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Classification of Organisms Essay
Taxonomy is the study of the classification of organisms, it is the organization (separation) of all the known organisms into groups based on their
shared features, these groups are then organized into further, larger groups. These groups are all referred to as Taxa (Taxon– singular). The taxa used
in taxonomy are: Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum and kingdom, each group getting larger going form species to kingdom.
Taxa Used in Taxonomy =====================
Species –––––––
Organisms That are able to interbreed, producing fertile offspring are considered to be of the same species, this taxon can also be divided into
subspecies and then strains (to give more content...
The first name is always a noun and the second an adjective.
The relation between Phylogeny and Classification
Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species, it is a valuable biological mechanism used to determine what genus a species may fall into, as
species which have very similar (homologous) features can be assumed to have evolved from the same common ancestors, e.g. horses donkeys and
zebras all have homologous features and can all be filed under the genus Equus.
Artificial selection
Humans have also had a hand in how many of the animals we see every day are the way they are. Take Dogs for example, they have been bred to
produce a wide variety of qualities that we find desirable in them, and these can be behavioural, or physical properties. Guard dogs have been bred to
have phenotypes such as broad shoulders, heavy build and they also have been selectively bred to be aggressive and territorial other dogs, such as
terriers have been bred to be small and fairly docile, ideal qualities for a house pet.
In this case Humans have taken the place of natural selection for the dogs, to tailor them to our requirements. Desirable phenotypes which are
recognized in the
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Classification Essay Students
Being a student in today's society holds an immense amount of pressure to do one thing: graduate. Thirteen years of school prepare students for the
next major steps of their lives. Every student faces many struggles and frustrations before graduation day arrives. One may be able to surmise a few
details about a student before they put pencil to paper or even speak. One can also make assumptions about a student based on his or her seating
position. Motivation, determination, and concentration will establish a student's amount of success. The three categories of high school students are
underachievers, average students, and overachievers.
The first category of students is the underachievers, or the back row. These students lack more content...
Choosing not to make any extra effort, they receive average grades and maintain average attendance. They may not stand out in class, but their work is
always completed. These students view extra credit opportunities as a waste of time. These mediocre scholars are also the ones who believe that
Wikipedia is among the greatest inventions of all time, while is not. Students who contain these characteristics make up the most common
The final group of students are the overachievers. They sit prim and proper in the front row raising their eager hands. These workaholics are the ones
whom teachers adore and whom fellow students despise. They often exceed the expectations of any teachers. They constantly work hard and are active
in class. They take notes verbatim of what the teacher says, excel in group discussions, and much to the demise of the other students, raise the academic
bar to an unattainable level. Although they are not often the greatest athletes, or the best at communicating with the opposite gender, they separate
themselves with their cerebral work ethic. These scholars find reading entertaining, and would much rather solve a Rubik's cube than run a mile. One
of them will be inevitably become Valedictorian, and will give a speech at the podium come graduation day. When analyzing these students, one could
be looking at future doctors, engineers, and various activists.
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Essay On Classification Of Students
Folks often study much less quickly with age. However, your degree connected with being familiar with seems to be to boost over the years,
navigating information and talents to be able to unprecedented special levels. Folks have lived lengthier, observed and also performed a lot more,
contain the trend to be able to web page link its earlier exercises to be able to this kind of factor completely new and also establish completely new
thoughts aimed at earlier learning. That's why it is crucial produce a category with persons that contain linked residing practical knowledge stages,
encourage discussion and also discussing, and usually produce a learning local community consisting of folks who is able to tremendously interact.
They will more content...
Tutors and also instructors may help its young people discuss concentrates on, yet ultimately it is an liability to cultivate concentrates on and also
follow–through with them. It is really quite challenging to execute a challenging grown–up coaching or university plan with no location and also up
coming via with goals. Numerous older people coming back again to varsity or registering the first time is likely to obtain classes tremendously more
challenging compared to those they've utilized before or through substantial school. Are going to tried using within challenging courses and will
typically be bogged down employing just what they are were required to learn–and also easily they should study it. In addition, young people have to
take care of a new selection complications clear of category, these kinds of regarding example connection, relatives or performance problems. It is
really crucial that you be open–minded as soon as returning to college. You will definitely make complications, and also it does not matter your current
plans expertise, your current educators might be a lot more proficient in the topics that they teach than you may be. Therefore, you ought to be really
open in education and also passionately
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Reflection In English 101
Whitney Bailey
Professor Johnson
English 101
October 19, 2016 Reflection Paper
It's hard to believe that it's already time for Midterms in my English 101 class. The adventure has been a lot easier than I at first anticipated. In any
case, I am happy that I am taking the class and learning from it. In the beginning it appeared somewhat hard however I was resolved to compel my
way through this class regardless of what difficulties I needed to persevere.
On the first day of my English 101 class I was apprehensive, I had no clue what's in store from the class. As I discovered what the class would have
been similar to, I let myself know I was going to attempt to get an B or higher toward the end of the semester and put all the exertion I had into each
paper I kept in touch with, I was not going to set this class aside for later and linger like I use to do. A standout amongst the most
more content...
I have an unmistakable view in my head of what I am going to compose and what structures I have to utilize. Things have ended up less difficult now
since I don't need to experience the battle of how things are done or on the chance that I don't understand how I should do what I am expected to do.
These aptitudes may empower me to enjoy additionally composing and not need to stress over having a written assignment.
This course has helped me with many chances to figure out how to properly write papers. Prior to this class, I had little experience with how to
build a legitimate paper. It has taken experience, and getting normal evaluations, to show me how to precisely write. Despite the fact that this course
required different papers to be turned in, I am appreciative to have possessed the capacity to gain from my oversights and develop as a writer. I have
constantly cherished written work, however now I am ready to improve my writing as the semester
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English Composition Reflective Essay
English composition has taught me everything I know now, from how to effectively write a thesis to grammatically fix my essay. This class fixed my
writing skills to speak and write incorrect terms. English composition gave me the edge I need to take my writing skills to next level. This class has
helped me understand the importance of documentation in a research skill. English composition showed me that sources either make or break your essay
. The true honesty of this course was that I am glad I took it. At first, I hate this class so much, because this class required so much extra work to be
done, but over time I realized that the extra work really pushes you over the edge to make your essay great. The extra work justifies your essay and
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Sports Classification Essay
Performing three different sports each year in high school, I notice all types of people that come watch an athletic contest. To me, fans separate into
three different types: the attention–getters, the true–supporters, and the entertainment–seekers. Looking into the stands during a competition, many
players divide onlookers into these categories right away. These groups all seem to fill the stands and bring an exciting atmosphere to thegame,
spectators, and even the players.
The first group mentioned, the attention–getters always bring a show of their own. These fans stir things up unruly with not only their verbal language
but their body language towards the players, referees, and coaches. They attend these games to obtain a good time by dressing up and usually hanging
out with friends. Even though these fans come to most of the games, they usually yell loudly and use obnoxious gestures more content...
They attend with some knowledge of the sport and know a few of the key players. They generally understand the sport but do not get worked up if the
calls from the referees may not go into their favor. They enjoy the wins even if they do not affect them. They generally root for either team, they come
just for the love of the sport, in which makes them laid back spectators. The entertainment–seekers usually stay calm, get easily distracted by the
attention–getter, and gain knowledge about the game from the true–supporter in the crowd.
The true–supporters and the entertainment–seekers make the playing of the game worthy, while the attention–getters make the game hectic. After the
game, the fans make the loss a little easier and the win a whole lot sweeter. Even though the different types of people seem very obvious the game
would not be a competition without the blending of the entertainment–seekers, the attention–getter, and the true–supporters all doing their
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Classification Essay
Plagiarism – Three Types of Cheaters
"Fools make researches and wise men exploit them." Merriam–Webster's dictionary defines the word plagiarize as to pass off as one's own the ideas or
words of another. Every student knows that plagiarism is dishonest and wrong. Why do so many students do it? Students themselves may not believe
that they are plagiarizing. Many students plagiarize because of the diverse types of plagiarism which are often unknown to students. The three major
types of plagiarism are shameless, haphazard and self–plagiarism. Self–plagiarism is a relatively new concept that has not gained much attention in the
student world.
Shameless plagiarists are the ones who go through their entire academic career passing more content...
Her son, completely happy with the re–writes, feels that he is not partaking in any form of plagiarism because she has always done this for him. His
mother does not feel that her son is plagiarizing because she approves her son using the "proof–read" essays even though the essays are not his original
Throughout Carondelet High School, students can be found, for a price, who are willing to write other students' essays. The "brains," as they are
labeled at the school, do not feel that those who turn in the essays are plagiarizing. Essays are tailor–made for the students who pay the "brains."
Therefore, according to the "brains," submitting those essays is not a form of plagiarism. The "brains" feel that payment for their services of
writing the papers can be easily compared to the President's speech writers. The speech writer creates the perfect speech for the President, who in
turn reads it to the country as his own words. The speech writers are paid for their services. In the loosest sense of the word, plagiarism is the
passing off of one's work or ideas as your own. A "brain" remarked, "If the President is not a plagiarist then neither are the students who pay for my
Shameless plagiarists place all their faith in their source for the papers. They rely and completely depend on the person who wrote the paper.
Shameless plagiarists do not feel guilt because they actually believe that they are not doing anything
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Michel Elegy By Michel Eyquiem De Montaigne
I. Divisions of Literature
Short Story
Metrical Tale
Metrical Romance
POINT OF COMPARISON| PROSE|POETRY| Form| Paragraph| Verse| Language| Words and rhythms of ordinary and everyday language| Metrical,
rhythmical, figurative language| Appeal| Intellect| Emotions| Aim| Convince, Inform, Instruct| Stirs the readers imagination, present an ideal of how
life should be and how life can be|
A. Prose –is an ordinary form of written more content...
–was made popular by a German writer, Michel Eyquiem de Montaigne in 1580. He published two volumes of his short compositions which he called
"ESSAIS". –Francis Bacon, the reputed Father of English Essay, write formal essays which were cold and objective.
Two Major Types: a) Formal Essay–are usually serious and impersonal in tone. –they are written to inform or persuade, they are expected to be factual,
logical, and tightly organized. –put emphasis on purpose and subject.
b) Informal Essay –also called as Personal Essay. –generally reveal much about the personalities, mood, habits, likes, dislikes and feelings of their
authors. –tend to be conversational in tone and looks into personal experiences and observations.
2. Biography –is a story of a person's life narrated or written by another person.
3. Autobiography –is a story of a person's life narrated or written by himself.
4. Diary –is a daily record of transactions, observations, and events. –is a type of writing that records daily personal reflections, feelings and
5. History –is a chronological account or record of significant events affecting a nation or institution.
6. Chronicle –is a record of a series of events or mere listing of what happened. It does not evidence, comments or reactions. 7. News–is an information
about recent and important events or developments either printed in newspapers or broadcast by the media.
| 8. Anecdote
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Amy Tan Classification And Division
Amy Tan used classification and division to organize her essay when she specified she used different Englishes. When she would speak to a large
group of people, her english would be carefully wrought grammatical phases. For instance, Amy Tan stated: "There intersection of memory upon
imagination (Tan par 3)." Whereas, when she would speak to her mother, her english would be the opposite. For example, Amy Tan stated:
"Not waste money that way (Tan par 4)." The two main categories she divides the languages she employs is standard English and intimacy
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Classification Of Cultures Essays
Culture is a hot topic. Scholars (Fukoyama, Huntington, to mention but two) disagree about whether this is the end of history or the beginning of a
particularly nasty chapter of it.
What makes cultures tick and why some of them tick discernibly better than others – is the main bone of contention.
We can view cultures through the prism of their attitude towards their constituents : the individuals they are comprised of. More so, we can classify
them in accordance with their approach towards "humanness", the experience of being human.
Some cultures are evidently anthropocentric – others are anthropo–transcendental. These two lingual coins need elaboration to be fully comprehended.
A culture which cherishes the human more content...
A culture can be described by using a few axes :
Distinguishing versus Consuming cultures
Some cultures give weight and presence (though not necessarily equal) to each of their constituent elements (the individual and social structures). Each
such element is idiosyncratic and unique. Such cultures would accentuate attention to details, private enterprise, initiative, innovation, entrepreneurship,
inventiveness, youth, status symbols, consumption, money, creativity, art, science and technology.
These are the things that distinguish one individual from another.
Other cultures engulf their constituents, assimilate them to the point of consumption. They are deemed, a priori, to be redundant, their worth a
function of their actual contribution to the whole.
Such cultures emphasize generalizations, stereotypes, conformity, consensus, belonging, social structures, procedures, forms, undertakings involving
the labour or other input of human masses.
Future versus Past Oriented Cultures
Some cultures look to the past – real or imaginary – for inspiration, motivation, sustenance, hope, guidance and direction. These cultures tend to direct
their efforts and resources and invest them in what IS. They are, therefore, bound to be materialistic, figurative, substantive, earthly.
They are likely to prefer old
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Classification System ( 17 ) Essay
All patients were diagnosed with a stage 2, 3, or 4 idiopathic MH according to the Gass classification system(17) and underwent a comprehensive
ophthalmologic examination before and 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively, including measurement of the best–corrected VA (BCVA), binocular
indirect ophthalmoscopy, and non–contact lens slit–lamp biomicroscopy. The SD–OCT examination also was performed in all patients on the same day
as the clinical examination. Standard 3–port pars plana vitrectomy for MH repair consisted of a core vitrectomy with intravitreal injection of
triamcinolone acetonide to visualize the vitreous gel, surgical creation of a posterior vitreous detachment if it had not yet occurred, ILM peeling using
Briliant blue G (BBG), and fluid–gas exchange followed by flushing with a mixed non–expansile concentration of 20% sulfur hexafluoride. Patients
were instructed to remain facedown for 2 to 7 days postoperatively. Anatomic success was defined as the presence of a flat or closed MH 1 month
postoperatively confirmed by biomicroscopy.(18) All patients provided written informed consent after they received a detailed explanation of the
surgical procedure and SD–OCT follow–up examinations. Our retina specialist (SB) performed the surgeries. One of two experienced examiners
performed the VA examinations, and experienced technicians conducted the SD
–OCT examinations. The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration
of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional
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Classification Essay
The positive teachers are by far the most agreeable teachers. A positive teacher is one who seems interested in his subject and his students. The
first thing a positive teacher does is try to learn all of the student's names. This kind of teacher allows for questions and discussions in class and does
not seem to mind if a student disagrees with him. A positive teacher shows his interest out of class as well. Not only is he available for conferences,
but he encourages students to see him if they need help. The students tend to feel comfortable in the presence of this teacher. A good example of a
positive teacher is my French teacher, Monsieur Poirrot. He always allows time during the more content...
The negative teacher is too often inflexible; in fact, he seems more like a machine than a human being. Fortunately, this group is in the minority.
Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about me or my work; indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of
them even knew my name! But when I came to university, I soon learned that these generalizations were too broad. Not all the teachers are the same. In
fact, I have found that most of the professors here at State fall into three categories: the positive teachers, the neutral teachers, and the negative teachers.
The type of teacher students get can directly affect how much they learn. Obviously, students learn more from a positive teacher; unfortunately, as we
have seen, this type makes the minority. Since the mission of the university is to educate, administrators should try to get the neutral and negative
teachers to improve their teaching methods and attitudes; otherwise, the administrators should consider dismissing at least the negative teachers and
make every effort to hire those teachers who show promise of being positive ones.
Unlike the positive teachers, the neutral teachers are not very agreeable. In general, the neutral teachers just do not seem interested in either the subject
or the student. These teachers usually do not learn all of the student's names, though they may learn a few. Their classes tend to be more boring than the
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My Reflection On My Experience In My Class
My favorite subject throughout my years of school has always been English; I found it to be where I put most of my effort and creativity in my
writing. I didn't want to overthink the writing skills I had already because I was told college writing was a "different ball game", so I entered the
beginning of my English101 course expecting the unexpected. I made sure to keep the goals I wanted to achieve this semester always in mind; learn new
writing techniques, strengthen my sentence mechanic/grammar skills, become a flexible writer, and to enhance my critical thinking skills. Throughout
this semester I witness my growth as a student and my eager and dedication to improving my skills in this course.
I tested out different approaches that benefited me the most when it came to my writing. In the beginning, I avoided creating an outline for my essay
because I viewed it as being extra work; but as my professor taught me the correct way of drafting an outline and the details to include, I found
myself relying on the outline while composing my essay. I was able to keep track of important details to include and create a fluent transition all
throughout my essay. One habit that I always kept when generating my ideas was to write down any thought I had randomly containing to my
essay; doing this kept all my ideas fresh in my mind. After completing my first two essays I realized what my writing weaknesses were I knew I
needed assistance. I took advantage of my college Writing Center and got help for my final essays, taking this approach improved the quality of my
essays and taught me new ways to avoid my common writing mistakes.
Looking back at final essay grades and my professor comments, my writing skills have advanced throughout this semester. My biggest strength was my
ability to use supporting details to verify my thesis and integrating the information fluently, "your overall coherence – transitions, emphasis, and
introduction of the outside sources is great" my professor comment on Essay 3. Conducting a conclusion is also a strength I've advanced in my
writing, summarizing the main idea of my essay and using appeals to create a strong finish. I noticed that my weakness is my sentence mechanics and
grammar; in the
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Classification Systems For Offenders Essay
Over the last few decades classification systems for offenders have been used for a variety of organizational purposes. Over time these classification
systems have evolved, not only as a whole in the criminal justice system, but also varying between different organizations. Classification systems that
create models based on the risks and needs of offenders are most popular. Throughout the years these models and the purposes for their use have been
in a state of change, as well as the way their effectiveness is gaged. One of the most commonly used classification systems for offenders is the
combination of risk assessment and need assessment. The combination of these two systems of classification is rather new. The earliest types
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The second generation was characterized by the custody classification risks and parolees being classified on their risk of reoffending based on their
custody classification. These early models were administered routinely but scores rarely changed because the information in the assessment was
static and did not change over time (Van Voorhis, et al., 2009). Such information as the severity of prior convictions, and prior felonies did not
change between assessments and led to an overly simple classification system that did not offer any options for treatment or change within offender
behavior. Additionally, it was proven that the earliest risk assessment models were not accurate in dealing with female offenders because the history
of women offenders is not as indicative of future behavior as it is with male offenders (Van Voorhis et al., 2008). While the original risk assessment
models were helpful in achieving a basic glance at offender behavior risks, it lacked the quality assessment tools needed to not only determine whether
an offender was going to be a danger while institutionalized or the community once paroled, but to fully offer options for rehabilitation. More recently,
the combination of risk/needs assessments have changed the course of classification models. No longer are risks assessments conducted solely for the
institutionalized but also are used to foresee new transgressions with needs that are similarly elements of offender
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Animal Classifications Lesson Plan
Animal Classifications Lesson Plan Subject(s) Science Topic or Unit of Study Animal Classifications Grade/Level Grade 3 Objective: With the
completion of the Animal Classifications lesson, students will understand and know the following: 1. Students will know what classification means.
Classification is the arrangement of objects, ideas or information into groups. 2. Students will understand that the objects or members of a particular
classification have one or more characteristics or behaviors in common. 3. Students will understand that classifications are made throughout our society
in many different ways. 4. Students will understand that classifications are made in science, with the classifications more content...
Move through the Powerpoint slides and include verbal explanation in addition to the slides. Inform the students of the animal classification we use
today was developed by Carolus Linnaeus, who was a Swedish naturalist who separated animals and plants according to certain physical similarities
and gave each species a name. 5. Continue through the Powerpoint presentation, explaining that animals are classified on seven major levels. Go
through each level: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Pause for a short moment to ask the students if there are any questions
about the background of animal classifications. 6. Use a brown squirrel for an example. This example will be included in the Powerpoint presentation.
Explain to students how one can determine what animal class a brown squirrel belongs to by discussing the characteristics of the brown squirrel, and
how the characteristics fall into the determined animal class. 7. Ask students to join in on a classroom discussion by going over another example of a
mammal, and how to determine the animal 's class. This discussion is included in the Powerpoint presentation. Discuss again with the students how
similar characteristics of a group of animals determine the animal 's class. Reiterate how differences in the characteristics of animals make them in
different classes. Take another short pause
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Classification and Division Essay " Roommates"
Essay: Classification or Division.
Class: Eng 110.
Instructor: Mrs. Anna Forbes.
Reza Hossaini
How different we are! We deal with different people. These people can be our neighbors, class fellows, our friends or they can be our roommates. If
I speak about my roommates, first I will categorize them into different groups. However roommates include people or students who come from
different places, provinces or even from different countries so in this case they are categorized into various divisions. Generally in my point of view,
roommates are classified into three diverse sorts in terms of their behavior, ethic or morality, merit and as bellow;
The first kind includes more content...
Roommates in this kind are reliable, sometimes joking, not too much speaking, and a little bit serious. They don't like to joke too much or if you joke
with them, they will get serious soon. They are irascible in joking so you always cannot be kidding with them.
As I said, interestingly, in our dormitory the only room which has different kinds of roommates is our room. It is such that other students call our
room as "room of diversity". It's the name that they ascribed to us because we have almost all categories of roommates from different provinces with
various nationalities. For instance, Sebqatulla one of my roommates is from Herat. Due to having some described characteristics of this class, he fits
in the second category. He is serious when we speak to him with a serious tone and he is witty and joking when we do so. In a single word he, adjusts
and fits himself in the any environment he locates.
Another kind of roommates is conservative roommates. They are so careful about their relations with other people and students. Especially they care
how to behave with their roommates. Roommates who include in this category are conservative and much cautious in terms of how to get relation and
how his or her other roommates should behave with them. In our room I may go to this category of roommates. I am not that good a joker and get
serious soon that is why my roommates don't joke much with me. Once my roommate
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Essay on Classification and Division
Jason Schaeffer
English Comp 1
Fridays 1230
Classification and Division
The video game industry is a multibillion dollar a year industry, so it isn't hard to understand why they go through great strides to protect their image.
They provide entertainment to all ages, genders, nationalities, and ethnicities. Contrary to the opinions of the industries opponents, video games are
not destroying our youth, they challenge, educate, and provide an escape from an oppressive world. There are four main types of video games; RPG
or role–playing game, RTS or real–time strategy, FPS or first person shooter, and sports titles. Of these the FPS is probably the most popular, allowing
people to get together with their friends, or more content...
They must learn economics, politics, diplomacy, construction, military tactics, naval power, and siege tactics in order to survive for more than an hour of
play. Rome: Total War has two different screens that a player must learn to master, the campaign map, where armies, navies, and diplomats are
moved, and where cities are managed. Then there is the battle screen which changes every time a player attacks or defends a different location. It is
on this screen that the game is truly won or lost. Gamers must fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of not only their units, but the units of
their enemy. This is but one challenge for gamers, they must also learn how to confront elephants, chariots, siege weapons, and the naked fanatics of
the Gauls. The next type of game is sports titles, which are probably the most popular for a group of people, rather than the individual gamer. Sports
titles cover everything from football and baseball to golf and auto racing. These games are equally enjoyed by both players who are or were jocks,
and for those who wish they were. A person learns the mechanics and intricacies, giving them a greater appreciation for the game overall. Sometimes the
video game can create a fan of a sport where none existed before. It is obvious that video games are not all about sex, drugs and violence. While there
are certain titles that are questionable, but most games are quite harmless. With school becoming less
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There are many types of parents in the world today. The types of parents could be classified in many different categories. I believe there are three
types of parents today: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of
parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is
a loving and logical parent that provides guidance and consultant services for children. They provide messages of personal worth and strength and
rarely mention responsibilities. The Consultant Parents demonstrates how to take care of self and be responsible. They share personal
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They protect the child from natural consequences and use guilt as a teacher. The Drill Sergeant Parents is commanding and direct the lives of
their children. They provide messages of low personal worth and resistance, and make many demands and have many expectations about
responsibility. The Drill Sergeant Parents tell the child how he/she should handle responsibility; how he/she should feel, and provides absolutes
such as, "This is the decision you should make!" They demand that jobs or responsibilities be done now and will issue orders or threats such as,
"You get that room cleaned up or else..." The Drill Sergeant Parents take over ownership of the problem using threats and orders to solve the
problem and uses lots of harsh words and very few actions. They use punishment such as pain and humiliation to serve as the teacher. I do not
believe I fall into just one of these three categories. My Mom was more of a Helicopter Parent, so I knew I did not want to be the same way with
my children. My Dad was more of a Drill Sergeant Parent and I have met many Drill Sergeant Parents and seen how that type of parenting affects
the children later in life. I have known very few Consultant Parents, so I am not completely familiar with the effect that type of parenting can have
on a child. I chose not to fall into just one category of parenting because I agree with some portions of each category and I disagree with some
portions as well. As
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Personal Narrative: My Classification Of A Kid
Think back to the time when you were eighteen. What category of kid would you put yourself under? The wild type? The rebellious and difficult
type? Or the stay at home good kid? That is me right now. I have always been the good kid. Doing what every errands my parents wanted me to do.
Cooking, cleaning, babysitting my two younger siblings, going to school and now working two jobs to help out even more. I am pretty content with
my life and how things are going but sometimes my thoughts get to me. Usually when I'm sitting in the house alone I think to myself. And the same
feeling always seems to come back. That sort of empty feeling. Like I'm running the marathon of life, everyone is passing me and I finally realize I'm
stuck on a tredmil. It resembles the color gray. Dull, flat, but there is beauty in it. I hope. But for now its not more content...
This is were I've had all my good times. Being on my schools dance team, the Lake Marionettes has opened me up more than anything else. Its been
my life since ninth grade. My whole life. But now that its over, there isn't much for me to do now but sleepwalk through my daily routine. School,
work, community service, work again then home to finish my homework. It feels like I'm stuck inside a box. Four bleak walls. And after eighteen
years that feeling gets to you deep. I don't really have many experiences that at a person my age would have. And I'm telling you this from my
perspective as an 18 year old virgin who has never smoked, drank or gone to a party in this day and age when everyone is doing anyone and anything.
So naturally that would make me curious. I work at old navy with these two college girls, Sara and Rylee. Sara and i were talking and we came up
with the idea to to Life In
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Classification Of Organisms Essay

  • 1. Classification of Organisms Essay Taxonomy is the study of the classification of organisms, it is the organization (separation) of all the known organisms into groups based on their shared features, these groups are then organized into further, larger groups. These groups are all referred to as Taxa (Taxon– singular). The taxa used in taxonomy are: Species, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum and kingdom, each group getting larger going form species to kingdom. Taxa Used in Taxonomy ===================== Species ––––––– Organisms That are able to interbreed, producing fertile offspring are considered to be of the same species, this taxon can also be divided into subspecies and then strains (to give more content... The first name is always a noun and the second an adjective. The relation between Phylogeny and Classification Phylogeny is the evolutionary history of a species, it is a valuable biological mechanism used to determine what genus a species may fall into, as species which have very similar (homologous) features can be assumed to have evolved from the same common ancestors, e.g. horses donkeys and zebras all have homologous features and can all be filed under the genus Equus. Artificial selection Humans have also had a hand in how many of the animals we see every day are the way they are. Take Dogs for example, they have been bred to produce a wide variety of qualities that we find desirable in them, and these can be behavioural, or physical properties. Guard dogs have been bred to have phenotypes such as broad shoulders, heavy build and they also have been selectively bred to be aggressive and territorial other dogs, such as terriers have been bred to be small and fairly docile, ideal qualities for a house pet. In this case Humans have taken the place of natural selection for the dogs, to tailor them to our requirements. Desirable phenotypes which are
  • 2. recognized in the Get more content on
  • 3. Classification Essay Students Being a student in today's society holds an immense amount of pressure to do one thing: graduate. Thirteen years of school prepare students for the next major steps of their lives. Every student faces many struggles and frustrations before graduation day arrives. One may be able to surmise a few details about a student before they put pencil to paper or even speak. One can also make assumptions about a student based on his or her seating position. Motivation, determination, and concentration will establish a student's amount of success. The three categories of high school students are underachievers, average students, and overachievers. The first category of students is the underachievers, or the back row. These students lack more content... Choosing not to make any extra effort, they receive average grades and maintain average attendance. They may not stand out in class, but their work is always completed. These students view extra credit opportunities as a waste of time. These mediocre scholars are also the ones who believe that Wikipedia is among the greatest inventions of all time, while is not. Students who contain these characteristics make up the most common category. The final group of students are the overachievers. They sit prim and proper in the front row raising their eager hands. These workaholics are the ones whom teachers adore and whom fellow students despise. They often exceed the expectations of any teachers. They constantly work hard and are active in class. They take notes verbatim of what the teacher says, excel in group discussions, and much to the demise of the other students, raise the academic bar to an unattainable level. Although they are not often the greatest athletes, or the best at communicating with the opposite gender, they separate themselves with their cerebral work ethic. These scholars find reading entertaining, and would much rather solve a Rubik's cube than run a mile. One of them will be inevitably become Valedictorian, and will give a speech at the podium come graduation day. When analyzing these students, one could be looking at future doctors, engineers, and various activists. Get more content on
  • 4. Essay On Classification Of Students Folks often study much less quickly with age. However, your degree connected with being familiar with seems to be to boost over the years, navigating information and talents to be able to unprecedented special levels. Folks have lived lengthier, observed and also performed a lot more, contain the trend to be able to web page link its earlier exercises to be able to this kind of factor completely new and also establish completely new thoughts aimed at earlier learning. That's why it is crucial produce a category with persons that contain linked residing practical knowledge stages, encourage discussion and also discussing, and usually produce a learning local community consisting of folks who is able to tremendously interact. They will more content... Tutors and also instructors may help its young people discuss concentrates on, yet ultimately it is an liability to cultivate concentrates on and also follow–through with them. It is really quite challenging to execute a challenging grown–up coaching or university plan with no location and also up coming via with goals. Numerous older people coming back again to varsity or registering the first time is likely to obtain classes tremendously more challenging compared to those they've utilized before or through substantial school. Are going to tried using within challenging courses and will typically be bogged down employing just what they are were required to learn–and also easily they should study it. In addition, young people have to take care of a new selection complications clear of category, these kinds of regarding example connection, relatives or performance problems. It is really crucial that you be open–minded as soon as returning to college. You will definitely make complications, and also it does not matter your current plans expertise, your current educators might be a lot more proficient in the topics that they teach than you may be. Therefore, you ought to be really open in education and also passionately Get more content on
  • 5. Reflection In English 101 Whitney Bailey Professor Johnson English 101 October 19, 2016 Reflection Paper It's hard to believe that it's already time for Midterms in my English 101 class. The adventure has been a lot easier than I at first anticipated. In any case, I am happy that I am taking the class and learning from it. In the beginning it appeared somewhat hard however I was resolved to compel my way through this class regardless of what difficulties I needed to persevere. On the first day of my English 101 class I was apprehensive, I had no clue what's in store from the class. As I discovered what the class would have been similar to, I let myself know I was going to attempt to get an B or higher toward the end of the semester and put all the exertion I had into each paper I kept in touch with, I was not going to set this class aside for later and linger like I use to do. A standout amongst the most more content... I have an unmistakable view in my head of what I am going to compose and what structures I have to utilize. Things have ended up less difficult now since I don't need to experience the battle of how things are done or on the chance that I don't understand how I should do what I am expected to do. These aptitudes may empower me to enjoy additionally composing and not need to stress over having a written assignment. This course has helped me with many chances to figure out how to properly write papers. Prior to this class, I had little experience with how to build a legitimate paper. It has taken experience, and getting normal evaluations, to show me how to precisely write. Despite the fact that this course required different papers to be turned in, I am appreciative to have possessed the capacity to gain from my oversights and develop as a writer. I have constantly cherished written work, however now I am ready to improve my writing as the semester Get more content on
  • 6. English Composition Reflective Essay English composition has taught me everything I know now, from how to effectively write a thesis to grammatically fix my essay. This class fixed my writing skills to speak and write incorrect terms. English composition gave me the edge I need to take my writing skills to next level. This class has helped me understand the importance of documentation in a research skill. English composition showed me that sources either make or break your essay . The true honesty of this course was that I am glad I took it. At first, I hate this class so much, because this class required so much extra work to be done, but over time I realized that the extra work really pushes you over the edge to make your essay great. The extra work justifies your essay and molds Get more content on
  • 7. Sports Classification Essay Performing three different sports each year in high school, I notice all types of people that come watch an athletic contest. To me, fans separate into three different types: the attention–getters, the true–supporters, and the entertainment–seekers. Looking into the stands during a competition, many players divide onlookers into these categories right away. These groups all seem to fill the stands and bring an exciting atmosphere to thegame, spectators, and even the players. The first group mentioned, the attention–getters always bring a show of their own. These fans stir things up unruly with not only their verbal language but their body language towards the players, referees, and coaches. They attend these games to obtain a good time by dressing up and usually hanging out with friends. Even though these fans come to most of the games, they usually yell loudly and use obnoxious gestures more content... They attend with some knowledge of the sport and know a few of the key players. They generally understand the sport but do not get worked up if the calls from the referees may not go into their favor. They enjoy the wins even if they do not affect them. They generally root for either team, they come just for the love of the sport, in which makes them laid back spectators. The entertainment–seekers usually stay calm, get easily distracted by the attention–getter, and gain knowledge about the game from the true–supporter in the crowd. The true–supporters and the entertainment–seekers make the playing of the game worthy, while the attention–getters make the game hectic. After the game, the fans make the loss a little easier and the win a whole lot sweeter. Even though the different types of people seem very obvious the game would not be a competition without the blending of the entertainment–seekers, the attention–getter, and the true–supporters all doing their Get more content on
  • 8. Classification Essay Plagiarism – Three Types of Cheaters "Fools make researches and wise men exploit them." Merriam–Webster's dictionary defines the word plagiarize as to pass off as one's own the ideas or words of another. Every student knows that plagiarism is dishonest and wrong. Why do so many students do it? Students themselves may not believe that they are plagiarizing. Many students plagiarize because of the diverse types of plagiarism which are often unknown to students. The three major types of plagiarism are shameless, haphazard and self–plagiarism. Self–plagiarism is a relatively new concept that has not gained much attention in the student world. Shameless plagiarists are the ones who go through their entire academic career passing more content... Her son, completely happy with the re–writes, feels that he is not partaking in any form of plagiarism because she has always done this for him. His mother does not feel that her son is plagiarizing because she approves her son using the "proof–read" essays even though the essays are not his original work. Throughout Carondelet High School, students can be found, for a price, who are willing to write other students' essays. The "brains," as they are labeled at the school, do not feel that those who turn in the essays are plagiarizing. Essays are tailor–made for the students who pay the "brains." Therefore, according to the "brains," submitting those essays is not a form of plagiarism. The "brains" feel that payment for their services of writing the papers can be easily compared to the President's speech writers. The speech writer creates the perfect speech for the President, who in turn reads it to the country as his own words. The speech writers are paid for their services. In the loosest sense of the word, plagiarism is the passing off of one's work or ideas as your own. A "brain" remarked, "If the President is not a plagiarist then neither are the students who pay for my work!" Shameless plagiarists place all their faith in their source for the papers. They rely and completely depend on the person who wrote the paper. Shameless plagiarists do not feel guilt because they actually believe that they are not doing anything
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  • 10. Michel Elegy By Michel Eyquiem De Montaigne CLASSIFICATIONs OF LITERATURE I. Divisions of Literature Literature Prose Poetry Fiction Nonfiction Dramatic Narrative Lyric Drama Short Story Novel Tale Fable Myth Legends Folktales Essay Biography Autobiography Diary History Chronicle
  • 11. News Anecdote Tragedy Comedy Opera Operetta Ballad Epic Metrical Tale Metrical Romance Ode Sonnet Song Elegy POINT OF COMPARISON| PROSE|POETRY| Form| Paragraph| Verse| Language| Words and rhythms of ordinary and everyday language| Metrical, rhythmical, figurative language| Appeal| Intellect| Emotions| Aim| Convince, Inform, Instruct| Stirs the readers imagination, present an ideal of how life should be and how life can be| A. Prose –is an ordinary form of written more content... –was made popular by a German writer, Michel Eyquiem de Montaigne in 1580. He published two volumes of his short compositions which he called "ESSAIS". –Francis Bacon, the reputed Father of English Essay, write formal essays which were cold and objective. Two Major Types: a) Formal Essay–are usually serious and impersonal in tone. –they are written to inform or persuade, they are expected to be factual, logical, and tightly organized. –put emphasis on purpose and subject. b) Informal Essay –also called as Personal Essay. –generally reveal much about the personalities, mood, habits, likes, dislikes and feelings of their authors. –tend to be conversational in tone and looks into personal experiences and observations. 2. Biography –is a story of a person's life narrated or written by another person. 3. Autobiography –is a story of a person's life narrated or written by himself. 4. Diary –is a daily record of transactions, observations, and events. –is a type of writing that records daily personal reflections, feelings and
  • 12. 5. History –is a chronological account or record of significant events affecting a nation or institution. 6. Chronicle –is a record of a series of events or mere listing of what happened. It does not evidence, comments or reactions. 7. News–is an information about recent and important events or developments either printed in newspapers or broadcast by the media. | 8. Anecdote Get more content on
  • 13. Amy Tan Classification And Division Amy Tan used classification and division to organize her essay when she specified she used different Englishes. When she would speak to a large group of people, her english would be carefully wrought grammatical phases. For instance, Amy Tan stated: "There intersection of memory upon imagination (Tan par 3)." Whereas, when she would speak to her mother, her english would be the opposite. For example, Amy Tan stated: "Not waste money that way (Tan par 4)." The two main categories she divides the languages she employs is standard English and intimacy Get more content on
  • 14. Classification Of Cultures Essays Culture is a hot topic. Scholars (Fukoyama, Huntington, to mention but two) disagree about whether this is the end of history or the beginning of a particularly nasty chapter of it. What makes cultures tick and why some of them tick discernibly better than others – is the main bone of contention. We can view cultures through the prism of their attitude towards their constituents : the individuals they are comprised of. More so, we can classify them in accordance with their approach towards "humanness", the experience of being human. Some cultures are evidently anthropocentric – others are anthropo–transcendental. These two lingual coins need elaboration to be fully comprehended. A culture which cherishes the human more content... A culture can be described by using a few axes : Distinguishing versus Consuming cultures Some cultures give weight and presence (though not necessarily equal) to each of their constituent elements (the individual and social structures). Each such element is idiosyncratic and unique. Such cultures would accentuate attention to details, private enterprise, initiative, innovation, entrepreneurship, inventiveness, youth, status symbols, consumption, money, creativity, art, science and technology. These are the things that distinguish one individual from another. Other cultures engulf their constituents, assimilate them to the point of consumption. They are deemed, a priori, to be redundant, their worth a function of their actual contribution to the whole. Such cultures emphasize generalizations, stereotypes, conformity, consensus, belonging, social structures, procedures, forms, undertakings involving the labour or other input of human masses.
  • 15. Future versus Past Oriented Cultures Some cultures look to the past – real or imaginary – for inspiration, motivation, sustenance, hope, guidance and direction. These cultures tend to direct their efforts and resources and invest them in what IS. They are, therefore, bound to be materialistic, figurative, substantive, earthly. They are likely to prefer old Get more content on
  • 16. Classification System ( 17 ) Essay All patients were diagnosed with a stage 2, 3, or 4 idiopathic MH according to the Gass classification system(17) and underwent a comprehensive ophthalmologic examination before and 1, 3, and 6 months postoperatively, including measurement of the best–corrected VA (BCVA), binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy, and non–contact lens slit–lamp biomicroscopy. The SD–OCT examination also was performed in all patients on the same day as the clinical examination. Standard 3–port pars plana vitrectomy for MH repair consisted of a core vitrectomy with intravitreal injection of triamcinolone acetonide to visualize the vitreous gel, surgical creation of a posterior vitreous detachment if it had not yet occurred, ILM peeling using Briliant blue G (BBG), and fluid–gas exchange followed by flushing with a mixed non–expansile concentration of 20% sulfur hexafluoride. Patients were instructed to remain facedown for 2 to 7 days postoperatively. Anatomic success was defined as the presence of a flat or closed MH 1 month postoperatively confirmed by biomicroscopy.(18) All patients provided written informed consent after they received a detailed explanation of the surgical procedure and SD–OCT follow–up examinations. Our retina specialist (SB) performed the surgeries. One of two experienced examiners performed the VA examinations, and experienced technicians conducted the SD –OCT examinations. The study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the institutional Get more content on
  • 17. Classification Essay A SAMPLE CLASSIFICATION ESSAY COLLEGE TEACHERS The positive teachers are by far the most agreeable teachers. A positive teacher is one who seems interested in his subject and his students. The first thing a positive teacher does is try to learn all of the student's names. This kind of teacher allows for questions and discussions in class and does not seem to mind if a student disagrees with him. A positive teacher shows his interest out of class as well. Not only is he available for conferences, but he encourages students to see him if they need help. The students tend to feel comfortable in the presence of this teacher. A good example of a positive teacher is my French teacher, Monsieur Poirrot. He always allows time during the more content... The negative teacher is too often inflexible; in fact, he seems more like a machine than a human being. Fortunately, this group is in the minority. Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about me or my work; indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of them even knew my name! But when I came to university, I soon learned that these generalizations were too broad. Not all the teachers are the same. In fact, I have found that most of the professors here at State fall into three categories: the positive teachers, the neutral teachers, and the negative teachers. The type of teacher students get can directly affect how much they learn. Obviously, students learn more from a positive teacher; unfortunately, as we have seen, this type makes the minority. Since the mission of the university is to educate, administrators should try to get the neutral and negative teachers to improve their teaching methods and attitudes; otherwise, the administrators should consider dismissing at least the negative teachers and make every effort to hire those teachers who show promise of being positive ones. Unlike the positive teachers, the neutral teachers are not very agreeable. In general, the neutral teachers just do not seem interested in either the subject or the student. These teachers usually do not learn all of the student's names, though they may learn a few. Their classes tend to be more boring than the Get more content on
  • 18. My Reflection On My Experience In My Class My favorite subject throughout my years of school has always been English; I found it to be where I put most of my effort and creativity in my writing. I didn't want to overthink the writing skills I had already because I was told college writing was a "different ball game", so I entered the beginning of my English101 course expecting the unexpected. I made sure to keep the goals I wanted to achieve this semester always in mind; learn new writing techniques, strengthen my sentence mechanic/grammar skills, become a flexible writer, and to enhance my critical thinking skills. Throughout this semester I witness my growth as a student and my eager and dedication to improving my skills in this course. I tested out different approaches that benefited me the most when it came to my writing. In the beginning, I avoided creating an outline for my essay because I viewed it as being extra work; but as my professor taught me the correct way of drafting an outline and the details to include, I found myself relying on the outline while composing my essay. I was able to keep track of important details to include and create a fluent transition all throughout my essay. One habit that I always kept when generating my ideas was to write down any thought I had randomly containing to my essay; doing this kept all my ideas fresh in my mind. After completing my first two essays I realized what my writing weaknesses were I knew I needed assistance. I took advantage of my college Writing Center and got help for my final essays, taking this approach improved the quality of my essays and taught me new ways to avoid my common writing mistakes. Looking back at final essay grades and my professor comments, my writing skills have advanced throughout this semester. My biggest strength was my ability to use supporting details to verify my thesis and integrating the information fluently, "your overall coherence – transitions, emphasis, and introduction of the outside sources is great" my professor comment on Essay 3. Conducting a conclusion is also a strength I've advanced in my writing, summarizing the main idea of my essay and using appeals to create a strong finish. I noticed that my weakness is my sentence mechanics and grammar; in the Get more content on
  • 19. Classification Systems For Offenders Essay Over the last few decades classification systems for offenders have been used for a variety of organizational purposes. Over time these classification systems have evolved, not only as a whole in the criminal justice system, but also varying between different organizations. Classification systems that create models based on the risks and needs of offenders are most popular. Throughout the years these models and the purposes for their use have been in a state of change, as well as the way their effectiveness is gaged. One of the most commonly used classification systems for offenders is the combination of risk assessment and need assessment. The combination of these two systems of classification is rather new. The earliest types more content... The second generation was characterized by the custody classification risks and parolees being classified on their risk of reoffending based on their custody classification. These early models were administered routinely but scores rarely changed because the information in the assessment was static and did not change over time (Van Voorhis, et al., 2009). Such information as the severity of prior convictions, and prior felonies did not change between assessments and led to an overly simple classification system that did not offer any options for treatment or change within offender behavior. Additionally, it was proven that the earliest risk assessment models were not accurate in dealing with female offenders because the history of women offenders is not as indicative of future behavior as it is with male offenders (Van Voorhis et al., 2008). While the original risk assessment models were helpful in achieving a basic glance at offender behavior risks, it lacked the quality assessment tools needed to not only determine whether an offender was going to be a danger while institutionalized or the community once paroled, but to fully offer options for rehabilitation. More recently, the combination of risk/needs assessments have changed the course of classification models. No longer are risks assessments conducted solely for the institutionalized but also are used to foresee new transgressions with needs that are similarly elements of offender Get more content on
  • 20. Animal Classifications Lesson Plan Animal Classifications Lesson Plan Subject(s) Science Topic or Unit of Study Animal Classifications Grade/Level Grade 3 Objective: With the completion of the Animal Classifications lesson, students will understand and know the following: 1. Students will know what classification means. Classification is the arrangement of objects, ideas or information into groups. 2. Students will understand that the objects or members of a particular classification have one or more characteristics or behaviors in common. 3. Students will understand that classifications are made throughout our society in many different ways. 4. Students will understand that classifications are made in science, with the classifications more content... Move through the Powerpoint slides and include verbal explanation in addition to the slides. Inform the students of the animal classification we use today was developed by Carolus Linnaeus, who was a Swedish naturalist who separated animals and plants according to certain physical similarities and gave each species a name. 5. Continue through the Powerpoint presentation, explaining that animals are classified on seven major levels. Go through each level: kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Pause for a short moment to ask the students if there are any questions about the background of animal classifications. 6. Use a brown squirrel for an example. This example will be included in the Powerpoint presentation. Explain to students how one can determine what animal class a brown squirrel belongs to by discussing the characteristics of the brown squirrel, and how the characteristics fall into the determined animal class. 7. Ask students to join in on a classroom discussion by going over another example of a mammal, and how to determine the animal 's class. This discussion is included in the Powerpoint presentation. Discuss again with the students how similar characteristics of a group of animals determine the animal 's class. Reiterate how differences in the characteristics of animals make them in different classes. Take another short pause Get more content on
  • 21. Classification and Division Essay " Roommates" Essay: Classification or Division. Class: Eng 110. Instructor: Mrs. Anna Forbes. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– "Roommates" Reza Hossaini How different we are! We deal with different people. These people can be our neighbors, class fellows, our friends or they can be our roommates. If I speak about my roommates, first I will categorize them into different groups. However roommates include people or students who come from different places, provinces or even from different countries so in this case they are categorized into various divisions. Generally in my point of view, roommates are classified into three diverse sorts in terms of their behavior, ethic or morality, merit and as bellow; The first kind includes more content... Roommates in this kind are reliable, sometimes joking, not too much speaking, and a little bit serious. They don't like to joke too much or if you joke with them, they will get serious soon. They are irascible in joking so you always cannot be kidding with them. As I said, interestingly, in our dormitory the only room which has different kinds of roommates is our room. It is such that other students call our room as "room of diversity". It's the name that they ascribed to us because we have almost all categories of roommates from different provinces with various nationalities. For instance, Sebqatulla one of my roommates is from Herat. Due to having some described characteristics of this class, he fits in the second category. He is serious when we speak to him with a serious tone and he is witty and joking when we do so. In a single word he, adjusts and fits himself in the any environment he locates. Another kind of roommates is conservative roommates. They are so careful about their relations with other people and students. Especially they care how to behave with their roommates. Roommates who include in this category are conservative and much cautious in terms of how to get relation and how his or her other roommates should behave with them. In our room I may go to this category of roommates. I am not that good a joker and get serious soon that is why my roommates don't joke much with me. Once my roommate Get more content on
  • 22. Essay on Classification and Division Jason Schaeffer English Comp 1 Fridays 1230 11/03/06 Classification and Division The video game industry is a multibillion dollar a year industry, so it isn't hard to understand why they go through great strides to protect their image. They provide entertainment to all ages, genders, nationalities, and ethnicities. Contrary to the opinions of the industries opponents, video games are not destroying our youth, they challenge, educate, and provide an escape from an oppressive world. There are four main types of video games; RPG or role–playing game, RTS or real–time strategy, FPS or first person shooter, and sports titles. Of these the FPS is probably the most popular, allowing people to get together with their friends, or more content... They must learn economics, politics, diplomacy, construction, military tactics, naval power, and siege tactics in order to survive for more than an hour of play. Rome: Total War has two different screens that a player must learn to master, the campaign map, where armies, navies, and diplomats are moved, and where cities are managed. Then there is the battle screen which changes every time a player attacks or defends a different location. It is on this screen that the game is truly won or lost. Gamers must fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of not only their units, but the units of their enemy. This is but one challenge for gamers, they must also learn how to confront elephants, chariots, siege weapons, and the naked fanatics of the Gauls. The next type of game is sports titles, which are probably the most popular for a group of people, rather than the individual gamer. Sports titles cover everything from football and baseball to golf and auto racing. These games are equally enjoyed by both players who are or were jocks, and for those who wish they were. A person learns the mechanics and intricacies, giving them a greater appreciation for the game overall. Sometimes the video game can create a fan of a sport where none existed before. It is obvious that video games are not all about sex, drugs and violence. While there are certain titles that are questionable, but most games are quite harmless. With school becoming less Get more content on
  • 23. There are many types of parents in the world today. The types of parents could be classified in many different categories. I believe there are three types of parents today: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is a loving and logical parent that provides guidance and consultant services for children. They provide messages of personal worth and strength and rarely mention responsibilities. The Consultant Parents demonstrates how to take care of self and be responsible. They share personal more content... They protect the child from natural consequences and use guilt as a teacher. The Drill Sergeant Parents is commanding and direct the lives of their children. They provide messages of low personal worth and resistance, and make many demands and have many expectations about responsibility. The Drill Sergeant Parents tell the child how he/she should handle responsibility; how he/she should feel, and provides absolutes such as, "This is the decision you should make!" They demand that jobs or responsibilities be done now and will issue orders or threats such as, "You get that room cleaned up or else..." The Drill Sergeant Parents take over ownership of the problem using threats and orders to solve the problem and uses lots of harsh words and very few actions. They use punishment such as pain and humiliation to serve as the teacher. I do not believe I fall into just one of these three categories. My Mom was more of a Helicopter Parent, so I knew I did not want to be the same way with my children. My Dad was more of a Drill Sergeant Parent and I have met many Drill Sergeant Parents and seen how that type of parenting affects the children later in life. I have known very few Consultant Parents, so I am not completely familiar with the effect that type of parenting can have on a child. I chose not to fall into just one category of parenting because I agree with some portions of each category and I disagree with some portions as well. As Get more content on
  • 24. Personal Narrative: My Classification Of A Kid Think back to the time when you were eighteen. What category of kid would you put yourself under? The wild type? The rebellious and difficult type? Or the stay at home good kid? That is me right now. I have always been the good kid. Doing what every errands my parents wanted me to do. Cooking, cleaning, babysitting my two younger siblings, going to school and now working two jobs to help out even more. I am pretty content with my life and how things are going but sometimes my thoughts get to me. Usually when I'm sitting in the house alone I think to myself. And the same feeling always seems to come back. That sort of empty feeling. Like I'm running the marathon of life, everyone is passing me and I finally realize I'm stuck on a tredmil. It resembles the color gray. Dull, flat, but there is beauty in it. I hope. But for now its not more content... This is were I've had all my good times. Being on my schools dance team, the Lake Marionettes has opened me up more than anything else. Its been my life since ninth grade. My whole life. But now that its over, there isn't much for me to do now but sleepwalk through my daily routine. School, work, community service, work again then home to finish my homework. It feels like I'm stuck inside a box. Four bleak walls. And after eighteen years that feeling gets to you deep. I don't really have many experiences that at a person my age would have. And I'm telling you this from my perspective as an 18 year old virgin who has never smoked, drank or gone to a party in this day and age when everyone is doing anyone and anything. So naturally that would make me curious. I work at old navy with these two college girls, Sara and Rylee. Sara and i were talking and we came up with the idea to to Life In Get more content on