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Comparing The Iron Curtain And Chance For Peace
Here are two of the most important orations of the cold war period, by former British Prime Minister
Winston Churchill and President Dwight D Eisenhower's describing the policies and efforts to
contain the Cold War era. Churchill starts with his famous speech "the Iron Curtain" delivered in
Fulton Missouri in 1946 after being invited by President Truman. The "Iron Curtain" speech was the
initial platform that announced and defined the declarations of the Cold war to come with the
urgency to have a tight relationship between the countries of democracy against communism. Then
with President Eisenhower's speech in 1953 a "Chance for Peace" this was an initiative that outlined
the clear recognition of the prospects the world faced and the cost in sincere efforts to end the cold
war. The "Iron Curtain" and "Chance for Peace" both reveal the conviction and strong efforts that
are desired to restrict the fears encompassed with the Cold war. Winston Churchill is often
proclaimed as the greatest leader in Britain history and one of the world's eminent leaders. He was a
charismatic and adventurous, egotistical, visionary and with unconventional ideologies, an enigma
of his era. His life spanned for more than two world wars and the rise and fall of the Victorian ...
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The two pieces capture the devastation of what is coming if something is not done to prevent the
spread of communism. They caveat each other as at first identifying the threat to come and methods
to initially prevent it from inflicting further damage, then further refinement seeing clearly the ways
to conduct and protect world affairs and interests. In summary these speeches given by great leaders
of their time identified and led in conducting business in protecting the world
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The Boys Who Challenged Hitler
The Boys Who Challenged Hitler is a book about a group of teenage boys who resisted Hitler. When
Germany wanted to take over Norway and Denmark, Denmark gave in immediately. Norway
decided to fight. They fought for two long months and they fought hard, but they lost. When the
Nazi soldiers first occupied Denmark, people weren't too happy. But they could do nothing about it.
So they sang Danish songs and sold Danish emblems to say that they were still a country.
But two teenage brothers, Kud and Jens Pedersen, wanted to do something about it. So, they came
together with their friends and created the RAF Club. This was a resistance club fighting for their
rights. The boys cut telephone lines leading right to Nazi headquarters and that was ... Show more
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They would take the weapons and then leave the cafe.
On May 6, 1942, waitress Elsa Ottesen at Cafe Holle in downtown Aalborg, saw two teenage boys
enter the restaurant, walking briskly. Heads down, they made a beeline for the coat closet and
emerged from it a very short time later. Then they strode straight out of the restaurant, without
ordering a single thing. A few minutes later, a German officer dining at the cafe, discovered that his
gun was missing. He angrily told the restaurant staff and Mrs. Ottesen remembered the two boys
who had entered the closet earlier. Mrs. Ottesen gave a detailed statement to the police. She thought
she could recognize them if she saw them again. Who were the boys? I think you already guessed.
Knud and Jens Pedersen
Two days later, Mrs. Ottesen saw the boys again. She alerted the police and an officer started
following them. He asked for their identification cards. They gave the officer the cards and the
officer made them go back to their house–which was a monastery as their father was a priest. Knud
and Jens's parents weren't home. More police arrived on scene. "Where are the weapons?" one
police officer asked. Jens led the police straight to the cellar where they kept the weapons. Soon, all
the boys were arrested. Each was brought to the police station and interrogated separately. This way
it was impossible to lie. Whenever one tried to lie, someone else would tell the truth.
The Churchill Club boys gave
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Influence People With The Power Of Language : Mahatma Gandhi
Power of Language Throughout history, there have been many political and civic leaders that have
been able to influence people with the power of language. There are different ways language can be
used to lead, the most common of which is a call to action. This type of speech motivates people to
become more or stand for something greater than themselves. One of the most peace driven leaders
ever was Mahatma Gandhi. He used language to empower his followers and to escape dangerous
situations to provide for the Indian people. He appealed to the British for better opportunities for the
lower class. This, in turn, got him arrested but he used his persuasiveness to get out of his jail
sentence. He constantly was influencing people to think peacefully instead of fighting back with
physical force. He spoke softly which led to non–violent protests against the British colonialists.
The reason he called his people to peaceful protests was so that the Brits would reason with his
offers better. Gandhi decided to up the ante and call for the Indian people to boycott British goods
and traditions. He also challenged them to become self–reliant through multiple speeches. One of
his most famous demonstrations was leading thousands of Indians on a 250–mile journey to gather
and acquire salt since the Brits had a monopoly on it. If Gandhi wasn't a brilliant speaker it would
have been very difficult to compel people to follow him 250 miles. Eventually the British put
Gandhi in jail. This led
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"The Island" by Athol Fugard
The Island (1973) Athol Fugard
A Quick Rundown of The Island
– The Island is a Fugard play that resorts to the Classics to protest Apartheid.
– It takes place in four scenes, opening with a lengthy mimed sequence in which John and Winston,
two cell mates in prison on Robben Island, carry out one of the totally pointless and exhausting tasks
designed by warders to break the spirit of political prisoners.
– Winston has been sentenced to prison for life because he burned his passbook in front of a police
– John has been imprisoned for belonging to a banned organization.
– The story traces the relationship of these two men. Winston is the active rebel,
– and John, the intellectual, is trying to persuade him to play ... Show more content on ...
– 1970s: Early 1970s seemed to be continuation of '60s. Banning of news reports of opposition and
overseas, but impossible to silence people completely. Exiled parties and people who were released
from the problem tried to let me people know what was happening, but difficult to create literature
and art: segregational theatres and restaurants. Act of creating The Island is an act of defiance in
itself: different people of different races coming together, monument to defiance of political tyranny,
extremely difficult  strategy: no written script until after internationally famous, no evidence, no
3. The Playwright: Athol Fugard
–Grew up in Port Elizabeth (deeply symbolic place for him.) Lower middle class environment 
poor whites of 1930s vs. political conservatives (generalization!) Fugard epitomizes fact that we
can't generalize like this because for five decades, he voiced against racial oppression. Port
Elizabeth represents what it's like to be poor and white in South Africa.
– Scholarship to UCT but never finished his degree, went traveling instead, but always kept in mind
his existential philosophy.
(Existentialism: We as humans have some control over our own destinies. We may not be able to
choose our situations (like where and when and what colour we are born) but we can choose how we
live our lives and what we do with them. For instance, when Winston has to face the fact that John is
leaving in 3 months and he is only leaving in 10 years,
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Operation Fortitude : The Deceptions Of The D-Day Strategies
The D–Day deception strategy was codenamed Operation 'Fortitude' and was part of a larger overall
deception strategy. The Germans were aware that the Allies would launch a cross–Channel invasion,
but they were not entirely sure of exact location and time of the attack. As a final stage of their
preparations for D–Day the Allies came up with a deception strategy to swerve attention away from
Normandy Operation 'Fortitude' were in of two parts: 'Fortitude North' was purposely meant to trick
the Germans into thinking that Norway would be attacked by the Allies and 'Fortitude South' was
planned to cajole the Germans that the Allies were going to attack north–east of Normandy in the
Pas de Calais. GARBO played an important role when the Allies started planning the D–Day, Pujol
was asked to persuade the Germans that Normandy landing was fake and the main target was Calais.
He was able to convince Hitler with an imaginary one–million army with George S Patton as
commander and huge fake oil depots, sham tanks, and airfields that a million–man strong army of
the Allies was about to attack him round Calais area. The plot to deceive Hitler was successful and it
is believed that on the 9th June message sent to the Führer by Garbo was the key factor that kept
some of the German's best army divisions away from Normandy which eventually pave way for
Allies victory of the war. The Germans were still holding to their belief that the Allies would invade
in Pas–de–Calais until September 1944
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Athol Fugard from South Africa
Historical, Social and Political condition
Athol Fugard was born into the era of apartheid. The Fugard family was known as a very poor white
family which affected the way he wrote his plays. Apartheid was known as a time in South Africa
when whites were separated from the non–whites. White people were known as the "top dogs" and
the non–whites were classified as the "under dogs" in the Republic of South Africa.
Fugard was against apartheid due to the way he was living at the time. His father worked amongst
non–whites and therefore made the poor Fugard family much like the non–whites. Fugard was
completely against the apartheid and therefore, just like his dad, Fugard worked with black actors in
his plays. The Government did not like what Fugard was doing, by working with black actors and
therefore they punished him at times by either banning his plays or confiscating his passport.
Apartheid was an era of violence and oppression. Oppression was part of the apartheid laws against
non–whites. This caused most of the non–white population to go on strikes and try and fight their
way through these ridiculous laws.
Fugard wrote about the unknown things that were happening during apartheid. Fugard stood by the
non–whites side to help them fight, by producing his thoughts onto stage.
Analysing 2 plays written by Athol Fugard
The Island:
This play is a classic example of protest apartheid. This was well known as protest theatre. The play
has four scenes and is based in a prison
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What Is A Political Allegory In Lord Of The Flies
World War II caused an amount of destruction and harm that no human being had ever seen before,
many were disgusted and outraged by the results of this war. It was a very memorable event; one
that authors tend to write about a lot, even to this day. One author in particular, WIlliam Golding,
uses his world famous piece of literature Lord of the Flies as a political allegory to World War 2. In
his classic novel, he shows little boys who are flown out to avoid the danger of being bombed and
become trapped on an island. While they are trapped, the boys develop separate ways of leading
each other which leads to conflict and violence, similar to the governments in which were clashing
with each other during World War 2 at the time. Through the differences of these boys, Golding
shows to us how they relate to the major leaders of World War 2 (Hitler, Franklin Roosevelt, and
Neville Chamberlain), and how democracy is the best way to govern people. Hitler was the ruler of
Germany during World War II, and he ruled over his people in fear. Jack is commonly described to
being similar if not exactly like Hitler. Golding leaves many examples in the novel to show how
Jack and Hitler are alike. Both of them promised their "citizens" a better life, they both promise their
country "meat" (Golding 140), and they both lead as a dictator, taking their power with force and
leading as the only chief of the state. Jack is described in the book as "a terror" (Golding 189) and
Hitler has been
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Perseverance Essay Examples
What Is Perseverance? One is drawing near to the finish line, their legs are aching and hurting. But
they are persistent and determined to finish the race strong, so they push until they get to the
end.This is a great example of what perseverance can feel and look like. Elisabeth Kübler–Ross
stated, "Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of
their cravings"("Goodread"). This quote is about how having perseverance can shape people and
make them a better person. To better understand what perseverance is people have to know what it is
not. Perseverance is not giving up, it is not laziness or is it quitting. People 's ability to achieve an
obstacle mentally or physical is all up to their ... Show more content on ...
A major obstacle he faced was leading his country to victory in World War two. This was not an
easy win, England and Winston had many difficulties when faced with this obstacles. In Spite of this
these difficulties they pushed through and came out with the win. He expressed his feelings toward
perseverance in the following quote, " If you are going through hell, keep going" ("Goodreads"), in
this quote it shows both physical and mental perspective.To the soldiers this meant to continue and
stay strong until the end of the war. Even though the soldiers that were on the battlefield really did
not have a choice to just leave but they did have a choice to give up. To the people it was
encouragement that helped both the people and the soldiers. If the soldiers had their family backing
them up then of course they could not let them down. By Churchill saying one thing it helped both
point of views and give both of them hope. The Holy Bible has tremendous examples of what
perseverance can look like and what your outcome of perseverance can be. The Apostle Paul was a
great leader that showed perseverance throughout the followers of christ. Paul was not always a
great leader. Before finding his way he was known as Saul. As Saul found his way in christ he
discovered the meaning of perseverance and how important this word is in one 's everyday lifestyle.
In Paul 's letter to the christians in Galatia,the book of Galatians,
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Why I Give Back to the Community Essay
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." – Winston Churchill I see
community service as the key element to my future. I believe that each person should leave the
world a little better than how they found it. Community service has held a huge part of my life
already. I currently am very involved with a program called Candlelighters. Candlelighters is a
program that works with cancer patients and their families. As a part of the Candlelighters program I
have seen many children lose their lives to cancer. Each child has left a mark on my heart, and I am
a better person for knowing them. All my life I have wanted to be an attorney. I had my whole life
paved out. I knew what I was going to do and how I was ... Show more content on
My gift is in teaching. I have not only personally been the beneficiary of great teaching, but I am
fortunate to say that my mother is one of the greatest I have ever witnessed. I have seen the impact
that she has made on thousands of students that have walked through her door. I have also seen the
countless unpaid hours she has given to her students. She has been their friend, confidant, and
mentor. I only wish that I can live up to her legacy. I have many personal goals that I hope to
accomplish during and after my college education experience. One of my main goals is to carry the
community service projects I have been participating in to college. I would love to work with cancer
patients, tutor children at a local school, teach a Sunday School class at a local church, work with
Habitat for Humanity, and countless other activities. I know that I probably will not have time to
accomplish all the goals that I have for college, but I know I can conquer some of them, and I will. I
have a great deal of confidence that given the chance I will accomplish much in college. My parents
are hard–working people who make a little too much for financial aid but not enough to completely
further my education. I have worked extremely hard all through high school to make the top grades.
My grades are very good, but not the best of my class. I have been an officer of many organizations
such as: Student Council, Interact, Forensics, Fellowship of Christian
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A Speech On The Mind And Practice
It is my great privilege to stand here today, looking out at the bright and smiling faces of so many of
my fellow students. We are here to celebrate something special. We are here to celebrate the
fulfillment of eight hundred and forty hopes. We are here to celebrate the realization of eight
hundred and forty dreams. Class of 2017, congratulations!
My fellow graduate engineers, I must first apologize on behalf of each of your respective curricula
for depriving you of sleeping, keeping you away from friends, and essentially stealing your souls. I
am sorry. I know that after years of differential equations, Laplace transforms, circuit analysis, flux
capacitors and MOSFET transistors, your brains' damage must be close to the point of no ... Show
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Four hundred eighty six thousand is the number of alumni Rutgers has. Sixty six thousand and
thirteen is the number of currently attending students. Fifty thousand undergraduates from fifty
states and hundred and fifteen countries. Fourteen thousand is the number of faculty members.
Rutgers also has Fourty six successful startups, 50 buses, and one Robert Barchi.
Now let's be a little bit more specific: One – the number of people it takes to make a difference. As a
Resident Assistant at Mattia Hall I was honored to support, assist and mentor hundreds of freshmen
engineering students. I discovered that with my experience alone I could guide and direct my
residents to a better future. Six – the number of times I threw up after late night take–out food. Nine
– the number of Facebook notifications all of us get each day from different Rutgers groups. Those
include the 3AM occasional weird meme and the tons of lost ID posts. Zero – the amount of
knowledge I had about football when I first got here. As an international student whose country
refers to football as a completely different sport, I had ask my friends questions like "Michigen
who? That should be an easy game" and "Penn State? Aren't they great?" I was amazed to see
thousands of people congregating weekly to see red dots smashing into each other violently. I was
also amazed to see grown adults often breaking into tears to the sight of Rutgers losing a game.
Zero is
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Human And Environmental Interactions Of The Salem Creek...
Human and Environmental Interactions Each watershed varies depending on location. The Salem
Creek watershed naturally consists of rocks, vegetation, water, clay and loam soils, slopes, and
juvenile aquatic life. Conversely, there is naturally some stream bank and soil erosion. As for human
features, the watershed consists of drainage pipes, sewage pipes, bridges, mounds of cement, and
pollution sources. Most of the human features are generally in the highly urbanized areas of the
watershed, which consists of northwestern portion of Winston–Salem, NC. There were also
impervious surfaces bordering both sides of the watershed. On the stretch parallel to Old Salem
Road, there was Old Salem Road on one side of the watershed, and housing and other buildings on
the other. With the portion that is appears near South Main Street, there is a multiuse development
and major road bordering it. There is also cement on the furthest side of the watershed and a
sidewalk on the other that border the wide portion of the watershed that is located in the Salem
Creek Greenway.
Many of these impervious surfaces have drainage systems that run directly into the watershed. As
shown above in the center picture, there is direct drainage from the street to the watershed with no
type of filtration, which in return has cause the glistening polluted puddle in front of the drainage
pipe. Salem College as well as Old Salem are large tourists attractions for Winston–Salem, NC. In
order to continue the
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Adolf Hitler And The World War II Essay
Adolf Hitler will forever remain one of the most atrocious figures to ever walk the earth. His deeds
of malevolence, such as the torment of the Jews during the Holocaust and the campaign to conquer
Europe will be endlessly drilled into student's heads all around the world. From the eastern to the
western world Adolf Hitler will be remembered as one of the most historically evil people to ever
set foot on planet earth. Consequently, no one seems to grasp the notion that history itself is written
by the victors. Resulting in an agenda to not only vilify, but guarantee that what Adolf Hitler
actually accomplished is never repeated again. As a result, no one will dare to mention that during
World War 2 Adolf Hitler sought to rid his beloved Germany and the rest of the world of the
sovereign class of people also known as the international Jews.
These international Jews consist of a dominant class of banking lineages who have controlled every
central bank in the world since the 1700s. The founder of the central banking system Nathan Meyer
Rothschild stated "those who control the issuance of money, controls the government!" Thus, these
families dominate the world's economy and therefore have the power to create laws, control the
media, and warmonger. Two of the most widely known families of this elite class include the
Rothschild's and Rockefeller's, but there are thirteen of these families in total. In Hitler Speaks
written by Hermann Rauschning, Adolf Hitler states "The struggle
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Labour 'Changed the Face of Britain' Between the Years of...
Between 1945 and 1951 the Labour Government changed the face of Britain. Discuss.
Between the years 1945 and 1951 the entire shape of Britain's economy, society and government
changed. After World War 2, Britain was left in economic and financial depression. Countries such
as Japan and Germany, left in utter ruin from the war, ironically, were able to rebuild their
economies faster, and better than we could improve ours. It was felt that a great change was required
in Britain, and perhaps it was that feeling that led to the fall of the conservatives and the beginning
of one of the greatest governments in England's history.
The Atlee government of 45–51 has perhaps been slightly overlooked due to comparisons to the war
time leader– ... Show more content on ...
Atlee's Government, as well as creating change, also focused on other aspects of society he felt the
labour party could improve. Acts such as the Education Act of 1944 and the Family Allowance Act
of 1945, were only truly implemented under Atlee's Government despite being introduced during the
war. These two laws focused on the fairness of Children's lives, compulsory and free education and
payments to Mothers who could not afford to support all of their children– better known now as
These reforms were perhaps not a social revolution, as they did not seem to change things
specifically, rather, improve and build on what was already in existence. People of the time,
although all the more happy for it, seemed to agree that it was not a revolution. In regards to Labour
'changing the face of Britain', I think, concerning 'The Welfare State' the very fact it is still the basis ,
essence of our Country's policies today, and that no party has abolished nor disputed the need for it,
is testament to its significance.
Labour brought about change in other areas too, such as the rather urgent and dyer issue of the
economy. The key issues Labour were to introduce were Nationalisation and Keynesian economics.
Labour felt is was any government's, and so their right to direct and control key aspects of Britain's
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Biography of Winston Churchill
The year was 1940; the world's second great World War was in full swing, with Britain and
Germany at the forefront. The fall of Britain's closest ally, France, stunned the British Empire and
threw it into disarray. Through the chaos, Winston Churchill emerged. Churchill would be an
inspiring leader who was able to rally the entire nation in times of hardship. Through his leadership,
the "British Bulldog" would face the Axis powers and come out victorious, as well as become a
public hero for the British people. Yet, immediately after the war, Churchill did not return to the
prime minister seat because of a shocking defeat in his re–election, despite his immense reputation
he gained from the war. Though lauded by the British population for his prowess as a wartime
leader, Churchill's conservative politics were out of touch with a population ready for post–war
relief and led to his defeat in the 1945 election. Churchill got his conservative politics from being
raised in the Victorian era Britain, where he learned to be ambitious, and have a strong sense of
independence (Ben–Moshe 8). This unrelenting ambition Churchill obtained would earn him his
reputation, and lead to his loss in the 1945 election. Churchill practiced conservative politics,
because he lived in an era when Conservatives ruled parliament (Havighurst 63). At the turn of the
century, however, conservative practices would soon become outdated. It was with the emergence of
the Liberal Party, that public opinion
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The Importance Of Queen Elizabeth And Winston Churchill's...
Whose Speech is more effective? Queen Elizabeth delivered an inspiring speech to the Troops about
their honor and power over this astonishing war. Years later, Winston Churchill delivered a
majestical yet powerful speech about the issue dealing with battle of Britain and the problems
needing to be healed. Queen Elizabeth and Winston Churchill both delivered inspirational speeches
to their troops and countries dealing with the battle of Britain. The Queen delivers her speech to the
courageous group of men and women who fought this rigid, enduring war. Churchill delivers his
speech to the House of Commons. While analyzing and juxtaposing these two speeches and their
contrastive audiences; it is very clear to see the vivid diction and emotions used in their speeches.
Queen Elizabeth uses the woman like senses in her to make her speech to be emotional yet uplifting.
In regards she uses the phrase, "I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman."("Discours
De Tilbury (Elizabeth I – 2005).She ultimately uses this item to employ her body as a reference, to
use this as a defense yet comfort to these valiant, assiduous soldiers. Elizabeth uses her gender to
scheme her words to her spectators; women are known for their poignant side. Therefore, she
displays this to the audience with her words. Many women use their women instincts in their times
of endearment.Queen Victoria delivers a miraculous speech in 1893 to her fellow citizens about
problems uprising in her country.
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What Is The Theme Of The Book Of Job
The "Book of Job" is one of the most thoughtful and wonderful pieces of literature that has ever
come to light. It is the story of the man, Job, who maintains his fidelity to God, even when being
subjected to horrific trials. The work is understood as a masterpiece of Hebrew poetry. To emphasize
that point, the famous French novelist Victor Hugo allegedly has said that if all the world's literary
efforts were to be destroyed, and he could save but a solitary sample, it would be "Job."
Job thinks that his exemplary life makes him deserve better treatment from God than he was getting,
and he says so over and over again. It makes the key message of the book, "why do bad things
happen to good people?" As bad things are happening to Job, the story ... Show more content on ...
But transforming life's challenges into positive self–propellants takes self–mastery. A strong
conviction that what he stood for was right gave him strength to carry on, despite his terrible
circumstances. Mandela recited the poem to himself and other prisoners as a way to bolster their
spirits, and motivate them to press onward. He didn't allow fear to paralyze him. He took a stand,
believing in something that he felt was right. He felt empowered by the message of self–mastery.
Horace once said, "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances
would have lain dormant." He continued saying, Adversity reveals genius; prosperity conceals it."
There are some people who thrive on adversity. Adversity will define them. They know the choices:
either give in or take hold of the situation and turn it around, and make it better. In the case of Job,
Churchill, and Mandela, adversity brought out the best of them. For some people, all the adversity
they have had in their lives–all their troubles and obstacles they needed to overcome–have
strengthened them. For true leaders, times of great calamity brought out the best in them. It brought
out who they really were. Self–pity is not the
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How Discourse Is Used For Power And Knowledge, And For...
Discourse is a broad term with various definitions which "integrates a whole palette of meanings"
(Titscher et al., 2000, p.42), covering a large area from linguistics, through sociology, philosophy
and other disciplines. According to Fairclough (1989) the term refers to "the whole process of
interaction of which a text is just a part" (Fairclough, 1989, p.24). As pervasive ways of
experiencing the world, discourses refer to expressing oneself using words. Discourses can be used
for asserting power and knowledge, and for resistance and critique. The speakers: Audolf Hitler and
Winston Churchill ideological content in speeches as does the linguistic form of the speeches. That
is, selection or choice of a linguistic form may not be a live process for the individual speaker, but
the discourse will be a reproduction of that previously learned discourse. According to Schaffner
(1996), political discourse, as a sub–category of discourse in general, can be based on two criteria:
functional and thematic. Political discourse is a result of politics and it is historically and culturally
determined. It fulfills different functions due to different political activities such as a democratic
society and a dictatorship. It is thematic because its topics are primarily related to politics such as
political activities, political ideas and political relations in this case, the topic of war.
It is a common knowledge that politics is concerned with power: the power to make decisions, to
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Operation Dynamo : Operation Dynamo
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, once said: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight
on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We
shall never surrender...". These powerful words gave hope to men battling in the agonizing and
tragic battle of Dunkirk. After their loss, resulting in no way to escape the northern coast of France,
PM Churchill commenced his plan: 'Operation Dynamo'. This was a rescue mission of troops from
the beaches of Dunkirk. Despite losing the battle, Operation Dynamo was considered to be a
miraculously successful event in history because more than the estimated amount of soldiers were
saved and it boosted British morale.
The evacuation of Dunkirk saved more men from the port than what was predicted. Churchill's plan
was estimated to only be capable of taking 45 000 troops across the English Channel, but by the end
of the rescue, over 300 000 were safely returned home. While many were saved, their equipment –
tanks, artillery, machine guns and small arms – were left behind, but of course, they cared about the
soldiers more. This evacuation was only possible with the aid of British civilians and the Royal Air
Force. This brave crew was arranged by Bertram Ramsay, Navy Officer. He assembled a team of
naval and civilian ships in the most disastrous situation. Over 933 vessels helped soldiers escape
from the harbour: 39 British Royal Navy destroyers, four Royal Canadian Navy destroyers,
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Winston Churchill Essay
On Britain's quiet streets, nothing seems to disturb the peace that dusk delivered. But, mere miles
from the Kingdom's coast, the sea is abundant with violence. German submarines slink below,
prepared to strike, prepared to kill; prepared to make an enemy. As history was to be made on this
day, it seems that there was no man more fit to craft it. This enemy once said "History will be kind
to me, for I intend to write it myself." He decided that if something were to be fixed, he'd be the one
to do it. This self–confidence translated well into politics, enhancing his leadership. He is the man
who assumes control. He is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill is widely considered influential to
all with whom he graced his presence with. His ... Show more content on ...
The military called him, and Churchill answered that call. Over the next five years, Churchill would
go on to serve under three regiments, including the Malakand Field Force, infamously the subject of
the Nobel Prize winner's first novel (Churchill1.) His first two books were published in 1898 and
'99, respectively (LIFE.) He then went on to serve as a journalist in the Boer War, in South Africa
(Churchill1.) Captured, Churchill was made a prisoner of war before his heroic escape. He explains
the happenings in London to Ladysmith. Just as in India, Churchill also spent time in Sudan
(Churchill1.) Literature played a large role while he was stationed in the military. Between jobs, he
read the works of Darwin, Gibbon, Plato, Aristotle, and Macaulay, educating him in philosophy and
speech remarkably. The most influential writer to Churchill was Gibbon, who he credits for helping
him become a great orator (Churchill1.) He first began writing while stationed in Cuba, and was a
correspondent for the London Daily Graphic (Churchill1.) Politics came later. When Churchill
returned from the war, he was disappointed with his pay, and altered his career course. However,
when he first stood for Parliament, he was defeated, but not dissuaded.
When he finally gained office, he volleyed through the ranks, but was not popular. He switched
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Winston Churchill : A Man Of Large Stature
"You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in
spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no
survival" (Churchill). Winston Churchill was a man of large stature in the twentieth century.
Churchill was a political man for the entirety of his life. He never had much of a stable career as a
politician. He was antagonistic, careless of the etiquette of party politics, and did little in the way of
popular thinking. Churchill, as big a man as any, had humble beginnings. Churchill was born to
parents Lord Randolph Churchill and Jennie Churchill on November 30, 1874. While his family was
well off, they were considerably low on the political totem pole. Lord Randolph had much success
in his career until he reached a dispute with the prime minister on the issue of spending, in which he
held a minority and he ultimately resigned. At the same time, he was being affected by a mysterious
illness, which no one had nor has properly diagnosed. This illness left Lord Randolph unstable, and
Churchill was left to learn from his father's mistakes, or burn for the consequences of foolish
ignorance. In Churchill's childhood, he had the unfortunate weight of a rather unsupportive father
and mother. When the Churchill family was forced to move to Ireland, Churchill was blessed with a
figure who, arguably, saved him from the dangerous sorrow that could easily become a child not
supported by
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Winston Churchill As An Important Politician And War Hero...
Aidan O'Brien
As Winston Churchill once said, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" and he
did just that. Winston Churchill lived in a time where change was necessary in society. The world
itself was evolving. He helped shape the outcomes of many events in his lifetime including two
major world wars and government struggles across his England. Churchill devoted his life to
making the world a stronger and better place. Winston Churchill played a crucial role in influencing
Winston Churchill was destined to be an important politician and war hero from a young age. He
was born November 30, 1874 in Woodstock England into a very prominent family. He was the
eldest son of Lord Randolph Churchill. His mother was ... Show more content on ...
The events in his early life and his very minor career in politics were a jumping off point for his
very influential career.
Winston Churchill started his long line of influential actions during World War I. He first served on
the frontlines in France during the war. He was a major with the 2nd battalion of the Grenadier
Guards. After this, he became the commander of the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers, a battalion of the 9th
division. As both a major and a commander Churchill proved to be a born leader. He was "hailed as
a hero and took advantage of his status" ("Sir Winston Churchill: A Biography – Churchill
College"). He himself may not have changed the war as a soldier but his time as a leader led him to
the appointment as the first lord of admiralty in 1912.
As the first lord of admiralty in 1912, Churchill made many impacts to World War I. Being the lord
of admiralty meant he was in charge of Britain 's royal navy. It was here he made many reforms that
Britain still use today including the switch from coal burning ships to fuel burning ships. He knew
he needed to improve Britain's navy after an early recognition of Germany's naval power. After
seeing this, he helped to set up a naval air service. The purpose of the naval air service was to give
warning of approaching ships, that way the could defend better with the information that they had
been given. At the start of World War I the Royal Naval Air
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The poorly-planned withdrawal of the British from its...
The poorly–planned withdrawal of the British from its Indian 'colony' left close to one million
people dead and created chaos, hatred and violence that lasted over 50 years and forced Winston
Churchill to condemn it as the 'shameful flight.' These historical events complicated the histories of
India, Britain and Pakistan because of the ill–informed partition program carried out by British
authorities. The Shameful Flight covers the periods between the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in
February 1942 and Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. In this book, Wolpert's thesis argues
against the death of hundreds of thousands of people who died after the partition of India. For
example, Wolpert believes that the catastrophe resulted from ... Show more content on ...
Wolpert is a history professor at the University of California. Accordingly, his sources include
numerous history books, teaching experience and the many books he has authored about India's
history and its leaders.
The main argument of the book is that the British rule in India was incompetent thus led to deaths
and political violence that could have been avoided through proper leadership skills. I believe the
author has used everything at his disposal to argue strongly in support of this argument. He has done
extremely well because of the unlimited evidence that he gives in his book. Wolpert has used exact
dates and names of people to show his authority over the topic and provide a persuading argument
that convinces the reader that the British is at fault.
In conclusion, the Shameful Flight recounts how the ill–informed partition of India and Pakistan
prompted widespread violence that displaced tens of millions of people from their homes and left
another one million dead. From the evidence provided by Wolpert, it is clear that this partition was
ill–planned and unnecessary. The argument of Wolpert is straightforward and backed by traceable
evidence. The author ensures that he writes an easy to read book to pass a fortune of historical
information and whet the appetite of readers for further reading regarding the India/Pakistan
situation. This book has enlightened my
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Compare And Contrast Lee Iacocca And My Early Life
An Autobiography by Lee Iacocca might be similar with My Early Life by Winston Churchill,
however Churchill's text is a memoir while Iacocca's is an autobiography. Both texts are aimed at
those who might be inspired by the two great leaders famous for their achievements in history, or to
those who want to become them, or simply those who are interested in their stories. Despite a
common audience, the tones of the two texts vary greatly as a memoir retells a memory as vividly
and captivating as possible, whilst an autobiography creates a conversational, intimate experience.
Two different tones are created in these texts through the varied use of diction, content, and
structure. Firstly, the diction used by the two different texts are very different ... Show more content
on ...
The extract of An Autobiography details Iacocca's years at school, and how he acquired his writing
and debating skills through the activities at school. The content of this autobiography is very simple
and concise. This can be seen when Iacocca explained "She(Iacocca's teacher) would quiz us on the
Word Power Game...after a few months of the quizzes, we knew a lot of words". Immediately,
another paragraph proceeds, as Iacocca recalls "i joined the debate team...that's where i learned how
to think on my feet". The content in An Autobiography is fast–moving, where the cause and result is
explained, and rapidly another point is brought up. Such content with little continuity and very
concise explanations resemble the speech of an interview, where the interviewee would answer a
question as directly as possible. The straightforward tone created by the content of An
Autobiography, provides a conversational mood. The content of My Early Life by Winston
Churchill is significantly unsimilar to that of An Autobiography. Churchill recalls his memories in a
very fluent and interconnected manner, where one event with one central theme is elaborated and
detailed using a sequence of descriptions. After the headmaster asks Churchill "you have never done
any latin before have you?", Churchill is asked to memorise various latin words, and then after a
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The Foundation Behind Winston Churchill's Reputation
Usually known for his courageous influence and management of World War II, Winston Churchill
obtained a prestigious reputation in the history books. Although, Churchill's political career pre–
dated the Second World War and also went beyond the years of it. To have a further understanding
of what was the foundation of this political powerhouse, it is important to have knowing of his
childhood, early career and the peak of his course. With a deeper awareness of Churchill, one can
honestly launch an appreciation for the impression he left on politics forever. Churchill was born on
two months premature on the 30th of November in 1974. He descended from a military and political
family of with whom he longed for close relations with (Jenkins 4). Being raised in an accomplished
family put great amounts of pressure on Churchill but also set a bar for him to reach. It was
unfortunate that such a carefree boy was born to the stern and cold hearted Lord and Lady Randolph
Churchill (Jenkins 6). Churchill's parents were not present for most of his childhood, which has
huge effects on the psychology of a child. He spent most of his youth being nurtured by a nanny of
whom he kept in communication with until her death. Churchill showed rebellion in school which
was due to his independence and bad relationships with his parents (Jenkins 19). Military school
seemed to be the only hope for this delinquent, poor student who showed no promise in academics.
Military school proved to pay off, he
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Churchill and the Battle of Brittain
On June 18, 1940, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was speaking to the British House of
Commons when he said "The Battle of France is over. I expect the Battle of Britain is about to
begin." Just the day before, the French signed a peace treaty and were no longer involved with
World War II. The Battle of Britain was the air battle between Germany and Britain for control over
Great Britain's air space. This happened during July 1940 to May 1941, with the heaviest fighting
from July to October 1940. Winston Churchill was trying to negotiate with Adolf Hitler. The
Germans were trying to control the English Channel to invade Britain as part of "Operation Sea
Lion". Once they had control of this Channel, the British Navy could not attack The German barges.
The British Navy was headed for Kent and Sussex beaches. Churchill knew he would succeed only
if Britain was superior when fighting in the air. It was the British Royal Air Force (RAF) Fighters
vs. the German Luftwaffe and for the first time ever, the battle was in the air.
Under the leadership of Air Marshall Hugh Dowding, Britain had strong air command with the
trained pilots and superior equipment. The RAF main fighter planes were called Supermarine
Spitfire and Hawker Hurricane. The British had lost some of their best trained fighters in the war
against France and they were not replaced but they still remained strong. The Germans, however,
had suffered greater losses when they fought in Western Europe.
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Maya Angelou Poetry
In regards to Maya Angelou's life, she said: "If we lose love and self respect for one another, this is
how we finally die"("Maya Angelou Quotes" 2018). This was seen throughout her body of work.
Maya was known for her eye catching work and the effort she put forth into it. She became known
by writers and professionals, and was seen to be involved in the civil rights movement ( "Maya
Angelou is born." 2018). Maya Angelou has celebrated her diversity in life and work through poetry
using clear repetition and symbolism. The United States first female African American Poet
Laureate was Maya Angelou("Poetry Foundation" 2018). She was born on April 4,1928 in St. Louis
Missouri. However, in her early life Maya had extreme family problems ("Maya ... Show more
content on ...
In the poem the free bird lives wistfully and free, but the cage bird lives behind metal bars raging for
freedom. Maya gives us details and clues about how the birds feel and live. In stanza three lines
twenty through twenty three the poet uses repetition to show us how the dark, depressed bird only
longs to be free like the wistful bird. The bird expresses its feelings through singing on a hilltop. It
says, "...on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom." It repeats the same lines in stanza
six lines thirty–six through thirty–nine. Also in the poem, Maya used symbolism to convey how the
dark bird is in oppression, stuck behind closed doors, and unable to free itself. In stanza five lines
twenty–seven through thirty it says, "But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow
shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to
sing." Overall, Maya Angelou revealed her story and how she felt through the intricate words of this
poem. Her emotions are evident and are described through the persecution of the bird in a very
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Do You Agree with the View That the Conservative Party’s...
The Conservative Party which was leaded by Winston Churchill (1951–55) and Anthony Eden
(1955–57) and Harold Macmillan (1957–63) between the years 1951–59 wanted, according to their
manifesto in 1951, to stop all further nationalisation. The Iron and Steel Act will be repealed and the
Steel industry allowed resuming its achievements of the war and post–war years. To supervise prices
and development we shall revive, if necessary with added powers, the former Iron and Steel Board
representing the State, the management, labour, and consumers. They also wanted to free the people
from austerity and housing shortages. Macmillan introduced the stop and go economy. If the
domestic consumption and the prices rose too quickly (and the economy ... Show more content on ...
The first motorways were built and the Clean Air Act (1956) was passed. The home ownership
increased from 30 per cent to 50 per cent and also the personal savings increased from 200£ to
2000£. The Conservative Party hindered the country's economic development but just limited. On
one side it hindered the economic development (stop and go), on the other side it enabled the
economic growth.
Source 4 is a book called Mastering Modern British History from Norman Lowe which is published
in 1984. This source is a secondary source. The Source sets up the thesis "Conservative Party
hindered the country's economic development. It criticises that the Conservative Party emphasised
the improvement in world trade rather than improving the economic policies. This caused an
economic failure. It accuses the Conservative Party for hindering the country's economic
development. The introduction of the stop and go approach caused this as well. The stop and go
approach caused Stagflation. This is a situation where an inflation rate is high, the economic growth
rate slows down, and unemployment remains steadily high. Considering the faults under the
Conservative Party the government did not perceive their opportunities to improve the economic
failures. The government had no coherent economic policy (they used stop and go). There was no
structured financial strategy (the budget was used to buy votes). The investment in the Research and
Development was
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To What Extent Was There a ‘Post War Consensus’ in British...
To what extent was there a 'post war consensus' in British politics from 1951 to 1964? (900 Words)
Whether or not there truly was a 'post war consensus' in British politics from 1951 to 1964 is a
highly debatable topic of which historians can often appear to be in two minds about; on one hand,
Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson infamously described the period as 'Thirteen years wasted',
whereas historian Robert Blake (a supporter of the Conservatives', regards it as a 'Golden age of
growth'. The likes of Kevin Jeffrey's even argue that consensus had even started before the war.
Overall, the central issue was the idea of a mixed economy.
If we were to argue that there was indeed a post war consensus in British politics from 1951 to ...
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This would mean that wartime coalition ministers from all major parties were far more willing to
cooperate with each other. Paul Addison (1975) argued that pre–war and wartime conditions led to a
unique situation in post war Britain which led to a coming together of thinking in politics and
society. This was strongly influenced by the Beveridge Report's 'Five Giants'. As mentioned before,
this cooperation was also aided by the fact that fears of an extreme Labour government in 1945 had
been disproved, meaning that key policy makers in the Conservative Government could be seen to
be 'One Nation Tories'; keen to build on national cooperation to maintain and essential post war
consensus. Another fundamental aspect of post war consensus was the idea of the necessity of a 'Big
Government'; many Conservatives were now convinced of the government intervention in social
and economic policies, resulting in them being far more in tune with public opinion and so accepted
Labour's welfare policies such as Keynesian economics. With regard to Winston Churchill, his
government were seen to indeed follow Keynesian economics, but
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Winston Churchill As A Prime Minister Of England
Sir Winston Churchill is well known for being the Prime Minister of England who led the country
through World War II and played a major role in ending the war. However, it is his internal battles
that give us far more insight into who Churchill really was. His personal struggle, possibly with
bipolar disorder, helped shape history and gave Churchill the strength to win the war. The periods of
highs and lows seen throughout Churchill's life indicate the he may have been struggling with
Bipolar Disorder (Type II). Winston Churchill himself has even said that he suffered from the "black
dog" of depression over the course of his life (Rubin, 2003). However, given his periods of
hyperactivity it's very likely that Churchill was actually battling bipolar II disorder. Instead letting
his mental disorder control him, Churchill overcame his bipolar disorder, and used this inspiration to
lead his nation out of war. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
Fifth Edition (the DSM–V), "Bipolar II disorder is characterized by a clinical course of recurring
mood episodes consisting of one or more major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic
episode. During the mood episode(s), the requisite number of symptoms must be present most of the
day, nearly every day, and represent a noticeable change from usual behavior and functioning"
(APA, 2013). Essentially, Bipolar II Disorder is characterized by hypomanic and depressive
episodes throughout a person's
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Recluse Quotes
–He lived year in and year out, covered with moss, in a remote village down in Lincolnshire, never
coming up even for the Eton and Harrow match. {PG Wodehouse}) (Someone who lives in
voluntary seclusion or isolation from the public and society / hermit/reclusive/ isolated/ retired/
withdrawn from public life/ cloistered/ ascetic/ lazy/ leisure/ antisocial/ loner/ solitary/mouldering/
eremite= a hermit or recluse, especially one under a religious vow/ off the beaten track: in or into an
isolated place {Oxford Dictionary})
–I made myself reclusive at the function. (A recluse is a person who lives in voluntary seclusion
from the public and society {Wikipedia}/ describes a desire for seclusion or privacy/ isolated/
cloistered/ solitary/ withdrawn/ ... Show more content on ...
They are humanitarians
(Implies that to apply a law to the letter, without taking any extenuating circumstances onto account,
is a form of injustice)
Too far east if west
From the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step
Extremes are dangerous
A balanced diet is a cookie in both hands
When the wine is in, the wit is out
Drunkenness does not produce faults; it discovers them
When wine sinks, words swim
Wine does not intoxicate men: men intoxicate themselves
Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune
Water is the king of food
Adam's ale (water) is the best brew
Of all victuals, drink digests the quickest
Dieting is just wishful shrinking
Why buy a cow when milk is so
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The Battle of the Atlantic Essay
The Battle of the Atlantic
In the fall of 1931, the Atlantic Ocean was the boiling point of a criminal battle between the British
and Germans. Most people think that the Battle of the Atlantic may have decided World War II's
outcome. This battle was the dominating factor throughout the war. The Battle of the Atlantic was a
violent and destructive battle. Many people lost their lives fighting in this battle. New technology
was one of the major factors in the Allies winning the long and crucial Battle of the Atlantic.
Just the Beginning
Immediately, the Battle of the Atlantic began when "the British announced a naval blockage of
Germany" on September 3, 1939("World War II" 391). Eight days later the Germans ... Show more
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Each U–boat sank on the average of eight ships per month" (Sulzberger 191). The Germans would
call this "the Happy Time" (Sulzberger 191).
The Bismarck
Meanwhile, the Germans launched the Bismarck, which was Germany's most powerful battleship, in
1939. "The Bismarck was the most nearly unsinkable ship of the Battle of the Atlantic. A British
fleet with its planes pouring ton after ton of shells and torpedoes into her, could not even send her
down" (Sulzberger 195). In May of 1941 the cruiser Dorsetshire hit the Bismarck with three
torpedoes. Finally, the Bismarck slowly turned over and sank ("World War II" 195). The Bismarck
attack was the turning point for the German forces in the Atlantic. After her loss the major German
warships were inactive.
The First One
Furthermore, "on October 31, 1941 the Reuben James, a United States destroyer, was torpedoed by a
German U–boat" (Bailey and Ryan 205). Reuben James was one of a group of five United States
destroyers who was escorting a convoy of forty–four ships. Reuben James was the first American
naval vessel to be lost by enemy action in this battle. Only forty–five of the one hundred and sixty
men on board survived the battle (Bailey and Ryan 205).
New Weapons and Strategies
In addition to all the ships being produced the Americans were also coming up with newer weapons
to use against the U–boats. These weapons would be used by both planes and battleships. Some of
the aircrafts "were fitted with powerful
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The American Dream Is The Ideal
The American dream is the ideal that every citizen of the US should have an equal opportunity to
achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. "The American
Dream wasn't seen as fame or fortune...the American Dream was opportunity" (Casaigne). This set
of ideas is imprinted in us that our freedom includes the opportunity to succeed and reach this point
that we are happy with ourselves, our family, and those of which we surround ourselves with. It also
portrays that we have the opportunity to better everything that we can. While all US citizens have
this right of freedom, not everyone is fully capable of taking charge of this freedom that sets the
layout of their lives. Equality before the law is the principle under which all people are subject to the
same laws of justice. This means that regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and even
disability, everyone must be treated equally. Should these all be considered equal terms though?
While it may be fair enough for a man and a women to battle against work positions and wages, is it
really possible for the mentally ill to obtain a so called "American dream"? While people in society
try to obtain the American dream, they usually only think of themselves. Not everyone lives to
please others or to help others get onto their feet. The American dream along with equality in society
is a problem in itself when coming to the mentally ill. In some cases it is more severe and harder to
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Can You Own a Sound?
Can you own a sound? Recently people have been asking that question. There are multiple laws
under the topic of music and things related in that matter but not any specifically claiming if you can
own a sound.
Music Music is defined as, "vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to
produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion." It is said that music has been here
since prehistoric times, from a cave painting. Since then, music has "upgraded" or adapted and has
been made with new technology and new techniques. Each century had a sort of popular type of
music or a type of music that can describe that century. There are a huge range of genres that have
been made since then, from Hip Hop to Country, Or Pop, Rock, Electronic music and so much more.
There are main genres which have sub genres in them such as Electronic Music. Electronic music
has multiple subgenres (House, Trance, Trap, Dubstep, Etc) Music has really changed over time, In
the 20s jazz was the main type of music listened to and herd to during that time. The 50s was "the
birth of rock n' roll." The 70s/80s hip hop really exploded and became popular. Today there is
multiple genres that are listened to, there really isn't a typical or most popular genre. When put into
perspective Music Is literally everywhere! Music has such a big impact and influence on our lives.
Music can be used as a type of therapy. It's used as a form of expression Sampling/Laws
One of
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The Means Of Public Education : The Purpose Of Education
Education is considered a right in most first world countries and compulsory public education has
been in effect in the United States for over a century. So, why do governments have trouble
assigning a purpose to public education and experiencing student growth across the board? How can
schools change their approach in order to ensure that their students are ready to create their own
opportunities? Scholar and politician Winston Churchill notes in his autobiography, My Early Life,
"But now I pity undergraduates, when I see what frivolous lives many of them lead in the midst of
precious fleeting opportunity. After all, a man's Life must be nailed to a cross of either Thought or
Action. Without work there is no play." (p. 113) From this it can be concluded that Churchill
believes the purpose of education is to teach students how to be active in their community along
with the importance of judgement and choice, in order to further the success of their country.
Winston Churchill notes that students are living purposeless lives because the education they receive
does not inspire them to chase change and seize opportunities. He states that in order for education
to succeed students should be encouraged to pursue a craft and contribute to society before their
education starts. This idea comes from the experiences that he had as a child, while Churchill
reflects fondly on his early childhood the same is not to be said for his time in primary education.
From his own experience he
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The Battle Of Churchill As A Scapegoat For The Failure
As history unfolded, the Dardanelles offensive failed, but the ground invasion plans for Gallipoli
went ahead as planned. By the end of the campaign, massive amounts of lives had been lost on the
British side, and it was a decisive failure. Dardanelles and Gallipoli were very much a prime
example of something Churchill would do over and over again: see positives, but not negatives or
consequences, only possibilities. These campaigns were the end of Churchill politically for a time,
along with the Asquith government. Asquith was forced to form a wartime coalition government
with the Conservatives, who demanded the resignation of Churchill. While Churchill became a
scapegoat for the failure, while he did play some part in it, everyone had seem to forgotten the roles
of Asquith, Kitchener, and everyone else involved in the planning of this military disaster. While he
heavily mourned the loss of his position, Churchill moved on. He journeyed to France, intent on
returning to his soldier days. Sir John French offered him the comfort post of an aid or a commander
of a brigade at the front. Churchill chose the second option, but only after he gained experience
beforehand. He then chose to be assigned to the Grenadier Guards, Second Battalion. This was his
first true experience with the horrors of trench warfare. The unit was eventually withdrawn and
Churchill expected to get command of a brigade. Asquith later crushes this, afraid of the
consequences of giving the still–despised
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Life Is A Box Of Chocolates
Alexis Jazz Asajar
Professor Janet Loveday
February 10, 2016
Life is a Box of Chocolates
Films are used to discuss several social issues in order to inform audiences or it is just mainly to
entertain viewers with subtle relations with social issues. In 1994, Forrest Gump, an American epic
romantic–comedy–drama film was released and was directed by Robert Zemeckis based on the 1986
novel written by Winston Groom (Wikipedia). The film's setting was focused in the middle of nearly
every major event of the 1960s and 1970s.
The Subject matter of the Film, Forrest Gump, was mainly to demonstrate what happened in the
United States of America during the 1960s and 1970s. During these years, the events that was shown
in the film were: Lyndon Johnson's proclamation of "Great Society" which meant that poverty and
racial injustice had no place ( In the 1960s, there was event where "four black students
sat down at a whites–only lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, in February 1960 and
refused to leave. Their movement spread: Hundreds of demonstrators went back to that lunch
counter every day, and tens of thousands clogged segregated restaurants and shops across the upper
South. The protesters drew the nation's attention to the injustice, brutality and capriciousness that
characterized Jim Crow" ( That event led to Lyndon Johnson signing the Civil Rights
Act which is the act that outlawed discrimination in public facilities and it prohibits
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Forrest Gump Analysis
Forrest Gump is a romantic, historical drama that follows the protagonist, Forrest Gump, on his wild
adventures throughout the world, where he is a hero time and time again despite having the measly
IQ of 75. Although the audience is entranced with all of the success that Forrest garners (as a ping
pong champion, Medal of Honor recipient, tycoon of a shrimping business and much more), Forrest
himself is always focused on his love for Jenny, his first childhood friend that steals his heart. The
script spans decades, as Forrest grows from a challenged child to proud father, time and again
meeting up with Jenny. Forrest is always forward with his love for Jenny, yet she does not let herself
be with Forrest, as she is enveloped with her love for the limelight and fame. As the story
progresses, Forrest continues to recount his continued success, while snippets of Jenny slowly show
her downward spiral as she struggles to be involved with the life of a hippy, stripper, and then a
hardcore drug abuser. It is only after Forrest Gump returns home after the death of his mother that
Jenny returns to their childhood home of Greenbow, Mississippi and stays with Forrest. After a night
of love making, Jenny again slips out of Forrest's life, but this time with a newfound light in her
face, as if she has risen from her rock bottom state. Then, Forrest goes on a cross country run, again
gaining the attention of the media, but more importantly the request of Jenny to come see her in the
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D Day : A Day That We Freed France
By: Ellie Renee Duncan Most people think D–Day is a day that we freed France. This is true ,
however, there is much more to it. Many soldiers deceased, and people lost loved ones. One of the
bloodiest battles in World War II was on June 6, 1944 on Omaha , Juno, Gold, Sword, and Utah
beaches to free France from the Nazis ' and make them surrender.(D–Day by Martha Brack Martin)
People have been told that the cause of the war was because Hitler believed in the perfect race. This
may be true, but others have different reasons. Dwight D. Eisenhower entered the war to help plan
for D–Day and lead them into the war. He was responsible for the whole thing. Franklin Roosevelt
may have helped and same with Winston Churchill. Hitler wanted ... Show more content on ...
He took control of Austria and invaded Poland on September 1,1939, so Europe started to fight. He
wanted to destroy and take over Russia quickly, but they fought back. America entered the war in
1941. He sent all the Jews he could find to concentration camps. They had barbed wire, and you had
to do labor then they starved you and they said you were going to take a shower but genuinely they
put poisonous gas in the shower head and killed them. Some of his military leaders tried to
assassinate him but failed including Rommel, which was forced to take poison in doing so. He killed
about 5,000 people that he thought were involved in the plot. He married Eva Braun and blamed
everyone but himself for the war and the next day Eva drank poison and Hitler shot himself. That
pretty much meant the Nazis had to surrender. Rommel was in charge of the Axis Powers military.
Dwight D. Eisenhower had to make the call whether to hold off on D–Day for a while or do on June
6, 1944 because there were terrible storms. He didn 't like it, but it had to be June 6th. This was also
Rommel 's wife 's birthday, and since there were storms he felt safe. Besides he wanted to spend
time with his family on his day off. "U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Soviet leader Joseph
Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were responsible for leading their nations to
victory and jointly planned strategies for the cooperation and eventual success
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Analysis Of No Firemen At Ground Zero This 9 / 11
When Will They Get Recognition?
In the article, "No Firemen at Ground Zero This 9/11" Michael Burke writes to the politicians of
Wall Street, that the families of the first responders of 9/11 must be invited to the ceremony. He puts
this article in the Wall Street Journal on September 7, 2011 because this is the 10th anniversary of
the terrorist attack. The Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, believes that there is not
enough room at Ground Zero for all of the families to come and honor their loved ones. Michael
Burke believes that if he can persuade the politicians, that they will have a greater influence on
Bloomberg than he would. Michael Burke uses a narrative, an allusion and syntax to allow the
reader to see his point of view.
Many people can relive every moment of what they were doing on 9/11. They can tell you where
they were, what they were doing, and how they heard about it. Michael Burke uses this to his
advantage. He sets up his paper in such a way that puts the image back into the reader's mind of
9/11. The narrative starts with the bravery of the firemen. They were the "stalwart" workers. He uses
a quote from a survivor to convey his point, "A woman...descending from the 89th floor said,
"When I saw the firemen I knew we would be all right."" (Burke1) He uses specific details such as
the "89th floor" to really sell the point of how far they were willing to go, only 4 floors from where
the first plane hit the tower. Another technique used within Michael
... Get more on ...

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Comparing The Iron Curtain And Chance For Peace

  • 1. Comparing The Iron Curtain And Chance For Peace Here are two of the most important orations of the cold war period, by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and President Dwight D Eisenhower's describing the policies and efforts to contain the Cold War era. Churchill starts with his famous speech "the Iron Curtain" delivered in Fulton Missouri in 1946 after being invited by President Truman. The "Iron Curtain" speech was the initial platform that announced and defined the declarations of the Cold war to come with the urgency to have a tight relationship between the countries of democracy against communism. Then with President Eisenhower's speech in 1953 a "Chance for Peace" this was an initiative that outlined the clear recognition of the prospects the world faced and the cost in sincere efforts to end the cold war. The "Iron Curtain" and "Chance for Peace" both reveal the conviction and strong efforts that are desired to restrict the fears encompassed with the Cold war. Winston Churchill is often proclaimed as the greatest leader in Britain history and one of the world's eminent leaders. He was a charismatic and adventurous, egotistical, visionary and with unconventional ideologies, an enigma of his era. His life spanned for more than two world wars and the rise and fall of the Victorian ... Show more content on ... The two pieces capture the devastation of what is coming if something is not done to prevent the spread of communism. They caveat each other as at first identifying the threat to come and methods to initially prevent it from inflicting further damage, then further refinement seeing clearly the ways to conduct and protect world affairs and interests. In summary these speeches given by great leaders of their time identified and led in conducting business in protecting the world ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Boys Who Challenged Hitler The Boys Who Challenged Hitler is a book about a group of teenage boys who resisted Hitler. When Germany wanted to take over Norway and Denmark, Denmark gave in immediately. Norway decided to fight. They fought for two long months and they fought hard, but they lost. When the Nazi soldiers first occupied Denmark, people weren't too happy. But they could do nothing about it. So they sang Danish songs and sold Danish emblems to say that they were still a country. But two teenage brothers, Kud and Jens Pedersen, wanted to do something about it. So, they came together with their friends and created the RAF Club. This was a resistance club fighting for their rights. The boys cut telephone lines leading right to Nazi headquarters and that was ... Show more content on ... They would take the weapons and then leave the cafe. On May 6, 1942, waitress Elsa Ottesen at Cafe Holle in downtown Aalborg, saw two teenage boys enter the restaurant, walking briskly. Heads down, they made a beeline for the coat closet and emerged from it a very short time later. Then they strode straight out of the restaurant, without ordering a single thing. A few minutes later, a German officer dining at the cafe, discovered that his gun was missing. He angrily told the restaurant staff and Mrs. Ottesen remembered the two boys who had entered the closet earlier. Mrs. Ottesen gave a detailed statement to the police. She thought she could recognize them if she saw them again. Who were the boys? I think you already guessed. Knud and Jens Pedersen Two days later, Mrs. Ottesen saw the boys again. She alerted the police and an officer started following them. He asked for their identification cards. They gave the officer the cards and the officer made them go back to their house–which was a monastery as their father was a priest. Knud and Jens's parents weren't home. More police arrived on scene. "Where are the weapons?" one police officer asked. Jens led the police straight to the cellar where they kept the weapons. Soon, all the boys were arrested. Each was brought to the police station and interrogated separately. This way it was impossible to lie. Whenever one tried to lie, someone else would tell the truth. The Churchill Club boys gave ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Influence People With The Power Of Language : Mahatma Gandhi Power of Language Throughout history, there have been many political and civic leaders that have been able to influence people with the power of language. There are different ways language can be used to lead, the most common of which is a call to action. This type of speech motivates people to become more or stand for something greater than themselves. One of the most peace driven leaders ever was Mahatma Gandhi. He used language to empower his followers and to escape dangerous situations to provide for the Indian people. He appealed to the British for better opportunities for the lower class. This, in turn, got him arrested but he used his persuasiveness to get out of his jail sentence. He constantly was influencing people to think peacefully instead of fighting back with physical force. He spoke softly which led to non–violent protests against the British colonialists. The reason he called his people to peaceful protests was so that the Brits would reason with his offers better. Gandhi decided to up the ante and call for the Indian people to boycott British goods and traditions. He also challenged them to become self–reliant through multiple speeches. One of his most famous demonstrations was leading thousands of Indians on a 250–mile journey to gather and acquire salt since the Brits had a monopoly on it. If Gandhi wasn't a brilliant speaker it would have been very difficult to compel people to follow him 250 miles. Eventually the British put Gandhi in jail. This led ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. "The Island" by Athol Fugard The Island (1973) Athol Fugard A Quick Rundown of The Island – The Island is a Fugard play that resorts to the Classics to protest Apartheid. – It takes place in four scenes, opening with a lengthy mimed sequence in which John and Winston, two cell mates in prison on Robben Island, carry out one of the totally pointless and exhausting tasks designed by warders to break the spirit of political prisoners. – Winston has been sentenced to prison for life because he burned his passbook in front of a police station. – John has been imprisoned for belonging to a banned organization. – The story traces the relationship of these two men. Winston is the active rebel, – and John, the intellectual, is trying to persuade him to play ... Show more content on ... – 1970s: Early 1970s seemed to be continuation of '60s. Banning of news reports of opposition and overseas, but impossible to silence people completely. Exiled parties and people who were released from the problem tried to let me people know what was happening, but difficult to create literature and art: segregational theatres and restaurants. Act of creating The Island is an act of defiance in itself: different people of different races coming together, monument to defiance of political tyranny, extremely difficult  strategy: no written script until after internationally famous, no evidence, no arrests! 3. The Playwright: Athol Fugard –Grew up in Port Elizabeth (deeply symbolic place for him.) Lower middle class environment  poor whites of 1930s vs. political conservatives (generalization!) Fugard epitomizes fact that we can't generalize like this because for five decades, he voiced against racial oppression. Port Elizabeth represents what it's like to be poor and white in South Africa. – Scholarship to UCT but never finished his degree, went traveling instead, but always kept in mind his existential philosophy. (Existentialism: We as humans have some control over our own destinies. We may not be able to choose our situations (like where and when and what colour we are born) but we can choose how we live our lives and what we do with them. For instance, when Winston has to face the fact that John is leaving in 3 months and he is only leaving in 10 years, ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Operation Fortitude : The Deceptions Of The D-Day Strategies The D–Day deception strategy was codenamed Operation 'Fortitude' and was part of a larger overall deception strategy. The Germans were aware that the Allies would launch a cross–Channel invasion, but they were not entirely sure of exact location and time of the attack. As a final stage of their preparations for D–Day the Allies came up with a deception strategy to swerve attention away from Normandy Operation 'Fortitude' were in of two parts: 'Fortitude North' was purposely meant to trick the Germans into thinking that Norway would be attacked by the Allies and 'Fortitude South' was planned to cajole the Germans that the Allies were going to attack north–east of Normandy in the Pas de Calais. GARBO played an important role when the Allies started planning the D–Day, Pujol was asked to persuade the Germans that Normandy landing was fake and the main target was Calais. He was able to convince Hitler with an imaginary one–million army with George S Patton as commander and huge fake oil depots, sham tanks, and airfields that a million–man strong army of the Allies was about to attack him round Calais area. The plot to deceive Hitler was successful and it is believed that on the 9th June message sent to the Führer by Garbo was the key factor that kept some of the German's best army divisions away from Normandy which eventually pave way for Allies victory of the war. The Germans were still holding to their belief that the Allies would invade in Pas–de–Calais until September 1944 ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Athol Fugard from South Africa Historical, Social and Political condition Athol Fugard was born into the era of apartheid. The Fugard family was known as a very poor white family which affected the way he wrote his plays. Apartheid was known as a time in South Africa when whites were separated from the non–whites. White people were known as the "top dogs" and the non–whites were classified as the "under dogs" in the Republic of South Africa. Fugard was against apartheid due to the way he was living at the time. His father worked amongst non–whites and therefore made the poor Fugard family much like the non–whites. Fugard was completely against the apartheid and therefore, just like his dad, Fugard worked with black actors in his plays. The Government did not like what Fugard was doing, by working with black actors and therefore they punished him at times by either banning his plays or confiscating his passport. Apartheid was an era of violence and oppression. Oppression was part of the apartheid laws against non–whites. This caused most of the non–white population to go on strikes and try and fight their way through these ridiculous laws. Fugard wrote about the unknown things that were happening during apartheid. Fugard stood by the non–whites side to help them fight, by producing his thoughts onto stage. Analysing 2 plays written by Athol Fugard The Island: This play is a classic example of protest apartheid. This was well known as protest theatre. The play has four scenes and is based in a prison ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. What Is A Political Allegory In Lord Of The Flies World War II caused an amount of destruction and harm that no human being had ever seen before, many were disgusted and outraged by the results of this war. It was a very memorable event; one that authors tend to write about a lot, even to this day. One author in particular, WIlliam Golding, uses his world famous piece of literature Lord of the Flies as a political allegory to World War 2. In his classic novel, he shows little boys who are flown out to avoid the danger of being bombed and become trapped on an island. While they are trapped, the boys develop separate ways of leading each other which leads to conflict and violence, similar to the governments in which were clashing with each other during World War 2 at the time. Through the differences of these boys, Golding shows to us how they relate to the major leaders of World War 2 (Hitler, Franklin Roosevelt, and Neville Chamberlain), and how democracy is the best way to govern people. Hitler was the ruler of Germany during World War II, and he ruled over his people in fear. Jack is commonly described to being similar if not exactly like Hitler. Golding leaves many examples in the novel to show how Jack and Hitler are alike. Both of them promised their "citizens" a better life, they both promise their country "meat" (Golding 140), and they both lead as a dictator, taking their power with force and leading as the only chief of the state. Jack is described in the book as "a terror" (Golding 189) and Hitler has been ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Perseverance Essay Examples What Is Perseverance? One is drawing near to the finish line, their legs are aching and hurting. But they are persistent and determined to finish the race strong, so they push until they get to the end.This is a great example of what perseverance can feel and look like. Elisabeth Kübler–Ross stated, "Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their cravings"("Goodread"). This quote is about how having perseverance can shape people and make them a better person. To better understand what perseverance is people have to know what it is not. Perseverance is not giving up, it is not laziness or is it quitting. People 's ability to achieve an obstacle mentally or physical is all up to their ... Show more content on ... A major obstacle he faced was leading his country to victory in World War two. This was not an easy win, England and Winston had many difficulties when faced with this obstacles. In Spite of this these difficulties they pushed through and came out with the win. He expressed his feelings toward perseverance in the following quote, " If you are going through hell, keep going" ("Goodreads"), in this quote it shows both physical and mental perspective.To the soldiers this meant to continue and stay strong until the end of the war. Even though the soldiers that were on the battlefield really did not have a choice to just leave but they did have a choice to give up. To the people it was encouragement that helped both the people and the soldiers. If the soldiers had their family backing them up then of course they could not let them down. By Churchill saying one thing it helped both point of views and give both of them hope. The Holy Bible has tremendous examples of what perseverance can look like and what your outcome of perseverance can be. The Apostle Paul was a great leader that showed perseverance throughout the followers of christ. Paul was not always a great leader. Before finding his way he was known as Saul. As Saul found his way in christ he discovered the meaning of perseverance and how important this word is in one 's everyday lifestyle. In Paul 's letter to the christians in Galatia,the book of Galatians, ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Why I Give Back to the Community Essay "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give." – Winston Churchill I see community service as the key element to my future. I believe that each person should leave the world a little better than how they found it. Community service has held a huge part of my life already. I currently am very involved with a program called Candlelighters. Candlelighters is a program that works with cancer patients and their families. As a part of the Candlelighters program I have seen many children lose their lives to cancer. Each child has left a mark on my heart, and I am a better person for knowing them. All my life I have wanted to be an attorney. I had my whole life paved out. I knew what I was going to do and how I was ... Show more content on ... My gift is in teaching. I have not only personally been the beneficiary of great teaching, but I am fortunate to say that my mother is one of the greatest I have ever witnessed. I have seen the impact that she has made on thousands of students that have walked through her door. I have also seen the countless unpaid hours she has given to her students. She has been their friend, confidant, and mentor. I only wish that I can live up to her legacy. I have many personal goals that I hope to accomplish during and after my college education experience. One of my main goals is to carry the community service projects I have been participating in to college. I would love to work with cancer patients, tutor children at a local school, teach a Sunday School class at a local church, work with Habitat for Humanity, and countless other activities. I know that I probably will not have time to accomplish all the goals that I have for college, but I know I can conquer some of them, and I will. I have a great deal of confidence that given the chance I will accomplish much in college. My parents are hard–working people who make a little too much for financial aid but not enough to completely further my education. I have worked extremely hard all through high school to make the top grades. My grades are very good, but not the best of my class. I have been an officer of many organizations such as: Student Council, Interact, Forensics, Fellowship of Christian ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. A Speech On The Mind And Practice It is my great privilege to stand here today, looking out at the bright and smiling faces of so many of my fellow students. We are here to celebrate something special. We are here to celebrate the fulfillment of eight hundred and forty hopes. We are here to celebrate the realization of eight hundred and forty dreams. Class of 2017, congratulations! My fellow graduate engineers, I must first apologize on behalf of each of your respective curricula for depriving you of sleeping, keeping you away from friends, and essentially stealing your souls. I am sorry. I know that after years of differential equations, Laplace transforms, circuit analysis, flux capacitors and MOSFET transistors, your brains' damage must be close to the point of no ... Show more content on ... Four hundred eighty six thousand is the number of alumni Rutgers has. Sixty six thousand and thirteen is the number of currently attending students. Fifty thousand undergraduates from fifty states and hundred and fifteen countries. Fourteen thousand is the number of faculty members. Rutgers also has Fourty six successful startups, 50 buses, and one Robert Barchi. Now let's be a little bit more specific: One – the number of people it takes to make a difference. As a Resident Assistant at Mattia Hall I was honored to support, assist and mentor hundreds of freshmen engineering students. I discovered that with my experience alone I could guide and direct my residents to a better future. Six – the number of times I threw up after late night take–out food. Nine – the number of Facebook notifications all of us get each day from different Rutgers groups. Those include the 3AM occasional weird meme and the tons of lost ID posts. Zero – the amount of knowledge I had about football when I first got here. As an international student whose country refers to football as a completely different sport, I had ask my friends questions like "Michigen who? That should be an easy game" and "Penn State? Aren't they great?" I was amazed to see thousands of people congregating weekly to see red dots smashing into each other violently. I was also amazed to see grown adults often breaking into tears to the sight of Rutgers losing a game. Zero is ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Human And Environmental Interactions Of The Salem Creek... Human and Environmental Interactions Each watershed varies depending on location. The Salem Creek watershed naturally consists of rocks, vegetation, water, clay and loam soils, slopes, and juvenile aquatic life. Conversely, there is naturally some stream bank and soil erosion. As for human features, the watershed consists of drainage pipes, sewage pipes, bridges, mounds of cement, and pollution sources. Most of the human features are generally in the highly urbanized areas of the watershed, which consists of northwestern portion of Winston–Salem, NC. There were also impervious surfaces bordering both sides of the watershed. On the stretch parallel to Old Salem Road, there was Old Salem Road on one side of the watershed, and housing and other buildings on the other. With the portion that is appears near South Main Street, there is a multiuse development and major road bordering it. There is also cement on the furthest side of the watershed and a sidewalk on the other that border the wide portion of the watershed that is located in the Salem Creek Greenway. Many of these impervious surfaces have drainage systems that run directly into the watershed. As shown above in the center picture, there is direct drainage from the street to the watershed with no type of filtration, which in return has cause the glistening polluted puddle in front of the drainage pipe. Salem College as well as Old Salem are large tourists attractions for Winston–Salem, NC. In order to continue the ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Adolf Hitler And The World War II Essay Adolf Hitler will forever remain one of the most atrocious figures to ever walk the earth. His deeds of malevolence, such as the torment of the Jews during the Holocaust and the campaign to conquer Europe will be endlessly drilled into student's heads all around the world. From the eastern to the western world Adolf Hitler will be remembered as one of the most historically evil people to ever set foot on planet earth. Consequently, no one seems to grasp the notion that history itself is written by the victors. Resulting in an agenda to not only vilify, but guarantee that what Adolf Hitler actually accomplished is never repeated again. As a result, no one will dare to mention that during World War 2 Adolf Hitler sought to rid his beloved Germany and the rest of the world of the sovereign class of people also known as the international Jews. These international Jews consist of a dominant class of banking lineages who have controlled every central bank in the world since the 1700s. The founder of the central banking system Nathan Meyer Rothschild stated "those who control the issuance of money, controls the government!" Thus, these families dominate the world's economy and therefore have the power to create laws, control the media, and warmonger. Two of the most widely known families of this elite class include the Rothschild's and Rockefeller's, but there are thirteen of these families in total. In Hitler Speaks written by Hermann Rauschning, Adolf Hitler states "The struggle ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Labour 'Changed the Face of Britain' Between the Years of... Between 1945 and 1951 the Labour Government changed the face of Britain. Discuss. Between the years 1945 and 1951 the entire shape of Britain's economy, society and government changed. After World War 2, Britain was left in economic and financial depression. Countries such as Japan and Germany, left in utter ruin from the war, ironically, were able to rebuild their economies faster, and better than we could improve ours. It was felt that a great change was required in Britain, and perhaps it was that feeling that led to the fall of the conservatives and the beginning of one of the greatest governments in England's history. The Atlee government of 45–51 has perhaps been slightly overlooked due to comparisons to the war time leader– ... Show more content on ... Atlee's Government, as well as creating change, also focused on other aspects of society he felt the labour party could improve. Acts such as the Education Act of 1944 and the Family Allowance Act of 1945, were only truly implemented under Atlee's Government despite being introduced during the war. These two laws focused on the fairness of Children's lives, compulsory and free education and payments to Mothers who could not afford to support all of their children– better known now as 'Benefits'. These reforms were perhaps not a social revolution, as they did not seem to change things specifically, rather, improve and build on what was already in existence. People of the time, although all the more happy for it, seemed to agree that it was not a revolution. In regards to Labour 'changing the face of Britain', I think, concerning 'The Welfare State' the very fact it is still the basis , essence of our Country's policies today, and that no party has abolished nor disputed the need for it, is testament to its significance. Labour brought about change in other areas too, such as the rather urgent and dyer issue of the economy. The key issues Labour were to introduce were Nationalisation and Keynesian economics. Labour felt is was any government's, and so their right to direct and control key aspects of Britain's ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Biography of Winston Churchill The year was 1940; the world's second great World War was in full swing, with Britain and Germany at the forefront. The fall of Britain's closest ally, France, stunned the British Empire and threw it into disarray. Through the chaos, Winston Churchill emerged. Churchill would be an inspiring leader who was able to rally the entire nation in times of hardship. Through his leadership, the "British Bulldog" would face the Axis powers and come out victorious, as well as become a public hero for the British people. Yet, immediately after the war, Churchill did not return to the prime minister seat because of a shocking defeat in his re–election, despite his immense reputation he gained from the war. Though lauded by the British population for his prowess as a wartime leader, Churchill's conservative politics were out of touch with a population ready for post–war relief and led to his defeat in the 1945 election. Churchill got his conservative politics from being raised in the Victorian era Britain, where he learned to be ambitious, and have a strong sense of independence (Ben–Moshe 8). This unrelenting ambition Churchill obtained would earn him his reputation, and lead to his loss in the 1945 election. Churchill practiced conservative politics, because he lived in an era when Conservatives ruled parliament (Havighurst 63). At the turn of the century, however, conservative practices would soon become outdated. It was with the emergence of the Liberal Party, that public opinion ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Importance Of Queen Elizabeth And Winston Churchill's... Whose Speech is more effective? Queen Elizabeth delivered an inspiring speech to the Troops about their honor and power over this astonishing war. Years later, Winston Churchill delivered a majestical yet powerful speech about the issue dealing with battle of Britain and the problems needing to be healed. Queen Elizabeth and Winston Churchill both delivered inspirational speeches to their troops and countries dealing with the battle of Britain. The Queen delivers her speech to the courageous group of men and women who fought this rigid, enduring war. Churchill delivers his speech to the House of Commons. While analyzing and juxtaposing these two speeches and their contrastive audiences; it is very clear to see the vivid diction and emotions used in their speeches. Queen Elizabeth uses the woman like senses in her to make her speech to be emotional yet uplifting. In regards she uses the phrase, "I know I have the body but of a weak and feeble woman."("Discours De Tilbury (Elizabeth I – 2005).She ultimately uses this item to employ her body as a reference, to use this as a defense yet comfort to these valiant, assiduous soldiers. Elizabeth uses her gender to scheme her words to her spectators; women are known for their poignant side. Therefore, she displays this to the audience with her words. Many women use their women instincts in their times of endearment.Queen Victoria delivers a miraculous speech in 1893 to her fellow citizens about problems uprising in her country. ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. What Is The Theme Of The Book Of Job The "Book of Job" is one of the most thoughtful and wonderful pieces of literature that has ever come to light. It is the story of the man, Job, who maintains his fidelity to God, even when being subjected to horrific trials. The work is understood as a masterpiece of Hebrew poetry. To emphasize that point, the famous French novelist Victor Hugo allegedly has said that if all the world's literary efforts were to be destroyed, and he could save but a solitary sample, it would be "Job." Job thinks that his exemplary life makes him deserve better treatment from God than he was getting, and he says so over and over again. It makes the key message of the book, "why do bad things happen to good people?" As bad things are happening to Job, the story ... Show more content on ... But transforming life's challenges into positive self–propellants takes self–mastery. A strong conviction that what he stood for was right gave him strength to carry on, despite his terrible circumstances. Mandela recited the poem to himself and other prisoners as a way to bolster their spirits, and motivate them to press onward. He didn't allow fear to paralyze him. He took a stand, believing in something that he felt was right. He felt empowered by the message of self–mastery. Horace once said, "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents, which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant." He continued saying, Adversity reveals genius; prosperity conceals it." There are some people who thrive on adversity. Adversity will define them. They know the choices: either give in or take hold of the situation and turn it around, and make it better. In the case of Job, Churchill, and Mandela, adversity brought out the best of them. For some people, all the adversity they have had in their lives–all their troubles and obstacles they needed to overcome–have strengthened them. For true leaders, times of great calamity brought out the best in them. It brought out who they really were. Self–pity is not the ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. How Discourse Is Used For Power And Knowledge, And For... Discourse is a broad term with various definitions which "integrates a whole palette of meanings" (Titscher et al., 2000, p.42), covering a large area from linguistics, through sociology, philosophy and other disciplines. According to Fairclough (1989) the term refers to "the whole process of interaction of which a text is just a part" (Fairclough, 1989, p.24). As pervasive ways of experiencing the world, discourses refer to expressing oneself using words. Discourses can be used for asserting power and knowledge, and for resistance and critique. The speakers: Audolf Hitler and Winston Churchill ideological content in speeches as does the linguistic form of the speeches. That is, selection or choice of a linguistic form may not be a live process for the individual speaker, but the discourse will be a reproduction of that previously learned discourse. According to Schaffner (1996), political discourse, as a sub–category of discourse in general, can be based on two criteria: functional and thematic. Political discourse is a result of politics and it is historically and culturally determined. It fulfills different functions due to different political activities such as a democratic society and a dictatorship. It is thematic because its topics are primarily related to politics such as political activities, political ideas and political relations in this case, the topic of war. It is a common knowledge that politics is concerned with power: the power to make decisions, to control ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Operation Dynamo : Operation Dynamo British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, once said: "We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets. We shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender...". These powerful words gave hope to men battling in the agonizing and tragic battle of Dunkirk. After their loss, resulting in no way to escape the northern coast of France, PM Churchill commenced his plan: 'Operation Dynamo'. This was a rescue mission of troops from the beaches of Dunkirk. Despite losing the battle, Operation Dynamo was considered to be a miraculously successful event in history because more than the estimated amount of soldiers were saved and it boosted British morale. The evacuation of Dunkirk saved more men from the port than what was predicted. Churchill's plan was estimated to only be capable of taking 45 000 troops across the English Channel, but by the end of the rescue, over 300 000 were safely returned home. While many were saved, their equipment – tanks, artillery, machine guns and small arms – were left behind, but of course, they cared about the soldiers more. This evacuation was only possible with the aid of British civilians and the Royal Air Force. This brave crew was arranged by Bertram Ramsay, Navy Officer. He assembled a team of naval and civilian ships in the most disastrous situation. Over 933 vessels helped soldiers escape from the harbour: 39 British Royal Navy destroyers, four Royal Canadian Navy destroyers, ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Winston Churchill Essay On Britain's quiet streets, nothing seems to disturb the peace that dusk delivered. But, mere miles from the Kingdom's coast, the sea is abundant with violence. German submarines slink below, prepared to strike, prepared to kill; prepared to make an enemy. As history was to be made on this day, it seems that there was no man more fit to craft it. This enemy once said "History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it myself." He decided that if something were to be fixed, he'd be the one to do it. This self–confidence translated well into politics, enhancing his leadership. He is the man who assumes control. He is Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill is widely considered influential to all with whom he graced his presence with. His ... Show more content on ... The military called him, and Churchill answered that call. Over the next five years, Churchill would go on to serve under three regiments, including the Malakand Field Force, infamously the subject of the Nobel Prize winner's first novel (Churchill1.) His first two books were published in 1898 and '99, respectively (LIFE.) He then went on to serve as a journalist in the Boer War, in South Africa (Churchill1.) Captured, Churchill was made a prisoner of war before his heroic escape. He explains the happenings in London to Ladysmith. Just as in India, Churchill also spent time in Sudan (Churchill1.) Literature played a large role while he was stationed in the military. Between jobs, he read the works of Darwin, Gibbon, Plato, Aristotle, and Macaulay, educating him in philosophy and speech remarkably. The most influential writer to Churchill was Gibbon, who he credits for helping him become a great orator (Churchill1.) He first began writing while stationed in Cuba, and was a correspondent for the London Daily Graphic (Churchill1.) Politics came later. When Churchill returned from the war, he was disappointed with his pay, and altered his career course. However, when he first stood for Parliament, he was defeated, but not dissuaded. When he finally gained office, he volleyed through the ranks, but was not popular. He switched ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Winston Churchill : A Man Of Large Stature "You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival" (Churchill). Winston Churchill was a man of large stature in the twentieth century. Churchill was a political man for the entirety of his life. He never had much of a stable career as a politician. He was antagonistic, careless of the etiquette of party politics, and did little in the way of popular thinking. Churchill, as big a man as any, had humble beginnings. Churchill was born to parents Lord Randolph Churchill and Jennie Churchill on November 30, 1874. While his family was well off, they were considerably low on the political totem pole. Lord Randolph had much success in his career until he reached a dispute with the prime minister on the issue of spending, in which he held a minority and he ultimately resigned. At the same time, he was being affected by a mysterious illness, which no one had nor has properly diagnosed. This illness left Lord Randolph unstable, and Churchill was left to learn from his father's mistakes, or burn for the consequences of foolish ignorance. In Churchill's childhood, he had the unfortunate weight of a rather unsupportive father and mother. When the Churchill family was forced to move to Ireland, Churchill was blessed with a figure who, arguably, saved him from the dangerous sorrow that could easily become a child not supported by ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Winston Churchill As An Important Politician And War Hero... Aidan O'Brien As Winston Churchill once said, "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often" and he did just that. Winston Churchill lived in a time where change was necessary in society. The world itself was evolving. He helped shape the outcomes of many events in his lifetime including two major world wars and government struggles across his England. Churchill devoted his life to making the world a stronger and better place. Winston Churchill played a crucial role in influencing history. Winston Churchill was destined to be an important politician and war hero from a young age. He was born November 30, 1874 in Woodstock England into a very prominent family. He was the eldest son of Lord Randolph Churchill. His mother was ... Show more content on ... The events in his early life and his very minor career in politics were a jumping off point for his very influential career. Winston Churchill started his long line of influential actions during World War I. He first served on the frontlines in France during the war. He was a major with the 2nd battalion of the Grenadier Guards. After this, he became the commander of the 6th Royal Scots Fusiliers, a battalion of the 9th division. As both a major and a commander Churchill proved to be a born leader. He was "hailed as a hero and took advantage of his status" ("Sir Winston Churchill: A Biography – Churchill College"). He himself may not have changed the war as a soldier but his time as a leader led him to the appointment as the first lord of admiralty in 1912. As the first lord of admiralty in 1912, Churchill made many impacts to World War I. Being the lord of admiralty meant he was in charge of Britain 's royal navy. It was here he made many reforms that Britain still use today including the switch from coal burning ships to fuel burning ships. He knew he needed to improve Britain's navy after an early recognition of Germany's naval power. After seeing this, he helped to set up a naval air service. The purpose of the naval air service was to give warning of approaching ships, that way the could defend better with the information that they had been given. At the start of World War I the Royal Naval Air ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The poorly-planned withdrawal of the British from its... The poorly–planned withdrawal of the British from its Indian 'colony' left close to one million people dead and created chaos, hatred and violence that lasted over 50 years and forced Winston Churchill to condemn it as the 'shameful flight.' These historical events complicated the histories of India, Britain and Pakistan because of the ill–informed partition program carried out by British authorities. The Shameful Flight covers the periods between the fall of Singapore to the Japanese in February 1942 and Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi in 1948. In this book, Wolpert's thesis argues against the death of hundreds of thousands of people who died after the partition of India. For example, Wolpert believes that the catastrophe resulted from ... Show more content on ... Wolpert is a history professor at the University of California. Accordingly, his sources include numerous history books, teaching experience and the many books he has authored about India's history and its leaders. The main argument of the book is that the British rule in India was incompetent thus led to deaths and political violence that could have been avoided through proper leadership skills. I believe the author has used everything at his disposal to argue strongly in support of this argument. He has done extremely well because of the unlimited evidence that he gives in his book. Wolpert has used exact dates and names of people to show his authority over the topic and provide a persuading argument that convinces the reader that the British is at fault. In conclusion, the Shameful Flight recounts how the ill–informed partition of India and Pakistan prompted widespread violence that displaced tens of millions of people from their homes and left another one million dead. From the evidence provided by Wolpert, it is clear that this partition was ill–planned and unnecessary. The argument of Wolpert is straightforward and backed by traceable evidence. The author ensures that he writes an easy to read book to pass a fortune of historical information and whet the appetite of readers for further reading regarding the India/Pakistan situation. This book has enlightened my ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Compare And Contrast Lee Iacocca And My Early Life An Autobiography by Lee Iacocca might be similar with My Early Life by Winston Churchill, however Churchill's text is a memoir while Iacocca's is an autobiography. Both texts are aimed at those who might be inspired by the two great leaders famous for their achievements in history, or to those who want to become them, or simply those who are interested in their stories. Despite a common audience, the tones of the two texts vary greatly as a memoir retells a memory as vividly and captivating as possible, whilst an autobiography creates a conversational, intimate experience. Two different tones are created in these texts through the varied use of diction, content, and structure. Firstly, the diction used by the two different texts are very different ... Show more content on ... The extract of An Autobiography details Iacocca's years at school, and how he acquired his writing and debating skills through the activities at school. The content of this autobiography is very simple and concise. This can be seen when Iacocca explained "She(Iacocca's teacher) would quiz us on the Word Power Game...after a few months of the quizzes, we knew a lot of words". Immediately, another paragraph proceeds, as Iacocca recalls "i joined the debate team...that's where i learned how to think on my feet". The content in An Autobiography is fast–moving, where the cause and result is explained, and rapidly another point is brought up. Such content with little continuity and very concise explanations resemble the speech of an interview, where the interviewee would answer a question as directly as possible. The straightforward tone created by the content of An Autobiography, provides a conversational mood. The content of My Early Life by Winston Churchill is significantly unsimilar to that of An Autobiography. Churchill recalls his memories in a very fluent and interconnected manner, where one event with one central theme is elaborated and detailed using a sequence of descriptions. After the headmaster asks Churchill "you have never done any latin before have you?", Churchill is asked to memorise various latin words, and then after a ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Foundation Behind Winston Churchill's Reputation Usually known for his courageous influence and management of World War II, Winston Churchill obtained a prestigious reputation in the history books. Although, Churchill's political career pre– dated the Second World War and also went beyond the years of it. To have a further understanding of what was the foundation of this political powerhouse, it is important to have knowing of his childhood, early career and the peak of his course. With a deeper awareness of Churchill, one can honestly launch an appreciation for the impression he left on politics forever. Churchill was born on two months premature on the 30th of November in 1974. He descended from a military and political family of with whom he longed for close relations with (Jenkins 4). Being raised in an accomplished family put great amounts of pressure on Churchill but also set a bar for him to reach. It was unfortunate that such a carefree boy was born to the stern and cold hearted Lord and Lady Randolph Churchill (Jenkins 6). Churchill's parents were not present for most of his childhood, which has huge effects on the psychology of a child. He spent most of his youth being nurtured by a nanny of whom he kept in communication with until her death. Churchill showed rebellion in school which was due to his independence and bad relationships with his parents (Jenkins 19). Military school seemed to be the only hope for this delinquent, poor student who showed no promise in academics. Military school proved to pay off, he ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Churchill and the Battle of Brittain On June 18, 1940, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was speaking to the British House of Commons when he said "The Battle of France is over. I expect the Battle of Britain is about to begin." Just the day before, the French signed a peace treaty and were no longer involved with World War II. The Battle of Britain was the air battle between Germany and Britain for control over Great Britain's air space. This happened during July 1940 to May 1941, with the heaviest fighting from July to October 1940. Winston Churchill was trying to negotiate with Adolf Hitler. The Germans were trying to control the English Channel to invade Britain as part of "Operation Sea Lion". Once they had control of this Channel, the British Navy could not attack The German barges. The British Navy was headed for Kent and Sussex beaches. Churchill knew he would succeed only if Britain was superior when fighting in the air. It was the British Royal Air Force (RAF) Fighters vs. the German Luftwaffe and for the first time ever, the battle was in the air. Under the leadership of Air Marshall Hugh Dowding, Britain had strong air command with the trained pilots and superior equipment. The RAF main fighter planes were called Supermarine Spitfire and Hawker Hurricane. The British had lost some of their best trained fighters in the war against France and they were not replaced but they still remained strong. The Germans, however, had suffered greater losses when they fought in Western Europe. ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Maya Angelou Poetry In regards to Maya Angelou's life, she said: "If we lose love and self respect for one another, this is how we finally die"("Maya Angelou Quotes" 2018). This was seen throughout her body of work. Maya was known for her eye catching work and the effort she put forth into it. She became known by writers and professionals, and was seen to be involved in the civil rights movement ( "Maya Angelou is born." 2018). Maya Angelou has celebrated her diversity in life and work through poetry using clear repetition and symbolism. The United States first female African American Poet Laureate was Maya Angelou("Poetry Foundation" 2018). She was born on April 4,1928 in St. Louis Missouri. However, in her early life Maya had extreme family problems ("Maya ... Show more content on ... In the poem the free bird lives wistfully and free, but the cage bird lives behind metal bars raging for freedom. Maya gives us details and clues about how the birds feel and live. In stanza three lines twenty through twenty three the poet uses repetition to show us how the dark, depressed bird only longs to be free like the wistful bird. The bird expresses its feelings through singing on a hilltop. It says, "...on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom." It repeats the same lines in stanza six lines thirty–six through thirty–nine. Also in the poem, Maya used symbolism to convey how the dark bird is in oppression, stuck behind closed doors, and unable to free itself. In stanza five lines twenty–seven through thirty it says, "But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing." Overall, Maya Angelou revealed her story and how she felt through the intricate words of this poem. Her emotions are evident and are described through the persecution of the bird in a very intriguing ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Do You Agree with the View That the Conservative Party’s... The Conservative Party which was leaded by Winston Churchill (1951–55) and Anthony Eden (1955–57) and Harold Macmillan (1957–63) between the years 1951–59 wanted, according to their manifesto in 1951, to stop all further nationalisation. The Iron and Steel Act will be repealed and the Steel industry allowed resuming its achievements of the war and post–war years. To supervise prices and development we shall revive, if necessary with added powers, the former Iron and Steel Board representing the State, the management, labour, and consumers. They also wanted to free the people from austerity and housing shortages. Macmillan introduced the stop and go economy. If the domestic consumption and the prices rose too quickly (and the economy ... Show more content on ... The first motorways were built and the Clean Air Act (1956) was passed. The home ownership increased from 30 per cent to 50 per cent and also the personal savings increased from 200£ to 2000£. The Conservative Party hindered the country's economic development but just limited. On one side it hindered the economic development (stop and go), on the other side it enabled the economic growth. Source 4 is a book called Mastering Modern British History from Norman Lowe which is published in 1984. This source is a secondary source. The Source sets up the thesis "Conservative Party hindered the country's economic development. It criticises that the Conservative Party emphasised the improvement in world trade rather than improving the economic policies. This caused an economic failure. It accuses the Conservative Party for hindering the country's economic development. The introduction of the stop and go approach caused this as well. The stop and go approach caused Stagflation. This is a situation where an inflation rate is high, the economic growth rate slows down, and unemployment remains steadily high. Considering the faults under the Conservative Party the government did not perceive their opportunities to improve the economic failures. The government had no coherent economic policy (they used stop and go). There was no structured financial strategy (the budget was used to buy votes). The investment in the Research and Development was ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. To What Extent Was There a ‘Post War Consensus’ in British... To what extent was there a 'post war consensus' in British politics from 1951 to 1964? (900 Words) Whether or not there truly was a 'post war consensus' in British politics from 1951 to 1964 is a highly debatable topic of which historians can often appear to be in two minds about; on one hand, Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson infamously described the period as 'Thirteen years wasted', whereas historian Robert Blake (a supporter of the Conservatives', regards it as a 'Golden age of growth'. The likes of Kevin Jeffrey's even argue that consensus had even started before the war. Overall, the central issue was the idea of a mixed economy. If we were to argue that there was indeed a post war consensus in British politics from 1951 to ... Show more content on ... This would mean that wartime coalition ministers from all major parties were far more willing to cooperate with each other. Paul Addison (1975) argued that pre–war and wartime conditions led to a unique situation in post war Britain which led to a coming together of thinking in politics and society. This was strongly influenced by the Beveridge Report's 'Five Giants'. As mentioned before, this cooperation was also aided by the fact that fears of an extreme Labour government in 1945 had been disproved, meaning that key policy makers in the Conservative Government could be seen to be 'One Nation Tories'; keen to build on national cooperation to maintain and essential post war consensus. Another fundamental aspect of post war consensus was the idea of the necessity of a 'Big Government'; many Conservatives were now convinced of the government intervention in social and economic policies, resulting in them being far more in tune with public opinion and so accepted Labour's welfare policies such as Keynesian economics. With regard to Winston Churchill, his government were seen to indeed follow Keynesian economics, but ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Winston Churchill As A Prime Minister Of England Sir Winston Churchill is well known for being the Prime Minister of England who led the country through World War II and played a major role in ending the war. However, it is his internal battles that give us far more insight into who Churchill really was. His personal struggle, possibly with bipolar disorder, helped shape history and gave Churchill the strength to win the war. The periods of highs and lows seen throughout Churchill's life indicate the he may have been struggling with Bipolar Disorder (Type II). Winston Churchill himself has even said that he suffered from the "black dog" of depression over the course of his life (Rubin, 2003). However, given his periods of hyperactivity it's very likely that Churchill was actually battling bipolar II disorder. Instead letting his mental disorder control him, Churchill overcame his bipolar disorder, and used this inspiration to lead his nation out of war. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (the DSM–V), "Bipolar II disorder is characterized by a clinical course of recurring mood episodes consisting of one or more major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode. During the mood episode(s), the requisite number of symptoms must be present most of the day, nearly every day, and represent a noticeable change from usual behavior and functioning" (APA, 2013). Essentially, Bipolar II Disorder is characterized by hypomanic and depressive episodes throughout a person's ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Recluse Quotes –He lived year in and year out, covered with moss, in a remote village down in Lincolnshire, never coming up even for the Eton and Harrow match. {PG Wodehouse}) (Someone who lives in voluntary seclusion or isolation from the public and society / hermit/reclusive/ isolated/ retired/ withdrawn from public life/ cloistered/ ascetic/ lazy/ leisure/ antisocial/ loner/ solitary/mouldering/ eremite= a hermit or recluse, especially one under a religious vow/ off the beaten track: in or into an isolated place {Oxford Dictionary}) –I made myself reclusive at the function. (A recluse is a person who lives in voluntary seclusion from the public and society {Wikipedia}/ describes a desire for seclusion or privacy/ isolated/ cloistered/ solitary/ withdrawn/ ... Show more content on ... They are humanitarians (Implies that to apply a law to the letter, without taking any extenuating circumstances onto account, is a form of injustice) Too far east if west From the sublime to the ridiculous is only a step Extremes are dangerous A balanced diet is a cookie in both hands Drinking When the wine is in, the wit is out Drunkenness does not produce faults; it discovers them When wine sinks, words swim Wine does not intoxicate men: men intoxicate themselves Bacchus has drowned more men than Neptune Water is the king of food
  • 118. Adam's ale (water) is the best brew Of all victuals, drink digests the quickest Dieting is just wishful shrinking Why buy a cow when milk is so ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. The Battle of the Atlantic Essay The Battle of the Atlantic In the fall of 1931, the Atlantic Ocean was the boiling point of a criminal battle between the British and Germans. Most people think that the Battle of the Atlantic may have decided World War II's outcome. This battle was the dominating factor throughout the war. The Battle of the Atlantic was a violent and destructive battle. Many people lost their lives fighting in this battle. New technology was one of the major factors in the Allies winning the long and crucial Battle of the Atlantic. Just the Beginning Immediately, the Battle of the Atlantic began when "the British announced a naval blockage of Germany" on September 3, 1939("World War II" 391). Eight days later the Germans ... Show more content on ... Each U–boat sank on the average of eight ships per month" (Sulzberger 191). The Germans would call this "the Happy Time" (Sulzberger 191). The Bismarck Meanwhile, the Germans launched the Bismarck, which was Germany's most powerful battleship, in 1939. "The Bismarck was the most nearly unsinkable ship of the Battle of the Atlantic. A British fleet with its planes pouring ton after ton of shells and torpedoes into her, could not even send her down" (Sulzberger 195). In May of 1941 the cruiser Dorsetshire hit the Bismarck with three torpedoes. Finally, the Bismarck slowly turned over and sank ("World War II" 195). The Bismarck attack was the turning point for the German forces in the Atlantic. After her loss the major German warships were inactive. The First One Furthermore, "on October 31, 1941 the Reuben James, a United States destroyer, was torpedoed by a German U–boat" (Bailey and Ryan 205). Reuben James was one of a group of five United States destroyers who was escorting a convoy of forty–four ships. Reuben James was the first American naval vessel to be lost by enemy action in this battle. Only forty–five of the one hundred and sixty men on board survived the battle (Bailey and Ryan 205). New Weapons and Strategies In addition to all the ships being produced the Americans were also coming up with newer weapons to use against the U–boats. These weapons would be used by both planes and battleships. Some of the aircrafts "were fitted with powerful ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. The American Dream Is The Ideal The American dream is the ideal that every citizen of the US should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. "The American Dream wasn't seen as fame or fortune...the American Dream was opportunity" (Casaigne). This set of ideas is imprinted in us that our freedom includes the opportunity to succeed and reach this point that we are happy with ourselves, our family, and those of which we surround ourselves with. It also portrays that we have the opportunity to better everything that we can. While all US citizens have this right of freedom, not everyone is fully capable of taking charge of this freedom that sets the layout of their lives. Equality before the law is the principle under which all people are subject to the same laws of justice. This means that regardless of gender, race, religion, ethnicity, and even disability, everyone must be treated equally. Should these all be considered equal terms though? While it may be fair enough for a man and a women to battle against work positions and wages, is it really possible for the mentally ill to obtain a so called "American dream"? While people in society try to obtain the American dream, they usually only think of themselves. Not everyone lives to please others or to help others get onto their feet. The American dream along with equality in society is a problem in itself when coming to the mentally ill. In some cases it is more severe and harder to handle ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Can You Own a Sound? Can you own a sound? Recently people have been asking that question. There are multiple laws under the topic of music and things related in that matter but not any specifically claiming if you can own a sound. Music Music is defined as, "vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion." It is said that music has been here since prehistoric times, from a cave painting. Since then, music has "upgraded" or adapted and has been made with new technology and new techniques. Each century had a sort of popular type of music or a type of music that can describe that century. There are a huge range of genres that have been made since then, from Hip Hop to Country, Or Pop, Rock, Electronic music and so much more. There are main genres which have sub genres in them such as Electronic Music. Electronic music has multiple subgenres (House, Trance, Trap, Dubstep, Etc) Music has really changed over time, In the 20s jazz was the main type of music listened to and herd to during that time. The 50s was "the birth of rock n' roll." The 70s/80s hip hop really exploded and became popular. Today there is multiple genres that are listened to, there really isn't a typical or most popular genre. When put into perspective Music Is literally everywhere! Music has such a big impact and influence on our lives. Music can be used as a type of therapy. It's used as a form of expression Sampling/Laws One of ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. The Means Of Public Education : The Purpose Of Education Education is considered a right in most first world countries and compulsory public education has been in effect in the United States for over a century. So, why do governments have trouble assigning a purpose to public education and experiencing student growth across the board? How can schools change their approach in order to ensure that their students are ready to create their own opportunities? Scholar and politician Winston Churchill notes in his autobiography, My Early Life, "But now I pity undergraduates, when I see what frivolous lives many of them lead in the midst of precious fleeting opportunity. After all, a man's Life must be nailed to a cross of either Thought or Action. Without work there is no play." (p. 113) From this it can be concluded that Churchill believes the purpose of education is to teach students how to be active in their community along with the importance of judgement and choice, in order to further the success of their country. Winston Churchill notes that students are living purposeless lives because the education they receive does not inspire them to chase change and seize opportunities. He states that in order for education to succeed students should be encouraged to pursue a craft and contribute to society before their education starts. This idea comes from the experiences that he had as a child, while Churchill reflects fondly on his early childhood the same is not to be said for his time in primary education. From his own experience he ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. The Battle Of Churchill As A Scapegoat For The Failure As history unfolded, the Dardanelles offensive failed, but the ground invasion plans for Gallipoli went ahead as planned. By the end of the campaign, massive amounts of lives had been lost on the British side, and it was a decisive failure. Dardanelles and Gallipoli were very much a prime example of something Churchill would do over and over again: see positives, but not negatives or consequences, only possibilities. These campaigns were the end of Churchill politically for a time, along with the Asquith government. Asquith was forced to form a wartime coalition government with the Conservatives, who demanded the resignation of Churchill. While Churchill became a scapegoat for the failure, while he did play some part in it, everyone had seem to forgotten the roles of Asquith, Kitchener, and everyone else involved in the planning of this military disaster. While he heavily mourned the loss of his position, Churchill moved on. He journeyed to France, intent on returning to his soldier days. Sir John French offered him the comfort post of an aid or a commander of a brigade at the front. Churchill chose the second option, but only after he gained experience beforehand. He then chose to be assigned to the Grenadier Guards, Second Battalion. This was his first true experience with the horrors of trench warfare. The unit was eventually withdrawn and Churchill expected to get command of a brigade. Asquith later crushes this, afraid of the consequences of giving the still–despised ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Life Is A Box Of Chocolates Alexis Jazz Asajar Professor Janet Loveday FLM 210 NBB February 10, 2016 Life is a Box of Chocolates Films are used to discuss several social issues in order to inform audiences or it is just mainly to entertain viewers with subtle relations with social issues. In 1994, Forrest Gump, an American epic romantic–comedy–drama film was released and was directed by Robert Zemeckis based on the 1986 novel written by Winston Groom (Wikipedia). The film's setting was focused in the middle of nearly every major event of the 1960s and 1970s. The Subject matter of the Film, Forrest Gump, was mainly to demonstrate what happened in the United States of America during the 1960s and 1970s. During these years, the events that was shown in the film were: Lyndon Johnson's proclamation of "Great Society" which meant that poverty and racial injustice had no place ( In the 1960s, there was event where "four black students sat down at a whites–only lunch counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, in February 1960 and refused to leave. Their movement spread: Hundreds of demonstrators went back to that lunch counter every day, and tens of thousands clogged segregated restaurants and shops across the upper South. The protesters drew the nation's attention to the injustice, brutality and capriciousness that characterized Jim Crow" ( That event led to Lyndon Johnson signing the Civil Rights Act which is the act that outlawed discrimination in public facilities and it prohibits ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Forrest Gump Analysis Forrest Gump is a romantic, historical drama that follows the protagonist, Forrest Gump, on his wild adventures throughout the world, where he is a hero time and time again despite having the measly IQ of 75. Although the audience is entranced with all of the success that Forrest garners (as a ping pong champion, Medal of Honor recipient, tycoon of a shrimping business and much more), Forrest himself is always focused on his love for Jenny, his first childhood friend that steals his heart. The script spans decades, as Forrest grows from a challenged child to proud father, time and again meeting up with Jenny. Forrest is always forward with his love for Jenny, yet she does not let herself be with Forrest, as she is enveloped with her love for the limelight and fame. As the story progresses, Forrest continues to recount his continued success, while snippets of Jenny slowly show her downward spiral as she struggles to be involved with the life of a hippy, stripper, and then a hardcore drug abuser. It is only after Forrest Gump returns home after the death of his mother that Jenny returns to their childhood home of Greenbow, Mississippi and stays with Forrest. After a night of love making, Jenny again slips out of Forrest's life, but this time with a newfound light in her face, as if she has risen from her rock bottom state. Then, Forrest goes on a cross country run, again gaining the attention of the media, but more importantly the request of Jenny to come see her in the form ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. D Day : A Day That We Freed France D–Day By: Ellie Renee Duncan Most people think D–Day is a day that we freed France. This is true , however, there is much more to it. Many soldiers deceased, and people lost loved ones. One of the bloodiest battles in World War II was on June 6, 1944 on Omaha , Juno, Gold, Sword, and Utah beaches to free France from the Nazis ' and make them surrender.(D–Day by Martha Brack Martin) People have been told that the cause of the war was because Hitler believed in the perfect race. This may be true, but others have different reasons. Dwight D. Eisenhower entered the war to help plan for D–Day and lead them into the war. He was responsible for the whole thing. Franklin Roosevelt may have helped and same with Winston Churchill. Hitler wanted ... Show more content on ... He took control of Austria and invaded Poland on September 1,1939, so Europe started to fight. He wanted to destroy and take over Russia quickly, but they fought back. America entered the war in 1941. He sent all the Jews he could find to concentration camps. They had barbed wire, and you had to do labor then they starved you and they said you were going to take a shower but genuinely they put poisonous gas in the shower head and killed them. Some of his military leaders tried to assassinate him but failed including Rommel, which was forced to take poison in doing so. He killed about 5,000 people that he thought were involved in the plot. He married Eva Braun and blamed everyone but himself for the war and the next day Eva drank poison and Hitler shot himself. That pretty much meant the Nazis had to surrender. Rommel was in charge of the Axis Powers military. Dwight D. Eisenhower had to make the call whether to hold off on D–Day for a while or do on June 6, 1944 because there were terrible storms. He didn 't like it, but it had to be June 6th. This was also Rommel 's wife 's birthday, and since there were storms he felt safe. Besides he wanted to spend time with his family on his day off. "U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill were responsible for leading their nations to victory and jointly planned strategies for the cooperation and eventual success ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Analysis Of No Firemen At Ground Zero This 9 / 11 When Will They Get Recognition? In the article, "No Firemen at Ground Zero This 9/11" Michael Burke writes to the politicians of Wall Street, that the families of the first responders of 9/11 must be invited to the ceremony. He puts this article in the Wall Street Journal on September 7, 2011 because this is the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attack. The Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, believes that there is not enough room at Ground Zero for all of the families to come and honor their loved ones. Michael Burke believes that if he can persuade the politicians, that they will have a greater influence on Bloomberg than he would. Michael Burke uses a narrative, an allusion and syntax to allow the reader to see his point of view. Many people can relive every moment of what they were doing on 9/11. They can tell you where they were, what they were doing, and how they heard about it. Michael Burke uses this to his advantage. He sets up his paper in such a way that puts the image back into the reader's mind of 9/11. The narrative starts with the bravery of the firemen. They were the "stalwart" workers. He uses a quote from a survivor to convey his point, "A woman...descending from the 89th floor said, "When I saw the firemen I knew we would be all right."" (Burke1) He uses specific details such as the "89th floor" to really sell the point of how far they were willing to go, only 4 floors from where the first plane hit the tower. Another technique used within Michael ... Get more on ...