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Kayla Smith
ED ET 703, Spring 2012
Course Portfolio Reflection
April 18, 2012

                                Course Portfolio Reflection

        My portfolio (located at
contains several of the artifacts that I created this semester in ED ET 703, Design and
Development Tools II. I utilized and explored many different programs to produce
these assignments that incorporate various instructional and multimedia techniques.
Some of the programs that I used this semester were: GIMP, several online tools,
Microsoft Word, Adobe Flash, Kompozer, my GoDaddy internet domain, and NotePad
(HTML Coding) as well as countless other tools not mentioned above. All of the
assignments organized in this portfolio show the progress that I have made this
semester, the information that I have learned, and the successes that I have achieved as
an individual in the Educational Technology program. Although I encountered
numerous obstacles this semester, I have gained many skills in ED ET 703 that will help
me in the future as I continue to further my education.
        From January until now, I have grown in several ways and expanded my
knowledge with a variety of innovative tools and techniques. This semester can be
compared to a rollercoaster ride as I experienced many obstacles and challenges from
some of the assignments; however, there were lessons learned as well as numerous
achievements in the completion of the activities and projects displayed in my portfolio.
Furthermore, the artifacts presented in this portfolio show my progress and growth
throughout the entire semester. I feel as though I worked extremely hard and put forth
a lot of effort in this class. I definitely had my moments as I struggled with several of
the assignments, but I only wanted to learn the information presented in each activity
so that I could utilize the information for future purposes.
        Below are the specific activities and projects that I completed as well as the
lessons that I learned, difficulties that I encountered, and the successes that I achieved.
              ๏‚ง Graphics Activity One
                        ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: In Graphics Activity One, I used GIMP to modify
                           my first and last name as well as a picture that was taken last
                           Christmas. I still havenโ€™t fully mastered the program, but will
                           continue to learn about many of the different features and tools
                           that this program has to offer. The online class meeting as well
                           as the tutorials helped me tremendously with this assignment.
                           While completing Graphics Activity One, I learned a great deal of
                           information as I explored GIMP 2.6, a free image editing
                           program. I became knowledgeable about several of the features
                           within GIMP, including the steps to follow to alter the
                           background of an image, how to use various tools to edit an
Smith 2

           image, how to modify the pixels of an image, how to work with
           several different layers, and also how to manipulate text as well
           as pictures (e.g. opacity, black/white, etc.). The whole activity
           was a learning experience for me, and I definitely gained a great
           deal of knowledge using the program to complete the assigned
           tasks. I believe that this information will be useful as I continue
           to use GIMP in the future with other assignments.
        ๏‚ง My feelings towards the assignment remained the same
           throughout the activity as well as after it was finished.
           Ultimately, I enjoy learning new things about various programs,
           such as GIMP, and the many different ways to modify images.
           This assignment was engaging (and fun) and allowed me to
           become more familiar with the image editing program, GIMP.
        ๏‚ง Difficulties: I experienced some difficulty while completing this
           assignment because I was not extremely familiar with GIMP. I
           watched several tutorials to help me learn about the features
           within GIMP which allowed me to create appealing images and
           textual information. Unfortunately, I had to start over multiple
           times because I was either not happy with the way the
           assignment looked when I finished or I clicked on the wrong
           tool and altered the image in an unexpected way. I also
           encountered problems when I failed to save certain layers which
           required me to create the layer(s) again. This was the first time
           that I had worked with layers which became somewhat of a
           challenge. Nonetheless, I now have a better understanding
           about layers and feel more comfortable using them to complete
           future assignments.
๏‚ง   Graphics Activity Two
        ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: In this assignment, I created an animated
           graphic using the program, GIMP 2.6. For Graphics Activity Two,
           I decided to construct a scene that portrays a young child
           playing outside in the spring time because I work in an After-
           School Program and observe my students doing this on a daily
           basis. The scene shows that the spring season brings sunshine
           and warmth as well as blooming flowers and lively insects.
           Spring is a time for rebirth and renewal as plants, animals, and
           insects begin to emerge and flourish in a warmer environment.
           In the scene that I created, I mostly used the rectangle select tool
           as well as the ellipse select tool to assemble each piece of the
           assignment. I constructed the entire scene myself because I
           thought that was part of the requirements so it looks rather
           basic and simple. I really enjoyed this assignment and I hope to
           become more familiar with the features in GIMP. I feel like I
Smith 3

            have learned a great deal about this program and also acquired
            many new skills. However, I experienced minor difficulty when
            attempting to place the image of the butterfly on the scene.
            Initially, I wanted the butterfly to appear as if it was flying
            across the scene, but I couldnโ€™t determine the steps to do this. I
            searched all over the internet and still had no luck. Overall, I
            was pleased with my final animation as well as the progress
            that I made within the assignment and with GIMP.
         ๏‚ง I gained a great deal of knowledge while completing this
            assignment, including how to alter the width and height of the
            scene, change the background color with the Bucket Fill Tool, use
            the Rectangle Select Tool as well as the Ellipse Select Tool to create
            various shapes and objects, crop and resize images, utilize
            different layers in order to create an animation, and also become
            familiar with many of the tools within GIMP (e.g. Airbrush Tool,
            Scale Tool, Text Tool, Transform Tool, etc.)
๏‚ง   Flash Activity One
         ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: Flash Activity One was a new and challenging
            experience for me because I hadnโ€™t ever used Adobe Flash before
            or created an animated graphic. First of all, I enjoyed several
            parts of this assignment, but I also encountered a few obstacles.
            Initially, Adobe Flash created problems for me when
            downloading the free trial. I also became frustrated at the
            amount of time that it actually took to install the program on
            my computer. I had to start the download over numerous times
            because of various errors that occurred. After I conquered this
            problem, then I could finally begin the assignment portion and
            fulfill the specified requirements. The videos that Dr. Senn
            provided were extremely helpful while completing the
            animated graphic. In fact, I watched the videos once, followed
            the recommended steps, and produced the first version of the
            assignment; however, I decided that I didnโ€™t like the end result
            because the words (or letters) moved too quickly and I realized
            that the viewer wouldnโ€™t be able to experience the full effect of
            the flash graphic. For this reason, I started over, watched the
            videos again, and created the second version of this assignment
            which became my final product. Although Adobe Flash is a new
            program for me that I am not familiar with, I thought that the
            videos were simple and straightforward as I attempted to learn
            some of the features in this program. The assignment was fun
            and I definitely learned a great deal of information, but
            encountered one minor problem. I couldnโ€™t ever determine how
            to delete or change parts of the animated graphic without using
Smith 4

            the โ€œundoโ€ button. As a result, I had to perform many of the
            steps over which became tedious (but of course provided me
            with practice while learning this new program). I guess I could
            have saved different versions of the assignment (more
            frequently) to resolve this problem. Ultimately, Flash Activity
            One was new and challenging for me as I learned about the
            features within Adobe Flash, such as creating and breaking apart
            layers as well as applying classic and motion tweens, which
            allowed me to produce my first flash graphic. All of the
            information that I gained from this assignment will help me in
            the future as I complete other assignments that require similar
            knowledge and skills.
๏‚ง   Flash Activity Two
        ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For Flash Activity Two, I created an electronic
           greeting on the Fourth of July for the citizens of the United
           States to enjoy as they remember our military as well as our
           heritage. Unfortunately, this was a terrible experience for me
           and I am definitely not happy with the finished product. I had
           planned to use this assignment to make a greeting for my
           boyfriendโ€™s birthday; however, I just couldnโ€™t apply the
           information that I had learned in Flash Activity One to this one
           (for some reason). My difficulties developed with the layers
           because I didnโ€™t realize that the background layer should be
           placed on the bottom while all the others should have been
           arranged above it. I usually learn technology fairly quickly and
           enjoy exploring the programs to create these assignments. Sadly,
           Flash Activity Two was extremely difficult and frustrating
           because I couldnโ€™t find any useful YouTube videos about several
           of the requirements in the assignment. I finally located an
           instructional guide on Google which I used to help me create the
           electronic greeting on the Fourth of July. I will probably start
           over and try again in attempts to learn the program in a more
           effective manner and to create a greeting that displays all of the
           requirements. Nonetheless, I learned how to create and edit text,
           assemble an entire scene with various drawing tools, how to
           incorporate and edit sound, apply a motion and shape tween
           within the text and images, and also how to insert a button to
           replay the animation at the end. All of the above information
           that I learned from this assignment was extremely difficult and a
           definite challenge.
        ๏‚ง Difficulties: I experienced some difficulty while completing this
           assignment because I was not extremely familiar with Adobe
           Flash. I watched several tutorials to help me learn about the
Smith 5

         features within Adobe Flash, but fell short in many areas. I
         followed the steps in the video that Dr. Senn provided in
         Blackboard in order to stop the electronic greeting at the end
         and also to insert a replay button. Unfortunately, neither of
         these would operate correctly and I could not determine a
         solution to resolve the issues. Another problem that I
         encountered was with the Motion Guide. I searched Google and
         watched many tutorials, but never mastered this part of the
๏‚ง   WWW Personal Pages
      ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For this assignment, I created a website using
         Kompozer and my GoDaddy domain. Both the directions and the
         process that I followed were much more simple and straight-
         forward than the Flash Two assignment. This may be because I
         had created a website using a similar procedure last semester in
         ED ET 603 and this semester with my first course assignments
         page. It was a huge relief to be able to complete this assignment
         with little to no difficulties. However, I did encounter a few
         problems while building my website, but nothing extremely
         complicated. I think that I still need to explore Kompozer
         (extensively) which will help with any problems in the future.
         One difficulty that I experienced was when I attempted to copy
         and paste information from a Word document (e.g. in the
         resume section). Kompozer inserted a lot of symbols into the
         information which caused me to re-type several parts in order
         for the information to appear the way that I wanted. I am
         extremely particular about the consistency of the pages within
         the website, including the layout, font, and font color. I believe
         that the viewer should know what to expect from one page to
         the next. Another problem that I encountered was with the
         template that I chose to use for my website. Initially, I searched
         many websites for an appealing CSS Template and decided on
         one with a sunset to present my information. Unfortunately, the
         sunset did not appear on the website that I published, and I
         couldnโ€™t establish why this happened. The last difficulty that I
         experienced was related to the website name provided in the
         URL. Needless to say, I have not determined how to change the
         URL name (e.g. index.html) and I also donโ€™t understand how to
         organize my websites into different directories on my GoDaddy
         domain. As stated above, I have created three websites
         (including this one) on my domain, but I just continue to replace
         each one as I am assigned these tasks. In the future, I aspire to
         become more familiar with the features in Kompozer so that these
Smith 6

         problems donโ€™t occur again. I think with a bit more exploration
         and online assistance that I will be able to develop more solid
         and appealing websites. Overall, I enjoyed this assignment and
         think it will be beneficial as I continue to search for an
         elementary teaching position over the next school year.
๏‚ง   WWW Lesson
      ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For this assignment, I created a lesson for the
         students in my After-School Program. The content area that I
         focused on for this lesson was Science, specifically the states of
         matter. I selected this lesson because my students enjoy
         participating in hands-on activities that require inquiry,
         discovery, and cooperative learning. In this lesson, we begin by
         reading the book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, written by Dr.
         Seuss. After reading the book, we continue the lesson by
         discussing the different states of matter and then by making a
         unique substance called โ€œoobleckโ€. โ€œOobleckโ€ is a mystery
         matter that changes from a solid to a liquid which allows the
         students to experience the content in multiple ways. I didnโ€™t
         necessarily learn anything new about the content area, but it
         definitely refreshed my memory as I studied the material that I
         would teach to my students. While completing this assignment,
         I actually learned a great deal of information on the program,
         Kompozer. I attempted to retrieve help from the internet and I
         also contacted GoDaddy, but I basically had to learn the features
         on my own (pertaining to my Internet Domain). I encountered
         several difficulties while organizing my domain into different
         folders, and I became really frustrated because I modified the
         website many times and would upload it to my domain but the
         changes would not be displayed. Unfortunately, I still do not
         understand how to alter the URL where it only shows certain
         information; however, I hope to acquire this skill in the near
         future. Ultimately, I learned a lot from this assignment,
         including information about Kompozer and my GoDaddy domain
         (maybe next time I wonโ€™t be so frustrated with uploading
         websites to my domain, but it seems like I always encounter
      ๏‚ง I also created this website as a resource for my students and
         parents. This activity allowed me to produce an attractive
         website in order to provide important information as well as
         upcoming dates and reminders for the families that I
         communicate with on a daily basis. I learned many things in the
         creation of this website, including how to construct multiple
         pages within the website, how to embed an image and a video,
Smith 7

                         how to insert a link within specific text, how to utilize a CSS
                         Template, how to create meaningful window titles, and much
                         more. The Web Guide that we studied and referred to last
                         semester taught me a great deal of information about creating
                         websites as well.
                     ๏‚ง Changes: If I could go back to the beginning of the semester with
                         the knowledge that I have gained, I would purchase and use
                         Adobe Dreamweaver instead of Kompozer to design and publish
                         my websites. I think I would have encountered fewer problems
                         if I would have used a different program to create my websites.
                         It literally scares me to think about editing the information
                         within the websites because Iโ€™m afraid that some parts wonโ€™t
                         function properly after I do. Furthermore, I designed the
                         website to use for my job and will need to edit the information
                         because it is continually changing and therefore will defeat the
                         purpose if I donโ€™t revise it regularly and keep it up-to-date.
            ๏‚ง WWW Mobile
                     ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For this assignment, I decided to use the
                         personal pages that I had created in a previous assignment
                         earlier in the semester. Basically, I followed the directions that
                         Dr. Senn provided in Blackboard and embedded the HTML
                         Code in order for the website to support mobile devices. I didnโ€™t
                         experience a whole lot of difficulty while completing the
                         assignment; however, I never could determine if the code was
                         entered correctly because the website would not redirect on any
                         of the tester websites provided in the instructions. I searched for
                         information on Google and started over several times, but I
                         always had the same results. Initially, I thought that the format
                         of the website would be modified in order for a person to be
                         able to view it on a mobile device, but the information remained
                         the same when I attempted to use the websites and determine if
                         I had completed the assignment correctly. I believe that this
                         assignment was very useful and beneficial because I will be able
                         to optimize other websites for mobile purposes. The world has
                         become so reliant on these technological tools and I think that
                         itโ€™s important for people to be given access to all types of
                         information even on mobile devices.
        As you can see, I have learned a great deal of information throughout this
semester in ED ET 703. This course can be compared to some of the classes that I
completed in my undergraduate degree at Clemson University. We explored some of
the same techniques in those classes, but they werenโ€™t explained in nearly as much
detail. My experiences this semester relate to some of the previous courses that I have
taken because some of the programs and processes were similar to the ones I have used
Smith 8

before. For example, I have utilized PhotoShop Elements and Windows Movie Maker as
well as iMovie and various Web 2.0 tools in my previous classes at Clemson.
Unfortunately, my instructors didnโ€™t give me as much freedom in the assignments that I
completed in my undergraduate degree and therefore I didnโ€™t achieve as much success.
I donโ€™t believe that only one assignment or project was a success; however, I think that
the whole semester has been a success. In every assignment, I gained knowledge about
the different programs and tools and feel as though I produced appealing products
whether through graphics, or web development (or whatever the assignment entailed).
Ultimately, I think that learning in general is a success and that the completion of this
portfolio with each artifact definitely displays a feeling of achievement.

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Course Portfolio Reflection

  • 1. Smith 1 Kayla Smith ED ET 703, Spring 2012 Course Portfolio Reflection April 18, 2012 Course Portfolio Reflection My portfolio (located at contains several of the artifacts that I created this semester in ED ET 703, Design and Development Tools II. I utilized and explored many different programs to produce these assignments that incorporate various instructional and multimedia techniques. Some of the programs that I used this semester were: GIMP, several online tools, Microsoft Word, Adobe Flash, Kompozer, my GoDaddy internet domain, and NotePad (HTML Coding) as well as countless other tools not mentioned above. All of the assignments organized in this portfolio show the progress that I have made this semester, the information that I have learned, and the successes that I have achieved as an individual in the Educational Technology program. Although I encountered numerous obstacles this semester, I have gained many skills in ED ET 703 that will help me in the future as I continue to further my education. From January until now, I have grown in several ways and expanded my knowledge with a variety of innovative tools and techniques. This semester can be compared to a rollercoaster ride as I experienced many obstacles and challenges from some of the assignments; however, there were lessons learned as well as numerous achievements in the completion of the activities and projects displayed in my portfolio. Furthermore, the artifacts presented in this portfolio show my progress and growth throughout the entire semester. I feel as though I worked extremely hard and put forth a lot of effort in this class. I definitely had my moments as I struggled with several of the assignments, but I only wanted to learn the information presented in each activity so that I could utilize the information for future purposes. Below are the specific activities and projects that I completed as well as the lessons that I learned, difficulties that I encountered, and the successes that I achieved. ๏‚ง Graphics Activity One ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: In Graphics Activity One, I used GIMP to modify my first and last name as well as a picture that was taken last Christmas. I still havenโ€™t fully mastered the program, but will continue to learn about many of the different features and tools that this program has to offer. The online class meeting as well as the tutorials helped me tremendously with this assignment. While completing Graphics Activity One, I learned a great deal of information as I explored GIMP 2.6, a free image editing program. I became knowledgeable about several of the features within GIMP, including the steps to follow to alter the background of an image, how to use various tools to edit an
  • 2. Smith 2 image, how to modify the pixels of an image, how to work with several different layers, and also how to manipulate text as well as pictures (e.g. opacity, black/white, etc.). The whole activity was a learning experience for me, and I definitely gained a great deal of knowledge using the program to complete the assigned tasks. I believe that this information will be useful as I continue to use GIMP in the future with other assignments. ๏‚ง My feelings towards the assignment remained the same throughout the activity as well as after it was finished. Ultimately, I enjoy learning new things about various programs, such as GIMP, and the many different ways to modify images. This assignment was engaging (and fun) and allowed me to become more familiar with the image editing program, GIMP. ๏‚ง Difficulties: I experienced some difficulty while completing this assignment because I was not extremely familiar with GIMP. I watched several tutorials to help me learn about the features within GIMP which allowed me to create appealing images and textual information. Unfortunately, I had to start over multiple times because I was either not happy with the way the assignment looked when I finished or I clicked on the wrong tool and altered the image in an unexpected way. I also encountered problems when I failed to save certain layers which required me to create the layer(s) again. This was the first time that I had worked with layers which became somewhat of a challenge. Nonetheless, I now have a better understanding about layers and feel more comfortable using them to complete future assignments. ๏‚ง Graphics Activity Two ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: In this assignment, I created an animated graphic using the program, GIMP 2.6. For Graphics Activity Two, I decided to construct a scene that portrays a young child playing outside in the spring time because I work in an After- School Program and observe my students doing this on a daily basis. The scene shows that the spring season brings sunshine and warmth as well as blooming flowers and lively insects. Spring is a time for rebirth and renewal as plants, animals, and insects begin to emerge and flourish in a warmer environment. In the scene that I created, I mostly used the rectangle select tool as well as the ellipse select tool to assemble each piece of the assignment. I constructed the entire scene myself because I thought that was part of the requirements so it looks rather basic and simple. I really enjoyed this assignment and I hope to become more familiar with the features in GIMP. I feel like I
  • 3. Smith 3 have learned a great deal about this program and also acquired many new skills. However, I experienced minor difficulty when attempting to place the image of the butterfly on the scene. Initially, I wanted the butterfly to appear as if it was flying across the scene, but I couldnโ€™t determine the steps to do this. I searched all over the internet and still had no luck. Overall, I was pleased with my final animation as well as the progress that I made within the assignment and with GIMP. ๏‚ง I gained a great deal of knowledge while completing this assignment, including how to alter the width and height of the scene, change the background color with the Bucket Fill Tool, use the Rectangle Select Tool as well as the Ellipse Select Tool to create various shapes and objects, crop and resize images, utilize different layers in order to create an animation, and also become familiar with many of the tools within GIMP (e.g. Airbrush Tool, Scale Tool, Text Tool, Transform Tool, etc.) ๏‚ง Flash Activity One ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: Flash Activity One was a new and challenging experience for me because I hadnโ€™t ever used Adobe Flash before or created an animated graphic. First of all, I enjoyed several parts of this assignment, but I also encountered a few obstacles. Initially, Adobe Flash created problems for me when downloading the free trial. I also became frustrated at the amount of time that it actually took to install the program on my computer. I had to start the download over numerous times because of various errors that occurred. After I conquered this problem, then I could finally begin the assignment portion and fulfill the specified requirements. The videos that Dr. Senn provided were extremely helpful while completing the animated graphic. In fact, I watched the videos once, followed the recommended steps, and produced the first version of the assignment; however, I decided that I didnโ€™t like the end result because the words (or letters) moved too quickly and I realized that the viewer wouldnโ€™t be able to experience the full effect of the flash graphic. For this reason, I started over, watched the videos again, and created the second version of this assignment which became my final product. Although Adobe Flash is a new program for me that I am not familiar with, I thought that the videos were simple and straightforward as I attempted to learn some of the features in this program. The assignment was fun and I definitely learned a great deal of information, but encountered one minor problem. I couldnโ€™t ever determine how to delete or change parts of the animated graphic without using
  • 4. Smith 4 the โ€œundoโ€ button. As a result, I had to perform many of the steps over which became tedious (but of course provided me with practice while learning this new program). I guess I could have saved different versions of the assignment (more frequently) to resolve this problem. Ultimately, Flash Activity One was new and challenging for me as I learned about the features within Adobe Flash, such as creating and breaking apart layers as well as applying classic and motion tweens, which allowed me to produce my first flash graphic. All of the information that I gained from this assignment will help me in the future as I complete other assignments that require similar knowledge and skills. ๏‚ง Flash Activity Two ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For Flash Activity Two, I created an electronic greeting on the Fourth of July for the citizens of the United States to enjoy as they remember our military as well as our heritage. Unfortunately, this was a terrible experience for me and I am definitely not happy with the finished product. I had planned to use this assignment to make a greeting for my boyfriendโ€™s birthday; however, I just couldnโ€™t apply the information that I had learned in Flash Activity One to this one (for some reason). My difficulties developed with the layers because I didnโ€™t realize that the background layer should be placed on the bottom while all the others should have been arranged above it. I usually learn technology fairly quickly and enjoy exploring the programs to create these assignments. Sadly, Flash Activity Two was extremely difficult and frustrating because I couldnโ€™t find any useful YouTube videos about several of the requirements in the assignment. I finally located an instructional guide on Google which I used to help me create the electronic greeting on the Fourth of July. I will probably start over and try again in attempts to learn the program in a more effective manner and to create a greeting that displays all of the requirements. Nonetheless, I learned how to create and edit text, assemble an entire scene with various drawing tools, how to incorporate and edit sound, apply a motion and shape tween within the text and images, and also how to insert a button to replay the animation at the end. All of the above information that I learned from this assignment was extremely difficult and a definite challenge. ๏‚ง Difficulties: I experienced some difficulty while completing this assignment because I was not extremely familiar with Adobe Flash. I watched several tutorials to help me learn about the
  • 5. Smith 5 features within Adobe Flash, but fell short in many areas. I followed the steps in the video that Dr. Senn provided in Blackboard in order to stop the electronic greeting at the end and also to insert a replay button. Unfortunately, neither of these would operate correctly and I could not determine a solution to resolve the issues. Another problem that I encountered was with the Motion Guide. I searched Google and watched many tutorials, but never mastered this part of the assignment. ๏‚ง WWW Personal Pages ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For this assignment, I created a website using Kompozer and my GoDaddy domain. Both the directions and the process that I followed were much more simple and straight- forward than the Flash Two assignment. This may be because I had created a website using a similar procedure last semester in ED ET 603 and this semester with my first course assignments page. It was a huge relief to be able to complete this assignment with little to no difficulties. However, I did encounter a few problems while building my website, but nothing extremely complicated. I think that I still need to explore Kompozer (extensively) which will help with any problems in the future. One difficulty that I experienced was when I attempted to copy and paste information from a Word document (e.g. in the resume section). Kompozer inserted a lot of symbols into the information which caused me to re-type several parts in order for the information to appear the way that I wanted. I am extremely particular about the consistency of the pages within the website, including the layout, font, and font color. I believe that the viewer should know what to expect from one page to the next. Another problem that I encountered was with the template that I chose to use for my website. Initially, I searched many websites for an appealing CSS Template and decided on one with a sunset to present my information. Unfortunately, the sunset did not appear on the website that I published, and I couldnโ€™t establish why this happened. The last difficulty that I experienced was related to the website name provided in the URL. Needless to say, I have not determined how to change the URL name (e.g. index.html) and I also donโ€™t understand how to organize my websites into different directories on my GoDaddy domain. As stated above, I have created three websites (including this one) on my domain, but I just continue to replace each one as I am assigned these tasks. In the future, I aspire to become more familiar with the features in Kompozer so that these
  • 6. Smith 6 problems donโ€™t occur again. I think with a bit more exploration and online assistance that I will be able to develop more solid and appealing websites. Overall, I enjoyed this assignment and think it will be beneficial as I continue to search for an elementary teaching position over the next school year. ๏‚ง WWW Lesson ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For this assignment, I created a lesson for the students in my After-School Program. The content area that I focused on for this lesson was Science, specifically the states of matter. I selected this lesson because my students enjoy participating in hands-on activities that require inquiry, discovery, and cooperative learning. In this lesson, we begin by reading the book, Bartholomew and the Oobleck, written by Dr. Seuss. After reading the book, we continue the lesson by discussing the different states of matter and then by making a unique substance called โ€œoobleckโ€. โ€œOobleckโ€ is a mystery matter that changes from a solid to a liquid which allows the students to experience the content in multiple ways. I didnโ€™t necessarily learn anything new about the content area, but it definitely refreshed my memory as I studied the material that I would teach to my students. While completing this assignment, I actually learned a great deal of information on the program, Kompozer. I attempted to retrieve help from the internet and I also contacted GoDaddy, but I basically had to learn the features on my own (pertaining to my Internet Domain). I encountered several difficulties while organizing my domain into different folders, and I became really frustrated because I modified the website many times and would upload it to my domain but the changes would not be displayed. Unfortunately, I still do not understand how to alter the URL where it only shows certain information; however, I hope to acquire this skill in the near future. Ultimately, I learned a lot from this assignment, including information about Kompozer and my GoDaddy domain (maybe next time I wonโ€™t be so frustrated with uploading websites to my domain, but it seems like I always encounter problems!) ๏‚ง I also created this website as a resource for my students and parents. This activity allowed me to produce an attractive website in order to provide important information as well as upcoming dates and reminders for the families that I communicate with on a daily basis. I learned many things in the creation of this website, including how to construct multiple pages within the website, how to embed an image and a video,
  • 7. Smith 7 how to insert a link within specific text, how to utilize a CSS Template, how to create meaningful window titles, and much more. The Web Guide that we studied and referred to last semester taught me a great deal of information about creating websites as well. ๏‚ง Changes: If I could go back to the beginning of the semester with the knowledge that I have gained, I would purchase and use Adobe Dreamweaver instead of Kompozer to design and publish my websites. I think I would have encountered fewer problems if I would have used a different program to create my websites. It literally scares me to think about editing the information within the websites because Iโ€™m afraid that some parts wonโ€™t function properly after I do. Furthermore, I designed the website to use for my job and will need to edit the information because it is continually changing and therefore will defeat the purpose if I donโ€™t revise it regularly and keep it up-to-date. ๏‚ง WWW Mobile ๏‚ง Lessons Learned: For this assignment, I decided to use the personal pages that I had created in a previous assignment earlier in the semester. Basically, I followed the directions that Dr. Senn provided in Blackboard and embedded the HTML Code in order for the website to support mobile devices. I didnโ€™t experience a whole lot of difficulty while completing the assignment; however, I never could determine if the code was entered correctly because the website would not redirect on any of the tester websites provided in the instructions. I searched for information on Google and started over several times, but I always had the same results. Initially, I thought that the format of the website would be modified in order for a person to be able to view it on a mobile device, but the information remained the same when I attempted to use the websites and determine if I had completed the assignment correctly. I believe that this assignment was very useful and beneficial because I will be able to optimize other websites for mobile purposes. The world has become so reliant on these technological tools and I think that itโ€™s important for people to be given access to all types of information even on mobile devices. As you can see, I have learned a great deal of information throughout this semester in ED ET 703. This course can be compared to some of the classes that I completed in my undergraduate degree at Clemson University. We explored some of the same techniques in those classes, but they werenโ€™t explained in nearly as much detail. My experiences this semester relate to some of the previous courses that I have taken because some of the programs and processes were similar to the ones I have used
  • 8. Smith 8 before. For example, I have utilized PhotoShop Elements and Windows Movie Maker as well as iMovie and various Web 2.0 tools in my previous classes at Clemson. Unfortunately, my instructors didnโ€™t give me as much freedom in the assignments that I completed in my undergraduate degree and therefore I didnโ€™t achieve as much success. I donโ€™t believe that only one assignment or project was a success; however, I think that the whole semester has been a success. In every assignment, I gained knowledge about the different programs and tools and feel as though I produced appealing products whether through graphics, or web development (or whatever the assignment entailed). Ultimately, I think that learning in general is a success and that the completion of this portfolio with each artifact definitely displays a feeling of achievement.