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QUINTESSENTIALS                                                             Quint Development Corporation

... working to improve the social & economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods          May 2009

                          Becoming a Home Owner: Not Always Easy
                                       But Worth It!
 Congratulations to Trina Kingfisher and her family
 (Lakota, Branden, Dylan & Dalton) for taking title
 of their home in April 2009. While Trina admits that
 becoming a home owner hasn’t been an easy
 process at times, it’s been well worth it. “I’ve
 learned to be financially responsible and
 accountable. I’ve built many friendships and
 partnerships and have had a great deal of family
 support, especially from my brother Aaron.”

 Trina also credits Quint’s Neighbourhood Home
 Ownership Program (NHOP) with giving her the
 opportunity to become a home owner. “It’s very
 important for this housing program to continue
 and progress because there are a lot of other
 families out there who have the potential to
 become homeowners. NHOP builds sustainable                      (Trina & her family outside their home)
 housing which in turn, builds sustainable
                                                                  Quint Development continues to
 She knows that if she can do it, others can as
                                                                  work on finding ways to try and
 well. Trina wants people to know that she never
                                                                  continue the Neighbourhood Home
 thought she could own her own home. She’s
                                                                  Ownership Program.
 overcome many obstacles in her life and with the
 support of Quint & the Core Housing Co-op she’s
 become a home owner. “It’s very important as an
 adult, and as a child to have stability in one’s life,
 owning your own home does that for you. My                                 Inside this Newsletter...
 children always know where home is.”
                                                                            Becoming a Home Owner ........... 1

                                                                            Economic Literacy ................... 2
    Local Couple Shows Support for Station 20 West
                                                                            Companion Planting ...................... 3
  Harold and Moira have found a unique                                      Our Core Communities Shine ........ 4
  way to support S20W - they have been
  busy making and selling homemade jams                                     Our Core Communities Shine ........ 5
  to raise money for the project. The couple
                                                                            Station 20 West Update ................ 6
  reached their goal of raising $500!
                                                                            Community Happenings ............. 7
  Helping to make our community a
  better place to work, live, and play!                                     Quint Membership Application ...         8
... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods                  May 2009

                                                                                Economic Literacy
                                                              Community Economic Development (CED)
                                                              Training – From Saskatoon to Mozambique

                       Quint Staff:
  Len Usiskin - Manager
  Laverne Szejvolt - Assistant Mger/Housing Coordinator
  Margaret Parsons - Administrative Supervisor
  Jim Clarke - Male Youth Lodge & Business Coordinator
  Dawn Benjamin - Property Mgt & Housing Coordinator
  Melanie Sadler - Housing Coordinator
  Janell Morin - Employment Coordinator (on leave)
  Kristen Thoms - Employment Coordinator (on leave)
  Kendra Bates-Chomyn - Employment Coordinator
  Elton Keshane - Employment Coordinator                      18 CED Training School participants receiving their certificates
  Jacky Broburg - Employment Coordinator
  Maria Vanidour - Office Administrator                      Last September I traveled to Mozambique in Southern
  Corinne Sonntag - Community Development Coord.             Africa to assist Quint board member, Don Kossick,
  Don Hitchings - Renovation Supervisor                      develop and deliver a 6 week CED training course.
  Benita Moccasin - Apartment Caretaker
  Kathy Abel - Apartment Caretaker
                                                             The Massinga Training Centre and the Training for
                     Pleasant Hill Place:
                                                             Health Renewal Program has partnered with the
  Laura Berube - Coordinator                                 University of Saskatchewan to educate health
  Angela Luron - Home Operator                               professionals on how to work with communities in
  Cassandra Rioux - Home Operator                            developing healthy communities, and how communities
  Cindy Fiddler - Program Staff                              can develop their own capabilities in building a healthy
  Loretta Warden - Program Staff                             community.

                      Male Youth Lodge:                      Similar to the findings of Saskatoon Health Region’s
  Mike Morin - Home Operator
                                                             Health Disparities Reports, the Massinga Centre
  Heather Schneider - Home Operator
  Lori Unger - Program Staff
                                                             recognized the need to address the underlying social
  Shayne Lazarowich - Program Staff                          and economic determinants of health to address
  Sandra Neufeld - Home Operator                             poverty and community well-being. A new initiative of
  Ryan Northey - Program Staff                               the centre was created to understand and implement
  Allen Dreysko - Program Staff                              local community enterprise and community economic
  Neil Balan - Program Staff                                 development initiatives that contribute to healthier
  Jenna Phillips - Program Staff                             communities.
  Melisa Vader - Program Staff
  Laura Aspenlieder - Program Staff                          Community members identified that training and
  Shirley Larocque - Program Staff
                                                             capacity building on how to organize a local
                                                             enterprise, and to do that within the framework of
                                                             strengthening the whole community. Some of the
                                                             topics in the CED training school included:

                                                               •   Developing comprehensive community plans
                                                               •   Tailoring economic development to local
                                                                   conditions (e.g. The role of chickens in the
                                                                   village economy in rural Mozambique)
                                                               •   Good Leadership and Good Governance
                                                               •   Making a Business Plan for a small enterprise

                                                              Eighteen people from 4 communities graduated from
                                                              the course and are now working on CED projects.
                                                              Plans are being made for a group of Mozambiquans to
                                                              visit Saskatoon in the near future and a similar CED
                                                              school will be organized here.

                                                             Len Usiskin, Manager, Quint Development Corporation
                                                          Page 2
... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods    May 2009

                                                                     GeCCompanion Planting!
                 Are you looking for a way
                                                           Companion planting has been around for as long
                 to advertise your core
                                                           as people have been gardening. It is a method of
                 community event or                        planting used by many gardeners today that
                 program?                                  consists of neighbouring two or more plants to
                                                           achieve the beneficial goals of crops. It is the
  Are you wondering what’s going on in                     theory that certain plants can increase the
  your community?                                          benefits if planted next to, or close by, another
  Look no further than Quint’s website
  ( to find a                        The reasons why companion planting is beneficial
  new section - the Community Events                       is because the method helps control insects,
                                                           assists plants in nutrient uptake, pollination,
  Calendar. Post your information free                     improved flavor, and therefore increase the
  of charge, and reach more people.                        utilization of resources.
  Check it out! For more information or
  to register your information please                      One example of companion gardening
  contact Corinne at                                       still used today, is the “three
                                                           sisters” garden of the Native                               Americans. They were thought to be
                                                           the masters of companion planting.
                                                           They planted corn, squash, and
                                                           beans all together. The squash would
      Looking for a place to call home                     grow at the roots of the corn,
                that has ...                               keeping weeds from interfering and the beans would
                                                           grow up the corn stalks, protecting the stalks from
        1 & 2 bedroom units available                      being beaten down from the wind and creating the
           from $400-$495/month                            first vertical garden. The squash and bean blossoms
                                                           would attract beneficial insects. The beans put
                                                           nitrogen back into the soil, which enhanced the
 ♦ A family friendly environment                           growth of the corn.
 ♦ Privately operated daycare on site
                                                           If you have any questions about Companion
 ♦ Access to a Family Room with                            Gardening, please contact Dana at CHEP Good
 computer & internet                                       Food Inc. at 655-5322.
 ♦ A community garden & green space
 ♦ Tenant association, potluck suppers &                                  Happy Gardening!
 ♦ Workshop & social programs
 ♦ Collective Kitchen
 ♦ Laundry facilities
 ♦ Close to schools, parks & bus routes

        Look no further than Quint’s
            affordable rentals!

     Call 978-4041 to apply or download your
         application from Quint’s website:

     136 Avenue U South       137 Avenue T South

                                                    Page 3
... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods   May 2009

                 Come for the food &                                      Our Core Commu

                                                                                      You’re Invited to
                                                                                        Our Core Comm
                                                                                        Pleasant Hill Pa
                                                                                               1:00 - 7

                                                                            Live entertainment!
                                                                            Including a number
                                                                              of very talented
                                                                             dance and singing

                                                                                CHEP & Quint
                                                                               Community BBQ
                                                                             Hamburger, veggies &
                                                                                drink - $2.00

                                                                      Quint in partnership with: Communities for C
                                                                      George, Riversdale, & Westmount Community As
                                                                      Sponsored by:

                                                    Page 4
... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods   May 2009

 unities Shine...                                                  Enjoy the Children’s
                                                                  Activities and Artisan

 o the 3rd Annual
 munities Shine
   June 17th @
ark (Ave. U & 21st St.)
7:00 p.m.


         • Mendel Art Caravan
         • Face painting
         • Bubbles
         • Games
         • Children’s entertainers
         • Police Services - bike
           safety tips - 3-5pm
         • Saskatoon Fire

             and so much more!

 Children, Pleasant Hill, Caswell Hill, King

                                                            Page 5
... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods                 May 2009

                       Station 20 West Update                                         Quint Program Updates:

 We are still planning to start construction of the community enterprise        Pleasant Hill Place - PHP is a transitional
 centre this spring but this is contingent on securing additional funding.      residence for single mothers who may be
 Although we have raised a very significant amount from individuals,            at risk of, or already have their children
 organizations and corporations we still need further funding.                  placed in care. Staff offer programming in
                                                                                areas of basic life skills, healthy lifestyles,
 We are currently waiting to hear on our application for the new economic       recreation, parenting skills & career
 stimulus dollars that were announced in the federal budget in January.         counselling. PHP provides safe &
 This money was earmarked for infrastructure projects that are “shovel          supportive housing where families can build
 ready” meaning projects that could begin building as early this spring as      & strengthen their relationships.
 possible.                                                                      Call Laura at 978-4046

 This is the kind of stimulus project in which federal stimulus dollars         Male Youth Lodge - The Quint Lodge is a
 should be invested. Station 20 West is shovel ready in that the land is        10 bed transitional residence for young
 prepared, the detailed design and technical drawings are completed,            men 16-22 years of age who have been
 and our construction manager is in place.                                      experiencing issues related to
                                                                                homelessness. The Youth Lodge offers
 In addition, Station 20 West is a very important investment in social          stable housing & supportive staff to assist
 infrastructure that will reduce poverty and support families in the core       residents to meet their goals of education,
 neighbourhoods. It will increase access to healthy food at affordable          training, & employment as they make steps
 prices; provide nutrition education for long term health; business             toward successful independent living.
 development; job training; educational programming; and affordable             Call Jim at 978-4041 ext. 17
 housing. For Saskatoon as a whole, it will mean a reduction in health
 expenditures; additional business opportunities; social and economic           Core Neighbourhoods at Work (CNAW) -
 revitalization; and a showcase for collaborative community programming         Staff offers people help with goal setting &
 aa well as green construction.                                                 discovering their strengths. We can assist
                                                                                with resume writing, job searching, & job
                                                                                applications. We link participants directly
                                                                                with employers, arrange work placements,
                                                                                & offer post-employment support. CNAW
                                                                                also provides short training programs &
                                                                                referrals to further supports within the
                                                                                community. Please feel free to contact us
                                                                                at any time, or stop in for coffee.
                                                                                Call Kendra, Elton or Jacky at 978-4041
                                                                                ext. 12 or 13

                                                                                Small Business Loans - if you live in the
                                                                                core neighbourhoods, or plan to start a
                                                                                business here but don’t know where to
  Ken Dryden, Liberal MP for York Centre with members of Quint & CHEP. Mr.      begin, we can help. We can assist you in
Dryden was the featured speaker at a fundraiser for Sation 20 West last month   developing a business plan & work to help
                                                                                secure a business loan. A number of
                                                                                businesses continue to operate thanks to
        Tamara’s House provides a safe space and                                small business loans.
        support services for women healing from                                 Call Jim at 978-4041 ext. 17
        childhood sexual abuse.
                                                                                Affordable Rentals - One and two
                           ♦Residential Program                                 bedroom suites
                           ♦Drop-In Program                                              Resource room/internet access
                           ♦Harmony Song/First Nations                                   Collective Kitchen program
                            Programs                                                     Tenant association
                                                                                         Social events
                           ♦Volunteer Opportunities
                                                                                Call Dawn at 978-4041 ext. 11 (see ad
                                                                                on pg 2)
        For complete information: or call 683-8667

                                                             Page 6
... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods   May 2009

                                 Community Happenings:
Thursday, May 28/09 - Core Neighbourhood                Saturday, June 13/09 - Rainbow Community
Youth Co-op Dinner & Auction. Cocktails & Silent        Centre (RCC) Steak Night Fundraiser - 6pm at the
Auction-5:30pm; Supper-6:30pm; Live Auction-            Longbranch Good Times Beverage Co. Tickets - $15 To
8:30pm. Tickets are $40; please contact Kayla at        purchase tickets call RCC at 664-8724 or Chief at 880-
665-3889 or                          2488

Saturday, May 30/09 - May Day Play Day @                Wednesday, June 17/09 - Our Core Communities
St. Mary’s School Gym. Carnival 4pm-8pm;                Shine event at Pleasant Hill Park - 1:00-7:00pm (refer
Fireworks at Grace Adam Metawewinihk 10:15pm            to ad on page 3 & 4)

June 2-6/09 - Saskatchewan                              Sunday, June 21/09 - National Aboriginal Day -
Children’s Festival at Kiwanis Memorial Park            celebrations at Wanuskewin Heritage Park

June 4-6 - NAIFS 2009 3rd North American                Wednesday, July 8/09 - Saskatoon Police Service
Indigenous Food Symposium Saskatoon -                   Community BBQ will be held from 11:15am-1:00pm at
Muskoday First Nations & Travelodge Hotel. Call         130 4th Ave. North. Live entertainment and Dipslays!
966-5539 to register or               Hub City Optimist Club BBQ Lunch (includes hamburger
indigenous                                              or hotdog, chips & drink for a nominal fee). For more
                                                        information check out the Quint calendar of events @
Thursday, June 4/09 - Oskayak High School     
Summer Feast @ Noon in the school gym (919
Broadway Ave.). RSVP to Jeanne @ 659-7815 or            CHEP Good Food Inc. Good Food Box Order Dates:
email                              May 25, June 8, June 29, July 13, July 27, August 10 &
                                                        August 24. Please contact Morgan at 655-5387 for
Friday, June 12/09 - Pleasant Hill Community            more details
Pow wow at Grace Adam Metawewinihk Park
(across from St. Mary’s school). Pipe ceremony-         SWITCH - Children’s Health Clinic @ Westside Clinic
8:00am; Registration 9-11am; Grand Entry 10am.          (631 20th St. W) - June 23 & 27, July 11 & 25, August
For more information call Cecile at 659-7783            8 & 22 - 11am-1:30pm. Drop-in or appointments
SCYAP Inc. - Drop-in Art Centre - Tuesdays &
Thursdays: 5:30-9pm and Saturdays: 1pm-6pm.             SWITCH - Dental Clinic @ Westside Clinic (631 20th
Free; registration not necessary, supplies included     St. W) - June 13, July 11 & 22, August 8 - Saturdays -
(253 3rd Ave. S)                                        11am-1:30pm; Wednesdays - 5:30pm-8pm. Services
                                                        are free & childcare is provided

                                                        SWITCH Food Store - every Wednesday from 5:30-
                  DROP IN IMMUNIZATION                  8:00pm at Westside Clinic (631 20th St. W). Affordable
                         CLINICS:                       fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs & milk available

 Every Monday: Mayfair United Church 902-33rd            Community Association Meeting Dates:
 St. W (1:00pm-3:30pm)                                   Pleasant Hill meets the 2nd Thursday of each month
 Pleasant Hill School - 215 Ave. S South                 @ 6:00pm at 904B 22nd St. West (Community Assoc.
 (1:00pm-3:30pm)                                         Office)
 Every Tuesday: Our Neighbourhood Health                 Caswell Hill meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month
 Clinic - 315 Ave. M South (9:00am-11:30am)              at Saskatoon Convalescent Home @ 7:30pm
 Every Wednesday: St. Thomas Wesley United               King George meets the 2nd Wednesday of each
 Church (basement) - Ave. H & 20th St. W                 month @ 7:00pm @ King George School Library
 (1:00pm-3:30pm)                                         Riversdale meets the first Monday of each month @
 Every Thursday: W.P. Bate School -                      7:00pm at 904B 22nd St. West (Community Assoc.
 2515 18th St. W (1:30pm-3:30pm)                         Office)
 Every Saturday: Westside Community Clinic -             Westmount meets the third Monday of each month
 SWITCH - 631 20th St. West (11:00am-1:30pm)             @ 7:00pm at 904B 22nd St. West (Community Assoc.

                                                      Page 7
... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods                 May 2009

                            To all Quint Board
                                                                                    Contact us!
                                                                 Let us know what you think about our
                                                                      • What would you like to see in
                                                                        the newsletter?
 A special thank you to all the volunteers                            • What do you like about the Quint
 that make up the Quint board. We couldn’t                              Essentials newsletter?
 do it without all of your help.
                                                                      • How can we make our newlsetter
       Jacqui Barclay - Chairperson                                     better?
       Sheila Pocha - Vice Chairperson                           Your ideas and feedback are
       Anne Hardy - Treasurer                                    welcome! Please contact us
       Maxine Kinakin                                            at 978-4041 ext. 18 or
       Darcey Bridges
       Don Kossick                                     
       Nicole White                                              or check out our website at
       Sean Shaw                                       
       Johnny Marceland

 Volunteers don’t get paid, not because                                       Are you interested in being a
     they’re worthless, but because                                             Quint Board Member?
    they’re priceless.” Sherry Anderson                         Did you know that at least 75% of our board is made up of
                                                                core community residents? The Quint board of directors is
                                                                elected at the annual meeting and its role is to govern and
                                                                provide the long term vision and objectives of the organization.
                                                                If you live in the core neighbourhoods and are interested in
                                                                    volunteering, we currently have vacancies on the
                                                                           board. Please contact Len at 978-4041

                                                  Get Involved!
                                      Become a Member of Quint
                                                                Quint exists to strengthen the economic and social
                                                                well being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods
 Just complete the form & return it to our office, along with   through a community-based economic development
 your $1 lifetime membership fee, at:                           approach.
               Quint Development Corporation                    Vision
    Room 202-230 Ave. R South Saskatoon, Sk. S7M 0Z9            Quint has a vision for the future of our
         If you have questions, call us at 978-4041.            neighbourhoods. We see citizens who are caring, self-
 That _______________________ (name) hereby supports
                                                                reliant, self-determining and have a sense of pride.
 the vision and objectives of Quint Development Corp. I         We see a community that is safe, stable and caring,
 agree to abide by the Articles & Bylaws of Quint               where all its citizens can participate and grow. We
 Development Corp. & to purchase a lifetime membership          see ourselves challenging the larger economy in ways
 in Quint for $1.00.                                            that build a healthy social and economic environment
                                                                for all. We see a vital local economy that uses local
 __________________       ____________________________          resources and sustains jobs, businesses and
 (Name - please print)             (Address)                    community enterprise. We see neighbourhoods that
 __________________       ____________________________
 (Postal Code)                  (Telephone/email address)
                                                                are prosperous, beautiful, and environmentally
 __________________       ___________________________           sustainable. We see the community initiating and
 (Date)                        (Signature of Applicant)         supporting cultural, recreational, educational and
                                                                socio-economic opportunities for the good of all.
 Recommended by: _____________________________
                        (Quint Board Member)                    Please stop by Quint’s office, or phone (978-4041),
                                                                for your complete copy of Quint Development
                                                                Corporation’s long-term objectives, and the articles
                                                                and bylaws.

                                                           Page 8

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Companion Planting - Saskatoon, Canada

  • 1. QUINTESSENTIALS Quint Development Corporation ... working to improve the social & economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 Becoming a Home Owner: Not Always Easy But Worth It! Congratulations to Trina Kingfisher and her family (Lakota, Branden, Dylan & Dalton) for taking title of their home in April 2009. While Trina admits that becoming a home owner hasn’t been an easy process at times, it’s been well worth it. “I’ve learned to be financially responsible and accountable. I’ve built many friendships and partnerships and have had a great deal of family support, especially from my brother Aaron.” Trina also credits Quint’s Neighbourhood Home Ownership Program (NHOP) with giving her the opportunity to become a home owner. “It’s very important for this housing program to continue and progress because there are a lot of other families out there who have the potential to become homeowners. NHOP builds sustainable (Trina & her family outside their home) housing which in turn, builds sustainable communities.” Quint Development continues to She knows that if she can do it, others can as work on finding ways to try and well. Trina wants people to know that she never continue the Neighbourhood Home thought she could own her own home. She’s Ownership Program. overcome many obstacles in her life and with the support of Quint & the Core Housing Co-op she’s become a home owner. “It’s very important as an adult, and as a child to have stability in one’s life, owning your own home does that for you. My Inside this Newsletter... children always know where home is.” Becoming a Home Owner ........... 1 Economic Literacy ................... 2 Local Couple Shows Support for Station 20 West Companion Planting ...................... 3 Harold and Moira have found a unique Our Core Communities Shine ........ 4 way to support S20W - they have been busy making and selling homemade jams Our Core Communities Shine ........ 5 to raise money for the project. The couple Station 20 West Update ................ 6 reached their goal of raising $500! Community Happenings ............. 7 Helping to make our community a better place to work, live, and play! Quint Membership Application ... 8
  • 2. ... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 Economic Literacy Community Economic Development (CED) Training – From Saskatoon to Mozambique Quint Staff: Len Usiskin - Manager Laverne Szejvolt - Assistant Mger/Housing Coordinator Margaret Parsons - Administrative Supervisor Jim Clarke - Male Youth Lodge & Business Coordinator Dawn Benjamin - Property Mgt & Housing Coordinator Melanie Sadler - Housing Coordinator Janell Morin - Employment Coordinator (on leave) Kristen Thoms - Employment Coordinator (on leave) Kendra Bates-Chomyn - Employment Coordinator Elton Keshane - Employment Coordinator 18 CED Training School participants receiving their certificates Jacky Broburg - Employment Coordinator Maria Vanidour - Office Administrator Last September I traveled to Mozambique in Southern Corinne Sonntag - Community Development Coord. Africa to assist Quint board member, Don Kossick, Don Hitchings - Renovation Supervisor develop and deliver a 6 week CED training course. Benita Moccasin - Apartment Caretaker Kathy Abel - Apartment Caretaker The Massinga Training Centre and the Training for Pleasant Hill Place: Health Renewal Program has partnered with the Laura Berube - Coordinator University of Saskatchewan to educate health Angela Luron - Home Operator professionals on how to work with communities in Cassandra Rioux - Home Operator developing healthy communities, and how communities Cindy Fiddler - Program Staff can develop their own capabilities in building a healthy Loretta Warden - Program Staff community. Male Youth Lodge: Similar to the findings of Saskatoon Health Region’s Mike Morin - Home Operator Health Disparities Reports, the Massinga Centre Heather Schneider - Home Operator Lori Unger - Program Staff recognized the need to address the underlying social Shayne Lazarowich - Program Staff and economic determinants of health to address Sandra Neufeld - Home Operator poverty and community well-being. A new initiative of Ryan Northey - Program Staff the centre was created to understand and implement Allen Dreysko - Program Staff local community enterprise and community economic Neil Balan - Program Staff development initiatives that contribute to healthier Jenna Phillips - Program Staff communities. Melisa Vader - Program Staff Laura Aspenlieder - Program Staff Community members identified that training and Shirley Larocque - Program Staff capacity building on how to organize a local enterprise, and to do that within the framework of strengthening the whole community. Some of the topics in the CED training school included: • Developing comprehensive community plans • Tailoring economic development to local conditions (e.g. The role of chickens in the village economy in rural Mozambique) • Good Leadership and Good Governance • Making a Business Plan for a small enterprise Eighteen people from 4 communities graduated from the course and are now working on CED projects. Plans are being made for a group of Mozambiquans to visit Saskatoon in the near future and a similar CED school will be organized here. Len Usiskin, Manager, Quint Development Corporation Page 2
  • 3. ... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 GeCCompanion Planting! Are you looking for a way Companion planting has been around for as long to advertise your core as people have been gardening. It is a method of community event or planting used by many gardeners today that program? consists of neighbouring two or more plants to achieve the beneficial goals of crops. It is the Are you wondering what’s going on in theory that certain plants can increase the your community? benefits if planted next to, or close by, another plant. Look no further than Quint’s website ( to find a The reasons why companion planting is beneficial new section - the Community Events is because the method helps control insects, assists plants in nutrient uptake, pollination, Calendar. Post your information free improved flavor, and therefore increase the of charge, and reach more people. utilization of resources. Check it out! For more information or to register your information please One example of companion gardening contact Corinne at still used today, is the “three sisters” garden of the Native Americans. They were thought to be the masters of companion planting. They planted corn, squash, and beans all together. The squash would Looking for a place to call home grow at the roots of the corn, that has ... keeping weeds from interfering and the beans would grow up the corn stalks, protecting the stalks from 1 & 2 bedroom units available being beaten down from the wind and creating the from $400-$495/month first vertical garden. The squash and bean blossoms would attract beneficial insects. The beans put nitrogen back into the soil, which enhanced the ♦ A family friendly environment growth of the corn. ♦ Privately operated daycare on site If you have any questions about Companion ♦ Access to a Family Room with Gardening, please contact Dana at CHEP Good computer & internet Food Inc. at 655-5322. ♦ A community garden & green space ♦ Tenant association, potluck suppers & Happy Gardening! BBQs ♦ Workshop & social programs ♦ Collective Kitchen ♦ Laundry facilities ♦ Close to schools, parks & bus routes Look no further than Quint’s affordable rentals! Call 978-4041 to apply or download your application from Quint’s website: 136 Avenue U South 137 Avenue T South Page 3
  • 4. ... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 Come for the food & Our Core Commu entertainment You’re Invited to Our Core Comm Celeb Wednesday, Pleasant Hill Pa 1:00 - 7 Live entertainment! Including a number of very talented dance and singing groups! CHEP & Quint Community BBQ 4:00-7:00pm Hamburger, veggies & drink - $2.00 Quint in partnership with: Communities for C George, Riversdale, & Westmount Community As Sponsored by: Page 4
  • 5. ... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 unities Shine... Enjoy the Children’s Activities and Artisan Booths o the 3rd Annual munities Shine bration June 17th @ ark (Ave. U & 21st St.) 7:00 p.m. Children’s Activities • Mendel Art Caravan • Face painting • Bubbles • Games • Children’s entertainers • Police Services - bike safety tips - 3-5pm • Saskatoon Fire Department and so much more! Children, Pleasant Hill, Caswell Hill, King ssociations Page 5
  • 6. ... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 Station 20 West Update Quint Program Updates: We are still planning to start construction of the community enterprise Pleasant Hill Place - PHP is a transitional centre this spring but this is contingent on securing additional funding. residence for single mothers who may be Although we have raised a very significant amount from individuals, at risk of, or already have their children organizations and corporations we still need further funding. placed in care. Staff offer programming in areas of basic life skills, healthy lifestyles, We are currently waiting to hear on our application for the new economic recreation, parenting skills & career stimulus dollars that were announced in the federal budget in January. counselling. PHP provides safe & This money was earmarked for infrastructure projects that are “shovel supportive housing where families can build ready” meaning projects that could begin building as early this spring as & strengthen their relationships. possible. Call Laura at 978-4046 This is the kind of stimulus project in which federal stimulus dollars Male Youth Lodge - The Quint Lodge is a should be invested. Station 20 West is shovel ready in that the land is 10 bed transitional residence for young prepared, the detailed design and technical drawings are completed, men 16-22 years of age who have been and our construction manager is in place. experiencing issues related to homelessness. The Youth Lodge offers In addition, Station 20 West is a very important investment in social stable housing & supportive staff to assist infrastructure that will reduce poverty and support families in the core residents to meet their goals of education, neighbourhoods. It will increase access to healthy food at affordable training, & employment as they make steps prices; provide nutrition education for long term health; business toward successful independent living. development; job training; educational programming; and affordable Call Jim at 978-4041 ext. 17 housing. For Saskatoon as a whole, it will mean a reduction in health expenditures; additional business opportunities; social and economic Core Neighbourhoods at Work (CNAW) - revitalization; and a showcase for collaborative community programming Staff offers people help with goal setting & aa well as green construction. discovering their strengths. We can assist with resume writing, job searching, & job applications. We link participants directly with employers, arrange work placements, & offer post-employment support. CNAW also provides short training programs & referrals to further supports within the community. Please feel free to contact us at any time, or stop in for coffee. Call Kendra, Elton or Jacky at 978-4041 ext. 12 or 13 Small Business Loans - if you live in the core neighbourhoods, or plan to start a business here but don’t know where to Ken Dryden, Liberal MP for York Centre with members of Quint & CHEP. Mr. begin, we can help. We can assist you in Dryden was the featured speaker at a fundraiser for Sation 20 West last month developing a business plan & work to help secure a business loan. A number of businesses continue to operate thanks to Tamara’s House provides a safe space and small business loans. support services for women healing from Call Jim at 978-4041 ext. 17 childhood sexual abuse. Affordable Rentals - One and two ♦Residential Program bedroom suites ♦Drop-In Program Resource room/internet access ♦Harmony Song/First Nations Collective Kitchen program Programs Tenant association Social events ♦Volunteer Opportunities Call Dawn at 978-4041 ext. 11 (see ad on pg 2) For complete information: or call 683-8667 Page 6
  • 7. ... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 Community Happenings: Thursday, May 28/09 - Core Neighbourhood Saturday, June 13/09 - Rainbow Community Youth Co-op Dinner & Auction. Cocktails & Silent Centre (RCC) Steak Night Fundraiser - 6pm at the Auction-5:30pm; Supper-6:30pm; Live Auction- Longbranch Good Times Beverage Co. Tickets - $15 To 8:30pm. Tickets are $40; please contact Kayla at purchase tickets call RCC at 664-8724 or Chief at 880- 665-3889 or 2488 Saturday, May 30/09 - May Day Play Day @ Wednesday, June 17/09 - Our Core Communities St. Mary’s School Gym. Carnival 4pm-8pm; Shine event at Pleasant Hill Park - 1:00-7:00pm (refer Fireworks at Grace Adam Metawewinihk 10:15pm to ad on page 3 & 4) June 2-6/09 - Saskatchewan Sunday, June 21/09 - National Aboriginal Day - Children’s Festival at Kiwanis Memorial Park celebrations at Wanuskewin Heritage Park June 4-6 - NAIFS 2009 3rd North American Wednesday, July 8/09 - Saskatoon Police Service Indigenous Food Symposium Saskatoon - Community BBQ will be held from 11:15am-1:00pm at Muskoday First Nations & Travelodge Hotel. Call 130 4th Ave. North. Live entertainment and Dipslays! 966-5539 to register or Hub City Optimist Club BBQ Lunch (includes hamburger indigenous or hotdog, chips & drink for a nominal fee). For more information check out the Quint calendar of events @ Thursday, June 4/09 - Oskayak High School Summer Feast @ Noon in the school gym (919 Broadway Ave.). RSVP to Jeanne @ 659-7815 or CHEP Good Food Inc. Good Food Box Order Dates: email May 25, June 8, June 29, July 13, July 27, August 10 & August 24. Please contact Morgan at 655-5387 for Friday, June 12/09 - Pleasant Hill Community more details Pow wow at Grace Adam Metawewinihk Park (across from St. Mary’s school). Pipe ceremony- SWITCH - Children’s Health Clinic @ Westside Clinic 8:00am; Registration 9-11am; Grand Entry 10am. (631 20th St. W) - June 23 & 27, July 11 & 25, August For more information call Cecile at 659-7783 8 & 22 - 11am-1:30pm. Drop-in or appointments welcome SCYAP Inc. - Drop-in Art Centre - Tuesdays & Thursdays: 5:30-9pm and Saturdays: 1pm-6pm. SWITCH - Dental Clinic @ Westside Clinic (631 20th Free; registration not necessary, supplies included St. W) - June 13, July 11 & 22, August 8 - Saturdays - (253 3rd Ave. S) 11am-1:30pm; Wednesdays - 5:30pm-8pm. Services are free & childcare is provided SWITCH Food Store - every Wednesday from 5:30- DROP IN IMMUNIZATION 8:00pm at Westside Clinic (631 20th St. W). Affordable CLINICS: fresh fruits, vegetables, eggs & milk available Every Monday: Mayfair United Church 902-33rd Community Association Meeting Dates: St. W (1:00pm-3:30pm) Pleasant Hill meets the 2nd Thursday of each month Pleasant Hill School - 215 Ave. S South @ 6:00pm at 904B 22nd St. West (Community Assoc. (1:00pm-3:30pm) Office) Every Tuesday: Our Neighbourhood Health Caswell Hill meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month Clinic - 315 Ave. M South (9:00am-11:30am) at Saskatoon Convalescent Home @ 7:30pm Every Wednesday: St. Thomas Wesley United King George meets the 2nd Wednesday of each Church (basement) - Ave. H & 20th St. W month @ 7:00pm @ King George School Library (1:00pm-3:30pm) Riversdale meets the first Monday of each month @ Every Thursday: W.P. Bate School - 7:00pm at 904B 22nd St. West (Community Assoc. 2515 18th St. W (1:30pm-3:30pm) Office) Every Saturday: Westside Community Clinic - Westmount meets the third Monday of each month SWITCH - 631 20th St. West (11:00am-1:30pm) @ 7:00pm at 904B 22nd St. West (Community Assoc. Office) Page 7
  • 8. ... working to improve the social and economic well-being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods May 2009 To all Quint Board Contact us! Let us know what you think about our Members newsletter. • What would you like to see in the newsletter? A special thank you to all the volunteers • What do you like about the Quint that make up the Quint board. We couldn’t Essentials newsletter? do it without all of your help. • How can we make our newlsetter Jacqui Barclay - Chairperson better? Sheila Pocha - Vice Chairperson Your ideas and feedback are Anne Hardy - Treasurer welcome! Please contact us Maxine Kinakin at 978-4041 ext. 18 or Darcey Bridges Don Kossick Nicole White or check out our website at Sean Shaw Johnny Marceland Volunteers don’t get paid, not because Are you interested in being a they’re worthless, but because Quint Board Member? they’re priceless.” Sherry Anderson Did you know that at least 75% of our board is made up of core community residents? The Quint board of directors is elected at the annual meeting and its role is to govern and provide the long term vision and objectives of the organization. If you live in the core neighbourhoods and are interested in volunteering, we currently have vacancies on the board. Please contact Len at 978-4041 Get Involved! Become a Member of Quint Mission Quint exists to strengthen the economic and social well being of Saskatoon’s five core neighbourhoods Just complete the form & return it to our office, along with through a community-based economic development your $1 lifetime membership fee, at: approach. Quint Development Corporation Vision Room 202-230 Ave. R South Saskatoon, Sk. S7M 0Z9 Quint has a vision for the future of our If you have questions, call us at 978-4041. neighbourhoods. We see citizens who are caring, self- That _______________________ (name) hereby supports reliant, self-determining and have a sense of pride. the vision and objectives of Quint Development Corp. I We see a community that is safe, stable and caring, agree to abide by the Articles & Bylaws of Quint where all its citizens can participate and grow. We Development Corp. & to purchase a lifetime membership see ourselves challenging the larger economy in ways in Quint for $1.00. that build a healthy social and economic environment for all. We see a vital local economy that uses local __________________ ____________________________ resources and sustains jobs, businesses and (Name - please print) (Address) community enterprise. We see neighbourhoods that __________________ ____________________________ (Postal Code) (Telephone/email address) are prosperous, beautiful, and environmentally __________________ ___________________________ sustainable. We see the community initiating and (Date) (Signature of Applicant) supporting cultural, recreational, educational and socio-economic opportunities for the good of all. Recommended by: _____________________________ (Quint Board Member) Please stop by Quint’s office, or phone (978-4041), for your complete copy of Quint Development MEMBERSHIP SUBJECT TO BOARD APPROVAL Corporation’s long-term objectives, and the articles and bylaws. Page 8 to to ttttttttt to