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Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
Couples	Therapy	Intake	Questionnaire		
Please	check	any	of	the	following	that	you	have	experienced	in	the	past	6	months:		
□	Headache	 	 	 	
□	High	Blood	Pressure	
□	Irritable	Bowel	
□	Chronic	Pain	
□	Loss	of	Consciousness	
□	Chronic	Fatigue	
□	Dizziness	
□	Faintness	
□	Shortness	of	Breath	
□	Increased	Appetite	
□	Decreased	Appetite		
□	Eating	Problems	
□	Excessive	Eating	
□	Trouble	Concentrating	
□	Sleeping	Difficulties	
□	Excessive	Sleep	
□	Lack	of	Need	for	Sleep	
□	Low	Motivation	
□	Low	Self-Esteem			
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Depressed	Mood		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Loss	of	Interest	or	Pleasure		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Tearing	or	Crying	Spells	
□	Hopelessness	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Anxiety		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Fear	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Panic	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Delusions	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Hallucinations	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Mood	Swings
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
□	Excessive	Energy	
□	Impulsivity	
□	Sensation	Seeking	Behavior	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Irritability	and/or	Anger	
□	Paranoia	
□	Flashbacks	
□	Nightmares	
□	Isolation	from	Others	
□	Withdrawal	from	Others	
□	Thoughts	of	Death	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Engaging	in	Self-Harming	Behavior(s)	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Other	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
Do	you	currently	suffer	from	a	serious	health	condition?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No	
Do	you	drink	alcohol?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe	type,	amount,	and	frequency:__________________________________	
□	No	
Do	you	use	recreational	drugs?	
□	Yes	
Please	describe	type,	amount,	and	frequency:__________________________________	
□	No	
Have	you	ever	thought	about	harming	yourself	or	attempting	suicide?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
Do	you	have	thoughts	or	urges	to	harm	others?	
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No	
Is	there	a	history	of	mental	illness	in	your	family?	
□	Yes	
Please	describe	who	and	type:_______________________________________________	
□	No	
Have	you	seen	a	mental	health	professional	before?		
□	Yes	
Please	specify	dates,	reasons	for	counseling,	and	
□	No	
Have	you	ever	been	hospitalized	for	a	psychiatric	issue?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe	where,	when,	and	why:_______________________________________	
□	No	
Please	specify	all	medications	and	supplements	you	are	presently	taking	and	for	what	reason:	
If	taking	prescription	medication,	who	is	your	prescribing	MD?	Please	include	type	of	MD,	
name,	and	phone	number:	
What	is	your	level	of	education?	Please	include	highest	grade/degree	and	type	of	degree:		
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
What	is	your	current	occupation?	What	do	you	do?	How	long	have	you	been	doing	it?	Do	you	
enjoy	it?	
What	coping	strategies	do	you	use	during	a	stressful	time?	Please	select	all	that	apply:		
□	Relaxation	Techniques	
□	Exercise/Recreational	Activities	
□	Engage	in	Personal	Hobbies	
□	Turn	to	Spirituality	
□	Emotionally	Eat	
□	Vent	to	friends	and/or	family	members	
□	Withdraw	from	others	
□	Avoidance	
□	Use	Humor	
□	Other	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
What	brings	you	to	couples	counseling	at	this	time?	Is	there	something	specific,	such	as	a	
particular	conflict	or	event?	Please	be	as	detailed	as	you	can.		
How	long	have	you	been	in	a	relationship	with	your	partner	and	how	would	you	describe	it?	
What	is	your	current	living	situation	like	with	your	partner?	
Have	you	thought	about	separating	from	your	partner?	
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
Do	you	have	children?		
□	Yes	
How	old	are	they?	Are	they	from	your	current	relationship?		
□	No	
What	changes	do	you	believe	your	partner	needs	to	make	in	your	relationship?	What	changes	
do	you	believe	you	need	to	make	in	your	relationship?		
How	would	you	rate	your	happiness	level	in	your	current	romantic	relationship	from	1-10?	
What	are	the	main	issues	in	your	relationship	that	you	need	to	improve	on	(i.e.,	
Do	you	know	what	fills	your	partner’s	mind	on	a	daily	basis?	Do	you	believe	your	partner	knows	
what	fills	your	mind	on	a	daily	basis?	Please	describe:	
Do	you	feel	loved	and	appreciated	in	your	relationship?	Do	you	think	your	partner	feels	loved	
and	appreciated	in	your	relationship?		
Do	you	enjoy	spending	time	with	your	partner?	Do	you	think	your	partner	enjoys	spending	time	
with	you?		
Has	there	been	a	breach	in	trust	in	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
What	issues	are	currently	affecting	your	relationship	with	your	partner?	Please	select	all	that	
□	Communication	
□	Trust	Issues	
□	Affection	
□	Sexual	Intimacy	
□	Lack	of	Emotional	Support	
□	Spending	Quality	Time	Together	
□	Extra-Relationship	Affair	
□	Self-Esteem	Issues	
□	Temper	Outbursts	
□	Loss	of	Independence	
□	Job	Issues	
□	Division	of	Household	Work		
□	Blended	Family	Issues	
□	Dealing	with	Extended	Family	
□	Finances	
□	Legal	Issues	
□	Chronic	Illness	
□	Death	
What	are	the	major	stresses	in	your	life?	What	are	the	major	stresses	in	your	partner’s	life?	
How	do	you	and	your	partner	each	handle	stress?		
When	you	are	stressed,	does	it	negatively	affect	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No	
When	your	partner	is	stressed,	does	it	negatively	affect	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
Is	sexual	intimacy	an	issue	in	your	relationship?	Please	select	all	issues	that	apply:		
□	Frequency	of	Sex	
□	Being	able	to	candidly	talk	about	sexual	problems	
□	Lack	of	Romance		
□	Sexual	Dysfunction(s)	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	Other	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No		
Has	there	been	an	important	event	that	has	occurred	in	your	and/or	your	partner’s	life	(i.e.,	
loss	of	job,	change	in	role,	illness,	death)?	
Have	major	issues	about	children	arisen	in	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No	
Has	there	been	an	extra-relationship	affair	in	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No	
How	do	you	and	your	partner	handle	disagreements	when	they	arise?		
When	disagreements	arise	between	you	and	your	partner,	which	of	these	reactions	do	you	
typically	display?	Select	all	that	apply:		
□	Physical	Aggressiveness	
□	Verbal	Aggressiveness	
□	Temper	Outbursts	
□	Anger	
□	Withdrawn	
□	Defensive		
□	Criticize	Partner	
□	Avoidance
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
□	Shutting	Down	
□	Pressure	to	Communicate	Immediately	
□	Denial	
□	Make	Excuses/Justifications	for	Actions	
When	disagreements	arise	between	you	and	your	partner,	which	of	these	reactions	does	he	or	
she	typically	display?	Select	all	that	apply:		
□	Physical	Aggressiveness	
□	Verbal	Aggressiveness	
□	Temper	Outbursts	
□	Anger	
□	Withdrawn	
□	Defensive	
□	Criticize	Partner	
□	Avoidance	
□	Shutting	Down	
□	Pressure	to	Communicate	Immediately	
□	Denial	
□	Make	Excuses/Justifications	for	Actions	
Has	violence	ever	occurred	in	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No	
Has	there	been	a	problem	with	substance	use	and/or	addictive	behaviors	(e.g.,	gambling,	
pornography)	in	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe	who,	type,	and	
□	No	
Is	sharing	the	household	workload	an	issue	in	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
Is	sharing	common	spiritual	beliefs	an	issue	in	your	relationship?		
□	Yes	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	No	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
Which	of	the	following	did	you	experience	as	a	child?	Please	select	and	answer	to	all	that	apply:		
□	I	and/or	a	family	member	was	physically,	emotionally,	or	sexually	abused	as	a	child.	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	My	family	members(s)	suffered	from	a	mental	illness.		
Please	describe	who	and	type:_______________________________________________	
□	One	or	both	of	my	parents/caregivers	struggled	with	substance	use.	
Please	describe	who,	type,	amount,	and	frequency:_____________________________	
□	I	lived	in	a	single-parent	home.		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	One	or	both	of	my	parents	were	emotionally	unavailable	or	absent.		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	My	parents	did	not	make	me	feel	good	about	myself.		
□	Affection	was	not	expressed	in	my	family.		
□	My	parents	were	not	emotionally	expressive.		
□	I	did	not	spend	quality	time	with	my	family	as	a	child.		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	I	was	not	able	to	depend	on	my	parents	for	help.	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	My	family	struggled	financially.		
□	I	did	not	have	a	supportive	relationship	with	my	siblings.		
□	My	home	was	not	open	socially	to	guests	or	visitors.		
□	I	felt	criticized	by	my	parents.		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
Serenity	Psychology	
Naomi	Bernstein,	Psy.D.		
1	Sunset	Avenue,	Lynbrook,	NY	11563	•	Tel:	(516)	359-5030	•	Email:	
□	My	parents	used	inconsistent	and	punitive	punishment	towards	me	and/or	my	siblings.		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	I	was	abused	and/or	bullied	by	my	peers.		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	I	lived	in	a	blended	family.	
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	I	did	not	have	a	good	relationship	with	my	step-family	member(s).		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	
□	I	generally	feel	like	I	had	a	good	childhood.		
Please	describe:__________________________________________________________	

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