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                             South West Clean Technologies Review

                                        Trend Analysis and Discussion

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007                                   1

    1.  Introduction

    2.  Energy Efficiency in Residential Construction
    3.  Tidal and Wave Energy
    4.  Offshore Wind Farms
    5.  Producing Fuels from Biomass
    6.  Plastics and Electronics Recycling
    7.  Aerospace Energy Efficiency
    8.  Photovoltaics
    9.  CO2 Algae Transformation
    10. Combined Heat and Power
    11. Hybrid and Flex-Fuel Engines

    12. Conclusion

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007

    v  We reviewed close to 500 South West region organisations, 401 of which were relevant
              –  SwRDA team, RegenSW database
              –  MarketClusters primary and secondary research
    v  Our assessment of regional strengths and weaknesses combines several factors
              –  Strengths and weaknesses benchmarked against other regions around the world
              –  Regional strengths identified based on:
                        »    Number of relevant companies in industry categories
                        »    Size of relevant companies in industry categories
                        »    Innovation created by relevant companies in industry class / Reputation of relevant companies in industry categories

              The results are displayed on the Industry SIM

                                                                                     Regional strength: strong combination of companies in region

                                                                                     Regional weakness: no significant companies in region

    v  We have created a shortlist of opportunities taking into account further industry factors

                                                                                                                Global market size and growth (Low / Medium / High)

                                                                                                                South West Ticket to Play (Disadvantaged / Neutral / Advantaged)

                                                                                                                          Takes into account South West strength in relevant industry classes ..
                                                                                                                          –  .. reputation (of region and individual companies) in relevant industry classes
     longlist (trend spider)                  trend presentation
                                                                                                                          –  .. and stickiness (sustainability) of regional strength

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
                                                     Key Findings from the CleanTech SIM

    Key findings from Strategic Industry Map

                                            Supporting Infrastructure

                                            v  Strong presence of regional and
                                                international supporting companies
                                                (consulting etc.)
                                            v  Developed academic research base

Small Scale Power Generation                                                         Resource Consumption

v  Weak presence in small scale power                                               v  Range of efficiency-related
    generation companies with proprietary                                                companies able to provide quick
    technologies                                                                         savings and environmental results
v  Well developed portfolio of added                                                v  Weak representation of biofuel
    value (small scale) project                                                          technology companies
    management companies

                                            Waste Management

                                            v  Broad cluster of waste management
                                                and specialist companies

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
1) Energy Efficiency in
                                           Residential Construction

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
1) Energy Efficiency in
                                                                                       Residential Construction

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Energy efficient construction relates to the development of materials whose production is less harmful to the environment and the construction or retrofitting of buildings that use less
 energy than conventional ones.

 v  Over a quarter of total UK energy consumption was related to domestic needs, especially heating & cooling [Source: National Statistics], with about 2m UK households spending over
 10% of their income on domestic energy. With the recent sharp increase in energy prices, energy efficient construction is gaining in momentum. The Government s annual house-building
 target is around 240,000 new homes – a notable increase from the approximately 140,000 currently being built per year [Sources: Rowntree, National Statistics].

 v  Since April 2006, the UK BERR's Low Carbon Buildings Programme has offered grants to public sector and charitable bodies for the installation of micro-generation technologies,
 funding up to the 50% of total project cost.

 Key Player Profiles

                    Kensa Engineering                                        Powertech Solar                                    Burdens Environmental
                       Heat Pumps                                              Micropower                                   Environmental Building Systems

    Kensa Engineering is a supplier and manufacturer             Powertech supplies micropower generation           Burdens supplies a range of products for the shell              Company with SW
    of ground source heat pumps. Its testing facility in      systems to be integrated in houses. Micropower          (walls, roofs and floors) of the building. These

     Cornwall was involved in international standard        solutions include micro wind turbines, multi source      products combine breathable, well insulated and                Multinational
                                                                                                                                                                                    company with
     setting for heat pumps. Originally the company         thermal stores, solar thermal collectors, PV panels,    healthy living accommodation using environmental                significant
      developed sea water sourced heat pumps for             air to water heat pumps and underflooring heating                                                                      presence in SWE
                    marine application.                                                                                     friendly and sustainable materials.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                                    in Category

 Why (Market and regional strengths)                                        Why Not                                                                                Market Size

 v  New building regulations already in place (e.g. Home
   Information Packs, Part L&F Building Regulations)
 v  Improvements for existing houses more likely with
                                                                            v  Current lack of tight legal requirements reduces
                                                                              incentives to adopt construction energy efficiency
                                                                            v  Private residents are reluctant towards upfront payments
                                                                                                                                                          L M H
   rising energy prices                                                       for environmentally friendly construction or upgrades, and
                                                                              financial alternatives are still scarce                                          SW Ticket To Play

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2) Tidal and Wave Energy

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2) Tidal and Wave Energy

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Tidal power is the extraction of energy from the of the rising and falling motion of sea levels. It is not easy to capture tidal power efficiently, but Britain has very strong potential as it is
 surrounded by sea with strong tidal and current flows. In the SW, there are several suitable locations for tidal power off the top South West tip and off the coast from Weymouth.

 v  According to MCT, 20% of the UK s electricity needs could be met by harnessing tidal power through marine turbines. The total amount of available tidal electric energy is estimated to
 be a vast 22TWh [Source: National Statistics].

 v  Wave power is the use of waves to produce energy. One of the most famous devices which produces energy from waves is the Pelamis, used in demonstration wave farms in Scotland
 and Portugal. These projects in Scotland and in Portugal are pilot projects of interest to ascertain opportunities around the South West Coast. Scottish Wavegen is currently building a
 small, commercial wave energy plant in Spain. Another project is to be installed 10 miles off Hayle. It will provide the world's biggest testing ground for wave power devices (Wave-Hub).
 Companies taking part are Oceanlinx (AUS), Ocean Power Technologies (US/UK), Fred Olsen (NOR) and WestWave (E.On and Ocean Prospect).

 Key Player Profiles

                      Tidal Generation                                             ORECon                                          Marine Current Turbines (MCT)
                       Tidal Turbines                                        Wave energy Systems                                        Renewable Energy

        Tidal Generation develops tidal turbines to              ORECon develops wave energy devices. The                 The company develops technology for exploiting                     Company with SW
    generate electricity from tidal flows. Each machine        company’s development program includes: small-                       flowing water and tidal streams.
      can produce sufficient electricity to power 650           scale tank testing at the University of Plymouth          MCT partners and corporate shareholders include                    company with
                              homes.                           and large-scale testing at two of Europe's largest          Bendalls Engineering, EDF Energy, Guernsey                        significant
                                                                                                                                                                                             presence in SWE
        The company will install the turbines at the                        facilities Brest & Nantes.                    Electricity, Seacore, Tridios Bank and BankInvest.
          European Energy Centre in Orkney and                                                                                                                                               Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                                             in Category
     anticipates that it will start to contribute to the UK
                   energy needs by 2010.

 Why (Market and regional strengths)                                           Why Not                                                                                    Market Size

 v  Numerous South-West sites suitable for tidal power
 v  Already supported by SWRDA
 v  UK has expertise in these types of power plants
                                                                               v  Expensive projects, costs too high to be profitable within
                                                                                 the next 5 years (especially for wave systems)
                                                                               v  Environmental impact concerns, such as e.g. possible
                                                                                                                                                                 L M H
 v  Support through the Wave and Tidal Energy                                   conflicts with fisheries
   Demonstration funding scheme                                                v  Weak power grid around the coast                                                   SW Ticket To Play

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
3) Offshore Wind Farms

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
3) Offshore Wind Farms

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Offshore wind farms are wind turbine farms built in the sea and away from shallow waters close to the land. The electricity produced by these farms is routed through underwater cables
 back to the grid on the mainland. The wind turbines are based on the same technology as onshore ones, but due to wind conditions at sea, offshore wind turbines can be built bigger and
 are able to generate more power.

 v  According to a 2005 assessment by Ernst & Young, the UK is one of the most viable countries for the generation of offshore wind energy.

 v The world s largest offshore wind farm is planned to be built near the coast of North Devon. The £3bn Atlantic Array scheme once completed around 2016, will generate 1,5MW, energy
 to power more than 1,000,000 homes. Five operating offshore farms currently operate in the UK: Blyth, North Hoyle, Scroby Sands, Kentish Flats and Barrow. Even though turbines are
 mostly imported (Vestas, REpower etc.), local companies profit from construction, maintenance or even operation.

 Key Player Profiles
                 Npower renewables                                            Farm Energy2                                           Seawind
              Renewable energy company                                    Atlantic Array Project                               Offshore wind projects

   Npower has signed a contract with Siemens plc to         Farm Energy2 is a Devon based company that will           International provider of project management,            Company with SW
     supply and install 25 wind turbines for the new        develop the £3bn Atlantic Array project, the world’s   engineering, construction and operations services           HQ

    Rhyl Flats Offshore Wind Farms, located west of                          biggest wind farm.                            to the offshore wind energy industry.               Multinational
     North Hoyle. The Rhyl Flats, with a £10 million        The energy company was involved with proposals          Ongoing development projects include: 50MW in              company with
   capital grant, is expected to generate electricity for     for a huge offshore wind project in the Thames         Ireland, 20MW in the UK, 380MW in Germany,                presence in SWE

                       61,000 homes.                         estuary which was approved by the Government          90MW in Czechoslovakia, 40MW in Spain, 100MW                Leading Company
                                                                                 last year.                         in South America and 300MW in North America.               in Category

 Why (Market and Regional Strengths)                                        Why Not                                                                           Market Size

 v  More energy than onshore wind farms (higher wind
   speed, less turbulence), and fewer visual impact issues
 v  Enough grid capacity in the South West
                                                                            v  Deep seabeds around the southwest complicate turbine
                                                                            v  Expensive projects (foundations, corrosion and
                                                                                                                                                     L M H
 v  Numerous SW sites suitable for offshore wind power                       connection to the grid)
   (40% of Europe s wind passes through UK)                                 v  Potential conflicts with fisheries                                        SW Ticket To Play
 v  BWEA says offshore wind farms can meet 6% of                           v  Weak grid around the coast

   demand by 2015

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
4) Producing Fuels from Biomass

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
4) Producing Fuels from Biomass

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Today s biofuel production focuses on the use of energy crops, such as sugar cane, corn and oil palm. As these plants demand large land space and energy to be grown, and their use
 as fuel sources can compete with their use as food, which has ethical and economical implications. BTL (biomass-to-liquid) processes use the waste part of edible plants. Newer
 processes are also capable of converting biological residue such as corn stover, straw and human/animal sewage into biogas and biofuels, for on-site and off-site use. According to the
 Office of National Statistics, approximately 62% of Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) is from biodegradable sources, which shows the potential synergies between Biomass fuel production
 and waste reduction.

 v  In 2006, UK biodiesel production capacity was approximately 290m liters; demand reached about 95m litres for bioethanol and 200m liters for biodiesel. [Sources: HMRC, National
 Statistics]. Current legislation (Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation) requires that by 2010, 5% of all transport fuel will be derived from renewable sources.

 v  Near-term projects focus on the direct combustion of energy crops and wood processing waste for power generation. An example is the 7MW combined heat and power plant at the
 Charlton sawmill in Buckland (Somerset).

 Key Player Profiles
                         BICAL                                              Green Fuels                                            Compact Power
                  Energy crop specialist                            Biomass processing equipment                                 Process Technology

     Bical develops methods for crop production and          Green Fuels produces Biodiesel processors and          Compact Power has developed pyrolysis and                Company with SW
     onward processing focusing on miscanthus. The             hydrogen generators. The company is also           gasification technology, using waste and biomass,          HQ
      company formed Bical Energy and the BiCep              currently developing bioethanol equipment and          to create a method for waste processing and              Multinational
        producer group to promote the spread of                consults in all aspects of plant construction.                      renewable energy.                         company with
                      Miscanthus.                                                                                                                                            presence in SWE

                                                                                                                                                                             Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                             in Category

 Why (Market and Regional Strengths)                                       Why Not                                                                           Market Size

 v  New opportunities for crop growers
 v  Biodiesel production can serve as early entry,
   bioalcohols as later entry
                                                                           v  Technology still under development with uncertain
                                                                             outcome for different types of biomass
                                                                           v  Petrol distribution infrastructure not yet ready for
                                                                                                                                                     L M H
 v  Reduction of total waste volume                                         bioalcohols
 v  Production of heat, power, fuels and gas from biomass                 v  Need to monitor gas emissions for health and                               SW Ticket To Play
   opens wide range of application                                           environmental risks

                                                                           v  Plants for mechanical separation of biological waste from
                                                                             MSW needed

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
5) Plastics and Electronics Recycling

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5) Plastics and Electronics Recycling

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Electronics: The European directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ( WEEE ) aims to increase reuse and recycling by making producers and distributors responsible for
 collection and treatment of used equipment. Many electronics contain toxic substances (mercury, cadmium) as well as valuable raw material for recycling (steel, glass, silicon, lead, gold).
 According to the Office of National Statistics, at present less than 15% of WEEE is properly disposed of.
 v  Major manufacturers, such as Sony, Dell and Staples, have started recycling programmes in the last few years.

 v  Plastics: Plastics consumption grows about 4% every year in Western Europe. In the UK, it is estimated that only 7% of the total plastic waste of 4.7m tonnes are currently recycled
 [Source: Defra]. For recycling, plastics are sorted and broken down into their constituent monomers, which can then be reused.
 v  One of the main problems in plastic recycling is an underdeveloped infrastructure and low market demand. Recycled plastics are mainly used in the manufacture of low-specification
 v The Government s WRAP initiative aims to develop the recyclate markets and plastics recycling in general.

 v  Key Player Profiles
           Viridor Waste Management                                          CRT Heaven                                          MDJ Light Brothers
   Waste management company for various types                     Machinery for the recycling industry                 Waste recycling and waste management
                    of waste                                                                                                          services                                Key:

                                                                                                                                                                                Company with SW
      Viridor is a waste service company. It currently         CRT Heaven produces recycling equipment to            MDJ provides recycling for metal, WEEE (and                HQ
        operates 25 regional landfill sites, regional        handle used CRT Computer and TV monitors. The          WEEE plastics), plastic and other materials. The            Multinational
    recycling facilities and 189 waste processing sites.      end product of the recycling process is saleable      company also provides collections services for a            company with
                                                                                raw material.                       wider range of wastes and trades the recyclates.            presence in SWE

                                                                                                                                                                                Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                                in Category

 Why (Market and Regional Strengths)                                        Why Not                                                                            Market Size

 v  Reduces toxic substances in landfills
 v  Increasing volume of complex electronics waste
                                                                            v  Toxicity of certain substances
                                                                            v  Strong competition from overseas recycling operations
                                                                                                                                                      L M H
 v  Recovery of valuable materials                                         v  Danger of sensitive information retrieval

                                                                            Plastics                                                                       SW Ticket To Play
                                                                            v  Recycling complex due to 50+ different plastic types

 v  Conservation of energy
                                                                            v  Degradable plastics gaining momentum
 v  Use of plastics is growing
                                                                            v  Recycled mainly overseas
 v  Price of oil to produce plastics is volatile and high
Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
6) Aerospace Energy Efficiency

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6) Aerospace Energy Efficiency

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Major airliner manufacturers are investing in research to develop efficient eco-friendly airframes and engines that will both save airline companies fuel costs and decrease the impact on
 the environment as well reduce noise pollution, as required by EU legislation and by the Kyoto protocol. CO2 and noise emission can be reduced by modifying aircraft aerodynamics and
 weight ratios, as well as optimising engine performance.

 v  The Strategic Research Agenda (commissioned by ACARE, Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in EU ) has allocated €1.075 billion to the Aeronautics & Space Industry to
 support the objective of halving carbon dioxide emissions and reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by 80% by 2020 (Source: Vision 2020 report)

 v  In October 2006, nine European Aircraft companies announced the €1.7 billion Clean Sky initiative to develop greener aeronautics systems such as more efficient engines. A
 consortium of university engineers and aircraft manufacturers (Rolls Royce, Boeing and Marshall Aerospace) is also collaborating on the Silent Aircraft Initiative (SAI)

 Key Player Profiles
           University of the West of England                                   Rolls-Royce                                                Airbus UK
           Academic education and research                                  Engine manufacturer                                     Aircraft manufacturer

   The Aerospace Manufacturing Research Centre is             Since the introduction of jet-powered airliners, the    Airbus forecasts that the A380 will be at least four          Company with SW
    a leading research group of national significance         fuel efficiency of aircraft has improved by around       decibels quieter than the Boeing 747-400. This               HQ
   for the aerospace industry. Thee Centre is involved         70 per cent. Rolls-Royce wants to halve engine          equates to a perceived 50 percent reduction in               Multinational
      in aerospace environmental issues as well as            noise relative to 1998 levels by 2010, to achieve          noise levels. Operating costs per seat will be             company with
          emissions and environmental impacts.                  10% reduction in fuel consumption in all new                     reduced by about 15 percent.                       presence in SWE
                                                                 engines and to cut NOx emissions by 50 %.            The A380 wings were designed and are part-built               Leading Company
                                                                                                                                       in the Filton facility.                      in Category

 Why (Market and regional strengths)                                          Why Not                                                                               Market Size

 v  Airliners are being pressured to develop cleaner
   technology as could reduce climate change.
 v  Energy efficiency results in a decrease of fuel costs
                                                                              v  Impact of aircraft pollution is difficult to assess
                                                                              v  Noise reduction can potentially reduce engine aircraft
                                                                                                                                                           L M H
 v  Substantial funding from institutions                                    v  Issue dominated by large manufacturers
 v  Filton is key R&D centre for next generation airframes                   v  High cost of R&D                                                               SW Ticket To Play
   and engines

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
7) Photovoltaics

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
7) Photovoltaics

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Photovoltaics describes a technology that uses solar cells to convert solar radiation into electricity. The PV cell consists of one or two layers of a semiconducting material, usually

 v  The British Photovoltaic Association currently counts 138 industrial PV parks installed in the UK, with a total (peak) generating capacity of approximately 2.28 megawatt. The
 governmental PV Demonstration Programme has supported 80% of small to large scale programmes, counting a total installed capacity of 10MW [Source: Office of National Statistics].

 v  The main area of application in a temperate country such as the UK is PV systems connected to the local electricity network. In the evening, when the solar system is unable to provide
 the electricity required, power can be bought back from the network. In effect, the grid is acting as an energy storage system, which means the PV system does not need to include battery

 Key Player Profiles
                    Imagination Solar                                         Solar Ray                                             Barum Solarheat
                   Roof Integrated PV                                Renewable Energy consultancy                                 small-scale solar power
     Imagination Solar has developed a Hybrid Solar              Solar Ray focuses on residential and small          The company, based in Devon, has over 25 years
                                                                                                                                                                                      Company with SW
     system, which consists of a combination of solar        business alternative energy solutions, ranging from      of experience in design and installation of small-              HQ
        hot water and PV systems in a single roof            single panel systems for canal boat owners, to grid                 scale solar power projects.
       integrated system. Other areas of expertise              connected solar roofs systems on commercial               Clients include The National Trust, local                   company with
    include low energy building design, home energy                               buildings.                            authorities, housing associations and various                 significant
                                                                                                                                                                                      presence in SWE
         ratings, and renewable energy systems.
                                                                                                                              British Government departments.                         Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                                      in Category

 Why (Market and regional strengths)                                        Why Not                                                                                 Market Size

 v  PV systems generate no greenhouse gases, saving
   approximately 325kg of carbon dioxide emissions per
   year for each kilowatt peak
                                                                            v  High capital cost of photovoltaic installations means
                                                                              significant government subsidies are still needed for large
                                                                              scale commercial implementation
                                                                                                                                                           L M H
 v  The DTI introduced a monthly allocation of £500,000                    v  The UK s climate conditions are not favourable for direct
   for householders wishing to apply for capital grants to                    solar power                                                                       SW Ticket To Play
   install micro-generation in December 2006

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
8) CO2 Algae Transformation

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
8) CO2 Algae Transformation

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Algae can be used to reduce the CO2 in exhausts from production processes. Additionally algae can absorb different types of pollutants such as nitrous oxide. A number of small
 international companies are looking into this new form of pollution reduction. The algae can be reused in the production of biofuels.

 v  The market for algae production and processing is very small at the moment. A possible future driver may be that captured carbon emissions can be sold under the EU Emissions
 Trading Scheme (EUETS). According to Point Carbon, the EUETS doubled last year to EUR22.5bn.

 Key Player Profiles
                Diversified Energy Corp                                   GreenFuel Technologies                                        OriginOil
               Algae production systems                                Renewable Energy consultancy                       Developing Algae-to-Biofuel processes
     The company is developing an algae bioreactor              GreenFuel's algae farms recycle carbon dioxide        OriginOil is developing a that will transform algae
                                                                                                                                                                                    Company with SW
     that uses carbon dioxide from industrial exhaust          from flue gases to produce biofuels and feed. The       into bio-oil. This new oil can be used for many              HQ
     gas to facilitate algae growth. DEC partners with         company just recently secured USD5.5m in bridge         products such as diesel, gasoline, jet fuel and
       XLRenewables to commercialise the system.                                    funding.                                                plastics.                               company with
                                                                                                                                                                                    presence in SWE

                                                                                                                                                                                    Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                                    in Category

 Why (Market and regional strengths)                                          Why Not                                                                               Market Size

 v  Secondary use for production of biofuels
 v  Mitigating carbon emissions
 v  Additionally, production of algae as a Biofuel resource
                                                                              v  Early stages of development
                                                                              v  To develop from scratch in South West
                                                                              v  Engines running on bioalcohols are not yet common
                                                                                                                                                           L M H
   reduces dependence on hydrocarbons and on                                  v  Particularly relevant for plants emitting industrial
   converting food crops to Biofuel                                             quantities of carbon dioxide (few are present in SW)                            SW Ticket To Play

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
9) Combined Heat and Power

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9) Combined Heat and Power

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Combined heat and power (CHP, also known as cogeneration) is the principle of reusing the waste heat produced in a production process or power station. The heat created as a by-
 product can be reused to produce electricity or usable heat. The principle of micro CHP is the use of the same principle in a house or small business. CHP plants are usually connected to
 the lower voltage distribution grid, which can provide additional efficiency gains.

 v  The UK target for CHP plants are the contribution of 10,000MWe by the end of 2010 (5,500MWe as of 2006). In order to achieve this, the VAT on micro CHP equipment has been
 lowered to 5.5% and certain CHP plants are recognised under the EU Emission Trading Scheme. [Source: Office of National Statistics]

 v  Cogeneration offers energy savings between 15-40% when compared against conventional power stations and boilers. The initial investment in cogeneration projects can be relatively
 high but payback periods between 3-5 years might be expected. [Source: Delta Research, Energy Savings Trust]

 Key Player Profiles
              Centrax Gas Turbine Division                                      Dalkia                                                ENER-G
                  Turnkey CHP plants                          Integrated company with solutions for the                              CHP plants
                                                                   water, gas and electricity sectors

                                                                                                                                                                               Company with SW
       Centrax manufacture gas turbine powered            Dalkia is part of Veolia Environment. The company     ENER-G develops CHP ( Cogeneration ) units for                 HQ
      generator sets. Services provided range from        provides energy management solutions that make           on-site generation. Clients include hospitals,              Multinational
     supply and commissioning of generator sets to          use of CHP (amongst others). Projects include        universities and landfill sites. The company also             company with
           turnkey contracts for CHP plants.               CHP plants for Eli Lilly, a hospital in Birmingham   offers pyrolysis and gasification plants through its           significant
                                                                                                                                                                               presence in SWE
                                                                            and AstraZeneca.                                   subsidiary ENERGOS.
                                                                                                                                                                               Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                               in Category

 Why (Market and regional strengths)                                      Why Not                                                                             Market Size

 v  Mature technology
 v  Significant energy and costs savings during operation
 v  Technology applicable to non-fossil fuel plants and as
                                                                          v  CHP plants primarily operate on fossil fuels
                                                                          v  Complications in recognising carbon emission savings
                                                                          v  High initial investment
                                                                                                                                                     L M H
   wasted energy recovery systems
 v  Reliability of electricity production
 v  Reduces dependency on burning fuels and therefore                                                                                                    SW Ticket To Play
   meets Kyoto s requirements
 v  Technology also supports distributed power generation
Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
10) Hybrid and Flexi-Fuel Engines

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
10) Hybrid and Flex-Fuel Engines

 Opportunity Description & Market Sizing
 v  Hybrid engines combine benefits of internal combustion engines with electric motors. The electric motor is used to start and accelerate the car as well as for low speed driving. The
 vehicle s batteries can be partly recharged when braking. The combustion engine provides propulsion for high speed driving. Apart from the electric motor, the energy storage technology
 is the key to widespread hybrid and pure-electric engines.

 v  Flex-Fuel engines work with different types and/or blends of fuel. They are especially optimised for a high concentration of alcohols ( bioethanol ) (spark ignition) or biodiesel
 (compression ignition). In 2006 there was no biofuel production plant in operation in the UK but bioethanol consumption reached about 95m litres. Most of the produced biodiesel (290m
 litres) was blended with fossil derived diesel (e.g. B20/E10). The EU s Research Directorate-General has called for biofuels to provide 25% of European road transport needs by 2030.

 v  Toyota s launch of the Prius stimulated the car manufacturing industry to invest heavily in hybrid engines. Demand for maintenance and engineering services for hybrid vehicle owners
 and speciality transport companies will increase.

 Key Player Profiles

                        Baldor UK                                            PML Flightlink                                              FEV
                      Electric Motors                                        Electric Motors                                       Engine Developer

      Baldor UK is a division of Baldor Electric and          Hampshire-based PML has over 30 years of             FEV is engaged in the design and development of                Company with SW
     produces industrial electric motors, drives, multi-        experience in design and manufacturing of             internal combustion engines and provides
     axis motion controllers, intelligent servo drives,         electric motors, joysticks and drive systems         engineering services around hybrid drives. Its               Multinational
                                                                                                                                                                                  company with
            servo motors and linear motors.                         for defence, aerospace and mobility                    clients are large drivetrain OEMs.                     significant
                                                                                applications.                                                                                     presence in SWE

                                                                                                                                                                                  Leading Company
                                                                                                                                                                                  in Category

 Why (Market and regional strengths)                                       Why Not                                                                              Market Size

 v  Big potential market; individual and commercial
 v  Profits through retro-fitting
                                                                           v  Advanced engineering knowledge is required, which may
                                                                             constitute a barrier to entry in some instances
                                                                           v  Potential concerns over land use restrictions regarding
                                                                                                                                                       L M H
 v  New fuels call for new engines and specialist                           Biofuel production
     engineering services
                                                                                                                                                             SW Ticket To Play
 v  Biofuels offers good potential for net CO2 emission

     reduction, particularly for transportation

Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007

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  • 1. StrategyEye South West Clean Technologies Review Trend Analysis and Discussion Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007 1
  • 2. Overview 1.  Introduction 2.  Energy Efficiency in Residential Construction 3.  Tidal and Wave Energy 4.  Offshore Wind Farms 5.  Producing Fuels from Biomass 6.  Plastics and Electronics Recycling 7.  Aerospace Energy Efficiency 8.  Photovoltaics 9.  CO2 Algae Transformation 10. Combined Heat and Power 11. Hybrid and Flex-Fuel Engines 12. Conclusion Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 3. Introduction: Methodology v  We reviewed close to 500 South West region organisations, 401 of which were relevant Sources: –  SwRDA team, RegenSW database –  MarketClusters primary and secondary research v  Our assessment of regional strengths and weaknesses combines several factors –  Strengths and weaknesses benchmarked against other regions around the world –  Regional strengths identified based on: »  Number of relevant companies in industry categories »  Size of relevant companies in industry categories »  Innovation created by relevant companies in industry class / Reputation of relevant companies in industry categories The results are displayed on the Industry SIM Regional strength: strong combination of companies in region Regional weakness: no significant companies in region v  We have created a shortlist of opportunities taking into account further industry factors Global market size and growth (Low / Medium / High) South West Ticket to Play (Disadvantaged / Neutral / Advantaged) Takes into account South West strength in relevant industry classes .. –  .. reputation (of region and individual companies) in relevant industry classes longlist (trend spider) trend presentation –  .. and stickiness (sustainability) of regional strength Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 4. Introduction: Key Findings from the CleanTech SIM Key findings from Strategic Industry Map Supporting Infrastructure v  Strong presence of regional and international supporting companies (consulting etc.) v  Developed academic research base Small Scale Power Generation Resource Consumption v  Weak presence in small scale power v  Range of efficiency-related generation companies with proprietary companies able to provide quick technologies savings and environmental results v  Well developed portfolio of added v  Weak representation of biofuel value (small scale) project technology companies management companies Waste Management v  Broad cluster of waste management and specialist companies Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 5. 1) Energy Efficiency in Residential Construction Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 6. 1) Energy Efficiency in Residential Construction Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Energy efficient construction relates to the development of materials whose production is less harmful to the environment and the construction or retrofitting of buildings that use less energy than conventional ones. v  Over a quarter of total UK energy consumption was related to domestic needs, especially heating & cooling [Source: National Statistics], with about 2m UK households spending over 10% of their income on domestic energy. With the recent sharp increase in energy prices, energy efficient construction is gaining in momentum. The Government s annual house-building target is around 240,000 new homes – a notable increase from the approximately 140,000 currently being built per year [Sources: Rowntree, National Statistics]. v  Since April 2006, the UK BERR's Low Carbon Buildings Programme has offered grants to public sector and charitable bodies for the installation of micro-generation technologies, funding up to the 50% of total project cost. Key Player Profiles Kensa Engineering Powertech Solar Burdens Environmental Heat Pumps Micropower Environmental Building Systems Key: Kensa Engineering is a supplier and manufacturer Powertech supplies micropower generation Burdens supplies a range of products for the shell Company with SW of ground source heat pumps. Its testing facility in systems to be integrated in houses. Micropower (walls, roofs and floors) of the building. These HQ Cornwall was involved in international standard solutions include micro wind turbines, multi source products combine breathable, well insulated and Multinational company with setting for heat pumps. Originally the company thermal stores, solar thermal collectors, PV panels, healthy living accommodation using environmental significant developed sea water sourced heat pumps for air to water heat pumps and underflooring heating presence in SWE marine application. friendly and sustainable materials. Leading Company in Category Why (Market and regional strengths) Why Not Market Size v  New building regulations already in place (e.g. Home Information Packs, Part L&F Building Regulations) v  Improvements for existing houses more likely with v  Current lack of tight legal requirements reduces incentives to adopt construction energy efficiency v  Private residents are reluctant towards upfront payments L M H rising energy prices for environmentally friendly construction or upgrades, and financial alternatives are still scarce SW Ticket To Play D.N.A Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 7. 2) Tidal and Wave Energy Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 8. 2) Tidal and Wave Energy Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Tidal power is the extraction of energy from the of the rising and falling motion of sea levels. It is not easy to capture tidal power efficiently, but Britain has very strong potential as it is surrounded by sea with strong tidal and current flows. In the SW, there are several suitable locations for tidal power off the top South West tip and off the coast from Weymouth. v  According to MCT, 20% of the UK s electricity needs could be met by harnessing tidal power through marine turbines. The total amount of available tidal electric energy is estimated to be a vast 22TWh [Source: National Statistics]. v  Wave power is the use of waves to produce energy. One of the most famous devices which produces energy from waves is the Pelamis, used in demonstration wave farms in Scotland and Portugal. These projects in Scotland and in Portugal are pilot projects of interest to ascertain opportunities around the South West Coast. Scottish Wavegen is currently building a small, commercial wave energy plant in Spain. Another project is to be installed 10 miles off Hayle. It will provide the world's biggest testing ground for wave power devices (Wave-Hub). Companies taking part are Oceanlinx (AUS), Ocean Power Technologies (US/UK), Fred Olsen (NOR) and WestWave (E.On and Ocean Prospect). Key Player Profiles Tidal Generation ORECon Marine Current Turbines (MCT) Tidal Turbines Wave energy Systems Renewable Energy Key: Tidal Generation develops tidal turbines to ORECon develops wave energy devices. The The company develops technology for exploiting Company with SW HQ generate electricity from tidal flows. Each machine company’s development program includes: small- flowing water and tidal streams. Multinational can produce sufficient electricity to power 650 scale tank testing at the University of Plymouth MCT partners and corporate shareholders include company with homes. and large-scale testing at two of Europe's largest Bendalls Engineering, EDF Energy, Guernsey significant presence in SWE The company will install the turbines at the facilities Brest & Nantes. Electricity, Seacore, Tridios Bank and BankInvest. European Energy Centre in Orkney and Leading Company in Category anticipates that it will start to contribute to the UK energy needs by 2010. Why (Market and regional strengths) Why Not Market Size v  Numerous South-West sites suitable for tidal power v  Already supported by SWRDA v  UK has expertise in these types of power plants v  Expensive projects, costs too high to be profitable within the next 5 years (especially for wave systems) v  Environmental impact concerns, such as e.g. possible L M H v  Support through the Wave and Tidal Energy conflicts with fisheries Demonstration funding scheme v  Weak power grid around the coast SW Ticket To Play D.N.A Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 9. 3) Offshore Wind Farms Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 10. 3) Offshore Wind Farms Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Offshore wind farms are wind turbine farms built in the sea and away from shallow waters close to the land. The electricity produced by these farms is routed through underwater cables back to the grid on the mainland. The wind turbines are based on the same technology as onshore ones, but due to wind conditions at sea, offshore wind turbines can be built bigger and are able to generate more power. v  According to a 2005 assessment by Ernst & Young, the UK is one of the most viable countries for the generation of offshore wind energy. v The world s largest offshore wind farm is planned to be built near the coast of North Devon. The £3bn Atlantic Array scheme once completed around 2016, will generate 1,5MW, energy to power more than 1,000,000 homes. Five operating offshore farms currently operate in the UK: Blyth, North Hoyle, Scroby Sands, Kentish Flats and Barrow. Even though turbines are mostly imported (Vestas, REpower etc.), local companies profit from construction, maintenance or even operation. Key Player Profiles Npower renewables Farm Energy2 Seawind Renewable energy company Atlantic Array Project Offshore wind projects Key: Npower has signed a contract with Siemens plc to Farm Energy2 is a Devon based company that will International provider of project management, Company with SW supply and install 25 wind turbines for the new develop the £3bn Atlantic Array project, the world’s engineering, construction and operations services HQ Rhyl Flats Offshore Wind Farms, located west of biggest wind farm. to the offshore wind energy industry. Multinational North Hoyle. The Rhyl Flats, with a £10 million The energy company was involved with proposals Ongoing development projects include: 50MW in company with significant capital grant, is expected to generate electricity for for a huge offshore wind project in the Thames Ireland, 20MW in the UK, 380MW in Germany, presence in SWE 61,000 homes. estuary which was approved by the Government 90MW in Czechoslovakia, 40MW in Spain, 100MW Leading Company last year. in South America and 300MW in North America. in Category Why (Market and Regional Strengths) Why Not Market Size v  More energy than onshore wind farms (higher wind speed, less turbulence), and fewer visual impact issues v  Enough grid capacity in the South West v  Deep seabeds around the southwest complicate turbine installation v  Expensive projects (foundations, corrosion and L M H v  Numerous SW sites suitable for offshore wind power connection to the grid) (40% of Europe s wind passes through UK) v  Potential conflicts with fisheries SW Ticket To Play v  BWEA says offshore wind farms can meet 6% of v  Weak grid around the coast D.N.A demand by 2015 Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 11. 4) Producing Fuels from Biomass Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 12. 4) Producing Fuels from Biomass Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Today s biofuel production focuses on the use of energy crops, such as sugar cane, corn and oil palm. As these plants demand large land space and energy to be grown, and their use as fuel sources can compete with their use as food, which has ethical and economical implications. BTL (biomass-to-liquid) processes use the waste part of edible plants. Newer processes are also capable of converting biological residue such as corn stover, straw and human/animal sewage into biogas and biofuels, for on-site and off-site use. According to the Office of National Statistics, approximately 62% of Municipal Solid Waste ( MSW ) is from biodegradable sources, which shows the potential synergies between Biomass fuel production and waste reduction. v  In 2006, UK biodiesel production capacity was approximately 290m liters; demand reached about 95m litres for bioethanol and 200m liters for biodiesel. [Sources: HMRC, National Statistics]. Current legislation (Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation) requires that by 2010, 5% of all transport fuel will be derived from renewable sources. v  Near-term projects focus on the direct combustion of energy crops and wood processing waste for power generation. An example is the 7MW combined heat and power plant at the Charlton sawmill in Buckland (Somerset). Key Player Profiles BICAL Green Fuels Compact Power Energy crop specialist Biomass processing equipment Process Technology Key: Bical develops methods for crop production and Green Fuels produces Biodiesel processors and Compact Power has developed pyrolysis and Company with SW onward processing focusing on miscanthus. The hydrogen generators. The company is also gasification technology, using waste and biomass, HQ company formed Bical Energy and the BiCep currently developing bioethanol equipment and to create a method for waste processing and Multinational producer group to promote the spread of consults in all aspects of plant construction. renewable energy. company with significant Miscanthus. presence in SWE Leading Company in Category Why (Market and Regional Strengths) Why Not Market Size v  New opportunities for crop growers v  Biodiesel production can serve as early entry, bioalcohols as later entry v  Technology still under development with uncertain outcome for different types of biomass v  Petrol distribution infrastructure not yet ready for L M H v  Reduction of total waste volume bioalcohols v  Production of heat, power, fuels and gas from biomass v  Need to monitor gas emissions for health and SW Ticket To Play opens wide range of application environmental risks D.N.A v  Plants for mechanical separation of biological waste from MSW needed Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 13. 5) Plastics and Electronics Recycling Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 14. 5) Plastics and Electronics Recycling Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Electronics: The European directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment ( WEEE ) aims to increase reuse and recycling by making producers and distributors responsible for collection and treatment of used equipment. Many electronics contain toxic substances (mercury, cadmium) as well as valuable raw material for recycling (steel, glass, silicon, lead, gold). According to the Office of National Statistics, at present less than 15% of WEEE is properly disposed of. v  Major manufacturers, such as Sony, Dell and Staples, have started recycling programmes in the last few years. v  Plastics: Plastics consumption grows about 4% every year in Western Europe. In the UK, it is estimated that only 7% of the total plastic waste of 4.7m tonnes are currently recycled [Source: Defra]. For recycling, plastics are sorted and broken down into their constituent monomers, which can then be reused. v  One of the main problems in plastic recycling is an underdeveloped infrastructure and low market demand. Recycled plastics are mainly used in the manufacture of low-specification products. v The Government s WRAP initiative aims to develop the recyclate markets and plastics recycling in general. v  Key Player Profiles Viridor Waste Management CRT Heaven MDJ Light Brothers Waste management company for various types Machinery for the recycling industry Waste recycling and waste management of waste services Key: Company with SW Viridor is a waste service company. It currently CRT Heaven produces recycling equipment to MDJ provides recycling for metal, WEEE (and HQ operates 25 regional landfill sites, regional handle used CRT Computer and TV monitors. The WEEE plastics), plastic and other materials. The Multinational recycling facilities and 189 waste processing sites. end product of the recycling process is saleable company also provides collections services for a company with significant raw material. wider range of wastes and trades the recyclates. presence in SWE Leading Company in Category Why (Market and Regional Strengths) Why Not Market Size Electronics v  Reduces toxic substances in landfills v  Increasing volume of complex electronics waste Electronics v  Toxicity of certain substances v  Strong competition from overseas recycling operations L M H v  Recovery of valuable materials v  Danger of sensitive information retrieval Plastics SW Ticket To Play Plastics v  Recycling complex due to 50+ different plastic types D.N.A v  Conservation of energy v  Degradable plastics gaining momentum v  Use of plastics is growing v  Recycled mainly overseas v  Price of oil to produce plastics is volatile and high Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 15. 6) Aerospace Energy Efficiency Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 16. 6) Aerospace Energy Efficiency Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Major airliner manufacturers are investing in research to develop efficient eco-friendly airframes and engines that will both save airline companies fuel costs and decrease the impact on the environment as well reduce noise pollution, as required by EU legislation and by the Kyoto protocol. CO2 and noise emission can be reduced by modifying aircraft aerodynamics and weight ratios, as well as optimising engine performance. v  The Strategic Research Agenda (commissioned by ACARE, Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in EU ) has allocated €1.075 billion to the Aeronautics & Space Industry to support the objective of halving carbon dioxide emissions and reducing nitrogen oxide emissions by 80% by 2020 (Source: Vision 2020 report) v  In October 2006, nine European Aircraft companies announced the €1.7 billion Clean Sky initiative to develop greener aeronautics systems such as more efficient engines. A consortium of university engineers and aircraft manufacturers (Rolls Royce, Boeing and Marshall Aerospace) is also collaborating on the Silent Aircraft Initiative (SAI) Key Player Profiles University of the West of England Rolls-Royce Airbus UK Academic education and research Engine manufacturer Aircraft manufacturer Key: The Aerospace Manufacturing Research Centre is Since the introduction of jet-powered airliners, the Airbus forecasts that the A380 will be at least four Company with SW a leading research group of national significance fuel efficiency of aircraft has improved by around decibels quieter than the Boeing 747-400. This HQ for the aerospace industry. Thee Centre is involved 70 per cent. Rolls-Royce wants to halve engine equates to a perceived 50 percent reduction in Multinational in aerospace environmental issues as well as noise relative to 1998 levels by 2010, to achieve noise levels. Operating costs per seat will be company with significant emissions and environmental impacts. 10% reduction in fuel consumption in all new reduced by about 15 percent. presence in SWE engines and to cut NOx emissions by 50 %. The A380 wings were designed and are part-built Leading Company in the Filton facility. in Category Why (Market and regional strengths) Why Not Market Size v  Airliners are being pressured to develop cleaner technology as could reduce climate change. v  Energy efficiency results in a decrease of fuel costs v  Impact of aircraft pollution is difficult to assess v  Noise reduction can potentially reduce engine aircraft performance L M H v  Substantial funding from institutions v  Issue dominated by large manufacturers v  Filton is key R&D centre for next generation airframes v  High cost of R&D SW Ticket To Play and engines D.N.A Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 18. 7) Photovoltaics Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Photovoltaics describes a technology that uses solar cells to convert solar radiation into electricity. The PV cell consists of one or two layers of a semiconducting material, usually silicon. v  The British Photovoltaic Association currently counts 138 industrial PV parks installed in the UK, with a total (peak) generating capacity of approximately 2.28 megawatt. The governmental PV Demonstration Programme has supported 80% of small to large scale programmes, counting a total installed capacity of 10MW [Source: Office of National Statistics]. v  The main area of application in a temperate country such as the UK is PV systems connected to the local electricity network. In the evening, when the solar system is unable to provide the electricity required, power can be bought back from the network. In effect, the grid is acting as an energy storage system, which means the PV system does not need to include battery storage. Key Player Profiles Imagination Solar Solar Ray Barum Solarheat Roof Integrated PV Renewable Energy consultancy small-scale solar power Key: Imagination Solar has developed a Hybrid Solar Solar Ray focuses on residential and small The company, based in Devon, has over 25 years Company with SW system, which consists of a combination of solar business alternative energy solutions, ranging from of experience in design and installation of small- HQ hot water and PV systems in a single roof single panel systems for canal boat owners, to grid scale solar power projects. Multinational integrated system. Other areas of expertise connected solar roofs systems on commercial Clients include The National Trust, local company with include low energy building design, home energy buildings. authorities, housing associations and various significant presence in SWE ratings, and renewable energy systems. British Government departments. Leading Company in Category Why (Market and regional strengths) Why Not Market Size v  PV systems generate no greenhouse gases, saving approximately 325kg of carbon dioxide emissions per year for each kilowatt peak v  High capital cost of photovoltaic installations means significant government subsidies are still needed for large scale commercial implementation L M H v  The DTI introduced a monthly allocation of £500,000 v  The UK s climate conditions are not favourable for direct for householders wishing to apply for capital grants to solar power SW Ticket To Play install micro-generation in December 2006 D.N.A Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 19. 8) CO2 Algae Transformation Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 20. 8) CO2 Algae Transformation Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Algae can be used to reduce the CO2 in exhausts from production processes. Additionally algae can absorb different types of pollutants such as nitrous oxide. A number of small international companies are looking into this new form of pollution reduction. The algae can be reused in the production of biofuels. v  The market for algae production and processing is very small at the moment. A possible future driver may be that captured carbon emissions can be sold under the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EUETS). According to Point Carbon, the EUETS doubled last year to EUR22.5bn. Key Player Profiles Diversified Energy Corp GreenFuel Technologies OriginOil Algae production systems Renewable Energy consultancy Developing Algae-to-Biofuel processes Key: The company is developing an algae bioreactor GreenFuel's algae farms recycle carbon dioxide OriginOil is developing a that will transform algae Company with SW that uses carbon dioxide from industrial exhaust from flue gases to produce biofuels and feed. The into bio-oil. This new oil can be used for many HQ gas to facilitate algae growth. DEC partners with company just recently secured USD5.5m in bridge products such as diesel, gasoline, jet fuel and Multinational XLRenewables to commercialise the system. funding. plastics. company with significant presence in SWE Leading Company in Category Why (Market and regional strengths) Why Not Market Size v  Secondary use for production of biofuels v  Mitigating carbon emissions v  Additionally, production of algae as a Biofuel resource v  Early stages of development v  To develop from scratch in South West v  Engines running on bioalcohols are not yet common L M H reduces dependence on hydrocarbons and on v  Particularly relevant for plants emitting industrial converting food crops to Biofuel quantities of carbon dioxide (few are present in SW) SW Ticket To Play D.N.A Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 21. 9) Combined Heat and Power Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 22. 9) Combined Heat and Power Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Combined heat and power (CHP, also known as cogeneration) is the principle of reusing the waste heat produced in a production process or power station. The heat created as a by- product can be reused to produce electricity or usable heat. The principle of micro CHP is the use of the same principle in a house or small business. CHP plants are usually connected to the lower voltage distribution grid, which can provide additional efficiency gains. v  The UK target for CHP plants are the contribution of 10,000MWe by the end of 2010 (5,500MWe as of 2006). In order to achieve this, the VAT on micro CHP equipment has been lowered to 5.5% and certain CHP plants are recognised under the EU Emission Trading Scheme. [Source: Office of National Statistics] v  Cogeneration offers energy savings between 15-40% when compared against conventional power stations and boilers. The initial investment in cogeneration projects can be relatively high but payback periods between 3-5 years might be expected. [Source: Delta Research, Energy Savings Trust] Key Player Profiles Centrax Gas Turbine Division Dalkia ENER-G Turnkey CHP plants Integrated company with solutions for the CHP plants water, gas and electricity sectors Key: Company with SW Centrax manufacture gas turbine powered Dalkia is part of Veolia Environment. The company ENER-G develops CHP ( Cogeneration ) units for HQ generator sets. Services provided range from provides energy management solutions that make on-site generation. Clients include hospitals, Multinational supply and commissioning of generator sets to use of CHP (amongst others). Projects include universities and landfill sites. The company also company with turnkey contracts for CHP plants. CHP plants for Eli Lilly, a hospital in Birmingham offers pyrolysis and gasification plants through its significant presence in SWE and AstraZeneca. subsidiary ENERGOS. Leading Company in Category Why (Market and regional strengths) Why Not Market Size v  Mature technology v  Significant energy and costs savings during operation v  Technology applicable to non-fossil fuel plants and as v  CHP plants primarily operate on fossil fuels v  Complications in recognising carbon emission savings v  High initial investment L M H wasted energy recovery systems v  Reliability of electricity production v  Reduces dependency on burning fuels and therefore SW Ticket To Play meets Kyoto s requirements v  Technology also supports distributed power generation D.N.A Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 23. 10) Hybrid and Flexi-Fuel Engines Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007
  • 24. 10) Hybrid and Flex-Fuel Engines Opportunity Description & Market Sizing v  Hybrid engines combine benefits of internal combustion engines with electric motors. The electric motor is used to start and accelerate the car as well as for low speed driving. The vehicle s batteries can be partly recharged when braking. The combustion engine provides propulsion for high speed driving. Apart from the electric motor, the energy storage technology is the key to widespread hybrid and pure-electric engines. v  Flex-Fuel engines work with different types and/or blends of fuel. They are especially optimised for a high concentration of alcohols ( bioethanol ) (spark ignition) or biodiesel (compression ignition). In 2006 there was no biofuel production plant in operation in the UK but bioethanol consumption reached about 95m litres. Most of the produced biodiesel (290m litres) was blended with fossil derived diesel (e.g. B20/E10). The EU s Research Directorate-General has called for biofuels to provide 25% of European road transport needs by 2030. v  Toyota s launch of the Prius stimulated the car manufacturing industry to invest heavily in hybrid engines. Demand for maintenance and engineering services for hybrid vehicle owners and speciality transport companies will increase. Key Player Profiles Baldor UK PML Flightlink FEV Electric Motors Electric Motors Engine Developer Key: Baldor UK is a division of Baldor Electric and Hampshire-based PML has over 30 years of FEV is engaged in the design and development of Company with SW HQ produces industrial electric motors, drives, multi- experience in design and manufacturing of internal combustion engines and provides axis motion controllers, intelligent servo drives, electric motors, joysticks and drive systems engineering services around hybrid drives. Its Multinational company with servo motors and linear motors. for defence, aerospace and mobility clients are large drivetrain OEMs. significant applications. presence in SWE Leading Company in Category Why (Market and regional strengths) Why Not Market Size v  Big potential market; individual and commercial transportation v  Profits through retro-fitting v  Advanced engineering knowledge is required, which may constitute a barrier to entry in some instances v  Potential concerns over land use restrictions regarding L M H v  New fuels call for new engines and specialist Biofuel production engineering services SW Ticket To Play v  Biofuels offers good potential for net CO2 emission D.N.A reduction, particularly for transportation Copyright MarketClusters Limited 2007