, rebirth,
purification the soul, good for good, and bad for bad. Furthermore, the people of India come together to celebrate festivals and cultural celebrations.
Even Indian philosophy contributes to the idea that India is "a Unity in Diversity." There is difference in the overall conceptions of gods and ways of
worshipping but Indians still maintain the fear of heaven and hell. Many ethics groups coexist in India as well. However, within each ethnic group,
views on rituals, marriage, and castes remain the same. Also, many languages are spoken in India, but Sanskrit still maintains
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Diversity In Hinduism
In Hinduism, Hindus believe in religion for the reasons of what they are expected to do in life and in the future: "Hinduism became one of the
world's most complex religions with countless Gods and Goddesses and many forms of worship existing side by side. Despite this diversity, all
Hindus share certain basic beliefs" (Ellis 76). In other words, having all Hindus have the same basic beliefs, which are Dharma, Karma, and
Samsara lead to why they believe in religion. The diversity gave the Hindus the opportunity share and worship many gods and goddesses. Along the
same lines, Dharma belongs to the world and to the individual as well. Saying that they believe in completing their own duties having their own
responsibility to balance his or her own dharma. Therefore, they believe in religion also to achieve by living a life of religious devotion and moral more content...
In Christianity, Christians believe in religion because of the bible and having respect on just God: "The Bible is the only inspired and authoritative
written Word of God penned by man with the leading of the Holy Spirit." In other words, Christians believe in religion due to the fact that they focus
and believe entirely about the bible, which gives them the focus on the one God and his
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Culture And Effect Of Globalization On Culture
Summary: In the modern world it is very important to understand the terms "globalization" and "culture". Globalization is a process which involves
changes in the natural human life. In other words we may call it as changes in the culture of that particular human being or any other particular group.
Culture of a group or particular person mainly tells about the life of people or person, living traditions, historical values, religious matters in that
particular social system. So we could say culture is a subsystem with in a lager social system. Now a days every modern critic usually thinks about the
globalization and effect of globalization on culture. Does it having positive effect on the culture or does it having negative effect more
In my views they were not having different cultural experience other than European culture. In the second example we were almost in the 18th
century. Everyone in the world mostly known about the various cultures existed in the world. At that time barriers between the places are slowly
dissolving because globalization was slowly increasing. For example during 18th century India was under British ruling. India is mainly famous for the
different cultural and ethnic groups. Before 18th century, the culture group named 'BRHAMIN' was only educated culture group. After 18th century
mass media is developed and communication between the people was developed. Here media is playing a key role in the globalization of particular
place or country. In above two examples we could find the globalization was there only in the particular country or particular state. But in the 20th
century we can say that globalization takes place not only in the interstate it was extended to the other parts of the world. In the final example the
author mainly discussed about the cultural imperialism. Cultural imperialism is mainly due to the spreading other culture dominance or in another
words attraction towards other culture activities. Here also I would like to explain the condition of India before 20th century. Before 20th century the
dominant religion was Hindu group. After several years this community people was attracted for western
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Indian Culture And Its Impact On Society
India is country known all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is a land with various cultures and traditions which are as vast as the
subcontinent upon which they are located. This essay will focus on the Indian culture and highlight the different beliefs that Indians have on life
processes. The essay will show the different methods Indians use to stay healthy and how the Indian culture can determine how healthcare services are
provided to the people.
India is a nation of many different individuals, each with their own beliefs and way of life. The different beliefs that are held by these people and the
traditions they follow can have a significant impact on how they view modern healthcare. The beliefs and moral values which are a part of human
nature can have positive impacts on an individual, but can also bind them and cause negative impacts on mental and physical health (Worthington &
Gogne, 2011). It is necessary for health professionals to be aware of the cultural beliefs and influences so that they can effectively provide healthcare
services. A lack of cultural competence in care leads to poor patient outcomes, low compliance, and higher disparities regardless of the services and
systems available ("Diversity & Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings").
Depending on an individual's culture, the way in which one perceives life processes differs greatly. For Indians their culture plays a large role in how
they perceive these things. Being a nation with
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Cultural Differences in India
Running Head: Cultural Differences in India
Cultural Differences in India
Cultural Differences in India
India is a unique country. Home to close to a billion people, it boasts a rich cultural history spanning over 4 millennia. India's vast geographical
coverage features all kinds of different terrain; from the cold, magnificent peaks and valleys of Kashmir to the hot, barren lands of Jacobabad. With
such terrain comes a culture so vast that it is almost impossible to define. India possesses an array of different races, languages, religions and customs
(Bryman & Hardy, 2009).
It is said that almost all of the world's most popular religions are found in India, which can be further separated into different sects. Across the country,
almost 400 different languages are spoken including Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Urdu, Kashmiri, Marathi, Sanskrit and English. It should be worth noting
here that a vast majority of these languages also have their own scripts and literature. In terms of racial diversity, again India claims to be home to many
races such as the Mongolians, Arabs, Afghans, Sakas and the Kushanas as well as the various different jungle tribes spread across the country. Thus,
communicating across these cultures can always lead to misunderstandings and friction between different groups.
One must realize that where all these different races, religions, languages and customs must co–exist, there shall always be cross–cultural disputes,
territory wars and a battle for
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Speech On Diversity In India
Harmony means the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole. Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is a best country
proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race, culture
and tradition live together without affecting each other's feelings and believes to their religion. Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity even
after lots of differences of cultural, social, physical, linguistic, religious, political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities makes
more complex unity. People in India are united in spite of the much diversity of races, religions, castes, sub–castes, communities, more
Harmony in diversity boosts morale of people at workplace, organization, and community. It helps in enhancing esprit de corps, relationships,
teamwork among people thus improve performance, quality of work, productivity and lifestyle. It makes communication effective even in bad
situation. Harmony do keeps people away from social problems and help to manage conflicts easily. Live in harmony do improve healthy human
relations and protects equal human rights for all. Harmony in diversity in India provides source of tourism. People of diverse cultures, traditions,
cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and tourists from all across the world. It gives rise the habit of national integration among people
of the country even after being diverse in various ways. It also gives value to the rich heritages of country as well as strengthens and enriches the
cultural heritage of India. It helps to be rich in agricultural area through different crops and thus economy growth. Harmony is the source of skilled and
advance professionals in various areas to the
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Cultural Diversity In Children
This resource allows children to broaden their understanding of cultural diversity and the significance of maintaining equality. After children have
read or listened to 'Whoever you are', it is hoped that not only their language and literacy skills have strengthened, but also their knowledge. It is
crucial that children are introduced to this topic from an early age and are able to discuss the differences of cultures, although focus primarily on what
makes everyone the same. Children will learn about respect, which is a key concept of cultural diversity and should be able to utilize this attribute in
their learning environment and everyday lives.
It is evident that this children's book acknowledges the importance of culture and home learning. This is due to the fact that the author involves children
from around the world and explains that even though we all appear different, we are all the same. It is vital that children can learn in their environment
and feel safe, therefore encouraging equality will allow this to happen. Although it is not a bilingual text, 'Whoever you are' ensures that children can
read in their environment and discuss the meaning of cultural diversity with their family. The values that are interpreted from the book such as respect
can also be discussed within the family or at the kindergarten (Bredekamp, 2016).
Teaching and learning strategies
1. Picture talks is a learning tool that is utilized in early education and involves a teacher displaying illustrations in a book or a photograph, then
asking the children to observe and share what they see. This learning experience will become of benefit to children when reading 'Whoever you are'
because it will give them an opportunity to visualize and discuss the meaning of the picture, which in this case illustrates diversity (Fellowes & Oakley,
2014, pg. 113). The book contains pictures of children from cultures and a globe with children surrounding it, which symbolizes equality.
2. Another learning tool that could be applied whilst reading this book is conducting a class meeting, which will enable the children to gather together
to discuss the importance of cultural diversity and share their experiences, whether it be about their
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Reflection On Culture And Diversity
1.From my perspective, when I think of diverse contexts, I think of a great variety of influences and events interrelated to a particular situation. The
relationship between culture and diversity is a great variety of groups represented within a community. These variety of groups are formed by race,
ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, religion and sexual orientation. As an African American who is aware of the
difficult challenges (such as slavery and segregation) that my culture has endured, it has taught me to respect social, political, and cultural differences
that characterizes the people in this country. I am knowledgeable and educated on cultural differences, which has taught me to more
2.From Chapter 1 in our Reframing Organizations text, the symbolic frame makes the most sense to me because it focuses on the issues of meaning
and faith. It puts ritual, ceremony, play, story and culture at the heart of the organizational life. From my perspective, the symbolic frame doesn't focus
on the event but rather the meaning of that particular event. This specific frame was easier to comprehend than the other three frames.
3.As I reflected on the Dilbert cartoon, I believe the content of the narrative to ring true. For example, I previously worked as a customer service
representative for New York and Company. There were many instances where I felt like customers didn't receive proper customer service and the rules
of the company were unethical. On my end, I didn't agree with how the customers were handled. I expressed my dissatisfaction to management and I
was informed that as long as I wanted to be employed by this company, I had to follow their rules. Eventually I resigned from my position because I
felt guilty about how things were conducted by the company. I'm using this as a prime example in relation to the Dilbert cartoon because most
companies focus on the welfare of their company versus the happiness of the employees, who are fulfilling the job duties. In some cases, the welfare of
the company and its corporate strategy doesn't involve what's
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Cultural Diversity Essay
To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain
the communication strategies and respect strategies so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well–
informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always treat them equally and adore their uniqueness.
2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role?
Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can
encounter lots of cultural and work differences.
3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people?
Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at their cultural norms and values, this will result in
racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can
hugely impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so that they don't become offended.
4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work?
Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by :
Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship between tourism and culture, and the way in which
they have together
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My Personal Reflection : Cultural Diversity
Since I started this class, I have a learned a great deal about cultural diversity in the classroom and abroad. My perspective has changed slightly but my
knowledge of this subject has improved. In my family, my father taught me about the civil rights movement and the evils of segregation in the U.S. My
parents taught me to be tolerant of all humans, no matter what they look like, how they dress, or their sexual orientation. My family has always been
liberal thinkers who taught me the dark history of racism and bigotry in this country. As an educator I would be accepting to all race, creeds, and
religious peoples.
In my original personal narrative, I mentioned that I grew up in a mostly white middle class town with a 15% Latino population. In some ways, I grew
up in a town that is in the forefront of a national discussion about increasing multiculturalism and acceptance of Latino Americans. We have come to
realize that not all illegal immigrants are criminals here to do us harm. Some are people who have been here many years, raised families and
contributed to our society. During my childhood, I had friends that were Korean and Latino descent, and I am grateful to have experience with those
diverse cultures. In this class and in a previous teaching class, I worked with and got to know students of different ethnicities. We learned in class
about legislation that would provide English learners with more support while they are assimilating and learning English (Buenrostro,2017). This can
only benefit everyone as we raise the level of proficiency for the newest students. We Americans may have different cultures and traditions, but we all
have value that can add to our society. I hope to continue my ethnic studies to further my understanding of other cultures. With the power of knowledge,
we can break down barriers and stereotypes.
As a teenager and college student, I have to admit that I felt somewhat suspicious of people with a different lifestyles than myself. I think I felt
threatened by people who identified themselves as gay or transgender. I was probably just afraid of difference that was unknown to me at the time. As
I got older I came to realize that whatever people do in the privacy in
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Cultural Diversity India
Cultural Diversity of India
Inherited ideas, ways of people's living, beliefs, rituals, values, habits, care, gentleness, knowledge etc. constitutes of culture in India. India is one of
the oldest civilization of the world old culture of humanity and care is still followed by people. Culture shows the way we behave to others, how softly
we react to things, our understanding towards values, ethics, principles, and beliefs.
People of old generations pass their cultures to the coming new generation. Culture can be seen here in everything like dance, fashion, artistry, music,
behaviour, social norms, food, architecture, dressing sense, etc. India is a big melting pot having various beliefs and behaviours which gave birth to
wide different cultures here.
"Sanskriti Mahotsava"'is a cultural diversity of India which comes under one roof for 10 days. It is organised by Ministry of Culture to encourage
youngsters to experience India, from different parts of country the event will have around 150 cultural performances by around 400 artists. The
dances are performed for many different purposes relating to rituals, festivals and also people who do martial arts. There are also some rare thrilling
performances including aerial acts where a Delhi girl goes as high as 25 feet.
There are fringe–folk art performances such as Behroopiyas, Kacchi Ghori and Baazigars which is a sight to see. There are also street plays(nukkad
nataks) played in total 10 which projects social–cultural messages.
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Essay about Cultural Experience
English 1130
Fall 2012
Cultural Diversity Assignment I didn't know where I should go to visit for my culture experience paper. I am neither into a play or temple, but I
absolutely love food, all kinds of food. I think meals and restaurants are a great way to experience a different culture. The problem was what kind of
food I should try and won't be too disappointed? So I called my brother who has numerous experiences in food. He told me that I should try a
Greek food and there is a Greek restaurant in uptown called It's Greek to me, it is a nice place to go and offers delicious authentic Greek food. I was
attempting and exciting. Therefore, I decided to try Greek food for my culture experience. Next following day, my more content...
They all looked amazing and delicious, I had to stop and take some pictures. My dish Beef Kebob had four juicy steak nuggets, and a moist
medium–rare with flavors you won't find anywhere with some onion and pepper in between them. Couple this with vegetables and home–style
potatoes. I took a first bite of potatoes and it tasted so sour. I didn't like much but I didn't get bother by it. As soon as I took the first bite of my
steak nuggets, all the sour potatoes thoughts were disappeared and I felt so happy chewing on the steak. It was so tender and delicious. My
boyfriend's dish also looked amazing, he really loved it. I didn't try because I don't like the taste of lamb. Soon after we both cleaned out the plate
and left no room for desserts. We had to promise each other that we would come back again next time. After that, I called my brother and thank
him for the wonderful suggestion. He told me little bit about Greek culture on food. He said his Greek friend told him that food is very important
in Greek, Greek people take food very seriously. Family loves to come together and cook for a nice meal, enjoy the food, laugh and have fun
together. I don't know much about Greek culture, but I guess I am interested in it now because this experience. One thing I notice that Greek food is
amazing and they do really appreciate the food and create amazing dishes. I am glad that I chose Greek restaurant for this cultural
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Indian Cultural Case Study
Case Study Care Plan Strategies: Shanti Care Plan Strategies: Shanti
Shanti's story describes the death and dying process of a 63 year old Indian woman with breast cancer and metastasis. She had lived in the United
States for 32 years and both her and her family still strictly followed their Hindu beliefs and traditions. Shanti knew she was ill but not her diagnosis or
prognosis. She was in constant pain and suffered from anorexia, weight loss, and digestive problems. Her religious and cultural beliefs were that all
that happened in this life was the result of her past life and that her next life would be determined by her actions in this life. To Shanti the pain she was
suffering was given to her by the gods and relief more content...
She believed her pain was given to her by the gods and a result of her past life and that relieving her pain would cause bad karma and negatively
affect her next life. The author has chosen this diagnosis because Shanti has expressed the importance of her spiritual journey in order to achieve
peace and nirvana. In order to assist the patient the hospice team will need to communicate with the patient and her family about their beliefs, wishes,
and needs. It is also important that the staff honor the patient's wishes and cultural beliefs without passing any judgement. Shanti wished to be at home
while she was ill, surrounded by family, and practicing her faith as usual. The hospice team can allow this to happen by supporting the patient's wishes
and assessing additional needs. Shanti was at home surrounded by family and able to participate in daily prayers and meditation when she passed
away and the family was able to perform traditional death rituals.
Acute Pain In the beginning of Shanti's story the author describes the physical characteristics of Shanti's pain and her desire to experience that pain
because of her religious and cultural beliefs. It is important that hospice staff assess that patient's pain levels and desired relief. Shanti decides to refuse
pain medication but later chooses a modicum of medicine so she can
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India, Religion, Culture, And Religions In India
Culture normally revolves around knowledge of a particular group of people while encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and
arts. India houses said people from several thousand ethnic groups, tribes, castes, and religions that provide a rich diversity of varying cultures. India's
history dates back several centuries and can even extend into millenniums. The vast differences in cultural diversity reflect much about India as a
country as well as the people who live there. India retains a plethora amount of religious, geographical, cultural, social, and military history that shapes
its inhabitants as well as various travelers around the globe.
Religion has been an important part of the country's culture and formation as people who settled there have discovered various practices that became
renowned today. India established four major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. However, Islam remains prevalent in
India since it is currently the second largest religion in the world. The most dominant religion of India is Hinduism, which to this day is the oldest
religion in the world. Roughly, 84 per cent of India's population (total population: ~1.267 billion people) is devoted to Hinduism. India has a known
history of religious violence against Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians due to a large number of riots stemming from as far back as 1832. One of
the largest riots that occurred caused over 8000 deaths and an unknown
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Cultural Diversity Essay
Diversity & Family Life in the Classroom
"We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community – and this
nation (Cesar Chavez)." This quote has one meaning overall that I love. We need to honor the ethnic and cultural diversity that helps our community
grow along with our nation. Without diversity, our country and community our world would be boring and dull.
I had the privilege of interviewing an intern at my job place right now, who happens to be going for the same career choice that I am going for. Her
name is Teyha Graham and we met through her internship at CitiFamily Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Teyha is 25% African American and
75% German. She was very open to me interviewing her. Actually, what happened was I was telling her about my assignment and told her I needed
one more person to interview for my class and she said, "Interview me." I thought to myself that would be awesome, but how are you diverse from
me? She said, "I am African American." Honestly, I didn't even put the connection together, because she is not very dark skinned, but isn't very fair
skinned either.
The first question I asked her was, "Have you ever experienced racism? How did it make you feel, and what was your reaction?" Teyha answered, "Yes,
I have. I grew up in a small town and I felt 'different' then others, because of my skin color. I got called the 'N' word one when I was younger. I cried, but
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Cultural Diversity Reflection Paper

  • 1. Cultural Diversity Reflection Paper Before taking this course, I thought I had a clear understanding of what it meant to have diversity awareness. Taking Mr. Douglas's Cultural Diversity class has given new insight to how people fit today. I have seen many diverse cultures through my experiences in life; however I was not entirely aware of the diversity in America. Since taking this course, I have realized that increasing my awareness in diversity, will help me as a mother and as a future pathologist having to work with a vastly large cultural diverse team. As a mother, I interact with different cultures, races, and sexes daily through my children's school, their sports, and other parents. I have deeper knowledge in how other cultures interact. As a future pathologist, having a better understanding of diversity and the conflicts, would give me an edge in my field. Throughout this course I have had my eyes open to diversity in a way I never imagined. I'm more cautious before judging about the way I view people and the way people interact. I feel enlightened on how our liquescent pot became the America my children inherit with hope that their world will continue to evolve. Looking at people with new light that I work with; I believed coincidence lead to who I work with and how my neighbors react. Grasping that it is a part of upbringing; being as I am, is due to those that helped raise me resulting in my conniption. 47 years and mindset why aspect life with social class appeared gained by chance. Mr. Douglas's Cultural Diversity class has shattered 60% of how I believed our country became diverse. Thankful for maturity (what little I retain) to evolve, which gave way to my fractionally opened mind which I thought was wide open. To elaborate on our skin color seems as unimportant as knowing what color eyes are verses work ethic and loyalty. Feeling cheated of knowing the world as I understand it. I intended to teach my children how important not to judge skin color, ethnicity, or religion. Unfortunately, we live in a community where the mind is moderately shut than open, and I foresee the struggle my children will battle here in this rural community. We must move to prosper and acquire a deeper understanding, in a dramatically open–minded setting. Get more content on
  • 2. Different Cultures, Different Essay Every society and culture has different ways of interpreting and defining occurrences by the way their own culture or society functions. "A society's culture, consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members"(Geertz 242). The rituals, customs, ethics and morals that are attributed to the cultures have caused these differences. To understand how the people of one culture interpret a situation or event, one must evaluate the attributes that a culture has. The criteria that an event is based on changes as one culture applies their own ideas to the given situation. Heroism and violation are two concepts that are easily misinterpreted depending on culture's ideals. Since more content... What tripped Cohen up, and with him the whole, ancient pattern of social and economic relationships within which he functioned, was a confusion of tongues. (Geertz 241) Geertz explains that the reason for the confusion, and the different interpretations of the event that took place is a simple misunderstanding that when took place in clashing cultures with different views, both striving to claim the situation in their own contexts became a somewhat humorous event. This conflict between cultures causes a view of a person to change depending on which point of reference they are being seen from. In Ernest Hemingway's "Indian Camp," the conflict between cultures again cause a difference of views of the father. The concept of heroism and violation becomes the issue of conflict. The father or doctor is considered a hero or a violator of the Indian woman depending on the culture viewing him. From the father's culture, he is viewed as a hero for his actions at the Indian camp. His actions are viewed as heroic under the circumstances of his procedure. Because of the culture of the Indian people, having a white man, an outsider of the tribe, come in and operate on an Indian woman is viewed as obscene and a violation of the woman not to Get more content on
  • 3. Cultural Diversity, Gender And Sexuality Essay Introduction Issues of diversity are problematically, inaccurately and unauthentically understood and represented, throughout the education system. This includes problems related to cultural diversity, gender and sexuality. Culture is the sum of attitudes, customs and beliefs that distinguishes one group of people from another. The complications related to cultural diversity include: identity confusion; language barriers; social isolation; and a lack of representation in the curriculum. These issues are demonstrated when exploring the lives of refugee and Indigenous students. Gender is the social and cultural differences between males and females; and sexuality is a person 's sexual orientation or preference. Issues related to gender and sexuality in the pedagogical setting include; gender bias, gender norms, gender roles, gender stereotypes, bullying and exclusion. Many of these problems occur because the curriculum is written by upper class, white males and the teaching body, as a whole, lacks individual diversity. This means that diverse children are not well represented in the curriculum and their beliefs and customs are not supported in classrooms. Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity is problematically understood and represented in Australian classrooms because many ethically diverse students are disadvantaged and multicultural learning experiences are not implemented in an authentic manner. Culture is a fluid, dynamic and ever–evolving set of activities, Get more content on
  • 4. Cultural Diversity In India CULTURAL DIVERSITY Cultures change and cultural diversity is created, maintained and lost over time. Social learning and choosing, acquiring and assimilating and rejecting information and knowledge is a necessary aspect of the formation of cultural repertoire. Human culture is the inevitable result of the way our species acquires its behaviour. Expertise in exploiting our environment, values about what matters in life are, among other things, what constitute culture. We are very adept at transmitting cultural information to others, sometimes through frank teaching but also through the constant social interaction characteristic of human life. Cultural diversity inevitably develops in the course of cultural transmission. This happens when members of the same culture and sub–culture share a large proportion of their information The diversity in India is unique. Being a large country with large population. India presents endless varieties of physical features and cultural patterns. It is the land of many languages it is only in India people professes all the major religions of the world. In short, India is "the epitome of the world". The vast population is composed of people having diverse creeds, customs and colours. Some of the important forms of diversity in India are:– 1. Diversity of Physical Features: The unique feature about India is the extreme largest mountains covered with snow throughout the year. The Himalayas or the adobe of snow is the source of the mighty Get more content on
  • 5. India Unity In Diversity In India India is described as a country which is "a Unity is Diversity" because it is comprised of a wide variety of individuals who belong to different religions, speak different languages, practice different traditions, have different castes, worship different gods, wear different clothing, and eat different foods. Although India is comprised of all these different individuals and their diverse traits and practices, these individuals live together in peace and harmony in India. Furthermore, the people of India are governed by one central authority and have one Prime Minister, President, Supreme Court, and Army Chief. Hinduism is the main religion practiced in India; however, there are followers of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, and Parsees. The people of India practice different religions but majority of them believe in the theory of Dharma and Karma. This theory includes salvation, rebirth, purification the soul, good for good, and bad for bad. Furthermore, the people of India come together to celebrate festivals and cultural celebrations. Even Indian philosophy contributes to the idea that India is "a Unity in Diversity." There is difference in the overall conceptions of gods and ways of worshipping but Indians still maintain the fear of heaven and hell. Many ethics groups coexist in India as well. However, within each ethnic group, views on rituals, marriage, and castes remain the same. Also, many languages are spoken in India, but Sanskrit still maintains Get more content on
  • 6. Diversity In Hinduism In Hinduism, Hindus believe in religion for the reasons of what they are expected to do in life and in the future: "Hinduism became one of the world's most complex religions with countless Gods and Goddesses and many forms of worship existing side by side. Despite this diversity, all Hindus share certain basic beliefs" (Ellis 76). In other words, having all Hindus have the same basic beliefs, which are Dharma, Karma, and Samsara lead to why they believe in religion. The diversity gave the Hindus the opportunity share and worship many gods and goddesses. Along the same lines, Dharma belongs to the world and to the individual as well. Saying that they believe in completing their own duties having their own responsibility to balance his or her own dharma. Therefore, they believe in religion also to achieve by living a life of religious devotion and moral more content... In Christianity, Christians believe in religion because of the bible and having respect on just God: "The Bible is the only inspired and authoritative written Word of God penned by man with the leading of the Holy Spirit." In other words, Christians believe in religion due to the fact that they focus and believe entirely about the bible, which gives them the focus on the one God and his Get more content on
  • 7. Culture And Effect Of Globalization On Culture Summary: In the modern world it is very important to understand the terms "globalization" and "culture". Globalization is a process which involves changes in the natural human life. In other words we may call it as changes in the culture of that particular human being or any other particular group. Culture of a group or particular person mainly tells about the life of people or person, living traditions, historical values, religious matters in that particular social system. So we could say culture is a subsystem with in a lager social system. Now a days every modern critic usually thinks about the globalization and effect of globalization on culture. Does it having positive effect on the culture or does it having negative effect more content... In my views they were not having different cultural experience other than European culture. In the second example we were almost in the 18th century. Everyone in the world mostly known about the various cultures existed in the world. At that time barriers between the places are slowly dissolving because globalization was slowly increasing. For example during 18th century India was under British ruling. India is mainly famous for the different cultural and ethnic groups. Before 18th century, the culture group named 'BRHAMIN' was only educated culture group. After 18th century mass media is developed and communication between the people was developed. Here media is playing a key role in the globalization of particular place or country. In above two examples we could find the globalization was there only in the particular country or particular state. But in the 20th century we can say that globalization takes place not only in the interstate it was extended to the other parts of the world. In the final example the author mainly discussed about the cultural imperialism. Cultural imperialism is mainly due to the spreading other culture dominance or in another words attraction towards other culture activities. Here also I would like to explain the condition of India before 20th century. Before 20th century the dominant religion was Hindu group. After several years this community people was attracted for western Get more content on
  • 8. Indian Culture And Its Impact On Society India is country known all over the world for its culture and tradition. It is a land with various cultures and traditions which are as vast as the subcontinent upon which they are located. This essay will focus on the Indian culture and highlight the different beliefs that Indians have on life processes. The essay will show the different methods Indians use to stay healthy and how the Indian culture can determine how healthcare services are provided to the people. India is a nation of many different individuals, each with their own beliefs and way of life. The different beliefs that are held by these people and the traditions they follow can have a significant impact on how they view modern healthcare. The beliefs and moral values which are a part of human nature can have positive impacts on an individual, but can also bind them and cause negative impacts on mental and physical health (Worthington & Gogne, 2011). It is necessary for health professionals to be aware of the cultural beliefs and influences so that they can effectively provide healthcare services. A lack of cultural competence in care leads to poor patient outcomes, low compliance, and higher disparities regardless of the services and systems available ("Diversity & Cultural Competency in Health Care Settings"). Depending on an individual's culture, the way in which one perceives life processes differs greatly. For Indians their culture plays a large role in how they perceive these things. Being a nation with Get more content on
  • 9. Cultural Differences in India Running Head: Cultural Differences in India Cultural Differences in India Cultural Differences in India India is a unique country. Home to close to a billion people, it boasts a rich cultural history spanning over 4 millennia. India's vast geographical coverage features all kinds of different terrain; from the cold, magnificent peaks and valleys of Kashmir to the hot, barren lands of Jacobabad. With such terrain comes a culture so vast that it is almost impossible to define. India possesses an array of different races, languages, religions and customs (Bryman & Hardy, 2009). It is said that almost all of the world's most popular religions are found in India, which can be further separated into different sects. Across the country, almost 400 different languages are spoken including Hindi, Tamil, Bengali, Urdu, Kashmiri, Marathi, Sanskrit and English. It should be worth noting here that a vast majority of these languages also have their own scripts and literature. In terms of racial diversity, again India claims to be home to many races such as the Mongolians, Arabs, Afghans, Sakas and the Kushanas as well as the various different jungle tribes spread across the country. Thus, communicating across these cultures can always lead to misunderstandings and friction between different groups. One must realize that where all these different races, religions, languages and customs must co–exist, there shall always be cross–cultural disputes, territory wars and a battle for Get more content on
  • 10. Speech On Diversity In India Harmony means the quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole. Unity in diversity means oneness in the varieties. India is a best country proving this concept for many years. India is a country where it is very clear to see unity in diversity because people of many religion, race, culture and tradition live together without affecting each other's feelings and believes to their religion. Unity in diversity focuses on the existence of unity even after lots of differences of cultural, social, physical, linguistic, religious, political, ideological, psychological, etc. More number of diversities makes more complex unity. People in India are united in spite of the much diversity of races, religions, castes, sub–castes, communities, more content... Harmony in diversity boosts morale of people at workplace, organization, and community. It helps in enhancing esprit de corps, relationships, teamwork among people thus improve performance, quality of work, productivity and lifestyle. It makes communication effective even in bad situation. Harmony do keeps people away from social problems and help to manage conflicts easily. Live in harmony do improve healthy human relations and protects equal human rights for all. Harmony in diversity in India provides source of tourism. People of diverse cultures, traditions, cuisines, religions and clothing attract more visitors and tourists from all across the world. It gives rise the habit of national integration among people of the country even after being diverse in various ways. It also gives value to the rich heritages of country as well as strengthens and enriches the cultural heritage of India. It helps to be rich in agricultural area through different crops and thus economy growth. Harmony is the source of skilled and advance professionals in various areas to the Get more content on
  • 11. Cultural Diversity In Children This resource allows children to broaden their understanding of cultural diversity and the significance of maintaining equality. After children have read or listened to 'Whoever you are', it is hoped that not only their language and literacy skills have strengthened, but also their knowledge. It is crucial that children are introduced to this topic from an early age and are able to discuss the differences of cultures, although focus primarily on what makes everyone the same. Children will learn about respect, which is a key concept of cultural diversity and should be able to utilize this attribute in their learning environment and everyday lives. It is evident that this children's book acknowledges the importance of culture and home learning. This is due to the fact that the author involves children from around the world and explains that even though we all appear different, we are all the same. It is vital that children can learn in their environment and feel safe, therefore encouraging equality will allow this to happen. Although it is not a bilingual text, 'Whoever you are' ensures that children can read in their environment and discuss the meaning of cultural diversity with their family. The values that are interpreted from the book such as respect can also be discussed within the family or at the kindergarten (Bredekamp, 2016). Teaching and learning strategies 1. Picture talks is a learning tool that is utilized in early education and involves a teacher displaying illustrations in a book or a photograph, then asking the children to observe and share what they see. This learning experience will become of benefit to children when reading 'Whoever you are' because it will give them an opportunity to visualize and discuss the meaning of the picture, which in this case illustrates diversity (Fellowes & Oakley, 2014, pg. 113). The book contains pictures of children from cultures and a globe with children surrounding it, which symbolizes equality. 2. Another learning tool that could be applied whilst reading this book is conducting a class meeting, which will enable the children to gather together to discuss the importance of cultural diversity and share their experiences, whether it be about their Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection On Culture And Diversity 1.From my perspective, when I think of diverse contexts, I think of a great variety of influences and events interrelated to a particular situation. The relationship between culture and diversity is a great variety of groups represented within a community. These variety of groups are formed by race, ethnicity, age, ability, language, nationality, socioeconomic status, gender, religion and sexual orientation. As an African American who is aware of the difficult challenges (such as slavery and segregation) that my culture has endured, it has taught me to respect social, political, and cultural differences that characterizes the people in this country. I am knowledgeable and educated on cultural differences, which has taught me to more content... 2.From Chapter 1 in our Reframing Organizations text, the symbolic frame makes the most sense to me because it focuses on the issues of meaning and faith. It puts ritual, ceremony, play, story and culture at the heart of the organizational life. From my perspective, the symbolic frame doesn't focus on the event but rather the meaning of that particular event. This specific frame was easier to comprehend than the other three frames. 3.As I reflected on the Dilbert cartoon, I believe the content of the narrative to ring true. For example, I previously worked as a customer service representative for New York and Company. There were many instances where I felt like customers didn't receive proper customer service and the rules of the company were unethical. On my end, I didn't agree with how the customers were handled. I expressed my dissatisfaction to management and I was informed that as long as I wanted to be employed by this company, I had to follow their rules. Eventually I resigned from my position because I felt guilty about how things were conducted by the company. I'm using this as a prime example in relation to the Dilbert cartoon because most companies focus on the welfare of their company versus the happiness of the employees, who are fulfilling the job duties. In some cases, the welfare of the company and its corporate strategy doesn't involve what's Get more content on
  • 13. Cultural Diversity Essay To work with culturally diverse people we should be aware of their culture, norms and traditions and accordingly reflect in it. We should also maintain the communication strategies and respect strategies so that we can avoid conflict and communication barriers at the workplace. We should be well– informed of all their cultures restrictions as well to avoid any misunderstanding. We should always treat them equally and adore their uniqueness. 2.What types of diversity may you encounter in your role? Ans: I may encounter both cultural and ethnicity diversity.For example I am Nepalese and I follow Nepalese culture. Now I am in Australia and I can encounter lots of cultural and work differences. 3.How can your attitudes impact diverse groups of people? Ans : My attitudes can hugely impact the diverse groups of people. For instance if I looked down at their cultural norms and values, this will result in racial conflict. Thus if I perform any activities that is against the diverse group then a huge clash will be the consequences. Thus my attitudes can hugely impact both me and the diverse group. So it is important for me to act cautiously towards them so that they don't become offended. 4.How may cultural diversity impact different areas of work? Ans: Cultural diversity impact different areas of work by : Impact of culture in tourism : the impact of culture on tourism examines the growing relationship between tourism and culture, and the way in which they have together Get more content on
  • 14. My Personal Reflection : Cultural Diversity Since I started this class, I have a learned a great deal about cultural diversity in the classroom and abroad. My perspective has changed slightly but my knowledge of this subject has improved. In my family, my father taught me about the civil rights movement and the evils of segregation in the U.S. My parents taught me to be tolerant of all humans, no matter what they look like, how they dress, or their sexual orientation. My family has always been liberal thinkers who taught me the dark history of racism and bigotry in this country. As an educator I would be accepting to all race, creeds, and religious peoples. In my original personal narrative, I mentioned that I grew up in a mostly white middle class town with a 15% Latino population. In some ways, I grew up in a town that is in the forefront of a national discussion about increasing multiculturalism and acceptance of Latino Americans. We have come to realize that not all illegal immigrants are criminals here to do us harm. Some are people who have been here many years, raised families and contributed to our society. During my childhood, I had friends that were Korean and Latino descent, and I am grateful to have experience with those diverse cultures. In this class and in a previous teaching class, I worked with and got to know students of different ethnicities. We learned in class about legislation that would provide English learners with more support while they are assimilating and learning English (Buenrostro,2017). This can only benefit everyone as we raise the level of proficiency for the newest students. We Americans may have different cultures and traditions, but we all have value that can add to our society. I hope to continue my ethnic studies to further my understanding of other cultures. With the power of knowledge, we can break down barriers and stereotypes. As a teenager and college student, I have to admit that I felt somewhat suspicious of people with a different lifestyles than myself. I think I felt threatened by people who identified themselves as gay or transgender. I was probably just afraid of difference that was unknown to me at the time. As I got older I came to realize that whatever people do in the privacy in Get more content on
  • 15. Cultural Diversity India Cultural Diversity of India Inherited ideas, ways of people's living, beliefs, rituals, values, habits, care, gentleness, knowledge etc. constitutes of culture in India. India is one of the oldest civilization of the world old culture of humanity and care is still followed by people. Culture shows the way we behave to others, how softly we react to things, our understanding towards values, ethics, principles, and beliefs. People of old generations pass their cultures to the coming new generation. Culture can be seen here in everything like dance, fashion, artistry, music, behaviour, social norms, food, architecture, dressing sense, etc. India is a big melting pot having various beliefs and behaviours which gave birth to wide different cultures here. "Sanskriti Mahotsava"'is a cultural diversity of India which comes under one roof for 10 days. It is organised by Ministry of Culture to encourage youngsters to experience India, from different parts of country the event will have around 150 cultural performances by around 400 artists. The dances are performed for many different purposes relating to rituals, festivals and also people who do martial arts. There are also some rare thrilling performances including aerial acts where a Delhi girl goes as high as 25 feet. There are fringe–folk art performances such as Behroopiyas, Kacchi Ghori and Baazigars which is a sight to see. There are also street plays(nukkad nataks) played in total 10 which projects social–cultural messages. Get more content on
  • 16. Essay about Cultural Experience English 1130 Fall 2012 Cultural Diversity Assignment I didn't know where I should go to visit for my culture experience paper. I am neither into a play or temple, but I absolutely love food, all kinds of food. I think meals and restaurants are a great way to experience a different culture. The problem was what kind of food I should try and won't be too disappointed? So I called my brother who has numerous experiences in food. He told me that I should try a Greek food and there is a Greek restaurant in uptown called It's Greek to me, it is a nice place to go and offers delicious authentic Greek food. I was attempting and exciting. Therefore, I decided to try Greek food for my culture experience. Next following day, my more content... They all looked amazing and delicious, I had to stop and take some pictures. My dish Beef Kebob had four juicy steak nuggets, and a moist medium–rare with flavors you won't find anywhere with some onion and pepper in between them. Couple this with vegetables and home–style potatoes. I took a first bite of potatoes and it tasted so sour. I didn't like much but I didn't get bother by it. As soon as I took the first bite of my steak nuggets, all the sour potatoes thoughts were disappeared and I felt so happy chewing on the steak. It was so tender and delicious. My boyfriend's dish also looked amazing, he really loved it. I didn't try because I don't like the taste of lamb. Soon after we both cleaned out the plate and left no room for desserts. We had to promise each other that we would come back again next time. After that, I called my brother and thank him for the wonderful suggestion. He told me little bit about Greek culture on food. He said his Greek friend told him that food is very important in Greek, Greek people take food very seriously. Family loves to come together and cook for a nice meal, enjoy the food, laugh and have fun together. I don't know much about Greek culture, but I guess I am interested in it now because this experience. One thing I notice that Greek food is amazing and they do really appreciate the food and create amazing dishes. I am glad that I chose Greek restaurant for this cultural Get more content on
  • 17. Indian Cultural Case Study Case Study Care Plan Strategies: Shanti Care Plan Strategies: Shanti Shanti's story describes the death and dying process of a 63 year old Indian woman with breast cancer and metastasis. She had lived in the United States for 32 years and both her and her family still strictly followed their Hindu beliefs and traditions. Shanti knew she was ill but not her diagnosis or prognosis. She was in constant pain and suffered from anorexia, weight loss, and digestive problems. Her religious and cultural beliefs were that all that happened in this life was the result of her past life and that her next life would be determined by her actions in this life. To Shanti the pain she was suffering was given to her by the gods and relief more content... She believed her pain was given to her by the gods and a result of her past life and that relieving her pain would cause bad karma and negatively affect her next life. The author has chosen this diagnosis because Shanti has expressed the importance of her spiritual journey in order to achieve peace and nirvana. In order to assist the patient the hospice team will need to communicate with the patient and her family about their beliefs, wishes, and needs. It is also important that the staff honor the patient's wishes and cultural beliefs without passing any judgement. Shanti wished to be at home while she was ill, surrounded by family, and practicing her faith as usual. The hospice team can allow this to happen by supporting the patient's wishes and assessing additional needs. Shanti was at home surrounded by family and able to participate in daily prayers and meditation when she passed away and the family was able to perform traditional death rituals. Acute Pain In the beginning of Shanti's story the author describes the physical characteristics of Shanti's pain and her desire to experience that pain because of her religious and cultural beliefs. It is important that hospice staff assess that patient's pain levels and desired relief. Shanti decides to refuse pain medication but later chooses a modicum of medicine so she can Get more content on
  • 18. India, Religion, Culture, And Religions In India Culture normally revolves around knowledge of a particular group of people while encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. India houses said people from several thousand ethnic groups, tribes, castes, and religions that provide a rich diversity of varying cultures. India's history dates back several centuries and can even extend into millenniums. The vast differences in cultural diversity reflect much about India as a country as well as the people who live there. India retains a plethora amount of religious, geographical, cultural, social, and military history that shapes its inhabitants as well as various travelers around the globe. Religion has been an important part of the country's culture and formation as people who settled there have discovered various practices that became renowned today. India established four major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. However, Islam remains prevalent in India since it is currently the second largest religion in the world. The most dominant religion of India is Hinduism, which to this day is the oldest religion in the world. Roughly, 84 per cent of India's population (total population: ~1.267 billion people) is devoted to Hinduism. India has a known history of religious violence against Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and Christians due to a large number of riots stemming from as far back as 1832. One of the largest riots that occurred caused over 8000 deaths and an unknown Get more content on
  • 19. Cultural Diversity Essay Diversity & Family Life in the Classroom "We need to help students and parents cherish and preserve the ethnic and cultural diversity that nourishes and strengthens this community – and this nation (Cesar Chavez)." This quote has one meaning overall that I love. We need to honor the ethnic and cultural diversity that helps our community grow along with our nation. Without diversity, our country and community our world would be boring and dull. I had the privilege of interviewing an intern at my job place right now, who happens to be going for the same career choice that I am going for. Her name is Teyha Graham and we met through her internship at CitiFamily Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Teyha is 25% African American and 75% German. She was very open to me interviewing her. Actually, what happened was I was telling her about my assignment and told her I needed one more person to interview for my class and she said, "Interview me." I thought to myself that would be awesome, but how are you diverse from me? She said, "I am African American." Honestly, I didn't even put the connection together, because she is not very dark skinned, but isn't very fair skinned either. The first question I asked her was, "Have you ever experienced racism? How did it make you feel, and what was your reaction?" Teyha answered, "Yes, I have. I grew up in a small town and I felt 'different' then others, because of my skin color. I got called the 'N' word one when I was younger. I cried, but Get more content on