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2.1.1Critical thinking and reflection Critical thinking is an attempt to ask and answer questions
systematically, to produce a coherent and credible story or argument. In critical thinking, evidences
and good reasons should be seek first prior to believing something to be true. A model to generate
critical thinking is suggested below. Figure 1 Model to Generate Critical Thinking (Courtesy of:
University of Plymouth) Critical thinking can support the reflection process, while the reflection
itself is the continuously observing at and discerning about our experiences, actions, feelings, and
responses, and afterwards analyzing them so that ones can learn from them (Boud et al., 1994;
Atkins and Murphy, 1994). According to Schon (1991), reflection can occurs after the activity has
been done when one is thinking about what he/she did, judging how successful he/she was, and
whether any changes to his/her action could have resulted in different outcomes.
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Finally this is the time to deal with colleagues or others which have interrupted me earlier. I will
call or come to them to discuss their requests and concerns, some of them usually have been
addressed in the email which I have read earlier. During the discussion I always bring my
notebook to write down the necessary information. Subsequently, I will come back to my team
and rearrange the tasks and priorities if necessary. By this time some new emails will have been
received and tasks and priorities can again be rearranged as appropriate. 4.At the end of the day, I
will recheck if most of the tasks have been conducted or completed as expected. Some pending and
unfinished tasks usually will be given to the night shift or rearranged to be continued in the next
day. Those routines above are greatly supporting me to achieve my Key Performance Indicator
(KPI). I rarely miss my target / deadline, in fact our department is one of the best performing
department in the company. 2.3.2Reflection during my
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Examples Of Critical Discourse Analysis
2.1Critical Discourse Analysis
To understand the concept of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), it is necessary to see how CDA
defines discourse. Discourse is not simply an isolated textual or dialogical structure (van Dijk,
1988). It is seen as socially constructed ways that do not only shape but also enable (social) reality
(Foucault, 1977; Paltridge, 2006). It involves "a dialectical relationship between a particular
discursive event and the situation(s), institution(s), and social structure(s) which frame it"
(Fairclough & Wodak, 1997, p. 258). It also helps to establish power relations between social
classes, gender, or majorities and minorities groups (Wodak & Meyer, 2009). Therefore, CDA acts
as an approach that critically investigates the relationship between discourse and the reproduction of
power in social practices and interactions (Fairclough, 1995 as more content...
Therefore, one of the distinguishing features of DHA is its interdisciplinary method that considers a
variety of different empirical data and background information (Reisigl & Wodak, 2001).
The historical dimension is realized by collecting all information regarding the historical
background and the original sources of the object under investigation and exploring diachronic
change (Matouschek et al. 1995; Wodak et al., 1990, 1994 as cited in van Leeuwen & Wodak,
1999). Specifically, the process of analysis in DHA starts by describing the phenomena occurred in
texts. Then, describing the apparent changes. Finally, discussing the result to find how and why
change occurs since the purpose of DHA is to uncover the ideology in diachronic texts
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A Critical Analysis Of An Art Exhibition
Write a critical analysis of an art exhibition you have seen, from the point of view of its
curatorship. Consider one or more of the following issues: modes of display, censorship, ethics,
interpretation, beauty, or the specific issues involved in curating design or film. Art galleries
(public and private) spend billions of pounds each year conserving and collecting objects and their
associated histories, ideas and stories. After researching the messages it has carefully crafted, the
gallery then passes interpretative authority to the visitor, who is free 'to make up "whatever"
stories they please'. The term "whatever" was coined by Cheryl Meszaros in her 2006 article 'Now
THAT is Evidence: Tracking Down the Evil "Whatever" Interpretation', she argues that the
"whatever" interpretation is championed as the best result of an art gallery visit despite the fact that
visitors' stories may or may not have anything to do with the intended messages of the display. As a
result, the gallery (public and private) justifies its failure to communicate and, by extension, absolves
itself of 'any interpretative responsibility for the meanings it produces and circulates in culture'.
Through two current Edinburgh exhibitions, 'ABJAD' at Ingleby Gallery and 'Possibilities of the
Object: Experiments in Modern and Contemporary Art', this paper will illustrate how the absolution
of interpretative responsibility is produces and is produced by the "whatever". I will argue that
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Example Of Critical Thinking Analysis
Critical Thinking ! everyone uses critical thinking without even knowing, children probably more
than adults; they question and challenge parent's decision from young age. My professional carrer
as Analyst, all my decision are based on gather information, documentation and analyzing it and
after make the correct determinazion, what final determination I am going to make. Since, I have
been doing it for 18 years, it comes natural and I enjoy it. Making other decisions in my personal
life it is not easy at all, when you analyze the situation and see how it might impact your life and
others it is very hard. For example, deciding to return to school, looking into diefent schools,
degrees, cost and location was extremely difficult. I am not trying
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Critical Analysis Of Evidence Based Practice
Critical Analysis of Evidence
Pressure ulcers occur over bony prominences when skin is compressed for long periods of time,
affecting the blood supply to certain areas, leading to ischaemia development (Waugh and Grant,
2001). Compression of skin is caused by pressure, shearing and friction, but can also occur due to
pressure exerted by medical equipment (Randle, Coffey and Bradbury, 2009). NICE (2014) states
that the prevalence of pressure ulcers in different healthcare settings in December 2013 was 4.7%,
taken from data available for 186,000 patients. The cost of treating ulcers can vary depending on
severity from ВЈ43 up to ВЈ374 (NICE, 2014). Evidence based practice skills are essential in
nursing as it allows the best available evidence to be used to improve practice and patient care,
while improving decision–making (Holland and Rees, 2010). I will be critiquing two research
papers; qualitative and quantitative, using a framework set out by Holland and Rees (2010), and
will explore the impact on practice. Using a framework provides a standardised method of assessing
quality and reduces subjectivity.
What influences the impact of pressure ulcers on health–related quality of life? A qualitative
patient–focused exploration of contributory factors (Gorecki, Nixon, Madill, Firth and Brown, 2012)
The article topic should be an area in which there is a gap between knowledge and practice, and in
qualitative research, emphasises the experience of a condition (Holland and Rees,
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Example Of A Critical Analysis Essay
In the process of writing my Critical Research Essay the writing piece consisted of three pieces of
evidence. One of the readings/evidence that I used throughout my essay and which spoke to me the
most was Robert Smith, Mexican New York: Transitional Lives of New Immigrants. Throughout my
high school years, there was not enough information on the history of Mexicans living in the United
States and their position in this country. Although thisessay was not opinionated based, this reading
was able to inform me on new information that I never learned in my previous years in school. It
was a reading that not only have I used as part of an essay, but a book that I consider to read for my
own use and recommend it to other kids that stand in the same position as me and with the ideas
surround throughout the book. It more content...
Throughout my critical analysis essay there was an objective tone instead of a subjective tone.
This tone helped me write a critical essay in which I included factual evidence and textual analysis
towards segmented assimilation which has had a great impact on the lives of young kids who have
parents that have a different culture than where they now live in. Instead of including emotions and
my own opinion on the situation, I used historical resources, via the web or journals, such as social
studies. I also had to include a counterclaim in order to argue anything that can prove my view
wrong. This also helped me see whether the evidence I provided was good enough to support my
thesis and let everyone see my reasoning for arguing the position I choose. Another important task I
had to keep in mind was to make sure I would not quote the authors to much, I wanted to use their
ideas to support my thesis, rather than just agreeing on the position they were stating throughout
their own
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Critical Analysis: MLA Format
Critical Analysis
For the past week we have been learning about critical analysis essays. Before coming to
composition I didn't know much about critical analysis essays, I knew they were conducted in
MLA Format and they were basically a comparison between two books. After learning more in class
I was informed more in–depth about critical analysis essays. In class we were taught that critical
analysis essays are to essentially be a comparison between articles, books, and or anything else to
help the reader better understand the work. Critical analysis essays are to incorporate a thesis
statement to give readers something to engage in when reading your essay, it gives some idea of
what this essay is going to be about. When constructing a
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Critical Analysis On Gender Stereotypes
Critical Analysis on Gender Stereotypes in the Workforce
Yesenia Bachez
California State University, Los Angeles
Critical Analysis on Gender Stereotypes in the Workforce
Despite various changes in the workforce, it is apparent that gender stereotypes are not extinct and
are still very powerful generalizations. Through this reflection paper I hope to successfully analyze
gender stereotypes and the impact they have on the workforce. Gender stereotypes influence our
judgment and assessment, which ultimately leads to individuals treating women and men differently.
As a society we continue to uphold a social structure that favors patriarchy and brands gender
specific characteristics as opposed to removing gender from the equation and simply classifying
leadership traits.
Gender classification
This gender specific classification is highlighted in Dr. Sandra Lipsitz Bem's Sex Role Inventory.
The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) is a measure based on gender stereotypes, in which Dr. Bem
categorized 20 feminine and 20 masculine characteristics. Examples of feminine traits include being
affectionate, cheerful, sensitive to the needs of others, soft–spoken, understanding, and yielding.
Masculine traits consist of acting as a leader, being aggressive, ambitious, assertive, competitive and
forceful. Research on the BSRI showed that traditional definitions of femininity and masculinity
continue to uphold gender expectations in today's culture (Prentice &
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The School Voucher program was designed to give families a choice about where their children
could go to school. The program offered a fixed dollar amount each year to put toward a child's
tuition. Their choices ranged from private or parochial schools, these are schools that many of these
children may not experience otherwise. Charter schools were also options because they are run
much like private schools. The thought behind voucher programs is that a sense of competition
would be created. The hope is that a higher educational output and an improved level of education
would be provided. Proponents of the program believe that children from poor public school districts
should have the same opportunity for quality education as kids more content...
Although, the system would help some students they would not help them all, vouchers are offered
in limited numbers. As each state works through this political quagmire, the debate continues.
School vouchers are not the savior to public education that they set out to be, as long as the
vouchers are not offered to everyone equally. Funding to public education continues to be under
siege so allocating funding toward a voucher program that everyone can not access may not be the
best use of these dollars. The assumption that a sense of competition may develop among schools
for the best and the brightest may be true but what about schools that can not compete. What
happens to the children that will be left behind? Is the federal government prepared to improve
public schools that are suffering from lack of funds? "School voucher programs undermine two great
American traditions: universal public education and the separation of church and state"
(Anti–Defamation League, 2005).
While researching the voucher system this writer found that there are several factors to take into
consideration such as: is the use of funds for the voucher program the best use of educational funds,
what happens to the kids left behind in the public schools who do not get a voucher or can not
afford to take advantage of the option,
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Critical Analysis of the IELTS Writing Test
Critical Analysis of the IELTS writing test
I. Introduction
I.1. Background
English is systematically used as the lingua franca between persons no sharing the same native
language. It is generally adopted as the first language by the majority populations of sovereign
states, and is widely learned as a second language in most of the countries around the world.
Recently, the number of overseas students willing to study in universities in
English–speaking countries has significantly increased. Before admission, non–English–speaking
students must provide evidence of proficiency in that language to enter these universities. One of the
most popular test for this purpose is the International English Language more
Although inappropriate topics or context of language are avoided, determining a common
knowledge is highly challenging because it musn 't bias againt a certain group of test takers from
culturally diverse background who might not have experience or knowledge of the topic or content
area (Kroll and Reid, 1994).
II.4. The IELTS writing testvalidity
The term of construct validity encompasses whether or not the test is assessing the criteria it claims
to test (Bachman, 1990; Hughes, 1989).
In their study Moore and Morton (1999) had found that in writing test, Task 1 was more
representative of the target language used (TLU), compared with Task 2, which presents no
similarity to non–academic forms of discourse. As a conclusion, it was suggested to include a
reading–writing task in order to increase authenticity of that module.
In terms of the constructs and criteria, Task 1 scripts, both academic and general, are assessed
according to task fulfilment, coherence, lexical resources, cohesion and accuracy. Whereas in task
2 scripts assessment are based on task response, (that is to say making an argument) lexical
resources, grammatical range and accuracy (Uysal, 2009: 317). However the use of similar criteria
for both academic and general is problematic (Shaw, 2004). In addition, new assessment criteria have
been used since 2005, where "coherence and cohesion" have replaced "communicative quality"
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Critical Analysis
1.3Quantitative approach: Strength: Its main advantage over its main advantage lies in the fact that
it is accurate based on a large number of employees on the implementation of the company. For
workplace understanding behavior, a quantitative approach helps to measure creation and worker
awareness, build worker profiles and client profiles, and identify market physiognomies. Limitations:
Quantitative approach main weakness is the handling and bigger of large and diffuse samples.
Quantitative methods can be applied effectively in, for instance, many trials and employees, so their
operations can create logistical difficulties. Improper handling can result in errors that can
meaningfully affect office behavior. If sampling and rights are abused, more content...
Individual differences include the learning, memory, attitudes, personality, and ability testing. In the
workplace has many employees from multiple departments, which can lead to diversity.
Demonstration of individual talents and the changing market environment and requires events to
introduce the distinction between individual workers in the workplace. Individual differences are
due to the skills, including the ability to analyze the direction of skills, knowledge, abilities, and
different between workers and significant changes noted. Recently, we have noticed a dramatic
increase in the number of women in work. Women carry a different set of responsibilities, there are
individual differences in comparison with men, and other aspects have been noted. In addition, the
distribution of work responsibilities or differences from single women, married women, pregnant
women, and this difference is not in the case of a person with the observed changes. Along with
sexism, racism also exists. Many of the government's actions have been carried out, but,
nevertheless, these individual differences were to explore the African–American people in the
workplace. And age some individual variation was recently observed in the last years, some
organizations have introduced part–time, particularly people working full–time pension
arrangements. Some of the differences faced by disabled people as a manager not to work, he or
she has the right and qualifications to stop the blind, deaf or disabled workers. This, in turn, leads to
a difference between the workers
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In conclusion, this essay was dealt about a critical appraisal of qualitative study using CASP tool.
By doing this module as a nursing student, this helped the author of this essay, to understand the
importance of using the critical appraisal in the clinical practice. It also made the student nurse
aware, by practicing the critical skills will help to improve the professional standard of competence
according to the NMC code (2016). In order to improve the skills in the nursing practice, the student
nurse decided to use a structure for her critical frame work, maintaining a reflective diary, and use
the up to date evidence in the practice. When analysing the CASP tool which is used in this essay, it
has 10 different questions and each question
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Critical Analysis Essay example
Leah Baker English Comp 1210 Critical Analysis September 28, 2011 Critical Analysis of an
Ineffective Essay Author, Harriet Davids, of "The Extended School Day" believes all elementary
schools should adopt an extended school day policy. Davids main ideas focus on the safety of the
children, whether it be in the care of a nanny or home alone, safety is the number one priority.
Davids not only states that an extended school day will be beneficial to the parents and the students,
but also the teachers and staff involved in the after school programs. In an affective essay there are
seven essential elements that must be followed to skillfully create a forceful essay. Unfortunately,
Davids lacks many of these elements in the more content...
Adding a sentence such as that connects the paragraphs creating much needed flow. Unfortunately
unity and coherence aren't the only elements wrong with Davids' sentences. One of the most
important components of an effective essay is effective sentences. Effective sentences are
defined as complete thoughts. They should not consist of run on or incomplete sentences, poor
grammar or incomplete thoughts. Effective sentences allow the reader to focus on the essay topic
and understand the point of view instead of getting lost in the long sentences. Davids makes
many careless errors when developing her sentences, many of them being fragments. As an
author, Davids should automatically know not to start a new sentence with and, which she does
several times throughout. Instead of using 'and' Davids could have created compound sentences.
Davids word choice also takes a toile on the effectiveness of the essay. Using words such as 'they'
repeatedly (in paragraph two) makes for a chaotic ineffective essay. Finally, a conclusion
paragraphs function is to summarize the main points of the essay. Davids, instead, chooses this
time to add another point to her persuasion, talking about the great expenses of an extended school
day. She chose not to summarize the original ideas what so ever, leaving the reader only to guess
that the essay was over. If it wasn't for the fact that it was the last paragraph published, the reader
would have never been able to label it as the
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Critical Analysis of Group Work Essay example
After completing the group task of preparing a presentation on, transferring individual facilitation
skills into a group work setting I will critically reflect upon my own participation. I will evaluate my
self–awareness while working in the group, as well as those around me. The way that I personally
dealt with any issues that arose within the group and how that affected the group dynamics. I will also
briefly discuss the roles in which each member of the group took and how role allocation affected,
the group dynamics and the working relationships. Finally I will evaluate my work having discussed
it with my fellow group members.
In order to evaluate my role within the group it is important to identify what makes a group. A group more content...
Similar to Tuckman's five stages of group development is Corey and Corey, they claim that the first
stage; Pregroup is "setting expectations, establishing group rules and procedures, role preparation
and skills building" (Corey, Corey, Corey 2010 p123). The group did well in this stage, as the
group was given a very clear aim, we discussed each members skill sets and while preparing a
group contract with our aims objectives and rules. A group contract is a very useful facilitation
tool as it sets out very clear guidelines for the group and defines what is acceptable and
unacceptable behaviour for the group members (Tuckman 1965). The group members were able to
gain clarity from the group contract, allowing them to identify the norms and boundaries of the
group. For example our group decided that if a member were for any reason not be able to attend a
meeting they would have to let the team know in advance, if this did happen the rest of the team
would relay the information via email to the missing group member.
The next time the group met they were in the storming stage (Tuckman 1965). This stage is where
any conflict happens, the group member explore their roles within the group. Within this stage there
can often be a struggle for power, status and control. Even though conflict
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Critical Analysis Examples
I think the strongest part of this analysis was how concise and direct it is. You start with an
introduction that clearly states your purpose, main point, and what description you are
analyzing. This lets the reader know exactly what they will be reading and how it will be
formatted. When stating the audience of this description, you describe a very specific audience
by saying. This isn't as well reflected later in your paper. What about the description itself leads to
believe it targets a specific analysis? You go on to list how the document serves to address this
audience. This is very strong because you pick out multiple parts of the paper, such as the lack of
jargon as well as the type of information listed. You end this paragraph by emphasizing the 'where to
buy button', more content...
I was a little confused as to what exactly differentiates this product from others, and why that is so
key. What about this description sets it apart, and why is that so key to the successful
interpretation of this analysis.. In your fourth paragraph, you describe the facts and figures that
are listed. The facts and details you listed work very well summarize the document, as well as
address why the author chose the facts they did. However, I did not really understand the main
point you were attempting to convey with this paragraph. Adding a thesis sentence to start the
paragraph would really help to let the reader know what the point of the paragraph is, and what to
expect from it. In your analysis you list a lot of details, but you never mention specific narration.
You bring this up in your conclusion and I was confused by what this narration was, and how it
affected the description. If you could delve into this further in your analysis, it would more clearly
tie everything together. Overall, this is a very strong analysis. You use plain language that is easy to
understand and process. The memo format is perfect as
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Example Of Critical Essay Examples
Critical Essay In the beginning of November one of my best friends Cheyann turned 18, she was
super excited about her birthday because she was going to have all her friends around her
including her younger sister, her two other girl best friend and myself. She made plans for her
birthday to be downtown as more of a "girls night out" fancy dinner celebration. She asked me to
drive us downtown to the mall, so after grabbing a parking ticket we drove around and around the
cold, concrete parking garage to about the 3rd or 4th level. As I got out of the car I noticed that
there were only a few cars around us in the dim lit garage, it was around 6pm so it was already
dark and freezing cold outside. All us girls started walking towards the doors that led to the
elevators laughing and talking loudly in our heels and short, fancy dresses when Cheyann stopped
dead in her tracks and froze up.
"I cant ride the elevator I have panic attacks remember?" She said anxiously as she looked at me.
Cheyann had told me a story when we had first become friends about her awful experience in an
elevator when she was younger that had more content...
It has also taught me how important it is to teach and help other women who aren't cautious when
it comes to dangerous cultural spaces. It has also become very apparent to me how many women
do not see the danger in walking alone in dangerous areas because of the recent empowerments to
women or other reasons, while those are great and very revolutionary women still need to be
aware that predators are still out there and they do not care if you feel empowered or not, they are
are there for one reason only. And lastly I feel very lucky that I was with my friend Cheyann that
night and was able to persuade her into making a better transportation choice other then the stairs,
even if that meant she would have a panic
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Global Warming : A Critical Analysis
Climate Change; A Critical Analysis
Global warming has been a topic discussed for several decades (35 years). Along with the discussion
about what should we do to prevent, stop, and reverse the damaging effects. The scientific
community has been researching and studying the climate and the effects humans and our pollution
have had and will continue to have if we do not change our environmental laws and our views
towards the environment. With overwhelming support from qualified scientist many new
environmental movements should be going into effect, but negative opinions from the general
population are causing significate delays and obstacles in repairing and preventing damage to the
environment. The following critical analysis will more content...
Gasses such as CO2, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and CFCs are gasses that increase the
greenhouse effect (1). The levels of CO2 in the atmosphere has stayed between 180 and 300 parts
per million for 800,000 years, in 2014 the CO2 levels has increased to 400 parts per million (5).
Why has there been just an increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gasses? Climate Change prior to
the Industrial Revolution can be explained by natural causes, recent climate change can not be
explained by natural causes along, so humans are the most likely cause for Global Warming (5).
Human activities release over 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year (5). We release
these gasses through things like burning fossil fuels (CO2), agriculture, and waste in landfills
(methane), soil cultivation and fuel burning (nitrous oxide), automobiles, power plants, and
industrial sources (ozone), and the most abundant greenhouse gas water vapor, which is controlled
by temperatures so as the temperatures rise more water vapor is trapped (1). According to a group
of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world they concluded that "there
's a more than 90 percent probability that human activities over the past 50
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Critical Analysis : Critical Paradigm
Critical Paradigm
The critical paradigm highlights and counters oppression, while attempting to redistribute resources
more appropriately (Weaver & Olson, 2006). The critical paradigm is often associated with various
movements such as feminist, grassroots and emancipator. Research conducted using a critical
paradigm is concerned with an uneven distribution of resources, empowerment, and emancipation
(Lutz, Jones, & Kendall, 1997). A patient's resources are the primary determinant of health choices
for patients. For example, a patient from a lower economic status is dependent on available
resources to make better health choices; often these choices are limited due to financial burden
(Butterfield, 2006). One of the goals of the critical paradigm is to understand inequities in patients'
socio–political backgrounds, in conjunction with active work to change these inequities (Lutz, Jones,
& Kendall, 1997; Weaver & Olson, 2006). Nurses should advocate for their patients, and intervene at
all levels, community, social and government (Butterfield, 2006).
Returning to the cancer patient in the previous exemplar, the nurse would establish the patient's
inability to attend all her radiation appointments. She did not have the energy to take a bus, and her
daughter was unable to drive her. The nurse, upon realizing that the patient is a minority from a poor
economic status would advocate for enhanced funding for driving assistance. By expanding the
availability of assistance
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Critical Analysis of Shakespeare's Hamlet
What is mans' purpose in life? Is there a purpose? If there isn't, then is it wise to end it, despite
the fact that there might be nothing better? In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet struggles
with these and other issues. He states that the question of life is "To be, or not to be...?" Is
existence really worth the troubles of life? In this monologue, Hamlet is wondering what is his
purpose. He asserts that the only reason people endure their horrible lives is the uncertainty of what
lies after death. "Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread
of something after death..." Is it noble to suffer, and is life worth all its misery? more
Hamlet's mother has just lost a husband, his uncle is worried and guilt–stricken over the terrible
crime he committed of murdering his brother, and Ophelia, Hamlet's lover, is miserable because her
half–witted father has forbidden her to see Hamlet. This soliloquy pertanes not only to Hamlet, but
to virtually all the characters in the play. All the characters are "bear[ing] the whips and scorns" of
their piteous lives.
The monologue is not only relevant to the characters in Hamlet, but to all people. Many people
feel at some point that their lives are not worth living . They may question if life has a purpose, and
whether or not they are serving that purpose. It is quite easy to relate to Hamlet's feelings of woe
and uncertainty. This is what makes Hamlet timeless. No matter what century, country, or person,
everyone has experienced to some degree what Hamlet endured. Perhaps someone has just lost a
father, or undergone a divorce. They could relate to Hamlet's misery. They may not contemplate
suicide, as is what is sometimes believed about Hamlet, but they do have questions about life, and
the afterlife. Shakespeare uses Hamlet's feelings to express his own, as well as those of all people.
Because of this, Hamlet has become a classic.
Hamlet's character represents people in all circumstances. He questions everything, and has
experienced love, hate, betrayal, depression, grief, and anger. He is sometimes
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SUBMITTED TO: Dr Preetinder Kaur
SUBMITTED BY: Jitender Singh 30305257
S.No.Table of contentsPage no.
1Executive summary. 3
2Introduction to the report. 4
3Introduction to the Brain Krzanich 4–5
4Analysis of communication style, skills and effectiveness. 5–6
5Critical analysis of research. 7–8
6Conclusion. 8
7Reference list. 9
Executive summary:
As a part of my assignment to identify the styles and different skills of communication by studying
Brian Krzanich actions and behaviour. Next part is to perform a critical analysis on the identified
communication styles and skills by comparing and contrasting strength, weakness of a selected
Introduction to the report:
The reason for this task is to empower understudies to assess proficient correspondence perspectives
in connection to the correspondence styles, aptitudes and viability, and to show the capacity to
discriminating investigate and impart the key issues through a composed report.
Introduction to
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Critical Analysis Essay Samples

  • 1. 2.1.1Critical thinking and reflection Critical thinking is an attempt to ask and answer questions systematically, to produce a coherent and credible story or argument. In critical thinking, evidences and good reasons should be seek first prior to believing something to be true. A model to generate critical thinking is suggested below. Figure 1 Model to Generate Critical Thinking (Courtesy of: University of Plymouth) Critical thinking can support the reflection process, while the reflection itself is the continuously observing at and discerning about our experiences, actions, feelings, and responses, and afterwards analyzing them so that ones can learn from them (Boud et al., 1994; Atkins and Murphy, 1994). According to Schon (1991), reflection can occurs after the activity has been done when one is thinking about what he/she did, judging how successful he/she was, and whether any changes to his/her action could have resulted in different outcomes. more content... Finally this is the time to deal with colleagues or others which have interrupted me earlier. I will call or come to them to discuss their requests and concerns, some of them usually have been addressed in the email which I have read earlier. During the discussion I always bring my notebook to write down the necessary information. Subsequently, I will come back to my team and rearrange the tasks and priorities if necessary. By this time some new emails will have been received and tasks and priorities can again be rearranged as appropriate. 4.At the end of the day, I will recheck if most of the tasks have been conducted or completed as expected. Some pending and unfinished tasks usually will be given to the night shift or rearranged to be continued in the next day. Those routines above are greatly supporting me to achieve my Key Performance Indicator (KPI). I rarely miss my target / deadline, in fact our department is one of the best performing department in the company. 2.3.2Reflection during my Get more content on
  • 2. Examples Of Critical Discourse Analysis CHAPTER 2 THEORITICAL FOUNDATION 2.1Critical Discourse Analysis To understand the concept of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), it is necessary to see how CDA defines discourse. Discourse is not simply an isolated textual or dialogical structure (van Dijk, 1988). It is seen as socially constructed ways that do not only shape but also enable (social) reality (Foucault, 1977; Paltridge, 2006). It involves "a dialectical relationship between a particular discursive event and the situation(s), institution(s), and social structure(s) which frame it" (Fairclough & Wodak, 1997, p. 258). It also helps to establish power relations between social classes, gender, or majorities and minorities groups (Wodak & Meyer, 2009). Therefore, CDA acts as an approach that critically investigates the relationship between discourse and the reproduction of power in social practices and interactions (Fairclough, 1995 as more content... Therefore, one of the distinguishing features of DHA is its interdisciplinary method that considers a variety of different empirical data and background information (Reisigl & Wodak, 2001). The historical dimension is realized by collecting all information regarding the historical background and the original sources of the object under investigation and exploring diachronic change (Matouschek et al. 1995; Wodak et al., 1990, 1994 as cited in van Leeuwen & Wodak, 1999). Specifically, the process of analysis in DHA starts by describing the phenomena occurred in texts. Then, describing the apparent changes. Finally, discussing the result to find how and why change occurs since the purpose of DHA is to uncover the ideology in diachronic texts (SlavГckovГЎ, Get more content on
  • 3. A Critical Analysis Of An Art Exhibition Write a critical analysis of an art exhibition you have seen, from the point of view of its curatorship. Consider one or more of the following issues: modes of display, censorship, ethics, interpretation, beauty, or the specific issues involved in curating design or film. Art galleries (public and private) spend billions of pounds each year conserving and collecting objects and their associated histories, ideas and stories. After researching the messages it has carefully crafted, the gallery then passes interpretative authority to the visitor, who is free 'to make up "whatever" stories they please'. The term "whatever" was coined by Cheryl Meszaros in her 2006 article 'Now THAT is Evidence: Tracking Down the Evil "Whatever" Interpretation', she argues that the "whatever" interpretation is championed as the best result of an art gallery visit despite the fact that visitors' stories may or may not have anything to do with the intended messages of the display. As a result, the gallery (public and private) justifies its failure to communicate and, by extension, absolves itself of 'any interpretative responsibility for the meanings it produces and circulates in culture'. Through two current Edinburgh exhibitions, 'ABJAD' at Ingleby Gallery and 'Possibilities of the Object: Experiments in Modern and Contemporary Art', this paper will illustrate how the absolution of interpretative responsibility is produces and is produced by the "whatever". I will argue that although Get more content on
  • 4. Example Of Critical Thinking Analysis Critical Thinking ! everyone uses critical thinking without even knowing, children probably more than adults; they question and challenge parent's decision from young age. My professional carrer as Analyst, all my decision are based on gather information, documentation and analyzing it and after make the correct determinazion, what final determination I am going to make. Since, I have been doing it for 18 years, it comes natural and I enjoy it. Making other decisions in my personal life it is not easy at all, when you analyze the situation and see how it might impact your life and others it is very hard. For example, deciding to return to school, looking into diefent schools, degrees, cost and location was extremely difficult. I am not trying Get more content on
  • 5. Critical Analysis Of Evidence Based Practice Critical Analysis of Evidence Pressure ulcers occur over bony prominences when skin is compressed for long periods of time, affecting the blood supply to certain areas, leading to ischaemia development (Waugh and Grant, 2001). Compression of skin is caused by pressure, shearing and friction, but can also occur due to pressure exerted by medical equipment (Randle, Coffey and Bradbury, 2009). NICE (2014) states that the prevalence of pressure ulcers in different healthcare settings in December 2013 was 4.7%, taken from data available for 186,000 patients. The cost of treating ulcers can vary depending on severity from ВЈ43 up to ВЈ374 (NICE, 2014). Evidence based practice skills are essential in nursing as it allows the best available evidence to be used to improve practice and patient care, while improving decision–making (Holland and Rees, 2010). I will be critiquing two research papers; qualitative and quantitative, using a framework set out by Holland and Rees (2010), and will explore the impact on practice. Using a framework provides a standardised method of assessing quality and reduces subjectivity. What influences the impact of pressure ulcers on health–related quality of life? A qualitative patient–focused exploration of contributory factors (Gorecki, Nixon, Madill, Firth and Brown, 2012) The article topic should be an area in which there is a gap between knowledge and practice, and in qualitative research, emphasises the experience of a condition (Holland and Rees, Get more content on
  • 6. Example Of A Critical Analysis Essay In the process of writing my Critical Research Essay the writing piece consisted of three pieces of evidence. One of the readings/evidence that I used throughout my essay and which spoke to me the most was Robert Smith, Mexican New York: Transitional Lives of New Immigrants. Throughout my high school years, there was not enough information on the history of Mexicans living in the United States and their position in this country. Although thisessay was not opinionated based, this reading was able to inform me on new information that I never learned in my previous years in school. It was a reading that not only have I used as part of an essay, but a book that I consider to read for my own use and recommend it to other kids that stand in the same position as me and with the ideas surround throughout the book. It more content... Throughout my critical analysis essay there was an objective tone instead of a subjective tone. This tone helped me write a critical essay in which I included factual evidence and textual analysis towards segmented assimilation which has had a great impact on the lives of young kids who have parents that have a different culture than where they now live in. Instead of including emotions and my own opinion on the situation, I used historical resources, via the web or journals, such as social studies. I also had to include a counterclaim in order to argue anything that can prove my view wrong. This also helped me see whether the evidence I provided was good enough to support my thesis and let everyone see my reasoning for arguing the position I choose. Another important task I had to keep in mind was to make sure I would not quote the authors to much, I wanted to use their ideas to support my thesis, rather than just agreeing on the position they were stating throughout their own Get more content on
  • 7. Critical Analysis: MLA Format Critical Analysis For the past week we have been learning about critical analysis essays. Before coming to composition I didn't know much about critical analysis essays, I knew they were conducted in MLA Format and they were basically a comparison between two books. After learning more in class I was informed more in–depth about critical analysis essays. In class we were taught that critical analysis essays are to essentially be a comparison between articles, books, and or anything else to help the reader better understand the work. Critical analysis essays are to incorporate a thesis statement to give readers something to engage in when reading your essay, it gives some idea of what this essay is going to be about. When constructing a Get more content on
  • 8. Critical Analysis On Gender Stereotypes Critical Analysis on Gender Stereotypes in the Workforce Yesenia Bachez California State University, Los Angeles Critical Analysis on Gender Stereotypes in the Workforce Despite various changes in the workforce, it is apparent that gender stereotypes are not extinct and are still very powerful generalizations. Through this reflection paper I hope to successfully analyze gender stereotypes and the impact they have on the workforce. Gender stereotypes influence our judgment and assessment, which ultimately leads to individuals treating women and men differently. As a society we continue to uphold a social structure that favors patriarchy and brands gender specific characteristics as opposed to removing gender from the equation and simply classifying leadership traits. Body Gender classification This gender specific classification is highlighted in Dr. Sandra Lipsitz Bem's Sex Role Inventory. The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) is a measure based on gender stereotypes, in which Dr. Bem categorized 20 feminine and 20 masculine characteristics. Examples of feminine traits include being affectionate, cheerful, sensitive to the needs of others, soft–spoken, understanding, and yielding. Masculine traits consist of acting as a leader, being aggressive, ambitious, assertive, competitive and forceful. Research on the BSRI showed that traditional definitions of femininity and masculinity continue to uphold gender expectations in today's culture (Prentice & Get more content on
  • 9. The School Voucher program was designed to give families a choice about where their children could go to school. The program offered a fixed dollar amount each year to put toward a child's tuition. Their choices ranged from private or parochial schools, these are schools that many of these children may not experience otherwise. Charter schools were also options because they are run much like private schools. The thought behind voucher programs is that a sense of competition would be created. The hope is that a higher educational output and an improved level of education would be provided. Proponents of the program believe that children from poor public school districts should have the same opportunity for quality education as kids more content... Although, the system would help some students they would not help them all, vouchers are offered in limited numbers. As each state works through this political quagmire, the debate continues. School vouchers are not the savior to public education that they set out to be, as long as the vouchers are not offered to everyone equally. Funding to public education continues to be under siege so allocating funding toward a voucher program that everyone can not access may not be the best use of these dollars. The assumption that a sense of competition may develop among schools for the best and the brightest may be true but what about schools that can not compete. What happens to the children that will be left behind? Is the federal government prepared to improve public schools that are suffering from lack of funds? "School voucher programs undermine two great American traditions: universal public education and the separation of church and state" (Anti–Defamation League, 2005). While researching the voucher system this writer found that there are several factors to take into consideration such as: is the use of funds for the voucher program the best use of educational funds, what happens to the kids left behind in the public schools who do not get a voucher or can not afford to take advantage of the option, Get more content on
  • 10. Critical Analysis of the IELTS Writing Test Critical Analysis of the IELTS writing test I. Introduction I.1. Background English is systematically used as the lingua franca between persons no sharing the same native language. It is generally adopted as the first language by the majority populations of sovereign states, and is widely learned as a second language in most of the countries around the world. Recently, the number of overseas students willing to study in universities in English–speaking countries has significantly increased. Before admission, non–English–speaking students must provide evidence of proficiency in that language to enter these universities. One of the most popular test for this purpose is the International English Language more content... Although inappropriate topics or context of language are avoided, determining a common knowledge is highly challenging because it musn 't bias againt a certain group of test takers from culturally diverse background who might not have experience or knowledge of the topic or content area (Kroll and Reid, 1994). II.4. The IELTS writing testvalidity The term of construct validity encompasses whether or not the test is assessing the criteria it claims to test (Bachman, 1990; Hughes, 1989). In their study Moore and Morton (1999) had found that in writing test, Task 1 was more representative of the target language used (TLU), compared with Task 2, which presents no similarity to non–academic forms of discourse. As a conclusion, it was suggested to include a reading–writing task in order to increase authenticity of that module. In terms of the constructs and criteria, Task 1 scripts, both academic and general, are assessed according to task fulfilment, coherence, lexical resources, cohesion and accuracy. Whereas in task 2 scripts assessment are based on task response, (that is to say making an argument) lexical resources, grammatical range and accuracy (Uysal, 2009: 317). However the use of similar criteria for both academic and general is problematic (Shaw, 2004). In addition, new assessment criteria have been used since 2005, where "coherence and cohesion" have replaced "communicative quality" Get more content on
  • 11. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Critical Analysis 1.3Quantitative approach: Strength: Its main advantage over its main advantage lies in the fact that it is accurate based on a large number of employees on the implementation of the company. For workplace understanding behavior, a quantitative approach helps to measure creation and worker awareness, build worker profiles and client profiles, and identify market physiognomies. Limitations: Quantitative approach main weakness is the handling and bigger of large and diffuse samples. Quantitative methods can be applied effectively in, for instance, many trials and employees, so their operations can create logistical difficulties. Improper handling can result in errors that can meaningfully affect office behavior. If sampling and rights are abused, more content... Individual differences include the learning, memory, attitudes, personality, and ability testing. In the workplace has many employees from multiple departments, which can lead to diversity. Demonstration of individual talents and the changing market environment and requires events to introduce the distinction between individual workers in the workplace. Individual differences are due to the skills, including the ability to analyze the direction of skills, knowledge, abilities, and different between workers and significant changes noted. Recently, we have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of women in work. Women carry a different set of responsibilities, there are individual differences in comparison with men, and other aspects have been noted. In addition, the distribution of work responsibilities or differences from single women, married women, pregnant women, and this difference is not in the case of a person with the observed changes. Along with sexism, racism also exists. Many of the government's actions have been carried out, but, nevertheless, these individual differences were to explore the African–American people in the workplace. And age some individual variation was recently observed in the last years, some organizations have introduced part–time, particularly people working full–time pension arrangements. Some of the differences faced by disabled people as a manager not to work, he or she has the right and qualifications to stop the blind, deaf or disabled workers. This, in turn, leads to a difference between the workers Get more content on
  • 12. In conclusion, this essay was dealt about a critical appraisal of qualitative study using CASP tool. By doing this module as a nursing student, this helped the author of this essay, to understand the importance of using the critical appraisal in the clinical practice. It also made the student nurse aware, by practicing the critical skills will help to improve the professional standard of competence according to the NMC code (2016). In order to improve the skills in the nursing practice, the student nurse decided to use a structure for her critical frame work, maintaining a reflective diary, and use the up to date evidence in the practice. When analysing the CASP tool which is used in this essay, it has 10 different questions and each question Get more content on
  • 13. Critical Analysis Essay example Leah Baker English Comp 1210 Critical Analysis September 28, 2011 Critical Analysis of an Ineffective Essay Author, Harriet Davids, of "The Extended School Day" believes all elementary schools should adopt an extended school day policy. Davids main ideas focus on the safety of the children, whether it be in the care of a nanny or home alone, safety is the number one priority. Davids not only states that an extended school day will be beneficial to the parents and the students, but also the teachers and staff involved in the after school programs. In an affective essay there are seven essential elements that must be followed to skillfully create a forceful essay. Unfortunately, Davids lacks many of these elements in the more content... Adding a sentence such as that connects the paragraphs creating much needed flow. Unfortunately unity and coherence aren't the only elements wrong with Davids' sentences. One of the most important components of an effective essay is effective sentences. Effective sentences are defined as complete thoughts. They should not consist of run on or incomplete sentences, poor grammar or incomplete thoughts. Effective sentences allow the reader to focus on the essay topic and understand the point of view instead of getting lost in the long sentences. Davids makes many careless errors when developing her sentences, many of them being fragments. As an author, Davids should automatically know not to start a new sentence with and, which she does several times throughout. Instead of using 'and' Davids could have created compound sentences. Davids word choice also takes a toile on the effectiveness of the essay. Using words such as 'they' repeatedly (in paragraph two) makes for a chaotic ineffective essay. Finally, a conclusion paragraphs function is to summarize the main points of the essay. Davids, instead, chooses this time to add another point to her persuasion, talking about the great expenses of an extended school day. She chose not to summarize the original ideas what so ever, leaving the reader only to guess that the essay was over. If it wasn't for the fact that it was the last paragraph published, the reader would have never been able to label it as the Get more content on
  • 14. Critical Analysis of Group Work Essay example After completing the group task of preparing a presentation on, transferring individual facilitation skills into a group work setting I will critically reflect upon my own participation. I will evaluate my self–awareness while working in the group, as well as those around me. The way that I personally dealt with any issues that arose within the group and how that affected the group dynamics. I will also briefly discuss the roles in which each member of the group took and how role allocation affected, the group dynamics and the working relationships. Finally I will evaluate my work having discussed it with my fellow group members. In order to evaluate my role within the group it is important to identify what makes a group. A group more content... Similar to Tuckman's five stages of group development is Corey and Corey, they claim that the first stage; Pregroup is "setting expectations, establishing group rules and procedures, role preparation and skills building" (Corey, Corey, Corey 2010 p123). The group did well in this stage, as the group was given a very clear aim, we discussed each members skill sets and while preparing a group contract with our aims objectives and rules. A group contract is a very useful facilitation tool as it sets out very clear guidelines for the group and defines what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for the group members (Tuckman 1965). The group members were able to gain clarity from the group contract, allowing them to identify the norms and boundaries of the group. For example our group decided that if a member were for any reason not be able to attend a meeting they would have to let the team know in advance, if this did happen the rest of the team would relay the information via email to the missing group member. The next time the group met they were in the storming stage (Tuckman 1965). This stage is where any conflict happens, the group member explore their roles within the group. Within this stage there can often be a struggle for power, status and control. Even though conflict Get more content on
  • 15. Critical Analysis Examples I think the strongest part of this analysis was how concise and direct it is. You start with an introduction that clearly states your purpose, main point, and what description you are analyzing. This lets the reader know exactly what they will be reading and how it will be formatted. When stating the audience of this description, you describe a very specific audience by saying. This isn't as well reflected later in your paper. What about the description itself leads to believe it targets a specific analysis? You go on to list how the document serves to address this audience. This is very strong because you pick out multiple parts of the paper, such as the lack of jargon as well as the type of information listed. You end this paragraph by emphasizing the 'where to buy button', more content... I was a little confused as to what exactly differentiates this product from others, and why that is so key. What about this description sets it apart, and why is that so key to the successful interpretation of this analysis.. In your fourth paragraph, you describe the facts and figures that are listed. The facts and details you listed work very well summarize the document, as well as address why the author chose the facts they did. However, I did not really understand the main point you were attempting to convey with this paragraph. Adding a thesis sentence to start the paragraph would really help to let the reader know what the point of the paragraph is, and what to expect from it. In your analysis you list a lot of details, but you never mention specific narration. You bring this up in your conclusion and I was confused by what this narration was, and how it affected the description. If you could delve into this further in your analysis, it would more clearly tie everything together. Overall, this is a very strong analysis. You use plain language that is easy to understand and process. The memo format is perfect as Get more content on
  • 16. Example Of Critical Essay Examples Critical Essay In the beginning of November one of my best friends Cheyann turned 18, she was super excited about her birthday because she was going to have all her friends around her including her younger sister, her two other girl best friend and myself. She made plans for her birthday to be downtown as more of a "girls night out" fancy dinner celebration. She asked me to drive us downtown to the mall, so after grabbing a parking ticket we drove around and around the cold, concrete parking garage to about the 3rd or 4th level. As I got out of the car I noticed that there were only a few cars around us in the dim lit garage, it was around 6pm so it was already dark and freezing cold outside. All us girls started walking towards the doors that led to the elevators laughing and talking loudly in our heels and short, fancy dresses when Cheyann stopped dead in her tracks and froze up. "I cant ride the elevator I have panic attacks remember?" She said anxiously as she looked at me. Cheyann had told me a story when we had first become friends about her awful experience in an elevator when she was younger that had more content... It has also taught me how important it is to teach and help other women who aren't cautious when it comes to dangerous cultural spaces. It has also become very apparent to me how many women do not see the danger in walking alone in dangerous areas because of the recent empowerments to women or other reasons, while those are great and very revolutionary women still need to be aware that predators are still out there and they do not care if you feel empowered or not, they are are there for one reason only. And lastly I feel very lucky that I was with my friend Cheyann that night and was able to persuade her into making a better transportation choice other then the stairs, even if that meant she would have a panic Get more content on
  • 17. Global Warming : A Critical Analysis Climate Change; A Critical Analysis Global warming has been a topic discussed for several decades (35 years). Along with the discussion about what should we do to prevent, stop, and reverse the damaging effects. The scientific community has been researching and studying the climate and the effects humans and our pollution have had and will continue to have if we do not change our environmental laws and our views towards the environment. With overwhelming support from qualified scientist many new environmental movements should be going into effect, but negative opinions from the general population are causing significate delays and obstacles in repairing and preventing damage to the environment. The following critical analysis will more content... Gasses such as CO2, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and CFCs are gasses that increase the greenhouse effect (1). The levels of CO2 in the atmosphere has stayed between 180 and 300 parts per million for 800,000 years, in 2014 the CO2 levels has increased to 400 parts per million (5). Why has there been just an increase in CO2 and other greenhouse gasses? Climate Change prior to the Industrial Revolution can be explained by natural causes, recent climate change can not be explained by natural causes along, so humans are the most likely cause for Global Warming (5). Human activities release over 30 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year (5). We release these gasses through things like burning fossil fuels (CO2), agriculture, and waste in landfills (methane), soil cultivation and fuel burning (nitrous oxide), automobiles, power plants, and industrial sources (ozone), and the most abundant greenhouse gas water vapor, which is controlled by temperatures so as the temperatures rise more water vapor is trapped (1). According to a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts from countries all over the world they concluded that "there 's a more than 90 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 Get more content on
  • 18. Critical Analysis : Critical Paradigm Critical Paradigm The critical paradigm highlights and counters oppression, while attempting to redistribute resources more appropriately (Weaver & Olson, 2006). The critical paradigm is often associated with various movements such as feminist, grassroots and emancipator. Research conducted using a critical paradigm is concerned with an uneven distribution of resources, empowerment, and emancipation (Lutz, Jones, & Kendall, 1997). A patient's resources are the primary determinant of health choices for patients. For example, a patient from a lower economic status is dependent on available resources to make better health choices; often these choices are limited due to financial burden (Butterfield, 2006). One of the goals of the critical paradigm is to understand inequities in patients' socio–political backgrounds, in conjunction with active work to change these inequities (Lutz, Jones, & Kendall, 1997; Weaver & Olson, 2006). Nurses should advocate for their patients, and intervene at all levels, community, social and government (Butterfield, 2006). Returning to the cancer patient in the previous exemplar, the nurse would establish the patient's inability to attend all her radiation appointments. She did not have the energy to take a bus, and her daughter was unable to drive her. The nurse, upon realizing that the patient is a minority from a poor economic status would advocate for enhanced funding for driving assistance. By expanding the availability of assistance Get more content on
  • 19. Critical Analysis of Shakespeare's Hamlet What is mans' purpose in life? Is there a purpose? If there isn't, then is it wise to end it, despite the fact that there might be nothing better? In Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Hamlet struggles with these and other issues. He states that the question of life is "To be, or not to be...?" Is existence really worth the troubles of life? In this monologue, Hamlet is wondering what is his purpose. He asserts that the only reason people endure their horrible lives is the uncertainty of what lies after death. "Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death..." Is it noble to suffer, and is life worth all its misery? more content... Hamlet's mother has just lost a husband, his uncle is worried and guilt–stricken over the terrible crime he committed of murdering his brother, and Ophelia, Hamlet's lover, is miserable because her half–witted father has forbidden her to see Hamlet. This soliloquy pertanes not only to Hamlet, but to virtually all the characters in the play. All the characters are "bear[ing] the whips and scorns" of their piteous lives. The monologue is not only relevant to the characters in Hamlet, but to all people. Many people feel at some point that their lives are not worth living . They may question if life has a purpose, and whether or not they are serving that purpose. It is quite easy to relate to Hamlet's feelings of woe and uncertainty. This is what makes Hamlet timeless. No matter what century, country, or person, everyone has experienced to some degree what Hamlet endured. Perhaps someone has just lost a father, or undergone a divorce. They could relate to Hamlet's misery. They may not contemplate suicide, as is what is sometimes believed about Hamlet, but they do have questions about life, and the afterlife. Shakespeare uses Hamlet's feelings to express his own, as well as those of all people. Because of this, Hamlet has become a classic. Hamlet's character represents people in all circumstances. He questions everything, and has experienced love, hate, betrayal, depression, grief, and anger. He is sometimes Get more content on
  • 20. INDIVIDUAL RESEARCH REPORT ON CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF COMMUNICATION STYLES AND SKILLS OF BRIAN KRZANICH SUBMITTED TO: Dr Preetinder Kaur SUBMITTED BY: Jitender Singh 30305257 S.No.Table of contentsPage no. 1Executive summary. 3 2Introduction to the report. 4 3Introduction to the Brain Krzanich 4–5 4Analysis of communication style, skills and effectiveness. 5–6 5Critical analysis of research. 7–8 6Conclusion. 8 7Reference list. 9 Executive summary: As a part of my assignment to identify the styles and different skills of communication by studying Brian Krzanich actions and behaviour. Next part is to perform a critical analysis on the identified communication styles and skills by comparing and contrasting strength, weakness of a selected person. Introduction to the report: The reason for this task is to empower understudies to assess proficient correspondence perspectives in connection to the correspondence styles, aptitudes and viability, and to show the capacity to discriminating investigate and impart the key issues through a composed report. Introduction to Get more content on