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Counter Storytelling Of Young Adult Literature
Counter–Storytelling in Young Adult Literature: "Oh my God! He was right over there! Closer than
I'd been to him when Paul laid into him. Much closer. And Rashad was looking at me, too. I locked
eyes with a kid I didn't know, but felt like I did" (309). All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and
Brendan Kiely sought to address police brutality in America, more specifically Springfield. Rashad
and Quinn are your average high school teenagers, attending the same school not knowing one
another but going about their daily lives when Rashad is brutally beaten by Officer Paul Galluzzo.
The taped beating of Rashad causes both young men to dig deep and answer questions about what is
right and what is wrong. Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely presents counter–storytelling in All
American Boys to tell a story of racism and police brutality from the perspective of African–
American teen (Rashad) and a White teen (Quinn). According to Hughes–Hassell: Counter–
storytelling is an examination of racism and its impact on people of color and indigenous people.
Racism is defined as a system of advantage based on race–a system that involves cultural messages
and institutional policies or practices, as well as the beliefs and actions of individuals (221). Rashad
and Quinn throughout the text seek to answer the question of race being the motive behind the
brutal beating by Officer Paul Galluzzo. How is counter–storytelling used in All American Boys?
All American Boys uses
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Young Adult Literature Class Analysis
Young adult liturature was a fun and productive class. I learned how there are many different sub–
genres in just one genre. For example, fiction has: realistic fiction, historical fiction, and many
more. I've also been introduced to a few amazing writers like: Kiera Cass, Kasie West, and Harlan
Coben. Now there are many more books, all the sequels, I need to read. At the end of last year I
signed up for this class because I love reading. I go through phases where I read a lot for a period of
time and then there are times where I go for months without reading and this class fell into the phase
of reading all the time. I've learned a lot while in this class, most of it being able to recognize
literary devices like: personification and onomatopoeias. ... Show more content on
I can get away from my family by going to my basement, also my room, listening to music, and read
for hours at a time. The most difficult thing for me with reading is finding a good book, I have not
established who my favorite authors are, and what genres I like most. The biggest influence in the
novels I choose to read are reviews on websites like: goodreads and some youtubers. Some areas I
wish to improve when reading are being able to find more literary devices than onomatopoeias,
personification, similes, and metaphors. In my opion, a good book has to have relatable characters,
even if it is only personalities that relate, and a great plot, preferably with at least a little action or
something interesting. Overall this class was my favorite in this school so far. I got to read all the
time and talk to people reading the same book, which is harder because I never read the same book
as the people I talk to, and it was very enjoyable. Even though I was not a fan of the post–its at first,
it did really help me with finding literary devices, and make people look at me weird when I pulled
out a book full of them but their reactions were hilarious. Also in this class I learned I can read
multiple books in only one day if I really try. If I have a chance I would definitely take the second
part of this
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Essay On YA
How does YA affect teenagers, adults and their brains?
YA or young adult literature is a topic of many controverses today. Everyone is speaking out about
their opinion on YA. In this essay I want to compare two articles, who give a different opinion. We
can make our own conclusions out of that.
Apparently teen fiction characters like Edward Cullen and Harry Potter can affect teenager's brains.
At a conference called: "Emergent Adult – Adolescent Literature and Culture," scientists, authors
and even parents had come together to discuss the effect YA from the 21st century can have on the
brains of youngsters. Both articles agree that YA literature has changed but this is something
literature does over time. In 1950's they talked about boys ... Show more content on
Teenagers are very vulnerable and from neuroscience we know that the part of the brain responsible
for feelings like fear, anxiety and grief isn't fully developed yet. So, as a teenager dark fiction
amplifies the sense of insecurity. But hold your horses! Maureen Johnson does not agree with this at
While dystopia or dark themes in general, seem like a new theme, it actually isn't. There has been
written about before and she argues that books from 'classical' authors like: Shakespeare, Tolstoy...
are as dark or even more dark than current YA literature. It is true that adolescents feel very
vulnerable and are very sensitive to these darker themes.
But Maureen says that these books help teenagers deal with their feelings and even help them relate
to other 'people'. On twitter a the tag: #YAsaves started trending. With this tag young adults or
adults who read YA started to describe how YA literature about dystopia or dark themes helped
them! There are a lot of teenagers who were relieved to finally find something to relate to, to realise
that there can be light at the end of tunnel or to help them deal with certain situations (death, abuse,
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Reflection On Writing
English 220 helped expand my ideas on what good writing is, and has helped me embrace certain
stylistic choices to help add personality and intrigue to my writing. Reading and discussing Chapter
9 of They Say, I Say helped me identify and tweak my voice in later writing assignments, including
MWA 2, and now I feel more comfortable deciding to use informalities and voice changes in my
writing when it is necessary to better fit the prompt. In addition, our in–class discussions helped me
become more comfortable with my sharing my own ideas about things and engaging in discussion
about them, which allowed me to analyze the novels we read on a deeper level. Sometimes, voicing
opinions in a classroom setting can be a little intimidating, but the welcoming atmosphere of the
course helped take some of the pressure off and was very conducive to constructive discussion
which gave me the opportunity to practice quick, critical thinking and finding document–based
proof in a time–sensitive setting. Before this course, I was only vaguely aware of the plethora of
issues that LGBTQ+ individuals face on a daily basis, especially as young adults. Growing up is
hard, and growing up as an LGBTQ+ youth tends to be even more difficult. The books we read
were, at varying points, beautiful, funny, sad, and poignant, and above all they were eye–opening as
they helped me see the world from the perspective of a queer young adult. My family is very
accepting, and while I have never struggled with my
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Technology And Technology
In the 2008 article, "What's the matter with kids today? Nothing, actually. Aside from our panic that
the Internet is melting their brains," Amy Goldwasser argues that technology has a positive effect on
today's generation. Since parents lived in a generation with little technology they do not feel the
need for their teenagers to use it On the other hand the older generation is blaming technology for
having a negative effect on teenagers. They believe they are not reading or writing as much as they
should. Texting, emailing, IM'ing have helped teenagers reading and writing skills. Goldwasser
states that the internet has a positive influence on today's generation than the older generation gives
it credit for. In her article she uses her own opinion to try to persuade the audience without using
factual evidence. Amy Goldwasser has been an editor and writer for the country's leading
publications for about fifteen years. Some publications she has written for have been Seventeen, The
New York Times, Salon, Vogue, New York Magazine, and Outside. She lives in Manhattan, where
she teaches editing at the Columbia Publishing Course and writes at Lower Eastside Girls Club. She
is also a published author for young adults. She has had experience with teenagers and this is how
she formed her opinion of how the internet affected them. Today she is still continuing her work
with the book's young author as she edits their political and personal pieces for national
publications. In the
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Examples Of Literature In Boys And Girls
An Awakening One awakening stage in a person's life is the stage between being a child and being
an adult. When an author writes about this stage it can be referred to as coming of age literature:
literature that follows the life of a person as he or she shifts from adolescence to young adulthood
and discovers who he or she is while seeing the world around him or her differently. These coming
of age narratives look back at the time of a youth when he or she is influenced by his or her family,
mentors, friends, peers, relationships, and community, all of which help shape the youth into the
person they will one day become. And, coming of age literature are narratives which contain similar
characteristics; such as, innocence of the world's expectations, life that seems simple as a child but
more complex the older one becomes, the disappointment of discovering life is not as black and
white as one has perceived, tension between family members or peers, conflicts within oneself as
understanding of the world changes, wisdom as one ages, and acceptance and realization that the
adult world is complex and difficult. In the short story "Boys and Girls," Alice Munro successfully
explores the protagonist innocence of the world's stereotypes, conflict between who she ... Show
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As any other coming of age literature, the protagonist had no way of knowing the path her life
would take, but the one thing that always happens the same as real life, the protagonist of coming of
age literature transitions from adolescence to adulthood. As with the story "Boys and Girls," family,
relationships, and cultural expectations help to shape and awaken adolescents into the young adults
they will
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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Essay
Adolescents experience a developmental journey as they transition from child to adult, and in doing
so are faced with many developmental milestones. Physical, cognitive, social and emotional
changes are occurring during this tumultuous stage of life, and making sense of one's self and
identity becomes a priority. Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part–Time Indian
addresses the challenges of adolescence in an engaging tale, but deals with minority communities
and cultures as well. Establishing an identity has been called one of the most important milestones
of adolescent development (Ruffin, 2009). Additionally, a central part of identity development
includes ethnic identity (ACT for Youth, 2002). While some teens search ... Show more content on ...
Not only is Junior unpopular and alienated, but the victim of taunts and bullying as well.
Furthermore, he's considered a traitor after he transfers to Reardon. At Reardon, he's called names
and endures racial jokes until he finally finds acceptance through basketball and surprisingly finds
friends with similar interests. Ultimately, Junior comes to the "huge realization" that not only does
he belong to the Spokane Indian tribe, but to no less than 13 additional groups (Basketball players,
cartoonists, bookworms, and sons to name a few). It is the first time he knows that he will be "OK",
sending a positive message to readers that identify with his struggles. By reading about characters
similar to themselves, young adults can see that their challenges are not unique and are shared by
other adolescents (Bucher & Hinton, 2009) Junior's discovery of identity and place within his world
is a predominant theme in the novel and one with which teens can relate; however, several other
young adult characteristics and developmental issues are addressed as well. Junior and his peers are
experiencing a time of rapid physical, hormonal and cognitive development as are the most likely
readers of the book. Like many adolescent girls, Penelope is concerned with her body appearance
and popularity. She is a bulimic attempting to keep up her "pretty and smart and popular" (108)
image. Junior is concerned with appearances in a more internal way – hiding his
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Annotated Bibliography on Self Image Essay examples
Bell, Amanda R. "What Factors Affect Body Image In Teenage Girls." What Factors Affect Body
Image 2013
The Autho,r goes on to describe how the media wheather telvesion, the movies or magazines play a
big part in body image for teenage girls. She describles that it can be determental to their healt in so
many ways. How young girls don't get that much exercise and that can lead to wait gain. However
sports can help to improve the body image of teenage girls. Also that even though caregivers and
parents control these factors, young woman who face these daily challenges can help reserve the
Family, National Institute on Media and the. "Medias Effects on Body Image." n.d.
The author, goes on to describe The most popular ... Show more content on ...
Schiegel, Amanda Von. "How the Media Affects the Self–Esteem and Body Image of Young
girls." How the Media Affects the Self–Esteem and Body Image of Young girls (August 22 2012).
The Author goes on to write, the media is going to get worse and put more pressure on the self body
image and how it should"idealy look" There will always be damaging affects of eating disorders,
depression, and physical depression but its up to them wheather or not they aregoing to let it affect
them. They nrrd to remember that everyone feels that way some point in their life. The thing say see
on TV are unrealistic and unhealthy America . He then goes on to write "We ourselves are the true
ideal of the human body."
(Amozon)Younger, Beth. Learning Curves. Scarecrow Press 35 Image and Female Sexuality in
Adult Literature
(Scareco) Amozone July 2009.
Younger's superb overview of young adults books on the body image and Female sexuality in young
aduldts literature has much to recommend it...This guideline to females in young adult literature is
highly recommended. Drawing on a diverse set of text books spanning alost 70 years– including
well known classics, novels now out of print, and seriesfiction– she makes acomplelling case for the
cutural and developmental signifinace of the body of work...... The book makes a unique
contrubutionin recognizing this
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The Importance Of Reading Young Adult Literature
Currently, there is a debate about whether or not adults should be reading young adult (YA)
literature. Some on the side for adults reading young adult literature highlight the benefits of adults
reading YA literature; specifically reading it in order to relate to feelings they had as a young adult.
This ability to relate to YA literature in a personal manner could be very useful to teachers who
work with young adults. Teachers can use their findings from the YA novels to further empathize
with their students, learn how to integrate these YA novels into their curriculum to make it easier for
students to understand, and learn to understand and help students coping with some sort of
emotional trauma that may affect their learning. In the classroom, it is highly important that a
teacher be able to empathize with and relate to their students. A teacher with a good understanding
of the thought processes and emotions of their students often have an easier time relaying
information to them (Sylwester 1994). One way that teachers could learn to relate and empathize
with their students is by reading YA novels. YA novels are written to be understood and related to by
young adults, but anyone who has lived through adolescence should be able to find a YA novel they
can relate their life to. The ability for teachers to read these books and relate to them can in turn help
them reconnect with the thought processes they had in their formative years. Being able to
remember and relate
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Harris And Me Research Paper
"Children deprived of words become school dropouts, dropouts deprived of hope behave
delinquently. Amateur censors blame delinquency on reading immoral books and magazines, when
in fact, the inability to read anything is the basic trouble." (Peter S. Jennison) Censorship could
easily be one of the biggest controversies around the world today. The book "Harris and Me" by
Gary Paulsen, about a boy who stays with his distant cousin Harris on the family farm because his
parents are a bunch of "puke drunks." Spends the summer fighting "commie japs", hunting mice,
and tussling with the rooster Ernie. This book was banned by the ALA for nothing more than
profanity. If that's even the right term, especially for today in our society. This book was taught in
my sixth grade class and I have adored it ever since, but I was baffled to find out it ... Show more
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The book always had a certain playful, tone that opened the classrooms mind to another level of
loving literature. It's so hard now days to get children to read with all of the technology they are
surrounded by, so please ALA don't take away the few good books because of a couple cuss words.
"Harris and Me" should not be banned due to the little profanity found in the book, and the reality of
relationships between two young boys.
Profanity should be the last reason a great novel should be banned. After all, it is reality, it is how
people talk, and in the case of Harris and Me, its definitely how young boys talk to each other. The
use of the language is hardly profanity at all. For example, Harris says, "Well you can just blow it
out your butt you old cow, you ain't no grown–up to tell me what to do. How the hell am I supposed
to know things if I don't go ahead and ask them? (Gary Paulsen, Harris and Me .7)" The words feel
elementary to me, he says butt instead of ass, and old cow instead of old heifer. Maybe it's not the
actual words that parents are losing their minds about, but more about
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Young Adult Literature
What does it mean for a book to be Young Adult? I think that Young Adult literature is a perfect
bridge between Adult literature and books for children. It fills the gap in between the childish books
and the super serious Adult literature. In my eyes Young Adult literature is more like Adult literature
than books for children. Mainly because of what happens in the books, the stories in Young Adult
literature are more like Adult literature than like the unrealistic fantasy stories that are often found in
books for children. The Book Thief is a great example of this, I'm also going to use it to prove the
rest of my points. A big difference between Young Adult literature and Adult literature is vocabulary,
in Adult literature are for example more difficult and rare words ... Show more content on ...
A quote from the book: 'Earth was destroyed where Max Vandenburg had stayed on his feet''. This
quote is really serious because it makes it sound like Max has died. Also at the beginning of the
book Liesel is adopted, this is something a happy book for children wouldn't talk about. On top of
that her step mother doesn't even like her. She never shows happiness or appreciation. I think these
are good examples from The Book Thief to show how a location can make a book for Young Adults.
A second thing to see if a book is Young Adult is to look at the tone, voice and point of view. Since
in this book a very serious conflict is happening, you can't expect it to be all happy and beautiful.
Right at the beginning of the book Liesel's little brother dies in a train. This event sets a very sad or
sometimes even grim tone for the rest of the book. Liesel is also really sad that she is never going to
see her mother ever again. The point of view in a story doesn't really decide whether it's a Young
Adult book, Adult book or a book for children. There are a lot of books in different categories that
have an omniscient
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Literature Written For Young Adults Tends To Leave Behind
Literature written for young adults tends to leave behind the wide–eyed idealism of novels intended
for children and depicts a world in which adolescents must discover and negotiate their place within
various powerful social institutions. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton continues these major themes of
the genre through its depiction of fourteen–year–old Ponyboy Curtis and his attempts to understand
his own social position.. The boys all belong to the same general age group, but it is significant that
Ponyboy and his friend Johnny are the youngest members of the gang. There is a contrast between
the attitudes of the older members of the gang and the younger members that clearly highlights the
effect of disillusionment on youth as they ... Show more content on ...
It is likely that Johnny 's comparative youth plays a major role in why the gang feels so strongly that
they need to defend him. While every member of the gang looks out for one another, the incident
where Johnny was beaten within an inch of his life had profound impact on them because of the way
the gang perceives him. Johnny and Ponyboy, as the youngest members of the group, are defended
by the older members of the gang without hesitation. Both of the young men are also considered to
be kinder than the rest of them, as though they are still perceived to have a sense of optimism and
hope in them. The juxtaposition of Ponyboy 's relationship with his elder brother Darry and the
affection that Dally has for Johnny demonstrates that Johnny is quite literally a younger brother
figure. This is especially important, because it simultaneously shows the collapse of childhood
innocence, and the desperation to maintain it against a bleak outlook on life. It is ultimately Johnny
's beating by the Socs, the powerful elite of their town, that results in Ponyboy 's imminent struggle
with understanding the social forces at work. It is Johnny 's beating that begins the process of
disillusionment for Ponyboy, especially as he begins to relay the tale of how they found Johnny that
night to Cherry Valance, and exacerbates Ponyboy 's growing dissatisfaction with the established
status quo between the Socs and
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Research Problem: Dependent Variable
Research Problem – Dependent Variable The number of young adults living at home has
consistently increased since the recession, despite a seemingly improving economy (Shah, 2013).
According to Lisa Wade, an associate professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA,
approximately 17% of young adults amid the ages of 25 and 44 still live at home (Wade, 2013).
There are several unrelated issues that contribute to this staggering number. When trying to live out
on your own; there is much to consider. If you begin living alone, at that point all the bills would be
solely your responsibility. However, having a roommate or two would distribute the financial
obligation and can be very helpful. This can also invade on the level of privacy that can be
accumulated from living singly. 1st Independent Variable – Employment Status The literature agrees
that although there are other options for young adults to choose as a living arrangement, a growing
amount are electing to live with parents for conditions related to their employment status (Leccardi
& Ruspini, 2006). The transition of moving away from the home of parents has become more
difficult in light of the recent recession. The existing unemployment rate for young adults intensifies
the struggle when attempting to pursue independence and obtain individualism (Warner, 2012). The
rate of unemployment for the 18 – 31 age groups nearly doubles that of the next age group
comprised of their senior cohort. According to the U.S.
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Dystopian Research Paper
Rising Popularity of Dystopian Novels amongst Adolescents The rising popularity of dystopian
novels recently has captivated the attention of young adults and teenagers. Top bestsellers and teen
choice novels of the last few years have seen an increase of numerous dystopian novels in their
ranks. The publication of dystopian novels have become increasingly popular with youth and
adolescent readers alike, producing a new release of high demand series such as The Maze Runner.
The popularity of dystopian novels attracted our attention, so we set out to investigate this
phenomenon, seeking to understand why teenagers today find this genre so compelling. Why it is
that dystopian fiction and novels are so appealing to teenagers? The relativity of ... Show more
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Readers, especially teenagers, can imagine themselves in the world in which the dystopian character
lives and feel like they are actually in the story. This concept makes it easy for them to relate to the
main character. Teenagers love to read dystopian fiction because it's exciting and interesting! Young
adults and teenagers nowadays love the thrill, excitement, and adventure dystopian novels and
movies bring. For example The Maze Runner series, are action filled books that will bring any
reader suspense. The Maze Runner is a fast–paced adventure set in a cruel and violent post–
apocalyptic world. The protagonist, Thomas is a strong role model who does not fall easily into peer
pressure or give up his own sense of what's right. Part of the attraction of The Maze Runner is that it
is a world in which teenage boys inhabit, a world with no adults, and the boys make their own rules.
The teens in the Maze Runner are stranded in a huge Maze and arrive from a box with no memories
at all, but they are still aware on some level that they are being held captive and endangered by
adults, or the suspicious" creators". Some of the teens in the Maze go insane from fear, the attacks
of the monster–like Grievers, and the memory of the world they left behind. With all the events that
occur in an adolescent's life, dystopian novels like the Maze Runner are
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Research Problem: Dependent Variable
Research Problem – Dependent Variable The number of young adults living at home has
consistently increased since the recession, despite a seemingly improving economy (Shah, 2013).
According to Lisa Wade, an associate professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA,
approximately 17% of young adults amid the ages of 25 and 44 still live at home (Wade, 2013).
There are several unrelated issues that contribute to this staggering number. When trying to live out
on your own; there is much to consider. If you begin living alone, at that point all the bills would be
solely your responsibility. However, having a roommate or two would distribute the financial
obligation and can be very helpful. This can also invade on the level of privacy that can be
accumulated from living singly. 1st Independent Variable – Employment Status The literature agrees
that although there are other options for young adults to choose as a living arrangement, a growing
amount are electing to live with parents for conditions related to their employment status (Leccardi
& Ruspini, 2006). The transition of moving away from the home of parents has become more
difficult in light of the recent recession. The existing unemployment rate for young adults intensifies
the struggle when attempting to pursue independence and obtain individualism (Warner, 2012). The
rate of unemployment for the 18 – 31 age groups nearly doubles that of the next age group
comprised of their senior cohort. According to the U.S.
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Teenagers And The Young Adult Chart
Teenagers are the most perceptive individuals in every society– they are just learning and
experiencing the real world without yet developing the mask and filter of adults; they see things
how they are, and they say things the way they are. They still have the innate curiosity of children
without the apathy that seems so rampant among those who actually have the power to change. This
is why it is so important to know how teenagers view the world, because they will be making up the
world in a few decades. There is no better way to know how they think than by examining the
literature they read.
Over the past few years, dystopian novels have topped the young adult charts. It is easy to just write
off the similarities between teenage–aimed novels as just a standard story–writing formula for
making money. However, by looking deeper into what these similarities really mean, we can learn
that these stories are similar for very important reasons. As Utopian scholar Lyman Tower Sargent 's
states, "It is particularly important that we understand the dreams and nightmares that are directed at
children and young adults" (Hintz & Ostry, 234). First, we need to take a look at what dystopian
fictions are, by definition. According to Aristotle, author of the Poetics, all forms of art perform
mimesis. "Epic poetry and tragedy, as also comedy, dithyrambic poetry, and most pipe–playing and
lyre–playing, are all, viewed as a whole, modes of imitation" (Aristotle) This concept of mimesis
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Teen Rebellion In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet
Teen Rebellion is a common theme throughout movies, literature, and song lyrics. Teen rebellion is
a normal action through teen years. Teen rebellion is caused by wanting to prove a point and a
craving for freedom. During teenage years you always want prove a point weather to an authority
figure or even to yourself. Also teens are growing into adults and tend to grave freedom. In
Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" both Romeo and Juliet rebel against their families. The two
families of Romeo and Juliet are the most bitter enemies and only care for murdering the other
family. Romeo of the Montagues and Juliet of the Capulets are now falling in love with each other
but know that the war being families will be a complication to their love. Romeo
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Esperanza Rising Analysis
When one visualizes Latino culture, the prevalent images are often bright colors, dancing, and
celebrations. This imagery paints a false portrait of the life of many Latino's, especially those that
are forced to leave their home countries. Latinos often face intense poverty and oppression, whether
in a Latin country, or a foreign country, such is true in Pam Ryan's novel Esperanza Rising. Ryan
chronicles the issues that many Latino immigrants face. The first is the pressure from the home
country. Many of the countries face turmoil, and many are forced to leave their homes and culture.
Once in a foreign place, people often struggle with standing by their own culture or assimilating to
the new culture. Latino authors frequently use young adult literature as a platform to discuss the
issues they face, as young adults are coming of age they struggle with their identities, personifying
the struggle of old culture against the new culture. The first issue that many Latino author's address
is the problems in many Latin American countries. In Esperanza Rising Esperanza's family faces the
backlash of the Mexican revolution. Esperanza's family has land in Mexico which makes them a
target for many unhappy citizens in Mexico. Esperanza's mother has to explain to her that, "the
wealthy still own most of the land while some of the poor have not even a garden plot. There are
cattle grazing on the big ranches, yet some peasants are forced to eat cats" (Ryan, 25). Eventually
Esperanza's father is murdered by bandit's and they are forced to leave the dangerous country.
Mexico is not the only place with major issues. Young Adult literature often reaches into the
historical hardships of other Latin countries, such as the dictators of the Dominican Republican in
Julia Alvarez's novel Before We Were Free. Alvarez talks about the distrust of the police, stating
"Back home, [her father] had been tailed by the secret police for months and the family had only
narrowly escaped capture their last day on the Island" (Alvarez 233). Young Adult literature reflects
this often as a background story, forcing the protagonists into the environment they are in. As well,
it frames the families' mindset and the hardships many have faced before
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The Decline Of Reading In The US
People today have lost interest in reading. Otis Kramer says in The Decline of Reading in the U.S.
Damages Our Intellectual Life, "For the first time in modern history, less than half of the adult
population now reads literature." When children are not taught to enjoy reading they carry that
through life which causes problems that are hard to fix later in life. There is a loss of interest in
reading because of schools, parents and technology. This can cause problems with intellect and
mental states. Parents can solve this, if they teach their children to enjoy reading early on. The lack
of interest in reading is due to many things, but tends to begin with young children. Schools and
parents do not encourage their children to read for fun (Charleston). Parents do so because they
were not taught to enjoy reading, or they do not have time. Schools, on the other hand, create an
environment where reading becomes more of a chore than a fun activity (Denby). Schools do try to
teach kids to enjoy reading, teachers will set times or page numbers for their students to read. A
study on this method has shown that when told to only read a set amount of time or pages, children
will only read the amount required by the teachers. The things that children read are normally not
something they chose. This decision creates a hatred for reading in children, even if they loved to
read before. "In many case, such as assignments make the students hate the book they have just
read, no matter how
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Altruism in Contemporary Young Adult Literature
The Harry Potter series is an international literature phenomenon that is both criticised and
cherished. Penned by renowned author J.K. Rowling the story of the boy wizard seems to break the
barriers of age, race, religion and gender with the range of its fans. This investigation focuses on the
Harry Potter series and intends to answer the question of Harry Potter: Selfish or Selfless under the
topic of Altruism in Contemporary Young Adult Literature. This investigation is a literature review;
unlike a science experiment this report requires are more in–depth analysis of literature on the
chosen topic. The intentions of the research are to investigate the topic of Altruism within the Harry
Potter series, specifically the choices and ... Show more content on ...
It is indicated through a prophecy within the Harry Potter series that
"Neither can live while the other survives."(Rowling, 2003: 841).
Harry is told, and deduces on his own, that if Lord Voldemort is ever to perish then he must also die,
giving the impression that without his own death Lord Voldemort can never be destroyed. This
information directly effects Harry's final decision to die without a fight at Lord Voldemort's hand. It
can be argued that due to the information that is provided by the prophecy, Harry's option on
whether or not to sacrifice himself where striped; and with the lack of options came a lack of choice,
and therefore a lack of willingness. This suggests that by Campbell's statement Harry is not a hero,
as his self–sacrifice was not willing. Paula Soares Faria, PhD in English Studies, states in her PhD
thesis that
"The difference between the villain and the hero can be seen here, not in the act of the sacrifice
itself, but in the purpose it serves." (Faria 2008:85; emphasis Faria)
When taking this into account it can be argued that it was not the Harry's choice or the actual
sacrifice itself that should be considered, but rather what this choice achieved; which was the death
of the section Voldemort's soul that resided within Harry, and by extension, Voldemort's demise.
This suggests that by Faria's statement Harry is a hero, as regardless of why he chose to sacrifice
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Teenage Adoletic Development And The Effects Of Teenage...
Humans are naturally inclined to explore the unknown and get to know more people. Some of the
people they meet they may feel attracted to and care to date them. This is completely normal for the
average human to do. Where it becomes a bit more complicated is in the teenage demographics.
Teenagers tend to try out relationships to see what it really takes to be devoted to someone and to
practice relationship skills for the future. These decisions made in adolescence will shape the
decisions that will be made in the future. Literature plays a fine role in displaying effects of teenage
romance. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet work to build a relationship at a
young age, but because of their complicated family problems, it ultimately ends in disaster. While it
lasted, their relationship serves to teach them newer concepts and helped them to grow new and
healthy traits. Despite the potential heartbreak, romantic relationships are a healthy part of teenage
development. When looking at the science behind the teenage brain, it is completely healthy for
teens to explore new romantic relationships. Numerous lab tests have been conducted to monitor the
decision making processes of young adults. Brown University's Michael Frank was able to explain
the key parts to an adolescent's brain development. Through studies, he was able to identify how the
prefrontal cortex, the decision maker of the brain, tends to lag behind in development. The
prefrontal cortex plays a
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The Importance Of The Mosque In The Muslim Community
Family and community assets is anything which is shared within the community by the families in
that community. A shared asset can be a mosque, community center, library, treatment centers, etc.
which is there for the families within that community. Most neighborhoods have a community
center which families bring their children, to play sports and to participate in activities held within
the community. In the Muslim community, the mosques built within that community. Is built for the
families within that community, to pray and to do their worshipping.
"The Masjid (mosque) t welcomes everyone, day or night, summer or winter, requiring no
application form or permission, and it does not turn anyone away be they young or old, male or
female, Muslim or non–Muslim, black or white Arab or Non–Arab. Entry into the Masjid does not
require any fee, insurance, or any permission. There are no hindrances, no obstacles, nor does the
Masjid differentiate between the laymen and a scholar, nor between a ruler and a subject, nor
between a wealthy and a poor person" (Mabdullah 2013) .
Modern mosques have many services in addition to prayer. For the youth, there are courses,
activities for the youth to partake in. Growing up, I attended a nearby mosque every weekend from
9am–1pm for dugsi ( Islamic studies). My mother took me to the mosque to be closer to the religion.
This is something most Muslim families do, to keep their children away from going astray. In the
Islam drugs and alcohol are
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Realic Fiction In Young Adult Literature : Realistic Fiction
Realistic Fiction in Young Adult Literature
How can a book about a dead woman helping a boy find his missing father be categorized as
realistic fiction? This very question lured me into studying Jenny Valentine's book, Me, the Missing,
and the Dead. According to Essentials of Young Adult Literature, realistic fiction will have
characters with believable attributes. Similarly, these characters will face realistic situations and
react to them in plausible ways. After reading and analyzing the characteristics of Valentine's book,
realistic fiction is the category that most accurately describes the book. The author combines
multiple components of factual realism and weaves together a story that is not only relatable and
believable, but also rather entertaining.
First of all, Valentine composes a story that includes situational, emotional, and contemporary
realism centered around the protagonist's family, specifically the fact that his dad disappeared five
years ago without a trace. In the story, we are introduced to the main character, Lucas Swain.
Lucas's living situation is similar to that of an average teenager living in London. He occasionally
spars with his older sister, has a mom who is unhappy when he stays out too late, and has a little
brother whose blaring morning cartoons affect his ability to sleep in late on a Saturday morning
(Valentine 10–11). By happenstance, Lucas finds an urn containing the remains of an old woman
named Violet that have been
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Technology And Technology
In the 2008 article, "What's the matter with kids today? Nothing, actually. Aside from our panic that
the Internet is melting their brains," Amy Goldwasser argues that technology has a positive effect on
today's generation. Since parents lived in a generation with little technology they do not feel the
need for their teenagers to use it On the other hand the older generation is blaming technology for
having a negative effect on teenagers. They believe they are not reading or writing as much as they
should. Texting, emailing, IM'ing have helped teenagers reading and writing skills. Goldwasser
states that the internet has a positive influence on today's generation than the older generation gives
it credit for. In her article she uses her own opinion to try to persuade the audience without using
factual evidence. Amy Goldwasser has been an editor and writer for the country's leading
publications for about fifteen years. Some publications she has written for have been Seventeen, The
New York Times, Salon, Vogue, New York Magazine, and Outside. She lives in Manhattan, where
she teaches editing at the Columbia Publishing Course and writes at Lower Eastside Girls Club. She
is also a published author for young adults. She has had experience with teenagers and this is how
she formed her opinion of how the internet affected them. Today she is still continuing her work
with the book's young author as she edits their political and personal pieces for national
publications. In the
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Rebellion In Romeo And Juliet
The life of a teenage is drastically delicate, yet dramatic, as they try to accommodate to peer
pressures that coreces them to take on foreign responsibilities. Even so, why are teenagers deemed
as rebellious and delirious in aspects such as literature, movies, and music? Presented in Romeo and
Juliet, a notorious Shakespearean play, The School for Good and Evil Quadrilogy written by Soman
Chainani, and the attention–grabbing The Hunger Games, teenager rebellion can contribute
significant details as to why teenagers engage in detrimental affairs. One may conjecture opinions as
to why certain literature, movies, or music display themes of rebellion and why they are enticing to
audiences to aid in the understanding of the life of a teenager. ... Show more content on ...
The legendary scene consisting of Romeo breaking into the Capulet's residential to meet the
stunning Juliet guides one to think of similar acts, they as teenagers, commited (Folgers 71–84).
Juliet furtively arranges meetings with Romeo to fabricate what they desire, just like how Agatha
and Sophie decided to challenge their schools' boundaries to arrange future meetings that will allow
them to see each other. Since the theme of teen rebellion is common it is comparable to Soman
Chainani's book, The School for Good and Evil, characters Sophie and Agatha. One may analyze
that these recurring actions describe how many teenagers possess similarities in terms of becoming
independent. Furthermore, the two literatures piece describes how confidentiality brings them what
they desire and how that confidentiality allows them to choose their own ideas and battles. Socially,
teens are meant to be understanding and control, however it is human nature for, feelings of freedom
emerges when rebellious thoughts are taught to be
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Dystopian And Other Science Fiction Genres
Dystopian and other science fiction genres literature often critique society in meaningful ways that
give the novels greater depth than might be expected of books written for younger audiences.
Recently, "dystopian novels set in some dark, post–nuclear fallout future have dominated the young
adult–better known as YA–bestseller lists" (Donston–Miller). The line between age groups in some
of these novels also blur as adults latch on the increasingly complex themes and characters in
modern science fiction for young adults. Adult may become just as interested in the struggles of
Katniss Everdeen as any teenager might. When those lines blur it can be harder for authors and
publishers to draw lines of what should and shouldn't be included in young adult literature. They
may expect to be writing to a much wider audience and may find it allowable to insert darker
themes and endings to make a point. As this continues, doors seemed to have been opened for young
adult literature to become darker over time. Just as the movie Tomorrowland points out, dystopian
media has been on the rise and people are thriving off of it. The trend might also be increasing the
acceptance of darkness in media for youth in this way.
The problems presented in dystopian literature are also things that are becoming more and more
relatable to people of all ages while the world experiences new dangers daily. According to some
young adult authors such as Todd Mitchell, darker science fiction themes may be
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Persuasive Essay On Cosmetic Surgery
Did you know that it takes someone about three seconds to make an assumption about you? When
you meet someone for the very first time, you'll round up your first impression based on their
appearance. Now a day's young girls are easily influenced by everything they see around them,
which influences how they want to appear. One major influence is social media and television
shows such as "Keeping up with the Kardashians" or "Love and Hip–Hop." Some teenage girls, and
a small percentage of teenage boys, assume that to be beautiful they need to look exactly like these
famous actors and singers they see all over social media and television. Unfortunately, teenagers
around the world are undergoing unnecessary cosmetic surgeries that lead to a lower self–esteem,
unpleasing results, bully. Young adults all over the world should recognize the societal pressures
placed upon them to look a certain way and thus see cosmetic surgery as unnecessary. As reported
by Dan O'Connor in the article Journal of Health Care Law & Policy, "Adolescents should never be
exposed to choices for cosmetic procedures," meaning that no teen boy or girl should be given the
thought of a different kind of beauty besides natural. The young adults seeking cosmetic procedures
are merely choosing to do what is expected of him/her by a society demanding they should look a
certain way. According to O'Connor, "The struggle by having cosmetic surgery at a very young age
in order to meet those standards, can interrupt the natural growing of body tissue." At first, the
reality is that looks won't equal worth; however, that is easily overthrown by a small percentage that
says looks do equal worth. This meaning that, the certainty and the fact that a teenager feels bad
about themselves is blamed not due to the perceptions, but upon the reality that their body does not
meet those perceptions. Most youngsters suffer low self–esteem at one point in their lives; some just
handle it differently than others and look to cosmetic surgery as a quick "fix". The word "perfect"
appeared prolifically in girls' narratives about aspects of appearance. Girls recognized perfection as
a normative requirement of femininity. In the Journal
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Ferris Bueller's Day Off Analysis
Think about Ferris from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Now think about Holden from The Catcher in the
Rye. No, Ferris does not get kicked out of school, nor does he go to some prestigious private
academy. Ignore all of that. Consider the similitude between the two teenagers, Ferris is eighteen
whilst Holden is seventeen but, they are both still in high school and yet while they are polar
opposites if you ponder their personalities these two boys can become quite indistinguishable.
Holden, once kicked out of school, believes he is mature enough to do adult things and so he
pursues them. Ferris on the other hand skips school, indulging in childish behaviour. Withal, each
character was constructed in a different time period there is still the
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Online Teen Forum Review Essay
The Book & Reader forums is a place designed for users of all ages to discuss books. Within the
forums of this website there is one forum described as being intended for children and young adult
books. This forum seems to receive a limited amount of traffic. A search using the forum's search
feature revealed that since the beginning of the year there have been 33 posts. While some of these
posts were written by adults, I also a detected several that appeared to have been written by teens.
The forum does not require members to post their age; however, in older posts I noted that several
teens mentioned their age. Posters are only able to be identified by as much information as they are
willing to share, so it is difficult to determine ... Show more content on ...
Also, individuals on this forum often reply to original threads started years ago. Unlike some
forums, this is actually encouraged by the staff members, but it makes following a thread difficult at
Compared to Traditional Reviews The reviews I read on the forum were less concerned with a
succinct, comprehensive overview of the book like one would expect in a professional review on a
site like Kirkus. Rather, they focused on an emotional attachment to the book as a reason to review
or recommend it to others. For example, in a discussion on Charlotte's Web, one individual explains
that she hated the book because she was forced to read it several times in elementary school (evie,
2004). Although the opinions on the forum were hardly reviews in the professional sense of the
word, I was surprised that they so frequently included some sort of visceral reaction to the book.
Often there was little explanation concerning the particulars of the story and the author chose to
focus instead on the fact that a main character made them angry or that the ending was unexpected
or happy. It is difficult to determine which review has the greater authority. If an individual were
simply trying to discern whether the plot would be interesting, then certainly a professional review
would be more authoritative. However, the conversational reviews I read between friends reminded
me of the power of a personal opinion. While
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Teens In YA Literature
YA Literature has been around since the 19th century. During that time books for
children and teens were about the right morals and their religion. It was thought that children's
and teens should not be exposed to fictional stories. Then later down the years, YA Literature
developed into something else in the 1960s. According to Ashley Strickland, a reporter for CNN,
"the term 'young adult' was coined by Young Adult Library Services Association during the
1960s to represent the 12–18 age range". YA Literature is targeted at teens around this age.
Also, in regards to this article, these books were "single–problem novels" and teens were
becoming bored. In order to take it up a notch, novels began to involve horror along with the
realistic issues. Books began to skyrocket, teens were addicted to their new genre, a genre just
for them (Strickland). The question that was being asked was why are teens so interested in
books about fiction or more like paranormal and dystopian stories? Well "Teens are caught
between two worlds, childhood and adulthood, and in YA, they can navigate those two worlds
and sometimes dualities of other worlds" (Strickland). They can imagine what could've
happened and what can happen. They can escape from reality in their own world while their
Reading. There are so many positive things that can come from reading YA Literature books.
There has been some debating over YA Literature and has been going on for a
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Catcher In The Rye Controversy
A Teen's Voice: The Authenticity of Catcher in the Rye Young adult books are hot in the writing
world and are the new trend of what people want to read. Teens and adults alike are drawn to
characters like Katniss Everdeen, Hazel Grace, and Jacob Portman; they seem real, they become
dear to us. Before this trend started, however, many people did not write for a young adult reader.
J.D. Salinger, on the other hand, wrote a very popular book for young adults called The Catcher in
the Rye. Salinger wrote this book in 1951 way before the new young adult book writing craze.
Many people are now saying that the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, is outdated.
Can young adults not relate with Holden anymore because this book was written ... Show more
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As he's telling what he has experienced he is very truthful, even in his lies. Holden doesn't keep
anything to himself he says, " I felt so lonesome all of a sudden, I almost wished I was dead"(48).
Holden was just sitting in a quiet room thinking at this point. He doesn't just say this to get
sympathy. Holden says this because this is actually how he felt at that moment. The reader also finds
out the emotional truth at the end of the book when Holden shares that he is in a rest home. When
Holden says, " this one psychoanalyst guy they have here, keeps asking me if I'm going apply
myself when I go back to school next September"(114) it opens up the eyes to the reader that
Holden was telling the story the whole time to someone in the rest home. This is what many teens
go to when they are emitted to holmes for help with their mental stability. Holden Caulfield is an
authentic teenage character that many teens can relate
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Why I Am A University Library
Until recently, I had no idea that there was a such thing as a Young Adult Librarian. I had assumed
that teaching would be the only job that would allow me to talk about books and share my love of
books with young adults; but then, one day I happened to stumble upon a blog ran by someone who
was sharing her experience as a Young Adult Librarian and I knew instantly that I had found what I
wanted to do with my life. At this point, I started looking around for ways to be involved with my
university library, just so I could have a taste of what it was like to work in a library setting. Since it
is a university library, I knew that my opportunity to deal with anything young adult would be pretty
much non–existent, so I decided to just use the opportunity to learn whatever I possibly could about
librarianship. I spent the semester working with Collection Management and the Interlibrary Loan
office and I learned a little about the inner workings of those two areas, and a little about what it
meant to be a librarian. I still have my heart set on being a Young Adult Librarian in the end, and I
know without a doubt that a career as a librarian is right for me.
It is important to realize that being a young adult can be difficult, there are so many new experiences
and responsibilities that come with those years and it can be overwhelming for many. I want to
become a Young Adult Librarian so I can not only be in a position to, but also know how to best
help young adults navigate
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Pros And Cons Of Young Adult Dystopian Literature
Young adult dystopian literature utilizes fiction and has some pros and cons. The gains include the
promotion of learners' creativity because they are exposed to imaginations. Fictions involves events
that have not happened but can occur in the future. Like in the books Uglies, Pretties, and Specials,
the following themes were provided: appearance, separation, and freedom. Regarding appearance,
within the Uglies, there is the theme of appearance where pretty and ugly were relative terms when
Tally was an ugly waiting for her surgery. The trust beyond surgery was to make her unintelligent
and have shallow vain. Tally's society emphasizes on appearance, for it is seen that in Uglies, "She
pushed from room to room, trying to distinguish faces without being distracted by those big pretty
eyes or overwhelmed by the feeling that she didn't ... Show more content on ...
They have gone to the extent of secluding themselves from the Uglies. The residing place for the
Uglies is Uglyville and is regarded as a prison by most residents that stay there. It is seen even
today, where in today's life, we have different classes within our society. While reading through the
book Specials, this text really caught my eye, relating to freedom in today's society: "Everything's
going to pieces," Dr. Cable hissed, glaring up at Tally. 'It won't be long before they start chewing up
the wild, you know.' 'Yeah, I know. Just like in Diego.' Tally sighed, remembering Andrew Simpson
Smith's forest fire.' Freedom has a way of destroying things, I guess." (Westerfeld, Specials 334)."
The freedom of the people especially to the Pretties has brought about discrimination in the society.
While, the Uglies are being biased against through confinement. The lack of freedom is shown
through the text by the people having no freedom and being confined. Dr. Cable argued that once
people have freedom, it may cause environmental destructions (Westerfeld, Uglies
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Young Adult Literature : The Hunger Games And Lord Of The...
Young adult literature is considered to be written works of superior or lasting artistic merit targeted
towards teens and people in their early twenties. The majority of young adult literature portray an
adolescent as the main protagonist rather than an adult or child. The stories usually deal with issues
that adolescence are already facing or are afraid of, such as violence, drug dependency, loneliness
and death. These stories are suitable for young adults and are deemed appropriate. Not exposing
these types of literature to teenagers in their youth will result in them being left alone in the dark
when they are exposed to it in real life. Reading these types of books will also allow them to have a
new perspective on the world and they will grow and develop even more. Opportunities like this
shouldn't be taken away from them.
William Stewart's article 'Adolescent Literature: What is it Worth?' comments about the worth of the
two books The Hunger Games and Lord of The Flies. Though he makes some valid points, there are
also some points which I personally disagree with.
The two books The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Lord of the Flies by William Golding
are both examples of classic young adult literature. Both these stories contain issues that already
exist in the real world, giving them both philosophical depth to a certain degree. The two books are
similar in ways that pertain to a violent narrative however they deal with the violence in different
ways, making them
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Young Adult Literature Stitches
Young Adult Literature Stitches Writing Reflection
The family in the novel has different kinds of language. The mom's language is tapping a fork on the
table. The brother always plays the drums and The main character's language is always getting sick.
My family had very different language. My family didn't really communicate as much as the family
in the story did.
The family in the novel had one holiday trip. During their spring vacation their family split down
the middle dad took ted and headed east to visit his old mother while mama took david and drove
south to be with hers. My family had more trips and Holidays then the family in the novel did.When
it was christmas we always went to Tennessee to see my Grandfather Ronnie,My dad Ronnie.My
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Relationship Among Stress, Adjustment And Homesickness Essay
Relationship among Stress, Adjustment and Homesickness in University Students
Priyanka Kaur Palai Pardeep Kumar
Department of Psychology, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India
The objective of the current study was to examine the relationship among stress, adjustment and
homesickness among University students. Total 100 subjects (N =100, 47 Males, 53 Females)
participated in the current study from Lovely Professional University, Punjab. The age of the
subjects ranged from 18 to 25 years with a mean age of 20.83 years. The tools for data collection
were Perceived Stress Scale and College Adjustment Test in the present study. The statistics
Pearson's Product Moment Correlation and Independent samples t test were used to find out the
relationships and gender differences among the variables, respectively. The results indicated a
negative relationship between stress and adjustment (r = –.299, p < .001) and homesickness and
adjustment (r = –.590, p < .001). A positive relationship was also observed between stress and
homesickness (r = .265, p < .01). The findings provide an evidence for the negative role of stress
and homesickness in adjustment in young adults. Further, the results also indicated no gender
differences among stress, adjustment and homesickness being all t ratios below the level of .05 level
of probability. The findings favor the notion that in modern times both the genders experience stress
and homesickness equally and their adjustment level is
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Impact Of Stereotypes On Society
The Impact of Stereotypes on Society I live by this quote about stereotypes, "I don't believe in
stereotypes. I prefer to hate people on a more personal basis" (I don't believe in stereotypes). This
shows that you shouldn't hate on someone for the way they look, their background. You should
judge them by their personal qualities. People judge others way too quickly by the way they look.
Stereotypes are labels that are unfairly placed on people, and they affect all of us. Stereotypes can be
defined as a picture of how people see others because of the way they look and have acted, and they
impact our society in many ways (Stereotypes). For example, in an interview with Guy Raz from
NPR, Jamila Lyiscott says that, "I'm forced to speak a certain way and denounce the other ways of
navigating language that come from the cultural and racial spaces in my life" (Raz, Jamila). This
defines the stereotype definition because people think she cannot talk well because of her
background of where she grew up. This negatively impacts society because the society thinks all
black people talk different from where they grew up at and how they look. In another interview with
Guy Raz, Maz Jabrani says that "I know all my Middle Eastern and Muslim friends in the states
were watching TV going, please don't be Middle Eastern, don't Hassen, don't be Hussein. And the
name came out Jack. I'm like whoo! Thats not one of us" (Raz Maz). This defines stereotype
because people thought it was Muslims
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Personal Identity In Adolescence
Human development is a perpetual process that commences with our conception and proceeds until
the point where we breathe our last breath. While we remain more stagnant during certain times of
our lives, there are others that are loaded with rapid change. One of these periods is adolescence, in
which teenagers develop psychosocially, cognitively, and morally. They must undergo these
dramatic changes that set a frame for the rest of their lives.
From a psychosocial perspective, Erik Erikson illustrated diverse stages of life as sundry
circumstances of contention. The conflict for adolescence is identity versus role confusion. He
believed this was the duration when humans must decipher our identity and have a strong feeling of
self. We explore through different gregarious relationships and may endeavor different roles. To be
successful in this stage of development, however, we must find our personal identity.
This journey for a firm identity along with the cognitive and moral maturation adolescents
experience all play an integral part in how young teenagers decipher who they are going to be and
what their notions are. They are maturing in their coherent considering, their identity, and their
moral credence's. These variable are largely present or developing amid experiences students will
have as they "come of age." It may be their advent of age experience that authentically solidifies
their moral development, or that helps them nail down precisely who
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Censorship In Young Adult Literature
While reading the assigned chapters of the textbook I found many points interesting and
informative. The first portion that caught my attention involved how to incorporate both young adult
literature and the classics into a curriculum. A very interesting metaphor was used to describe why
adolescents shouldn't read the classics. I was really able to relate to the idea of how well–written
young adult literature can encourage students to read and can possibly lead to reading the classics. I
think that it is a great idea to pair a young adult book with a classic in order to engage reading as
well as help address certain points of the classic. This idea plays well with how to encourage
reluctant readers to want to read, which is the next point I will discuss. A reluctant reader is
something that most teachers will have to deal with at some point in their career. It can be very
difficult for some students to get into the habit of reading for pleasure, it is also common for avid
readers to be in a stage where they just do not want to read. This is a situation that I can relate to
very strongly seeing as I love to read but sometimes find myself in a "reading slump," where I
struggle to motivate myself ... Show more content on ...
Personally, I had never heard the term censorship used in relation to literature, and that made this
section all the more interesting to me. Censorship is used to describe when individuals, such as
librarians or teachers, find certain ideas and information dangerous or objectionable to readers.
People examine books, films, dramas, and television to determine and suppress information they
find offensive. These ideas are practiced by teachers and librarians when finding books for
adolescents to read. Books that involve offensive language, violence, sexism, or substance abuse are
often not considered to be appropriate for young adults, therefore they are not included in many
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Counter Storytelling Of Young Adult Literature

  • 1. Counter Storytelling Of Young Adult Literature Counter–Storytelling in Young Adult Literature: "Oh my God! He was right over there! Closer than I'd been to him when Paul laid into him. Much closer. And Rashad was looking at me, too. I locked eyes with a kid I didn't know, but felt like I did" (309). All American Boys by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely sought to address police brutality in America, more specifically Springfield. Rashad and Quinn are your average high school teenagers, attending the same school not knowing one another but going about their daily lives when Rashad is brutally beaten by Officer Paul Galluzzo. The taped beating of Rashad causes both young men to dig deep and answer questions about what is right and what is wrong. Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely presents counter–storytelling in All American Boys to tell a story of racism and police brutality from the perspective of African– American teen (Rashad) and a White teen (Quinn). According to Hughes–Hassell: Counter– storytelling is an examination of racism and its impact on people of color and indigenous people. Racism is defined as a system of advantage based on race–a system that involves cultural messages and institutional policies or practices, as well as the beliefs and actions of individuals (221). Rashad and Quinn throughout the text seek to answer the question of race being the motive behind the brutal beating by Officer Paul Galluzzo. How is counter–storytelling used in All American Boys? All American Boys uses ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Young Adult Literature Class Analysis Young adult liturature was a fun and productive class. I learned how there are many different sub– genres in just one genre. For example, fiction has: realistic fiction, historical fiction, and many more. I've also been introduced to a few amazing writers like: Kiera Cass, Kasie West, and Harlan Coben. Now there are many more books, all the sequels, I need to read. At the end of last year I signed up for this class because I love reading. I go through phases where I read a lot for a period of time and then there are times where I go for months without reading and this class fell into the phase of reading all the time. I've learned a lot while in this class, most of it being able to recognize literary devices like: personification and onomatopoeias. ... Show more content on ... I can get away from my family by going to my basement, also my room, listening to music, and read for hours at a time. The most difficult thing for me with reading is finding a good book, I have not established who my favorite authors are, and what genres I like most. The biggest influence in the novels I choose to read are reviews on websites like: goodreads and some youtubers. Some areas I wish to improve when reading are being able to find more literary devices than onomatopoeias, personification, similes, and metaphors. In my opion, a good book has to have relatable characters, even if it is only personalities that relate, and a great plot, preferably with at least a little action or something interesting. Overall this class was my favorite in this school so far. I got to read all the time and talk to people reading the same book, which is harder because I never read the same book as the people I talk to, and it was very enjoyable. Even though I was not a fan of the post–its at first, it did really help me with finding literary devices, and make people look at me weird when I pulled out a book full of them but their reactions were hilarious. Also in this class I learned I can read multiple books in only one day if I really try. If I have a chance I would definitely take the second part of this ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay On YA How does YA affect teenagers, adults and their brains? YA or young adult literature is a topic of many controverses today. Everyone is speaking out about their opinion on YA. In this essay I want to compare two articles, who give a different opinion. We can make our own conclusions out of that. Apparently teen fiction characters like Edward Cullen and Harry Potter can affect teenager's brains. At a conference called: "Emergent Adult – Adolescent Literature and Culture," scientists, authors and even parents had come together to discuss the effect YA from the 21st century can have on the brains of youngsters. Both articles agree that YA literature has changed but this is something literature does over time. In 1950's they talked about boys ... Show more content on ... Teenagers are very vulnerable and from neuroscience we know that the part of the brain responsible for feelings like fear, anxiety and grief isn't fully developed yet. So, as a teenager dark fiction amplifies the sense of insecurity. But hold your horses! Maureen Johnson does not agree with this at all. While dystopia or dark themes in general, seem like a new theme, it actually isn't. There has been written about before and she argues that books from 'classical' authors like: Shakespeare, Tolstoy... are as dark or even more dark than current YA literature. It is true that adolescents feel very vulnerable and are very sensitive to these darker themes. But Maureen says that these books help teenagers deal with their feelings and even help them relate to other 'people'. On twitter a the tag: #YAsaves started trending. With this tag young adults or adults who read YA started to describe how YA literature about dystopia or dark themes helped them! There are a lot of teenagers who were relieved to finally find something to relate to, to realise that there can be light at the end of tunnel or to help them deal with certain situations (death, abuse, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Reflection On Writing English 220 helped expand my ideas on what good writing is, and has helped me embrace certain stylistic choices to help add personality and intrigue to my writing. Reading and discussing Chapter 9 of They Say, I Say helped me identify and tweak my voice in later writing assignments, including MWA 2, and now I feel more comfortable deciding to use informalities and voice changes in my writing when it is necessary to better fit the prompt. In addition, our in–class discussions helped me become more comfortable with my sharing my own ideas about things and engaging in discussion about them, which allowed me to analyze the novels we read on a deeper level. Sometimes, voicing opinions in a classroom setting can be a little intimidating, but the welcoming atmosphere of the course helped take some of the pressure off and was very conducive to constructive discussion which gave me the opportunity to practice quick, critical thinking and finding document–based proof in a time–sensitive setting. Before this course, I was only vaguely aware of the plethora of issues that LGBTQ+ individuals face on a daily basis, especially as young adults. Growing up is hard, and growing up as an LGBTQ+ youth tends to be even more difficult. The books we read were, at varying points, beautiful, funny, sad, and poignant, and above all they were eye–opening as they helped me see the world from the perspective of a queer young adult. My family is very accepting, and while I have never struggled with my ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Technology And Technology In the 2008 article, "What's the matter with kids today? Nothing, actually. Aside from our panic that the Internet is melting their brains," Amy Goldwasser argues that technology has a positive effect on today's generation. Since parents lived in a generation with little technology they do not feel the need for their teenagers to use it On the other hand the older generation is blaming technology for having a negative effect on teenagers. They believe they are not reading or writing as much as they should. Texting, emailing, IM'ing have helped teenagers reading and writing skills. Goldwasser states that the internet has a positive influence on today's generation than the older generation gives it credit for. In her article she uses her own opinion to try to persuade the audience without using factual evidence. Amy Goldwasser has been an editor and writer for the country's leading publications for about fifteen years. Some publications she has written for have been Seventeen, The New York Times, Salon, Vogue, New York Magazine, and Outside. She lives in Manhattan, where she teaches editing at the Columbia Publishing Course and writes at Lower Eastside Girls Club. She is also a published author for young adults. She has had experience with teenagers and this is how she formed her opinion of how the internet affected them. Today she is still continuing her work with the book's young author as she edits their political and personal pieces for national publications. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Examples Of Literature In Boys And Girls An Awakening One awakening stage in a person's life is the stage between being a child and being an adult. When an author writes about this stage it can be referred to as coming of age literature: literature that follows the life of a person as he or she shifts from adolescence to young adulthood and discovers who he or she is while seeing the world around him or her differently. These coming of age narratives look back at the time of a youth when he or she is influenced by his or her family, mentors, friends, peers, relationships, and community, all of which help shape the youth into the person they will one day become. And, coming of age literature are narratives which contain similar characteristics; such as, innocence of the world's expectations, life that seems simple as a child but more complex the older one becomes, the disappointment of discovering life is not as black and white as one has perceived, tension between family members or peers, conflicts within oneself as understanding of the world changes, wisdom as one ages, and acceptance and realization that the adult world is complex and difficult. In the short story "Boys and Girls," Alice Munro successfully explores the protagonist innocence of the world's stereotypes, conflict between who she ... Show more content on ... As any other coming of age literature, the protagonist had no way of knowing the path her life would take, but the one thing that always happens the same as real life, the protagonist of coming of age literature transitions from adolescence to adulthood. As with the story "Boys and Girls," family, relationships, and cultural expectations help to shape and awaken adolescents into the young adults they will ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Essay Adolescents experience a developmental journey as they transition from child to adult, and in doing so are faced with many developmental milestones. Physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes are occurring during this tumultuous stage of life, and making sense of one's self and identity becomes a priority. Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part–Time Indian addresses the challenges of adolescence in an engaging tale, but deals with minority communities and cultures as well. Establishing an identity has been called one of the most important milestones of adolescent development (Ruffin, 2009). Additionally, a central part of identity development includes ethnic identity (ACT for Youth, 2002). While some teens search ... Show more content on ... Not only is Junior unpopular and alienated, but the victim of taunts and bullying as well. Furthermore, he's considered a traitor after he transfers to Reardon. At Reardon, he's called names and endures racial jokes until he finally finds acceptance through basketball and surprisingly finds friends with similar interests. Ultimately, Junior comes to the "huge realization" that not only does he belong to the Spokane Indian tribe, but to no less than 13 additional groups (Basketball players, cartoonists, bookworms, and sons to name a few). It is the first time he knows that he will be "OK", sending a positive message to readers that identify with his struggles. By reading about characters similar to themselves, young adults can see that their challenges are not unique and are shared by other adolescents (Bucher & Hinton, 2009) Junior's discovery of identity and place within his world is a predominant theme in the novel and one with which teens can relate; however, several other young adult characteristics and developmental issues are addressed as well. Junior and his peers are experiencing a time of rapid physical, hormonal and cognitive development as are the most likely readers of the book. Like many adolescent girls, Penelope is concerned with her body appearance and popularity. She is a bulimic attempting to keep up her "pretty and smart and popular" (108) image. Junior is concerned with appearances in a more internal way – hiding his ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Annotated Bibliography on Self Image Essay examples Bell, Amanda R. "What Factors Affect Body Image In Teenage Girls." What Factors Affect Body Image 2013 The Autho,r goes on to describe how the media wheather telvesion, the movies or magazines play a big part in body image for teenage girls. She describles that it can be determental to their healt in so many ways. How young girls don't get that much exercise and that can lead to wait gain. However sports can help to improve the body image of teenage girls. Also that even though caregivers and parents control these factors, young woman who face these daily challenges can help reserve the negativity. Family, National Institute on Media and the. "Medias Effects on Body Image." n.d. The author, goes on to describe The most popular ... Show more content on ... Schiegel, Amanda Von. "How the Media Affects the Self–Esteem and Body Image of Young girls." How the Media Affects the Self–Esteem and Body Image of Young girls (August 22 2012). The Author goes on to write, the media is going to get worse and put more pressure on the self body image and how it should"idealy look" There will always be damaging affects of eating disorders, depression, and physical depression but its up to them wheather or not they aregoing to let it affect them. They nrrd to remember that everyone feels that way some point in their life. The thing say see on TV are unrealistic and unhealthy America . He then goes on to write "We ourselves are the true ideal of the human body." (Amozon)Younger, Beth. Learning Curves. Scarecrow Press 35 Image and Female Sexuality in Adult Literature (Scareco) Amozone July 2009. Younger's superb overview of young adults books on the body image and Female sexuality in young aduldts literature has much to recommend it...This guideline to females in young adult literature is highly recommended. Drawing on a diverse set of text books spanning alost 70 years– including well known classics, novels now out of print, and seriesfiction– she makes acomplelling case for the
  • 9. cutural and developmental signifinace of the body of work...... The book makes a unique contrubutionin recognizing this ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Importance Of Reading Young Adult Literature Currently, there is a debate about whether or not adults should be reading young adult (YA) literature. Some on the side for adults reading young adult literature highlight the benefits of adults reading YA literature; specifically reading it in order to relate to feelings they had as a young adult. This ability to relate to YA literature in a personal manner could be very useful to teachers who work with young adults. Teachers can use their findings from the YA novels to further empathize with their students, learn how to integrate these YA novels into their curriculum to make it easier for students to understand, and learn to understand and help students coping with some sort of emotional trauma that may affect their learning. In the classroom, it is highly important that a teacher be able to empathize with and relate to their students. A teacher with a good understanding of the thought processes and emotions of their students often have an easier time relaying information to them (Sylwester 1994). One way that teachers could learn to relate and empathize with their students is by reading YA novels. YA novels are written to be understood and related to by young adults, but anyone who has lived through adolescence should be able to find a YA novel they can relate their life to. The ability for teachers to read these books and relate to them can in turn help them reconnect with the thought processes they had in their formative years. Being able to remember and relate ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Harris And Me Research Paper "Children deprived of words become school dropouts, dropouts deprived of hope behave delinquently. Amateur censors blame delinquency on reading immoral books and magazines, when in fact, the inability to read anything is the basic trouble." (Peter S. Jennison) Censorship could easily be one of the biggest controversies around the world today. The book "Harris and Me" by Gary Paulsen, about a boy who stays with his distant cousin Harris on the family farm because his parents are a bunch of "puke drunks." Spends the summer fighting "commie japs", hunting mice, and tussling with the rooster Ernie. This book was banned by the ALA for nothing more than profanity. If that's even the right term, especially for today in our society. This book was taught in my sixth grade class and I have adored it ever since, but I was baffled to find out it ... Show more content on ... The book always had a certain playful, tone that opened the classrooms mind to another level of loving literature. It's so hard now days to get children to read with all of the technology they are surrounded by, so please ALA don't take away the few good books because of a couple cuss words. "Harris and Me" should not be banned due to the little profanity found in the book, and the reality of relationships between two young boys. Profanity should be the last reason a great novel should be banned. After all, it is reality, it is how people talk, and in the case of Harris and Me, its definitely how young boys talk to each other. The use of the language is hardly profanity at all. For example, Harris says, "Well you can just blow it out your butt you old cow, you ain't no grown–up to tell me what to do. How the hell am I supposed to know things if I don't go ahead and ask them? (Gary Paulsen, Harris and Me .7)" The words feel elementary to me, he says butt instead of ass, and old cow instead of old heifer. Maybe it's not the actual words that parents are losing their minds about, but more about ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Young Adult Literature What does it mean for a book to be Young Adult? I think that Young Adult literature is a perfect bridge between Adult literature and books for children. It fills the gap in between the childish books and the super serious Adult literature. In my eyes Young Adult literature is more like Adult literature than books for children. Mainly because of what happens in the books, the stories in Young Adult literature are more like Adult literature than like the unrealistic fantasy stories that are often found in books for children. The Book Thief is a great example of this, I'm also going to use it to prove the rest of my points. A big difference between Young Adult literature and Adult literature is vocabulary, in Adult literature are for example more difficult and rare words ... Show more content on ... A quote from the book: 'Earth was destroyed where Max Vandenburg had stayed on his feet''. This quote is really serious because it makes it sound like Max has died. Also at the beginning of the book Liesel is adopted, this is something a happy book for children wouldn't talk about. On top of that her step mother doesn't even like her. She never shows happiness or appreciation. I think these are good examples from The Book Thief to show how a location can make a book for Young Adults. A second thing to see if a book is Young Adult is to look at the tone, voice and point of view. Since in this book a very serious conflict is happening, you can't expect it to be all happy and beautiful. Right at the beginning of the book Liesel's little brother dies in a train. This event sets a very sad or sometimes even grim tone for the rest of the book. Liesel is also really sad that she is never going to see her mother ever again. The point of view in a story doesn't really decide whether it's a Young Adult book, Adult book or a book for children. There are a lot of books in different categories that have an omniscient ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Literature Written For Young Adults Tends To Leave Behind Literature written for young adults tends to leave behind the wide–eyed idealism of novels intended for children and depicts a world in which adolescents must discover and negotiate their place within various powerful social institutions. The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton continues these major themes of the genre through its depiction of fourteen–year–old Ponyboy Curtis and his attempts to understand his own social position.. The boys all belong to the same general age group, but it is significant that Ponyboy and his friend Johnny are the youngest members of the gang. There is a contrast between the attitudes of the older members of the gang and the younger members that clearly highlights the effect of disillusionment on youth as they ... Show more content on ... It is likely that Johnny 's comparative youth plays a major role in why the gang feels so strongly that they need to defend him. While every member of the gang looks out for one another, the incident where Johnny was beaten within an inch of his life had profound impact on them because of the way the gang perceives him. Johnny and Ponyboy, as the youngest members of the group, are defended by the older members of the gang without hesitation. Both of the young men are also considered to be kinder than the rest of them, as though they are still perceived to have a sense of optimism and hope in them. The juxtaposition of Ponyboy 's relationship with his elder brother Darry and the affection that Dally has for Johnny demonstrates that Johnny is quite literally a younger brother figure. This is especially important, because it simultaneously shows the collapse of childhood innocence, and the desperation to maintain it against a bleak outlook on life. It is ultimately Johnny 's beating by the Socs, the powerful elite of their town, that results in Ponyboy 's imminent struggle with understanding the social forces at work. It is Johnny 's beating that begins the process of disillusionment for Ponyboy, especially as he begins to relay the tale of how they found Johnny that night to Cherry Valance, and exacerbates Ponyboy 's growing dissatisfaction with the established status quo between the Socs and ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Research Problem: Dependent Variable Research Problem – Dependent Variable The number of young adults living at home has consistently increased since the recession, despite a seemingly improving economy (Shah, 2013). According to Lisa Wade, an associate professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA, approximately 17% of young adults amid the ages of 25 and 44 still live at home (Wade, 2013). There are several unrelated issues that contribute to this staggering number. When trying to live out on your own; there is much to consider. If you begin living alone, at that point all the bills would be solely your responsibility. However, having a roommate or two would distribute the financial obligation and can be very helpful. This can also invade on the level of privacy that can be accumulated from living singly. 1st Independent Variable – Employment Status The literature agrees that although there are other options for young adults to choose as a living arrangement, a growing amount are electing to live with parents for conditions related to their employment status (Leccardi & Ruspini, 2006). The transition of moving away from the home of parents has become more difficult in light of the recent recession. The existing unemployment rate for young adults intensifies the struggle when attempting to pursue independence and obtain individualism (Warner, 2012). The rate of unemployment for the 18 – 31 age groups nearly doubles that of the next age group comprised of their senior cohort. According to the U.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Dystopian Research Paper Rising Popularity of Dystopian Novels amongst Adolescents The rising popularity of dystopian novels recently has captivated the attention of young adults and teenagers. Top bestsellers and teen choice novels of the last few years have seen an increase of numerous dystopian novels in their ranks. The publication of dystopian novels have become increasingly popular with youth and adolescent readers alike, producing a new release of high demand series such as The Maze Runner. The popularity of dystopian novels attracted our attention, so we set out to investigate this phenomenon, seeking to understand why teenagers today find this genre so compelling. Why it is that dystopian fiction and novels are so appealing to teenagers? The relativity of ... Show more content on ... Readers, especially teenagers, can imagine themselves in the world in which the dystopian character lives and feel like they are actually in the story. This concept makes it easy for them to relate to the main character. Teenagers love to read dystopian fiction because it's exciting and interesting! Young adults and teenagers nowadays love the thrill, excitement, and adventure dystopian novels and movies bring. For example The Maze Runner series, are action filled books that will bring any reader suspense. The Maze Runner is a fast–paced adventure set in a cruel and violent post– apocalyptic world. The protagonist, Thomas is a strong role model who does not fall easily into peer pressure or give up his own sense of what's right. Part of the attraction of The Maze Runner is that it is a world in which teenage boys inhabit, a world with no adults, and the boys make their own rules. The teens in the Maze Runner are stranded in a huge Maze and arrive from a box with no memories at all, but they are still aware on some level that they are being held captive and endangered by adults, or the suspicious" creators". Some of the teens in the Maze go insane from fear, the attacks of the monster–like Grievers, and the memory of the world they left behind. With all the events that occur in an adolescent's life, dystopian novels like the Maze Runner are ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Research Problem: Dependent Variable Research Problem – Dependent Variable The number of young adults living at home has consistently increased since the recession, despite a seemingly improving economy (Shah, 2013). According to Lisa Wade, an associate professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA, approximately 17% of young adults amid the ages of 25 and 44 still live at home (Wade, 2013). There are several unrelated issues that contribute to this staggering number. When trying to live out on your own; there is much to consider. If you begin living alone, at that point all the bills would be solely your responsibility. However, having a roommate or two would distribute the financial obligation and can be very helpful. This can also invade on the level of privacy that can be accumulated from living singly. 1st Independent Variable – Employment Status The literature agrees that although there are other options for young adults to choose as a living arrangement, a growing amount are electing to live with parents for conditions related to their employment status (Leccardi & Ruspini, 2006). The transition of moving away from the home of parents has become more difficult in light of the recent recession. The existing unemployment rate for young adults intensifies the struggle when attempting to pursue independence and obtain individualism (Warner, 2012). The rate of unemployment for the 18 – 31 age groups nearly doubles that of the next age group comprised of their senior cohort. According to the U.S. ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Teenagers And The Young Adult Chart Teenagers are the most perceptive individuals in every society– they are just learning and experiencing the real world without yet developing the mask and filter of adults; they see things how they are, and they say things the way they are. They still have the innate curiosity of children without the apathy that seems so rampant among those who actually have the power to change. This is why it is so important to know how teenagers view the world, because they will be making up the world in a few decades. There is no better way to know how they think than by examining the literature they read. Over the past few years, dystopian novels have topped the young adult charts. It is easy to just write off the similarities between teenage–aimed novels as just a standard story–writing formula for making money. However, by looking deeper into what these similarities really mean, we can learn that these stories are similar for very important reasons. As Utopian scholar Lyman Tower Sargent 's states, "It is particularly important that we understand the dreams and nightmares that are directed at children and young adults" (Hintz & Ostry, 234). First, we need to take a look at what dystopian fictions are, by definition. According to Aristotle, author of the Poetics, all forms of art perform mimesis. "Epic poetry and tragedy, as also comedy, dithyrambic poetry, and most pipe–playing and lyre–playing, are all, viewed as a whole, modes of imitation" (Aristotle) This concept of mimesis ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Teen Rebellion In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet Teen Rebellion is a common theme throughout movies, literature, and song lyrics. Teen rebellion is a normal action through teen years. Teen rebellion is caused by wanting to prove a point and a craving for freedom. During teenage years you always want prove a point weather to an authority figure or even to yourself. Also teens are growing into adults and tend to grave freedom. In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" both Romeo and Juliet rebel against their families. The two families of Romeo and Juliet are the most bitter enemies and only care for murdering the other family. Romeo of the Montagues and Juliet of the Capulets are now falling in love with each other but know that the war being families will be a complication to their love. Romeo ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Esperanza Rising Analysis When one visualizes Latino culture, the prevalent images are often bright colors, dancing, and celebrations. This imagery paints a false portrait of the life of many Latino's, especially those that are forced to leave their home countries. Latinos often face intense poverty and oppression, whether in a Latin country, or a foreign country, such is true in Pam Ryan's novel Esperanza Rising. Ryan chronicles the issues that many Latino immigrants face. The first is the pressure from the home country. Many of the countries face turmoil, and many are forced to leave their homes and culture. Once in a foreign place, people often struggle with standing by their own culture or assimilating to the new culture. Latino authors frequently use young adult literature as a platform to discuss the issues they face, as young adults are coming of age they struggle with their identities, personifying the struggle of old culture against the new culture. The first issue that many Latino author's address is the problems in many Latin American countries. In Esperanza Rising Esperanza's family faces the backlash of the Mexican revolution. Esperanza's family has land in Mexico which makes them a target for many unhappy citizens in Mexico. Esperanza's mother has to explain to her that, "the wealthy still own most of the land while some of the poor have not even a garden plot. There are cattle grazing on the big ranches, yet some peasants are forced to eat cats" (Ryan, 25). Eventually Esperanza's father is murdered by bandit's and they are forced to leave the dangerous country. Mexico is not the only place with major issues. Young Adult literature often reaches into the historical hardships of other Latin countries, such as the dictators of the Dominican Republican in Julia Alvarez's novel Before We Were Free. Alvarez talks about the distrust of the police, stating "Back home, [her father] had been tailed by the secret police for months and the family had only narrowly escaped capture their last day on the Island" (Alvarez 233). Young Adult literature reflects this often as a background story, forcing the protagonists into the environment they are in. As well, it frames the families' mindset and the hardships many have faced before ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Decline Of Reading In The US People today have lost interest in reading. Otis Kramer says in The Decline of Reading in the U.S. Damages Our Intellectual Life, "For the first time in modern history, less than half of the adult population now reads literature." When children are not taught to enjoy reading they carry that through life which causes problems that are hard to fix later in life. There is a loss of interest in reading because of schools, parents and technology. This can cause problems with intellect and mental states. Parents can solve this, if they teach their children to enjoy reading early on. The lack of interest in reading is due to many things, but tends to begin with young children. Schools and parents do not encourage their children to read for fun (Charleston). Parents do so because they were not taught to enjoy reading, or they do not have time. Schools, on the other hand, create an environment where reading becomes more of a chore than a fun activity (Denby). Schools do try to teach kids to enjoy reading, teachers will set times or page numbers for their students to read. A study on this method has shown that when told to only read a set amount of time or pages, children will only read the amount required by the teachers. The things that children read are normally not something they chose. This decision creates a hatred for reading in children, even if they loved to read before. "In many case, such as assignments make the students hate the book they have just read, no matter how ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Altruism in Contemporary Young Adult Literature The Harry Potter series is an international literature phenomenon that is both criticised and cherished. Penned by renowned author J.K. Rowling the story of the boy wizard seems to break the barriers of age, race, religion and gender with the range of its fans. This investigation focuses on the Harry Potter series and intends to answer the question of Harry Potter: Selfish or Selfless under the topic of Altruism in Contemporary Young Adult Literature. This investigation is a literature review; unlike a science experiment this report requires are more in–depth analysis of literature on the chosen topic. The intentions of the research are to investigate the topic of Altruism within the Harry Potter series, specifically the choices and ... Show more content on ... It is indicated through a prophecy within the Harry Potter series that "Neither can live while the other survives."(Rowling, 2003: 841). Harry is told, and deduces on his own, that if Lord Voldemort is ever to perish then he must also die, giving the impression that without his own death Lord Voldemort can never be destroyed. This information directly effects Harry's final decision to die without a fight at Lord Voldemort's hand. It can be argued that due to the information that is provided by the prophecy, Harry's option on whether or not to sacrifice himself where striped; and with the lack of options came a lack of choice, and therefore a lack of willingness. This suggests that by Campbell's statement Harry is not a hero, as his self–sacrifice was not willing. Paula Soares Faria, PhD in English Studies, states in her PhD thesis that "The difference between the villain and the hero can be seen here, not in the act of the sacrifice itself, but in the purpose it serves." (Faria 2008:85; emphasis Faria) When taking this into account it can be argued that it was not the Harry's choice or the actual sacrifice itself that should be considered, but rather what this choice achieved; which was the death of the section Voldemort's soul that resided within Harry, and by extension, Voldemort's demise. This suggests that by Faria's statement Harry is a hero, as regardless of why he chose to sacrifice ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Teenage Adoletic Development And The Effects Of Teenage... Humans are naturally inclined to explore the unknown and get to know more people. Some of the people they meet they may feel attracted to and care to date them. This is completely normal for the average human to do. Where it becomes a bit more complicated is in the teenage demographics. Teenagers tend to try out relationships to see what it really takes to be devoted to someone and to practice relationship skills for the future. These decisions made in adolescence will shape the decisions that will be made in the future. Literature plays a fine role in displaying effects of teenage romance. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet work to build a relationship at a young age, but because of their complicated family problems, it ultimately ends in disaster. While it lasted, their relationship serves to teach them newer concepts and helped them to grow new and healthy traits. Despite the potential heartbreak, romantic relationships are a healthy part of teenage development. When looking at the science behind the teenage brain, it is completely healthy for teens to explore new romantic relationships. Numerous lab tests have been conducted to monitor the decision making processes of young adults. Brown University's Michael Frank was able to explain the key parts to an adolescent's brain development. Through studies, he was able to identify how the prefrontal cortex, the decision maker of the brain, tends to lag behind in development. The prefrontal cortex plays a ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Importance Of The Mosque In The Muslim Community Family and community assets is anything which is shared within the community by the families in that community. A shared asset can be a mosque, community center, library, treatment centers, etc. which is there for the families within that community. Most neighborhoods have a community center which families bring their children, to play sports and to participate in activities held within the community. In the Muslim community, the mosques built within that community. Is built for the families within that community, to pray and to do their worshipping. "The Masjid (mosque) t welcomes everyone, day or night, summer or winter, requiring no application form or permission, and it does not turn anyone away be they young or old, male or female, Muslim or non–Muslim, black or white Arab or Non–Arab. Entry into the Masjid does not require any fee, insurance, or any permission. There are no hindrances, no obstacles, nor does the Masjid differentiate between the laymen and a scholar, nor between a ruler and a subject, nor between a wealthy and a poor person" (Mabdullah 2013) . Modern mosques have many services in addition to prayer. For the youth, there are courses, activities for the youth to partake in. Growing up, I attended a nearby mosque every weekend from 9am–1pm for dugsi ( Islamic studies). My mother took me to the mosque to be closer to the religion. This is something most Muslim families do, to keep their children away from going astray. In the Islam drugs and alcohol are ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Realic Fiction In Young Adult Literature : Realistic Fiction Realistic Fiction in Young Adult Literature How can a book about a dead woman helping a boy find his missing father be categorized as realistic fiction? This very question lured me into studying Jenny Valentine's book, Me, the Missing, and the Dead. According to Essentials of Young Adult Literature, realistic fiction will have characters with believable attributes. Similarly, these characters will face realistic situations and react to them in plausible ways. After reading and analyzing the characteristics of Valentine's book, realistic fiction is the category that most accurately describes the book. The author combines multiple components of factual realism and weaves together a story that is not only relatable and believable, but also rather entertaining. First of all, Valentine composes a story that includes situational, emotional, and contemporary realism centered around the protagonist's family, specifically the fact that his dad disappeared five years ago without a trace. In the story, we are introduced to the main character, Lucas Swain. Lucas's living situation is similar to that of an average teenager living in London. He occasionally spars with his older sister, has a mom who is unhappy when he stays out too late, and has a little brother whose blaring morning cartoons affect his ability to sleep in late on a Saturday morning (Valentine 10–11). By happenstance, Lucas finds an urn containing the remains of an old woman named Violet that have been ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Technology And Technology In the 2008 article, "What's the matter with kids today? Nothing, actually. Aside from our panic that the Internet is melting their brains," Amy Goldwasser argues that technology has a positive effect on today's generation. Since parents lived in a generation with little technology they do not feel the need for their teenagers to use it On the other hand the older generation is blaming technology for having a negative effect on teenagers. They believe they are not reading or writing as much as they should. Texting, emailing, IM'ing have helped teenagers reading and writing skills. Goldwasser states that the internet has a positive influence on today's generation than the older generation gives it credit for. In her article she uses her own opinion to try to persuade the audience without using factual evidence. Amy Goldwasser has been an editor and writer for the country's leading publications for about fifteen years. Some publications she has written for have been Seventeen, The New York Times, Salon, Vogue, New York Magazine, and Outside. She lives in Manhattan, where she teaches editing at the Columbia Publishing Course and writes at Lower Eastside Girls Club. She is also a published author for young adults. She has had experience with teenagers and this is how she formed her opinion of how the internet affected them. Today she is still continuing her work with the book's young author as she edits their political and personal pieces for national publications. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Rebellion In Romeo And Juliet The life of a teenage is drastically delicate, yet dramatic, as they try to accommodate to peer pressures that coreces them to take on foreign responsibilities. Even so, why are teenagers deemed as rebellious and delirious in aspects such as literature, movies, and music? Presented in Romeo and Juliet, a notorious Shakespearean play, The School for Good and Evil Quadrilogy written by Soman Chainani, and the attention–grabbing The Hunger Games, teenager rebellion can contribute significant details as to why teenagers engage in detrimental affairs. One may conjecture opinions as to why certain literature, movies, or music display themes of rebellion and why they are enticing to audiences to aid in the understanding of the life of a teenager. ... Show more content on ... The legendary scene consisting of Romeo breaking into the Capulet's residential to meet the stunning Juliet guides one to think of similar acts, they as teenagers, commited (Folgers 71–84). Juliet furtively arranges meetings with Romeo to fabricate what they desire, just like how Agatha and Sophie decided to challenge their schools' boundaries to arrange future meetings that will allow them to see each other. Since the theme of teen rebellion is common it is comparable to Soman Chainani's book, The School for Good and Evil, characters Sophie and Agatha. One may analyze that these recurring actions describe how many teenagers possess similarities in terms of becoming independent. Furthermore, the two literatures piece describes how confidentiality brings them what they desire and how that confidentiality allows them to choose their own ideas and battles. Socially, teens are meant to be understanding and control, however it is human nature for, feelings of freedom emerges when rebellious thoughts are taught to be ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Dystopian And Other Science Fiction Genres Dystopian and other science fiction genres literature often critique society in meaningful ways that give the novels greater depth than might be expected of books written for younger audiences. Recently, "dystopian novels set in some dark, post–nuclear fallout future have dominated the young adult–better known as YA–bestseller lists" (Donston–Miller). The line between age groups in some of these novels also blur as adults latch on the increasingly complex themes and characters in modern science fiction for young adults. Adult may become just as interested in the struggles of Katniss Everdeen as any teenager might. When those lines blur it can be harder for authors and publishers to draw lines of what should and shouldn't be included in young adult literature. They may expect to be writing to a much wider audience and may find it allowable to insert darker themes and endings to make a point. As this continues, doors seemed to have been opened for young adult literature to become darker over time. Just as the movie Tomorrowland points out, dystopian media has been on the rise and people are thriving off of it. The trend might also be increasing the acceptance of darkness in media for youth in this way. The problems presented in dystopian literature are also things that are becoming more and more relatable to people of all ages while the world experiences new dangers daily. According to some young adult authors such as Todd Mitchell, darker science fiction themes may be ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Persuasive Essay On Cosmetic Surgery Did you know that it takes someone about three seconds to make an assumption about you? When you meet someone for the very first time, you'll round up your first impression based on their appearance. Now a day's young girls are easily influenced by everything they see around them, which influences how they want to appear. One major influence is social media and television shows such as "Keeping up with the Kardashians" or "Love and Hip–Hop." Some teenage girls, and a small percentage of teenage boys, assume that to be beautiful they need to look exactly like these famous actors and singers they see all over social media and television. Unfortunately, teenagers around the world are undergoing unnecessary cosmetic surgeries that lead to a lower self–esteem, unpleasing results, bully. Young adults all over the world should recognize the societal pressures placed upon them to look a certain way and thus see cosmetic surgery as unnecessary. As reported by Dan O'Connor in the article Journal of Health Care Law & Policy, "Adolescents should never be exposed to choices for cosmetic procedures," meaning that no teen boy or girl should be given the thought of a different kind of beauty besides natural. The young adults seeking cosmetic procedures are merely choosing to do what is expected of him/her by a society demanding they should look a certain way. According to O'Connor, "The struggle by having cosmetic surgery at a very young age in order to meet those standards, can interrupt the natural growing of body tissue." At first, the reality is that looks won't equal worth; however, that is easily overthrown by a small percentage that says looks do equal worth. This meaning that, the certainty and the fact that a teenager feels bad about themselves is blamed not due to the perceptions, but upon the reality that their body does not meet those perceptions. Most youngsters suffer low self–esteem at one point in their lives; some just handle it differently than others and look to cosmetic surgery as a quick "fix". The word "perfect" appeared prolifically in girls' narratives about aspects of appearance. Girls recognized perfection as a normative requirement of femininity. In the Journal ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Ferris Bueller's Day Off Analysis Think about Ferris from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Now think about Holden from The Catcher in the Rye. No, Ferris does not get kicked out of school, nor does he go to some prestigious private academy. Ignore all of that. Consider the similitude between the two teenagers, Ferris is eighteen whilst Holden is seventeen but, they are both still in high school and yet while they are polar opposites if you ponder their personalities these two boys can become quite indistinguishable. Holden, once kicked out of school, believes he is mature enough to do adult things and so he pursues them. Ferris on the other hand skips school, indulging in childish behaviour. Withal, each character was constructed in a different time period there is still the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Online Teen Forum Review Essay The Book & Reader forums is a place designed for users of all ages to discuss books. Within the forums of this website there is one forum described as being intended for children and young adult books. This forum seems to receive a limited amount of traffic. A search using the forum's search feature revealed that since the beginning of the year there have been 33 posts. While some of these posts were written by adults, I also a detected several that appeared to have been written by teens. The forum does not require members to post their age; however, in older posts I noted that several teens mentioned their age. Posters are only able to be identified by as much information as they are willing to share, so it is difficult to determine ... Show more content on ... Also, individuals on this forum often reply to original threads started years ago. Unlike some forums, this is actually encouraged by the staff members, but it makes following a thread difficult at times. Compared to Traditional Reviews The reviews I read on the forum were less concerned with a succinct, comprehensive overview of the book like one would expect in a professional review on a site like Kirkus. Rather, they focused on an emotional attachment to the book as a reason to review or recommend it to others. For example, in a discussion on Charlotte's Web, one individual explains that she hated the book because she was forced to read it several times in elementary school (evie, 2004). Although the opinions on the forum were hardly reviews in the professional sense of the word, I was surprised that they so frequently included some sort of visceral reaction to the book. Often there was little explanation concerning the particulars of the story and the author chose to focus instead on the fact that a main character made them angry or that the ending was unexpected or happy. It is difficult to determine which review has the greater authority. If an individual were simply trying to discern whether the plot would be interesting, then certainly a professional review would be more authoritative. However, the conversational reviews I read between friends reminded me of the power of a personal opinion. While ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Teens In YA Literature YA Literature has been around since the 19th century. During that time books for children and teens were about the right morals and their religion. It was thought that children's and teens should not be exposed to fictional stories. Then later down the years, YA Literature developed into something else in the 1960s. According to Ashley Strickland, a reporter for CNN, "the term 'young adult' was coined by Young Adult Library Services Association during the 1960s to represent the 12–18 age range". YA Literature is targeted at teens around this age. Also, in regards to this article, these books were "single–problem novels" and teens were becoming bored. In order to take it up a notch, novels began to involve horror along with the realistic issues. Books began to skyrocket, teens were addicted to their new genre, a genre just for them (Strickland). The question that was being asked was why are teens so interested in books about fiction or more like paranormal and dystopian stories? Well "Teens are caught between two worlds, childhood and adulthood, and in YA, they can navigate those two worlds and sometimes dualities of other worlds" (Strickland). They can imagine what could've happened and what can happen. They can escape from reality in their own world while their Reading. There are so many positive things that can come from reading YA Literature books. There has been some debating over YA Literature and has been going on for a ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Catcher In The Rye Controversy A Teen's Voice: The Authenticity of Catcher in the Rye Young adult books are hot in the writing world and are the new trend of what people want to read. Teens and adults alike are drawn to characters like Katniss Everdeen, Hazel Grace, and Jacob Portman; they seem real, they become dear to us. Before this trend started, however, many people did not write for a young adult reader. J.D. Salinger, on the other hand, wrote a very popular book for young adults called The Catcher in the Rye. Salinger wrote this book in 1951 way before the new young adult book writing craze. Many people are now saying that the main character of The Catcher in the Rye, Holden, is outdated. Can young adults not relate with Holden anymore because this book was written ... Show more content on ... As he's telling what he has experienced he is very truthful, even in his lies. Holden doesn't keep anything to himself he says, " I felt so lonesome all of a sudden, I almost wished I was dead"(48). Holden was just sitting in a quiet room thinking at this point. He doesn't just say this to get sympathy. Holden says this because this is actually how he felt at that moment. The reader also finds out the emotional truth at the end of the book when Holden shares that he is in a rest home. When Holden says, " this one psychoanalyst guy they have here, keeps asking me if I'm going apply myself when I go back to school next September"(114) it opens up the eyes to the reader that Holden was telling the story the whole time to someone in the rest home. This is what many teens go to when they are emitted to holmes for help with their mental stability. Holden Caulfield is an authentic teenage character that many teens can relate ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Why I Am A University Library Until recently, I had no idea that there was a such thing as a Young Adult Librarian. I had assumed that teaching would be the only job that would allow me to talk about books and share my love of books with young adults; but then, one day I happened to stumble upon a blog ran by someone who was sharing her experience as a Young Adult Librarian and I knew instantly that I had found what I wanted to do with my life. At this point, I started looking around for ways to be involved with my university library, just so I could have a taste of what it was like to work in a library setting. Since it is a university library, I knew that my opportunity to deal with anything young adult would be pretty much non–existent, so I decided to just use the opportunity to learn whatever I possibly could about librarianship. I spent the semester working with Collection Management and the Interlibrary Loan office and I learned a little about the inner workings of those two areas, and a little about what it meant to be a librarian. I still have my heart set on being a Young Adult Librarian in the end, and I know without a doubt that a career as a librarian is right for me. It is important to realize that being a young adult can be difficult, there are so many new experiences and responsibilities that come with those years and it can be overwhelming for many. I want to become a Young Adult Librarian so I can not only be in a position to, but also know how to best help young adults navigate ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Pros And Cons Of Young Adult Dystopian Literature Young adult dystopian literature utilizes fiction and has some pros and cons. The gains include the promotion of learners' creativity because they are exposed to imaginations. Fictions involves events that have not happened but can occur in the future. Like in the books Uglies, Pretties, and Specials, the following themes were provided: appearance, separation, and freedom. Regarding appearance, within the Uglies, there is the theme of appearance where pretty and ugly were relative terms when Tally was an ugly waiting for her surgery. The trust beyond surgery was to make her unintelligent and have shallow vain. Tally's society emphasizes on appearance, for it is seen that in Uglies, "She pushed from room to room, trying to distinguish faces without being distracted by those big pretty eyes or overwhelmed by the feeling that she didn't ... Show more content on ... They have gone to the extent of secluding themselves from the Uglies. The residing place for the Uglies is Uglyville and is regarded as a prison by most residents that stay there. It is seen even today, where in today's life, we have different classes within our society. While reading through the book Specials, this text really caught my eye, relating to freedom in today's society: "Everything's going to pieces," Dr. Cable hissed, glaring up at Tally. 'It won't be long before they start chewing up the wild, you know.' 'Yeah, I know. Just like in Diego.' Tally sighed, remembering Andrew Simpson Smith's forest fire.' Freedom has a way of destroying things, I guess." (Westerfeld, Specials 334)." The freedom of the people especially to the Pretties has brought about discrimination in the society. While, the Uglies are being biased against through confinement. The lack of freedom is shown through the text by the people having no freedom and being confined. Dr. Cable argued that once people have freedom, it may cause environmental destructions (Westerfeld, Uglies ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Young Adult Literature : The Hunger Games And Lord Of The... Young adult literature is considered to be written works of superior or lasting artistic merit targeted towards teens and people in their early twenties. The majority of young adult literature portray an adolescent as the main protagonist rather than an adult or child. The stories usually deal with issues that adolescence are already facing or are afraid of, such as violence, drug dependency, loneliness and death. These stories are suitable for young adults and are deemed appropriate. Not exposing these types of literature to teenagers in their youth will result in them being left alone in the dark when they are exposed to it in real life. Reading these types of books will also allow them to have a new perspective on the world and they will grow and develop even more. Opportunities like this shouldn't be taken away from them. William Stewart's article 'Adolescent Literature: What is it Worth?' comments about the worth of the two books The Hunger Games and Lord of The Flies. Though he makes some valid points, there are also some points which I personally disagree with. The two books The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Lord of the Flies by William Golding are both examples of classic young adult literature. Both these stories contain issues that already exist in the real world, giving them both philosophical depth to a certain degree. The two books are similar in ways that pertain to a violent narrative however they deal with the violence in different ways, making them ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Young Adult Literature Stitches Young Adult Literature Stitches Writing Reflection The family in the novel has different kinds of language. The mom's language is tapping a fork on the table. The brother always plays the drums and The main character's language is always getting sick. My family had very different language. My family didn't really communicate as much as the family in the story did. The family in the novel had one holiday trip. During their spring vacation their family split down the middle dad took ted and headed east to visit his old mother while mama took david and drove south to be with hers. My family had more trips and Holidays then the family in the novel did.When it was christmas we always went to Tennessee to see my Grandfather Ronnie,My dad Ronnie.My ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Relationship Among Stress, Adjustment And Homesickness Essay Relationship among Stress, Adjustment and Homesickness in University Students Priyanka Kaur Palai Pardeep Kumar Department of Psychology, Lovely Professional University, Punjab, India Abstract The objective of the current study was to examine the relationship among stress, adjustment and homesickness among University students. Total 100 subjects (N =100, 47 Males, 53 Females) participated in the current study from Lovely Professional University, Punjab. The age of the subjects ranged from 18 to 25 years with a mean age of 20.83 years. The tools for data collection were Perceived Stress Scale and College Adjustment Test in the present study. The statistics Pearson's Product Moment Correlation and Independent samples t test were used to find out the relationships and gender differences among the variables, respectively. The results indicated a negative relationship between stress and adjustment (r = –.299, p < .001) and homesickness and adjustment (r = –.590, p < .001). A positive relationship was also observed between stress and homesickness (r = .265, p < .01). The findings provide an evidence for the negative role of stress and homesickness in adjustment in young adults. Further, the results also indicated no gender differences among stress, adjustment and homesickness being all t ratios below the level of .05 level of probability. The findings favor the notion that in modern times both the genders experience stress and homesickness equally and their adjustment level is ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Impact Of Stereotypes On Society The Impact of Stereotypes on Society I live by this quote about stereotypes, "I don't believe in stereotypes. I prefer to hate people on a more personal basis" (I don't believe in stereotypes). This shows that you shouldn't hate on someone for the way they look, their background. You should judge them by their personal qualities. People judge others way too quickly by the way they look. Stereotypes are labels that are unfairly placed on people, and they affect all of us. Stereotypes can be defined as a picture of how people see others because of the way they look and have acted, and they impact our society in many ways (Stereotypes). For example, in an interview with Guy Raz from NPR, Jamila Lyiscott says that, "I'm forced to speak a certain way and denounce the other ways of navigating language that come from the cultural and racial spaces in my life" (Raz, Jamila). This defines the stereotype definition because people think she cannot talk well because of her background of where she grew up. This negatively impacts society because the society thinks all black people talk different from where they grew up at and how they look. In another interview with Guy Raz, Maz Jabrani says that "I know all my Middle Eastern and Muslim friends in the states were watching TV going, please don't be Middle Eastern, don't Hassen, don't be Hussein. And the name came out Jack. I'm like whoo! Thats not one of us" (Raz Maz). This defines stereotype because people thought it was Muslims ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Personal Identity In Adolescence Human development is a perpetual process that commences with our conception and proceeds until the point where we breathe our last breath. While we remain more stagnant during certain times of our lives, there are others that are loaded with rapid change. One of these periods is adolescence, in which teenagers develop psychosocially, cognitively, and morally. They must undergo these dramatic changes that set a frame for the rest of their lives. From a psychosocial perspective, Erik Erikson illustrated diverse stages of life as sundry circumstances of contention. The conflict for adolescence is identity versus role confusion. He believed this was the duration when humans must decipher our identity and have a strong feeling of self. We explore through different gregarious relationships and may endeavor different roles. To be successful in this stage of development, however, we must find our personal identity. This journey for a firm identity along with the cognitive and moral maturation adolescents experience all play an integral part in how young teenagers decipher who they are going to be and what their notions are. They are maturing in their coherent considering, their identity, and their moral credence's. These variable are largely present or developing amid experiences students will have as they "come of age." It may be their advent of age experience that authentically solidifies their moral development, or that helps them nail down precisely who ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Censorship In Young Adult Literature While reading the assigned chapters of the textbook I found many points interesting and informative. The first portion that caught my attention involved how to incorporate both young adult literature and the classics into a curriculum. A very interesting metaphor was used to describe why adolescents shouldn't read the classics. I was really able to relate to the idea of how well–written young adult literature can encourage students to read and can possibly lead to reading the classics. I think that it is a great idea to pair a young adult book with a classic in order to engage reading as well as help address certain points of the classic. This idea plays well with how to encourage reluctant readers to want to read, which is the next point I will discuss. A reluctant reader is something that most teachers will have to deal with at some point in their career. It can be very difficult for some students to get into the habit of reading for pleasure, it is also common for avid readers to be in a stage where they just do not want to read. This is a situation that I can relate to very strongly seeing as I love to read but sometimes find myself in a "reading slump," where I struggle to motivate myself ... Show more content on ... Personally, I had never heard the term censorship used in relation to literature, and that made this section all the more interesting to me. Censorship is used to describe when individuals, such as librarians or teachers, find certain ideas and information dangerous or objectionable to readers. People examine books, films, dramas, and television to determine and suppress information they find offensive. These ideas are practiced by teachers and librarians when finding books for adolescents to read. Books that involve offensive language, violence, sexism, or substance abuse are often not considered to be appropriate for young adults, therefore they are not included in many ... Get more on ...