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Assignment – 1
Fundamental C Programming
1. Program to find area and circumference ofcircle.
int main(){
int rad;
float PI = 3.14, area, ci;
printf("nEnter radiusof circle:");
area= PI * rad* rad;
printf("nArea of circle:%f ", area);
ci= 2 * PI * rad;
printf("nCircumference:%f ", ci);
return (0);
Enter radiusof a circle:1
Area of circle:3.14
Circumference : 6.28
Explanationof Program :
In this program wehave to calculatetheareaandcircumferenceofthecircle.Wehave following2formulasfor
Area of Circle= PI * R * R
andCircumferenceofCircle=2 * PI * R
In the above program wehave declaredthefloatingpointvariable PI whosevalue is defaultedto 3.14. We are
acceptingtheradiusfrom user.
printf("nEnter radiusof circle:");
2. Program to find the simple interest.
int main(){
int amount,rate, time, si;
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printf("nEnter PrincipalAmount: ");
printf("nEnter Rate of Interest : ");
printf("nEnter Periodof Time : ");
si = (amount* rate * time)/ 100;
printf("nSimpleInterest : %d", si);
Enter PrincipalAmount: 500
Enter Rate of interest : 5
Enter Periodof Time : 2
SimpleInterest : 50
Explanation ofProgram:
In this program weare calculatingthesimpleinterestbytaking the Principalamount,rateof Interest and Periodof
timeas user input. After taking the user inputswe are calculatingthesimpleinterestandstoringit in si variableby
si = (amount* rate * time)/ 100;
Program to converttemperature from degree centigrade to Fahrenheit.
int main(){
float celsius,fahrenheit;
printf("nEnter tempinCelsius: ");
scanf("%f", &celsius);
fahrenheit= (1.8 * celsius)+32;
printf("nTemperatureinFahrenheit:%f ", fahrenheit);
return (0);
Enter tempin Celsius: 32
TemperatureinFahrenheit: 89.59998
Explanation ofProgram:
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In this program weare calculatingtheuserenteredCelsiustemperatureto Fahrenheit.Temperatureconversion
formulafrom degreeCelsiusto Fahrenheitisgiven by -
Apply formulato convert the temperatureto Fahrenheit
Program to calculate sum of 5 subjects and find percentage
int main(){
int s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, sum, total = 500;
float per;
printf("nEnter marksof 5 subjects: ");
scanf("%d%d %d%d %d", &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4, &s5);
sum = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5;
printf("nSum : %d", sum);
per = (sum * 100) / total;
printf("nPercentage: %f", per);
return (0);
Enter marks of 5 subjects : 80 70 90 80 80
Sum : 400
Percentage : 80.00
Explanation ofProgram:
In this program weare calculatingthe sum andpercentageofuser entered marksin 5 subjects.Very simple
program.The scanf("%d%d%d %d %d", &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4, &s5); statementtaking the user inputof 5
subjects.Thestatementsum = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5; calculatingthesum of5 subjects.
per = (sum * 100) / total; this C statementis findingthe percentage.
Program to find gross salary.
int main() {
int gross_salary,basic, da, ta;
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printf("Enter basic salary : ");
da = (10 * basic) / 100;
ta = (12 * basic) / 100;
gross_salary = basic + da + ta;
printf("nGross salary : %d",gross_salary);
return (0);
Enter basic Salary : 1000
Gross Salart : 1220
Program to show swap of two numbers by using third variable.
#include <stdio.h>
intx, y,temp;
printf("Enterthe value of x andyn");
printf("Before Swappingnx =%dny= %dn",x,y);
temp= x;
x = y;
y = temp;
printf("AfterSwappingnx =%dny= %dn",x,y);
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Program to show swap of two numbers without using third variable
int main()
int a, b;
printf("Input two integers(a & b) to swapn");
scanf("%d%d",&a, &b);
a = a + b;
b = a - b;
a = a - b;
printf("a = %dnb = %dn",a,b);
return 0;
You can also swap two numbers without using temp or temporary or third variable.
To understand the logic choose the variables 'a' and 'b' as '7' and '9' respectively and then do
what is being done by the program. You can choose any other combinationof numbers as
well. Sometimes it's an excellent way to understand a program.
Program to find greatestin 3 numbers.
int main(){
int a, b, c;
printf("nEnter value of a, b & c : ");
scanf("%d%d %d", &a, &b, &c);
if ((a > b) && (a > c))
printf("na is greatest");
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if ((b > c)&& (b > a))
printf("nb is greatest");
if ((c > a) && (c > b))
printf("nc is greatest");
Enter value for a,b & c : 15 17 21
c is greatest
Program to find that entered year is leap year or not.
#include <stdio.h>
int year;
if(year%4== 0)
if( year%100== 0)
//year isdivisibleby400, hence the yearis a leapyear
if ( year%400 == 0)
printf("%disnota leap year.",year);
Enter a year:1900
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1900 isnot a leapyear.
Enter a year:2012
2012 isa leapyear.
Explanation ofProgram:
A leapyear is exactlydivisibleby 4 exceptfor centuryyears (years endingwith00). Thecenturyyear is a leap
year onlyif it is perfectlydivisibleby 400.
Program to check ifa given Integer is odd or even.
int main()
int number;
printf("Enter aninteger: ");
scanf("%d", &number);
// Trueif the numberisperfectlydivisibleby 2
if(number% 2 == 0)
printf("%d is even.", number);
printf("%d is odd.", number);
return 0;
Enter an integer:-7
-7 is odd.
Enter an integer:10
10 is odd.
Explanation ofProgram:
An even numberisaninteger that is exactlydivisibleby 2. Example:0, 8, -24
An oddnumberis aninteger that is not exactlydivisibleby 2. Example:1, 7, -11, 15
In the program,integerenteredby the user is stored in variablenumber.
Then,whetherthenumberis perfectlydivisible by 2 or not is checkedusingmodulusoperator.
If the numberisperfectlydivisibleby 2, test expressionnumber%2==0 evaluates to 1 (true) and the numberis
However, if the test expressionevaluates to 0 (false), the numberis odd.
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Program to check ifa given Integer is Positive or Negative
#include <stdio.h>
double number;
if (number<= 0.0)
if (number== 0.0)
printf("Youenteredanegative number.");
Output :
Enter a number:12.3
You enteredapositive number.
Enter a number:0
You entered0.
Enter a number:-2.3
You enteredanegative number.
Explanation ofProgram:
This program takes a number from the user and checks whether that number is either positive
or negative or zero.
Program to find a user entered Integer Divisible by 5 and 11 or not.
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter anynumber:");
scanf("%d", &num);
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/*If num modulodivision5is 0 andnum modulodivision11is 0 then the numberisdivisibleby 5 and 11both*/
if((num % 5 == 0) && (num % 11 == 0))
printf("Numberisdivisibleby 5 and 11");
printf("Numberisnot divisibleby 5 and 11");
return 0;
Enter anynumber:55
Numberisdivisible by5and 11
Explanation ofProgram:
Logic tocheckdivisibilityof a number
A numberis exactlydivisible by some othernumberif it gives 0 as remainder.Tocheckifa numberisexactly
divisibleby somenumberweneedto test if it leaves 0 as remainderornot.
C supports a modulooperator%,that evaluates remainderondivisionof two operands.You canuse this to check
if a numberis exactlydivisible by somenumberornot. Forexample - if(8 % 2), if the given expressionevaluates
0, then 8 is exactlydivisibleby 2.
Step by step descriptivelogic to checkwhetheranumberisdivisibleby 5 and11 or not.
Input a numberfrom user. Store it in somevariablesay num.
Tocheckdivisibilitywith5, checkif(num %5 == 0) thennum is divisibleby 5.
Tocheckdivisibilitywith11, checkif(num %11== 0) then num is divisibleby 11.
Nowcombinetheabovetwo conditionsusinglogical ANDoperator&&. Tocheckdivisibilitywith5 and 11 both,
checkif((num %5 == 0) && (num % 11 == 0)), then numberisdivisibleby both 5 and11.
Program to accepttwo Integers and Check if they are Equal
void main()
int m, n;
printf("Enter the values for M and Nn");
scanf("%d%d", &m,&n);
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if (m == n)
printf("M and N areequaln");
printf("M and N arenot equaln");
Enter the valuesforMand N
3 3
M and N are equal
Enter the valuesforMand N
5 8
M and N are not equal
Explanation ofProgram:
1. Takethe two integersas inputand store it in the variablesm andn respectively.
2. Usingif,else statementscheckif m is equalto n.
3. If they areequal,then print the output as “M and N areequal”.
4. Otherwiseprint it as “M and N are not equal”.
Program to use switch statement display Monday to Sunday
int main()
int week;
/* Input weeknumberfrom user */
printf("Enter weeknumber(1-7):");
scanf("%d", &week);
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printf("Invalid input! Pleaseenter weeknumberbetween1-7.");
return 0;
Enter weeknumber(1-7):1
Explanation ofProgram:
Step by step descriptivelogic to printday nameof week.
Input day numberfrom user. Store it in somevariablesay week.
Switchthe value of week i.e. use switch(week)andmatchwithcases.
Therecanbe7possiblevalues(choices)ofweek i.e. 1 to 7. Thereforewrite7caseinsideswitch.In addition,add
defaultcaseas an elseblock.
Forcase1: print"MONDAY", for case2: print "TUESDAY" and so on. Print "SUNDAY" for case7:.
If any casedoesnot matchesthen,for default: caseprint "Invalid week number".
You canalsoprint dayof weeknameusingif...else statement.
Program to display arithmetic operator using switch case
#include <stdio.h>
char op;
floatnum1, num2,result=0.0f;
/* Printwelcome message */
printf("Enter[number1] [+ - * /] [number2]n");
/* Inputtwonumberandoperatorfrom user*/
scanf("%f %c%f",&num1,&op, &num2);
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/* Switchthe value andperformactionbasedonoperator*/
case '+':
result= num1 + num2;
case '-':
result= num1 - num2;
case '*':
result= num1 * num2;
case '/':
result= num1 / num2;
/* Printsthe result*/
printf("%.2f %c%.2f = %.2f",num1, op,num2, result);
Enter [number1] [+ - * /] [number2]
22 * 6
22.00 * 6.00 = 132.00
Explanation ofProgram:
Step by step descriptivelogic to createmenudrivencalculatorthatperformsallbasic arithmetic operations.
Input two numbersanda characterfrom userinthe given format. Store them in somevariablesay num1,op and
Switchthe value of op i.e. switch(op).
Therearefour possiblevaluesof opi.e. '+', '-', '*' and'/'.
Forcase'+' perform additionandstore result insomevariable i.e. result = num1+ num2.
Similarlyfor case'-' perform subtractionandstoreresult in somevariablei.e. result= num1 - num2.
Repeatthe processfor multiplicationanddivision.
Finallyprint the value of result.
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Program to show the use ofconditional operator (ternary operator or short hand if-else operator).
int main()
int num;
printf("Enter the Number: ");
Enter the Number:4
Explanation ofProgram:
expression1 ? expression2: expression3
expression2isStatementFollowedifConditionis True
expression2isStatementFollowedifConditionis False
Expression1is nothingbut BooleanConditioni.eit resultsinto either TRUEorFALSE
If result of expression1isTRUEthenexpression2is Executed
Expression1is saidto be TRUEif its result is NON-ZERO
If result of expression1isFALSE then expression3isExecuted
Expression1is saidto be FALSE if its result is ZERO.
Operatorthat works on 3 operandsiscalledastertiary operator. T ernaryoperator
Program to reverse a given number
int main(){
int num,rem, rev = 0;
printf("nEnter any no to be reversed : ");
while(num >= 1) {
rem = num %10;
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rev = rev * 10+ rem;
num = num / 10;
printf("nReversed Number: %d", rev);
return (0);
Enter anyno to be reversed:123
Explanation ofProgram:
Program to display first10 natural no. & their sum.
intmain() {
inti = 1,sum=0;
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
printf("nSumof first10 natural numbers:%d", sum);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sumof first10 natural numbers:55
Explanation ofProgram:
Explanation ofProgram:
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Explanation ofProgram:
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Cs291 assignment solution

  • 1. Page 1 of 20 Assignment – 1 Fundamental C Programming 1. Program to find area and circumference ofcircle. #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int rad; float PI = 3.14, area, ci; printf("nEnter radiusof circle:"); scanf("%d",&rad); area= PI * rad* rad; printf("nArea of circle:%f ", area); ci= 2 * PI * rad; printf("nCircumference:%f ", ci); return (0); } Output: Enter radiusof a circle:1 Area of circle:3.14 Circumference : 6.28 Explanationof Program : In this program wehave to calculatetheareaandcircumferenceofthecircle.Wehave following2formulasfor findingcircumferenceandareaofcircle. Area of Circle= PI * R * R andCircumferenceofCircle=2 * PI * R In the above program wehave declaredthefloatingpointvariable PI whosevalue is defaultedto 3.14. We are acceptingtheradiusfrom user. printf("nEnter radiusof circle:"); scanf("%d",&rad); 2. Program to find the simple interest. #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int amount,rate, time, si;
  • 2. Page 2 of 20 printf("nEnter PrincipalAmount: "); scanf("%d",&amount); printf("nEnter Rate of Interest : "); scanf("%d",&rate); printf("nEnter Periodof Time : "); scanf("%d",&time); si = (amount* rate * time)/ 100; printf("nSimpleInterest : %d", si); return(0); } Output: Enter PrincipalAmount: 500 Enter Rate of interest : 5 Enter Periodof Time : 2 SimpleInterest : 50 Explanation ofProgram: In this program weare calculatingthesimpleinterestbytaking the Principalamount,rateof Interest and Periodof timeas user input. After taking the user inputswe are calculatingthesimpleinterestandstoringit in si variableby si = (amount* rate * time)/ 100; Program to converttemperature from degree centigrade to Fahrenheit. #include<stdio.h> int main(){ float celsius,fahrenheit; printf("nEnter tempinCelsius: "); scanf("%f", &celsius); fahrenheit= (1.8 * celsius)+32; printf("nTemperatureinFahrenheit:%f ", fahrenheit); return (0); } Output: Enter tempin Celsius: 32 TemperatureinFahrenheit: 89.59998 Explanation ofProgram:
  • 3. Page 3 of 20 In this program weare calculatingtheuserenteredCelsiustemperatureto Fahrenheit.Temperatureconversion formulafrom degreeCelsiusto Fahrenheitisgiven by - Apply formulato convert the temperatureto Fahrenheit Program to calculate sum of 5 subjects and find percentage #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, sum, total = 500; float per; printf("nEnter marksof 5 subjects: "); scanf("%d%d %d%d %d", &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4, &s5); sum = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5; printf("nSum : %d", sum); per = (sum * 100) / total; printf("nPercentage: %f", per); return (0); } Output: Enter marks of 5 subjects : 80 70 90 80 80 Sum : 400 Percentage : 80.00 Explanation ofProgram: In this program weare calculatingthe sum andpercentageofuser entered marksin 5 subjects.Very simple program.The scanf("%d%d%d %d %d", &s1, &s2, &s3, &s4, &s5); statementtaking the user inputof 5 subjects.Thestatementsum = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4 + s5; calculatingthesum of5 subjects. per = (sum * 100) / total; this C statementis findingthe percentage. Program to find gross salary. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int gross_salary,basic, da, ta;
  • 4. Page 4 of 20 printf("Enter basic salary : "); scanf("%d",&basic); da = (10 * basic) / 100; ta = (12 * basic) / 100; gross_salary = basic + da + ta; printf("nGross salary : %d",gross_salary); return (0); } Output: Enter basic Salary : 1000 Gross Salart : 1220 Program to show swap of two numbers by using third variable. #include <stdio.h> intmain() { intx, y,temp; printf("Enterthe value of x andyn"); scanf("%d%d",&x,&y); printf("Before Swappingnx =%dny= %dn",x,y); temp= x; x = y; y = temp; printf("AfterSwappingnx =%dny= %dn",x,y); return0; } Output:
  • 5. Page 5 of 20 Program to show swap of two numbers without using third variable #include<stdio.h> int main() { int a, b; printf("Input two integers(a & b) to swapn"); scanf("%d%d",&a, &b); a = a + b; b = a - b; a = a - b; printf("a = %dnb = %dn",a,b); return 0; } You can also swap two numbers without using temp or temporary or third variable. To understand the logic choose the variables 'a' and 'b' as '7' and '9' respectively and then do what is being done by the program. You can choose any other combinationof numbers as well. Sometimes it's an excellent way to understand a program. Program to find greatestin 3 numbers. #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int a, b, c; printf("nEnter value of a, b & c : "); scanf("%d%d %d", &a, &b, &c); if ((a > b) && (a > c)) printf("na is greatest");
  • 6. Page 6 of 20 if ((b > c)&& (b > a)) printf("nb is greatest"); if ((c > a) && (c > b)) printf("nc is greatest"); return(0); } Output: Enter value for a,b & c : 15 17 21 c is greatest Program to find that entered year is leap year or not. #include <stdio.h> intmain() { int year; printf("Enterayear:"); scanf("%d",&year); if(year%4== 0) { if( year%100== 0) { //year isdivisibleby400, hence the yearis a leapyear if ( year%400 == 0) printf("%disaleapyear.",year); else printf("%disnota leap year.",year); } else printf("%disaleapyear.",year); } else printf("%disnotaleapyear.",year); return0; } Output: Enter a year:1900
  • 7. Page 7 of 20 1900 isnot a leapyear. Enter a year:2012 2012 isa leapyear. Explanation ofProgram: A leapyear is exactlydivisibleby 4 exceptfor centuryyears (years endingwith00). Thecenturyyear is a leap year onlyif it is perfectlydivisibleby 400. Program to check ifa given Integer is odd or even. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int number; printf("Enter aninteger: "); scanf("%d", &number); // Trueif the numberisperfectlydivisibleby 2 if(number% 2 == 0) printf("%d is even.", number); else printf("%d is odd.", number); return 0; } Output: Enter an integer:-7 -7 is odd. Enter an integer:10 10 is odd. Explanation ofProgram: An even numberisaninteger that is exactlydivisibleby 2. Example:0, 8, -24 An oddnumberis aninteger that is not exactlydivisibleby 2. Example:1, 7, -11, 15 In the program,integerenteredby the user is stored in variablenumber. Then,whetherthenumberis perfectlydivisible by 2 or not is checkedusingmodulusoperator. If the numberisperfectlydivisibleby 2, test expressionnumber%2==0 evaluates to 1 (true) and the numberis even. However, if the test expressionevaluates to 0 (false), the numberis odd.
  • 8. Page 8 of 20 Program to check ifa given Integer is Positive or Negative #include <stdio.h> intmain() { double number; printf("Enteranumber:"); scanf("%lf",&number); if (number<= 0.0) { if (number== 0.0) printf("Youentered0."); else printf("Youenteredanegative number."); } else printf("Youenteredapositivenumber."); return0; } Output : Enter a number:12.3 You enteredapositive number. Enter a number:0 You entered0. Enter a number:-2.3 You enteredanegative number. Explanation ofProgram: This program takes a number from the user and checks whether that number is either positive or negative or zero. Program to find a user entered Integer Divisible by 5 and 11 or not. #include<stdio.h> int main() { int num; printf("Enter anynumber:"); scanf("%d", &num);
  • 9. Page 9 of 20 /*If num modulodivision5is 0 andnum modulodivision11is 0 then the numberisdivisibleby 5 and 11both*/ if((num % 5 == 0) && (num % 11 == 0)) { printf("Numberisdivisibleby 5 and 11"); } else { printf("Numberisnot divisibleby 5 and 11"); } return 0; } Output: Enter anynumber:55 Numberisdivisible by5and 11 Explanation ofProgram: Logic tocheckdivisibilityof a number A numberis exactlydivisible by some othernumberif it gives 0 as remainder.Tocheckifa numberisexactly divisibleby somenumberweneedto test if it leaves 0 as remainderornot. C supports a modulooperator%,that evaluates remainderondivisionof two operands.You canuse this to check if a numberis exactlydivisible by somenumberornot. Forexample - if(8 % 2), if the given expressionevaluates 0, then 8 is exactlydivisibleby 2. Step by step descriptivelogic to checkwhetheranumberisdivisibleby 5 and11 or not. Input a numberfrom user. Store it in somevariablesay num. Tocheckdivisibilitywith5, checkif(num %5 == 0) thennum is divisibleby 5. Tocheckdivisibilitywith11, checkif(num %11== 0) then num is divisibleby 11. Nowcombinetheabovetwo conditionsusinglogical ANDoperator&&. Tocheckdivisibilitywith5 and 11 both, checkif((num %5 == 0) && (num % 11 == 0)), then numberisdivisibleby both 5 and11. Program to accepttwo Integers and Check if they are Equal #include<stdio.h> void main() { int m, n; printf("Enter the values for M and Nn"); scanf("%d%d", &m,&n);
  • 10. Page 10 of 20 if (m == n) printf("M and N areequaln"); else printf("M and N arenot equaln"); } Output: Case:1 Enter the valuesforMand N 3 3 M and N are equal Case:2 Enter the valuesforMand N 5 8 M and N are not equal Explanation ofProgram: 1. Takethe two integersas inputand store it in the variablesm andn respectively. 2. Usingif,else statementscheckif m is equalto n. 3. If they areequal,then print the output as “M and N areequal”. 4. Otherwiseprint it as “M and N are not equal”. Program to use switch statement display Monday to Sunday #include<stdio.h> int main() { int week; /* Input weeknumberfrom user */ printf("Enter weeknumber(1-7):"); scanf("%d", &week); switch(week) { case1: printf("Monday"); break; case2: printf("Tuesday"); break; case3: printf("Wednesday"); break; case4: printf("Thursday"); break; case5: printf("Friday");
  • 11. Page 11 of 20 break; case6: printf("Saturday"); break; case7: printf("Sunday"); break; default: printf("Invalid input! Pleaseenter weeknumberbetween1-7."); } return 0; } Output: Enter weeknumber(1-7):1 Monday Explanation ofProgram: Step by step descriptivelogic to printday nameof week. Input day numberfrom user. Store it in somevariablesay week. Switchthe value of week i.e. use switch(week)andmatchwithcases. Therecanbe7possiblevalues(choices)ofweek i.e. 1 to 7. Thereforewrite7caseinsideswitch.In addition,add defaultcaseas an elseblock. Forcase1: print"MONDAY", for case2: print "TUESDAY" and so on. Print "SUNDAY" for case7:. If any casedoesnot matchesthen,for default: caseprint "Invalid week number". You canalsoprint dayof weeknameusingif...else statement. Program to display arithmetic operator using switch case #include <stdio.h> intmain() { char op; floatnum1, num2,result=0.0f; /* Printwelcome message */ printf("WELCOMETO SIMPLE CALCULATORn"); printf("----------------------------n"); printf("Enter[number1] [+ - * /] [number2]n"); /* Inputtwonumberandoperatorfrom user*/ scanf("%f %c%f",&num1,&op, &num2);
  • 12. Page 12 of 20 /* Switchthe value andperformactionbasedonoperator*/ switch(op) { case '+': result= num1 + num2; break; case '-': result= num1 - num2; break; case '*': result= num1 * num2; break; case '/': result= num1 / num2; break; default: printf("Invalidoperator"); } /* Printsthe result*/ printf("%.2f %c%.2f = %.2f",num1, op,num2, result); return0; } Output: WELCOME TO SIMPLE CALCULATOR ------------------------------------------------ Enter [number1] [+ - * /] [number2] 22 * 6 22.00 * 6.00 = 132.00 Explanation ofProgram: Step by step descriptivelogic to createmenudrivencalculatorthatperformsallbasic arithmetic operations. Input two numbersanda characterfrom userinthe given format. Store them in somevariablesay num1,op and num2. Switchthe value of op i.e. switch(op). Therearefour possiblevaluesof opi.e. '+', '-', '*' and'/'. Forcase'+' perform additionandstore result insomevariable i.e. result = num1+ num2. Similarlyfor case'-' perform subtractionandstoreresult in somevariablei.e. result= num1 - num2. Repeatthe processfor multiplicationanddivision. Finallyprint the value of result.
  • 13. Page 13 of 20 Program to show the use ofconditional operator (ternary operator or short hand if-else operator). #include<stdio.h> int main() { int num; printf("Enter the Number: "); scanf("%d",&num); (num%2==0)?printf("Even"):printf("Odd"); } Output: Enter the Number:4 Even Explanation ofProgram: expression1 ? expression2: expression3 where expression1isCondition expression2isStatementFollowedifConditionis True expression2isStatementFollowedifConditionis False Expression1is nothingbut BooleanConditioni.eit resultsinto either TRUEorFALSE If result of expression1isTRUEthenexpression2is Executed Expression1is saidto be TRUEif its result is NON-ZERO If result of expression1isFALSE then expression3isExecuted Expression1is saidto be FALSE if its result is ZERO. Operatorthat works on 3 operandsiscalledastertiary operator. T ernaryoperator Program to reverse a given number #include<stdio.h> int main(){ int num,rem, rev = 0; printf("nEnter any no to be reversed : "); scanf("%d",&num); while(num >= 1) { rem = num %10;
  • 14. Page 14 of 20 rev = rev * 10+ rem; num = num / 10; } printf("nReversed Number: %d", rev); return (0); } Output: Enter anyno to be reversed:123 ReversedNumber:321 Explanation ofProgram: Program to display first10 natural no. & their sum. #include<stdio.h> intmain() { inti = 1,sum=0; for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { printf("%d",i); sum=sum+i; } printf("nSumof first10 natural numbers:%d", sum); return(0); } Output: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sumof first10 natural numbers:55 Explanation ofProgram: Output: Explanation ofProgram:
  • 15. Page 15 of 20 Output: Explanation ofProgram: