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EarthLab – Team Continuity Report 
Fall 2014 
Team Leader: Kimberly Nguyen 
Treasurer: Galust Yesayan 
Client Liaison: Sarkis Tarinian 
Webmaster: Kenny Lee 
Greywater Sub­Team 
Leader: Rachel Patron 
Rainwater Sub­Team 
Leader: Sam Ayrapetyan 
RFID Security Sub­Team 
Leader: Nareg Hovasapian 
iOS Mobile Application Sub­Team 
Leader: Alex Jin 
Team Member: Brian Choi 
Team Member: Jay Yoon 
Team Member: Darren Anthony 
Team Member: Lusine Petrosyan 
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Srivinas Sukumar 
TA: Robert Wolff 
Table Of Contents 
Executive Summary……………...……………...……………....…………...….4 
Greywater Recycling…….....……...……………...………………..….…....5­10 
Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....…...5 
Goals and Challenges...…………...……...…...…...…………………......5­6 
Design Structure & Function 
I. Concept……...…...….………...….…………..…..…..………7 
II. Projected Productivity……..…...……...……...….…..………7 
III. Materials…………………...……...………....………...….….7 
IV. Waste……...……...…………...………...….………………...8 
V. Size, Elevation, and Cost Considerations…………………….8 
VI. Prototyping…………………...……...………....…….…...…..9 
VII. Process Testing……………...……...………....………...……9 
VIII. Cost Analysis……………...……...…………...…………...…9 
Future Goals & Task List...……...…………...…………...………………10 
Schedule of Tasks……………...…………...…………...………………..10 
iOS Mobile App………...…………...……...……………...….....................11­12 
Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....….11 
Goals and Challenges...…………...…...…...…………………..................11 
Code Structure & Function…………...……..………….…...……..…......12 
Schedule of Tasks………..…...…………...…………...………………....12 
Rainwater Catchment System……………...……...……………...…........13­15 
Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....….13 
Goals and Challenges...…………...…...…...………..………………........13 
Design Structure & Function 
I. Concept……...…...….………...….…………..…..…..…..…13 
II. Materials…………………...……...………....………...……14 
III. Prototyping…………………...……...………....…….……..14 
IV. Cost Analysis……………...……...…………...…………14­15 
Future Goals…………......……...…………...…………...……………….15 
Schedule of Tasks……………...…………...…………...……………......15 
RFID Security System……………...……...……………….……...…........16­20 
Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....….16 
I. Concept Design & Function……...………………..…….....…...….16 
II. Cost Analysis………………………………………………………16 
III. Materials…………………………………………………………....17 
Research and Challenges...………….....…...………..………………..17­18 
Future Goals…………......……...…………...…………...……………….19 
Schedule of Tasks……………...…………...…………...……………......19 
Executive Summary 
EarthLab is currently a team of thirteen various engineers and computer scientists. The 
mission of Earthlab is to provide for greater exposure of STEM projects and careers to the youth 
of Millennial Tech Middle (MTM), a middle school that cultivates the science, technology, 
engineering and mathematics skills necessary for students to become global leaders and 
productive citizens in their chosen career path. The EarthLab Team is sustained through the 
Global TIES program at UC San Diego. 
EarthLab is divided into four sub­teams: 
Greywater Recycling led by Rachel Patron; 
Rainwater Catchment led by Sam Aryapetyan; RFID Security led by Nareg Hovasapian; and iOS 
Mobile App led by Alex Jin. Each of these projects are carefully designed to instill STEM 
fundamentals in a fun and interactive way such that students are engaged and interested. 
Meanwhile, the projects themselves have potential toward becoming life­sized, 
development systems that would alleviate MTM’s electricity bills, make effective use of MTM’s 
4 acre land, and reduce the footprint of the school as a whole. Another Global TIES Team, K­12, 
will be working on the lecture guidelines for the educational component of our designs. 
The Greywater sub­team 
concentrates on the development and testing of a solar filtration 
system. The objective is to teach students about the water cycle – precipitation, evaporation, and 
condensation! A proposed solution to do so is to have students design their own “prototypes” of 
the solar filter design using cardboard and aluminum foil to catch water, harness solar energy, 
and evaporate the water all under less than an hour. The cardboard and aluminum foil models 
can distill up to a liter of water a day! 
The Rainwater Catchment sub­team 
is focused on the development of a series of 
rainwater catchment systems to demonstrate to students the effects of pressure, velocity, and 
shape on the flow rate and re­directing 
of water. The prototype is meant to expose students to the 
idea of geometry, flow rates, and a simple, everyday useful design. 
Last year, the iOS Mobile Application team allowed students, teachers, and community 
members to access a customized EarthLab application through strategically placed QR codes that 
linked directly to an ever growing database. This year, the team is aiming to expand the project 
with additional features! One such feature is a database that keeps record of how often and when 
students scan certain QR codes. The feature may be useful to incorporate in a class when the 
teacher is having the students out on a field trip around EarthLab. 
Last, but definitely not least, the RFID Security Team stumbled upon some very 
interesting technology! The incorporation of radio­frequency 
identification (RFID) may well 
become an invaluable asset to the EarthLab Learning Center. Using innovative radio technology, 
the Team intends to strategically place the identification within certain objects, such as expensive 
solar panels ot plants, to prevent theft and maintain security around the Learning Center. 
Greywater Recycling 
Project Description 
With the current drought and limited freshwater sources, one of the problems presented to the 
Earthlab team is the need to teach students about the importance of water conservation and filtration. A 
system of greywater recycling was suggested by the client so our team decided to develop the concept 
As the inaugural quarter of the Greywater Recycling sub­team, 
the first half of the term was 
invested in researching how greywater recycling worked, what it could be used for, and which filtration 
methods were actually plausible. The end goal of this quarter was to synthesize an easily 
understandable filtration design that would serve as a teaching module for the educators and students of 
Millennial Tech Middle. 
We hope that with the completion of this project Earthlab will sustain some of its horticulture 
on recycled water from the school and inspire the next generation to take on the necessary challenge of 
clean water alternatives. 
This Quarter’s Goals and Challenges 
The main focus of these 10 weeks was to synthesize a way Greywater could be used as a 
teaching module. Because the mission of Earthlab is to provide a learning space for school children, we 
recognized that kids would learn more from a visible demonstration rather than an underground piping 
system, so aboveground is the landscape of our design. 
The team brainstormed several solutions, including the biofilter, sand filter, and the settling 
filter. The biofilter however was too difficult to teach and expensive to possess and the sand filter and 
settling filter were neither substantial nor clearly understood enough to be designed as a learning 
module. After deliberation of numerous systems, the team eventually decided on the idea to design a 
solar shed. 
Although distilled water is not the best water to use on plants, it is nonetheless severely more 
safe for children and better for plants than hyper­mineralised 
unfiltered water gathered from sinks and 
kitchens. In addition, the uses of distilled water are numerous, while there are little to no uses for 
unfiltered water. 
Now – while the full piping system from on­site 
water sources would be an impressive feat for 
undergraduate engineers, this portion of the project should be saved for after the prototyping process 
and is likely better done by certified engineers and technicians. The structure that we came up with has 
four walls and a 45 degree angled roof. It is lined at the bottom with a removable bioadhesive material 
that will catch harmful bacteria and waste. Painted black to accumulate heat in its system, the shed will 
warm the water that enters to evaporation. The vapor condenses at the roof which is angled in order to 
direct the water into gutters that lead the water to clean water storage containers. This water will be 
usable for any Earthlab needs. Distilled water is the number one water to use for cleaning. It is not as 
good as spring or well water in terms of irrigation, but is better than its tap alternative. Waste will be 
easily disposed of when the shed dries and the inner lining of the shed can be removed and cleaned. 
The main challenges from this quarter is in finding optimal method of filtration of greywater 
and makingup for the limitations of distilled water. Greywater is water that is considered lightly used 
and may come from washing food or washing hands. When the water is filtered in our method, it is 
considered distilled water. Distilled water is good for many things and is often used for industrial and 
experimental purposes. However, the deoxygenation of this water and lack of minerals makes it hard 
for the water to support life which makes it good for cleaning. In order to make this water optimal for 
watering plants, this water must be treated by oxygenation and mineralization. We hope that the 
Greywater Recycling team in the following quarters will address this issue. 
Design Structure & Function 
I. Design Concept 
The ­Solar 
Filter (GRSF) system works by 
harnessing solar energy to heat up the dirty water 
below, causing clean water to rise and adhere to the 
aluminum ceiling. The angled ceiling then allows 
for the clean, distilled droplets to run along the 
ceiling and collect in the gutters. The GRSF system 
is a 3 unit system that allows dirty water to travel 
through a PVC pipe into a dirty water storage tank 
that then funnels the water into the solar filter shed. 
The solar shed then distills it into a clean storage 
tank – ready for use. 
II. Projected Productivity 
In order to develop an equation for the production rate of clean water out of our system, 
several variables related to the rate of evaporation must be considered. The evaporation of water 
from a water surface depends on the temperature in the water and the temperature in the air as 
well as the humidity and velocity of the air above the water’s surface. The equation that relates 
these variables is: , where represents the evaporation rate gh = Θ A (xs — x) gh per hour, while 
Θ, A , xs , and x stand for the evaporation coefficient, surface area of the water surface, 
humidity ratio in saturated air at the given air temperature, and the humidity ratio in the present 
air, respectively. An important detail to note is that humidity is most relevantly expressed as kg 
H₂O / kg air. 
This equation will be now be evaluated to apply to our watershed. The evaporation coefficient 
for water is empirically defined as Θ = (25 + 19 v) , where v is the velocity of the air above the 
tank. Since our water supply will be in a tank, v is projected to be zero, meaning that our evaporation 
coefficient equals 25 kg/m2h . Our surface area will be 254 sq. feet which converts to 23.60 m². In order 
to calculate the humidity ratio in saturated air we must determine the temperature of the air in the tank. 
Considering the average temperature of San Diego, we will estimate the average temperature inside the 
tank to be about 20℃, and the saturation humidity ratio at this temperature would be xs = 0.014659. A 
common relative humidity for the air above a pool of water is 50% humidity, which leads to a humidity 
ratio of x = 0.0098. These values lead to an evaporation rate of 2.87 kg H₂O / hr. Taking the molecular 
mass of water to be 18.02 g/mol, and the standard conversion from grams to liquids of gases is 22.4 
mol/L, the calculations lead to 166 liters / day without factoring in the existence of aluminum, which 
would consistently increase or sustain the temperature inside the tank. 
This evaporated H₂O will condense and accumulate onto the roof and then fall down the slope 
and collect into the clean water storage. This a rough estimate made without the knowledge of the 
specific average temperature or relative humidity inside the tank. In reality, the temperature will likely 
be greater than 20℃ because of aluminum’s outstanding thermal conductivity, which will help 
productivity. Also, the relative humidity will likely be greater than 50% because of our system’s 
isolation to the atmosphere, which will decrease the evaporation rate. Further testing is needed to 
confirm the productivity of this system. 
III. Materials 
Materials chosen were in consideration of water’s most efficient rate of evaporation. Water 
evaporates faster at higher temperatures, so conducting material of a high thermal conductivity constant 
was chosen to line the inside of the shed. Aluminum is a strong conductor of heat meaning it will 
efficiently absorb whatever heat it is exposed to and directly conduct that heat into the tank of water, 
thus speeding up the evaporation process and creating a greater yield of clean water. 
Thermal conductivity is a measure of how quickly a material converts energy into a 
temperature. Aluminum has a thermal conductivity constant of about 220 W/m­K 
making it a viable yet 
inexpensive material for absorbing the heat inside inside the shed and directly conducting it into the 
water supply. 
IV. Waste 
In order to provide for a simple and safe waste management system, we will use a 
plastic with waterproof lining to plate the bottom half of the watershed, where the 
water that is about to be filtered sits. Negatively charged 
plastic with waterproof lining is heat­resistant, 
to prevent mold, and adheres biological organisms to 
prevent any traveling up the 72 inch wall and into the 
clean water exit. The projected plan is to line floor of the 
filtration system and 36 inches of the walls with a 
biologically adhesive, heat resistant, removable, reusable 
plastic similar to the plastic of petri dishes. This negatively 
charged plastic will attract biological agents such as cells 
and bacteria and will make it easier to remove and disinfect the waste from the greywater. Essentially, 
this plastic would be a tray with water resistant lining on the sides to stop water from seeping around 
the bin. This tray would be cheap and easily replaceable and facilitate a biological teaching component. 
V. Source: 
VI. Size, Elevation, and Cost Considerations 
The final structure will be 6x6 ft at its base and vary diagonally from 6 to 12 ft at its height. 304 
sq ft of plywood frame and gutter will be required as well as 254 sq ft of aluminum sheet interior. This 
provides for 254 square feet of external sun­facing 
surface area as well as 254 square feet of interior 
insulation. Aluminum sheeting, through a cost­benefit 
analysis, is the best material to use of its 
competitors (glass and steel) because 
of its simultaneous higher thermal 
conductivity constant and significantly 
lower cost. 
The size indeed may be 
adjusted, since the current calculations 
provide for 2.87 kg H₂O / hr – that is 
24 liters per day. Should less water be 
desired for filtration, adjustments for 
size decrease can be made. Decreasing 
size would linearly decrease cost of 
the structure. Due to the linear nature, 
calculations between cost, size, and 
flow rate are simple and easy. See 
Projected Productivity for more 
In addition, the structure 
works most efficiently if on a slope, so that gravity may be harnessed to coordinate the flow of water 
rather than installing a costly and complicated pump system. 
VI. Prototyping 
The GR­SF 
Solar Filter Prototype is made out of easy and accessible materials: cardboard, aluminum, 
and masking tape. With the life­sized 
box section of the Solar 
Filter designed to be 6ft x 6ft x 6ft, the box section of the 
prototype Solar Filter is 1/18th of that size, sitting at 4in x 4in x 
4in. With the cardboard and aluminum prototype, we tried to 
obtain an answer to whether the solar filter worked on a 
With the CAD model prototype, we are hoping 
investigate how the client responds to the Solar Filter and 
whether it is a structure the Client could envision on their 
VII. Process Testing 
We waterproofed and insulated the inside of the cardboard with aluminum and tape so that we 
could attempt a small­scale 
solar filtration. Together all of 
us tested the model and found that about a cup of water was 
distilled through a 1/18th scaled down prototype model. The 
testing took place on the 2nd floor deck of Geisel Library on 
an overcast Sunday, with the gutter water exiting into a cup 
that was held down by a ~ .5”x.5” pebble inside. The cup was 
filled to the brim. Discounting the volume of the pebble, we 
have ~ 1 cup of distilled water. Indeed, even on a small scale 
the solar filter is able to distill water a cup of water on such 
an overcast day. 
VIII. Cost Analysis 
Actual Structure Qty Unit of Issue Cost Tax Total (Prototype) Total (Actual) 
Sanded Plywood 10 SH $28.32 .07 $303.02 
Aluminum Sheet 30 SH $21.98 .07 $705.56 
Black Paint 1 CN $30.98 .07 $33.15 
Petri Dishes 3 BG (20 pk) $5.95 .07 $19.10 
Waterproof Lining 15 EA $7.67 .07 $123.10 
Aluminum Foil 1 BX $1.99 .07 $2.13 
Cardboard 1 BX $2.12 .07 $2.27 
$ 4.40 $ 1183.93* 
*Well within Budget 
Future Goals 
Incorporation into MTM: After the finalization of the filtration system, the next step 
would be the piping system that would incorporate the water sources from Millennial Tech 
Middle School and transport said water to Earthlab. We have identified that drinking fountains, 
bathroom sinks, and the kitchen are plausible sources of Greywater that do not contain harsh 
chemicals or unfilterable waste. The final blueprint of the piping system will be a goal for future 
Greywater Recycling teams. 
Treatment of Water for Plant Use: The distilled water is good for cleaning and can be 
used for dishes, pavement, and outdoor equipment. However, as discussed in the challenges for 
this quarter, a future goal for the Greywater Recycling team would be to make this water liveable 
should the clients want this water for watering the plants on Earthlab. The water needs to be 
oxygenated and mineralized as well as pH’d. This can be accomplished through maintenance 
systems found in aquariums but further research is necessary and other methods should be 
Educational Component: The Greywater Recycling team is excited about the possible 
curriculum that could be developed for the filtration shed. We hope that the next Greywater 
Recycling team will design an LED display for the shed that will provide figures for the students 
on how much water is filtered, the inside temperature of the shed, and other measurements that 
are useful to the curriculum developed by the K­12 
Global TIES team. We plan to communicate 
with the K­12 
Global TIES team to collaborate on the content of this display. 
Task List: 
• Obtain water sources. Rainwater Catchment and School Kitchen are viable sources. 
• Design pump / piping system from alternative water sources. 
• Find out if water must be used for watering plants. 
• If water must be used for other than washing, explore water treatment options. 
• Communicate with K­12 
team to develop teaching modules. 
Schedule of Tasks 
iOS Mobile App 
Project Description 
Technology is growing exponentially, and one of the areas that is growing even faster is the 
mobile technology industry. As the result, there are constant updates and changes required in order to 
fully utilize the technology. By taking advantage of our expertise in the Computer Science, we have 
dedicated ourselves last year and have developed an IOS application that will help boost learning 
experience of the young future scientists that visit Earthlab. This year, we have decided to extend our 
application and add more features that will bring benefits to students, teachers, and the managers of 
Goals and Challenges 
I. Last Quarter 
The application developed last year scans a QR code and displays information of the object 
related to each unique code by connecting to the Earthlab website. The coding language was written in 
Object C, which had been the main programming language for devices running under iOS. 
II. This Quarter 
This year, we have decided to extend this feature and add another feature that will keep track of 
all the scans made in Earthlab for each visitor. The feature will allow students to review what they have 
seen during the trip at Earthlab and allow them to reflect on what they have learned throughout the day. 
Teachers may evaluate the statistics of QR visits and further enhance the learning experience by 
teaching materials that students are most interested in. Also, the feature will allow managers of 
Earthlab to decide what kind of projects they need to expand on by giving them statistical data that 
shows what students are interested in. 
Changes were also made in the back­end 
– a new language called Swift has emerged recently in 
an effort by Apple to make IOS programming easier and faster. To take advantage of the new features 
of Swift, we have decided to convert our existing code from Object C to Swift. The switch will allow 
us to have bigger scope of the application, speed up the execution time of the application, and allow for 
more potential on what new features could be added into the application. 
III. Next Quarter 
The main challenge to face in the project is the novelty of Swift and the database logistics. 
Since Swift is a new language, we are not very familiar with the syntax. There is a learning curve that 
we need to overcome as a team in order to convert our code to Swift. The other challenge is to finding a 
host to implement a database that will be used to keep record of the number of scans. This can easily be 
solved once we find a free website that hosts databases. 
Code Structure & Function 
Although it has its benefits, Objective C is a slow language. The main reason for this is 
that Objective C guarantees every method to be dynamically dispatched. Since there are no static 
dispatched at all, it makes it impossible to optimize the program using Objective C. Swift, on the 
other hand, allows static optimization, which increases the speed of the program around 40 
percent compared to the one that is written in Objective C. 
Schedule of Tasks 
Rainwater Catchment 
Project Description 
Rainwater catchment, or harvesting, is the gathering and reusing of rainwater for specific on­site 
locations instead of allowing it to runoff. One of the advantages of rainwater catchment is having 
water during droughts and being able to control where the water goes. The Earthlab team is 
working on creating a system/prototype that will successfully collect rainwater and store it in 
bins located in Earthlab. After the rainwater is successfully collected, our Rainwater Catchment 
team is planning on distributing the collected rainwater from the storage bins to the nearby 
creek/wildlife area to maintain the necessary wetland. 
Quarter’s Goals and Challenges 
For the Rainwater Catchment team, this quarter was mainly spent researching and brainstorming. 
This was the first quarter of the team’s project therefore we had to spend a lot of time learning 
about different ways to harvest rainwater, the variety of materials that could be used, and the 
ways to store the collected rainwater. The final goal for this quarter was to create a working 
prototype of our designed system and to have an educational plan associated with our project that 
can be taught to the students of Millennial Tech Middle School who visit Earthlab. 
Design Structure & Function 
I. Concept 
Through research and intuition, our Rainwater team decided to go through with a simple 
yet effective design for our needs. Our design incorporates a slanted roof design where the water 
trickles down and meets in the middle to be further guided through a gutter and into a rainwater 
bin. The design allows for sunlight to enter the interior without any lighting, especially in the 
winter, and shade for those hot summer days. 
II. Materials 
The material ingredients needed for our design were made feasible and basic, due to the 
simplistic nature of our project design. 
Materials were selected in consideration with So­Cal 
weather conditions and limited 
rainfall, in other words, non­severe 
weather conditions. 
Our first piece of hardware is the “Catch­a­Raindrop” 
PVC plastic made for durability 
and designed to filter out debris in rainwater collection systems. The system can easily connect a 
garden house directly to water plants, which is highly advantageous for its purpose in Earthlab. 
The next requested material is the 10ft. White Traditional Vinyl Gutter. The gutter is 
lightweight and easy to install. Because it has a high­capacity, 
it channels water easier and 
prevents garden erosion and foundation damage. The vinyl coating resists rusting and corrosion, 
so it will remain aesthetically pleasing in Earthlab. 
The last piece of our design is a 5ft. Classic Rib Steel Roof Panel in Galvalume. Simply, 
this piece will guide the rainwater through its grooves to the gutter where it will be dispensed 
into a bin. The roof panel withstands severe weather conditions including high winds and 
and is virtually maintenance free and resistance to mildew or rotting. 
III. Prototype 
To visually illustrate our team’s design, we constructed a small prototype made out of 
purely cardboard, tape, and a flask filler. After testing it out, the cardboard as one would imagine 
would get wet and lose much of its chemical 
properties, so we plan to show it off by putting 
aluminum all over the surface for demonstration 
By cutting up a small packaged box, we used a 
part of it for the base(representing the shipping 
container) and the other part for the slanted roof 
design. The flask filler was used as the gutter, to catch 
the water as it ran down the valley of the slant. 
IV. Cost Analysis 
As you can see from the table below, we are 
well within budget and should have no problem 
purchasing any of the items needed for the system. All 
items on the list should be purchased from Home 
Depot. Later on, as we detail our design, we might 
need to purchase some 2x4s and such, but that should 
not affect the cost significantly. 
Category Item Description Item Shipping Total 
Hardware Amerimax Home Products 
6.85x(4) $0.00 $30.00 
Hardware 10ft White Traditional Vinyl 
3.98x(5) $0.00 $22.00 
Hardware 5ft Classic Rib Steel Roof Panel 
in Galvalume 
13.98x(3) $0.00 $44.00 
Other Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 
Total $96.00 
Future Goals 
In the next few quarters, the Rainwater Catchment team’s main goals will be to create a 
better prototype, purchase the materials needed for the system, and finally build the actual 
system in Earthlab. The current prototype of the system that we have is made with simple 
materials, such as cardboard, and is acceptable in order to present the main purpose and goal of 
our project. However in the future, we hope to have a prototype made with materials similar to 
the actual system we are designing in order to have a much more accurate representation. 
We hope to present and get feedback for that prototype along with a list of a few 
educational lessons that can be taught to the students when they visit Earthlab. Once the 
prototype is approved, our next steps will be to purchase the materials needed to start building 
the rainwater catchment system. Hopefully by the end of the school year or beginning of 
summer, or team or any future team will have approval to start building the system in Earthlab. 
Schedule of Tasks 
Identification Security 
Project Description 
I. Concept 
EarthLab is a 4­acre 
open space parcel that the San Diego community seeks to use as an 
outdoor learning facility for students. Through EarthLab, our sub­team 
is working on using Radio 
Frequency Identification to transfer data through electromagnetic fields and track tags attached to 
certain objects. 
The concept for our team project was first introduced through using the ADA pathway. The 
ADA pathway at EarthLab was originally going to be used as an pathway where students can interact 
with the facility and learn. Through research and group meetings the project slowly transformed to 
using RFID technology to not only secure the EarthLab facility but also serve as an educational project. 
RFID is an acronym for Radio­frequency 
identification. RFID is used to transfer data through 
electromagnetic fields and tracking tags attached to certain objects. These “tags” contain electronically 
stored information. Our primary goal using RF technology is to program chips, connect them to 
expensive material on the facility, and sync them with nearby sensors to be tracked. 
II. Cost Analysis 
Actual Structure Qty Cost Tax Total Cost 
Arduino UNO R3 
1 $26.25 .07 $28.09 
SMAKN 315Mhz Rf 
5 $6.99 .07 $37.40 
2pcs nRF24L01+ 
2.4GHz Wireless 
5 6.98 .07 $37.34 
Leviton WST05­10 
LevNet RF Threaded 
Mount 3­Wire 
Relay Receiver 
1 $55.78 .07 $59.68 
Total: $162.51 
III. Materials 
Arduino UNO R3 board 
SMAKN 315Mhz Rf Transmitter 
nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver 
Leviton WST05­10 
LevNet RF Threaded 
Mount 3­Wire 
500 Relay Receiver 
Quarter Research and Challenges 
Our primary goal using RF technology was to program chips to play prerecorded messages that 
give information about different areas of EarthLab. For research we first thought about all the other 
ways we can implement the RFID technology to be used at EarthLab. 
Our Research: 
I. ADA Pathway: The first use we first thought of was to have play prerecorded messages that 
give information about different areas of Earth Lab whenever students holding a RFID tag go 
near one of our sensors. The pre­recorded 
messages would be educational and help students 
learn more about a particular plant, activity, or event at the facility. 
II. Social Photobooth: Another use that we have thought that may incorporate the Radio 
Frequency technology would be a type of social booth where users who take pictures at the 
booth at the ADA interactive path will use NFC and RFID technology to post photos you take 
onto your facebook or twitter. 
III. Display Clock: Another idea we developed would be having a display clock at the EarthLab 
site. The display clock would another unique way students can learn more about the RFID 
technology visually. Students visiting the site holding RFID tags can walk up to our clock and 
change the color of the display, according to what RFID tags they were given. 
IV. Security: As the most flexible auto­identification 
technology, RFID can be used to track and 
monitor the physical world automatically and with accuracy. RFID can tell you what an object 
is, where it is, and even its condition its in. RFID sensor technology can sure as an integral part 
of making sure the EarthLab facility is safe and secure. RFID may have many uses like 
protecting plants from being stolen at the Earth Lab site. Cactus thieves get about $500­$ 
per cactus and been a recent issue in Los Angeles. RFID tags can serve as a deterrent to the 
thieves. The RFID tags can be read by sensors about a foot away and if one is taken from its 
location, it can alert and reveal the location through the chips GPS. 
Our Conclusions: 
After speaking with both the EarthLab team and our colleagues we decided the RFID security 
system would be our goal to complete. Our biggest challenge right now would be to obtain the 
necessary information about how RFID systems work and interact with sensors. We hope to overcome 
this challenge by first researching, planning, and speaking to our Advisor’s colleague Michael who 
owns a lab in Pacific Beach. 
Future Goals 
Prototype: After using this quarter for research and planning, we will dedicate most of 
next quarter for prototyping and building. The hardest part of a project is research, getting the 
ideas down, and deciding what to do/build. Since we did that this quarter, we have ample amount 
of time to put those ideas into an actual prototype. We have a wide budget in which we can use 
to buy all the equipment that would provide the best security for Earthlab. 
The Use of Outside Sources/ UCSD Alumni: Michael was a member of the Earthlab 
team that graduated UCSD recently. We have met Michael during our trip to visit the Earthlab 
site. What we have learned about Michael is that he has a workshop in which we can use to make 
the prototype. Both Dr. Sukumar (our faculty advisor) and Robert (our T.A) suggested we get in 
contact with Michael because of his workshop, and more importantly, his ability to work with his 
hands. He is very educated with what we are planning to work on, therefore he is a great resource 
to take advantage of. It would be a great way to get started, and use Michael’s expertise to point 
us into the right direction. 
Education: Besides building and working on projects for the Earthlab site, we are 
concentrating highly on the educational aspect of our sub­team 
project. Besides being a 
community center, Earthlab, is a site that is also a school. It consists of students that range from 
grades 6­8. 
We think that with our project, we can excite students about science and engineering. 
We will be working with Ardiuno Uno, transmitters, receivers, base stations, sensors, gps, etc. 
There are many new things that we are learning ourselves, therefore, we want to come up with 
ways in which we can teach the students of how things work. 
Schedule of Tasks 
Srinivas Sukumar ­Advisor 
and Project Manager 
Joanna ­Earthlab 
Team Contact Information 
Srinivas Sukumar ­­Faculty 
Phone: #1­858­603­0510 
Robert Wolff ­­Teaching 
Phone: #1­619­931­4558 
Kimberly Nguyen ­­Fall 
2014 Team Lead 
Phone: #1­619­808­8974 
Client Contact Information 
Leslie Reynolds ­­Earthlab 
Phone: #1­619­543­0430 
Email: leslie­reynolds@ 
Nicole Hersch 
Earthlab Manager 
Groundwork San Diego ­Chollas 
Phone: (619) 543­0430 

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CR - Fall 2014 - Google Docs

  • 1. EarthLab – Team Continuity Report Fall 2014 _______________________________________ Team Leader: Kimberly Nguyen Treasurer: Galust Yesayan Client Liaison: Sarkis Tarinian Webmaster: Kenny Lee Greywater Sub­Team Leader: Rachel Patron Rainwater Sub­Team Leader: Sam Ayrapetyan RFID Security Sub­Team Leader: Nareg Hovasapian iOS Mobile Application Sub­Team Leader: Alex Jin Team Member: Brian Choi Team Member: Jay Yoon Team Member: Darren Anthony Team Member: Lusine Petrosyan ______________________________________________________________________________ Faculty Advisor: Dr. Srivinas Sukumar TA: Robert Wolff _______________________________________ 1
  • 2. Table Of Contents Executive Summary……………...……………...……………....…………...….4 ______________________________________________________________________________ Greywater Recycling…….....……...……………...………………..….…....5­10 Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....…...5 Goals and Challenges...…………...……...…...…...…………………......5­6 Design Structure & Function I. Concept……...…...….………...….…………..…..…..………7 II. Projected Productivity……..…...……...……...….…..………7 III. Materials…………………...……...………....………...….….7 IV. Waste……...……...…………...………...….………………...8 V. Size, Elevation, and Cost Considerations…………………….8 VI. Prototyping…………………...……...………....…….…...…..9 VII. Process Testing……………...……...………....………...……9 VIII. Cost Analysis……………...……...…………...…………...…9 Future Goals & Task List...……...…………...…………...………………10 Schedule of Tasks……………...…………...…………...………………..10 ______________________________________________________________________________ iOS Mobile App………...…………...……...……………...….....................11­12 Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....….11 Goals and Challenges...…………...…...…...…………………..................11 Code Structure & Function…………...……..………….…...……..…......12 Schedule of Tasks………..…...…………...…………...………………....12 ______________________________________________________________________________ Rainwater Catchment System……………...……...……………...…........13­15 Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....….13 Goals and Challenges...…………...…...…...………..………………........13 2
  • 3. Design Structure & Function I. Concept……...…...….………...….…………..…..…..…..…13 II. Materials…………………...……...………....………...……14 III. Prototyping…………………...……...………....…….……..14 IV. Cost Analysis……………...……...…………...…………14­15 Future Goals…………......……...…………...…………...……………….15 Schedule of Tasks……………...…………...…………...……………......15 ______________________________________________________________________________ RFID Security System……………...……...……………….……...…........16­20 Project Description…………...……………...………………..…….....….16 I. Concept Design & Function……...………………..…….....…...….16 II. Cost Analysis………………………………………………………16 III. Materials…………………………………………………………....17 Research and Challenges...………….....…...………..………………..17­18 Future Goals…………......……...…………...…………...……………….19 Schedule of Tasks……………...…………...…………...……………......19 ______________________________________________________________________________ 3
  • 4. Executive Summary EarthLab is currently a team of thirteen various engineers and computer scientists. The mission of Earthlab is to provide for greater exposure of STEM projects and careers to the youth of Millennial Tech Middle (MTM), a middle school that cultivates the science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills necessary for students to become global leaders and productive citizens in their chosen career path. The EarthLab Team is sustained through the Global TIES program at UC San Diego. EarthLab is divided into four sub­teams: Greywater Recycling led by Rachel Patron; Rainwater Catchment led by Sam Aryapetyan; RFID Security led by Nareg Hovasapian; and iOS Mobile App led by Alex Jin. Each of these projects are carefully designed to instill STEM fundamentals in a fun and interactive way such that students are engaged and interested. Meanwhile, the projects themselves have potential toward becoming life­sized, sustainable development systems that would alleviate MTM’s electricity bills, make effective use of MTM’s 4 acre land, and reduce the footprint of the school as a whole. Another Global TIES Team, K­12, will be working on the lecture guidelines for the educational component of our designs. The Greywater sub­team concentrates on the development and testing of a solar filtration system. The objective is to teach students about the water cycle – precipitation, evaporation, and condensation! A proposed solution to do so is to have students design their own “prototypes” of the solar filter design using cardboard and aluminum foil to catch water, harness solar energy, and evaporate the water all under less than an hour. The cardboard and aluminum foil models can distill up to a liter of water a day! The Rainwater Catchment sub­team is focused on the development of a series of rainwater catchment systems to demonstrate to students the effects of pressure, velocity, and shape on the flow rate and re­directing of water. The prototype is meant to expose students to the idea of geometry, flow rates, and a simple, everyday useful design. Last year, the iOS Mobile Application team allowed students, teachers, and community members to access a customized EarthLab application through strategically placed QR codes that linked directly to an ever growing database. This year, the team is aiming to expand the project with additional features! One such feature is a database that keeps record of how often and when students scan certain QR codes. The feature may be useful to incorporate in a class when the teacher is having the students out on a field trip around EarthLab. Last, but definitely not least, the RFID Security Team stumbled upon some very interesting technology! The incorporation of radio­frequency identification (RFID) may well become an invaluable asset to the EarthLab Learning Center. Using innovative radio technology, the Team intends to strategically place the identification within certain objects, such as expensive solar panels ot plants, to prevent theft and maintain security around the Learning Center. 4
  • 5. Greywater Recycling Project Description With the current drought and limited freshwater sources, one of the problems presented to the Earthlab team is the need to teach students about the importance of water conservation and filtration. A system of greywater recycling was suggested by the client so our team decided to develop the concept further. As the inaugural quarter of the Greywater Recycling sub­team, the first half of the term was invested in researching how greywater recycling worked, what it could be used for, and which filtration methods were actually plausible. The end goal of this quarter was to synthesize an easily understandable filtration design that would serve as a teaching module for the educators and students of Millennial Tech Middle. We hope that with the completion of this project Earthlab will sustain some of its horticulture on recycled water from the school and inspire the next generation to take on the necessary challenge of clean water alternatives. This Quarter’s Goals and Challenges The main focus of these 10 weeks was to synthesize a way Greywater could be used as a teaching module. Because the mission of Earthlab is to provide a learning space for school children, we recognized that kids would learn more from a visible demonstration rather than an underground piping system, so aboveground is the landscape of our design. The team brainstormed several solutions, including the biofilter, sand filter, and the settling filter. The biofilter however was too difficult to teach and expensive to possess and the sand filter and settling filter were neither substantial nor clearly understood enough to be designed as a learning module. After deliberation of numerous systems, the team eventually decided on the idea to design a solar shed. Although distilled water is not the best water to use on plants, it is nonetheless severely more safe for children and better for plants than hyper­mineralised unfiltered water gathered from sinks and kitchens. In addition, the uses of distilled water are numerous, while there are little to no uses for hyper­mineralised unfiltered water. Now – while the full piping system from on­site water sources would be an impressive feat for undergraduate engineers, this portion of the project should be saved for after the prototyping process and is likely better done by certified engineers and technicians. The structure that we came up with has four walls and a 45 degree angled roof. It is lined at the bottom with a removable bioadhesive material that will catch harmful bacteria and waste. Painted black to accumulate heat in its system, the shed will warm the water that enters to evaporation. The vapor condenses at the roof which is angled in order to direct the water into gutters that lead the water to clean water storage containers. This water will be usable for any Earthlab needs. Distilled water is the number one water to use for cleaning. It is not as 5
  • 6. good as spring or well water in terms of irrigation, but is better than its tap alternative. Waste will be easily disposed of when the shed dries and the inner lining of the shed can be removed and cleaned. The main challenges from this quarter is in finding optimal method of filtration of greywater and makingup for the limitations of distilled water. Greywater is water that is considered lightly used and may come from washing food or washing hands. When the water is filtered in our method, it is considered distilled water. Distilled water is good for many things and is often used for industrial and experimental purposes. However, the deoxygenation of this water and lack of minerals makes it hard for the water to support life which makes it good for cleaning. In order to make this water optimal for watering plants, this water must be treated by oxygenation and mineralization. We hope that the Greywater Recycling team in the following quarters will address this issue. Design Structure & Function I. Design Concept The ­Solar Filter (GRSF) system works by harnessing solar energy to heat up the dirty water below, causing clean water to rise and adhere to the aluminum ceiling. The angled ceiling then allows for the clean, distilled droplets to run along the ceiling and collect in the gutters. The GRSF system is a 3 unit system that allows dirty water to travel through a PVC pipe into a dirty water storage tank that then funnels the water into the solar filter shed. The solar shed then distills it into a clean storage tank – ready for use. Source: 6
  • 7. II. Projected Productivity In order to develop an equation for the production rate of clean water out of our system, several variables related to the rate of evaporation must be considered. The evaporation of water from a water surface depends on the temperature in the water and the temperature in the air as well as the humidity and velocity of the air above the water’s surface. The equation that relates these variables is: , where represents the evaporation rate gh = Θ A (xs — x) gh per hour, while Θ, A , xs , and x stand for the evaporation coefficient, surface area of the water surface, humidity ratio in saturated air at the given air temperature, and the humidity ratio in the present air, respectively. An important detail to note is that humidity is most relevantly expressed as kg H₂O / kg air. This equation will be now be evaluated to apply to our watershed. The evaporation coefficient for water is empirically defined as Θ = (25 + 19 v) , where v is the velocity of the air above the tank. Since our water supply will be in a tank, v is projected to be zero, meaning that our evaporation coefficient equals 25 kg/m2h . Our surface area will be 254 sq. feet which converts to 23.60 m². In order to calculate the humidity ratio in saturated air we must determine the temperature of the air in the tank. Considering the average temperature of San Diego, we will estimate the average temperature inside the tank to be about 20℃, and the saturation humidity ratio at this temperature would be xs = 0.014659. A common relative humidity for the air above a pool of water is 50% humidity, which leads to a humidity ratio of x = 0.0098. These values lead to an evaporation rate of 2.87 kg H₂O / hr. Taking the molecular mass of water to be 18.02 g/mol, and the standard conversion from grams to liquids of gases is 22.4 mol/L, the calculations lead to 166 liters / day without factoring in the existence of aluminum, which would consistently increase or sustain the temperature inside the tank. This evaporated H₂O will condense and accumulate onto the roof and then fall down the slope and collect into the clean water storage. This a rough estimate made without the knowledge of the specific average temperature or relative humidity inside the tank. In reality, the temperature will likely be greater than 20℃ because of aluminum’s outstanding thermal conductivity, which will help productivity. Also, the relative humidity will likely be greater than 50% because of our system’s isolation to the atmosphere, which will decrease the evaporation rate. Further testing is needed to confirm the productivity of this system. Source: III. Materials Materials chosen were in consideration of water’s most efficient rate of evaporation. Water evaporates faster at higher temperatures, so conducting material of a high thermal conductivity constant was chosen to line the inside of the shed. Aluminum is a strong conductor of heat meaning it will efficiently absorb whatever heat it is exposed to and directly conduct that heat into the tank of water, thus speeding up the evaporation process and creating a greater yield of clean water. Thermal conductivity is a measure of how quickly a material converts energy into a temperature. Aluminum has a thermal conductivity constant of about 220 W/m­K making it a viable yet inexpensive material for absorbing the heat inside inside the shed and directly conducting it into the water supply. 7
  • 8. IV. Waste In order to provide for a simple and safe waste management system, we will use a negatively­charged plastic with waterproof lining to plate the bottom half of the watershed, where the water that is about to be filtered sits. Negatively charged plastic with waterproof lining is heat­resistant, waterproof to prevent mold, and adheres biological organisms to prevent any traveling up the 72 inch wall and into the clean water exit. The projected plan is to line floor of the filtration system and 36 inches of the walls with a biologically adhesive, heat resistant, removable, reusable plastic similar to the plastic of petri dishes. This negatively charged plastic will attract biological agents such as cells and bacteria and will make it easier to remove and disinfect the waste from the greywater. Essentially, this plastic would be a tray with water resistant lining on the sides to stop water from seeping around the bin. This tray would be cheap and easily replaceable and facilitate a biological teaching component. V. Source: VI. Size, Elevation, and Cost Considerations The final structure will be 6x6 ft at its base and vary diagonally from 6 to 12 ft at its height. 304 sq ft of plywood frame and gutter will be required as well as 254 sq ft of aluminum sheet interior. This provides for 254 square feet of external sun­facing surface area as well as 254 square feet of interior insulation. Aluminum sheeting, through a cost­benefit analysis, is the best material to use of its competitors (glass and steel) because of its simultaneous higher thermal conductivity constant and significantly lower cost. The size indeed may be adjusted, since the current calculations provide for 2.87 kg H₂O / hr – that is 24 liters per day. Should less water be desired for filtration, adjustments for size decrease can be made. Decreasing size would linearly decrease cost of the structure. Due to the linear nature, calculations between cost, size, and flow rate are simple and easy. See Projected Productivity for more details. In addition, the structure works most efficiently if on a slope, so that gravity may be harnessed to coordinate the flow of water rather than installing a costly and complicated pump system. 8
  • 9. VI. Prototyping The GR­SF Solar Filter Prototype is made out of easy and accessible materials: cardboard, aluminum, and masking tape. With the life­sized box section of the Solar Filter designed to be 6ft x 6ft x 6ft, the box section of the prototype Solar Filter is 1/18th of that size, sitting at 4in x 4in x 4in. With the cardboard and aluminum prototype, we tried to obtain an answer to whether the solar filter worked on a small­scale. With the CAD model prototype, we are hoping investigate how the client responds to the Solar Filter and whether it is a structure the Client could envision on their property. VII. Process Testing We waterproofed and insulated the inside of the cardboard with aluminum and tape so that we could attempt a small­scale solar filtration. Together all of us tested the model and found that about a cup of water was distilled through a 1/18th scaled down prototype model. The testing took place on the 2nd floor deck of Geisel Library on an overcast Sunday, with the gutter water exiting into a cup that was held down by a ~ .5”x.5” pebble inside. The cup was filled to the brim. Discounting the volume of the pebble, we have ~ 1 cup of distilled water. Indeed, even on a small scale the solar filter is able to distill water a cup of water on such an overcast day. VIII. Cost Analysis Actual Structure Qty Unit of Issue Cost Tax Total (Prototype) Total (Actual) Sanded Plywood 10 SH $28.32 .07 $303.02 Aluminum Sheet 30 SH $21.98 .07 $705.56 Black Paint 1 CN $30.98 .07 $33.15 Petri Dishes 3 BG (20 pk) $5.95 .07 $19.10 Waterproof Lining 15 EA $7.67 .07 $123.10 Aluminum Foil 1 BX $1.99 .07 $2.13 Cardboard 1 BX $2.12 .07 $2.27 $ 4.40 $ 1183.93* *Well within Budget 9
  • 10. Future Goals Incorporation into MTM: After the finalization of the filtration system, the next step would be the piping system that would incorporate the water sources from Millennial Tech Middle School and transport said water to Earthlab. We have identified that drinking fountains, bathroom sinks, and the kitchen are plausible sources of Greywater that do not contain harsh chemicals or unfilterable waste. The final blueprint of the piping system will be a goal for future Greywater Recycling teams. Treatment of Water for Plant Use: The distilled water is good for cleaning and can be used for dishes, pavement, and outdoor equipment. However, as discussed in the challenges for this quarter, a future goal for the Greywater Recycling team would be to make this water liveable should the clients want this water for watering the plants on Earthlab. The water needs to be oxygenated and mineralized as well as pH’d. This can be accomplished through maintenance systems found in aquariums but further research is necessary and other methods should be explored. Educational Component: The Greywater Recycling team is excited about the possible curriculum that could be developed for the filtration shed. We hope that the next Greywater Recycling team will design an LED display for the shed that will provide figures for the students on how much water is filtered, the inside temperature of the shed, and other measurements that are useful to the curriculum developed by the K­12 Global TIES team. We plan to communicate with the K­12 Global TIES team to collaborate on the content of this display. Task List: • Obtain water sources. Rainwater Catchment and School Kitchen are viable sources. • Design pump / piping system from alternative water sources. • Find out if water must be used for watering plants. • If water must be used for other than washing, explore water treatment options. • Communicate with K­12 team to develop teaching modules. Schedule of Tasks 10
  • 11. iOS Mobile App Project Description Technology is growing exponentially, and one of the areas that is growing even faster is the mobile technology industry. As the result, there are constant updates and changes required in order to fully utilize the technology. By taking advantage of our expertise in the Computer Science, we have dedicated ourselves last year and have developed an IOS application that will help boost learning experience of the young future scientists that visit Earthlab. This year, we have decided to extend our application and add more features that will bring benefits to students, teachers, and the managers of Earthlab. Goals and Challenges I. Last Quarter The application developed last year scans a QR code and displays information of the object related to each unique code by connecting to the Earthlab website. The coding language was written in Object C, which had been the main programming language for devices running under iOS. II. This Quarter This year, we have decided to extend this feature and add another feature that will keep track of all the scans made in Earthlab for each visitor. The feature will allow students to review what they have seen during the trip at Earthlab and allow them to reflect on what they have learned throughout the day. Teachers may evaluate the statistics of QR visits and further enhance the learning experience by teaching materials that students are most interested in. Also, the feature will allow managers of Earthlab to decide what kind of projects they need to expand on by giving them statistical data that shows what students are interested in. Changes were also made in the back­end – a new language called Swift has emerged recently in an effort by Apple to make IOS programming easier and faster. To take advantage of the new features of Swift, we have decided to convert our existing code from Object C to Swift. The switch will allow us to have bigger scope of the application, speed up the execution time of the application, and allow for more potential on what new features could be added into the application. III. Next Quarter The main challenge to face in the project is the novelty of Swift and the database logistics. Since Swift is a new language, we are not very familiar with the syntax. There is a learning curve that we need to overcome as a team in order to convert our code to Swift. The other challenge is to finding a host to implement a database that will be used to keep record of the number of scans. This can easily be solved once we find a free website that hosts databases. 11
  • 12. Code Structure & Function Although it has its benefits, Objective C is a slow language. The main reason for this is that Objective C guarantees every method to be dynamically dispatched. Since there are no static dispatched at all, it makes it impossible to optimize the program using Objective C. Swift, on the other hand, allows static optimization, which increases the speed of the program around 40 percent compared to the one that is written in Objective C. Schedule of Tasks 12
  • 13. Rainwater Catchment Project Description Rainwater catchment, or harvesting, is the gathering and reusing of rainwater for specific on­site locations instead of allowing it to runoff. One of the advantages of rainwater catchment is having water during droughts and being able to control where the water goes. The Earthlab team is working on creating a system/prototype that will successfully collect rainwater and store it in bins located in Earthlab. After the rainwater is successfully collected, our Rainwater Catchment team is planning on distributing the collected rainwater from the storage bins to the nearby creek/wildlife area to maintain the necessary wetland. Quarter’s Goals and Challenges For the Rainwater Catchment team, this quarter was mainly spent researching and brainstorming. This was the first quarter of the team’s project therefore we had to spend a lot of time learning about different ways to harvest rainwater, the variety of materials that could be used, and the ways to store the collected rainwater. The final goal for this quarter was to create a working prototype of our designed system and to have an educational plan associated with our project that can be taught to the students of Millennial Tech Middle School who visit Earthlab. Design Structure & Function I. Concept Through research and intuition, our Rainwater team decided to go through with a simple yet effective design for our needs. Our design incorporates a slanted roof design where the water trickles down and meets in the middle to be further guided through a gutter and into a rainwater bin. The design allows for sunlight to enter the interior without any lighting, especially in the winter, and shade for those hot summer days. 13
  • 14. II. Materials The material ingredients needed for our design were made feasible and basic, due to the simplistic nature of our project design. Materials were selected in consideration with So­Cal weather conditions and limited rainfall, in other words, non­severe weather conditions. Our first piece of hardware is the “Catch­a­Raindrop” PVC plastic made for durability and designed to filter out debris in rainwater collection systems. The system can easily connect a garden house directly to water plants, which is highly advantageous for its purpose in Earthlab. The next requested material is the 10ft. White Traditional Vinyl Gutter. The gutter is lightweight and easy to install. Because it has a high­capacity, it channels water easier and prevents garden erosion and foundation damage. The vinyl coating resists rusting and corrosion, so it will remain aesthetically pleasing in Earthlab. The last piece of our design is a 5ft. Classic Rib Steel Roof Panel in Galvalume. Simply, this piece will guide the rainwater through its grooves to the gutter where it will be dispensed into a bin. The roof panel withstands severe weather conditions including high winds and fire­advantages and is virtually maintenance free and resistance to mildew or rotting. III. Prototype To visually illustrate our team’s design, we constructed a small prototype made out of purely cardboard, tape, and a flask filler. After testing it out, the cardboard as one would imagine would get wet and lose much of its chemical properties, so we plan to show it off by putting aluminum all over the surface for demonstration purposes. By cutting up a small packaged box, we used a part of it for the base(representing the shipping container) and the other part for the slanted roof design. The flask filler was used as the gutter, to catch the water as it ran down the valley of the slant. IV. Cost Analysis As you can see from the table below, we are well within budget and should have no problem purchasing any of the items needed for the system. All items on the list should be purchased from Home Depot. Later on, as we detail our design, we might need to purchase some 2x4s and such, but that should not affect the cost significantly. 14
  • 15. Category Item Description Item Shipping Total Hardware Amerimax Home Products Catch­a­Raindrop 6.85x(4) $0.00 $30.00 Hardware 10ft White Traditional Vinyl Gutter 3.98x(5) $0.00 $22.00 Hardware 5ft Classic Rib Steel Roof Panel in Galvalume 13.98x(3) $0.00 $44.00 Other Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total $96.00 Future Goals In the next few quarters, the Rainwater Catchment team’s main goals will be to create a better prototype, purchase the materials needed for the system, and finally build the actual system in Earthlab. The current prototype of the system that we have is made with simple materials, such as cardboard, and is acceptable in order to present the main purpose and goal of our project. However in the future, we hope to have a prototype made with materials similar to the actual system we are designing in order to have a much more accurate representation. We hope to present and get feedback for that prototype along with a list of a few educational lessons that can be taught to the students when they visit Earthlab. Once the prototype is approved, our next steps will be to purchase the materials needed to start building the rainwater catchment system. Hopefully by the end of the school year or beginning of summer, or team or any future team will have approval to start building the system in Earthlab. Schedule of Tasks 15
  • 16. Radio­Frequency Identification Security Project Description I. Concept EarthLab is a 4­acre open space parcel that the San Diego community seeks to use as an outdoor learning facility for students. Through EarthLab, our sub­team is working on using Radio Frequency Identification to transfer data through electromagnetic fields and track tags attached to certain objects. The concept for our team project was first introduced through using the ADA pathway. The ADA pathway at EarthLab was originally going to be used as an pathway where students can interact with the facility and learn. Through research and group meetings the project slowly transformed to using RFID technology to not only secure the EarthLab facility but also serve as an educational project. RFID is an acronym for Radio­frequency identification. RFID is used to transfer data through electromagnetic fields and tracking tags attached to certain objects. These “tags” contain electronically stored information. Our primary goal using RF technology is to program chips, connect them to expensive material on the facility, and sync them with nearby sensors to be tracked. II. Cost Analysis Actual Structure Qty Cost Tax Total Cost Arduino UNO R3 board 1 $26.25 .07 $28.09 SMAKN 315Mhz Rf Transmitter 5 $6.99 .07 $37.40 2pcs nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver 5 6.98 .07 $37.34 Leviton WST05­10 LevNet RF Threaded Mount 3­Wire 500 Relay Receiver 1 $55.78 .07 $59.68 Total: $162.51 16
  • 17. III. Materials Arduino UNO R3 board SMAKN 315Mhz Rf Transmitter nRF24L01+ 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver Leviton WST05­10 LevNet RF Threaded Mount 3­Wire 500 Relay Receiver Quarter Research and Challenges Our primary goal using RF technology was to program chips to play prerecorded messages that give information about different areas of EarthLab. For research we first thought about all the other ways we can implement the RFID technology to be used at EarthLab. Our Research: I. ADA Pathway: The first use we first thought of was to have play prerecorded messages that give information about different areas of Earth Lab whenever students holding a RFID tag go near one of our sensors. The pre­recorded messages would be educational and help students learn more about a particular plant, activity, or event at the facility. II. Social Photobooth: Another use that we have thought that may incorporate the Radio Frequency technology would be a type of social booth where users who take pictures at the booth at the ADA interactive path will use NFC and RFID technology to post photos you take onto your facebook or twitter. 17
  • 18. III. Display Clock: Another idea we developed would be having a display clock at the EarthLab site. The display clock would another unique way students can learn more about the RFID technology visually. Students visiting the site holding RFID tags can walk up to our clock and change the color of the display, according to what RFID tags they were given. IV. Security: As the most flexible auto­identification technology, RFID can be used to track and monitor the physical world automatically and with accuracy. RFID can tell you what an object is, where it is, and even its condition its in. RFID sensor technology can sure as an integral part of making sure the EarthLab facility is safe and secure. RFID may have many uses like protecting plants from being stolen at the Earth Lab site. Cactus thieves get about $500­$ 5000 per cactus and been a recent issue in Los Angeles. RFID tags can serve as a deterrent to the thieves. The RFID tags can be read by sensors about a foot away and if one is taken from its location, it can alert and reveal the location through the chips GPS. Our Conclusions: After speaking with both the EarthLab team and our colleagues we decided the RFID security system would be our goal to complete. Our biggest challenge right now would be to obtain the necessary information about how RFID systems work and interact with sensors. We hope to overcome this challenge by first researching, planning, and speaking to our Advisor’s colleague Michael who owns a lab in Pacific Beach. 18
  • 19. Future Goals Prototype: After using this quarter for research and planning, we will dedicate most of next quarter for prototyping and building. The hardest part of a project is research, getting the ideas down, and deciding what to do/build. Since we did that this quarter, we have ample amount of time to put those ideas into an actual prototype. We have a wide budget in which we can use to buy all the equipment that would provide the best security for Earthlab. The Use of Outside Sources/ UCSD Alumni: Michael was a member of the Earthlab team that graduated UCSD recently. We have met Michael during our trip to visit the Earthlab site. What we have learned about Michael is that he has a workshop in which we can use to make the prototype. Both Dr. Sukumar (our faculty advisor) and Robert (our T.A) suggested we get in contact with Michael because of his workshop, and more importantly, his ability to work with his hands. He is very educated with what we are planning to work on, therefore he is a great resource to take advantage of. It would be a great way to get started, and use Michael’s expertise to point us into the right direction. Education: Besides building and working on projects for the Earthlab site, we are concentrating highly on the educational aspect of our sub­team project. Besides being a community center, Earthlab, is a site that is also a school. It consists of students that range from grades 6­8. We think that with our project, we can excite students about science and engineering. We will be working with Ardiuno Uno, transmitters, receivers, base stations, sensors, gps, etc. There are many new things that we are learning ourselves, therefore, we want to come up with ways in which we can teach the students of how things work. Schedule of Tasks 19
  • 20. Acknowledgements Srinivas Sukumar ­Advisor and Project Manager Joanna ­Earthlab Contact ______________________________________________________________________________ Team Contact Information Srinivas Sukumar ­­Faculty Adviser Phone: #1­858­603­0510 Email: Robert Wolff ­­Teaching Assistant Phone: #1­619­931­4558 Email: Kimberly Nguyen ­­Fall 2014 Team Lead Phone: #1­619­808­8974 Email: ______________________________________________________________________________ Client Contact Information Leslie Reynolds ­­Earthlab Contact Phone: #1­619­543­0430 Email: leslie­reynolds@ Nicole Hersch Earthlab Manager Groundwork San Diego ­Chollas Creek Phone: (619) 543­0430 Email: _______________________________________ 20