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Образец заголовка
Tutorial on Relationship Mining
In Online Social Networks
Peifeng Jing NetID: pjing2
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Prepared as an assignment for CS410: Text Information Systems in Spring 2016
Образец заголовкаAgenda
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Summary
Образец заголовкаAgenda
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Summary
Образец заголовка
Social Networks Play An Important Role In
Our Daily Lives
•  People conduct communications and share
information through social relations with others
such as friends, family colleagues, collaborators,
and business partners.
Образец заголовка
Online Large-Scale Social Network
Is Growing
•  For example, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.
•  Over 1.59 billion users on Facebook
•  Over 555 million users on Twitter
Образец заголовка
There Are Many Cool Applications In
Social Network and Relationship Mining
•  Business intelligence and market analysis
•  Discovery of community structures
•  Inferring social relationships
•  Personal profiling
•  E-mail filtering
•  Mining hidden advisor-advisee relationships in
academic networks
•  Positive/Negative relationship mining, e.g. trust
network and voting network
•  Biological networks, e.g. predicting food webs,
protein-protein interactions, metabolic networks, etc.
Образец заголовка
But We Have Problems To Find
Relations In Large-Scale Network
•  We used to depend on users to label
•  Some personal information are hidden in
the online social network
•  People generally use unstructured or semi-
structured languages for communication
Образец заголовкаCan We Automatically Find Relations?
•  More digital data are available online
•  More people share personal information
through social media
Образец заголовкаAgenda
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
–  Problem Definition
–  Relationship Concepts in Sociology
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Summary
Образец заголовка
What Is The Task of
Relationship Mining?
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
–  Problem Definition
–  Relationship Concepts in Sociology
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Summary
Образец заголовкаWhat Is Relationship Mining?
•  User Information and
their relationships are not
complete in online social
•  Relationship Mining is to
predict or discover the
hidden relationships in
the social networks
Образец заголовкаFormulated Definition of Relationship Mining
•  Given a network G(V,E) and a list of
attributes A= {A1,…,Am}.
–  V = {v0,…,vn} represents users.
–  E={eij} are the set of connections
between users.
–  The attributes A represents profiles of
–  The label L={lij} are the types of edge
•  For user vi, some information might
be missing
–  attributes aij are unknown
–  edges eij are missing
–  labels lij are unknown
•  The task is to discover or predict the missing edges eij and unknown
labels lij
[1] Wenbin Tang, Honglei Zhuang, and Jie Tang, Learning to Infer Social Ties in Large Networkds, ECML/PKDD’11, 2011
Образец заголовка
How Do We Measure The Edges
(Relations) In Social Network?
•  Binary Measurement
– 0: absent
– 1: existing
•  Strength of Social Tie
– A concept from Sociology
[1] Mark Granovetter, The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited, Sociological Theory, Vol. 1 (1983), pp. 201-233
[2] Mark S. Granovetter, The Strength of Weak Ties, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 78, No. 6 (1973), pp. 1360-1380
[3] David Easley, Jon Kleinberg, Network, Crowds, and Markets: Reasonging about a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press 2010, pp. 47-83
Образец заголовкаWhat Does Sociology Tell Us?
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
–  Problem Definition
–  Relationship Concepts in Sociology
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Summary
Образец заголовка
Relationships Has Been Studied For A Long
Time In Sociology (Since 1954)
•  Sociologists consider relationships as
“Social Tie”
•  In sociology, social tie is measured by its
David Easley, Jon Kleinberg, Network, Crowds, and Markets: Reasonging about a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press 2010, pp. 47-83
Образец заголовкаWhat Is Social Tie?
•  Social tie (also called interpersonal tie) is the
information-carrying connections between people
•  Types of ties
–  Strong tie: the connections to people who you really trust,
whose social circles tightly overlap with your own.
–  Weak tie: the connections to people who are merely
acquaintances. Weak tie often provide access to novel
information that not circulate in the closely knit network of
strong ties
•  How do we distinguish strong and weak ties?
–  Strength of social ties
Eric Gilbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI ’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference of Human Factors in
Computing Systems, Page 211-220
Образец заголовкаProperty of Social Tie: Strength
•  Strength of ties: the strength of a tie is a (probably
linear) combination of the amount of time, the
emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual confiding),
and the reciprocal services which characterize the
•  Dimensions of Tie Strength
–  Amount of time, intimacy, intensity, reciprocal services,
network topology and information social circles, emotional
supports, socioeconomic status, education level, political
affiliation, race, gender, etc.
[1] Mohammad Karim Sohrabi, Soodeh Akbar, A comprehensive study on the effects of using data mining techniques to predict tie strength, Computers in
Human Behavior, 60 (2016), pp. 534-541
[2] Eric Glbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computer Systems (2009) pp. 211-220
Образец заголовкаHistory of Tie Strength Research
•  The concept of tie strength was first introduced by Granovetter
(1973) and ties are split into “strong” and “weak”
•  Dimensions of tie strength are improved by Lin, Ensel, and Vaughn
(1981) and Wellman and Wortley (1990)
•  Marsden and Campbell (1984) first did researches to predict tie
•  Krackhardt and Stern (1988) demonstrate strong relationship
between employees of different organizational sub-units can help
an organization to resist in the crisis
•  Strong partners are demonstrated to create crisis and pressure for
institutional changes in the organization (Krackhardt 1992)
•  Granovetter (1995) demonstrated that weak ties are more
beneficial for job seekers
Образец заголовкаHistory of Tie Strength Research (Cont.)
•  Burt (2009) believes that structural factors are effective in shaping
tie strength, such as network topology and informal social circle.
•  Wilson et al., Viswanath et al., Kahanda and Neville (2009) studied
social graphs and different interaction patterns. They also uses
characteristic features, topological features, transactional
characteristics and network-transactional features and concluded
that the most prominent features in predicting tie strength are
network-transactional characteristics
•  Gilbert and Karahalios (2009) uses 70 variables and achieve 85%
accuracy in predicting tie strength
•  In 2011, a study was conducted using regression analysis based
on the principle that tie strength is a combination of the variables,
such as friendships.
Образец заголовкаHistory of Tie Strength Research (Cont.)
•  In 2013, Servia-Rodriguez, Diaz-Redondo, Fernandez-Vilas and
Pazos-Arias extracted information through Facebook API’s (with
users permission)
•  In 2014, evaluation of performance testing is performed by means
of BFF (Fogues, Such, Espinosa and Garcia-Fornes)
•  Lee, Lee and Hwang (2014) used perceived business tie to
investigate trust transfer
•  Lin and Utz (2015) studied on the roles of tie strength in predicting
the emotional outcomes of reading a post on Facebook
•  Chen, Liy, and Zou (2016) proposed a Social Tie Factor Graph
(STFG) model to estimate the home locations of users in the
Twitter network based on user-centric data and tie strength
Образец заголовка
Another Approach To Categorize
Relationships: Positive/Negative Ties
•  Positive and Negative Social Ties
•  Also called “Signed Networks”
•  Positive Relationship: links to indicate friendship, support or
•  Negative Relationship: links to indicate disapproval,
disagreement or distrust of opinions
•  It has cool applications in predicting voting and elections
Образец заголовка
Why Do We Care Social Tie For
Relationship Mining?
•  We can use strength of social tie to
determine whether there are relations
between users
•  Based on theory of Sociology, different
types social ties represent different
properties of the social network
Образец заголовкаHow To Do Relationship Mining?
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
•  Text Mining in Relationship Mining
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Summary
Образец заголовка
Text Mining Is An Important Technology In
Relationship Mining
•  The most popular social networking websites are
Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace where text is
the dominant way of communication
•  People in online social networks generally use
unstructured or semi-structured languages for
Образец заголовкаWhat Can Text Mining Do?
•  Pre-processing:
–  Feature Extraction
–  Feature Selection
–  Document Representation
Образец заголовкаWhat Can Text Mining Do? (cont.)
•  Classification
–  Ontology Based
–  Machine Learning Based
Образец заголовкаWhat Can Text Mining Do? (cont.)
•  Clustering
– Hierarchical Clustering
– Partitional Clustering
– Semantic-based
Образец заголовкаAgenda
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Summary
Образец заголовкаThree Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Data
–  Data acquisition, storage and visualization
–  Scalability for large-scale network
•  Approaches on Relationship Mining
–  Strength of social ties
–  Positive/Negative Social Ties Prediction
–  Relationship classification
–  Relationship mining
•  Association between users’ attributes and relationships
Образец заголовка
Data Acquisition, Storage and
•  Acquisition: HTML Web page; FOAF profiles from
the Semantic Web (using RDF crawler); Collection
of emails (from POP3 or IMAP store); Bibliographic
data; Publication data and research profile from
Web; Telecommunication data; and so on
•  Storage: Sesame server (Flink); RNKB (researcher
network knowledge base, ArnetMiner); Handoop
•  Visualization: Model-View-Controller, Java Server
Pages and Java Standard Tag Library (Flink)
[2] Peter	
[3] Jie	
[4] Le Yu, et al. BC-PDM: Data Mining, Social Network Analysis and Text Mining System Based on Cloud Computing, KDD’12, Beijing China (2012) 1496-1499
Образец заголовкаScalability for Large-Scale Network
•  Filtering out pairs of persons that seem to have no
relation (POLYPHONET, TPFG model)
•  Parallel and cloud computing: Sesame Server
(Flink), Handoop (BC-PDM)
Образец заголовкаStrength Mining of Social Ties
•  Model strength as linear combination of the
predictive variables and network structures
•  Predictive variables: friendship, the intensity of
feelings, intimacy, mutual trust and mutual services,
and so on
•  In this study, Gilbert & Karahalio achieves accuracy
of about 85% with more than 70 predictive variables
[1] Mohammad Karim Sohrabi, Soodeh Akbar, A comprehensive study on the effects of using data mining techniques to predict tie strength, Computers in
Human Behavior, 60 (2016), pp. 534-541
[2] Eric Glbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in
Computer Systems (2009) pp. 211-220
Образец заголовкаExample (Gilbert & Karahalio 2009)
•  Predictive variables from online social media
–  Intensity: wall words exchanged, participant-initiated wall posts, friend-initiated wall posts,
inbox messages exchanged, inbox thread depth, participant’s status updates, friends status
–  Intimacy: participant’s number of friends, friend’s number of friends, days since last
communication, wall intimacy words, inbox intimacy words, appearances together in photo,
participant’s appearance in photo, distance between hometowns (mi), friend’s relationship
–  Duration: days since first communication
–  Reciprocal Services: links exchanged by wall post, applications in common
–  Structural: number of mutual friends, groups in common, Norm. TF-IDF of interests and
–  Emotional Support: wall & inbox positive emotion words, wall & inbox negative emotion
–  Social Distance: age difference (days), number of occupations difference, educational
difference (degrees), overlapping words in religion, political difference (scale)
si =α + βRi +γDi + N(i)+εi
N(i) = λ0µM + λ1medM + λk (s −µM )k
+ λ5 minM + λ6 maxM
M={sj: j and i are mutual friends}
Eric Glbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (2009) pp. 211-220
Образец заголовкаPositive/Negative Prediction
•  Edge Sign Prediction Problem
Given a social network with signs on all its edges, but the
sign on the edge from node u to node v, denoted s(u, v), has
been “hidden.” How reliably can we infer this sign s(u, v)
using the information provided by the rest of the network?
•  Related Work
Leskovec et al. (2010) proposed a method to predict the
signs of links (positive or negative), yet the prediction of
both the existence of a link and its sign has not been well
studied. Recent development of social balance theory may
provide useful hints
Образец заголовкаExample (Leskovec et al. 2010)
•  Features: 23 features in the machine learning classification
–  Use and to denote the number of incoming positive and
negative edges to v, respectively. Similarly we use and to
denote the number of outgoing positive and negative edges from u,
respectively. We use C(u, v) to denote the total number of common
neighbors of u and v in an undirected
–  The second class of feature is each triad involving the edge (u, v),
consisting of a node w such that w has an edge either to or from u
and also an edge either to or from v; this leads to 16 possibilities
•  Logistic Regression Model
(v) din
(u) dout
P(+ | x) =
1+exp[−(b0 + bi xi
∑ )]
Образец заголовкаRelationship Classification
•  Real world domains are richly structured; entities of
multiple types are related to each other
•  Many relationships (links) are hidden in online social
•  Class of Relationships: friends, colleagues, families,
teammates, etc.
•  The relationship classification task: model for
effectively and efficiently mining relationship types
Образец заголовкаExample (Tang, et al. 2011)
•  Features: user-specific information, link-specific information
and global constraints
•  Relationship semantics: a triple (eij, rij, pij), where eij ∈ E is
a social relationship, rij ∈ Y is a label associated with the
relationship, and pij is the probability (confidence) obtained
by an algorithm for inferring relationship type
•  Factor functions: attribute factor, correlation factor
(correlation between the relationships), and constraint factor
(constraints between relationships)
Where is parameter configuration and s is factor functions
p(Y |G) =
s(yi )
∑ }
Образец заголовкаRelationship Mining and Prediction
•  Many links are hidden in online networks. Generally, we do
not know which links are missing; So we need to predict/
mine hidden relationships
•  Two standard metrics are used to quantify the accuracy of
prediction algorithms
–  Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC):
Provided the rank of all non-observed links, the AUC value can be
interpreted as the probability that a randomly chosen missing link (i.e.,
a link in E) is given a higher score than a randomly chosen
nonexistent link
AUC = [(# of missing links that have higher score) + 0.5 x (# of missing link
that have the same score)] / (# of total comparisons)
–  Precision: Given the ranking of the non-observed links, the precision
is defined as the ratio of relevant items selected to the number of
items selected
Образец заголовкаExample (Wang et al. 2010)
•  Mining advisor-advisee relationships from research
publication networks
•  Challenges
–  Latent relation
–  Time-dependent
–  Scalability
•  Joint probability
Rank score
P({yi,sti,edi}ai ∈Va ) =
g(yi,sti,edi )
ai ∈Va
rij = maxP(y1,..., yna
| yi = j)
Chi Wang, Jiawei Han, Yuntao Jia, Jie Tang, Duo Zhang, Yintao Yu, Jingyi Guo, Mining Advisor-Advisee Relationships from Research Publication Networks,
KDD’10 July 25-28, 2010, Washignton, DC, USA
Образец заголовка
Association of Users Attributes and
•  The attributes of users and their relationships are
not independent from each other.
•  Two Tasks at The Same Time
–  User attribute profiling
–  Relationship type profiling
•  Advantages
–  Can achieve higher accuracy (e.g. 70%-90% precision in
Li et al, 2014)
Образец заголовкаExample (Staiano et al, 2012)
•  Inferring personality traits from social networks
•  Features: centrality measures, small world and
efficiency measures, transitivity measures, triadic
•  Quantize personality traits score into two classes
(Low/High). Classification was performed by Means
of Random Forest
Jacopo Stalano, et al. Friends don’t Lie – Inferring Personality Traits from Social Network Structure, UbiComp’12 Pittsburgh, USA (2012) 321-330
Образец заголовкаExample (Li et al, 2014)
•  User profiling in an Ego network
•  Social connections are discriminatively correlated with attributes via a
hidden factor relationship type
•  Feature
–  The circle: a set of friends who have the same type of connections with the
–  The attribute-circle dependency: the friends in a circle share the same value
with the ego user for certain attributes.
–  The circle-connection dependency: friends across circles are loosely
•  Cost function: the linear combination of the three features
cost = λ1 {( (wt ⋅( fi − fj ))2
+ (wt ⋅( f0 − f i ))2
vi ∈Ci
eij ∈E',vi,vj ∈Ci
∑ )}
∑ + λ2 (wt ⋅ fi −1)2
vi ∈L∩Ci
∑ + λ3 1(1)
eij ∈E',xi!=xj
Образец заголовкаAgenda
•  Introduction
•  Basic Concepts
•  Text Mining in Social Network
•  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks
•  Relationship Mining Systems
•  Summary
Образец заголовкаThere Are Many Well-Developed Relationship
Mining Systems
•  Flink (Peter Mika, 2005)
•  POLYPHONET (Matsuo et al., 2007)
•  BC-PDM (Yu et al., 2012)
•  etc.
Образец заголовкаFlink
Semantic Web technology for the extraction and
analysis of social networks
First Layer: metadata acquisition
Second Layer: Storage and Inference
Third Layer: visualization
Образец заголовкаPOLYPHONET
•  Social network extraction system that extracts relations of persons,
detects groups of persons and obtains keywords for a person
•  Algorithms for social network extraction
–  Basic algorithm: co-occurrence, matching coefficient, Jaccard coefficient,
overlap coefficient
–  Advanced algorithm: classifying relations
–  Scalability: GoogleCooc, GoogleCoocTop
Overview of module dependency Relate–identify process of Iterative Social Network Mining
Образец заголовкаBC-PDM
•  Data mining, social network analysis and text mining
system based on cloud computing
The result of community detection
The architecture of BC-PDM
Le Yu, et al. BC-PDM: Data Mining, Social Network Analysis and Text Mining System Based on Cloud Computing, KDD’12, Beijing China (2012) 1496-1499
Образец заголовкаSummary
•  Online social network play a more important role
in our life; and digital data allows us to
automatically find relationships in our social
•  Text Mining plays an important role in social
network applications
–  Pre-processing: feature extraction, feature
selection, document representation
–  Classification: Ontology Based, Machine Learning
–  Clustering: Hierarchical Clustering, Partitional
Clustering, Semantic-based Clustering
Образец заголовкаSummary (cont.)
Researches in Relationship Mining
•  Data
–  Data acquisition, storage and visualization
–  Scalability for large-scale network
•  Approaches on Relationship Mining
–  Strength of social ties
–  Positive/Negative Social Ties Prediction
–  Relationship classification
–  Relationship mining
•  Association between users’ attributes and relationships
There are Many Systems for relationship extraction and mining
•  Flink, POLYPHONET, BC-PDM, etc.
Образец заголовка

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  • 1. Образец заголовка Tutorial on Relationship Mining In Online Social Networks Peifeng Jing NetID: pjing2 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Prepared as an assignment for CS410: Text Information Systems in Spring 2016
  • 2. Образец заголовкаAgenda •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Summary
  • 3. Образец заголовкаAgenda •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Summary
  • 4. Образец заголовка Social Networks Play An Important Role In Our Daily Lives •  People conduct communications and share information through social relations with others such as friends, family colleagues, collaborators, and business partners. h"p://  
  • 5. Образец заголовка Online Large-Scale Social Network Is Growing •  For example, Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc. •  Over 1.59 billion users on Facebook •  Over 555 million users on Twitter h"p://­‐social-­‐networks-­‐ranked-­‐by-­‐number-­‐of-­‐users/   h"p://­‐content/uploads/2013/03/social-­‐networking.png   h"p://­‐visible-­‐Cps-­‐on-­‐how-­‐to-­‐best-­‐use-­‐social-­‐network/  
  • 6. Образец заголовка There Are Many Cool Applications In Social Network and Relationship Mining •  Business intelligence and market analysis •  Discovery of community structures •  Inferring social relationships •  Personal profiling •  E-mail filtering •  Mining hidden advisor-advisee relationships in academic networks •  Positive/Negative relationship mining, e.g. trust network and voting network •  Biological networks, e.g. predicting food webs, protein-protein interactions, metabolic networks, etc.
  • 7. Образец заголовка But We Have Problems To Find Relations In Large-Scale Network •  We used to depend on users to label relations •  Some personal information are hidden in the online social network •  People generally use unstructured or semi- structured languages for communication
  • 8. Образец заголовкаCan We Automatically Find Relations? •  More digital data are available online •  More people share personal information through social media h"p://­‐networking-­‐sites-­‐selling-­‐informaCon-­‐to-­‐third-­‐parCes  
  • 9. Образец заголовкаAgenda •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts –  Problem Definition –  Relationship Concepts in Sociology •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Summary
  • 10. Образец заголовка What Is The Task of Relationship Mining? •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts –  Problem Definition –  Relationship Concepts in Sociology •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Summary
  • 11. Образец заголовкаWhat Is Relationship Mining? •  User Information and their relationships are not complete in online social network •  Relationship Mining is to predict or discover the hidden relationships in the social networks
  • 12. Образец заголовкаFormulated Definition of Relationship Mining •  Given a network G(V,E) and a list of attributes A= {A1,…,Am}. –  V = {v0,…,vn} represents users. –  E={eij} are the set of connections between users. –  The attributes A represents profiles of users. –  The label L={lij} are the types of edge {eij} •  For user vi, some information might be missing –  attributes aij are unknown –  edges eij are missing –  labels lij are unknown •  The task is to discover or predict the missing edges eij and unknown labels lij [1] Wenbin Tang, Honglei Zhuang, and Jie Tang, Learning to Infer Social Ties in Large Networkds, ECML/PKDD’11, 2011 [2]  Rui  Li,  Chi  Wang,  Kevin  Chen-­‐Chuan  Chang,  User  Profiling  in  an  Ego  Network:  Coprofiling  A"ributes  and  RelaConships,  WWW’14,  April  7-­‐11,  2014,  Seuol,  Korea,  ACM   978-­‐1-­‐4503-­‐2744-­‐2/14/04
  • 13. Образец заголовка How Do We Measure The Edges (Relations) In Social Network? •  Binary Measurement – 0: absent – 1: existing •  Strength of Social Tie – A concept from Sociology [1] Mark Granovetter, The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisited, Sociological Theory, Vol. 1 (1983), pp. 201-233 [2] Mark S. Granovetter, The Strength of Weak Ties, American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 78, No. 6 (1973), pp. 1360-1380 [3] David Easley, Jon Kleinberg, Network, Crowds, and Markets: Reasonging about a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press 2010, pp. 47-83
  • 14. Образец заголовкаWhat Does Sociology Tell Us? •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts –  Problem Definition –  Relationship Concepts in Sociology •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Summary
  • 15. Образец заголовка Relationships Has Been Studied For A Long Time In Sociology (Since 1954) •  Sociologists consider relationships as “Social Tie” •  In sociology, social tie is measured by its “Strength” David Easley, Jon Kleinberg, Network, Crowds, and Markets: Reasonging about a Highly Connected World, Cambridge University Press 2010, pp. 47-83
  • 16. Образец заголовкаWhat Is Social Tie? •  Social tie (also called interpersonal tie) is the information-carrying connections between people •  Types of ties –  Strong tie: the connections to people who you really trust, whose social circles tightly overlap with your own. –  Weak tie: the connections to people who are merely acquaintances. Weak tie often provide access to novel information that not circulate in the closely knit network of strong ties •  How do we distinguish strong and weak ties? –  Strength of social ties Eric Gilbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI ’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference of Human Factors in Computing Systems, Page 211-220
  • 17. Образец заголовкаProperty of Social Tie: Strength •  Strength of ties: the strength of a tie is a (probably linear) combination of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy (mutual confiding), and the reciprocal services which characterize the tie •  Dimensions of Tie Strength –  Amount of time, intimacy, intensity, reciprocal services, network topology and information social circles, emotional supports, socioeconomic status, education level, political affiliation, race, gender, etc. [1] Mohammad Karim Sohrabi, Soodeh Akbar, A comprehensive study on the effects of using data mining techniques to predict tie strength, Computers in Human Behavior, 60 (2016), pp. 534-541 [2] Eric Glbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (2009) pp. 211-220
  • 18. Образец заголовкаHistory of Tie Strength Research •  The concept of tie strength was first introduced by Granovetter (1973) and ties are split into “strong” and “weak” •  Dimensions of tie strength are improved by Lin, Ensel, and Vaughn (1981) and Wellman and Wortley (1990) •  Marsden and Campbell (1984) first did researches to predict tie strength •  Krackhardt and Stern (1988) demonstrate strong relationship between employees of different organizational sub-units can help an organization to resist in the crisis •  Strong partners are demonstrated to create crisis and pressure for institutional changes in the organization (Krackhardt 1992) •  Granovetter (1995) demonstrated that weak ties are more beneficial for job seekers
  • 19. Образец заголовкаHistory of Tie Strength Research (Cont.) •  Burt (2009) believes that structural factors are effective in shaping tie strength, such as network topology and informal social circle. •  Wilson et al., Viswanath et al., Kahanda and Neville (2009) studied social graphs and different interaction patterns. They also uses characteristic features, topological features, transactional characteristics and network-transactional features and concluded that the most prominent features in predicting tie strength are network-transactional characteristics •  Gilbert and Karahalios (2009) uses 70 variables and achieve 85% accuracy in predicting tie strength •  In 2011, a study was conducted using regression analysis based on the principle that tie strength is a combination of the variables, such as friendships.
  • 20. Образец заголовкаHistory of Tie Strength Research (Cont.) •  In 2013, Servia-Rodriguez, Diaz-Redondo, Fernandez-Vilas and Pazos-Arias extracted information through Facebook API’s (with users permission) •  In 2014, evaluation of performance testing is performed by means of BFF (Fogues, Such, Espinosa and Garcia-Fornes) •  Lee, Lee and Hwang (2014) used perceived business tie to investigate trust transfer •  Lin and Utz (2015) studied on the roles of tie strength in predicting the emotional outcomes of reading a post on Facebook •  Chen, Liy, and Zou (2016) proposed a Social Tie Factor Graph (STFG) model to estimate the home locations of users in the Twitter network based on user-centric data and tie strength
  • 21. Образец заголовка Another Approach To Categorize Relationships: Positive/Negative Ties •  Positive and Negative Social Ties •  Also called “Signed Networks” •  Positive Relationship: links to indicate friendship, support or approval •  Negative Relationship: links to indicate disapproval, disagreement or distrust of opinions •  It has cool applications in predicting voting and elections Jure  Leskovec,  Daniel  Hu"enlocher,  Jon  Kleinberg,  PredicCng  PosiCve  and  NegaCve  Links  in  Online  Social  Networks,  WWW  2010,  April  26-­‐30,  2010,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,   USA,  ACM  978-­‐1-­‐60558-­‐799-­‐8/10/04
  • 22. Образец заголовка Why Do We Care Social Tie For Relationship Mining? •  We can use strength of social tie to determine whether there are relations between users •  Based on theory of Sociology, different types social ties represent different properties of the social network
  • 23. Образец заголовкаHow To Do Relationship Mining? •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts •  Text Mining in Relationship Mining •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Summary
  • 24. Образец заголовка Text Mining Is An Important Technology In Relationship Mining •  The most popular social networking websites are Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace where text is the dominant way of communication •  People in online social networks generally use unstructured or semi-structured languages for communication  
  • 25. Образец заголовкаWhat Can Text Mining Do? •  Pre-processing: –  Feature Extraction –  Feature Selection –  Document Representation Rizwana  Irfan,  et  al.,  A  Survey  on  Text  Mining  in  Social  Networks,  The  knowledge  Engineering  Review,  30(2)  (2015),  pp.  157-­‐170
  • 26. Образец заголовкаWhat Can Text Mining Do? (cont.) •  Classification –  Ontology Based –  Machine Learning Based Rizwana  Irfan,  et  al.,  A  Survey  on  Text  Mining  in  Social  Networks,  The  knowledge  Engineering  Review,  30(2)  (2015),  pp.  157-­‐170
  • 27. Образец заголовкаWhat Can Text Mining Do? (cont.) •  Clustering – Hierarchical Clustering – Partitional Clustering – Semantic-based Clustering Rizwana  Irfan,  et  al.,  A  Survey  on  Text  Mining  in  Social  Networks,  The  knowledge  Engineering  Review,  30(2)  (2015),  pp.  157-­‐170
  • 28. Образец заголовкаAgenda •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Summary
  • 29. Образец заголовкаThree Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Data –  Data acquisition, storage and visualization –  Scalability for large-scale network •  Approaches on Relationship Mining –  Strength of social ties –  Positive/Negative Social Ties Prediction –  Relationship classification –  Relationship mining •  Association between users’ attributes and relationships
  • 30. Образец заголовка Data Acquisition, Storage and Visualization •  Acquisition: HTML Web page; FOAF profiles from the Semantic Web (using RDF crawler); Collection of emails (from POP3 or IMAP store); Bibliographic data; Publication data and research profile from Web; Telecommunication data; and so on •  Storage: Sesame server (Flink); RNKB (researcher network knowledge base, ArnetMiner); Handoop (BC-PDM) •  Visualization: Model-View-Controller, Java Server Pages and Java Standard Tag Library (Flink) [1]  Yutaka  Matsuo,  et  al.,  POLYPHONET:  An  advanced  social  network  extracCon  system  from  the  Web,  Web  SemanCcs:  Science,  Services  and  Agents  on  the  World  Wide  Web,  2007   [2] Peter  Mika,  Flink:  SemanCc  Web  technology  for  the  extracCon  and  analysis  of  social  networks,  J.  Web  SemanCcs  3  (2)  (2005)  211–223   [3] Jie  Tang,  et  al.,  ArnetMiner:  ExtracCon  and  Mining  of  Academic  Social  Networks,  KDD’08,  August24-­‐27,  2008,  Las  Vegas,  Nevada,  USA.   [4] Le Yu, et al. BC-PDM: Data Mining, Social Network Analysis and Text Mining System Based on Cloud Computing, KDD’12, Beijing China (2012) 1496-1499
  • 31. Образец заголовкаScalability for Large-Scale Network •  Filtering out pairs of persons that seem to have no relation (POLYPHONET, TPFG model) •  Parallel and cloud computing: Sesame Server (Flink), Handoop (BC-PDM) h"ps://­‐compuCng-­‐benefits-­‐drawbacks/  h"p://  
  • 32. Образец заголовкаStrength Mining of Social Ties •  Model strength as linear combination of the predictive variables and network structures •  Predictive variables: friendship, the intensity of feelings, intimacy, mutual trust and mutual services, and so on •  In this study, Gilbert & Karahalio achieves accuracy of about 85% with more than 70 predictive variables [1] Mohammad Karim Sohrabi, Soodeh Akbar, A comprehensive study on the effects of using data mining techniques to predict tie strength, Computers in Human Behavior, 60 (2016), pp. 534-541 [2] Eric Glbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (2009) pp. 211-220
  • 33. Образец заголовкаExample (Gilbert & Karahalio 2009) •  Predictive variables from online social media –  Intensity: wall words exchanged, participant-initiated wall posts, friend-initiated wall posts, inbox messages exchanged, inbox thread depth, participant’s status updates, friends status updates –  Intimacy: participant’s number of friends, friend’s number of friends, days since last communication, wall intimacy words, inbox intimacy words, appearances together in photo, participant’s appearance in photo, distance between hometowns (mi), friend’s relationship status –  Duration: days since first communication –  Reciprocal Services: links exchanged by wall post, applications in common –  Structural: number of mutual friends, groups in common, Norm. TF-IDF of interests and about –  Emotional Support: wall & inbox positive emotion words, wall & inbox negative emotion words –  Social Distance: age difference (days), number of occupations difference, educational difference (degrees), overlapping words in religion, political difference (scale) si =α + βRi +γDi + N(i)+εi N(i) = λ0µM + λ1medM + λk (s −µM )k + λ5 minM + λ6 maxM s∈M ∑ k=2 4 ∑ M={sj: j and i are mutual friends} Eric Glbert and Karrie Karahalios, Predicting Tie Strength With Social Media, CHI’09 Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems (2009) pp. 211-220
  • 34. Образец заголовкаPositive/Negative Prediction •  Edge Sign Prediction Problem Given a social network with signs on all its edges, but the sign on the edge from node u to node v, denoted s(u, v), has been “hidden.” How reliably can we infer this sign s(u, v) using the information provided by the rest of the network? •  Related Work Leskovec et al. (2010) proposed a method to predict the signs of links (positive or negative), yet the prediction of both the existence of a link and its sign has not been well studied. Recent development of social balance theory may provide useful hints
  • 35. Образец заголовкаExample (Leskovec et al. 2010) •  Features: 23 features in the machine learning classification –  Use and to denote the number of incoming positive and negative edges to v, respectively. Similarly we use and to denote the number of outgoing positive and negative edges from u, respectively. We use C(u, v) to denote the total number of common neighbors of u and v in an undirected –  The second class of feature is each triad involving the edge (u, v), consisting of a node w such that w has an edge either to or from u and also an edge either to or from v; this leads to 16 possibilities •  Logistic Regression Model din + (v) din − (v) dout + (u) dout − (u) P(+ | x) = 1 1+exp[−(b0 + bi xi i=1 n ∑ )] Jure  Leskovec,  Daniel  Hu"enlocher,  Jon  Kleinberg,  PredicCng  PosiCve  and  NegaCve  Links  in  Online  Social  Networks,  WWW  2010,  April  26-­‐30,  2010,  Raleigh,  North  Carolina,  USA,  ACM  978-­‐1-­‐60558-­‐799-­‐8/10/04
  • 36. Образец заголовкаRelationship Classification •  Real world domains are richly structured; entities of multiple types are related to each other •  Many relationships (links) are hidden in online social network •  Class of Relationships: friends, colleagues, families, teammates, etc. •  The relationship classification task: model for effectively and efficiently mining relationship types
  • 37. Образец заголовкаExample (Tang, et al. 2011) •  Features: user-specific information, link-specific information and global constraints •  Relationship semantics: a triple (eij, rij, pij), where eij ∈ E is a social relationship, rij ∈ Y is a label associated with the relationship, and pij is the probability (confidence) obtained by an algorithm for inferring relationship type •  Factor functions: attribute factor, correlation factor (correlation between the relationships), and constraint factor (constraints between relationships) Where is parameter configuration and s is factor functions p(Y |G) = 1 Z exp{θT s(yi ) i ∑ } θ Wenbin  Tang,  Honglei  Zhuang,  and  Jie  Tang,  Learning  to  Infer  Social  Ties  in  Large  Networkds,  ECML/PKDD’11,  2011
  • 38. Образец заголовкаRelationship Mining and Prediction •  Many links are hidden in online networks. Generally, we do not know which links are missing; So we need to predict/ mine hidden relationships •  Two standard metrics are used to quantify the accuracy of prediction algorithms –  Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC): Provided the rank of all non-observed links, the AUC value can be interpreted as the probability that a randomly chosen missing link (i.e., a link in E) is given a higher score than a randomly chosen nonexistent link AUC = [(# of missing links that have higher score) + 0.5 x (# of missing link that have the same score)] / (# of total comparisons) –  Precision: Given the ranking of the non-observed links, the precision is defined as the ratio of relevant items selected to the number of items selected Linyuan  Lu,  Tao  Zhou,  Link  preidicCon  in  complex  network:  A  survey,  Physica  A:  Sta-s-cal  Mechanics  and  its  applica-ons,  390  (6),  2011,  pp.  1150-­‐1170
  • 39. Образец заголовкаExample (Wang et al. 2010) •  Mining advisor-advisee relationships from research publication networks •  Challenges –  Latent relation –  Time-dependent –  Scalability •  Joint probability Rank score P({yi,sti,edi}ai ∈Va ) = 1 Z g(yi,sti,edi ) ai ∈Va ∏ rij = maxP(y1,..., yna | yi = j) Chi Wang, Jiawei Han, Yuntao Jia, Jie Tang, Duo Zhang, Yintao Yu, Jingyi Guo, Mining Advisor-Advisee Relationships from Research Publication Networks, KDD’10 July 25-28, 2010, Washignton, DC, USA
  • 40. Образец заголовка Association of Users Attributes and Relationships •  The attributes of users and their relationships are not independent from each other. •  Two Tasks at The Same Time –  User attribute profiling –  Relationship type profiling •  Advantages –  Can achieve higher accuracy (e.g. 70%-90% precision in Li et al, 2014)
  • 41. Образец заголовкаExample (Staiano et al, 2012) •  Inferring personality traits from social networks •  Features: centrality measures, small world and efficiency measures, transitivity measures, triadic measures •  Quantize personality traits score into two classes (Low/High). Classification was performed by Means of Random Forest Jacopo Stalano, et al. Friends don’t Lie – Inferring Personality Traits from Social Network Structure, UbiComp’12 Pittsburgh, USA (2012) 321-330
  • 42. Образец заголовкаExample (Li et al, 2014) •  User profiling in an Ego network •  Social connections are discriminatively correlated with attributes via a hidden factor relationship type •  Feature –  The circle: a set of friends who have the same type of connections with the ego –  The attribute-circle dependency: the friends in a circle share the same value with the ego user for certain attributes. –  The circle-connection dependency: friends across circles are loosely connected •  Cost function: the linear combination of the three features cost = λ1 {( (wt ⋅( fi − fj ))2 + (wt ⋅( f0 − f i ))2 vi ∈Ci ∑ eij ∈E',vi,vj ∈Ci ∑ )} t=1 K ∑ + λ2 (wt ⋅ fi −1)2 vi ∈L∩Ci ∑ t=1 K ∑ + λ3 1(1) eij ∈E',xi!=xj ∑ Rui  Li,  Chi  Wang,  Kevin  Chen-­‐Chuan  Chang,  User  Profiling  in  an  Ego  Network:  Coprofiling  A"ributes  and  RelaConships,  WWW’14,  April  7-­‐11,  2014,  Seuol,  Korea,  ACM   978-­‐1-­‐4503-­‐2744-­‐2/14/04  
  • 43. Образец заголовкаAgenda •  Introduction •  Basic Concepts •  Text Mining in Social Network •  Sub-fields of Online Social Networks •  Relationship Mining Systems •  Summary
  • 44. Образец заголовкаThere Are Many Well-Developed Relationship Mining Systems •  Flink (Peter Mika, 2005) •  POLYPHONET (Matsuo et al., 2007) •  BC-PDM (Yu et al., 2012) •  etc.
  • 45. Образец заголовкаFlink Semantic Web technology for the extraction and analysis of social networks First Layer: metadata acquisition Second Layer: Storage and Inference Third Layer: visualization Peter  Mika,  Flink:  SemanCc  Web  technology  for  the  extracCon  and  analysis  of  social  networks,  J.  Web  SemanCcs  3  (2)  (2005)  211–223  
  • 46. Образец заголовкаPOLYPHONET •  Social network extraction system that extracts relations of persons, detects groups of persons and obtains keywords for a person •  Algorithms for social network extraction –  Basic algorithm: co-occurrence, matching coefficient, Jaccard coefficient, overlap coefficient –  Advanced algorithm: classifying relations –  Scalability: GoogleCooc, GoogleCoocTop Overview of module dependency Relate–identify process of Iterative Social Network Mining Yutaka  Matsuo,  et  al.,  POLYPHONET:  An  advanced  social  network  extracCon  system  from  the  Web,  Web  SemanCcs:  Science,  Services  and  Agents  on  the  World  Wide  Web,  2007  
  • 47. Образец заголовкаBC-PDM •  Data mining, social network analysis and text mining system based on cloud computing The result of community detection The architecture of BC-PDM Le Yu, et al. BC-PDM: Data Mining, Social Network Analysis and Text Mining System Based on Cloud Computing, KDD’12, Beijing China (2012) 1496-1499
  • 48. Образец заголовкаSummary •  Online social network play a more important role in our life; and digital data allows us to automatically find relationships in our social networks •  Text Mining plays an important role in social network applications –  Pre-processing: feature extraction, feature selection, document representation –  Classification: Ontology Based, Machine Learning Based –  Clustering: Hierarchical Clustering, Partitional Clustering, Semantic-based Clustering
  • 49. Образец заголовкаSummary (cont.) Researches in Relationship Mining •  Data –  Data acquisition, storage and visualization –  Scalability for large-scale network •  Approaches on Relationship Mining –  Strength of social ties –  Positive/Negative Social Ties Prediction –  Relationship classification –  Relationship mining •  Association between users’ attributes and relationships There are Many Systems for relationship extraction and mining •  Flink, POLYPHONET, BC-PDM, etc.