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Under guidance of:
Faculty Guide
DR. Shobhit Goel
Assistant Professor
ABS, Lucknow
B.COM (HONS.) (2014-17)
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Synopsis for Term paper
A project report on study of marketing strategies of coca cola .Different methods used by the
company to boost their sales and to beat their competitors.
Student’s Name ROHIT GUPTA
Enrolment No A7004614054
Program B.COM (HONS.)
Industry / Organization’s name AMITY UNIVERSITY
External Guide’s Name DR.SHOBHIT GOEL
Asst. professor
Contract Details Mobile: 9415469880
I would like to express my special thanks of feeling to my guide Dr. Shobhit Goel sir who
gave me the golden chance to try and do this glorious project on the marketing that
additionally helped me in doing lot of analysis and that I came to understand concerning such
a lot of new things I m extremely glad to them.
Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me to prepare the
project in this limited time frame.
Certified that the report is prepared based on the term paper project undertaken by
the guidance of Professor DR. SHOBHIT GOEL in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for award of degree of Bachelor of Commerce B.Com(H) from Amity
University , Uttar Pradesh.
(Student) (Faculty guide) (Director ABS)
Forwarded here with a term paper report on STUDY OF MARKETING STRATEGIES
OF COCA-COLA submitted by ROHIT GUPTA Enrollment no. A7004614054 student of
B.COM (HONS) 1stsemester (2014-2017)
This project work is partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of
Commerce from Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh.
Assistant Professor
I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard
I declare that
a) The work submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of
degree Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) assessment in this report is my own; it has
not previously been presented for another assessment.
b) I declare that this report is my original work. Wherever work from other source has
been appropriately acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the requirements
of NTCC Regulations and Guidelines.
c) I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other person to
submit it as my own.
d) I have not permitted, and will not permit, anybody to copy my work with the purpose
of passing it off as his or her own work.
e) The work conforms to the guidelines for layout, content and style as set out in the
Regulations and Guidelines.
Chapter Number Topic Page Number
It all began in 1886, once a three legged brass kettle in Hohn Styth , sugar was caramelised
that is currently the chief ingredient of the world’s favorite drink. The sweetening combined
with effervescent the beverage market. it's calculable that this drink is served quite one
thousand million times in an exceedingly day.
Equally oblivious to the historic price of his actions was Frank Ix. Robinson, his partner and
book keeper. Pemberton & Robinson ordered the primary foundation of this drinkable once a
median 9 drinks per day to start with, upping volumes as sales grew.
In 1894, this drinkable got into bottle, courtesy a candy businessperson from Mississippi. By
the 1950’s Colas were a daily consumption item, hold on in house hold fridges. shortly were
born alternative non- Cola variants of this product like orange & Lemon.
Now, the beverage business has been dominated by 3 major player – (1) The big apple
primarily based Pepsi Cola co. Inc.(2) The Atlanta primarily based cola co. (3) The uk
primarily based Cadbury Schweppes.
Throughout the world these major players are battling it. Out for an even bigger chunk of the
ever-growing cold drink market. currently this battle has begun in Bharat too. Inida is
currently the a part of cold drink war. Gone ar days of Ramesh Chauhan, India’s only once
Cola king and his bouts of handgun shooting. Expect currently to listen to the boon of
cannons once the cola & Pepsi Cola co. battle it out for, because the Jordon goes an even
bigger share of throat. By shopping for over native competition, the 2 yank Cola giants have
cleared up {the arna|stage|the theater|the podium|the rostrum} and are packing all their power
behind building the Indian franchisee of their globe girdling brands. the large quantity
endowed in fracture has ne'er been seen before. each players seen a colossal potential in his
country wherever swigging a effervescent drinkable remains thought-about a treat, just about
a luxury.
Consequently, by world standards India’s per capita consumption of cold drinks as going by
survey results is all-time low, but over Neighbors Pakistan & East Pakistan, wherever
it's fourfold the maximum amount.
Behind the publicity, in a shot invisible to shopper Pepsi pumps in Rs 3000 crores (1994) to
feature muscle to its infrastructure in bottling and distribution. this is often with the exception
of cash that company’s franchised bottles pay in upgrading their plants all this has
contributed to substantial gains within the market. In Colas, Pepsi is already market leader
and in bound cities like Banaras , Pepsi shops ar on one facet & all the opposite Colas
place along on the opposite. whereas Coke govt backside at Pepsi’s claims also as targets,
business observers ar of the read that Pepsi has positively purloined lots from its contender
Coke. Apart from numbers, Pepsi has created qualitative gains. The foremost is its image.
This image turnaround isn't any little achievements, considering that since it had been
established in 1989, taking the hardship route before relaxation and weighed down by export
Now, at the moment as there ar 3 major players Coke, Pepsi and Cadbury and there's stiff
competition between initial 2, each Pepsi and Coke have started, sponsoring native events
and staging frequent shopper promotion campaigns. because the mega event of this century
has started, and therefore the marketers ar exploitation this event – tournament soccer, cricket
events and lots of a lot of alternative events.
Like Pepsi, Coke is discovering equity in its bottles to ensure their money support; one facet
Coke is making an attempt to extend its quality through.
The success of sentimental drink business depends upon four major factors viz.
Availability suggests that the presence of a selected complete at any outlet. If a product is
currently accessible at any outlet and therefore the contender complete is offered, the buyer
can opt for the outlet as a result of usually the consumption of Associate in Nursingy potable
is an impulse call and not preset one.
Visibility is that the presence felt, if any outlet includes a specific complete of sentimental
drink say- Pepsi Cola and this complete isn't displayed within the outlet, then its
availableness is of no use. The potable should be shown off properly and beautifully thus on
catch the eye of the buyer right away Pepsi achieves visibility by providing glow signboards,
hoarding, calendars etc. to the shops. It conjointly includes varied stands to show Pepsi and
alternative flavours of the corporate.
As the thusft drinks ar consumed chilled so cooling them plays a significant role in boosting
up the sales. The brand, that is offered chilled, gets a lot of sale than the one that isn't,
notwithstanding it's a lot of most popular one.
This is the last however not the smallest amount issue, that affects the sale of the merchandise
of a selected company.
The product (Coca-Cola soft drink) includes not simply the liquid within however conjointly
the packaging. On the product-service time we tend to see that a drinkable provides very
little service, with the exception of the convenience. Soft drinks satisfy the necessity of
thirst. However, folks ar perpetually completely different, some wish additional et al wish
less. thus Coca-Cola has created allowances for that by providing several sizes. we tend to
even have explicit tastes, and once more they need provided many choices. So, though thirst
is what's required to be glad which is that the core profit, we tend to ar receiving different
edges within the style and size. Coca-Cola has developed many completely different flavours
and sizes as mentioned on top of, however conjointly many brands like spiritual being, Lift,
Fanta and Diet Coke that increase the merchandise line length, so creating full use of the
market to maximise sales.
The product is convenient, that's - bought oft, right away, and with a minimum of
comparison and shopping for effort.The appearance of the merchandise is eye catching with
the intense red color. it's a unambiguously designed bottle form that matches in your hand
higher, and creates a nicer & additional art movement look.
The quality of the drinkable is required to be often high. Sealed caps make sure that none of
the "fizz" is lost. The bottles ar light-weight, with versatile packaging, so that they will not
crack or leak, and aren't too serious to nonchalantly walk around with. The cans also are
light-weight and safe.
The product vary of Coca-Cola includes:
• Coca-Cola,
• Coca-Cola classic,
• Caffeine free Coca-Cola,
• Diet Coke
• Caffeine free diet Coke,
• Diet Coke with lemon
• Vanilla Coke,
• Diet Vanilla Coke,
• Cherry Coke,
• Diet Cherry Coke,
• Fanta complete soft drinks,
• Sprite,
• Diet spiritual being
• Sprite Remix
Product Lifecycle of Coke:
Product life cycle has four phases
1. Introduction
2. Growth
3. Maturity
4. Decline.
The markets wherever Coke may be a dominant player ar us of America, Europe and Asia,
Africa. there's a huge distinction in terms of on top of given phases as an example, in U.S.A
& Europe it's reached maturity stage wherever it can’t expand its market additional
however if we tend to take into account Asia, it's still within the growth part.
Coca-Cola is presently browsing the maturity stage in Western countires. This maturity stage
lasts longer than all different stages. Management has got to pay special attention to product
throughout this stage of the merchandise life-cycle. throughout the maturity stage, product
sometimes bear a lag in sales growth. in keeping with Coca-Cola's 2001 annual report, sales
have redoubled by one.02% compared to last year. This share has no comparison to the high
level of growth Coca-Cola enjoyed throughout its growth stage. to feature alittle variation
Coca-Cola took the Coca-Cola Classic and more variations thereto, as well as Cherry Coke,
Vanilla Coke and Diet Coke. conjointly Coca-Cola went from 6-oz. glass bottles to 8-oz. cans
to plastic cubic decimeter bottles, all serving to increase consumption.
Like any company UN agency has with success endured a century of existence, Coca- Cola
has had to stay staggeringly fluent with their rating strategy. they need had the privilege of a
worthy challenger perpetually driving them to be smarter, faster, and better. A quote from
Pepsi Cola Co's chief executive officer "The additional productive they're, the grifter we've to
be. If the Coca-Cola Company did not exist, we'd pray for somebody to create them." states it
merely. the connection between Coca-Cola & Pepsi Cola could be a healthy one that
every corporation has learned to understand.
Throughout the years Coca-Cola has created several rating selections however one would
possibly say that their final goal has continually been to maximise investor worth. As Cola
consumption has attenuated within the US Colas have return to comprehend the untapped
international market. In 2003 each Coke and Pepsi Cola had a solid presence in Republic of
India and had every introduced a 300mL bottle. so as to grab market share Pepsi Cola began
to drop costs (even with summer approaching, that was contrary to policy in America).
Shortly thenceforth, Coca-Cola set to drop their costs slightly, however targeted on the
reduced worth purpose of their 200mL instrumentation. Coca- Cola planned to use the {lower
worth|lower cost|cheaper price} purpose to penetrate new cities that were particularly price
sensitive. The effervescent potable market in Republic of India is sort of thirty seventh of the
full nutrient market there.
This low worth strategy wasn't unfamiliar with to Coca-Cola. each Coke & Pepsi Cola
utilised an occasional worth strategy within the early Nineteen Nineties. when annihilating
the low worth store brands, Coke selected to reposition itself as a "Premium" whole so raise
Coca-Cola product would seem, on the shelf, to possess the foremost high-priced vary of
soppy drinks common to supermarkets, at virtually double the value of no name brands. this
may be for many reasons aside from simply to hide the additional prices of promotions, that
no name brands do while not. It creates client perceptions and values. once individuals
purchase Coca-Cola they're not simply shopping for the nutrient however additionally the
image that goes with it, thus to possess the worth higher reiterates the actual fact that the
merchandise is of a stronger quality than the remainder which the buyer isn't low-cost. this is
often called value-based rating and is employed by several alternative industries in attracting
In India, the common financial gain of a rural employee is Rs.500 a month. cola launched a
two hundred cubic centimetre bottle for simply Rs.5, an inexpensive quantity on the pockets
of the agricultural audience.
Coca-Cola entered foreign markets in varied ways in which. the foremost common modes of
entry ar direct exportation, licensing and franchising.
Besides beverages and their special syrups, Coca-Cola additionally directly exports its
merchandise to overseas distributors and corporations. aside from exportation, the corporate
markets internationally by licensing bottlers round the world and provision them with the
sirup required to provide the merchandise.
There ar differing types of franchising. the kind that's employed by Coca-Cola Company is
manufacturer-sponsored jobber franchise system. it's terribly adore licensing however the
sole distinction is that the finished product ar oversubscribed to the retailers in native market.
Coca Cola has managed their company’s promoting and sales strategy inside channels. have
you ever ever thought-about the importance of the Coke slot machine to the success and gain
of the dope company? This channel is direct to client and vendition machines typically have
very little to no competition and no trade or worth promotions.
The Coke Company operates 3 primary delivery systems for its business channels:
• Bulk delivery for the channels of huge Supermarkets, Mass Merchandisers and Club
• For smaller channels Coke will advanced sale delivery for convenience stores, drug
stores, little supermarkets and on-premise fountain accounts.
• Full service delivery for its full service vendition customers.
Key Channel Listing
• Supermarkets
• Convenience Stores
• Fast Food
• Petroleum Retailers
• Chain Drug Stores
• Hotels/Motels/Resorts
• Mass Merchan-disers
• U.S. United States Department of Defense Military merchandising retail commands:
They get or purchase shelves in massive division stores and show their product in this shelves
in this vogue that show their product additional clear and additional enticing for the shoppers.
Salesman of the dope company positions their freezers and their product in attention-getting
positions. commonly they keep their freezers close to the doorway of the stores.
Company conjointly do sponsorships with completely different faculty and school’s cafes and
sponsors their sports events and alternative additional program activities for obtaining market
UTC mean beneath the crown theme, dope typically do that kind of theme and that they
provide terribly handy prizes in it. Like once they provide bicycles, caps, tv sets, money
prizes etc. This theme is incredibly a lot of widespread among kids.
Coca Cola Company makes 2 sorts of commerce
1. Direct commerce
2. Indirect commerce
Direct commerce
In direct commerce they provide their product in retailers by exploitation their own
transports. they need nearly 450 vehicles to provide their bottles. during this kind of
commerce company have additional ratio.
Indirect commerce
They have their whole sellers and agencies to hide all space. as a result of it's terribly
troublesome for them to hide all space of Islamic Republic of Pakistan by their own so that
they have such a big amount of whole sellers and agencies to assure their customers for
accessibility of dope product.
For providing their product in sensible manner company has provided infrastructure these
• Vizi cooler
• Freezers
• Display racks
• Free empty bottles and shells for bottles
Coca Cola Company use completely different mediums
• Print media
• Pos material
• Tv industrial
• Billboards and holdings
They typically use medium for advertizing. they need a separate department for medium.
POS Material
Pos material mean purpose of sale material this includes: posters and stickers show within the
stores and in numerous areas.
As everyone recognize that TV may be a commonest amusing medium therefore TV
commercials is one amongst the foremost enticing approach of doing advertizing. therefore
dope Company will regular TV commercials on completely different channels.
Coca Cola is incredibly a lot of aware regarding their billboards and holdings. they need such
a big amount of sites in numerous locations for his or her billboards.
As the leading beverages company within the world, cola virtually monopolizes the whole
effervescent beverages phase. Beside it, cola additionally maintain their name because the
leading company within the world mistreatment tormentor Analysis in order that cola will
examine the macro-environment of Coca Cola’s operations.
When cola had determined to enter a rustic to distribute the product, cola was observance the
policies and laws of every country. For the instance, once coming into Moslems country like
Dutch East Indies or Asian country, cola followed the regulation by adding “Halal” stamp in
every Coca Cola’s product. during this case, cola has no political problems during this matter.
Coca Cola additionally has low growth within the marketplace for effervescent beverages
(North America). The market growth was a hundred and twenty fifth in 2004. for exciting the
expansion, cola had spent high budget of advertising to endorse the shoppers.
Nowadays, customers tend to vary their style. Customers additional privy to health
consciousness by reducing in drinking effervescent beverages to stop polygenic disease or
different diseases. As a result, Coca Cola’s demand for effervescent beverages has remittent
{and the|and therefore the|and additionally the} revenues also remittent. Thus, cola diversify
the product by adding production lines in tea (Nestea), juices (Minute Maid), drinking water
(Dasani and Ades), and sport drinks (Powerade), and others.
Because of the developing technology, cola has advanced technology in manufacturing the
product. Then, cola created innovations by giving flavors to the Coke, like Cherry Coke, Diet
Coke, cola Zero, Coke with Lime, and others. But, the shoppers still like the first style of
ancient Coke; it are often seen by the high demands in ancient Coke.
One necessary issue should be detected that Thums Up could be a sturdy whole in western
and southern India, whereas dope is powerful in Northern and jap Asian nation. With
volumes of Thums Up being low within the capital, there ar possible probabilities of dope
dynamic the costs of Thums Up to Rs. five and still sell dope at the same rate. Analysts
feel that this strategy could facilitate Coke since it's two Cola brands compared to cola that
has only 1.
Thums Up accounts for four-hundredth of dope company's flip over, followed by dope that
encompasses a twenty third share and Limca that accounts for Revolutionary Organization 17
November of the flip over of the corporate. (Thums up being the native drink, its share within
the market is undamaged, forcing the corporate to service the whole, because it did last year
Mr. Donald short chief executive officer, dope Asian nation, said that, " we are going to be
fully snug if Thums Up isn't any. one whole for U.S.A. in Asian nation within the year 2005.
we are going to sell no matter customers desires U.S.A. to". dope Asian nation has positioned
Thums up as a food related to journey as a result of its sturdy style and conjointly creating it
vie with cola as even cola is related to journey, youth.
Most of the ingredients required for beverages and snacks ar basic commodities like potatoes,
flavor, color, caffein sugar, packaging etc. therefore the producers of those commodities don't
have any talks power over the evaluation for this reason; the suppliers during this business ar
Bargaining Power of consumers
Buyers during this business have the talks power, as a result of main supply of the revenue
and market share in nutrient and food business ar sustenance fountain, convenience stores
food stores hawking etc. The profit margins in every of those segments perceptibly
demonstrate the customer power and the way special consumers pay various costs supported
their power to discount.
Threat of latest Entrant
There ar several factors that create it arduous whole spanking new|for brand new} player to
enter the nutrient business a number of necessary factors ar brand image and loyalty,
advertising expense, bottling network, retail distribution concern of return and international
offer chain.
Brand Image / Loyalty
Pepsi and Coke endlessly that specialize in increasing their biggest nutrient and food product,
they has engineered a number of the globe’s strongest brands that ar dear by customers
throughout the globe. Innovative promoting has leveraged their worldwide brand-building
strength to connect with customers in vital ways that and impel the expansion globally. These
all campaign ends up in higher quantity of loyal customer’s and powerful complete equity
throughout the globe. In 2011, Coca-Cola was declared the world’s most dear complete in
line with Interbrand’s best international complete. This makes it not possible for brand
spanking new entrance to enter the nutrient business simply.
Advertising pay
Cock and dope has terribly effective crusade, their advertising conjointly represent the
cultures of various countries. They conjointly sponsor completely different games and groups
and conjointly featured in countlesstelevision programs and films. The promoting and
advertising expense was close to $ fifteen billion. This makes landscape terribly tougher for
brand spanking new players to succeed.
Threat of Substitute product
Large numbers of substitutes ar accessible within the market like water, tea, juices occasional
etc. however corporations counter them with innovative promoting and large advertising that
build growth for his or her brands by light their advantages. Players conjointly differentiate
themselves by well-known international trade marks, complete equity and convenience of the
product that most of the substitute product cannot contest. to shield themselves from
competition players in potable business provide Diversify product like like dope offers soft
drinks (Pepsi, Slice, Mountain Dew), beverages (Tropicana Juices, Dole Juices, Lipton tea,
Aquafina drinking water, Sport drinks, Tropicana Juices), Snacks (Rold Gold pretzels and
Frito-Lay). Coke conjointly offers most varied vary of product like Cola-Cola Cherry, Coca-
Cola Vanilla, Diet Coke, Diet Coke Caffeine-Free, Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola and vary of lime
or occasional and lemon.
Competitive contention among associate degree business
Beverage business competition are often classified as a Duopoly with dope and cola.
Themarket share of different competitors is just too low to encourage any worth wars. Cola-
Cola gets competitive advantage through the well-known international trade marks by
achieving the premium costs. It suggests that Cola-Cola have one thing that their competitors
don't have. whereas dope has leveraged its worldwide brand-building strength to connect with
customers in vital ways that and impel the expansion globally
From a promoting strategy viewpoint, whole loyalty may be a important thought. notably in
today's low-growth and extremely competitive market-place, holding brand-loyal customers
is vital for survival; and it's typically a a lot of economical strategy than attracting new
customers. Indeed, it's calculable that it prices the typical company sixfold a lot of to draw in
a replacement client than to carry a current one. whole loyalty is usually thought of as an
enclosed commitment to get and repurchase a selected whole. As a behavior development
whole loyalty is solely repeat purchase behavior.
Both psychological feature and behavior approaches to learning whole loyalty have worth.
we have a tendency to outline whole loyalty as repeat purchase intentions and behaviors.
whereas the most important focus of our discussion is on whole loyalty as a behavior, we
would like to emphasise that psychological feature processes powerfully influence the event
and maintenance of this behavior.
Brand loyalty could also be the results of in depth psychological feature activity and call
marking. Brand-loyal behavior might occur while not the patron ever comparison different
brands. choices ought to be created regarding wherever and once to get the merchandise;
some data of the product and its handiness should be activated from memory; intentions to
get foot and satisfaction influence the acquisition behaviors.
The marketplace for a selected whole might be analyzed in terms of the amount of customers
in every class, and methods might be developed to boost ibe whole loyalty of explicit teams.
i) Undivided whole loyalty is, of course, an ideal. In some cases, customers might
purchase solely one whole and precede purchase if it's not accessible.
ii) Brand loyalty with AN occasional piece of material is probably going to be a lot of
common, though. customers might switch often for a spread of reasons: their usual whole
could also be out of stock, {a new|a replacement|a whole new} brand might return on the
market and tried once, a competitive whole is obtainable at a special low value, or a distinct
whole is purchased for a special day.
iii) Brand-loyalty switches square measure a competitive goal in low-growth or declining
markets. However, switch loyalty from one to a different of the brands of an equivalent firm
is advantageous.
iv) Divided whole loyalty refers to consistent purchase of 2 or a lot of brands.
v) Brand indifference refers to purchases with no apparent repurchase pattern. this can
be the other extreme from undivided whole loyalty. whereas we have a tendency to suspect
total whole indifference isn't common, some customers of some merchandise might exhibit
this pattern.
Developing a high degree of brand name loyalty among customers is a very important goal of
selling strategy. nevertheless the speed of usage by numerous customers can not be
unnoticed. For simplicity, we've got divided the size into four classes of customers instead of
contemplate every dimension as a time.
The on top of figure shows that achieving brand-loyal customers is most beneficial
once the customers are serious users. This figure might even be used as a strategic toot by
plotting customers of each the firm's brands and competitive brands on the premise of brand
name loyalty and usage rates. counting on the placement of customers and whether or not
they area unit loyal to the firm's complete or a competitive one, many ways could be useful;
1. If the sole profitable section is that the brand-loyal serious user, concentrate on shift
client loyalty to the firm's brands.
2. If there's a spare range of brand-loyal lightweight users, concentrate on increasing
their usage of the firm's complete.
3. If there's a spare range of brand-indifferent serious users, conceive to build the firm's
brand a salient attribute and/or develop a brand new relative advantage.
4. If there's a spare range of brand-indifferent lightweight users, conceive to build the
firm's brand a salient attribute and increase usage of the firm's complete among customers,
maybe by finding a property relative advantage.
5. it's additionally necessary to plot customers of competitive brands to develop
acceptable ways. If one competition dominates the brand-loyal heavy- user market and has
an excessive amount of market power to be overcome, then ways might have to be compelled
to be centered on different markets.
Brand Loyalty and Usage Rate
Have Coca-Cola Asian nation Bharat |Asian country| Asian nation} and cola India square
measure latched during a bitter battle for market share. to date cola has won, outselling Coke
twenty seven.1% to 10.8% (All Asian nation|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} Market
Share) however Coke's new strategy adopted in India which supplies Thums Up the native
complete it nonheritable in 1993-94 from Parle exports - prime promoting priority which
might hurt cola within the long-term.
Four years when it entered the Rs. 1,800 large integer Indian soft drinks market, Coca-Cola is
finally rousing to reality and duplicating the strategy of arch rival cola. In these four years
the corporate has with success managed to use up the sixty nine per cent market share of -the
5 Parle brands -- Thums Up, Limca, Citra, Gold Spot and Maaza -- that it bought from the
Chauhan brothers. Wrong strategy : making an attempt to push solely its North American
nation complete, ignoring the Indian-acquired brands and failing to strike a chord with Indian
customers by not victimisation localised advertising campaigns.
Donald Short, corporate executive of cola Republic of India. Mr. Short is making an attempt
to realize what his predecessors, Jaydev Raja and Richard P. Nicholas unwell, could not. His
Brand Loyalty
Brand - loyal,
Heavy users
Light Users
Light Usage
light users
Heavy Usage
Brand Indifference
new mantra: liquidate Republic of India as cola does( because the famed oral communication
at Coke Atlanta, do because the Atlantans do). Like Pepsi, Coke has started sponsoring
native events and staging frequent client promotion campaigns. it's started learning equity
stakes in its bottlers to ensure them financial backing tho' its bullying techniques on paying
compensation have drawn sharp criticism. it's finally started cathartic locally-created ads,
victimisation Indian idiom to strike a chord with customers. and eventually it's started
pushing its strike a chord with customers. and eventually it's started pushing its Indian brands
-- semiconductor diode by Thums Up -instead of specializing in solely its flagship.
After years of ingestion, sleeping and drinking movies, cricket and Coke, Coca-Cola is finally
rousing to the strength of the native brands that it took over from Ramesh Chauhan in 1994.
once Coca-Cola came to, Asian nation|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} it had hoped to
continue its legendary competition with cola world-wide and it had been expected that the
India would fade away. thus Coca-Cola pushed its own complete. however someone forgot to
narrate constant script to Indian customers WHO insisted that they wished their thunder back.
Coca-Cola has currently reconciled to the actual fact that Thums Up and Limca square
measure the 2 hottest potable brands in Republic of India, particularly within the western and
southern regions. Keeping this in mind the corporate has lined up AN aggressive promoting
campaign to push the 2 brands within the domestic market.
Mr. Short's new strategy, Thums Up contributes forty per cent of Coca-Cola India’s turnover
whereas Limca accounts for an additional seventeen per cent. Coke itself accounts for twenty
three per cent. The balance comes from Coke's different brands, as well as Fanta. Citra and
Maaza. In terms of all-India market share. Thums Up has sixteen per cent whereas Coke has
ten.8 per cent. the maximum amount as thirty per cent to thirty five per cent of Coca-Cola
India’s expenditure in 1998 are dedicated to promoting Thums Up. Limca can command
fifteen per cent to eighteen per cent, marginally not up to the twenty per cent to twenty five
per cent which can be spent on promoting Coke.
Despite being a world complete, cola has engineered its success on meeting the Indian
consumer's wants, significantly in terms of constructing the complete synchronize with
localized events and traditions. By giving free cola with idli it tried to beat Thums Up and
Coke within the south. In urban center, wherever Coke continuously incorporates a giant
hold, cola joined itself with neighborhood cricket tournaments. In city it associated itself
with Holi and offered free color sachets with cola bottles. Says Mr. Sinha, corporate
executive of cola : “We recruited native salesmen to sell our product since to sell client
product you wish native expertise.” that's why Pepsi's events like the Spot the Mirinda Man
contest was such a large success.
By distinction, Coke deliberately selected to herald expatriates. rather than making an attempt
to make a bond with customers with low impact activities it resorted to high impact activities
like sponsoring the globe Cup and therefore the Olympiad 'in 1996. however sadly none of
those helped it to lift its client base despite the high advertising pay. indeed cola benefited
additional by cathartic the “Nothing Official concerning It” campaign throughout constant
amount. whereas Pepsi's market share rose from twenty four per cent to twenty six.50 per
cent in only 2 months when the globe Cup, Coke's magnified from twelve per cent to only
twelve.5 per cent.
Coke's lack of freedom to require any call severally of its Atlanta headquarters was
additionally one amongll|one amongst|one in every of} the key reasons why it's not been as
nimble-footed as Pepsi Cola in evolving selling strategy in a quickly ever-changing business.
Flexibility is that the weapon that Coca-Cola has lacked since all controls ar unconditional
with Atlanta. Coke's trade promotions have followed a sure pattern, giving fat margins to
retailers for a restricted amount of your time -- while not exploring alternatives that raise the
extent of involvement for the vendor furthermore because the shopper.
In sharp distinction, flexibility has continuously been one in all the foremost vital weapons
within the hands of Pepsi Cola Company Asian nation. each manager and employee has the
authority to require no matter steps he or she feels can build customers responsive to the
whole and increase its consumption.
Says Mr. Sinha : “AII we tend to do is provide individuals a budget within which they need
to figure. however they are going regarding is totally up to them. we tend to ar performance
orienting and appearance at solely results, not at the strategies adopted to urge those results.”
The biggest thorn in Coke's strategy has been its long and bitter battle with its bottlers. The
conflicts have finally settled all the way down to a pattern that mirror its world expertise.
Coca-Cota Asian nation is floating 2 subsidiaries, India Coca-Cola and geographical region
Coca-Cola which is able to act as holding corporations for many of its bottling operations. so
giving the multinational possession and management over this significant a part of its
operations. Earlier the corporate had created the error of tight immense investments from its
bottlers without fear regarding the returns, assumptive that they might be willing to sustain
losses as long as Coca-Cola did. within the method, it alienated the previous Parle
franchisees, the Chauhans.According to mister. Chauhan there's an enormous distinction
between the type of investments Coke has in mind and therefore the reasonably investments
created by him. Coca-Cola is currently within the method of shopping for out bottling plants
settled in Patna and Kanpur, to of its vital northern markets. Mr. Sinha reveals his relations
with the bottlers by spoken communication that they're his partners and therefore the
management listens to them, that Coke last year did not do. each member of Pepsi's sales
team is meticulously schooled the mercantilism and show skills which will leverage the reach
of the company's bottling network to attain high visibility for the merchandise. so Pepsi Cola
Company {india|India|Republic of Asian nation|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} has used
its eight years in India to develop a relationship with its bottlers that allows it to figure in
bicycle with them. If Mr. Short will currently adopt Pepsi's methodology of transferring the
transnational's experience to its bottlers, his brands can profit.
Pricing is another consider that Pepsi Cola has continuously had the sting. Pepsi Cola has
systematically used its rating strategy as asking to sample, planning to flip trial into addiction.
It launched the 1996, its 1.5 cubic decimetre bottle followed Coke into the market share at
Rs. 30 -- Rs. five but Coke's. In each cases, Pepsi Cola raised the value once consumption
stable, relying on habit to make amends for the value hike. Coke at first carbon-copied the
strategy by introducing its 330ml. cans in January 1996 at asking value of Rs. fifteen before
raising it to Rs. 18. Mr. Short is currently employing a lower-priced smaller-sized version the
gain customers. The 200 ml. Coke launched (so far) in elements of jap, western and northern
Asian nation is priced at Rs. 6, lowering entry-barriers.
According to officers, by launching Thums Up and Limca in a very huge method, Coke can
gain lost ground. The twin-brand strategy, can facilitate Coke play the rating game against its
competitors. within the west and east, wherever Thums Up contains a dominant market share,
the transnational can slash the value of Coke that constitutes solely a minor share within the
overall volume. A reverse strategy are going to be followed within the north and south
wherever Coke sells additional then Thums Up.
Coca-Cola controlled the Indian market till 1977, once the Janta Party beat the Congress
party of then Prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi. To penalise Coca-Cola's Principal manufacturer, a
Congress party stalwart and long live Gandhi supporter, the Janata government demanded
that Coca-Cola transfer in sirup formuale to associate Indian subsidiary (Chakravarty, 43).
Coca-Cola backed and withdrew from the country. India, currently left while not each Coca-
Cola and Pepsi, became a protected market. within the in the meantime, India's 2 target
beverage producers have gotten made and lazy whereas dominant eightieth of the Indian
market. These domestic producers have very little incentive to expand their plants or develop
the country's doubtless monumental market. Some analyst reason that the Indian market is
also additional remunerative that the Chinese market, Bharat has 850 million potential
customers, one hundred fifty scores of whom comprise the center category, with income to
pay on Cars, VCRs and Computers. The Indian socio-economic class is growing at 100%
p.a., to get the license for Bharat, Pepsi had to export $5 of domestically created merchandise
for each $1 of materials it foreign, and it had to comply with facilitate the Indian government
to initiate a second agricultural revolution. Pepsi has additionally had to require associate
Indian partners. In the end, all Parties concerned appear to return out ahead. Pepsi gain
access to doubtless monumental market, Indian bottlers can get to serve a market that's
increasing quickly thanks to competition from abroad and can pay lower costs. Even before
the primary bottle of Pepsi hit the shelves, native beverage manufacturer exaggerated the
dimensions of their bottles by twenty fifth while not raising prices.
Coca-Cola Enterprises, established in 1886, may be a young company by the standards of the
Coca-Cola system. nonetheless every of its franchises incorporates a robust heritage within
the traditions of Coca-Cola that's the inspiration for this Company.
The Coca-Cola Company traces it’s setting out to 1886, once associate Atlanta pill pusher,
Dr. John Pemberton, began to supply Coca-Cola sirup available in fountain drinks. but the
bottling business began in 1899 once 2 Chattanooga businessmen, Benjamin F. Thomas and
Joseph B. Whitehead, secured the exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola for many of
the u. s. from The Coca-Cola Company.
The Coca-Cola bottling system continuing to control as freelance, native businesses till the
first Nineteen Eighties once bottling franchises began to consolidate. In 1986, The Coca-Cola
Company incorporate a number of its company-owned operations with 2 giant possession
teams that were available, the John T. Lupton franchises and BCI Holding Corporation's
bottling holdings, to make Coca-Cola Enterprises opposition. the corporate offered its stock
to the general public on November twenty one, 1986, at a split-adjusted worth of $5.50 a
share. On associate annual basis, total unit case sales were 880,000 in 1986.
In Gregorian calendar month 1991, a merger between Coca-Cola Enterprises and therefore
the full general Coca-Cola Bottling cluster, Inc. (Johnston) created a bigger, stronger
Company, once more serving to accelerate manufacturer consolidation. As a part of the
merger, the senior management team of full general assumed responsibility for managing the
corporate, and started a dramatic, self-made restructuring in 1992.Unit case sales had climbed
to one.4 billion, and total revenues were $5 billion
The Coca-Cola Company is that the world’s largest drink company. They operate in
additional than two hundred countries & markets quite 2800 drink merchandise.
Headquartered at Atlanta, Georgia, they use about 90500 workers everywhere the globe. it's
typically brought up merely as Coke or (in European and yank countries) as Cola or Pop.
Mission ,Vision & Values
The world is ever-changing all around U.S.. To still thrive as a business over ensuing 10
years and on the far side, we tend to should look ahead, perceive the trends and forces that
may form our business within the future and move fleetly to organize for what is to come
back. we tend to should make preparations for tomorrow these days. that is what our 2020
Vision is all regarding. It creates a long-run destination for our business and provides U.S.
with a "Road map" for winning at the side of our bottling partners.
Our Road map starts with our mission, that is enduring. It declares our purpose as an
organization and is the quality against that we tend to weigh our actions and selections.
• To refresh the planet...
• To inspire moments of optimism and happiness...
• To produce price and create a distinction
Our vision is the framework for our Road map and guides each side of our business by
describing what we'd like to accomplish so as to continue achieving property, quality growth.
• People: Be an excellent place to figure wherever folks area unit impressed to be the
most effective they'll be
• Portfolio: bring around the planet a portfolio of quality nutrient brands that anticipate
and satisfy people’s wishes and desires
• Partners: Nurture a winning network of consumers and suppliers, along we tend to
produce mutual, enduring price
• Planet: Be a accountable subject that creates a distinction by serving to build and
support property communities
• Profit: Maximize long-run come back to share house owners whereas being conscious
of our overall responsibilities
• Productivity: Be a extremely effective, lean and fast-moving organization
Our Winning Culture
Our Winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviors that may be needed folks to create
our 2020 Vision a reality.
Value Proposition
Values function a compass for our actions and describe however we tend to behave within the
• Leadership: The spirit to form an improved future
• Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
• Integrity: Be real
• Accountability: If it's to be, it’s up to American state
• Passion: Committed in heart and mind
• Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
• Quality: What we tend to do, we do well
Focus on the Market
• Focus on wants of our shoppers, customers and franchise partners
• Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn
• Possess a position
• Focus on execution within the marketplace each day
• Be insatiably curious
Work Smart
• Act with urgency
• Remain attentive to modification
• Have the spirit to vary course once required
• Remain constructively discontent
• Work with efficiency
Act Like house owners
• Be answerable for our actions and in actions
• Steward system assets and specialize in building price
• Reward our folks for taking risks and finding higher ways in which to unravel issues
• Learn from our outcomes -- what worked and what didn’t
Company Profile India
Coke gained associate degree early advantage over Pepsi Cola since it took over Parle in
1994. therefore it had prepared access to over two,00,000 retail merchant shops and sixty
Thus Coke had bigger than Pepsi Cola as a result of it had prepared access to the Parle
network. as an example in 1994 Pepsi Cola had twenty bottlers to serve the complete country
whereas Coke had Parle’s sixty bottlers. In a crucial market like Delhi Pepsi Cola had only
one manufacturing business whereas Coke had four. On the opposite hand Pepsi Cola had
condemned the Dukes Mangola of Mumbai.
In 1993, Pepsi Cola Foods Ltd. had management over the Rs. 1,100 - large integer Indian
Soft Drinks market. At that point, the soft drinks trycoon Ramesh Chauhan, was heading the
Parle cluster and at that point was deciding to explore the chance of commercialism his best
rolling brands to Coke, instead of to Pepsi Cola. Pepsi Cola had entered the market three
years before Coke did. Before the Coke-Parle tie-up in '93- Ramesh Chauhan had two
choices before him- (1) to stay around, fight it out once more and hopefully, continue
together with his darling position. (2) to sell resolute Coca-Cola for an honest come. This
risk of losing resolute one among the multinationals, eventually, gave the impression to be
throwing up the second different. Ramesh Chauhan told business world (India's preferred
business magazine) that "it is healthier to hunt a compromise than to fight a lone battle".
however he was with wisdom at the same time taking steps to safeguard his market share. in a
very few months, Parle's merchandise are going to be launched in 250 millilitre instead the
present two hundred millilitre. The indications area unit that the corporate can hold the value
line. Incidentally, each Pepsi Cola and Coke (if it finally gets in) can price quite native
brands as a result of the three hundredth punctually on the foreign ingredients. However, this
state of affairs was happening pre-liberalization amount and therefore silent a awfully high
duty on foreign things.
Entry of Pepsi Cola and Coke in Bharat or their proposals were at that point being opposed as
a result of the impact of 1st - strike on the minds of customers. If Coca-Cola is allowed a
simple and fast entry through a window established by the govt, there is no justification for
denying similar access to Pepsi Cola Co.
Basically what was wrong at that point with the Coke proposal was that whereas the Pepsi
Cola deal might bear beneath the camouflage of horticultures and agriculture development as
their proposal expressed, a pure thusft drinks project wasn't so politically appetising (as it'd
greatly hamper the native industry).
Coke had plans, to speculate $ twenty million in Bharat and Pepsi Cola was about to pump in
Rs. three hundred large integer additional. Ramesh Chauhan greatest compulsion, to ninety
certain the second choice was that several of his biggest bottlers were making ready to
abandon him for Coke, .since the bottlers accounted for nearly common fraction of Parle's
sales. Parle's biggest bottles within the Easter region,. Goenka, accounted for eightieth
market share in Calcutta, felt that the longer term lay with Coca-Cola, no Indian company
had the monetary muscle to require on Coke.
Also, there was the foremost convincing issue for the tie-up, that Parle's Position within the
Indian soft drinks market associate degreed Coca-Cola's selling strengths and skill would
build an unbeatable combination. At that point in line with the world’s preferred and
standard magazine, Fortune, had rated Coke because the world's best complete. Even Coke
would greatly have the benefit of the tie-up, as Coke with Parle’s wide unfold bottling and
distribution network, that was adjoin quite m cities and cities and also the gradual withdraw
of Parle complete would guarantee Coke would be the king. Parle's best noted brands
embrace Thums Up, Limca, Citra et al. were GOLD SPOT and Maaza.
The biggest advantage to Parle from the tie-up would be a rapid gain of $ forty million, that
might be used fruitfully in alternative ventures.
According to a report the deal was that, Parle Exports had transferred the rights of all its
supposed soft drinks brands to Coca-Cola company, USA. In short, Coca-Cola Company
became the exclusive owner of Thums Up, Limca, Gold Spot, Citra and Maaza and will so,
withdraw them from the market whenever it'd wish to.
Under the agreement, the prevailing bottlers of Parle Exports would still turn out Parle
brands beneath the licence from the Coca-Cola company. The U.S. transnational projected to
introduce its international brands -Coke, Fanta associate degreed spiritual being at an
acceptable time. The Parle bottlers are going to be bottling these coco palm - Cola brands
additionally. the precise nature of Parle, Coca-Cola tie-up is given below :
So, Ramesh Chauhan, sold his beverage brands of the U.S. Multinatinal for ($ forty million)
and is presently a significant Coke manufacturing business. Delhi - primarily based Parle
Chairman gave up his possession of his soft drinks complete (Thums Up, Limca, Citra and
Gold Spot) and was awarded the bottling franchisee for Delhi, Bombay, Surat and
Ahmedabad. Coke depends on the fifty four bottling plants that it absolutely was heritable
from the Parle by out.
So, logically all brands of Parle still as Coca-Cola are going to be marketed along. the sole
drawback being that Parle bottlers wouldn't be ready to meet the peculiar quality needs of
 Carbonated soft drink growth 10-15%
 Estimated PCC to increase to 6-8 bottles
 Weak infrastructure (esp. Cooling)
 Small retailers, less shelf space
 Heavy excise duty (40%), recently have
come down a little
 Cans have to be imported at high duty
 Problems of empty bottles
 Low PCC as compared to neighboring
 Growing rural market internecine
 Rising disposable income
 Changingconsumertrendsdue tosatellite
 Political risks
 Coke and Pepsi indulging in
1. To study the marketing strategies adopted by Coca-Cola
2. To study the advertising effectiveness Coca-Cola on customer
3. To analyze the awareness of consumer regarding Coca Cola.
4. To conclude for further changes in the quality, pricing, and policies.
Research design
The Research available is descriptive so that to study the marketing strategies used by coca-
Sources of Data collection: Data was collected from different sources such as-
Primary Source: Data collected by questionnaire.
Secondary Source: Internet, books and mazagine
It was observed that Coca-Cola has been perceived quite positively as it has been projected.
People are aware of the Brand & Awareness of Coca-Cola is quite high in the market. When
a product is launched, avid Coke drinkers choose this soda over any other competitor simply
because it's a Coca-Cola product and they trust it.
Although Coke has been into controversies, people still prefer to stay loyal to the Brand with
Coca-Cola being termed as a more popular brand than Pepsi.
Coca-Cola products would appear, on the shelf, to have the most expensive range of soft
drinks common to supermarkets, at almost double the cost of no name brands. This can be
for several reasons apart from just to cover the extra costs of promotions, for which no name
brands do without. When people buy Coca-Cola they are not just buying the beverage but
also the image that goes with it, therefore to have the price higher reiterates the fact that the
product is of a better quality than the rest and that the consumer is not cheap.
In supermarkets and convenience stores Coca-Cola has their own fridge which contains only
their products. There is little personal selling, but that is made up for in public relations and
corporate image. Coca-Cola sponsors a lot of events including sports and recreational
After completing our project I would conclude with some recommendation for the Coca Cola
company, which are following.
 Coca Cola Company should try to emphasis more on providing their infrastructure
support like promotional displays and freezers in the market to facilitate their
 According to the survey, conducted by the international firm Pakistani people like
little bit sweeter Cola drink. So for this Coca Cola company should produce their
product according to the local demand.
 Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coke in rural areas.

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Coca-cola project

  • 2. 2 AMITY UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT is between the office of the register Amity university lucknow and ROHIT GUPTA a student presently studying at the AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, Lucknow Campus The student named above desires to undertake Dissertation / training program as student in the institute / Department / Center AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, Amity University as a part of his studies. The competent authority of the institute where the student is presently studying has officially recommended the student, confirming his antecedents, track record and good moral character. CONFIDENTIALITY: Confidential information means any information of a secret or confidential nature relating to the internship / training workplace. Confidential information may include, but is not limited to, trade secrets, proprietary information, customer information, customer lists, methods, plans, documents, data, drawings, manuals, notebooks, reports, models, inventions, formulas, processes, software, information system, contracts, negotiations, strategic planning, proposals, business, alliances, and trading materials and / or any other intellectual property of the University. The student / intern agrees to observe the confidentiality requirements of the Amity University, its Disciplinary procedure in all respects and any additional requirements set out by the Amity University. Specifically, the students / intern agree to observe confidentiality in the following respects. As University intern, I agree that: 1. I will use confidential information only as needed by me to perform my legitimate duties as intern. This means, among other things that. A. I will not seek confidential information for which I have no legitimate need to know, B. I will not any way divulge share, copy, release sell loan revise, alter or destroy any confidential information except as properly authorized within the scope of my internship:
  • 3. 3 C. I will not misuse confidential information or carelessly care for confidential information; and D. I will strive to protect the privacy of all confidential information that I come into contact with. 2. I will safeguard and will not disclose my access code or any other authorization I have that allows me to access confidential information. I accept responsibility for all activities undertaken using my access code and other authorization. 3. I will report to my Head / supervisor activities by any individual or entity that I suspect may compromise the confidently of confidential. Reports made in good faith about suspect activities will be held in confidence to the extent permitted by law, including the identity of the individual reporting the activities; 4. I will be responsible for my misuse or wrongful disclosure of confidential information and for my failure to safeguard my access code or other authorization to access confidential information. I understand that I have no right or ownership interest in any confidential information referred to in this agreement. The University may at any time revoke my access code, other authorization or access or confidential information. At all time during my internship with Amity University , I will act in the best interests of PMC. I have read and understand the above definition of “ confidential information “ I agree that I will not at any time, both during and after my enrollment in University Internship, communicate or disclose confidential information to any person corporation or entity. It is understood that any breach of confidentiality will result in immediate termination of the internship and that a report of the breach will be made by the concerned Head of Institution. HAVE READ THE ABOVE CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT AND AGREE TO ITS TERMS. AGREED ROHIT GUPTA /03/2015 Signature of Authorized signatory of the institution (Institution deputing the students)
  • 4. 4 Synopsis for Term paper A project report on study of marketing strategies of coca cola .Different methods used by the company to boost their sales and to beat their competitors. Student’s Name ROHIT GUPTA Enrolment No A7004614054 Program B.COM (HONS.) Industry / Organization’s name AMITY UNIVERSITY Address AMITY UNIVERSITY MALHOUR CAMPUS, NEAR MALHOUR RAILWAY STATION , LUCKNOW External Guide’s Name DR.SHOBHIT GOEL Asst. professor Contract Details Mobile: 9415469880 Email:
  • 5. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special thanks of feeling to my guide Dr. Shobhit Goel sir who gave me the golden chance to try and do this glorious project on the marketing that additionally helped me in doing lot of analysis and that I came to understand concerning such a lot of new things I m extremely glad to them. Secondly I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me to prepare the project in this limited time frame.
  • 6. 6 STUDENT CERTIFICATE Certified that the report is prepared based on the term paper project undertaken by me in STUDY OF MARKETING STRATEGIES OF COCA-COLA under the guidance of Professor DR. SHOBHIT GOEL in partial fulfillment of the requirement for award of degree of Bachelor of Commerce B.Com(H) from Amity University , Uttar Pradesh. DATE: ROHIT GUPTA DR. SHOBHIT GOEL Prof.V.P. SAHI (Student) (Faculty guide) (Director ABS)
  • 7. 7 FACULTY CERTIFICATE Forwarded here with a term paper report on STUDY OF MARKETING STRATEGIES OF COCA-COLA submitted by ROHIT GUPTA Enrollment no. A7004614054 student of B.COM (HONS) 1stsemester (2014-2017) This project work is partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Commerce from Amity University, Lucknow Campus, Uttar Pradesh. DR. SHOBHIT GOEL Assistant Professor AMITY UNIVERSITY LUCKNOW CAMPUS UTTAR PRADESH
  • 8. 8 DECLARATION “STUDY OF MARKETING STRATEGIES OF COCA-COLA” I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard I declare that a) The work submitted by me in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of degree Bachelor of Commerce (Honors) assessment in this report is my own; it has not previously been presented for another assessment. b) I declare that this report is my original work. Wherever work from other source has been appropriately acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the requirements of NTCC Regulations and Guidelines. c) I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other person to submit it as my own. d) I have not permitted, and will not permit, anybody to copy my work with the purpose of passing it off as his or her own work. e) The work conforms to the guidelines for layout, content and style as set out in the Regulations and Guidelines.
  • 11. 11 INTRODUCTION ABOUT COLD DRINK INDUSTRY It all began in 1886, once a three legged brass kettle in Hohn Styth , sugar was caramelised that is currently the chief ingredient of the world’s favorite drink. The sweetening combined with effervescent the beverage market. it's calculable that this drink is served quite one thousand million times in an exceedingly day. Equally oblivious to the historic price of his actions was Frank Ix. Robinson, his partner and book keeper. Pemberton & Robinson ordered the primary foundation of this drinkable once a median 9 drinks per day to start with, upping volumes as sales grew. In 1894, this drinkable got into bottle, courtesy a candy businessperson from Mississippi. By the 1950’s Colas were a daily consumption item, hold on in house hold fridges. shortly were born alternative non- Cola variants of this product like orange & Lemon. Now, the beverage business has been dominated by 3 major player – (1) The big apple primarily based Pepsi Cola co. Inc.(2) The Atlanta primarily based cola co. (3) The uk primarily based Cadbury Schweppes. Throughout the world these major players are battling it. Out for an even bigger chunk of the ever-growing cold drink market. currently this battle has begun in Bharat too. Inida is currently the a part of cold drink war. Gone ar days of Ramesh Chauhan, India’s only once Cola king and his bouts of handgun shooting. Expect currently to listen to the boon of cannons once the cola & Pepsi Cola co. battle it out for, because the Jordon goes an even bigger share of throat. By shopping for over native competition, the 2 yank Cola giants have cleared up {the arna|stage|the theater|the podium|the rostrum} and are packing all their power behind building the Indian franchisee of their globe girdling brands. the large quantity endowed in fracture has ne'er been seen before. each players seen a colossal potential in his country wherever swigging a effervescent drinkable remains thought-about a treat, just about a luxury. Consequently, by world standards India’s per capita consumption of cold drinks as going by survey results is all-time low, but over Neighbors Pakistan & East Pakistan, wherever it's fourfold the maximum amount. Behind the publicity, in a shot invisible to shopper Pepsi pumps in Rs 3000 crores (1994) to feature muscle to its infrastructure in bottling and distribution. this is often with the exception of cash that company’s franchised bottles pay in upgrading their plants all this has contributed to substantial gains within the market. In Colas, Pepsi is already market leader and in bound cities like Banaras , Pepsi shops ar on one facet & all the opposite Colas place along on the opposite. whereas Coke govt backside at Pepsi’s claims also as targets, business observers ar of the read that Pepsi has positively purloined lots from its contender Coke. Apart from numbers, Pepsi has created qualitative gains. The foremost is its image. This image turnaround isn't any little achievements, considering that since it had been established in 1989, taking the hardship route before relaxation and weighed down by export commitments.
  • 12. 12 Now, at the moment as there ar 3 major players Coke, Pepsi and Cadbury and there's stiff competition between initial 2, each Pepsi and Coke have started, sponsoring native events and staging frequent shopper promotion campaigns. because the mega event of this century has started, and therefore the marketers ar exploitation this event – tournament soccer, cricket events and lots of a lot of alternative events. Like Pepsi, Coke is discovering equity in its bottles to ensure their money support; one facet Coke is making an attempt to extend its quality through. The success of sentimental drink business depends upon four major factors viz. Availability Visibility Cooling Range AVAILABILITY Availability suggests that the presence of a selected complete at any outlet. If a product is currently accessible at any outlet and therefore the contender complete is offered, the buyer can opt for the outlet as a result of usually the consumption of Associate in Nursingy potable is an impulse call and not preset one. VISIBILITY Visibility is that the presence felt, if any outlet includes a specific complete of sentimental drink say- Pepsi Cola and this complete isn't displayed within the outlet, then its availableness is of no use. The potable should be shown off properly and beautifully thus on catch the eye of the buyer right away Pepsi achieves visibility by providing glow signboards, hoarding, calendars etc. to the shops. It conjointly includes varied stands to show Pepsi and alternative flavours of the corporate. COOLING As the thusft drinks ar consumed chilled so cooling them plays a significant role in boosting up the sales. The brand, that is offered chilled, gets a lot of sale than the one that isn't, notwithstanding it's a lot of most popular one. RANGE This is the last however not the smallest amount issue, that affects the sale of the merchandise of a selected company.
  • 14. 14 MARKETING MIX OF COCA-COLA 1. PRODUCT The product (Coca-Cola soft drink) includes not simply the liquid within however conjointly the packaging. On the product-service time we tend to see that a drinkable provides very little service, with the exception of the convenience. Soft drinks satisfy the necessity of thirst. However, folks ar perpetually completely different, some wish additional et al wish less. thus Coca-Cola has created allowances for that by providing several sizes. we tend to even have explicit tastes, and once more they need provided many choices. So, though thirst is what's required to be glad which is that the core profit, we tend to ar receiving different edges within the style and size. Coca-Cola has developed many completely different flavours and sizes as mentioned on top of, however conjointly many brands like spiritual being, Lift, Fanta and Diet Coke that increase the merchandise line length, so creating full use of the market to maximise sales. The product is convenient, that's - bought oft, right away, and with a minimum of comparison and shopping for effort.The appearance of the merchandise is eye catching with the intense red color. it's a unambiguously designed bottle form that matches in your hand higher, and creates a nicer & additional art movement look. The quality of the drinkable is required to be often high. Sealed caps make sure that none of the "fizz" is lost. The bottles ar light-weight, with versatile packaging, so that they will not crack or leak, and aren't too serious to nonchalantly walk around with. The cans also are light-weight and safe. The product vary of Coca-Cola includes: • Coca-Cola, • Coca-Cola classic, • Caffeine free Coca-Cola, • Diet Coke • Caffeine free diet Coke, • Diet Coke with lemon • Vanilla Coke, • Diet Vanilla Coke, • Cherry Coke,
  • 15. 15 • Diet Cherry Coke, • Fanta complete soft drinks, • Sprite, • Diet spiritual being • Sprite Remix Product Lifecycle of Coke: Product life cycle has four phases 1. Introduction 2. Growth 3. Maturity 4. Decline. The markets wherever Coke may be a dominant player ar us of America, Europe and Asia, Africa. there's a huge distinction in terms of on top of given phases as an example, in U.S.A & Europe it's reached maturity stage wherever it can’t expand its market additional however if we tend to take into account Asia, it's still within the growth part. Coca-Cola is presently browsing the maturity stage in Western countires. This maturity stage lasts longer than all different stages. Management has got to pay special attention to product throughout this stage of the merchandise life-cycle. throughout the maturity stage, product sometimes bear a lag in sales growth. in keeping with Coca-Cola's 2001 annual report, sales have redoubled by one.02% compared to last year. This share has no comparison to the high level of growth Coca-Cola enjoyed throughout its growth stage. to feature alittle variation Coca-Cola took the Coca-Cola Classic and more variations thereto, as well as Cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke and Diet Coke. conjointly Coca-Cola went from 6-oz. glass bottles to 8-oz. cans to plastic cubic decimeter bottles, all serving to increase consumption.
  • 16. 16 2.PRICE Like any company UN agency has with success endured a century of existence, Coca- Cola has had to stay staggeringly fluent with their rating strategy. they need had the privilege of a worthy challenger perpetually driving them to be smarter, faster, and better. A quote from Pepsi Cola Co's chief executive officer "The additional productive they're, the grifter we've to be. If the Coca-Cola Company did not exist, we'd pray for somebody to create them." states it merely. the connection between Coca-Cola & Pepsi Cola could be a healthy one that every corporation has learned to understand. Throughout the years Coca-Cola has created several rating selections however one would possibly say that their final goal has continually been to maximise investor worth. As Cola consumption has attenuated within the US Colas have return to comprehend the untapped international market. In 2003 each Coke and Pepsi Cola had a solid presence in Republic of India and had every introduced a 300mL bottle. so as to grab market share Pepsi Cola began to drop costs (even with summer approaching, that was contrary to policy in America). Shortly thenceforth, Coca-Cola set to drop their costs slightly, however targeted on the reduced worth purpose of their 200mL instrumentation. Coca- Cola planned to use the {lower worth|lower cost|cheaper price} purpose to penetrate new cities that were particularly price sensitive. The effervescent potable market in Republic of India is sort of thirty seventh of the full nutrient market there. This low worth strategy wasn't unfamiliar with to Coca-Cola. each Coke & Pepsi Cola utilised an occasional worth strategy within the early Nineteen Nineties. when annihilating the low worth store brands, Coke selected to reposition itself as a "Premium" whole so raise costs. Coca-Cola product would seem, on the shelf, to possess the foremost high-priced vary of soppy drinks common to supermarkets, at virtually double the value of no name brands. this may be for many reasons aside from simply to hide the additional prices of promotions, that no name brands do while not. It creates client perceptions and values. once individuals purchase Coca-Cola they're not simply shopping for the nutrient however additionally the image that goes with it, thus to possess the worth higher reiterates the actual fact that the merchandise is of a stronger quality than the remainder which the buyer isn't low-cost. this is often called value-based rating and is employed by several alternative industries in attracting shoppers. In India, the common financial gain of a rural employee is Rs.500 a month. cola launched a two hundred cubic centimetre bottle for simply Rs.5, an inexpensive quantity on the pockets of the agricultural audience.
  • 17. 17 3.PLACE Coca-Cola entered foreign markets in varied ways in which. the foremost common modes of entry ar direct exportation, licensing and franchising. Besides beverages and their special syrups, Coca-Cola additionally directly exports its merchandise to overseas distributors and corporations. aside from exportation, the corporate markets internationally by licensing bottlers round the world and provision them with the sirup required to provide the merchandise. There ar differing types of franchising. the kind that's employed by Coca-Cola Company is manufacturer-sponsored jobber franchise system. it's terribly adore licensing however the sole distinction is that the finished product ar oversubscribed to the retailers in native market. Coca Cola has managed their company’s promoting and sales strategy inside channels. have you ever ever thought-about the importance of the Coke slot machine to the success and gain of the dope company? This channel is direct to client and vendition machines typically have very little to no competition and no trade or worth promotions. The Coke Company operates 3 primary delivery systems for its business channels: • Bulk delivery for the channels of huge Supermarkets, Mass Merchandisers and Club stores; • For smaller channels Coke will advanced sale delivery for convenience stores, drug stores, little supermarkets and on-premise fountain accounts. • Full service delivery for its full service vendition customers. Key Channel Listing • Supermarkets • Convenience Stores • Fast Food • Petroleum Retailers • Chain Drug Stores • Hotels/Motels/Resorts • Mass Merchan-disers
  • 18. 18 • U.S. United States Department of Defense Military merchandising retail commands: AAFES, NAVRESSO and DECA GETTING SHELVES They get or purchase shelves in massive division stores and show their product in this shelves in this vogue that show their product additional clear and additional enticing for the shoppers. EYE CATCHING POSITION Salesman of the dope company positions their freezers and their product in attention-getting positions. commonly they keep their freezers close to the doorway of the stores. 4.PROMOTION Company conjointly do sponsorships with completely different faculty and school’s cafes and sponsors their sports events and alternative additional program activities for obtaining market share. UTC SCHEME UTC mean beneath the crown theme, dope typically do that kind of theme and that they provide terribly handy prizes in it. Like once they provide bicycles, caps, tv sets, money prizes etc. This theme is incredibly a lot of widespread among kids. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Coca Cola Company makes 2 sorts of commerce 1. Direct commerce 2. Indirect commerce Direct commerce In direct commerce they provide their product in retailers by exploitation their own transports. they need nearly 450 vehicles to provide their bottles. during this kind of commerce company have additional ratio. Indirect commerce They have their whole sellers and agencies to hide all space. as a result of it's terribly troublesome for them to hide all space of Islamic Republic of Pakistan by their own so that they have such a big amount of whole sellers and agencies to assure their customers for accessibility of dope product.
  • 19. 19 FACILITATING the merchandise BY INFRASTRUCTURE For providing their product in sensible manner company has provided infrastructure these includes: • Vizi cooler • Freezers • Display racks • Free empty bottles and shells for bottles ADVERTISEMENT Coca Cola Company use completely different mediums • Print media • Pos material • Tv industrial • Billboards and holdings PRINT MEDIA They typically use medium for advertizing. they need a separate department for medium. POS Material Pos material mean purpose of sale material this includes: posters and stickers show within the stores and in numerous areas. TV COMMERCIALS As everyone recognize that TV may be a commonest amusing medium therefore TV commercials is one amongst the foremost enticing approach of doing advertizing. therefore dope Company will regular TV commercials on completely different channels. BILLBOARDS AND HOLDINGS Coca Cola is incredibly a lot of aware regarding their billboards and holdings. they need such a big amount of sites in numerous locations for his or her billboards.
  • 20. 20 PEST ANALYSIS As the leading beverages company within the world, cola virtually monopolizes the whole effervescent beverages phase. Beside it, cola additionally maintain their name because the leading company within the world mistreatment tormentor Analysis in order that cola will examine the macro-environment of Coca Cola’s operations. Political When cola had determined to enter a rustic to distribute the product, cola was observance the policies and laws of every country. For the instance, once coming into Moslems country like Dutch East Indies or Asian country, cola followed the regulation by adding “Halal” stamp in every Coca Cola’s product. during this case, cola has no political problems during this matter. Economic Coca Cola additionally has low growth within the marketplace for effervescent beverages (North America). The market growth was a hundred and twenty fifth in 2004. for exciting the expansion, cola had spent high budget of advertising to endorse the shoppers. Social Nowadays, customers tend to vary their style. Customers additional privy to health consciousness by reducing in drinking effervescent beverages to stop polygenic disease or different diseases. As a result, Coca Cola’s demand for effervescent beverages has remittent {and the|and therefore the|and additionally the} revenues also remittent. Thus, cola diversify the product by adding production lines in tea (Nestea), juices (Minute Maid), drinking water (Dasani and Ades), and sport drinks (Powerade), and others. Technological Because of the developing technology, cola has advanced technology in manufacturing the product. Then, cola created innovations by giving flavors to the Coke, like Cherry Coke, Diet Coke, cola Zero, Coke with Lime, and others. But, the shoppers still like the first style of ancient Coke; it are often seen by the high demands in ancient Coke.
  • 21. 21 PRODUCT POSITIONING One necessary issue should be detected that Thums Up could be a sturdy whole in western and southern India, whereas dope is powerful in Northern and jap Asian nation. With volumes of Thums Up being low within the capital, there ar possible probabilities of dope dynamic the costs of Thums Up to Rs. five and still sell dope at the same rate. Analysts feel that this strategy could facilitate Coke since it's two Cola brands compared to cola that has only 1. Thums Up accounts for four-hundredth of dope company's flip over, followed by dope that encompasses a twenty third share and Limca that accounts for Revolutionary Organization 17 November of the flip over of the corporate. (Thums up being the native drink, its share within the market is undamaged, forcing the corporate to service the whole, because it did last year Mr. Donald short chief executive officer, dope Asian nation, said that, " we are going to be fully snug if Thums Up isn't any. one whole for U.S.A. in Asian nation within the year 2005. we are going to sell no matter customers desires U.S.A. to". dope Asian nation has positioned Thums up as a food related to journey as a result of its sturdy style and conjointly creating it vie with cola as even cola is related to journey, youth.
  • 22. 22 PORTER’S FIVE FORCE MODEL Most of the ingredients required for beverages and snacks ar basic commodities like potatoes, flavor, color, caffein sugar, packaging etc. therefore the producers of those commodities don't have any talks power over the evaluation for this reason; the suppliers during this business ar weak. Bargaining Power of consumers Buyers during this business have the talks power, as a result of main supply of the revenue and market share in nutrient and food business ar sustenance fountain, convenience stores food stores hawking etc. The profit margins in every of those segments perceptibly demonstrate the customer power and the way special consumers pay various costs supported their power to discount. Threat of latest Entrant There ar several factors that create it arduous whole spanking new|for brand new} player to enter the nutrient business a number of necessary factors ar brand image and loyalty, advertising expense, bottling network, retail distribution concern of return and international offer chain. Brand Image / Loyalty Pepsi and Coke endlessly that specialize in increasing their biggest nutrient and food product, they has engineered a number of the globe’s strongest brands that ar dear by customers throughout the globe. Innovative promoting has leveraged their worldwide brand-building strength to connect with customers in vital ways that and impel the expansion globally. These all campaign ends up in higher quantity of loyal customer’s and powerful complete equity throughout the globe. In 2011, Coca-Cola was declared the world’s most dear complete in line with Interbrand’s best international complete. This makes it not possible for brand spanking new entrance to enter the nutrient business simply. Advertising pay Cock and dope has terribly effective crusade, their advertising conjointly represent the cultures of various countries. They conjointly sponsor completely different games and groups and conjointly featured in countlesstelevision programs and films. The promoting and advertising expense was close to $ fifteen billion. This makes landscape terribly tougher for brand spanking new players to succeed. Threat of Substitute product Large numbers of substitutes ar accessible within the market like water, tea, juices occasional etc. however corporations counter them with innovative promoting and large advertising that build growth for his or her brands by light their advantages. Players conjointly differentiate themselves by well-known international trade marks, complete equity and convenience of the product that most of the substitute product cannot contest. to shield themselves from
  • 23. 23 competition players in potable business provide Diversify product like like dope offers soft drinks (Pepsi, Slice, Mountain Dew), beverages (Tropicana Juices, Dole Juices, Lipton tea, Aquafina drinking water, Sport drinks, Tropicana Juices), Snacks (Rold Gold pretzels and Frito-Lay). Coke conjointly offers most varied vary of product like Cola-Cola Cherry, Coca- Cola Vanilla, Diet Coke, Diet Coke Caffeine-Free, Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola and vary of lime or occasional and lemon. Competitive contention among associate degree business Beverage business competition are often classified as a Duopoly with dope and cola. Themarket share of different competitors is just too low to encourage any worth wars. Cola- Cola gets competitive advantage through the well-known international trade marks by achieving the premium costs. It suggests that Cola-Cola have one thing that their competitors don't have. whereas dope has leveraged its worldwide brand-building strength to connect with customers in vital ways that and impel the expansion globally BRAND LOYALITY From a promoting strategy viewpoint, whole loyalty may be a important thought. notably in today's low-growth and extremely competitive market-place, holding brand-loyal customers is vital for survival; and it's typically a a lot of economical strategy than attracting new customers. Indeed, it's calculable that it prices the typical company sixfold a lot of to draw in a replacement client than to carry a current one. whole loyalty is usually thought of as an enclosed commitment to get and repurchase a selected whole. As a behavior development whole loyalty is solely repeat purchase behavior. Both psychological feature and behavior approaches to learning whole loyalty have worth. we have a tendency to outline whole loyalty as repeat purchase intentions and behaviors. whereas the most important focus of our discussion is on whole loyalty as a behavior, we would like to emphasise that psychological feature processes powerfully influence the event and maintenance of this behavior. Brand loyalty could also be the results of in depth psychological feature activity and call marking. Brand-loyal behavior might occur while not the patron ever comparison different brands. choices ought to be created regarding wherever and once to get the merchandise; some data of the product and its handiness should be activated from memory; intentions to get foot and satisfaction influence the acquisition behaviors. The marketplace for a selected whole might be analyzed in terms of the amount of customers in every class, and methods might be developed to boost ibe whole loyalty of explicit teams. i) Undivided whole loyalty is, of course, an ideal. In some cases, customers might purchase solely one whole and precede purchase if it's not accessible.
  • 24. 24 ii) Brand loyalty with AN occasional piece of material is probably going to be a lot of common, though. customers might switch often for a spread of reasons: their usual whole could also be out of stock, {a new|a replacement|a whole new} brand might return on the market and tried once, a competitive whole is obtainable at a special low value, or a distinct whole is purchased for a special day. iii) Brand-loyalty switches square measure a competitive goal in low-growth or declining markets. However, switch loyalty from one to a different of the brands of an equivalent firm is advantageous. iv) Divided whole loyalty refers to consistent purchase of 2 or a lot of brands. v) Brand indifference refers to purchases with no apparent repurchase pattern. this can be the other extreme from undivided whole loyalty. whereas we have a tendency to suspect total whole indifference isn't common, some customers of some merchandise might exhibit this pattern. Developing a high degree of brand name loyalty among customers is a very important goal of selling strategy. nevertheless the speed of usage by numerous customers can not be unnoticed. For simplicity, we've got divided the size into four classes of customers instead of contemplate every dimension as a time. The on top of figure shows that achieving brand-loyal customers is most beneficial once the customers are serious users. This figure might even be used as a strategic toot by plotting customers of each the firm's brands and competitive brands on the premise of brand name loyalty and usage rates. counting on the placement of customers and whether or not they area unit loyal to the firm's complete or a competitive one, many ways could be useful; 1. If the sole profitable section is that the brand-loyal serious user, concentrate on shift client loyalty to the firm's brands. 2. If there's a spare range of brand-loyal lightweight users, concentrate on increasing their usage of the firm's complete. 3. If there's a spare range of brand-indifferent serious users, conceive to build the firm's brand a salient attribute and/or develop a brand new relative advantage. 4. If there's a spare range of brand-indifferent lightweight users, conceive to build the firm's brand a salient attribute and increase usage of the firm's complete among customers, maybe by finding a property relative advantage. 5. it's additionally necessary to plot customers of competitive brands to develop acceptable ways. If one competition dominates the brand-loyal heavy- user market and has an excessive amount of market power to be overcome, then ways might have to be compelled to be centered on different markets.
  • 25. 25 Brand Loyalty and Usage Rate COMPARING THE MARKETING STRATEGIES OF COKE WITH PEPSI Have Coca-Cola Asian nation Bharat |Asian country| Asian nation} and cola India square measure latched during a bitter battle for market share. to date cola has won, outselling Coke twenty seven.1% to 10.8% (All Asian nation|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} Market Share) however Coke's new strategy adopted in India which supplies Thums Up the native complete it nonheritable in 1993-94 from Parle exports - prime promoting priority which might hurt cola within the long-term. COKE'S STRATEGIC MOVE SINCE 1993 Four years when it entered the Rs. 1,800 large integer Indian soft drinks market, Coca-Cola is finally rousing to reality and duplicating the strategy of arch rival cola. In these four years the corporate has with success managed to use up the sixty nine per cent market share of -the 5 Parle brands -- Thums Up, Limca, Citra, Gold Spot and Maaza -- that it bought from the Chauhan brothers. Wrong strategy : making an attempt to push solely its North American nation complete, ignoring the Indian-acquired brands and failing to strike a chord with Indian customers by not victimisation localised advertising campaigns. Donald Short, corporate executive of cola Republic of India. Mr. Short is making an attempt to realize what his predecessors, Jaydev Raja and Richard P. Nicholas unwell, could not. His Brand Loyalty Brand - loyal, Heavy users Brand-Loyal, Light Users Light Usage Brand-Indifferent, light users Brand-Indifferent, heavy-users Heavy Usage Brand Indifference
  • 26. 26 new mantra: liquidate Republic of India as cola does( because the famed oral communication at Coke Atlanta, do because the Atlantans do). Like Pepsi, Coke has started sponsoring native events and staging frequent client promotion campaigns. it's started learning equity stakes in its bottlers to ensure them financial backing tho' its bullying techniques on paying compensation have drawn sharp criticism. it's finally started cathartic locally-created ads, victimisation Indian idiom to strike a chord with customers. and eventually it's started pushing its strike a chord with customers. and eventually it's started pushing its Indian brands -- semiconductor diode by Thums Up -instead of specializing in solely its flagship. After years of ingestion, sleeping and drinking movies, cricket and Coke, Coca-Cola is finally rousing to the strength of the native brands that it took over from Ramesh Chauhan in 1994. once Coca-Cola came to, Asian nation|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} it had hoped to continue its legendary competition with cola world-wide and it had been expected that the India would fade away. thus Coca-Cola pushed its own complete. however someone forgot to narrate constant script to Indian customers WHO insisted that they wished their thunder back. Coca-Cola has currently reconciled to the actual fact that Thums Up and Limca square measure the 2 hottest potable brands in Republic of India, particularly within the western and southern regions. Keeping this in mind the corporate has lined up AN aggressive promoting campaign to push the 2 brands within the domestic market. Mr. Short's new strategy, Thums Up contributes forty per cent of Coca-Cola India’s turnover whereas Limca accounts for an additional seventeen per cent. Coke itself accounts for twenty three per cent. The balance comes from Coke's different brands, as well as Fanta. Citra and Maaza. In terms of all-India market share. Thums Up has sixteen per cent whereas Coke has ten.8 per cent. the maximum amount as thirty per cent to thirty five per cent of Coca-Cola India’s expenditure in 1998 are dedicated to promoting Thums Up. Limca can command fifteen per cent to eighteen per cent, marginally not up to the twenty per cent to twenty five per cent which can be spent on promoting Coke. Despite being a world complete, cola has engineered its success on meeting the Indian consumer's wants, significantly in terms of constructing the complete synchronize with localized events and traditions. By giving free cola with idli it tried to beat Thums Up and Coke within the south. In urban center, wherever Coke continuously incorporates a giant hold, cola joined itself with neighborhood cricket tournaments. In city it associated itself with Holi and offered free color sachets with cola bottles. Says Mr. Sinha, corporate
  • 27. 27 executive of cola : “We recruited native salesmen to sell our product since to sell client product you wish native expertise.” that's why Pepsi's events like the Spot the Mirinda Man contest was such a large success. By distinction, Coke deliberately selected to herald expatriates. rather than making an attempt to make a bond with customers with low impact activities it resorted to high impact activities like sponsoring the globe Cup and therefore the Olympiad 'in 1996. however sadly none of those helped it to lift its client base despite the high advertising pay. indeed cola benefited additional by cathartic the “Nothing Official concerning It” campaign throughout constant amount. whereas Pepsi's market share rose from twenty four per cent to twenty six.50 per cent in only 2 months when the globe Cup, Coke's magnified from twelve per cent to only twelve.5 per cent. Coke's lack of freedom to require any call severally of its Atlanta headquarters was additionally one amongll|one amongst|one in every of} the key reasons why it's not been as nimble-footed as Pepsi Cola in evolving selling strategy in a quickly ever-changing business. Flexibility is that the weapon that Coca-Cola has lacked since all controls ar unconditional with Atlanta. Coke's trade promotions have followed a sure pattern, giving fat margins to retailers for a restricted amount of your time -- while not exploring alternatives that raise the extent of involvement for the vendor furthermore because the shopper. In sharp distinction, flexibility has continuously been one in all the foremost vital weapons within the hands of Pepsi Cola Company Asian nation. each manager and employee has the authority to require no matter steps he or she feels can build customers responsive to the whole and increase its consumption. Says Mr. Sinha : “AII we tend to do is provide individuals a budget within which they need to figure. however they are going regarding is totally up to them. we tend to ar performance orienting and appearance at solely results, not at the strategies adopted to urge those results.” The biggest thorn in Coke's strategy has been its long and bitter battle with its bottlers. The conflicts have finally settled all the way down to a pattern that mirror its world expertise. Coca-Cota Asian nation is floating 2 subsidiaries, India Coca-Cola and geographical region Coca-Cola which is able to act as holding corporations for many of its bottling operations. so giving the multinational possession and management over this significant a part of its operations. Earlier the corporate had created the error of tight immense investments from its
  • 28. 28 bottlers without fear regarding the returns, assumptive that they might be willing to sustain losses as long as Coca-Cola did. within the method, it alienated the previous Parle franchisees, the Chauhans.According to mister. Chauhan there's an enormous distinction between the type of investments Coke has in mind and therefore the reasonably investments created by him. Coca-Cola is currently within the method of shopping for out bottling plants settled in Patna and Kanpur, to of its vital northern markets. Mr. Sinha reveals his relations with the bottlers by spoken communication that they're his partners and therefore the management listens to them, that Coke last year did not do. each member of Pepsi's sales team is meticulously schooled the mercantilism and show skills which will leverage the reach of the company's bottling network to attain high visibility for the merchandise. so Pepsi Cola Company {india|India|Republic of Asian nation|Bharat|Asian country|Asian nation} has used its eight years in India to develop a relationship with its bottlers that allows it to figure in bicycle with them. If Mr. Short will currently adopt Pepsi's methodology of transferring the transnational's experience to its bottlers, his brands can profit. Pricing is another consider that Pepsi Cola has continuously had the sting. Pepsi Cola has systematically used its rating strategy as asking to sample, planning to flip trial into addiction. It launched the 1996, its 1.5 cubic decimetre bottle followed Coke into the market share at Rs. 30 -- Rs. five but Coke's. In each cases, Pepsi Cola raised the value once consumption stable, relying on habit to make amends for the value hike. Coke at first carbon-copied the strategy by introducing its 330ml. cans in January 1996 at asking value of Rs. fifteen before raising it to Rs. 18. Mr. Short is currently employing a lower-priced smaller-sized version the gain customers. The 200 ml. Coke launched (so far) in elements of jap, western and northern Asian nation is priced at Rs. 6, lowering entry-barriers. According to officers, by launching Thums Up and Limca in a very huge method, Coke can gain lost ground. The twin-brand strategy, can facilitate Coke play the rating game against its competitors. within the west and east, wherever Thums Up contains a dominant market share, the transnational can slash the value of Coke that constitutes solely a minor share within the overall volume. A reverse strategy are going to be followed within the north and south wherever Coke sells additional then Thums Up.
  • 29. 29 COKE VS PEPSI IN INDIA Coca-Cola controlled the Indian market till 1977, once the Janta Party beat the Congress party of then Prime Minister Mrs. Gandhi. To penalise Coca-Cola's Principal manufacturer, a Congress party stalwart and long live Gandhi supporter, the Janata government demanded that Coca-Cola transfer in sirup formuale to associate Indian subsidiary (Chakravarty, 43). Coca-Cola backed and withdrew from the country. India, currently left while not each Coca- Cola and Pepsi, became a protected market. within the in the meantime, India's 2 target beverage producers have gotten made and lazy whereas dominant eightieth of the Indian market. These domestic producers have very little incentive to expand their plants or develop the country's doubtless monumental market. Some analyst reason that the Indian market is also additional remunerative that the Chinese market, Bharat has 850 million potential customers, one hundred fifty scores of whom comprise the center category, with income to pay on Cars, VCRs and Computers. The Indian socio-economic class is growing at 100% p.a., to get the license for Bharat, Pepsi had to export $5 of domestically created merchandise for each $1 of materials it foreign, and it had to comply with facilitate the Indian government to initiate a second agricultural revolution. Pepsi has additionally had to require associate Indian partners. In the end, all Parties concerned appear to return out ahead. Pepsi gain access to doubtless monumental market, Indian bottlers can get to serve a market that's increasing quickly thanks to competition from abroad and can pay lower costs. Even before the primary bottle of Pepsi hit the shelves, native beverage manufacturer exaggerated the dimensions of their bottles by twenty fifth while not raising prices.
  • 31. 31 COMPANY PROFILE Coca-Cola Enterprises, established in 1886, may be a young company by the standards of the Coca-Cola system. nonetheless every of its franchises incorporates a robust heritage within the traditions of Coca-Cola that's the inspiration for this Company. The Coca-Cola Company traces it’s setting out to 1886, once associate Atlanta pill pusher, Dr. John Pemberton, began to supply Coca-Cola sirup available in fountain drinks. but the bottling business began in 1899 once 2 Chattanooga businessmen, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead, secured the exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca-Cola for many of the u. s. from The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola bottling system continuing to control as freelance, native businesses till the first Nineteen Eighties once bottling franchises began to consolidate. In 1986, The Coca-Cola Company incorporate a number of its company-owned operations with 2 giant possession teams that were available, the John T. Lupton franchises and BCI Holding Corporation's bottling holdings, to make Coca-Cola Enterprises opposition. the corporate offered its stock to the general public on November twenty one, 1986, at a split-adjusted worth of $5.50 a share. On associate annual basis, total unit case sales were 880,000 in 1986. In Gregorian calendar month 1991, a merger between Coca-Cola Enterprises and therefore the full general Coca-Cola Bottling cluster, Inc. (Johnston) created a bigger, stronger Company, once more serving to accelerate manufacturer consolidation. As a part of the merger, the senior management team of full general assumed responsibility for managing the corporate, and started a dramatic, self-made restructuring in 1992.Unit case sales had climbed to one.4 billion, and total revenues were $5 billion The Coca-Cola Company is that the world’s largest drink company. They operate in additional than two hundred countries & markets quite 2800 drink merchandise. Headquartered at Atlanta, Georgia, they use about 90500 workers everywhere the globe. it's typically brought up merely as Coke or (in European and yank countries) as Cola or Pop.
  • 32. 32 Mission ,Vision & Values The world is ever-changing all around U.S.. To still thrive as a business over ensuing 10 years and on the far side, we tend to should look ahead, perceive the trends and forces that may form our business within the future and move fleetly to organize for what is to come back. we tend to should make preparations for tomorrow these days. that is what our 2020 Vision is all regarding. It creates a long-run destination for our business and provides U.S. with a "Road map" for winning at the side of our bottling partners. Mission Our Road map starts with our mission, that is enduring. It declares our purpose as an organization and is the quality against that we tend to weigh our actions and selections. • To refresh the planet... • To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... • To produce price and create a distinction Vision Our vision is the framework for our Road map and guides each side of our business by describing what we'd like to accomplish so as to continue achieving property, quality growth. • People: Be an excellent place to figure wherever folks area unit impressed to be the most effective they'll be • Portfolio: bring around the planet a portfolio of quality nutrient brands that anticipate and satisfy people’s wishes and desires • Partners: Nurture a winning network of consumers and suppliers, along we tend to produce mutual, enduring price • Planet: Be a accountable subject that creates a distinction by serving to build and support property communities • Profit: Maximize long-run come back to share house owners whereas being conscious of our overall responsibilities • Productivity: Be a extremely effective, lean and fast-moving organization Our Winning Culture Our Winning Culture defines the attitudes and behaviors that may be needed folks to create our 2020 Vision a reality.
  • 33. 33 Value Proposition Values function a compass for our actions and describe however we tend to behave within the world. • Leadership: The spirit to form an improved future • Collaboration: Leverage collective genius • Integrity: Be real • Accountability: If it's to be, it’s up to American state • Passion: Committed in heart and mind • Diversity: As inclusive as our brands • Quality: What we tend to do, we do well Focus on the Market • Focus on wants of our shoppers, customers and franchise partners • Get out into the market and listen, observe and learn • Possess a position • Focus on execution within the marketplace each day • Be insatiably curious Work Smart • Act with urgency • Remain attentive to modification • Have the spirit to vary course once required • Remain constructively discontent • Work with efficiency Act Like house owners • Be answerable for our actions and in actions • Steward system assets and specialize in building price • Reward our folks for taking risks and finding higher ways in which to unravel issues • Learn from our outcomes -- what worked and what didn’t
  • 34. 34 Company Profile India Coke gained associate degree early advantage over Pepsi Cola since it took over Parle in 1994. therefore it had prepared access to over two,00,000 retail merchant shops and sixty bottlers. Thus Coke had bigger than Pepsi Cola as a result of it had prepared access to the Parle network. as an example in 1994 Pepsi Cola had twenty bottlers to serve the complete country whereas Coke had Parle’s sixty bottlers. In a crucial market like Delhi Pepsi Cola had only one manufacturing business whereas Coke had four. On the opposite hand Pepsi Cola had condemned the Dukes Mangola of Mumbai. In 1993, Pepsi Cola Foods Ltd. had management over the Rs. 1,100 - large integer Indian Soft Drinks market. At that point, the soft drinks trycoon Ramesh Chauhan, was heading the Parle cluster and at that point was deciding to explore the chance of commercialism his best rolling brands to Coke, instead of to Pepsi Cola. Pepsi Cola had entered the market three years before Coke did. Before the Coke-Parle tie-up in '93- Ramesh Chauhan had two choices before him- (1) to stay around, fight it out once more and hopefully, continue together with his darling position. (2) to sell resolute Coca-Cola for an honest come. This risk of losing resolute one among the multinationals, eventually, gave the impression to be throwing up the second different. Ramesh Chauhan told business world (India's preferred business magazine) that "it is healthier to hunt a compromise than to fight a lone battle". however he was with wisdom at the same time taking steps to safeguard his market share. in a very few months, Parle's merchandise are going to be launched in 250 millilitre instead the present two hundred millilitre. The indications area unit that the corporate can hold the value line. Incidentally, each Pepsi Cola and Coke (if it finally gets in) can price quite native brands as a result of the three hundredth punctually on the foreign ingredients. However, this state of affairs was happening pre-liberalization amount and therefore silent a awfully high duty on foreign things. Entry of Pepsi Cola and Coke in Bharat or their proposals were at that point being opposed as a result of the impact of 1st - strike on the minds of customers. If Coca-Cola is allowed a simple and fast entry through a window established by the govt, there is no justification for denying similar access to Pepsi Cola Co. Basically what was wrong at that point with the Coke proposal was that whereas the Pepsi Cola deal might bear beneath the camouflage of horticultures and agriculture development as their proposal expressed, a pure thusft drinks project wasn't so politically appetising (as it'd greatly hamper the native industry). Coke had plans, to speculate $ twenty million in Bharat and Pepsi Cola was about to pump in Rs. three hundred large integer additional. Ramesh Chauhan greatest compulsion, to ninety certain the second choice was that several of his biggest bottlers were making ready to abandon him for Coke, .since the bottlers accounted for nearly common fraction of Parle's sales. Parle's biggest bottles within the Easter region,. Goenka, accounted for eightieth
  • 35. 35 market share in Calcutta, felt that the longer term lay with Coca-Cola, no Indian company had the monetary muscle to require on Coke. Also, there was the foremost convincing issue for the tie-up, that Parle's Position within the Indian soft drinks market associate degreed Coca-Cola's selling strengths and skill would build an unbeatable combination. At that point in line with the world’s preferred and standard magazine, Fortune, had rated Coke because the world's best complete. Even Coke would greatly have the benefit of the tie-up, as Coke with Parle’s wide unfold bottling and distribution network, that was adjoin quite m cities and cities and also the gradual withdraw of Parle complete would guarantee Coke would be the king. Parle's best noted brands embrace Thums Up, Limca, Citra et al. were GOLD SPOT and Maaza. The biggest advantage to Parle from the tie-up would be a rapid gain of $ forty million, that might be used fruitfully in alternative ventures. According to a report the deal was that, Parle Exports had transferred the rights of all its supposed soft drinks brands to Coca-Cola company, USA. In short, Coca-Cola Company became the exclusive owner of Thums Up, Limca, Gold Spot, Citra and Maaza and will so, withdraw them from the market whenever it'd wish to. Under the agreement, the prevailing bottlers of Parle Exports would still turn out Parle brands beneath the licence from the Coca-Cola company. The U.S. transnational projected to introduce its international brands -Coke, Fanta associate degreed spiritual being at an acceptable time. The Parle bottlers are going to be bottling these coco palm - Cola brands additionally. the precise nature of Parle, Coca-Cola tie-up is given below : So, Ramesh Chauhan, sold his beverage brands of the U.S. Multinatinal for ($ forty million) and is presently a significant Coke manufacturing business. Delhi - primarily based Parle Chairman gave up his possession of his soft drinks complete (Thums Up, Limca, Citra and Gold Spot) and was awarded the bottling franchisee for Delhi, Bombay, Surat and Ahmedabad. Coke depends on the fifty four bottling plants that it absolutely was heritable from the Parle by out. So, logically all brands of Parle still as Coca-Cola are going to be marketed along. the sole drawback being that Parle bottlers wouldn't be ready to meet the peculiar quality needs of Coke.
  • 36. 36 SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths  Carbonated soft drink growth 10-15%  Estimated PCC to increase to 6-8 bottles Weaknesses  Weak infrastructure (esp. Cooling)  Small retailers, less shelf space  Heavy excise duty (40%), recently have come down a little  Cans have to be imported at high duty rates.  Problems of empty bottles Opportunities  Low PCC as compared to neighboring countries  Growing rural market internecine competition  Rising disposable income  Changingconsumertrendsdue tosatellite TV. Threats  Political risks  Coke and Pepsi indulging in
  • 38. 38 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES & METHODOLOGY RESEARCH OBJECTIVE 1. To study the marketing strategies adopted by Coca-Cola 2. To study the advertising effectiveness Coca-Cola on customer 3. To analyze the awareness of consumer regarding Coca Cola. 4. To conclude for further changes in the quality, pricing, and policies. Research design The Research available is descriptive so that to study the marketing strategies used by coca- cola. Sources of Data collection: Data was collected from different sources such as- Primary Source: Data collected by questionnaire. Secondary Source: Internet, books and mazagine
  • 40. 40 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS It was observed that Coca-Cola has been perceived quite positively as it has been projected. People are aware of the Brand & Awareness of Coca-Cola is quite high in the market. When a product is launched, avid Coke drinkers choose this soda over any other competitor simply because it's a Coca-Cola product and they trust it. Although Coke has been into controversies, people still prefer to stay loyal to the Brand with Coca-Cola being termed as a more popular brand than Pepsi. Coca-Cola products would appear, on the shelf, to have the most expensive range of soft drinks common to supermarkets, at almost double the cost of no name brands. This can be for several reasons apart from just to cover the extra costs of promotions, for which no name brands do without. When people buy Coca-Cola they are not just buying the beverage but also the image that goes with it, therefore to have the price higher reiterates the fact that the product is of a better quality than the rest and that the consumer is not cheap. In supermarkets and convenience stores Coca-Cola has their own fridge which contains only their products. There is little personal selling, but that is made up for in public relations and corporate image. Coca-Cola sponsors a lot of events including sports and recreational activities. RECOMMENDATIONS After completing our project I would conclude with some recommendation for the Coca Cola company, which are following.  Coca Cola Company should try to emphasis more on providing their infrastructure support like promotional displays and freezers in the market to facilitate their customers.  According to the survey, conducted by the international firm Pakistani people like little bit sweeter Cola drink. So for this Coca Cola company should produce their product according to the local demand.  Marketing team should try to increase the availability of Coke in rural areas.