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Unit4 DQ
TOPIC #1: The Research Literature Review
Part I: Describe the systematic search process you will use to
locate prior research that is “on point” or related to the specific
problem you are studying. Note, a prior study does not have to
have been conducted in the same agency or community that you
are proposing to use, but should be conducted in the United
States to be applicable to criminal justice, homeland security, or
emergency management in this country. Include the following in
your description:
· Remind others of the problem you are researching.
· What online search tools are available for use in locating
· What keywords will you search for to locate relevant studies?
· How will you locate original research studies as opposed to
literature reviews or general information sources?
· How will you locate prior studies reported in peer-reviewed
Part II: This week’s readings discuss strategies for critically
reviewing published studies and drafting a literature review.
Review a table that presents an overview of four studies
examining use of the Incident Command System. After
reviewing the information presented in the table, explain how
you would critically analyze the research studies, integrating
reference to the unit readings. Discuss noted strengths and
weaknesses in the studies. What themes might you identify and
discuss as major subject areas when summarizing the main
findings from the research?
Respond Kindly to Student #1
Samer Silva
The systematic search process that I will use to locate prior
research is through peer reviewed sources that meet the criteria
that is acceptable to use. The specific sources I have obtained
were through ProQuest and the Purdue library where I filtered
out time frames such as the last ten years so it is relevant and
also through peer reviewed journals that were not law journals.
The problem I am researching is domestic violence within
police agencies and how training can help fight this issue. Some
keywords that I will use or have used to locate relevant studies
have been "domestic violence", "domestic violence training"
and "domestic violence in police" which all bring up sources
which I can then skim through and filter. Locating original
research studies will be conducted through finding original
work published by the author themselves which I will filter
through by excluding any reviews that cite the authors original
work, just like finding other studies through online search tools
like our Purdue library. The same goes for prior studies reported
in peer-reviewed journals, ProQuest is the main search engine
that I utilize, specifically the criminal justice database one.
After review of the table, critically analyzing the research
studies and referencing the unit readings, I can distinguish
strengths and weaknesses in the studies presented. Ayiro
highlights how to evaluate material and what to look for which
includes the credentials of the author, does the author review
relevant literature, it is written in an objective viewpoint, is the
argument logically organized, is it written from a practice-based
perspective and other important questions (Ayiro, 2012 p. 124-
125). Critically analyzing the research studies presented, I
would look at these questions and see if they are answered and
how the author presents the information. For example, Bigley
and Roberts looked at a specific county in California where
qualitative research was conducted and the county was
successful in response to wildfire which shows promise in the
research sampling and was not random as it was non-probability
in nature but it only looked at one county in California which
shows that there could be a variance in nature when conducting
other research samples in that geographical area such as
different culture and viewpoints of individuals working with
wildfire response. Buck outlined the strength of focusing on
nine different hazard events and compared and contrasted both
the universal level of acceptance and effectiveness and the
separate level which shows when views are shared, it is more
effective and on an universal level, it is not. A weakness is this
study could be not sampling all individuals that worked for
FEMA and only those that have differing viewpoints as the
sampling was small. Jensen and Yoon shows a strength of a
medium size sampling but a weakness is the translation of how
the findings were explained by the status of volunteers which
could show bias and why the views were not positive for the
study participants. Lastly, Moynihan was successful in study as
it was done under an umbrella scope where a lot of sampling
was done where no sizing pool was mentioned, but a drawback
of this all was how the interorganizational coordination was not
explained in detail of how many subjects were sampled as it
could vary from one branch to another. A theme I may identify
as a major subject area when summarizing the findings from the
research is the effectiveness of ICS in varying situations.
Ayiro, L. P. (2012). A functional approach to educational
research methods and statistics: Qualitative, quantitative, and
mixed methods approaches. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press.
Respond Kindly to Student #2
Blake Carter
Part One
My research proposal has to deal with the use of unmanned
aerial vehicles (UAVs) for use along the Mexico–United States
border. However, more specifically the objective is to determine
if UAVs can result in safer and more efficient patrolling for
Border Patrol Agents. For the bulk of my research I used the
Purdue Library. UAVs are a newer trend that became prevalent
after 9/11 as a way of gathering intelligence and conducting
surveillance and reconnaissance (Fuhrmann & Horowitz, 2017,
p. 397). This means a couple of things for my study. The
majority of the research done will be current informati on from
within the decade. However, since UAVs are still an emerging
technology this means that the information will change rapidly
and something even a few years ago might not be relevant. A
prime example of this is cost. A decade ago the primary user
was the government. However, nowadays anyone can get a
recreational drone for use. Conducting research on an
emergence technology is interesting in a lot of ways. There will
not be as much information as other subjects, yet the
information you do find is generally up to date. It also leaves
the door opened to new studies that have not been looked into
because the technology is new and is still rapidly changing.
Part Two
Three of the studies use a qualitative approach while
one uses quantitative. When it comes to the subject material I
do believe that a qualitative approach is sounder because the
use of an ICS during an emergency is not something that can be
precisely measured. There are many variables one would have to
take into account that would favor a qualitative approach. For
instance, Jensen and Yoon (2011) used a quantitative approach
to determine if an ICS was useful for North Dakota Firefighters.
The conclusion of the study resulted in a poor attitudes towards
an ICS. However, how was this conclusion reached? Did they
just conduct a questionnaire regarding an ICS to North Dakota
Firefighters? Moreover, they stated that volunteers and rural
areas may explain their findings. In my view, a qualitative
approach would have been more beneficial because you are
trying to find the underlying reasons and motivations on why
North Dakotans Firefighters do no prefer the use of an ICS. One
of the strengths of a qualitative study is that it can uncover
trends and this would have been useful since there is a trend
that shows North Dakotans Firefighters not preferring the use of
an ICS.
Fuhrmann, M., & Horowitz, M. C. (2017). Droning on:
Explaining the proliferation of unmanned aerial
vehicles. International Organization, 397-418.
Respond Kindly to Student #3
Jeffery Bailey
Hello All
Systematic reviews are the gold standard for making clinical
recommendations. They serve as an objective, comprehensive
review of a particular topic, which, due to a standardized
process, should be completely reproducible (Duong, 2016). The
systematic approach system I will use to approach my topic of
“Inmate early release due to the COVID-19 Pandemic” will be,
to first identify the problem at hand, and then investigate the
ways this issue may be resolved. I will question the facts and
investigate the fiction surrounding my topic. I will use the
strategy of researching and investigating articles that have been
published by subject matter experts, such as medical experts,
criminal justice experts, and corrections administration. COVD-
19 researchers. The execution of my studies and the research
strategy will be to use research engines and online publications
to investigate this topic. I will assess the quality of the material
and decide if the researchers approached their views from a
purely factual basis or did the researcher allow certain biases to
dilute and distort their research. Once I have assessed the
research, I will use the presentation model of, state the problem,
investigate the cause of the problem, investigate the effects of
the problem, and most of all research a possible solution to the
Denscomb. (2019). Research Proposals 2nd Edition. London
England: Open International Publishing.
Duong. (2016, April 8). The Systemic Review Process.
Retrieved from infection
Unit 4 DQ
TOPIC #1: Land Utilization
In many areas that are prone to recurrent natural hazards (i.e.,
coastal communities), land utilization continues to be at issue.
Many of these areas are prime development sites and assure a
high profitability margin for developers and investors. Given
such locations what do you believe the balance should be in
developing and implementing hazard mitigation strategies?
Please address the following as part of your discussion:
1. Should areas of vulnerability (recurring coastal
storms/erosion, wildfires) be allowed to be developed? Why, or
why not?
2. Should the government at any level (federal, state, or local)
be the lead agency for development and funding of mitigation
strategies and projects?
3. Based on the previous question, what role if any should the
private sector play in such projects?
4. Given the frequency and severity of natural hazards in these
areas what land use strategies should be employed?
Respond Kindly to Student #1
Calvin Parker
In one's opinion, areas of vulnerability should be allowed to
develop under certain circumstances. Having better material
should be used on the community for each type of reoccurring
disaster. Better materials built on every structure within the
community. The problem with that would be the funding with
such project. If funding was provided then this would mean it
would be more expensive to live in such area. Although, the
areas were disasters are the most common is just a waiting
game, no one should restrict anyone from living where they
would like to live. The government should not be the lead
agency when it comes to funding and mitigation. Having the
government the lead agency would put a lot of "red tape" on
everything dealing with funding and mitigation. This would
limit productivity. Although, the government and out agencies
should partner with each other to decide what's best for funding
and mitigation. The private sector should have many roles in
funding and mitigation. This will give the community a better
chance at mitigation as a whole. More companies involved
means better materials and mitigation tactics used. Mitigation
goals, mitigation actions and implementation are some of land
use strategies (Melecha et al., 2019).
Malecha, M., Masterson, J.H., Yu, S. & Berke, P. (2019). Plan
Integration for Resilience Scorecard™ Guidebook: Spatially
evaluating networks of plans to reduce hazard vulnerability
Respond Kindly to Student #2
Shuree Spencer Johnson
When it comes to areas that have frequent emergency situations
it should depend on the area of the development project and the
disaster. If the area is almost impossible to be developed on
without completely ruining the area or cause high risk of harm
to those near it then it should be off limits to build on and
instead should be used for other projects such as a wildlife area
instead. If its a solid area that's just in a town that has frequent
disaster such as Tornado Alley or frequent earthquakes sadly
that is unavoidable if the whole state or area has those issues so
instead the development should be able to withstand those
disasters for safety reasons and maintained accordingly for
safety and regulations.
1. When it comes to mitigation methods the sole responsibility
should be the state and the private sector developer that wants
to build in that area or disaster strong area as its the developers
idea to do that and the states approval that is allowing it. So
they should be working hand in hand to ensure that development
is specific and follows all mitigation methods. Then it can be
the federal government that helps touch base to ensure the
mitigation methods are maintained for the communities safety.
Such as checks and frequent maintenance.
2. The private sector should ensure they are well aware of the
risks and are building accordingly and specific codes for the
project to be able to withstand these disasters and have a plan
for safety to meet all mitigation methods and if they do not
follow these specific guidelines then their project and
development needs to be denied by the state and community.
3. Strategies should include escape routes, supplies in building
for the disasters that are frequent, building structure able to
withstand these specific disasters, and scheduled maintenance
that is checked on frequently, a plan in place that everyone is
aware of.
Sometimes building in or on areas that are higher risks of
various emergencies is avoidable so ensuring that buildings and
projects can withstand these disaster and have a plan in place
for such things is essential. If its too high risk and building or
having a project in that place just risks human life too much
then the project should be denied for builders and community
Respond Kindly to Student #3
Travis Reed
Good Morning Y’all
In many regions that are vulnerable to natural hazards, land
utilization has always been a critical issue of debate in the
local, state, and federal governments. The dilemma of whether
to put such areas into developmental use arises since most of
these areas are characterized by high-profit margins. However,
these areas of vulnerability, such as some parts of Houston,
Texas that are highly vulnerable to hurricanes, should not host
development projects (Bodenreider et al., 2019). Because once
these development projects are established, they attract more
individuals into those areas, a move that skyrockets the
vulnerability of these areas to impending and potential natural
hazards. Besides, life is a precious gift, and unlike properties,
life cannot be rekindled. Therefore, there is no need to risk life
when there are other safe areas where similar projects can be
executed successfully.
On the other hand, governments are the richest entities in the
world. Therefore, they should lay a well-structured approach
and be the lead agencies for an effective and less risky project
as well as funding mitigation actions. Moreover, the central
government should shift more power to the local government in
terms of availing hazard mitigation funds to the affected
communities to the positive outcome of any undertaken
mitigation measure. The private sector is the major contributor
to success in any development project they take in the country.
In these projects undertake in vulnerable areas, the role of the
private sector is to develop the development of innovations,
which assist in achieving the specific needs of the communities
residing in those areas. Based on the frequency of natural
hazard occurrence, one of the land use strategies that should be
embraced is the minimization of development in regions where
the likelihood of natural hazard impact is high (Berke et al.,
2014). Additionally, the construction of more resistant
structures to hazard impact should be employed to limit the
physical vulnerability.
Berke, P. R., Lyles, W., & Smith, G. (2014). Impacts of federal
and state hazard mitigation policies on local land use
policy. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 34(1), 60-
Bodenreider, C., Wright, L., Barr, O., Xu, K., & Wilson, S.
(2019). Assessment of social, economic, and geographic
vulnerability pre-and post-Hurricane Harvey in Houston,
Texas. Environmental Justice, 12(4), 182-193.
TOPIC #2: Current Topics
Please research some current events related to private sector
mitigation and post at least one of these events to the
Discussion Board. Within your posting, describe how your
chosen item ties into a review of the topics in this unit. You
may use the Library or any other outside resource for your
research. Be sure to use proper citation. Please remember to
review your fellow students' postings and respond to at least
three events posting throughout the week.
Respond Kindly to Student #1
Travis Reed
Good morning Y’all
There are several essential current events associated with
private sector mitigation in the United States. One of the most
current events is the enhancement of cross-sector collaboration
by integrating the private sector to enhance effective hazards
mitigation measures. The federal government has realized the
importance of engaging the private sector actively in mitigation
measures. Hurricane Harvey is an instance of how private sector
collaboration has the potential to augment disaster response as
well as recovery efforts to attain exceptional impact (Amadeo,
2018). Emergency preparedness teams heed to incorporate new
strategies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency by
involving the private sector, thus meeting the rising mitigation
demand. Worth noting is that there is a need for all mitigation
actors, including the private sector, such as the insurance
companies, to collaborate more before the occurrence of any
To facilitate cross-sector collaboration, the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for
Humanitarian Assistance is conducting some tests on new
strategies to enhance the successful integration of the private
sector. These pilot programs that are conducted by USAID are
aimed at aiding the humanitarian community to comprehend the
manner in which the private sector can invest to enhance the
mitigation of disasters (Cozzolino, 2021). Besides, the private
sector can invest in increasing businesses related to
participation in any community-based disaster planning and
preparedness. Additionally, the private sector, through its
investment, can reduce the economic and social impact
experienced following the occurrence of a disaster. All the
above actions are co-established by the private sector in
conjunction with the local actors to enhance the identification
of the most relevant and effective solutions and support the
sustainability of the partnerships before and after a disaster.
Generally, this event is based on the realization of involving the
private sector in the process of formulation of hazard mitigation
Amadeo, K. (2018). Hurricane Harvey facts, damage and
costs. The Balance.
Cozzolino, A. (2021). Platforms Enhancing the Engagement of
the Private Sector in Humanitarian Relief
Operations. Sustainability, 13(6), 3024.
Respond Kindly to Student #2
Calvin Parker
President Biden approved a $3.46 billion to increase resilience
to the impacts of climate change (Fema, n.d). These funds are
for the natural hazard mitigation measures due to the global
pandemic. With climate change being a priority this will
provide funding to states, tribes, and territories for mitigation
projects to reduce the impacts of climate change (Fema, n.d).
Those who received a declarations from Covid may be able to
receive up to 4% of those disaster costs to invest in mitigation
projects that reduce risks from natural disasters. This will help
underserved communites as it relates to mitigation and have a
more resilient future (Fema, n.d).
Biden Administration Commits Historic $3.46 Billion in Hazard
Mitigation Funds to Reduce Effects of Climate Change. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
Respond Kindly to Student #3
Antonio Custodio
Within my region of Northern California, the private sector
power company pacific gas and electric (PG&E) has been under
a lot of scrutiny within the past five years especially after being
responsible for two large wildfires that resulted in whole
communities destroyed and lives lost due to their faulty
equipment. As a lot of lawmakers and politicians called for
PG&E to be held accountable they have started to increase their
efforts in emergency mitigation tactics specifically wildfires
mitigation. Although PG&E’s solution itself has been getting a
lot of negative press in the news due to their out of date
technology and faulty equipment that they claim they do not
have the money to fix. Their latest hazard mitigation solution is
shutting down power to communities when there is a red flag
warning in the region of high winds and low humidity which
increases the danger of and likelihood of wildfires starting. This
solution however has received a lot of negative backlash as
pg&e Is now shutting off power with little to no warnings so
their faulty equipment will not spark fires. The public and
certain lawmakers are calling for PG&E to just replace this
equipment which in reality would take years and the company is
unfortunately claiming they do not have the money to replace
their equipment. This is an example in my community of one
private sector attempting hazard mitigation tactics as they have
become the reason within the past few years fires have been
occurring, however their mitigation method is in my opinion not
an ideal long term solution. ( Stetson, G. et al. 2021)
Stetson, G., Chun, M., Zain, H., (2021) Lookout Santa Cruz,
PG&E addresses community concerns over increased, prolonged
outages across county. Retrieved from:
This unit’s reading focuses on hazard-mitigation strategies at
the private sector level. This includes an overview of economic-
resiliency strategies and community sustainment through the
maintenance of the economy. The concept of risk assessment as
it relates to hazards, land ownership/development, and
investments will also be explored.
Visit the following:
· Emergency Management Institute
· Emergency Management News
· Improving Fire Hazard Assessment at the Urban-Wildland
· Long Term Recovery Planning
· Economic Analysis of Natural Hazard Mitigation Projects
· Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning
· Coastal Resilience Coalition Looks for New Ways to Shape
Baldwin County
· Risk Assessment
· Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness
· Public Private Partnerships
· Citizen Corps
Unit 4 Assignment
Research Literature Review
This week’s assignment will require you to develop a research
literature review on the issue for which you developed an
introduction, problem statement, and general research design in
earlier units of the course. The literature review should include
review of a minimum of five original research studies relevant
to your specific topic and published in peer-reviewed journals.
Note, law review articles and publications that are themselves
literature reviews and not original studies may not be used for
this assignment.
A literature review is not an annotated bibliography; it is a
synthesis of empirical research related to the specific applied
problem you are proposing to study.
Write a 1,250- to 1,750-word literature review that includes:
· Introduction (at least one paragraph): Prepare an introductory
paragraph outlining the discussion that is to follow, including
the problem you are studying and the research you will
· Theoretical Considerations (at least one paragraph): Discuss
theoretical considerations or assumptions relevant to your issue.
To determine these, consider the research hypothesis you
developed in earlier units. What theory or theories (e.g., social
learning theory, critical theory, constructivism theory, human
behavioral theory, network theory, routine activities theory,
etc.) would help to explain the relationship you hypothesize
exists between your independent and dependent variables? For
example, a study that hypothesizes that three strikes laws will
reduce crime might be based on deterrence theory and the
assumption that severe sanctions will deter offenders from
committing additional crimes.
· Literature Review (1,000–1,250 words):
· Analyze the information presented in the five studies and
identify major themes running through the works, discussing
these themes and the applicable findings from the studies
· Compare and contrast the studies, highlighting strengths and
weaknesses in the methods used and any study limitations noted
by the authors.
· Fully discuss the key findings from each study individually, as
well as in comparison to the other studies reviewed.
· Summary and Conclusions:
· Synthesize your review into a summary of what is known and
what is not known from the research that has been conducted on
your topic.
· Identify any areas of controversy or conflicting findings in the
literature reviewed.
· Draw conclusions based on the studies reviewed and formulate
questions that remain to be studied in future research (hopefully
your proposed study will examine one of these questions that
remain to be answered).
Be sure to cite your sources in the body of your paper and list
them on your reference page, consistent with APA guidelines.
Remember, applied research is not common knowledge, so it is
important to cite to all of your sources of information.
Download the Assignment Checklist.
In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a
successful paper must also meet the following criteria:
· Your paper should include a title page and reference page and
be in 10- to 12-point font. (Arial, Courier, and Times New
Roman are acceptable.)
· Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and
· Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English
(correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
· Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well
as original and insightful.
· Your work should display superior content, organization,
style, and mechanics.
· Appropriate citation style should be followed.
You should also make sure to:
· Include a title page with full name, class name, section
number, and date.
· Include introductory and concluding paragraphs and
demonstrate college-level communication through the
composition of original materials in Standard English.
· Use examples to support your discussion.
· List all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your
paper and cite them within the body of your paper using APA
format and citation style. For more information on APA
guidelines, visit Academic Tools.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Compose your assignment and save it in the following format:
Course#_LastnameFirstname Unit # Assignment (example:
CJ525_SmithJohn Unit 4 Assignment). Submit your assignment
to the appropriate Dropbox by the end of the unit.

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Cj525 unit4 dqtopic #1 the research literature reviewpar

  • 1. CJ525 Unit4 DQ TOPIC #1: The Research Literature Review Part I: Describe the systematic search process you will use to locate prior research that is “on point” or related to the specific problem you are studying. Note, a prior study does not have to have been conducted in the same agency or community that you are proposing to use, but should be conducted in the United States to be applicable to criminal justice, homeland security, or emergency management in this country. Include the following in your description: · Remind others of the problem you are researching. · What online search tools are available for use in locating studies? · What keywords will you search for to locate relevant studies? · How will you locate original research studies as opposed to literature reviews or general information sources? · How will you locate prior studies reported in peer-reviewed journals? Part II: This week’s readings discuss strategies for critically reviewing published studies and drafting a literature review. Review a table that presents an overview of four studies examining use of the Incident Command System. After reviewing the information presented in the table, explain how you would critically analyze the research studies, integrating reference to the unit readings. Discuss noted strengths and weaknesses in the studies. What themes might you identify and discuss as major subject areas when summarizing the main findings from the research? Respond Kindly to Student #1
  • 2. Samer Silva The systematic search process that I will use to locate prior research is through peer reviewed sources that meet the criteria that is acceptable to use. The specific sources I have obtained were through ProQuest and the Purdue library where I filtered out time frames such as the last ten years so it is relevant and also through peer reviewed journals that were not law journals. The problem I am researching is domestic violence within police agencies and how training can help fight this issue. Some keywords that I will use or have used to locate relevant studies have been "domestic violence", "domestic violence training" and "domestic violence in police" which all bring up sources which I can then skim through and filter. Locating original research studies will be conducted through finding original work published by the author themselves which I will filter through by excluding any reviews that cite the authors original work, just like finding other studies through online search tools like our Purdue library. The same goes for prior studies reported in peer-reviewed journals, ProQuest is the main search engine that I utilize, specifically the criminal justice database one. After review of the table, critically analyzing the research studies and referencing the unit readings, I can distinguish strengths and weaknesses in the studies presented. Ayiro highlights how to evaluate material and what to look for which includes the credentials of the author, does the author review relevant literature, it is written in an objective viewpoint, is the argument logically organized, is it written from a practice-based perspective and other important questions (Ayiro, 2012 p. 124- 125). Critically analyzing the research studies presented, I would look at these questions and see if they are answered and how the author presents the information. For example, Bigley and Roberts looked at a specific county in California where qualitative research was conducted and the county was successful in response to wildfire which shows promise in the research sampling and was not random as it was non-probability
  • 3. in nature but it only looked at one county in California which shows that there could be a variance in nature when conducting other research samples in that geographical area such as different culture and viewpoints of individuals working with wildfire response. Buck outlined the strength of focusing on nine different hazard events and compared and contrasted both the universal level of acceptance and effectiveness and the separate level which shows when views are shared, it is more effective and on an universal level, it is not. A weakness is this study could be not sampling all individuals that worked for FEMA and only those that have differing viewpoints as the sampling was small. Jensen and Yoon shows a strength of a medium size sampling but a weakness is the translation of how the findings were explained by the status of volunteers which could show bias and why the views were not positive for the study participants. Lastly, Moynihan was successful in study as it was done under an umbrella scope where a lot of sampling was done where no sizing pool was mentioned, but a drawback of this all was how the interorganizational coordination was not explained in detail of how many subjects were sampled as it could vary from one branch to another. A theme I may identify as a major subject area when summarizing the findings from the research is the effectiveness of ICS in varying situations. References: Ayiro, L. P. (2012). A functional approach to educational research methods and statistics: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press. Respond Kindly to Student #2 Blake Carter Part One My research proposal has to deal with the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for use along the Mexico–United States border. However, more specifically the objective is to determine
  • 4. if UAVs can result in safer and more efficient patrolling for Border Patrol Agents. For the bulk of my research I used the Purdue Library. UAVs are a newer trend that became prevalent after 9/11 as a way of gathering intelligence and conducting surveillance and reconnaissance (Fuhrmann & Horowitz, 2017, p. 397). This means a couple of things for my study. The majority of the research done will be current informati on from within the decade. However, since UAVs are still an emerging technology this means that the information will change rapidly and something even a few years ago might not be relevant. A prime example of this is cost. A decade ago the primary user was the government. However, nowadays anyone can get a recreational drone for use. Conducting research on an emergence technology is interesting in a lot of ways. There will not be as much information as other subjects, yet the information you do find is generally up to date. It also leaves the door opened to new studies that have not been looked into because the technology is new and is still rapidly changing. Part Two Three of the studies use a qualitative approach while one uses quantitative. When it comes to the subject material I do believe that a qualitative approach is sounder because the use of an ICS during an emergency is not something that can be precisely measured. There are many variables one would have to take into account that would favor a qualitative approach. For instance, Jensen and Yoon (2011) used a quantitative approach to determine if an ICS was useful for North Dakota Firefighters. The conclusion of the study resulted in a poor attitudes towards an ICS. However, how was this conclusion reached? Did they just conduct a questionnaire regarding an ICS to North Dakota Firefighters? Moreover, they stated that volunteers and rural areas may explain their findings. In my view, a qualitative approach would have been more beneficial because you are trying to find the underlying reasons and motivations on why North Dakotans Firefighters do no prefer the use of an ICS. One of the strengths of a qualitative study is that it can uncover
  • 5. trends and this would have been useful since there is a trend that shows North Dakotans Firefighters not preferring the use of an ICS. Reference Fuhrmann, M., & Horowitz, M. C. (2017). Droning on: Explaining the proliferation of unmanned aerial vehicles. International Organization, 397-418. Respond Kindly to Student #3 Jeffery Bailey Hello All Systematic reviews are the gold standard for making clinical recommendations. They serve as an objective, comprehensive review of a particular topic, which, due to a standardized process, should be completely reproducible (Duong, 2016). The systematic approach system I will use to approach my topic of “Inmate early release due to the COVID-19 Pandemic” will be, to first identify the problem at hand, and then investigate the ways this issue may be resolved. I will question the facts and investigate the fiction surrounding my topic. I will use the strategy of researching and investigating articles that have been published by subject matter experts, such as medical experts, criminal justice experts, and corrections administration. COVD- 19 researchers. The execution of my studies and the research strategy will be to use research engines and online publications to investigate this topic. I will assess the quality of the material and decide if the researchers approached their views from a purely factual basis or did the researcher allow certain biases to dilute and distort their research. Once I have assessed the research, I will use the presentation model of, state the problem, investigate the cause of the problem, investigate the effects of the problem, and most of all research a possible solution to the issue.
  • 6. Denscomb. (2019). Research Proposals 2nd Edition. London England: Open International Publishing. Duong. (2016, April 8). The Systemic Review Process. Retrieved from infection process/ HM510 Unit 4 DQ TOPIC #1: Land Utilization In many areas that are prone to recurrent natural hazards (i.e., coastal communities), land utilization continues to be at issue. Many of these areas are prime development sites and assure a high profitability margin for developers and investors. Given such locations what do you believe the balance should be in developing and implementing hazard mitigation strategies? Please address the following as part of your discussion: 1. Should areas of vulnerability (recurring coastal storms/erosion, wildfires) be allowed to be developed? Why, or why not? 2. Should the government at any level (federal, state, or local) be the lead agency for development and funding of mitigation strategies and projects? 3. Based on the previous question, what role if any should the private sector play in such projects? 4. Given the frequency and severity of natural hazards in these areas what land use strategies should be employed? Respond Kindly to Student #1 Calvin Parker In one's opinion, areas of vulnerability should be allowed to develop under certain circumstances. Having better material
  • 7. should be used on the community for each type of reoccurring disaster. Better materials built on every structure within the community. The problem with that would be the funding with such project. If funding was provided then this would mean it would be more expensive to live in such area. Although, the areas were disasters are the most common is just a waiting game, no one should restrict anyone from living where they would like to live. The government should not be the lead agency when it comes to funding and mitigation. Having the government the lead agency would put a lot of "red tape" on everything dealing with funding and mitigation. This would limit productivity. Although, the government and out agencies should partner with each other to decide what's best for funding and mitigation. The private sector should have many roles in funding and mitigation. This will give the community a better chance at mitigation as a whole. More companies involved means better materials and mitigation tactics used. Mitigation goals, mitigation actions and implementation are some of land use strategies (Melecha et al., 2019). References Malecha, M., Masterson, J.H., Yu, S. & Berke, P. (2019). Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard™ Guidebook: Spatially evaluating networks of plans to reduce hazard vulnerability Respond Kindly to Student #2 Shuree Spencer Johnson When it comes to areas that have frequent emergency situations it should depend on the area of the development project and the disaster. If the area is almost impossible to be developed on without completely ruining the area or cause high risk of harm to those near it then it should be off limits to build on and instead should be used for other projects such as a wildlife area instead. If its a solid area that's just in a town that has frequent disaster such as Tornado Alley or frequent earthquakes sadly that is unavoidable if the whole state or area has those issues so instead the development should be able to withstand those
  • 8. disasters for safety reasons and maintained accordingly for safety and regulations. 1. When it comes to mitigation methods the sole responsibility should be the state and the private sector developer that wants to build in that area or disaster strong area as its the developers idea to do that and the states approval that is allowing it. So they should be working hand in hand to ensure that development is specific and follows all mitigation methods. Then it can be the federal government that helps touch base to ensure the mitigation methods are maintained for the communities safety. Such as checks and frequent maintenance. 2. The private sector should ensure they are well aware of the risks and are building accordingly and specific codes for the project to be able to withstand these disasters and have a plan for safety to meet all mitigation methods and if they do not follow these specific guidelines then their project and development needs to be denied by the state and community. 3. Strategies should include escape routes, supplies in building for the disasters that are frequent, building structure able to withstand these specific disasters, and scheduled maintenance that is checked on frequently, a plan in place that everyone is aware of. Sometimes building in or on areas that are higher risks of various emergencies is avoidable so ensuring that buildings and projects can withstand these disaster and have a plan in place for such things is essential. If its too high risk and building or having a project in that place just risks human life too much then the project should be denied for builders and community safety. Respond Kindly to Student #3 Travis Reed Good Morning Y’all In many regions that are vulnerable to natural hazards, land utilization has always been a critical issue of debate in the local, state, and federal governments. The dilemma of whether
  • 9. to put such areas into developmental use arises since most of these areas are characterized by high-profit margins. However, these areas of vulnerability, such as some parts of Houston, Texas that are highly vulnerable to hurricanes, should not host development projects (Bodenreider et al., 2019). Because once these development projects are established, they attract more individuals into those areas, a move that skyrockets the vulnerability of these areas to impending and potential natural hazards. Besides, life is a precious gift, and unlike properties, life cannot be rekindled. Therefore, there is no need to risk life when there are other safe areas where similar projects can be executed successfully. On the other hand, governments are the richest entities in the world. Therefore, they should lay a well-structured approach and be the lead agencies for an effective and less risky project as well as funding mitigation actions. Moreover, the central government should shift more power to the local government in terms of availing hazard mitigation funds to the affected communities to the positive outcome of any undertaken mitigation measure. The private sector is the major contributor to success in any development project they take in the country. In these projects undertake in vulnerable areas, the role of the private sector is to develop the development of innovations, which assist in achieving the specific needs of the communities residing in those areas. Based on the frequency of natural hazard occurrence, one of the land use strategies that should be embraced is the minimization of development in regions where the likelihood of natural hazard impact is high (Berke et al., 2014). Additionally, the construction of more resistant structures to hazard impact should be employed to limit the physical vulnerability. References Berke, P. R., Lyles, W., & Smith, G. (2014). Impacts of federal and state hazard mitigation policies on local land use policy. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 34(1), 60- 76.
  • 10. Bodenreider, C., Wright, L., Barr, O., Xu, K., & Wilson, S. (2019). Assessment of social, economic, and geographic vulnerability pre-and post-Hurricane Harvey in Houston, Texas. Environmental Justice, 12(4), 182-193. v/r Reed TOPIC #2: Current Topics Please research some current events related to private sector mitigation and post at least one of these events to the Discussion Board. Within your posting, describe how your chosen item ties into a review of the topics in this unit. You may use the Library or any other outside resource for your research. Be sure to use proper citation. Please remember to review your fellow students' postings and respond to at least three events posting throughout the week. Respond Kindly to Student #1 Travis Reed Good morning Y’all There are several essential current events associated with private sector mitigation in the United States. One of the most current events is the enhancement of cross-sector collaboration by integrating the private sector to enhance effective hazards mitigation measures. The federal government has realized the importance of engaging the private sector actively in mitigation measures. Hurricane Harvey is an instance of how private sector collaboration has the potential to augment disaster response as well as recovery efforts to attain exceptional impact (Amadeo, 2018). Emergency preparedness teams heed to incorporate new strategies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency by involving the private sector, thus meeting the rising mitigation demand. Worth noting is that there is a need for all mitigation actors, including the private sector, such as the insurance
  • 11. companies, to collaborate more before the occurrence of any disaster. To facilitate cross-sector collaboration, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance is conducting some tests on new strategies to enhance the successful integration of the private sector. These pilot programs that are conducted by USAID are aimed at aiding the humanitarian community to comprehend the manner in which the private sector can invest to enhance the mitigation of disasters (Cozzolino, 2021). Besides, the private sector can invest in increasing businesses related to participation in any community-based disaster planning and preparedness. Additionally, the private sector, through its investment, can reduce the economic and social impact experienced following the occurrence of a disaster. All the above actions are co-established by the private sector in conjunction with the local actors to enhance the identification of the most relevant and effective solutions and support the sustainability of the partnerships before and after a disaster. Generally, this event is based on the realization of involving the private sector in the process of formulation of hazard mitigation measures. References Amadeo, K. (2018). Hurricane Harvey facts, damage and costs. The Balance. Cozzolino, A. (2021). Platforms Enhancing the Engagement of the Private Sector in Humanitarian Relief Operations. Sustainability, 13(6), 3024. v/r Reed Respond Kindly to Student #2 Calvin Parker President Biden approved a $3.46 billion to increase resilience to the impacts of climate change (Fema, n.d). These funds are
  • 12. for the natural hazard mitigation measures due to the global pandemic. With climate change being a priority this will provide funding to states, tribes, and territories for mitigation projects to reduce the impacts of climate change (Fema, n.d). Those who received a declarations from Covid may be able to receive up to 4% of those disaster costs to invest in mitigation projects that reduce risks from natural disasters. This will help underserved communites as it relates to mitigation and have a more resilient future (Fema, n.d). References Biden Administration Commits Historic $3.46 Billion in Hazard Mitigation Funds to Reduce Effects of Climate Change. (n.d.). Retrieved from release/20210805/biden-administration-commits-historic-346- billion-hazard-mitigation-funds. Respond Kindly to Student #3 Antonio Custodio Within my region of Northern California, the private sector power company pacific gas and electric (PG&E) has been under a lot of scrutiny within the past five years especially after being responsible for two large wildfires that resulted in whole communities destroyed and lives lost due to their faulty equipment. As a lot of lawmakers and politicians called for PG&E to be held accountable they have started to increase their efforts in emergency mitigation tactics specifically wildfires mitigation. Although PG&E’s solution itself has been getting a lot of negative press in the news due to their out of date technology and faulty equipment that they claim they do not have the money to fix. Their latest hazard mitigation solution is shutting down power to communities when there is a red flag warning in the region of high winds and low humidity which increases the danger of and likelihood of wildfires starting. This solution however has received a lot of negative backlash as pg&e Is now shutting off power with little to no warnings so
  • 13. their faulty equipment will not spark fires. The public and certain lawmakers are calling for PG&E to just replace this equipment which in reality would take years and the company is unfortunately claiming they do not have the money to replace their equipment. This is an example in my community of one private sector attempting hazard mitigation tactics as they have become the reason within the past few years fires have been occurring, however their mitigation method is in my opinion not an ideal long term solution. ( Stetson, G. et al. 2021) Stetson, G., Chun, M., Zain, H., (2021) Lookout Santa Cruz, PG&E addresses community concerns over increased, prolonged outages across county. Retrieved from: 09-22/pge-power-outages-santa-cruz-to-hold-meetings-to- address-frequent-unplanned-outages UNIT 4 READING This unit’s reading focuses on hazard-mitigation strategies at the private sector level. This includes an overview of economic- resiliency strategies and community sustainment through the maintenance of the economy. The concept of risk assessment as it relates to hazards, land ownership/development, and investments will also be explored. Visit the following: · Emergency Management Institute · Emergency Management News · Improving Fire Hazard Assessment at the Urban-Wildland Interface · Long Term Recovery Planning · Economic Analysis of Natural Hazard Mitigation Projects · Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Planning · Coastal Resilience Coalition Looks for New Ways to Shape Baldwin County · Risk Assessment · Voluntary Private Sector Preparedness
  • 14. · Public Private Partnerships · Citizen Corps CJ525 Unit 4 Assignment Research Literature Review This week’s assignment will require you to develop a research literature review on the issue for which you developed an introduction, problem statement, and general research design in earlier units of the course. The literature review should include review of a minimum of five original research studies relevant to your specific topic and published in peer-reviewed journals. Note, law review articles and publications that are themselves literature reviews and not original studies may not be used for this assignment. A literature review is not an annotated bibliography; it is a synthesis of empirical research related to the specific applied problem you are proposing to study. Write a 1,250- to 1,750-word literature review that includes: · Introduction (at least one paragraph): Prepare an introductory paragraph outlining the discussion that is to follow, including the problem you are studying and the research you will examine. · Theoretical Considerations (at least one paragraph): Discuss theoretical considerations or assumptions relevant to your issue. To determine these, consider the research hypothesis you developed in earlier units. What theory or theories (e.g., social learning theory, critical theory, constructivism theory, human behavioral theory, network theory, routine activities theory, etc.) would help to explain the relationship you hypothesize exists between your independent and dependent variables? For example, a study that hypothesizes that three strikes laws will reduce crime might be based on deterrence theory and the assumption that severe sanctions will deter offenders from
  • 15. committing additional crimes. · Literature Review (1,000–1,250 words): · Analyze the information presented in the five studies and identify major themes running through the works, discussing these themes and the applicable findings from the studies reviewed. · Compare and contrast the studies, highlighting strengths and weaknesses in the methods used and any study limitations noted by the authors. · Fully discuss the key findings from each study individually, as well as in comparison to the other studies reviewed. · Summary and Conclusions: · Synthesize your review into a summary of what is known and what is not known from the research that has been conducted on your topic. · Identify any areas of controversy or conflicting findings in the literature reviewed. · Draw conclusions based on the studies reviewed and formulate questions that remain to be studied in future research (hopefully your proposed study will examine one of these questions that remain to be answered). · Be sure to cite your sources in the body of your paper and list them on your reference page, consistent with APA guidelines. Remember, applied research is not common knowledge, so it is important to cite to all of your sources of information. Download the Assignment Checklist. In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria: · Your paper should include a title page and reference page and be in 10- to 12-point font. (Arial, Courier, and Times New Roman are acceptable.) · Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained. · Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.).
  • 16. · Writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. · Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. · Appropriate citation style should be followed. You should also make sure to: · Include a title page with full name, class name, section number, and date. · Include introductory and concluding paragraphs and demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English. · Use examples to support your discussion. · List all sources on a separate reference page at the end of your paper and cite them within the body of your paper using APA format and citation style. For more information on APA guidelines, visit Academic Tools. Directions for Submitting Your Assignment Compose your assignment and save it in the following format: Course#_LastnameFirstname Unit # Assignment (example: CJ525_SmithJohn Unit 4 Assignment). Submit your assignment to the appropriate Dropbox by the end of the unit.