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Creating a Facebook Clone - Part X
There is a fine line between doing a mockup and implementing a data model. Once we have a UI in place designing the underlying data model becomes a puzzle of filling
in the missing pieces. Before we go into the newsfeed I'd like to create the objects that represent users and posts. Having these in place will make things easier when we
want to implement the server.
✦First Name
✦Family Name
© Codename One 2017 all rights reserved
We'll use property objects which make server communication & caching trivial. First we'll start with the User object. We will need a new package to separate the data
model, I went with: So what do we need for a user? A lot of these things are obvious from the signup UI:

* First name

* FamilyName

* Email

* Phone

* Gender

* Birthday
public class User implements PropertyBusinessObject {
public final Property<String, User> id = new Property<>("id");
public final Property<String, User>
firstName = new Property<>("firstName");
public final Property<String, User>
familyName = new Property<>("familyName");
public final Property<String, User> email = new Property<>("email");
public final Property<String, User> phone = new Property<>("phone");
public final Property<String, User> gender = new Property<>("gender");
public final LongProperty<User> birthday =
new LongProperty<>("birthday");
public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User",
id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar,
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
public String fullName() {
return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get();
We also need a unique id, since security is crucial I will go with a string based unique id.

We also need a picture of the user to show next to his posts so an avatar entry will also help. This is all easy to express in a business object class.

These properties match the things we said we needed to know about a user
public class User implements PropertyBusinessObject {
public final Property<String, User> id = new Property<>("id");
public final Property<String, User>
firstName = new Property<>("firstName");
public final Property<String, User>
familyName = new Property<>("familyName");
public final Property<String, User> email = new Property<>("email");
public final Property<String, User> phone = new Property<>("phone");
public final Property<String, User> gender = new Property<>("gender");
public final LongProperty<User> birthday =
new LongProperty<>("birthday");
public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User",
id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar,
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
public String fullName() {
return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get();
Dates are easy to store as long values since epoch
new LongProperty<>("birthday");
public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User",
id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar,
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
public String fullName() {
return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get();
public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) {
String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get();
if(existsInStorage(filename)) {
try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename);) {
return Image.createImage(is);
} catch(IOException err) {
int size = convertToPixels(imageSize);
Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000);
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
Getting the full name is a pretty common thing so it makes sense to provide this helper method.
new LongProperty<>("birthday");
public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User",
id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar,
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
public String fullName() {
return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get();
public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) {
String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get();
if(existsInStorage(filename)) {
try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename);) {
return Image.createImage(is);
} catch(IOException err) {
int size = convertToPixels(imageSize);
Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000);
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
Everything about this class is really simple except for the avatar. It should point at an image URL but how would we use it?

To simplify that I'll add a getAvatar method to User that will include the functionality of fetching/caching/resizing and shaping the avatar image.

The method accepts the image size in millimeters and returns an Image that matches that size
new LongProperty<>("birthday");
public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User",
id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar,
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
public String fullName() {
return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get();
public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) {
String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get();
if(existsInStorage(filename)) {
try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) {
return Image.createImage(is);
} catch(IOException err) {
int size = convertToPixels(imageSize);
Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000);
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
If we have an image in cache for this user we'll return that image
new LongProperty<>("birthday");
public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User",
id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar,
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
public String fullName() {
return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get();
public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) {
String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get();
if(existsInStorage(filename)) {
try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) {
return Image.createImage(is);
} catch(IOException err) {
int size = convertToPixels(imageSize);
Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000);
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
We load the image from storage, if loading failed due to corrupt image we'll delete the image file so the next call to this method will re-create it
if(existsInStorage(filename)) {
try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) {
return Image.createImage(is);
} catch(IOException err) {
int size = convertToPixels(imageSize);
Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000);
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360);
Object mask = temp.createMask();
Style s = new Style();
FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial(
FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size);
Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size);
if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) {
avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage();
avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask);
We create a mask image, that's a white on black circle that we'll use to crop the image so it will appear circular
if(existsInStorage(filename)) {
try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) {
return Image.createImage(is);
} catch(IOException err) {
int size = convertToPixels(imageSize);
Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000);
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360);
Object mask = temp.createMask();
Style s = new Style();
FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial(
FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size);
Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size);
if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) {
avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage();
avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask);
We use the material design font image of a person to create an avatar placeholder image
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360);
Object mask = temp.createMask();
Style s = new Style();
FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial(
FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size);
Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size);
if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) {
avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage();
avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask);
if(avatar.get() != null) {
return URLImage.createToStorage(
EncodedImage.createFromImage(avatarImg, false),
filename, avatar.get(),
return avatarImg;
Masking doesn't work with FontImage so we convert the FontImage to a regular image and mask it
Graphics g = temp.getGraphics();
g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360);
Object mask = temp.createMask();
Style s = new Style();
FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial(
FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size);
Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size);
if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) {
avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage();
avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask);
if(avatar.get() != null) {
return URLImage.createToStorage(
EncodedImage.createFromImage(avatarImg, false),
filename, avatar.get(),
return avatarImg;
If we have an avatar URL we fetch the data from the URL into a file and mask using the given image automatically.

This isn't trivial but isn't hard either it will produce the round avatar images we see in Facebook. But we aren't done yet...
© Codename One 2017 all rights reserved
We need to the `Post` object for the newsfeed which lists "posts" on the wall. Again we can refer to the UI to decide on the content of this class:

* User - the person who wrote the post

* Date

* Title

* Content

* Visibility - is it public, friend only etc.

* Styling - we can configure the background image/color of the post

* Comments

* Likes

We'd also need an id for the post as before. Likes can't be a numeric count, since each user can only like once we need a list of users who liked a post.

Comments should be represented as a comment object as well, I'll get to that soon.
public class Post implements PropertyBusinessObject {
public final Property<String, Post> id = new Property<>("id");
public final Property<User, Post> user =
new Property<>("user", User.class);
public final LongProperty<Post> date = new LongProperty<>("date");
public final Property<String, Post> title = new Property<>("title");
public final Property<String, Post> content = new Property<>("content");
public final Property<String, Post> type = new Property<>("type");
public final Property<String, Post> visibility =
new Property<>("visibility");
public final Property<String, Post> styling = new Property<>("styling");
public final ListProperty<Comment, Post> comments =
new ListProperty<>("comment", Comment.class);
public final ListProperty<User, Post> likes =
new ListProperty<>("likes", User.class);
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Post",
id, user, date, title, content, type, visibility, styling,
comments, likes);
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
This is the post class.

Again the class matches the UI almost to the letter
public class Post implements PropertyBusinessObject {
public final Property<String, Post> id = new Property<>("id");
public final Property<User, Post> user =
new Property<>("user", User.class);
public final LongProperty<Post> date = new LongProperty<>("date");
public final Property<String, Post> title = new Property<>("title");
public final Property<String, Post> content = new Property<>("content");
public final Property<String, Post> type = new Property<>("type");
public final Property<String, Post> visibility =
new Property<>("visibility");
public final Property<String, Post> styling = new Property<>("styling");
public final ListProperty<Comment, Post> comments =
new ListProperty<>("comment", Comment.class);
public final ListProperty<User, Post> likes =
new ListProperty<>("likes", User.class);
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Post",
id, user, date, title, content, type, visibility, styling,
comments, likes);
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
Comments and likes use list property to handle multiple entries under a post
public class Comment implements PropertyBusinessObject {
public final Property<String, Comment> id = new Property<>("id");
public final Property<String, Comment> postId =
new Property<>("post");
public final Property<User, Comment> userId =
new Property<>("userId");
public final Property<String, Comment> parentComment =
new Property<>("parentComment");
public final LongProperty<Comment> date = new LongProperty<>("date");
public final Property<String, Comment> text = new Property<>("text");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Comment",
id, postId, userId, date, parentComment, text);
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
This raises the obvious question about a comment, since we aren't close to implementing threaded comments yet I'll have to guess about the content of this entry.

Comments are bound to a parent post
public class Comment implements PropertyBusinessObject {
public final Property<String, Comment> id = new Property<>("id");
public final Property<String, Comment> postId =
new Property<>("post");
public final Property<User, Comment> userId =
new Property<>("userId");
public final Property<String, Comment> parentComment =
new Property<>("parentComment");
public final LongProperty<Comment> date = new LongProperty<>("date");
public final Property<String, Comment> text = new Property<>("text");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Comment",
id, postId, userId, date, parentComment, text);
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
They can be posted by any user, notice I use ID's instead of objects. This will be simpler during parsing of the data
public class Comment implements PropertyBusinessObject {
public final Property<String, Comment> id = new Property<>("id");
public final Property<String, Comment> postId =
new Property<>("post");
public final Property<User, Comment> userId =
new Property<>("userId");
public final Property<String, Comment> parentComment =
new Property<>("parentComment");
public final LongProperty<Comment> date = new LongProperty<>("date");
public final Property<String, Comment> text = new Property<>("text");
private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Comment",
id, postId, userId, date, parentComment, text);
public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() {
return idx;
The id of the parent comment or null. This allows us to implement nested comment threads. 

We need one final piece in the data model for now...

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  • 1. Creating a Facebook Clone - Part X There is a fine line between doing a mockup and implementing a data model. Once we have a UI in place designing the underlying data model becomes a puzzle of filling in the missing pieces. Before we go into the newsfeed I'd like to create the objects that represent users and posts. Having these in place will make things easier when we want to implement the server.
  • 2. User ✦First Name ✦Family Name ✦Email ✦Phone ✦Gender ✦Birthday © Codename One 2017 all rights reserved We'll use property objects which make server communication & caching trivial. First we'll start with the User object. We will need a new package to separate the data model, I went with: So what do we need for a user? A lot of these things are obvious from the signup UI: * First name * FamilyName * Email * Phone * Gender * Birthday
  • 3. public class User implements PropertyBusinessObject { public final Property<String, User> id = new Property<>("id"); public final Property<String, User> firstName = new Property<>("firstName"); public final Property<String, User> familyName = new Property<>("familyName"); public final Property<String, User> email = new Property<>("email"); public final Property<String, User> phone = new Property<>("phone"); public final Property<String, User> gender = new Property<>("gender"); public final LongProperty<User> birthday = new LongProperty<>("birthday"); public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User", id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar, birthday); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } public String fullName() { return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get(); } User We also need a unique id, since security is crucial I will go with a string based unique id. We also need a picture of the user to show next to his posts so an avatar entry will also help. This is all easy to express in a business object class. These properties match the things we said we needed to know about a user
  • 4. public class User implements PropertyBusinessObject { public final Property<String, User> id = new Property<>("id"); public final Property<String, User> firstName = new Property<>("firstName"); public final Property<String, User> familyName = new Property<>("familyName"); public final Property<String, User> email = new Property<>("email"); public final Property<String, User> phone = new Property<>("phone"); public final Property<String, User> gender = new Property<>("gender"); public final LongProperty<User> birthday = new LongProperty<>("birthday"); public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User", id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar, birthday); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } public String fullName() { return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get(); } User Dates are easy to store as long values since epoch
  • 5. new LongProperty<>("birthday"); public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User", id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar, birthday); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } public String fullName() { return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get(); } public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) { String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get(); if(existsInStorage(filename)) { try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename);) { return Image.createImage(is); } catch(IOException err) { Log.e(err); deleteStorageFile(filename); } } int size = convertToPixels(imageSize); Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000); Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); User Getting the full name is a pretty common thing so it makes sense to provide this helper method.
  • 6. new LongProperty<>("birthday"); public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User", id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar, birthday); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } public String fullName() { return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get(); } public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) { String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get(); if(existsInStorage(filename)) { try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename);) { return Image.createImage(is); } catch(IOException err) { Log.e(err); deleteStorageFile(filename); } } int size = convertToPixels(imageSize); Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000); Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); User Everything about this class is really simple except for the avatar. It should point at an image URL but how would we use it? To simplify that I'll add a getAvatar method to User that will include the functionality of fetching/caching/resizing and shaping the avatar image. The method accepts the image size in millimeters and returns an Image that matches that size
  • 7. new LongProperty<>("birthday"); public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User", id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar, birthday); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } public String fullName() { return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get(); } public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) { String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get(); if(existsInStorage(filename)) { try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) { return Image.createImage(is); } catch(IOException err) { Log.e(err); deleteStorageFile(filename); } } int size = convertToPixels(imageSize); Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000); Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); User If we have an image in cache for this user we'll return that image
  • 8. new LongProperty<>("birthday"); public final Property<String, User> avatar = new Property<>("avatar"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "User", id, firstName, familyName, email, phone, gender, avatar, birthday); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } public String fullName() { return firstName.get() + " " + familyName.get(); } public Image getAvatar(float imageSize) { String filename = "round-avatar-" + imageSize + "-" + id.get(); if(existsInStorage(filename)) { try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) { return Image.createImage(is); } catch(IOException err) { Log.e(err); deleteStorageFile(filename); } } int size = convertToPixels(imageSize); Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000); Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); User We load the image from storage, if loading failed due to corrupt image we'll delete the image file so the next call to this method will re-create it
  • 9. if(existsInStorage(filename)) { try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) { return Image.createImage(is); } catch(IOException err) { Log.e(err); deleteStorageFile(filename); } } int size = convertToPixels(imageSize); Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000); Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); g.setAntiAliased(true); g.setColor(0xffffff); g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360); Object mask = temp.createMask(); Style s = new Style(); s.setFgColor(0xc2c2c2); s.setBgTransparency(255); s.setBgColor(0xe9e9e9); FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial( FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size); Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size); if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) { avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage(); } avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask); User We create a mask image, that's a white on black circle that we'll use to crop the image so it will appear circular
  • 10. if(existsInStorage(filename)) { try(InputStream is = createStorageInputStream(filename)) { return Image.createImage(is); } catch(IOException err) { Log.e(err); deleteStorageFile(filename); } } int size = convertToPixels(imageSize); Image temp = Image.createImage(size, size, 0xff000000); Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); g.setAntiAliased(true); g.setColor(0xffffff); g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360); Object mask = temp.createMask(); Style s = new Style(); s.setFgColor(0xc2c2c2); s.setBgTransparency(255); s.setBgColor(0xe9e9e9); FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial( FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size); Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size); if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) { avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage(); } avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask); User We use the material design font image of a person to create an avatar placeholder image
  • 11. Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); g.setAntiAliased(true); g.setColor(0xffffff); g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360); Object mask = temp.createMask(); Style s = new Style(); s.setFgColor(0xc2c2c2); s.setBgTransparency(255); s.setBgColor(0xe9e9e9); FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial( FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size); Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size); if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) { avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage(); } avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask); if(avatar.get() != null) { return URLImage.createToStorage( EncodedImage.createFromImage(avatarImg, false), filename, avatar.get(), URLImage.createMaskAdapter(temp)); } return avatarImg; } } User Masking doesn't work with FontImage so we convert the FontImage to a regular image and mask it
  • 12. Graphics g = temp.getGraphics(); g.setAntiAliased(true); g.setColor(0xffffff); g.fillArc(0, 0, size, size, 0, 360); Object mask = temp.createMask(); Style s = new Style(); s.setFgColor(0xc2c2c2); s.setBgTransparency(255); s.setBgColor(0xe9e9e9); FontImage x = FontImage.createMaterial( FontImage.MATERIAL_PERSON, s, size); Image avatarImg = x.fill(size, size); if(avatarImg instanceof FontImage) { avatarImg = ((FontImage)avatarImg).toImage(); } avatarImg = avatarImg.applyMask(mask); if(avatar.get() != null) { return URLImage.createToStorage( EncodedImage.createFromImage(avatarImg, false), filename, avatar.get(), URLImage.createMaskAdapter(temp)); } return avatarImg; } } User If we have an avatar URL we fetch the data from the URL into a file and mask using the given image automatically. This isn't trivial but isn't hard either it will produce the round avatar images we see in Facebook. But we aren't done yet...
  • 13. Post ✦User ✦Date ✦Title ✦Content ✦Visibility ✦Styling ✦Comments ✦Likes © Codename One 2017 all rights reserved We need to the `Post` object for the newsfeed which lists "posts" on the wall. Again we can refer to the UI to decide on the content of this class: * User - the person who wrote the post * Date * Title * Content * Visibility - is it public, friend only etc. * Styling - we can configure the background image/color of the post * Comments * Likes We'd also need an id for the post as before. Likes can't be a numeric count, since each user can only like once we need a list of users who liked a post. Comments should be represented as a comment object as well, I'll get to that soon.
  • 14. public class Post implements PropertyBusinessObject { public final Property<String, Post> id = new Property<>("id"); public final Property<User, Post> user = new Property<>("user", User.class); public final LongProperty<Post> date = new LongProperty<>("date"); public final Property<String, Post> title = new Property<>("title"); public final Property<String, Post> content = new Property<>("content"); public final Property<String, Post> type = new Property<>("type"); public final Property<String, Post> visibility = new Property<>("visibility"); public final Property<String, Post> styling = new Property<>("styling"); public final ListProperty<Comment, Post> comments = new ListProperty<>("comment", Comment.class); public final ListProperty<User, Post> likes = new ListProperty<>("likes", User.class); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Post", id, user, date, title, content, type, visibility, styling, comments, likes); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { Post This is the post class. Again the class matches the UI almost to the letter
  • 15. public class Post implements PropertyBusinessObject { public final Property<String, Post> id = new Property<>("id"); public final Property<User, Post> user = new Property<>("user", User.class); public final LongProperty<Post> date = new LongProperty<>("date"); public final Property<String, Post> title = new Property<>("title"); public final Property<String, Post> content = new Property<>("content"); public final Property<String, Post> type = new Property<>("type"); public final Property<String, Post> visibility = new Property<>("visibility"); public final Property<String, Post> styling = new Property<>("styling"); public final ListProperty<Comment, Post> comments = new ListProperty<>("comment", Comment.class); public final ListProperty<User, Post> likes = new ListProperty<>("likes", User.class); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Post", id, user, date, title, content, type, visibility, styling, comments, likes); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } } Post Comments and likes use list property to handle multiple entries under a post
  • 16. public class Comment implements PropertyBusinessObject { public final Property<String, Comment> id = new Property<>("id"); public final Property<String, Comment> postId = new Property<>("post"); public final Property<User, Comment> userId = new Property<>("userId"); public final Property<String, Comment> parentComment = new Property<>("parentComment"); public final LongProperty<Comment> date = new LongProperty<>("date"); public final Property<String, Comment> text = new Property<>("text"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Comment", id, postId, userId, date, parentComment, text); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } } Comment This raises the obvious question about a comment, since we aren't close to implementing threaded comments yet I'll have to guess about the content of this entry. Comments are bound to a parent post
  • 17. public class Comment implements PropertyBusinessObject { public final Property<String, Comment> id = new Property<>("id"); public final Property<String, Comment> postId = new Property<>("post"); public final Property<User, Comment> userId = new Property<>("userId"); public final Property<String, Comment> parentComment = new Property<>("parentComment"); public final LongProperty<Comment> date = new LongProperty<>("date"); public final Property<String, Comment> text = new Property<>("text"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Comment", id, postId, userId, date, parentComment, text); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } } Comment They can be posted by any user, notice I use ID's instead of objects. This will be simpler during parsing of the data
  • 18. public class Comment implements PropertyBusinessObject { public final Property<String, Comment> id = new Property<>("id"); public final Property<String, Comment> postId = new Property<>("post"); public final Property<User, Comment> userId = new Property<>("userId"); public final Property<String, Comment> parentComment = new Property<>("parentComment"); public final LongProperty<Comment> date = new LongProperty<>("date"); public final Property<String, Comment> text = new Property<>("text"); private final PropertyIndex idx = new PropertyIndex(this, "Comment", id, postId, userId, date, parentComment, text); @Override public PropertyIndex getPropertyIndex() { return idx; } } Comment The id of the parent comment or null. This allows us to implement nested comment threads. We need one final piece in the data model for now...