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The U.S. Total Video Report
The U.S.
Total Video™
The U.S. Total Video Report
To say the TV viewing landscape has changed over the years would be
an understatement. Advancements in viewing technology and increased
competition for eyeballs have resulted in a more fragmented environment,
increasing the complexity in media buying and selling for a medium that
generates billions of dollars in ad revenue per year. Whereas in the past
viewers could only watch TV from their television sets, now they can watch
from an array of devices including their computers, smartphones and tablets –
each with their own purpose and distinct advantages. Also in the past, options
for TV content were limited exclusively to what was on broadcast television or
cable. Since the digital age, however, and especially in most recent years, there
are a growing number of content options available, such as satellite, video-on-
demand (VOD), and digital subscription services like Netflix and Hulu Plus.
Given the plethora of options for TV viewing today, consumption habits are
not only changing but appear to be changing at an accelerating rate. Certain
segments of the viewing population are leading this shift, with the most notable
group being Millennials. This generation wants to watch what they want, when
they want and where they want, and their tech-savviness and willingness to
explore their options is driving massive change. As time goes on, the behaviors
of Millennials and other tech-forward segments will inevitably become more
mainstream and the TV viewing audience as we know it today will look
drastically different.
To accurately account for these fragmented audiences, it’s clear that true
cross-media measurement is required. If dollars are to be transacted according
to reach and frequency, advertisers and media companies need unduplicated
audience metrics that address TV and video viewing behavior across all
platforms – an approach that comScore calls Total Video.
In The U.S. Total Video report, we asked more than 1,000 Americans about
their TV viewing habits to provide context for the shifts in their consumption
habits and better understand viewing audiences. The results show in very
stark terms that not only has behavior already changed considerably, but if we
examine the behavior of Millennials and other key viewer segments it’s clear this
is just the beginning…
This report was based on survey data collected from an online
questionnaire completed by 1,159 respondents during the period
of August 21 through August 28, 2014. The survey included
questions about the respondents’ TV viewing behaviors, along
with questions about their demographic attributes (e.g. gender,
age, income, etc.).
Note that the survey is based on a population of internet users,
which may not be entirely reflective of the broader population. As
a result, overall incidence of certain digital TV viewing behaviors
may overstate that of the entire population.
The U.S. Total Video Report
Internet-connected TV device. A device which enables a television set to
connect to the internet, and allows you to stream content directly on your TV.
Examples include Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast, smart TVs, etc.
Laptop or desktop (PC/Mac). A standard notebook, laptop or desktop
computer running a full operating system such as Windows or Mac OS (this
includes netbooks as well).
Non-paid digital video subscriber. Someone who does not subscribe
to paid digital video services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime
Instant Video.
Non-pay TV subscriber. Someone who does not subscribe to pay TV
services such as Comcast, Dish Network, DIRECTV, etc.
Original TV series. A scripted TV show such as Heroes, The Office, CSI or
House, and does not include reality or non-scripted shows like America’s Next
Top Model, or Mythbusters.
Paid digital video service. A paid subscription service that is not your
cable provider, and which allows you to stream digital video content, including
television shows. Some examples are Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime
Instant Video.
Paid digital video subscriber. Someone who subscribes to paid digital
video services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime Instant Video.
Pay TV. A paid TV service such as Comcast, Cablevision or some other cable
TV provider, Dish Network, DIRECTV, Verizon FIOS or AT&T U-verse.
Smartphone. A device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds
features that you might find on a personal digital assistant or a computer
such as the ability to send and receive email and edit Office documents. The
iPhone, Android and Blackberry devices are examples of smartphones.
Tablet. A touchscreen, tablet device with Internet access via a WiFi modem
or wireless mobile broadband. Brands include Apple iPad, Motorola XOOM,
etc. Please note that this category excludes standard laptop computers and
Video-on-demand (VOD). A service that allows people to watch content on
demand. VOD is typically accessed through your television provider.
•	 Millennials (i.e. 18-34 year-olds) spend one-third of their original TV series
consumption time watching on digital platforms, with computers driving the
majority of that activity. Generally speaking, the older the viewer the greater
percentage of time spent watching on “traditional” TV sets.
•	 About 1 out of 6 Millennials said they did not watch any original TV series
from traditional TV sets within the past 30 days, a significant trend highlighting
the potential for linear TV viewing to erode over time. Since this age group is
considerably less likely to watch TV via a TV set, it is not surprising to see that
their incidence of viewing this content on computers (44 percent), tablets (49
percent) and smartphones (31 percent) is considerable and substantially higher
than older age segments.
•	 Millennials are also significantly more likely to watch TV from an internet-
connected TV device (e.g. Roku, Apple TV, Google Chromecast) as well as via a
gaming console (e.g. Xbox, PlayStation, etc.) or Blu-Ray Player, suggesting that
when they do watch original series content on a traditional TV set they often do
so through a digital connection and content streaming.
1 TV Viewing Platforms
TV Viewing Platform Share of Time
Desktop/Laptop Computer
Traditional TV
	 Age 18-34	 Age 35-54	 Age 55+
What percent of the time do you use the following
platforms to watch original TV series?
Source: comScore
The U.S. Total Video Report
TV Viewing Platform Incidence
TV Video Streaming Devices by Age
Age 18-34
Age 35-54
Age 55+
Age 18-34
Age 35-54
Age 55+
28% 29%
17% 18%
	Traditional TV	 Desktop/Laptop	 Tablet	 Smartphone			
Internet-Connected TV Device	 Gaming Console or Blu-Ray Player		
Within the past month, on which screens have you
watched original TV series?
Within the past month, have you used any of the
following to view original TV series content?
Source: comScore
Source: comScore
•	 More than half of viewers cite schedule flexibility and convenience as the main
reasons for watching TV content on the internet. These edged out all other
reasons, including the ability to skip commercials, the ability to binge watch and
the lower cost for consumers.
•	 When segmented by age, the reasons for watching TV shows on the internet
begin to fragment. A significant portion of older viewers might only tune in online
after they missed an episode on regular TV, while their younger counterparts are
more likely to proactively seek out shows on the internet for other reasons, such
as saving money or watching fewer ads than on traditional television.
•	 Younger generations are more likely to watch an original series online, with
45 percent of them watching via the internet, including 13 percent doing so
exclusively. By comparison, just 17 percent of people age 55+ watch at least
some original TV series content online.
Online TV Viewing
Online TV Viewing Drivers
What are the main reasons why you watch original TV
on the internet?
Prefer to watch on own schedule
It’s more convenient
I can skip commercials
Prefer to watch multiple episodes all at once
There are fewer commercials
Less expensive than cable and other pay TV services
Someone in HH watches another show at same time
At work/commuting when show starts
I travel a lot
Source: comScore
The U.S. Total Video Report
How do you typically watch original TV series?
Online TV Viewing Drivers by Age
Traditional TV vs. Online TV Viewing by Age
Please indicate the top reason why you like to watch
original TV shows on the internet.
Missed episode on TV	 Less expensive than cable	 Fewer ads
	 and other pay TV services	
12% 13%
8% 7%
13% 5% 2%
Age 18-34
Age 35-54
Age 55+
Internet Only
Both Traditional TV
and the Internet
Traditional TV Only
	 Age 18-34	 Age 35-54	 Age 55+
Source: comScore
Source: comScore
•	 Younger viewers are more likely to shift their TV viewing time and watch a show
after it appears live. 46 percent of Millennials’ viewing is typically watched in a
time-shifted manner compared to just 35 percent for 35-54 year-olds and 30
percent for those older than the age of 55. But age isn’t the only indicator of
viewing habits, as 45 percent of those who subscribe to a paid digital video
service such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant Video partake in time-
shifted viewing vs. just 27 percent among non-subscribers.
•	 Subscribers to paid digital video services are much more likely than non-
subscribers to binge view TV programs over the course of a month (87 percent
vs. 69 percent). Furthermore, subscribers to these services are significantly more
inclined to engage in heavy binge viewing activity: 15 percent binge view six or
more times per month, compared to only 6 percent of non-subscribers.
•	 84 percent of viewers prefer to binge watch television shows from their TV
set – in some capacity – as opposed to other screens. More than half of those
viewers that prefer binge viewing from their TVs favor using their DVR, perhaps
in part due to the ability to fast forward through commercials. Trailing only the
DVR, TV via video-on-demand (VOD) is another highly preferred method of binge
viewing given its convenient integration directly into the pay TV service provider’s
interface and remote control.
Time-Shifted Viewing
Time-Shifted TV Viewing by Demographic
Which one of the following best describes when you
typically watch original TV series?
	 Age 18-34	 Age 35-54	 Age 55+ 	 Paid Digital	 Non-Paid Digital 		
	 Video Subscribers	 Video Subscribers
>7 days after airing
4-7 days after airing
Not live, but within 3 days
Source: comScore
The U.S. Total Video Report
TV via DVR
TV via Video-on-Demand (VOD)
Internet-Connected TV Device
Live TV*
2% 7%
Binge Viewing by Platform
Binge Viewing Frequency
What is your most preferred device to watch multiple
episodes of the same TV program, one after another,
in the same sitting?
On average, how many times per month do you
watch multiple episodes of the same TV program,
one after another in the same sitting?
42% 42%
Paid Digital Video
Non-Paid Digital Video
	 Never	 1-2 times	 3-5 times	 6 or more times
* Live TV includes any watching of live traditional TV via reruns or marathons, whether it’s
through cable, satellite, or other pay TV service provider.
Source: comScore
Source: comScore
•	 Millennials are significantly more likely than their older counterparts to not
subscribe to cable or other pay TV services. In fact, 18-34 year olds are 77
percent more likely than average to be a “cord-never” household, having never
subscribed to pay TV, and 67 percent more likely than average to be a “cord-
cutter” household, where they once subscribed but no longer do. Those between
the ages of 35-54 are slightly more likely than average to be “cord-cutters” while
those age 55+ are significantly less likely than average not to have pay TV.
•	 While age strongly correlates with pay TV subscription, so too does household
size. Of homes currently without pay TV services, a large percentage of single-
person households (60 percent) and households without children (52 percent)
have never had a pay TV subscription. These “cord-nevers” are a new phenomenon
resulting from a growing number of online video options and the rising costs of pay
TV, which have made subscriptions less justifiable for smaller households.
•	 Live and other time-sensitive TV content is an important driver of subscribing
to pay TV services. As might be expected, a higher percentage of pay TV
subscribers than non-subscribers rate several forms of content as very important
to their TV viewing experience. But the most significant gap in importance – 24
percentage points – is for live sports viewing, an indicator that this is one of the
most important drivers of viewers sticking with their pay TV subscriptions.
Pay TV Subscriptions
Pay TV Subscription by Demographic
Pay TV Subscribers
Age 18-34
Age 35-54
Age 55+
* Index = Percentage of Demographic Engaging in the Selected Behavior / Percentage of
Demographic within Total Population x 100. Index of 100 indicates average representation
within a particular demographic segment.
Age Composition Index* of Pay TV vs.
Non-Pay TV Subscribers
Source: comScore
The U.S. Total Video Report
Content Drivers of Pay TV Subscription
Please indicate how important the following genres of
content are to your TV viewing habits.
Of those who do NOT currently have pay TV services,
how would you describe your household?
Cord-Cutting by Household Size
Pay TV Subscribers
Non-Pay TV Subscribers
Prime-Time Shows
Live Sports
Live Events
Paid Subscription Shows
Late Night Comedy
This question was asked on a 7-point scale ranging from “Not at all important” to “Very
important.” The percentages shown in the chart refer to the top two boxes of the scale.
56% 62% 69% 68%
44% 38% 31% 32%
No Children	
Children	 1	2	3	4	5+
Source: comScore
Source: comScore
•	 About 4 in 10 households subscribe to a paid digital video subscription service,
with Netflix being the leader (32 percent), followed by Amazon Prime Instant
Video (19 percent) and Hulu Plus (9 percent). Across all of these services,
Millennials have significantly higher subscription penetration, with nearly half
belonging to Netflix.
•	 Among Netflix subscribers, the preferred method of watching (44 percent)
is through internet-connected TV devices such as Apple TV and Google
Chromecast. Computers (27 percent) and gaming consoles/Blu-Ray Players (21
percent) also have strong levels of preference among the Netflix subscriber base.
•	 Netflix subscription has a strong relationship with household size, with the
presence of children in the household likely a key factor. Among 1-2 person
households, Netflix penetration is less than 25 percent, but penetration jumps
significantly to well over 40 percent among households of three and greater.
Digital Video Subscriptions
Which of the following paid digital video services
do you subscribe to?
Paid Digital Video Penetration
Of those who do NOT currently have pay TV services,
how would you describe your household?
	 Any	 Netflix	 Amazon Instant Video	 Hulu Plus
30% 32%
Age 18-34
Age 35-54
Age 55+
Source: comScore
The U.S. Total Video Report
Does your household subscribe
to Netflix?
Netflix Viewing Habits by Device
Netflix Subscription by Household Size
Internet-Connected TV Device
Desktop/Laptop Computer
Gaming Console/Blu-Ray
Mobile Device
What is your most preferred method of
watching Netflix?
	 1	 2	 3	 4	 5+
43% 45% 46%
Source: comScore
Source: comScore
Andrew Lipsman
+1 (312) 775-6510
Adam Lella
+1 (312) 775-6474
The U.S. Total Video Report
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and comScore Total Video™ are the trademarks of comScore, Inc.
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Comscore: The U.S. Total Video Report

  • 1. PAGE 1 The U.S. Total Video Report The U.S. REPORT Total Video™
  • 3. PAGE 3 The U.S. Total Video Report To say the TV viewing landscape has changed over the years would be an understatement. Advancements in viewing technology and increased competition for eyeballs have resulted in a more fragmented environment, increasing the complexity in media buying and selling for a medium that generates billions of dollars in ad revenue per year. Whereas in the past viewers could only watch TV from their television sets, now they can watch from an array of devices including their computers, smartphones and tablets – each with their own purpose and distinct advantages. Also in the past, options for TV content were limited exclusively to what was on broadcast television or cable. Since the digital age, however, and especially in most recent years, there are a growing number of content options available, such as satellite, video-on- demand (VOD), and digital subscription services like Netflix and Hulu Plus. Given the plethora of options for TV viewing today, consumption habits are not only changing but appear to be changing at an accelerating rate. Certain segments of the viewing population are leading this shift, with the most notable group being Millennials. This generation wants to watch what they want, when they want and where they want, and their tech-savviness and willingness to explore their options is driving massive change. As time goes on, the behaviors of Millennials and other tech-forward segments will inevitably become more mainstream and the TV viewing audience as we know it today will look drastically different. To accurately account for these fragmented audiences, it’s clear that true cross-media measurement is required. If dollars are to be transacted according to reach and frequency, advertisers and media companies need unduplicated audience metrics that address TV and video viewing behavior across all platforms – an approach that comScore calls Total Video. In The U.S. Total Video report, we asked more than 1,000 Americans about their TV viewing habits to provide context for the shifts in their consumption habits and better understand viewing audiences. The results show in very stark terms that not only has behavior already changed considerably, but if we examine the behavior of Millennials and other key viewer segments it’s clear this is just the beginning…
  • 4. PAGE 4 Methodology This report was based on survey data collected from an online questionnaire completed by 1,159 respondents during the period of August 21 through August 28, 2014. The survey included questions about the respondents’ TV viewing behaviors, along with questions about their demographic attributes (e.g. gender, age, income, etc.). Note that the survey is based on a population of internet users, which may not be entirely reflective of the broader population. As a result, overall incidence of certain digital TV viewing behaviors may overstate that of the entire population.
  • 5. PAGE 5 The U.S. Total Video Report Glossary Internet-connected TV device. A device which enables a television set to connect to the internet, and allows you to stream content directly on your TV. Examples include Apple TV, Roku, Google Chromecast, smart TVs, etc. Laptop or desktop (PC/Mac). A standard notebook, laptop or desktop computer running a full operating system such as Windows or Mac OS (this includes netbooks as well). Non-paid digital video subscriber. Someone who does not subscribe to paid digital video services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime Instant Video. Non-pay TV subscriber. Someone who does not subscribe to pay TV services such as Comcast, Dish Network, DIRECTV, etc. Original TV series. A scripted TV show such as Heroes, The Office, CSI or House, and does not include reality or non-scripted shows like America’s Next Top Model, or Mythbusters. Paid digital video service. A paid subscription service that is not your cable provider, and which allows you to stream digital video content, including television shows. Some examples are Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime Instant Video. Paid digital video subscriber. Someone who subscribes to paid digital video services such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Prime Instant Video. Pay TV. A paid TV service such as Comcast, Cablevision or some other cable TV provider, Dish Network, DIRECTV, Verizon FIOS or AT&T U-verse. Smartphone. A device that lets you make telephone calls, but also adds features that you might find on a personal digital assistant or a computer such as the ability to send and receive email and edit Office documents. The iPhone, Android and Blackberry devices are examples of smartphones. Tablet. A touchscreen, tablet device with Internet access via a WiFi modem or wireless mobile broadband. Brands include Apple iPad, Motorola XOOM, etc. Please note that this category excludes standard laptop computers and netbooks. Video-on-demand (VOD). A service that allows people to watch content on demand. VOD is typically accessed through your television provider.
  • 6. PAGE 6 • Millennials (i.e. 18-34 year-olds) spend one-third of their original TV series consumption time watching on digital platforms, with computers driving the majority of that activity. Generally speaking, the older the viewer the greater percentage of time spent watching on “traditional” TV sets. • About 1 out of 6 Millennials said they did not watch any original TV series from traditional TV sets within the past 30 days, a significant trend highlighting the potential for linear TV viewing to erode over time. Since this age group is considerably less likely to watch TV via a TV set, it is not surprising to see that their incidence of viewing this content on computers (44 percent), tablets (49 percent) and smartphones (31 percent) is considerable and substantially higher than older age segments. • Millennials are also significantly more likely to watch TV from an internet- connected TV device (e.g. Roku, Apple TV, Google Chromecast) as well as via a gaming console (e.g. Xbox, PlayStation, etc.) or Blu-Ray Player, suggesting that when they do watch original series content on a traditional TV set they often do so through a digital connection and content streaming. 1 TV Viewing Platforms TV Viewing Platform Share of Time Tablet Smartphone Desktop/Laptop Computer Traditional TV 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 6% 6% 19% 66% 3% 2% 10% 84% 2% 1% 6% 90% Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ What percent of the time do you use the following platforms to watch original TV series? Source: comScore
  • 7. PAGE 7 The U.S. Total Video Report TV Viewing Platform Incidence TV Video Streaming Devices by Age Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 44% 49% 31% 92% 28% 29% 14% 96% 17% 18% 5% Traditional TV Desktop/Laptop Tablet Smartphone Computer Internet-Connected TV Device Gaming Console or Blu-Ray Player 32% 25% 18% 11% 10% 2% Within the past month, on which screens have you watched original TV series? Within the past month, have you used any of the following to view original TV series content? 83% Source: comScore Source: comScore
  • 8. PAGE 8 • More than half of viewers cite schedule flexibility and convenience as the main reasons for watching TV content on the internet. These edged out all other reasons, including the ability to skip commercials, the ability to binge watch and the lower cost for consumers. • When segmented by age, the reasons for watching TV shows on the internet begin to fragment. A significant portion of older viewers might only tune in online after they missed an episode on regular TV, while their younger counterparts are more likely to proactively seek out shows on the internet for other reasons, such as saving money or watching fewer ads than on traditional television. • Younger generations are more likely to watch an original series online, with 45 percent of them watching via the internet, including 13 percent doing so exclusively. By comparison, just 17 percent of people age 55+ watch at least some original TV series content online. Online TV Viewing 56% 35% 18% 52% 33% 18% 38% 29% 13% 2 Online TV Viewing Drivers What are the main reasons why you watch original TV on the internet? Prefer to watch on own schedule It’s more convenient I can skip commercials Prefer to watch multiple episodes all at once There are fewer commercials Less expensive than cable and other pay TV services Someone in HH watches another show at same time At work/commuting when show starts I travel a lot Source: comScore
  • 9. PAGE 9 The U.S. Total Video Report How do you typically watch original TV series? Online TV Viewing Drivers by Age Traditional TV vs. Online TV Viewing by Age Please indicate the top reason why you like to watch original TV shows on the internet. 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Missed episode on TV Less expensive than cable Fewer ads and other pay TV services 16% 12% 13% 22% 8% 7% 29% 32% 24% 15% 13% 5% 2% 55% 70% 83% 5% 1% Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ Internet Only Both Traditional TV and the Internet Traditional TV Only 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ Source: comScore Source: comScore
  • 10. PAGE 10 • Younger viewers are more likely to shift their TV viewing time and watch a show after it appears live. 46 percent of Millennials’ viewing is typically watched in a time-shifted manner compared to just 35 percent for 35-54 year-olds and 30 percent for those older than the age of 55. But age isn’t the only indicator of viewing habits, as 45 percent of those who subscribe to a paid digital video service such as Netflix, Hulu Plus and Amazon Instant Video partake in time- shifted viewing vs. just 27 percent among non-subscribers. • Subscribers to paid digital video services are much more likely than non- subscribers to binge view TV programs over the course of a month (87 percent vs. 69 percent). Furthermore, subscribers to these services are significantly more inclined to engage in heavy binge viewing activity: 15 percent binge view six or more times per month, compared to only 6 percent of non-subscribers. • 84 percent of viewers prefer to binge watch television shows from their TV set – in some capacity – as opposed to other screens. More than half of those viewers that prefer binge viewing from their TVs favor using their DVR, perhaps in part due to the ability to fast forward through commercials. Trailing only the DVR, TV via video-on-demand (VOD) is another highly preferred method of binge viewing given its convenient integration directly into the pay TV service provider’s interface and remote control. Time-Shifted Viewing 3 Time-Shifted TV Viewing by Demographic Which one of the following best describes when you typically watch original TV series? 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ Paid Digital Non-Paid Digital Video Subscribers Video Subscribers 7% 46% 35% 30% 45% 27% 10% 28% 3% 7% 25% 4% 9% 18% 6% 10% 3% 7% 18% 28% >7 days after airing 4-7 days after airing Not live, but within 3 days Source: comScore
  • 11. PAGE 11 The U.S. Total Video Report TV via DVR TV via Video-on-Demand (VOD) Internet-Connected TV Device Live TV* Tablet Desktop/Laptop Smartphone Other 11% 12% 19% 4% 3% 2% 7% 43% Binge Viewing by Platform Binge Viewing Frequency What is your most preferred device to watch multiple episodes of the same TV program, one after another, in the same sitting? On average, how many times per month do you watch multiple episodes of the same TV program, one after another in the same sitting? 13% 31% 42% 42% 30% 21% 15% 6% Paid Digital Video Subscribers Non-Paid Digital Video Subscribers 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Never 1-2 times 3-5 times 6 or more times * Live TV includes any watching of live traditional TV via reruns or marathons, whether it’s through cable, satellite, or other pay TV service provider. Source: comScore Source: comScore
  • 12. PAGE 12 • Millennials are significantly more likely than their older counterparts to not subscribe to cable or other pay TV services. In fact, 18-34 year olds are 77 percent more likely than average to be a “cord-never” household, having never subscribed to pay TV, and 67 percent more likely than average to be a “cord- cutter” household, where they once subscribed but no longer do. Those between the ages of 35-54 are slightly more likely than average to be “cord-cutters” while those age 55+ are significantly less likely than average not to have pay TV. • While age strongly correlates with pay TV subscription, so too does household size. Of homes currently without pay TV services, a large percentage of single- person households (60 percent) and households without children (52 percent) have never had a pay TV subscription. These “cord-nevers” are a new phenomenon resulting from a growing number of online video options and the rising costs of pay TV, which have made subscriptions less justifiable for smaller households. • Live and other time-sensitive TV content is an important driver of subscribing to pay TV services. As might be expected, a higher percentage of pay TV subscribers than non-subscribers rate several forms of content as very important to their TV viewing experience. But the most significant gap in importance – 24 percentage points – is for live sports viewing, an indicator that this is one of the most important drivers of viewers sticking with their pay TV subscriptions. Pay TV Subscriptions Pay TV Subscription by Demographic 91 107 100 177 167 88 85 104 71 Cord-Nevers Cord-Cutters Pay TV Subscribers Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ * Index = Percentage of Demographic Engaging in the Selected Behavior / Percentage of Demographic within Total Population x 100. Index of 100 indicates average representation within a particular demographic segment. 4 Age Composition Index* of Pay TV vs. Non-Pay TV Subscribers Source: comScore
  • 13. PAGE 13 The U.S. Total Video Report Content Drivers of Pay TV Subscription Please indicate how important the following genres of content are to your TV viewing habits. Of those who do NOT currently have pay TV services, how would you describe your household? Cord-Cutting by Household Size Pay TV Subscribers Non-Pay TV Subscribers News Prime-Time Shows Live Sports Live Events Paid Subscription Shows Late Night Comedy 58% 51% 50% 24% 23% 19% 46% 40% 26% 17% 16% 17% This question was asked on a 7-point scale ranging from “Not at all important” to “Very important.” The percentages shown in the chart refer to the top two boxes of the scale. Cord-Cutter Cord-Never 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 48% 70% 40% 56% 62% 69% 68% 52% 30% 60% 44% 38% 31% 32% No Children Children 1 2 3 4 5+ Source: comScore Source: comScore
  • 14. PAGE 14 • About 4 in 10 households subscribe to a paid digital video subscription service, with Netflix being the leader (32 percent), followed by Amazon Prime Instant Video (19 percent) and Hulu Plus (9 percent). Across all of these services, Millennials have significantly higher subscription penetration, with nearly half belonging to Netflix. • Among Netflix subscribers, the preferred method of watching (44 percent) is through internet-connected TV devices such as Apple TV and Google Chromecast. Computers (27 percent) and gaming consoles/Blu-Ray Players (21 percent) also have strong levels of preference among the Netflix subscriber base. • Netflix subscription has a strong relationship with household size, with the presence of children in the household likely a key factor. Among 1-2 person households, Netflix penetration is less than 25 percent, but penetration jumps significantly to well over 40 percent among households of three and greater. Digital Video Subscriptions 5 Which of the following paid digital video services do you subscribe to? Paid Digital Video Penetration Of those who do NOT currently have pay TV services, how would you describe your household? Any Netflix Amazon Instant Video Hulu Plus 42% 61% 47% 30% 32% 49% 35% 22% 19% 25% 14% 9% 4% 21% 10% 21% Total Age 18-34 Age 35-54 Age 55+ Source: comScore
  • 15. PAGE 15 The U.S. Total Video Report Does your household subscribe to Netflix? Netflix Viewing Habits by Device Netflix Subscription by Household Size Internet-Connected TV Device Desktop/Laptop Computer Gaming Console/Blu-Ray Mobile Device 7% 21% 27% 44% What is your most preferred method of watching Netflix? 1 2 3 4 5+ 20% 24% 43% 45% 46% Source: comScore Source: comScore
  • 16. PAGE 16 Andrew Lipsman +1 (312) 775-6510 Adam Lella +1 (312) 775-6474 TO LEARN MORE ABOUT COMSCORE TOTAL VIDEO, PLEASE VISIT: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT:
  • 17. PAGE 17 The U.S. Total Video Report STAY CONNECTED Follow us @comscore © 2014 comScore, Inc. comScore® and comScore Total Video™ are the trademarks of comScore, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their owners. For information about the proprietary technology used in comScore products, please refer to