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Crop Planning for Sustainable
Vegetable Production
©Pam Dawling, 2019
Author of Sustainable Market Farming and
The Year-Round Hoophouse
What’s in This Presentation
Produce crops when you want them and in the right quantities; sell
them where and when you need to and support yourself with a
rewarding livelihood while replenishing the soil
• Why make detailed plans?
• How to plan? Helpful tools
• Step by step planning. 12
1. How much money
2. Which markets to sell at
3. Which crops to grow
4. Harvest schedule
5. How much to plant
6. Field Planting schedule
7. Seedling/Transplant
8. Maps
9. Packing more in
10.Adjust and tweak
11.Plan B
12.Next Year’s Better Plan
• Lots of Resources
Why Plan? On-farm Rewards
҉Plan in the winter, farm in the growing season!
҉Make the most productive use of your land.
҉Pace yourself, enjoy your life!
҉Reduce stress and confusion
҉Become a better farmer - keep good records,
make good plans.
҉Invest in your future - Planning gets easier each
year – just tweak last year’s plan.
Market Rewards for Planning
҉ Earn a living!
҉ Enjoy the satisfaction of full CSA bags, groaning tables every week!
҉ Enjoy your great reputation providing what customers want.
҉ Enjoy having information at your fingertips - when broccoli will start,
or cucumbers end.
҉ Achieve balance each week: some leafy crop, something brightly
colored, something bulky and filling, something new, something
highly flavored.
҉ Use your full market season, all your opportunities.
How to Plan? Helpful Tools
• Be clear about your goals (before choosing tools).
• Design a system you like, so you’ll use it.
• Do you prefer clipboards, computers, or photos?
• There are Web-based Tools, Spreadsheets,
Worksheets and Notebooks
• Build in the ability to adapt the plan if conditions
Web-Based Planning
AgSquared online planning software: includes a free trial.
• If you already have your plans on spreadsheets,
you can import them into AgSquared – you don’t
have to start over.
• “Smart scheduling” Once you’ve got your
information in there, you can adjust a date or row
length and the changes will automatically be
made to the other relevant spreadsheets.
• Space for record-keeping is vast - you can include
comments on the weather, pests, soil
observations etc which might be helpful later.
How AgSquared works
COG-Pro is a record keeping software made for Certified Organic
The planning tools include prompts for info needed for certification.
It uses a simple tabbed notebook visual and generates reports for
the certification process.
• Make your own, or copy others – see Resources at
• During the year we follow printed sheets - don’t
often need the computer.
• The program does the calculations.
• Quickly sort out selected parts of the information
and rearrange it
Spreadsheets from Johnny’s
Johnny’s Selected Seeds has spreadsheet based tools available at
Crop Planning for Vegetable Gardens
There are also smaller scale on-line planners:
There is also an app:
• Cindy Conner explains worksheets in her book
Grow a Sustainable Diet.
• She also sells a DVD/CD set Develop a
Sustainable Vegetable Garden Plan. Aimed
primarily at homesteaders, the steps help you
figure how many seeds and plants you need,
when to plant and where, and when to expect a
• Mark Cain and
Daniel Brisebois and Frédéric Thériault Crop
Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, are
other good sources for ideas on worksheets.
Planning is Circular, Just Like Farming
1. How much
money do
you need to
2. Which
to sell at
to grow
4. How much of
what to harvest
when: Harvest
5. How much to
grow to achieve
your harvest goals
6. Calculate sowing dates to
meet harvest dates: Field
Planting Schedule7. When to sow for
transplants: Seedlings
8. Where to plant
each sowing of
each crop: Maps
9. Packing more in:
succession plantings,
intercropping, relay
planting, double
10. Adjust to make
your best
possible plan
11. What to do if
something goes wrong:
Plan B
12. Record results
for next year’s
Better Plan
Before planning
anything, be
clear about your
farming goals
First Clarify your Goals
• Jean-Martin Fortier in The Market Gardener, shows how to meet
your goals and fit your resources.
• Having decided how much money they need to support their family,
Jean-Martin and Maud-Hélène Fortier decided to provide the
equivalent of 220 CSA shares for 20 weeks, with 8-12 different
• They choose vegetables based on demand balanced with the
financial value of those crops and the practicalities of growing. 35 of
their 160 beds grow mesclun –salad mix only takes 45 days in the
bed, and then another crop is grown, increasing the income/bed
• My climate is very different from Quebec. Our market is very
different. We don’t want 300 pounds of salad mix each week! We're
providing for 100 people for 52 weeks.
Step 1. How much Money do you
Need to Earn?
• What are your living expenses?
• What are your farm expenses?
• What do you want to save for old age, rainy
days, raising children, college funds. . .
• The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25/hour
(Jan 2014), going up to
$10.10. Just saying. . .
• Do you have other
sources of income?
Setting Prices
The Iowa State University publication Determining Prices for
CSA Share Boxes compares pricing based on either
• what customers will pay,
• what other growers are selling the crop for
• what it costs to produce.
It includes a chart of share value of 24 crops based on grocery
prices and the quantity included.
Step 1
Step 2 Which Markets will you Sell at?
New growers are often advised to start with a
farmers’ market rather than a CSA the first year, as you
can sell a more erratic supply of crops at market.
On the other hand, if you have experience from
working on another farm, a commitment to careful
planning, and you need that upfront beginning-of -
season cash, you may decide to start a CSA right away.
If you have an off-farm job to tide you over, it may
be practical to leave the financial questions for a
year, and build on that experience.
1. Which crops suit the conditions? Check the cold-hardiness
2. Which crops are most profitable? Can you earn a living
growing it?
3. Which crops sell for high prices? Is there a market for it?
4. Which crops are easy to grow?
5. Would you have to reduce space for another crop?
6. Would you lose efficiency by growing many different crops?
– Consolidate and simplify (Asian greens)
– Grow crops needing similar conditions or timing
– Specialize in one Signature Crop, grow many kinds
Step 3. Deciding Which Crops to Grow
Also see my slide show
Cold-Hardy Winter Vegetables
Also see my slide show
Diversify Your Vegetable Crops
Which Crops Suit the Conditions?
• In Market Farming Success: The
Business of Growing and Selling Local
Food, Lynn Byczynski identifies and
explains aspects of market farming that
growers need to tackle.
• You need a diversity of crops, not just a
few profitable items.
• You need not only early crops, but
critical mass for the whole of your
chosen season.
• Grow what yields well for least labor
• Grow what sells best at the highest price
• Grow what fills gaps between your
major crops.
Step 3
Clifton Slade at Virginia State University
in his 43,560 Project (how to earn
$43,560 from one acre), recommends
choosing crops which produce one
vegetable head or stalk, or 1 lb of
produce, per square foot. Leafy crops
feature prominently.
Richard Wiswall in the Organic Farmer’s
Business Handbook found that outdoor
kale can produce $2463 from 1/10 acre,
and of the crops he compared, only
parsley and basil earned more.
Field tomatoes came in at $1872, and
several vegetables (bush beans, sweet
corn, peas) made a loss. Morris Heading Collards, Photo
Kathryn Simmons
Which Crops are Most Profitable?
Some crops offer more money per area, some are more profitable
in terms of time put in.
You have to
crunch the
numbers to
Step 3
Crop Enterprise Budgets
• Richard Wiswall’s Organic Farmer’s
Business Handbook includes crop
enterprise budgets for 24 crops.
• He makes spreadsheets easy, clear.
• The book includes a CD you can use
to create enterprise budgets, and
every other farm worksheet:
timesheets, payroll calculator, a
farm crew job description template
and a Farm Financials Workbook.
Vern Grubinger in Sustainable
Vegetable Production from Start-up
to Market, NRAES explains how to
make an enterprise budget for each
• Compare the financial value of one
crop with another, without delving
into overhead costs.
• Record the amount of work done
on each crop each day.
• Keep records of harvest quantities;
time and money from sales.
• At the end of the season, divide
the income for each crop by the
time spent on it, and divide the
income for that crop by the area,
or number of beds.
Step 3
Enterprise Budgets
Vern Grubinger in Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-up to
Market explains how to make an enterprise budget for each crop. These
calculations compare one crop with another, while not delving into
overhead costs.
 In your Crop Journal, record the amount of work done on each crop
each day:
o Bed prep, cultivating
o Planting, mulching, staking.
 Record at each harvest
o weight or count of each crop,
o time spent harvesting and cleaning it;
o money raised from each crop each week.
 At the end of the season, add up the total time for each crop
o Divide the income for that crop by the time spent on it, and
o divide the income for that crop by the area, or number of beds.
 Aim for $400/100’ bed per season. The range could be $109-1065.
Dollars per Square Foot
• Tomatoes, Heirloom $19.25
• Tomatoes, Hybrid $12
• Ginger $12
• Pea Shoots $10
• Salad Mix $10
• Spinach $10
• Spring mint tips $7.50
• Lettuce, Romaine $5
• Carrots, bunched $4.50
• Carrots, bagged $4.50
• Shallots $4.50
• Microgreens $3.75
• Rhubarb $3.75
• Turnips, bunched $3.30
• Garlic $3
• Beets, bunched $2.80
• Fennel $2.80
• Kohlrabi $2.80
• Lettuce, head $2.50
• Onions, green $2.50
• Pak choy $2.50
• Potatoes, new $1.30
• Broccoli $1.25
• Snap peas $1.25
• Onions, bulbs $1
From Ben Hartman, The Lean Farm
Dollars per square foot, highest to lowest (of the crops they grow).
Does not account for the time each crop occupies the space, or the
time spent tending the crop.
Bulb onions
Photo Wren Vile
Step 3
Crops that Sell for High Prices
(not necessarily easy to grow)
• microgreens,
• heirloom
• baby
• salad mix,
• lettuce,
• arugula,
• herbs,
• edible flowers,
• storage crops,
• garlic,
• fruits,
• unusual crops
• out-of-season
• bedding plants
and transplants,
• cut flowers,
• ornamental
• This list is from
Market Farming
Also see my slide show
Diversify Your Vegetable
Step 3
Which Crops Are Easy to Grow?
Steve Solomon in Gardening When it Counts provides tables of outdoor
vegetable crops by the level of care they require. Your results may vary!
Onion bed. Photo Kathryn Simmons
• His Easy List: kale, collards, endives,
chicories, spinach, cabbage, Irish
potatoes, sweet potatoes, all cucurbits,
beets, chard, sweet corn, all legumes,
okra, tomatoes (followed by the more
difficult eggplant, peppers).
• His Harder to Grow List: lettuce, arugula,
parsley, carrots, parsnips, broccoli,
radishes, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabagas,
mustards, non-heading Asian greens,
scallions, potato onions, garlic
• His Difficult List: bulb onions, leeks,
Chinese cabbage, asparagus, celery,
celeriac, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
early cabbage, cantaloupe.
Step 3
Consider Flowers as well as
Mark Cain of Dripping
Springs Garden, Arkansas:
 50% of their growing
area in cut flowers and
50% in vegetables.
 The cut flowers bring in
75% of the income.
Photo Tom Freeman, Twin Oaks Flowers
Step 3
Reasons to Grow Crops that Don’t
Make the Highest Income
 Provide a good crop rotation for your farm,
 Provide diversity (customers will only buy so much parsley
and basil)
 Provide for times of the year when fewer growers are
selling produce,
 Provide critical mass for the
whole of the season.
Kohlrabi. Photo McCune Porter
Step 3
Step 4 How Much to Harvest
 The average person eats 160-200
pounds of fresh vegetables per
year (USDA)
 the average CSA share feeds 2 or
3 people,
 an annual share will need to
include about 500 pounds of 40-
50 different vegetables,
distributed, say, once a week for
8 months and once a month for 4
 Many CSAs have a shorter season
than this – your call.
Photo Bridget Aleshire
Step 4 Your Harvest Schedule
• Decide which crops you
want to harvest when, how
often and over what length
of time, including quantities.
• For a CSA, make a Share
Schedule, telling sharers
what to expect when.
• Multiply that up, add a
margin for culls and failures,
and list how much of each
crop to have ready for
harvest each week.
Step 5 How Much to Grow to Achieve
Your Harvest Goals
Take likely yields and add a margin for culls and failures
(10%?). The table I provide in Sustainable Market Farming
lists 48 crops, with likely yield, quantity required for 100 CSA
shares, and length of row needed to grow this amount.
Resources for Quantity Calculations
• The Center for Agroecology and
Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa
– Crop Plan for a Hundred-Member CSA,
with planting requirements for 36 crops
• Jean-Paul Courtens of Roxbury Farm,
Kinderhook, New York:
– On his website, you’ll find the 100
Member CSA Plan, including a Weekly
Share Plan, Greenhouse Schedule, and
Field Planting and Seeding Schedule
(with charts of possible crop yields).
More Resources on Yields
• Some seed companies have
tables of likely yields in their
• Elizabeth Henderson and
Robyn Van En Sharing the
• John Jeavons How to Grow
More Vegetables has charts:
– Pounds Consumed per Year by
the Average Person in the US
– Average US Yield in Pounds per
100 Square Feet.
– These are particularly useful to
small-scale growers, and can be
multiplied up by others.
Spring brassicas at Twin Oaks.
Photo McCune Porter
Step 5
Step 6 Harvest Dates Sowing Dates
Days to Maturity
When to sow to meet the harvest dates?
 Find the number of days to maturity (from the catalog).
 Is that number from seeding to harvest or transplant to harvest?
 Work back from each target harvest date, subtracting days to maturity, to
give the planting date.
 Days to maturity in catalogs are generally for spring planting once
conditions have warmed to the usual range for that crop.
‒ If you are starting very early in spring, add about 14 days - plants grow
slower when cold.
‒ In summer crops mature sooner than in spring.
‒ When growing late into the fall, add about 14 days for the slowdown.
‒ In winter when the temperature is below 40F (4C), plants don’t grow
much at all – ignore those days from your calculations.
 “Days to Maturity” usually means “Days to First Harvest” which may not be
the same as “Days to Full Harvest”.
 With CSAs, you can distribute eggplant to some sharers one week, and
others the next, although keeping track involves more work.
 With carrots it doesn’t matter exactly what size they are, but an immature
Chinese cabbage is just no good. Add another 7-14 days.
Decide whether to Sow or
Transplant Photo Kathryn Simmons
 Choose high-yielding
varieties suited to your
climate, budget,
certification and market
 Buy seeds or starts? Is what
you want available as
plants? Do you need
Organic? Is the price
worthwhile? Money vs
 Do you have the equipment
to grow transplants?
Step 6
Direct Seeding Pros and Cons
Photo Kathryn Simmons
• Pros
– Less work than transplanting
– Less money compared to buying starts
– No need for a greenhouse and
– Better drought tolerance – roots grow
without damage
– Some crops don’t transplant easily
– Some crops have millions of plants!
• Cons
– Uses more seed
– Uses more time thinning
– Occupies the land longer
– Maybe harder to get started in cold (or
hot) conditions
Step 6
Getting the Best from Direct Sowing
 Good soil conditions lead to even
germination: tilth (size of particles),
 Decide by soil temperature, not
calendar. New Seed Starter’s
 Correct depth and sowing density
 Good seed contact with soil: tamp
 Good tools: EarthWay, precision
seeders, hoes, jab planters for large
seeds, tractor seed drills.
• Photo Bridget Aleshire
Step 6
Transplanting Pros and Cons
• Start earlier than outside, get earlier
• Start seed in more ideal conditions in
greenhouse, better germination, more fun!
• Easier to care for new seedlings in a
• Protected plants grow quicker
• Select sturdiest plants, compost the rest
• More flexibility if weather turns bad. Plants
still grow!
• Fit more crops into the season
• Use time windows for quick cover crops
• Save on seed costs
• Extra time caring for the starts
• Transplant shock can delay harvest
• More attention needed to watering new
Photo Kathryn Simmons
Step 6
Getting the Best from Transplanting
 Roots need space. Open flats, plug trays, soil blocks, bare root
 Transplant shock is less for plants with good root systems - harvests
will start sooner.
 Good seed compost
 Use a soil thermometer, not a calendar, to decide when to plant out
tender plants. Don’t rush them!
 Measure and mark the correct spacing: tractor equipment, rolling
dibbles, row marker rake, measuring sticks and triangles, span of
finger and thumb.
 Ideal conditions for transplanting are mild windless afternoons
and evenings just before (or during!) light steady rain.
 Transplanting late in the day gives the plant a chance to recover
during the cooler night hours - the rate of water loss is slower.
 Shadecloth or rowcover can be used to reduce the drying effects
of wind and sun.
Step 6
Transplant Age and Size
Vegetable Notes Ideal Age at Transplanting
squash 2 true leaves max (maybe less) 3–4 weeks
Watermelons (older is OK) 3–4 weeks
Sweet Corn 3–4 weeks
Tomatoes age is less important 4–8 weeks
Lettuce 4–7 weeks
Brassicas 5 true leaves is ideal 6–8 weeks spring/
3–4 weeks summer
Peppers & eggplant 4 or 5 true leaves, not flowering 6–8 weeks
Onions (spring sown)
& leeks 10–12 weeks
Celery 10–12 weeks
Step 6
Field Planting Schedule
Draw up your list of outdoor planting dates, along with
varieties, row feet, spacing, notes and space to write
down what you actually do.
Step 6
Step 7 When to Sow for Transplants
 If the crop is to be transplanted and the catalog doesn’t include the
time to grow the transplant, add that. See Sustainable Market
Use your own experience or the catalog information, or
somewhere in between
In future years you will have your own records to customize your
 Extract the dates to sow for transplants, and make your Seedlings
Seedlings in Twin Oaks Greenhouse
Photo Kathryn Simmons
Seedlings Schedule
Step 7
Pepper transplants. Photo Kathryn Simmons
Step 8 Maps
 Where in the fields to
plant each sowing of
each crop ?
 Start filling your map
with your major crops
remembering crop
and cover cropping
Note the spaces for
squeezing in other
See my slideshow Crop Rotations
for Vegetables and Cover
Crops on
Crop Spacing
Yield is related to plant density.
 Area per plant is the important bit, not
particular row spacing.
 There is a balance point at which the plant
density provides the maximum total yield.
At that density some plants will be too small
to use. That’s taken into account when
calculating yield.
 Crop size (do customers want big carrots or
small carrots?)
 Disease control (humidity and molds)
 Preferred layout (beds with equidistant
plants, or rows).
 Ease of cultivation (tractor equipment,
hoes, horses) and irrigation
 For large plants such as okra or eggplant, it
makes more sense to plant a single row in a
bed and have the plants close together in
that row, in a “hedge.”
Photo of Morris Heading Collards by Kathryn Simmons
Step 8
Optimal Crop Spacing for Various Goals
Crop Row spacing In-row spacing Notes
Beets 7" (18 cm) 4" (10 cm) For early harvest
12" (30 cm) 1" (2.5 cm) For max total yield (small).
2" (5 cm) for bigger beets
Beans, fava 18" (45 cm) 4.5" (11 cm) For tall varieties.
Beans, green 18" (45 cm) 2" (5 cm) 12" (30cm) × 3" (7.5 cm) gives the same area/plant
Broccoli (Calabrese) 12" (30cm) 6" (15 cm) For equal amounts of heads and side shoots
Cabbage 14" (35 cm) 14" (35 cm) For small heads
18" (45 cm) 18" (45 cm) For large heads
Carrots 6" (15 cm) 4" (10 cm) For early crops, limiting competition
6" (15 cm) 1.5" (4 cm) For maincrop, medium size roots
Celery 11" (28 cm) 11" (28 cm) For high yields and mutual blanching
Cucumber (pickling) 20" (51 cm) 3" (8 cm)
Leeks 12" (30 cm) 6" (15 cm) Max yield of hilled up leeks, average size
Lettuce 9" (23 cm) 8" (20 cm) Early crops under cover
12" (30 cm) 12" (30 cm) Head lettuce
5" (13 cm) 1" (2.5 cm) Baby lettuce mix
Onions 12" (30 cm) 1.5" (4 cm) For medium size bulbs
12" (30 cm) 0.5" (1 cm) For boiling, pickling, kebabs
Parsnips 12" (30 cm) 6" (15 cm) For high yields of large roots
7.5" (19 cm) 3" (8 cm) For smaller roots
Peas, shelling 18" (46 cm) 4.5" (11.5 cm) Can sow in double or triple bands, 4.5" (11.5 cm) apart
Potatoes 30" (76 cm) 9-16" (23–41 cm) Depends on size of seed pieces; small pieces closer
Sweet Corn 30-36" (76–90 cm) 8" (20 cm) Closer than 8" (20 cm) the plants shade each other.
Tomatoes, bush types 19" (48 cm) 19" (48 cm) For early crops
Watermelon 66" (168 cm) 12–24" (30–60 cm) For small varieties. 5–10 ft2 (0.5–1 m2) each
66" (168 cm) 30–84" (76–215 cm) For large varieties. 13–40 ft2 (1.2–3.7 m2) each
Step 8
Step 9 Packing More in:
Intercropping, Relay Planting, Double
Cropping and Succession Planting
• Promptly clearing short term crops like beans or cucumbers
helps with pest and disease control and opens up the space for
double-cropping or for more cover crops to replenish the soil
• Fast growing crops like lettuce, radishes and greens can be
planted between or alongside
slower-growing crops to
generate more income and
• We grow peas with spinach,
peanuts with lettuce,
okra with cabbage
Tyee spinach in a relay with snap peas.
Photo Kathryn Simmons
• Fast growing crops like lettuce,
radishes and greens can be planted
between or alongside slower-
growing crops to generate more
income and diversity
• Interplanting lettuce and tomatoes is
39% more efficient than growing
each crop individually.
(Statistic and photo thanks to Alison and Paul Wiediger)
• We have grown peas with spinach
Step 9
Fast Catch Crops
Tatsoi. Credit Wren Vile
Ready in 30–35 days in fall, longer in
• kale, arugula, radishes (both the fast
small ones and the larger winter ones).
• many Asian greens: Chinese Napa
cabbage, Komatsuna, Maruba Santoh,
mizuna, pak choy, Senposai, tatsoi,
Tokyo Bekana and Yukina Savoy.
• spinach, chard, salad greens (lettuce,
endives, chicories) and winter
• brassica salad mixes
Ready in 35–45 days in fall:
• corn salad, land cress, sorrel, parsley
and chervil.
Ready in 60 days in fall:
• beets, collards, kohlrabi, turnips and
small fast cabbage
Some cool-weather crops
mature in 60 days or less.
Mostly these are greens and
fast-growing root crops.
Useful if a crop fails, or you
have a small empty space.
Step 9
Season Extension in Every Season
 Grow earlier crops in spring:
o Choose fast-maturing hardy varieties
o Use transplants
o Use rowcovers, low tunnels, Quick Hoops,
high tunnels (= hoophouses)
 Extend the growth of cool-weather crops into summer:
o Learn how to germinate seeds in hot weather
o Use shadecloth, use insect netting to keep bugs off
o Interplant to allow a new crop to grow in the shade of the old one
 Extend the survival of frost-tender crops beyond the first fall frosts
o Use rowcover
o Minimize frost damage
 Grow cold-hardy winter vegetables
o Use rowcovers, low tunnels, Quick Hoops, hoophouses
Step 9
For details, see my slide show
Season Extension
Pondering Season Extension
Extend the season without
overworking yourself, your
crew, or your soil.
A longer harvest season helps
you retain and satisfy
You can provide year-round
employment for your crew -
retain skilled workers.
It’s easier to get extra harvests
for a month or two in fall from
mature plants, than to get
harvests a week earlier in the
Tired but unbroken. Photo Bridget Aleshire
Step 9
Economics of Season Extension
• Season extension requires putting in more time and/or money
than main season growing, to gain extra production.
• Find the balance point at which time, money and energy put in
are still definitely worthwhile.
• Beyond that point, the diminishing returns aren’t worth the
extra energy put in. You might do better to turn your attention
to some seasonal crop and not chase after unseasonal ones
regardless of costs.
• Before investing a lot of money, talk with other nearby growers.
• Compare the costs and benefits of various types of cold
weather crop protection.
Step 9
To Determine the Last Sowing Date for
Frost-Tender Crops
Count back from the expected first
frost date, adding:
• the number of days from
seeding to harvest,
• the average length of the
harvest period,
• 14 days to allow for the slowing
rate of growth in the fall, and
• 14 days to allow for an early
frost (unless you have
Zephyr Summer Squash
CREDIT: Kathryn Simmons.
Step 9
Scheduling for Continuous Harvests
 Plan the sowing dates carefully if you want continuous supplies
of summer crops such as beans, squash, cucumbers, sweet corn;
winter hoophouse greens; and year-round lettuce.
 Planting squash or beans once a month will not provide an even
 Crops grow faster at some times of year than others, and the
time between one sowing and the next needs to vary to balance
 To harvest a new planting at regular intervals, you need big
sowing gaps early in the spring, and shorter ones in the late
summer or fall.
Step 9
Step 9 Succession Planting for
Continuous Harvests
 As spring temperatures and day-
length increase towards the
Summer Solstice, the time to
maturity shortens – later sowings
almost catch up with earlier ones.
 As temperatures and day-length
decrease in the fall, the time to
maturity lengthens – a day late in
sowing can lead to a week’s delay
in harvesting.
 To get harvests starting an equal
number of days apart, vary the
interval between one sowing date
and the next accordingly
For all the details, see my slideshow
Succession Planting for Continuous
Harvests on
Bean bed. Photo Pam Dawling
Step 9 Find Space for Succession Crops
• Beans, edamame, cucumbers, melons ,
squash, sweet corn can be produced
through the frost-free period, if you
sow several times.
• Beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, collards, kale,
spinach can be grown in spring and again in the
fall in the Southeast.
• Lettuce can be grown year-round
• Lettuce, spinach, turnips, radishes, scallions, tatsoi
and some other Asian greens can be sown in
succession in the winter hoophouse
Step 9
Crops Planning
• We list the spare
spaces in the plots (in
order of availability)
• and the crops we hope
to plant (in date order)
• Then we pencil in
arrows, fitting the
succession crops into
the spaces available.
Succession Crop Scheduling
• Plan sowing dates for even,
continuous supplies of popular
summer crops, such as beans,
squash, cucumbers, sweet corn;
year round lettuce and winter
hoophouse greens.
• Length of time from sowing to
harvest varies according to
temperature (and day length in
some cases).
• Planting squash once a month will
not provide an even supply.
• Keep records and use information
from other growers in your area to
fine-tune planting dates.
Photo Credit: Kathryn Simmons.
For all the details, see my slideshow
Succession Planting for Continuous
Harvests on
Step 9
Several Approaches to Succession
Crop Planning – Which Suits You?
1. Rough plan: “every two
2. “No paperwork”
3. Sow several varieties on
the same day
4. Plan a sequence of
sowings to provide an
even supply, using
5. Use Accumulated
Growing Degree Days
Squash drawing by Jessie Doyle
Step 9
Rough Plan:
Every 2 weeks for beans
and corn,
Every 3 weeks for squash
and cucumbers and
Every 4 weeks for carrots
2 or 3 plantings of
(cantaloupes) at least a
month apart.
CREDIT: Kathryn Simmons.
Step 9
“No Paperwork” Methods
• Sow another planting of
sweet corn when the
previous one is 1”–2"
• Sow more lettuce when
the previous sowing
• Sow more beans when
the young plants start
to straighten up from
their hooked stage
Step 9
on One
Use varieties
with different
sown on the
same day. We
do this with
broccoli, lettuce,
sweet corn.
Step 9
Step 9 Make a Graph - 6 Steps
a) Gather sowing and harvest start and finish dates for
each planting of each crop
b) Make a graph for each crop: sowing date along the horizontal
(x) axis; harvest start date along the vertical (y) axis. Mark in
all your data. Join with a line. Smooth the line.
c) From your first possible sowing date find the first harvest start
d) Decide the last worthwhile harvest start date, mark that.
e) Use the harvest end dates to see how long a planting lasts
(how often you want a new patch starting). Divide the harvest
period into a whole number of equal segments of that length.
f) Mark in the harvest start dates and see the sowing dates that
match those harvest datesNext we’ll take one step at a time
For each sowing of each crop,
1. Sowing date
2. Date of first harvest
3. Date of last worthwhile harvest
of that sowing
 Compared to spring and
summer plantings, the results
for winter plantings can look
quite wacky, as plants “sit still”
when it’s too cold.
 Here’s the first part of our data
6-Sep 30-Sep 7-Nov
6-Sep 3-Oct 10-Nov
6-Sep 7-Oct 7-Nov
1-Oct 2-Nov 17-Dec
1-Oct 10-Nov 25-Dec
5-Oct 9-Nov 2-Jan
a) Gather Sowing & Harvest Dates
b) Make a Graph
X axis = Sowing Date, across the bottom
• Mark in all your data, and join with a line.
• Graphs can be made by hand or using a spreadsheet program such as Excel, which calls
them charts. This type of graph is called a “scatter chart.”
8/18/2016 9/7/2016 9/27/201610/17/201611/6/201611/26/201612/16/2016 1/5/2017 1/25/2017 2/14/2017
Sowing date
- several
c) From Your First Possible Sowing
Date Find the First Harvest Start Date
Draw a line up from
your first possible
sowing date on the x
axis to the graph
line. 9/7?
Draw a horizontal
line from the point
on the graph line to
the y axis.
This is your first
harvest date. Ours is
around 10/1.
Harvest date varies
according to
8/18/2016 9/7/2016 9/27/2016 10/17/2016 11/6/2016 11/26/2016 12/16/2016 1/5/2017 1
Sowing date
d) Decide Your Last Worthwhile
Harvest Start Date
• Decide your last
worthwhile harvest
start date 3/18?
• Draw a line across
from this date on
the y (harvest) axis
to the graph line
• Draw a line from
this point on the
graph line down to
the x axis to show
when to sow. 1/26? 9/7/2016
Sowing date
• The line joining the points on the graph is often jagged,
due to differences in weather from year to year, and to
growing varieties with differing maturity dates.
• Smooth the jaggedness by drawing a smooth line
hitting most of your points, with equal numbers of
points above and below it, equally distributed over
• Practice with a pencil, drawing a line in the air just
above the graph.
• When you’re fairly confident, draw a
smooth line.
• With radishes the curve is slight, but
it’s there.
Smoothing the Graph Line
Radish Succession Crops Graph
with Smoothed Line
e) Divide the Harvest Period into
a Whole Number of Segments
 Count the days from first harvest of the first sowing to the first
harvest of the last sowing:10/1–3/18=30+30+31+31+28+18=168
 Use the harvest end dates to see roughly how long a patch of
radishes lasts (how often you want a new patch coming on line)
 Divide the harvest period into a whole number of equal
intervals of that length. If we want new radishes every 34 days,
we’ll need 5 equal intervals between plantings (34 x 5 = 170).
 Five intervals means 6 plantings. (P-I-P-I-P-I-P-I-P-I-P)
 The harvest start dates will be 10/1, 11/4, 12/8, 1/11, 2/14,3/20
 Draw a horizontal line from each harvest start date to the graph
line – see next slide
Radish Succession Crops
Harvest Start Dates
Radish Succession Crops
Sowing Dates
f) Determine the Sowing Dates to
Match Your Harvest Start Dates
 Drop a vertical line down to the horizontal axis from each place
that a horizontal line meets your smoothed curve.
 Read the date on the horizontal axis at this point
 Write these planting dates on your schedule: 9/7, 9/30, 10/28,
11/22, 12/20, 1/27
 Sowing intervals are 23, 28, 25, 28, 38 days – longer in Dec-Jan,
as the Jan sowing will catch up some with the Dec sowing.
 If your planting plans exceed the space you’ve got, simply
tweaking to a less frequent new harvest start could free up
space to grow something else.
 Also consider a gap in radish supply, if other crops could
make better use of the space.
Our Radish Succession Dates
1. Radish #1, sown 9/6, harvested 10/5-
2. #2, sown 10/1, harvested 11/6-12/25
3. #3, sown 10/30, harvested 12/16-2/7
4. #4, sown 11/29, harvested 1/16-2/25
5. #5, sown 12/23, harvested 2/19-3/16
Our harvest intervals are uneven: 31-40
days. This fits better with our other crops.
After many calculations and too many radishes, we cut back
to 5 sowings of 32' (10 m) each. We reduced the amount we
sow each time as a result of evening out our supply.
Sept 7 sowing of radishes on
Oct 3. Photo Pam Dawling
Sweet Corn Example
Year Round Lettuce Part 1
Photo Kathryn Simmons
When to sow for transplants
for outdoors:
The short version: sow
• twice in January,
• twice in February,
• every 10 days in March,
• every 9 days in April,
• every 8 days in May,
• every 6-7 days in June and
Step 9
See my slideshow Lettuce Year Round on for a list of varieties
and more information
Step 9 Year Round Lettuce Part 2
Photo Kathryn Simmons
The short version on when to
sow for outdoors:
• every 5 days in early August,
• every 3 days in late August,
• every other day until Sept 21.
For coldframes sow in early
For an unheated greenhouse,
sow in mid-September.
For planting in a hoophouse,
sow mid-late September
Tango cold-hardy lettuce
Photo Kathryn Simmons
For details, see my
slideshow Hoophouse in
Fall and Winter on
Winter Succession Crops in the
To provide continuous supplies of salad and cooking greens, as
well as radishes and small turnips, we plan successions of winter
hoophouse crops.
Lettuce, spinach, turnips, radishes, scallions, tatsoi and other Asian
greens can provide continuous supplies. Don’t stop too soon!
Step 9
Photo Kathleen
Step 9
• 2 sowings of
chard, scallions,
tatsoi, yukina
• 3 sowings of
mizuna, turnips,
bulb onions
• 4 sowings of baby
lettuce mix,
brassica salad mix
• 5 sowings of
spinach, radish
Crop Planting Date Harvest Dates Notes
Brassica Salad Mix #1 sown 10/2 10/29 – 12/22
#2 sown 12/18 ? – 4/20 11 days to germinate.
#3 sown 1/27 4/15 – 5/15? Only 2 cuts
#4 sown 2/1 4/15 – 5/26 2/12 is last sow date
Chard #1 transplanted 10/15 12/11 - 4/9
#2 sown 10/26 2/6 - 5/1
Lettuce Mix #1 sown 10/24 12/11 – 2/21 Up to 8 cuts
#1.5! sown 11/16 ? New this year
#2 sown 12/31 2/21 - 4/15 3 cuts if we’re lucky
#3 sown 2/1 3/18 - 4/20 3 cuts if we’re lucky
#4 sown 2/15 3/25? - 5/15 Only sow if spring outdoor lettuce is late
Lettuce heads until October 11/16 - 2/20 Harvest leaves from the mature plants
2/21 - 3/31 Cut the heads
Mizuna #1 transplanted 10/20 11/27 – 3/7 Includes other frilly mustards
#2 sown 11/10 2/26 - 3/20
#3 sown 2/1 3/24 – 4/23 Scarlet Frill, Golden Frills outlive mizuna and
Ruby Streaks
Onions (bulbing) #1 sown 11/10 Transplanted outdoors as early as possible in
March#2 sown 11/22
#3 back-up sown 12/6
Radish #1 sown 9/6 10/5 - 11/15
#2 sown 10/1 11/6 - 12/25
#3 sown 10/30 12/16 - 2/7
#4 sown 11/29 1/16 - 2/25
#5 sown 12/23 2/19 - 3/16
Scallions #1 sown 9/6 12/8 - 2/1
#2 sown 11/18 3/19 - 5/15 Following radish #1
Spinach #1 sown 9/6 10/30 - 2/15 or later Sprouted seeds sown
#2 sown 10/24 11/25 - 5/7
#3 sown 11/9 These later sowings are
harvested until 5/7
We keep planting to fill gaps and pulling up
finished plants#4 sown 1/16
#5 sown 1/17 Until mid-May To transplant outdoors in February
Tatsoi #1 sown 9/7 10/30 - 12/31 9 weeks of harvest
#2 sown 11/15 2/12 - 3/12 4 weeks of harvest
Turnips #1 sown 10/14 12/5 - 2/20 Thinnings11/29
#2 sown 10/25 2/1 - 3/13 Thinnings 1/11
#3 sown 12/10 3/5 - 3/20 Only worthwhile if thinned promptly and
eaten small.
Yukina Savoy #1 transplanted10/6 12/5 - 1/25
#2 transplanted 10/24 1/8 - 2/1 or so Only one week extra
Growing Degree Days
 GDDs measure actual conditions on your farm,
this season
 More reliable than the calendar – traditional dates will not
work well now climate change has taken hold.
 A measure of heat accumulation as the year progresses
 Can be a tool for season extension,
 Can indicate when it’s warm enough to plant tender crops,
 Or when they might be ready to harvest.
 GDDs can also be used to plan dates for succession sowings.
 For most purposes a base temperature of 50°F (10°C) is used
– roughly the temperature at which most plant growth
changes start to take place. Each day when the temperature
rises above the threshold, growing-degrees accumulate.
Step 9
Step 9
Growing Degree Days
 Add the maximum and minimum temperatures for the 24
hour period, average them, and subtract the base
temperature. Add each day’s figure to the total for the year
to date. This is the GDD figure.
 Wikipedia has a good explanation at
 has a free mobile
phone app!
 Using GDDs to schedule sweet corn plantings
 Using Heat Units to Schedule Vegetable Plantings, Predict
Harvest Dates and Manage Crops
Step 10 Look at the Overview - Tweak
to Make Your Best Possible Plan• Can’t fit everything in? Drop crops or change your
plant quantities? Tighten up your planting
• Perhaps the old crop is not worth keeping, if
pulling it helps you establish a new crop in a
timely way.
• Keep your highest priorities in mind: crops for
your best markets, the signature crops you are
famous for, and food for your household.
• Use all available space for food crops or cover
• Check timings of seedlings – do you have enough
germinating capacity?
• Is it physically possible to do all the transplanting
you plan in the time allotted?
• Simplify planting dates, eg squash and cucumbers
on the same days.
• Other times it helps to spread the workload over
several consecutive days, to give you time to
harvest, eat lunch, do your outdoor work.
Photo Kathryn Simmons
How to Decide Which Crops to Grow
• Some crops offer more money for the area
• Some are more profitable in terms of time put in
• Crops which quietly grow all season from a single
planting can be an advantage.
• If the same plants provide multiple harvests, this can be
great value for time. Leafy greens are the best example.
• In High-Yield Vegetable Gardening,
Colin McCrate and Brad Halm point out
that when planning what to grow, it's
important to consider how long the crop
will be in the ground, especially if you
have limited space
Step 10
McCrate and Halm distinguish between
• Fast Growing Crops (25-60 days from sowing or transplanting)
Direct sown arugula, baby lettuce mix, mustard greens, some
Asian greens, radishes, spinach, turnips;
Transplanted head lettuce, endive, heading Asian greens.
• Half Season Crops (50-90 days from sowing or transplanting)
Direct sown snap beans, lima beans, beets, carrots, corn salad,
snap peas, snow peas, shelling peas, scallions;
Transplanted broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, chard,
cucumbers, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, okra, radicchio, summer
squash, zucchini, tomatoes.
• Long Season Crops (70-120 days from sowing or transplanting)
Direct sown edamame, fava beans, shell beans, sweet corn,
parsnips, peanuts, rutabagas, potatoes, winter squash, pumpkins;
Transplanted Brussels sprouts, celeriac, celery, bulb fennel, garlic
(longer), leeks, cantaloupe, other melons, bulb onions, peppers,
watermelon, sweet potatoes.
Fast and Slow Crops
Step 10
Crop Value Rating
Curtis Stone has a Crop Value Rating system based on 5 factors.
Decide if each particular crop gets a point for that factor or not.
• Then look for the crops with the highest number of points. Spinach
gets all 5 points; cherry tomatoes only 3.
• The smaller your farm, the more important to choose high-scoring
crops. His 5 are:
1. Shorter days to maturity (fast crops = chance to plant more; give a
point for 60 days or less)
2. High yield per linear foot (best value from the space; a point for1/2
pound/linear foot or more)
3. Higher price per pound (other factors being equal, higher price =
more income; a point for $4 or more per pound)
4. Long harvest period (= more sales; a point for 4 months or longer)
5. Popularity (high demand, low market saturation)
Step 10
Putting together these various ideas, here's my list of possible factors.
Loosely speaking, there are 6 categories:
A. time involved (#1-4),
B. yield (5-8),
C. likely income (9-10),
D. likely demand (11-15),
E. strategic importance (16-20)
F. complexity (21-25).
Fast-maturing tatsoi Photo Wren Vile
1. Is it labor efficient? (Some space-hogging crops like sweet corn are
not labor intensive)
2. Does the intense work for this crop come in at a less-busy time of
3. Is this crop fast-maturing? (If labor is short, weed control might be
an issue for a slow-growing crop, even if space isn't)
4. Is it high yielding for the labor intensiveness? (Okra doesn't provide
much food for the space or the time)
Factors in DIY Crop Value Rating
Step 10
Factors in DIY crop value rating:
5. Is it high yielding for the space occupied (does it produce
one vegetable head or 1 pound of produce, per square
foot or1/2 pound/row foot)?
6. Is it high-yielding for the time it occupies the ground? (if
land is short)
7. Does it provide multiple harvests from a single planting?
8. Does it provide a single bulk harvest of a storable crop?
Bulk harvest of
sweet potatoes.
Photo Nina
Step 10
Factors in DIY crop value rating:
Likely Income
9. If you are selling produce, does it bring a high
price, above $4 per pound?
10.If you are growing for a household, or a non-
profit, or considering buying wholesale from
another farmer for your CSA: Is it expensive to
Step 10
Factors in DIY crop value rating:
Likely Demand
11.Is it popular (do you have a good market for it)?
12.Is it a staple?
13.Does it store well/easily?
14.Does it provide harvests at times of year when other
crops are scarce?
15.Does it provide appealing diversity for your booth or
CSA boxes?
Step 10
Factors in DIY crop value rating:
Strategic Importance
16. Is it a resilient "insurance crop" (forgiving of difficult weather)
which provides harvests even if other crops fail (chard, storage
root vegetables)?
17. Does it help provide your land with a good crop rotation?
18. Is it in the Dirty Dozen? (What are the pesticide levels in the non-
organic crop, if that's the alternative source for your customers?)
19. Are you relying on this crop for personal sustenance?
20. Is it nutritionally dense or important (a protein crop, an oil crop,
a mid-winter crop?)
Chard is an important
Insurance Crop.
Photo Wren Vile
Step 10
Factors in DIY crop value rating:
21.Is it reliably easy to grow? Or fun or
pleasantly challenging to grow?
22.Is there minimal wastage/maximum
saleable yield of the harvested
23.Does the crop require minimal
processing to be ready for sale?
24.Is its peak period for water use at a
time when you have plenty of
25.Will it grow without a fence for
deer/rabbit/bird protection? Frosty fall cabbage – cut and sell
Photo Lori Katz
Step 10
Customize and Chart the Most
Relevant Factors
• Rearrange the list of factors to suit your
• Select 6-10 of the most important factors
and make up a chart.
• List all the crops you are growing (or might
• Assess the crops as objectively as you can.
• Award each crop a point for each check
• Knock out the crops with fewest points.
• If you need a tie-breaker, you could use
secondary factors from the list. Winnow out the chaff
Step 10
Beets, both greens
and roots, whether
spring or fall, scored
well for us. Photo
Southern Exposure
Seed Exchange
Step 10
Step 11 What to Do if Something
Goes Wrong: Plan B
Have a brainstorm list to help
deal with disasters:
 Do immediate damage control to stop the
problem getting worse
 Ask for help from sharers, neighbors, kids,
 Salvage anything you can and process it in
some way to sell later.
 Plant some quick-growing crops to
substitute for crop failures
 Buy from other local growers to tide you
 Team up with other growers, share a
market booth, save on the rent
 Write down what went wrong and why, so
you don’t have the same problem next year
Senposai can be harvested 40 days from
sowing. Photo Kathryn Simmons
Step 12 Record Results for Next Year’s
Better Plan• Make recording easy to do
• Minimize the paperwork. Record planting dates and harvest start and
finish dates on the planting schedule.
• Have a daily practice of writing down what was done that day:
Planting dates, harvest start and end dates for each planting of each
crop; the amount of work done on each crop; the amount harvested.
• Allow time to do that, without losing your lunch break
• At the beginning of the winter, have a Crop Review Meeting, discuss
and write up what worked and what didn’t, to learn from the
experience and do better next year.
• If your records suggest adjusting a date next year, adjust it to halfway
between last year’s plan and what seems ideal - gradually zero in on
the likely date without wild pendulum swings based on variable
Advantages of Planning and
1. Use all the space to best advantage
2. You may find you don’t need to
sow as often or as soon as you had
3. Your records may show up the
chanciness of certain sowing dates,
particularly crops that will bolt
soon after sowing.
4. Your record keeping may show up
some other ways to increase the
harvest period (eg pay attention to
aphids in February), and remove
the need to resow so soon.
Chard Photo Kathryn Simmons
Step 12
Resources - General
ATTRA Market Farming: A Start-up Guide; Plugs and
Transplant Production for Organic Systems; Scheduling Vegetable Plantings
for a Continuous Harvest; Intercropping Principles and Production Practices
(mostly field crops, but the same principles apply to vegetable crops);
Season Extension Techniques for Market Farmers, etc.
SARE A searchable database of research findings. See Season
Extension Topic Room
 and The organic
agriculture community with eXtension. Publications, webinars, videos,
trainings and support. An expanding source of reliable information.
Growing Small Farms: Farmer Resources.
 Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, or (All about transplants)
Resources - Books
(I have reviewed some of these books on my blog at
 Jean-Martin Fortier, The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower’s Handbook for Small-Scale
Organic Farming.
 The Four Season Harvest, Eliot Coleman, 1999, Chelsea Green
 The New Organic Grower, Eliot Coleman, 1995, 2018 Chelsea Green
 The Winter Harvest Handbook, Eliot Coleman, 2009, Chelsea Green
 The Complete Know and Grow Vegetables, J K A Bleasdale, P J Salter et al.
 Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers, Maynard and Hochmuth
 The New Seed Starter’s Handbook, Nancy Bubel, 1988, Rodale Books
 Root Cellaring, Nancy and Mike Bubel (for construction details and advice)
 The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook, Richard Wiswall, Chelsea Green
 Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-up to Market, Vern Grubinger,
104_web.pdf NRAES
 The Lean Farm, How to Minimize Waste, Increase Efficiency, and Maximize Value and
Profits with Less Work and The Lean Farm Guide Ben Hartman, Chelsea Green
 The Urban Farmer, Curtis Stone, New Society Publishers
 High-Yield Vegetable Gardening, Colin McCrate and Brad Halm, Storey Pub
Resources – More books
 The Bio-Integrated Farm, Shawn Jadrnicek.
 Gardening When it Counts, Steve Solomon, New Society Publishers
 The Vegetable Growers Handbook, Frank Tozer, 2008, Green Man Publishing
 Market Farming Success: The Business of Growing and Selling Local Food,
Lynn Byczynski
 Wholesale Success, Atina Diffley, Jim Slama or
ety%2C+Selling%2C+Postharvest+Handling%2C+Packing+Produce.pdf /
 Sharing the Harvest, Elizabeth Henderson and Robyn Van En
 Nature and Properties of Soils, fourteenth edition, Nyle Brady and Ray Weil
 Garden Insects of North America, Whitney Cranshaw
 Managing Weeds on your Farm: A Guide to Ecological Strategies. Charles
Mohler and Antonio DiTommaso. SARE. In prep.(not yet published)
 SARE Crop Rotations on Organic Farms, A Planning Manual, Charles Mohler
and Sue Ellen Johnson, editors.
Resources - Planning
 The Twin Oaks Harvest Calendar by Starting Date and by Crop are available as pdfs on
my website
 AgSquared online planning software:
 COG-Pro record-keeping software for Certified Organic Farms:
 Free open-source database crop planning software
 Mother Earth News interactive Vegetable Garden Planner, free for 30 days:
 Target Harvest Date Calculator: (Excel spreadsheet)
 Growing Small Farms: click Farmer Resources, Farm
Planning and Recordkeeping to download Joel Gruver’s spreadsheets.
 Mark Cain under the CSA tab, you can download
their Harvest Schedule. Notebook-based system.
 Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, Daniel Brisebois and Frédéric Thériault
(Canadian Organic Growers
 Grow a Sustainable Diet: Planning and Growing to Feed Ourselves and the Earth, Cindy
Conner, New Society Publishers, (worksheet based). DVD/CD set Develop a Sustainable
Vegetable Garden Plan
Resources – Detailed Planning
 Tables of likely crop yields
 two charts, one of organic
crops from The Owner-Built Homestead by Ken & Barbara Kern, one from California.
 Determining Prices for CSA Share Boxes Iowa State U
 New England Vegetable Management Guide Crop Budgets
 Clif Slade’s 43560 Project: Virginia Association for Biological Farming newsletter
 USDA annual vegetable consumption
 John Jeavons How to Grow More Vegetables has charts: Pounds Consumed per Year by the
Average Person in the US and Average US Yield in Pounds per 100 Square Feet.
 The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at the UC Santa Cruz Crop Plan
for a Hundred-Member CSA, for a range of 36 crops in its Unit 4.5 CSA Crop Planning: or directly at
 Jean-Paul Courtens , Roxbury Farm Regenerative Farming
Practices tab: Soil Fertility Practices; Biodynamic Practices; Whole farm Approach; Harvest
Manual; Crop Manual; Purchasing Equipment; Crop Plan for a 100 Member CSA, including
a CSA Share List, Greenhouse Plan, Field Plan
Resources – My Slideshows Search for Pam Dawling. You’ll find:
 Cold-hardy Winter Vegetables
 Cover Crops for Vegetable Growers
 Crop Planning for Sustainable
Vegetable Production
 Crop Rotations for Vegetables and
Cover Crops
 Diversify your Vegetable Crops
 Fall and Winter Hoophouse
 Fall Vegetable Production
 Feeding the Soil
 Growing Great Garlic
 Growing Sweet Potatoes from Start to
 Hoophouse Production of Cool Season
 Lettuce Year Round
 Many Crops, Many Plantings, to
Maximize High Tunnel Efficiency
 Producing Asian Greens
 Production of Late Fall, Winter and
Early Spring Vegetable Crops
 Season Extension
 Sequential Planting of Cool Season
Crops in a High Tunnel
 Spring and Summer Hoophouses
 Storage Vegetables
 Succession Planting for Continuous
Vegetable Harvests
 Sustainable Farming Practices.
 The Seed Garden
 Year Round Vegetable Production
 Year Round Hoophouse Vegetables
Resources - Slideshows
 Mark Cain Planning for Your CSA: (search for Crop
 Brad Bergefurd, Cultural Practices And Cultivar Selections for Commercial
Vegetable Growers.
 Daniel Parson Planning the Planting of Cover Crops and Cash Crops, SSAWG
 Joel Gruver Cover Crop Innovation and Cover crops for vegetable cropping
 Joel Gruver Finding the best fit: cover crops in organic farming systems. Some
overlap with previous slideshow.
 Alison and Paul Wiediger
tunnel-1-why-grow-in-high-tunnels and at least 11 more.
Resources - Season Extension
 Extending the Season: Six Strategies for Improving Cash Flow Year-Round on
the Market Farm a free e-book for online subscribers to Growing for Market
 Janet Bachmann, Season Extension Techniques for Market Gardeners,
ATTRA, 2005.
 Fall and Winter Gardening Quick Reference, Southern Exposure Seed
 Growers’ Library, Winter growing guide
 Winter Vegetable Gardening
 Solar Gardening: Growing Vegetables Year-Round the American Intensive
Way, Leandre Poisson, Gretchen Poisson and Robin Wimbiscus, 1994,
Chelsea Green
 Extending the Season: Six Strategies for Improving Cash Flow Year-Round on
the Market Farm a free e-book for online subscribers to Growing for Market
Web Resources
 The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers
 Southern Exposure Seed Exchange wonderful
link for Seed Saving Resources:
 Saving Our Seeds website has information on isolation distances, seed
processing techniques, where to get manuals on growing specific seeds, and
links to more information:
 Growing Degree Days
 free GDD mobile phone app
 Using GDDs to schedule sweet corn plantings
 Using Heat Units to Schedule Vegetable Plantings, Predict Harvest Dates and
Manage Crops
 Brittney Wyatt et al., Row Cover Weight Influences Nitrate Content of Kale Grown in
Solar Greenhouses, Kentucky State University, 2011.
Crop Planning for Sustainable
Vegetable Production
©Pam Dawling, 2019
Author of Sustainable Market Farming and
The Year-Round Hoophouse

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Crop Planning for Sustainable Vegetable Production 2019 Pam Dawling

  • 1. Crop Planning for Sustainable Vegetable Production ©Pam Dawling, 2019 Author of Sustainable Market Farming and The Year-Round Hoophouse
  • 2. What’s in This Presentation Produce crops when you want them and in the right quantities; sell them where and when you need to and support yourself with a rewarding livelihood while replenishing the soil • Why make detailed plans? • How to plan? Helpful tools • Step by step planning. 12 steps 1. How much money 2. Which markets to sell at 3. Which crops to grow 4. Harvest schedule 5. How much to plant 6. Field Planting schedule 7. Seedling/Transplant schedule 8. Maps 9. Packing more in 10.Adjust and tweak 11.Plan B 12.Next Year’s Better Plan • Lots of Resources
  • 3. Why Plan? On-farm Rewards ҉Plan in the winter, farm in the growing season! ҉Make the most productive use of your land. ҉Pace yourself, enjoy your life! ҉Reduce stress and confusion ҉Become a better farmer - keep good records, make good plans. ҉Invest in your future - Planning gets easier each year – just tweak last year’s plan.
  • 4. Market Rewards for Planning ҉ Earn a living! ҉ Enjoy the satisfaction of full CSA bags, groaning tables every week! ҉ Enjoy your great reputation providing what customers want. ҉ Enjoy having information at your fingertips - when broccoli will start, or cucumbers end. ҉ Achieve balance each week: some leafy crop, something brightly colored, something bulky and filling, something new, something highly flavored. ҉ Use your full market season, all your opportunities.
  • 5. How to Plan? Helpful Tools • Be clear about your goals (before choosing tools). • Design a system you like, so you’ll use it. • Do you prefer clipboards, computers, or photos? • There are Web-based Tools, Spreadsheets, Worksheets and Notebooks • Build in the ability to adapt the plan if conditions change.
  • 6. Web-Based Planning AgSquared online planning software: includes a free trial. • If you already have your plans on spreadsheets, you can import them into AgSquared – you don’t have to start over. • “Smart scheduling” Once you’ve got your information in there, you can adjust a date or row length and the changes will automatically be made to the other relevant spreadsheets. • Space for record-keeping is vast - you can include comments on the weather, pests, soil observations etc which might be helpful later.
  • 8. COG-Pro is a record keeping software made for Certified Organic Farms. The planning tools include prompts for info needed for certification. It uses a simple tabbed notebook visual and generates reports for the certification process.
  • 9. Spreadsheets • Make your own, or copy others – see Resources at end • During the year we follow printed sheets - don’t often need the computer. • The program does the calculations. • Quickly sort out selected parts of the information and rearrange it
  • 10. Spreadsheets from Johnny’s Johnny’s Selected Seeds has spreadsheet based tools available at
  • 11. Crop Planning for Vegetable Gardens There are also smaller scale on-line planners: • • There is also an app: 
  • 12. Worksheets • Cindy Conner explains worksheets in her book Grow a Sustainable Diet. • She also sells a DVD/CD set Develop a Sustainable Vegetable Garden Plan. Aimed primarily at homesteaders, the steps help you figure how many seeds and plants you need, when to plant and where, and when to expect a harvest. • Mark Cain and Daniel Brisebois and Frédéric Thériault Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, are other good sources for ideas on worksheets.
  • 13. Planning is Circular, Just Like Farming 1. How much money do you need to earn? 2. Which markets to sell at 3. Which crops to grow 4. How much of what to harvest when: Harvest Schedule 5. How much to grow to achieve your harvest goals 6. Calculate sowing dates to meet harvest dates: Field Planting Schedule7. When to sow for transplants: Seedlings Schedule 8. Where to plant each sowing of each crop: Maps 9. Packing more in: succession plantings, intercropping, relay planting, double cropping 10. Adjust to make your best possible plan 11. What to do if something goes wrong: Plan B 12. Record results for next year’s Better Plan Before planning anything, be clear about your farming goals
  • 14. First Clarify your Goals • Jean-Martin Fortier in The Market Gardener, shows how to meet your goals and fit your resources. • Having decided how much money they need to support their family, Jean-Martin and Maud-Hélène Fortier decided to provide the equivalent of 220 CSA shares for 20 weeks, with 8-12 different vegetables/week. • They choose vegetables based on demand balanced with the financial value of those crops and the practicalities of growing. 35 of their 160 beds grow mesclun –salad mix only takes 45 days in the bed, and then another crop is grown, increasing the income/bed • My climate is very different from Quebec. Our market is very different. We don’t want 300 pounds of salad mix each week! We're providing for 100 people for 52 weeks.
  • 15. Step 1. How much Money do you Need to Earn? • What are your living expenses? • What are your farm expenses? • What do you want to save for old age, rainy days, raising children, college funds. . . • The Federal Minimum Wage is $7.25/hour (Jan 2014), going up to $10.10. Just saying. . . • Do you have other sources of income?
  • 16. Setting Prices The Iowa State University publication Determining Prices for CSA Share Boxes compares pricing based on either • what customers will pay, • what other growers are selling the crop for • what it costs to produce. It includes a chart of share value of 24 crops based on grocery prices and the quantity included. Step 1
  • 17. Step 2 Which Markets will you Sell at? New growers are often advised to start with a farmers’ market rather than a CSA the first year, as you can sell a more erratic supply of crops at market. On the other hand, if you have experience from working on another farm, a commitment to careful planning, and you need that upfront beginning-of - season cash, you may decide to start a CSA right away. If you have an off-farm job to tide you over, it may be practical to leave the financial questions for a year, and build on that experience.
  • 18. 1. Which crops suit the conditions? Check the cold-hardiness table 2. Which crops are most profitable? Can you earn a living growing it? 3. Which crops sell for high prices? Is there a market for it? 4. Which crops are easy to grow? 5. Would you have to reduce space for another crop? 6. Would you lose efficiency by growing many different crops? – Consolidate and simplify (Asian greens) – Grow crops needing similar conditions or timing – Specialize in one Signature Crop, grow many kinds Step 3. Deciding Which Crops to Grow Also see my slide show Cold-Hardy Winter Vegetables on Also see my slide show Diversify Your Vegetable Crops on
  • 19. Which Crops Suit the Conditions? • In Market Farming Success: The Business of Growing and Selling Local Food, Lynn Byczynski identifies and explains aspects of market farming that growers need to tackle. • You need a diversity of crops, not just a few profitable items. • You need not only early crops, but critical mass for the whole of your chosen season. • Grow what yields well for least labor • Grow what sells best at the highest price • Grow what fills gaps between your major crops. Step 3
  • 20. Clifton Slade at Virginia State University in his 43,560 Project (how to earn $43,560 from one acre), recommends choosing crops which produce one vegetable head or stalk, or 1 lb of produce, per square foot. Leafy crops feature prominently. Richard Wiswall in the Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook found that outdoor kale can produce $2463 from 1/10 acre, and of the crops he compared, only parsley and basil earned more. Field tomatoes came in at $1872, and several vegetables (bush beans, sweet corn, peas) made a loss. Morris Heading Collards, Photo Kathryn Simmons Which Crops are Most Profitable? Some crops offer more money per area, some are more profitable in terms of time put in. You have to crunch the numbers to know! Step 3
  • 21. Crop Enterprise Budgets • Richard Wiswall’s Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook includes crop enterprise budgets for 24 crops. • He makes spreadsheets easy, clear. • The book includes a CD you can use to create enterprise budgets, and every other farm worksheet: timesheets, payroll calculator, a farm crew job description template and a Farm Financials Workbook. Vern Grubinger in Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-up to Market, NRAES explains how to make an enterprise budget for each crop. • Compare the financial value of one crop with another, without delving into overhead costs. • Record the amount of work done on each crop each day. • Keep records of harvest quantities; time and money from sales. • At the end of the season, divide the income for each crop by the time spent on it, and divide the income for that crop by the area, or number of beds. Step 3
  • 22. Enterprise Budgets Vern Grubinger in Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-up to Market explains how to make an enterprise budget for each crop. These calculations compare one crop with another, while not delving into overhead costs.  In your Crop Journal, record the amount of work done on each crop each day: o Bed prep, cultivating o Planting, mulching, staking.  Record at each harvest o weight or count of each crop, o time spent harvesting and cleaning it; o money raised from each crop each week.  At the end of the season, add up the total time for each crop o Divide the income for that crop by the time spent on it, and o divide the income for that crop by the area, or number of beds.  Aim for $400/100’ bed per season. The range could be $109-1065.
  • 23. Dollars per Square Foot • Tomatoes, Heirloom $19.25 • Tomatoes, Hybrid $12 • Ginger $12 • Pea Shoots $10 • Salad Mix $10 • Spinach $10 • Spring mint tips $7.50 • Lettuce, Romaine $5 • Carrots, bunched $4.50 • Carrots, bagged $4.50 • Shallots $4.50 • Microgreens $3.75 • Rhubarb $3.75 • Turnips, bunched $3.30 • Garlic $3 • Beets, bunched $2.80 • Fennel $2.80 • Kohlrabi $2.80 • Lettuce, head $2.50 • Onions, green $2.50 • Pak choy $2.50 • Potatoes, new $1.30 • Broccoli $1.25 • Snap peas $1.25 • Onions, bulbs $1 From Ben Hartman, The Lean Farm Dollars per square foot, highest to lowest (of the crops they grow). Does not account for the time each crop occupies the space, or the time spent tending the crop. Bulb onions curing. Photo Wren Vile Heirloom tomatoes Photo Craig LeHoullier Step 3
  • 24. Crops that Sell for High Prices (not necessarily easy to grow) • microgreens, • heirloom tomatoes, • baby vegetables, • salad mix, • lettuce, • arugula, • herbs, • edible flowers, • storage crops, • garlic, • fruits, • unusual crops • out-of-season crops, • bedding plants and transplants, • cut flowers, • ornamental crops • This list is from Market Farming Success Also see my slide show Diversify Your Vegetable Crops on Step 3
  • 25. Which Crops Are Easy to Grow? Steve Solomon in Gardening When it Counts provides tables of outdoor vegetable crops by the level of care they require. Your results may vary! Onion bed. Photo Kathryn Simmons • His Easy List: kale, collards, endives, chicories, spinach, cabbage, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, all cucurbits, beets, chard, sweet corn, all legumes, okra, tomatoes (followed by the more difficult eggplant, peppers). • His Harder to Grow List: lettuce, arugula, parsley, carrots, parsnips, broccoli, radishes, kohlrabi, turnips, rutabagas, mustards, non-heading Asian greens, scallions, potato onions, garlic • His Difficult List: bulb onions, leeks, Chinese cabbage, asparagus, celery, celeriac, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, early cabbage, cantaloupe. Step 3
  • 26. Consider Flowers as well as Vegetables Mark Cain of Dripping Springs Garden, Arkansas:  50% of their growing area in cut flowers and 50% in vegetables.  The cut flowers bring in 75% of the income. Photo Tom Freeman, Twin Oaks Flowers Step 3
  • 27. Reasons to Grow Crops that Don’t Make the Highest Income  Provide a good crop rotation for your farm,  Provide diversity (customers will only buy so much parsley and basil)  Provide for times of the year when fewer growers are selling produce,  Provide critical mass for the whole of the season. Kohlrabi. Photo McCune Porter Step 3
  • 28. Step 4 How Much to Harvest  The average person eats 160-200 pounds of fresh vegetables per year (USDA)  the average CSA share feeds 2 or 3 people,  an annual share will need to include about 500 pounds of 40- 50 different vegetables, distributed, say, once a week for 8 months and once a month for 4 months.  Many CSAs have a shorter season than this – your call. Photo Bridget Aleshire
  • 29. Step 4 Your Harvest Schedule • Decide which crops you want to harvest when, how often and over what length of time, including quantities. • For a CSA, make a Share Schedule, telling sharers what to expect when. • Multiply that up, add a margin for culls and failures, and list how much of each crop to have ready for harvest each week.
  • 30. Step 5 How Much to Grow to Achieve Your Harvest Goals Take likely yields and add a margin for culls and failures (10%?). The table I provide in Sustainable Market Farming lists 48 crops, with likely yield, quantity required for 100 CSA shares, and length of row needed to grow this amount.
  • 31. Resources for Quantity Calculations • The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at UC Santa Cruz: – Crop Plan for a Hundred-Member CSA, with planting requirements for 36 crops • Jean-Paul Courtens of Roxbury Farm, Kinderhook, New York: – On his website, you’ll find the 100 Member CSA Plan, including a Weekly Share Plan, Greenhouse Schedule, and Field Planting and Seeding Schedule (with charts of possible crop yields).
  • 32. More Resources on Yields • Some seed companies have tables of likely yields in their catalogs. • Elizabeth Henderson and Robyn Van En Sharing the Harvest. • John Jeavons How to Grow More Vegetables has charts: – Pounds Consumed per Year by the Average Person in the US – Average US Yield in Pounds per 100 Square Feet. – These are particularly useful to small-scale growers, and can be multiplied up by others. Spring brassicas at Twin Oaks. Photo McCune Porter Step 5
  • 33. Step 6 Harvest Dates Sowing Dates Days to Maturity When to sow to meet the harvest dates?  Find the number of days to maturity (from the catalog).  Is that number from seeding to harvest or transplant to harvest?  Work back from each target harvest date, subtracting days to maturity, to give the planting date.  Days to maturity in catalogs are generally for spring planting once conditions have warmed to the usual range for that crop. ‒ If you are starting very early in spring, add about 14 days - plants grow slower when cold. ‒ In summer crops mature sooner than in spring. ‒ When growing late into the fall, add about 14 days for the slowdown. ‒ In winter when the temperature is below 40F (4C), plants don’t grow much at all – ignore those days from your calculations.  “Days to Maturity” usually means “Days to First Harvest” which may not be the same as “Days to Full Harvest”.  With CSAs, you can distribute eggplant to some sharers one week, and others the next, although keeping track involves more work.  With carrots it doesn’t matter exactly what size they are, but an immature Chinese cabbage is just no good. Add another 7-14 days.
  • 34. Decide whether to Sow or Transplant Photo Kathryn Simmons  Choose high-yielding varieties suited to your climate, budget, certification and market  Buy seeds or starts? Is what you want available as plants? Do you need Organic? Is the price worthwhile? Money vs labor.  Do you have the equipment to grow transplants? Step 6
  • 35. Direct Seeding Pros and Cons Photo Kathryn Simmons • Pros – Less work than transplanting – Less money compared to buying starts – No need for a greenhouse and equipment – Better drought tolerance – roots grow without damage – Some crops don’t transplant easily – Some crops have millions of plants! (Carrots) • Cons – Uses more seed – Uses more time thinning – Occupies the land longer – Maybe harder to get started in cold (or hot) conditions Step 6
  • 36. Getting the Best from Direct Sowing  Good soil conditions lead to even germination: tilth (size of particles), moisture  Decide by soil temperature, not calendar. New Seed Starter’s Handbook.  Correct depth and sowing density  Good seed contact with soil: tamp lightly  Good tools: EarthWay, precision seeders, hoes, jab planters for large seeds, tractor seed drills. • Photo Bridget Aleshire Step 6
  • 37. Transplanting Pros and Cons Pros • Start earlier than outside, get earlier harvests • Start seed in more ideal conditions in greenhouse, better germination, more fun! • Easier to care for new seedlings in a greenhouse • Protected plants grow quicker • Select sturdiest plants, compost the rest • More flexibility if weather turns bad. Plants still grow! • Fit more crops into the season • Use time windows for quick cover crops • Save on seed costs Cons • Extra time caring for the starts • Transplant shock can delay harvest • More attention needed to watering new plants Photo Kathryn Simmons Step 6
  • 38. Getting the Best from Transplanting  Roots need space. Open flats, plug trays, soil blocks, bare root plants.  Transplant shock is less for plants with good root systems - harvests will start sooner.  Good seed compost  Use a soil thermometer, not a calendar, to decide when to plant out tender plants. Don’t rush them!  Measure and mark the correct spacing: tractor equipment, rolling dibbles, row marker rake, measuring sticks and triangles, span of finger and thumb.  Ideal conditions for transplanting are mild windless afternoons and evenings just before (or during!) light steady rain.  Transplanting late in the day gives the plant a chance to recover during the cooler night hours - the rate of water loss is slower.  Shadecloth or rowcover can be used to reduce the drying effects of wind and sun. Step 6
  • 39. Transplant Age and Size Vegetable Notes Ideal Age at Transplanting Cucumbers, melons, squash 2 true leaves max (maybe less) 3–4 weeks Watermelons (older is OK) 3–4 weeks Sweet Corn 3–4 weeks Tomatoes age is less important 4–8 weeks Lettuce 4–7 weeks Brassicas 5 true leaves is ideal 6–8 weeks spring/ 3–4 weeks summer Peppers & eggplant 4 or 5 true leaves, not flowering 6–8 weeks Onions (spring sown) & leeks 10–12 weeks Celery 10–12 weeks Step 6
  • 40. Field Planting Schedule Draw up your list of outdoor planting dates, along with varieties, row feet, spacing, notes and space to write down what you actually do. Step 6
  • 41. Step 7 When to Sow for Transplants  If the crop is to be transplanted and the catalog doesn’t include the time to grow the transplant, add that. See Sustainable Market Farming Use your own experience or the catalog information, or somewhere in between In future years you will have your own records to customize your calculations  Extract the dates to sow for transplants, and make your Seedlings Schedule Seedlings in Twin Oaks Greenhouse Photo Kathryn Simmons
  • 42. Seedlings Schedule Step 7 Pepper transplants. Photo Kathryn Simmons
  • 43. Step 8 Maps  Where in the fields to plant each sowing of each crop ?  Start filling your map with your major crops remembering crop rotation and cover cropping considerations. Note the spaces for squeezing in other crops See my slideshow Crop Rotations for Vegetables and Cover Crops on
  • 44. Crop Spacing Yield is related to plant density.  Area per plant is the important bit, not particular row spacing.  There is a balance point at which the plant density provides the maximum total yield. At that density some plants will be too small to use. That’s taken into account when calculating yield.  Crop size (do customers want big carrots or small carrots?)  Disease control (humidity and molds)  Preferred layout (beds with equidistant plants, or rows).  Ease of cultivation (tractor equipment, hoes, horses) and irrigation  For large plants such as okra or eggplant, it makes more sense to plant a single row in a bed and have the plants close together in that row, in a “hedge.” Photo of Morris Heading Collards by Kathryn Simmons Step 8
  • 45. Optimal Crop Spacing for Various Goals Crop Row spacing In-row spacing Notes Beets 7" (18 cm) 4" (10 cm) For early harvest 12" (30 cm) 1" (2.5 cm) For max total yield (small). 2" (5 cm) for bigger beets Beans, fava 18" (45 cm) 4.5" (11 cm) For tall varieties. Beans, green 18" (45 cm) 2" (5 cm) 12" (30cm) × 3" (7.5 cm) gives the same area/plant Broccoli (Calabrese) 12" (30cm) 6" (15 cm) For equal amounts of heads and side shoots Cabbage 14" (35 cm) 14" (35 cm) For small heads 18" (45 cm) 18" (45 cm) For large heads Carrots 6" (15 cm) 4" (10 cm) For early crops, limiting competition 6" (15 cm) 1.5" (4 cm) For maincrop, medium size roots Celery 11" (28 cm) 11" (28 cm) For high yields and mutual blanching Cucumber (pickling) 20" (51 cm) 3" (8 cm) Leeks 12" (30 cm) 6" (15 cm) Max yield of hilled up leeks, average size Lettuce 9" (23 cm) 8" (20 cm) Early crops under cover 12" (30 cm) 12" (30 cm) Head lettuce 5" (13 cm) 1" (2.5 cm) Baby lettuce mix Onions 12" (30 cm) 1.5" (4 cm) For medium size bulbs 12" (30 cm) 0.5" (1 cm) For boiling, pickling, kebabs Parsnips 12" (30 cm) 6" (15 cm) For high yields of large roots 7.5" (19 cm) 3" (8 cm) For smaller roots Peas, shelling 18" (46 cm) 4.5" (11.5 cm) Can sow in double or triple bands, 4.5" (11.5 cm) apart Potatoes 30" (76 cm) 9-16" (23–41 cm) Depends on size of seed pieces; small pieces closer Sweet Corn 30-36" (76–90 cm) 8" (20 cm) Closer than 8" (20 cm) the plants shade each other. Tomatoes, bush types 19" (48 cm) 19" (48 cm) For early crops Watermelon 66" (168 cm) 12–24" (30–60 cm) For small varieties. 5–10 ft2 (0.5–1 m2) each 66" (168 cm) 30–84" (76–215 cm) For large varieties. 13–40 ft2 (1.2–3.7 m2) each Step 8
  • 46. Step 9 Packing More in: Intercropping, Relay Planting, Double Cropping and Succession Planting • Promptly clearing short term crops like beans or cucumbers helps with pest and disease control and opens up the space for double-cropping or for more cover crops to replenish the soil • Fast growing crops like lettuce, radishes and greens can be planted between or alongside slower-growing crops to generate more income and diversity • We grow peas with spinach, peanuts with lettuce, okra with cabbage Tyee spinach in a relay with snap peas. Photo Kathryn Simmons
  • 47. Interplanting • Fast growing crops like lettuce, radishes and greens can be planted between or alongside slower- growing crops to generate more income and diversity • Interplanting lettuce and tomatoes is 39% more efficient than growing each crop individually. (Statistic and photo thanks to Alison and Paul Wiediger) • We have grown peas with spinach Step 9
  • 48. Fast Catch Crops Tatsoi. Credit Wren Vile Ready in 30–35 days in fall, longer in winter: • kale, arugula, radishes (both the fast small ones and the larger winter ones). • many Asian greens: Chinese Napa cabbage, Komatsuna, Maruba Santoh, mizuna, pak choy, Senposai, tatsoi, Tokyo Bekana and Yukina Savoy. • spinach, chard, salad greens (lettuce, endives, chicories) and winter purslane. • brassica salad mixes Ready in 35–45 days in fall: • corn salad, land cress, sorrel, parsley and chervil. Ready in 60 days in fall: • beets, collards, kohlrabi, turnips and small fast cabbage Some cool-weather crops mature in 60 days or less. Mostly these are greens and fast-growing root crops. Useful if a crop fails, or you have a small empty space. Step 9
  • 49. Season Extension in Every Season  Grow earlier crops in spring: o Choose fast-maturing hardy varieties o Use transplants o Use rowcovers, low tunnels, Quick Hoops, high tunnels (= hoophouses)  Extend the growth of cool-weather crops into summer: o Learn how to germinate seeds in hot weather o Use shadecloth, use insect netting to keep bugs off o Interplant to allow a new crop to grow in the shade of the old one  Extend the survival of frost-tender crops beyond the first fall frosts o Use rowcover o Minimize frost damage  Grow cold-hardy winter vegetables o Use rowcovers, low tunnels, Quick Hoops, hoophouses Step 9 For details, see my slide show Season Extension on
  • 50. Pondering Season Extension Extend the season without overworking yourself, your crew, or your soil. A longer harvest season helps you retain and satisfy customers. You can provide year-round employment for your crew - retain skilled workers. It’s easier to get extra harvests for a month or two in fall from mature plants, than to get harvests a week earlier in the spring. Tired but unbroken. Photo Bridget Aleshire Step 9
  • 51. Economics of Season Extension • Season extension requires putting in more time and/or money than main season growing, to gain extra production. • Find the balance point at which time, money and energy put in are still definitely worthwhile. • Beyond that point, the diminishing returns aren’t worth the extra energy put in. You might do better to turn your attention to some seasonal crop and not chase after unseasonal ones regardless of costs. • Before investing a lot of money, talk with other nearby growers. • Compare the costs and benefits of various types of cold weather crop protection. Step 9
  • 52. To Determine the Last Sowing Date for Frost-Tender Crops Count back from the expected first frost date, adding: • the number of days from seeding to harvest, • the average length of the harvest period, • 14 days to allow for the slowing rate of growth in the fall, and • 14 days to allow for an early frost (unless you have rowcover). Zephyr Summer Squash CREDIT: Kathryn Simmons. Step 9
  • 53. Scheduling for Continuous Harvests  Plan the sowing dates carefully if you want continuous supplies of summer crops such as beans, squash, cucumbers, sweet corn; winter hoophouse greens; and year-round lettuce.  Planting squash or beans once a month will not provide an even supply.  Crops grow faster at some times of year than others, and the time between one sowing and the next needs to vary to balance this.  To harvest a new planting at regular intervals, you need big sowing gaps early in the spring, and shorter ones in the late summer or fall. Step 9
  • 54. Step 9 Succession Planting for Continuous Harvests  As spring temperatures and day- length increase towards the Summer Solstice, the time to maturity shortens – later sowings almost catch up with earlier ones.  As temperatures and day-length decrease in the fall, the time to maturity lengthens – a day late in sowing can lead to a week’s delay in harvesting.  To get harvests starting an equal number of days apart, vary the interval between one sowing date and the next accordingly For all the details, see my slideshow Succession Planting for Continuous Harvests on Bean bed. Photo Pam Dawling
  • 55. Step 9 Find Space for Succession Crops • Beans, edamame, cucumbers, melons , squash, sweet corn can be produced through the frost-free period, if you sow several times. • Beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, collards, kale, spinach can be grown in spring and again in the fall in the Southeast. • Lettuce can be grown year-round • Lettuce, spinach, turnips, radishes, scallions, tatsoi and some other Asian greens can be sown in succession in the winter hoophouse
  • 56. Step 9 Succession Crops Planning Chart • We list the spare spaces in the plots (in order of availability) • and the crops we hope to plant (in date order) • Then we pencil in arrows, fitting the succession crops into the spaces available.
  • 57. Succession Crop Scheduling • Plan sowing dates for even, continuous supplies of popular summer crops, such as beans, squash, cucumbers, sweet corn; year round lettuce and winter hoophouse greens. • Length of time from sowing to harvest varies according to temperature (and day length in some cases). • Planting squash once a month will not provide an even supply. • Keep records and use information from other growers in your area to fine-tune planting dates. Photo Credit: Kathryn Simmons. For all the details, see my slideshow Succession Planting for Continuous Harvests on Step 9
  • 58. Several Approaches to Succession Crop Planning – Which Suits You? 1. Rough plan: “every two weeks” 2. “No paperwork” methods 3. Sow several varieties on the same day 4. Plan a sequence of sowings to provide an even supply, using graphs 5. Use Accumulated Growing Degree Days data Squash drawing by Jessie Doyle Step 9
  • 59. Rough Plan: Every 2 weeks for beans and corn, Every 3 weeks for squash and cucumbers and edamame Every 4 weeks for carrots 2 or 3 plantings of muskmelons (cantaloupes) at least a month apart. CREDIT: Kathryn Simmons. Step 9
  • 60. “No Paperwork” Methods • Sow another planting of sweet corn when the previous one is 1”–2" tall • Sow more lettuce when the previous sowing germinates • Sow more beans when the young plants start to straighten up from their hooked stage Step 9
  • 61. Sow Several Varieties on One Day Use varieties with different days-to-maturity sown on the same day. We do this with broccoli, lettuce, sweet corn. Step 9
  • 62. Step 9 Make a Graph - 6 Steps a) Gather sowing and harvest start and finish dates for each planting of each crop b) Make a graph for each crop: sowing date along the horizontal (x) axis; harvest start date along the vertical (y) axis. Mark in all your data. Join with a line. Smooth the line. c) From your first possible sowing date find the first harvest start date. d) Decide the last worthwhile harvest start date, mark that. e) Use the harvest end dates to see how long a planting lasts (how often you want a new patch starting). Divide the harvest period into a whole number of equal segments of that length. f) Mark in the harvest start dates and see the sowing dates that match those harvest datesNext we’ll take one step at a time
  • 63. For each sowing of each crop, collect 1. Sowing date 2. Date of first harvest 3. Date of last worthwhile harvest of that sowing  Compared to spring and summer plantings, the results for winter plantings can look quite wacky, as plants “sit still” when it’s too cold.  Here’s the first part of our data Sowing Date Harvest Start Harvest End 6-Sep 30-Sep 7-Nov 6-Sep 3-Oct 10-Nov 6-Sep 7-Oct 7-Nov 1-Oct 2-Nov 17-Dec 1-Oct 10-Nov 25-Dec 5-Oct 9-Nov 2-Jan Radishes a) Gather Sowing & Harvest Dates
  • 64. b) Make a Graph X axis = Sowing Date, across the bottom • Mark in all your data, and join with a line. • Graphs can be made by hand or using a spreadsheet program such as Excel, which calls them charts. This type of graph is called a “scatter chart.” 9/7/2016 9/27/2016 10/17/2016 11/6/2016 11/26/2016 12/16/2016 1/5/2017 1/25/2017 2/14/2017 3/6/2017 3/26/2017 4/15/2017 8/18/2016 9/7/2016 9/27/201610/17/201611/6/201611/26/201612/16/2016 1/5/2017 1/25/2017 2/14/2017 Harveststartdate Sowing date Ser… Yaxis=HarvestStartDate Radishes - several years’ data
  • 65. c) From Your First Possible Sowing Date Find the First Harvest Start Date Draw a line up from your first possible sowing date on the x axis to the graph line. 9/7? Draw a horizontal line from the point on the graph line to the y axis. This is your first harvest date. Ours is around 10/1. Harvest date varies according to temperature. 9/7/2016 9/27/2016 10/17/2016 11/6/2016 11/26/2016 12/16/2016 1/5/2017 1/25/2017 2/14/2017 3/6/2017 3/26/2017 4/15/2017 8/18/2016 9/7/2016 9/27/2016 10/17/2016 11/6/2016 11/26/2016 12/16/2016 1/5/2017 1 Harveststartdate Sowing date
  • 66. d) Decide Your Last Worthwhile Harvest Start Date • Decide your last worthwhile harvest start date 3/18? • Draw a line across from this date on the y (harvest) axis to the graph line • Draw a line from this point on the graph line down to the x axis to show when to sow. 1/26? 9/7/2016 9/27/2016 10/17/2016 11/6/2016 11/26/2016 12/16/2016 1/5/2017 1/25/2017 2/14/2017 3/6/2017 3/26/2017 4/15/2017 8/18/20169/7/20169/27/201610/17/201611/6/201611/26/201612/16/20161/5/20171/25/20172/14/2017 Harveststartdate Sowing date S…
  • 67. • The line joining the points on the graph is often jagged, due to differences in weather from year to year, and to growing varieties with differing maturity dates. • Smooth the jaggedness by drawing a smooth line hitting most of your points, with equal numbers of points above and below it, equally distributed over time. • Practice with a pencil, drawing a line in the air just above the graph. • When you’re fairly confident, draw a smooth line. • With radishes the curve is slight, but it’s there. Smoothing the Graph Line
  • 68. Radish Succession Crops Graph with Smoothed Line
  • 69. e) Divide the Harvest Period into a Whole Number of Segments  Count the days from first harvest of the first sowing to the first harvest of the last sowing:10/1–3/18=30+30+31+31+28+18=168  Use the harvest end dates to see roughly how long a patch of radishes lasts (how often you want a new patch coming on line)  Divide the harvest period into a whole number of equal intervals of that length. If we want new radishes every 34 days, we’ll need 5 equal intervals between plantings (34 x 5 = 170).  Five intervals means 6 plantings. (P-I-P-I-P-I-P-I-P-I-P)  The harvest start dates will be 10/1, 11/4, 12/8, 1/11, 2/14,3/20  Draw a horizontal line from each harvest start date to the graph line – see next slide
  • 72. f) Determine the Sowing Dates to Match Your Harvest Start Dates  Drop a vertical line down to the horizontal axis from each place that a horizontal line meets your smoothed curve.  Read the date on the horizontal axis at this point  Write these planting dates on your schedule: 9/7, 9/30, 10/28, 11/22, 12/20, 1/27  Sowing intervals are 23, 28, 25, 28, 38 days – longer in Dec-Jan, as the Jan sowing will catch up some with the Dec sowing.  If your planting plans exceed the space you’ve got, simply tweaking to a less frequent new harvest start could free up space to grow something else.  Also consider a gap in radish supply, if other crops could make better use of the space.
  • 73. Our Radish Succession Dates 1. Radish #1, sown 9/6, harvested 10/5- 11/15. 2. #2, sown 10/1, harvested 11/6-12/25 3. #3, sown 10/30, harvested 12/16-2/7 4. #4, sown 11/29, harvested 1/16-2/25 5. #5, sown 12/23, harvested 2/19-3/16 Our harvest intervals are uneven: 31-40 days. This fits better with our other crops. After many calculations and too many radishes, we cut back to 5 sowings of 32' (10 m) each. We reduced the amount we sow each time as a result of evening out our supply. Sept 7 sowing of radishes on Oct 3. Photo Pam Dawling
  • 75. Year Round Lettuce Part 1 Photo Kathryn Simmons When to sow for transplants for outdoors: The short version: sow • twice in January, • twice in February, • every 10 days in March, • every 9 days in April, • every 8 days in May, • every 6-7 days in June and July, Step 9 See my slideshow Lettuce Year Round on for a list of varieties and more information
  • 76. Step 9 Year Round Lettuce Part 2 Photo Kathryn Simmons The short version on when to sow for outdoors: • every 5 days in early August, • every 3 days in late August, • every other day until Sept 21. For coldframes sow in early September. For an unheated greenhouse, sow in mid-September. For planting in a hoophouse, sow mid-late September Tango cold-hardy lettuce Photo Kathryn Simmons
  • 77. For details, see my slideshow Hoophouse in Fall and Winter on Winter Succession Crops in the Hoophouse To provide continuous supplies of salad and cooking greens, as well as radishes and small turnips, we plan successions of winter hoophouse crops. Lettuce, spinach, turnips, radishes, scallions, tatsoi and other Asian greens can provide continuous supplies. Don’t stop too soon! Step 9 Photo Kathleen Slattery
  • 78. Step 9 Hoophouse Succession Planting • 2 sowings of chard, scallions, tatsoi, yukina savoy • 3 sowings of mizuna, turnips, bulb onions • 4 sowings of baby lettuce mix, brassica salad mix • 5 sowings of spinach, radish Crop Planting Date Harvest Dates Notes Brassica Salad Mix #1 sown 10/2 10/29 – 12/22 #2 sown 12/18 ? – 4/20 11 days to germinate. #3 sown 1/27 4/15 – 5/15? Only 2 cuts #4 sown 2/1 4/15 – 5/26 2/12 is last sow date Chard #1 transplanted 10/15 12/11 - 4/9 #2 sown 10/26 2/6 - 5/1 Lettuce Mix #1 sown 10/24 12/11 – 2/21 Up to 8 cuts #1.5! sown 11/16 ? New this year #2 sown 12/31 2/21 - 4/15 3 cuts if we’re lucky #3 sown 2/1 3/18 - 4/20 3 cuts if we’re lucky #4 sown 2/15 3/25? - 5/15 Only sow if spring outdoor lettuce is late Lettuce heads until October 11/16 - 2/20 Harvest leaves from the mature plants 2/21 - 3/31 Cut the heads Mizuna #1 transplanted 10/20 11/27 – 3/7 Includes other frilly mustards #2 sown 11/10 2/26 - 3/20 #3 sown 2/1 3/24 – 4/23 Scarlet Frill, Golden Frills outlive mizuna and Ruby Streaks Onions (bulbing) #1 sown 11/10 Transplanted outdoors as early as possible in March#2 sown 11/22 #3 back-up sown 12/6 Radish #1 sown 9/6 10/5 - 11/15 #2 sown 10/1 11/6 - 12/25 #3 sown 10/30 12/16 - 2/7 #4 sown 11/29 1/16 - 2/25 #5 sown 12/23 2/19 - 3/16 Scallions #1 sown 9/6 12/8 - 2/1 #2 sown 11/18 3/19 - 5/15 Following radish #1 Spinach #1 sown 9/6 10/30 - 2/15 or later Sprouted seeds sown #2 sown 10/24 11/25 - 5/7 #3 sown 11/9 These later sowings are harvested until 5/7 We keep planting to fill gaps and pulling up finished plants#4 sown 1/16 #5 sown 1/17 Until mid-May To transplant outdoors in February Tatsoi #1 sown 9/7 10/30 - 12/31 9 weeks of harvest #2 sown 11/15 2/12 - 3/12 4 weeks of harvest Turnips #1 sown 10/14 12/5 - 2/20 Thinnings11/29 #2 sown 10/25 2/1 - 3/13 Thinnings 1/11 #3 sown 12/10 3/5 - 3/20 Only worthwhile if thinned promptly and eaten small. Yukina Savoy #1 transplanted10/6 12/5 - 1/25 #2 transplanted 10/24 1/8 - 2/1 or so Only one week extra
  • 79. Growing Degree Days  GDDs measure actual conditions on your farm, this season  More reliable than the calendar – traditional dates will not work well now climate change has taken hold.  A measure of heat accumulation as the year progresses  Can be a tool for season extension,  Can indicate when it’s warm enough to plant tender crops,  Or when they might be ready to harvest.  GDDs can also be used to plan dates for succession sowings.  For most purposes a base temperature of 50°F (10°C) is used – roughly the temperature at which most plant growth changes start to take place. Each day when the temperature rises above the threshold, growing-degrees accumulate. Step 9
  • 80. Step 9 Growing Degree Days  Add the maximum and minimum temperatures for the 24 hour period, average them, and subtract the base temperature. Add each day’s figure to the total for the year to date. This is the GDD figure.  Wikipedia has a good explanation at  has a free mobile phone app!  Using GDDs to schedule sweet corn plantings  Using Heat Units to Schedule Vegetable Plantings, Predict Harvest Dates and Manage Crops
  • 81. Step 10 Look at the Overview - Tweak to Make Your Best Possible Plan• Can’t fit everything in? Drop crops or change your plant quantities? Tighten up your planting schedule? • Perhaps the old crop is not worth keeping, if pulling it helps you establish a new crop in a timely way. • Keep your highest priorities in mind: crops for your best markets, the signature crops you are famous for, and food for your household. • Use all available space for food crops or cover crops • Check timings of seedlings – do you have enough germinating capacity? • Is it physically possible to do all the transplanting you plan in the time allotted? • Simplify planting dates, eg squash and cucumbers on the same days. • Other times it helps to spread the workload over several consecutive days, to give you time to harvest, eat lunch, do your outdoor work. Photo Kathryn Simmons
  • 82. How to Decide Which Crops to Grow • Some crops offer more money for the area • Some are more profitable in terms of time put in • Crops which quietly grow all season from a single planting can be an advantage. • If the same plants provide multiple harvests, this can be great value for time. Leafy greens are the best example. • In High-Yield Vegetable Gardening, Colin McCrate and Brad Halm point out that when planning what to grow, it's important to consider how long the crop will be in the ground, especially if you have limited space Step 10
  • 83. McCrate and Halm distinguish between • Fast Growing Crops (25-60 days from sowing or transplanting) Direct sown arugula, baby lettuce mix, mustard greens, some Asian greens, radishes, spinach, turnips; Transplanted head lettuce, endive, heading Asian greens. • Half Season Crops (50-90 days from sowing or transplanting) Direct sown snap beans, lima beans, beets, carrots, corn salad, snap peas, snow peas, shelling peas, scallions; Transplanted broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, collards, chard, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, kohlrabi, okra, radicchio, summer squash, zucchini, tomatoes. • Long Season Crops (70-120 days from sowing or transplanting) Direct sown edamame, fava beans, shell beans, sweet corn, parsnips, peanuts, rutabagas, potatoes, winter squash, pumpkins; Transplanted Brussels sprouts, celeriac, celery, bulb fennel, garlic (longer), leeks, cantaloupe, other melons, bulb onions, peppers, watermelon, sweet potatoes. Fast and Slow Crops Step 10
  • 84. Crop Value Rating Curtis Stone has a Crop Value Rating system based on 5 factors. Decide if each particular crop gets a point for that factor or not. • Then look for the crops with the highest number of points. Spinach gets all 5 points; cherry tomatoes only 3. • The smaller your farm, the more important to choose high-scoring crops. His 5 are: 1. Shorter days to maturity (fast crops = chance to plant more; give a point for 60 days or less) 2. High yield per linear foot (best value from the space; a point for1/2 pound/linear foot or more) 3. Higher price per pound (other factors being equal, higher price = more income; a point for $4 or more per pound) 4. Long harvest period (= more sales; a point for 4 months or longer) 5. Popularity (high demand, low market saturation) Step 10
  • 85. Putting together these various ideas, here's my list of possible factors. Loosely speaking, there are 6 categories: A. time involved (#1-4), B. yield (5-8), C. likely income (9-10), D. likely demand (11-15), E. strategic importance (16-20) F. complexity (21-25). Fast-maturing tatsoi Photo Wren Vile Time 1. Is it labor efficient? (Some space-hogging crops like sweet corn are not labor intensive) 2. Does the intense work for this crop come in at a less-busy time of year? 3. Is this crop fast-maturing? (If labor is short, weed control might be an issue for a slow-growing crop, even if space isn't) 4. Is it high yielding for the labor intensiveness? (Okra doesn't provide much food for the space or the time) Factors in DIY Crop Value Rating Step 10
  • 86. Factors in DIY crop value rating: Yield 5. Is it high yielding for the space occupied (does it produce one vegetable head or 1 pound of produce, per square foot or1/2 pound/row foot)? 6. Is it high-yielding for the time it occupies the ground? (if land is short) 7. Does it provide multiple harvests from a single planting? 8. Does it provide a single bulk harvest of a storable crop? Bulk harvest of long-storing sweet potatoes. Photo Nina Gentle Step 10
  • 87. Factors in DIY crop value rating: Likely Income 9. If you are selling produce, does it bring a high price, above $4 per pound? 10.If you are growing for a household, or a non- profit, or considering buying wholesale from another farmer for your CSA: Is it expensive to replace? Step 10
  • 88. Factors in DIY crop value rating: Likely Demand 11.Is it popular (do you have a good market for it)? 12.Is it a staple? 13.Does it store well/easily? 14.Does it provide harvests at times of year when other crops are scarce? 15.Does it provide appealing diversity for your booth or CSA boxes? Step 10
  • 89. Factors in DIY crop value rating: Strategic Importance 16. Is it a resilient "insurance crop" (forgiving of difficult weather) which provides harvests even if other crops fail (chard, storage root vegetables)? 17. Does it help provide your land with a good crop rotation? 18. Is it in the Dirty Dozen? (What are the pesticide levels in the non- organic crop, if that's the alternative source for your customers?) 19. Are you relying on this crop for personal sustenance? 20. Is it nutritionally dense or important (a protein crop, an oil crop, a mid-winter crop?) Chard is an important Insurance Crop. Photo Wren Vile Step 10
  • 90. Factors in DIY crop value rating: Complexity 21.Is it reliably easy to grow? Or fun or pleasantly challenging to grow? 22.Is there minimal wastage/maximum saleable yield of the harvested crop? 23.Does the crop require minimal processing to be ready for sale? 24.Is its peak period for water use at a time when you have plenty of water? 25.Will it grow without a fence for deer/rabbit/bird protection? Frosty fall cabbage – cut and sell Photo Lori Katz Step 10
  • 91. Customize and Chart the Most Relevant Factors • Rearrange the list of factors to suit your farm • Select 6-10 of the most important factors and make up a chart. • List all the crops you are growing (or might grow). • Assess the crops as objectively as you can. • Award each crop a point for each check mark. • Knock out the crops with fewest points. • If you need a tie-breaker, you could use secondary factors from the list. Winnow out the chaff Step 10
  • 92. Beets, both greens and roots, whether spring or fall, scored well for us. Photo Southern Exposure Seed Exchange Step 10
  • 93. Step 11 What to Do if Something Goes Wrong: Plan B Have a brainstorm list to help deal with disasters:  Do immediate damage control to stop the problem getting worse  Ask for help from sharers, neighbors, kids,  Salvage anything you can and process it in some way to sell later.  Plant some quick-growing crops to substitute for crop failures  Buy from other local growers to tide you over  Team up with other growers, share a market booth, save on the rent  Write down what went wrong and why, so you don’t have the same problem next year Senposai can be harvested 40 days from sowing. Photo Kathryn Simmons
  • 94. Step 12 Record Results for Next Year’s Better Plan• Make recording easy to do • Minimize the paperwork. Record planting dates and harvest start and finish dates on the planting schedule. • Have a daily practice of writing down what was done that day: Planting dates, harvest start and end dates for each planting of each crop; the amount of work done on each crop; the amount harvested. • Allow time to do that, without losing your lunch break • At the beginning of the winter, have a Crop Review Meeting, discuss and write up what worked and what didn’t, to learn from the experience and do better next year. • If your records suggest adjusting a date next year, adjust it to halfway between last year’s plan and what seems ideal - gradually zero in on the likely date without wild pendulum swings based on variable weather.
  • 95. Advantages of Planning and Record-Keeping 1. Use all the space to best advantage 2. You may find you don’t need to sow as often or as soon as you had thought. 3. Your records may show up the chanciness of certain sowing dates, particularly crops that will bolt soon after sowing. 4. Your record keeping may show up some other ways to increase the harvest period (eg pay attention to aphids in February), and remove the need to resow so soon. Chard Photo Kathryn Simmons Step 12
  • 96. Resources - General ATTRA Market Farming: A Start-up Guide; Plugs and Transplant Production for Organic Systems; Scheduling Vegetable Plantings for a Continuous Harvest; Intercropping Principles and Production Practices (mostly field crops, but the same principles apply to vegetable crops); Season Extension Techniques for Market Farmers, etc. SARE A searchable database of research findings. See Season Extension Topic Room  and The organic agriculture community with eXtension. Publications, webinars, videos, trainings and support. An expanding source of reliable information. Growing Small Farms: Farmer Resources.  Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, or (All about transplants)
  • 97. Resources - Books (I have reviewed some of these books on my blog at  Jean-Martin Fortier, The Market Gardener: A Successful Grower’s Handbook for Small-Scale Organic Farming.  The Four Season Harvest, Eliot Coleman, 1999, Chelsea Green  The New Organic Grower, Eliot Coleman, 1995, 2018 Chelsea Green  The Winter Harvest Handbook, Eliot Coleman, 2009, Chelsea Green  The Complete Know and Grow Vegetables, J K A Bleasdale, P J Salter et al.  Knott’s Handbook for Vegetable Growers, Maynard and Hochmuth  The New Seed Starter’s Handbook, Nancy Bubel, 1988, Rodale Books  Root Cellaring, Nancy and Mike Bubel (for construction details and advice)  The Organic Farmer’s Business Handbook, Richard Wiswall, Chelsea Green  Sustainable Vegetable Production from Start-up to Market, Vern Grubinger, 104_web.pdf NRAES  The Lean Farm, How to Minimize Waste, Increase Efficiency, and Maximize Value and Profits with Less Work and The Lean Farm Guide Ben Hartman, Chelsea Green  The Urban Farmer, Curtis Stone, New Society Publishers  High-Yield Vegetable Gardening, Colin McCrate and Brad Halm, Storey Pub
  • 98. Resources – More books  The Bio-Integrated Farm, Shawn Jadrnicek.  Gardening When it Counts, Steve Solomon, New Society Publishers  The Vegetable Growers Handbook, Frank Tozer, 2008, Green Man Publishing  Market Farming Success: The Business of Growing and Selling Local Food, Lynn Byczynski  Wholesale Success, Atina Diffley, Jim Slama or f28f2da21badc/1504124924473/Farmer%E2%80%99s+Guide+to+Food+Saf ety%2C+Selling%2C+Postharvest+Handling%2C+Packing+Produce.pdf /  Sharing the Harvest, Elizabeth Henderson and Robyn Van En  Nature and Properties of Soils, fourteenth edition, Nyle Brady and Ray Weil  Garden Insects of North America, Whitney Cranshaw  Managing Weeds on your Farm: A Guide to Ecological Strategies. Charles Mohler and Antonio DiTommaso. SARE. In prep.(not yet published)  SARE Crop Rotations on Organic Farms, A Planning Manual, Charles Mohler and Sue Ellen Johnson, editors.
  • 99. Resources - Planning  The Twin Oaks Harvest Calendar by Starting Date and by Crop are available as pdfs on my website  AgSquared online planning software:  COG-Pro record-keeping software for Certified Organic Farms:  Free open-source database crop planning software  Mother Earth News interactive Vegetable Garden Planner, free for 30 days:  Target Harvest Date Calculator: (Excel spreadsheet) InteractiveTools.aspx  Growing Small Farms: click Farmer Resources, Farm Planning and Recordkeeping to download Joel Gruver’s spreadsheets.  Mark Cain under the CSA tab, you can download their Harvest Schedule. Notebook-based system.  Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, Daniel Brisebois and Frédéric Thériault (Canadian Organic Growers  Grow a Sustainable Diet: Planning and Growing to Feed Ourselves and the Earth, Cindy Conner, New Society Publishers, (worksheet based). DVD/CD set Develop a Sustainable Vegetable Garden Plan
  • 100. Resources – Detailed Planning  Tables of likely crop yields  two charts, one of organic crops from The Owner-Built Homestead by Ken & Barbara Kern, one from California.  Determining Prices for CSA Share Boxes Iowa State U  New England Vegetable Management Guide Crop Budgets  Clif Slade’s 43560 Project: Virginia Association for Biological Farming newsletter  USDA annual vegetable consumption  John Jeavons How to Grow More Vegetables has charts: Pounds Consumed per Year by the Average Person in the US and Average US Yield in Pounds per 100 Square Feet.  The Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems at the UC Santa Cruz Crop Plan for a Hundred-Member CSA, for a range of 36 crops in its Unit 4.5 CSA Crop Planning: or directly at  Jean-Paul Courtens , Roxbury Farm Regenerative Farming Practices tab: Soil Fertility Practices; Biodynamic Practices; Whole farm Approach; Harvest Manual; Crop Manual; Purchasing Equipment; Crop Plan for a 100 Member CSA, including a CSA Share List, Greenhouse Plan, Field Plan
  • 101. Resources – My Slideshows Search for Pam Dawling. You’ll find:  Cold-hardy Winter Vegetables  Cover Crops for Vegetable Growers  Crop Planning for Sustainable Vegetable Production  Crop Rotations for Vegetables and Cover Crops  Diversify your Vegetable Crops  Fall and Winter Hoophouse  Fall Vegetable Production  Feeding the Soil  Growing Great Garlic  Growing Sweet Potatoes from Start to Finish  Hoophouse Production of Cool Season Crops  Lettuce Year Round  Many Crops, Many Plantings, to Maximize High Tunnel Efficiency  Producing Asian Greens  Production of Late Fall, Winter and Early Spring Vegetable Crops  Season Extension  Sequential Planting of Cool Season Crops in a High Tunnel  Spring and Summer Hoophouses  Storage Vegetables  Succession Planting for Continuous Vegetable Harvests  Sustainable Farming Practices.  The Seed Garden  Year Round Vegetable Production  Year Round Hoophouse Vegetables
  • 102. Resources - Slideshows  Mark Cain Planning for Your CSA: (search for Crop Planning)  Brad Bergefurd, Cultural Practices And Cultivar Selections for Commercial Vegetable Growers. cultural-practices-and-variety-selection  Daniel Parson Planning the Planting of Cover Crops and Cash Crops, SSAWG 2012  Joel Gruver Cover Crop Innovation and Cover crops for vegetable cropping systems  Joel Gruver Finding the best fit: cover crops in organic farming systems. Some overlap with previous slideshow. crops-decatur  Alison and Paul Wiediger tunnel-1-why-grow-in-high-tunnels and at least 11 more.
  • 103. Resources - Season Extension  Extending the Season: Six Strategies for Improving Cash Flow Year-Round on the Market Farm a free e-book for online subscribers to Growing for Market magazine  Janet Bachmann, Season Extension Techniques for Market Gardeners, ATTRA, 2005.  Fall and Winter Gardening Quick Reference, Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, guide.pdf  Growers’ Library, Winter growing guide  Winter Vegetable Gardening  Solar Gardening: Growing Vegetables Year-Round the American Intensive Way, Leandre Poisson, Gretchen Poisson and Robin Wimbiscus, 1994, Chelsea Green  Extending the Season: Six Strategies for Improving Cash Flow Year-Round on the Market Farm a free e-book for online subscribers to Growing for Market magazine
  • 104. Web Resources  The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers  Southern Exposure Seed Exchange wonderful link for Seed Saving Resources:  Saving Our Seeds website has information on isolation distances, seed processing techniques, where to get manuals on growing specific seeds, and links to more information:  Growing Degree Days  free GDD mobile phone app  Using GDDs to schedule sweet corn plantings  Using Heat Units to Schedule Vegetable Plantings, Predict Harvest Dates and Manage Crops  Brittney Wyatt et al., Row Cover Weight Influences Nitrate Content of Kale Grown in Solar Greenhouses, Kentucky State University, 2011.
  • 105.
  • 106. Crop Planning for Sustainable Vegetable Production ©Pam Dawling, 2019 Author of Sustainable Market Farming and The Year-Round Hoophouse