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Cooking Perl with Chef
        David Golden

             July 2012
(e.g. chef, puppet, cfengine, ...)
Unknown state

 Target state
New machine

Deployed app
Infrastructure as code

 (no manual steps, checklist, etc.)
One tool to deploy
 the whole stack
(DB, caching, messaging, ...)
But wait!
Isn't that hard to do for Perl apps?
Perl applications are complex
Dependency hell
App = perl + CPAN + your code
App = perl + CPAN + your code
App = perl + CPAN + your code

 your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
v1.0.0   = perl + CPAN + your code

   your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
v1.0.0   = Perl + CPAN + your code
           v5.14.2            Moose

   your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
v1.0.0   = Perl + CPAN + your code
           v5.14.2            2.0603

   your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
v1.0.0   = Perl + CPAN + your code
           v5.14.2       v1.0 2.0603

   your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
v1.0.0   = Perl + CPAN + your code
           v5.14.2       v1.0

              change one piece...
v1.0.0   = Perl + CPAN + your code
           v5.16.0       v1.0

              change one piece...
v1.0.1    = Perl + CPAN + your code
            v5.16.0       v1.02.0603

         … and you have a new version of your application
Repeatable deployment means...
Repeatable deployment means...

        ... the same Perl
Repeatable deployment means...

        ... the same Perl
        ... the same modules
Repeatable deployment means...

        ... the same Perl
        ... the same modules
        ... the same code
Repeatable deployment means...

        ... the same Perl
        ... the same modules
        ... the same code
        ... on demand
If we have the right tools
Use one-size fits all distribution packagers like
               apt, yum, etc...?

       (How much do you like your system perl?!)
This problem is not
  unique to Perl
Let's be inspired by Larry
[larry hat pic]
Or better yet, Paul
Great hackers steal!
Great hackers steal ideas
Consider Chef...
Chef ❤ Ruby
(written in ruby; various ruby app stacks)
Chef ❤ Python
(virtualenv; pip; django apps)
Common patterns emerge
python → virtualenv + pip
 ruby → rvm + Bundler
We've built tools like these, too
Kang-min Liu (gugod)

 Matt S Trout (mst)

Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
(and a big community helping them)
perlbrew – multiple perl manager

       Matt S Trout (mst)

      Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
      (and a big community helping them)
perlbrew – multiple perl manager

local::lib – custom @INC manager

      Tatsuhiko Miyagawa
      (and a big community helping them)
perlbrew – multiple perl manager

  local::lib – custom @INC manager

carton – versioned dependency installer
         (and a big community helping them)
So we have the pieces
Repeatable deployment in five parts
Repeatable deployment in five parts

      application-specific Perl

      application-specific @INC path

      versioned application code

      versioned module dependencies

      automate the previous four
Repeatable deployment in five parts


      application-specific @INC path

      versioned application code

      versioned module dependencies

      automate the previous four
Repeatable deployment in five parts



      versioned application code

      versioned module dependencies

      automate the previous four
Repeatable deployment in five parts




      versioned module dependencies

      automate the previous four
Repeatable deployment in five parts





      automate the previous four
Repeatable deployment in five parts





[swedish chef FAIL pic]
No support in Chef...
So I implemented it
(In Ruby)
(After I learned some Ruby)

         Chef ❤ Perl
    (perlbrew; local::lib; carton)
Time for a quick Chef glossary...


A collection of components to configure
a particular application

Typically includes recipes, providers,
templates, etc.

(CPAN analogy → “distribution”)

Component applied that deploys an
application or service

Typically declarative, specifying desired
resources and associated configuration

An abstraction of something to be deployed

Platform-specific implementation to deliver a

A host computer managed with Chef

Often means the configuration file that
defines recipes, attributes and roles that
define the target state of a host

A variable used in a recipe and/or provider
that customizes the configuration of a

Attributes have defaults, but can be
customized for nodes or roles

A collection of recipes and attributes used to
apply common configuration across multiple

    cookbooks include recipes and providers

roles, recipes and attributes get applied to nodes

recipes specify desired resources and customize
               them with attributes

 providers do the work of deploying resources
I wrote two Perl Chef cookbooks
for the Chef community repository
     (which is like CPAN circa 1996 or so)
1. perlbrew – for managing perls

2. carton – for deploying apps

Also available here:
perlbrew cookbook resources:

  perlbrew_perl – install a perl

  perlbrew_lib – create a local::lib

  perlbrew_cpanm – install modules to perl or lib

  perlbrew_run – run shell commands under a
  particular perlbrew and/or lib
carton cookbook resource:

  carton_app – deploy an app with carton

    – start in directory with the app source
    – configure for a specific perlbrew perl
    – install versioned dependencies with carton
    – create a runit service for the app
    – start the app
Time for an example:

Deploying a “Hello World” Plack app
Steps for creating Hello World

    1. Write the application

    2. Use carton to create a carton.lock file with
       versioned dependency info

    3. Write a simple cookbook for the application

    4. Check it all into git

    5. Deploy the application with Chef
$ tree
├── Changes
├── Makefile.PL
├── app.psgi
├── carton.lock
├── cookbook
│   └── hello-world
│       ├──
│       ├── attributes
│       │    └── default.rb
│       ├── metadata.rb
│       └── recipes
│            └── default.rb
└── lib
    └── ZZZ
        └── Hello
$ tree
├── Changes
├── Makefile.PL
├── app.psgi
├── carton.lock
├── cookbook
│   └── hello-world
│       ├──
│       ├── attributes
│       │    └── default.rb
│       ├── metadata.rb
│       └── recipes
│            └── default.rb
└── lib
    └── ZZZ
        └── Hello
use strict;
use warnings;
use ZZZ::Hello::World;
my $app = sub { ZZZ::Hello::World->run_psgi(@_) };

                             (this Plack app just invokes a simple module)
$ tree
├── Changes
├── Makefile.PL
├── app.psgi
├── carton.lock
├── cookbook
│   └── hello-world
│       ├──
│       ├── attributes
│       │    └── default.rb
│       ├── metadata.rb
│       └── recipes
│            └── default.rb
└── lib
    └── ZZZ
        └── Hello
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;

package ZZZ::Hello::World;
our $VERSION = "1.0";

use Plack::Request;

sub run_psgi {
  my $self = shift;
  my $req = Plack::Request->new(shift);
  my $res = $req->new_response(200);
<head><title>Hello World</title></head>
<p>Hello World. It is @{[scalar localtime]}</p>
  return $res->finalize;

                                   (the module just returns some dynamic HTML)
$ tree
├── Changes
├── Makefile.PL
├── app.psgi
├── carton.lock
├── cookbook
│   └── hello-world
│       ├──
│       ├── attributes
│       │    └── default.rb
│       ├── metadata.rb
│       └── recipes
│            └── default.rb
└── lib
    └── ZZZ
        └── Hello
use inc::Module::Install;
name 'ZZZ-Hello-World';
version '1.0';

requires 'Plack';
requires 'Starman';


            (the Makefile.PL also includes deployment dependencies like Starman)
During development, carton installs
dependencies locally and creates a versioned
dependency file called carton.lock

$ carton install
# installs dependencies into a local directory
# creates carton.lock if it doesn't exist
# carton.lock is a JSON file of dependency info
During deployment, carton installs dependencies
from carton.lock and runs the app with them

$ carton install
# installs dependencies into a local directory

$ carton exec ­Ilib ­­ starman ­p 8080 app.psgi
# runs the app using carton installed deps
$ tree
├── Changes
├── Makefile.PL
├── app.psgi
├── carton.lock
├── cookbook
│   └── hello-world
│       ├──
│       ├── attributes
│       │    └── default.rb
│       ├── metadata.rb
│       └── recipes
│            └── default.rb
└── lib
    └── ZZZ
        └── Hello
# carton.lock JSON
   "modules" : {
      "Class::Inspector" : {
          "dist" : "Class-Inspector-1.27",
          "module" : "Class::Inspector",
          "pathname" :
      "Data::Dump" : {
      "Devel::StackTrace" : {
      "Encode::Locale" : {
        (carton.lock associates module names to specific versions of those module)
$ tree
├── Changes
├── Makefile.PL
├── app.psgi
├── carton.lock
├── cookbook
│   └── hello-world
│       ├──
│       ├── attributes
│       │    └── default.rb
│       ├── metadata.rb
│       └── recipes
│            └── default.rb
└── lib
    └── ZZZ
        └── Hello
# perlbrew to execute with
 default['hello-world']['perl_version'] = 'perl-5.16.0'

 # Install directory, repo and tag
 default['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] = '/opt/hello-world'
 default['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] =
 default['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] = 'master'

 # Service user/group/port
 default['hello-world']['user'] = "nobody"
 default['hello-world']['group'] = "nogroup"
 default['hello-world']['port'] = 8080

(attributes are variables used in the recipe; can be customized per-node during deployment)
$ tree
├── Changes
├── Makefile.PL
├── app.psgi
├── carton.lock
├── cookbook
│   └── hello-world
│       ├──
│       ├── attributes
│       │    └── default.rb
│       ├── metadata.rb
│       └── recipes
│            └── default.rb
└── lib
    └── ZZZ
        └── Hello
include_recipe 'carton'

package 'git-core'

git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do
  repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo']
  reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag']
  notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]"

carton_app "hello-world" do
  perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version']
  command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi"
  cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir']
  user node['hello-world']['user']
  group node['hello-world']['group']

carton_app "hello-world" do
  action :start

                                (recipe ensures carton and git are available...)
include_recipe 'carton'

package 'git-core'

git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do
  repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo']
  reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag']
  notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]"

carton_app "hello-world" do
  perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version']
  command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi"
  cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir']
  user node['hello-world']['user']
  group node['hello-world']['group']

carton_app "hello-world" do
  action :start

                          (git resource specifies where application code goes...)
include_recipe 'carton'

package 'git-core'

git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do
  repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo']
  reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag']
  notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]"

carton_app "hello-world" do
  perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version']
  command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi"
  cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir']
  user node['hello-world']['user']
  group node['hello-world']['group']

carton_app "hello-world" do
  action :start

                              (attributes parameterize the resource statement...)
include_recipe 'carton'

package 'git-core'

git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do
  repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo']
  reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag']
  notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]"

carton_app "hello-world" do
  perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version']
  command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi"
  cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir']
  user node['hello-world']['user']
  group node['hello-world']['group']

carton_app "hello-world" do
  action :start

                     (carton_app resources installs deps and sets up runit service...)
include_recipe 'carton'

package 'git-core'

git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do
  repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo']
  reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag']
  notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]"

carton_app "hello-world" do
  perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version']
  command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi"
  cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir']
  user node['hello-world']['user']
  group node['hello-world']['group']

carton_app "hello-world" do
  action :start

                               (again, attributes parameterize the resource...)
include_recipe 'carton'

package 'git-core'

git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do
  repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo']
  reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag']
  notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]"

carton_app "hello-world" do
  perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version']
  command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi"
  cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir']
  user node['hello-world']['user']
  group node['hello-world']['group']

carton_app "hello-world" do
  action :start

                                (finally, the resource is idempotently started...)
These files – and the Perl Chef
 cookbooks – are all you need
Enough code... let's see how to deploy it
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machines

   “Can I have a VirtualBox now, please?”
Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machines

$ vagrant box add base

$ vagrant init

$ vagrant up
Vagrant is great for testing Chef deployment

            (and other things, besides)
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
Chef Solo is Chef without a central
      configuration server

 (good for demos and smaller deployments)
Chef        – you push config data to Chef Server
            – nodes run Chef Client to pull config
              from Chef Server and execute it

Chef Solo   – you push config data to nodes
            – you run Chef Solo remotely
One advantage of Chef Solo...

        Your config repo is canonical

(i.e. you don't have to track what you've pushed to the central server)
One dis-advantage of Chef Solo...

Manual rsync/ssh required (yuck!)
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
Pantry is a tool for automating Chef Solo
Pantry is a tool for automating Chef Solo

$ pantry create node

$ pantry apply node 
  --role web --recipe myapp

$ pantry sync node
Pantry is written in Perl and available on CPAN

   (Similar to pocketknife [Ruby] and littlechef [Python])
Finally, a demonstration...

   Screencast available at
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
$ vagrant init
# create config file

$ vim Vagrantfile
# edit to forward local port 8080 to
# virtual machine port 8080

$ vagrant up
# launch it

$ vagrant ssh
# check that it's up, then exit
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
$ pantry init
# create directories to hold Chef Solo config

$ pantry create node vagrant 
    ­­host localhost 
    ­­port 8080      
    ­­user vagrant
# create a node config file

$ ssh­add ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key
# allow pantry to ssh to vagrant machine 

         (Important tip: remove the insecure_private_key after you no longer
         need it because Github chokes on it.)
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
Four cookbooks must be downloaded
and copied to the 'cookbooks' directory

 – hello-world
 – carton
 – perlbrew
 – runit
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
$ pantry apply node vagrant ­­recipe hello­world
# apply recipe to node configuration

$ pantry apply node vagrant ­­default 
# override a default attribute

$ pantry show node vagrant
# see the resulting JSON config file
   "hello­world" : {
      "perl_version" : "perl­5.14.2"
   "run_list" : [
   "name" : "vagrant",
   "pantry_user" : "vagrant",
   "pantry_port" : "2222",
   "pantry_host" : "localhost"
Steps for deployment of Hello World

    1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine

    2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo

    3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies

    4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World

    5. Deploy
$ pantry sync node vagrant
# ... wait for everything to deploy ...
# then load browser and test it!
It works
You can do this, too
Don't be afraid. Try it out. Get involved.

   tutorial and screencast →

  mailing list →

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Cooking Perl with Chef

  • 1. Cooking Perl with Chef David Golden @xdg July 2012
  • 2. Configuration Management (e.g. chef, puppet, cfengine, ...)
  • 3. Unknown state ↓ Target state
  • 4. New machine ↓ Deployed app
  • 5. Infrastructure as code automated! repeatable! testable! (no manual steps, checklist, etc.)
  • 6. One tool to deploy the whole stack (DB, caching, messaging, ...)
  • 7. But wait! Isn't that hard to do for Perl apps?
  • 10. App = perl + CPAN + your code
  • 11. CHI DateTime DBI JSON App = perl + CPAN + your code Moose Plack POE Try::Tiny ...
  • 12. CHI DateTime DBI JSON App = perl + CPAN + your code Moose Plack POE Try::Tiny ... your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
  • 13. CHI DateTime DBI JSON App v1.0.0 = perl + CPAN + your code Moose Plack POE Try::Tiny ... your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
  • 14. CHI DateTime DBI JSON App v1.0.0 = Perl + CPAN + your code v5.14.2 Moose Plack POE Try::Tiny ... your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
  • 15. 0.55 0.76 1.622 2.53 App v1.0.0 = Perl + CPAN + your code v5.14.2 2.0603 0.9989 1.354 0.11 ... your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
  • 16. 0.55 0.76 1.622 2.53 App v1.0.0 = Perl + CPAN + your code v5.14.2 v1.0 2.0603 0.9989 1.354 0.11 ... your application is the versioned set of all its compontents
  • 17. 0.55 0.76 1.622 2.53 App v1.0.0 = Perl + CPAN + your code v5.14.2 v1.0 2.0603 0.9989 1.354 0.11 ... change one piece...
  • 18. 0.55 0.76 1.622 2.53 App v1.0.0 = Perl + CPAN + your code v5.16.0 v1.0 2.0603 0.9989 1.354 0.11 ... change one piece...
  • 19. 0.55 0.76 1.622 2.53 App v1.0.1 = Perl + CPAN + your code v5.16.0 v1.02.0603 0.9989 1.354 0.11 ... … and you have a new version of your application
  • 21. Repeatable deployment means... ... the same Perl
  • 22. Repeatable deployment means... ... the same Perl ... the same modules
  • 23. Repeatable deployment means... ... the same Perl ... the same modules ... the same code
  • 24. Repeatable deployment means... ... the same Perl ... the same modules ... the same code ... on demand
  • 26. If we have the right tools
  • 27. Use one-size fits all distribution packagers like apt, yum, etc...? (How much do you like your system perl?!)
  • 28. This problem is not unique to Perl
  • 29. Let's be inspired by Larry
  • 32.
  • 37. Chef ❤ Ruby (written in ruby; various ruby app stacks)
  • 38. Chef ❤ Python (virtualenv; pip; django apps)
  • 40. python → virtualenv + pip ruby → rvm + Bundler
  • 41. We've built tools like these, too
  • 42. Kang-min Liu (gugod) Matt S Trout (mst) Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (and a big community helping them)
  • 43. perlbrew – multiple perl manager Matt S Trout (mst) Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (and a big community helping them)
  • 44. perlbrew – multiple perl manager local::lib – custom @INC manager Tatsuhiko Miyagawa (and a big community helping them)
  • 45. perlbrew – multiple perl manager local::lib – custom @INC manager carton – versioned dependency installer (and a big community helping them)
  • 46. So we have the pieces
  • 48. Repeatable deployment in five parts application-specific Perl application-specific @INC path versioned application code versioned module dependencies automate the previous four
  • 49. Repeatable deployment in five parts perlbrew application-specific @INC path versioned application code versioned module dependencies automate the previous four
  • 50. Repeatable deployment in five parts perlbrew local::lib versioned application code versioned module dependencies automate the previous four
  • 51. Repeatable deployment in five parts perlbrew local::lib git versioned module dependencies automate the previous four
  • 52. Repeatable deployment in five parts perlbrew local::lib git carton automate the previous four
  • 53. Repeatable deployment in five parts perlbrew local::lib git carton @&$%!
  • 55. No support in Chef...
  • 58. (After I learned some Ruby)
  • 59. Now... Chef ❤ Perl (perlbrew; local::lib; carton)
  • 60. Time for a quick Chef glossary... (see
  • 61. “Cookbook” A collection of components to configure a particular application Typically includes recipes, providers, templates, etc. (CPAN analogy → “distribution”)
  • 62. “Recipe” Component applied that deploys an application or service Typically declarative, specifying desired resources and associated configuration
  • 63. “Resource” An abstraction of something to be deployed
  • 65. “Node” A host computer managed with Chef Often means the configuration file that defines recipes, attributes and roles that define the target state of a host
  • 66. “Attribute” A variable used in a recipe and/or provider that customizes the configuration of a resource Attributes have defaults, but can be customized for nodes or roles
  • 67. “Role” A collection of recipes and attributes used to apply common configuration across multiple nodes
  • 68. Summary... cookbooks include recipes and providers roles, recipes and attributes get applied to nodes recipes specify desired resources and customize them with attributes providers do the work of deploying resources
  • 69. I wrote two Perl Chef cookbooks for the Chef community repository (which is like CPAN circa 1996 or so)
  • 70. 1. perlbrew – for managing perls 2. carton – for deploying apps Also available here:
  • 71. perlbrew cookbook resources: perlbrew_perl – install a perl perlbrew_lib – create a local::lib perlbrew_cpanm – install modules to perl or lib perlbrew_run – run shell commands under a particular perlbrew and/or lib
  • 72. carton cookbook resource: carton_app – deploy an app with carton – start in directory with the app source – configure for a specific perlbrew perl – install versioned dependencies with carton – create a runit service for the app – start the app
  • 73. Time for an example: Deploying a “Hello World” Plack app
  • 74. Steps for creating Hello World 1. Write the application 2. Use carton to create a carton.lock file with versioned dependency info 3. Write a simple cookbook for the application 4. Check it all into git 5. Deploy the application with Chef
  • 75. $ tree . ├── Changes ├── Makefile.PL ├── app.psgi ├── carton.lock ├── cookbook │ └── hello-world │ ├── │ ├── attributes │ │ └── default.rb │ ├── metadata.rb │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── lib └── ZZZ └── Hello └──
  • 76. $ tree . ├── Changes ├── Makefile.PL ├── app.psgi ├── carton.lock ├── cookbook │ └── hello-world │ ├── │ ├── attributes │ │ └── default.rb │ ├── metadata.rb │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── lib └── ZZZ └── Hello └──
  • 77. use strict; use warnings; use ZZZ::Hello::World; my $app = sub { ZZZ::Hello::World->run_psgi(@_) }; (this Plack app just invokes a simple module)
  • 78. $ tree . ├── Changes ├── Makefile.PL ├── app.psgi ├── carton.lock ├── cookbook │ └── hello-world │ ├── │ ├── attributes │ │ └── default.rb │ ├── metadata.rb │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── lib └── ZZZ └── Hello └──
  • 79. use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; package ZZZ::Hello::World; our $VERSION = "1.0"; use Plack::Request; sub run_psgi { my $self = shift; my $req = Plack::Request->new(shift); my $res = $req->new_response(200); $res->content_type('text/html'); $res->body(<<"HERE"); <html> <head><title>Hello World</title></head> <body> <p>Hello World. It is @{[scalar localtime]}</p> ... </body> </html> HERE return $res->finalize; } 1; (the module just returns some dynamic HTML)
  • 80. $ tree . ├── Changes ├── Makefile.PL ├── app.psgi ├── carton.lock ├── cookbook │ └── hello-world │ ├── │ ├── attributes │ │ └── default.rb │ ├── metadata.rb │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── lib └── ZZZ └── Hello └──
  • 81. use inc::Module::Install; name 'ZZZ-Hello-World'; version '1.0'; requires 'Plack'; requires 'Starman'; WriteAll; (the Makefile.PL also includes deployment dependencies like Starman)
  • 82. During development, carton installs dependencies locally and creates a versioned dependency file called carton.lock $ carton install # installs dependencies into a local directory # creates carton.lock if it doesn't exist # carton.lock is a JSON file of dependency info
  • 83. During deployment, carton installs dependencies from carton.lock and runs the app with them $ carton install # installs dependencies into a local directory $ carton exec ­Ilib ­­ starman ­p 8080 app.psgi # runs the app using carton installed deps
  • 84. $ tree . ├── Changes ├── Makefile.PL ├── app.psgi ├── carton.lock ├── cookbook │ └── hello-world │ ├── │ ├── attributes │ │ └── default.rb │ ├── metadata.rb │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── lib └── ZZZ └── Hello └──
  • 85. # carton.lock JSON { "modules" : { "Class::Inspector" : { "dist" : "Class-Inspector-1.27", "module" : "Class::Inspector", "pathname" : "A/AD/ADAMK/Class-Inspector-1.27.tar.gz", ... }. "Data::Dump" : { ... }, "Devel::StackTrace" : { ... }, "Encode::Locale" : { ... }, ... } (carton.lock associates module names to specific versions of those module)
  • 86. $ tree . ├── Changes ├── Makefile.PL ├── app.psgi ├── carton.lock ├── cookbook │ └── hello-world │ ├── │ ├── attributes │ │ └── default.rb │ ├── metadata.rb │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── lib └── ZZZ └── Hello └──
  • 87. # perlbrew to execute with default['hello-world']['perl_version'] = 'perl-5.16.0' # Install directory, repo and tag default['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] = '/opt/hello-world' default['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] = '' default['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] = 'master' # Service user/group/port default['hello-world']['user'] = "nobody" default['hello-world']['group'] = "nogroup" default['hello-world']['port'] = 8080 (attributes are variables used in the recipe; can be customized per-node during deployment)
  • 88. $ tree . ├── Changes ├── Makefile.PL ├── app.psgi ├── carton.lock ├── cookbook │ └── hello-world │ ├── │ ├── attributes │ │ └── default.rb │ ├── metadata.rb │ └── recipes │ └── default.rb └── lib └── ZZZ └── Hello └──
  • 89. include_recipe 'carton' package 'git-core' git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]" end carton_app "hello-world" do perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version'] command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi" cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] user node['hello-world']['user'] group node['hello-world']['group'] end carton_app "hello-world" do action :start end (recipe ensures carton and git are available...)
  • 90. include_recipe 'carton' package 'git-core' git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]" end carton_app "hello-world" do perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version'] command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi" cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] user node['hello-world']['user'] group node['hello-world']['group'] end carton_app "hello-world" do action :start end (git resource specifies where application code goes...)
  • 91. include_recipe 'carton' package 'git-core' git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]" end carton_app "hello-world" do perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version'] command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi" cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] user node['hello-world']['user'] group node['hello-world']['group'] end carton_app "hello-world" do action :start end (attributes parameterize the resource statement...)
  • 92. include_recipe 'carton' package 'git-core' git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]" end carton_app "hello-world" do perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version'] command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi" cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] user node['hello-world']['user'] group node['hello-world']['group'] end carton_app "hello-world" do action :start end (carton_app resources installs deps and sets up runit service...)
  • 93. include_recipe 'carton' package 'git-core' git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]" end carton_app "hello-world" do perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version'] command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi" cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] user node['hello-world']['user'] group node['hello-world']['group'] end carton_app "hello-world" do action :start end (again, attributes parameterize the resource...)
  • 94. include_recipe 'carton' package 'git-core' git node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] do repository node['hello-world']['deploy_repo'] reference node['hello-world']['deploy_tag'] notifies :restart, "carton_app[hello-world]" end carton_app "hello-world" do perlbrew node['hello-world']['perl_version'] command "starman -p #{node['hello-world']['port']} app.psgi" cwd node['hello-world']['deploy_dir'] user node['hello-world']['user'] group node['hello-world']['group'] end carton_app "hello-world" do action :start end (finally, the resource is idempotently started...)
  • 95. These files – and the Perl Chef cookbooks – are all you need
  • 96. Enough code... let's see how to deploy it
  • 97. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 98. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 99.
  • 100. Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machines “Can I have a VirtualBox now, please?”
  • 101. Vagrant is a tool for managing virtual machines $ vagrant box add base $ vagrant init $ vagrant up
  • 102. Vagrant is great for testing Chef deployment (and other things, besides)
  • 103. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 104. Chef Solo is Chef without a central configuration server (good for demos and smaller deployments)
  • 105. Chef – you push config data to Chef Server – nodes run Chef Client to pull config from Chef Server and execute it Chef Solo – you push config data to nodes – you run Chef Solo remotely
  • 106.
  • 107. One advantage of Chef Solo... Your config repo is canonical (i.e. you don't have to track what you've pushed to the central server)
  • 108. One dis-advantage of Chef Solo... Manual rsync/ssh required (yuck!)
  • 109. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 110. Pantry is a tool for automating Chef Solo
  • 111. Pantry is a tool for automating Chef Solo $ pantry create node $ pantry apply node --role web --recipe myapp $ pantry sync node
  • 112. Pantry is written in Perl and available on CPAN (Similar to pocketknife [Ruby] and littlechef [Python])
  • 113. Finally, a demonstration... Screencast available at
  • 114. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 116. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 118. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 119. Four cookbooks must be downloaded and copied to the 'cookbooks' directory – hello-world – carton – perlbrew – runit
  • 120. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 122. Steps for deployment of Hello World 1. Set up a Vagrant virtual machine 2. Prepare Pantry to manage Chef Solo 3. Get Hello World cookbook and dependencies 4. Configure virtual machine for Hello World 5. Deploy
  • 125. You can do this, too
  • 126. Don't be afraid. Try it out. Get involved. tutorial and screencast → mailing list →