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We Want Leaders and not the Politicians to rule our country ...” A leader must always have a sense of
the public. He has to deal with human beings as individuals and, in the mass, he must know the art of
getting in to their minds and hearts” taken from “thoughts” by Jawaharlal Nehru

Corruption is universal. It is present in developed and developing countries, in the bureaus of public or
private sectors, and in nonprofit or charitable organizations. Shift from governance to management only
changes its residence.

Our tax structure: Our tax structure is also to be blamed for evading taxes. The more is the tax, the less
is contribution by people. There is no need of bringing tax to utmost level, but to affordable level. The
high cost of stamp duties and registration charges are making people give understatements of asset
values. (People's corruption)

Causes of corruption: - Going to the cause of corruption in Indian society where the moral value is given
the first priority is very difficult. Why a person involved in corruption and what led the person to do the
corruption? Why the person who started the career with a great moral background and eagerness to
serve honestly, indulge in corruption?

Answer :1: human nature and social status ; The answer is the human nature. To achieve the social
status a person indulges in the corruption. In India the public servants are well paid to fulfill their basic
needs. In the age of globalization the social status is defined by the ability to spend money. So they need
more money to achieve the status and it leads to the corruption.

 Joint family:2: In India the joint family system also contributes to this. A large number of family
members and relatives are depending upon one person. The demand of the family members compels
the person to earn money through backdoor.

Desire to have luxury items and desire to earn more :3: Everyday new items of luxury flooded the
market. To cope up with the new generation luxury and maintain the standard in the society they need
to do the corruption. This type of corruption includes taking bribe, sale of public property, influencing
for favors etc.

I have a simple question to ask every one? Who is not corrupt? Yes I am right one way other way every
one is a corrupt in our society. It looks wonderful and beautiful and every one wants a corrupt free
society. No one is denying the fact but ……………….can we have rama rajyam… with corrupt free society is
a big question marks before us ? ……

An we define Corruption? Let us examine this……
As a parent Most of the parents bribe their children for doing certain good things by their children like
getting good marks in their examination .we tell them if they score as they desired we will give them
gifts and money . We do this because we appreciate their efforts and thought of giving some thing as
the gesture of their hard work………..

A Husband bribes her wife to please her by way of offering gifts throughout his life ……………..

A teacher Bribes their students by way of giving encouragement and gifts ……………..

A politician bribes the voters in the election process to get elected by the people ……………….

A Officer bribes lower staff ………….

Then what is the Definition of the corruption:

Definition: Can we define what the corruption is ? Can we classify the corruption based on the amount
we give to other for the work done at different levels?

With the word corruption everybody can understand what it is without giving the proper definition. The
word corruption itself is the definition of corruption. This is a wider idea. But if we go to the root it is
defined as the "misuse of trust for self gain". In broad "the use of authority given to somebody by some
other for self or relative's economical gain", is called corruption. It may be direct or indirect gain to the
person through the organization or through the group benefitted by his corrupt and unlawful act. Often
the corruption is refers to the government official or to the politicians related to the public office and
public entrust as a whole. But the act of corruption is also related to the private office and private

 Most corrupt department are police, sale tax . We rarely see a good constable and good sp. Our system
has polluted them and they have to bother about their families initially they will be very strict in the
beginning of their career later because of pressures from the political circle they have to be like others
in the

Drivers bribing a police officer to avoid speeding tickets course of time

…..we know

Police – the police system is also corrupted in India. Even to file a FIR and to get a copy of it you need
some source or to bribe.

We have seen in the case of Andhra Pradesh. Every one appreciated Mr Rajashekar reddy now what
happened and we came to know after his demise how they have earned money legally by doing favors
to the investors because they are in the government and they can do what ever they wanted to do.

An IAS and IPS officer bribes their higher officials and ministers and politicians to get work done from
Hospitals: A Dying patient has also has to pay bribe to the hospital staff otherwise his dead body will be
thrown.. to get a bed in hospital we have to pay … for better taking care of the patients we have to
bribe otherwise they will not care the patients and this is universal phenomena in all the hospitals

Corporate Hospitals: If u admit a patient in a corporate hospital means that you did not have any kind
of control on you and your well-wishers and our destiny will be decided by the corporate hospitals.
They take all kinds of tests all expensive tests even if it is required or not they least bothered and they
want money and really it is a hell to the patients. May be one percent hospitals have some kind of
considerations and have human values ……….

To get birth certificate, death certificate , income certificate , caste certificate for permission to start a
business activity for everything we have to pay money otherwise they will not care for us…….

Restaurants/Hotels: We give tips in hotels after eating breakfast/lunch or dinner to the hotel staff ………
what is this is called ……………..

Possible solutions: 1. Hotels management should not encourage tips 2. They should keep a vigil on staff
and they should trained such that they should return to the customers by saying no thanks.3. They
should keep in the entrance a board saying “customers are not supposed to pay tips to the stewards”.

Cinema Halls : We go movies and if we don’t get tickets for the movie what many of us will do is we even
purchase tickets from the block because we rarely go to movies and we don’t want to spend again and
again for our convenience to see a movie and we do it and we never feel seriously about this what we
are basically doing and we don’t have even guts to report this matter to police officials because they
are involved in this and ultimately we don’t get any thing out of it..

Possible Solutions : 1. Educate the people on this 2. Every one should take an oath that they never
purchase the tickets outside or through the black tickets 3. The police officials should consider this as a
serious issue.4. We have to control through vigilance cell to monitor this strictly

Auto: An Auto fellow expect more money from the passengers and he never bother to take the
passenger s on meter charges

Example : one honest person with principles has to take a patient to the hospital urgently and he
requests auto fellow to take him to hospitals by paying only meter charges but the auto fellow denies
and says he has to pay more than the meter only he will takes him to the hospital . Question s: Then
the poor fellow what he will do? Will he stick to the principals or he has to look after the patient?
Certainly he has to give importance to the patient. In this case what one has to do?

ANS: Can we change the attitude of the auto fellow after coming back from the hospital and it is highly
impossible change the attitude of the auto fellow. It doesn’t mean every auto fellow will be like this we
have a quite good and honest fellows are available with us. Let’s us hope they will change the mind set
of other fellows and one day or other we will hope for the best ……
Government officials : For any kind of work that has to be done by the Government officials and private
sector people without giving money we cannot get it work done and it is known to every one ………– the
government officials are the most corrupted in India. Without giving bribe it is very difficult to get work
done in a government office

Politicians – The politicians and their relatives are mostly involved in corruption by using the influence of
party source. We know that 99 percent of the political leaders are corrupt and we finally depend on
them because we don’t like politics or even if we are interested we cannot do any thing unless share the
views with others so on so fourth……..

We hear from others and it is cent percent true that any kind of work that has to be executed by the
private contractors normally pay between 10 ten to 15 percent on the total value of the project to the
politicians or the concerned ministry If it is true how can we expect the quality of the work or the
construction they will be doing ……….

How the Political Parties get money… It look to be a simple question but when you look closely that the
corruption starts from the donors and the donors expect the returns from the elected representatives
once they come to power this is vicious circle and it is all in this game and how to stop this god only
knows or People like Mr Anna hazere recently succeeded in bringing out the corruption by bringing a
strong “JAN LOK PAL” and His next target on Reforming the Electoral Process ………………

Heavy election expenses made truthful and service-minded youth to be away from politics which is
making India devoid of political management and intellectuality. The stay waters stink, whereas flowing
water seems crystal clear. Like that, our political system is stinking with scams, criminals etc.

• Political party officials rigging elections

Companies: Some Companies selling their faulty products to earn more and quick money and dupe the

Companies colluding to fix prices in their industries and by many means so on so forth …………………

Judiciary – the judiciary system of India is badly involved in corruption to give favored judgment and
delaying the delivery of judgment

NGO's – The last but not the least the NGO's are involved in corruption. In the back of tax relief rule they
encourage the fostering of corruption.

At last doing the act of corruption is known as scam. In India every morning gives the news of a new
scam so on so forth ….
Land registration: The corruption starts from the land registration process onwards as per the
government value only we take stem papers but in actual the real value will be much higher than the
government rate in that case we have to pay the owner money in black and it is not accountable and
every one has undergone this process it means every one in India is a corrupt fellow May be 1 percent of
people will be there by paying the actual value of the plot and they purchase the stamp papers.

Solution : government has to evaluate the actual value of the land based on the information available as
we see in the case of share values of the companies. The government should fix a nominal registration
fee such that it will not be burden to the purchaser and should willingly he will pay the registration fee.
The government should to this on war foot first ……

 Organizational corruption – The corruption done by the group of people together for the benefits of the
organization they part of is mostly done by the public representatives the politicians. To compensate the
expenditure of elections and other expenditure of the political party they involved in corruption. Often
the person involved in such type of corruption think that he is not doing any wrong as this is not for his
personal benefits. This type of corruption includes giving the public work contract to the person in a low
cost and in turn the person will donate the money into the party fund.

Children and innocent: The children and the innocent were trapped in this by few individuals to make
quick money and they give freely first and then they will be addicted to this and the Children buying
illegal narcotics for recreational

Movies: Let us compliment the director and the producers of these films and they have shown the
reality and present status of ths society and they have shown on their own how to put an end to it. I
have given only few movies for the references and we have many more such movies

Tagore: In Tagore it is clearly shown how the corporate Hospitals exploit poor people (patients) and Mr
cheeranfeevi exposed the misdeeds of corporate hospitals by admitting a dead patient saying that he
has seriously ill and would like to pay whatever hospitals charges and he wants the patient should be

We have seen in the movie that he has taken a flat and thought of spending the complete life with their
family in that own flat but what has happened we know because of the construction made where it has
not to made and the concerned engineers suggested the builder not to construct the flats but the
builder has denied and ultimately all the residents of that flat died because the building collapsed.

We have seen cheeranggeevi after his family lost in that tragic incident. He Made up his mind to punish
the corrupt officials and he has established with his own students a complete network and given
message to all people of Andhra Pradesh that corrupt officials are not spared. Is it possible to change the
society like this it is not . We simply appreciate the movie and the director for bringing out such a nice
movie on corruption but you can see the next day there is no impact on such kind of movies in society/
what we have to do?
The Leader: The most recent movie on corruption is the leader. It is clearly shown that it is very difficult
to be honest in the political system otherwise you will thrown out and we have seen that all the elected
representatives are corrupt people and they and their relatives should be safe and no one should make
an IT raids. Mr Rana wants to change the entire scene but he could not because everyone is corrupt in
the society and everyone wants power. We have seen how he has come to power by paying huge
amount to each and every MLA after getting CM position he wanted to do good things to the society but
he could not because others

are not willing to change the society.

The director shown his thoughts very clearly finally Mr Rana resigned from the CM’s Post before that he
has given orders to raid the houses of MLA’s and Ministers and we could see the recovery amount it is

Mr Rana went to masses and everyone in the public supported but it is being the movie but it will not
happen in reality But very rarely it has happened to support anne hazare by the entire people of India
on Janlokpal bill. We should be optimistic that things will change for a better only and we may even see
a better a corrupt free society.

Bharatheeyudu Movie: The director has shown how the corruption eats our society . It is shown in the
movie how difficult to practice the values and morals in the society. Mr Kamahasan (father role) and Mr
Kamalhasan(son) role has shown a varied differences. Father stands on principle for the same principles
he has lost his daughter because he did not pay the money in the hospitals finally he stood with
principles and even he did not spared his son. He identified the corrupt people and made a target of
killing each and he has not even spared his son in the mission. As usual we appreciate movie and forget
about the society and the misdeeds in the society as whole.

Apargithudu: In this movie the director has shown knowingly or unknowingly we accept corruption in
the society and while doing land registration we do pay money to the broker and also we will take
stamp papers as per the market value only and the rest we will pay the landlord cash ie unaccountable
money from the buyer side as well as from the landlord. The hero(Mr Vikram) in this film unable to
digest the ways of corruption in different levels and different ways and he will identifies the person
responsible and he kills one by one and he did not even spare his lover on this issue but the heroine will
be saved.

The Director has shown that everyone takes this as casual and we never feel responsible for this for
example right from the railway canteen contractor supplies the food substandard to the passengers
traveling in train because he knows that no one will question him because every day a new passenger
will travel in trains. He thinks by doing thing he can save more money.

The role of Youth: The opinion Poll published by India Today issue September 26, 2011 and it says
“Young India is furious. With corruption, politicians, and the body blow to national pride. They have faith
in their country, but not in the people who run it…… It is cent percent correct.
It is interesting to note that about 65% youngsters have never paid a bribe. If it is true with our
youngsters then we need not worry because they can take a lead on this subject and I am confident they
will change the society one day and it is not far I guess?

Greed for power and money: We have seen very recently several scams and corruption cases like 2g
scam, miss appropriation of money in common wealth games, How the power brings corers of money
we have seen in case of Mr Jagan Mohan Reddy, We have even seen Mr Gali Janardhar Reddy the
mining king of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka who has earned money and surprises every one More
than 100 kgs gold he has ,forget about the assets he has? How this is possible because he can lure with
money and make more and more money in turn.

We say that if u do sin and you will be punished in narkam but now we have seen the more greedy you
are and you will be certainly caught and you will be answerable before the judiciary and that we have
seen witnessing with many prominent people. Will others will learn lessons from this no certainly not
because we were not caught and greed for more money will bring us to srikrishan janmasthanam (jail)
one day or other certainly.

We Need Money:

 Every one needs money to do any thing as we are aware of this and how this money will come to the
political parties and it is understood that they may raise funds my membership drive and do you believe
that with member ship drive can they sustain their party? Certainly not than they get donations form
the party sympathies and from the business and from industrialist and from Non Resident Indians so on
so fourth. To Organize their Regular annual meetings they require corers of rupees and every one
involved in the system organizes this in their own way by collecting form the people and other business
people and some business people who had benefited from the government will sponsor their activity
and the give money and it is not on records either for the receiver and the donor.

It is also important that with out money proper resources no party can survive for longer period we have
seen in the case of Prajarajyam party. We have seen in the case of loke sattha their main source is
through member ship drive only . The Loksataa party is sticking to its principle but the people appreciate
this but when they would like to choose the candidate they see who is doing(which Party) lots of
advertisement and publicity and who spends maximum money during the elections will be considered.
The mind set of the people has to change considerably as we have seen the support we have received
to annan hazare is enormous . We feel that during the next election time also similar support is required
to choose the right and uncorrupt persons (candidates) should be elected through out all the states of
India. We Hope for the best and let us be Optimistic on this…

For example To organize a Ganesh celebrations in a small colony people take money from the colony
people and they identify the successful business people and ask them to sponsor their events. This is
how the welfare society organizes the events. The collects nearly 2 laks and apart from the sponsors of
the event like Idol(vigraham) sponsor, mementos sponsor , stage sponsor so on so fourth.We need
people to Organize such functions and we wish that they spend this money in proper manner and it is
also important few of the organizers even spends their complete time and they should be properly
rewarded with cash incentives.


Even if we make 100 laws and a powerful Jana LOk Pal Bill also thing will not change in the society unless
if we can change the mindset of every one irrespective of their age groups and right from common man,
politician, businessman ,entrepreneur ,youth and eventually the politician. We have seen the strength
of people for the common cause with Sri anna Hazare if the same spirit we will continue we can be
optimistic and the power of the people who can question the government If they do misdeeds and
they(people) have the power to change the government. It is interesting to note that the youth ideas
are good but they are reluctant to come to politics may be what they are seeing with the present day
politicians may be that could be the reason and I wish they should actively participate and they even can
change the society as they wanted to do.

Corruption is not only prevalent in India, but also has its place in every nation. There is no need to
compare India with other countries.

Man needs money to sustain their family with a good comfort having one house, one farm house, one
car, sufficient bank balance and gold and jewelry beyond that if he earns we know what happened to
others at least one has to learn lessons from these episodes. The excess money they can utilize for the
benefit of others like spending in their home town/village by adopting the village if he has excess money
or else he can spend on deserving children education by sponsoring their tuition fees so on so fourth .By
doing this the amount of happiness you derive will be enormous . If every one does in similar fashion
who said India is corrupt and we can definitely achieve this let us be optimistic and hope for the


India Today magazine date 26 th Sep2011

Thoughts by Jawarharlal Nehru

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Corruption views By Kanagiri S Prasad

  • 1. We Want Leaders and not the Politicians to rule our country ...” A leader must always have a sense of the public. He has to deal with human beings as individuals and, in the mass, he must know the art of getting in to their minds and hearts” taken from “thoughts” by Jawaharlal Nehru Corruption is universal. It is present in developed and developing countries, in the bureaus of public or private sectors, and in nonprofit or charitable organizations. Shift from governance to management only changes its residence. Our tax structure: Our tax structure is also to be blamed for evading taxes. The more is the tax, the less is contribution by people. There is no need of bringing tax to utmost level, but to affordable level. The high cost of stamp duties and registration charges are making people give understatements of asset values. (People's corruption) Causes of corruption: - Going to the cause of corruption in Indian society where the moral value is given the first priority is very difficult. Why a person involved in corruption and what led the person to do the corruption? Why the person who started the career with a great moral background and eagerness to serve honestly, indulge in corruption? Answer :1: human nature and social status ; The answer is the human nature. To achieve the social status a person indulges in the corruption. In India the public servants are well paid to fulfill their basic needs. In the age of globalization the social status is defined by the ability to spend money. So they need more money to achieve the status and it leads to the corruption. Joint family:2: In India the joint family system also contributes to this. A large number of family members and relatives are depending upon one person. The demand of the family members compels the person to earn money through backdoor. Desire to have luxury items and desire to earn more :3: Everyday new items of luxury flooded the market. To cope up with the new generation luxury and maintain the standard in the society they need to do the corruption. This type of corruption includes taking bribe, sale of public property, influencing for favors etc. I have a simple question to ask every one? Who is not corrupt? Yes I am right one way other way every one is a corrupt in our society. It looks wonderful and beautiful and every one wants a corrupt free society. No one is denying the fact but ……………….can we have rama rajyam… with corrupt free society is a big question marks before us ? …… An we define Corruption? Let us examine this……
  • 2. As a parent Most of the parents bribe their children for doing certain good things by their children like getting good marks in their examination .we tell them if they score as they desired we will give them gifts and money . We do this because we appreciate their efforts and thought of giving some thing as the gesture of their hard work……….. A Husband bribes her wife to please her by way of offering gifts throughout his life …………….. A teacher Bribes their students by way of giving encouragement and gifts …………….. A politician bribes the voters in the election process to get elected by the people ………………. A Officer bribes lower staff …………. Then what is the Definition of the corruption: Definition: Can we define what the corruption is ? Can we classify the corruption based on the amount we give to other for the work done at different levels? With the word corruption everybody can understand what it is without giving the proper definition. The word corruption itself is the definition of corruption. This is a wider idea. But if we go to the root it is defined as the "misuse of trust for self gain". In broad "the use of authority given to somebody by some other for self or relative's economical gain", is called corruption. It may be direct or indirect gain to the person through the organization or through the group benefitted by his corrupt and unlawful act. Often the corruption is refers to the government official or to the politicians related to the public office and public entrust as a whole. But the act of corruption is also related to the private office and private sector. Most corrupt department are police, sale tax . We rarely see a good constable and good sp. Our system has polluted them and they have to bother about their families initially they will be very strict in the beginning of their career later because of pressures from the political circle they have to be like others in the Drivers bribing a police officer to avoid speeding tickets course of time …..we know Police – the police system is also corrupted in India. Even to file a FIR and to get a copy of it you need some source or to bribe. We have seen in the case of Andhra Pradesh. Every one appreciated Mr Rajashekar reddy now what happened and we came to know after his demise how they have earned money legally by doing favors to the investors because they are in the government and they can do what ever they wanted to do. An IAS and IPS officer bribes their higher officials and ministers and politicians to get work done from others….
  • 3. Hospitals: A Dying patient has also has to pay bribe to the hospital staff otherwise his dead body will be thrown.. to get a bed in hospital we have to pay … for better taking care of the patients we have to bribe otherwise they will not care the patients and this is universal phenomena in all the hospitals ……….. Corporate Hospitals: If u admit a patient in a corporate hospital means that you did not have any kind of control on you and your well-wishers and our destiny will be decided by the corporate hospitals. They take all kinds of tests all expensive tests even if it is required or not they least bothered and they want money and really it is a hell to the patients. May be one percent hospitals have some kind of considerations and have human values ………. To get birth certificate, death certificate , income certificate , caste certificate for permission to start a business activity for everything we have to pay money otherwise they will not care for us……. Restaurants/Hotels: We give tips in hotels after eating breakfast/lunch or dinner to the hotel staff ……… what is this is called …………….. Possible solutions: 1. Hotels management should not encourage tips 2. They should keep a vigil on staff and they should trained such that they should return to the customers by saying no thanks.3. They should keep in the entrance a board saying “customers are not supposed to pay tips to the stewards”. Cinema Halls : We go movies and if we don’t get tickets for the movie what many of us will do is we even purchase tickets from the block because we rarely go to movies and we don’t want to spend again and again for our convenience to see a movie and we do it and we never feel seriously about this what we are basically doing and we don’t have even guts to report this matter to police officials because they are involved in this and ultimately we don’t get any thing out of it.. Possible Solutions : 1. Educate the people on this 2. Every one should take an oath that they never purchase the tickets outside or through the black tickets 3. The police officials should consider this as a serious issue.4. We have to control through vigilance cell to monitor this strictly Auto: An Auto fellow expect more money from the passengers and he never bother to take the passenger s on meter charges Example : one honest person with principles has to take a patient to the hospital urgently and he requests auto fellow to take him to hospitals by paying only meter charges but the auto fellow denies and says he has to pay more than the meter only he will takes him to the hospital . Question s: Then the poor fellow what he will do? Will he stick to the principals or he has to look after the patient? Certainly he has to give importance to the patient. In this case what one has to do? ANS: Can we change the attitude of the auto fellow after coming back from the hospital and it is highly impossible change the attitude of the auto fellow. It doesn’t mean every auto fellow will be like this we have a quite good and honest fellows are available with us. Let’s us hope they will change the mind set of other fellows and one day or other we will hope for the best ……
  • 4. Government officials : For any kind of work that has to be done by the Government officials and private sector people without giving money we cannot get it work done and it is known to every one ………– the government officials are the most corrupted in India. Without giving bribe it is very difficult to get work done in a government office Politicians – The politicians and their relatives are mostly involved in corruption by using the influence of party source. We know that 99 percent of the political leaders are corrupt and we finally depend on them because we don’t like politics or even if we are interested we cannot do any thing unless share the views with others so on so fourth…….. We hear from others and it is cent percent true that any kind of work that has to be executed by the private contractors normally pay between 10 ten to 15 percent on the total value of the project to the politicians or the concerned ministry If it is true how can we expect the quality of the work or the construction they will be doing ………. How the Political Parties get money… It look to be a simple question but when you look closely that the corruption starts from the donors and the donors expect the returns from the elected representatives once they come to power this is vicious circle and it is all in this game and how to stop this god only knows or People like Mr Anna hazere recently succeeded in bringing out the corruption by bringing a strong “JAN LOK PAL” and His next target on Reforming the Electoral Process ……………… Heavy election expenses made truthful and service-minded youth to be away from politics which is making India devoid of political management and intellectuality. The stay waters stink, whereas flowing water seems crystal clear. Like that, our political system is stinking with scams, criminals etc. • Political party officials rigging elections Companies: Some Companies selling their faulty products to earn more and quick money and dupe the public Companies colluding to fix prices in their industries and by many means so on so forth ………………… Judiciary – the judiciary system of India is badly involved in corruption to give favored judgment and delaying the delivery of judgment NGO's – The last but not the least the NGO's are involved in corruption. In the back of tax relief rule they encourage the fostering of corruption. At last doing the act of corruption is known as scam. In India every morning gives the news of a new scam so on so forth ….
  • 5. Land registration: The corruption starts from the land registration process onwards as per the government value only we take stem papers but in actual the real value will be much higher than the government rate in that case we have to pay the owner money in black and it is not accountable and every one has undergone this process it means every one in India is a corrupt fellow May be 1 percent of people will be there by paying the actual value of the plot and they purchase the stamp papers. Solution : government has to evaluate the actual value of the land based on the information available as we see in the case of share values of the companies. The government should fix a nominal registration fee such that it will not be burden to the purchaser and should willingly he will pay the registration fee. The government should to this on war foot first …… Organizational corruption – The corruption done by the group of people together for the benefits of the organization they part of is mostly done by the public representatives the politicians. To compensate the expenditure of elections and other expenditure of the political party they involved in corruption. Often the person involved in such type of corruption think that he is not doing any wrong as this is not for his personal benefits. This type of corruption includes giving the public work contract to the person in a low cost and in turn the person will donate the money into the party fund. Children and innocent: The children and the innocent were trapped in this by few individuals to make quick money and they give freely first and then they will be addicted to this and the Children buying illegal narcotics for recreational Movies: Let us compliment the director and the producers of these films and they have shown the reality and present status of ths society and they have shown on their own how to put an end to it. I have given only few movies for the references and we have many more such movies Tagore: In Tagore it is clearly shown how the corporate Hospitals exploit poor people (patients) and Mr cheeranfeevi exposed the misdeeds of corporate hospitals by admitting a dead patient saying that he has seriously ill and would like to pay whatever hospitals charges and he wants the patient should be survived. We have seen in the movie that he has taken a flat and thought of spending the complete life with their family in that own flat but what has happened we know because of the construction made where it has not to made and the concerned engineers suggested the builder not to construct the flats but the builder has denied and ultimately all the residents of that flat died because the building collapsed. We have seen cheeranggeevi after his family lost in that tragic incident. He Made up his mind to punish the corrupt officials and he has established with his own students a complete network and given message to all people of Andhra Pradesh that corrupt officials are not spared. Is it possible to change the society like this it is not . We simply appreciate the movie and the director for bringing out such a nice movie on corruption but you can see the next day there is no impact on such kind of movies in society/ what we have to do?
  • 6. The Leader: The most recent movie on corruption is the leader. It is clearly shown that it is very difficult to be honest in the political system otherwise you will thrown out and we have seen that all the elected representatives are corrupt people and they and their relatives should be safe and no one should make an IT raids. Mr Rana wants to change the entire scene but he could not because everyone is corrupt in the society and everyone wants power. We have seen how he has come to power by paying huge amount to each and every MLA after getting CM position he wanted to do good things to the society but he could not because others are not willing to change the society. The director shown his thoughts very clearly finally Mr Rana resigned from the CM’s Post before that he has given orders to raid the houses of MLA’s and Ministers and we could see the recovery amount it is countless….. Mr Rana went to masses and everyone in the public supported but it is being the movie but it will not happen in reality But very rarely it has happened to support anne hazare by the entire people of India on Janlokpal bill. We should be optimistic that things will change for a better only and we may even see a better a corrupt free society. Bharatheeyudu Movie: The director has shown how the corruption eats our society . It is shown in the movie how difficult to practice the values and morals in the society. Mr Kamahasan (father role) and Mr Kamalhasan(son) role has shown a varied differences. Father stands on principle for the same principles he has lost his daughter because he did not pay the money in the hospitals finally he stood with principles and even he did not spared his son. He identified the corrupt people and made a target of killing each and he has not even spared his son in the mission. As usual we appreciate movie and forget about the society and the misdeeds in the society as whole. Apargithudu: In this movie the director has shown knowingly or unknowingly we accept corruption in the society and while doing land registration we do pay money to the broker and also we will take stamp papers as per the market value only and the rest we will pay the landlord cash ie unaccountable money from the buyer side as well as from the landlord. The hero(Mr Vikram) in this film unable to digest the ways of corruption in different levels and different ways and he will identifies the person responsible and he kills one by one and he did not even spare his lover on this issue but the heroine will be saved. The Director has shown that everyone takes this as casual and we never feel responsible for this for example right from the railway canteen contractor supplies the food substandard to the passengers traveling in train because he knows that no one will question him because every day a new passenger will travel in trains. He thinks by doing thing he can save more money. The role of Youth: The opinion Poll published by India Today issue September 26, 2011 and it says “Young India is furious. With corruption, politicians, and the body blow to national pride. They have faith in their country, but not in the people who run it…… It is cent percent correct.
  • 7. It is interesting to note that about 65% youngsters have never paid a bribe. If it is true with our youngsters then we need not worry because they can take a lead on this subject and I am confident they will change the society one day and it is not far I guess? Greed for power and money: We have seen very recently several scams and corruption cases like 2g scam, miss appropriation of money in common wealth games, How the power brings corers of money we have seen in case of Mr Jagan Mohan Reddy, We have even seen Mr Gali Janardhar Reddy the mining king of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka who has earned money and surprises every one More than 100 kgs gold he has ,forget about the assets he has? How this is possible because he can lure with money and make more and more money in turn. We say that if u do sin and you will be punished in narkam but now we have seen the more greedy you are and you will be certainly caught and you will be answerable before the judiciary and that we have seen witnessing with many prominent people. Will others will learn lessons from this no certainly not because we were not caught and greed for more money will bring us to srikrishan janmasthanam (jail) one day or other certainly. We Need Money: Every one needs money to do any thing as we are aware of this and how this money will come to the political parties and it is understood that they may raise funds my membership drive and do you believe that with member ship drive can they sustain their party? Certainly not than they get donations form the party sympathies and from the business and from industrialist and from Non Resident Indians so on so fourth. To Organize their Regular annual meetings they require corers of rupees and every one involved in the system organizes this in their own way by collecting form the people and other business people and some business people who had benefited from the government will sponsor their activity and the give money and it is not on records either for the receiver and the donor. It is also important that with out money proper resources no party can survive for longer period we have seen in the case of Prajarajyam party. We have seen in the case of loke sattha their main source is through member ship drive only . The Loksataa party is sticking to its principle but the people appreciate this but when they would like to choose the candidate they see who is doing(which Party) lots of advertisement and publicity and who spends maximum money during the elections will be considered. The mind set of the people has to change considerably as we have seen the support we have received to annan hazare is enormous . We feel that during the next election time also similar support is required to choose the right and uncorrupt persons (candidates) should be elected through out all the states of India. We Hope for the best and let us be Optimistic on this… For example To organize a Ganesh celebrations in a small colony people take money from the colony people and they identify the successful business people and ask them to sponsor their events. This is how the welfare society organizes the events. The collects nearly 2 laks and apart from the sponsors of the event like Idol(vigraham) sponsor, mementos sponsor , stage sponsor so on so fourth.We need people to Organize such functions and we wish that they spend this money in proper manner and it is
  • 8. also important few of the organizers even spends their complete time and they should be properly rewarded with cash incentives. Conclusion: Even if we make 100 laws and a powerful Jana LOk Pal Bill also thing will not change in the society unless if we can change the mindset of every one irrespective of their age groups and right from common man, politician, businessman ,entrepreneur ,youth and eventually the politician. We have seen the strength of people for the common cause with Sri anna Hazare if the same spirit we will continue we can be optimistic and the power of the people who can question the government If they do misdeeds and they(people) have the power to change the government. It is interesting to note that the youth ideas are good but they are reluctant to come to politics may be what they are seeing with the present day politicians may be that could be the reason and I wish they should actively participate and they even can change the society as they wanted to do. Corruption is not only prevalent in India, but also has its place in every nation. There is no need to compare India with other countries. Man needs money to sustain their family with a good comfort having one house, one farm house, one car, sufficient bank balance and gold and jewelry beyond that if he earns we know what happened to others at least one has to learn lessons from these episodes. The excess money they can utilize for the benefit of others like spending in their home town/village by adopting the village if he has excess money or else he can spend on deserving children education by sponsoring their tuition fees so on so fourth .By doing this the amount of happiness you derive will be enormous . If every one does in similar fashion who said India is corrupt and we can definitely achieve this let us be optimistic and hope for the best……….. References: India Today magazine date 26 th Sep2011 Thoughts by Jawarharlal Nehru News and print media