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Name: Rachel Hewitson
The client: NAMI National Alliance on Mental illness
Overview of the client.
Who are they, when did they start, why did they start, what do they do, how are
they funded?
NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness are mental health
organization in America and are the nation largest grassroots mental
health organization. There organization started in 1979 when a
group of families sat around a kitchen table to talk about the voice
on mental health. Now they have hundreds of organizations and
volunteers who work to help raise awareness on mental health NAMI
aim is to provides services and support that schools need to provide
mental health services to there pupils. There programs include bring
trained community health professionals into schools to provide
mental health care. There purpose is to help reduce the confusion
and isolation experienced by young people with mental health issues
and help there families also. There funding comes from many source
but a majority comes from induvial donations and contributors. The
rest is funded by corporate sponsorships, foundations, dues, grants
and events they set up. They also have a store selling products such
as mental health books, t-shirt, leaflets, badges and ties.
The issues:
Your client might advocate on a number of different yet related issues.
What issues your client campaign on?
NAMI helped with lots of different issues around mental health including
Living with mental health, Family members and careers, Teens and young
adults, Veterans, Diverse communities and LGBTQ. They look into the
different types of mental illness to such as ADHD, anxiety disorders, autism,
bipolar, split personality, depression, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress
disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder.
What are some of the impacts they have managed to achieve?
NAMI host and join lots of awareness events. In may they help and join the
mental health community all around the world Children's mental health
awareness week. In October the U.S congress established the first week on
October as mental illness awareness week in recognitions of NAMIS effect to
raise awareness. NAMI were able to create a whole week dedicated to there
campaign and message there trying to get across. NAMI have created lots of
programmes to helped people by creating support groups that provide free
education skill training and support. They have 14 different classes a couple
of the class include NAMI basics, a class for parents and family of children
that have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. NAMI family to
The issues:
family, a class to help parent understand how to cope with mental
illness. NAMI Homefront is a class from the families, parents of
military service members experiencing mental health. They help
the families understand the challenges and improve there
supports for their veteran. With here donation service they are
able to provide free support for over 900 classes nationwide. They
have a helpline and the helpline responds to more than 40,000
people a year provide resources and information for those in need
for free. They were to able to promote research so new
treatments and interventions are made a priority. NAMI host and
join lots of awareness events. In may they help and join the
mental health community all around the world Children's mental
health awareness week. They also set up walks where you can
Participate in NAMI’s largest mental health awareness and
fundraising event that takes place in more than 80 locations.
There aim is to bring together people of all ages and fitness levels
to raise funds and promote awareness of mental illness. People
that raise at least $100 are given a NAMIWalks t-shirt on the day
of their Walk.
What are they still hoping to achieve?
They are still trying to spread awareness of mental illness and to
help millions of Americans with mental health get the help they
need. They are hosting a convention in 2018 to connect people
effected with mental health who are looking for support and
Facts and figures:
Use this space to highlight key facts and figures related to your client and the
social issue you are trying to tackle. These could be very useful later on in your
project as you try to raise awareness.
Logo and use of branding-
The official logo has three components: grassroots emblem, acronym (NAMI) and full
name spelled out underneath. The logo uses two fonts; Franklin Gothic and Techno. The
logo is in a navy blue.
Copy and use of facts-
Nami use lots of facts on there website as the purpose is to help people with mental health
or people supporting them. Nami provide there own research and covers research updates
and breakthroughs, like genetic research in there online print content. They also are
awarded the NAMI Scientific Research Award each year. In addition, NAMI collaborates
with key research stakeholders and leading experts from academia, industry, government
and private institutions to lead a unified call for better, more advanced treatment. This
mean people can trust there website for the facts.
On there website they do not use any images only there fact sheets and poster they have
created to help the campaign. This is because there aim is to help people get better and
cope by provide information so its mostly facts and information on there issue. They have
shown this in the informatics posters on there website where they have organized there
information in graphs and presented it very nicely to simple for people to read and look at
and see the problem that they are trying to spread awareness for. Instead of showing
image of people looking sad and trying to get people to feel sorry for them they have used
real facts and figure to basically fright people by telling them the sad truth on mental health.
Also when you have poster people do not look at them for very long so by putting as many
facts as you can on there so the audience can gain lots of information very quickly and
know a little big more about mental hopefully encoring them to learn more about it.
They also have lots of YouTube video’s about there organization, talks they have done and video on
who to cope with their illness linked on there website. The video are quite straight forward and down
to the point. This website are not trying to sugar coat anything they want people to understand the
real message and how to cope with it. The video are inspiring as they talk about the problems and
how you can overcome them, they are trying to encourage people to get help and showing them that
they can get better; they are sharing a positive message through the videos.
Intended audience-
Nami audience is targeted at anyone who has a mental health issues or is supporting someone with
it. These mental illness include ADHD, anxiety disorders, autism, bipolar, split personality,
depression, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive
disorder. I would say there is no targeted age group as they help anyone any age with mental health
and also give help to those who are helping someone so the age range can be anything above 5 to
Purpose (raising awareness, generating money, education, promoting and event)-
NAMI host and join lots of awareness events. In may they help and join the mental health
community all around the world Children's mental health awareness week. In October the U.S
congress established the first week on October as mental illness awareness week in recognitions of
NAMIS effect to raise awareness. NAMI were able to create a whole week dedicated to there
campaign and message there trying to get across. NAMI have created lots of programmes to helped
people by creating support groups that provide free education skill training and support. They also
set up walks where you can Participate in NAMI’s largest mental health awareness and fundraising
event that takes place in more than 80 locations. There aim is to bring together people of all ages
and fitness levels to raise funds and promote awareness of mental illness. People that raise at least
$100 are given a NAMIWalks t-shirt on the day of their Walk. There logo for the t-shirt has not of
bright colours on it so it stands out to people walking past them to let them know what they are
walking for. It also has the logo on it so everyone that wears a t-shirt is promoting the organization
allowing lots more people to see it and become more aware.
Font, colour scheme, layout, tone-
For there website they used basic font nothing too bold and
also for the different sections they write a reasonable amount
of text instead of lots of long paragraphs this is so the reader
see it and isn't put off my how much text there is; it Is an easy
amount of text to read without getting bored.
The colour scheme of the website includes white’s, blue’s and
a bit of green. There is not so much colour on the website only
the banner at the top is blue and the first page when you go
onto it, this Is because there aim is provide lots of information
so there website mainly consist of facts and helpful text rather
than images. It is also a website made for a serious issue so
they will not want to make it very colourful as the people
visiting are not very happy and need help and by making it a
very happy page for them to go they might be put off; keeping
it simple helps people get straight to the point and get help.
The layout of the page is quite simple with 4 options at the
top for people who want to learn more, get help, get involved
and donate. Then you click these you get options to more
options that take you to specific articles. There is not
complicated ways onto the website or a hard layout to find
the information you are looking for, it is very simple so you
can get the help and facts you need straight away without the
When looking a lots of other mental health organizations their logos are all quite simple and plain this is
because there purpose it tackle something serious so there website represents that. The website is to
try help people with mental health so they try to create a relaxing tone for the website so people feel
calm and get get all the information they need and this links in with quite lot of the websites and logos
as they use blue for their main colour this is because blue is considered beneficial to the mind and
body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect and is strongly associated with
tranquility and calmness. This is to create a calming effect for the person visiting the website or when
they see the logo. Some logos have slogans underneath the logo for example “” have
“lets talk about it.” underneath there logo. This is so when people see there logo they also have this
little inspirational message underneath letting them know they can talk to these people if they have a
problem. So instead of just seeing a logo that they might not know what the company is about, by
putting a little slogan underneath allows the audience to know a little bit more about the company and
what they do before looking them up for example “together” have “for mental wellbeing” underneath
as “together” doesn't’t really tell the audience what's it about so by adding the bit under its show
people that they help people with mental illness.
In most of the mental health originations their layout is very simple. With every bit of
information sectioned out into different categories making it very easy for people to
find the certain information they need. They have very short paragraphs so its not
much text for the audience to read. When people see massive chunks of texts
sometime it can make them not want to read it especially people with lower social
grades who aren't well educated so by showing short pieces of text allows everyone
to read it. They also have bullet points to clearly show the facts and signs of mental
health to directly show what they need to look for; it makes it easier for the
audience to identify the signs clearly when there set out and not in a big paragraph.
Also a lot of these audience us blue and white. For the sub titles there are
highlighted in blue this is to stand out against the white so people can see where
each bit of information is.
By researching other product’s on mental health a lot of companies
use poster’s to campaign their message. MQ is an organization that
help transforms mental health. Their logo is simple with their brand
MQ printed in big font so it stands out. The font is black and they
have put it over a yellow background this helps it stand out even
more and black and yellow really suit each other. They have used
this colour scheme through the whole campaign, in their posters and
their website. Underneath there company they have put a small
slogan underneath “transforming mental health” this it so it lets the
audience know exactly what there aim is and what they do because
MQ doesn't’t stand for anything and can be tricky to work out what
they do.
They have lots of posters to spread awareness about mental health.
Most of the poster have the same writing but they have used
different celebrity's to model for the poster. This is so people will
look at the poster and are most likely to recognize the person on it,
this will straight away catch the audience attention because they
will think why are they on there, what are they doing, what's it
about and want to read it more because they will feel more
connected already. And also because a celebrity on there the
audience are likely to take the poster more serious as these big stars
are taking time out to spread awareness for these company and the
audience will want to know why and because people look up to
celebrity and want to be like them they are more likely to get
involved if there fav celebrity is.
Most organizations have poster’s to raise awareness about mental health.
These places can promote there organization in lots of different ways using
pictures, text, colour and layout. One common feature I can see in lots of
posters is a digital pictures of a brain as this Is because this is where the
illness comes. In Changing Minds they replace the brain with text saying
“the hardest part was taking the first few steps”. This is the only sentence
on the page and its in very big font to stand out, the font is black and
placed over a purple background to help it stand out. Because they have
placed in where the brain it showing that this is what people think and
allowing the audience to understand someone else experience and thought
and they can connect.
Mental health foundation have a very different approach when spreading
awareness. There main message on the poster says “let’s Get Physical”, it is
in a very basic font, white and placed over a grey background to help it
stand out. They have chosen to make the main message in very large to
help catch the audience attention. The title doesn't’t really say or explain
anything leaving the audience want to read more to understand why they
should get physical. Underneath the title is 4 paragraphs explaining why
people should get physical and why they are trying to promote it. This is
really helpful for the audience as they don’t even need to go onto the
website they can get information from the poster as it also say “mental
health awareness week 2013 12-19 may” giving them information about an
event happening and when its happening allowing the audience to get
My first question I asked on my survey was how old they were, I asked this because I want to know if bullying and stress was
different in different age group and years a at school from year 7 to year 13 and why.
0 answered 11 and under, 15 people answered 12-14 this is mainly kids in year 8-9, 24 people answered 15-16 this is normally
people in year 10-11, the most answered question was ages between 17-18 as 37 people answered this usually teens in college and
sixth form and finally 12 people answered 18 and above. This shows 17-18 years old took the survey the most.
For the second question I chose to ask their gender, this was because I wanted to see if bullying and mental health was different
for girl and boys. Men have this stereotype that there supposed to be their mainly figure that doesn't’t show their emotions so I
wanted to see if that was true and how they would respond to my questions.
For the gender there are more women than men taking the survey with 59.09%/52 female and 39.77%/35 men, this turned out well
as it isn't too one sided, we will be able to see the different perspective of mental health from both female and male. 1.14%/1
answered other which mean they do not want to be identified as male and female so we will be able to see how school is like for
them I their situation which is really good.
For my campaign I want to spread awareness on mental health in school and bullying by creating posters to get people thinking to
try get people to speak up. By researching people ages and gender and how different they feel I can target posters to female and
male depending on there responses as they going to feel different and open up differently so I want to create things that can help
the different groups.
For the third question I wanted to ask if people knew anyone that had been bullied or seen it happen, I
asked this because I felt like it was important to know if people knew at least one person that has been
bullied to see how big bullying is as an issue. This was shown through my survey as 77 people out of 88
nearly 90% of people knows or has witnessed someone being bullied. This shows that bullying is a really big
issue and needs to be tackled and with this information I can use this to spread awareness about how to
help someone who's being bullied or if you see what to do.
I also asked if they had been bullied in school or college. Instead of just asking how many they know have
been bullied if they had themselves. I wanted to know too see how many people would admit to being
bullied and if there's a clear difference and use this information to see how bad bullying is in schools and in
different age groups. 41 people said they have been bullied and 47 people said that they haven't. This is
almost split but more did say they haven't been bullied but its shows that a basically half are bullied. The
highest age group answering yes to being bullied was 17-18 with 16 people saying they were bullied. This
shows that maybe it takes time for people to come to turn with the fact they were bullied or bullying has
calmed down in the past couple of years.
With this information I can use this to show people that almost half of kids are bullied. To get them to
think statistically one of there mates are being bullied and for them to think before they speak and how to
help a friend who being bullied.
For my 5th question I asked if they feel pressured to do well in their exams. I asked this because I wanted to see how many
people are pressured when doing exams and also why. In the survey 64 people answered yes and 24 people said no, this means
3 quarters of the people do feel pressured. Out of the 88 people that answered 47 people left comments, this is a really good
response and allows me to see lots of different reason why they feel stressed or pressured or why they don’t.
Out of these responses 17 people said that they feel pressured when doing exams because they want to do well in life and feel
like if they fail they can’t have a good life. This shows that lots of kids feel like their exam determines their whole future. I
want to use this information to show teens that there are other way of succeeding and what they can do if they fail because its
not the end of the road. I want to try put less pressure on kids by letting them know its okay if you fail, its not the end of the
9 people said that they feel pressured by teachers when doing exams. One reason was because “Constantly in comparison to
past year groups and school makes it seem like grades are more important than your health”. This shows the schools are trying
to kids to do well so they can have the best results our of all the schools to show people why they should study here without
thinking about the kids health. I want to use this information to show teachers how the kids feel; to encourage them to help
them out more. I would create posters to try make kids speak up to a teachers if there feeling like this to show them they can
help them and they are not alone.
5 people said that they felt embarrassed and judge if they got bad grades. This shows that its not just the teachers and parents
putting the pressure on them its also the other kids. People that get high grades are making the people who get low grades
feel insecure and this might not be on purpose but I would create banners and poster about how the pupils should think before
they speak just to make sure they are not going offend anyone. It would also include tips about how friends can help each
other in this time.
After asking people if they felt pressured into doing exams I carried this on in question 6 by asking if they had any extra support if they
wanted to talk to someone or was struggling with their lessons. 56 people said yes and 32 people said no. 60% of the survey said they can
get help if they want, what is really good and this shows lots of school do offer support but 40% said. This is quite high and is worrying
that these kids can’t get any extra help at school if they are behind. For the people that said no I would want create leaflets and poster
that include tips about copying with stress, how you can help out each (friends) and information about different websites they can visit if
they need help with stress or extra tutoring.
For question 7 I asked who the people would talk to if they were being bullied or felt stressed. 35 people said friends, 24 people said no
one, 15 people said family, 8 people said teachers and 6 people said other.
This shows the most of the kids like talking to there friends about their problems which is really good as it shows most people are getting
help or support.
The second highest answer was no one with 24 people, this is quite bad as it shows us lots of kid don’t talk to anyone about their
problems as keep it to them selves. I would use this information to inform kids about the causes of keeping through to your self and what
it can lead to. I would encourage them to speak up and talk about the beneficial of it and how it can help.
Only 8 people said they would talk to teachers, that is very low to say they go to school 5 days a week. This shows that kids might not
feel confident talking to there teachers or feel like they cant. In question 5 9 people said teacher put pressure on them so this might be
result in not talking to them. I would defiantly want to encourage the kids to speak to their teachers as I think it is important to let them
know tour struggling so you can get the right help. I would do this by creating posters that could be put up around the school telling
people there no wrong in telling a teacher and if they know someone going through a hard time that they should let a teacher know
about them so they can get help even if they don’t want it.
For question 8 I wanted to ask in more detail about
why feel like they cant talk to their teachers. I
wanted to ask this to see if there was a clear reason
why student don’t talk to their teacher and how I can
encourage the kids to. There was quite a even split
between yes and no with 47 saying no and 41 saying
yes. There was more people saying no and 7 people
said that they don’t want to brother their teachers or
feel like wont help them. This shows the kids don’t
even try to talk to their teachers because they have
this perception that they are annoying them. I want
to use research so I can show kids why its good to
speak to teachers and why they should give it try as
there no harm in trying.
8 people said that when they have tried to get help
they did not help or made it worse. This can be the
reason why other kids don’t try because they think
there going to have the same experience. This
teaches me that kids aren't getting the right help for
them or being listened to by their teachers. I want to
show kids other ways of getting help if they didn't’t
get the full help they need to show them there is
other ways and they don’t have to just reply on
schools if they don’t want to.
In question 5 I asked if the students felt pressured when
doing exams. In question 9 I wanted to ask if they think
GCSES should be easier to see their response on why and how
this would help them. My first through is that I thought the
yes answer would be much higher but they were very close
with 48 people saying yes and 40 people saying no. When
looking at the different ages for the answers I found out 24
people aged 17-18+ said GCSES should not be easier. This can
be because people 17+ sat a different exam and now there is
new exams so they might not know how hard the new one is
or because these are the people that have sat the exam and
did well and think it doesn't’t need to be easier as they did it
and did good. 23 people aged 12-16 year said It show be
easier and only 16 people said It shouldn't’t. This shows that
it mostly the young student that want it changing. Most of
the Reponses said that they didn't’t have enough time to
learn all their subjects and that they felt to much pressure
to do well. This tells me that kids need more time and help
before these exams and that maybe they the GCSES should
stay the same level but have extra time before sitting them.
I would use this information to show people how much
pressure these new GCSES are giving the kids and that they
need extra support. I a, going to use these information to
show parents how the student feel when doing these exams
and give tips for them about how they can help their child.
This question is similar to question 6 as there both about the school offering support but I
wanted to ask this one to see if there offered support for mental health not just exams
and stress. The answer for yes was much higher than inn question 6 with 61 people saying
yes. This shows the most schools offer support for mental health more than exams. By
looking at the reasons below 16 people said there was a support group people go to to
talk about their feeling and also counselling. This shows the the student can get the help
they need in schools but 26 people did say no to help and in the responses people said
that they have help but nothing is done about their problems. This could mean kids are
not taken as seriously as they are wanted to and no help is given. I want to create posters
and leaflet with support website on there where they can go and get help if they feel like
they have no one to talk to. Schools are very busy all the time so by creating these
campaign it gets the kids help who need it if they can’t get help from school.

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Client factfile 3

  • 2. The client: NAMI National Alliance on Mental illness Overview of the client. Who are they, when did they start, why did they start, what do they do, how are they funded? NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness are mental health organization in America and are the nation largest grassroots mental health organization. There organization started in 1979 when a group of families sat around a kitchen table to talk about the voice on mental health. Now they have hundreds of organizations and volunteers who work to help raise awareness on mental health NAMI aim is to provides services and support that schools need to provide mental health services to there pupils. There programs include bring trained community health professionals into schools to provide mental health care. There purpose is to help reduce the confusion and isolation experienced by young people with mental health issues and help there families also. There funding comes from many source but a majority comes from induvial donations and contributors. The rest is funded by corporate sponsorships, foundations, dues, grants and events they set up. They also have a store selling products such as mental health books, t-shirt, leaflets, badges and ties.
  • 3. The issues: Your client might advocate on a number of different yet related issues. What issues your client campaign on? NAMI helped with lots of different issues around mental health including Living with mental health, Family members and careers, Teens and young adults, Veterans, Diverse communities and LGBTQ. They look into the different types of mental illness to such as ADHD, anxiety disorders, autism, bipolar, split personality, depression, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder. What are some of the impacts they have managed to achieve? NAMI host and join lots of awareness events. In may they help and join the mental health community all around the world Children's mental health awareness week. In October the U.S congress established the first week on October as mental illness awareness week in recognitions of NAMIS effect to raise awareness. NAMI were able to create a whole week dedicated to there campaign and message there trying to get across. NAMI have created lots of programmes to helped people by creating support groups that provide free education skill training and support. They have 14 different classes a couple of the class include NAMI basics, a class for parents and family of children that have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. NAMI family to
  • 4. The issues: family, a class to help parent understand how to cope with mental illness. NAMI Homefront is a class from the families, parents of military service members experiencing mental health. They help the families understand the challenges and improve there supports for their veteran. With here donation service they are able to provide free support for over 900 classes nationwide. They have a helpline and the helpline responds to more than 40,000 people a year provide resources and information for those in need for free. They were to able to promote research so new treatments and interventions are made a priority. NAMI host and join lots of awareness events. In may they help and join the mental health community all around the world Children's mental health awareness week. They also set up walks where you can Participate in NAMI’s largest mental health awareness and fundraising event that takes place in more than 80 locations. There aim is to bring together people of all ages and fitness levels to raise funds and promote awareness of mental illness. People that raise at least $100 are given a NAMIWalks t-shirt on the day of their Walk. What are they still hoping to achieve? They are still trying to spread awareness of mental illness and to help millions of Americans with mental health get the help they need. They are hosting a convention in 2018 to connect people effected with mental health who are looking for support and resources.
  • 5. Facts and figures: Use this space to highlight key facts and figures related to your client and the social issue you are trying to tackle. These could be very useful later on in your project as you try to raise awareness.
  • 6. * NAMI Logo and use of branding- The official logo has three components: grassroots emblem, acronym (NAMI) and full name spelled out underneath. The logo uses two fonts; Franklin Gothic and Techno. The logo is in a navy blue. Copy and use of facts- Nami use lots of facts on there website as the purpose is to help people with mental health or people supporting them. Nami provide there own research and covers research updates and breakthroughs, like genetic research in there online print content. They also are awarded the NAMI Scientific Research Award each year. In addition, NAMI collaborates with key research stakeholders and leading experts from academia, industry, government and private institutions to lead a unified call for better, more advanced treatment. This mean people can trust there website for the facts. Imagery- On there website they do not use any images only there fact sheets and poster they have created to help the campaign. This is because there aim is to help people get better and cope by provide information so its mostly facts and information on there issue. They have shown this in the informatics posters on there website where they have organized there information in graphs and presented it very nicely to simple for people to read and look at and see the problem that they are trying to spread awareness for. Instead of showing image of people looking sad and trying to get people to feel sorry for them they have used real facts and figure to basically fright people by telling them the sad truth on mental health. Also when you have poster people do not look at them for very long so by putting as many facts as you can on there so the audience can gain lots of information very quickly and know a little big more about mental hopefully encoring them to learn more about it.
  • 7. * They also have lots of YouTube video’s about there organization, talks they have done and video on who to cope with their illness linked on there website. The video are quite straight forward and down to the point. This website are not trying to sugar coat anything they want people to understand the real message and how to cope with it. The video are inspiring as they talk about the problems and how you can overcome them, they are trying to encourage people to get help and showing them that they can get better; they are sharing a positive message through the videos. Intended audience- Nami audience is targeted at anyone who has a mental health issues or is supporting someone with it. These mental illness include ADHD, anxiety disorders, autism, bipolar, split personality, depression, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder. I would say there is no targeted age group as they help anyone any age with mental health and also give help to those who are helping someone so the age range can be anything above 5 to 100. Purpose (raising awareness, generating money, education, promoting and event)- NAMI host and join lots of awareness events. In may they help and join the mental health community all around the world Children's mental health awareness week. In October the U.S congress established the first week on October as mental illness awareness week in recognitions of NAMIS effect to raise awareness. NAMI were able to create a whole week dedicated to there campaign and message there trying to get across. NAMI have created lots of programmes to helped people by creating support groups that provide free education skill training and support. They also set up walks where you can Participate in NAMI’s largest mental health awareness and fundraising event that takes place in more than 80 locations. There aim is to bring together people of all ages and fitness levels to raise funds and promote awareness of mental illness. People that raise at least $100 are given a NAMIWalks t-shirt on the day of their Walk. There logo for the t-shirt has not of bright colours on it so it stands out to people walking past them to let them know what they are walking for. It also has the logo on it so everyone that wears a t-shirt is promoting the organization allowing lots more people to see it and become more aware.
  • 8. Font, colour scheme, layout, tone- For there website they used basic font nothing too bold and also for the different sections they write a reasonable amount of text instead of lots of long paragraphs this is so the reader see it and isn't put off my how much text there is; it Is an easy amount of text to read without getting bored. The colour scheme of the website includes white’s, blue’s and a bit of green. There is not so much colour on the website only the banner at the top is blue and the first page when you go onto it, this Is because there aim is provide lots of information so there website mainly consist of facts and helpful text rather than images. It is also a website made for a serious issue so they will not want to make it very colourful as the people visiting are not very happy and need help and by making it a very happy page for them to go they might be put off; keeping it simple helps people get straight to the point and get help. The layout of the page is quite simple with 4 options at the top for people who want to learn more, get help, get involved and donate. Then you click these you get options to more options that take you to specific articles. There is not complicated ways onto the website or a hard layout to find the information you are looking for, it is very simple so you can get the help and facts you need straight away without the hassle. *
  • 9. * When looking a lots of other mental health organizations their logos are all quite simple and plain this is because there purpose it tackle something serious so there website represents that. The website is to try help people with mental health so they try to create a relaxing tone for the website so people feel calm and get get all the information they need and this links in with quite lot of the websites and logos as they use blue for their main colour this is because blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect and is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. This is to create a calming effect for the person visiting the website or when they see the logo. Some logos have slogans underneath the logo for example “” have “lets talk about it.” underneath there logo. This is so when people see there logo they also have this little inspirational message underneath letting them know they can talk to these people if they have a problem. So instead of just seeing a logo that they might not know what the company is about, by putting a little slogan underneath allows the audience to know a little bit more about the company and what they do before looking them up for example “together” have “for mental wellbeing” underneath as “together” doesn't’t really tell the audience what's it about so by adding the bit under its show people that they help people with mental illness.
  • 10. * In most of the mental health originations their layout is very simple. With every bit of information sectioned out into different categories making it very easy for people to find the certain information they need. They have very short paragraphs so its not much text for the audience to read. When people see massive chunks of texts sometime it can make them not want to read it especially people with lower social grades who aren't well educated so by showing short pieces of text allows everyone to read it. They also have bullet points to clearly show the facts and signs of mental health to directly show what they need to look for; it makes it easier for the audience to identify the signs clearly when there set out and not in a big paragraph. Also a lot of these audience us blue and white. For the sub titles there are highlighted in blue this is to stand out against the white so people can see where each bit of information is.
  • 11. * By researching other product’s on mental health a lot of companies use poster’s to campaign their message. MQ is an organization that help transforms mental health. Their logo is simple with their brand MQ printed in big font so it stands out. The font is black and they have put it over a yellow background this helps it stand out even more and black and yellow really suit each other. They have used this colour scheme through the whole campaign, in their posters and their website. Underneath there company they have put a small slogan underneath “transforming mental health” this it so it lets the audience know exactly what there aim is and what they do because MQ doesn't’t stand for anything and can be tricky to work out what they do. They have lots of posters to spread awareness about mental health. Most of the poster have the same writing but they have used different celebrity's to model for the poster. This is so people will look at the poster and are most likely to recognize the person on it, this will straight away catch the audience attention because they will think why are they on there, what are they doing, what's it about and want to read it more because they will feel more connected already. And also because a celebrity on there the audience are likely to take the poster more serious as these big stars are taking time out to spread awareness for these company and the audience will want to know why and because people look up to celebrity and want to be like them they are more likely to get involved if there fav celebrity is.
  • 12. * Most organizations have poster’s to raise awareness about mental health. These places can promote there organization in lots of different ways using pictures, text, colour and layout. One common feature I can see in lots of posters is a digital pictures of a brain as this Is because this is where the illness comes. In Changing Minds they replace the brain with text saying “the hardest part was taking the first few steps”. This is the only sentence on the page and its in very big font to stand out, the font is black and placed over a purple background to help it stand out. Because they have placed in where the brain it showing that this is what people think and allowing the audience to understand someone else experience and thought and they can connect. Mental health foundation have a very different approach when spreading awareness. There main message on the poster says “let’s Get Physical”, it is in a very basic font, white and placed over a grey background to help it stand out. They have chosen to make the main message in very large to help catch the audience attention. The title doesn't’t really say or explain anything leaving the audience want to read more to understand why they should get physical. Underneath the title is 4 paragraphs explaining why people should get physical and why they are trying to promote it. This is really helpful for the audience as they don’t even need to go onto the website they can get information from the poster as it also say “mental health awareness week 2013 12-19 may” giving them information about an event happening and when its happening allowing the audience to get involved.
  • 13. * My first question I asked on my survey was how old they were, I asked this because I want to know if bullying and stress was different in different age group and years a at school from year 7 to year 13 and why. 0 answered 11 and under, 15 people answered 12-14 this is mainly kids in year 8-9, 24 people answered 15-16 this is normally people in year 10-11, the most answered question was ages between 17-18 as 37 people answered this usually teens in college and sixth form and finally 12 people answered 18 and above. This shows 17-18 years old took the survey the most. For the second question I chose to ask their gender, this was because I wanted to see if bullying and mental health was different for girl and boys. Men have this stereotype that there supposed to be their mainly figure that doesn't’t show their emotions so I wanted to see if that was true and how they would respond to my questions. For the gender there are more women than men taking the survey with 59.09%/52 female and 39.77%/35 men, this turned out well as it isn't too one sided, we will be able to see the different perspective of mental health from both female and male. 1.14%/1 answered other which mean they do not want to be identified as male and female so we will be able to see how school is like for them I their situation which is really good. For my campaign I want to spread awareness on mental health in school and bullying by creating posters to get people thinking to try get people to speak up. By researching people ages and gender and how different they feel I can target posters to female and male depending on there responses as they going to feel different and open up differently so I want to create things that can help the different groups.
  • 14. * For the third question I wanted to ask if people knew anyone that had been bullied or seen it happen, I asked this because I felt like it was important to know if people knew at least one person that has been bullied to see how big bullying is as an issue. This was shown through my survey as 77 people out of 88 nearly 90% of people knows or has witnessed someone being bullied. This shows that bullying is a really big issue and needs to be tackled and with this information I can use this to spread awareness about how to help someone who's being bullied or if you see what to do. I also asked if they had been bullied in school or college. Instead of just asking how many they know have been bullied if they had themselves. I wanted to know too see how many people would admit to being bullied and if there's a clear difference and use this information to see how bad bullying is in schools and in different age groups. 41 people said they have been bullied and 47 people said that they haven't. This is almost split but more did say they haven't been bullied but its shows that a basically half are bullied. The highest age group answering yes to being bullied was 17-18 with 16 people saying they were bullied. This shows that maybe it takes time for people to come to turn with the fact they were bullied or bullying has calmed down in the past couple of years. With this information I can use this to show people that almost half of kids are bullied. To get them to think statistically one of there mates are being bullied and for them to think before they speak and how to help a friend who being bullied.
  • 15. * For my 5th question I asked if they feel pressured to do well in their exams. I asked this because I wanted to see how many people are pressured when doing exams and also why. In the survey 64 people answered yes and 24 people said no, this means 3 quarters of the people do feel pressured. Out of the 88 people that answered 47 people left comments, this is a really good response and allows me to see lots of different reason why they feel stressed or pressured or why they don’t. Out of these responses 17 people said that they feel pressured when doing exams because they want to do well in life and feel like if they fail they can’t have a good life. This shows that lots of kids feel like their exam determines their whole future. I want to use this information to show teens that there are other way of succeeding and what they can do if they fail because its not the end of the road. I want to try put less pressure on kids by letting them know its okay if you fail, its not the end of the world. 9 people said that they feel pressured by teachers when doing exams. One reason was because “Constantly in comparison to past year groups and school makes it seem like grades are more important than your health”. This shows the schools are trying to kids to do well so they can have the best results our of all the schools to show people why they should study here without thinking about the kids health. I want to use this information to show teachers how the kids feel; to encourage them to help them out more. I would create posters to try make kids speak up to a teachers if there feeling like this to show them they can help them and they are not alone. 5 people said that they felt embarrassed and judge if they got bad grades. This shows that its not just the teachers and parents putting the pressure on them its also the other kids. People that get high grades are making the people who get low grades feel insecure and this might not be on purpose but I would create banners and poster about how the pupils should think before they speak just to make sure they are not going offend anyone. It would also include tips about how friends can help each other in this time.
  • 16. * After asking people if they felt pressured into doing exams I carried this on in question 6 by asking if they had any extra support if they wanted to talk to someone or was struggling with their lessons. 56 people said yes and 32 people said no. 60% of the survey said they can get help if they want, what is really good and this shows lots of school do offer support but 40% said. This is quite high and is worrying that these kids can’t get any extra help at school if they are behind. For the people that said no I would want create leaflets and poster that include tips about copying with stress, how you can help out each (friends) and information about different websites they can visit if they need help with stress or extra tutoring. For question 7 I asked who the people would talk to if they were being bullied or felt stressed. 35 people said friends, 24 people said no one, 15 people said family, 8 people said teachers and 6 people said other. This shows the most of the kids like talking to there friends about their problems which is really good as it shows most people are getting help or support. The second highest answer was no one with 24 people, this is quite bad as it shows us lots of kid don’t talk to anyone about their problems as keep it to them selves. I would use this information to inform kids about the causes of keeping through to your self and what it can lead to. I would encourage them to speak up and talk about the beneficial of it and how it can help. Only 8 people said they would talk to teachers, that is very low to say they go to school 5 days a week. This shows that kids might not feel confident talking to there teachers or feel like they cant. In question 5 9 people said teacher put pressure on them so this might be result in not talking to them. I would defiantly want to encourage the kids to speak to their teachers as I think it is important to let them know tour struggling so you can get the right help. I would do this by creating posters that could be put up around the school telling people there no wrong in telling a teacher and if they know someone going through a hard time that they should let a teacher know about them so they can get help even if they don’t want it.
  • 17. * For question 8 I wanted to ask in more detail about why feel like they cant talk to their teachers. I wanted to ask this to see if there was a clear reason why student don’t talk to their teacher and how I can encourage the kids to. There was quite a even split between yes and no with 47 saying no and 41 saying yes. There was more people saying no and 7 people said that they don’t want to brother their teachers or feel like wont help them. This shows the kids don’t even try to talk to their teachers because they have this perception that they are annoying them. I want to use research so I can show kids why its good to speak to teachers and why they should give it try as there no harm in trying. 8 people said that when they have tried to get help they did not help or made it worse. This can be the reason why other kids don’t try because they think there going to have the same experience. This teaches me that kids aren't getting the right help for them or being listened to by their teachers. I want to show kids other ways of getting help if they didn't’t get the full help they need to show them there is other ways and they don’t have to just reply on schools if they don’t want to.
  • 18. * In question 5 I asked if the students felt pressured when doing exams. In question 9 I wanted to ask if they think GCSES should be easier to see their response on why and how this would help them. My first through is that I thought the yes answer would be much higher but they were very close with 48 people saying yes and 40 people saying no. When looking at the different ages for the answers I found out 24 people aged 17-18+ said GCSES should not be easier. This can be because people 17+ sat a different exam and now there is new exams so they might not know how hard the new one is or because these are the people that have sat the exam and did well and think it doesn't’t need to be easier as they did it and did good. 23 people aged 12-16 year said It show be easier and only 16 people said It shouldn't’t. This shows that it mostly the young student that want it changing. Most of the Reponses said that they didn't’t have enough time to learn all their subjects and that they felt to much pressure to do well. This tells me that kids need more time and help before these exams and that maybe they the GCSES should stay the same level but have extra time before sitting them. I would use this information to show people how much pressure these new GCSES are giving the kids and that they need extra support. I a, going to use these information to show parents how the student feel when doing these exams and give tips for them about how they can help their child.
  • 19. * This question is similar to question 6 as there both about the school offering support but I wanted to ask this one to see if there offered support for mental health not just exams and stress. The answer for yes was much higher than inn question 6 with 61 people saying yes. This shows the most schools offer support for mental health more than exams. By looking at the reasons below 16 people said there was a support group people go to to talk about their feeling and also counselling. This shows the the student can get the help they need in schools but 26 people did say no to help and in the responses people said that they have help but nothing is done about their problems. This could mean kids are not taken as seriously as they are wanted to and no help is given. I want to create posters and leaflet with support website on there where they can go and get help if they feel like they have no one to talk to. Schools are very busy all the time so by creating these campaign it gets the kids help who need it if they can’t get help from school.