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   SAIS-BC Project

             4.THE 7 DOOR MODEL

                SAIS-BC Project

        SAIS-BC Project
                          1. concept of marketing


Marketing is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate
target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its

The goal of marketing is to build and maintain a preference for a company and
its products within the target markets.

                                                                      1. concept of marketing
                                                  SAIS-BC Project

                     Marketing Domain

Marketing is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate
target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its
products. “Value” is worth derived by the customer from owning and using the
product. “Competitive Advantage” is a depiction that the company or its products
are each doing something better than their competition in a way that could benefit
the customer

 Within the larger scope of its definition, marketing is performed through the
 actions of three coordinated disciplines named: “Product Marketing”, “Corporate
 Marketing”, and “Marketing Communications”.

                                   SAIS-BC Project
                                                                         1. concept of marketing

         Marketing Domain Disciplines

The “Product Marketing” discipline is an outbound activity aimed at generating
product awareness, differentiation, and demand. The “Corporate Marketing”
discipline is an outbound activity aimed at generating awareness and
differentiation to the company. The “Marketing Communications” discipline is the
employment of a mix of media vehicles that support marketing objectives.

                              SAIS-BC Project
                                                                     1. concept of marketing

The following table summarizes the marketing domain concept definitions

                               SAIS-BC Project
                                                                    1. concept of marketing

The following table summarizes the marketing domain elements

                        SAIS-BC Project
                                                               1. concept of marketing

        SAIS-BC Project
                          1. concept of marketing

     SAIS-BC Project
                       2. idea marketing
               WHAT YOU WILL LEARN

       Develop a framework for marketing and selling your ideas

 Evaluate your company’s ability to market ideas to your customers

       Infect your customers and colleagues with your ideavirus

Develop and spread your own ideavirus to be more effective as a leader

                             SAIS-BC Project
                                                                         2. idea marketing


Unleashing the Idea Virus, Seth Godin, Do You Zoom Inc., 2000.
Permission Marketing, Seth Godin,
Ideas Rule, Seth Godin, (reprints of Seth Godin’s columns for Fast Company)
 The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell,
 Ideas, books, etc., by Tom Peters,

                                 SAIS-BC Project
                                                                          2. idea marketing

                               Idea + Virus = Ideavirus
for the first 100 years or so of our history the country was about
building big and efficient farms. For the next 100 years or so people focused on building
bigger and better factories. This next century will be about ideas.
   Unfortunately, no one yet knows for sure how to build a factory for ideas. We do know
   that if you get people to accept and embrace your ideas you win. You win financially, gain
   power and can change the world. The Holy Grail for anyone who sells ideas is to
   “unleash an ideavirus.”
          An ideavirus is a big idea that captures its target audience, influencing and changing the
          population it infects. Ideaviruses are more than word of mouth. They are ideas, products,
          messages that spread like wildfire and catch hold with those in its path.
          Another property of an ideavirus is the speed at which it spreads. Word of mouth spreads
          ideas within a relatively small group and then the spreading process slows down and dies
          out. With ideaviruses using the internet, ideas are spread globally and almost
          instantaneously. Because it is so easy to send ideas to others, the true ideavirus keeps
          spreading exponentially as more and more people spread it to their contacts and beyond.
          Can you think of some ideas that have done that?
                                           SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                     2. idea marketing

         In previous economies there were limits. Farms were limited by the size of the crop and
         therefore the numbers of people that they could feed. Factories could only produce so
         many products and get them into the hands of the people who wanted them.
         Ideas are different. They replicate easily and well and often get more powerful and
         valuable as more people learn about them.
         Seth asks these questions about ideaviruses.
         • Where does an ideavirus live?
         • How does an ideavirus manifest itself?
         • What does it look like?

Ideas of all kinds, Seth believes are similar. He calls them manifestos. An idea manifesto
is a “powerful, logical essay” that assembles a bunch of existing ideas and creates a new
one. Manifestos take on a variety of shapes. These may include:
• A written essay
• An image
• A song
• A product or process
The medium does not matter. What matters is that your manifesto changes the way
people think, talk, or act, and creates value.

                                                    SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                                   2. idea marketing

All sorts of ideas regardless of format are lumped into the same category, MANIFESTOS

The medium is the way an idea or manifested is “ENCAPSULATED”.

“A manifesto can be a picture, a phrase, a written article a movie, or even a mathematical
formula.” The purpose of the medium is to transmit the idea virus smoothly and quickly.

The medium is the substance in which the idea lives.

The medium is the form it takes to communicate its message. It is the idea that creates
value and that changes the way people think, talk or act.

                                       SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                 2. idea marketing
                                 Why ideaviruses are son important
                                                  1. We live in a winner dominant world. So it’s important if you want to win to be first
                                                                                                       and to be dominate in your field.
                                                       2. While in the past we focused on making and growing things, now we focus on
                                                     making ideas. Therefore, spreading them and having others know and adapt them is

3. People are more connected than ever. Maintaining and enlarging these connections
happens more and more often and is more and more important. Things spread by
word of “mouse,” flying with incredible speed throughout the world.
4. People are hungry to understand the new and stay on the cutting edge. We are a
country that thrives on the new and being in the know about what’s new.

                                                  5. There are more early adopters eager for the next new great thing than ever before.
                                                   More and more people want to be in the know about the newest best thing. Look at
                                                                the success of such magazines as Wired, Fast Company and PC Magazine.
                                                      6. Creating and owning a successful ideavirus can produce tremendous profits. (Zip
                                                                                                  Drives,, iMac, to name a few).

                                                           SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                                                   2. idea marketing

                                      Launching and ideavirus

Current interruption marketing approaches use a scattershot approach, spraying millions
of messages (ads) and at populations only some of which might be potential markets for
their product or idea. The marketers develop a strong brand with recognized
characteristics, but it is hard and expensive way to attract new customers.

       The secret of launching ideaviruses is to help consumers to talk to each other. This is not
       easy to do. There are ways to launch your ideavirus that will help them be successful.

                One of the key elements of launching an ideavirus is to concentrate the message.You
                need to totally “dominate and amaze” the population you have targeted. The secret is to
                identify this group and concentrate your efforts here.

                                                      SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                                          2. idea marketing


Velocity, then, is a measure of how fast the idea spreads from one person to another.

The multiplier effect is large and fast steps lead to more people being infected before it
dies out.

In order to be successful, Seth believes ideaviruses need to have a high velocity.

                                                                                     2. idea marketing
                                        SAIS-BC Project


In addition to velocity, the other essential characteristic of successful ideaviruses is the
concept of smoothness. Seth tells us that the smoothness of a particular ideavirus is how
easy it is to use and spread. Does it take just one click to tell someone about a new,
terrific idea, product, or process?

It is easy to tell someone about something obvious like your new hairdresser. It is harder
to tell someone about a new message therapist as it maybe more difficult to bring it up
and to know the words to accurately describe this experience.

Seth describes how really smooth viruses like Hotmail spread by themselves. When you
send someone an email from Hotmail there is a small advertisement on the bottom of the
email. According to Seth, there is a direct relationship between how smooth a product is
and how quickly it catches on.

                                         SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                               2. idea marketing


Some people are more likely to spread an ideavirus.

While some people are dead ends, others are eager to spread the word and share what they’ve heard
about, tried, read, or seen. These are the people Malcolm Gladwell, author of the Tipping
Point called Connectors, Mavens and Salespeople.

Credibility and trust are important characteristics of Sneezers. People have to trust what
they say and believe it enough to act on it. (Gladwell describes Paul Revere as an
example of a successful Sneezer, while William Dawes and others who rode that night
were not so successful at spreading their message.)
Sneezers are the core of any ideavirus. Sneezers are the ones people believe and trust
when they tell them about something new.

                                           SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                             2. idea marketing
Two kinds of sneezers
Promiscuous Sneezers
Promiscuous Sneezers are the members of a group who can be counted on to try to
sell their favorite ideavirus to almost anyone. (Your cousin the insurance salesman is
one example.) Seth Godin describes what he calls promiscuous sneezers in the
following way:
• Promiscuous sneezers can be motivated by money or other inducements.
• Promiscuous sneezers are rarely held in high esteem as opinion leaders, but may
be effective if they are promiscuous enough.

Powerful Sneezers
Powerful sneezers have influence and cannot be bought. Powerful sneezers take risks
when they introduce something new. If what they introduce is not successful, their
influence is reduced.
Powerful sneezers have the ability to set styles and people will follow them. They are
“cool.” Seth gives us the example of Harrison Ford reversing the trend of hatlessness
with his fedora in the Raiders of the Lost Ark movies.
Powerful sneezers are trusted to have high standards. The New York Times is a
powerful sneezer because people trust it to deal with serious issues with the highest
journalistic standards and levels of integrity

                                   SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                         2. idea marketing

                                 The Hive
The Hive is a distinct group of people who share a set of characteristics: the ways in
which they communicate among themselves; spoken and/or unspoken rules and
standards; a common history. Some of these examples might include: Deadheads, readers
of Fast Company, followers of National Public Radio, fraternity brothers, etc.

In order to win with an ideavirus you need to choose your hive first, then build the idea.
Targeted marketing is not in itself a new idea. But, as Seth Godin describes it, a hive is a
market with a problem and a large number of sneezers.

It is critical to the success of an ideavirus (that it go “viral”) that the hive be small
enough for you to overwhelm it and dominate it. You also want to choose a hive through
which you can move your ideavirus quickly.

Be careful to choose the hive that respects the core value of your virus. Different hives
want and need different things. Understanding the real wants and needs of your hive is
critical to making a successful match and seeing your ideavirus go viral.
It is, Seth tells us, far better to pick smaller hives and conquer them a few at a time.
Identify consumers when they are “grouped in bunches and then allow the concentrated
essence of your virus to spread to other hives.”

                                  SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                               2. idea marketing

Persistent viruses are overwhelmingly used by the members of the hive. Anyone who is
not on board with this new idea or product will feel left behind and left out.

A persistent idea tips a hive so that the usage of the idea or product is so widespread that
it becomes a given. It is the “standard” and the product. Often, if a product is
particularly persistent, even if a better product or idea emerges, it will not be dislodged
from its now loyal users.

                                     SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                               2. idea marketing
• Make it virusworthy. Make it an idea worth talking about, using, and/or
listening to.
• Identify the hive. To get the full benefit the ideavirus must dominate your hive.
• Expose the idea. Get it to the right people and do whatever it takes to get them into
it as quickly as possible. Pay them if you have to. Never charge for it if you can help
• Figure out what you want the sneezers to say. Don’t let the sneezer decide
what to
say about your ideavirus so that their sneezing is optimized.
• Give sneezers the tools they need to spread the virus. Make it easy for
sneezers to spread the idea. Give him/her a way to send it on. Reward people for
spreading your ideavirus.                                                                 Ideavirus Tatics
• Once the consumer has volunteered his attention get permission. The
goal is to
get people’s attention. Then you need to build a permanent, reliable chain of
communication. You can use this communication for future enhancements and to
market new ideas.
• Amaze your audience so that they will reinforce the virus and keep it
Nurture the attention you receive and build a self-reinforcing virus that lasts and
• Admit that few viruses last forever. Embrace the lifecycle of the virus.
that the needs of the virus change over time. The benefits of the virus also change
over time. Leverage your expenditure for those maximum moments.

                                                     SAIS-BC Project
                                                                                                2. idea marketing

      SAIS-BC Project
                        3. social marketing


Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing along with other concepts
and techniques to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good

       The primary aim of 'social marketing' is 'social good', while in 'commercial marketing'
       the aim is primarily 'financial'. This does not mean that commercial marketers can not
       contribute to achievement of social good.

                  Increasingly, social marketing is being described as having 'two parents' - a 'social
                  parent' = social sciences and social policy, and a 'marketing parent' = commercial and
                  public sector marketing approaches.

                                                       SAIS-BC Project                                     3. social marketing
It is sometimes felt that social marketing is restricted to a particular spectrum of client -- the non-profit
organization, the health services group, the government agency.
These often are the clients of social marketing agencies, but the goal of inducing social change is not
restricted to governmental or non-profit charitable organizations; it may be argued that corporate public
relations efforts such as funding for the arts are an example of social marketing

    Social marketing applies a “customer oriented” approach and uses the concepts and tools used by
    commercial marketers in pursuit of social goals like Anti-Smoking-Campaigns or fund raising for
    NGOs. An example of a social marketing firm is The Media Network, a company based outside
    Washington, DC that holds contracts with various federal agencies.

                                            SAIS-BC Project                                         3. social marketing
            Social marketing began as a formal discipline in 1971, with the publication of quot;Social Marketing: An Approach to
            Planned Social Changequot; in the Journal of Marketing by marketing experts Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman.

Craig Lefebvre and June Flora    eight essential components of social marketing

   1. A consumer orientation to realize organizational (social) goals

    2. An emphasis on the voluntary exchanges of goods and services between providers and consumers

    3. Research in audience analysis and segmentation strategies

    4. The use of formative research in product and message design and the pretesting of these materials

    5. An analysis of distribution (or communication) channels

    6. Use of the marketing mix - utilizing and blending product, price, place and promotion characteristics in intervention
    planning and implementation

    7. A process tracking system with both integrative and control functions

    8. A management process that involves problem analysis, planning, implementation and feedback functions

                                                              SAIS-BC Project                                        3. social marketing

Speaking of what they termed quot;social change campaigns,quot; Kotler and Roberto introduced the subject
by writing, “A social change campaign is an organized effort conducted by one group (the change agent)
which attempts to persuade others (the target adopters) to accept, modify, or abandon certain ideas,
attitudes, practices or behavior.quot; Their 1989 text was updated in 2002 by Philip Kotler, Ned Roberto
and Nancy Lee.

                                           SAIS-BC Project                                       3. social marketing


Additional well-regarded texts which further cover the subject include
Alan R. Andreasen’s classic Marketing Social Change (ISBN 0-7879-0137-7),
Nedra Kline Weinreich’s Hands-On Social Marketing (ISBN
0-7619-0867-6), Fostering Sustainable Behavior (ISBN 0-86571-406-1) by
Doug McKenzie-Mohr and William Smith, and Social Marketing - Why
Should the Devil Have All the Best Tunes? (ISBN 0-7506-8350-3) by Gerard

                     SAIS-BC Project                                        3. social marketing

       SAIS-BC Project                     4. the 7 doors model
                         By Les Robinson

       SAIS-BC Project                     4. the 7 doors model
                         By Les Robinson
                                   1. Role models and visions
In this model people tend to adopt voluntary changes because they are unhappy, frustrated or
dissatisfied with their lives or businesses. This dissatisfaction provides the energy and motivation for
Dissatisfaction happens when the reality of life contradicts people's hopes, dreams and sense of
identity. It's not about rational calculation. It's about the role of the imagination: the ever shifting
dream world that swirls around our identity (our hopeful self).
There are many elements on our 'hopeful self', including values (things we value); perceived social
norms (what we think our peers value); and hopes (our vision for our lives). But life isn't a dream, it's
full of indignities and frustrations. The bigger the dissonance between dreams and reality, the more
unattainable our dreams seem, then the greater the motivation for change. Dissonance alone does not
make change however. It actually blocks change unless there are feasible pathways for change and
social 'invitations' to entice/kick us out of out comfy zones - that's where the other elements of the
model come in.

                                             SAIS-BC Project                                           4. the 7 doors model
                                                                         By Les Robinson

                         2. Rational knowledge

People need a grab-bag of beliefs and arguments they can use to justify the
change to themselves and others.
Humans are story-telling creatures. At any moment we are capable of
generating stories to justify whatever we are doing or thinking about. Our
experience tells us that these stories can sometimes be rather thin (we've
all met people, who, for instance, when all else fails, said 'I did it because I
wanted to').

                               SAIS-BC Project                                     4. the 7 doors model
                                                           By Les Robinson

                                  3. Confidence

Confidence or 'self-efficacy' is essential. People need to believe they are capable of
initiating a change and having the skills to follow through to completion. Personal
change can be tremendously intimidating. Even simple changes like going on a diet or
going to a gym can be put off for years because people doubt they have the will-power
to follow through.

                                   SAIS-BC Project                                      4. the 7 doors model
                                                            By Les Robinson

                                 4. Convenience

It's a basic principle that new actions should be easy to do, simple to understand,
accessible and the right price. The overall 'cost' of acting, in time, effort, brain
power and money, should be as small as possible. Actions that actually save time
and effort are highly likely to be adopted. Those that increase the actors' costs may
prove difficult to sustain.

                                  SAIS-BC Project                                       4. the 7 doors model
                                                             By Les Robinson

      5. Social influencers & 6. Change spaces

In the 7 Doors model, change is a social phenomenon. Virtually no one adopts
a new change in a private bubble. Family, friends and workmates are intimately
involved as triggers of change. Significant words are spoken. The actors are
dragged or prodded or enticed out of their comfort zones by people they
know they will have to go on living with.

                        SAIS-BC Project                                      4. the 7 doors model
                                                  By Les Robinson

                              7. Satisfaction

And lastly, the change must work. It has to be satisfying in terms that matter
to the actors. It must deliver ease, cost savings, status or prestige. It must
actually reduce the dissatisfactions that led to the initial involvement of the
actors in your program. It may also deliver unexpected satisfactions, just as
going to the gym may unexpectedly improve one's social life.

                               SAIS-BC Project                                    4. the 7 doors model
                                                          By Les Robinson

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  • 3. 1.CONCEPT OF MARKETING SAIS-BC Project 1. concept of marketing
  • 4. 1.CONCEPT OF MARKETING Introduction Marketing is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products. The goal of marketing is to build and maintain a preference for a company and its products within the target markets. 1. concept of marketing SAIS-BC Project
  • 5. 1.CONCEPT OF MARKETING Marketing Domain Marketing is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products. “Value” is worth derived by the customer from owning and using the product. “Competitive Advantage” is a depiction that the company or its products are each doing something better than their competition in a way that could benefit the customer Within the larger scope of its definition, marketing is performed through the actions of three coordinated disciplines named: “Product Marketing”, “Corporate Marketing”, and “Marketing Communications”. SAIS-BC Project 1. concept of marketing
  • 6. 1.CONCEPT OF MARKETING Marketing Domain Disciplines The “Product Marketing” discipline is an outbound activity aimed at generating product awareness, differentiation, and demand. The “Corporate Marketing” discipline is an outbound activity aimed at generating awareness and differentiation to the company. The “Marketing Communications” discipline is the employment of a mix of media vehicles that support marketing objectives. SAIS-BC Project 1. concept of marketing
  • 7. 1.CONCEPT OF MARKETING The following table summarizes the marketing domain concept definitions SAIS-BC Project 1. concept of marketing
  • 8. 1.CONCEPT OF MARKETING The following table summarizes the marketing domain elements SAIS-BC Project 1. concept of marketing
  • 9. 1.CONCEPT OF MARKETING SAIS-BC Project 1. concept of marketing
  • 10. 2. IDEA MARKETING SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 11. 2. IDEA MARKETING WHAT YOU WILL LEARN Develop a framework for marketing and selling your ideas Evaluate your company’s ability to market ideas to your customers Infect your customers and colleagues with your ideavirus Develop and spread your own ideavirus to be more effective as a leader SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 12. 2. IDEA MARKETING BIBLIOGRAPHY Unleashing the Idea Virus, Seth Godin, Do You Zoom Inc., 2000. Permission Marketing, Seth Godin, Ideas Rule, Seth Godin, (reprints of Seth Godin’s columns for Fast Company) The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell, Ideas, books, etc., by Tom Peters, SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 13. 2. IDEA MARKETING Idea + Virus = Ideavirus for the first 100 years or so of our history the country was about building big and efficient farms. For the next 100 years or so people focused on building bigger and better factories. This next century will be about ideas. Unfortunately, no one yet knows for sure how to build a factory for ideas. We do know that if you get people to accept and embrace your ideas you win. You win financially, gain power and can change the world. The Holy Grail for anyone who sells ideas is to “unleash an ideavirus.” An ideavirus is a big idea that captures its target audience, influencing and changing the population it infects. Ideaviruses are more than word of mouth. They are ideas, products, messages that spread like wildfire and catch hold with those in its path. Another property of an ideavirus is the speed at which it spreads. Word of mouth spreads ideas within a relatively small group and then the spreading process slows down and dies out. With ideaviruses using the internet, ideas are spread globally and almost instantaneously. Because it is so easy to send ideas to others, the true ideavirus keeps spreading exponentially as more and more people spread it to their contacts and beyond. Can you think of some ideas that have done that? SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 14. 2. IDEA MARKETING Manifesto In previous economies there were limits. Farms were limited by the size of the crop and therefore the numbers of people that they could feed. Factories could only produce so many products and get them into the hands of the people who wanted them. Ideas are different. They replicate easily and well and often get more powerful and valuable as more people learn about them. Seth asks these questions about ideaviruses. • Where does an ideavirus live? • How does an ideavirus manifest itself? • What does it look like? Ideas of all kinds, Seth believes are similar. He calls them manifestos. An idea manifesto is a “powerful, logical essay” that assembles a bunch of existing ideas and creates a new one. Manifestos take on a variety of shapes. These may include: • A written essay • An image • A song • A product or process The medium does not matter. What matters is that your manifesto changes the way people think, talk, or act, and creates value. SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 15. 2. IDEA MARKETING Medium All sorts of ideas regardless of format are lumped into the same category, MANIFESTOS The medium is the way an idea or manifested is “ENCAPSULATED”. “A manifesto can be a picture, a phrase, a written article a movie, or even a mathematical formula.” The purpose of the medium is to transmit the idea virus smoothly and quickly. The medium is the substance in which the idea lives. The medium is the form it takes to communicate its message. It is the idea that creates value and that changes the way people think, talk or act. SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 16. 2. IDEA MARKETING Why ideaviruses are son important 1. We live in a winner dominant world. So it’s important if you want to win to be first and to be dominate in your field. 2. While in the past we focused on making and growing things, now we focus on making ideas. Therefore, spreading them and having others know and adapt them is critical. 3. People are more connected than ever. Maintaining and enlarging these connections happens more and more often and is more and more important. Things spread by word of “mouse,” flying with incredible speed throughout the world. 4. People are hungry to understand the new and stay on the cutting edge. We are a country that thrives on the new and being in the know about what’s new. 5. There are more early adopters eager for the next new great thing than ever before. More and more people want to be in the know about the newest best thing. Look at the success of such magazines as Wired, Fast Company and PC Magazine. 6. Creating and owning a successful ideavirus can produce tremendous profits. (Zip Drives,, iMac, to name a few). SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 17. 2. IDEA MARKETING Launching and ideavirus Current interruption marketing approaches use a scattershot approach, spraying millions of messages (ads) and at populations only some of which might be potential markets for their product or idea. The marketers develop a strong brand with recognized characteristics, but it is hard and expensive way to attract new customers. The secret of launching ideaviruses is to help consumers to talk to each other. This is not easy to do. There are ways to launch your ideavirus that will help them be successful. One of the key elements of launching an ideavirus is to concentrate the message.You need to totally “dominate and amaze” the population you have targeted. The secret is to identify this group and concentrate your efforts here. SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 18. 2. IDEA MARKETING Velocity Velocity, then, is a measure of how fast the idea spreads from one person to another. The multiplier effect is large and fast steps lead to more people being infected before it dies out. In order to be successful, Seth believes ideaviruses need to have a high velocity. 2. idea marketing SAIS-BC Project
  • 19. 2. IDEA MARKETING Smoothness In addition to velocity, the other essential characteristic of successful ideaviruses is the concept of smoothness. Seth tells us that the smoothness of a particular ideavirus is how easy it is to use and spread. Does it take just one click to tell someone about a new, terrific idea, product, or process? It is easy to tell someone about something obvious like your new hairdresser. It is harder to tell someone about a new message therapist as it maybe more difficult to bring it up and to know the words to accurately describe this experience. Seth describes how really smooth viruses like Hotmail spread by themselves. When you send someone an email from Hotmail there is a small advertisement on the bottom of the email. According to Seth, there is a direct relationship between how smooth a product is and how quickly it catches on. SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 20. 2. IDEA MARKETING Sneezers Some people are more likely to spread an ideavirus. While some people are dead ends, others are eager to spread the word and share what they’ve heard about, tried, read, or seen. These are the people Malcolm Gladwell, author of the Tipping Point called Connectors, Mavens and Salespeople. Credibility and trust are important characteristics of Sneezers. People have to trust what they say and believe it enough to act on it. (Gladwell describes Paul Revere as an example of a successful Sneezer, while William Dawes and others who rode that night were not so successful at spreading their message.) Sneezers are the core of any ideavirus. Sneezers are the ones people believe and trust when they tell them about something new. SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 21. 2. IDEA MARKETING Two kinds of sneezers Promiscuous Sneezers Promiscuous Sneezers are the members of a group who can be counted on to try to sell their favorite ideavirus to almost anyone. (Your cousin the insurance salesman is one example.) Seth Godin describes what he calls promiscuous sneezers in the following way: • Promiscuous sneezers can be motivated by money or other inducements. • Promiscuous sneezers are rarely held in high esteem as opinion leaders, but may be effective if they are promiscuous enough. Powerful Sneezers Powerful sneezers have influence and cannot be bought. Powerful sneezers take risks when they introduce something new. If what they introduce is not successful, their influence is reduced. Powerful sneezers have the ability to set styles and people will follow them. They are “cool.” Seth gives us the example of Harrison Ford reversing the trend of hatlessness with his fedora in the Raiders of the Lost Ark movies. Powerful sneezers are trusted to have high standards. The New York Times is a powerful sneezer because people trust it to deal with serious issues with the highest journalistic standards and levels of integrity SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 22. 2. IDEA MARKETING The Hive The Hive is a distinct group of people who share a set of characteristics: the ways in which they communicate among themselves; spoken and/or unspoken rules and standards; a common history. Some of these examples might include: Deadheads, readers of Fast Company, followers of National Public Radio, fraternity brothers, etc. In order to win with an ideavirus you need to choose your hive first, then build the idea. Targeted marketing is not in itself a new idea. But, as Seth Godin describes it, a hive is a market with a problem and a large number of sneezers. It is critical to the success of an ideavirus (that it go “viral”) that the hive be small enough for you to overwhelm it and dominate it. You also want to choose a hive through which you can move your ideavirus quickly. Be careful to choose the hive that respects the core value of your virus. Different hives want and need different things. Understanding the real wants and needs of your hive is critical to making a successful match and seeing your ideavirus go viral. It is, Seth tells us, far better to pick smaller hives and conquer them a few at a time. Identify consumers when they are “grouped in bunches and then allow the concentrated essence of your virus to spread to other hives.” SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 23. 2. IDEA MARKETING Persistence Persistent viruses are overwhelmingly used by the members of the hive. Anyone who is not on board with this new idea or product will feel left behind and left out. A persistent idea tips a hive so that the usage of the idea or product is so widespread that it becomes a given. It is the “standard” and the product. Often, if a product is particularly persistent, even if a better product or idea emerges, it will not be dislodged from its now loyal users. SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 24. 2. IDEA MARKETING • Make it virusworthy. Make it an idea worth talking about, using, and/or listening to. • Identify the hive. To get the full benefit the ideavirus must dominate your hive. • Expose the idea. Get it to the right people and do whatever it takes to get them into it as quickly as possible. Pay them if you have to. Never charge for it if you can help it. • Figure out what you want the sneezers to say. Don’t let the sneezer decide what to say about your ideavirus so that their sneezing is optimized. • Give sneezers the tools they need to spread the virus. Make it easy for potential sneezers to spread the idea. Give him/her a way to send it on. Reward people for spreading your ideavirus. Ideavirus Tatics • Once the consumer has volunteered his attention get permission. The goal is to get people’s attention. Then you need to build a permanent, reliable chain of communication. You can use this communication for future enhancements and to market new ideas. • Amaze your audience so that they will reinforce the virus and keep it growing. Nurture the attention you receive and build a self-reinforcing virus that lasts and lasts. • Admit that few viruses last forever. Embrace the lifecycle of the virus. Recognize that the needs of the virus change over time. The benefits of the virus also change over time. Leverage your expenditure for those maximum moments. SAIS-BC Project 2. idea marketing
  • 25. 3. SOCIAL MARKETING SAIS-BC Project 3. social marketing
  • 26. 3. SOCIAL MARKETING Definition Social marketing is the systematic application of marketing along with other concepts and techniques to achieve specific behavioral goals for a social good The primary aim of 'social marketing' is 'social good', while in 'commercial marketing' the aim is primarily 'financial'. This does not mean that commercial marketers can not contribute to achievement of social good. Increasingly, social marketing is being described as having 'two parents' - a 'social parent' = social sciences and social policy, and a 'marketing parent' = commercial and public sector marketing approaches. SAIS-BC Project 3. social marketing
  • 27. 3. SOCIAL MARKETING It is sometimes felt that social marketing is restricted to a particular spectrum of client -- the non-profit organization, the health services group, the government agency. These often are the clients of social marketing agencies, but the goal of inducing social change is not restricted to governmental or non-profit charitable organizations; it may be argued that corporate public relations efforts such as funding for the arts are an example of social marketing Social marketing applies a “customer oriented” approach and uses the concepts and tools used by commercial marketers in pursuit of social goals like Anti-Smoking-Campaigns or fund raising for NGOs. An example of a social marketing firm is The Media Network, a company based outside Washington, DC that holds contracts with various federal agencies. SAIS-BC Project 3. social marketing
  • 28. 3. SOCIAL MARKETING Social marketing began as a formal discipline in 1971, with the publication of quot;Social Marketing: An Approach to Planned Social Changequot; in the Journal of Marketing by marketing experts Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman. Craig Lefebvre and June Flora eight essential components of social marketing 1. A consumer orientation to realize organizational (social) goals 2. An emphasis on the voluntary exchanges of goods and services between providers and consumers 3. Research in audience analysis and segmentation strategies 4. The use of formative research in product and message design and the pretesting of these materials 5. An analysis of distribution (or communication) channels 6. Use of the marketing mix - utilizing and blending product, price, place and promotion characteristics in intervention planning and implementation 7. A process tracking system with both integrative and control functions 8. A management process that involves problem analysis, planning, implementation and feedback functions SAIS-BC Project 3. social marketing
  • 29. 3. SOCIAL MARKETING Speaking of what they termed quot;social change campaigns,quot; Kotler and Roberto introduced the subject by writing, “A social change campaign is an organized effort conducted by one group (the change agent) which attempts to persuade others (the target adopters) to accept, modify, or abandon certain ideas, attitudes, practices or behavior.quot; Their 1989 text was updated in 2002 by Philip Kotler, Ned Roberto and Nancy Lee. SAIS-BC Project 3. social marketing
  • 30. 3. SOCIAL MARKETING Bibliography Additional well-regarded texts which further cover the subject include Alan R. Andreasen’s classic Marketing Social Change (ISBN 0-7879-0137-7), Nedra Kline Weinreich’s Hands-On Social Marketing (ISBN 0-7619-0867-6), Fostering Sustainable Behavior (ISBN 0-86571-406-1) by Doug McKenzie-Mohr and William Smith, and Social Marketing - Why Should the Devil Have All the Best Tunes? (ISBN 0-7506-8350-3) by Gerard Hastings. SAIS-BC Project 3. social marketing
  • 31. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson
  • 32. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson
  • 33. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL 1. Role models and visions In this model people tend to adopt voluntary changes because they are unhappy, frustrated or dissatisfied with their lives or businesses. This dissatisfaction provides the energy and motivation for change. Dissatisfaction happens when the reality of life contradicts people's hopes, dreams and sense of identity. It's not about rational calculation. It's about the role of the imagination: the ever shifting dream world that swirls around our identity (our hopeful self). There are many elements on our 'hopeful self', including values (things we value); perceived social norms (what we think our peers value); and hopes (our vision for our lives). But life isn't a dream, it's full of indignities and frustrations. The bigger the dissonance between dreams and reality, the more unattainable our dreams seem, then the greater the motivation for change. Dissonance alone does not make change however. It actually blocks change unless there are feasible pathways for change and social 'invitations' to entice/kick us out of out comfy zones - that's where the other elements of the model come in. SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson
  • 34. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL 2. Rational knowledge People need a grab-bag of beliefs and arguments they can use to justify the change to themselves and others. Humans are story-telling creatures. At any moment we are capable of generating stories to justify whatever we are doing or thinking about. Our experience tells us that these stories can sometimes be rather thin (we've all met people, who, for instance, when all else fails, said 'I did it because I wanted to'). SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson
  • 35. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL 3. Confidence Confidence or 'self-efficacy' is essential. People need to believe they are capable of initiating a change and having the skills to follow through to completion. Personal change can be tremendously intimidating. Even simple changes like going on a diet or going to a gym can be put off for years because people doubt they have the will-power to follow through. SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson
  • 36. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL 4. Convenience It's a basic principle that new actions should be easy to do, simple to understand, accessible and the right price. The overall 'cost' of acting, in time, effort, brain power and money, should be as small as possible. Actions that actually save time and effort are highly likely to be adopted. Those that increase the actors' costs may prove difficult to sustain. SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson
  • 37. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL 5. Social influencers & 6. Change spaces In the 7 Doors model, change is a social phenomenon. Virtually no one adopts a new change in a private bubble. Family, friends and workmates are intimately involved as triggers of change. Significant words are spoken. The actors are dragged or prodded or enticed out of their comfort zones by people they know they will have to go on living with. SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson
  • 38. 4. THE 7 DOORS MODEL 7. Satisfaction And lastly, the change must work. It has to be satisfying in terms that matter to the actors. It must deliver ease, cost savings, status or prestige. It must actually reduce the dissatisfactions that led to the initial involvement of the actors in your program. It may also deliver unexpected satisfactions, just as going to the gym may unexpectedly improve one's social life. SAIS-BC Project 4. the 7 doors model By Les Robinson