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Co musí banka
udělat pro zapojení
do Zingly?
Petr Dvořák
CEO at Lime
Twitter: @joshis_tweets
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Záznam bude dostupný on-line
Infrastruktura Zingly
PowerAuth Server PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server Zingly API Server
Zingly Multi-Banking Hub Server
Banka A Banka B
PowerAuth Server
PowerAuth Server PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server Zingly API Server
Zingly Multi-Banking Hub Server
Banka A Banka B
PowerAuth Server
PowerAuth Server PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server Zingly API Server
Zingly Multi-Banking Hub Server
Banka A Banka B
PowerAuth Server
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
Internal Banking Infrastructure
Plugin / Adapter Plugin / Adapter
Použité technologie
Spring Boot
JPA + Hibernate
Aplikace - Java EE 7
OracleDB, IBM DB2,
MySQL, PostgreSQL
Databáze - JPA2.0
* komerční support
Service API
Postup nasazování
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
1. Nasazení PowerAuth 2.0 Serveru
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
2. Integrace s IB
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
3. Nasazení Zingly API Serveru
Nasazení PowerAuth 2.0
1. Stáhněte si PowerAuth 2.0 Server
2. Přidejte DB connector na classpath
3. Vytvořte databázové schéma
4. Nastavte parametry pro připojení
PowerAuth serveru do DB
5. Nasaďte WAR soubor do Java EE
aplikačního containeru
Nebo spusťte ”java -jar powerauth-java-server.war”
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
PowerAuth 2.0
Správa aplikací
Přehled aktivací uživatele
Nová aktivace
Detail a správa aktivace
1. Stáhněte si PowerAuth 2.0 Admin
2. Nastavte cestu k PowerAuth Serveru
3. Nasaďte WAR soubor do Java EE
aplikačního containeru
Nebo spusťte ”java -jar powerauth-admin.war”
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
Integrace PowerAuth 2.0
a Internetbankingu
Admin ~ Internetbanking
1. Přidejte do projektu Maven závislost
2. Napojte se na PowerAuth Server
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"io.getlime"})
public class PowerAuthWebServiceConfiguration {
public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
return marshaller;
public PowerAuthServiceClient powerAuthClient(Jaxb2Marshaller m) {
PowerAuthServiceClient client = new PowerAuthServiceClient();
return client;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"io.getlime"})
public class PowerAuthWebServiceConfiguration {
public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
return marshaller;
public PowerAuthServiceClient powerAuthClient(Jaxb2Marshaller m) {
PowerAuthServiceClient client = new PowerAuthServiceClient();
return client;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"io.getlime"})
public class PowerAuthWebServiceConfiguration {
public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
return marshaller;
public PowerAuthServiceClient powerAuthClient(Jaxb2Marshaller m) {
PowerAuthServiceClient client = new PowerAuthServiceClient();
return client;
@ComponentScan(basePackages = {"io.getlime"})
public class PowerAuthWebServiceConfiguration {
public Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller() {
Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller = new Jaxb2Marshaller();
return marshaller;
public PowerAuthServiceClient powerAuthClient(Jaxb2Marshaller m) {
PowerAuthServiceClient client = new PowerAuthServiceClient();
return client;
3. Používejte PowerAuthServiceClient
ve vaší aplikaci
@RequestMapping(value = "/ib/settings")
public class AuthenticationController {
private PowerAuthServiceClient client;
// ... Controller code
List<Activations> aL = client.getActivationListForUser(uid);
@RequestMapping(value = "/ib/settings")
public class AuthenticationController {
private PowerAuthServiceClient client;
// ... Controller code
List<Activations> aL = client.getActivationListForUser(uid);
Blokace / odblokování aktivace
Odstranění aktivace
Nová aktivace a “commit” aktivace
Přehled aktivací
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
Nasazení Zingly API
Open-source *
* již brzy
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
Bankovní služby
Orchestruje obchodní logiku
Služby pro přehledy účtů a transakcí
Vystavuje PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Integrace s PowerAuth 2.0 Serverem
Služby pro realizaci platby
Orchestruje obchodní logiku
Služby pro přehledy účtů a transakcí
Vystavuje PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Integrace s PowerAuth 2.0 Serverem
Služby pro realizaci platby
1. Stáhněte si Zingly API Server
2. Nastavte cestu k PowerAuth Serveru
3. Rozšiřte projekt o vaše specifické
technologie a knihovny
4. Naimplementujte bankovní službu
public interface ZinglyService {
public List<AccountModel> getAccountsForUser(String userId);
public boolean canGetTransactions(String userId, String iban);
public List<TransactionModel> getTransactionsForAccount(
String iban,
Date dateFrom,
Date dateTo,
BigInteger offset,
BigInteger itemCount
public boolean canExecutePayment(String userId, String iban);
public List<ErrorModel> validatePayment(PaymentModel payment);
public PaymentModel executePayment(PaymentModel payment);
// ...
public interface ZinglyService {
public List<AccountModel> getAccountsForUser(String userId);
public boolean canGetTransactions(String userId, String iban);
public List<TransactionModel> getTransactionsForAccount(
String iban,
Date dateFrom,
Date dateTo,
BigInteger offset,
BigInteger itemCount
public boolean canExecutePayment(String userId, String iban);
public List<ErrorModel> validatePayment(PaymentModel payment);
public PaymentModel executePayment(PaymentModel payment);
// ...
Ukázka kódu
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
Bankovní služby
Testování integrace
1. Stáhněte si PowerAuth 2.0 CMD
2. Připravte si konfigurační soubor
$ cat /tmp/pamk.json
"applicationName": "PowerAuth 2.0 Reference Client",
"applicationId": "Xg2sNup4wH7UQdchEld10w==",
"applicationSecret": "+k9EBCszvcDOalMK9FZYiQ==",
"masterPublicKey": "BByU43YKRNkzB+1/rahhaJC4kiGNiciYrcTBrL8="
3. Testujte integraci :-)
$ java -jar powerauth-java-cmd.jar
--url "http://localhost:8080/zingly-api"
--config-file "/tmp/pamk.json"
--status-file "/tmp/pa_status.json"
--method "prepare"
--password "1234"
--activation-code "F3CCT-FNOUS-GEVJF-O3HMV"
$ cat /tmp/pa_status.json
"activationId" : "24ac43a6-375e-4428-843a-84a2faa87e8e"
"counter" : 4,
"signaturePossessionKey" : "CwCviJR/wGqm8wNrNe4JGA==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeyEncrypted" : "WFKHFrezmYuFAUToAQ==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeySalt" : "RmDQ8hwsy0V/Gi1GHDKjWw==",
"signatureBiometryKey" : "K2ZrnBP/AU2dWheFJOQKvw==",
"transportMasterKey" : "kp2sNKVGepV9xtTwLXs/5g==",
"encryptedDevicePrivateKey" : "17LLl/C8pYo/YA+w4Z6z1LLZa2U",
"serverPublicKey" : "BEWx7a6LnkW7ckbJKUz2IINY5VSL0U6INwM="
$ cat /tmp/pa_status.json
"activationId" : "24ac43a6-375e-4428-843a-84a2faa87e8e"
"counter" : 4,
"signaturePossessionKey" : "CwCviJR/wGqm8wNrNe4JGA==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeyEncrypted" : “WFKHFrezmYuFAUToAQ==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeySalt" : "RmDQ8hwsy0V/Gi1GHDKjWw==",
"signatureBiometryKey" : "K2ZrnBP/AU2dWheFJOQKvw==",
"transportMasterKey" : "kp2sNKVGepV9xtTwLXs/5g==",
"encryptedDevicePrivateKey" : "17LLl/C8pYo/YA+w4Z6z1LLZa2U",
"serverPublicKey" : "BEWx7a6LnkW7ckbJKUz2IINY5VSL0U6INwM="
$ cat /tmp/pa_status.json
"activationId" : "24ac43a6-375e-4428-843a-84a2faa87e8e"
"counter" : 4,
"signaturePossessionKey" : "CwCviJR/wGqm8wNrNe4JGA==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeyEncrypted" : "WFKHFrezmYuFAUToAQ==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeySalt" : "RmDQ8hwsy0V/Gi1GHDKjWw==",
"signatureBiometryKey" : "K2ZrnBP/AU2dWheFJOQKvw==",
"transportMasterKey" : "kp2sNKVGepV9xtTwLXs/5g==",
"encryptedDevicePrivateKey" : "17LLl/C8pYo/YA+w4Z6z1LLZa2U",
"serverPublicKey" : "BEWx7a6LnkW7ckbJKUz2IINY5VSL0U6INwM="
$ cat /tmp/pa_status.json
"activationId" : "24ac43a6-375e-4428-843a-84a2faa87e8e"
"counter" : 4,
"signaturePossessionKey" : "CwCviJR/wGqm8wNrNe4JGA==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeyEncrypted" : "WFKHFrezmYuFAUToAQ==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeySalt" : "RmDQ8hwsy0V/Gi1GHDKjWw==",
"signatureBiometryKey" : "K2ZrnBP/AU2dWheFJOQKvw==",
"transportMasterKey" : "kp2sNKVGepV9xtTwLXs/5g==",
"encryptedDevicePrivateKey" : "17LLl/C8pYo/YA+w4Z6z1LLZa2U",
"serverPublicKey" : "BEWx7a6LnkW7ckbJKUz2IINY5VSL0U6INwM="
$ cat /tmp/pa_status.json
"activationId" : "24ac43a6-375e-4428-843a-84a2faa87e8e"
"counter" : 4,
"signaturePossessionKey" : "CwCviJR/wGqm8wNrNe4JGA==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeyEncrypted" : "WFKHFrezmYuFAUToAQ==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeySalt" : "RmDQ8hwsy0V/Gi1GHDKjWw==",
"signatureBiometryKey" : "K2ZrnBP/AU2dWheFJOQKvw==",
"transportMasterKey" : "kp2sNKVGepV9xtTwLXs/5g==",
"encryptedDevicePrivateKey" : "17LLl/C8pYo/YA+w4Z6z1LLZa2U",
"serverPublicKey" : "BEWx7a6LnkW7ckbJKUz2IINY5VSL0U6INwM="
$ cat /tmp/pa_status.json
"activationId" : "24ac43a6-375e-4428-843a-84a2faa87e8e"
"counter" : 4,
"signaturePossessionKey" : "CwCviJR/wGqm8wNrNe4JGA==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeyEncrypted" : "WFKHFrezmYuFAUToAQ==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeySalt" : "RmDQ8hwsy0V/Gi1GHDKjWw==",
"signatureBiometryKey" : "K2ZrnBP/AU2dWheFJOQKvw==",
"transportMasterKey" : "kp2sNKVGepV9xtTwLXs/5g==",
"encryptedDevicePrivateKey" : "17LLl/C8pYo/YA+w4Z6z1LLZa2U",
"serverPublicKey" : "BEWx7a6LnkW7ckbJKUz2IINY5VSL0U6INwM="
$ cat /tmp/pa_status.json
"activationId" : "24ac43a6-375e-4428-843a-84a2faa87e8e"
"counter" : 4,
"signaturePossessionKey" : "CwCviJR/wGqm8wNrNe4JGA==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeyEncrypted" : "WFKHFrezmYuFAUToAQ==",
"signatureKnowledgeKeySalt" : "RmDQ8hwsy0V/Gi1GHDKjWw==",
"signatureBiometryKey" : "K2ZrnBP/AU2dWheFJOQKvw==",
"transportMasterKey" : "kp2sNKVGepV9xtTwLXs/5g==",
"encryptedDevicePrivateKey" : "17LLl/C8pYo/YA+w4Z6z1LLZa2U",
"serverPublicKey" : "BEWx7a6LnkW7ckbJKUz2IINY5VSL0U6INwM="
PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server
PowerAuth 2.0 Standard API
Zingly Banking API
Bankovní služby
PowerAuth Server PowerAuth Server
Zingly API Server Zingly API Server
Zingly Multi-Banking Hub Server
Banka A Banka B
PowerAuth Server
Petr Dvořák
twitter: @zinglyapp
31.3., 15:00 - 16:00
Dopad multi-bankingu a otevřených
bankovních API do obchodního fungování
Otázky? :-)
Petr Dvořák
twitter: @zinglyapp

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